Gorbachev Dancer to reduce teaches troops stars. how In Far East to tap . . SPORTS/Bl WORLD/A4 FOCU /A6

THE ORANGE COAST 25 CENTS ED E DAY, MAY 17 .. 1989 . ,NB deni.es-try ;·ng to.dera ·il -m·o.norail·

8y IRIS YOKOf A request by Ncwpon that lrvtne " We are qain bean& harassed by pla.ta development and the airpon. Young said he W111 be hcsttant to The orthnance simply provades an Of_o.-y ...... - conduct envU'Onmental st1.1dics orr a thccitrofNcwpon Beach ... and Stop .. With these letters from the Cit) of s11n the operating agreement if New­ incentive for a monorail or any other proposed ordinance allowing density PoUuttn& Our Newport, who have Newport Beach, would )OU go ahead port Beach's chaUcn1c to the ordi­ type oftransit that rchevesconaestioo Cootrary to charaes lhal Newpon bonuxs to developers linked to the written us threatening letters clluin­ and •pend S• million on a monorail?" nance is not resolved by then. in the 2,SOO-acrc Irvine Business Beach is trytn1 to tbwart a proooul tran11t system was rouune, Wynn in& a densuy bonus passed by the city McDonnell Douglas has until Ma> The lrvtne City Council lut week Complex, be said. for a monora1l in the John Wayne &aid. onrvine is mcaat and improper ... said 23 to sign an opcl'lllllJ agrcemeni introduced the ordinance, and it is Some individuals are cbarac­ Afrpon area. Newpon City Mana,tr The letter was not meant as any Roben Youna. president of McDon­ with the county to prooeed wath the slated for a second reading May 23. tcruint tbe ordinance as somcth1na Roben Wynn said Tuesday that the lctaJ challenge. he said. nell Doualas Realty Co monorail. After that. at wouJd ~ too The ordinance docs not requitt an that WJll create a huac inCrease of city merely was expressing its con­ llut the developer of the proposed McDonnell Douglas 1s propos1na late for county supervisors to aJtcr the environmental tmpact report bec:au~ people and traffic in the airport are.a. cerns about the project's impact on monorail claims Newport s obJcc­ to bujJd the half-mile monorail be­ deS\an of a parktna tructure to no zomna · is chan,ed, sa.id lJ'Vlnc but "the intent as just the revenc of the sunound1ng area. uons could derail the proposal. tween the company's office-and retail accommodate the transit synem. Assistant City Manqer Paul Brady. fPtease Me MONOllAIL/ All Cqwb.oys'·days numbered on Orange Coast 8y EMILY ADAMS Angeles. But the cnurc opcrauon is. OfdwO,....,..._ under the watcbfull blue eyes of the man wath the weatherbeaten-brown Four fiaures on horseback stood face and a chaw of tobacco in his poised on the edge of a dnzzly arar· lower lip. p-een hill in Laauna Canyon. Sur­ Born on a ranch 1n Colorado 64 rounded by a lake of cattle, some yean ago. Klrkpatnck has worked homed, all cross-breeds, the fiaum in caHle most of bis hfe. He moved to Western bats were statue-still. Cahfomaa 10 1971 to help butld and In a flash, everythu1g moved: ma~ the b~ stables for Irvine CoW1, calves, bones and humans Rancl\. Soon, he II ~ forced to move went streaming down a hlll and away on. from the corral where the cattle had The Quall Hill preserve 1s Just one decided they d.Jd not care to &e. They example.-' of the parcehnJ out of dissappeared, lnv10,an empty land­ K.irkpatnck's ranae land. Soon. The tcape. Irvine Co. is upectcd to deed over lO finally, a picture that was OllC'C the city of lrvtne 637 acres of vtrgin familiar io Irvine and Laauna Bach ranae land, encompassing Quatl Htll - and is about to be lost forever - near Turtle Rock, so the area can be came into view. Movtn1 as \( they kept as it is now - open space were a single, Ouid body; tattle came K.irkpetndc is not a man wbo poundina over the tun in a w,avc, readily complains. He offers the driven by the yelps and calls of three fiiures that belie h 1s sh.ti nkl ng -crcaac men and one woman on ho~ - the in the same tone of voice another cowboys. mi&ht U$t to dacribe a st.able stock Wes K.irkpetnck 1s the boss of thas mark.ct. But when he talks about · last dwindlin• piece of Irvine Ranch work.in.a cattle, that's another thina land that 1s sttU, truly. a r1nch. Even aJtoactbcr. two yea~ aao. he could graze herds " You know, a l ,400poundcowcan -0vcr l 0,000 acres. Now bis I, I00 Jump a 6-foot fence to act at you, af head of cattle confine themselves to they re mad enouah,·' Kirkpatrick &aid with obvious admarauon for the The land -Kirkpatrick ndcs over power o sue seem1 y c umsy ..., .... ,...... _ ~ beasts. "A cow's hooves arc: just like ...... belonas to The Irvine Co. cattle be cares for belongs to a man 1n Los (l'te.,. Me ltANCH/ AlJ ll•ndl•r W•• ~lctl 1urv•J• tlll he.rd In• con., on ~·Randi...., .. oN La•.,..~°" lload. Revised -Cougar study has more Pierside questions than answers. Village 9y 'AULAltOWUY quesuons they b:\t.rc. we would eonclude that the p<>pu· or.. ._,..,._ On Tunday, IUpcrvlSOt"S received lauon 1s dcchn1n1 toward eiitttnc· uon," be said, " but thai 1s clearly wins OK It wu in the JPnnt of 19 6 when 1 a quarta'ly ttpOrt outhnina w~t the unsupponablt, because it is the result bad mountain hon att.aekcd S-year-old on>JeCt sroup learned dunna !he ohtudyillJ too small a po"ion o~lhc Lawa MICheJJe SmAU in a south prev10~ ~uartC! whale tntckJDJ population for too shon a tJme ()raaee County wildcrDcsl oerk. moun~n hons 1n the Sant.a Ana ~nod.- ICveRlly 11\iun111 her bd<>tt a hiker Mountains. The two-year study should be drove the animal olf. The followina Rctean:ben from the county, UC extenMd. as wtll as the study area, to autumn. a tee0nd coupr at&aekcd 6- · ~and the tite Dtpemnent of team more about the ra,.c and numben of the hoo populat1on, '" rati05, and expected oumbetl Of otrtonn. tn tM fut~ . he •Id. ••We may also be able to rditc chanteS in the population struct~ to cbafteet 10 hon bcblv1or, ulchidi• c...,.. in the numben and types~ buman·lion encounten." Malit\' said. CWTtntly, mearcbm CIJl ooly pe11 •hy an adwt ma.le COUii' SM&cbed Laura Small ofEJ Toro on a ~ Patt tratl that Palm Sunday in I ~16 and Qtn'ied Mr by the he9d . uno the ~ -~~ it would have eltcll Ila'. TM ecreams of usu smau. uura·s motbet. attracted OftlO'Y Y .. OI S.. Juu Capuuaao. ~ --..S illto dw '**9 and ...... to~ ... Hoe o«. Alld din doe't kA0'4if wby a leCood •• 111h1lioll ..... 09Uld•Ud J1lllia ....,. 'olltuatiftlllOe ae.c...... Oesoblrr • alw: child ...... _aiiliily .....tim picnicked GOODM0R - m n'sd th ., A&aX ...'"'Ml au&ioa releued &o ~ \Mt Merritt and ~1nina to post the ~~ u1'COCl\moa ia mwder Merrill - ...... Loi ~ ...... Merria'• bodY"wes found lyi1'1in0.0 flkrsatlocal · 1ehools.uwtUuat lDv~1, but are oAaa beipftal. Ullln ...... beint a loyll Paltway near Fcli~ ROid. lnd the Saddleback Co eae. sbCri~Richard Olloil aid. foUOMr oftbt rock budl U2. S1eety After 2~ month• without anawen. DU and yed at Friends of Merritt uid the ~­ ''T'betc'1 ,ot to be eomeooe out SI0,000 reward fbr inf'ormation ad­ \he time of lhri'. ' Steven Hall Merritt of Million <>ranee Toro Hi&h School lf'&duatc, had V'aejo wat abot to death Feb. 26 meat ooc:ie a Met for an inveatiaatio11 before." bis father, Chuck Mmtu of Newport recently quil hi• job in construction ae.cb~ h11 brothtr. Mlkt; and his taUOwina a part} at a house near update. Over 2'n months, she has to pursue a career in advertisina Olson aaid the small number of s.ddleblck Collqe. Hia body WU learned nothina new, Erickson said. si1ter, Kathy. Several fncndt said photOIJ'lpby, £.rkklOD said. details released is cu~tomary to 1 found at 3:•s a.m. approximately t ~ Now she said abe hopes the money Sberitrs Depattment lnvesti.. nont . Merntt wu virtually iosc.,.rable "There were a Jot of people at that from his brother. miles from the party sa:ne. ~atinfoanatian loost that will party, most of whom he didn't Fotlowins-Menitt'• death, friends the in vcstiption. . Aayooe with infonnation abou1 At \be time ofthe murder1 Merritt's know," EricboG Mid." All hit friends said the victifA wu clean·livin&. and family received no more in1ormation lo lddilion, the family is printin& bad left. to ma)'be some oltbc other his mother slid Mtnin bad never t.be crime it en<:0u.rqed to call lht about the incident than the infor- fliers bcarina a recent phototraph of people will recopize hJa picture• •, been in kpl trouble. Sberitra Department at 6'7-70S I. Steven Hall Mentlt Adams to a.sk for millions _L Bcontr ols in dama·ges over FBI probe s. e.cond ay The Aaodated ~ ina Mario Adams with blackmail or Marao Adams was deu.incd for four homes on The attorney for Marso Adams extortion. hOUr'$ by the FBI. said Tuesday be plans to return lo "This is the f1t1t confirmation "That's a Iona. four-hour ex­ coun and ask fOr " several million we've bad tbat it wu Boas who perience. She bad no idea what was dollan" in damqes apinst Wade initiated the process. Based on that, aoina to happen. Thal scared the property Boas because the we're aoina to go back to court and a.sic livini ·daylights out of her. That the court to allow us to amend the dam~e 1s called false imprison­ thin! baeman instipted an unwar­ ly LESLIE EARNEST ranted FBI intem>ption of his client. lawsuit." ment• Neither Bogs nor his attorney, Of the 0....,. ,..._. S•.of9 ~ the five-time AL batting McGee said he plans to 10 to cbampton who has admitted to Jennifer Kin.a. would comment after <;>ranJC County Superior Court some­ A long-awaittd ordmance covcnng bavina a four-year affair will! lf?e Tuesday's proceedings. time in the next two or three weeks. second un·ts on ressdcnhal propcrt) Oranae County woman appeared 1n Adams, 33, or\ainally sued 8ogf.s "We would try to convince the wa~ approved b) the Laguna BcaL h the law office of James McGee in almost a year qo for S 12 million in court that, based on hls word, it C 1t} ( ounul on Tuesda). Irvine to continue Jivina bis depo­ actual and punitive damaaes. An would take several milhon dollars for The counc:1I 1;0\C was 3·2 with sition. Adams claims Boas promised appeals court threw out a key portion him to learn a lesson." McGee said. Counc1lmcmlxr\ 1 1da u nne) and suit, rulina that Adams could to support her when she quit her job orthe "We had heard stories that it was Wadelto991 Mareo Adams Neil hupatmk '011ng npLn~ t tht· to travel with him during much of not sue Bogs for emotional distress. Alan Nero (Bous' agent) or someone measure four seasons. .. We're aoina to charse Bow with else with the J(ed SOx who had first siit weeks ago to ~ttlt the case for ..Sh e's wilhng to se\\lc for a lesser The ordinance. which JS senerall) "There's still quite a bit of around abuse of process," McGee said. .. You contacted the FBI. This means we S 125,000 and the offer was turned amount because she wants lo get ?n tn keeping w11h state gu1dehncs tha1 to cover," McGee said. " We did can't use the legal system for im­ have the ri&ht to go back to court and down. with her life. lf It gets to court. we re havcgO\emcd tht use of second unit~ determine it was Boas who siped a proper purposes. We're aoina to uk for unspecified damages." "~eclient is anxious to not make a &oing to look for a lot more. kcepmg 1n 1he cit) to thts point, relu:cs thl• formal complaint with the FBI charJ- charie him with being the reason . McGee said he made an offer about cru out of this case." McG~ said. with his station in life:· rcaulal10n!> for senior citizen For eumple, non-,stnaors wtll he required lo provide two covered o f Southern J111no1s. describes parktnS 5J>3Ces fbr the S«Ond rcs1den RANCH himself as " more ofa plg-man than a 11al unit 1n add111on lo the requm:d El Toro.man seriously injured FromA1 cow-man." but he admits to a certain parkina for the fam1I) ho me. How ­ ruor5. They can get real dangerous m weakness for the romanitc 11lus1on of e"er. ~n 1 ors would only have to t'here," he said. a rancher's ltfe as he watche! proVldt' 00(' COVt'l't'd SpaCC fo r the " Jn there" 1s the corrals, the Kirkpatnclc herding in the c.anle second unit in add111on to their other when hi~ cycle runs into car labyrinth of shoots and alleys de­ Although Adams docs not want to park.tog rcqu1remt'nts si4'1cd to contain and direct cows. On sec the cattle operation g> ven over lo In order 10 relel\C tht' Sl)t'l1al this day, the corrals are beina used as development, he understands the allowa n~ . senior. will ha"e 10 " It was JU St inatten­ 8y IOa VAN EYKEN the nonhbound side of the freewa y appears he a tool to separate heifers from their cconom1cs. Open r&.l'\Je land 1s onl) follow specific cntcna For eumplc Ot ..DlllY ,_ flUtlt tive," Clark said. "There 1s no report near the Bristol Street e~t in Costa calves. In other words, weanin• ahhou&h stfuor. c~n It\ e in ell.her the: that he was drivmg recklessly. and worth about $400 or S.SOO an acre to An El Toro man was critically Mesa, California Highway Patrol Af\er separation. calves will be the cattleman who wants to stt his pnmar) or ~con{,bf) residence. the officer Matt Oark said. there is no 1nd1cation a t this time of UtjW'ed Tuetday when he crashed hi• any alcohol or drugs ... inoculated, dewormed and sent off to operaoon remain finanaally viable. unit must be ocrup1cJ b) no more ~~rear of a Qev- "Smit.b was ridina his KJlwasaki fecd farms where they arc fattened for Adamssa1d. than tv.o people In ndd1uon. both ot roJet ip.itin& a blaze that motorcycle without a helmet," Oark The motorcycle wedaed under the market. Cows will a.I.so be inoculated Farm la.nd can go for appto:iu mate­ the rc31dtnts mu•u he 60 ycaf\ of ag1 desuo bo vehicles and becked said. " It isn't known bow fast he was rear of the Camaro so that the two gas and checked over, especially for ly ~.000 an acre. and land wed b) or older tanks were touchina. The friction and ~ for 1llJ hours on 1he San &Oi~ but it WIS faster than the flow of Pl'CIJllDCY which deiemnnes whether commerc1a1 or residenual developers Th<' ordinance will haH no 1m traffic, which was stop and go." beat evidently cacsed them to ell· tbcy'U be tent back out to pasture or is worth hundreds of thousands of medtlanalions arc. the fai; t ol cons1dcrablc eontrovcn) u nce rn. tal spokCIWOman said. motorcycle hit it from the rear, Oark wen away from their vehicles when Each cow is held in a narrow shoot remains that wnhin I S yean. there ., arc.a ""°'" anne\cd 1n Ji nuary l 9~11 The collision occw:red at noon on said. the fire broke out . w?Ule the specialist inlCrt.s his band not aoina 10 be any agncuhure Id\ in ..\ccording to City Man.a.aer l>.l·n and arm, all the wal. up to bis Oranar Coun1y • hank the ordinance: "A &S mtcndc1f 1. shoulder, into the oow s recwm. He K.Jrkpatnck 1sn·1 sure he'll be sorn ~tnlu: a lOmprom1i.c betv.ttn '.wcJ •'Jt'a commoo on our projecu that stronaer lhan Wynn and Hufbauer feels f'or ' calf in the uterus and ~ to lc•vc. Lllce man> cattlemen interests "'1th1n the city The c oum 11 accordina to Kirkpatrick. the apec:iaJ. KJrkpttnck IS finnly COO\ 1nc;cd that t l lht11 MONORAIL - we receive comments from Costa claim. LOuld hJ' rafted ;in urdmin"· isl can determine within w«lcs the ~le and livestock operallon\ JUSI "'JIH'd parking rrqu1rt'm. nH ,,..A t · . M~. Huntintton .Beach, Irvine," he Amo1'1t.belL1tement1 You~ci\ed aae of \be fetUt cal( don tmi1. alloaether os one thai out la~t'J alt that." ~Y 111d. · · . · aid. from City Attornet_ Robert Of approximately 700 co-s bti!'I After betAJ called four n1&h1s out of the rad letier second uni~ f rank ia1d l.aiun.1 .. ft ,.va u.s opportul)aty . to '"So~~ bu lo our letter Bumham'a were: "The City of checked, Kirkpatrick hOpet for an IO 1even in 1 weclt for the pasl three Beach resident) ha1tc bttn \ 1,11.al bn:ti t.belc types tbal B-=b appeals dealion caadd!r of ~uve this~ tan~ountto a challente~N the pet"cellt preananq.nte . That means yean to retncvc nc.apcd cattle. he'$ for and apms\ the unit~ meal" IO the automobile tn the Tbe ~ 11, we ve tale~ an llRC· ~ve a ckdatation," nceauve he would lend S60 ptepanl COWi tired of the "Jogi:rs and C)Chsts who " The) '\e clurl) ma.ck an carnc~l ftature. . . men& with t.be city of Jrvme and. ~ and ' ~ ·monorail dcnlity bonu1 beck into his pelt'lrt. trespass, open p tcs and don'\ close eOon to plc:a"iC C\Cr)'onc .. \nnl' t:~ \be onlinaoce •.• not county of on the monoraiJ. ordinancie lbould not _be approv4;d <>ranee Tbe caJva will ~ delivered in the them .~· Rdph wd after the' 'ntc But Rdph p1·0,ecupecific. BrlldysaKt. and 11 DO! la March, Newport ~b dropped until the city tw reviewed an en· ~ •ure of tbe canyons. from A ranchO' undcntands th.t to leave Ii~ IOlety at McDonneO ~ appeal of t.be eovaron"'.'C'Dt.al vironmental mp1ct report.•· "'ho own~ a scconJ un1l 1n ~ 1u th Douatas 1 binb until they are bn>ulht ~ to a pte open, or to dama~ a fence. ~ unpect report Cot the monorail and •• _ ... _ a·k ...... _... -~ Laauna ,.,Jth her 8S..ycar-old muth1:1 . ~n Beach city official• liaM4 an llJ1'CIDCftt that paarantces 1t. ~Uuu.a 1 e . a ~11Hu~ aou a corral• ao be weaned and sent &o feed could mean that )Ou'vc JU'lt let a "8td 1t is •tall too d ifficult for ~mor' \11 drafted a )eftao CX1)l'CtliQI concern no otT-siie airport terVices will be threat, ~ ouna 111d. ~ s tome farms. t.bett only enemy wiU be $ 16,()()0 bull 10 waJluna OUI the door t.omply wnh the rqulation' that tbe otdinaoce wu ~bmiued provided. •tra.nae th1np totna on. coyotc1. A person out look1n1 (or fun m1&ht " I TC'uth U,Una anJ say the hou\t'' iuelf and iu iml)llCl. be said. stop the monorail, but sim{>ly ask for "I cannot uo&rstand the anymore.•• sajd one or Kirkpatrick'• should be rt'turncd to tht1r on11nal rail ~lion iemponry f'lnch hands. Ke11h mo"c on to another It ven oclt op(r Wynn said letter was not a a more of the ofthecit1. ofNewpc)rt Beach, · Youn& form Olhc-~ SI) the "boc:nka.. hou\· the thorouaf\ analysls Adams. ation. formal appeal of the ord~ce . im~cts. Hufbauer said. said. ·:1t 1 obvio1:11 to !11e th~ city of ma uniti IJ'e 1 unique chann to. &hl· Adams, who has a doctorate in After all, there will alwa ys be "There bas been no decimon to do .. We have these concerns we·d like Newpon ~h 11 aoo-pubhc trans- arc:a and pro' 1dc aOotdable hou\ 1ng anythjna at this stqe other than write answered ... about lonJ·ran1e pro$- port.a ti on." swine nultitaon from the Un1vers11 y another ranch - ~mewhcrt Ov.ntrs of the att0nd unm 1n a letter ex~ina our coooems." he pcctJ and lbinp." be said. Youna said his attorneys were ~Juth l.-a1Aru 1 •ere IJ"tn fhe )eJ f\ said. "All of this is a response However, Youna said the strona Wkioa &o Ne~rt Beach city of· from the date of annuataon 10 dv cxprusina our concerns as a corpor- Ian&~ in the letters from Newpon 6cials Tuesday. •we hope to resolve ~"'a) wtth thctr tile-pl uru ts Tho'lC' ate entity." and"SPON indicate the objections are it." Youna uid. VILLAGE owncn. - 11nd all owncn of onJ fromA1 units in La,una - w11l be allo~ lo Monday niaht that the ci1y should apply to ha"t a tttond unit uhdcr \ht' build the mta•ranu on Fif\h Street two lions attacked Llura Small and new ord1n1ncc, provided ~ an and leave the beach alone. adhtn to the st.a.Ddard Frank $aid LIONS J\lltin Mellon. Eve.a'' completion or Dianne EuacrUna 11.1d that re· ,,....,., \he study, \bey may have to speculate. Ho~vcr . in ordtt to appl)'. mi· development already ii aoina •• fWJ dents will have to 1ppay for • Tuetday that her si&htJess riabt eye Enc:roecb.i.aa CJYilila&ioa wUJ Do blut.. and the restaurants aren't cond1uoni&J u pt'rmit. a procns ma_y even\Ually have to be removed. doubt be dtecf u a kt«, 1CCOuntin1 needed. " h "not in the citi.ttns' best Relph 11Jd Is cumbff'IOft'\C and c, . She is still partially paral)Ud. too, for lbc ft'equent lillUiap in Miah· intemt to 1euc 1 poruon ofthe beach pcniht. b\Jt aucncls a reaular scoond srade borbooda a.bat abut &be t*k cou.nuy. to Mr. Bloom." ahe said. class in El Toro. · lletidcnt Bob Biddle also oPl>C*d naor ciu.1cns •ho no- hvc 1n or He wiabes the fam ily's multi­ .. Tbef re Dorm ally curious the project. .. What you11 be do1nt is OY..n a tn:Ond urut can contun>e \heir million-dollar lawiuit apinst the an.ima~ • Sinot> eakt. ..Mpc'1y. H0wtva, ttn'Of' into boualns areaa and set tbem1elves v.ho take owncnb1p of a tot -.th • AJt.houab a Superior Cowt ju~ lost.•• redeveJoomcnt. There'• nolhirw to naJed in l"ebruary that tho Camily 1 redo 00 1llc' bc8dl... attond unit afttr the ordin.ln if cHdn'1fllib~ I Cllll't ...... --tom mttal ... OICtoplia :or mo...... , ....,,,., • .W. ..l...adM.el o slain coupn lboMJd no • ol t t,. " do..,icliioe. Nor did 1 ~~- .-11-•r bd •1111 ea, i.Uurict Of OCW._IO tbeatl8cb. • ...... d, t,bCy fo\aftd ...... , ...... comina hen - •YiloO• .,,.,mnt Wbm .. tMj heve .,._,o1.,_ 19 :.a...... """' I 8 lb ...... 6IO _...... k' W19d ~ tM ..•MDlmld "'*t ·~J!L- ~·~~=~ =.!'m:·-~ • O

Bergeson' srecord Jl+.l+ln \0 Kraft. 9Y ZIMMERMAN defense 1f wnne ses won•t appear Beach home Of ..Dlll!r ...,..., lo a heanna Tuej(jay, defcn au orne}'-s Brown said he w1JI introduce <'V1dencc Brown contends the other slayinp ~ Attomc)'s 1n the Randy Knft senal pressed for 1 Nlina that "'ould require che that Kraft lolled i~ men 1n Orqon no\ed on a handwriucn, coded prosccuuoo to reveal each piece of murder case set June S to begin presenuna between 1980 and 1982 a.nd two 1n "scorecard" found in Kraft's trunk The is Her credentials ev1d~n« to be introduced al the penalty M 1ch1pn 1_!! 1982 while he was there on other alleaed victims were killed in &he evidence m the second p~ of a tnaJ. to heann~ bus1oess. The prosecutor t'arhcr filed ~e manner as Kraft's Oranae County determine whether the former compu'ter ··we re entitled to kn~w whac the> p~mmer will be sentenced to death or documents accus1n& Kraft of 21 murdt'rs v1c11 ms, who were drulJed. seJtually intend to use:· wd William Kopeny, one in addition to the local charaes. abused, tortured and stran&Jcd. life in prison for a strina of homoscxual­ of Kraft's trio o f attorneys. "Mr. Kraft 1s for higher off ice tonurc slayin,is. The prosecution also plans to introduce not going to be tlghtina for his innocence. evidence of a March 1979 assault on a I 3- Kopeny said he will ask that the so­ Kraf\1 44, was convicted last ~eek of but for bis life.·· year-old Lona Beach boy allegedly drugged callcd death list be excluded dunna the Marian Bcraeson 1s not only rcasonablr a murdennJ 16 youna men and dumping S~penor C'oun Judac Donald McCanin and sexually molest~ by Kraft. penalty hearina. Motions in the case will person; she as the perf«t candidate for all reason~. their bodies alona local highways In an ordered Dcpucy District Auomc:y Bryan Brown told the ji.tdgc be will produce begin May 24 and when she confirmed the rumor that she would efTort to win the death penalty, prosecutors Brown to reveal what physical evidence. motel receipts from Kraft's busmess tnp . The jury will ~turn June S for about be a caftdidatc for heu•enant aovem or. a whole: •wo said they will anttoducc evidence from but not photographs. he wrll use The Judge photographs of thr murder scrncs and weeks of prosecution evidence. folio~ bunch of exc1ona qut1uons, dilemmas, and fnght­ eight out-of-state sla)'lngs they have hoked also ordered the prosecutor to inform che victims' belon11np found in Kraft's Long by defense tcsumony enll'\I po s1biltt1es began dancing around ID hc:r hometown. She u so &ood and '° consc1cnt1ous and so adm1rabl) suited lo Krvc her state that the Republican pa.rt} may turn ap1nst ht'r. The GOP Sentencing for dad It once before and It shows every sign JO Painting of California ofbe101 able to tum ap1Dst ~ason agarn ex-track In shon, Marian Bcraeson may be too aood to win the Republican nomination continued again HB pier taken For some 20 years, I have admired this remark.able public servant. Thac dOC$ not mean that By the Dally Piiot we a&rec on everything, but our differences are at memorial leiitimatc: . not •based on greed or power or 19th Sentencing for admitted child mulestcr century repress1"c dogma. Alan Thomas R1gb ). a former track coach a1ancxclus1vc(oro nadel Mar school wa' She 1s a loyal and dedicated Re publican. but a continued for a third time Tucsda¥ ·for Gustaf son thouahtfuJ. arullyticaJ, honest and htghJ).' mtelhgent Rigby pleaded guilty to 17 molestation ----111 Republican. Her integri­ coun t~ involvmg IS boys and girls 1n By ROBERT BARKER ty 1s beyond challenge. C;\t:hangc for a maximum sentence of 20 and she 1s the one bright years. He faced nc11rly 80 years 1f con v1ctcd hght ID local state anc.l of all 36 felon> and misde meanor tount\ >\n 011 paintmgofthe Huntington Beac h national political rep­ lilC'd b) prosccutor<1 Pier disappeared afler being displayed at a resentation What a T he ~n t enung wa\ postponed until pthenng of mourners Friday following loft) standard she 1u.i, rue~ay bet:nusc Oc:-pul y D1stnct i\ttornc' funeral sen Ile:. for End Cafe restaurateur set for other candidatl.·., Lew Rosenblum was 1n a 1nal 1n ano1he1 John Gustafson When I li"t met courthouse .. , JUSt foci real s1C'k about 1t." M n fkrgeson. she v.as Oeput¥ Puhhc Defender Wilham l\. clk~ Gustafson's wife. Alice. said Tut"sd.ay " lt the most unbeatable said Rigby 41 wa'> an\1ou~ 10 be d1sappCArcd that da) Somebody ma> member of 1hc Ncwpon sentenced " He want!. to get •t o 'er " ''h ·· ha\C JUSI ~alked 3W3) with 1t.'' Mesa Unified School R 1 gb ~ ·s "ll llms were from Harbor Da~ The pa1n11ng is b~ local antst Norman D1stnct Board of Educa­ School. \\here the teacher staned a \e\. n·1 Malhson. a fnend of Gustafsan. Malhson tion He r leadership club v. 11h a purported se·rnal in111atmn nie actuall) ga'c the painting to his son for a ab1h11cs surfaced earl). that included u~ ofa '1bra tor Chn tma present but borrowed 1t so that and her no-nonsense R1gb\ rl'ma1ns 1n <: u~tod} Al•n Thom•• Rigby In court Tuesd• y . 1t could be d1spla)ed ·at the funeral for _...... , .. ., 111111..,.-..... styleofcommunity poli­ Gustafson \\ho died Ma' 3 from cancer. tics inspired others on He wa:. S~. . the school board and other mun1c1pal govcrnmcn1al From memorial sen1ces. Alice bodies When Assemblyman Robert Badham dt>­ G ustafson took the pamting to a ~p11 on etdcd to go after the C'on1rc ~s1 o nal seat vacated h~ attended b) fnends and relauvcs at t he Republican .\ndy Hinshaw. convicted of bnbcry. Breakfa~t 1n the Parl ~staurant . v.h1ch she many in Newport Beach urged Mrs. Bergeson to file Nois~ charges coLild be dropped if operate!> for the Asscmhl..,. . ..It was still there whe n I left:~ Mathson What followed was a na<.t) chapter 1n the said I uesda) ... 1 have no opinion on what history of the GOP 1n this pan of1hc world, a h1i.tor> happened tu 1t. I Just hope 11 comes back. freque ntly tack) and full ofsc andal. Just when man> Village Inn complies with mOnitoring No question will be asked ·· reJoiced that Manan ~ ou ld run. car salesman Jim Mathson saKi that an)one who might Slemons. who had ne' c:r held an) elet:tcd office here goc,11nilnu1'>(.'e'll'l.d\ 1>0dct:1ht.•I,, \rtha Ind mun11or an the har and an t1ud1hle loo~ 11's whereabouts could return h to By IRIS YOKOI lhe Brcakfa:r.t in the Park Restaurant or decided to compete with M r\ BcrgC'son for lhl· Of • IW OI' month\ lhl.' nui\t' \ 1111..illon .ign:cd I<• 111\t..ill ..i more C\pen\l\e n111w \\hill ut\ olTil ials tned to "'orl v.1th about four ~l.'Jr\ ago from a color monitor Y.1lh J pnnloul .\rcha \.lid \ anJln un uimphanct' the dl\tnll ill· advertmng agenc) fncnd of Sirmons. The adman trial ol V 1lla¥l. Inn o ~ ncr Rohen ) ardk' photoaraph that he behc"es hr obtamed had been altt\e in }Oung Republican lircle.., in and ma) drop lharg<' '> altogether If 'i an.lie\ \ ardk~ lurthcr llifccd to m1\Cellam·nu' 1ornc\ ·, olfac dcudcd the e' l'Ot\ of one from Ella C hmtensoh longume PJ<'r noise reduo1vn measures <;uch a" do"ng p.lrtll.ular i.ummcr n1gh1. in "h1ch •~o Aniona. and he to ld hov. he and Slemons planned to comphc'i wt th an agreement signed earlier lOOCcss1ona1re alona with Gustafson. the bar"s door<1 at IO pm d1ITt'rcnt ullilt'r'I rc\ponded to l1m1 phunl\ blitz M r'I Bcntrson 1h1s month. a pro-.cculor ~•d Tut·'Kia' He said he: al~a) ~planned lo Lake 11 back " \\e'rc tf)ing to reach a re olu11on ot noisc. \\Jrr;rntcd filing thr \.nminal from his son and paint liahls on lh<" pier to .. , don11 care "hat ~ou thinl ol lt:mons... the \ ardlc:\ and "ev.pon Bealh mu~1cian "'here all side'> l'an be happ\ ·· .\rcher \ perform1ni that night (1ui.taf n known (Or his lO\C Ofthc j)1C'r consc:rvatJ\e Republican monc) that sa)s hc'sgoing m1$dcmeanor rnunh t'alh of d1s1urh1ng inn. bu1 nc1lhcr du 1hq \\ant 10 ignore lht·•' \ ..irdk) bas ~1d Pai:t..ard \\a\ the o~I~ and the ocean. had t~ o restaurant to win ·· L'nfortunately, he "'as nght. a nd lemons Shirlt) Packard. ~ho'" t'S nc'(I door to the n ghts of neighbor\. sht· \atd onr "ho ha1 rl'peatcdl' compl31ncd and de tro)ed b storms at the end ofthc Pler ~ on the GOP nomination In thr ~mr pnmar) Balboa Island har ""llh l:'lC'>Sl\l' nni'i<" on The n1:- and pohu: ha'e lung tolkl ll'\JJ ., that 1hc ut) "as s1mpl:- hu.shna him 1n 198 l and 19 He was loot1n1 fot'l\'ard Badham barel) squeakrd b> formrr Congrcsi.man .\ug 6 1988 rnmplalDI'> ahou1 1hc no"C' trnm the 1 r>ozcm ol patrons of the bar man) <'f to ti') tn& b1S fortune for 8 third t1me Wb('O Juhn hm1tz for the vOP no m1na11on for C'onaress. Deput) D1!.lm 1 \11 omr' Diane \re her Village lnn«1 bar 1hcm.Balboo l!>lanJ re 1dC'n1s ha'e raJht'd illness 1trud1.. ~lat1\t') l\ns1de "'on 11 for sa10Th« tn..il "a" n>n11nued until "'o' I ( It) official<> 'i.'llU pJrt of" hal lucll·d I hl· In SU pport or Yard le) h) send• ng klle,., lo The .. ~->~ar-old pier is closed for saf<'t) Badham Schm111 later hecnme m u c 'lenl\lor hefurl' .tfler d1'>l U\'>1011' among all part 1c\ rt''iultnl rnmplainl1gn111g of an agrccmc:n1 u"er thl· )CJrr-Gt@Gt-· QbJk@-~ -image 10 th<' cast' of the Asscmbl> r3l'e the tokrn wa\ a bnght attorne) o.lmcd Ro n ( onJo, a He ran a ~iron& campa1an By ROBERT BELLAFIORE rc4uirc 1..ommercial ml·d1.1 .ull\I' and It"• not lair that JUSl am bod> can v.11l l to tr~ C\press1on One charged that 01hcrs "ho want to u\t· lhl' dr..id u.·khnl\ ·, up .rnd 1A1lc '1iur e·~ name: and '" 1\t lelcbnt) rclatiHs v.ere ou1 to do some Thrn shurtl) hefore lh<' grneral clel'tmn ~JJt .-NW rfl•t relau" persona to get e>crm1s,11•n It ''"uld up 1t 01mund and do an\ kind of thing thr' c: 'plo1t.at1on of their o~ n tncnds of defea1t'd Mr1 fkrgr'>On became outr3$t"tl tx· .\L8A""\ ""\ \h\.h.ll'I \\ ~\\ne 10 the rtlal1\C' todl•ndr h thl' u<;cr v.an1 to do·· added (ts~ ·1cole HohJa, , ovrr the stuncubout ~lc'm o ns and launched a wnte """mm ·The wrona that these bills appear to d1dn'1 like the \\J\ hi\ dt1d ~hl' l>u~r "'a' s1\tl'r 111 Jilli 'itngt'r Billie Holtda} 10 t1tmp;111n tor \fanin h d1dn'1 succeed. but It did Y.Ould ha'e lo P3' redress 1 that the he1r"s of cclebnlJn dcf)tltcd on a Kf\:et1n1tlard f hc c"IUSl\e fl@hl\ \.\llUIJ l.1,1 '" \C3r\ I l11l1dt1' obJt'lled 10 ~hat she cons1dl'n:d clobber ~l emon\ fht' vote for Mrs. Bergl>Wn v.a\ e' 1dcnth do not fec"I th:u the) are iettina he after the 'elcbrll\ ·s dc,11h rnou&h to '>Phi tht' Republican\ and perm11 ( ordo' .1 1 CU'Abo) hat v.a\ finl· hut the hpi. a fal\C ponra)al of her sister 10 the D1a.n.i enouah monc~ for the use oflhe persona ot \:inc other sta.te ~ indudini < .1lllom1.i tow1n '~err h11 bn&hl .lnd red and the ml'S\agc Rm\ mo' 1C.' 'Lad> If\&$ the Blu~ ·· their famous ancestors.~ )atd Jcromt' inude ~as about bc1na homosc\Ual ha\e such law Bui in the nation~ ..\l'u al \ fund.a) 's hcanna ~c:~ Rot·l\n \\ 11 n. law'\ er for Time Inc and tbt Horron' .\ Democratic 11 seem bl} man from .. We find 1l n-pugnant .. the old"1 of pubhsh1na and mt•d1a 1. cntt•r, !\-1.td1S(>n .\stam Fred .\statrc'\ wido~ Julia Ruth '-ia&aLtnt' Pubh htrs of .\menca. Oranar lOUDI} .lnd rrnm NC'\\iport &ach to bool" John Wn ne's ~'en children ~1d this A\'cnue has free tl'IO "hc·n 11 comes 10 IC ' rn' daughter 0f Babe Ruth, and Cordo"a turned out to he a vt'n &ood assembl) man v.ed. at o le,1slatl\e hcanng using dead ctlcbnl1l''> for p111. hc\ f H·r\11 fields. grondson of \\ C Fields .\hhou&,h none ot his rtlall\'el we~ He ~.ts bnght l k ~•s ~lit ) 4'nd he did ht\ \\a) ne w ilS one of a host of rt'lu 11 \Ci of ' .. The pubhc that Jdm1rcJ him ha\.1 n1h1 Th ' hrnught out boo~s . ~ttn and there James Dean was a popular subject. h onlt'~orl Suddcnh Newpon Beach had an dead cckbn11es \\ho want Ne" \ orlo. 10 10 ha'e his public 1magt• r>rot«te'tt a nd 1nn~ l·t, 1ha1 contained their relata~C\ · \n lnd1anapobs manaicmcnl srouo that usemhl~ man v. ho am thing~ done and made fnend\ lJ't' them uclu '"e n£)lts to the numt's who better to rrotect It th.in his fam1l:- ')" 1ma t' . ~pl't"S('ots h t~ c-state displayed a can q1 for tht' d1~1r1\.I in c;alramcn10 Ru1 al3\ ht' "'il" a and 1m11~· of famous lamil) membe~ Wa) nc s~ud o ht O~..ir "'inning father Opponents of the proposal arsuc:d II \iac ho pm' .. with Dl-an's ptcturt on the Ocmucr.u A proposal bc:forc the:· Le11~l:lturc would who hved 10 Ncwpon fka1..h ~ou ld 1mp1ngeon f1~t Amend ment flil\t ~ label The spra) cl:umed lO attract women. A short time l;mttr. I met '-'"tth Ml"\ Bergeson and her lon111me fnt"nd and supponrr Jack.1c Heather POl ~ l('t: l .OG ..Wt 'tc altt'ad) pl nn1n1 thC' ne~ I race for the mbl)," Mh Rc1"Jt10n · ~ " But ( ordo'a 1\ taken from 00 Laauna < amon Road on do" nnJ a min1·bl10d -.ere e timatc:d a t \ pur..e d1 pptan-d ftom 1 d1ntr\I table dotnt ui:h 11 &ood JOb , hr's vo1tn1 a!\ )OU ~ ould I n inf' Monda) SHO on J bo.at 11 hark I land Ya:chtOub. 1099 ·almo 1 C\Cr\ umr:· I ~td " Rut Jim, he'\ n A woman an'"ercd her 1el<'phonc to • • • 8.l\ ,ldl Dr Demomu." · Manan said " Thi\ distnct 1s a ..\ ~nuld · N' th1d aamaaepur \ \'c:nue ~-ere brok.tn. ape • • • Slcrc<> cqwpmcnt afler hn:;ilo.111a 1nlO t"O And 'O it happened that Mrs Bttae10n ran Th1C\leUtolc the nmund 11rt'1 of a 11177 when a \lam hammer be1na u!Cd to parent!~ h\ bullets of hi \ehidcs in .thr MXlll hh11. k ot C1a \ pun.ch apin t Cordova Ind ~on . and she nu bttn Po he Carttra parked at 9201 Jeronimo out 1he 11n1tmn b c before the 1an1tton • • • unbeatable \mce. It 11 doubtful Iha• &n)Oll<' tn ROid The wbttls v. ert "aJucd at SJ.000 lt&ht Drive. 8ura.lan too~ a StlSO nerro could he rcmo,cd. A I q f ord pickup truck parked oo ~ erammto worls harder. tuditt lCSJsl.ation as • • • from a bf~ 1970 \'olkw·• n nmpt·r and • • • \trttl 1n 1he 1100 · bJock of BaJboe lhoro~ ). me n:bc talc problem and op­ A Seton Road re ident claimed he sold a S750 sttm> and pca~t l"\ trom a l 'P7 r't'd .\ bufJ)ar ~11 av.a) .,,th a biown r1~' Boule" aN had the pa senstt m.irror t;m, ponurut1t$, and CCP> 10 touch with h(t' ron t1tucnt' h1 Volkiwaatn Btttle' to a penon who Pinto 4'aoss the \lrttL Vrr1ttn KC'nnt) ba lull of ta.,h ~nd checks from the Green and a Iona ""ratch alona the pasxneer 1k1ppc:d tov.-11af\era few pa) mCnt~ leavm bencr than 1 ~ Bcrxnon \81d burJlan aho brokt into her 1971 Fla \1rpon \huttlc: compa.n) on h d!)Or no fo~ard l nl addrtt • Volksv.-qrn bu~ ind ~tol a S1CXl radio Herrman ~t rttt 'IOmctame und.a C\'t'­ • • • ¥rallet conta1ni, Sl.000 cash di p. ha'c ittn her add~\ local h1ah tchool and • • • • • • nina The suspect allc'1C4ly enterru 1 Polict ln'llcstJ.ptcd th<' ,_,. of an Culpnt~ sma'-hcd tv.o larat pt.. te gla · pearc:d from a 19 S O)' ta ptckup true: col~JC \tudcnu. and hcr ~.P of IO"tmmtnt and thruuah an l'J>C" dispatch area ar,d fl und empt)' bouit 00 Ha\-tnv.'OOCI anc:r r«CI \ . v.indows at t Bon1,en1urt ~ 6 in ~:a'h and pcnonaJ check made "'I rcporu that tv.-o )OUftt mftl •l'Tt" 16400 pnnad£lr 309 Palm t aod tnrormati"e· And she LS "ff)' altractt\lc. It's bard stuffin1 matc'Cllancou lltm anio prbaif • • • out 10 C1reen Flaa 1n an unlocked des to bchc"c that she hu btt1uuch •model mothcrand Officers found tha1 the mt'n •'Crt Someone stole a S '~0 red bwann draVICr • ma1nta1n1na wi&h her husband, C,anh, an bicycle from a pra ID &he 6000 bhk'\.; of • • • wife, fncnch oh hou-te occuoent. An un1dcnt1fil-d culpnt tok a I 2·PIC aa M c•citina and ch.allcnsma home. BJS1,,. '2ll-5>t.r ' 4'ubu.m Ori\c Buraian pulkd .open . the rront door of of t>ctr and 1 canon of ciprtucs fro.m a duldn:n whale pu"'u1na an cl«tnfyana polmc:al • • Homeov.ncn rttumed• to their rt 1· C"tn:lc K stort tn the 9SOO block of Warner carter. • \tit Irvine Style office. I S3 IS Cuh er Dri"t, and siolc a love Kat. ckncc an the 5600 block of MtddlttofT ~'cnuc around 11 p.m.. unday nl&f1t. I can' t think ofa ra'°" •hy the ho\ald not bc • • • 0n'C and (otind a lc:leVI 10 0 \et titttna b~ thC ltqJUbliean caoo ditt for licutc>nan1 IO"CfMr. A F rnadnnc and a vldeocaut1 t.e IR from door and lhl'lr V R ~ lhe he.ca: recordtr dt ~red from ttw Amman bUt the Rfl)Ubhcan kint·makcn may c;'OIM up with door. Tbc lbic,n, •pP!~ntl urpn db} 'ewport Beach some.• he is ccn.a.1nly • bit C\11 1h0ve •he mode} · ) um off'K'C. 1611S Von Karman lbe return or w rt dnm dtd att ..~ .. ) crew' tht GOP h.a flcJdtd lft the ..... ltu SdunH.t ~ilh a .-oOdcn a'O ulucd at about $20. A barbtq~ ·"111 • ta.no &om tl'lc and Hinihaw and u and Doman and Oil and on ruidtntuid frontpatioofaduplcx an t~6200blockof • • • w. Oc~n front and Oft. man Yid tha• four malt Orien I ••• • • • knocUdh1m to the around and \;1 kcd h1~ f \\O pairs of \n-O_, & and all ttlrir at Munfy Put He ttJM."f\ ly didn' t nml cqu1pmenl. ~"'1.b I &Olal f $ WCR medical aunt.ion. liken from an unlocked apenmcnt...... , • • • m the lOO block. of.JOt.h tm:1. Bufllanntcrtd a bu 1 an the I block of llbonc Land ll'ld S4 l00 in ppn>'\ttnatdv • • • tn c and jt'Wtlry and a S400 VCR • c.harar ard r«~1pc and SSSl an C'Mh ---~d1•~ct m,m a beck room M Sonthrp Chn uan Boobiort. 2SOO • Cout H~ . r-lai• \'alley T•o us • • • worth ~ YMetft CUiprit UtNW I btiC \hro~ of~. 15.)'°· 1rwbedloomW1nclOWOlan1per1men1 an ~ taether first Chinese-Soviet summit 10 30 Chinese troops helped communist to 10lve reaional problems and said years. stressed the importance of North Korea fight pre>-Westcm South China promises steps toward democracy_ the United States should withdraw detentc between the Soviet Union Korea in 19SO-S3. ~from South~ea . and China and said Moscow was On Tuesday. the leaders of the BEUING (AP) - Communist Pany chief Zhao sovcrnment cmplO)CCS, worktt1' and others who bad Gorbachev, in as h 10 Chinese taking unilateral actions to ~uce world's bigest Communist countries Ziyang promised hunaer-s1rikina students early Wednes­ cheered from the idclines took up bann<"rs and marched. academics in the reat Hall of th<" tensions on the border. agreed to resume friendly ties after day the aovemment will take concrete steps toward Not since the 1966-76 Cultural Revoluuoo. when People, also promised Soviet troop He said Soviet troops deployed in three decades of hostility. democracy, demanded by the 300,000 people 1ammina youths mob11l.ted by Mao Tse.tuna ousted allcacd reductions in the Far East and urged Asia would be reduced by 200,000 in The historic mecti"8 bet~n Tiananmeo Square. riahtjsts, has there been such a mass chall<"nat to rbe that the tense Chinese-Soviet frontier 1989 and 1990, figures h<" announced Gorbachev and Chinese leader Deng Bui student leaders said they rejected Zhao's offer Communist estabhshment. This time. however, it 1s be turned into a "border of peace." last December as pan of Moscow's Xiaoping took flaoc during a protest and would press on with their protests for democracy. coming from outside the pany He called for a collective security overall troop cutbacks. by hundreds o thousands of people As Chinese leaders held a historic summit WJlh "We cannot fail to come out at such a cnt1cal network in Asia, saying an "all-Asia He also specified the troop reduc­ who took control ofaiant Tiananmen Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev in the Great Hall of moment,'' said a Qm&hua Uruversny teacher. process" was needed for solving tions would include 120.000 in the Square to demand democratic re­ the People on Tuesday, protesters surged onto its steps. After midniaht. Zhao sent a message to the students regional conflicts. Soviet Far East bordering Chinll, and forms. The crowd, includina students on a 4-day-old hunger from the party lcadersJup saymg 1t affirmed their patriotic He expressed suppon for Nonh that ground forces arc to be cut by 12 Foreign Ministry spokesman Gen­ strike, turned the adjoining 100-acre square into a vast ~pirit in calhnJ for greater democracy and anaclung Korean peace initiatives and said diviSlOnS. nady I. Gcrasimov told rcponers 1ha1 parade grou.nd. official corrupuon. reunification "obviously requires de­ He said 11 air force regiments will Gorbachev "expressed the hope that Hundreds of pohce and soldiers guarded the hall He also said the government would not purusb them fusing tensions on the peninsula and be disbanded and 16 battleships ~ II it would be resolved by the Chine~ entrances, but no police were seen in the square. and would "\\-ork out concrete measures to enhanct' tbe withdrawal of U.S. troops. Any be rcme>ved from the Pacific Fleet. people. Both sides have their hot­ The month-old student c.ampaign for democracy democracy and law. oppose corrupllon, build an honest arguments in favor of continued About 43,000 U.S. troops arc in heads who want to renovate socialism became a mass movement as teachers. doctors, rcponers, and clean aovemment and e:itpand openness." presence of those troops in tht' region South·Korca under a mutual defenS<" overnight"

( ' ·\I, I t 'O H '\I:\ HH I t:t'S Runaway train Voters·in two states re iect tax FromDal~Pllotwlreservkes . !ll~Y have been . · . 'J · LA seeks more substitute teachers LOSANGELES-Adm1n1\lra t or~callcdformorc:;ubstllutesto1ep l act' reform' '. Denver OKs airport lltrikmg teachers Tue!>day a!> tht' d1s1m:t'-. half mtlhon students C"lther pla;rcd overloaded , hook.~.· held raucous demon~ 1rat 1ons. or sat through another boring day tn a BERNARDINO (A P) - A lly The Assodated Press ~ . In Pittsburgh, incumbent Sophie Danks Jr. 1n the Democrat1 t runoff. -cn.p~ng w.alk.~ut. ··To t"vcn pretend an\ teaching was going on ""~~~~h~:~~~~ SAN MaslofT. 71 beat state Rep. Thomas Danks had been considered a slight of nd1culous. said Don Schrack a s~kt'smnn for United d runaway train that jumped a track Pennsylvania voters over- J. Murihyy J. r. and three other nvals favorite. ~ngtlcs. which represents about 22.UUI;> lt'alht'rs. counselor!.. nursts an killing four people may have been too whelmingly rejected a tax reform plan ~ Dem 11 b s heavily loaded for the braking ca­ Tuesday that would have raised their ~or ;he ocrattc nomination for a In all three c1t1es the Democratic raT~~ School board mt't for \even hour\ on the li~t day of the Sin~ b> pacity of the locomotives attached to 0 income taxes, and Denver residents ~-:W~~ermree t f the rec 1nets primary victor ""ould be heavily United Teachers-Los .\ngcles BoanJ prl"'>1den1 Ro~rta \\eantraub told It, the National endorsed plans to build a new $2 rt'• pe fTn hod P favored to"' 1n the Reneral ekc11on reporters after Tucsda' 's ~.,s 1 un that 1hc hoard hat! no new contract to offe r On Tuesday, NTSB in'esllgators billion airport rcpo •na. Maso1 a 28 percent to h found that a Sou1hern Pacific: worker In Pittsburgh, a self-described 23pcrcentforMurphyand21 percent Denver's ballot issue asked \Olers lt'ac ers. believed the tram weighed ncarl) "Jewish pandmother" won the for Alleaheny County controller "'helher 60-)'ear-old Stapleton ln1er- 3,000 ions more than the weight Dcmocrauc mayoral primary, mak- Frank Luccino. Two others d1 v1ded national A1rpon should ix-' n-placed Gas tax hike plan advances recorded for lhc ere"' on documents. ing her a strong favorite to win her the remainder. with a new fac1hty 17 miles a""a). Southern Pacific and lht' ctt} first full term as mayor. Mayoral primanes were hl"ld in With all precinc1s reporting. the SACRAMENTO - .\ propo\31 to double (ahfom1a's 9-<:cnts-pcr gallon Seattle voters considered an in- several other caues. including Enc. referendum had passed b ~ 70.122 reached agreement hours before gasoline tax o.,,er tht' next ftvt' \car- c;queakl'd through tts fi~t Jegislatl\c Tuesday's threatened coun action lltahve to limit downtown growth Pa., and Jackson, Miss. votes 10 41. 754 'Otes. a 63-to-37 heanng Tuesday The measure a·connall~ endorse rails and demolished homes. The earl} counting of absentee ballots school assistant princ1pal 1 defeated voters a swap of sons _ lov.er Campbell's amendment SC \ , "ould al\o 1ncrea'>e truck "'e1~1 fees h' trains began moving past the stricken Oregon residents re1ected a five opponents to win the c1ty's firsJ propeny ta:ites 1f the ~ would appro' c 30 percent and e'(clude all of the nl"" re' cnut· - estimated at SI~ ~Wion O\Cr area Tuesday. proposal for a new tax system, and an wide-o'pen Democratic mayoral P11- a m<"asun: allo" mg counucs to 1m· the nt'XI decade - from the '>II.lie·, comtttullunal spcnding hm1t If the The railroad, at the c1t)"s in­ Tucson. Ariz.. voters cons1di::red a mary 1n two decades, a race to succeed pose an income, tax. But .,, 0 tcrs. measure l!t ult1matel> appro.,,cd h' 1wn·th1rd'> mJJlmtle c uunt\ 'luprn1sor Pt'tc hnbarum pro.,,oked b} an .\ID ·related dcmun\tration thJt d1srup1cd Tuc~a~ 'c; board THANKS A MILLION Tanker was on meeung., said he belie' es tht' a' eragc pcr'>on h.1 ... no intl•rt:\11n the disease or 11s treatment. " If )OU "-l'rt' to poll the man on lhl· ' trl't'I 'uu would find a 'ast automatic pilot maJOrtl) have no 1ntcrr\I in the \UhJ«I nf .\ID\ and rould care l<"ss about The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor lions funding 11." Schabarum ~1d He cnntt·nc.Jcd lhl" hoard has been itenerous 1n extend a very special thank you to the prO\. tdtng resources 10 help .\ID\ ' 1l l1m' dl.''>fl•lc taunjo! mJ\'>l"e cu t\ 1n ~late people who will be joining us June 2, 3 ~~~~iiiii~ when it hit reef- funding. and 4 at the Fish Fry and Carni~I. Your participation allows us to support many AN<. HOR.\ T .\LL.\HASSE.f. na - l \ Supn.-me C uun Ju blotkt'd J I Ci ~ear-old girl from obtaining an abonton command of the 987-foot tanker without the con~nl of her p.irent a minor Sl'ek1n' :in ahurt1on in rlontb "'Ill still have 10 ship's course back toward llS dcs1g· t't,perm1ss10n from her part'nts or a JUdJt' unul JI lea'' Thur~Ja >. \\-hen the full nated sh..ppinf Jane fJ ~ - Supreme Coun rc\lt'"'' Kenned\ 5 dt'c1\1on ..11 .1 tunfcrencl· Ktnned> ·, Cousins said that when he dt.. ac-t1on will ~tand onh unt1l 1hr full rnUrJ llln'itd<'r'> 11 termined the ship's course had not changed s1gnaficantl} . he at1rmpted a sharper turn. bu1 the h•P seemed continue moving toward the chaned•o Senate OKs Jet deal with Japan reef. W<\SHINC.110N - Tht' Scna1c '01ec.J 5.:! 47 f uc'><.13) to endo™' the " lt'sasourceoftroubk formt'ar.to agreement for the l 'n11cd ~talt''i and fap.ln 10 w pr()(Juce lhl" nl'"' f '\ Jt'I why the vessel did not track a"' a) fighter after an angf\ debJlc 1n v.h1l h Japan 1.1.a' denounced as plomna 10 end from that track lint." Cous1 n'> told a Amencan dortun.tn1.:1:. of tht armspall' tndu\11) But lav.-malen then adopted Nallonal Transportation afet} 72·27. an amendment b\ Srn Rohen ( B>rd !).\\ V:i 1mpoMng ne,. and "-"'°"""...... _.-nel as 1t beaan a fivc::d;u - LGWghtn·-oad1tMNU.on 1b6mproducuon ~n pen hearing. does not recei Vl" "11al lJ .aeroi.pacc 1echnoloav The amendmc.-n1 w;.a~ opposed b} the adm1nt'>lnl11on and ~nalt' Republican leader Roh Oole dubbed 1t a "l1lkr amt'ndmen1" ""h1ch ""ould require the rcopcn1n1 of ncgot1.lUOn'> 1.1.1th the Japanese &°'ernment. The Nicaraguan amendment proh1bm the tran fer of ad" '1n<.ed J\: t t'nflne te · arms promrse Seven-year-old helps dellv~r baby· questioned ATLANTA - \II 1t took WH a huk coachin1 rrum a 911 o~ra t or for a CELEBRATE qu1ck-th1nlang and " am~mgl)' calm" 7-)'ear-old l>fl to help her mother Ji ve WASHINGTON (AP) - The binh Tuesday Ten Lawrence an·d her baby. William lachCT). were "doing THE OPENING White House said Tue~ay 1t was vt'ry "'ell" Tucsdl\y n1ah1 at Nonhs1de Hospital an tlanta, uid ~poknYtoman "very leery" abo•t a promised halt m Carol King. Lawrence said she woke t 7 u.m Tucwt to real11e that berbab\ OF OUR Soviet W<"apons shipments to wa~ on its way, lo..ina 141d Her dauahlCT Amanda. 7, d1aled the opera1or rcir Nicaraaua and accused Sov1e1 Pre'>•· help; the 911 operators told Amanda how to ht'lp her mother. dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev of octina NEWEST CLUB like a "drugstore cowboy" offenng one arms control proposal after Oral Roberts meets funding deadline IN MONTEBELI.D. anot.bcr. PretidentiaJ apokcsman Muhn TULSA, Ok.la. -Oral Robcrts~1d T~sda)' 1 tc"Cn""""ffk •• tife--or-d~th" Fitzwater confirmed that Gorbachev fund drive rai~ the S 11 m1lhon ht m1n1stry needs to pay crtd1ton :t ~ 71 • had privately told the United States year-old C\anichst 1n Mart'.h said he •ttde...i Roberts that Moscow was toppina its arm~ University's ara 6 or ettd1ta'rt would tart d1smani1tai tbe tchool. shipment to the lcf\1st Sandinista the ministry and us hospital. the City of Faith Medial Center, Muu lr) aovemmcnt in Manqua. officials rpct with crtduors to seek addational llme. and Rob<'m announced in However. he said there was no 1 live br6adast Tuesda) that th<" final S24.000 had been railed. evidence of any cutoff and that miliwy supplies till were 10101 into 2YFARSOR Nicaraiua ff 0 II I . D H H 11 · 1· ' On the other hand. Fitzwater said the wapons bcina received now 2PEOPLEFOR miaht aamply ha~·c bttn in the Car bomb kllls le•dlng MoSlem derlc p1pthnc when OorbKhev inade his BEIRUT, Lebanon - A car tM>mb uploded by remolt control as tk promaae or nusbt be romlna in from spiritual kackr of Ltbanon's unn1 M .Inns drove by Tuesday, kilhna him THE PRICE 1oot.bei'countty, auc:h u Cube. and 21 other peopltJ. and wounct1na 7S. pohcc said. The uplosion in Moslem west Beirut, which ~yntn trooPt patrol. occurred as .\rab U..ue mediators were lryi.na to consolidate a 6-day-old cuso-fire int~ la&cll round of n.htin• OF ONE. Sheik HaSMn K.b&led. Lebanon•t Grand Mufti and unni spiritual bdcr Opposition was a t~ ~ for moderation in a couotry ~ulate~ 22 L~lh '°""*" COlllotr¥o Stop bybo Ot"ft,...... ,tour. H911doy Soo t~,

• ANAHllM 0 (7W)~3C>SMQoiVic:L 1~S CJllJ'leoln COITA M!M 0 ('1Y)~ 2'CX>Haiti0f lfii6. ttiiNrid~ Or\AQt l'\JU.D1'0N t'l {?M) l19'6CHt 3il6 t ~peci IAlffiOr\ t bioc* N al Q1 Fw, • t b1oct E of Hart>ct 81-.o ___ .._,. HUNJlN(;A)N IMClf tJ'MJ ...." •JOl>t leochltw:t at Wl:JrNr ln._avtifO.. MlllKJN VlfJO 0(1"1170-0l12. ~ NICIQPl!wy al San 0.00 fWV <&\NOE.O !1Mlo39)M1. 622Eo.e~1we _.. CJI Ullin,,.,._ A ldlt'( H9dllh • '9nnlt O:lrpotol'u' Of NniHco ~ 0.. J(IOlOOClllOtll~ -~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednelday. May 17, ·1 ~9 AS - "' \lllllC Morni.ng cloudS to give way to fair afternoons

., '° ,Slodlon__ _ , ,... 10 0 511<"9...0Mo II SI U SI ,.,_v.., " u .. 1t u Syt41CVM ... ll l\t-v• 7) " 74 S• n n ,.....,.._. ~ )S T..,,..,_ It St "' n W•wwoed t7 SS ar... Juftn.cn u ... 17 S7 Y-r\lly '°14 ..jt '~''"'"119 10 4J ""'4s T~ 7) • • IO SI "'MdCil•tc F.ib ., 4l fOf)tU IO 56 10 u ~ 1J • • Tue.~ .. S• 71 H .. temp .Mcleson,MI•• 7) •• T~ 71 .cl .. S4 J~ I~ 11 S4 ·. Juntr.u "41 6J)I INMO 76 tS "'1 ..u C-.sClli IJ SS W11Vt"'910fl 0 C 7l u cno• ..,.. 7J •• w,....,,001 ..'° "10 ... SI uh Cl\M~• .. 7J w ...... ,. 75 SI 8' s' ~ 7) )1 W it"'•• Fiiis 71 ... u 56 I I SJ u aii.•r SI SJ '7 Sl .... °" 11 .. 62 St , . 56 ...... ,.'°" Med!O< Gooo ,., quallly 0-50 ~ W'9f'l """ ov• "'O"' IOw' 10 S O 111 11 SI Sll~tVI 3am ·O 1 'f)T 11 SS 11610 0" 40111 Str•' ~t 2 POOf .ir SI 100 U!Vlral\hf\11 IOl •ltt wry ., 0 S~Otr t17a.1'1 se Und Str- l\lew90t1 2 poot urw>rMhiV 100-ltt n.tutcbn lOOOt ... ,,,,_ 87 SI S- Ullr C•t• 6S H 211 pm 1e a.nmw 64 S I Bal-Wedge .._. W.Angejo tJ 11 hcondlllgrl IKpm U l.agl.naa.­ 2 -poOt - ,,S1 .. Sl \.,, Aneonoo •"'9' •"'°9 M_,. . 7S ttw l"Sl 11 .i 10().114, • ~II· 1'9 .. t1 lhur..S.) • • ~ ...... - >#lt ... 1 48 7• 6 4 SS w.-~ .. .., • 215·.ttt - • irwct-n~ *'1 lvq> .a Wnrl Fe u .. p'" s--- louanush Kiani. RusseU Franklin D. C'ole 111. Kathi) n L. Lusk, Rober't J. Lynott, Knst1c L. V11lclh. Sb1ryn K VoJak Dwayne Lon&, Diane E. Maher, Chen I .\ Bndges, Elizabeth M. Bruchhof. K. K.i bota. Kimberly A. Koenig. Cook, Leslie V Corsini. Gary L. Mack.Ia n. Kimberly K. Malm. Drew Washinaton, John W Waterman, Marshall and Mary M. McCabe Joseph B Cache. Patricia E Clam· M Krasktn. Robtrt C. Cunnin&ham, Jacqueline M Darnell. R Maness. Robert Marek, Sarah P Samantha M Watson. Mindi L Also. Mark P McGregor) . Diane Campbell. Ten L (amptx-11 . Michael Krofchtl. ~ haron E. LaBurt. Michelle Dina M. Da-..1es. Jan Davis. Denise Markel. Michael F Matthews. Nick Webb, Sandra M \.\. h1tes1dc M Meade. Mane Menzagup1an D Care' .\ngela K. C'arle\.ato, P Larlan Carol R. LaRue. Calh.!)' B V DeJo~ph , Cara J DcNuceao. 8 Matthews, Keith D Maxv..cll. Michelle Willemsen, /.\lien W \.\. 11· Ronda I Merando. Robcn P Michael ·J ( arle,ato Colleen M Laughlin. Manhdat M le, Teresa A Stephanie N DcRooy. David J D1ai Kevin C Mayne. Gavin K. Mc( ann hams. Heather M W1l..an. David M Montelone. Jacquehne M Morrell. Ca!>s1d\ . Hea1her L Chapman Jae· Leonard-Marunez. Wilham P Kathryn D1lullo and Ted D Dtiton and S1e-..en G. Mc(artney. W1.oaatc, Carla J W1sn1ewl1k1, Robert Ellen L. Mosakew1cz. C') nthia A que) Chaput) <. 'hnst1ane Che' cs, Lev..erenz and Panela J Lewin. Jr Also. Michael C McGlann. Steve L. W1 it. Mary K. Wolf. /.\hsha 1:­ Myers, Michael J H. Nash Jt'nn1f~r Sam D ColaruCr Mark L. Parham Current. Paul D Dalton. Deborah L. M. Marshall. Kun J Marshall. John ChCT)l J. Enc n Janet M Erv10. Jamee L Murray. Andrew M. Na~lor . Dau Polal - Sandra P "'lcwwn Also. Norman A Perc1 Jr Peter P 0Jna. Thomas \.\. Da\, Randall L E Mast James S McLaughlin, John Jennifer L. fapcJ O. Sergio [ Fa1nsl· Chad M. Nelson. Phillip H Ngu)cn. Foa.ocalo Valley Pauline P1amp1ano R. Drake Poston. Jaime Dees. Arthur J Doncn. Jason K. P McM1llen. John C. McNult1 II. t1:m. Juhe D Flynn, David T Trung T. Nguyen. Kim H. Nicholson. Abrahams. Carl J. Andl'r'>on . Ja} P E Purk1ew1l/, Mandi~ l Ra13, 1 Dortch. Oma Dut..o' 1c. Chnst1an Linda K ~1ende1 . Babak S. Milani. Fogarty. Patnc1a Francois and Ian C James P Noll. Daniel F. O'Neill Andrae. Douglas D .\rmatage. Oa' 1d Martina P Rcll7. Lisa M Rc<;,kr [1c~r!C r .\dam P fachler. N11:ok Y Moher. Tran M Fu sclman Laura .\ Ofer. Mai L Oka1dk1 K. Auda, SuLanne L B:ti..w,, R t>~l)n A. V1rJcar E. Olsen Da"d Ortll. tep­ S. Blake. Diane K Bohon John P . andra L 'ach tleben. \dndr.t I Jennifer L ht ~h < arol L. Flectv.ood, Morales and Dianne M. Moses. uan1m. Brannon M. Gamer. John F hen C Palencar. Renate Y Palmer. Bowman. Pamela L Buddan~h altsbury. Karen D Schau1-;ch1d .. Andrrw \\ F~1rmb\, L1..a J FratJO. G~ydos. Starn.· J Gench1. Rick J Debbie E. Parson\ and Laun K David P Bui . Suwn M Curhk. Enc M. Schv,:an1 . U.-shc J ~ :rmour . Rosanne L. f mlu:h. Roh Gadtent. Also. l.ahra N Mote harrci, Diano Geroux, Laura D. Gibson, Sharon K. Jeffrey T. Casey. ( hark'> E ("h:I\ o Michele M. . La' eta B Gen­ Thana D gu}'en. Thanhha T Hall, Deanne J ·Hall Chmtine E Purkm. Susan M P)-le. K.Jm Read Angela M Del Re. Jill A l>ommgut>1 Dianna L \ul11,an C1unnar \ tile . Trana D <.1ernud. llo\d D N&u)'en. Pamela J "i1cholson. Eugene T No. Bruce E. Nyrop, Halle) . Brc}'\da L Hamel. I anda B Theresa J Richard~ . Manana () and Le~ J DuAJba Sv.al\son .\nna 1 t'Jlhman R\iin "­ Gibson. l..A'!>.\nn (11era. Charles E Handwe1ler. Mana E. Hard). Preston · R1tch1r. He1d 1 N Robbins. Enc D Also. Connie L F11Lgerald. Thibault. llung T Ton. Jeannie \1 Gilmore Ill. L1nd a \t Glasgov. . John Michael " Oden. H1rom1 Opwa. Trac) C Olwin, Ocha Orozco, Dc1dtt C. Harper. ~borah E. Ham . JcfTre) Rodnguez, Ru'lsell L. Roger'>, Chnstina M. Heming. Tnsha J Trenkle unal N. Vyas. Daniel R W Gobel. Ronald M Gra\: and M. Ham'>on. Wilham J Healq .. Tamara L. Rogers. Mannnne RO'IC· Foster. Edward C Gunialcz. Wend) Wcbste1 . Sco11 .\ White, Du1hann M 1 h~odort' " C1regol] II - N. Pagnanelh. .\nne M P.aladtntt Ke-...n J Papkc. Jultc ;\ Parmer and Frank R Heiberger. Jason S nfeld. Darra L. Ross. &nJamin B E. Gon1alo. Richard "1 (1rcen. Beth W1dhopl Patm·1a W1dhopl. Hc1,d1 K .\I~ . Juan Gu1man. lhsc D tfdh). Andrea F Pastt~ Hershel Mary R Hoffman. Jean "v1 Ro)er Ill. Ehzabtth .\ R)an and L Gromada. Michelle .\ C1ulu Jan W1ll1amson. En~ P \.\.1l wn. Rotx-n Kann .\ Halle' Daniel P Hamann. Hogle. azabeth R Holtzclav. C)han· Claudette Saban R. Hamb). Corinna l Hanson Y Wilson Gunnar \' Wolk anJ Daniel L Han.kin Bonnie A Han· ..._lso. baron C Pear;on, Ma«) L non L Hoover. .\na L Honon. l'jgan .\lso. Nadine ~ban . Lill)' A ~las . Linda A Heels. ()nth ta '> Henne~ . M1"hael R Larretta n1ian. T) lcr !-. Hanson. Maf) Hard· Perk.ins, P:und. \.\. Petersen. Scan H K. Huynh Lon A Jacob'> Enn A Daniel C. Sauer. He1d1 C. Schelling. T1moth) L Hennings. L.1\3 \ lien· Hvnllngtoo Beach - Kl·m L en brook Tamm) L Har:io. Kc' tn T W Pfaff. Deanna L Plckett. Michael • JedrC'leJev.sk.1. Karen D. Jenning~ . Lon /.\. Schmerer. Matthew R Segal. son, Karen M. Hett1l'h and C-hen l .\gncll. Randall L .\ 1u I ..iuru D Harlov.. Stephen R. Hamson. Brud - T Quon. Ke' m R Rautenstrauch. Ronald W Jensen and Deborah E. Nancy H.L. Shav... Richard W . H1crbaum. .\laman. Marca A Anderson. Knstm D Hartle-.. . Diane T Hebbe. John H Re' A RayDt'r. KJalhlecn Read•ng, Johnson Simpson, Daniel R m1th. Edv.ard Also. James H11ttrns. John A A .\sl.egaard K1mbtrl) J .\\t'rs. Hemsle~ : Scan L. Hinke~ . Darrtn E Tern A. Reed. DoU&las R. Richards. Also. Susan D Johnnston. \.fa hael B Smllh. Jeff H Snyder. Janet L Hocfnagcls. Qrcgory C Ho). f.X. fom J Baller Todd 'M Banner Hosteller. Lav..rcncc A Hudson. 0a .... 1d M Roche. S\e"~n 8. Roatrs 8 Keene. Noab Z Kempler, 1:.hza· Southern, Gre&ory L. St Pierre. borah A. Hunt, Diana J H)land. ( arol} n J Barros. Daniel D Bana Irene M Huh. Laura L Hulbrod. Bradle)' J. Rosenquist, Todd M beth M. Kidd. Phillip 8 . Kina. ~te,e n Gregory P Steinman. Con1 M Step­ Dean A Jennings. David M ohns. Christie .\ Baumprt. ( ame L David A Hylton. Ah M lbrc'lhtth. Rowe. Kath) K. Ruffino. Tro.)' G. M. K1shmefT, Pamela L. KJeslo. Lon hens. Holley E. Sutton. Enc .\ Allyson 8 . Kanter. Lisa M. Keane. Beanea'. Steven R Becker. En<' J. Cynthia L. Iskra. tacy C Jaeobwn R)'der. RonaldJ ,SaW}er. V1c ton1 W J Knudsen. Edwin W. K~lle r , TaJlman. Robert W Tetrault. Lon J. Steven J Kessler. Mark J Kircher. Oclgum: Brian . Belknap. Michelle Paul E. Jcnk.Ln~ and O ubenne M. Scbombu.ra and James D Sellers.

OBITl"\H\ Johnny Green, 5-time Oscar winner

BEVERLY ttlll\ 1.\1'1- (1lm· 1ndude "( oqucttc: " "Out of No- Grccn was nominated for the powr Johnn-.. <•r'-'<'n ~ho ht>l sx·d v..hcrc · · 1 Co, er the: Waterfront ... · I Academy .\ward 14 times Hts O~ar 'ICO rc such lilm) d~ " Fa'lt~·r f'.ir.hk.. \\ .inna be Lo' ed.'. "The Song of \ 1ctones came for sconng "Ea!>ter ".\n Amencan 1n Pan!>·· .ind " Oii· RJmtrc:t• Count) .. and ·· eoo) .md Parade... .. An Amencan in Pans." vcr'" and won fh c \ cadt'nl\ \ ,.,,ard\. "iuul " " West 1dr Story" and "Ola\.Cr'" and has died He ~n'> MO G reen. v. ho ~n cd as 1he genc:-ral for producing the one-reel shon Grun. who sufTtr<"d J i.trolc l\\O music d1rrctor for M(1M studios subJCCt "The Mcfl) Wives of W1nd­ \Cars o. died at home \1und•H due lrum 1114q. J 958 either r uc-ed or ~a •• o pulmonary c0ema acnmJifii ~'-·on Ul't nrne ar p~ntauons . Add1t1onal a-.ards include a Gram· stateml'nt rtlea'\.C"ln~ founded by the late music, mus1c1ans and th <' cntena1n­ of Fame. Gf'Cfn · ~ btst 1.nown v.urk) . Lucille Ball a.nd De 1 Amaz.. ment industry

110'\0H HOl.l .S tudenu n.amcd to Orana.e \oa t Marcus W. Hurlburt. Jay A. Jackson. W1lkenon. Mark C. W1lhams, Da' 1d f'ollqc't honors hst for the fall Melynn S. John on. Steven L. M. W1naatc. Carol .\ Zambcl and \CmCSl'7' of 19 8 include K.asm r. Jacqueline C' Kell) . Pamela Johanna M Zckana · a.... - C'hnsttan l. Bakewell G. Khnc. Nanc) J Kuhn. Anthon) Foutala Valley -Gar) A. Blrkcr. Mlchad 8. Bond, Matthew M B<))d. M Kutscher, Scon M Larabtt. Chm J Barth, Lois L Baum~rtner, Malcolm M. Coston. Mii')' A Emett. Glona P Leal. Ed M. Leonhardt. Cra11 W Buabcc. haron M. Dobbs. Jeffrey C. Hall. Enc F Qadcn Merle Patnd. J. Lcwu• • Wendte L Lmd. Khoa D Duon&. K1naslc11h H Resnick. Ted zaepansk1 .Dav1d W Love, Rona K. L Mandel. Femandc:5. Connie L F•tzatrald . ..,_ Jslud - Jola .\. C'ttttk. John R Manin, JcffR. Mathcwund Sus.an V. Garnand. Enka S Gclke, C'harloncJ. Rytanck. Nya T 11lwdl Eileen T Mc Kcn11e. Mtehael Glo)ttlu , Larry D. Glo' er. c.,_ Ml Mar - Chrutme Also, Karen E. Mcmcr. Julte Ltnda A Httl Gf'tlOf)' L Hem· Bernhard, John W. Carr. Bnan R MCTklei Melanie J M1lkr, Pam A mcrhn Ron W Hcndenon, Tu)et· CMttr Jr., Kruuoc . Chn ty. Jor· M1tche 1-Lopn. Patndt E. Mollo)'. Van T Hoana. Deborah " · Hunt. la1ne Cunr:unaham. Mark C. Har· Git) C Monahan, Gerald Moort K.Jmtx-rl) A. Hunter, M Kathie nM>n. Gudrun U Hc1nnch. Andre~ John P Mym, Tonya M. NclM>n. 0 . Johnston. Ja.nct M t\.cll)'. Wen-Ho Kempkr, Btn;aman Kraut. Diane Bnce Newcomb, J1n1ct L Nc.,man. Lee. Wcn-Hs1una Lm. Donna F. Leib, Lynnette Porter. Debbie Z. Han&Phuna T N1u)'en. Huna V Lonepn. ~utt l> Loia. \harlcs P Qutllft, Alan e 1tlf'I tft'AtMr V l'IJ U)cn. Vinh Nau)cn. Kalhl")n M..,_ Pamela M "'an1n. 11.1'\ P pttt. M No)n.Annc 8 Nutten. tc\m D McGrqor, \hmtophcr M c:Tcir, Cetta M ... - h.aw M hmad. 0-Hcam. James . O' hca, Kns A. Mano Mota, Trace\ . NHh, Bin&\'. MicbKI R. Allen. 0-udia J .t\n- Olsen. V1tjca.n Ol n. Cha.rtrs H. Nauyen. Melanie C. Otx-). Mark W. dJWni, Maurc:cn G. ,\ndnws. Pahl. Rae H. Parlet.. E pc~u V. Papno. Fiona M. Parktt. Jeff A. Thomas J. Anthon)', C'bNUna L Parker and Su n 1·askcn•n Reese and HuJb M Robcns institution in Am rica. \lk're al~ ~ usannt M. Bahl. Jae· nd. Kelly • Patterson. El"e N bo. Cber>TE. Rodnaue1. 0t0tSt qitdiDC' K.. Bamtu. Et11ne 1. Barren. Pauly, Wilham J. Pea cxk. ~nda C. ntoro Jr , Wa ~ ne Sch""1cr- the best~ according to the 'Rebax:a M. Beaudoin. Eric J. D. Pcl'T)'~ (De}' R Peten. Darucl 1ohann. Michele M hattuck, latest R»tu M~i survey Beasblinc, Randahl E. lknaston. Pettit, Philip C Plumltt. Conrue L Sb1rk'nc haul, Rot>tn K. haly. M~ A. Bennett. Robcn T "Blau. Poole. Kath) . Propp, DebOrah L Nomu R. huh1do, Kathltto J. This is one ci the best Plus a counts are Se1'h A. Booth, Bob L Bon Robert Queeoct, Martha Que"edo Camu tidlftt, Eltubclb J. la"lor, Ellen R. federally insured up to $JJLnJI.~~ C. lfooU. Machatl 8. Brothen. V1ek.t J{ayntford. 8111) W Redman. W•I· Trl09_, Shann Vo~~ . ..he:hlcl J rates \\ 've offered in yeaTSi but A. lnaal. -DltpT. Bu a. omas bain f'. Rc:nuncton. Pc1er L Roche, Vu. LiM A . Wtbb, aron R Wht there's no telling how long it will or more, depending on how your 8urn1: EJit11 M. CaJdm>n, • 1.0C)' • Tamara LR~ tier. Daric M W1Ucl1t II. Otannt accounts are structured Canino. Nancy Colhns. Karm M. Dana L Rou. nta N Rothman. W1mpenn)' and Maraucntc J be arrund. We ' you take Conway Sbtiri Lo ConrcU. Elt1abeth 8rUdye M . Rov.c. Joam M R u.fTner. . Zttb1c:t your claim to it now. With our p ~ Cba'net J, Cu~ s.uui) Ryu. LinC2 btc, Modnto ._...... _ leiM:* _ Maria 1. __alw_ ~ we're ~n 5*wda _ Ila.rd" N. Dlbael Pcnulll Seect.e1 Daniel C uer and R APimL. Ro0 A&eunckr~ lrmt Alflt'n. long·tenn Maximum Y .eld Cer· DMRM,.. JdJrcy a. od.. ep. _M..,-t mar ~t Tnicy Baik). Dtbbic: . Beard. tificate d Deposit, yoo11 earn a So don't wait Lock A. Dtl.Mrell. lO)'d It. ~a. AhO on L Sh.ucr. Mkbdt L Karee L 9anil, Ptult Bbatiana oo. KalMriM DcSurra. Ouwo ~ SU- Nun H. Shaw. nne R. C-0. A ~. JIOC1 M. BolaGd, high guaranteed ra c:l returl\ in this rate toda}c Open your · DeVriel. Kun w. Detta. MK- ~ Jitf'T. Sbcmw'l. Wmdy E. Jama L Bowen. K.attn 8 year after year. Great Yetem ~laximurn Ylcld M . · Diettn('tl, K~rl~~ilwll"lnlm , Lonsint" n '"""u...~""""' . BiowK. CarlOJ • Yoo also~ CK!van- en Sinlply cmtact any ii our ~=.':1!.M."~ ~==heat H. _mo;~!t~ ~.,t::tcro. ~:=. . 1 • • ~:':1.ftll· ~ ci Great \'kstenis strength ~bank~ Or call A11G. fldtey. CttMOll P. W.1Mm M. SuUi,-an. Erie • CdUb*a.. SlcjNiie M OleddOCk. l~GWASK-US. ~MA.ML.. ~~ . 111 r lt....O.ianaTan. RobcnT. O..J.OMlpnH,PatncaaM. Clanst. arid~ All we oo is~ stn;J)ger: ~ ·.... krill ..,..~ 'aJ"OI Telldl• K.ambmy Taylor. c.ahari• amt. Valtric E. C1a"-. The fact is. Great~tem earm ~ "BonW H. ldeo. JtriMtM -.GREAT Li•ra HtMl9a.... Tl a1 P. Wik'ol. OOana M. M, Duitntiiwy. '°"" Eldridlt. A8 Wednesday, May 17, 1989

ly JOYCE IOOLOVICH brother's studio. Eventually the two brothcn went their OftM~ .... sc.lf acparate ways and Rico moved his clas~ 10 the Moro . ProfeuionaJ tai:>dancer and choreographer Pat Raco Landis Studao'in Studio City sa1dac1orTony Danza wasarank be11nnerwhen he began " I mainly teach actors and actresses," he saad lakina lessons six years ago. ••Katherine Hellman from 'Who's The Bo · asked me to ''Now be is quite a hoofer," the New York-born Rico come to the studio once a week dunng the lun<:h hour and said ... He nas a keen sense of rhythm. He is really a very teach the entire cast of the show. dedicated tap dancer. He can tap with the best of them.' "After a year it ~ind of fizzled out, but Tony Danza Rico, 60, is teaching an advanced tap course n wantcchoconfinuc, sonecamefomymJd10andtranattn Oranae Coast Coflegc. His resume is unending. He list of pnvatc lessons for six years." performances ipcludcs night clubs, movies and on stage. Another kudos for the talented dancer wu an lie oriainatcd Computer Tap, an ap~roach designed to opponuntity to appear in the movie "TAP:' challenge a dancer's choreographic ability. "They were having national auditions 1n search ofthe It is no wonder Rico, who owns a dance studio in Los movie's lead black lady dancer," he said. "They hired me Anieles, boasts of such Hollywbod clients as Jeff to chorcograph the Los Angeles aud1t1ons ... Goldblum, Earl Holliman, July Duffy, Joanne Worley, But when the search went out for one of the two parts Sally Struthers, Ken Berry and Tom Posten. that called for a white tap dancer, Rico got the pan. " I started tapping at the age of 10," he said. " My "l played the pan ofSpats , one of the old·ttmc~," he brother and I did a little act tOJ,ether and an elder brother said. " I show up intermittently throughout the moVle." did an act with his wife. We did that for about four years. In retrospect Rico says "TAP" was one of the "But in New York at that time the law was you had to h1ghligh1s of his life. be 16 to perform. Evidently someone turned us in and we " Suddenl)' I was* pan of all thc-.c tremendous weren't allowed to perform. except on little playgrounds dancers,'"he said "Being with Tony Danza has also and things." influenced my hfc. When Tony hosted the'TonaghtShow,· Rico said the family troupe won a tap dancing contest we did a tap routine together, and I chorcoaraphed a on a radio show. ·commencal he did. _ _ "The prize was a free photo from one of the " kuny lateryem;Tlind a whole ne~ hfe opening up department stores," he recalled. "That haP.pens to be the for me," he $lid. "I am mecung more people 1n show only picture I have of us ta~iO£ toiclher. ·- -- busancss. it 1s JUSt wonderful and amazing hO\I. thas hu Rico moved to Cal\forrualn 1he late 1940s after he got come about .. out of the military. "My brother was working in movies, so I aud1t1oned Rico as putting to_gcther a samphfied ver\aon of tap and started doing movie work as dancer. I did 'Guys and dance techniques on va deo. Dolls,''AStaris Born' and 'Give A Oirl A Break.' I worked ''Thas 1s so the average person can learn to tnp an front with people like Debbie Reynolds and Judy Garland of TV," he said. "Also my ambataon as to do mo~ " Then I got involved as a musician. I formed a trto performing and to help older people who want to perform called the Playtones and we traveled the country doing our hke m ~Scl f. It seems that I am heading 19 the d1rcctton of act. I played the drums. sang and danced." producmg some shows. Rico then settled into teaching tap dancing at his Tap dancer Pat Rico leads hl11tudent1 through• routine at Orange Coa st College. " It's true, hfe beg.ins pa~t 50," he saad G\X/C recruiting minorities for criminal justice progra[Tl

By JOYCE BODLOVICH agreed the prionty was to recruit and more Asian and Haspan ac pohce 1ogether b) Austin m1th . director of deahng w1th lack of confident:e and ended up rccruatang a nur~ an Of trw OM!y ,._ S1al9 tram mmorny officers. officers who understand the cultural the C'nm1nal Just ace Traamng Center. self-esteem an recruits tte as also admm1strator and a pat1cn1 an the The Golden West College Crimmal Former law -enforcement officer differences.·· " These two people an: \O tackling m) ths about la"" enforce· doctor's omcc. Justice Training C'enter as addressing Art Delgado was hired by the college The college's project wall broaden dynamic." said Smith. " It \.\8~ a ment, such as height and weight " We're pleased to ha'e Delgado the ethnic diversity in Orange County to direct the recruitml'nt project. He academic standards by assisting stu· natural, they hat at off nght awa)'. restncttons. direct this project... Valles said. by launching a law enforcement said local pohce agc.acaes arc in need dents to develop English, writang and Delgado began recru1t1n~ for GWC' Delgado uses evel) opportunat) to " With has energ). pos111ve attitude a minority recruitment campaign. of Asian and Haspanac pohce offitcrs. math skills. The pre-training ~ill 1mmcd1atCI}. and he hasn t stopped .. recruit students and hard worl. he has al read) made " We have a large Asian community quahf> students to enroll an the difference " College President Judith Valles Recruits must be a .S. c1t1Len. a Dunng a, recent G\\'C Hispanal Delgado says the college's program saad she identified the need to recruit m Westminster, Garden Grove and regular tra1nmg academ)'. Targeted permanent resident or ha"e natural· Day. he signed up 21 students. He has groups also include_ blacks and also allows him to redirect pcopk to and train minorities last fall after Santa Ana that need qualifed ethnic 1zataon documents an process.. be at v1s11ed many of the students in their representattvcs to meet the standards women. other careers going on a ride.-a-long wi1h the least 18 years old, have a hagh school homes. At the conclusion ofo ne" am. ··The pnmary reason for the pro­ Westminster police. of our locnl police department." Peace Officer Standards and Train­ diploma or equivalent and read and a grateful parent said. " Thanl C1od Delgado saad. gram is to get manonues an\.ohed an She asked Westminster Pohce ing an Sacramento and the Office of wntc m Engl ash Students whoqua11f) somebody 1s helping us " law enforcement, but 1f thev don't Chief Jam Cook and Huntmgton "Orange Count> as gr0"-108 ~ b} C'nminaal Justice Plannmg arc sup­ arc eligible to recc1,e a subs1d) ""h1le A fe\1.- weeks ago, Delgado used an qualif) J can guide them to thi classes an training. Beach Police ChaefBall Payne how the . leaps and bounds. We ha\ e 450.000 pon1vc of the prOJCCl. appomtment for a physical cum :is a they need to work an - say - the college could be of service. Both men Hispanics m the county. We need Delgado and Valles were brought One of Delgado's challenges l'i tame to promote the program. He postal or fire dcparmcnt ·• Coast woman continues Children pa.int their to finc;I new challenges playground

By KA TY BOUCHER felt free," she sajd, " But there wasn't exr.ressions such as " I can and I wall.'' ly EMILY ADAMS an. option When J was a httle girl to 'I teach people visualization end to °' .... D4'lly l'lot SUI# °' - o.-y ...... SU« pursue this.·• ' sec themselves as confident and Deep an the wt Ids ofl n me there art" Ten years ago, Miclue Shapiro's Shapiro came to Costa Mesa from " I successful," she said. teach them acres of mud. sharp Objects 'idea of an athlete was I} male jock. the M1dwes1 17 years ago with her how to relax and accept themselves. I 2"1 and Women didn't run. they danced. husband and four children. Because tell them not to lry to change lumber That might sound lake a huge Today Shapiro is not only a her children were excelling. she said themselves, but to reinforce their laabtht) trap. but 11 ·~ really a chal· competitive runner, t swimmer and she took the " back scat" while she strenaths. drcn's paradise - and lhe mr ot bicyclist, she is a icensed sports enjoyed her children's success. " In sports, mental attitudes arc the ..The: Great Adventure Playground therapist. Although she thought of herscl fas a same as in any endeavor." she said. " I Paint-Off" She also teaches exercise psy­ wife and mother. she was also work with people an theater and On an} Saturday at Adventure chology at UCI. speaks at Orange studyina psychology. She obtained a business-people who are puttanaon Pla>v ound, a vasator as ltkcl) to find Coast College on self-esteem topics master's dea:rec in dance and move­ performances. It all comes from the bet9.een 40 and 60 children pla}ang and has a mamagc and family ment therapy and another m counsel­ same thing - confidence. Don't give· on the mud shdc, cltrubang ac~s tht" counseling practice. ing and au1dancc. Eventually, she yourself scl(-abusc like 'I can't or I rope bndae. butlding skatboard At 52, she has discovered the most ~t:A.a-oriv~pr~iCC-">WUding ~ '' 11mps mc:t 'W1M!en fonnnd gtil 1---=--1rmt~P11nt chmtterfSt'IC ot"atramlete in

A symposium to allow Fountain Vallcy·rcsidents to additional information. call 497·3311 ext. 201. The frte ..Spnn1 flower Fcs1ival" will be presented Auction •Ids batt•r«I wom~n meet and discuss the issues with lheir elected officials is by the Lquna .Beac:l'I Garden Club. For 1dcht1onal planned Thursday by the Fountain Valley Chamber of information. call 497-2228. A fashion show and silent 1UC1ion to benefit IM home Commerce from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at tbc Fountain Valley Mu~um Day In county (orbettcredwomtoandcbildrmwallbebeldat l I l01 rn. . Community Center. Educational prosrams, travelana exh1b1ts and tours Fndly at the Women's Oub Clubhou.c. 216 t. Ann'' The mayor, fire and police chiefs, community 'iCrv1cc of the Courthouse Museum in Santa Ana will be featured Treating v•rlcos~ v~lns On~. Lquna Ba~h . department, city manaaer, purchasina depanmcnt and Wine and chtttc wiJI be served at the SIS event. in a celebration of lnternational Museum Day from 10 New non•uf'IJcal trutment ava1lablc for the business license depanmen( will be available to answer a.m. to J p.m. T hursday. wl\ich is opm to the pubbc Call Trudy Famnaton at tteatment of vancote ve ns will be discusted at 7 p.m 494-0"40 (QI' more 1nfonnation questfons. The free event will include cx.hibi1s from the Thunday at Coettal Comm uni tin Hospat.al m Santa Ana. The propam, which 1s S6 for members and SIO for Anaheim Museum, the Bowen Mu1eum, lhe Discovery . . non-members, includes a contiaental breakfast. More Tbe c:.tutn and explanations o f spider and truncal Mu1eum, the Fullerton Muteum. the Mi ion Inn varicx>litiel will be e•plorcd at the frtt ptepam. Seminar on toot~ jnformauon may be obtalncd by camna 962~ I. Mutcum and the Natural History Mutcum. Rttenationt art tuattted. The HospitaJ is at2701 . A he tcmanar on fooc can Wilt be prete"ftt.ed by The museum i11t 211 W. S.n1a Ana Blvd. Por more BritlOI St. For additional information, c:.11 7S+.SS 19. ' information, call 8~SS36 or 8~5560. au,.eoa Olvid Sibtt at I l:lO p.m. Friday 1n the south Dea/Ing with he•d•ch~s Coatt Medical Cnter Audnori"m, 31172 Coal HiP.· StraletJet to combet chronic headaches will be way, ,.,.. Balcb. offered in a mo monthly 1ul'POf1 aroup sponsored by the 9lalilc. ~ pNtle oftbe Univenity of calilomw aod Headache IMtitua. bcsinnjna at 7 p.m. toniS)\t atOrcat Calitbnia ~ al Pocliatric Me diane, • di~te Oii die~ ..... o/Podiatric !lllqaj ..SI flOOw American Savi.... 6001!: 8aJbOI Ave.1 Newport Beach. Nune practitioner Ten Wei11 will ditcuu wvml witb .... ~ Co11111 of Foot~ medical and behavioral techniques eo help baldecbe 1JllC ...... IOtbe ..... For ...... I auJreren retiew tbicit Olin. Further iafbnnatioa may be 1nbn 11'•. mll" 49f.in16. obcained by c:allint 7't.3$7'. •

., Or~Coelt DAILY PILOT/W.O~y. ~ 17, 1M9 A7 - Failure to.report .contiact payments costing IR.S t>llllons . 1cvled 111in1t many bulineues. 11'1 local llntla -Cte not an f\ib COM­ Employers classifylng workers as independent .contractors ~·.~ 'f~~1:d that about 14 response, Co~ pasted a law phance. ..., .IM WTHltl bu.siM:lln an fitt. l'W'a\&ifed -· • n ~ ·-· f who -u ...... , .. : ~ percmt of busioean sampled bad preventina the IRS from reclassifyina ..J n rev.ewina S9 million ln pay­ ;:, • ..,.. on paymenl.a made '"lO ~.;i ~ ;;;Jtions...... , ...,na mi1elu•tfied tome employees as in- as ao employee any worker that a ments to independmt contracton (by .... ~HJNOTON contncton. lf _..., '····fied ~ndcntcontncton1n f9M. busineta bad reuonable around for the sampled 1tat.e and local 11tncies) w~ - E.mploycn· • w.,. ..er 11 c._.i' as an -,.'IRS need to do more to KC that Usttna as an independent contractor. to withhold taxes from pay- ..The impc)nanoc of employee, the employer ust ul\derstand and act on that were subject to information failure emplo~ emn~ That law works to the dlsadvantaa.e reportins. we (ound that SI million check.a ofworttrn who are erroneous- filtna required information returns withhold SocW Security and uxome .....'" · ... ·1· · .. ... of employers wbo properiy~fy 1)' carried 00..U.. bMkt at ''tftdepeo- paymeets ~ to tndcpendieftt taxes, match the Social ~nty tu "~Lt reponin1 mponsiv• lllft. l.llC: b:ad nor been TePOl'tld:* POtne1' ula: worlt~rs and is difficult to admintster. dtt\t contractors.. is coW"• lbt contractors caonot be over- and pay an unemployment tu. But if OAO told the HouK panel. Too, lhe Many state and local offic1AIJ do bill" f ,.,. em ....··•·- .. .._:A L p,_._ a the ...,..r"-- i"s c'--r.11ed.*• an iode-"· report said, the IRS needs to be more Murphy said. He uraed Conatt s. to "~~· Pa··' 1 not (ully understand the reportina ·~· .. treasury ions o doU.n, .,.---. - u.i ..,_. _., _., ~· ~ _,, agressive in .earchi.na out cases of corwder chanaiJ?J it. sovemmentauditora said Tuesday. OAO aaociate director. .. Billions of dent contractor, tbe employer failure to report when business w Tbc OAO estunated the law cost requirements and IRS has oot dooe In l 984 alone, the General Ac- dollan of tues are owed due to withholds oo tax and pays ntnher • returns are audjtcd. the federal U'elsury at least S 111 enouab to clear up the confusion. the countins Oftice said in testimony to independent contnctors' unreported Social Security nor unemployment The act.ina IRS commissioner, million in \ 984. OAOsaid. the ff<>¥K Government ~lions ina>me and misclassification. With tax. Too, 1 contractor may claim Michael J. Murphy, acknowlec!Fd The GAO report cited a Treasury The OAO spot-checked busintta conaumersubcommittee, the loss was this compliance problem, enhanced busines.1 deductions that are not that the -.ency could do more and Depanment findina that 12 of 14 tu returns that had beitn audited by nearly S l .6 billion. By comparison, IRS enforcement efTons art war- available 10 an employee. said that efforts to improve IRS federal ascncies surveyed bad faded the IRS and found that tn half the the anti-enme plan announced Mon· ranted." Undet the law, an employer must performance in this area are already to report $9 billion in payments to cases at least one information rcpon day!»'. President Bush- would cost An independent contractor reJ>C?.rttothcJRSonpaymentsofover are under way He blamed Coniress independent contractors in 1984 and was missins. Tbe problem was com­ S 1.2 billion. provides serviCH rall$ina from lawn $609 a year for ~ices provided by a for part of the Problem. I 98S. The GAO conducted its own pounded, the rq>on Mid. because lRS TbeOAO,an arm ofConlJ't'S, wd mowioa to computer pr<>IJ'llmm&Ji&. non-<:orporate aodependent contrae· Jn 1978 the IRS operated a tou~ spot survey of state and local govern· auditors fai led to detect tbe lnistin& aovcmment a,eoacs - federal, state Wbcther a worker as • contractor or tor. That permits lbe IRS to cross- · enforcement provam that resulted in ments and found · 16 of 17 state reports, which involved payments of and local - ha~ been JUS1 u lb as an employee depends on a 20.Dart check those reports aptnst the con- .back wes and sttff penalties bcani agencies ch«ked and seven of 10 $6 million to contracton. _ S u-rfi anCJ magnet' thwarts recession

8y DONNA MOONfY Pacific Rim" and a " m.,net for arowtb and tncs wtll slow. Communtcauons and pubhc a.., ...... an vestment worldWldt." toa~dcarce proves utilities also will be squeezed. Because of 1he true. For example. as cbe defense industry thrift crisis. aosunncc ICJislauon and growth As he &lanced ovc.r his notes from the past slowed, export industries thrived. Add1tion,ally, battles, jobs will dechbe 1n finance, ansuranC<' three years, economic analyst Fred Cannon manuf~unns jobs in the Los Anaeles recion and real estate. realized he's said the same lhina &-bout Sou them havec1.cecded the New York rqion and trade an Caliromia e very year: A poor transportauoo At lhesame time, the economy has nsx-ned Southern California pons arc catchina up with for commcrcl&.l aircraft. chemicals and plastics. network threa1ens Oranse County, air polluuon-- the East Coast. may dampen development.in the loland En1p1rc and service andustncs such as he31th and • Cannon wasn't alone 1n prais1ng the automoti ve. he sajd. and wa~r shortages plaaue San Diqo. reJJon's economy. Adrian Sanchez. an associate As he stood before the Oranae County economist with Stto_nty Pacific National Bank. Funbermorc. 1n the five counlle surround· Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday mom1na ranled off a half~ozen reasons why California ma Los An&elcs. more than 225.000 new JObs are delivering a mad-year economic review. Cannon fares well compared with the rest of the nation. expected over the neitt 1wo years in sen i ce~ lauahcd. ~ A favorable mix of andustrics. a biahly lrade and government. "lf me and my colleagues arc 1u1lty of skilled labor force. strong trade ...0th dozens of The &Jeamina ptcturc makes !)oulhem anything. then jt's grossly underestimating the countries, a substantial financial hub, thnv1ng Cahfom ta an attractive spol to la ve dunng these Califomta economy." · entertainment industry and e1.panding htgh· shaky times, but the region stall must deal ~uh WhaleanalystselstWhcrc ID the nation point tech and medical tcchnol<>&y mdustncs keep the basic structural problems. the analysis sard to sians ofa recession, Calfomia's wtldly diverse economy movang. " The challenge is to manage growth," base continues to prote<:l the state from a slump Sanchez predicted sevefal tnomhs of higher Cannon said. He opposes n9-11"owth mca~ure~ that's hit other rc&ions. " We can't have a inflation before rhe Federal Reserve Board·s because v owth then merely is shifted. not rcJional recession berc like Texas," said Can­ economac cn11necnn1 plan will take effect. The halted. lfOranae County slows down. R1vm1dc non, a senaor econom ist for the Bank of America Fed has risen interest rates by three percentage and San Bernardino pack up the home lo San Francisco. R.atber, tbe state likely will see points over the past year to tum inflation. necessary for the Jobs m Orange County and as a 0 sta&flation... marked by continuina h1ah IDfla· Meanwhile, some industnes will feel a result. transportation and air quaht) problems tionary pressures and a slowdown. decline. butothers will v pw over the next )'Car. are helihtcned, he sud Cannon wd the traditional pro-California he said. On the m1Dus side of the forecast. new " We've done a lot to pro mote arowtb. but speech heraldina the state as " poised on the construcuon. defense and transportation IDdus- we haven't done a good JOb managing at·•

Slowdown hits housing construction· Higher interest rates st rike building industry for third month ~--"' Similarly, building permits were Apnl whale adjustable-rate mort· ------".~B:-:;;:...... [.~ r~ behind last year's 1.46 malhon, last gages, including points. averaged · ~~~ ~r1.'' month issued at a seasonally adjusted I 0. 14 percent. ~~ WASHINGTON - The crush of annual rate of 1.32 million. Richard Peach. deputy chief ccon- b1&her interest rates forced nc"' bousina construction down for the. OvcraJI. new homes and apan- o mist for the Mongage 8ankcn H · St rt third strai&ht month in April. the ments were built at a seasonally Association. said that while housmg ous1ng a s adjusted annual rate of 1.36 million has been panicularly hard h11 by the s.uon~ ~.,., _.,,,_.. aovernmcnt reported Tuesday 1n )Ct Sl&Jl units in Apnl. the slo~west pace since hl&her anteresl rat". the current ~· °' - another that the economic the 1.30 million rate recorded ID slowdown is p~fcrable to what other· ..., -=,----~----­ &lowdown is hitt1na home. - 1982, Resjd.cntia.I construction starts December the end of the last wise might be double-digit 1DOat1on dropped 2. 7 percent last month to recession. down the road. their lowest level 1n more lhan sax Michael Sum1chrast. an economist " h 's better to take this ba ller pill and pubhshcr of a constructton now than 10 undertake radical surger} yean u an uprum in the bu1ld1DI of linale-family homes was over­ newsletter. said that the nation has in a couple years... Peach ~ad . shadowed by a b11 d rop in new work fallen into a "housma recession" and " lnnauon would have very damaging on apartmenls, ·the Commerce Dc-­ that further declines a~ hkely. effects on lhe hous1Df industry " panment reported. " l don't sec any bot1omang out yet Last month's drop an hous1Dg stans Analysts said the latest negatwe in spite of some strength ID building included at 21 .3 percent decline an pennits" he said. "It's goma to be a apanment construction. the third , ~rt wa an indlc.ation of the force. with which hiaher mterest rates have verv weak year... strai&ht n;tonthl) dechne. The dcchnc b it the houStna sector. But 0\)1n1on Sl1ns o( weakness ID the economy. lcf\ mulo-fam1ly construction stans • wawivMhd-ovcr wb.ctbcf tndu• .mml.-1V°ODAUC>Lrd JD~ 1'01maa.- · na ~nall~•. a"'u~st_cUJh drpendlflA on I 0.29"o 9.80°l) House payment tops th<' amount o l your ln\! t· m<'n~t 1810.000 820.000 On<' ~arCD SJ5.000 50.000). lnduded In the I tlon.., at our bran<'h an· list of money worries '> of Tlffan ' m t d lrabk treasures tn tlver. ~old . c:ry~tal and morT Clfl.., for vom horn and pt'™>nal ~Ht for }'OU and }"'O\lr fo\'\'d ones. AJonJ.1 \\1lh th~ glft.yoult f'('('f.'I\"(' the hi h tnl~l th.it \.Oll l'an alwa\! 'pt't't fmm a lro<'rall In urcd Ptwtlk \1np,• Bank 0 So \1~1t tnt l~tOc Savtng~ Bank brcU h nearest vou tod

In our own mall M: ~ •b l di~

C ta M · (7\4) 631·0800 234 East 17th SL Costa Mesa. CA C ta M Courtyard · (714) 631·7631 1835·A NeWpOrt Blvd.. •109. osta Me9L 0r.,. CoMt OAILY PILOT/ Wednetday, Mey 17. '1989 Air qualit_y leaders Study: Absenteeism cross sgroups honor a dozen firms coMUrnetl of tobecco - simply ll*nleei.llft. -~ ICUYlty did Of ablentedlm ia their dl.ildbel.rinl . . became you can look al the ave:ra,e prow '° be • liPiftcia• klOr, die.. ~ . incjdence of abeencc amona lhOK study said. .. Tbe foundat.icm did not ditPu• WASHINGTON - Emplo~ers &roU.P' tells yo11 nolhina about the '"More pbysicalty fit indi•icl...tl lhole fiadinp. UYlOI that .... with clean air awards who project womr absentee11m particular behavior of individuals in eaperieace fewer work .._• .._,, ..... WU the only variable' Ua throUlh race, .:;der or qe com· those aroups/' study di~l9r Carlos andcmpioy_crinitiativeslhatiacraa aeterminina absenteeism womm EL MONT& Calif. - Reaional muni~ Action parisons art m · ibvaJid assump­ E. Bonilla wd. the level Of physical activity amona were more likely to mist work than air quality officials Monday niaht - Bonita Unified School Dis· tion• u weU as itcriminatin_a. a Even when a number of variables t.be watt foi'cC may indeed bave a men. honored 12 orpnizations and trict and Sharon Scott, its vtc:e researcher said T~y in releastna a aboutajobepplicantare co.nsideted, positive effect on employee ta other Ii.variable oom· individuals by presentina the first preaident. for tbelr pene\Perance study that said employees who smoke the foundation said, t~ is still no ablaltcieiun " ii aaict. or drink don't miss work more than pari.loJll.. tbc study found &be ~ annual 0ean Air Awards for in reducina \o.dc chromium pol­ statistically auppona~ formula that Tbe fOWMialion baaed iu results on abil.i•Y ofwof'k lo.: ouutaodina efforu to rid the lution from a metal platina plant those who don't. would allow employtn to identify 33,000 felPOmet to surveys con· SOuth CoauAir Basin o!.smo&-- .nui..-to-..-the ShuU Elemen . - Wbile-.aimple comparitons ot the appjican~ who ~ of -bith due1ed in 1'91l- ·and- i985 bf-~ -Di:oPPed wi\b.llM;teetn in .,e. ..Tbele individuals and or· SchooJ in San Dimas. Not only did absentee rates of men and women, for abientce1sm. federal aovernment•a Neuonal -Dropped •• education level1 pnizations have displa)'ed areat their efforts succeed. but, by example, would show women min Instead, employers should rely on Center for Health Statistics. All ofthe dedication and orif.nahty in the assistina AQMD and 'the state · work sli&htly more than men, a thtiuubjective opiniOllOfapplicaots mpondents included ln the siudy ~Wu hiabcr &mOftl manied battle for clean air, • said Norton Depanment of Healtli Servi~ variety or other variables make such and, if possible\ coacbact tborouah were 18 years ofqc or older and had work.en. . Younalove, chairman of the they heloed win approval ofa bill information useless to an employer blc~und cbeca includinareferen· jobl. -Wu lower amona non.. wrutn. South Coast Air Quality Manage­ (AB 3025) authored by As· tryina to determine if a gjvcn JOb ees from former employen. The latter Tbe suady was relealed a week after -Wu lower u family income ment District. semblywoman Maxine Waters to applicant is likely to have a poor· Wk bu become increuiqly di.ft'ic:ult the center, usina tome of the aeme increated. ..Their leadership sets a valu­ Ca~:;t all .ehool child~n from attendance record, said the study by in reoe.nt years bccauJe employen are da1' ~leated a atudy of itt own Bonilla laid thote variables were able example for other residents of dous chemicals. tbe National 0.amber Foundation. hesitant to provide adverse infor-~ uyiraa lickJJaa keeps women away cb01en beQau..e aucb information ii the Basin. Acbievin& healthful air - Cjty of Duarte for its in~ the research arm oftbe U.S. Chamber malion abo11t former workers out ofa from work. about one day mo~ a year readily a.vaileb&e to emplo)'U! when requires action by each and every itiative in reducina air pollution of Commerce. fear of lawsuits. even if the infor· than men. While the authon of that oonsiaerina job applicantl. But no one ofus , since we all contribute to by retrofittina old city vehicles ''Simply because an individual is a mation oonveied is accurate. report pve no reason (or their varlabte by Itself can providt any· air.pollution." and purchasina new ones that run member of a 11oup - women, While smo · and drinlcina ci.n- tindina. a 1985 tabor• [)ep&nsnent thi111 more than a pneraliiation Younglove presented tbe on clean fuels, initiatina a four­ minorities, consumers of alcohol, .not be. statistica ly associated with study said women have biaber rates 'about a aiveirsroup. " awards during --a dinnU- at day-work week for its...cm.plo.)UJ... Anaheim's Grand Hotel. The 12 implementing curbside recycling winners were selected by a panel of to reduce the need for municipal AQMD board members after a waste incineration, covering city technical review comminee aravel trucks to reduce dust and evaluated nominees. proposing a ban of styrofoam Traders selling off after strong sessions Awards were given in five containers to help cut use of categories of clean air achieve­ chemicals that are destroyina the 11.Y MARYBETH NllUY "Basically, what we're seeing is a day the Labor Department relea9Cs its more if Avon would .,,ee to a ments. Categories and winners earth's atmosohere. "'....._ 11r,..., bit ofa pullback after two very strong April oonsumer price index. neaotiated deal. were: h bUc Edacetton oa Air Quilty NEW YORK _ Stock prices days.", said. Gordon L.. Smith, a International Buainess Machines In the retail sector, J.C. Penn.ey l<>?t llHet pulled back Tuesday amid selhna to manaaina director at the mvestme!"t Midded l~ to 11 Ji,\. The computer l v., fallin1to58~. after the company Advucement of Air Pollatloa - Los Anaeles Mayor Tom collect profits amassed during the · firm. Alex ... BJ'e:cause the gove!D· hands. The adverti.sina and market... spccu.lauon that it is plan.nina a bit a water-packed scrubber, is used its employees and, sinoe 198 I. Stock Exchange-listed siocks, with mcnt is due to ~lease some {>OtennaJ- ing concern bas a&reed to be acqulred announcement, ponibly abou\ a cor­ in Pomona and is being installed variou~fl~~ departments have 791 down, 677 up and 500 un- 1y market-moving economic fiau~ by Britain's WPJ> Group for S54 a porate restructurina, when it meets at the firm's Raneho Cucamonga taken ~tions to improve air changed. on Wednesday and Tbu~y , ~1d share, or about $864 million. securities a.naJysu nex\ week. facili . quality. Volume on the floor of the Big Pete! VandenBerg. a semor vtce Avon Products which has received Al measured by Wilshire As.­ - \oberta Nichols, principal - Virginia Field. Riverside, for Board came to 173.1 million shares, president at Shearson Lehman Hut- a $39-a-share offer from privately­ sociat.es' index of more than S,000 staff engineer at Ford Motor Co., her dedication in promotin• pub­ 10 held Amway Corp., was up Va at 401/•, actively traded stocks, the market for creativity in developing a down from 179.35 million in the ~J~C: . 1:.. f f lic awareness of 11r quality issues previous session. ~ 1 1 ma m uont o a. coupe1 o a new 52-week bi&h. Amway has declined $3. 71 billion, or 0.12 per· flexible-fuel vehicle that runs on as president of Clean Air Now, Nationwide, consolidated volume closely watched econ!?m1c numbers indicated it would consider paying cent, in value. any combination of gasoline and secretary of the Coalition for in NYSE-listed issues, includina m~ sense to me. VandenBerg methanol. This technology will Clean Ait and a member of the trades in those stocks on rqional said. serve as a transition from gasoline Riverside Leaaue of Women ff II \'I. '\ \ SI< D I It ff to clean fuels by aJlowing motor­ exchanaes and in the oveT-the- - On Wedn.esday, the Commerce 11 \ I \ ll I '\ U I U Voters. She has worked for clean counter market, totaled 211 .64 Depart.men! ts schedul~ to ~pon on isu to fill up with gasoline when­ airsince I 969, frequently sponsor· million shares. the country s merchandise trade P,Cf• NEW YOR.K. (AP> Mav 16 ever methanol is unavailable. ina public forums on air quality formance m March and the followma issues and testifying at public Iuovetlve Tran1portatloa Pro- hearinas. 1ram1: - Mark Abramowitz, program 'lSJ: I PS A DOM'' - Irvine Spectrum Transpor­ director of the Coalition for Clean tation Management Association, Air in Santa Monica., for his 1 Irvine, for achievements in foster­ determination in advocatfog ing use of vanpools, ~Is , clean. air. Working with citiz.en alternate work schedules, bicycle groups, le~slators and the media, '\\SI< I.I·: \ Dl

WASHlNGTON - Unnecessary Pentqon specificatio111 have wasted taxpayers• dollars with at least one defense contractor forced to packaae a 5-cent spare p&n in a S2 box. witnessn told a Senate panel Tues- day. · Contracton detcribed for the Sen­ ate Governmental Affain subcom· mittee on overait)tt of aovemment manqement how strict Peni.aon specifications for commercially available products, aJona with ex· oeuive requirementJ, have made them lesa than willina to deal with the Defense Oepenment. "My manqer aeid he'd rather have AIDS than a aovemmcnt contract," Robert Rossow Ill ofMidJand Brake Inc., of Owot.so, Mich., told the Senate panel. While contractora e~pteMe.aLab lO radicaly cbanae the way Cl1ilOrnia - te-step ~ ~- Tbe vote offen 1 ray of hope that the ll .radY .to do i0methin1 serioUJ about tbe IDOUDtma and lDCRaSJnaly unmsnH-ble heaftlt. O( refuse ift Califonaia. ··---- - buying Tbe bill. AB939, disposes of the current pan-time Waste ~meat Board, many of whote membcn have close q 0 financial ties to the prba&e industry and wbo have been mJ!ecl 'in an i~inaly fu~le bury~it..or-bum-it di•Pollll wacoME TO elections 'Db~y. Jn its place, the biU creates a full-time lniearated \V~ .~ment and· Recyclina Board whose rntmben To lbc Editor. would be subject to ... con.fllct of interest laws .•• LOS ANGEl ES It sure took Iona eoou,h,..,alm~ ~~ thou&h wanted 11 and they to wall unuJ Additionally. the new board, in approving city had been foraouen, or ma)'W until county waste manqement plans, would be required to people stopped ask.int- I happen to be encourqe plannina lhat reduces, r~clcs and reuses prbagc CH\LDREN MU5i cl.lllous, and 1 think the public has a t the nwumum Clltent possible while treating land fills and riabt to know. eration as dis~sal QPtioM of last rcsert.. .• BE KEPi ON What dtd it cost to becoJt>e a Gov. DeukmcJian, ~no said dunna bis state of the state successful candidate f.or J>fCSidcnt of dress that reduction and recyclin& would be a top A LEASH. . ,; the U nited Swcs'l The fi&u~ arc in pro.ge ._ :>Iii pnority for his administration in 1989, could demonstrate hts and they are astouodin& to say the commnment to that goal no better than by supporting Sher's very least. The Federal Election Commiaion effon. says taxpayers voluntarily pve a total fte Mo4e1to BH of$46. I millioni which means. split SO/ SO, $23 mil ion, SS0,000 each. Howc\lcr comes the lcJck.er, ~t down for this baby. No less than 249 She'll keep 'em laughing · contributors forked over $I 00.000 cadno the Georie Bush campallfr. ... Lucille BaJI, the red-headed comedy gcnra~. .. The Docs Lht commission identify lbc k.metic, legy screwball kept the world laughmg for almost 40 249 contributors? Of course not. years. . So much for a poor pcnon makina And thanks to her maternal foresight, there's no reason Swallows were at wrong time, It 1nto the Wh1tc Houte. t.uclrily thcT"C for the laughter to stop despite our sadness in losing her. is pendan& lt&Jslation by Senate Lucy and then-husband Desi Amaz inadvenently "' M1Jonty Leader Geo~ Mitchell to launched the rerun into television history ... stop this k.ind of contributina for It wu the Golden Age of Television. The ··1 Love Lucy" ObVlOUi t'CISOM. The bill il ~ . wrong place and too me.ssy sponsored by Sens. David Boren and show was a smash - zany, human. magic. Roben Byrd. aU three of these ... Lucy and Desi thought it only wise to tape each episode Penny will never forget her last d<>1 froze, shavenni and whiruna, m acnllemcn voted for the loser, and no - all of which were performed before a. live studio audience birthday ~Y · And ntather will the lbe mtddleofthe h v1 naroom. We bad doubt they now claim lhat it's touah - so they could one day show them at home to their children. tOauests invited for the celebration. J to step over him u we ptckcd up to bat someone wbo coUecu l49 These "home movies" have now played o n television won't 1ell you which b1nhday ll wu stunned and dead birds from the checks for SI00 .000 each. screens around the world. - the events were traumatic enouah floor. l don't of\en qrcc with the other without ao1'na into dates. Thoe.enc madt Alfred Hnchcoclc"s &ide, hov.~ ver Conarcta mt.aSt mak:c it They an timeless. they arc precious - they are Lucy. Kay, Penny's mother, bad the pany production ·· rhe Birds" look lake a B clear that tht I.aw means wl\a\ 1t saya. She will be remem~d and watched as long as a laugh 1s at her house. She bad JUSt finuhed a picture. that SI00,000 campa~ opntnbu· somethina special. ln other words. forever. complett refurbishing. Fresh paint. A coupk of of houn later, all the tlOOS lO bank.roll • preside.nllal cao- Tlte Glendale New1 Pre11 wallpaper, ntw drapenes. fum1turc hve birds had been shooed out, the -didalC 1s j ust pl.am intolerable in our reupholte~ and two beautiful new dead ones coll«ted and dlsoosed of. IOClety as 11 bnnp about a climate or - Oriental ruas for the hv1na room. and everyone washed up. We con­ appca.ran~ of corruption and 11 Mental health policy insane A doubte celebration - house back to the fireplace to close the tinued Wlth dinner. It was dehaous. unckmuncs the intqrny of our . finally in order and a binhday. damper, the hvinJ and dining rooms No one meottoncd lbe elections in Sf$tem of ttpt"CSeDtalive aovcm­ Gov. George Deukrnejian continues to ignore the We lifted our aJasscs in toasts while were cnvdopcd in a dart cloud - Panama or tht 0 11 sptll an Alaska. or men\. Pennr, opened cards. We approved all ,waJlows and soot. Birds were slam­ even the toss of Lucy. I had tbouaht that Waierptc had insanity of his policy of cutting mental health services in tht aifts - especially a stnktng silk ming into walls, lamps and us We We had a mort 1mponant subJ«t C.U&ht us all a lesson, but \hat was 16 California. dress which she hung from 1he top of a .were dod&>nl and duduns and shoo­ to discuss - 1hc strana.e hab1\S of ycan aao and out of lbc m1nda ot Lut year the governor rebuffed requests from 20 mental door for us to admire. ing birds out the doors which Ka y had w~ cre.ttures Now I \:now ~here man) people ln aovcmmcnt today. bcaJth groups of lheCalifomia Commission for $258 million. The ~tllng was perf«t: an open opened the ellprcss1on " b1rdbra1n" came GENESELlG only enouan funds to return public services to the le vel that fire, champagne corks popping and a Sht also 1hrcw a sheet over her from. lrvme existed IS years ago. tantalizing aroma wafi1na in from the e:\qu1s11dy set d1n1n& room table The house wouldn°t ha'e been This year. the Republican governor as proposing a $200 kitchen. Good thinking Peno} threw another fouled up. and the birthday P._art)' milhon ·cut in the budget of statewide mental health services. We were JUSt stan1n1 on the firs1 one over the newl) r«ovcred (whtte) wouldn"t ha\.e been fo~dcd up 1f t~ Publicjty The mentally iU arc fragile people. Without P.ropcr care, course when Penny saw two swallows couches - but not quite soon swallows hadn· 1 fouled l'P· They -wert clinaing to the 1ns1de of the fireplace enough. The bards lcn ev1dcn~ each ofTtehedulc and offthdr route. The) they can become psychotic and dangerous. Cahfomia docs screen. She rushed over and opened ume they made cont.act with an) thing were due back here 10 March, not not suffer &uch dire fi scal woes that we can afford to ignore the the scr«n to let them out. Roast bard or anyone. And from tht look of the M a). and ~ere su ppo~ to return to encour~ges needs ofour mentally 111 citizens who suffer tcnibly each day. was not on the procram for the rua.s. on their way to 1hc point ol Capistrano. not lquna N1auel ~ While <>ther state pro&rarns enjoy mandated fiscal enutle­ evening. Then she made her scond contact. Ka)' wouldn"t lct us help her clean mcnts, mental health prosrams have no 'uarantced funding mistake: sbt doused the fi~ . There wtrc droppings on walls. up aft.tr dinner. he said sbc would criminals : ·aou.rce. It is hoped the word wall be heard inside the hallowed That made It more comfortable for drapcnes. tables. lamp shades. e,,cn ca.JI her 1nsurana compan) m t~ balls of the Legislatu~ and governor's office. the hundreds - yes, hundreds ol on Pcnny"s proudl> displayed btnh· morning. and the adjuster should 1tt To the Ed.ttor. day dress. 11te ( V•c•vlll~J R~portu swallows that bc&an to sv.oop down the house u-1s It tttms to me that the allcpd the chimney and into the room I Kay's thrtt cats and her dot added When she called tbc)' assured her cnmanaJ dunna a tnaJ 1s almost should say rooms. T~ onl) pan of to the chaos The ats ~ere no11rying she had a splendid pohcy and was always made a hero or a heroine br the house they didn' t set into was 1hr 10 catch tht bards, the) probabl)' CO\.Crcd for absolute!) evCf)1h1ng - the medi£. kitchen. They tncd. but only suc­ thought this was too much of a good exe<"pt bard dam~ . Their pictures arc almo l alwa)S an n 111 :11 1 I 0 "11r1·1 ceeded m bana1ng into a clrued door. 1hang The) wt~ strC"alun& around c.l•m.111 Au w~IJ• llrn t. the news B)' tht tune Penn)' made her wa) mtOWlfl& and gc1tana underfoot. The IA,_. N'6ftl. Docsn"t .this encou~ potcnual l av..bruke~ to seek pubhoty" All an Your representatives unknown nttd do '' to commit a 1·on '' '' 111s1·on\ horrible cnmc and ht/s~ 1s tmmed1· U.S. SENA TORS -- - - a\cly ~t.pulfcctinfo1bt11meliaht . era.-..uu (0>. S7S7 W Century Bl vd. uitd IS. Lo >\ngdts. ~S . Today 1s Wednesday. Ma) 17, the 137th da> of lq8Q 1n1 for a limited monardl)' If the cnmc 1s VlCJOUS enough they Cll3)21S.ll86 Thtrc arc 228 day1 ltf\ in the )'tar lo t87S. I.ht lint Kcntudt) Derb wu run at arT almost cert.am 10 havt a book WU.., Pele (ft). 84-0 Ntwport Ccnltr Or. Su11t 240. Nev.port ~ach . Toda)'·s h1&.hbah11n hlStOI') Churchill Downs 1n loumallc K ) The \\1nner "-.) v..1tten about them. 92660 720.147~ . ., Ans11dcs. - Wh~ possible. wouldn't 1t be On May 11, 1954, the US. uprcmc(oun 1ssucJ its 1 Mall rNY be addrencd to U.S. Smate. Washington. 0 .( . -0510 l&11dmark Brown vs,.i8oai:d4f Ed~t1on ofTopcka. to.. an ln 1938, thr radio qui1 sho" .. Information Ple3sc •• more pC>SJthc 1f 1ht storY ...., accom­ lJ.S. REPRESENTATtVES ruhna. The court unanamousl) rc'c~cd i t~ ~, 1\46 made ll ~ debut on the NBt Blut Nc1~orl panied b)' a plctUrc or the aik:p Cu, Qrt1 , ,,.. Dl11.-IU ..000 MacAnhur Bl vd utte 430. East To~cr . ··separate but tquar· Pkssy ,,s Ftrguson dt'\'1)10n and ln 1938. Conircss pa\St'd tht Vinson Naval l\c1 'lcum" A photoaraph an a bo pit.al Newport Buch, 92660. 756--2244 dtclarcd that racially segregated pubhl ..chool) " ere pro' id1na funds for a t~()-O(ean ' a'' room or ·wnthana on the around in Deueme7tt, WUH.am (Ht• Df.sl·R l 1235 I\ Harbor Bhd . rullenon inherently untqual ln 1939, Kang Georac VI and Quttn Ehnbcth patn from a wound" 92632. 99l~l4J On this date· am,,ed 1n Qucl>cc on tht fi"'t \ "" tn ( anada b) mgnanJ That would satisfy the St'tlsatton Denaa (HUI D11t.·R> 12 38 Lt'*•s "it uuc 203. Garden . 6l9 (amino Jc lo Ma~s ~u1tc 204. San Strtt&. dura n.a World War II I fail to site the sood that c.an come dcrn~~ 92627, 496-2~) . In 1814. Norway's const1tut1on " as s1gntd pr · tc. l06. cnminal. Wouldn t 11 be more fittma Tomi.cc. 90~~3ls.4 18. • . 10 show the all~ victims ""ho v.11l Mlil be to H.ou.wOf'fke Bwk!Jna. Wub1n1ton. D <. lOStS be damqcd for l1f-c than photSfCSSJ\-t"h CH1)' movement a..111•, Man. (a.l.. DltiAl) 140 Newport ( cn1cr Dn,,c. Suitt 120. of the accuted .. 'a,ht Stalker" as he Neweon ~hi 92660, 64()..1137 Shamir, Arafat stills poles apart )CC-ms to c~ his tnal~ . ~ .,..._ (1111OfJt.·R). 2)16 1 Lake Cenitr Dr , El Toro. 92630. 1 •-ould unll'nc that you •ouk1 no.ss3l. fi nd that p&per sal miaht e"en Or11arc.M(llrd Dist.·DH2631 lmpenal ff1aJ1111>a)', nc.. f-t pnn15. ancrcatc Wouldn't it be wonh a try"' 90670. (21J)6?o.1196. in s61Uti6n for Middle East peace t AN E'- A a.n.. Mwm a. (lM ot1&.·ft> 1661 N Ra)mond \e. u1te 211 . Newp<>rt Beach Anabdm; .9210l, 171-0270. ..__: ..,...... (HD Dbt.-RI. 21SO fo'l>nc C"tnlrc Pia«, AJ\an~•m . 92806, :Jas.doo. Adam's anatomy Dunne tcMion..s. mail may ~ addrT 'led U> State Capitol <;acramcn&o. 9Sll4. T o t~ Editor. _ • STA.ft ILYMEN One of the more cunous aspecu .._.Deni C1JllDbt.·9') S911 Ccmtot \'C . ()ptt' 90630. 821· 1SOO . o~cr l~ fww of h.an11na tbc J)9tnl- ...... ,.... (It.. DftL·IU l94S Palo Verde \C,. Lona Beach. ?0314. 1np by &rtitt Rosa Wtltiam10n tn lb (2 13~3-SSI~ . City tfaUofNewport Beach lS t.M fact r.,.... OU (H9 Diie.·• • ~7 MacArthur Bl"d . ~u1te lOS. Ne"'1)()'1 thll the a.rust has m1 named ha ~ 9lMO, 7S6-066S. • V ll •\27 t>ontro\."CniaJ \'!11nun1 of" dam." f\l111l1,Nell9( ....1*t. ·ftl. l719SNcwhopc. founca1n a C) • .,. • Htr.. dam • 1 arcumitnd' ' 662"-S!OJ. EOWARO M HEP ER J t; 1 4 - tM• Oii &l, 1501 N. Hatbor Bhd., FuUetton. 926lS. cwpon ac.ct. 7Jl.SISl ' ....._ ,. a. ,.,.. J>W...Rt 19'40 N. Tusun Av<' •• Oranae 92667. 9'10.0. • o.t.ia uu·om. mad may bC addtclttd to &alt Capttol ra.mcnto. Readen' '5114 ...... comme.ata ...... -1 •• J4.JllO ----W 1)4;.JUO ' ....&- Jrd 1)4.)))0 lrelcame •a-tt•lf•· - Mt IJ4.)HO 'M•• IOOWkc.B•l'lllD;--~ AM92701...... ~~...... _ _...... ,..,...... _: __...... _ AlO OAILV Pit.OT/ Wednesday. M•y 17, 1989

1111 \lllC Laguna Moulton hopes to make impression with·' net' lly C..ISTOf'HIR THLA Dr. Eric Hanten, a teacher and 1uthor how 1t really wu. it's how be pictured ca.,...,. c.-1 4 , • who al)J)C&l'Cd in Twnbull's first it." Producina- an original play about musical -"Dora Hand.. 10me five The costumes for these characters 19th-Century French painter ycarsaao. Twclvellideprojeciorsand start out white, and are then ptjnted Edouard Manet is not an easy wk. a .computer were utiliuld by 111phic to look like the oriainal ~intina. Write it as a musical with 25 oriJinal designer John Brown to display the Their makeup is also apphed very sonas and it becomes even more slides in• coordjnated fashion. heavily to match l.be pamtina and difficult. Add 40 cast members, 200 • "The slides are instrumental in the &ive the actor a · two-dimensional slides. a l~pjccc orchestra, and silt play" said Brown. ''The actors actu­ look. "livina pictures," and tbe result is a ally use them in reference. The slides Since the character of Manet is such seemin&IY insurmountable musical correspond with what's goioa on. an important ptrt ofthe play, it's not play of ·epic proportions. In fact, When be (Manet) is commentina on a surprisina that John Huntinaton, producer/director Douglas Rowe ad- paintina n's either represented on a wbo plays Manet. is on stqe the mittcd that "It's like Normandy. I feel screen or by a. :liyina picture.• •• cn~replay : Ht~n~ington secs " Manet" more like a general than I do a lbe term ··11v1na picture'' rcfen to as unprcwonssuc theater. director." the technique of havinf live models "What Mark Turnbull has done R<>We has $ood reason to feel that take the plaset!tcr myriad _visual and ~t of the Masten, wbcrc the classic style play with a bcgjnnina, dramauc arts rnto a cohesive pttscn- livin& pictures arc promincntlyused. middle, and end. It's this wash of tatfon of Manet's life and his art. The Williarnsons are ~ted with aoinpon, and it works wonderfully." Fortuf\ltely for Rowe, he has advancing the state of Jiving pictures Huntington noted that the scope of asscmblca- a knowledgeable pro- to their cynent level. the play and the intertwining or the ..... Howlt lleftl ,..,. •; er D .... .n4 the Lm•lftA Moutton Pl• J hou1e'1 pro· duction staff to help him stage "Manet" takes the living pictures assorted clements had to be done with John Huntington ttan In the tltle role In ductlon of •M•net: by M•rtl Turn bull. "Manet." In fact, Rowe remarked onc.:.s.tcp Jun.her in that some of the care. "You have subtextural diatoaue that "everyone involved with this characters will leave their pictures i with slides. Younavc subtextural new ~live on M anet and bi -oirector Rowe "qrced with---the Wbde Rowe confirmed that play has risen to the occasion. and come out on st.age. diaiasue with musical cues. The position in art history. importance of ••Manet" as not only " Manet'' is far and away ffie m<>Sl I Everybody's work is the best they've The costumes for the living pic- relationship between all the elements · helpina to explain Manet's position in complex piece we've ever attempted donc." turcs• characters arc noticeably dif- of the production is very dehcatc. " His paintinas are sull causin_g the history, but to focus awareness on art in the 27 years that I've been here. he Author Mark -Turnbull of L...guna fcrcnt from th~ realistic period cos­ very fru.ilc." critics headaches because they still in~nerah · feels that the play's ultimate ttWard Bcach cxten~ively researched not t~cs of tbe other actors. C01t~me Onceliuntingt on beard about the can't explain them," he said ' If you can combine history with makes it all wonhwhile. only Manet but many of his contem- dC5t1Der Karen J. WcUcr explained projecl and read Turnbull's sen pt. be emphatically. " Ma.net cannot be porarics includinc Degas, Cezanne. that "we're trying to make them flat drama it takes on another dimension became excited about the play. He categorized He is 001 a classisist. He-. for you. This 1s -ihe most dramatic "When people walk out ofthtS play. Monet and Renoir. These characters rinste.ad of dimensional. We're tryina observed that Turnbul1 has "com­ is not an impressionist. He stands the nex1 time thc,Y go to a museum and their artwork appear throughout to make things that happen not in period of art history. Every facet of bined all the aru. He's got e'(trything! completely separate from all the rest modem pamtinaas we know it today they will perceive It 1D a aiffercnt way. the play to enable the audience to sec nature happen with those people, He'a aot vaudeville, he's got ofthe art world, and yet he used au the can be dtrcctly attributed to Edouard which is what theatre is supposed to the art scene ofthe 19th Century from because Manet's pers~vc was ~uc , he's got classic an, he's got classical elements." ~Anet," Rowe stated.. Manet's perspective as well as the kind of quirky and it isn t realism per kubulci, he's got everything! It's a fie doing." other artists'. sc, so you have to make colors stand phenomenal project," The 200 slides seen in th~ play were at awkward an&)cs because that's the · Portrayina such an important fig­ collected from all over the world by way be paintcdit. h's not necessarily ure as Manet has given Hunlil}gton a T\' l ,ISTI '\GS St. . Joseph~s Ballet Company 7:00 7:30 1:00 1:30 9:00 9:30 10:00. 10:30 11.....:00 11:30 T...... still evolving and improving l1n Sinol a....(ln Tul IPll1 2 a By RICHARD DUREE Saturday's concert was amixture of Dream" speech. Sister Bums ~r­ SW.Ole 21 formed her own ·•Jf I Can Help C*9 leedt "TIC 'Ill" (fl) D.tlly,.,,. c-.-- ballet works which rncluded pieces ..... designed to reinforce the concepts of Somebody" to the voice and music of lln S..010 ThiS is a proSfCSS rcpon. EM. T..-. C....C-.•-- _.._. .. ,_ self-esteem, self-worth and love the Starh&ht Baptist Church choir. =- ,.. .._.. -11n Sllrml 0 ..... ,...... Probably everyone who cla1ms ~ - the controlling philosophy of the This could have been better arranacd . l.4"11 WIR,!Mt• c....~,...... ,_ ...... wi..1.1ee. l.4"11 D c1-11... a.. , -.i t.a.bow" 0... Cmu•u Oranae County as home knows ofSf . company and the m11n reason for its b) not bavmg the four previous Joseph's Ballet Company. S1mr Beth dancers Sil downstage of her, for all C...AM !Mt•W...... MmClll.. C... IR...... a...... tin Sino) 0 ..... 1...... 0 existence. Entitled "Inner Cny =- Burns and her work of involving would have Liked tobave seen ht"r Dreams.,·· the performance bapn ~,... C... AM ..... H\'a "Tiit ca...•,.. .V l l&N ~" ..... c... "'* :111 llM 0 • 0.... 11113, w.tlrr)) IC-. Roan, Lhll EVIN IRl mner city children 1n the study of with .. Voices," with younger children dance her reverent chorc<>vapby. ballet. It s not a new idea.; Anhur robed in white in prayerful move­ The third pen involved what ap­ Mitchell's Dance Theater or Harlem ment to a duct sung by two girls; very peared to be Ihe entire corps continu- Ion' ago proved how successful a short with simple dance movements 101 the theme -to " l Ain't Oo1A' Let project like this can be. But this 1s well suited to the ~ges of the dancers Nobody Turn Mc 'Round" and " I'm .._. o1 ~ o UMoMd ~ fR> r1n Nlllll COUit "The Clip snow· OuMUit l.Mf (In Stereo) ..... T91111:M .... ours, and it seems to be progressing So Glad I'm Free." • , ...... 0 SW.0) 0 !Rf 0 il1n Silrtol nicely. " lma&ine" depicted the realizauon that dreams are possible lo ach1tve. as It is to be hoped that this progress It has been a year or more since this youna airfs admire and emulate the will continue. The faces of the writer was able to observe tbe achievements of older danccn on chddren followina the concen show compa_ny in performance and 1t was pointe; a v.cll done choreography its worth. Sister Bums ably uttlaze satisfyinJ to sec tbe same faces now makin' 1ood use of varyma dance the W'lde vancty of talent at htt perform1na challenging and difficult skills. 'Sin• It. Frank" divided lhc f11sposal, prov1dina the childttn with •billet technique 1n the Saturday maht company into four aac groups, each the pncelus oppartunity to perform. benefit performance at Rancho San­ perfomuna at thetr level to one ™ compan~s a wonderful appli­ uaao Collcac's Phillips Hall. Seven of own cation of the self-disc1phnc imposed II ... Colf'd Im....._ Ure,_ • ~.., ...._ •tt ....._, .._... 1950. Muelelll .JWr GMlnd. Olm "Ee..,_.. of faur Frank Sinatra songs • • the youn' ladies are now dancin& on by the dance and the selftnina piece. " The Other Side of ob5erve the progress as dancers llowte: "1111 ...... " Cont'd Dr.- llMI Dllllr O ..._ H 1IMMf' (19ml Bruce Wlis. (In Slll'to) 'R' •Nlllle..... 1• I Ttft assemblage of children. Ages range Me" 1s Sister Bum's rnterpreuuion of mature and technique develops. roughly between 8 and 16. a challeng­ poems by Paul Hindemith ·and The repertoire miabt be a bit Gerald Hopkins and pve her ad­ llowte:..,...... Cont'd .-. •• "Tiit LefMd ol Ill &Mii .._.. 111111 PG' ...._ ... "Tiit ,_..Died lllt" (111ii>! Fm SN!ra ina age ranse for anyoi:ie to manaae. redundant with so many cboreo­ The entire rcpcno1re 1s choreo­ vanced students the opportunity to di.splay thC1t pomtc work,Asens1t.1ve V1Ph1es ta~~~ the themes of self- ....._ ...... leldl....,;,.y_'(AI • 1""*1 _...... TV araphc:d by Sister Bums, founder of 1mqe and aps a sradual mo~ · tbc company. This enc~1ic and piece. 1t was nearly stolen by tiny ment to liabtcr and more f1\0\'ement­ Sandra Trujillo as the spnte, appear, ...... irrepressible nun has achieved much oneoled ~orb would help Ever)one ... Cont'd ...._.,...... ,, r 119711 WMmr Slllone 'PG' IDIM NII I .... 0.. ·~ - V..._." in the short time the compan>: has 1na almo t too ~ouna to be on pointe. admires and respects the compef!_y's · ~ --~ ~ - - ,._.,,. .,. __ ..,....._, ~...... -f ...... o...t...... ~ - • ,tt10. been tn eiistence, ·a fact w1cfely Finalfy, ..Wlffi This Failh..., l)q,in work- and nctd- not l;c con1tan > TllC ...._ "Oii Ger Cont'd ...._ •• .,_. 1W z.o" 1917) NOfl# MCICdly 'R' ... • ...... r 1917) 'R' . l"nMI....,. reco&nizcd by many 1n county &ov­ with four airls in prayerful dance to reminded Constant evolution will be -TNT ... Colf'd ...... ,,._""""' (1llall KrillY Mc:Nldlol. 1-....: ••• "t l.4"11 l• --.-(1Nlt ~Loot...... " crnment and business. Martin Luther Kina. Jr's " I Have • needed 1fthe provcs.s ts to continue. USA ...,Vlol ...,,.. .._ ..._ tt• ...... C-" (1111, - Tom Hris ..., V1o1 ...... Conrd ..... 0 ...... 1-....:tt ...... lcerM" t•. AcMnlln)KenWltt M ...... _ - ...... n.-JI. IAl'lllllo 1t1111n s.noi M PflllMll ~ ...Amt a.MA ....,_ ...., / """- " ...... _.._ ..... , 11. >10,• •s z Newport Beach S... )102 ,....,~···•JO. 100 ..... I U IOJO e.M.eOA c..aaA 10t t 1<111MN llwcl •7S· JS 70 ...AW IKO ,..._..SI Complete TV tn SUnday's TV PNot a-...... 1•10 *"""'9TCNll.,.... 11st1ngs ..._... 90UTM cOA6T t"LA&A 1410 lt>~t• SI ~2711 10 1s )0() ~ ~-1..--so • ..."91 M•P'CNT OMIMA , ,.._... .._ , IU •JIO ~ c--~~1.0 ...... ,. l._ ...... , . , ...... ~ ...... ,,. !L it 7)0 90 l ...... _, eJO IOJS J ...... ,_. IS, IJO IOIS lmne MM909 .,.... 0N9IMi ...... tr. WIWI uoo 0...- H9wpO<'I llwcl .. ""-' v-. ktHt Ul•JtOI TNS ~-h OMP1A 410 C_,.,a Or.... '7WUO es441tt •·•1, ,, ,._,.=••ns•s. & 10 .l'-___..•...... '.'IOJO·' '' C...... a.-•tJ 1 OtllllMt Y. 6 • It IO JO '°'9T n.ATR l'IOS I C-t ~- '1 l ..1.0 mlAOMIMA ~t ..... / IW\\( ..._SOU , ...... ,., ...... 5., ...... ,...... _T_t ISW ...... II 10 10 10 - 1, JO ,• •-•U IS, t 'f'OWllf C9fTa ONUI"' loutn C-t ".," ...... ,, .. , ,.... ,...... "•JO 10.)() ...~ C-.- C_,.. 1101 HM~ ...... , .. ~ I JO) SIS llO .... , -..v"*c-oMt4 t •o • 111 11 I • C I 'It e.. 1~ ,._~/t;;l/wf , ...... Stll IOIS 1.-...... 11111111 1115 )J0. 40. , , 9 1t - 0.-Ut~U I ...... ,,,,. .... , JO 1 JD t JO 1.-...uo.10.,,...,..,.. •• ,,JO ,~ .... uJO 10 •11.1>0 :oo J ....~1 . 9:U 4._.., l, )ij, S45, t IOIS 1 T-..._~1u ....._T••so' •te , ...... i., •• , ...... 4 ...... t 1$ ellO. tO t\ ------. ~IOUn4COM'T~ 1i•• w ~ """' ..... ,., a.10 ~", .... ._.IS' 9J, u.,...~ J 10 sot, u.• •t ,...._•Iii Jot, 7 JO IN ...., 0-- _, C....tJIQ,t4S

WE1lE Ot'ENI It's back to malta and sodas, Blue Plate those happy days of real food. specials and old-faahloned friendly service and fun. For meatloaf. And the Jukebox D8Y8I' break.fut, luneb or Cl.inner. Edie~ stops jumpln', two tune• for• la where the ne1t meet. quarter. Crulfe over to We~ taW~ Edles Edle'i new diner. handmade tiUJRen, We'll be Pel yoµ did.

• -

WEDNESDAY. MAY 17, 1989 ~ gl~s' hurlers INing i~ from different angles Right-hander Left.. hander Javage proves Brannis battles, very consistent returns to form 8y JON l'EIGUSOH or.. -°' .."""PlllCIUSON ~ ...... o._,,....., A perfeCt l&art to tbe le8IOll ~ &tancia catcher Bill Ooma calla Elf.IDcia tenior riebt-bander Gabe pitcher Gres Branni.J' biaes1 atrensth Jaqp 1 role in the fAl&es' atartq on t.bnnound hi.I mentil stability to l'01allOll. and con.aiMent efforts tu.m­ overcome obstacles. While Gomez ed b.im in.O tbe 1wr1 ace. was referrlna to ~ it could allO J•Vllt wu 1 mwnina reliever apply to his pbysic:al status durina tbe cbaUenlina two other pitcben for the early portions ofthe Sea View Leque leCODd ,apot in the ltlrtioa rotation KUOn. when practice bcpn in rebruary. Brannis. a~=· is tbe left·handed Star1ina out in the bullpen, Javaee half of the ' swtlna rotation beaan the year with 91>'> inninp in foUr and bas j ust bqun to pitch his best 4 rellef appearancea without allowina of the 1CUOD down the u earned ru.n. stretch drive u Estancia prepares to ..Gabe came out ofbullpen early in enter the ClF 3-A playofti. the year, becaute he aoes in and .. He will maybe aive up a coupJc of throws strikes and cballenaes hits ln an inn ine. and-tben beiJ111 able ~" &tancia assistant ~h to overcome everythina is bis Paul Troxel aaiO. strenath... Gomez said. •• ffe'• bad to .. He's been a areat surprise - not a do that every time be pit$es. f t's 1urpri1e that he's done so well, but aood that ~·s able to blttle. but it's that he beat some other PCOP1e ou1 liad that he ~s in trouble a lot. Bu1 no that we thouaht would be there (in the maner what happens, be stays 01l the rotation)." same level (mentally), and that's His tint start came ..wist Artesia rally aooct." • in the second round ofthe Pride ofthe Braruus respects bis scruor panner. C.ou1 Tournament over Easter break. in the battery. and credit.a bim with He threw a six-rutter>Q allowirlJ just the p1tching staff's auc:ocss. Estancia one run. and effectively made himself pitchers have compiled a 2.07 ERA iodispellllble IS a 1t1r1er. ..(Gomez) is the aJJWts behind all Artesia entered the scuon as the the pitchers." Brannittaid. " I listen 61\h-rank.&S team in OF )..A and bu to what he has to say, becaute be lost only three sames en route to makes my job much easier. He'• a eamiJ?C the No. 1 ~in the playoffs. arcat bJocker bebtnd tbe D&ate. He's .. I think that's when I really proY1 bad no passed balls and be1pa me out to them I could start," Javaae said. ..I a Tot in acneral. He makes us look real went out feelina pretty confidertt. I aooct." . saw them play the day before and Off't.beficld.Brannisbasoven:ome studied their batten to find YtUk· some health problems. F111t, he fell nesses. That bel_ped and I threw my while ridina bis skateboard and curveball for~· suffered a couple ofbairline hctures ... didn't even know they were that in bis riabt elbow. Then u be was aood- It came as a shock when I found rounch~ back to form, be battled an ouL I knew they were Sood, but I bad illness.. Soon after, an infcct1on from a no adea they were ranked that hiab. callus on a finaer of his pitcbina band It'$ probably a aood thing I dian't continued to slow bis pr'OlfeSi. know." ..He couldn't touch a ball for 1 Nothina is sbockina now to Troxel. week, .. said Es\ancia uaiatant co.ch who has watched Javaac register a 9-1 Paul Trox.el of the infection... He record and l.S6 ERA. · pitched lhrouab it tbousb. It bothered "He has not had one bad outina all him, but the other day you could tell year Iona," Tronl said: " Tbe only he's healthy apio. He bad pven up lou was 1-0 at Tustin, and~ made ool_y four ruu aoina into seventh." two CODJCCUtive errors to pve them ...... ,_.._ That was Friday in a ~) victory fPle ...... JAVAGI / ~) '"9flt· hand• Gabe Jav.. e fleftt and left-hander Gr.. arannla 91Ve •stancla • two-prct"'ed IOOll fof' Ctl' playoffs. , ...... ~ / 1.2 )

Cll \0111\11\11 CdM, Laguna Beach earn rematch; Sailors also win · . - AJthou&h top-rated Mira Costa 1s blocks as the Arusts. 19· l , champions from craclona Corona dcl Mar's Newport outlasts 20-0, it was a 16.14 upset v1ct1 m of Artists recover of the Pacific Coast Leaaue with a Sea Kings don't armor Newport Harbor 1n the recent Redon­ 12-0 mark. won the final pmc after But Matt Cw1enn1a dashed do Tournament. beina tied at 11 . allow lead to slip Edison's hopes With a defensive swat Warriors; faces " Mira Costa 1s buae." said Harbor in time to win Laauna Bc.ach. which dommalcd to.set Corona possesslOn and O\ns Coach Dartny Glenn. .. Let me put It the vollcybaU scene earhcr 1n the Pliba came up with a aconna block to Mira Costa next this way, they're b1acr than Corona five-game match decade, w1nn1n1 CIF utlcs 1n 1981 . away vs. Edison tic 1t at 14, sett1na up an eventual del Mar and they have eight legit· '82 and '83, 1s ranked No. I 1n Orange . drive for the -A10. lyEDZINT!L 1mate m~or colleae prospects. .. 11y RICHARD DUNN County and dcfcaud CdM a fcv. I)' BOGER CARLSON The '1ctory sends Corona dcl Mar o.., .... c...... The Sailors, 12-S, !tad been d own Oioll>' ,... c...... - • weeks qo in a non-lcaauc match Ot .... o._, ,_ SiM't rnto Tbursda) n\lbt's s.cmi6naJ Seeded second in the tournament. When Newport Harbor H1gh's the Iona road before this season They Sean Stafford and Jonathan Cum· Corona dcl Mar H1~ voile~ ball ~na whtch sum_.red ~~~::t:~l:i:! voUe ball team looked into the came from behind 10 the final pme of minp, two of the Laguna Beach ~•th Bca.£.!h 1112..0h _ e<>eeh harlie· Bra:nde had lttlT'ltm -fi~mt Humillllon Beach in th~ leaders, comruocd for )S-kms an 6 loss to 1.ranna tlifs year, 1s one step No. 2 seed walh a 19-1 .. record, nurror u~ n1 t, It almost hap~n before-an edae onaqua11l\ mcludlna th.at four-set win t.t Corona second round last week. stuff blocks Tuesday n1Jht as the away from reachina the finals But 1t nvaJ. and be dJdn't want to Stt the cracked. There was no way they could have Anisu won a back-and-forth. tltrtt· wasn't easy acmnJ by Santa Monica. del Mar Traili~ ..o pmes to one to momen1um ofa 2-0m&rlJn.slipawa), " lt'1 been ooc of our problems all been prepared for Woodbridge, l 2--6. hour voUcyball match to advance to which finishes its season at 1S..3 . as ll dtd l&ALDSl htahlY rcprded Woodbri the Sailors had no time however. The WamoB seemed to the Clf 4-A semifinals aaainst Cor­ ...Joo CummiJtP. was unstoppable year Iona {a lack of k.tllcr pu.ocb)." to reflect. heir season was o n the Laguna 8cach 1n a four-set non­ said Brande. "We up l 1~S have duplicated the Sailors tn every ona del Mar in a rematch oftv.o of the toni&ht an the middle," said ~una lcague loss. were line. way. Both Y..ere balanced wath no o ne top teams ut the d1v1SJon. Beach Coach Lance Stewart. For qairut l...quna Beach and Jost tbe Somehow, somewhere from the Nor dtd he want 10 test the ph)s1cal match, and we were up ll·S 1p.1nst dom1natJoa player The Artasu watched a two-pme (setter) Pat Qu11tcy. that's the best he 1b1hty of setter T y Pnoe much lonacr. t.ckcourt, Newport Harbor came So that's the way ll was played. lead melt as Santa Monica. champion bas set all year. And we played Newport Harbor and lost the pme, since the latter was opcratma on less but won the match .., back. The Sailors rallied to win the Without a bis hitter like 6.foot-9 of the Bay J..eaauc. finally d11played defense when we had to." tha.n e1aht C}hnden because of illness next twopmesoo their way to a ftve­ Adam Keefe wh6 lflduatcd from its talented spikcrs and taed things up Santa Monica didn't start to block There were no such problems pmc win over the Warriors, I S-13, v. hlch robbed him ofall but tv. o hours Tuesday, but 1t took the SC:a K.tnp Woodbndac last )'ear, or a hitter hke before La&una Beach held on for a until midway throuah the second ohl~ Monda ni,ghL 12-IS, 9-U, IS-8, lS-12, an the M1ke Curci who lflduated from IS-S, 16.14, IS-17, 14-16, IS-12 pmc, when funny things started to five tne W1th the pme-on-t.be-line quarterfinals of the CIF 4-A playoffs " I told them ' Don't let up; .. said l&Cf"\'t to put away John Herman's Ncwpon Harbor in 1988. the pmc victory ina wild quarterfinal match at ha~n to the 4.rt1sts. hkc having Brande, foUowu1a h1s team's l S-8 at Woodbndae was played at the net, from the back. l.quna Beach Hiah. qwck lt1ttcr John Trevino ao down Cbargcrs. who fall by the wayside Newpon Harbor wiU meet un· -with an 11\jurcd ankle. 15-9. 17·15 Clf 4-A vollc)baJl VIC· with I 1(>. 2 record. 1n the mtddle. everywhere. Stafford. a first team All-ClF 4-A 1ory at Echson Tuesday ruaht beaten and No. I-seeded Mira Costa With several unfo~ crron by selection last year r«orded 28 kills Laauna cruised 1n game one " Down the stretch, 1l was CWiert~ia m the semifinals on Thursday at both teams, it wasn't always, prett}'. and five stuff blocks and Cummina.t. John McKcown, a ~foot-<4 senior ll was l ()..6 Edison in the thtrdpmc with a kiU to ao up IS-14, fotJowed by Coroo.ackl Mar H~ . and the t~o are But at was ucitfoa. a third team All-CIF 4-A cbo1oc a year who had four kill and Cumm1np at that point, and tbc hosts went on to counters from Darren tanc:e on thrtt no Slr&J\ltl'S on the floor. .. , ...... ~/IJ) qo, rtaJStefled 27 kills and 11 stuff f'9ease'" LAGUNA/ ll) take 11 to 14-13 with a scnc av.~ ' ffl'teaM tff SEA KfNGS/ aJt Irvine·suffers Fogg perfect, quick exit, 9-6 Barons eke out victory over Mission Viejo Oilers win, 1-0 TheO-'Y'- rhe Oely Plot lrviDt Hilb'• bricf'Oitll U\lO the n.~,_ C<>1tb Jay Gardner, r«a.lhna a S-l Wuitcntetn, a tcn1or, stunned to ad"ance ap1n1t Fountam Valle)" Pam Foa saved her best for the C1f 4-A bUrbt.11 playoffs Tuesday The most amprn ive of the Sea startoft.beCJFaoftballplat::t.• deftcit tbrouab the fint ro~d1 IS well Mass1on VtcJo·s No. I sanalcs pla)er • I wild cant ftllr)' WU qukk - · fountain Valley Haah'a Barons u tbe sbon c-nd of an _.... count in the last round. 6.2. and No and K.Jna.s' pcrformaoocs wu that of sbctwirlcdapetfectpmc y IM v..-w were diminated by aliooed into the KCOod round of~ bead.iaa mto the finaJ round. Nclur. after droppana thetr first tYrO sophomore Januc Katzman. who ancrnoo'!r. sbutttna vi1iti.. C(F ·4-A b)' the from his No. 2 slot WOJl without Cypress on without a nan. wit.bout , vili1ial l.a Habra, M . lo doec out ~nn is p&af-~ "We were just playinJ tcmblc, I .cu. came back to win theu third t. IM-l~ll . llimmes& of marpna •'I - u ~I. , dropp1na a pmc. CdM marches on ahit,andwit.boutabuo-nmnerc.n ~ rallied to pull out an 13-11 ~ tboulbt. ju11 awfu1," wd Gardner. with an 18-3 ovcnll mark. route to a 1-0 wald card vict«y. , lrviDe .eaner Dave OoJdltein .. WeWft 't playe4 a rmteb in over a Ether result can be C'OD\e)td u the Md iutycootrol problana ud LI in~ to decide a 9-9 ltandoft' with Mitk ud came out ao flat. We tot -1nruna fl'WIJn, but 1t took ooth • Newport Harbor's Chris Rabbitt A S-foot-S tcnior, lhc p ber ff-. toot edvu.... widl daree vis&liQI MilUon V • . efforts to complete 1t. fountain ~rdcd lbrec IU'allht 6--k>ve con· tint no-hitter of the ICIUOe. boo J Tbc.twe>opc)iAt of~ bCtta in the lecOnd round and then ,... ia dae tcicoad iH.ias. n.tu· marPn qµests, prompunaJlll COkt\, Charbe ans ()'Press down oia ltriU. I leDdl See Just uamed it around in the lasL .. Valkv will take a I 6.2 recont into its to'° .., ~ le'¥ft ol ita aine NM foutaua Valley llliut mate& lll!nst Corona dcl Mar. Blelkcr. to respond; "You can't set six Ul'ftett with Oy bell1 to t11e ~ , View U.UC tinjpiA Coronl dd Mai TWO ~ contnbutionJ came much better tbu \bit... outfidd four tames.. Uc:>lll wadl Teny.. .., ,.._...,.. led otr daie Friday ~ It • lite to bie lrom silllla aiaodout Brian Wiater· " In othir 4-A fint round nwcbcs: cilllt ~ out.a and tlwee ~ dlta1niDed today with a coin ftip ..ancf llbc aoubles teu> of senior • Tllird-tceded Corona del Mar Rabbttt'a ~,Y led t.be SeilotJ. 14-7 upa an the infidout the situation. Jadian1' epokctman Bob DiBiasio sa_id the aesture DUUcls was reluctant to fourth "Don'fwritc about that. Just let it &O. You auys have bad oothioa to do with any attempt ao appt>ase carter. OperltM!n O( hiS carccr, \>Ut be decided there WU DO &ot to write about ... everytbina, •• Carter said. aftemauve. _ .. We wanted to celebrate Mother's Day in a nice .... just bad after the Before the season, Carter liad criticized the ceam·s way:• OiB.iasio said. "Joe's the captain, so that's why we - . "''·. to be done," Daniels said, policy prohibilin& playen' wives and children from flyina in his mom and dad." ,\\I• - ~ was announced Monday. '°That'' all I've aot to brouaht --> uy. Elewbete: Speeds cllmb aga n at Indy Phoenix puts Warriors out • The reJcucd catcher Jamie "Freeze, Johnl And whatever you do, don't Quirk and called up catcher Bob Geren from Class AAA INDIANAPOLIS - Pole-winner Rick Den M~erle acored nine of his 24 points ahow fe arll" Columbus of the International Lea&ue. The 34-year old Mears, hclpin& p~pare a car for injured in a pivotal third period and Tom Chambers • _,, ~rk. a J().year m~or leque vetcran1 was blttlna .083, teammate Danny Sullivan, led Jhe way had llofbis24intbefinaJ IOminutensthe r ~ with two hits in 24' at-bats for tho Yankees this season. Tuesday as speeds began climbing again in Phoenix Suns beat the visitina Golden State ---­ practice for the Indianapolis 500. Warrion, 116-104, Tuetday oiaht to win their Western Book finds new publlsher Mean, who set a four-lap record of 223:88S mph Coaference semifinal playoff series in five pmcs. Flames seek 2-0 adVantage Sunday in leading 26 qualifier mto the tentative lieup for Phoenix, winnina the lut three pines to take the .. PenonAJ Fouls;• a book which re- the May 28 race, climbed into the Penske PC 18-Cbevrolet bcst-ol'·7 aenes, 4-1 ; advanced to the conference finalt WinAinJ the first pme of the Stanley 1': which Sullivan hopes to qualify on Saturday or Sunday Cup finals as notbinJ new to the CaJaary portedly aJJeees abuses and imaularities by I •rw the two-time ddendina NBA champion l..aken. the North Carolina State bas~etballpmaram Flames, who did it 1986. Winnina the ~ • ' * an and turned a fast lap of 222.161 mph. . That best-of· 7 aeries starts Saturday at foglewood. under Colch JiJn Valano. apparently has :-The retl of the 33-<:ar field will be fined during those The Sum. Wlio trailed by l 1 pc>1nts late in the second championship wouJa be.- { , In 1986, Montreal came back to win the next four found a new publisher. final two days of time trials. quarter and ~9 at balftime aftet- makin& 12 tumovcn The anoou&CCment is expected Thursday in New r Sullivan broke bis riaht forearm in a crash durin& and only 4 l pcn:cat of their f1dd aoa.Js, took the lead to pmes - and its l3rd titJe. That rremory coots any tendeDC)' to~ panic in the Canadiens' locker room or York at a news c:Onfereoce which was called to di&euss practice last Thursday. I-le was fitted Tuesday with a stay at 71-70 on Ownben·1·um- with 3:34 left in I.be what a publicist~ribcd as "efforts that have been made ~ special brace and is expected to te$t his broken arm on the celebrauoo in C&lpry's. third:~ -· The Flames take a •1-0 lead into toni&ht's second to suppress publication of the book and definitive p~ns track on Thursday. ~ known more for hfs defense, came off the for the book.•• Geoff Brabham, who ~II qualify the PCl8 for ~ch and ~ta slam-dunk with I :26 remaining and a 3- pme of the best-of·? NHL finals al Calpry. But they werep 't boutina after winnina by a sin&Je aoaJ Sunday Eric Yavetbaum of Jericho Promotions said author Sullivan if the 1985 Indy winner is unable to handle the pomt 1oaJ with 27secondlto10 for a 79-74 Phoenix lead Peter Oolcnboclc would attend the Qews oonference. job, was back in the team's backup PCI 7 Tuesda.y,aetting after three quanen. niahL They needed several outstandina saves from Mike Vernon in the final minutes to preserve the l-2 victory. "Personal Fouls" was &ehcduled for publication in the car up to 2 I 7.443. • ln another playoffpme Tuesday: Febnwy by Pocket Books, a division of Simon &. 21 "By no means are we expecting to win four pmes in After a quiet Monday, the iz-mile oval sot busy • Patrick £wiftl anaooed out of a slump with 32 Schuster, but the ~t oompany canceled I.hose plans again as 36 cars made practice taps, including 10 already points, includina nine in ·the final 1 : ~8 , and New York a row or even two pmes in a row here,•• Calpry forward Tim Hunter said. "Montreal's a ~t ro.d team and after North c.tolina Auomey GeMral Lacy ThombtUJ ' qualified and working on raoe day setups. held on to beat Cbic:Mo, 121-1 l~t MacUson Square threatened ttaaltlC'lioo on behalfofN.C. State. Simon& Kevin Cogan, Ole 1986 runner-up here, wat next Garden and staralive. The Bulls SWJ Jeld the aeries, 3-2. they~re JO~ to come out bard qam (tonilbt).·• "Theres no reason to tbinlc that anytluna's been Schuster said the book "did not meet the standards of arnong the non~uaftlttd drivers with a 214.336, foUowed and will advance to the Eastem,COnference finab qainst Pocket Boob. .. by Phil K.rueaerat 213.675,John Paul Jr., 213.624', former Detroit with a victory in Oticaao Friday niabt or back at decided.'.said Bob Gainey, the Montreal forward 1eek.ing bis sixth Stanley Cup victory. The threat of lqal actaon was renewed Tuesday. track record-holder Pancho Carter, 213.320, three-time New Yort Sunday. . •• ••. J simply hope whatever they publish is true," Indy winner Johnny Rutherford. 213.118. and Dominic Ewina. who made S6.7 pert:ent of rut shots in the Since the NHL adopted the aevea.pme finals format io 1939, only nine of the fint-pme IOtet'S won the said Andrew Vaoore, chief deputy attorney aeneral for Dobson. 212.014. rqular leUOn while tcorina 22. 7 points per pmc, was W North Carolinl. ..If the univenity or any officials are The slowest qualifier Sunday was Davy Jones at avera,jg 17.9.on 4l percent sbootina in the playoffs Stanley Cup. Montreal did it four umcs. A Canadiens· loss in Game 2 would be devastatina. dafl\llC'd. we'U Lake whatever stees are necnsary to 21 l.47S. before Tuetday's p.me. durins which be was 1l for 20 protect •.• North Carolina State Unavenity.'• Among the already~uatified driven working with from the field. even thil they return home for the nexl two pmes_ In other sports news Tuesday: Friday · t and Sunday niahl Only three finalistsrallied their primary cars, Michael Andrctti turned a 221.402 The Bulls, wbo held the K.nicb to 93 and 88 points in • Joe Mornana bad some "debris" removed from • and Emerson Fittipaldi 221 .184, while Mario Andretti bit the previous two sames.. trailed only 63-61 in the first from 2-0 cits to win besl-of-7 tcries. Montreal did it in 1966 and 1971. ' has left knee last week in what the San Francisco 49ers 220.264 in his backup car. minute of the third quarter. But the IC.nicks outscored described u minor suraery. It was the quarterback·s fifth Olicqo, 31-16, therestoftheperiod tOICfd. 94-77. ln other hockey news Tuesday: • 1 • Mike Milbury. wbotc defense partners included operation datina to 1983 and the second on the same knee. B\.lt the 4'9en &aid Montana. who turns 33 on June ~ t~l cr11: 01· ·1·111-: D\\ Bobby Orr, Brlld Park and Ray Bourque in a I J..ycar Sunday Siience on schedule playina c:aRer with the Boston Bruins, ..-as named the · J1 , should fully recover ···from last Thunday's . . artb~ su.,.ery in four to six weeks. a. Qrbt, broadcaster for the Prince William 18th c:Oach in the NHL club's 6S-year history. • Larry Pleau, who bu been with the Hartford • Arizona catcher and p1tchtt Scott Cannons. as the Yankees' farm club fell to last place the Erickson were named co-Playcn ofthe Year and Arizona in the Whalen as lon1., franchise lw ~. was fired u Carolina League's Northern Division and bead coach, less than a week after the club named a new bad coecb Jerry Kindall was named Coach ofth e Ycar in Dave T~,.eon was inserted into the fourth spot in aeneraJ manaaer. Pleau·s firins. announced in a written the Pacific..10 C.Onference Southern Division. the bA t~ order: •• Mark Wcidemaier has statement by General Manqer Ed Johnston, ends 17 • Jack Shewchuk, a former defenseman wilb the ' been look.ins for solutions all season tong. and he has Boston Bruins of the NHL. died Monday while on finally fitrured out that you need D. Turgeon for years of continuous work for the franchise. cleanup.'y- vacation in Moncton, New Brunswick. He was 71 . Meclr upset at Italian Open I 1-11-' \ 1'!0,- H \UIO Smyth's boat extends lead Italy's Omar CampoTCse, a wild card --­ TWLSVIUQN t:JO US••ALL: DodMn at N.- Vortl Meta ~ranked I 20th in the world, beat fourth· • • Channel'.m. 11 , -WOR. ' WRJOHTSVILLE BEACH. N:c. - --­ MilosJav Mecir, 6-2, 7-S, Tuesday ~ Super Lube eJttended its lead Tuesday in the 5 o.m. - • ASa•ALL: Atlanta ., Chleeoo CUbs, WGN. ni&ht in the first round of the ltahan Open in --­ 7 o.m. - llOWUNG: women·• toumement from World ~.OOOCatamaran race by winning the . _ _ ~ Rome. Blamara, N.O., ESPN. 81.8-mtle lea from MyrtJe Beach. S.C.. to --­ Mecir, who returned to action two weeks aio af\cr a 7:30 P.tn. - aASaaALL: lollon at A,,....., Z Ct\ennej. Wri&htsville lleacb. back &nJury suffered in much at a tournament 1n Key I P.m. - HOllla ltACtttG: HolYwood Park r'IOten Super Lube, piloted by Randy Smyth of Huntington Biscayne, Aa., looked confused and d1S1nternted. Channel 56 (Prim. Tlc:Ut, 10;30 P.m.). • ' and Kevin Bumham won the leg wilh a time of 10'.30 pm. - HOOCaY: llenlev CUP flfteta-Montrhl "Beacb 1 The 21-ycar-old halian, a doubles specialist who had at C.... rv ldeiav9d. folowlnt lolton·Aneets) z c...... S: 17.00, more than 13 minutes ahead of runner-up beaten Mecu once before 1n Milan, scored often wuh big •ADIO ' ' :-"-· Domino•s Pizza International. first serves and played patJently from the baschnc while • P.m. - •A•••ALL: s.n Dteoo • • Montrnl KFMI Super Lube bas an agrepte time of 67:31 .28 to Mecir made many unforced errors. (7~ . , 69:27.0S for Domtno's Pizza. which is.. pi!pted by Brett Also eliminated were ninth-seeded Ronald A&cnor 4:30 P.m. - •AS•IALL: Dodver• at New Yortl. Meta Dryland and Rod Waterhouse of Austflrtfa. Skip Elliott KA8C (7'0). ' of Haiti, who reached the semifinals last year and 12th~ 7:30 P.m. - •AB•ALL: hlton at Anoeft KMPC Sails was third, followed by USSR Goodwill Games and seeded Andres Gomez of Ecuador, winner of the Italian a~ . LocUte. Open an 1982 and 1984

inmna but was the first victim an a 13- ··1ukcd ham, ·o~s. how could you It snowbeJlcd from that point on. TIJninnm,-; H~ · . tift'1he do ttt.lt'?""---noxet sali!. -m socs.;....._.....___ • cu~e'bllt is - my team, bounced back. ·well coach, some kJds have to ride p1tth. but the last few weeks, l'vt .. Af\er that, we felt really down, .. for uansponauon: I said. 'To rta.lly work«t on it,.. 8rann11 ta.id. Brannis sajd. " But we knew we had &ehootr He says, 'No, up and down a " Now I feel con.Jldedt I.a au my six pmcs ahead of us. We Jcnew we hill.' " patches. Af\crthe.SldcDebeckpnw, J bad to come back and win the next six It was a very us>..and-down season. staned throwina it m0te for a auike. I games to tie ror the league unless bu l Brann as emef'ICd strona. knew l had to throw 1t more (Ot l1rikH Tustin lost." "(The elbow) put me out for two 1fl wasaoint to win ballpmes. .. Which is just what happened and wceb but 1 ame baclc with a lot of Whitt' ptnioa control or bit just what Brannis contributed to with oon(idcnce and ready to 10." Brannis curvebaU was a priority, he still three straiaht win,_ · said. ··1 was a llttlc worried that at allowedlustSlbiuand22walklin67 "Cocnina into the end ofthe ~ason ~ou&d take a wru1e to come beck to in.ni., 1naddJtiontobithi1luchool and winnina the last s1x pmes to ).Ive full 1tttoath. but I djd all n&hL.. coacbu:'I. Branruswubroqbt ui>ua Coach (Keo) Millard bis ftrst ban· He petcbed well. mcludina a com- pitcher by ba father. a burler an his ~!i" Brann11 said was the 1CUOo·s olc!e1a".'e victory over ranked La own day dunna hJlb lt'hool and nian-poinL "That was pai:tty imPort· Mirada an the Pnde of the Cout collqit. ant to us, toaiveooach Millard a piece Tournament over Easter Break, but Branl\is bopn bucball likes him of the pie." sbonlr after the problems w1th tbe the •mo route. There was a time when, Brannis fi'?fJ!r ~ · "I want to work on my (utbell,.. ldmita. he wasn•t popular with the ·My Om swt beck qi.inst SaddJe- Brann.is akl. "MylQel is by the time , c:mcbina 11.lfr. Troxd looks blcJc oo ~(in lbeeecoadroundo.flalluc), I I Jtt out ofbilb icTW>ol. l want to be Braanis· uplanatfoft of the did .... ud WI ..ve me ,. loc·ol ~ ID t6e hiab IQaJ::a per skateboard accident u funny but it con&deace, .. llid lruais ota.11 ftve- bout). I want to '° '° "1th was an off-fteld injury just before the hit. one-run win over the Ro.d· bucfieU. Tblt'• wby rm wotk:ina eeaton bclan. nauen. bard on my_... npt no.." A ten kilometer fundralslng ·walkathon to fund the fight against AIDS In Orange County Dodgers' Morgan settling down SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1989 cab fOr Dale Mumy and TOlft Dodd. Theft, it wu on to Sean.It aad Starting at Mason Park In Irvine Baltimore. . Sign-In 9:00 AM Opening Ceremo"y 9:30 AM Walk Begins 10:00 AM TO REGlmR c•••· (714) 6iS-6IOO

• tboU.

. ..::.·~-~.....,..- --. - - -~ r

°'MllC..t DAtLY PllOT/w.dneldaY, ~ 11, - •

...... ,.... Corona del Mar'"a MMt Cwlertnla ffefll dfe8 a 1ptlre •• Mlttt Herrtneton loolc• on; Charlle Brande fcenterJ gives dlrectlpf11; J•1on Perkin• 1puie1 past th• •dtson ltlodl.

expectations wh1le aoina down, 2.0. season, s1mpl)' errorcd themselves staned passing a Lillie better and at off nine sttt1'ht to take a sceminalY SEA KINGS "They made a lot Of mistakes,'' into a hole the) could not recover LAGUNA became a very good volleyball comfonable six-point lead. Nothi~ Frontl1 conceded Brande. "The fint two from. From at match." said Stewart. though. was to be comfonable in this match. oeta.Sions to keep CdM away, but aames we really didn't have to touctt' It sett Corona del Mar ( 14-2) up who bad three stuff blocks. led 1hc D;m Blanton took control in game CoronJ had too much firepower. the bell." with a rematch Laguna Beach, with way. Price'ssupetbdefense helped move three for Laguna Beach, picking up 10 The Artlsts, behind Stafford and Matt Herrin11on moved it to 16-1 S the site at Harbor Trevino went down when it was of bis 21 kills. whale Cummings had and Lance responded apin. Her­ it out to 4--0 to set the trend, and in the " h's back to the dungeon," said a tied, 11-11 , in game two. Santa McKeown, chipped a~y before fi. 13 kills and thrtt stuff blocks. But nail ~ squanng the pme at 11 on a kill ri~ton tapped for another point and second pme, two bursts sealed it relaxed Brande, a coach who knows Monica, which feU behmd 10-3, Price combined for a S8nta Monica, which led 12-9 at one by Cumminas. Mc.Keown's tap ktll Edison tied it at 17. Then ~rtnia PJiba and every npple 1n the gym's floor, since bepn to make its move at \hat point. point, eventuall} held on. tapped for an 18-: 17 lead, and Edison scorina block and Price connected he was Harbor's coach for several crecpma up to 10-8 before tying 1\ up ended It. finally died in the net to close out with back.-to-back service aces within years before talung lhe reins al at It. Jn the fourth game, the Anasts McKeown finished with l 9 kills a five-J)Oint run to ao up, 6-2. Later, al Corona. scored three in a row with Quigley A1thou&h Cwiertnia (21 kills), Pliba Jim Shelton of Laauna Beach whale Blanton also added three stUff (22 kills), Herrinaton ( 13 kills) and 1().6, Herrin"1on came up with the dia " LllJuna- Beach . ... mused servina to make It 13· W. and Stafford blocks. of the n~t as it sailed into Edison Cwiertnia. " You lcnow. ~c lhmk ~e knotted the pme at 14 with a sen ace dellvenns a lcall to make at 14-1 0- Jason Perkins ( l 1 kills) had the ace as Cumminas aod McKeown numbers, it was the unheralded who territory, fallina untouched, and then can beat them." matcb point. But again Santa Monica " I told them before the fifth pme Steclbera came up with a scoring combined oo a block to ga ve the fought back and scored the next six that you're good and now you j\llt deserved the attention. Thursday'$ semifinal winners will Anists their 16th point and end tt block to pve Corona a 12-6 margin. collide Saturday n1ahl at 7:30 at points lO UC it. have to go o ut and prove 1t..,, Said "lthouaht(Cbad)Steclbeta was the The decisive third set. however, pme's MVP," wd Cwiertnia. "He Marina Hi&h for lhe Clf cham· Santa Monica rolled to ovename Lquna Beach led 3-0 to sW1 the Siewart. .. Don't worry about · ----.- was a pme of beauty as both sjdes pionsh1p. wins an pmes three and four. .. They fifth aame. bul nt.a Monaca rolled takes.. Just ao out and play bard." passed all ofour balls, and our senina countered with food passing, solid was sood. I thou&ht Ty was outstand­ dip and timely ruttina and blocking. ,------_.;.---- in1- The difference was our bell Brande said his team ~ayed about control." as ~11 it can. but lt's doubtful Corona del Mar received a bia gift Herman would be able to say the throu&ht two-thirds of the match as same thin&. The ~rs. who had Edison simply did !'Ot live up to beeo so impressive dunn1 the regular

outstanding. They showed a lot of NEWPORT heart to come back after we won the From It first pme." In the fifth game, Newport Harbor Lee led Newpon Harbor with 17 came back from a 4-2 deficit lo ao k1Us. Manthei had 21 kills to lead the ahead, 8-5. Setter Alex Opoulos Warriors. sparked the Sailors with two of his Newport Harbor fell behind. t 3-11, surprisina back.handdink shots. in the first game. But Lee and Tim But the Warriors came back behind Newberry rallied the Sailors for the the butina of Tom Shanklin. He had final four po i nt ~ . c1aht kills 10 the final pme as Apio, Newport fell behind an the Woodbrid&e tied the game, 8-8. second game, lo-6. Thu tame they Chris Lee and Will Allison ignited came back to tie it at 12. But two net Newport Harbor, tbou&h. as the violauons on the Sailors followed by Sailol'l forced several unforced errors ktlls by Joey Cohen and Scou to take a t 4-1 0 lead. Sermour p ve Woodbndae the win. Woodbndae would not aive an . The Warriors 101 a big tffon from STARTW & ALTlaNATOU Shanklin an(} middle blocker Mike Seymour in the third pme. He had five kills as Woodbridge sco~ the Manthei came up with kills to make It .,.,...... , 14-12. final six points of the pme after ...... Opulus ap.in hat a touch shot for Newport Harbor lied it. 9-9. . w ... . ~ 29" Newport Harbor led, 9-8. an the the side out and then Woodbridge hit ltOUlAa 10%19' a spike just Iona to end a near three· fourth .-me before the Sailors scored IP hour match. SIX stra.t&ht lO Win It. Ian Jubcrg had =~';,,. .. " It waJ a streaky match." said two bloc"Ks at the ncl for points to lead Glenn. " We tried not to play that way. the way. PENNZOIL OR QUAKER AC MOTORCRAFt OR Usually, we're the ones who break the Newport Harbor's scrappy back IMPORT other teams back by forcina errors. row playen.. especially Billy Ngu)cn. STATE MOTOR Oil OIL FILTEiS But they did the same to u.s. Chris Lee and Tony Menz. came up • limit 12 quorta at sole price. • limit 2 ot '°le price • Import, by MPA " Woodbridac IS a aood, youna with tough saves to keep !'1llhes ah ve • SAE 30, lOW-30, lOW-40, 20W-SO REGULAa TO 2.99 team. Thcirsetter(Craia Hill) is really for the Sailors.

losilllonly threeJ!mes between them :ENNIS--- - Gilles was perfect =-to Teael ihc Artists to a 17-1 fint round ClF 3-A ,rom••vtctory over visitina Manna. sc:tuna victory over Esperanza up a second-round test w1th Mater In doublet. the duos of Lec-Kimcr­ Oei on Friday. . AatOn Schmidt and Aaron Brower­ Jason Crabbe also swept as the • Estanoa's No. I and '2 doubles Artists, seeded scc:<>nd in the da vis1Qn. teams of Kevin Cul'TCo-Keitb Brown improved U> l 9·2. and John Tana·Tim Leonard a~t • Woodbridae. the No. I ~ an their matches to lead a convincina the CIF 3-A playoffs. toyed with PEAK PERFORMANCE BUYS SAVE ON ACCESSORIES l J..S tint-round ClF 4-A playoff villtJOI Claremont with a 16-2 VIC· v1ctory over Aaoun. tory, r\uutina the Wamors' overall Devin Bowen also swept I\ No. I record to I 6-4. sitWcs for the Eaaln. who improved Randy Jvey, Alex Stienhardt and to f l-11 and face Thousand Oaks at Cbns Emery swept the s1naJes and home on Friday Warrion Coach Gl'Cf Tan could only • I.aauna Beach's Jon leach, sum It up by suuest1n1 the tc0rc. Ora.ham Gilles and Brent 8uchJblum "The numben kind oftell 1t." sa.id C8Cb won three sin&)cs teU ltfhltt Tarr. 'lckey' denies drug allegation Ron Dolecki wd from Turner'• Los Aaacla office. AsMd Monday 1( be felt Wilton's permanent dttqualification mi&h1 laietl the ·~ of I telJ..-JI SlOfY., Woods II.id. I don't know if It will Ii.a atl)'1h1na. The only thina that smnen 11 that any story about me bftlla 1nvOlved iJ not tNC, and ~ knoM it's not true. I thtftk the - · NR. bai found out the true story, and t.bal'• •bY J'm not womed.." .. Woods said he first wa told ol Wall®'s oltns to irnpliaite him ~ ••• hie 19mt, ltruce Allen. ..Ina tok1 me. and theri the ...... IQl mo a lawyer 10 t&lk to abcMll the si1uauon. Ht wanted IO aow wh11 I did that niah~ aDdi tOld W..'" WoOdl Mid. attlin1~ fUitlMt c...... Wtllea. 27. ti blt'k in drQa ~habili­ ..,. II a PlllOeniA, Ariz., Claaic. If°'''" ,,./•• ~ LllW. " ...... c...... , ~···we..~ CIMI Dll . ..,.._ Milts ~. s~ ...... ,, ,, • ..,. ,,._, Hw 1'" AIMMlnl, 6-7, 6.J, 6-t, °"*' C.,_.., n 1s lttf't, Olf MllO&laV Mt(lr, (;~Vekll, 6· 2, M; Sandlel, SHltl, def. EMfdo " 13 £,,,,.. te H ,...... ,,,._Ina, 6-1, 6·2; Dwr9ll Cw•. 21 ... Au.tr.... o.f ,renco 0.vln, ArlMftfltla, 1-6, 1• 20 7· S, , . , , ...._ ~.. . It~ ,.... vwon. i• n •'"' llllf. OlttO fllWft, urueua.,, 6·3, 6-2; Tom aAST ~ Nllallft, ~. Gal Nuno MwCIUft, Por• .... v...­ II It ,.- ' fUMI, 6-•l. 6·1; 8'111'9 C>raMr, YU90Qevla, oef. S• A 11 ll .. !ton.Id "'-1t01, Heltl, 79', 3· •. ••2, Jaime (WIW CW,_.., ..... Lo• Allrnltoa 16, B""" Monl9omerv o 17 19 "12 ~ YHta, ~eru , def. Merlen Valda, ...... °""""" IS 19 ,,,fl 11'2 Cl«tllo$lovlllla, 7·S, •-2; s.rvlo lrueuara. Mllweuk• 15 21 417 , .,.. SHl111 Clef. Alldrts Gomez, Ecuador, 2-6, 6·2, (Wllf ~ kef'lll TOl'OMe 14 ,. - , .,.. ..2 ; Jimmy Coftnofa, Sanibel Hll"bor, Fla., dlf Gahl , , a1 Modllll·- ·l oetrelt C..it PIOllna, Franca, 6-4, ••2: Andra A.. u l, · 13 13 -"1 ' "' South Hiiis S. Butroue!M 0 'heMIY'• Sc9rw Us v... 1 , d41f. Todd WltSI!"', Carmel, 1nO , L.1 Hatlra f , lr¥IM ' M9* 7, ....,. 2 6• I, 6-41 Jlvltf Salldlal, Sp.In, cllf. Pait CMffay t , ATttnetoll 0 OM.it t , C~7 Korda, Caacllotlovakll, ...3 . •-Oi Jordl ArraM. Toronto 7, OeYellnd ' SHln, def. Milan ~. C1ldlof.lo¥ailla, 6-2, C:" J •A ICMMt City I, M!Mesota 1 4-6, 6-1; Allla!'to Mlndlll, Arventr111, def• .JoM (Wllf Canl ,_.., Clive!, S..lft, '83, 6-2, Lub Clare, Aroan­ laltlmore at Ta11M, pH., r•ln Jose eallilowa! ' · N\Of\leMllo 1 SMltla 6, Mllwaullaa S llna, def. JalOfl SloltlnMr-9, AUtll"alla, .... 7·5; New Yorll J, O.lr.land t Jl'I' koar, Plantation, Fta., def. J lmnw Arlia, T.. .- • ._ Jaflcflo, H Y., 4· 6, •». 6-0; UW10n Ouncet1, iao.ton ICllrntftl 5'-11 at ..... (Abbott 2-3), A•heVllle, N C., Clef ThlarTv TUiasna, franc., 7:lS 11.m.. 6· 4, 6-1; Dlloo Narvlao, 1t11V, Claf Horst Skoff, ~ (lttuu J-21 at Detroit IMorrla t•6l, Auttrll, 7-S, 4· 6, 6•3 •:lS 11.m. Oevellnd (llack 1-S) II Toronto (Sli.tl 3-1), Wemen'a ~ ...... IOMf w 11.m. (at._.., ,.,... R.. -..... Ct, S·A 1111..A YOI' ,.S • IC-.. Cllv (Lalbrandt >-•> • I Mlnnnota (Wld Canl .._) ' (Anderaon 4'-2), 5~ 11,m. Steffi Grat, Wast Germany, Clef. Tina . . Scheuer·Ul'Wfl, Denmarll, 7-5, 6· 4; N411hllla HUllllllllM ...di I, CWreaa - lhHlmora (SChmldl 1-4) al Tana (Houeh CYPf'IU I 000 000 0-0 0 0 Atl•nta patcher CINlrll• l'uleo grl....cei In score•on • wlld-'"" ,..,..._,.Puleo w .. t -41 • S!JS 11.m. T1u1111 , Frence, def. Sabrina Gotet, 000 YU90lialtla, , . , , 7-S, 7-6, Stlfft MMnlilv. Watt Hunt1nv1on Beach 010 11-1 s o pain •• Uoyd Mcclendon of th• Cubs · 111 ...117 lnjurH, bul . conllnu•~ to pltdl. New Y«tl 10ot50fl 1· 0) e t o.Atancl IS Davis Howero and Moore. Fooo •nd Ferolnano 2-3), t.-os . 11.m. Gar-Jt\an.,, def Marla Strandlund, S-.den, 2·•. W-Fooo, 11·1 L-+1owerd. MhaullM (llrkb9ck 0-t) al S.11ti, • -•. 6· 1; Btfllna Fulco, Arvallllna, def. Sabllla IB•llkllMd 2-3), 7:05 11, m. Gerke, Weal Germanv, 4·6, 6· 4, • -4; Olnkv van ltanab\.lrg, South Africa, def. Veronika CIF S-A TllundeV'a Gamet I W1d ar4 aaraa> Boston 11 AIWlla. 7:3S 11.m Nlllnlnatt, Wast G«many, •-4, 6•4, Wlltrua Simi V• lllV 2. Senta Marla 0 Pirates' Kramer limits Reds New York al 0.lltand, 12:15 11.m . '"'*'· WMI Gwmanv. .... Ells.111111 Smylla, Hunllnolon Beach I, CYPf'll.S 0 ClavNnd 11 lhHlmora, •:35 11.m. Australia, 6· 3, • -2; Laura Gwr-. llalv, def Minnesota e t Tuaa. S:lS 11.m. Ciera Wood, Brll1 l11, •·t, • ·I; Slllla Mater. Weal MllwaukM 11 S..llla, 7:(1S 11.m. Gll'manv. def. lleotna Marllllova, C11Choal0· vallla, 7-S, 6-1; Uut'a LIPI, llatv, def. Ive NatleMI LNtiue Budarova, C1achotlov1kla, 7· S, 6-3, Merla to one ·hit in just fourth start WEST DfVISfON Damas, Fra nca, oaf. L.oulM Flalcl, Au"'•"• · W L l"d. Ga 6-3, 6· 3; P1trlcl1 T1r1blnl, Al"oanllna, def Ann I Cincinnati 21 " .561 Grouman, Grove Cllv, OtllO, 6-3, 4· 6, • · I, Jo· when Ward fot one against Teus. Anna Fl4Jll, Austratla, def. Branda Schu111, MtSL •v9fh Rookie takes no-hitter into San Franc:la<:o 20 " .52• I ~ SaMl,INAl..S Royall , Twlaa 1: Kurt Stillwell hll 1 pair of two-run San Olaoo 20 21 •• 3 Nelhll'1and'I, 6·7, 7-•. 6-4, 0.udll Porwlk ( Wast Germenv, def. Adriana Vllta9ran, Aroen­ ...... ,, Houston " , , ... 3 Wldlltl ...... eighth befor~ Oester doubles homers and Mark Gubicza allowed five hits in ei&ht DMilw'I 17 11 ... 3 llna, 7·6, 6-3, Cecilla Dahlman. SwacMt'I, def inninp in the Metrodome as Kansas City won its fffih Atlanta 1• 21 ,'62 • Mll'c.dH P11, Aroanllna, 6·3, t -6, 6·• Ml'I IJ-81 tt1more s. Wlefllte ' loll ,.,..v 16-'Balllmore ' · Wlchl11 • IB•lllmor• stnuiht. It was also a big pme for Bo Jackson. who EAST DIVISION leads aarlft, 2-01 From The Auodat~ P~ NewYorll 20 lS .571 C-.. men homered. doubled and scored three runs. St. Louis If 17 .SM VOLVO COU•GtATE RANKINGS Tl'u'sdl.,.....I Wlc:lllla, S.35 P rn Chic.oo 19 II .Slf (RaMlfb ,,.,__ May l l Frldav-t WICllil• . S.3S Pm. Randy Kramer thought he lost his no-bitter in the Gubicza, J.3, stn1ck out three and walked one and I. UCLA (14), 149; 2. Sl1nford, 143; l UCI, Monde~ I Wlchlle, S.3S 11.m . 111 necaua rvl lost his shutout bid when Dan Gladden bit a sacrifice fly MonlrNI 20 If .Sil Waclnnhl• 16 20 ..... 137; 4. Cal, 133; S. (Ila) LSU end South Carolina Kramer pitched a one-hatter in his fourth m~or­ in the eighth. Jc~ Don Gleaton got the last three outs. Ptttlburoh IS 21 .'17 lit; 7 USC, lot; 8 (Ill ) TIXU Chrlshen, 111 nacnurv> Tu.ao.\1'1 SC.... Kanhld!Y a nd Gaoroi., 100, II Allbame '3, Frldav, Ml'I 26-11 811tlmote US 11 .m (If lcague start. allowing only Ron Ocster's two-out double in Franci5CO Obvcras>G-2, made his first m~or·Jeaaue "KlllM'V) Dedllr'I at New York, PCICI .. rein 12 Miami, 11, 13. Clemaon, 7', 14 Tennen.. . the ei&hth inning Tue$day ni&ht as the start and allowed five runs and nine hits in 51/J inninp. Chlcaoo •. Allanla 3 6', IS. MIUIUIPOI, SS, 16. Sin Dlaoo, 52, 17 Datil vs. Saft 0-.. Marine.rt Brewen 5: Ken Griffey Jr. snapped an Plt11buro11 s. Cincinnati O PePPl!'dlne, " · II. (Ila) Arizona Ind Mlu lsslC>PI Mav >-s.n Olaoo 7, Dallas • beat the at R: iverfront Stadium, 5--0. t , San Francisco 13, PhllacM!Pfll• S Stale, '5; 2G. Ark1 11111, lS; 21 Illa, 26 22 Mav 6'-0aa1a s. Sin Olaoo 4 ••1 had the obvious response. I wondered what would ei&hlh-mnjna tie with a pinch two-run homer as Seattle Sen Oia9o s. Montreal 2 Trlnltv, 23. 23. Lone a..Cfl Sta t• IS 2' Mn 12-S.n Olal>o s. Dallas ' (OI ) have happened -what 1f, what if," be said rallied from a four-run deficit in the Kinsdome. HouilOn • . St. Loula 7 ( 11 lnntnu> lndlana, 11; 25. {Ill) Mld\INn Ind Artlonl Mav l>-Oa1111 7. San. Oteoo 3 T.. Y'a 0- St1ta, 10. • • Mav 1t-Oallaa ' · San Olaoo 1 ut single in the ei&bth and .,._.. (YalloWlll 0-31 11 New York UCI Individual renlllnn : Stnotat-S. Merk aeries, ~ -11 a no-hitter and the first sinc::t Oakland's Mike Wamn Griffey made his first major leaiuc P.incn-bjttina T~,,_., San Dlloo. 7:35 11 m (Dwlfnll 2-3), us- 11.m. Kalllan; l3. Tr....or Kron.mann, SS. Mike against OJicqo on Sn>t. 29, 1983. His bid seemed in appearance. replacing Mickey Brantley. Griffey sent Pftbburoh (Stnllav • · 1> a1 Clnclnnall (llho Brlvos. Ooublft-13. Kronem.M· 8t11>11l 2' S.turda.,....., San Olloo, 1;3S 11 m (If neceu· Bill 4-0). ,..35 a.m. Kal>lan· ltlcllar-d Lutlner. l'Vl j~pardy when Herm Winnfogham opened the seventh Weaman's 1--0 pitch over the right-field well for this SM Oleoo (Hunt •-21 al MontrNt IPar11 Cenwnunttv c..... wemen CH~SHI~ with a hard voundcr that bounced off first baseman Sid fourth of the $C&SOn. 0-51, '-'OS 11.m (8"t·ef-71 Dream's glove. San Francisco llleusehal , _,, at Ptllladellllll• SOCAL R•Gl<*AL flNALS Oa tes Ind '""" TBA The Marinen have won 10 ofthear last 13 P-l!'P· IHowtll 4-1), 4.3S 11.m (It ...... c:..Mr'Y OI*. ~ ) The scoreboard operaton, without waiting for a Wegman, 2·5, allowed three runs and four hats an Atliinta II. Smith 1-S) a t Clllcffo (Pico 1-01, Of-.. Gaast S, 0...... West J decision, immC'-.• was staked to a 4--0 lead. allowed three runs on j u.st two (Deallalft S- 2>. S:lS •11.m. erl50ll IGW) def Ha•llntn1 6·2, 6-3; Durr (GW) Oester, batting just . 175, spoiled n for good with an hits and five walks. ~... 0- Olf Ewtno, 6- 2, 6-2; Mc.Lin COCCI oaf Cllut'dl, 6· 1, • · 3, Clev... nd IOCC) def. Laird ?· 6, opposite-field dnvc to left that landed 10 feet 1ns1dc the Yuk.ea 3, AWetlca Z: In Oakland, Clay Parker DMilw'I •' New York, C:35 11.m 6-2, 91. Loi.Ila at Houlton, S:3S 11 .m 7·6 8 1rdl (OCC) def. HMnrMla. I-• . 6·4, 6· 0 Hlltl KMlt line. pitched seven-plus innin.15 for his· first major·leacue ~ CIF 4· A OUA.RT•RP'INALS •• rvc never in life played on a team that was no­ AM•RtcAN' L•AGUE Durr-llobll'tson h I 0 I 0 clon. 6· 1, def H Dano· Arn Awnc:lon, 6-l . def 7.30 - at Marina Hlvh Hammaker. a . IOI career hi~r, and Robby including a thrtt·run homer in lht ~1gbth to pull Chicqo >6 210 2 Tateb M 712 7 E1taclo· Goma1, 6· 1, Ellbar· McCllnloc.k IC> " Thompson each had three hits in San F. nc1sco's h1&hest­ within two runs. T""' Seer-. IW ....._ • won, •-O, 6-l, 6· l, Alkln· Bastlaanc:a IC) won. 6· 1, 6· 4, 6-1 scon~ pme or the year. Every stane scored a run and ...... , 1• --2 aot a hat as the G1ant1 ended a three-game losing streak . 0 c...... 1t2 ., -~ 1 ...... "' v...... Mtullll Vlete ' E-Jovner. DP-fk>aton 1. Ca llfornla 2. ( 'IUMUI V...... w1M '" •"'*'· IJ· lll · C8bt f , Braved: Rync Sandberg bit a two-run triple v.-en J, A-.....0 2 Loe-8olton 10, C.llfornta 7. 211-WuNnvton, SIM9at in a four-run first inning and O\ic.ago held on for the ... V.ll OMC.UUIO llaact, Jovner, Parrl1h, ll1v, Gr-watt Mal (FV) losl 10 Zutlan, 2-6 def ...... 4e t1 ,,__., ,,,... victory at Wn&ley Field. 4 110 ...... ,. 38 8oovs. Hlt-Wealllnoton ()), llav (1) 8oroumano, 6- t . def Holrovd, 6· 0, Morita (F V) •AH•AL.L. loll, 1· 6, won, 6-3. 7-6, Wlntenteln CFVI won, ~ &..Mtllle 4 ••• ,... 4 ••• ...... SB-OWNta ll• >. SF-ftav Scott Sanderson, 4-2, allowed four hits in six 1nmn1.5, 4 I Z I " I~ HR•RBBSO 6-2, 6· 3. lost, 3·6 -~ Ktnl Hrbek, ~- 41 11 """""' •••• ~ first bawnan, on Illa 15-ilev dlMOlad 1111 struck out three and walked one. Mitch Wi lliams worked f •• e hrilllelf ) I I t 0.-d It I I ...... 4 I J I ...... 4 11 1 ~- 4l lt Hasaeawa· Suolno IFVI lost to IJlan· Srav llacallad Of1ando NMCIOo, catct>«, from Smllhloft L, 1· 3 3 1-3 • ' 6 0 l the final two innings for his 11th save. ) t I I '"*"'"' , ••• ~- ,,,. Price 2 2· 3 3 I I 2 I 4· 6. def Cllafl9·L.ers.n, 6· 2. Off Hone·atum: • Por'fland of Illa Padflc Co.st LMoua Tom Glavine, S·I, gave U{> four stra1Jht hlls to open I I I I 0.-wo c J e • t ..._ff • e • e l.amP I I 0 0 0 I mar,, 7-6, No· Nehrlt (FV) IOsl, I·• . 5•7, won. ...,.... ~ 1 I I 1 ""-t Ill I I t I L.Mlll>'f » 4 t 1 t • - I; Cllan-Moanler (PVI IOst, 3· 6, S·7, 3·6 ST. LOUIS CAltOINAt..S-Placecl Todd W0< · the.first innina and then ten with a sprained left ar\l••• W,S-1 10 2 2 3 .5 ~- McCau• e __. the American Aasodal'loft.. three runs; leading San Diego at Olympic Stadium. Enc .,...... ,,, .,., Minton I 00002 lllbbllt (NH) oaf. Em •-O. oaf lloelrilluez IAN(..-TaALL ...... ~Sil· Plldlad IO 2 bettan In Illa "" 6·0, def Yodllnda, 6-0, Herdln INHl won, 6· 3...... AIMCllltell Show, S-4, ended his three-game losing streak and Grell Ul'l'IPlras-+1oma, N\cClallalld, First. 6· 2. •-t; Hans.n· Oant (NH ) dafaulled, won. ORLANDO MAGIC-Hamad Keith Jones as- Hams aot his first save. .... """ ...... ~V~lo.llMI ••e-·... Loe-- .,_ • o.llM--· 4 Brlnllman; Second, c_.,; Third, Cobia 6--1, 6- 1. sl"ant tralfler effacthle J\ltv I - T--t:54.. A-26.00. Clark h.iu two-ru.n homer off Bnan Holman. 1-1 . for Deulleet c • ...... AIMdl... »-1.-. IC- - 1 1•11 141 Warmlnolon-JacoO (NH I def Yuan· Sllane CO U... BUS H_.110 G a 4-1 lead in the fifth iMina. Clark connected on a 3--0 ~ 1 C•l "8-0I••- 6· 2, loll to ZO'l· Burns, 4·6, clllf Moncv L ,.. "" H-Namad arv pitch for his fourth home run of the season. • II .... IO P111anon, 6· 4, ..1 rd· SCllUll1 (NH) won. 6· 3, Voumans Med ~ALL CaNJ.aaJt a, Aa&tot 7: Rafael Ramirez hit a sacnfict t I t B.\SkF.TBAtl. _.> <.• ••4, Iott, S-7, Handll'M>n- Thurslon (NH ) won ...... ,..... L...- • N lb MIO e • • 6"3• won. • -l CHICAGO al!Alt...-.Wa1Y90 JoM ~ . fly in the I Ith anninaandBill Doran drove 1n live run for '°''· '"'· ,. , J I I f ISllMda Ii, A..,_ S Wida racatv.r Houston in the Astrodomc. .., ., s--. Craia Biaio led off the 11th with a triple and Grca t I) t •t •t •I •I Bowen IE I Olf. Souc:v, 6•0, def Frluala •·4, daf Hlru:rl , . err--.... WJi11..,....ce..- ~ -•~ imcntion:rl tle"a"fcr cw ,, ) , • I I .... ::· C::.V: &=l, i!"-1 toat, 3· 6, won . load the bases. Ramun bf\ed a fly ball to shallow center .... IM e J • o-•. -W.Jl II I • J •I 0#_,, N • • • I I 0.... field and 81a>o beat Willie Mc:GCe's throw to the plate • • • Cum1n· Brown (E) Claf. No1111l• NletJon, 6-2, lo the American U.,ue: w-v.--~I IC,. -'-"'"'-""- def Burec1ta1- va1a, 6-1, def Baron·Conlon. Blee J1y17,11141au I : lo Toronto, Uoyd Moseb)· Ul'I• •• ...... e.rci. ,-,,.., 0 .., . T•ne· L-d (El won, ... 2...... , . Taal· .....,_,_ ,_.,.. ..._,,_,"... ftlh . ... CNnV (E ) !oat, H . 2-6, won, •·2 hometed to anap an e~th-1nnina tic and the Blue Jar - CMCAM.,...... '· M'T90fT ' 4·A· ""ST ROUND SCOllllS rallied from a 1iiMUI\ c1erac11 for their second stra1aJlt 0 ...... S.n11 Barbara II, Santi Yna1 O ...... d t • -.,•t it victory.under interim Manaacr Cuo Oa.ston. 'J Foothlll IS, MllllMn J ...... c:.rew. > I I I '--" .,,. M<>1eby. wbo homcted Monday n.•abt to snap an O­ I lfl ,,, Eatallde 1l, Aeour-a S IT~ ,,,, ...... Tflouland Oeka f , Pelot Verdel f ln-w:t for-27 slump, hit bis foun.b homer on a pitch from .,., "°""'°" ' .,,, . 4 I I' t I l t .,_d 0.ks MVlllCM1 '7· 73) c~• IC.--•--· ...... , e•••Ji lt reliever Keith Atherton, 0-2, with one out. f n_.. ·Dene HI"' II , Sant• Ana Vlllav 0 I I I •••••eet ...... Jtte Tom Henke, 2-3, pttched Iv, inninp in ttltcffor the °"""" .. • I 1 t .,...... Maler Oat ''· lhldwln P.rll S ...,.,, le • 1 I I .o.r...a , ..,.., 41 ' ' ~- 4 t... I t I J 1 Newoort Herbor 14, Merine ' victory. After Henke 1W&lked two batlt'rs in the ninth, #Oco. d 00.WW ce.-• , Corona dal Mar 11, Noee1e1 O .,_.,,, •••• "'wlllff 4 I It ...... _.!lat Duane Ward came on and aot the last two out for his ••>• ~ .. ,, ,, fl'ountaln Vahv f , Mlaalon Vlillo f (Fountain f Ii I .... ,, VllllV Mltancw, 13-el) tee0nd save. It was the Blue Jays' first save since April 21. ni..~·c .._. ,.... •r 111 '- ••n• •• • C...... • ..... _ Dlernond hr It, Servi!• ' _,,_.,. ,... ~· llallltc ...... , Camarlllo IS, N04'~ 3 oi-.... 1" t ..t I C:..C..• El Toro It, Cenvon ' 0 0 =·~ ...... ,.. L­--· ~·Ullf!NI ... ~- 1 L09-0 - -It. 0... San Mlrcos 17, Sf. JOfln loKo I ••••••e• ., ...... _._ Wnttall• ' · Lone 8aach WAaon ' (Wllll•U •9¥1111 ...... CM-• •••• O...... • ...... ldVence.1, n - 12> ICAMAtOTY .....,,...... ~. -· ...... c.-...... c - Ill ~--~-··1141 , ...... hwrtv HUis " · Ventura 2 .,.... . ,a .. •rllW ...... in. --z1t m • a t Melllar>e 4 ••• W k Pa · ..._.-...d SI1e1• I I IW\~·'1 ''''4 e I I 'Y-~ .,,, ....• • • • • l'\lcMll Cf •••• ,,,...... l lJI Daarrt ., ,...... RwC!ltll JI l, o.nl» 4 t l I IH t • t I • ,...,... I et t 0--tll J. It ...... 4 ltJ a I I I I e T,,_" 4 I J I CCMlll 111 I I : e ..... 4 ••• Jl·J t I t I t ~· ..... Jett 2 I I I t t .,.1.-..,.1..... 4J1•e•• I l--c Jftt••• ,...., 9-0 J 1 I I MlrCMIC t It t COlrtlftc..... J ttt .---.a 41 l l ._.. J 111 ...... ,,,...... ,., . • ~ ••n...... 1 ~ .. ,., ...... ------~"' . _- ...... t ·~ Of cw~-...... 1t ~ '-· • QI., ...... , . ,•. ,..,...... m·:- en • ....__ .~ .. Twins put Hrbek ;£::•Lt:~:: on IS~yDL . ti+> t t Jl I ....--l.. • .., J IJ t ' HfH h ! ·~-· ..... I 8 t t 8 I ...... ,.....,,...... , ~i.:11:..:: -- IH· t P 'J ' .. .. •••r LA 111 - I ...... • ...... 11 ,...... 1 .0::. .""• cllllce...... ,, ~ ,...... MWT'I...... Loacm __,...... ::.;::~'. W?..:.':.tttil mDI ... - -

TODOS' golf tourney Scott to host camp ..nc TOOOS rounh annual 1ft\1\111onal aolf Golf, tennis fundraisers Byron Scott t>f Lbc Lakm v.-1U host a ) OUlh tournament W1JI be ~t'ld Monda) 11 the Mcu . Pro tennis in San Diego Verde Counll)' Cl ub u1 (o ta M~ . bukctbtll camp for bo}t and 11rti qes 8· 18 .i rhc Doublt' Llrven {'lub, a SupJ)()n IJ'OUP for EstallC'la Hip Monday. Aua. 21 throu&)I .. Wr, [)(1ncr•· 1$ the thcmt' o( lhe oent, The lara«1 and most '1an1fic&nl profcwonal pontorcd by the S.1nl Joxpb H~pital suppon Anaheim Memorial Hospital, will ho t the 131.b Saturday, Aua. 26 annual Double Eleven Club Golf 4 Tenn!\ tcnntS 1ournamc:n1 cv« held 111 ~.n Dlt&O. th~ ThecampO«ent~opuonofdayorovcm1&ht avvup, TOOOS Procccch !tom the tournament $200,000 Grat Amcncan Ban& Tcnnts Claua~. I arc earmarked for the Sa1n1 Jowph Hospital Invitational on Monday. June 12 a1 the Mes.a camptnt and I.he 1nsw«ors will feature an Vcrdt Countl) Club 1n Co la Mes.a will hold 1u 1n1usural c .. ent July l I ·Au.a. 6 at tht' lmpttUtvc hst of NBA Stan \hat tncJudtj Emcracney Department wh1<' b 1rcais 40 000 Sin Dieso Tennis Racquet Oub The c:lub 1s pallctHS per ) Car and 1s lhe busiest cmcracnn This benefit fu ndra1S<1 is lhlft <'"Cnli 1n ont \ Michael Cooper, Kun Rambis and Jamtj depanmcnt 1n the cowity · - a " bcs1-ball .. aolftournamc:nt, doublt'S tc:nn1\ l()(;alcd at 4848 Tecolotc Rotd Worthr_ who "'alll 1111c basketball po1nten Many oflhc top ranked players in the ll(Orld The ~ODO tournament will be h1ph&)11cJ tournament and a silent and lhc auction photcvaplu and aut.osraph1 to th<>K on hand culmina11na with a spons awards bnnquc1 indudin& No I Steffi Graf, arc expected to In addluon 10 a Wttk of on- and ofT<0un by a chance to win a I 989 Sterh n& from M c~an lompctc for the fi rst pnze of S40,000 in a 3~­ Cadillac-S1crhna. There will also be a spe<.: 111 Event pl"Oettds benefit "The Foundation r or l\lldancc from Scoh and ~ other pla)crs au pla)'er sinalt'S draw. Add1t1onally l~ v.111 be l~SI b) .4J1 ~htlh na. hanl\&. · lht' paucnt assistan()( fund dC\clopcd appearance aolf pro who 16 teams in doubles taluna pan 1n the: ca~ wall r«e1vr a T-shirt. 1 camp pho1e>­ v.111 a.i vc p<>intcn 10 pan1c1pant\ 1n a \ 1dro • ..,. 1n at Anaheim M'cmonal Hospital. the first not-for sra . daily lunchc1. a ~r50nal player profile pro fit hospital 1n Anaheim The fund 1sdcs11ncd tournament wh ich 1s a major stop on th<" cv uauon and a ttn1ficatc of comple11on. an1l)'m from 10-11 301 m V1fJ1n1a Shms World Champion hip Senn This ) CU 144 golrcn v.111 pla~ at the 10 JI'<' finanttal help 10 poucms and famtht'S 011cmJ&hl campas wi ll be pro,1dcd v.1th three who arc not able 1u afford hcah h care during Ticket 1nforma 11on m1 y be obl&1ncd by call1n1 meal~ o day and lod&Jna 1ournamcn1 sn a four-person tum scramble 1619) 7SS -4 ~91 format , w11h a shotgun s1an at noon The ftts arc umes of medical need An award1ceremor.y will take place on Fnda> For more 1nformat1on on rcg1stra11on or as a farcv.cll 10 the campers There v.111 also be a $200 per pla)cr. $800 per foursome and $200 101 let or arccn sponsors Tht" (OSI 1ndudl·s grc:l'n corpora1c sponsorship opponuni ucs. phom· lhe Pro-Stan chant) bukctball pmc dun na 1ht< Anaheim Mc:mon1I Hospital r oundauon UI v.cck fc11unn112 NB.\ pla)cn fe«, aolr cans lunch un the lQUrSt' rcfrc~h ­ ments alona "'llh a cocku1I r«cpt1on Jrnnl'I 999-6060 • Spon10nh1ps ha' c bttu utabh~ai tu h.:lp and an 1v.1fJ.s ccremon) h11hh~htin tt the: cover th.c camp cost' for undcrpn, 1k ce9 B.i,11lle Da\ Ill rnn· 10 bc hl'IJ lllurnamenl .,. 111 !'It held June: 27 in Scauk. June ')unda) Juh lb v.111 marli. the hllh .tnn1\('P.ar' 18 in San Franl1~0 and June JO 11 the Bren West Coast Golf Show of the: C\t'nt w11h .in ntra' ap n11 celcbralln.& the E"cnts Center on the l Cl campus.. 100th 1nn1\.Cn.lr\ uf Bas11lk Da\ Head Carlyle golf tourney The IUlh annual Wc\I < (M\t n lk.tl h re1urns to the long Beach C11n\l·nt111n < t·ntt·r the C\Cn t h11' bcen ll'!il\tcrl'd 11~ an ufl 1u.il The OranaeCoun1y C. hambcr of ( ommcrtl' J AUJ. 19-21 f rench b1u~n 1 l"nn 1 al C:\l·nt Wylie Carlyle In' 1uua.o.nal Golf To umamcn1 Crea led b~ aolf protcS)IUnal\ thr \\('\I I llJ\I L.isl )tar, n.:.irh .l llCll1 runnl·I"\ l·umpcttlnC'!>S JnJ start al 11 a m • t Los ( O)'Ott'\ ( ounll') Cluh ' Spring '90 profcs,mnal golf ..eason i,t lh<' \\ l'\I lin.inual '4'ltllln ol "e"p<.1rt Bt'alh Jnd If''"" Italian golf fundraiser The: lee: 1s SI .?S per perwn for thc scramhh: ( OJ SI C,ol( \hov. Ill.if pros and lltl-<.oUf'M. &1111 .\ 11.. fu11 Run - lht· < ·<',I I .1 \ 1c \tnde ,., formal 1oumamen1 lndudcd'" the feel\ - aoll \hop ov.ners will ha"c the opportuntt\ hr ••i>cn 111 It"\~ lOlll~ll"lll1\e pJntl 1pant' ul all .tt1.l'\ The Oran&<' ( oun1~ .\mrncan ltahan Ren315· c.an. t\cning buffet dinner, 1rophte\ ~01 ~U pre\. It'"' the golf indu•ll') \ h11 n1 pr1>tlut1' I he ( nrpor.ttl' tc.in1' ot thr,•c: h• fi,e runnt'I\ !>:lnl't' Foundauon IO<. .\IRF) and honoral'} raffle. tee pn1e\. door pnzes. holc-1n-<>ne pn1e\ I Q89 show 1, tree lur p( , .\ rnrmht·r, I'<, \ (emplu)C:l'S onh I \\Ill on,l' ,1tu1lll l°\lnlflt'h ' lur lhl' lhiurman Vince Fc:rragamo will host the Stllh C11 s1no Nigh t. beer a M ~oft dnn l.. H10 the: cour\t .ipprrnllCt'\ and uO \.OUN: golf ~hop 1v.1ar' ' .. Bron1f ~h~ .. \-..urJ J (ll'rpt•tual trn(lh) annual Southern Cahforn1J ltahan Open Golf and pla)'c:r 11f\ The 1989 \\e\I ( oast (iull \hem -..111 t'I( lh\' Prixt'l'd\ l111m 1h1· ,·H·n1 hn1l'lt1 1he I nitt•d Toumamcn1 Cu ndra1scron ~ o nda )'. Jun<' 12, at for bufTe& dinner and C ll'>lno 1' 1~h1 onlv 1he lar~nt .uit.I mu~t 1:umprchcn~1\c C'\ c1 hdJ 0111h1 ( crcbn1I Pal"" .\~... -.1 .. 11111). •I <>r.ingc ( nunt\ the: 'le""pon Beach (ounll'\ Club 1600 Coa 1 pncc 1s SJS • \I. est (oas1 v. 11h 54UC'\h1b11 twi.11h .. \hnv.l;i,111~ ror murc 111lor111.1111 11 flht fl\ \u\,.tn \\ ht'lldl lll H 1 &b~• ). "'c:.,. J)l)n Bc:arh • For mort 1nforma11on. phone the Ornn111 the nc" C.:Sl in 1()11 c~u1(lment dttt'\<>11n1·, .11111 ~51 5100 For more inlorm11 nun. phone t: h 1m1an "I ( ounty Chamber uf( ommt'r\ di b \4.l'XJO fa\h1on appan·I \ h1C\.'h1 II u-,?-11771) or ' sec l: h ~11rman Franl f or more 1nlorma11un phonl' 1'~ 0-(,11t I Sc1arre'l.I 771-37Hl


.. " • - STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? ) 'me Legat Department 1t lhe P14"ase stop by to Ille yovr Oa ty Pilot •• pleased to an· r1c t1t1ous business atatem nt at nounee • new Mtvtce now aV9il· th• Da ily Pilot Legal Depart­ Ible to NW buSt,,_... rnetit 330 w.. t S.y. Coste ('' W• • HI now SEARCH the Mesa C 1t1orn1a If you ean not na~ tor y04J 11 no elCtre Ch•r~ . top by pteue call us I'J and ...... y04J the ttme 1nd the et (1"1•1 6•2-4321, Exten91on tnp 10 the COurt HOUM In Sent• 315ror 3 US .rnd we II ma)ct "' An1. Then. or courM. aftet the naogemenls tor you to hind - ...rCh II com(>.. t~ we wtlC tt• thia procedure by mail y<>Ur nctJhout bu9'neM name If you anoutef h.ave any furlhet ttatement W1th t.MCounlyCterll. questions plNse calt us ano we ~bthlh one. 1 -...k tor four w1ll be more than glad to •• ...... requited by ... llnd you • ''*' me YOUf PfOOt of publ­ GOOd luc ca1ion wtth the Cowtty CW'k new bu

DAILY PILOT ~Page. Tum unW9Jted ;r.,.,. Into ~= #

From North Orange County 540-1220 642-5678 From South Orange County 496-6800

Cost! Mesi 1024 jN!Wm ltl<>rplen, beaut !ind· 2BA, view home. New Duplex. 8' Frplc, pvt big FMtutlng ..BA 2 BA, pro· 2'A8A 2 atory home. all On tlie Bluff~ 28R 18A ac.ped, Cape Cod eKt crpt, roof & much mor• •••l ••ul. patio 6 yard & garage Lo. C1ballefos I & 2BR t f41M!ontilly lndecpd patio, hrctwd flOOf'I huge ltvlng 0/W l~Ul S775/ mo S 188,900 OPEN HOUSE Joyce Ag1 960· 1109 1-f 11000/mo t 1900 dep. Studio• S tlrtlng at eectua!Oft & upgrad.. too rm wllrplc. f11]'1ly rm. 2201 Pte•fi<; .S.t.&~ l2·~ ,.IR 2so-ao<>2 ore50·51t,. "60/mo. Fullctub mem. numetou• 10 l'MOUOll nlOe ver~a $2250/mo T.St.. MGMT 642-1603 C ..CK YCMM AD •&e2-05S5• IALllA IUU '"SI 38edrooma. 2Balhl bef'lhlp Incl 5.. 6-8560 Th19 Bluff• ~ty will not • Comforl•bl• 4BR 2BA 2 iM ... VeHCh, patio t dfapee t()Cloed gAr• • ..- c:...... ~ ...... ,,... .. ' ..... today, bulld tomorrow ...... ,lllK.,,,_, .. ..., ~· .,-, MTllllGlll peta, lam with 1·2 aml ShCM't or long term IM baJeony. 2 Ctr garage '850 No pe11 &40 · 241~ ...... , ...... 0...... , 3BR 2BA, hardwood Grut oPPI)' at 1495,000 associated children prefd 5-49·3"48,. $1275/mo. 4BR 2BA + St775/mo Call DOUG brtell trple &tlClO/mo ,,.., ,.. , • ,. , ·•• , ~ ' • r1 _ ...... ,...... ,...._ -...... -- .. , flWle9. ... floors. frplc. cul-de-11c llUnrrtllTIS BR. ''1 BA cer ger, lrg ~.=.ly rmAVI.fr~ • 1•lr N:... ~,0 HERBST 720-3980 or f1.U lllT&LS '*Mesa Verde QIMt 28R ....tC ...... , ..... ~· • ,', I• I -t '-' 2 2 2 ., ...... ,...... ,....., ~ loc. 126-4,000 Submit · -, " 1 5 "'"'2 7a"'5000 18A. d /w, "' ctc>Mts ...... , ...... llMIH 6 bright! S mall yard Paula Cir 818· 576-0573 ...,.. 111"'812 llOl'llQe 1oc1o:O Qaf"Oe ~1(4TIQilrl ..,...._. , UllYWAll .....,... ..-.....:...... ,,..., ...... s 1 t50/mo 2230 PKlhc - r1llir ~ .A.V s7so No!*• M0· 2•t5 ...... C•(frl9t"--...... f ...... , ... ·~-. .--... 111-2142 v-ounum .. §Pi#w IHch 2118 Avall lm!Md &.iS-09&8 • SpaclOua 2BR l''tBA flltU",.... ·I nmseu YUILY - ...... Custom 2·aty 4Br 3Ba 11 3 2 .- .-.. .,.._ ' '-' ,...... ,...... ,...... $6951( MO- 7035 EK 330 • 311A TOWNHOUSE ~~~ ~~t A~ ~ t\X r \"111 ltt '\ ·11 • Huge upper BR BA ••••,IEE• -·...... 2BR Duplex. 1BA, new NPT HGTS aree lrplc. now $930/ mo. 953·8662 REAllOAS • I ell nrN Intel'!(><. gereoe 2BR 28A trptc, endOMd & paint CIOM l o naflo, uarv nlc:. 322 ""le frplc $t500/mo • .u 1 11 "'··lit I ...... ~tbea<:h Credit & rels ..- ·-' "" '925/ mo~ 1BA VerN1itee • Ce.nattront 38R· 2BA ? gar""V•• "" · ni ·- r I•------· 995 1 7 req'd S6151mo • $900 St •C S ~ · S..O •TIE llST• grNl ocean v~I Frig dectca. gareoe t13!IO mo 9'\ops ,' 7t~":(. Fl.ulous! 3 I 1 ".... . llY VIEW!' MC 213*881-3838 • M... Verdelg qulet3BR Walk to beecht BA hM Oya 21316119·3990 or • UPOtldld 3BR 2BA TSL MGMT g,.2 • 1603 ~ ,.. ...LI . . tt • 2BA, lrpk:, lg cloaeta dbl t'.\,.BA. aundectc ~tJo Evea 213/,.59-8355 lowef duple•. 2 cat gar· ___ ~...,., m c ... _. M 2 22 iarage. d/ w encl pallO Prof1111o nallf land· - p 1 I f •pl~ N - L- .._ Decorator perfect glant l B A Y SIDE C 0 VE Ofe>na ~ Ir I 1150 No pell 640·2495 1caped. Cul·de · sac. -•- IO, If r ••••~• •wl11W11* .. over 180 o •II 28rl1''\8a 30' bOat' ~ltpt 3· 2 reat $ 1450 2· 1 r ..r upgrds & grndr $1 375 • ••fOllST Ferry S 1300/mo E'S113E 28R t 'BA lwnt!H -h~ 3BR 2',BA, 1 Ta1telully decoreted $1050 FP, gar yd. lrg $770 CUTE Cepe Cod 2Br MC Ha-9287 - Ylt.U IUUU frplc d/w ger.• yd1p1110 1,,.. .. ,,..... 2 wd llrs new carpet/paint ,.BA 28A. lrp1C, formal din· 111.••12 lndry room $875/rr.O . . frplca. huge 2 car gatage. Welklng dlatance to brght, lotsa wood Npet1 1111 / • d b 1 IC • Great loci 'tt ml 10 ocean & 1ng rm remoel led femtly - 26 l7 o A , htghty customrzed. encl Bilbo• 111and, shops & 703c.tnatlon 760-1237 • ~·: r~S ;5~;r Edl90nHIOh 2Stylg4BA kllch•n . St8761mo range ve . Robin banll. 1595,000 252t POINT DEL MAR tma y • gar, • 2',\BA. formal dine FR Gayle Amato. 721·.il 120 PflTlllSf TSl MGMT 1603 ' 111 28 2 ~ 2· .. New Cape Cod hN, 2Br llll UY TIWllllE wl frplc Lndry rm. see or 557·9632 " • Balboa A. BA. $525 • dep Mobile home 2'1tBa, guest rm, Iott 3BR 2'"BA. 2 cer gar""&. sys S 1695/ mo 751- 1039 veullld ceillnga vleN Im No pe11 Mature adults ..., R£NA( ' meculate S 1350/mo Quiet MK:ure 1991 New Over 2000 all. Frplc w/ d great locatlon. End Unit ·I Agenta o k 873 0946 port divd 646.8173 t~ •''• hkup, bkyd. 2~Jr gar Assoc pool/spa Vacan1 ' 1t•'v rr ~r 1u·"' 'I I : ...... VILLA BALBOA PENTHS Very Ille & airy Walk to $ 1 2 7 5 Im o P fa If Y. ~ '\... ,.._, ~ \. EXECUTIVE Twnhme 1n •, I J Irvine 2144 -; . . ,· .....TIMW Remdled moat PoP plan. ahops, reateurants. bch Properti es Sar111c9a 28R luKury condo In OK· REALTOAS • guard iated Sea • • Rar• 1 atory 3BA 2BA 2BR crn Below mrket. 846-9501/d 846-8627/n 6.il2 9797 ford Court Park locauon BAYRIOGE 2br 2ba 2 er ~~~ ,m~ ~~~~~G~~~ IWeSliB.AU condo In the heart of Sl79,000 6-42·6777 • SHARP -2BA 1•1 BA Charming 2 BA Easts1d e 1·yrnew Sec alarm sys. gar Bplan Gatedcomm Coata Me sa w / lg -- townhouse. w/ d hlwp. H• Gar w/ ope11er, f/p tam St300 f mo Amenl llea Xlnt Loe fHt1ttltlH11frtllt IPAITIEITS l ...... backyard &-2 e11r at· San Clemtntf 1076 llreplace, pool carport w/ d hkup, d•n. patio 786--0884 St600 213-510-0358 3BR 2''tBA evailable May Th... attraetivf! Apts lu I teched garege EnfOy the 5BA. .. BA, ,400 aq ft View $950 NO PETS 722·8011 S980mo 840·2426 DEERFIELD Mestet BA. BAYVIEW TERRACE p11n & June $2750/montl'I ture pool &Pl 11uvate • l ... • 'J(l. 4 2 aecurlty of condo llVlng Eatate 3 level• For Sale Eves/Wknds 722·8 t,.O 10 • EASTSIDE• 2• BA Wh 1te all , 1 6. detached 3BR 2 ~ BA 54,.·248,. or 838-3232 patloa or dee• s naranl'! withe ptlvecy of a atnnle ---- ' w ' lie f 2 ...... d 1 "' • .,. lamll heme A ste~l"at or Trade $900,000 3BA 2 "r Ba. attached Baek Bay Berber Frptc fOf'mal OR. am rm, 100 si t totally ...... son Y Of cltfport 1n a t>eaUhtull)I s l Call Anne ,.G t-5097 house w/ garage. w/ d I I Bdrm cozy college yard. dbl garege. retno upgraded S2400 mo Nita YllU IALllA 1and1"al>ed utt1no < , 1 t r.. - ~·. " '" .. 19McCatland500 • near beach S 1700/mo. yr Lat;. yard Country ,.,. w a s h e r 1 d r y e r 759-3500 71 She&rw&tlff Sury l'\O pell '-.•···. ·~ 631 1268 1 1 Cl '9'1; I"' lse Ava116/1 673-7901 No pets 329 s 11001mo Agt650-a553 ~ '•• l I ' 'I.• SanuAn• 1000 ting ~ $695 lilhaJHYIHIS P! ~ :~~~~ cB\ ,~~A B~~ms::O I!'' 2816 1 111 1 • •\ T ') l Jrt 8 2 ' '• .... •; :'h ~ I ~- 1· MllTI SAITA W OlllHA Ill llll Umvert•ly .. • NEW 2BA 2BA lrg k ltch 2 BR 'Townl'l<>mee with up S 1150 mo Agt 675-•q 12 2Bdrm 1· .ea S760 Upscale Santa Ana EA N BL D • E SIDE 2BA 1BA House ' w/d 1·car gar. nice ma~ to 1 820 alt golf courH 2Bcirm 288 T~h$f> ~ ., liillU 10 9 o c v 1 I_;____ • deslrable area 3BR Bedroom. f i repl ace Pvt fenced With patio ter bdrm. good storage ~ lrplcs. -.. 10 hllups. Sin Oemente 2176 ·121 c1m1 STRm General 1002 ti. BA fixer for only patio new paint & carpet V1Ytted c:.illnQ• 316 E I '950/ rno.. * 9694229 ale. 2-c.r attch gar Call CO-sTA MESA . Dana PoWlt 1026 1 $255.000 Oouble car $850/mo incl U\llS 21St I Pet o, k : ' d hit.up TwMM 2Br 2Ba n u fn 9·8 lor appt 760·5A94 3BA 2BA View 3 yrs - ! .... S900 mo 6 1 .. ss-0817 ..- - M C targe 101 DIW •1p•c 142-1424 .... ~eled ..BA hOOM • gareoe double AV ac- * * * '* * yd a1rm POOi 1nns gym NEW DECOR 3BA 2 ~BA dbl garaoe S 1J95 mo I've got the deal' office. View. spa. atry ~ Lg corner lo1 Call 606 NARCISSUS By Appt E SIDE IQ Cottage 2BR I No pell Lse Avl appx den, dbl gar trplc relrlg (71 .. ) •98· 8082 wllnds - ., M1NUTES TO BEACH 1 1 ------.""!!'!"!' lneedthedownpaymenll Drive by 25252 Steysa.I Aobef1Mltllket1 torApp1 only lovely SBA 3BA 2 t '"rBA W / Dhkup micro 5120 $1100 5•8-723• commpoot LeueS1695 l213) 897-73048am·5pm *UUICUAPTS* Gtnerll 1002 Share equity 50·50 I Broker 493.07e1 831·1288 story 2 car garage attacN Pvt beh :J & aen furn South Co1•1 M•tr-"" Ftowe< 6"'5·8161 •PPI ~~o~u':' ~ll~Pr~~~g 00 dr , ~:'y.~::'g· u~:'~~~~~:' r 100•;. tex benefits Must hegan tw ~-•B oRry PB wlih t5% down 1 mile • J • 831 ·5697 or 631· 1453 S30001mo 499.4455 # ~ " $789,900 h ct edl A om I .. 2 A , y-,,.'",,.;jt, , ,lfU '.> 760·3800 2186 • E $10E 28t 1.11°' e;eble TV ave ean Ct t. gt w/ i>.autifully landaeaped lrom beach, Costa Mesa HIGH TEC 2 • 2 condo d.bl E Wattrfrtit lt•ts Ito. 0 _....__. •~· I 957•8002 Dys, Ev. Wknds yard Custom featur11 • ~S.2967 11' 6J.]-8~.'I~ gar trplc, pool spa, wld All n-~'~l}.!/A'Jr-~ IUlTO•I STlllO COIH ~1:."~5:,~~ "ri~ v~ _,.,..".. ' _..,,, IC. 1rw11•••111y1rw lhr"""'h-oot New ctir"'"'t l(ln1 loc. St 1001mo ..,,_ 11 n • AEA~TOAS - 5W &~imlct lle Prlced";.1 J.t07£. C.Utttwy. C4111 837·3708or549·3758 country h ome Full HARBOAVleWHome .. BA Great IOC & V•ftW sc, toriafi45·8161 ppt 631 1.. 00 llUS Call 751·3191 * CORONA HIGHLANDS view, ei.- Fam rm din rm lrptc jBACI" E' s•CS. 1 $3~9 . 900 *I ITAi IW, IA I Catalln ~ f""l 12 7 ~:::~o:.'P~67~ ro !>:~~ 11 Cotta~ 73.6900 EXCEPTIONAL In 8 "erv Select Better Home1 & 111111 ..Ill 2BR urnt, w/ d garage & I f R t•IATIS tras vailab e VWN . pootl tenn11 . .clnt 955·84J,. c• 76().0273- 1<11.1 QUl~t '•si>O" No 6 • wey Thi• home exudes Garden1AMIE1t11e ae.IPlll I yard $1150673·8900 Eastald• 2BA Duple.c '4500/mo619-431·172.il IOC s21001mo 759.5011'- pets S550tmo ul •I ln(I 760·3600 warmth & cordialness ___ I II ._.T IUC Witt-'-titlt•tl llt. Fncd yd d /w A Pet oi. I E•£•u a ••y 11trsec deP 842·6019 throughout. Even the gar· 15wr•" II rn 1750/ mo Call 648-4902 ftAMll - * LIDO ISLE BAYf RONT Ap!ttments - den arealauniqueW1thlls Hunt. Beach 1040 ADULTS ONLY IUlTIH !Large 3BR 38A pool Furn 38R 3BA Sltp not' WITIFIL llSTlll(! 01 MW fencing, spiral stair· PRIME .,.. newly re PETS IOINTS oceen •• ide hwy •ncl S3500 ftn(I yrty 28R 11.iBA 10 .... '\hOUN SEMSA~~K' NO I -- llWPttlT 7 ~ caN, pool, BBQ g lawn modeled! .. bd 2'•ba 2BA 1BA small yard FULL oceen & harbor l 2BR t'•BA twnhme End 60-808l 8111 Grundy A1tr 875·6161 Island ]Lr.L ga•aO" lrpl(; taun<1r1 irn .,.. Frenchdoors&win· fsm rm Open House clubhouae sw1mm1ng V•9W$ 1800 •I encl 2· Unit Pvt pauo pool 3 1 ~ paliO CIOM tu sc~s COLDWeLL 21112 $825 Curl II 631· 1266 Newport Bfxh 2169 ~:~~ · t::o, ~' . ~ wHl'I aun porer f0t 1 qu •I Z3 a Sant11 Ana l'l9W bell\S & kitchen are -- Baell Ba~ BOAT SLIP -·· YllW rvRaJ •• EXC USIVE GUARD 7 141 18 6 5181 •dutl No pe•a •ly TSL MG Ml 64~· 1ro3 onlyafrNolthe lmprove- HUNTINGTON BEACH POSSIBLE $28,000 _ _. . 59511 llWPllT IElllTS 1* L * 6 3- °" 3 · $750/mo 873·924l --• menta that make 1h1s 5 LANDMARK HOME Cati ....'"no• 673- 5820 2Br 28&. lrplc, oar 11640 2BR 1BA houM encl gar· • GATED COMMUNITV • .-..y-i•-Y W UW APTI 15 11 ••a . t>rm, 3 ba home 10 Immaculate 4 bdrm wt th 8pm to 8pm Of days ca•t 5t1 Seaward 780·8382 age. l~d & lnd acpd II Ill OAIYll "'~ • •' - WllTPAll special Pleue cell tor an country kitchen & lovely 642·4321ext437, 8111 for t>eelPt to Me this tovety privet• rear yard with Rhonda -w-..• S87S No peta 875-1748 moero. lrpic. in LA 4 mstr $1700/ mo• a« Mich-.lle • tBA IBA on eay • ,,,...., Newt)' redr-ot •od \ ....,... property o ffered Malibu lights. founteln & - H5WIU BA. wet bar w 1d hkuP• ? 8e2·0S50 A.Qt 84fr3l43 I 2nd nr Cteen aale Qu•et 2BR Apt S.A' & bffcl\ 310'~ E f22.90U0<842 1603 '400,000 Call now 0iaJ Rt ~I toR~ Biii Grundy, Altr 875_6161 QUIET 2BA 2''t!A 2 llOtyl plld N Pet1 $845/ mo $1500 Calt 650 7A32 Bay 818·790·0602 Sor"" No P•ta• .....IOIO I - .. / townhome. 811 Ira lg 517''t BOIN 573 7353 - . r \41\llHIHO'I Out fC ' 't'V1Y"'l""j' jU · ~ 'II bdrm, flrep11ce garege.'2BR 2BA d le llWNITStllRD 1R•d•c na""' <.•pt lBA,I CIZTMIUIE lafboa I~ 1006 l tUMI' In< 0 ounty ' 'h '\ t..' ~ \ community P<>OI Wett· uppei UP x BLI< to bc;h 38R 2BA gar 2BA IP . gar 2 lg Oncie s .. (II RfAlTOA~ Property 1525 REAlTOAS" aldeBlutturNHOOl mo Frplc;, gar•oe sundae• patio'''°°"'° • MC' •08E BalbOaBl$1350 12001'1 WALK-.'.Tl's TO BEACH! 2Br CHARMING..Prol dee 2BA -- Agt 07$--4912 I Yurty S10~ / mo 399 6'.. ·91851720 3035 9Ya IN .. »-661 t 28F\ IB.4 gar . yd lndrr PLUS f1m1ly room & den 2BA. country kitchen. OAIYll WI 32nd St 050-0389 • 7 (can be a 3 bedroom) blHched oak floor• Old W()(ld Charm 2/S }'IND ON-OFF OCF ANFAONT I mn TO IUCtl rm P':J' toe S 9S l mo SHI BHchl Agent through·out. 206 Onyit Atfflffel h•t IQtHl 3BR 2BA offiee French l• RENTALS AVAILABLE W9"1y Rent la 1 br, clean upstua $.82!> TSL MG'S: TVictor~~ JOO " 2 Georgette 846· t 204 1579,000 Appl only Thi bargains to belound In Com• llve In luxury. OV8' dOOf'S. brtCk ~tio Walk •• rH OIUIEI• frQIT\ S600to s 1800 mo . MC 873.SJ'\lt4 ...... ~ Coldwell Banker 650-3008 or 7~~ clualtiedarerealllelf1 28.000 •It In thla MW to beach $1 &50 h I f Ml'11 Agt e.i2.n06 Bkr 8 .. 2·38~ • EAS TSIDE 18R --;::======---l======--...!..!n~oPper~~·r______, Medlterranean mntwr- ~eiiii$U - LhLou~ C a~~I It'd .,. .Cort with ts nature pi.ce w/ 4BR, 38A on 840-7333 - d d Cf · 6i2 WOOcf •UoCMO ,,_, •"" 1 dver 1» ac;re Wiik lO ------" •y fllcill! -.. waterfront t>eechfpark Wll.alUT/ I• ~..._\8 e • •·,~~ 18A 11A downtta a unit & l-.,ndfy llcill1 S525 TODAY'S BuUdera aacraftce 11 803'..\ Carnation/rear .r • , 1• no kttdlitn S$50tmo : 038-055 • 5349,900 Jim or Terry So ofPCH. Lrg2BA·dlf'I, a .,• .V MCunty Cell Luann EA&TSJOE 18F' in o~,. CROSS WORD PUZZLE Kemp. A.Qenta 24A·,.OOO 1 ~BA. frplc, l'l9W crpt a ~ ~W v L ~UH lant-"'"' ~g G1MI COttCI P>'t OI 244...00S pnt, petlo;-p. No f*ll • ~ =: 1 gar~ NO dao& R.E. \I/anted 1625 ~~mo * 723-0761 ~ 0 i mo * £W• 91 Fir• goddela 1 Alrthlp 92 FeaWler Prtv Prty wlaha to pvrch INTI NI llAlm ~ 3GR tBA enci g ragtt Wlllll 8 Cl.im 93 Over•tvlf.O diatrUMCI tingle tam 2BR 1BA houM • 1BR ti'. new stove no pet• 0...hJ WMft hornet from VIiie Park 10 1BA auat or oflioe QUI<- '1200/mo .. l«Uf•ly Large 18dlm Iott w l pa!+O 10 Mantle DOWN 1.il U.Ctre>Nc Lag. Bch. 491·5097 ,.,. J:1rep1ee.. 1 ur gar- .aoa ·~ P'*'"'tt• 5'1·2774 Country Mtllng 6 No eoe. ¥9CMI $ 1300/mo pela 110 1111 I de'e 642·9797 BEAUTIFUL aR. 284 1"40- t 11"4 or 6"46·96.. 3 15 Stle* around 2 Unconvincing w / ger, lndry, lrplc -- 18 Inter - 3 Statue Marbi. "°°'' .,.onth 10 latt~ large 28R 1\, 17 AC1 MmtT'ly .. Deytlme . Month 1 1300 873·5"7 BA. ~tro garage '" ti Batmen pif1()nMn('A ·-· .. '.- Cabrillo S7161mo 20 "- - from !5 Hlndlf 711.9-'°3 \ evil" 6 Cati on ..... "Ill.II" 22 Portrait 1 Germ BACH!l0"'. O\Ht & clean USO OFF 2NO 11.tO S 1 23 Colonlee 8 - anOOI. 2 carporta No ~ta faci No Petit S7951rt\O• 29 Pledgll 11 Pen neme •30.S..ward llOOlmo MC dep 845-7234 29 Nlneeome 12 El4Mgler't city -..0· 120f 30 Clearing from 13 Light beam 19 LMtet 35 t"'CIMIV9!y 21 "C'- la vii" 38 Rania' garb 2 .. ContaiMra 37 EggdrlM 25 --~~ 3t Lady---- ,,...... , Numerical "8hot1ty pr«lx Adi to qui.t parll, 21:11~111 21PMk~ from _.,. Wedge. 38A. 43 8ovtail rl\oet 21 Guardroom 1aA , l tMocti. to OCMn• .... Didn't hit 30 ludl• 45 Temper 31V... 11911\ b4ry 2 CM g.,. I 1100 8¥... 811. 11t.1n.tt1• ..9~ 32~ 51 lnl•IOI wtl 50 W'htl forCll 3i Franc:HM p-1 - - - . 51E~ ~ "w.ten 52 l.IQulCI Unit 55 Act bMty .. .,.. 53 llflOld Lat' 57 Pendlne 31 AnearwOf 61 9inOll ...... 5' Elcro-,...., ·--... Me rr t ll Li)' 1 H. h Rt! a It v 5t Hof1ll deity 31 HMtd 61 p_, °' 400.U...... of 11r.-.. to AMct '° '*" RANCHO SANl'A IWtGARrl'A 2 3 4 11 12 13 Ofte 8't townhome wfth c•ntraf A.IC patk> Ind centril loelt!On In the coun: ty's f•,t•t l'owini .... $96,900 759-8800

.l As a convenience to our Daily Piiot cuetomera We're Open Earlier and Stay Open Later for New ads, Corrections and Cancellations. Tb Place Your Dally PllOt Olsu/fied Piii•• 7 ..,.., & CINfl lec::Nlof' """~"""AONT ~ un- ~ 2904 r C>fHOUNo A PU CfflU> CAAe 2 KI08 tu ' ... * .... * * a~O¥e,_::~'=cs= twrn ""'"'. 1:0.,,-,:. * 1aoo IQ .... 1511 "-P• MtT AUMHT Low coeT ~1Ne1ur Aall9 to a ti 1.e1c» BOYS 1 11n ~s 1.o ~~ -..1g kli<*ino 1°' * *•'•* MO MCM161 cwJMt. dr.,.. mo 8twd CM Offc,--.: Alll•HBll fWlrrll.NOFH Co11a Mua . • llUllllJ ...,WU. •~d '°'em"'' i..ect~ doQ.,..... lrOl"l'I pwtiifte C t1erm1n1 Europnn • CAU. Ana ,.,,..,1115 ..113c . t71-NT8• ~ . •N-3N7 11·11-U P9reon In door, mlU. "' lent• to *'°"' -.&;fllllll• mean "IPTI ua- °' · '~ "-"Ot. lndoof&P9b0.,..L08T-KEESHOHD M H01_..u111r1H1M1 ,.,T, · CL• TVRHYOUR8,.AAE TIM Mmnty& PP'nO A*> ...,1•11in)Qlf'Eoon0 S400ilft0 UW. lnd 1ee.5 Ip~ 2-:IBR (aome ~HO : 2100 1/ f tetall lno ...... oenter. M*' ln- 819, b&ldc & Ot'Y ._,~ 2• tw _.. N'1 N6 rMl• IHTO MDOt.LARS ..-tng peopi. for al at1 NO •114* nee Ir W. wl oceen,,...JonFwYOay f 1 $0 NHN WHtellff ,.,Mellon t1H 000. dog a no oolet, in COlta esene. lal '"ii from .. pf\'"' of eabiMt m•·. TralnlOtM& jobttlr .ctM of~a..cneoun. ere&. lm1Mdla1e OC• 71 ...... 110 WlSLIY "'-'MB.,.. . He9dl f 100.S150wk s.nclr~ 8fMlcl.. t ~ ..p WOAK AntA 6CHO<>i lngQooo oppor1unlty forl outdoor~'°"': tryeau.b 0-*ICOf'MI 2 CUOMCY . t'I~ H TAYLOR CO IMdQtJOn.Fwnify"-'1· ..,,.. 40 AdltllO 010 u..•aanmn ANO 8ATURDAYI GET· ~ owtl'I Apply In pertOn ingaltwt•t4am, I ~~::,-,..~~·~ .,.. • .,. AUTAUAANT :~:~~~~ ca11 g:r,~~~~~::O · .,.,,._10pm Po111epeop.. ~g:~~~':.r~~~ ~~.lnd11a1na1 Ave .I :c~~~~ ,,.,, IPI NOS*• Now ....no IOO"' 1200.,. 117 w...... EEPEA V! orient.cf,... PAPER HO OELl\lfRY OUIHTllP&ll (11')701-01... by.Appq7H~3 1ttfl, CM Agt5'M50H lll&tf 13 m• d:? H~~Kcook , gd ~·~:~ Uft ...llllPJn INVOLVED. ANO " LL ****** Modiem,TA"•iewoutwt#ld· l ooke 1111' e e-a I 1khl1, •ome Ennlfall Typing....!!., wpm Good TRANSPOR T A TI ON LMge cabl,.,.IMIQMMlflO OttntnW 2676 lndullnll 2788 Ing deeiOn & ··~ ... .. N • t ...... mann« PROVIDED B Y AN CutlOMW s.tvec. r-..i a ·-·--f l•iiiiiiiliiioii._____ ...,_ HI ¥1albil•tv Main blvd Gr9)'he>Und Gr~ wl lan 1pee..1ng' ewpor • --.- AOIJLT SUPEAVISOR Repr-.ntauvt to dO alll l(l'IOW a IO« -••r.••a.bo\lt lniml!le ? 28R, wllftl to bMcfl, enc 1300 SO FT tront on.c., lS50 000 71._s.,_.910 m911clng9. 'Whle>P« Call l••c" Cell B r u c e _._ typiM ot r~a •rt 1n tlelO w• ha¥9 '"-)ob for YoU1 ------gar. vwyc:lean $876/mo lwO- tMr drtv.ln dOOf, WES l !Y N TAYL9A CO Joan et 631·5938/ 0ev 11$..()()U tarn·&Pn\ Muet t>. certified. tummet YOU CAN AVERAGE AlllO Cuetomer S«vlc;e WUI tr•n APPiy In c>er· 223 La Pelom1 Apt A. 11$0/mo. 1719 WhittlW _ Mf..5651/ eve -- ; poeltlone only. per.on to run & eon.du,. ~ The Pet CW• Com· .NOPet~7 - 7918 _ S t... Coata_ Meu.• \lENOJ ROUT EWA~ ost red Ml fnU§a- .5530 •••RTtAnm elf cuatomer ser v ca peny 17th & l~ne . NB 540-9352/d ~Ve '°' _.. cl\Mp ~ Da.el'llhund ~ collar .. •111- i..rge noi.i t>enqu.t ••· $75 work Good opponunlty grou Heh maet1 1ne nerne l• Sch~ vie oi _,.•• -•• perlence For apPoln t· • '°' growtl'I Apply In I'*'· -*-•-- ·-;A.llr IPAIMITI 53004500 weet!IV Call Vlctnrv 1 Pareona Coate If you helle the coureo- 10 m an t. p 1.. u c a II • eon at 1120 lnduatrlal rror ..1ablltllled C:OU<* Sperl(llng ,1.. n , Iara• R 2706 Ftanl( t~OO· M8·0845 -.. ...~ '. ~ .. .,1n · cell, It could make VoU s.5... 6000 , ut 521 . OR MORE Ave . Norco CA route Na.d n.. ~ Glfden api. 8e&ut1h1lly ooms _ .,... rlCt\I 24 HOUR RECORD- eeono Cit & Ina. Hourly l en oaceped gn>unda 0000 .RESPONSIBLE Mon!yTo Loan 2914 --- ING 091·2837 Banking OA•D •llD r9te & rnMege, paid l'lol• Pool& lpl pah<»ld~a Rmmte needed Lg""' - , __..£. -- --- For NB rMleurant Fri & l day 1 , l n o entlvea. oereo- or catPoJt . ' "'*"a • WIDOW HAS SSS for ""-- 3002 ACCOUNTANT CPA FIRM If FOR MORE Sil n ight, 5pm- 1am bonu.. . Some COfTl9lnY ' ~ 1590 lnul, q1.1181, nice St0te . TO.I I 10 000/ up No etec:I Progr...,~ loc.I ltrm In U=- 1111 I FORMATION CALL I P1" t 'nil Cu rent ' ' Bedroom 1670 nrby 132Stmo 6-45-3386 2904 ..-1nos*i c.u Dentaon •rDSWllTUI Orange lootclno t0< CPA IM &l&Jf•IA N 1/Hr " call Mr I ~~:.=,9.proot!t "'- 18 1E l ltn St 142.0&se SPACIOUS BR 1n F v 1000 WOl.FF SUNBEDS Auoc 873-7311 NOW Lo.a 1°' 14 1b9 In 14 dave or CPA Clndk1•t• wlll'I (111) tl.. HJI Da"'9. ~2 - 7880 I req'd Appty et western -----~-- t1o1 klleh TONING TABLES -- - Onlv coll It fo odl 1.... yrs up Ea<:.1-.1 located In Soutn eo.. t 11111111 S1et.. Cooner, 17805 Bec'*f Cat&IOO e111.1Jat>te guara9tMd M- "'° Martyr. greet on vir- W * RETURN IJEMS CLERK • .- 0 •A.._L •t•• 0•••1E1Jf•aa1 mote lnfofmation & epptl- Fotlf'IUtn llA Liil ..-Tn ' • ..wt ICAMIOI cured Vll&/Mester Card •~ and riCtl In miracw SALES • ADJUSTMENT CLERK .,. , -- • - ... ""' eel'°" Mnd .... to P 0 Vt*y 2634 Tt~o C:'!' &"°; ~:4 Am 111U#llln lt\N =~ .t::uonal ~ ..~ •n=lu~I '~~ *6[ ~~ ATEMENT Be part ot I Super $el.a E•oett.nl pey & benefits Box 7490. o.wt>om .MJ 1 Nwpt Blvd, CM ~8-74'5 Nat I Co eJCpendlng In (114 'MO 2503v Q8MOf" of ell~ tnvotfe The Diiiy Piiot end lno• Crew Mlllng subecr1p. Newport Chtlek Canino _48_ _2_0 ____.,.. ___ 112 .DR. S ou tnern C 111for n f1 J • vour ~ , ., p11ronege In pend•nt •••It• e x - Call Gild• lor appl uona lor the Oellv P1lo1 1 ~2·2985 ESP t.01 Cabelieroa mem'*· VKldon ltntab 2722 w/ator.. elruoy operi- time of need To vou. I P«l•ne.d edv HIH· 968-6901 NallOf'lll Ban• - I lh•P $ 77S-Up e10-1 t99 Ing Menv l)OOd ,.,r.. l'l•ve r.course •from the peraon 10 join HP•ndlf\9 ot Southern Calllornll • Avetege $40 00 to 110-1110 ••, ,, I t0t1U t hn evel11bMt High or 1 8~ ••• w ... ·- going1 auppo11. S48K Min Lost i Found - 2925 ~ to come to mv ... Pp•ge Plelte call Of W9ekO• Y evening dre1Md • 10 en\191ope POTENTIAL! IBA encloMd baiconv - __. ·800-22.2·80 78 • ••tance Help ""- "' mv seno r-..me 10 E1rn1ng $ 3000 ·S•OOO O&YWll• S Cu1 f lahed l«f 1 - - A S S 0 A T M E N.l 0 F preMnt and \Jfgertl peu monthly per area Not a • Win pnies and bOnusea ..,llPlllll When yov "'In our team of corv den d/w 600lmo e urn we rOtl fMf IM'n PRESCIOUS DOGS KIT· ti- In ra1vrn. I pr ...... t• • 1111 I 28~ 1n15 1·•• ,_ • $4'00. aec:vrlty dep oottage 28R 2BA. 2 car ••-•• 1.... 1 T E ~· S S 0 M r v .. .. """ ~ DAILY PILOT mu eve .,. • M 2 15 Dent 102 6613 C,omo tempotert" We offer 213-592·2214 garage. 11260/ mo -·- · ~ to malt• vour name 8Mvl" • u11 ue, lo ..,...,. .. Senta An• 9270i- p1ld holio.yt, medlc•I • ... u•- PRE DIG RES W HO known end cause vou 10 , old and uw 1n th beMftt• & bonua refer· NEAR BEACH Large28R 173-1333 -- NEED HOM EI SOME be Invoked Say thr9e 330W Bay St 4 IHH AUY Hunhngton Seacl'I or Oii.ii Y.. ISILf rels. 1BA 1n 1r1-plex Patio WILL llT llTllHIE rREEll ONLY TO GOOD HeJI Marva ind GlorlH Coll• M ..a . CA 92827 AT TIP PAY Fountain \/alley at&a A Clerk 0 • r w I Cl h It I p. W/ PlllllT s T A e Le . L 0 v I N G Attn Tim Guuman How dft&a ..... -und? llOOIWIL •. .. ~.::..1 • • • I Roommates \I/anted HOMES n82-8988 (711l)M2-4321 ...... " ' - & ...... - 213-59'- 4046 4 IMPLIYllllT ,_ • Bette. Viti vou would be • T ri:1ns~o1tll1on p1ov10eo Dynamic S't e>gr11u1ve • S.Cret•rlel •• TM( •••11 272 Corp c.vrrently M tec11no Brown Samaonlte Brief· working 11 a luxur1oua color anal)als componv • Generll Office ti p--; 24 Hr 8.ACK Bay NW, n~ 2·•tv 1ncslv1 ou1ls 10 Hrvlc• caM Loll We11 HB 'ersonal ~~s 3004 llllTS Mlllll Nftport Beach retOpMCell You Call(Re c11en1ete 1h11 4"1JO)'I )J 19 Pulling VOCJ Together prel'O " " 1men11tH non-• m ' mo grocery •IOICO CA (7 14) ~0-M70 LHM 4.9•· 7079 ' S3001Mo • H3 Ut1•1lles PLAYS VERY HIGH IN· 20-YR OlQS a 1·800·343-2162 Fovno on beach In N B PA I R l or c hlloren FOf 2 1 Unit Com plo11 . c· - . L a ··,!- ~u 11n/~ L Ilion• OP«! Grell Plr .....,.. - R•l1ur1nt1 873· 2018 1 731· 3080 Nmi-r.ilred Mv11 know "14/11/1 7fU.ClrfiJ, -·~" t r• ~ t>enefll• For ion OC Feirgrouno• ceteuw 11t EJCCLUSl\IE GUARD• maintenance 856-0865 r;. J 11 • -~a PTIFT help AH • GATEDCOMMUNITV • PtrfttffMltl•Ht HIRE LOST Bliek & grev ASSIST ~NC Ewll llcareot • aJI ""iJt claJ~i.vk" into catt (8021 4. 'J IOo 7 , ,,.... Hl·2HJ atrlped Tabbv Male. neu- lhe elderly No exp nee am IO&llEll ••I C3854 poaltlons •v•ll•bl• Call 3BR ~~ ~~7~·!,~~1go11 LEA VE MESSAGEI lefed I yr Fiio H BI PIT S8thr C111Ka1hv11 Sllrt 1500/hr Eap 842-5818 0n1ri. move 1rodMea• 10am -3 ~ ~&-4487 course VIEW Frplc. wet arH Reward 968-7218 * S4-0·4 l OI 723-04'48 plBIAIOtlOl l )'INratutt CllNtlled...ork1 · bey~• b1r mrcro wahrlorvr l cDM 28R IS.A Large. Cl lled cann.ip · 1Ndowofld04.IC>1 _hkupa '2 car g11 r w111.1ra • sunny epl upllalrs l..11S1430r ...... * Fem1le n·amkr shr 3BR ~~!!!~!!!!! (hUd Carr .. • t Illtit UIH 28.A c M ,,.. nr s c ~ DOOR PRO Oual•lt in• SORRY ~o PCTS p I er a $ 2 Cj 5 m 0 .... Utt 1a_1.., .... * 125 StriveS - 1«- e:Xce1lence •n 11aa11i0n Entrv. Frtneh e iectrtcal 151--0212. 662- 1623 ALL ~ATURAL CAU ll0-ot11 CALL tor eppt • .954-1 576 PIT & dtoo 1n C*/a by & lnlet!O( Doot"1 Roct111 d cwpentry painting etc • NEWPORT HEIGHTS • I FEMALE Rt.AM TE WTO granoparent •• p.,901 Lie • 529868 557..&IM ~5.f152 Grell toe n~ar H11bor 22·21 noee 1pc.oarance. Lie 1neur well equipped High , Ho eg Hoap11a1 peraon1bll Lo..... runt 1n Some P M 1 & Weel 2893 es11ng dinner p1111es NEWPORT AREA 25 yrs EVENINGS. WEEKEND & Textu,.ACO\l lhC & Paint Rooflnq t47- 1666 Jim 373· 1455 0\IERNITE In loV1ng lam· Fr" esl K8\'ln 722-929• -•fPAll llv home Oyer M11n WITH SKILL & CARE WalkHI 10 S,aoleusbMcl'I Pvt &,t pe1tr Fem non/1mker, 2!>-35 to I Ooo,. Aepalr A1ter111on, per 84 1-8959 H•llL. llPAll Ref9fence1 Pte1M call $2.20 day Cablnell·Panel·LOCkl· I s 1160/m~ 675·5205 at\1r• t>eav1 lul 2 br 2 Da T~t I A LL you pa.,'°' - · FrM EtllmatM 87tl·6045 Tom &15•6226- S lllfl· Drywall Repair etc 1 4 111•n 30 csav mon1mwn UPllUHCll Lie 423949 Rele1enct"' 3S yrs up Jerrv 642--0567 *Hiii 100• ' ~~~.~~ ~n g$;1~ :! 1n ,.,. At Home Molhef Would I H aullnQ . Ltke To 81tiyatt For C11&1 SS SAVE MONE'Y' $S Fr~ diehw11 r 11ov•j 1v1 811 640·9151 Small Remodel & Addns· dren 4 veer' & Up Lots Dryw111 RemQC!el Rep11r 1nc:t Ho peta 5,.5. 4355 !".,,, PfOf stir 9oroeou1 Move walla door• etc Of Pl1nneo Ac tlv111 es Heng & t1pe Lo n11y 11111 twnhH next 10 UCI POOi SERVICE 30 V" 0 C Ouallly W~k Refs * 988· 75 17 FrM HI 567 4872 * 1111.1.00* 11nn11 lndry Own BR BA 14t·1111,IOAll,lll Frig , dllhw.. her •I0\19 s475tmo a~ 0622 Ind No I 54S.4855 DJRECIORY INCREASE YOUR REACH OET IN OUR IMPROVCO ...... " "-•••I•.,•• .. ,...... ,, • ...1 •• •• RLLIW.PAIH Fof more 1nf0tma11on CALL TODAY" 142·4321

.·.Tt. r ' • • ~AIAI lftata atlOM e.ctlonal •floor N • ...... cOnli>-'• ltlCal l lc:• l t U tl Mal•• o.IMt~

,. ,. I ,. ' • General <>mo. TOP PAY FOR TOP SKILLS



• Huntington S..Ch • Founteln Valley Call JoenM CraMy C11•)N2-1 ... MHS HUITlllTOI IUCI llDEPEIDEIT IEWSPIPER

Run your Help Wanted Ad in the Daily Pilot for one week. If you don't fill the position, run a second week FREE! For more information, call Maria or Angie, 642-;5678.

••••••••••••••••••••••••I • GARAGE SALE I tt'1 tt-ot hfM c.voinl Mok• M"e your poge soi. ii o \\Kce-s1 by ~""9 in closliified lotor Route Stott yovr od two doyt befof9 .._. .. to available In · attrod ~ ""°" ~ · W11t1ni11flr C A l l Hultlllfoi l11oh * NO-CQLLECTION * ························ ~ Follllflin Yill•J Earl1morai.,1'lolor rouln at-allaltk Ma11 lta~e d~~naWe ~n.~le ••d llalHll11 NO COLLECTING ~. NO SOLICITING ...... ,.,.~ ..,...... Deliver One Dey a Week - Must have ~dable car and proof of lnturance. 1 Aik for Joanne Cr•ney tll()r_,.. Co.t CWLY Plt.OT/WedMte11y, Mey 17, 1tet •

'\ i '\.:\//l Po9/side auction e'1riches Orangewood Found'atiOn irylCAmNM.-D and women' were .liven ~ce event chair &alllrJa n •., •• pres­ Ol•Dllllr ...... balOM. enaed "KeDtucky Counsry, a q&aanet The invitation uid ·~ktail At­ The can were cordoned on: undef'­ of amaziQlly tarented f\ddkn - 5 to tire - .om. Warmly,.. and those wtite1' ftr·h.. ,,._, cautionins. 11 yea11 old - on,inally from wbo recalJed the chilliq Ora,..ood ..He doella•t like )'OU to to behind the Kentucky. ~t now strailbt from w Ball uadawriti111 event held lut year ~We can't touch the can." Veau.. Litt.le S-year~ki -i... B.n. at 0...... Wiiie Deu (Sbe and Jwle Arunt tried it last even offiered a solo,·~ Blossom Co&a de Caza estate complied. yt.11, caw.ins a stir ibe didn't with to Special." L,..'• repeat.) But tbe weather for this year's ..What a put poup tbey are to dinner and auction, wbicb raised Tbe call to dinner "' unique: Not repcatDl the children," said Willa some l ~.000 to 1uppon Oranae­ muy could~ the sareo from the Dean Lye>p of the kids who will allo S (an manhaJ S vehicle. ..DinMr ii wood Chikireo'a Foundation '''The ~Y for the cbi&d.ttn ofOranaewood. Ni&Dt of A Thousand Li&bts," (the served,.. said;x:n. as the sum• were You can't help but love IMm." ushered pool · . (K.eotucky Country later presented a fifth annual Oranae Blouom Ball) a...1 ,...._ was supervisina couldn't have been more picture s~~ donation to the undcrwritina perfect dinner activities. hi1 ratawant. enoru.) Hem"'awa~ providina the meal ·:rbe I 30-phu plhcttd It wu then time forbusineu. "You suppo~ that incl Maryland crab cakes. didn't really think you were comina first in the I S,()()().tqu.re-!Oot "~­ winter areen salad4 salmon with here for a free dinnet1" said auc­ qe,: which boUla Lron's collect1on macadamia nuts and manao butter, VlD.. IUlOI - ftom tioneer a. GrUfta. "We boee to net of Mercedes and f>raa puddina (Will.a Dean's be and .,.,us, to Cadillaca, Rolls and favorite). over $200,000 at lhe ball. re­ even a u.Dcoln. In keepina with tbe minded, and opened the biddlna. la addition to mUSK:al entertain­ Before the underwritina auction swtilll• theme, men wore bouton~ meat by Barry Cole~ bis orchestra sWI Wiab wbice dendtobium orchids &<>t too Car under way, however, a (alloalated to play at &be June 10 ball) ihrobbina helicopta picroed Coto's tranquil 1enin1 - and landed adja­ cent to the ptherina. First to appear was Burt Reynolds - well, a Reynolds look-alike - and ..._ it wu a natural that a George Bush ...... --...... look-a.like trot to the mike next. " We Oren1•w9N 4111rectw •• Steiner, Nancy Steiner, Krllte MMI DoUI Deane... hope we've stimulated your fund­ ra.iaina efTon - and dia deep and make this the best fund-raisin,a event ever." They alto announced that Leo CeM. Ttm•J 'hcker and Mania •• pulled tosether the U0.000 to brina actress Ann Jillian to the Irvine Hilton and :rowers to headline ball entertainment: Additional news in ~ eluded word that Sherry Van Meter tnd Bobby Burgea.- two of -.:he ori&inal Mousketttrs, would serve as emcees. Underwriters "diuina deep" in auppon of the ball 1ncludcd Gu Ow-. Erk and AlrleJ PepJ• Merry Ba1Ht... Car•I and Deaal• ca.,..u. THs and Ellut.etll TleneJz Na&Ua and aatre Rete­ ...,., Ja1 and ...... _ O:d•nl. 0..1 and Kriste o.a.ce., Gia and O.ttJe ldllweU. a.. and J..u.r.e S&edmu1 LM and Clartsty D'Aatbroslo ano executive director BID and Naaey Hom WJlle Dean and Gen• ...._ L~on. SteiMr.

. . HH I Df.;1

Boch vulnerable. East deals. Essay helps re~rrange life's priorities NORTH ••• 4 DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I was auarantced to .last a lifeume. ch1ld rr n run back to Mama and Papa Q Al653 saw. this in Rabbi Hillel Cohn's There would have been more " I love and assume that " the fol ks" wlll ¢ Q •• 7 1 column in the Conareaatton Emanu you." more " I am sorry" ... but support them as they d id before t~ )' •• 7 El Bulletin I decided to rearranae my mostly. ~ven another thot at hfe. I married. Many of us att JUSt barely Wf'SI' r.AST priorities. If you think your readen would setze every moment. look at it mak1n1 ends meet and it's a real • 5 l and really sec it and live 1t - and· strugle miabt lam from it be my auest. - Q K QJ 7 SAN BERNARDINO BROWSER never 1i v e it b ac k How can parents protect thcm­ 'V ''•• '' '· 1 .¢ Kt I 4 3 ¢ A J DE.AR SAN BERNARDINO: ANONYMOUS scl ves from children who re tum to the TMM , .. f•r ae.... Ge a .., mJ nest and c-pi«I to be treated ... •J • & ' •• '5 tried ro cash tbe queen. West rutted DEAR ANN •LANDERS • • : We arr way. I llefe It will move •J rea4tra •• children when the) are m their 305 SOUTH and returned a trump, and althouah ~ . m"1dle-income parents faced with a and 4-0s 'I - UNIONDALE. eualM &Mir Un• aM make ll•tt of problem that 1s plafuina many other u . • .\KQJtJ declarer Jo< lo ruff a club oa tbe dlelr •wa. "'1le ta.ere ls atW time. N.Y. Q v.w table, he bad only nine tricU. have burned the pink candJe sculpted pare.nts. For want o a'bc!~r term. I'!! DEAR S.G.: How caa ,_rfftl ¢ 6 5 After the lead, d«Jarer CCNld If J Had M ufe to Live Over hke a rose before it melted in storage. call tt the pro~~em of the returnees. protect Utem1elve1 aaalDI& a4alt Y I have sat on the lawn with my "Returnees are youna ad.ult ch1l- •AQ641 count qj,oe tricks- six spada, tbe ~ouJd c~ldretl .... retan IM>mt after a The biddina: Someone.asked J!le the other day, if ctuldren and not worried about arass • dren we thouJht were happily mar­ faJIH marrta1e? Tllere It DO way, acit or hearts and two clube. As'°°' l bad my hfc to hve over. would I . stains. ned. permanently settled in their except to just aay "NO." F.ac Soatll Wnc NOIO u be did noc friC two ~ks off. caao. The pheasanlJ must've found ••l"M bu.i.1et is just to eict her at~tion." ~ad ked if lhe meant Mateb 21 , &he rq>lted in ouL Some places within the city hm1ts Q How much ed1tona1 pa.cc don Rita Ftuehanl, inlef'PMC'I' and 1pe>kawoman for haUan on htt kc)bo&rd, ..About. but I'll ~IC - fom1~ r farm awatt1na tbc bu1kkn 1he tt p1 l al ne"' paper devote 'o haliu whcrt who ueJ:ton"f the npefi.. sprin& a little lakr. .. - have the dcnsc t conttntrations of ,rons ment aloa& witb vuioul U ~1vm&da and tbe Galv~ said Follini will come out of the nna-oecked -pMasants'" the world 21 ptr«nt. NatioMI .Acroeauticl aad ~ Admiaistration. cave May 23 but wdl POC be to&d until tbc a.l\ttnoon for abcMlt ~ moatbl. die contputtt ttr· ofMay22 Am rold a pobtc penon in Thai­ \\ omen of .\u\tna once •ore small _.. lllawe been f0Waa'1 _., atode of com· · follitu wun't able lO keq, track oftbc time by land. upon mectina )'OU, "'!>-' ask. d0&s as should~ r "'faJ>'.. ICC'Ord• to ...Dlioe u * 1tm•ees :1:' be htc her mcnnnaal cycle bec:autc 1t ~ aftCT IM .. Have )OU bad • bath todayT" And the h1ston -al footnote for.,.. nVtlm itoleled for-=:,: pa Midi. ~ru undef'llOUnd, Gel~ laid. )ou'rc suPPOSed to ..Y yes. and ann. aod uunk ·don·t·wotT)*bappy. as lhouth ouy. llOICO'f Ol'I "were Q. What's the most common 1)mptom ofsk:in cancet1 A. A sore that won't beaJ. SI)' tht mtdiroa.

m 1 no ptOftCCf'I Of ~l"QPftn dacent ever dua an impt1on datch in th11 COW\try unlll the Mormons 1n l l47 Ctivcntd City Crea to cuJtJ\'ale Salt Lake Valley 810 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ w.dneedey, Mey 17, 1989

by M!f8tt• & Maratta

My clA•f is \oo ~\,ht .

... ARLO AND JA.l'flS by Jimmy Johnson I I J I I •

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE llENACB by Hank Ketcham ~ 5-17 l FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston J l I

SHOE by Jeff MacNelly


" His ta11 1s always partying." "' ... ANO IF 'fOUR~LEPHONE ~·T RING, TAAT'LL SE ME !•

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz


JUDGE PARKER by Harold Le Ooux ~ .

f. 11 GARFIELD .. by Jim Davis 1 KNOW If'!> NAl'lJRAL TO..l.LEAN BOT, IF YOU'RE. NO T C.AR~FOL , OP ~R Pl~ WHEN ~lJ'Rf: c..>OU'LL LICK A HOLE.: AluHT ---- _.___ ON A PrE.T •• • l'HROU

bY Tom Batluk

1HA'f'5 ()t(A4> •• • lEf'5 GO A~/11; •. ,


by _Gar~ Trudeau

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