OCTOBER 2020 • Vol. 9 No. 2 9 No. Vol. 2020 • OCTOBER • CULTMTL.COM FREE * Rita Baga * Trixie Mattel * Just for Laughs * Will Butler * Philippe Falardeau NOUVEAUCINEMA.CA THE BEST OF TODAY’S CINEMA DRIVE-IN th #FNC2020 49 FNC x YUL CULT MOVIES AT THE AIRPORT! PINK THE FESTIVAL FLOYD SHINING ONLINE THE WALL 7—31 OCTOBER CANADA ALAN PARKER (1982) STANLEY KUBRICK (1980) DU OCTOBER 8TH - 8PM OCTOBER 9TH - 8PM NUIT MAD TOTALRECALL NOUVEAU MAX GEORGES MILLER (1979, 1981, 1985, 2015) PAUL VERHOEVEN (1990) OCTOBER 10TH - 8PM OCTOBER 11TH - 8PM AFFICHE OTTOBLIX 49th FESTIVAL TICKETS CINÉMA DU PRESENTED BY ON NOUVEAU SALE! PRESENTED BY CINÉMA table of Cult Mtl contents is... conversations with funny people Montreal-repping queen Rita Lorraine Carpenter Baga, a finalist on Canada’s Drag editor-in-chief Race, is performing as part of Just
[email protected] PRESENTED BY for Laughs this year. Photo by Matt Barnes/Bell Media Alex Rose film editor conversations
[email protected] with funny Nora Rosenthal people arts editor featuring
[email protected] hannah gadsby Clayton Sandhu & deanne smith contributing editor (food) oct 9 city 8 oct 10 2020 featuring featuring :rantline 8 kevin hart & judd apatow hannah gadsby & deanne smith Chris Tucker :1st half 10 art director PRESENTED BY Advertising ADVERTISE IN
[email protected] conversations food & drink 12 panel with funny Cultural appropriation in the 12 Contributors: people restaurant scene Johnson Cummins Paul Desbaillets featuring Ryan Diduck chelsea handler Darcy Macdonald Al South music 14 Nada Temerinski Will Butler 14 Mr. Wavvy featuring featuring Album reviews 18 Special thanks: jimmy carr & noel fielding chelsea handler :hammer of the mods 20 Rob Jennings film 24 My Salinger Year 24 General inquiries + feedback
[email protected] On Screen 26 arts 28 Rita Baga 2 8 Trixie Mattel 3 0 featuring featuring :play recent 32 Cult MTL is a daily arts, film, music, food kenya barris jo koy and city life site.