Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan - Assessment of Infrastructure Requirements and Deliverability

Site Site Name Address Location Purpose of Ease of Ease of Ease of Distance Means of Work required to Off site Cost of off Ease of rail Distance Rail Cost of rail Nearest Distance Ownership Willing Owner Other information Infrastructure Requirements to ensure site Ref Site public business/ vehicular to main access facilitate access highway site works (£) access to rail improvement improvement Port to port deliverability access trade access access road works facility works works? (miles) (metres) required? (km) required? Copeland District CO11 Bridge End Vale View Egremont covered waste Not Good by road. Good access to 100 off Vale View Construct access No ? Not No Not applicable Workington 13 Private ? Vale View is a public The site can be accessed from Vale View. Industrial treatment applicable A595 onto Vale View available highway. There is an The developer would be required to pay for Estate facility or issue with parking of the introduction of waiting restrictions on Vale transfer vehicles, which View to ensure unimpeded access to the site. bulking station impacts on site Significant HGV traffic would need to avoid access. peak traffic flows relating to Sellafield. A Transport Assessment is likely to be required CO32 Land Land east of Sellafield treatment, Not Very good as Good access 0 External access road link from Calder No 0 Rail access 0.5 No Not applicable Workington 19 Nuclear Assessment Feasibility study The site should be accessed directly from adjacent to Sellafield management, applicable adjacent to from Sellafield unlikely to be Gate or from to and within Decommissioning undertaken by undertaken on behalf Sellafield's own internal road or rail network. If Sellafield Site storage and/or Sellafieldsite Calder Gate required. Sellafield internal Sellafield Authority Sellafield Ltd of Sellafield Ltd. Only material is to be brought in from elsewhere, disposal of where waste access road Access direct access road. part(s) of the any HGV movements would need to avoid lower activity arises from main Security and allocated site would peak traffic flows relating to Sellafield and use Low Level Sellafield site boundary fence be utilised of rail should be maximised. Use of the site Waste from issues for Sellafield would need to be sufficiently flexible to enable Sellafield Sellafield to work towards their preferred credible option for long term decommissioning of the whole Sellafield site. If stone is sourced from Ghyll Scaur Quarry, it could be moved by rail using site M31 CO35 Low Level Old Shore Drigg treatment, Not Very good by Access via 200 existing access None No 0 direct 0 No Not applicable Workington 23 LLWR Ltd Yes Highway access Site has rail connection, which should be used Waste Road, Drigg management, applicable rail. Close to B5344 is traffic via Old Shore connection would be needed for for waste movements. All bulk construction Repository, storage and/or Sellafield and calmed through Road to B5344 to adjacent construction access materials, other than locally sourced, e.g. Peel near Drigg disposal of with rail access Drigg village & A595 at rail line via only, not for low level Place Quarry, should also be delivered by rail. Low Level Holmrook siding waste, which would If stone is sourced from Ghyll Scaur Quarry, it Waste use railway. could be moved by rail using site M31.

CO36 Sellafield Site Land within Sellafield treatment, Not Very good as Good access 0 via Main Gate Construct internal No 0 Rail access 0 No Not applicable Workington 19 Nuclear Assessment The site would be accessed internally from Sellafield Ltd management, applicable within Sellafield from Sellafield or Calder Gate access to and within Decommissioning undertaken by Sellafield's own road or rail network. If site storage and/or Ltd site where Main Gate or access roads, Sellafield Authority Sellafield Ltd material is to be brought in from elsewhere, disposal of waste arises Calder Gate which provide any HGV movements would need to avoid lower activity access road link to A595 peak traffic flows relating to Sellafield and use Low Level of rail should be maximised. If stone is Waste from sourced from Ghyll Scaur Quarry, it could be Sellafield moved by rail using site M31 M15 Peel Place Land west of Gosforth Area of Not Very good by Adjacent to 0 via existing None No 0 Not Workington No Not applicable Workington 21 Private Yes Site put forward by Good private access off the A595. Quarry, A595, north Search for applicable road existing quarry quarry access available owner. No change to Holmrook of Holmrook sand and and A595 road to A595 highway access or gravel traffic volumes. M17 Ghyll Scaur Ghyll Scaur west of Area of Not Poor access by Adjacent to 0 via existing None No 0 Temporary 2 No Not applicable 4 Aggregate Yes Site put forward by Provided the rate of extraction remains in line Quarry, Quarry, A5093, Search for applicable road existing quarry quarry access rail loading Industries owner with the current planning consent, there is no Millom Millom Millom very high skid and A5093 road to A5093 facility deliverability constraint. Any expansion of resistance output would require the use of rail (see site roadstone M31) or shipping facilities (e.g. Port of Millom) M31 Rail sidings, Salthouse Millom potential Not Good access to Only 1.5 miles 500 via A5093 to Previous temporary Possibly, if ? Good 0 Possibly ? Millom 2 Private Yes Site put forward by The site has previously been used as a rail Salthouse Road, Millom temporary rail applicable quarry from quarry quarry use accessed by permanent owner. If aerial loading facility associated with the nearby Road, Millom loading facility road. Permanent or loading facility conveyor is Ghyll Scaur Quarry. If the site is brought back for Ghyll Scaur reinstated rail is constructed proposed, consent of into use, consideration should be given to the Quarry (M17) loading facility could relevant land owners means of transporting material from the involve installation of would be needed quarry, eg. an aerial conveyor, in order to aerial conveyor minimise HGV movements on the A5093.

South Lakeland District SL1 Fell Underbarrow Kendal Household Limited Poor without Good access to 0 via existing Current access onto Yes. The £8M (LEP bid Not Not No Not applicable Barrow or 30 Private Potentially Quarry operator Use of the site would be dependent upon Quarry Road, Waste without access A591 quarry access the A591 will require access onto for highway available available Heysham relinquished minerals improvements to access. A Transport Kendal Recycling access improvement (southbound), onto A591 improvement to the A591 will improvement) lease. Land and Assessment or Statement would be required Centre improvement subject to access (southbound) ensure that all lorries require minerals rights owner to identify the necessary road and junction improvements and to can access the site improvement. preparing masterplan improvements Underbarrow this way. Effective HWRC may for area. Can HWRC Road and safe access to be accessed be developed with the A591 is not from access from helped by the Underbarrow Underbarrow Road, absence of Road. without any access acceleration and improvements to decceleraton lanes. A591?

M14 Kirkby Slate Kirkby in Area of search Not good access to Private access 0 via existing None - internal No 0 Not Not No Not applicable Barrow 15 Private Yes None, assuming no change to existing rate of Quarry Furness for slate applicable A5092 main onto A5092 quarry access access road available available extraction roard onto A5092 M16 Holmescales Old Hutton Kendal Area of Not Poor access by HGV access is 4000 (A65) One way Compliance with Improvement 0 Not ? No Not applicable Barrow or 35 Aggregate Yes HGV routing policy in Owner is supportive of proposed Area of Quarry Search for applicable road currently system for condition on existing s may be available Heysham Industries place. Quarry not Search. Existing access arrangement (via skid resistant controlled by HGVs from A65 consent, which required to currently extracting minor roads, controlled by one way lorry roadstone condition via Oxenholme, stipulates the 'one- faciltate due to limited routing plan) is not ideal. If the quarry is to be Middleshaw and way' HGV route that further use of remaining reserves expanded, highway improvements may be Old Hutton must be used. Traffic quarry. necessary. (B6254) and via impact on narrow minor road to local roads and Gatebeck (and nearby villages back to A65). needs to be considered. M30 Roan Edge New Hutton Adjacent Area of Not Very good by Adjacent to 0 via existing None No 0 Not ? No Not applicable Barrow or 30 Cemex UK Yes May require the Expansion into the Area of Search would Quarry A684 and M6 Search for applicable road existing quarry quarry access available Heysham Materials Ltd diversion/closure of require a Transport Assessment or Statement sand and and M6 road to A684 an existing bridleway. to determine highway impacts. The gravel and nearby M6 New or temporary Developer would need to fund any necessary (J37) bridleway may need improvements and to divert the existing public to be constructed right of way. Site Site Name Address Location Purpose of Ease of Ease of Ease of Distance Means of Work required to Off site Cost of off Ease of rail Distance Rail Cost of rail Nearest Distance Ownership Willing Owner Other information Infrastructure Requirements to ensure site Ref Site public business/ vehicular to main access facilitate access highway site works (£) access to rail improvement improvement Port to port deliverability access trade access access road works facility works works? (miles) (metres) required? (km) required? ED31 Flusco Newbiggin, Penrith Waste Not Good by road. Good. Lorries 2,500 via existing Highways Agency Possible ?? Not 7 No Not applicable Workington 38 Lakeland Minerals-Yes A Transport Assessment or Statement will be Landfill Penrith treatment and applicable Close to A66 would need to be access onto (HA) will need improvements available Waste required if a signficant increase in HGV traffic Complex management and M6 (J40) routed using minor roads to consulting re. to A66 Management is anticipated. The developer would need to facility minor roads to A66 suitability of existing junction, partnership fund any necessary improvements. The west of site to A66 junction subject to HA existing lorry routing plan would need to be avoid Newbiggin views complied with village. M18 Stamphill Appleby Preferred Area Not Good by road or Access to A66 2,000 Via minor roads Whilst gypsum Possible ?? Existing rail 0 No Not applicable Workington 50 Private Yes The means of access No constraints, provided an internal access for gypsum applicable rail via existing minor to A66 would be moved by works to loading to the new open cast route can be provided between the quarry and roads conveyor to nearby improve facility at quarry for Kirkby Thore Works. Any new access to the Kirkby Thore Works, access Kirkby construction traffic highway network would need to be the subject the access for quarry between the Thore and site operatives of a Transport Assessment or Statement. The workers needs to be site and A66 Works would need to be developer would need to fund any necessary clarified. established. improvements. Planning permisssion previously granted in 1990's M35 Shap Beck Shap Sidings for Not Good by rail Not applicable Not via sidings off None No 0 Operational 0 No Not applicable Workington 46 Hanson Yes None Quarry transporting applicable applicable West Coast sidings Sidings quarry Main Line products M36 Shap Fell Shap Sidings for Not Good by rail Not applicable Not via sidings off None No 0 Operational 0 No Not applicable Workington 50 Tata Steel Yes None Quarry transporting applicable applicable West Coast sidings Sidings quarry Main Line products M37 Shap Blue Shap Sidings for Not Good by rail Not applicable Not via sidings off None No 0 Operational 0 No Not applicable Workington 51 Cemex UK Yes None Quarry Rail transporting applicable applicable West Coast sidings Materials Ltd Sidings quarry Main Line products M38 Kirkby Thore Long Marton Appleby Sidings for Not Good by rail Not applicable Not Via Settle to None No 0 Operational 0 No Not applicable Workington 50 British Yes None Gypsum transporting applicable applicable railway sidings Gypsum/Saint Wortks gypsum by rail line Gobain Sidings Carlisle CA11 Stephenson Willowholme Carlisle Waste Not Site is centrally Site is slightly 1,000 via existing Unadopted single No 0 Rail freight 5 No 0 Workington 32 Private Yes Junction of Bridge Development of the site will be dependent Industrial treatment and applicable located in isolated and the industrial area track access road facility at Lane and Bridge upon improvements to Stephenson Road (a Estate management Carlisle, but final 300m of the (Willow Holme may require Kingmoor, Street (A595) has private access road) and a limitation on peak facility access is access road is Road and improvement to Carlisle recently been hour vehicle movements should the awkward, being an unadopted Bridge Lane) to increase capacity improved. It is roundabout at the junction of A595 and B5307 served by a single track road, A595 Bridge and enhance anticipated that the be over capacity. industrial which will require Street standard of site entrance would access road, improvement construction. require improvement. with a 300m length of unadopted single track CA30 Kingmoor Kingmoor Carlisle Recycling Not Good Close to Carlisle. 1,000 Access via None, though bridge No 0 Rail freight 2 No 0 Workington 34 Private Yes Height restriction on No highway constraints envisaged. Nearby Road centre (sorting applicable Approx 2 miles Kingmoor Road height restriction facility the bridge to the railhead offers potential for movement by rail. Recycling and bulking of from J44 via to A689 (4.2m) limits access nearby at north of the site may Centre kerbside A689 (CNDR) between the site and Kingmoor be an issue waste) A689 CA31 Kingmoor Kingmoor Carlisle Waste Not Very good by Adjacent to A689 0 Access onto Access to Kings No 0 Rail freight 2 No 0 Workington 34 Private Yes No highway constraints are envisaged, Park East treatment and applicable road (CNDR) and adjacent A689, Drive to south or facility provided access is from King's Drive. management, close to M6 (J44) via existing Kingmoor Park Road nearby at Significant waste volumes would ideally be including industrial estate to the north Kingmoor delivered close to the site by rail, as the Energy from roads. Kingmoor railhead is only 0.5km away. Waste plant M08 Cardewmires Cardewlees Dalston Area of Not Good by road Close to A595 800 Via existing None if existing No 0 Adjacent rail 11 No 0 Workington 27 Thomas Yes Need to investigate No highway constraints are envisaged, Quarry Search for applicable quarry access access can be used line, but Armstrong Ltd vehicular access to provided the existing Barras Lane access is sand and road and minor siding the site, given that it used. Quarried materials should be moved gravel road (Barras unlikely is separated from the under the railway to the existing site via the Brow) onto existing quarry by a existing railway underpass. Any new highway A595 railway. access south of the railway will require a Transport Assessement or Statement. M10 Silvertop Hallbankgate Brampton Area of Not Good by road Close to A689 500 via existing None No 0 Not 24 No 0 Workington 40 Private Yes No extra capacity No highway constraints provided there is no Quarry Search for applicable quarry access available likely, therefore no change in site output. limestone (to road to A689 relevant highway replace part of impact. site that has engineering problem) M34 Kingmoor Kingmoor Safeguarded Not Good by rail Not applicable Not via sidings off None No 0 Operational 0 No 0 Workington 34 Network Rail Railfreight Terminal has good access to A689 Rail Sidings railway sidings applicable applicable West Coast sidings (CNDR) Main Line AL3 Oldside Oldside Workington Waste Not Good by road Close to A596 250 via minor road possible Yes. Possible Highways Sidings 0.5 No 0 Workington 0 Allerdale BC Allerdale BC has Need to establish The site would ideally receive deliveries of treatment and applicable to A596 improvement to junction have prepared available at no objection to whether junctions waste by rail to the nearby sidings at Port of management A596/A66 and improvements report Workington the allocation. A require improvement. Workington. A Transport Assessment or facility A596/A594 junctions commissioned Docks previous option Review Highways Statement will be required to the assess the by LEP to look agreement with report. highway impacts of any development. The at highway Port Derwent has developer would need to fund any necessary improvements been terminated improvements. AL8 Lillyhall Lillyhall Workington Waste Not Good by road Close to A595 250 via Joseph None No 0 Sidings 5 No 0 Workington 3 Private FCC No extra traffic. No highway constraints. Waste treatment and applicable Noble Road to available at Management management A595 Workington Centre facility Docks Site Site Name Address Location Purpose of Ease of Ease of Ease of Distance Means of Work required to Off site Cost of off Ease of rail Distance Rail Cost of rail Nearest Distance Ownership Willing Owner Other information Infrastructure Requirements to ensure site Ref Site public business/ vehicular to main access facilitate access highway site works (£) access to rail improvement improvement Port to port deliverability access trade access access road works facility works works? (miles) (metres) required? (km) required? AL18 Port of Port of Workington Waste Not Good by road Close to A596 250 via minor road possible Yes. Possible Highways Sidings 0 No 0 Workington 0 Cumbria CC Yes The site would ideally receive deliveries of Workington Workington treatment and applicable to A596 improvement to junction have prepared available at waste by rail to the sidings on site. A management A596/A66 and improvements report Workington Transport Assessment or Statement will be facility A596/A594 junctions commissioned Docks required to the assess the highway impacts of by LEP to look any development. The developer would need at highway to fund any necessary improvements. improvements AL32 Rail sidings Flimby Railhead for Not Good by road Close to A596 0 direct access to Minerals or waste Possible ? Adjacent to 0 Yes ? Workington 2 Unknown ? Ground stabililty A Transport Assessment or Statement would at Siddick minerals or applicable A596 transported by rail, improvements railway with considerations be required to determine highway impacts. waste but new entrance associated potential to Site access would be likely to require development onto A596 needed with formation create improvements to the highway (A596), for worker and of entrance sidings and including right turn lane and construction access rail freight acceleration/decceleration lanes. facility AL37 Lillyhall Lillyhall Workington Household Good by Good by road Close to A595 400 via Joseph None Unlikely 0 Sidings 5 No 0 Workington 3 Private Yes Traffic will be No highway constraints. Industrial Waste road Noble Road to available at generated. Seek Estate Recycling A595 Workington Highways opinion. Centre Docks AL38 Innovia rail Safeguarded Not Good by rail Not applicable Not via Cumbrian None No 0 Operational 0 No 0 Workington 23 Private No rail constraints sidings railway sidings applicable applicable Coast Railway sidings Line AL39 Port Silloth Safeguarded Not Good by sea Not applicable 9,000 Via B5301 to None No 0 Not Silloth 0 ABP Yes Operational port, used mainly for agricultural port applicable A596 available and food imports, but with potential for minerals or waste movements. M6 Overby and Aikshaw Area of Not 5km from 5,000 Via B5301 to None No 0 Workington not applicable Silloth D A Harrison and No extra capacity No highway constraints provided there is no High House Search for applicable principal road A596 Thomas likely, therefore no change in site output. Quarries sand and network (A596) Armstrong Ltd relevant highway gravel impact. M24 Derwent Workington Minerals Not Good by rail or Access to A597 600 Via existing None No 0 Sidings 0 Yes if sidings ? Workington 0 Private Yes No extra capacity No significant highway constraints. Potential Howe Safeguarding applicable sea is via mainly access onto available are to be used likely, therefore no rail or port use nearby Area for residential areas. Prince's Way relevant highway Secondary and Bessemer impact. Aggregates Way Barrow BA26 Barrow Port Ramsden Barrow Safeguarded Not Good by sea Not applicable 1,500 via local roads None No 0 Rail sidings 0 No 0 Barrow 0 ABP Yes Dock Road port applicable to A590 serve port M5 High East of A595 Askam in Area of Not Good by road Access via minor 600 via minor road No change to rates No 0 Not 11 No 0 Barrow 8 Private Yes Quarry serves No highway constraints provided there is no Greenscoe Furness Search for applicable road and quarry to A595. of extraction. available brickworks on change in site output and destination of the Quarry brick-making access road to However quarry opposite side of materials. If a change is proposed, then a mudstone A595 serves A595, only 800m Transport Assessment or Statement would be brickworks away by road required to identify the necessary road and immediately junction improvements. It appears that the west of A595 public footpath along the SE boundary would (800m away) be unaffected by development of the site, but this would need to be considered. M12 Roosecote Rampside Roosecote Area of Not Good, but Direct access to 0 Along A5087 Construct entrance No 0 Not 6 No 0 Barrow 4 Private Yes A Transport A Transport Assessment or Statement will be Quarry Road Search for applicable involves A5087, although onto A5087 available Assessment would required to the assess the highway impacts of (A5087) sand and additional traffic traffic would Rampside Road be required. Site any development. The developer would need gravel in Barrow town need to travel replaces existing to fund any necessary improvements. It centre through Barrow quarry to west of appears that the public footpath along the town centre main road and would northern boundary would be unaffected by not increase the rate development of the site, but this would need of extraction. to be considered.

Deliverable - Suitable means accessible. Achievable means willing developer. Available means willing landowner