Voter-Approved Proposals to Cost Taxpayers Plenty
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• , I N~ws 1, serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods \;0 ::. l"t..... ( . .) . \ o! . h:' . 1_....• 'I' . .mssc' 011\ It,• "Ill IlIgtlll. lIollw I>dh l'r\ i I ( • '\ I 1\ "',1d lid ..,I /)() ~,- -.:" J': Voter-approved • The Grosse POinte Board of Education IS asking voters to approve a $62 million bond on Sept r 24, of WhiCh, proposals to cost $11 million will be used for fine arts Improvements Page 15A taxpayers plenty • Tom Nell, a counselor at Grosse PUlliltI i~u'lI' n'\:j' I 5~r 1001 clno lormer tiy tionme Caprara area taxpayers WIll 00 Jur- sCience teacher at Brownell Middle Staff Wnter wardmg to Wayne County School. IS retiring from his work In the The cost of hvmg 10 RESA district Page i4A. Wayne County IS gomg up - "We've been IO the courts agam with the state about tlus for • The Grosse POinte Board or Voters 10 the county 20 years," saId Rose Education agreed to contlnue Its decla- passed mIllage IOcreases for Bogaert, chaIrman of the ration of a Study Warnmg for mtema- SMART and SpeCIal educa- Wayne County Taxpayers tlonal student triPS dUring the 2002.03 bon, whIch WIll add 1 77 ASSOCIatIOn "If we keep school year Page 14A mills to the wlOter tax bIll plckmg up the ball WIth Pl1oloby Will Harrah On a home With a taxable additional taxes every tune • The Grosse POinte South i3-year. value of $250,000, the new a state agency mlsappropn- old Babe Ruth All Star team won all Victory garden millages WIll result IO a ates the money, they11 tlunk three of Its games In the state tourna- $457mcrease. we're a bottomless pIt." ment at Kerby FIeld. South defeated Patriotism did not go out of style following WorldWar U. Since 9/11, gardenera in the Grone Pointes and Harper Woods bave Voters also elected to con- The cost of Proposal K to Grosse Pomte WOOds.Shores 10.0 In tIOup a 9432 J811 mIllage, the owner of a home with a the championship game. Page 1C been sbowing their colors. A good red, wblte and blue garden is this one at Mornl.D.isideDrive and Heather Lane in whIch will result In the ('on. taxable value of $250,OJO GrosBePointe Woods. tmuabon of a $235 tax b111 will be an additional $357 for that same homeowner Voters 10 the Grosse Overall, voters 10 the Pomtes and Harper Woods WEEK AHEAD Pomtes and Harper Woods followed SUit WIth the rest of rejected Proposal K, a new voters IO Wayne County in Saturday, Aug. 17 M-DOT: Moross bridge 1 5 mlll IOcrease for Wayne theIr acceptance of Proposal The 2002 Summer Show ChOir County RESA, which WIll S - the SMART millage Workshop Will hold Its Grand Finale relIeve Its general budget of The proposal renews an Concert at Grosse POlnte South High project a no-go for 2002 speCIal educatIOn fundmg, eXlstIOg 33 mIll and adds a School at 7'30 pm. By Jason Sweeney by 8,099 to 6,988 votes 27 mill Increase to keep the Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for Staff Wnter However, mUnIcipahtIes transit system running "as students and senrors. For more infor- Wlule It won't speed up the comple- "We don 't want to were nuxed In the accep- IS" Voters In the Grosse mation, call (313) 343-2133. tlon of any of the other proJects, M- 1 tance of the millage Voters PoIOtes and Harper Woods DOT has decided that the Moross eave a bridge down In the CIty of Grosse POInte, favored the proposal by Grosse Pointe Park and 8,638 to 6,661 votes Sunday, Aug. 18 bridges will not come down this year 11' TAT "We've offiCially deCided that we're rv Harper Woods passed It The passage of the The last concert or the season at a wzn ter. e are while voters IO Grosse SMART tax proposal Grosse Pointe Farms Pier Park Willfea. goIOg to pull the Moross Bndge on the l' 1 b 'd CllITent prOject," said MDOT S POinte Farms, Grosse PoIOte thrIlled Karen Kendnck- ture the group Serleux, which has p annzng to re et z TownshIp and Grosse Hands, Park reSident and played at the Greektown and Windsor spokesman Rob Morosl fi b th M t Pomte Woods rejected It preSident of Transportation "The reasons behmd It are twofold," or 0 oross s ruc- casmos. The 2 1/2.hour concert starts The state's intermediate RIders Umted ITRU) I at 4 30 P m and IS open to Farms resI- he s8.1d. t t'" The first reason lies IO the school dlstncts were "Members of my famIly dents and their guests ures nex spnng. charged With admlnIstenng use It, my husband ndes the timetable for work a mile north of the Rob Morosi speCIal educatIOn services bus four to five days a week. proposed bridge work. Planned for a MDOT spokesma~ after the MichIgan and my housekeeper takes mld.September fimshIOg date, com- Monday, Aug. 19 Department of EducatIOn the bus to get here," pletIon of the VernIer bndges was one Meet Rep. Andrew Richner In the drop::,ed Its mandates on Kendnck-Hands s81d "A lot main floor conference room of the of the condItIons for starttng work on The resurfacmg, barring house- keep10g punch hst Items and poSSible specIal educatIOn programs of people rely on It for ser- Grosse POinte Farms City Offices from Moross last year vices In and out of Grosse "We don't want to leave a bndge adjustments of dram age, IS complete 9 to 10 a.m. Dr Pamela Lemerand, PoIOte," down all wmter WIthOut bemg able to from 1-96 to Vermer, and from 1-696 to l • duector of student services But is the $82 tax lOcrease I work on It," MOroSl said, espeCIally Masomc, Morosi reported. He said The City of Grosse POinte City of the Grosse Pomte Pubhc for the owner of a home WIth because of the heavy traffic volume contractors are on schedule to have CounCil meets In the counCil chambers School System, was some. a taxable value of $250,000 at7 30 p.m and the posluble detrimental effect to the center portion from 1-696 to response time at St John HospItal Vernier completed by Labor Day what surpnsed by the local worth it to Kendnck-Hands" • vote. "Absolutely," Kendrick. The Grosse POinte Woods City The second reason, according to Also promised by Labor Day are the Morosl, IS one value pedestrian bndges 10 Harper Woods, "As much as I know peo- Hands said "The first tune CounCil meets at the WOOds City hall at pIe IO the area value educa- your car breaks down, how 730 p.m. When the two-year bndge proJect \\-hlch serve school cluldren crossIOg from VernIer to 1-96 was formulated 1-94 to reach theIr classrooms tIon, the vote did surpnse much IS a loaner? Tlurty dol- me," Lemerand said "As a lars a day?ft Tuesday, Aug. 20 IO 1999, the plan had been to repair "Post Labor Day," Morosi said, the substructure of the two spans "you're lookmg at the wrapup of Wayne County taxpayer, I Kendnck-Hands also The Grosse POinte Shores Village Morosl s81d that further IOvestiga. mamlIne and turnaround bridges saw It as Important that claImed the mIllage renewal CounCil meets In the Shores munrclpal tlon has shown the best route to fix- from 8 Mile to 12 Mlle.ft every student IS entItled to and Increase was necessary bUilding at 7 p m. 109 the Moross bndges IS to complete- The Stephens, Nme Mile, 10 MIle every servJce If Proposal A smce SMART revenue shar- ly raze them and put IO new struc- and 12 Mile crews are all on a full hmits the power of the local 109 has declined over the commumty, then I beheve years Wednesday, Aug. 21 tures. schedule Find out how "Volunteering IS "We are plannmg to relet bIds for "What that really leaves for next the responSIbilIty lIes WIth Bogaert dIsagreed On Rewardlngft In part of the Services for both Morass structures next spnng," year IS that 90 percent of the work on the greater populatIOn" average, Bogaert said, Accordmg to Lemerand, "From 1990 to 2001, the Older Citizens' luncheon lecture sanes MorOSl s8.1d, though he was unsure as the roads will take place from 12 Mile the mIllage WIll mean the mcrease In mflatlOn has at soe s Netgnoomood Ciuu al to what amount the bId would be for to Metro Parkway,ft MOrosI s81d 11:15 a.m While the work at Moross has been The only vehicle bndge that will be local school dlstnct won't been 35 percent Reven have to pull $600,000 out of sharing has gone up 51 For more Information, call (313) 882. canceled, the bndge and resurfacmg being worked upon west of 12 Mile 10 Its general fund to educate cent ft 9600. efforts from 12 Mile to Conner are 2003 will be the rescheduled Moross special educatIOn students Neither Kendnck-H contmumg full-steam bndges Ann Compton of ABC News Will Yet, the $600,000 IS far less speak In the first of a two-part lecture than the $44 mllhon that senes, Coping In an Uncertain World, sponsored by the Wayne County Community College Dlstnct, at the Grosse POinte War MemoTlal from 730-8'30 pm Tickets are $30 or $50 for the senes, which InCluces a it:<;tuie by John J.