Reading and Writing As Transformative Action in Maria Irene Fornes’ and Adrienne Kennedy’S Plays
READING AND WRITING AS TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION IN MARIA IRENE FORNES’ AND ADRIENNE KENNEDY’S PLAYS by Insoo Lee B.A. in English Literature, Seoul National University, 1995 Playwriting, Korea National University of Arts, 2001 M.A. in Theatre Art, Miami University, Ohio, 2004 Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Dietrich School of Arts and Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University of Pittsburgh 2012 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH DIETRICH SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE This dissertation was presented by Insoo Lee It was defended on April 16, 2012 and approved by Kathleen E. George, PhD, Professor Attilio Favorini, PhD, Professor Bruce McConachie, PhD, Professor Susan Z. Andrade, PhD, Associate Professor Dissertation Advisor: Kathleen E. George, PhD, Professor ii Copyright © by Insoo Lee 2012 iii READING AND WRITING AS TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION IN MARIA IRENE FORNES’ AND ADRIENNE KENNEDY’S PLAYS Insoo Lee, PhD University of Pittsburgh, 2012 This dissertation examines Maria Irene Fornes’ and Adrienne Kennedy’s plays, focusing on the female characters’ act of reading and writing on stage. Usually, reading and writing on stage are considered to be passive and static, but in the two playwrights’ works, they are used as an effective plot device that moves the drama forward and as willful efforts by the female characters to develop their sense of identities. Furthermore, in contrast to the usual perception of reading and writing as intellectual processes, Fornes and Kennedy depict these acts as intensely physical and sensual. Julia Kristeva’s and Hélène Cixous’ poststructuralist psychoanalytic theories of language and female sexuality, and Gloria Anzaldúa’s theory of writing the body are the major theoretical framework within which I explore the two playwrights’ works.
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