
Chapter 6

Algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems

For this part of the notes, we follow Refs. [Vikstål, 2018, Rodríguez-Laguna and Santalla, 2018, Albash and Lidar, 2018].

6.1 Combinatorial optimization problems

A combinatorial optimization problem seeks to find the best answer to a given problem from a vast collection of configurations. A typical example of a combinatorial optimization problem is the travelling salesman problem, where a salesman seeks to find the shortest travel distance between different locations, such that all locations are visited once. The naive method to solve this problem would be to make a list of all the different routes between locations that the salesman could take and from that list find the best answer. This could work when the number of locations are few, but the naive method would fail if the number of locations grows large, since the number of possible configurations increases exponentially with the number of locations. Thus the naive method is not efficient in practice, and we should therefore develop . Typical examples of this kind of relevant combinatorial optimization problems are summarized in the list below.

The traveling salesperson problem (TSP), as already mentioned. You are given a list of cities and the • distances between them, and you have to provide the shortest route to visit them all.

The knapsack problem. You are given the weights and values of a set of objects and you have to • provide the most valuable subset of them to take with you, given a certain bound on the total weight.

Sorting. Given N numbers, return them in non-ascending order. • The integer factorization problem. You are given a big number M, and you have to provide two integer • factors, p and q, such that M = pq.

The satisfactibility problem (SAT). You are given a boolean expression of many variables x 0, 1 , • i ∈ { } for example, P (x , x , x , x ) = x x¯ (x x¯ ). Then, you are asked whether there is a valuation 1 2 3 4 1 ∨ 2 ∧ 3 ∨ 4 of those variables which will make the complete expression true. For example, in that case, making all xi = 1 is a valid solution.

33 Notice that all these problems have a similar structure: you are given certain input data (the initial numbers, the list of the cities, the list of objects or the integer to factorize) and you are asked to provide a response. The first two problems are written as optimization problems, in which a certain target function should be minimized (or maximized). The sorting problem can be restated as an optimization problem: we can design a penalty function to be minimized, by counting the misplaced consecutive numbers. The factorization problem can also be expressed in that way: find p and q such that E = (M pq)2 becomes − minimal, and zero if possible. SAT can also be regarded as an optimization problem in which the evaluation of the boolean formula should be maximized. Thus, all those problems are combinatorial optimization problems. This means that, in order to solve them by brute force, a finite number of possibilities must be checked. But this number of possibilities grows very fast with the number of variables or the size of the input. The number of configurations typically involved becomes easily gigantic. It is enough to consider 100 guests at a party with 100 chairs, to obtain 100! 10157 possible configurations to chose in which assigning ∼ each guest to a chair. This is roughly the square of number of particles in the universe, estimated to be about 1080. To calculate the correct configuration in this ocean of possible configurations is often hopeless for classical computers - even for our best and future best super computers. This is why it makes sense to ask the question: could a quantum computer help?

6.1.1 Hardness of combinatorial optimization problems and promises of quan- tum computers for solving them Not all optimization problems are equally hard. Let us focus on the minimal possible time required to solve them as a function of the input size, i.e. to which time-complexity class they belong (see Sec.2.2 for a list of relevant complexity classes). All the problems in the list above are NP: given a candidate solution, it can always be checked in polynomial time. But only one of them is known to be in P: the sorting problem, because it can always be solved in time O(Nlog(N)) which is less than O(N 2). For the factorization problem we do not know whether it is in P or not. The other three belong to a special subset: they are NP-complete. This means that they belong to a special group with this property: if a polynomial to solve one of them is ever found, then we will have a polynomial algorithm to solve all NP problems. The generality and power of this result is simply amazing, and is known as Cook’s theorem. How can the solution to an NP-complete problem be useful to solve all NP problems? By using a strategy called reduction. An instance of the sorting problem, for example, can be converted into an instance of SAT in polynomial time. Thus, the strategy to solve any NP-problem would be: (i) translate your instance to an instance of SAT, (ii) solve that instance of SAT, and (iii) translate back your solution. It is very relevant for physicists to know which combinatorial optimization problems are NP-complete for many reasons, and one of the most important is to avoid losing valuable time with a naive attempt to solve them in polynomial time. Actually, we do not expect quantum computers either to solve efficiently problems that are NP-complete. That would mean that NP is contained in BQP, and we do not believe that this is the case (see e.g. https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=206). Yet, we expect that some problems that are in NP and not in P could be efficiently solvable by a quantum computer, i.e. they belong to BQP (such as Factoring). For these problems, quantum algorithms could provide an exponential advantage. Furthermore, for the NP-complete problems, maybe we can solve them on a quantum computer with a quadratic advantage with respect to the classical solution. This kind of quantum advantage is of the same kind of the Grover algorithm. Grover search itself can be run on an adiabatic quantum computer providing the same quadratic advantage that is found with the circuit model, i.e. (√N) vs (N) running time [Albash and Lidar, 2018]. O O Finally, approximate solutions of combinatorial optimization problems (even NP-complete ones) might be obtainable efficiently with the QAOA algorithm, that we will see in Sec. 6.3. Not much is known currently, about the time-complexity of finding approximate solutions to those problems, and how this compares to

34 the corresponding approximate classical algorithms.

6.2 Quantum annealing

There is no consensus in the literature, with respect to the therminology for quantum annealing. We adopt the following definition: Quantum Annealing (QA) is a heuristic that is based on the Adiabatic Quantum Computation model seen in Chapter4, and that aims at solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, by using an Ising Hamiltonian as the target Hamiltonian. In other words, the main idea of QA is to take advantage of adiabatic evolution expressed by Eq.(4.1) to go from a simple non- degenerate of an initial Hamiltonian to the ground state of an Ising Hamiltonian that encodes the solution of the desired combinatorial optimization problem. It can hence be thought as the restriction of adiabatic quantum computation to optimization problems. As a consequence, a less general Hamiltonian is sufficient for addressing quantum annealing, as compared to adiabatic quantum computation (see e.g. Scott Pakin Quantum Annealing lecture at the Quantum Science summer school 2017, available online).

6.2.1 Heuristic understanding of quantum annealing The term "annealing" is due to the analogy with the procedure used by metallurgists in order to make perfect crystals: the metal is melted and allowed to reduce its temperature very slowly. When the temperature becomes low enough, the system is expected to be in its global energy minimum with very high probability. Yet, mistakes are bound to take place if the temperature is reduced too fast. Why does this procedure work? Thermal fluctuations allow the system to explore a huge number of configurations. Sometimes, a metastable state is found, but if temperature is still large enough, fluctuations will allow it to escape. The escape probability is always related to the energy barrier separating the metastable state from the deeper energy minima. So, annealing can be considered an analog computation. Annealing (meaning this metallurgic version) works nicely when the metastable states are separated by low energy barriers. Some target functions have barriers that are tall but very thin. Others will have different peculiarities. Is there any alternative analog computation suitable for problems with tall and thin barriers? Yes, there is one. Instead of escaping metastable states through thermal fluctuations, we may try to escape them through quantum tunneling, since the probability of such an event is known to decay with the product of the height and width of the energy barriers. This is what quantum annealing does: in QA, we engineer a quantum system so that its energy is related to the target function that we want to minimize. Thus, its ground state will provide the solution to our problem. If we start out at high temperature and cool the system down, then we are simply performing an annealing analog computation. Alternatively, we can operate always at extremely low temperature, so that quantum effects are always important, but add an extra element to the system which forces strong quantum fluctuations. This extra element (the starting Hamiltonian) is then slowly reduced and, when it vanishes, the GS will give us the solution to our problem. In other terms: we make the system Hamiltonian evolve from a certain starting Hamiltonian, H0, whose GS presents strong quantum fluctuations in the basis of the final Hamiltonian eigenstates, to our target Hamiltonian, H1, whose GS is the solution to our problem.

6.2.2 The Ising model consists of N Ising spins on a lattice that can take the values s = +1 or s = 1, i i − which corresponds to the - and the spin- direction. Here s denotes the Ising spin at site i on the ↑ ↓ i lattice. The Ising spins are coupled together through long-range magnetic interactions, which can be either

35 ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic, corresponding to the spins being encouraged to be aligned parallel or antiparallel respectively. Moreover, an external magnetic field can be applied at each individual spin site which will give a different energy to the spin- and spin- directions. The energy configuration of the Ising ↑ ↓ model with N Ising spins is given by the Ising Hamiltonian

N N (s , . . . , s ) = J s s h s , (s = 1), (6.1) H 1 N − ij j i − i i i ± i,j=1 i=1 X X th th th where Jij is the coupling strength between the i spin and j spin and hi is the magnetic field at the i spin site. Note that for a given set of couplings, magnetic fields and spin-configurations, the Ising Hamiltonian will just “spit out” a number that represents the energy of that particular spin-configuration. For a given set of couplings and magnetic fields there always exists at least one spin-configuration that minimizes the energy of the Ising Hamiltonian. To solve an Ising problem on a based quantum annealer one defines a set of q q . . . q to | 1 2 N i store the answer to the problem and interpret q = 0 to mean s = +1 (spin- ) and q = 1 to mean s = 1 i i ↑ i i − (spin- ). Then one chooses a pair of noncommuting Hamiltonians ˆ and ˆ , such that the ground state ↓ H0 H1 of ˆ is easy to prepare, and that the ground state of ˆ encodes the solution to the Ising problem. To H0 H1 achieve this the initial Hamiltonian is typically assumed to be:

N ˆ = σˆx, (6.2) H0 − i i X where (ˆσx = Iˆ ... σˆx ... Iˆ) with the Pauli σˆx matrix on the i:th place. The qubits or (spins) can then i ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ be regarded as pointing simultaneously in the spin- and spin- directions along the z-axis at the beginning. ↑ ↓ Indeed, it is easy to show using basic quantum that the ground state of ˆ for N-qubits is H0 1 N ψ(0) = ( 0 + 1 ) ... ( 0 + 1 ) , | i √2 | i | i ⊗ ⊗ | i | i   and if the tensor products are expanded we would see that the ground state is a superposition of all possible qubit-configurations with equal probability. Constructing ˆ can be done in a straightforward manner by H1 replacing each si in Eq. Eq. (6.1) with a corresponding Pauli-z matrix, to yield

N N ˆ ˆ(ˆσz,..., σˆz ) = J σˆzσˆz h σˆz, H1 ≡ H 1 N − ij j i − i i i,j=1 i=1 X X where (ˆσz = Iˆ ... σˆz ... Iˆ) with σˆz on the i:th place. When the time-dependent AQC Hamilto- i ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ nian smoothly interpolates between ˆ and ˆ the qubits will gradually choose between 0 and 1 corre- H0 H1 sponding to spin- and spin- , depending on which spin-configuration minimizes the energy of the Ising ↑ ↓ Hamiltonian [Rodríguez-Laguna and Santalla, 2018]. At the end t = τ the system will have evolved into ψ(τ) = q q . . . q and a readout of this state in the computational basis will reveal each bit value from | i | 1 2 N i which the corresponding values of the Ising spins can be obtained. A challenge in quantum annealing is that a full connectivity, which manifest in the interaction parameters J being = 0 beyond nearest-neihgbours ij 6 interactions, is often required in the problem Hamiltonian (for typical hard problems). This full connectivity might be difficult to achieve experimentally. In case the hardware has limited connectivity, embeddings allow one to map the fully connected problem onto a locally connected spin-system, at the price of an overhead in the total number of physical qubits to use. Examples of embedding are the Lechner, Hauke and Zoller (LHZ) scheme or the minor embedding (we will talk about this later).

36 6.2.3 Mapping combinatorial optimization problems to spin Hamiltonians We now turn to a couple of specific examples of combinatorial optimization problems that can be solved on a quantum annealer, and how they can be mapped onto Ising Hamiltonians. In Ref. [Lucas, 2014], Ising formulations for further NP-complete and NP-hard problems are provided, including all of Karp’s 21 NP-complete problems.

A special case of the knapsack problem: the The subset sum problem is a famous combinatorial optimization problem that is known to be NP-complete, and it is a special case of the subset knapsack problem, to the case where the value vi and the weight wi are equal for each object i, meaning vi = wi for each i. It can be formulated as a decision problem, as follows: Given an integer m and a set of positive and negative integers n = n , n , . . . , n of length N, is there a { 1 2 N } subset of those integers that sums exactly to m? Example: Consider the case when m = 7 and the set n = 5, 3, 1, 4, 9 . In this particular example {− − } answer is “yes”, and the subset is 3, 1, 9 . {− } Example: Consider m = 13 and n = 3, 2, 8, 4, 20 . This time the answer is “no”. {− } This problem can be framed as an energy minimization problem. The energy function for the subset sum problem can be formulated as

N 2 (x , . . . , x ) = n x m , x 0, 1 , E 1 N i i − i ∈ { } i=1 ! X where N corresponds to the size of the subset. Hence, if a configuration of x exists such that = 0, then i E the answer is “yes”. Likewise if ( ) > 0 for all possible configurations of x , then the answer is “no”. To map E i this energy function onto an Ising Hamiltonian we introduce the Ising spins s = 1 instead of x as i ± i 1 x = (1 + s ), (6.3) i 2 i such that s = +1 (spin- ) corresponds to x = 1, and s = 1 (spin- ) corresponds to x = 0. Then the i ↑ i i − ↓ i Hamiltonian is written as 2 N 1 (s , . . . , s ) = n (1 + s ) m H 1 N i 2 i − i=1 ! X 2 N 1 1 N = n s + n m 2 i i 2 i − i=1 i=1 ! X X 2 1 N 1 N 1 N = n n s s + n m n s + n m . 4 i j i j 2 j −  i i 2 j −  1 i,j N i=1 j=1 j=1 ≤X≤ X X X     We now introduce the coupling Jij and the magnetic field hi as

1 N J n n , and h = n m n , (6.4) ij ≡ i j i 2 j −  i j=1 X   and finally obtain 2 1 N 1 N (s , . . . , s ) = J s s + h s + n m . H 1 N 4 ij i j i i 2 j −  1 i,j N i=1 j=1 ≤X≤ X X   37 Notice that the last term is simply a constant. This Hamiltonian is an Ising Hamiltonian cf. Eq. (6.1). Furthermore, by observing that Jij is symmetric and that the sum of the diagonal elements i = j is equal to the trace of Jij, we get

2 1 N 1 N 1 (s , . . . , s ) = J s s + h s + n m + Tr [J ] H 1 N 2 ij i j i i 2 j −  4 ij 1 i

Number partitioning problem The number partitioning problem is another well known combinatorial optimization problem that is also NP- complete [Albash and Lidar, 2018]. The number partitioning problem can be defined as a decision problem, as follows: Given a set of positive integers n , n , . . . , n of length N, can this set be partitioned into S { 1 2 N } two sets and such that the sum of the sets are equal? S1 S2 Example: Consider the set 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 , can this set be partitioned into two sets, such that the sum { } of both sets are equal? The answer is “yes” and the partitions are = 1, 2, 4, 6 and = 3, 10 . S1 { } S2 { } Example: Consider the set 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 , can this set be partitioned into two sets, such that the sum { } of both sets are equal? This time the answer is “no”, which you can try to convince yourself that it is. The Ising Hamiltonian for the number partitioning problem can be straightforwardly written down as follows N 2 (s , . . . , s ) = n s , (s = 1). (6.6) H 1 N i i i ± i=1 ! X It is clear that the answer to the number partitioning problem is “yes” if = 0, because then there exist H a spin configuration where the sum of the n for the +1 spins is the equal to the sum of the n for the 1 i i − spins [Lucas, 2014]. Likewise the answer is “no” if ( ) > 0 for all possible spin configurations. Expanding H the square of Eq. (6.6) we get

(s , . . . , s ) = J s s = 2 J s s + Tr [J ] , (6.7) H 1 N ij i j ij i j ij 1 i,j N 1 i

38 6.2.4 Summary of pros and cons for quantum annealing As a summary of this quantum annealing Chapter, and before turning to an example of a problem solved on a quantum annealer, we present a list of pros and cons for quantum annealing, taken from the notes of Scott Pakin Quantum Annealing lecture at the Quantum Science summer school 2017, available online. The bad:

Very difficult to analyze an algorithm’s computational complexity • – Need to know the gap between the ground state and first excited state, which can be costly to compute – In contrast, circuit-model algorithms tend to be more straightforward to analyze

Unknown if quantum annealing can outperform classical computation • – If gap always shrinks exponentially then no

The good:

Constants do matter • – If the gap is such that a correct answer is expected only once every million anneals, and an anneal takes 5 microseconds, that is still only 5 seconds to get a correct answer - may be good enough – On current systems, the gap scaling may be less of a problem than the number of available qubits

We may be able to (classically) patch the output to get to the ground state • – or other such approaches may help get quickly from a near-groundstate solution into the ground state – We may not even need the exact ground state – For many optimization problems, “good and fast" may be preferable to “perfect but slow"

6.2.5 Example of the solution of a practical problem on a quantum annealer: Flight-gate assignment In this section, we present the results outlined in Ref. [Stollenwerk et al., 2019], where the solution of a concrete problem is addressed on a quantum annealer, namely flight gate assignment. The goal of flight gate assignment is reducing the total transit time for passengers in an airport, in- creasing passenger comfort and punctuality. This problem is related to the quadratic assignment problem, a fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization whose standard formulation is NP-hard. This problem belongs to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems that can be brought into a quadratic functions over binary variables without further constraints (QUBOs) format by standard transformations. Usually these transformations produce overhead, e.g. by increasing the number of variables, the required connections between them or the value of the coefficients, and it is the case even here. Here, we investigate the solvability of the optimal flight gate assignment problem with a D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer. D-Wave 200Q is the first commercially available quantum annealer, developed by the Canadian company D-Wave Systems, and it is a heuristic solver using quantum annealing for optimizing QUBOs. Their hardware is based on rf-SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices). In these devices, flux qubits are realized by means of long loops of superconducting wire interrupted by a set of Josephson junctions. A

39 Table 6.1: Input data for a flight gate assignment instance

F Set of flights (i F ) ∈ G Set of gates (α G) dep ∈ ni No. of passengers departing with flight i arr ni No. of passengers arriving with flight i nij No of transfer passengers between flights i and j arr tα Transfer time from gate α to baggage claim dep tα Transfer time from check-in to gate α tαβ Transfer time from gate α to gate β in ti Arrival time of flight i out ti Departure time of flight i tbuf Buffer time between two flights at the same gate

“supercurrent" of Cooper pairs of , condensed to a superconducting condensate, flows through the wires; a large ensemble of these pairs behaves as a single with net positive or net negative flux, thereby defining the two qubits states. The chip must be kept extremely cold for the macroscopic circuit to behave like a two-level (qubit) system, and nominally runs at 15 mK.

Formal Problem Definition The typical passenger flow in an airport can usually be divided into three parts: After the airplane has arrived at the gate, one part of the passengers passes the baggage claim and leaves the airport. Other passengers stay in the airport to take connecting flights. These transit passengers can take up a significant fraction of the total passenger amount. The third part are passengers which enter the airport through the security checkpoint and leave with a flight. The parameters of the problem are summarized in table 6.1. Assignment problems can easily be represented with binary variables indicating whether or not a resource is assigned to a certain facility. The variables form a matrix indexed over the resources and the facilities. F G The binary decision variables are x 0, 1 × with ∈ { } 1, if flight i F is assigned to gate α G, xiα = ∈ ∈ (6.8) (0, otherwise. Like already stated, the passenger flow divides into three parts and so does the objective function: The partial sums of the arriving, the departing and the transfer passengers sum up to the total transfer time of arr arr all passengers. For the arrival part we get a contribution of the corresponding time tα for each of the ni passengers if flight i is assigned to gate α. Together with the departure part, which is obtained analogously, the linear terms of the objective are

arr/dep arr/dep arr/dep T (x) = ni tα xiα. (6.9) iα X The contribution of the transfer passengers is the reason for the hardness of the problem: Only if flight i is assigned to gate α and flight j to gate β the corresponding time is added. This results in the quadratic term

trans T (x) = nijtαβ xiαxjβ. (6.10) iαjβX The total objective function is

T (x) = T arr(x) + T dep(x) + T trans(x). (6.11)

40 Constraints Not all binary encodings for x form valid solutions to the problem. There are several further restrictions which need to be added as constraints. In this model a flight corresponds to a single airplane arriving and departing at a single gate. It is obvious, that every flight can only be assigned to a single gate, therefore we have x = 1 i F. (6.12) iα ∀ ∈ α X Furthermore it is clear that no flight can be assigned to a gate which is already occupied by another flight at the same time. The resulting linear inequalities x + x 1 are equivalent to the quadratic constraints iα jα ≤ x x = 0 (i, j) P α G, (6.13) iα · jα ∀ ∈ ∀ ∈ where P is the subset of forbidden flight pairs with overlapping time slots, that can be aggregated in

P = (i, j) F 2 : tin < tin < tout + tbuf . (6.14) ∈ i j i  Mapping to QUBO QUBOs are a special case of integer programs minimizing a quadratic objective function over binary variables x 0, 1 n. The standard format is the following ∈ { } n n q(x) = x>Qx = Qjjxj + Qjkxjxk (6.15) j=1 j,k=1 X Xj

n n with an upper-triangular quadratic matrix Q R × . While the presented objective function already follows ∈ this format the constraints need to be reduced which is shown in this section.

Penalty Terms The standard way to reduce constraints is to introduce terms penalizing those variable choices that violate the constraints. Just in these cases a certain positive value is added to the objective function to favor valid configurations while minimizing. The quadratic terms

2 Cone(x) = x 1 (6.16) iα − i α X  X  and not C (x) = xiαxjα (6.17) α (i,j) P X X∈ fulfill > 0, if constraint is violated, Cone/not (6.18) (= 0, if constraint is fulfilled, and therefore are suitable penalty terms which can be combined with the objective function. Since the benefit in the objective function in case of an invalid variable choice should not exceed the penalty, two parameters λone, λnot R+ need to be introduced: ∈ q(x) = T (x) + λoneCone(x) + λnotCnot(x). (6.19)

41 In theory these parameters could be set to infinity, but in practice this is not possible and they have to be chosen carefully. The parameters λone and λnot need to be large enough to ensure that a solution always fullfills the constraints. However due to precision restrictions of the D-Wave machine it is favorable to choose them as small as possible. Two different possibilities to obtain suitable values are studied in Ref. [Stollenwerk et al., 2019]: a worst case analysis for each single constraint, and a bisection algorithm which iteratively checks penalty weights against the solution validity. We leave the technical details of this discussion to [Stollenwerk et al., 2019]. Note that this final cost function could be expressed in terms of an Ising Hamiltonian, by using the mapping in Eq.(6.3) and by quantizing the spin variables. However, QUBO is the native way of encoding cost-functions into D-Wave machines, therefore the authors leave out this step. For how to program a D-Wave machine, see https://docs.dwavesys.com/docs/latest/doc_getting_started.html.

Instance Extraction and Generation and reduction to a tractable problem

buf dep Applying agent based simulation techniques, they extract the data to estimate the transfer times t , tα , tarr α G and t (α, β) G2. The second part of their data source consists of a flight schedule of a α ∀ ∈ αβ ∀ ∈ mid-sized German airport for a full day. This gives us the number of passengers ndep, narr i F and n i i ∀ ∈ ij (i, j) F 2. ∀ ∈ Since the given data set contains a slice of a flight schedule cut off at one day, there are flights which either do not have an arrival or a departure time. These flights are removed. Furthermore for some of the airplanes, the standing time is so long that it is reasonable to assume the airplane is moved away from the gate for some time before returning to a possibly different gate. Hence, all flights with a time at the airport above 120 minutes were considered as two separate flights. In order to extract typical, hard instances from the data, all flights with no transfer passengers were removed. Some further manipulation and simplification is performed to render the problem tractable. This results in 163 instances with number of flights and gates from 3 to 16 and 2 to 16, respectively. The set of these instances will be denoted by . ICC Some of the instances from are small enough to fit on the D-Wave 2000Q machine. However, they ICC exhibit a strong spread of the coefficients in the QUBO. It is known that this can suppress the success probability due to the limited precision of the D-Wave machine. Therefore, the authors tried to reduce the spread of the coefficients while retaining the heart of the problem as best as possible, by bin packing.

Bin Packing Bin packing is a method for converting the coefficients to natural numbers so that we do not deprecate the solution due to the quantum annealer precision limitations. This can however modify the formulation of the problem, hence they are checking the approximation ration, i.e. the quality of the solution before and after bin packing, has to be checked. First, the passenger number is mapped to natural numbers in 0, 1,...,N { p} with bin packing, where Np is the number of bins. Moreover the transfer times is mapped to random natural numbers from 1,...,N . This is reasonable, since the original time data was drawn from a simulation { t} data, which showed similar behavior. The mapping of the maximum transfer time in the instance to Nt introduces a scaling factor to the objective function, which is irrelevant for the solution. Let the solutions T (ˆx) before and after bin packing be denoted as x and ˆx. The approximation ratio is then given by the R = T (x) , where T is the objective function Eq. (6.11) before bin packing. If R = 1, the bin packing has no effect on the solution quality. In order to assess the impact of the bin packing for the number of passengers, the authors solved each problem before and after bin packing with an exact solver, and they concluded that the approximation ratio for the bin-packed solution is acceptable for all instances.

42 For the investigation of quantum annealing, we restrict ourselves to N ,N 2, 3, 6, 10 . The corre- p t ∈ { } sponding instances will be denoted by . IBP

Figure 6.1: A 3x3 Chimera graph, denoted C3. Qubits are arranged in 9 unit cells. From D-Wave website.

The hardware layout of the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer restricts the connections between binary variables to the so called Chimera graph 6.1. In order to make problems with higher connectivity amenable to the machine, an embedding must be employed, in this case minor-embedding is chosen (see original reference for details). This includes coupling various physical qubits together into one logical qubit, representing one binary variable, with a strong ferromagnetic coupling JF in order to ensure that all physical qubits have the same value after readout. Since the constraint Eq. (6.12) introduces F complete graphs of size G , | | | | and given the connectivity of chimera graphs, this results at most in a quadratic increase in the number of physical qubits with the number of logical qubits, which is F G . With this, the authors were able to | | · | | embed instances up to 84 binary variables, which requires roughly 1600 qubits.

Solution on the quantum annealer

The success probability depends on the chosen intra-coupling JF used in the embedding, as shown in Fig- ure 6.2: as expected, for large JF the success probability is suppressed due to increased precision requirements and for very small JF the logical qubit chains are broken, so there is an optimal. The annealing solutions were obtained using 1000 annealing runs, no gauging and majority voting as a un-embedding strategy for broken chains of logical qubits. It ie possible to estimate the success probability at each run by calculating the ratio of the number of runs where the optimal solution was found to the total number of runs. In order to calculate the time-to-solution with 99% certainty we evaluate the success probability after repeating m times the annealing procedure and equate it to 0.99, i.e.

P m = 1 (1 p)m = 0.99, succ − −

43 25 % p

y 0.6 50 % t i l i 75 % b a b

o 0.4 r P

s s

e 0.2 c c u S 0.0 10 8 6 4 2 0 JF

Figure 6.2: Success probability against the intra-logical qubit coupling in units of the largest coefficient of the embedded Ising model. The data is for a representative instance from . The different colors represent IBP the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles.

500 25 % 50 % 400 75 % s

300 /

9 9 T 200


3 4 5 6 7 Number of flights |F|

Figure 6.3: Top: Success probability against the number of flights for the instances from . The different IBP colors represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles. from which we can extract ln(1 0.99) m = − , ln(1 p) − where we have used the change of basis of logarithms logb x = loga x/ loga b, and where ln is the natural

44 logarithm. Therefore we obtain at the end: ln(1 0.99) T = mT = − T , 99 anneal ln(1 p) anneal − where Tanneal is the annealing time, which we fixed to 20µs. Figure 6.3 shows the time-to-solution in dependence of the number of flights. There is an increase in the time-to-solution with the number of flights, and therefore the problem size.

Summary This work shows the flight gate assignment problem can be solved with a quantum annealer with some restrictions. First, the size of the amenable problems is very small. Due to the high connectivity of the problem there is a large embedding overhead. Therefore a conclusive assessment of the scaling behavior is not possible at the moment. Future generations of quantum annealers with more qubits and higher connectivity are needed to investigate larger problems.

6.3 Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)

45 6.3.1 Relation between QAOA and quantum annealing In this section, we give a mapping between a Hamiltonian describing a quantum annealing scheme and the QAOA for a given number of steps, taken from Ref. [Willsch et al., 2019]. The annealing Hamiltonian reads

H(s) = A(s)( H ) + B(s)H , s = t/t [0, 1], (6.20) − 0 C a ∈ N where (we have to add an additional minus sign to H such that the state + ⊗ we start from is the ground 0 | i state of H(s) and the convention still conforms with the formulation of the QAOA)

x H0 = σi , (6.21) i X z z z HC = hiσi + Jijσi σj . (6.22) i ij X X We discretize the time-evolution operator of the annealing process into N time steps of size τ = ta/N. Approximating each time step to second order in τ yields

+iτA(s )H /2 iτB(s )H U = e N 0 e− N C

+iτ(A(sN )+A(sN 1))H0/2 e − × ··· iτB(s )H +iτ(A(s )+A(s ))H /2 e− 2 C e 2 1 0 × iτB(s )H +iτA(s )H /2 e− 1 C e 1 0 , (6.23) × where s = (n 1/2)/N, and n = 1,...,N. n − To map Eq. (6.23) to the QAOA evolution

iβ H iγ H iβ H iγ H V = e− p 0 e− p C e− 1 0 e− 1 C , (6.24) ··· +iτA(s )H /2 N we can neglect e 1 0 because its action on + ⊗ yields only a global phase factor and we can choose | i

γn = τB(sn), n = 1,...,N (6.25) β = τ (A(s ) + A(s )) /2, n = 1,...,N 1 (6.26) n − n+1 n − β = τA(s )/2. (6.27) N − N So N time steps for the second-order-accurate annealing scheme correspond to p = N steps for the QAOA. As an example, we take

A(s) = 1 s, B(s) = s. (6.28) − Using Eqs. (6.25)-(6.27), we obtain τ(n 1/2) γ = − (6.29) n N n β = τ 1 (6.30) n − − N τ  β = . (6.31) N −4N Since the time evolution of quantum annealing is necessarily finite, with quantum annealing, too, there is an associated success probability, i.e. the probability of being in the actual desired ground state at the end of the evolution. In general, how the QAOA and quantum annealing performances - measured by the respective success probabilities - compare depends on the problem instance itself. Some detailed comparison are presented in Ref. [Willsch et al., 2019] for weighted Max-Cut and 2-SAT.

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125 arXiv:1411.4028v1 [quant-ph] 14 Nov 2014 mto mrvsas improves imation iiainpolm.Teagrtmdpnso ninteger an on depends algorithm The problems. timization rcsig If processing. ogt h et ftecrutgoslnal with linearly grows If the circuit of the locality of the depth most The at sought. is locality whose gates unitary of sapidt aCto eua rpsadaayeisperfor its analyze and fixed for graphs graphs regular on MaxCut to applied as sa es .94tmstesz fteotmlcut. optimal the of size the times 0.6924 least at is p eitoueaqatmagrtmta rdcsapproximate produces that algorithm quantum a introduce We sfie,ta s needn fteiptsz,tealgorith the size, input the of independent is, that fixed, is unu prxmt piiainAlgorithm Optimization Approximate Quantum A p rw ihteiptsz ieetsrtg spooe.W s We proposed. is strategy different a size input the with grows p For . p sicesd h unu ici htipeet h algor the implements that circuit quantum The increased. is p ,o -eua rpsteqatmagrtmawy nsac a finds always algorithm quantum the graphs 3-regular on 1, = ascuet nttt fTechnology of Institute Massachusetts dadFriadJffe Goldstone Jeffrey and Farhi Edward etrfrTertclPhysics Theoretical for Center abig,M 02139 MA Cambridge, a Gutmann Sam Abstract 1 p ie a os)tenme fconstraints. of number the worst) (at times p betv ucinwoeotmmis optimum whose function objective ae s fecetcasclpre- classical efficient of use makes m ≥ ac n2rglrad3-regular and 2-regular on mance n h ult fteapprox- the of quality the and 1 ouin o obntra op- combinatorial for solutions uytealgorithm the tudy MIT-CTP/4610 tmconsists ithm tthat ut I. INTRODUCTION

Combinatorial optimization problems are specified by n bits and m clauses. Each clause is a constraint on a subset of the bits which is satisfied for certain assignments of those bits and unsatisfied for the other assignments. The objective function, defined on n bit strings, is the number of satisfied clauses, m

C(z)= Cα(z) (1) α=1 X where z = z1z2 ...zn is the bit string and Cα(z) = 1 if z satisfies clause α and 0 otherwise.

Typically Cα depends on only a few of the n bits. Satisfiability asks if there is a string that satisfies every clause. MaxSat asks for a string that maximizes the objective function. Approximate optimization asks for a string z for which C(z) is close to the maximum of C. In this paper we present a general quantum algorithm for approximate optimization. We study its performance in special cases of MaxCut and also propose an alternate form of the algorithm geared toward finding a large independent set of vertices of a graph. The quantum computer works in a 2n dimensional Hilbert space with computational basis vectors z , and we view (1) as an operator which is diagonal in the computational basis. | i Define a unitary operator U(C,γ) which depends on an angle γ,

m iγC iγCα U(C,γ)= e− = e− . (2) α=1 Y All of the terms in this product commute because they are diagonal in the computational basis and each term’s locality is the locality of the clause α. Because C has integer eigen- values we can restrict γ to lie between 0 and 2π. Define the operator B which is the sum of all single bit σx operators, n x B = σj . (3) j=1 X Now define the β dependent product of commuting one bit operators n iβB iβσx U(B, β)= e− = e− j (4) j=1 Y where β runs from 0 to π. The initial state s will be the uniform superposition over | i computational basis states: 1 s = z . (5) | i √ n | i 2 z X 2 For any integer p 1 and 2p angles γ ...γ γ and β ...β β we define the angle ≥ 1 p ≡ 1 p ≡ dependent quantum state:

γ, β = U(B, β ) U(C,γ ) U(B, β ) U(C,γ ) s . (6) | i p p ··· 1 1 | i Even without taking advantage of the structure of the instance, this state can be produced by a of depth at most mp + p. Let Fp be the expectation of C in this state

F (γ, β)= γ, β C γ, β . (7) p h | | i and let Mp be the maximum of Fp over the angles,

Mp = max Fp (γ, β). (8) γ,β

Note that the maximization at p 1 can be viewed as a constrained maximization at p so −

Mp Mp 1. (9) ≥ − Furthermore we will later show that

lim Mp = max C(z). (10) p z →∞ These results suggest a way to design an algorithm. Pick a p and start with a set of angles (γ, β) that somehow make Fp as large as possible. Use the quantum computer to get the state γ, β . Measure in the computational basis to get a string z and evaluate C(z). | i Repeat with the same angles. Enough repetitions will produce a string z with C(z) very near or greater than Fp(γ, β). The rub is that it is not obvious in advance how to pick good angles. If p doesn’t grow with n, one possibility is to run the quantum computer with angles (γ, β) chosen from a fine grid on the compact set [0, 2π]p [0, π]p, moving through the grid × to find the maximum of Fp. Since the partial derivatives of Fp(γ, β) in (7) are bounded by (m2 + mn) this search will efficiently produce a string z for which C(z) is close to M or O p larger. However we show in the next section that if p does not grow with n and each bit is involved in no more than a fixed number of clauses, then there is an efficient classical calculation that determines the angles that maximize Fp. These angles are then used to run the quantum computer to produce the state γ, β which is measured in the computational | i basis to get a string z. The mean of C(z) for strings obtained in this way is Mp.


We now explain how for fixed p we can do classical preprocessing and determine the angles γ and β that maximize Fp(γ, β). This approach will work more generally but we illustrate it for a specific problem, MaxCut for graphs with bounded degree. The input is a graph with n vertices and an edge set jk of size m. The goal is to find a string z that {h i} makes

C = C jk , (11) h i jk Xh i where 1 z z C jk = σj σk +1 , (12) h i 2 − as large as possible. Now 

Fp(γ, β)= s U †(C,γ1) U †(B, βp) C jk U(B, βp) U(C,γ1) s . (13) h | ··· h i ··· | i jk Xh i Consider the operator associated with edge jk h i

U †(C,γ1) U †(B, βp)C jk U(B, βp) U(C,γ1). (14) ··· h i ···

This operator only involves qubits j and k and those qubits whose distance on the graph from j or k is less than or equal to p. To see this consider p = 1 where the previous expression is

U †(C,γ1) U †(B, β1)C jk U(B, β1) U(C,γ1). (15) h i

The factors in the operator U(B, β1) which do not involve qubits j or k commute through

C jk and we get h i x x x x iβ1(σ +σ ) iβ1(σ +σ ) U †(C,γ1) e j k C jk e− j k U(C,γ1). (16) h i

Any factors in the operator U(C,γ1) which do not involve qubits j or k will commute through and cancel out. So the operator in equation (16) only involves the edge jk and h i edges adjacent to jk , and qubits on those edges. For any p we see that the operator in h i (14) only involves edges at most p steps away from jk and qubits on those edges. h i Return to equation (13) and note that the state s is the product of σx eigenstates | i

s = + + ... + (17) | i | i1 | i2 | in

4 so each term in equation (13) depends only on the subgraph involving qubits j and k and those at a distance no more than p away. These subgraphs each contain a number of qubits that is independent of n (because the degree is bounded) and this allows us to evaluate Fp in terms of quantum subsystems whose sizes are independent of n. As an illustration consider MaxCut restricted to input graphs of fixed degree 3. For p = 1, there are only these possible subgraphs for the edge jk : h i


We will return to this case later.

For any subgraph G define the operator CG which is C restricted to G,

CG = C ℓℓ , (19) h ′i ℓℓ ǫG h X′i and the associated operator

iγ CG U(CG,γ)= e− . (20)

Also define x BG = σj (21) jǫG X and

iβBG U(BG, β)= e− . (22)

Let the state s,G be | i s,G = + . | i | iℓ YℓǫG Return to equation (13). Each edge j, k in the sum is associated with a subgraph g(j, k) h i and makes a contribution to Fp of

s,g(j, k) U † (Cg(j,k),γp) U †(Bg(j,k), β1)C jk U (Bg(j,k), β1) U (Cg(j,k),γp) s,g(j, k) h | ··· h i ··· | i (23)

The sum in (13) is over all edges, but if two edges jk and j′k′ give rise to isomorphic h i h i subgraphs, then the corresponding functions of (γ, β) are the same. Therefore we can view

5 the sum in (13) as a sum over subgraph types. Define

fg (γ, β)= s,g(j, k) U †(Cg(j,k),γ1) U †(Bg(j,k), βp)C jk U(Bg(j,x)βp) h | ··· h i ··· U(C ,γ ) s,g(j, k) , (24) g(j,k) 1 | i where g(j, k) is a subgraph of type g. Fp is then

Fp (γ, β)= wg fg(γ, β) (25) g X where wg is the number of occurrences of the subgraph g in the original edge sum. The functions fg do not depend on n and m. The only dependence on n and m comes through the weights wg and these are just read off the original graph. Note that the expectation in (24) only involves the qubits in subgraph type g. The maximum number of qubits that can appear in (23) comes when the subgraph is a tree. For a graph with maximum degree v, the numbers of qubits in this tree is (v 1)p+1 1 q =2 − − , (26) tree (v 1) 1  − −  (or 2p + 2 if v = 2), which is n and m independent. For each p there are only finitely many subgraph types.

Using (24), Fp(γ, β) in (25) can be evaluated on a classical computer whose resources are not growing with n. Each fg involves operators and states in a Hilbert space whose dimension is at most 2qtree . Admittedly for large p this may be beyond current classical technology, but the resource requirements do not grow with n.

To run the quantum algorithm we first find the (γ, β) that maximize Fp. The only dependence on n and m is in the weights wg and these are easily evaluated. Given the best (γ, β) we turn to the quantum computer and produce the state γ, β given in equation | i (6). We then measure in the computational basis and get a string z and evaluate C(z).

Repeating gives a sample of values of C(z) between 0 and +m whose mean is Fp(γ, β). An outcome of at least F (γ, β) 1 will be obtained with probability 1 1/m with order p − − m log m repetitions.


Still using MaxCut on regular graphs as our example, it is useful to get information about the spread of C measured in the state γ, β . If v is fixed and p is fixed (or grows | i 6 slowly with n) the distribution of C(z) is actually concentrated near its mean. To see this, calculate γ, β C2 γ, β γ, β C γ, β 2 (27) h | | i−h | | i

= s U †(C,γ1) U †(B, βp) C jk C j k U(B, βp) U(C,γ1) s h | ··· h i h ′ ′i ··· | i jk " Xhj ki h ′ ′i s U †(C,γ1) U †(B, βp) C jk U(B, βp) U(C,γ1) s −h | ··· h i ··· | i

s U †(C,γ1) U †(B, βp) C j′k′ U(B, βp) U(C,γ1) s . (28) ·h | ··· h i ··· | i #

If the subgraphs g(j, k) and g(j′,k′) do not involve any common qubits, the summand in

(28) will be 0. The subgraphs g(j, k) and g(j′,k′) will have no common qubits as long as there is no path in the instance graph from jk to j′k′ of length 2p + 1 or shorter. From h i h i (26) with p replaced by 2p + 1 we see that for each jk there are at most h i (v 1)2p+2 1 2 − − (29) (v 1) 1  − −  edges j′k′ which could contribute to the sum in (28) (or 4p + 4 if v = 2) and therefore h i (v 1)2p+2 1 γ, β C2 γ, β γ, β C γ, β 2 2 − − m (30) h | | i−h | | i 6 (v 1) 1 ·  − −  since each summand is at most 1 in norm. For v and p fixed we see that the standard deviation of C(z) is at most of order √m. This implies that the sample mean of order m2 values of C(z) will be within 1 of F (γ, β) with probability 1 1 . The concentration of p − m the distribution of C(z) also means that there is only a small probability that the algorithm will produce strings with C(z) much bigger than Fp(γ, β).


We now analyze the performance of the quantum algorithm for MaxCut on 2-regular graphs. Regular of degree 2 (and connected) means that the graph is a ring. The objective operator is again given by equation (11) and its maximum is n or n 1 depending on whether − n is even or odd. We will analyze the algorithm for all p. For any p (less than n/2), for each edge in the ring, the subgraph of vertices within p of the edge is a segment of 2p + 2 connected vertices with the given edge in the middle. So for

7 each p there is only one type of subgraph, a line segment of 2p + 2 qubits and the weight for this subgraph type is n. We numerically maximize the function given in (24) and we find that for p =1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the maxima are 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, and 13/14 to

13 decimal places from which we conclude that Mp = n(2p + 1)/(2p + 2) for all p. So the quantum algorithm will find a cut of size n(2p + 1)/(2p + 2) 1 or bigger. Since the best − cut is n, we see that our quantum algorithm can produce an approximation ratio that can be made arbitrarily close to 1 by making p large enough, independent of n. For each p the circuit depth can be made 3p by breaking the edge sum in C into two sums over j, j +1 h i with j even and j odd. So this algorithm has a circuit depth independent of n.


We now look at how the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, the QAOA, performs on MaxCut on (connected) 3-regular graphs. The approximation ratio is C(z), where z is the output of the quantum algorithm, divided by the maximum of C. We first show that for p = 1, the worst case approximation ratio that the quantum algorithm produces is 0.6924. Suppose a 3-regular graph with n vertices (and accordingly 3n/2 edges) contains T “iso- lated triangles” and S “crossed squares”, which are subgraphs of the form,

. (31)

The dotted lines indicate edges that leave the isolated triangle and the crossed square. To say that the triangle is isolated is to say that the 3 edges that leave the triangle end on distinct vertices. If the two edges that leave the crossed square are in fact the same edge, then we have a 4 vertex disconnected 3-regular graph. For this special case (the only case where the analysis below does not apply) the approximation ratio is actually higher than 0.6924. In general, 3T +4S n because no isolated triangle and crossed square can share ≤ a vertex.

Return to the edge sum in F1(γ, β) of equation (13). For each crossed square there is

8 one edge jk for which g(j, k) is the first type displayed in (18). Call this subgraph type g h i 4 because it has 4 vertices. In each crossed square there are 4 edges that give rise to subgraphs of the second type displayed in (18). We call this subgraph type g5 because it has 5 vertices.

All 3 of the edges in any isolated triangle have subgraph type g5, so there are 4S +3T edges with subgraph type g5. The remaining edges in the graph all have a subgraph type like the third one displayed in (18) and we call this subgraph type g . There are (3n/2 5S 3T ) 6 − − of these so we have 3n F (γ, β)= Sf (γ, β)+(4S +3T ) f (γ, β)+ 5S 3T f (γ, β) (32) 1 g4 g5 2 − − g6  

The maximum of F1 is a function of n, S, and T ,

M1(n, S, T ) = max F1(γ, β). (33) γ,β

Given any 3 regular graph it is straightforward to count S and T . Then using a classical computer it is straightforward to calculate M1(n, S, T ). Running a quantum computer with the maximizing angles γ and β will produce the state γ, β which is then measured in the | i computational basis. With order n log n repetitions a string will be found whose cut value is very near or larger than M1(n, S, T ). To get the approximation ratio we need to know the best cut that can be obtained for the input graph. This is not just a function of S and T . However a graph with S crossed squares and T isolated triangles must have at least one unsatisfied edge per crossed square and one unsatisfied edge per isolated triangle so the number of satisfied edges is (3n/2 S T ). ≤ − − This means that for any graph characterized by n, S and T the quantum algorithm will produce an approximation ratio that is at least M (n, S, T ) 1 . (34) 3n S T 2 − −

It is convenient to scale out n from the top and bottom of (34). Note that M1/n which comes from F /n depends only on S/n s and T/n t. So we can write (34) as 1 ≡ ≡ M (1,s,t) 1 (35) 3 s t 2 − − where s, t 0 and 4s+3t 1. It is straightforward  to numerically evaluate (35) and we find ≥ ≤ that it achieves its minimum value at s = t = 0 and the value is 0.6924. So we know that on any 3-regular graph, the QAOA will always produce a cut whose size is at least 0.6924

9 times the size of the optimal cut. This p = 1 result on 3-regular graphs is not as good as known classical algorithms [1]. It is possible to analyze the performance of the QAOA for p = 2 on 3-regular graphs. However it is more complicated then the p = 1 case and we will just show partial results. The subgraph type with the most qubits is this tree with 14 vertices:


Numerically maximizing (24) with g given by (36) yields 0.7559. Consider a 3-regular graph on n vertices with o(n) pentagons, squares and triangles. Then all but o(n) edges have (36) as their subgraph type. The QAOA at p = 2 cannot detect whether the graph is bipartite, that is, completely satisfiable, or contains many odd loops of length 7 or longer. If the graph is bipartite the approximation ratio is 0.7559 in the limit of large n. If the graph contains many odd loops (length 7 or more), the approximation ratio will be higher.


We are focused on finding a good approximate solution to an optimization problem whereas the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm, QAA [2], is designed to find the optimal solu- tion and will do so if the run time is long enough. Consider the time dependent Hamiltonian H(t)=(1 t/T )B +(t/T )C. Note that the state s is the highest energy eigenstate of B − | i and we are seeking a high energy eigenstate of C. Starting in s we could run the quan- | i tum adiabatic algorithm and if the run time T were long enough we would find the highest energy eigenstate of C. Because B has only non-negative off-diagonal elements, the Perron- Frobenius theorem implies that the difference in energies between the top state and the one below is greater than 0 for all t < T , so for sufficiently large T success is assured. A Trot- terized approximation to the evolution consists of an alternation of the operators U(C,γ) and U(B, β) where the sum of the angles is the total run time. For a good approximation we want each γ and β to be small and for success we want a long run time so together these

10 force p to be large. In other words, we can always find a p and a set of angles γ, β that make Fp(γ, β) as close to Mp as desired. With (9), this proves the assertion of (10). The previous discussion shows that we can get a good approximate solution to an opti- mization problem by making p sufficiently large, perhaps exponentially large in n. But the QAA works by producing a state with a large overlap with the optimal string. In this sense (10), although correct, may be misleading. In fact on the ring of disagrees the state pro- duced at p = 1, which gives a 3/4 approximation ratio, has an exponentially small overlap with the optimal strings. We also know an example where the QAA fails and the QAOA succeeds. In this example (actually a minimization) the objective function is symmetric in the n bits and therefore depends only on the Hamming weight. The objective function is plotted in figure 1 of reference [3]. Since the beginning Hamiltonian is also symmetric the evolution takes place in a subspace of dimension n + 1 with a basis of states w indexed by the Hamming weight. | i The example can be simulated and analyzed for large n. For subexponential run times, the QAA is trapped in a false minimum at w = n. The QAOA can be similarly simulated and analyzed. For large n, even with p = 1, there are values of γ1 and β1 such that the final state is concentrated near the true minimum at w = 0. The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm has the key feature that as p in- creases the approximation improves. We contrast this to the performance of the QAA. For realizations of the QAA there is a total run time T that also appears in the instantaneous Hamiltonian, H(t) = H(t/T ). We start in the ground state of H(0) seeking the ground state of H(1). As T goes to infinity the overlap of the evolved state with the desired state e e goes to 1. However the success probability is generally not a monotonic function of T . See e figure 2 of reference [4] for an extreme example where the success probability is plotted as a function of T for a particular 20 qubit instance of Max2Sat. The probability rises and then drops dramatically, and the ultimate rise for large T is not seen for times that can be reasonably simulated. It may well be advantageous in designing strategies for the QAOA to use the fact that the approximation improves as p increases.


We are now going to give a variant of the basic algorithm which is suited to situations where the search space is a complicated subset of the n bit strings. We work with an example that illustrates the basic idea. Consider the problem of finding a large independent set in a given graph of n vertices. An independent set is a subset of the vertices with the property that no two vertices in the subset have an edge between them. With the vertices labeled 1 to n, a subset of the vertices corresponds to the string z = z1z2 ...zn with each bit being 1 if the corresponding vertex is in the subset and the bit is 0 if the vertex is not. We restrict to strings which correspond to independent sets in the graph. The size of the independent set is the Hamming weight of the string z which we denote by C(z),


C(z)= zj, (37) j=1 X and the goal is to find a string z that makes C(z) large. The Hilbert space for our quantum algorithm has an orthonormal basis z where z is any | i string corresponding to an independent set. In cases of interest, the Hilbert space dimension is exponentially large in n, though not as big as 2n. The Hilbert space is not a simple tensor product of qubits. The operator C is associated with the γ dependent unitary

iγC U(C,γ)= e− (38) where γ lies between 0 and 2π because C has integer eigenvalues. We define the quantum operator B that connects the basis states:

1 : z and z′ differ in one bit z B z′ = (39) h | | i  0 : otherwise .  Note that B is the adjacency matrix of the hypercube restricted to the legal strings, that is, those that correspond to independent sets in the given graph. Now, in general, B does not have integer eigenvalues so we define

ibB U(B, b)= e− (40) where b is a real number.

12 For the starting state of our algorithm we take the easy to construct state z =0 corre- | i sponding to the empty independent set which has the minimum value of C. For p 1, we ≥ have p real numbers b1, b2 ...bp b and p 1 angles γ1,γ2, .γp 1 γ. The quantum state ≡ − − ≡

b, γ = U(B, bp)U(C,γp 1) U(B, b1) z =0 (41) | i − ··· | i is what we get after the application of an alternation of the operators associated with B and C. Now we can define F (b, γ)= b, γ C b, γ (42) p h | | i as the expectation of C in the state b, γ . And finally we define the maximum, | i

Mp = max Fp(b, γ). (43) b,γ

The maximization at p 1 is the maximization at p with bp = 0 and γp 1 = 0 so we have − −

Mp Mp 1. (44) ≥ − Furthermore,

lim Mp = max C(z). (45) p z legal →∞ To see why (45) is true note that the initial state is the ground state of C, which we view as the state with the maximum eigenvalue of C. We are trying to reach a state which is an − eigenstate of +C with maximum eigenvalue. There is an adiabatic path (which stays at the top of the spectrum throughout) with run time T that achieves this as T goes to infinity. This path has two parts. In the first we interpolate between the beginning Hamiltonian C − and the Hamiltonian B,

2t 2t T H(t)= 1 ( C)+ B, 0 t (46) − T − T ≤ ≤ 2   We evolve the initial state with this Hamiltonian for time T/2 ending arbitrarily close to the top state of B. Next we interpolate between the Hamiltonian B and the Hamiltonian +C, 2t 2t T H(t)= 2 B + 1 C, t T (47) − T T − 2 ≤ ≤     evolving the quantum state just produced from time t = T/2 to t = T . As in section VI, using the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, the Adiabatic Theorem and Trotterization we get the result given in (45).

13 Together (41) through (45) suggest a quantum subroutine for an independent set algo- rithm. For a given p and a given (b, γ) produce the quantum state b, γ of (41). Measure | i in the computational basis to get a string z which labels an independent set whose size is the Hamming weight of z. Repeat with the same (b, γ) to get an estimate of Fp(b, γ) in

(42). This subroutine can be called by a program whose goal is to get close to Mp given by (43). This enveloping program can be designed using either the methods outlined in this paper or novel techniques. For p = 1, the subroutine can be thought of as evolving the initial state z =0 with | i the Hamlitonian B for a time b. B is the adjacency matrix of a big graph whose vertices correspond to the independent sets of the input graph and whose edges can be read off (39). We view this as a continuous time quantum walk entering the big graph at a particular vertex [5]. In the extreme case where the input graph has no edges, all strings of length n represent independent sets so the Hilbert space dimension is 2n. In this case B is the adjacency matrix of the hypercube, realizable as in (3). Setting b = π/2, the state (41) (with p = 1 there is only one unitary) is z = 11 ... 11 which maximizes the objective function. In the more | i general case we can view (41) as a succession of quantum walks punctuated by applications of C dependent unitaries which aid the walk in achieving its objective. The algorithm of the previous sections can also be viewed this way although the starting state is not a single vertex.


We introduced a quantum algorithm for approximate combinatorial optimization that depends on an integer parameter p. The input is an n bit instance with an objective function C that is the sum of m local terms. The goal is to find a string z for which C(z) is close to C’s global maximum. In the basic algorithm, each call to the quantum computer uses a set of 2p angles (γ, β) and produces the state

γ, β = U(B, β ) U(C,γ ) U(B, β ) U(C,γ ) s . (48) | i p p ··· 1 1 | i

This is followed by a measurement in the computational basis yielding a string z with an associated value C(z). Repeated calls to the quantum computer will yield a good estimate

14 of F (γ, β)= γ, β C γ, β . (49) p h | | i Running the algorithm requires a strategy for a picking a sequence of sets of angles with the goal of making Fp as big as possible. We give several possible strategies for finding a good set of angles. In section II we focused on fixed p and the case where each bit is in no more than a fixed number of clauses. In this case there is an efficient classical algorithm that determines the best set of angles which is then fed to the quantum computer. Here the quantum computer is run with only the best set of angles. Note that the “efficient” classical algorithm which evaluates (25) using (24) could require space doubly exponential in p. An alternative to using a classical preprocessor to find the best angles is to make repeated calls to the quantum computer with different sets of angles. One strategy, when p does not grow with n is to put a fine grid on the compact set [0, 2π]p [0, π]p where the number of × points is only polynomial in n and m. This works because the function Fp does not have peaks that are so narrow that they are not seen by the grid. The QAOA can be run on a quantum computer with p growing with n as long as there is a strategy for choosing sets of angles. Perhaps for some combinatorial optimization problem, good angles can be discovered in advance. Or the quantum computer can be called to evaluate F (γ, β), the expectation of C in the state γ, β . This call can be used as a p | i subroutine by a classical algorithm that seeks the maximum of the smooth function Fp(γ, β). We hope that either p fixed or growing slowly with n will be enough to have this quantum algorithm be of use in finding solutions to combinatorial search problems beyond what classical algorithms can achieve.


This work was supported by the US Army Research Laboratory’s Army Research Office through grant number W911NF-12-1-0486, and the National Science Foundation through grant number CCF-121-8176. The authors thank Elizabeth Crosson for discussion and help in preparing the manuscript. We also thank Cedric Lin and Han-Hsuan Lin for their help. EF would like to thank the Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab for discussion and

15 support.

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