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1-30-1942 Spectator 1942-01-30 Editors of The pS ectator

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Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1942-01-30" (1942). The Spectator. 186.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SPECTATORSEATTLECOLLEGE Vol. IX.— No. 17. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1942 Z— Boo WHO ADVISES WHOM -WHEN.... MUDDLEONWHAT - Liturgy OfMass BigMenOfHomecomingRushingFinalPlans Politics "Phew" BlunderingBoardBoys Carry Is Opinion Of On; Bangs Gavel Gavel "Clabbers" McArdle TaughtEvenings ToEntertainReturning ThrongOfGraduates Amid the swirl of cigarette smoke and torrid talk, the squirmed through a poor pretense of a par- The Religion Department of SE- Flocks of reminiscing grad- ,1 Bill Bates, intellectual and A bubbling brew of polit- Advisory Board Homecoming Committee liamentary meeting Wednesday ATTLE COLLEGE Is offering an1 uates will be welcomed back slightly bald, slow spoken co- ical intrigue seeped through noon. Evening (aseries of lectures) Lowden; could begin, a party had to dam to the halls of Seattle College Invitation Captain,Bob 1 manager of the Homecoming the serene surface of theGav- Before the meeting searching in the Liturgy of the Mass. The Privates, Kay Gregory, Bill Sul- out ASSC secretaryRuthBrock,a missing miss vitally Friday, G, 1942 livan, McArdle, McEvoy, today el Club's meeting last Wed- scout purpose is to teach the apprecia-; Feb. as the Joe Joe , Ball said that all his Homecoming Dick Maguire, Joan Marx, Marie' functioning., nesday night when gossiping important to the success of the failure. The carrot-topped tion of the Liturgy of the Mans. celebration committees were mantles the campus. Marion, Joan Codiga, Don Nelson; Bates himself from members blurted out the recorder had the minutes of the meeting. and the actual participation of the Open House Committee; Captains,' detached Bang-Bang laity In the Mass. stoiy Conroy, Co-chairmen of the affair, Mary Abernathy, Chuck Reed; his lunchbag long enough to of Stan recent- Chairman Joe McArdle banged This new class will unify the ef- Telephone Committee; Captain, quiet Bill Haines and enter- I release a list' of prizes to be ly resigned president of the his gavel to legalize the confus-I forts of some membersof the fac- Mary Ellen Beyer, Marion Treiber organization. ion, was instantly greeted by per- ulty who taught the same subject taining Lorraine Eisen have Joanne Larson, Rosemary Weil, offered during the mammoth - MendeiiansHave cnially objecting Tom Anderson to several groups outside of the :onfettied the entire north- Mary Beeson, Florida Perri, Pegg! dance andincluded in that list Conroy, according to Gavel« who claimed the necessary quor- College. The course is open to all Conroy, Mary Jane Kelly, Louise eers, had been carrying on um was not at the meeting. Those | west with invitations to ex- Brinck; were such staggering items Catholics who are interested and Queen's Court Committee,1 meant ig- as a '42 Plymouth coupe and the presidential duties by re- who knew what quorum BrainTrouble want to follow the advice of the Seattle Collegeites as a pre- Nan Standish, Helen Brown; Ben- nored Mr. Anderson. Those who Pope not to pray in the Mass but caution against having only ediction Committee; Captains, Bill a full tank of gas, tickets for mote control from Boeing didn't know also ignored Mr. An- Future doctors and nurses had to pray the Mass, which Stapleton, BillPowers,Bill Swart. is after one man come to "dinner." one -couple to the swank Aircraft much to the dissatis- derson. a dose of the real thing at the all their sacrifice. Ever Onward Mendel Club meeting of January Pinnacle plan of the committee Olympic Bowl, ducats for two faction of certain factions Free Course The advisory board meeting 21. Bill Haines, sleek, little presi- thus far is the Open House set at the Paramount Theater, within the club. dent of club, The course is offered without blundered into the plans for to- the chuckled while for Fiiday evening, Feb. 6. Bene- Alaska Missionary The factions, if they were to telling outsiders about the well- charge every Tuesday night at 8 diction at 8 o'clock will be corsage for a lovely lady, and day's A.S.S.C. meeting and it took fol- observe club ethics, could not call an thirty minutes to illustrated lecture given at the o'clock, beginning next Tuesday, lowed by a welcoming two complimentary dinners at estimated address by for Mr. Conray's resignation to allot Homecoming representa- meeting. Judging by tho reaction Feb. 3, Room 118, Liberal Arts the President of the college, Rev. Entertains Sodalists the the exclusive Maison Blanc. open the official position as a tives twenty minutes' time on the of sonxi of the members he added, Bldg., Seattle College. The main Francis Corkery, S.J. The Glee plum for their leaders parts of the are, (1) "All this," explained the to gobble, schedule of today's gathering. ". .. too well-illustrated." course how Club will sing for Benediction and In Hilarious Meeting but nothing p.evented them from Missal, (2) Dr. Berens, authority on the to use the The parts after the address. Hunching manager," will be politically prying the props out of Hot Air of the Mass, their meaning and Sinking further into con- mystic science of brain surgery, The Inter-collegiateKnights Completely disrupting all sched- given lucky couple Conroy's podium. As a result, a the their history, (3) Mass and who to one at- fusion of their own creation the lectured on autopsy and diseases The revel in the performance of noble ule, Father Anthony Meuelenberg letter of resignation came from of the As our personal development, (4) tending the dance." advisory board reached hazy brain. he was showing acts will, free of charge, conduct kept a small group of attentive the president, leaving vacant the a Mass corporate worship, social half-decision on when elections a movie to illustrate a brain dis- a sightseeing tour of the sundry students rocking- with laughter at much-sought-after office. (Poresis), consciousness and social action, (5) Goodies would be held for the vacant stud- ease Gene Plumb, bulky points of interest in both of the tho last Sodality meeting. Last meeting saw the proposed Mendelian, slumped down in his The Mass as the central mystery college's buildings for of On the Thursday of the meeting Chocolates and cigarettes candidate of Bob ent body offices. They al3o alloted our groups one faction, chair in the back of the room, of daily Catholic life, and our grads and curious visitors of the b!ue-jo\vled Father Anthony Grieve, withdraw from the seme time for nominations at the personal sanctification. saun- will be showered on the best race A.S.S.C. meeting today and rec- momentarily stirred, coughed, and evening. tered into the College on his vaca- looking grad, oldest and f:om college to join the Army. who had quietly left the room a All tion the grad Immediately Gaveleer John Daly ommended that the legal-minded Welcome Clubs and organizations of the and was immediately and Juelge Moffat be at few minutes before, again retired easily persuaded to tell the Sodal- the best dancers, and the boosted Miss Mary Doherty for planted the The course will also tendto prac- school are being prodded by com- meeting to call for a close of dived for the door. Bob Swart, ists of his missionary work in couple typifies the presidency. Someone nomi- tice the active participationin the mitteemen into rushing plans for that S. C. the nominations in o:der to save time and scurried down the hall. Lituigy of the Mass, through the the displays that will advertise Alaska. Father complied with tall nated Mr. Daly. Somebody nomi- In marked contrast most. nated an ambitious and to cut-short long-winded were the Dialogue Mass, or Misaa -Bemtata their .activities on Open House and lurid tales lasting an hour and Miss Schnei- Providence present sat " ider. . Rpacoe speeches. nurses who Welcomed are all Catholics of Se- Night. a half, savoring of a vivid ining. S. K:\).? Balch nominated a by observing, every point with t)><* ination powerful Mr. Buhr of opposite Some oßscure representativedis- attle and especially college stud- | In order to replenish the de- and more vivid experien- the rupted meeting by demanding greatest interest. One exception: ents ces, and demonstrating an Irish Displaying no outward sign ifaction of Doherty, Schneider, and the who want to learn to assist pleting list of graduate addresses ' to know who was legally supposed Lee Clark, future laboratory tech- only wit that he inherited naturally as of worry :Daly. The result was the hurried not intelligently, but also ac- available for reference, the Home- over the financial to be on the advisory board. The nician, hid her pretty face behind cording to the mind of the Church coming Committee will plant a :a Belgian-born nobleman. success withdrawalof Schneider and Daly hands, of the dance, the bor- 1in favor of Doherty. Someone fact that no one seemed to be her only occasionally at their sacrifice; who want to guest register in the first floor Father Anthony prefaced his — sure, glanced at the ghastly scene. rowing Bates expressed only nominatedj Baleh he withdrew in quite was the only thing apply all the richness of the Lit- hall of the new building. talk with a brief introduction, anyone was sure of during the After the meeting the usual re- urgy for their personal sanctifica- The following students have been :mentioning his early life as a stud- the hope that special police favorj of Buhr. Mr. Buhr one- voted Miss entire meeting. Ruth Brock was freshments were served; but, in tion to grow as members of the ichosen to serve on the Homecom- (ent at Louvain University in Paris, Doherty out of the would be necessary to line-up office.j appointed to "find out the score." |spite of the large crowd, for some Mystical Body of Christ through||ing Committee which has been or- iand his last seven years as a mis- 'peculiar thehuge crowds attendingthe Sundry factions favoiing other Water-Water reason not much coffee the corporate worship with the ;jganized to match the times into Isionary in Hyder, Alaska and or many doughnuts wereconsumed. Mystical Body of Christ. |ia military motif: !Stewart, British Columbia. Spir- Homecoming Ball, Saturday, 1than Mr. Buhr were depleted when Only quiet moment during the the nr-w prexy's first, official entire For supposedly hard-boiled medical itual director of both, he divided Feb. at act session was when Bill Bates students, peculiar indeed. 7 the massive Civic ]was to appoint two group his colorful anecdotes equally be- Auditorium. members of shocked the speechless by tween the two parishes. 1the opposition as chairmen of the his quote of expenses for the Summer On War Basis OnFriday, Feb. 6, at twelve annually important Gavel Mixer. forthcoming Homecoming Dance. Oh, Bliss On Slats; Quarter Dealing with such earthy topics still death, The unreconstructed leaders The meeting aeljourned when as life and Father Meuelen- noon,the Homecoming Gener- of loyal berg gave a series hilarious word the opposition exp.essed Chairman McArdle walked out the Snow ToMeetNeed Student;Nation of the cynically view Kids Flounder Of pictures of in the "bar- al Committee and members naive that local door. existence politics savored strongly a baric many will meet in Room 118 for the of warm A faculty member entered the North" that raised a breeze over the stockyards. Despite the greetingof a healthy delicate eyebrow, but b.ought room a moment after it was Wishing to stress the importance of the new complete last time till after the dance. cleaied of arguing advisors but short-lived blizzard, resulting hearty laughs from the more ro- and in summer quarter be offered Seattle College, Father calmly mentioned, as he saw the some dampening of spirits, to at bust listeners. Slender, feminine Baker pronounced OFFICIAL NOTICE littf r of cigarette butts, "There was last week McGoldrick, Dean, today announced the subjects which will Betty Gaffney of Ketchikan threw end by forty skiers as the ideal indignant looks of denial must have been an Advisory Board be considered of chief importance. Said Father McGoldrick, around Pasture-Chem. Lab Seniors intending to grad- meeting." place for an overnight trip. her when the good missionary de- uate this June must register A beautiful but apparently bot- 'In accordance with National Defense we are offering ac- scribed the brawny and very mus- Feud Reaches "Sniff" by February 6. Application tomless fall of snow sent many celerated courses which will prepare men for their degrees cular women of the North. But Heights The ASSC treasury back to the lodge, kept the rest before they reach military age. Mr. Manuel Vera. also of Ketchi- "Odoriferous cards for degrees must be ob- on beaten tracks and in hilarious kan, definitely affirmed the successfully weathered This plan, as discussed and adop- narra- tained at the Registrar's of- laughter as show-offs unwittingly tion with his expressive two-tone ted at a conference in Bal- For many weeks now students a host of appropriations floundered, had to be dug out. recent whistle. Father returned his talk fice. timore attended by Father Cor- Gables And Grables on their daily jaunts to the Cavern A ll last Even prospective team members kery, year-round to the spiritual plane in his last have been aroused from their incompletes received quarter, and ended chose to forget tryouts, shifted puts college on a sentence in which he earnestly basis, according to which it is peaceful thoughts by quaint odors during the fall quarter of 1941 up with a healthy them to a later, indefinite date. To Show Today begged prayers of the Sodalists for bal- possible to obtain a degree in emanating from the Chemistry Informal discussions over smok- his woik and for very must be removed by February years formerly his indi- Lab. But lately something new ance of $107.12. ing fires revealed a majority vote three where four vidualistic parishioners. 6. Failure to remove incom- were requi;ed. Refuting oft-repeated inferences has been added to this familiar Joe Eberharter, to return ruddy-cheeked president The subjects which will be given that the Drama Guild was rest- Father Meuelenberg's speech had aroma. Last weekFather Nichols, pletes by this date will result Bill Brcnnan and jumper Jim particular emphasis are: ing on well-deserved laurels, after the effect of a needed tonic in in an attempt to make the bushes in failures on the transcript. ASSC Treasurer. Keefe to their former positions on Mathematics, basic English sub- the production of Tons of Money, arousing the Sodality from its and grass in the vicinity of the the team and to add virile John jects, principles of navigation 2 tight-lipped Bill Orland said that usual lethargy. Comments of in- Cavern g;ow more verdant, re- Ryan, able man on any course. cr., physics, naval history and cus- evidence of theu- present activity terest and further discussion were sorted to the use of a land en- Though tentative, swarthy Larry toms 3 cr., Morse code, and chem- would be disclosed at today's stud- forthcoming during the social richer possessing a definite odor. Tarte and genial Jim Coibett are istry. These subjects are those ent body meeting. He hinted that hour. On the following- day the Father Nichols did not disclose Hope Smudges Purity Week most likely candidates for the re- especially designed to give the stu- the tyranny of Bill Bates, co- subject was discussed in the Cav- whether this action on the plants maining positions. dent a practical course of infinite chairman of the Homecoming In- ern with such enthusiasm that had any effect. The square-jawed Evening found racers and lodge- value should he be called into formal prevented further revela- students absent the night before Master of Vegetation did, however, AtSeattle Magic Bkiers storming the kitchens for regretted missing meeting steps Lanterns portions active service. tions. the ... destroy student hopes for gluttonous of spaghetti. While the majority of men al- Although there has been no an- or rather Father Meuelenberg. loading from the entrance to the Only big motion picture playing in Seattle this week that Then many retired, preferring ready foresee the necessity of nouncement, earlier indications cave,n over to the rear door of fails to satisfy sleeping bags to icy rain or the the Liberal Arts Building. He def- completely the satin purity of the powerful pungent fumes of smoking fires. completing their education as rap- were that the forthcoming presen- Legion idly as possible, freshmen and wo- tations were to penthouse style, initely stated that such an action cf Decency is the latest feeble effort of ski-nosed An impromptu dance, held in the men students also are exhorted to a popular technique since last Works Of Student would not be attempted. Rob Hope. The spotty musical, "Louisiana Purchase" combination restaurant and post Mad." Tho Padre of the Pastures also cur- office, entertained those who were adopt this new plan and obtain year's spectacular "June rently smudging the screen of the Music Box is their degree in three years. Genius declined to confirm the rumor that rated as not pacing the slushy roads*, sing- Pre-Medical students, medical For Paper a fountain would be built in the objectionable in parts. ing. par- sunken gardens. But he did leave Unanimous favorite of the trip technologists and nurses in Sad Swingsters Sway Er-ol ticular are urged to rush their Acting on a tentatively confirm- open the possibility by stating, Flynn and his pals galloped through several reels of chastity was German, cooky-eating Father studies for it is in these fields that ed rumor that The Spectator is the "Muny things . .. are liable to till "They Died With Their Boots On," at the Orpheum. Axer, who celebrated Mass, skied, BronxBall Couples voice of student opinion, Editor a severe shortage is liable to be happen in the ... future." "The Road to Happiness" offers no cause for concern to adults wandered from cabin to cabin, read experienced. Robert LaLanne announced this travelling to the Palomar. his Office midst ski-booted dancers Into Out Of Sorts week, between puffs badly Those wishing- to take units of on a Anyone of draft age or over can safely spend fifty-eight and jukebox music. wheezing pipe, that the columns of Reporters Meeting cents subjects may take them both sum- and a happy three hours with Bob Young in "H. Most disgusted member of the as the riding club the paper would hereafter be M. Pullman, E3q.," party mer quarters as Chem 102, Physics Groomed not Mondayat twelve-ten all now at the F'fth Avenue. was unhappy Jim Corbett but as lurid women of the Bronx, thrown open to the expression of 89 and 90, etc., or merely start the Seattle College Whose not-too-ancient car ran Otis women startled escorts. Sat- all opinion. "votive newswriters on usherettes and "Sundown" are both at the Coli- amok, used 47 gallons of gasoline them at that time. A shortage of seum and The Spectator might make it difficult urday night, in throwing a Bronx The initial step in this fantastic Spectator staff mustattend okays the usherettes while the Legion en route, provoked unrepeatable instructors sanctions the picture for to obtain them for the fall quarter Ball, Laurelhurst Field House. policy is the invitation to all fa- a special council forum in adults. interjections. Close second was Round-fnced Joan Sullivan chair- culty members to submit for pub- "Remember the Day" is a simon-pure holding forth Larry who, comic-strip fash- which will correspond to our pres- office. at the Blue Tarte ent quarter. maned the amazing affair. lication any student paper which the Spec Mouse. ion, tore his pants down hill, beat Classes will begin on June 15 The Yeoman, even worse than they regard as especially well- News Editor Ted Mitch- "Look Who's Laughing" at the Paramount gets a hasty retreat swathed in an supplied written and significant the seal of ap- and continue until August 21.Dur- Leon Mojica. individually in its ell premises to wield the proval from scissor-swinging censors. over-sized rain coat. Hastily passed own music. With a smooth field. Subjects for the paper are, in glowing accounts of the ing that time regular courses will thrir Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in "The Corsican Brothers," has talk- ovfr take floor and the sickly Yeoman the of course, not limited. The test to axe to all whomiss this im- been trip, by the three persons be offered. It is possible to 'ng to himself in a dual role for the past three weeks the Liberty save to 18 hours of Regular occasion almost surpassedthe Jun- be applied is quality, not timeli- uerative assembly. at concerned, were the inevitable 15 work. and the Legion of Decency could find little morally wrong with fees will be charged.' ior Jamboree. ness. that. strained ankles. 2 THE SPECTATOR Friday, January 30, 1942 SPECTATOR * Official publication of the Associated Students of man and mouse bye, bye,boys Seattle College. Founded December, 1932. Published skinned Friday during the scholastic year. Business Ad- " cool, dooed it? Seattle, calm and * Broadway Street, * dress: and East Madison Washington. Subscription Rate: 50 cents per quar- brethern ter. Advertising rates on application. feature* kumhera's kandid komment —EDITORIAL STAFF— Informally * ankle on a ladder Editor - Bob LaLanne cat ranch * " So swiftly are S. C.gen'mun being whisk- Associate Editor Joe Eberharter tsk, tsk, mandrake News Editor Ted Mitchell By Mary Ellen Beyer ed away from the hectic whirlpool of Col- Rewrite Editor Jim Baird An opportunity to share in the * * lege life, that "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" has $10,000 daily profits of the so- editor b. j. dunham art editor betty kumhera John been drafted as the A. W. S. S. C. theme New Staff: Mary Doherty, Lee Clark, K. called California Ranching Com- * Kohls, Mary Ellen Nachtshein, Dona Moberg, ipany was presented to the public associate editor mary ellen beyer song. Lee Jacobucci, Warren Johnson, Mary Jane Kelly, several years ago. The company's Latest to leave his books stacked upon the front Pat Ciinnn, (ronin Anderson, Kay Smith, Kit plan provided for the establish- perch of the Institution, is Bill Pett'nger, an A-l Eisen,Bill Moffat,Dick Brlnck,Lauretta Frawley. ment of a cat ranch in California rater in any man's league. Open house at the Pet- 100,000 would re- on which cats [ tinger's last Sunday eve consisted of a confusion Business Manager Dwlght Kramer side. The number of kittens on Feet Descend Ladder, Bates Ellen Currid would, course, Says.. of Collegian countenances... a concrete manifes- Johnson, Mary the ranch of in- *Ad Staff Warren tation of Pett's popularity. Typists Phyllis Masker, Barbara Cprdes crease rapidly and constantly. 9 rambling wrecks The cats would eat rats from a * Manuel Vera, chief photographer for the occa- ■ too NATIONAL »DV«RTI«INO BY Buckety, «P»«««NT«D Buckety! nearby rat ranch. Rats breed tuxes, if you like sion climbed— hither and yon with the quaint re- National AdvertisingService,Inc. twelve times as fast as cats.These mark "Smile like the dickens!" Biff Fallon, Bud PubliihtrsRipnunlativ Tuesday morning thirty-odd Colltft rats be fed on the cat At eleven o'clock last stu- Bader, Tommy Anderson, Ronnie McHugh, MADISON AVI. N«W YOUK, N. Y. were to Mary AZO - " - after the cats were (the odd, students) You will have read in other col- , CMICMO BOSTOH LOi AllSlLtl »«» ftMCIHO carcasses dents number was not the sauntered Ellen Petrich, Bill Bates, Joe McArdle, Greg Mac- The $10,000 daily profit 'umns in The Spectator that the skinned. intoroom 203 andtook their seats as usual. Not ten minutes Gregor, Jack Terhar, Lillian Perry, Jack O'Neil, from the venture was to be made original plan of letting Grads in Sullivan, Feathers In The Wind by selling the cat's furs at thirty had passed when the students with newly-awakened inter- ,at Homecoming for one-fifty with Joan Cousin Keavy ... and just a few ' dozen more, jo'ned in screeching in the Spectator cents a piece. Shares, offered to est discovered "that something new had been added." A their invitations has been aban- "You're Before the hit the halls anyone interested in this enter- doned. That cancellation resulted Army Now." We have a few hazy recollections of slender, green ladder barred the square panes of one rain- | Bob the last Friday with a heralded scoop on prise, sold for five cents each. from the woefully incomplete| Mahaney earnestly begging pianist to play The above proposition, appearing spotted window. Scarcely had this novelty become commonplace ,alumni files at our disposal, mak- a few bars of "When Your Hair Has Turned to the Homecoming regal choices, nearly as a joke in the windows of a and Mr. Jenkins had launched into a sober discussion of Social ]ing it impossible to send invita- all of Seattle College were fully in- bank in the East, attracted sixty Security than a pair of feet and denim-clad ankles appeared at the Itions to all Grads. If you have But when they all shouted "Oh, He's a Jolly serious, would-be investors who top of the window. Then came two knees also clad in soiled denim, iany friends among the alumni, iGood we know for certain that they all on good ' Fellow" formed the selectionsof Queen and were men in business stand- then the torso, and then, after a moment of tense suspense, a smooth, then, be sure that they buy their well meant it! ing. Notices explainingthe details [jolly Princesses— or thought they were. lantern-jawed face topped with a blue, visored cap. It was that tickets from an S. C. salesman, or * * » » of the fake venture had to be re- they'll to pay 2 dollars down rarity without which there is no social security for the fairer sex, have If it for few stiff ligaments, Someone witha littlebit of misinfor- moved from the windows after the at Civic Auditorium. The date, weren't a those a man. the a party-line personality first day. * * * for the benefit of those happy souls popped eyelids and brotherly "Well hi pal .. . mation and who haven't as yet heard of the [how're feelin'?" exchanges ?n the halls, one might shouted a whispering extra of the elec- Have you ever wondered why an Homecoming Ball, is February 7. not even guess that there had been a week-end usher >cads you down the sideaisle * * * skiing trip at Mt. Baker. tion results into the eager ears of news- in a theater when there are plenty We have rambling: wrecks here Saturday night at Shuksan combined meat balls hungry S. C.ers on Wednesday imme- of seats down the center aisle? and spaghetti, hot games of bridge, midnight The reason is simple, but it is at S. C. The swiftly-growing En- snacks, and round (not diately following the first and very un- full of wisdom. The ushers are gineering Department, headed by table discussions about Drin, tables.). striving divert away capable football-tacklishDr. round official ballot count ' to traffic the . from the main aisle, so that inthe is constituting a section of We notice the presence of Kay Eisen, Lee Clark By Friday morning the grape-vine of event of an emergency, all those College that must not be over- and Horan, so obv'ously they abandoned their in the theater would not attempt looked. Those poor, unattended idea of establishes: an initial "Shuksan delicates- misinformation must have carried the to use the mainaisle as an avenue students, the Lib. Arts majors, sel- dom see the Engineers, but strange, news back to the original informer, but to the sameexit. The psychological Even Father Axer, who officiated at 8:15 Mass fact that people always try to go in any event candidates were by that (Continued on Page 4) Sunday, tried his art at the alabaster sport ... out of a building the same way and with admirable results we might add. time so sure of theirselection that some ithey enter it, explains the afore- mentioned reason more fully. The beauty of the snow cons'sted in its special began victory celebrations before the ' Why is all this important? One nya-a bonecrusher! quality of completely enveloping one after a sprawl- promised official announcement ap- word partly answers this question, ing dive caused by a lack of equilibrium. As one I and that word is panic. More lay, ungracefully twisted into a 97-degree pretzel, peared in the Spectator at ten-thirty |deaths are caused by panic than Lothar's Morals a skiier-by could scarcely discern those kelly green that eventful morning. by circumstances that give rise to ski pants ... blue thunder bird sweater ... red panic. The Iroquois Theater fire Gripe .suspenders and yellow ear-muffs and could not Chicago very Kiddies At ten-forty-five the victory cele- in did little damage record a mental picture to produce distortedly at a to the building, but panic- for 572 future unapproprate date. O no, one could only brants quit celebrating because stricken persons died in the the- Sixty million breakfasting! see a bewildered hunk of white, strangely kindred some there was no cause for celebra- ater. Not long ago thousands of mericans squinted over Chinese suffocated in an immense to a powdered sugar do-nut, fighting for another tion, and went trapping for the some- air raid shelter, because they be- leir grapefruit and coffee, chance with gravity. bit of misinforma- came panic-stricken while trying its week, at the propped-up We understand that Gene Plumb paved the way one with the little to Everyone leave the shelter. mny section of their morn- for such bevies as Maggie Paquin, Mary Ellen Cur- tion and the party-line voice. Iknows that many good swimmers rid, Tot Forhan, but that it was purely uninten- drown every year, because they i% papers. tional. Joe English, Bill Brennan, John Ryan, Peg The Spectator had come forth with feeling panic firm let that of get a Sixty million Americans, office McGowan wh'pped up to to Table Mountain but promised scoop garnered from the grip on them. its srks, bootblacks, policemen, Sis Abernathy, Eileen Ryan, B. J. Dunham, and One of the most important air /ing-shifters Lockheeds, very official second and third counts at and ,such people preferred the healthier slopes. raid rules is the following one: svator girls, eagerly followed The only lodge skiier a logical excuse was the ballots. Keep calm. The simple command, progress the strangest with of c of Lil Zucco to That someone with the little bit of Keep calm, is a rule to remember assling" match in the grunting who managed wrench her ankle. and apply when one becomes in- "oaning history of the sport. Some sport, this skiing! misinformation and the party-line volved in a serious or unusual si- Wielding a soapy sponge and razor-like object he perilously swayed Dubious hero of the comic strip tuation demanding quick, cool carrying h's to looking piece from one side of the window to the other, bravely on ruggle was the thick-lipped, Pan-American relations aren't safe with Petrich voice ought be for a thinking. Panic is the direct re- work while the class, as one woman, watched with awe and admira- ocolate-hued Lother, who be- and Bates around, but from here it looks good? sult failing to of cheese. of take heed of the tion his aerial gymnastics on the green ladder. One girl, braving rne famous as the mentally leth- Next Monday beg'ns the official Homecoming week rule, Keep calm. the frigid stares of the men behind her, even ventured so far as to gic, yet likeable man Friday for and, bubblingly, we admit that we can hardly rabbit-snatching magician, ... blink the venet-'an blinds at him, to which action he magnanimously c wait! The big dance is but a week away Newsreels are reflecting, this week, 9 . .. blitzsneak responded with a flash of gold bridgework and a soapy swath across andrake. phenomenal how these things bulging was duped creep up on us! the double-chinned countenance of 9 the window. But, alas, too soon his noble work was completed, and The African committees a modest proposal Iinto a "rassling" contract about The super seem to have everything Leon Henderson,government choice for he disappeared inch by inch from sight. With an enormous sigh, the forty comic strips ago by a three- in hand, but may we point out to the co-chairman handling of price control and civilian class turned again to the patient, blue-suited Mr. Jenkins. Stimul- ball ten-per center operating under that something seems to be lacking? (O no! not ated by th's new interest, that worthy individual jubilantly tossed |the title of Mr. Sharpy, who re- that!) Where, we demand, is the super super com- supply. The Student his chalk into the air, missed it, and began an animated account 1 cognized the championship po- mittee in charge of the super comm'ttee, in charge "The gruff, cigar swallowing econ- of people not covered in the Social Security Act. Itentialities of the illiterateLothar. the ordinary old every day committee in charge No sooner had the class settled down to rest from this unwonted Mandrake, cogitating between the Bromo department, Surely the supers de- (as hypnotic omist with the bushel sized belly" Observer excitement, than another ladder appeared and then another man. ihis customary stares for ve a sedative. Ah, ha forgot that little the reading public, realized that ...... Life magazine describes him) startled While the girls earnestly discussed the advisabil'ty of asking him n, didn't you? By Bill Moffat least this dark-victoried servant had theatre goers by asking that all driv- in to lunch, the men plotted among themselves the best and Ibeen duped with the contract, but, ilso, we cagily suggest that you put something ; Simultaneous with the Jap- pleasant way to remove this spectacular competition from their displaying all the loyalty and hon- r on the committee by buying your tickets here autos to a limit unnecessary, ers soft pedal their of anese attack, racial prejudice hitherto uncontested domain. Drastic methods were Iesty characteristic of comic strip school right quick l'ke. They are but $1.50 here rins'ng the windows, flashed the $2.00 30 miles per hour and "take it easy up however, for too soon he finished iheroes, he encouraged the puzzled T at the Civic Auditorium door! flared all over America. class blinding smile, swashbuckled down his swaying ladder, and Lothar to carry-onwith the match. io all go (Well?) If dooed it to save the na- a let's ... we we around corners" inorder Whites taunted Japs and Japs silently stole away. To oppose Lothar in the unique get a good tl-me ... We dooed It! tion's supply of rubber. flayed whites. Surprising to True, this may seem to be a small incident, but it loomed large struggle was the surly,— cauliflow-ISee you next week. in the of economics class. Out of the sky had come a green ered "Bonecrusher" an unbeauti- These two Henderson gems excited well-fed college professors eyes the ful gladiator of grunt then two who performed their strange r'tual and the and Reminiscing Spectator college and action leaders, ar- ladder, and men groan profession. columnist- profound interest from drivers social and silently disappeared into the thm air below them, leaving no ticles Sixty million funny-paper fans Bill Bates ceased reminiscing about in every school in America, but espe- mushroomed in maga- material trace. Little did those men know that they had changed fully by Friday became aware last half-way down cially so from those carrying an eight zines everywhere in condem- the day, perhaps even the lives of those listless students, transform- that Lothar had little desire to his last week's column nation of the persecution of ing it from commonplace mediocrity to mystery, romance, and "rassle." and spoke not only for himself,but for o'clock class. In fact and contrary to the Am- Japs by whites. adventure. Never will Room 203 be the same orderly, fact-filled 1nearly all of Seattle College when he for those who were there that Tuesday. Always now will erican scheme of things, Lothar Itis estimated that over one hundred classroom an Weed Pullers the subject of Social Security be tinged with glamour, green ladders announced in a dark southern proposed eight-party Faculty-Stu- eight o'clock sleepy time drawl, "me no wanta fight— me thousand Since the Hawaiian blitz- and gold-flecked grins. In the days and weeks, aye, even in the dent Council to confer monthly on to set gonna lose quick to Mr. Bone- campus commuters will have sneak, the Japs, who were years to come, those who witnessed this unforgettable spectacle will crusher." problems pertinent to both parties. their alarms thirty minutes early if oncemopping themansions of lower their voices 'n hushed remembrance when they speak of the Sixty million Americans became class, the window pane, and "The Mr. Bates hinted beneath the man- they are to please both the paunchy the nations, were mopped a eventual "Eek" the soap-swath on convinced that Lothar wasn't pro- Two Men." "yellow"; he just couldn't be mad tle of well chosen words that ASSC Leon and their punctuality-loving little themselves. Yet they enough to fight anybody, and any- fessors. aren't blameless. For begin- as low in the U. S. but the ed Americans these. They way the contract was unfair. activities had been a muddled success Here at Seattle College the reckless ning early days natural resour- should read the Seattle Times Sixty million Americans awoke this year, and that his new plan might with the of wealth of the Saturday morning to find the be- abandon of the thirty-five-an-hour men Commodore Perry, Japanese ces is controlled by the far. "Harden Your Hearts" cdi-! muscled "Bonecrusher" shaking be the plier to pull the "muddle out of racial prejudice began. Steep- mer class. Japanese farmers torial of last week. What a like a reducing vibrator after hav- wHI undoubtedly bow to the whims of terrible, the success" ed in prejudice, Jap high grup but ac- small nation this would be if ing read of the exploits Henderson. Drivers are convinced that immi- were in a in which Lothar had engaged in Inquiry shows that many of the fac- grants created the Jap men- cepted themselves as low. The we dumpedall the Japs in the it is either this or the dropping of the ulty are displaying mild interest in the ace. Since Americans would Jap made the Jap menace by ocean because being a fajr i Sixty million Americans rubbed bald and fuzzy heads and may go all out eight o'clocks. not accept their class, Japs forgetting that a man is as country we couldn't show dis- ; alike Mon- proposed Council day morning, the day of the big plan if is adopted. The "Hull" Story spelled their own fate. By low as his estimation pictures crimination. In massacreing match, when the "me no wanta for the it looking on themselves low- the Japs we would also have fight" Lothar won the match with- If the faculty would go all out for This week word oozed out through as him. touching whites, to kill off all Germans and out Mr. Bonecrusher. the nation's press that Cordell Hull ler than the they Modest Proposal Sixty million Americans for the this plan now it might stand a chance had topped his own high mark for ele- doomed their own kind to a ManyAmericans have a so- Italians. Since the armed first time doubted the credibility of passing through the next ASSC race of weed pullers. forces are composed of huge of the funny papers. The faith phantine, bull-in the-china shop diplo- lution to the spy . that Superman, Gordon, meeting. German and Italian groups! Flash and macy by cold-shouldering the Dutch at The white man sealed thel Ship all the American-born Tiny Tim failed to shake, had general faculty meeting to we would deplete the U. S. crumbled in thn absurdity of j A discuss recent war conferences. May we sug- Japs' fate by stamping them Japanese to a stormy part of Army. Thus we lay ourselves Lothar's victory. Terrible Lothar I the possibilities of the proposal, and gest,by wayof belated , the in- as workingmen, gardeners, the ocean and sink their stared at the frightened Bone- open to defeat because some later a report of their findings to the corporation of a Tulip for Triumph in and servants. . Women, children and j crusher Bonecrusher fainted! Farmers Control all the rest of the Japs would of these men are skilled andi Sixty million Americans are to- student body would meet with univer- the V for Victory. T.N.T. Tulips for day reading the Adventures of1| Tokyo servant class is marked !be drowned. Nice soft-heart- (Continued on Page 4) Little Annie Rooney. sal interest here at S. C. Friday, January 30, 1942 THE SPECTATOR 3 DRAMA CLUBS MUSIC Editor— Marjorie Staples Tell Joe Your Troubles In AWSSCSecretary Tamara No Hit Coterie To Plug "Hoi-Polloi" Pick Stars 'The Time Of Your Life" In Ballet Uplift Programs Of Film "Syncopation" By JOAN McHUGH Nominees Are — By Heavy By TED MITCHELL "In the time of your life, live Seek goodness everywheie Nora By Florence Bown Last week Seattle was It will be interesting to see what R. K. O. is going to do and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding place and let Brown,Pacquin Last September, a groupof — struck by an over-weight, six girls less with their production of the story of modern American mu- it be free and unashamed. In the time of your life, live having more or As a part of the business car-■ half burned out Russian me- the same tastes and lofty sic. Titled "Syncopation," it will be just about the only so that inthat wondrous time youshall not addto themisery ried on at the recent meeting of■ teor, Tamara Toumanova; ideals banded themselves to- film in which the hoi-polloi haveanything to do with casting. and sorrow of the world,but shall smile to the infinite de- the A.W.S.S.C. held Friday noon, [ and like a meteor she didn't difficul- Producer William Dieterle's brainstorm was having a poll light and mystery of it." January 23, nominations were in gether in the face of order for a new secretary. bounce when she landed. The runin the Saturday EveningPost to let the public pick their That briefly, is the worldly philosophy of Joe, the habitue ties into anorganization to be Nominees for the position arei Seattle 'Symphony masterful- as "The Coterie." favorite instrumentalist for the picture's stars. The re- of a San Francisco waterfront bar, who is the lead in the likeable Misses Juanita Brown and ly held the scales in their sults were forecastable by anyone stopping to think. As yet, currently popular Broadway hit, "The Time of Your Life," Jeanne Paquin. The fate of these The purpose of The Coter- hands; on one side the hefty rumor is the only source of information concerning the line- Saroyan. This prize winning play has just com- two girls will be determined Mon- is to sponsor cultural and by William day, February 2, when the election pivoted riown up, generally Toumanova in fits programs but this accurate well of news has it that those pletedits fourth week of presentationby the Seattle Reper- is scheduled to be held. Incident- educational which and jerks, while on the other leaders who are identified with specific instruments are tory Group in their Playhouse on East 41st Street and ally, the new secretary will be the be of value to all Ne- third to hold this position in the end of the scales the entire leading the tabulation. Clarinetist Benny Goodman, the two University Way. "oes in Seattle and possibly Association this school year due to corps de ballet threw their ter, throughout the entire Dorseys, and, of course, Krupa, are examples of synonimity The play is of the old time Students Visit the withdrawalfrom schoolof both poundage former secretaries, Miss Catherine collective in a fran- orthwest. with "the best" in their fields, according to public opinion. melodramatic type staged in tic effort, to balance the dead Seattle ArtMuseum Maher and Miss Mary Frances The charming young mem- Another well-founded conjecture is that the bass man will this saloon where people from Grossman. weight of their falling star. be BobHaggart,Bob "Little Brother" Crosby's All-American. very nearlyevery walk of life, >rs include Miss Joyce Coo- Of great value to any art- ACT I.— The sweet strains per as President; Miss Flor- i Rex Stewarthas definitely been from the slummers of Fifth1 Iill signed. Ellington's will play loving student is a visit to Pre-Med Honorary of a serenade drifted out of ence Bown as Secretary- ace Avenue to the very lowest to the part of one of the earliest jazz- the Seattle Art Museum the orchestra pit. The mus- Treasurer; and the Misses Students Play specimen of humanity, con- Expects Influx men, Buddy Bolden. From Down- whose latest Sunday lectures cular Muskovite maiden lum- Mildred Squires, Juanita Val- gregate. All of these types1 beat comes the horrible word that include sound film. Not only bered from the wings on her ley,Edith M. Bown and Ger-, In Concert are certainly represented as1 Last spring the local chap- Eddy Duchin might play piano. can you see and hear your monstrous pedal extremities; they pass in review, tell their ter of Alpha Epsilon Delta, But those on the R.K.O. lot will favorite symphony,but should which, on a male, would ex- When the Broadway -Edison probably realize that "Baby-doll" story to Joe,and what pre-medics honorary, became First came the planning of receive youprefer interior decorating, from the draft. The Evening School Concert Or- IDuchin just doesn't fit with the with the National empt him the Coterie's debut. Some- rest of the boys. As for the pos- ever consolation he sees fit to galleries or fine prints, theI affiliated one, ' Organization. Through Pres- beat of the music was thing unique was required to chestra gives their fifth an- sibility that Henry Busse was give. finest is within your power j as American favorite ident Bill Stapleton, the hon- two, three; one, two, three. really put the club across. nual mid-year concert (com- chosen hot There is no definite plot to to gaze upon. The female Primo Camera plimentary) Monday, Febru- trumpet player, nothing will more orary here at Seattle College Finally the idea of an "Eve- quickly reduce the show to an ab- the story. William Saroyan The famous Thorne minia- had evidently never learned ary 9, 8:30 p.m. inthe Broad- surdity. keeps in touch with the Na- ningMusicale" (withanextra peopled his bar and then let ture rooms are still on exhi- to count. She rose on her way High School Auditorium, ♥ ♥ * tional Organization. "e") was unanimously accept- these curious characters cre- bition, thirty period rooms toes, waited too long, and three Seattle College orches- After watching Edvard Persson At present the Seattle Col- ed. What about expenses? A lin "Bashful Anton" on the aver- ate a play for themselves. beautifully and correctly as- then stepped down. After tra members will occupy key| lege chapter numbers only zealous band of six set out to age of five times a day last week- The parts are very aptly sembled by expert craftsmen. that exquisitely sad perfor- chairs. Dave Reed, violin;I end, we can see why Hollywood is seven charter members. Be- convince one hundred odd portrayed by the Repertory Each room an exact copy mance, the ballerina gather- Wade Peterson, trombone;|still has a monopoly in the mov- to all the minute details of cause of this small member- patrons to do their duty toi ing picture field. Amateurish act- cast. They have to the best ed together her corpuscles and Marjorie Staples, string ing plus famous ship, it joins the bi-monthly help the young people of Se- mediocre photography of their ability overcome a rooms of these per- and began a pirouette with bass. The following program!!amounted to a dreary perform- meetings of the Mendel Club. attle to carry on such a wor- difficult situation due to the!iods in different countries. the fluid facility of a rock ' will be heard: jance. Since it was a Swedishpict- Themembers of this organ-1j thy enterprise. Surprisingly |ure, Ballard was there, en masse, looseness and inconsistency There are eight American bouncingdown the street. Up, "The Star Spangled Ban- rooms, ization are awajting anxious- J no one refused and soon en- from the mayor on down.The film of the play itself. Special beginning with the up, vp— almost off the floor,! jner" was all about a rotund Swedish ly the cards which were sent graved invitations to an gentleman mention should be made of early American, dated 1650, and then down; a gutterly IMozart "The Impresario" Country with an ob- out to pre-med students here "EveningMusicale" to be held session for zippers who alternates Burton James who portrays to smart, modern penthouse performance entirely IHaydn "Symphony No. 12 B at Seattle College. When devoid! at the Repertory Playhouse,I between a philosophical Wally the leading role of Joe in his and living rooms. of grace. Flat Major" Beery and a quaint (he thinks) usual accomplished One fine national exhibition^ these cards are returned to on Tuesday evening, October Donald Duckishness. Sometimes manner. Toumanova.' was inade- Major", Haydn The supporting upheld of watercolors that fill :Father Beezer, the number of twenty-first, were delivered we think ushering isn't worth the cast twoj quately garbed in a vintage Lento: Allegro Vivace bloomingmonotony. their parts with various de- galleries contains war posters pre-med students with aB av- mailmen of Seattle,Ta- 1 Adagio of World War No. 1 and oil erage and sixty hours in pre- 1908 costume. Too much Ta- la, and Portland to more grees of sincerity, but as a mara, enough Menuetto Sometana, Two Dances from painting by great American medics (the stipulations for not chiffon. n three-hundred and fifty whole it was well done. bluish-green garment ' Presto "The Bartered Bride" artists of the nineteenth and entrance into this honorary) The I :sts. According to review- The play will continue for only accented bulbous I Schubert, Overture to "Rosa- (1) Polka, (2) Comedians twentieth centuries. will be known. her Ktheers, 'This initial affair of TheI at least twomore weeks with beak which projected out- munde" Strauss "Emperor Waltz" productions every Thursday, In the print room is a col- The charter members look ' Coterie eclipses all others of Flotow, Selections from Op- Rossini "The Barber of Sev- lection of Childe Hassam's over the eligible students and ward in amanner reminiscent like nature presented in Seat- ' Frjday, and Saturday eve- of the olfactory apparatus of 1 era, "Martha" ille" (by request). nings. famous American artist, vote on new members. tie. The artists representedI , Easily detected every one Durante. Following an Just a reminder, don't for- prints given to the Seattle young American Negro, spring the pledges Al- unbroken line to her afore- white, get to make early reserva- Art Museum by Mrs. Hassam. are to and Japanese, each a Also in this room will be seen pha Epsilon Delta, for they mentioned toes was her pro- genius in her own field." tions for the play, "Rose background some reproductions of Ameri- are attired in white internes file. As a for Coterie, Burke," starring Katherine i The not content uniforms and carry eggs in this example of nothing, was Cornell which is coming to can paintings andcases of ear- to "rest on laurels" have P latter ! bevy beefy Chatter ly Roman glass dating to 800 their back pockets. But the a of beauties. the Metropolitan Theatre, . many brilliant plans for the j By Dick Brinck B. C, and early eggs are soon changed in Transgressing from all this February 4, through 7. The' English oak — future. With the aid of Pitts- | carvings. I composition. the music was hauntingly burgh's petite Miss Thelma box office sales open January beautiful. Pathos, happiness,! Seattle is in the "sticks!", musically speaking. Yes, after 30. I'llbe seeingyou there! — Hopson, the Advisor,the club sobriety, and gaiety these now has a binding constitu- much debate with fellow staff members we-all have come U. S. Collector Of Customs emotions became a part of[ to this conclusion. Public Library — tion, club-program for the the listener a melodic Rem-I coming year (after the next The short, sloppily dressed manager of the Trianon is at Okays War Savings Program brandt. The aesthetic expres- meeting), and also (after the fault, for he seems to be unable to get a good band within Students at Seattle College supplied "I have watched with satisfaction the growth and con- sion was in the tonal j next meeting) a long-awaitedI his domain. Now, with a great deal of money floating who find their reading — mater- tinued development of Seattle College." These were the symphony not in the Bal-j addition to The Coterie. through town, Mr. Harris hired Leon Mojica! And Mr. ial incomplete or difficult to words of Saul Haas,United States Collector of Customs and let. Mojica grates. In our opinion Mr. Harris should engage a obtain may find this list of recently appointed State Administrator of Defense Savings, ACT II.: The second actI GOOD NAME BAND to play in Seattle. new books in the Public Li- as he was interviewed in his office at the Federal Building. was a colorful, gay, Spanish We pick on Mr. Harris because brary interesting: Silver ScrollPlans he manages the only half- "I have also noticed with deep interest the progressive spectacle. The rhythmic in- way "How to Build and Equip decent ballroom in Seattle. Is Mr. Harris too broke to trend in the school as evidenced by a new building added this terpretation of the libretto I Defense Work hire a good band? Mr. Harris is too smart not to know the a Darkroom," Barret and fall," Mr. Haas continued, "but question came my was delightful! True, the to Mas-j "What can we do in aiding the difference between Lionel Hampton's and Mojica's music. Wyckoff mind sine's whether the school was as progressive in trfe interest artistry overshadowed Defense Movement," was the ques- Wherever the solution lies, we do not know, but the Tria- "Bible Plants for American of Defense Savings. Ican think of few things that would the performances of the oth- Gardens," King. tion instigating an intense discus- non is the only worth while Ballroom in Seattle. Therefore please me more than to be told that Seattle College had in- ers,but this only added to theision at the last Silver Scroll meet- "Hand Knits for Men in the the management of said place should give Seattle some Good stalleda Defense Savings Program for the purchase of bonds richness of the terpsichcorean ing at Frances McGuire's home. Service," Music. Minerva. and stamps." tapestry. Florida Perrl was appointed the "The Silk-screen Process," "A String of Pearls"; Glenn Miller, composed by Jerry "This thought be impressed too deeply for third investigating agent, and turned up U. S. Works Projects Admin- cannot upon us ACT III.: The actj Gray, GlennMiller's arranger, and given Glenn's touch. This it will avail us very little to win this war if we lose the peace the fingerbowl following,recently with the news that each istration. was girl interested should apply at the is really fine. Good for the Rug Cutters. that follows by an economic chaos due to failure of this all the underdone entree of the "Masterpieces of Primitive Office of Civilian Defense to vol- "The President's Birthday important economic program." first act and the delicious Ball;" Glenn Miller, composed Sculpture," Vaillant. unteer her services. Thus far, not by Irving Berlin for the march of dimes drive. The record "Masks," Wissler. Mr.Haas has just returned from Spokane where he suc- dessert of the second act. Itjmuch action has been taken by the is, girls, but the smiling, dark-haired is good and besides the proceeds go to the March of Dimes "Partial List of Latin-Am- ceeded in the impossible. That he united the two major was a kaleidoscopic review of political Florida lives in hopes. The Club drive. erican Music Obtainable in U. parties for the duration, in the persons of the two New York after sundown. had a wonderful plan for sponsor- "Somebody Loves Me;" Tommy Dorsey. A lot of bounce 5.," Chase. state party chairmen, Clarence Coleman (Dem.) and Tom Cavorting aimlessly across ing a night at the University Showboat, but the complications with a goodDorsey solo. The Pied Pipers really "Russian Sailors' Dance," Oakshot (Rep.). The purpose of this alliance was to unite the stage was an excessively cut loose on were too many. The one night this one. Another record we recommend youbuy. Gliere. in a common cause an army of almost 7,000 from the two avoirdupoised dowager drap- available for such a party was "Symphony No. 1, E Plat] parties who will be enlisted this week into a Defense Savings ed on the arm of the famous ruled out by the faculty and those "Stop the Red Light's On;"— Gene Krupa. Good! Krupa campaign for the sale of Defense stamps and bonds. Colonel of the New Yorker students on the committee because drums, Eldridge blows, and Anita What a voice. In our Major," Haydn. the date fell in our Homecoming J "Negro Spirituals and It must also be noted that Washington is the first state in Magazine. Following closely Week and all felt that any school opinion Anita O'Day makes the record by her marvelous Hymns," Jackson. the nation where the Republican and Democratic party or- was a Yiddish cravat-sales- activity at that time should be whining vocal. ganizations take the field together in a combined effort. man, a gossip-mongering re- |in our own back-yard. "Blues in the Night;" —Glenn Miller. "Mexican Music,"New York constitution, Good Miller treat- porter, three debutramps, a The present club Museum of Modern Art. "It is my suggestion," Mr. Haus concludes, "that the stu- which has been found unsatisfac- ment with fine orchestration. Tex Benecke and the Modern- "Harmonic Structure of dents of Seattle College, in cooperation with the faculty, blonde bomber from the tory in several instances, particu- aires add rock and sock to— the record. Vowels in Singing inRelation organize a Defense Savings Committee to arrange ways and Bronx,and a host of refugees larly in regard to the choice at "Blues in the Night;" Judy Garland. Judy is really fine Stamps, from the human race. new members will be presented to Pitch andIntensity," Stout. means of handling Defense and that they set aside for the club vote in a revised con- on this one. She gives a vocal and besides we like Judy. "John McCormack," Strong. one day each week as Defense Savings Day, when every Stu- Comically, it was superb: dition Rt the next meeting on Feb- "The One ILove;" —Glenn Miller. A sweet Millerish "Treasury of Gilbert and dent and members of the Faculty may purchase Defense Aesthetically, it was odorifer- ruary 9th. The Revisions Commit- disc. Beautiful sax work weaves in and around the vocal by , I'loritla Perri and Mary Do- Sullivan," Taylor. Savings Stamps. ous. herty, are working- on it now. Ray Eberle and the Modernaires. 4 THE SPECTATOR Friday, January 30, 1942 Gate-- Bates Says: SPECTATOR The Student Greetings, FORVICTORY Pedriatidan Will Room-MateMeet Address Mendelians (Continued from Page 1) Observer noises emanating the Hueiish from (Continued from Page 1) As dusk fell in Seattle on the The next Mendel Club yellow building to the northards SPORTS eve of September 22, a solitary meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 4, give proof through the day that DICK BRINCK can't be replaced. If the peo- figure hesitatingly -walked up the V Wrecks still there. A tip the are ple of America would let the Otis steps. Outwardly she seemed will feature Frederick W. to S. C.ers of all descriptions: "J. McKay was going to reorganize men's basketball. calm and composed but inwardly M?BUUNITED Wl©i Rutherford, M. D. Doctor bring the Engineers into the Col- What happened? Iprocured a fine trophy and low and be- government handle spy cases she was shaky, lonely, and scared fSiK H STATES lege body politic and you'll have and bury suspicion, they to death. Being completely lost, SAVINGS Rutherford, who is a grad- some fine material. hold the league did not revive." she immediately thought of her K\lVl * * * would find the grave of suspi- BONDS uate of Harvard Medical The above statement was in the letter Father Gaffney, one sanctuary, her room. How- KiU'jl Hero and There: In answer to cion filled with fruits of ljve ever this, too, sent vicious chills STAf^Dps School, specializes in diseases a letter written (and not signed) S. J., sent to us. Well? What did happen? We have had no — spine, would be Japanese patriots real up her for there— and surgery of children. The in last week's paper regarding notice of men's basketball suddenly coming to life. We'd room-mates to face c omplete ft vli evening classes, the Departmentof Americans. strangers. — sanctuary of Doctor Rutherford's like to see or hear from Mr. McKay. The was topic Publicity makes the following re- Defense Bonds reached, a shaky door answered lecture will be Pediatric Sur- port: articles in at girls faced There were With thousands of Defense workers seeking recreation, the call... Three each in will least two of the three city papers People are buying U. S. other, not neglecting their res- gery, which he point the tennis situation will undoubtedly be at its worst this FOR VICTORY! RockwellKent has on Father McGoldrick's 'How to Savings Bonds with money pective partners from head to drawn the Minute Man, symbol of the out how child' surgery differs Study' class . . . We have the summer. One of my tennis playing friends explains it this foot. The minutes lagged by. Defense Savings Program, as a modem surgery. that is drawn from the worker,ready from adult He will foundation for a swell football way, by playing by banks. Suddenly three tongues clattered at hislathe to smash the team in ruddy-faced Russ Galla- 'at the courts 9 A.M. and 5 P. M." We must not' vigorously and the clouds were Axis, as his forefathers of Lexington also enumerate the diseases This should notand plows to fight gher, student Econ. hope the city of Seattle or that great reformer, Royal spangles. and Concord left their for necessitating pediatric sur- a graduate in take place. When money is transformed to silver freedom. Victory needs dollarsas well Russ played a lot of football for All shone brightly. .. Buy Savings Brougham,willhear of this problem and immediately try to drawn from the bank,new re- . as men. Defense Bonds gery. St. Martin's ... Student asks if prepare a way better tennis conditions. Varied sorts of days have been and Stamps through a voluntary pay- tuxes are allowed at the Home- to serves must re-enforce the born and quickly vanished since roll allotment plan, or through your sir, union, or at Dost offices andbanks. male students coming Ball. Well, you are We hope that the intramural sports leaders will write bank. The government must that fateful, never-to-be-forgotten Those few welcome to wear tux, but it is meeting. The happy, rollicking throw this column a letter if they have any news they wish to insure reserves. For every left who are able to NOT obligatory .. . Editor La hours have been many. Unpredict- EDITORIAL COUNCIL their manly chests and Lanne tells me that there are one report. dollar withdrawn, the govern- able facts have spurred out to the out A rehash of this edition than or two positions left on the Spec, ment loses money from the open. Discussions ranging from claim a score of more staff. Those qualified may seehim deep to shocking of the Spectatorandan edi- When Defense down secrets 90 and less than 135 credit in the Spectator office ... I'd MODERNWORLD treasury. realities have been staged. These torial decision on next suggest to Red Skelton that just life of a usually at hour of hours, are to turn in their light Bonds are purchased, the occur the zero week's issue will be the nu- one week he refrain from the 'I In this modern world money should come from the clock. Previous to that, stren- names to the bookstore. dood it' routine. Funny as it is, No affair is one's own Scratch, Scratch, uous work is accomplished. For cleus of today's meeting of it might become stale. No matter's complete The Light of a match, some source other than bank one must have exercise before editors and special report- Till the deails are all known. settling down for a nite of shocks accounts. When Bonds are ers. A. W. Hare, whoever he is, A weak little light bought they should be left and horrors... When dark clouds Shop wrote: "We never true A romance, a quarrel gather and an idealized world The council is to be held know the Allshiny and bright, with the bank and gov- value of friends. While they live A murder, a birth the comes crashing on all sides, then behind the locked doors of Must surely be the "bane of your life" shows her we are too sensitive of their faults: spread Naked and stark ernment can borrow on these the Spectator office IDEAL PHARMACY when we have lost them, we see To the ends of the earth. Alone in. the dark, true, flying colors. They take you at Bonds. in hand, give their ten varied twelve-ten today. 1401East— Madison —EAst 4500 only their virtues." You may, if f Buy today GIFTS CARDS CANDY you are so inclined, gentle reader, The matters of the heart. Flickers and flies, Defense Bonds opinions on doleful subjects, re- let that be your humanitarian They claim to know too Trembles and dies. and take the nip out of Nip-jinforce your pride with never-to- thought for the coming fortnight. Let them keep their illusions ponese. be-imagined ammunition, then send Incase there is a musty bookworm I'll not make them blue. you on your way. A rejuvenated— in my all-too-exclusive clientele, I creature, ready to face^ well, al- announce that the selection was Let them think what theythink Children's Cares most anything! Ticket clipped from the Ketchikan Alaska Let them say what they will the good earth With such thrills and spills the | Get YOUR | Fishing News.* * * Yet deep in the heart Soon Fly Away year commences. Before the end The secret's locked still. Call it loam; these will be doubled and tripled. you your on I Lauretta Frawley. dust; The no longer solitary figure will for the Have done part this Call it away. clay, Children's cares soon fly trip gracefully down the Otis defense bond idea? The College Call it Play and laughter is theirs most student is not expected to buy can speak with assurance that the If you must. steps, followed by two shining ex- of the day. amples bonds helter-skelter. The money first night was by far the worst I of what a true room-mate just isn't there; but we should all It wasn't the ballets chosen, so it Be not fooled; It's not for them to fret and slew. should be! pick up as many stamps as pos- must have been train weariness. 'Tis only dirt. 'that part's left for me and you. |HOMECOMING | sible. Let us, as Mr. F. Allen|Incidentally, some of those ballet It's up to us to man the boat-. (amongothers) has suggested, put gills are lovely...perfect rhythm As from our childhood days we Your an axe in the Axis. in motion! Tamara Toumanova, Mongrain To Speak surely float. *' * must 41 with accent on the second syllable There's certain things that COLLEGE A columnist must, of necessity, in both names, is the picture of The House of Hospitality, 1010 be done. have a peripatetic mind. In each |the ideal ballerina: tall, dark, with King St., featured Dean McGold- Life isn't just gayety, party, and of these columns approximately tragic eyes, expressive hands, and rick of S. C. last night in a talk fun. CAVERN twenty different subjects are'long black hair. Also, Iam told on "Man's Relation to God." It's a jab that Is meant for every Civic Auditorium| touched. Now, the thought has she has the final attribute of the Ray Mongrain, president of one. Serves The Best Of I come to me that it is a proper jclassical ballerina: a razor-edge ASSC, will speak on College Stu- A sea that is rough and hard to tiling for me to congratulate our temper. No mater what, she can dents and Catholic Action next sail. Luncheon and Coffee beautiful Homecoming Queen and certainly dance with feeling and week. Father F. V. Christoph, S.J., We do it badly or we do— it well. |SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 | her regal court. Long may grace Egad, soon I'll be writ- opened the series of talks last Our worst or our best the end Queen ... (Basement Ruth Irein! And may her reign ing drama reviews-, a fate worse week, speaking on, "Solutions to will tell. — Science Bldg.) be a happy and prosperous one, if ithan fate. Poverty." Myrtis Monroe. you know what**Imean.* I Gratification is indeed a fine Passing in the Halls: Laurie feeling. I know, because Iam for the navy...shares Radnor, an Engineering student more than gratified. The source ft.ix-l'.W T/%o+ DHjtf Dill IA/ADR tests dive-bombers ... a member of the esoteric of this rosy hue is the reaction of vIIIUSS ICOl nidi DILL IffHUH THE NAVY MAN'S PREFERENCE FOR CAMELS little band mentioned previously inIseveral faculty members to my re- this column. Laurie is a real ad- jcent suggestion of a faculty-stud- dition to S. C. and may he bring Ient council. To clear up an am- his fellow Washingtonians into the biguity of which Iwas accused: College spirit ... Ginny Gemmil. the four faculty members men- More correctly known as Virginia. tioned in my last column were be- Ginny is a graduate student and ing, in my own befuddled way, former AWSSC prexy. Has a swell praised,not censured for their help summer home south of the city in student affairs. We appreciate ... Bob Swart. A Chem major their interest. My point was to in the Junior class. Brother of solidify that interest by some set the smiling, flaming-haired Bill. group of faculty members. May I Bob is an ex-sports editor from have some more faculty reactions? WSC ... Frances Rohr. A Nurs- It's about time that the students ing student at S. C. Home base find out what the faculty wants is Providence. Favorite recreation: I (officially, not by the circuitous ' -'' ■■■■..■.■■; ■";'.'■ ::': '':-:';gH :XraBWPPBS£BH trips. Alaska should be in Fran- grapevine of former days) and also / f"^ Ai^y\ IV I tA /1 1 /\^T" f''' nflwt^^^ ■"Xf ces' future itinerary,* * * methinks. it's time that the faculty get a faint idea of some of the problems The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo a student has in getting anything has come and gone. Your writer done without going through a ushered all four performances and batch of red tape that would make a government bureau green with jealousy. So, what do you think, faculty ... and you too, students?

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