VOL. 18 NO. 11 M ARCH 10-M ARCH 16, 2010 Buy StreetWise only from a badged vendor $2 MISSION: TO HELP PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES TO SELF-SUFFICIENCYTHROUGHGAINFULEMPLOYMENT STREETWISE STAFF From the Director EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PUBLISHER / BRUCE CRANE By Bruce Crane Executive Director is to expand those services so
[email protected] Executive Director we can assist more individuals, and serve them Like most busi- more fully, increasing both the magnitude and EDITOR-IN-CHIEF nesses, we strive to breadth of the help we can offer. Unfortunately, SUZANNE HANNEY have our public per- the first most important item for me is fundrais-
[email protected] ing, for without that, we can do little else. But as ception match our DIRECTOR OF DISTRIBUTION & VENDOR SERVICES reality. Sometimes, our fundraising activities have incremental suc- GREG PRITCHETT cess, so can the services we offer expand in what a business does
[email protected] goes beyond the turn. scope of what the Most of our vendors have complex education- PRODUCTION & MARKETING MANAGER public generally knows. This is true with al needs. In order for educational programs to be BEN COOK StreetWise as well. We have long been associat- successful with them, they need experienced
[email protected] tutors and understanding mentors to help them ed with the homeless, and rightly so. Though DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING & most of the people who come to us are home- take advantage of the educational opportunity. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT less, most of the StreetWise vendors have found We have embarked on creating partnerships GRACE FEDERIGHI with colleges and agencies to expand the educa- stable housing and are not homeless.