February 2016 Volume 29 Number 4 Keeping You up to Date on SALES, HAPPENINGS Our Town & PEOPLE • • • • • • in Our Town - St

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February 2016 Volume 29 Number 4 Keeping You up to Date on SALES, HAPPENINGS Our Town & PEOPLE • • • • • • in Our Town - St PRSRT STD **********************************ECRWSS US Postage PAID St. James NY POSTAL CUSTOMER Permit No. 10 FEBRuaRy 2016 Volume 29 Number 4 Keeping you up to date on SALES, HAPPENINGS Our Town & PEOPLE • • • • • • In Our Town - St. James S T J A M E S PUBLISHED MONTHLY Annual Ed Springer, St. Patrick’s Sr. Day Parade Named set for 2016 Saturday, Grand March 12 Marshal details inside details inside –2– 438 Lake Ave. St. James, NY 11780 PH: 631-250-9300 Email: hitherbrook@gmail.com After almost 40 years of servicing the community, we have set roots in our new home. Gift Items for all occasions: • Birthdays • House Warming • Anniversaries • And More Corporate Accounts are Welcome Over 20 Years Experience OUR TOWN • FEBRUARY 2016 –3– IN THIS ISSUE MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Our Town Buttons & Bows Baby Boutique ..............................4 S • T • J • A • M • E • S AROUND TOWN St. Patrick’s Day Parade Set for March 12 ............6 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner ..........................6 STaFF Scott Posner Named Man of the Decade ............8 Edward K. Springer, Sr. Named Grand Marshal ..12 Ruth Garthe . Editor Reboli Atelier Comes to St. James ......................14 Robin Clark . .Associate Editor Scandinavian Children’s Heritage Fair ........................................14 Elizabeth Isabelle . Feature Writer Dr. Guy Lodico Honored for Commitment to Education ..........16 Four Scouts Attain Rank of Eagle Scout ........................................18 William Garthe . Advertising Smithtown Food Pantry Donations Still Needed ..........................18 Sales Chorus Line Dance Studio Shines in NYC .................................... 20 HISTORICALLY SPEAKING ..........................................................28-36 OUR TOWN ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT What’s Happening at the Mills Pond House Gallery ....................38 – ST. JAMES – On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center ....................40-41 is a monthly publication produced Swing Dance Long Island ................................................................42 exclusively for the people of On Stage at Staller Center ........................................................44-46 St. James, Nissequogue and Long Island Museum Events ......................................................46-49 Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Smithtown Historical Society Happenings ....................................50 Programs Offered at the Library................................................52-57 Call 862-9849 for HOME & GARDEN Advertising & Copy Deadline Design Ideas ....................................................................................58 Naturally Speaking ....................................................................60-62 OUR TOWN is mailed directly to REALTY WISE every residence & business in the Year-End Market Report for 2015 ..................................................64 11780 zip code area (6559 total copies mailed) MONEY MATTERS How Should You Respond to Market Correction? ......................66 St. James Post Office Permit #10 St. James, NY 11780 LEGAL-EASE If You Own Real Estate Outside of New York Published by You Should Read This ....................................................................68 Graphics du jour, Ltd. IN THE SCHOOLS ..........................................................................70-72 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839 HEALTH NOTES National Kidney Month, World Kidney Day Urges People with email: ourtown@optonline.net Chronic Kidney Disease to Get Their Hearing Checked............74 website: www.ourtownstjames.com Ask Ron Villano..................................................................................76 Not responsible for typographical errors. The Many Uses of Essential Oils........................................................78 We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or Maintaining Spinal Alignment for Proper Foot Support ..............79 refuse to print editorial or advertising material deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image ST. JAMES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WINTER GALA............80-83 or unsuitable for its readers. CELEBRATIONS ..................................................................................84 Copyright © 2016 POET’S CORNER ................................................................................84 Graphics du jour, Ltd. ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE INFORMATION ................................85 All Rights Reserved OBITUARIES ..................................................................................86-88 ST. JAMES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS ........................91 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .............................................................. 92 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS .................................................. 95-96 PLEASE NOTE: Advertising & Editorial Deadline for the MARCH edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 - 12 NOON. Distribution takes place on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. OUR TOWN • FEBRUARY 2016 –4– MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Buttons and Bows designs for both girls and boys. Using the finest French Lace ap- Baby Boutique pliqués, soft rosebuds or vibrant trains, boat, plane or car ap- 415A North Country Road pliqués, Deanna then hand St. James, NY 11780 monograms and embellishes 347-267-8059 each special outfit for a magical and unique design. Choose from by Elizabeth Isabelle complete layettes, onesies, sun- Buttons and Bows Baby Bou- dresses, overalls, tunic bubbles, tique offers clients an exclusive baker’s hats, picture hats, head- collection of custom hand bands and matching socks. crafted and one-of-a-kind chil- Deanna’s focus is to make every- dren’s apparel from newborn to one feel special and she has a 5 years. St. James resident passion for helping moms and Deanna Chassen has been cus- gift givers find just the right tomizing exquisite baby clothing piece. Be sure to see Buttons and for over 10 years. At first, Bows collection of hand-knit Deanna would create personal- sweaters that can be customized ized, hand crafted gifts for and are sure to be treasured and friends and family to welcome cherished. their precious new arrival. Soon, Buttons and Bows also carries word spread and what was a a full line of magnificent, heir- smile to everyone! Be sure to see once a hobby has now become loom quality Christening, Com- Buttons and Bows adorable Buttons and Bows Baby Bou- munion, Flower Girl and First “birthday tutu” and headband tique. Birthday (for both boys and girls) sets and wonderful “Baby’s First Deanna’s custom designs start outfits. Whether you are dressing Picture” ensembles. with the finest Pima Cotton on your precious boy or girl for an Deanna also creates custom the market. Pima Cotton is softer occasion big or small, Buttons memory boxes – beautifully de- and more absorbent than other and Bows has the vintage and tailed and embellished works of cottons and has a brilliant white couture designs that you have art, featuring Deanna’s own de- shade. Pima Cotton is especially been looking for. Deanna’s ex- sign or one designed to match soft, durable and highly resistant pert eye and keen design sense your nursery or child’s bedroom. to pilling. From there, Deanna will make your shopping experi- One-of-a-kind painted armoires, creates beautiful and whimsical ence enjoyable for both you and chairs and small furnishings are your child. ever-changing at Buttons and Custom or- Bows Baby Boutique, stop in and ders are be inspired! available as Buttons and Bows Baby Bou- well as al- tique offers complimentary gift terations. wrapping and complimentary New for local delivery. Business hours are spring at 12 noon to 5 p.m. and by ap- Buttons and pointment. Detailed design and Bows is the the finest fabrics await you and wonderful your child at Buttons and Bows world of Baby Boutique. Deanna looks Mud Pie forward to welcoming you and and Bunnies being a part of the magical world By The Bay! of childhood memories and Easter beauty. Be sure to visit Buttons dresses and and Bows Baby Boutique on bonnets, Facebook for photos, sales and plush bun- new arrivals. Buttons and Bows nies and wishes everyone a beautiful plush coats spring filled with joy and will bring a happiness! OUR TOWN • FEBRUARY 2016 –5– OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 10 am-12 noon Harbor cherishes childhood, cultivates wonder and inspires confident learners and leaders. Explore. Discover. Create. Camp Harbor offers a balance of summer fun with educational opportunities, with exciting new program features. For more information visit www.CampHarbor.org. Harbor Country Day School is a coeducational independent school serving students from PreK 3s to Grade 8 since 1958. Harbor Country Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation. 17 Three Sisters Road, Saint James, NY 11780 631-584-5555 www.hcdsny.org www.CampHarbor.org OUR TOWN • FEBRUARY 2016 –6– AROUND TOWN St. Patrick’s Day Parade Set for Saturday, March 12 by Kerry J. Maher Maher, 829 Middle Country and welcomed to participate. Parade Chairperson Road, St. James, NY 11780. Boys Please call (631) 584-7200 to At the start of the new year... and girls between the ages of 5 sign up. we are dusting off our shamrocks & 12 years of age are eligible to For further information, call and polishing pots of gold to get participate. Please include name, Kerry J. Maher, St. James Funeral ready for the annual celebration address, phone, a recent picture Home,
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