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6/06 Our Town JUNE 2006 Volume 19 Number 8 Keeping you up to date on SALES, HAPPENINGS Our Town & PEOPLE • • • • • • In Our Town - St. James S T J A M E S PUBLISHED MONTHLY Congratulations to the Class of ‘06 Well done! – 2 – ACOUSTIC LONG ISLAND’S Summer Concert at Deepwells Mansion featuring: Deidre Muro John Flor Martha Trachtenberg Cathy Kreger Miles to Dayton and Tom Griffith And it’s all FREE Come out and join us on the front lawn of the historic No admission Deepwells Mansion in St. James for an evening of acoustic music under the stars. You’ll be entertained by some of Long Island’s finest singer/songwriters. If you missed Woodstock in 69’, here’s your chance to experience a smaller version of it - right in your own backyard. Mark your calendar now for an evening to remember. To listen to Acoustic Long Island, the # 1 Acoustic Podcast Friday July 14th in iTunes®, go to www.acousticli.com. 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Don’t forget your lawn chairs and blankets. Pre-Show begins at 7:00 pm, then featured artists begin at 8:00 pm. For more details, go to www.acousticli.com or call (631) 862-2020. Rain date is Sunday, July 16th. Alcohol prohibited. OUR TOWN • JUNE 2006 – 3 – IN THIS ISSUE MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Our Town Goldstar Pluming-Heating • • • • • • & Air Conditioning .................................. 4 S T J A M E S AROUND TOWN Outdoor Summer Concerts .................. 6 STAFF Lions “Duck” Night .................................. 8 Cottages to Castles House Tour.......... 12 Ruth Garthe . Editor Quilting Demo ........................................18 Robin Clark . Associate Editor Memorial Day Parade Pictures .......... 20 Debra Vessa-Cleary Feature Writer Power Pool Care Grand Opening Celebration................26 William Garthe . Advertising “Pirate” Treasure Hunt for Buried SUV ................................30 Sales Smithtown Rotary Bestows Top Honors ..............................34 IN THE NEWS Safe Boating Classes Offered ............................................36 OUR TOWN Summer Ballet Workshop ....................................................42 –ST. JAMES – ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT is a monthly publication produced STAC News ............................................................46-48, 50-53 exclusively for the people of Smithtown Performing Arts Center ....................................54 St. James, Nissequogue and Free Family Shows at the Library....................................56-57 Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y. NY Philharmonic Free Concert and Fireworks ..................58 EDUCATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT Call 862-9849 for E.C.S.S. Programs ..................................................................60 Advertising & Copy Deadline Programs at the Library ......................................62-64, 66-67 OUR TOWN is mailed directly to POSTAL CORNER ................................................................68-70 every residence & business in the HOME & GARDEN 11780 zip code area Design Ideas/Home Decorating Club ..........................72-73 (6459 total copies mailed) Collector’s Corner ................................................................74 St. James Post Office Permit #10 Realty Wise ..........................................................................76 St. James, NY 11780 Naturally Speaking................................................................78 Published by ROAD SAFETY ..........................................................................79 Graphics du jour, Ltd. FINANCIAL SAVVY 359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780 Money Matters ................................................................80-81 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839 Planning for the Future........................................................ 82 Email: ourtown@optonline.net SCHOOL NEWS .................................................................. 83-91 Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or HEALTH NOTES ....................................................................92-93 refuse to print editorial or advertising material BEAUTY TIPS ........................................................................94-95 deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image or unsuitable for its readers. Advertising is offered only PORTRAIT OF THE MONTH ......................................................96 to those who live in, or have a business in, St. James, Nissequogue or Head of the Harbor, or any business CELEBRATIONS ........................................................................97 offering services not available in said area. POET’S CORNER ......................................................................97 Copyright © 2006 OBITUARIES ............................................................................100 Graphics du jour, Ltd. F.Y.I. ..................................................................................102-103 All Rights Reserved CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ............................................ 104-105 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS ...................................... 106-107 PLEASE NOTE: Advertising & Editorial Deadline for the JULY edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2006 - 12 NOON. Distribution takes place on Wednesday, July 19. OUR TOWN • JUNE 2006 – 4 – MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Goldstar Plumbing-Heating & Air Conditioning 88 Railroad Avenue, St. James, NY 11780 631-584-3839 by Debra Vessa-Cleary became particularly interested in the Goldstar team is on-call Time to take care of that leaky watching the plumber do the re- 24/7. They can almost always be faucet? Basement pipes need piping. We struck up a conversa- on site for any emergency within repair? Goldstar Plumbing can tion and, recognizing my interest two hours and make it a habit to fix it fast. Thinking of having in his trade, he recommended I return calls within 10 minutes, central air conditioning installed? attend BOCES, which I did.” according to Mr. Giacalone. From minor plumbing repair to Since then Joe says that he “We also pride ourselves in air conditioning and heating keeps up on the latest technolo- our exceptional customer serv- installation, Goldstar can get the gies of the trade by attending ice,” says Joe. “We will make job done quickly, efficiently, and professional seminars and taking service calls after 6 p.m. week- to your personal satisfaction. course work. He is personally on days and on Saturdays to accom- Owner Joe Giacalone, a St. site at every job that Goldstar modate working families. We James resident, has been in the runs in a supervisory and often provide free estimates as well as plumbing profession for over 20 hands-on capacity. According to senior and veteran discounts. years: Mr. Giacalone, Goldstar And we pride ourselves in our “I first became interested in Plumbing does not hire subcon- repeat customer satisfaction.” plumbing as a profession when I tractors and every job is guaran- Goldstar Plumbing provides was in the 10th grade and my teed. They offer all phases of services from the Hamptons to parent’s house in Hauppauge plumbing renovation and instal- western Nassau and has been burned down. I watched a con- lation including bathrooms, gas featured on the home improve- struction crew rebuild what was piping, waste piping and ment television show “Moving left of our hi-ranch from kitchens. They do both residen- Up” on TLC. They are currently sheetrock to flooring, from elec- tial and commercial work. offering a special on air condi- trical work to plumbing. I Fully licensed and insured, tioning start ups and installation. OUR TOWN • JUNE 2006 – 5 – ComeCome TrueTrue atat Oldest family owned Nursery School in Suffolk County (3rd generation) Story Book Hollow offers an academic pre-school curriculum and Summer Program: 1/2 Day Sessions – Monday-Friday for children 2 years to 4 years old Give us a call for an appointment to learn how we can enrich your child’s pre-school years. 631-584-4900 556-08 North Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 OUR TOWN • JUNE 2006 – 6 – AROUND TOWN Flag Disposal Ceremony Held A Flag Disposal Ceremony was Bros. Post 1152 wants to remind held on June 3, 2006 by the St. people that is is important not to James Sherwood Brothers Post just throw flags out in the 1152 of the American Legion. garbage, but to have them dis- This is a very special and mean- posed of in a respectful and dig- ingful ceremony where the public nified ceremony. If you have a is always invited to attend. All flag that is no longer of use, year, faded, torn and tattered old please be sure to bring it to the flags, big and small, are dropped American Legion Hall. off at the box on the side of the Special thanks go out to all American Legion Hall, 95 Lake disposal with prayer. who donated to the May Poppy Avenue in St. James, for a proper The Commander of Sherwood month promotion. FREE Outdoor Summer Concerts Series Begins July 12 The Smithtown Township Arts their talents with the community. is FREE. Council welcomes the summer They offer an array of music from This year the concerts will be season with another exciting popular to show tunes and light held under their spacious summer series of FREE outdoor twilight classical. festival tent! No need to bring concerts featuring the Smithtown Concerts will be held on the chairs or blankets – just your love Community Chorus and the lawn of the Mills Pond House, of music! Smithtown Community Band. 660 Route 25A in St. James on For additional information, call These groups consist of local Thursdays: July 13, 20, 27 and STAC at 862-6575. musicians who enjoy sharing August
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