Page 6 Mouse River Journal January 8, 2020 K

By Samantha Weaver

• It was nonviolent Indian activist Mahatma Gandhi who made the fol-

lowing sage observation: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” • In 1905, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, became one of the first people ever to be fined for speeding.

• Appropriately, the patron saint of McHenry County Court Report bankers is St. Meingold. • Ever wonder how BVDs came Driving unDer controlleD substance Driving unDer revoca - to be called that? From the names of revocation/suspension Driving unDer revoca - tion/suspension the men who originally manufactured John Robert Haase, 58, Mora tion/suspension Thomas Dean Morgan, 55, them: Bradley, Voorhies and Day. MN, Defendant Pled Guilty, Fees Dennis Eldred Scarberry, 38, Belcourt ND, Defendant Pled • Less than half the people in the Totals: $1,000.00, The $500.00 Harvey ND, Defendant Pled Guilty, Guilty, Placed on drug patch for world use a spoon, fork and knife to eat. The rest use chopsticks, just a cash bond will be applied, leaving a Unsupervised Probation 360 credit 180 days immediately upon release, knife or their hands. balance of $500.00. for time served 16 days, Fees 360 days probation 354 suspended, • In Babylon 4,000 years ago, it was Julie Ann Rodriguez, 37, Totals: $385.00. Fee Totals: $775.00. accepted practice that for a month Sterling IL, Defendant Pled Guilty, after the wedding, the bride’s father Fees Totals: $500.00. DisorDerly conDuct refusal to halt would supply his son-in-law with all Bailey Louis Carrington, 23, Kevin Michael Brandt, 34, Zachary Thomas Smith, 26, the mead he could drink. Mead is a Belcourt ND, Defendant Pled Upham ND, Defendant Pled Guilty, Minot ND, Defendant Pled Guilty, honey beer, and so that time became Guilty, Fee Totals: $250.00. Complete Anger Management, Fee Complete Community Service 20 known as the honey month — what we Misty Dawn Edgley, 43, Minot Totals: $250.00. Hours, For every hour not complete know today as the honeymoon. ND, Defendant Pled Guilty, Fee defendant will serve 1 day in jail, • People who pick chili peppers in Totals: $400.00. possession of cs- Fee Totals: $275.00. Costa Rica have to wear special suits to avoid getting blisters just from com- Austin James Fasbender, 22, MethaMphetaMine ing into contact with them. Mora MN, Defendant Pled Guilty, poss of cs-Marijuana-at possession of- • The Pledge of Allegiance was pub- Fee Totals: $250.00. least 1/2 oz but less Marijuana-less than 1/2 lished in 1892 in celebration of the 400th than 500gM oz anniversary of Columbus’ voyage to the unlawful possession of possession of Drug New World. It didn’t contain the words unlawful possession of Drug paraphernalia - paraphernalia “under God,” though, until 1954, when Drug paraphernalia - use si, sii, siii Devin Michael Walters, 29, they were added by an act of Congress use si, sii, siii unlawful use of plates- Harvey ND, Defendant Pled Guilty, in an attempt to check the creeping advance of “Godless Communism.” possession of a Display Fee Totals: $500.00. •

Datebook (Continued from Page 5)

It to ok a littl e over tw o yea rs, John O’Hara put Petrolle into his The rest of the world has now for children with epilepsy. but Pe troll e finally got hi s ti tle first novel, “Appointment in mostly forgotten Billy Petrolle. But Seven years later, the Good sh ot, but u nfort un ately f or the Samarra.” He wrote, “Al read his the World Association has - Samaritan Society opened its first Fargo E xpre ss, the fi ght was on paper. There was always some n’t; in 2000, they inducted the home for the elderly in Fargo, and Canzoneri’s home turf in stumblebum from Fargo fighting in Fargo Express into the WBA Hall by 1940, the Society had branched City. They fought a grueling fif - Indianapolis. Every time you of Fame. into 27 communities in 10 states. teen-round battle, and Canzoneri picked up the paper and looked good samaritan centers By the time Reverend Hoeger died got the nod. Sports writers reported under Fight Results, there was by Mary helm at age 85 in 1970, the Society had that the fight was a tough, close somebody from Fargo doing a January 10, 2020 — In 1922, a grown to 150 facilities caring for battle, but they thought Petrolle waltz somewhere. Either they were Lutheran pastor, August Hoeger, 12,000 residents. Two sons and a was the victim of a hometown deci - all would-be fighters in that town, was concerned about the needs of grandson carried on the virtuous sion. or else they just used the name of children crippled by polio. Inspired pastor’s work, and the Society now Besides Canzoneri, Petrolle the town and didn’t come from there by the Bible story in the Book of cares for 28,000 residents in 240 fought and beat two other Hall of at all... Al wondered where Fargo Luke, he founded the Good facilities in 26 states. Famers: Jimmy McLarnin and was. It was past . He knew Samaritan Society in Arthur, North “Dakota Datebook” is a radio Jackie “Kid” Berg. In 1934, he that. They had one good boy from Dakota. He started raising money, series from prairie public in fought another Hall of Famer, that town. Petrolle. Billy Petrolle, and the response was so positive partnership with the state . After losing that one, the Fargo Express. But the rest of that he surpassed his goal by historical society of north Petrolle retired from boxing and them! God, what a gang of tankers $2,000. He put the extra money to Dakota and with funding from moved to Duluth to work in the they were. He wondered just what work, opening his first Good the north Dakota humanities foundry business. was the angle on there being so Samaritan center in 1923; it was a council. see all the Dakota That same year, famed author many fighters from Fargo.” six-room home in Arthur that cared Datebooks at,

Legals: Your Right to Know

suMMons anD notice of er response within twenty one days after the county in which this action is com - new business: no personal claiM service of this Summons upon you, exclu - menced, by serving upon the undersigned L Mogard motion, 2nd C Howe to Michael S. McIntee, 03326 sive of the day of service. If you fail to do with an Answer or other proper response approve amended Gaming site authoriza - MCINTEE LAW FIRM so, judgment by default will be taken within twenty-one (21) days after the serv - tion for Big Red’s Saloon. MC 116 W. 5th St. against you for the relief demanded in the ice of this Summons upon you, exclusive Grant Finder program is available Bottineau ND 58318 complaint. of the day of service. If you fail to do so, through NDLC to use. Dec 5th 10-11 am is 701-228-3624 Dated August 20, 2019. judgment by default will be taken against webinar on Grant Finder. Attorney for Plaintiff Michael S. McIntee, 03326 you for the relief demanded in the C Howe motion, E Amundson 2nd to [email protected] MCINTEE LAW FIRM Complaint. pay bills due. MC 116 W. 5th St. Dated this 23rd day of December, C Howe motion to adjourn. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Bottineau ND 58318 2019, at Bismarck, North Dakota. Respectfully Submitted, IN DISTRICT COURT 701-228-3624 /s/ Charles Dendy Laurie Herslip, Auditor COUNTY OF MCHENRY Attorney for Plaintiff Charles Dendy (State Bar Board Id. Checks #2869-2881 ck 2876 void NORTHEAST JUDICIAL DISTRICT [email protected] 05877) Circle Sanitation-1043.50, Ottertail Special Assistant Attorney General Power-462.49 NCWRD-134.49, MRJ- CAROL HERR, PLAINTIFF , -vs- notice of no personal claiM Office of State Tax Commissioner 49.00, NDLC-215.00,L. Herslip-224.35, PATRICK B. O’HARRA, B.C. BURI, TO EACH OF THE ABOVE-NAMED 600 East Boulevard Avenue L. Mogard 514.02, E Amundson 140.00, C WILLIAM BETHKE, AUGUSTE DEFENDANTS: Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0599 Howe 160.00, L Cameron 160.00, T BETHKE, C.J. DIEBOLD & CO., Take notice that the above entitled (701)328-2776 Cameron-36.02, L Cameron 100.00 MARTHA SAHR, AARON SAHR, action is brought for the purpose of quiet - Fax (701) 328-3700 (January 8, 2020) AARON BETHKE, T.E. WOLFENDEN, ing title in the Plaintiff to the following Email [email protected] CORA D. WOLFENDEN, ERNEST L. described real estate: Attorney for Plaintiff GILMORE, MILDRED GILMORE, D.M. (January 1, 8 & 15, 2020) $%%5(9,$7('127,&( BEGORDIE, aka D.M. BEGORDIS, Lots 16, 17, 18 of Block 3 and Lots 7, 2),17(1772 ADELLA BEGORDIS, THEA BETHKE, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 7, O’Hara’s Addition AARON W. BETHKE, GUST A. and Lot 1, Block 3, Original Townsite of $'237$1'$0(1' MOMERAK, LUCILE MOMERAK, the City of Balfour, McHenry County, anaMoose fire $'0,1,675$7,9(58/(6 DOROTHY CARROL BERGMAN, as North Dakota protection District 5HODWLQJWR6HHG&HUWLILFDWLRQ Executrix of the ESTATE OF GEORGE annual Meeting 6WDQGDUGVDQG5HTXLUHPHQWV ROBERT BERGMAN, DECEASED; and that no personal claim is made The annual meeting of the Anamoose HENRY A KENNEY, BERTHA ZINN, against of any of the Defendants in this Fire Protection District will be held at the 1RUWK'DNRWD EDWARD ZINN, W.H. CAMERON, action. Anamoose Fire Hall on Saturday, January 6WDWH6HHG KATIE M. CAMERON, GEORGE O. Dated August 20, 2019 25, 2020. For the purpose of electing offi - GOULD, G.O. GOULD, HARRIET N. Michael S. McIntee, 03326 cers and directors and to take care of any 'HSDUWPHQW GOULD, J.E. CRAVEN, VIOLETTA MCINTEE LAW FIRM other regular and new business that may ZLOOKROGDSXEOLFKHDULQJWRDGGUHVVSURSRVHG CRAVEN, JOHN W. NILSSON, 116 W. 5th St. come before the meeting. The volunteer FKDQJHVWRWKH1'$GPLQLVWUDWLYH&RGH MCHENRY COUNTY, a North Dakota Bottineau ND 58318 department will hold it’s annual meeting at Municipal Corporation, FRANK SWAN - 701-228-3624 5:00PM with a meal after. District meeting 1'6WDWH6HHG'HSW SON, GEORGE HENRY BERGMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff to follow at 7:00PM. Past directors and WK6W1 OLE SALEMONSON AXNESS, MAR - [email protected] retired firemen are invited to the meal. All TIN AANRUD, OLINA AANRUD, (Dec. 25, 2019, January 1 &8, 2020) district patrons are welcome to attend the )DUJR1' MERVYN STUART, GEORGE meeting. 7KXUV)HE BERGMAN, CAROL ROBERT (January 8 & 15, 2020) BERGMAN, WILLIAM E. COOKE, DP $FRS\RIWKHSURSRVHGUXOHVPD\EH ELIZA H. COOKE, FIRST STATE suMMons BANK OF BALFOUR, BANKERS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA REWDLQHGE\ZULWLQJWKH1RUWK'DNRWD INVESTMENT COMPANY, MIN - COUNTY OF MCHENRY Deering city Minutes 6WDWH 6HHG 'HSDUWPHQW  WK NEAPOLIS TRUST COMPANY, AMER - IN DISTRICT COURT Dec 2, 2019 6W 1 )DUJR 1'  RU FDOOLQJ ICAN STATE BANK OF BALFOUR, NORTHEAST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Regular meeting of the Deering City 7KH SURSRVHG UXOHV ANY OF THE ABOVE-NAMED PER - State of North Dakota, by and through Council was held at Community Center at PD\DOVREHYLHZHGRQWKH6WDWH SONS BE THEY DECEASED, ANY the Office of State Tax Commissioner, 8:00 pm with all members present, with 6HHG'HSDUWPHQWZHESDJHQGVHHG PERSON UNKNOWN CLAIMING AN Plaintiff, one council seat vacant. FRP$OVR ZULWWHQ FRPPHQWV PD\ INTEREST IN THE HEREINAFTER vs. Minutes of the Nov. council meeting EH VXEPLWWHG WR  WK 6W 1 DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, Chad M. Martin, were read and approved, with motion by C )DUJR1'XQWLO)HEUXDU\WK Defendants. Defendant. Howe, L Mogard 2nd. MC ,I\RXSODQWRDWWHQGWKHSXEOLF Civil No. 25-2019-CV-00144 Financial report as follows: Previous suMMons KHDULQJDQGZLOOQHHGVSHFLDOIDFLOLWLHV THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA SUMMONS Balance- $71,014.92, Nov. Income- RUDVVLVWDQFHUHODWLQJWRDGLVDELOLW\ TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFEN - THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA $8119.66 Exp.-$2619.55 Dec. 1 Bal.- DANTS: TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN - $76,515.03. Motion L Mogard, 2nd C SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD You are hereby summoned and DANT: Howe to approve the financial report. MC 6WDWH6HHG'HSDUWPHQWDWWKHDERYH required to appear and defend against the YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED olD business: WHOHSKRQHQXPEHURUDGGUHVVDWOHDVW Complaint in this action, which is or will and required to appear and defend against Christmas lights will be put up this GD\VSULRUWRWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ be filed with the Clerk of this Court and is the Complaint in this action, which is week. 'DWHGWKLVVWGD\RI'HF herewith served upon you by serving upon herewith served upon you and has been A new sign for the Lagoon is not here .HQQHWK-%HUWVFK the undersigned an Answer or other prop - filed with the Clerk of the District Court in yet. 1'6WDWH6HHG&RPPLVVLRQHU