Gorbachev Dancer to reduce teaches troops stars. how In Far East to tap . SPORTS/Bl WORLD/A4 FOCU /A6 THE ORANGE COAST 25 CENTS ED E DAY, MAY 17 .. 1989 . ,NB deni.es-try ;·ng to.dera ·il -m·o.norail· 8y IRIS YOKOf A request by Ncwpon that lrvtne " We are qain bean& harassed by pla.ta development and the airpon. Young said he W111 be hcsttant to The orthnance simply provades an Of_o.-y ..... ..- conduct envU'Onmental st1.1dics orr a thccitrofNcwpon Beach ... and Stop .. With these letters from the Cit) of s11n the operating agreement if New­ incentive for a monorail or any other proposed ordinance allowing density PoUuttn& Our Newport, who have Newport Beach, would )OU go ahead port Beach's chaUcn1c to the ordi­ type oftransit that rchevesconaestioo Cootrary to charaes lhal Newpon bonuxs to developers linked to the written us threatening letters clluin­ and •pend S• million on a monorail?" nance is not resolved by then. in the 2,SOO-acrc Irvine Business Beach is trytn1 to tbwart a proooul tran11t system was rouune, Wynn in& a densuy bonus passed by the city McDonnell Douglas has until Ma> The lrvtne City Council lut week Complex, be said. for a monora1l in the John Wayne &aid. onrvine is mcaat and improper ... said 23 to sign an opcl'lllllJ agrcemeni introduced the ordinance, and it is Some individuals are cbarac­ Afrpon area. Newpon City Mana,tr The letter was not meant as any Roben Youna. president of McDon­ with the county to prooeed wath the slated for a second reading May 23. tcruint tbe ordinance as somcth1na Roben Wynn said Tuesday that the lctaJ challenge. he said. nell Doualas Realty Co monorail. After that. at wouJd ~ too The ordinance docs not requitt an that WJll create a huac inCrease of city merely was expressing its con­ llut the developer of the proposed McDonnell Douglas 1s propos1na late for county supervisors to aJtcr the environmental tmpact report bec:au~ people and traffic in the airport are.a. cerns about the project's impact on monorail claims Newport s obJcc­ to bujJd the half-mile monorail be­ deS\an of a parktna tructure to no zomna · is chan,ed, sa.id lJ'Vlnc but "the intent as just the revenc of the sunound1ng area. uons could derail the proposal. tween the company's office-and retail accommodate the transit synem. Assistant City Manqer Paul Brady. fPtease Me MONOllAIL/ All Cqwb.oys'·days numbered on Orange Coast 8y EMILY ADAMS Angeles. But the cnurc opcrauon is. OfdwO,....,..._ under the watcbfull blue eyes of the man wath the weatherbeaten-brown Four fiaures on horseback stood face and a chaw of tobacco in his poised on the edge of a dnzzly arar· lower lip. p-een hill in Laauna Canyon. Sur­ Born on a ranch 1n Colorado 64 rounded by a lake of cattle, some yean ago. Klrkpatnck has worked homed, all cross-breeds, the fiaum in caHle most of bis hfe. He moved to Western bats were statue-still. Cahfomaa 10 1971 to help butld and In a flash, everythu1g moved: ma~ the b~ stables for Irvine CoW1, calves, bones and humans Rancl\. Soon, he II ~ forced to move went streaming down a hlll and away on. from the corral where the cattle had The Quall Hill preserve 1s Just one decided they d.Jd not care to &e. They example.-' of the parcehnJ out of dissappeared, lnv10,an empty land­ K.irkpatnck's ranae land. Soon. The tcape. Irvine Co. is upectcd to deed over lO finally, a picture that was OllC'C the city of lrvtne 637 acres of vtrgin familiar io Irvine and Laauna Bach ranae land, encompassing Quatl Htll - and is about to be lost forever - near Turtle Rock, so the area can be came into view. Movtn1 as \( they kept as it is now - open space were a single, Ouid body; tattle came K.irkpetndc is not a man wbo poundina over the tun in a w,avc, readily complains. He offers the driven by the yelps and calls of three fiiures that belie h 1s sh.ti nkl ng -crcaac men and one woman on ho~ - the in the same tone of voice another cowboys. mi&ht U$t to dacribe a st.able stock Wes K.irkpetnck 1s the boss of thas mark.ct. But when he talks about · last dwindlin• piece of Irvine Ranch work.in.a cattle, that's another thina land that 1s sttU, truly. a r1nch. Even aJtoactbcr. two yea~ aao. he could graze herds " You know, a l ,400poundcowcan -0vcr l 0,000 acres. Now bis I, I00 Jump a 6-foot fence to act at you, af head of cattle confine themselves to they re mad enouah,·' Kirkpatrick &aid with obvious admarauon for the The land -Kirkpatrick ndcs over power o sue seem1 y c umsy ..., .... ,......_ ~ beasts. "A cow's hooves arc: just like ...... belonas to The Irvine Co. cattle be cares for belongs to a man 1n Los (l'te.,. Me ltANCH/ AlJ ll•ndl•r W•• ~lctl 1urv•J• tlll he.rd In• con., on ~·Randi...., .. oN La•.,..~°" lload. Revised -Cougar study has more Pierside questions than answers. Village 9y 'AULAltOWUY quesuons they b:\t.rc. we would eonclude that the p<>pu· or.. ._,..,._ On Tunday, IUpcrvlSOt"S received lauon 1s dcchn1n1 toward eiitttnc· uon," be said, " but thai 1s clearly wins OK It wu in the JPnnt of 19 6 when 1 a quarta'ly ttpOrt outhnina w~t the unsupponablt, because it is the result bad mountain hon att.aekcd S-year-old on>JeCt sroup learned dunna !he ohtudyillJ too small a po"ion o~lhc Lawa MICheJJe SmAU in a south prev10~ ~uartC! whale tntckJDJ population for too shon a tJme ()raaee County wildcrDcsl oerk. moun~n hons 1n the Sant.a Ana ~nod.- ICveRlly 11\iun111 her bd<>tt a hiker Mountains. The two-year study should be drove the animal olf. The followina Rctean:ben from the county, UC extenMd. as wtll as the study area, to autumn. a tee0nd coupr at&aekcd 6- · ~and the tite Dtpemnent of team more about the ra,.c and numben of the hoo populat1on, '" rati05, and expected oumbetl Of otrtonn. tn tM fut~ . he •Id. ••We may also be able to rditc chanteS in the population struct~ to cbafteet 10 hon bcblv1or, ulchidi• c...,.. in the numben and types~ buman·lion encounten." Malit\' said. CWTtntly, mearcbm CIJl ooly pe11 •hy an adwt ma.le COUii' SM&cbed Laura Small ofEJ Toro on a ~ Patt tratl that Palm Sunday in I ~16 and Qtn'ied Mr by the he9d . uno the ~ -~~ it would have eltcll Ila'. TM ecreams of usu smau. uura·s motbet. attracted OftlO'Y Y .. OI S.. Juu Capuuaao. ~ --..S illto dw '**9 and ......... to~ ... Hoe o«. Alld din doe't kA0'4if wby a leCood •• 111h1lioll ..... 09Uld•Ud J1lllia ....,. 'olltuatiftlllOe ae.c. ............Oesoblrr • alw: child ............._aiiliily .....tim picnicked GOODM0R - m n'sd th ., A&aX ...'"'Ml au&ioa releued &o ~ \Mt Merritt and ~1nina to post the ~~ u1'COCl\moa ia mwder Merrill - ...... Loi ~ ............. Merria'• bodY"wes found lyi1'1in0.0 flkrsatlocal · 1ehools.uwtUuat lDv~1, but are oAaa beipftal. Ullln ......... beint a loyll Paltway near Fcli~ ROid. lnd the Saddleback Co eae. sbCri~Richard Olloil aid. foUOMr oftbt rock budl U2. S1eety After 2~ month• without anawen. DU and <knait. aa El TCll'O WOmf.D it ~ a victim wuapparently uncmpk>yed at Friends of Merritt uid the ~­ ''T'betc'1 ,ot to be eomeooe out SI0,000 reward fbr inf'ormation ad­ \he time of <bth. eta.led knew rew people at the patty, there who mows more lbaft Ibey arc Erick.Ion aid \he Sl0,000 aum wbich was anended by 1even.I ~~re would come enurely frOm &mily '-to tbe coavictioo of her 21-ycar­ Since a.bat ti~i..Metritt'• mot~r1 iellina." Olson said . .. Money bu a IOtl'• murderer. exchanle ttudcata &om tbe •trante way of makjna people ~ Alndl. .J olil Ann Ericbon of' r.J !O"?t...has c:alJCO nanior collqe. Mcnitt, an 1985 the County ~n 0epe,n. member what they d.idn'f remember Mcrrin is au.rvived by hu f11C>lhri'. ' Steven Hall Merritt of Million <>ranee Toro Hi&h School lf'&duatc, had V'aejo wat abot to death Feb. 26 meat ooc:ie a Met for an inveatiaatio11 before." bis father, Chuck Mmtu of Newport recently quil hi• job in construction ae.cb~ h11 brothtr. Mlkt; and his taUOwina a part} at a house near update. Over 2'n months, she has to pursue a career in advertisina Olson aaid the small number of s.ddleblck Collqe. Hia body WU learned nothina new, Erickson said. si1ter, Kathy. Several fncndt said photOIJ'lpby, £.rkklOD said. details released is cu~tomary to 1 found at 3:•s a.m. approximately t ~ Now she said abe hopes the money Sberitrs Depattment lnvesti.. nont . Merntt wu virtually iosc.,.rable "There were a Jot of people at that from his brother. miles from the party sa:ne. ~atinfoanatian loost that will party, most of whom he didn't Fotlowins-Menitt'• death, friends the in vcstiption. Aayooe with infonnation abou1 At \be time ofthe murder1 Merritt's know," EricboG Mid." All hit friends said the victifA wu clean·livin&. and family received no more in1ormation lo lddilion, the family is printin& bad left. to ma)'be some oltbc other his mother slid Mtnin bad never t.be crime it en<:0u.rqed to call lht about the incident than the infor- fliers bcarina a recent phototraph of people will recopize hJa picture• •, been in kpl trouble.
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