The Republic of Tatarstan

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The Republic of Tatarstan The Republic of Tatarstan c 201 Chemicals & petrochemicals Gas and Chemical Complex Project Title Gas and Chemical Complex Project summary Project Idea & Justification Creation of production of the lower olefins from the natural gas and their subsequent polymerization in olefins (output 1 million tons), ethylene (output 450 thousand tons), propylene (output 550 thousand tons) Location Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 1370 Total Project Budget $ 272 mln Fund Requested $ 272 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 832 mln IRR % 21.7 Discount Rate % 15 Discounted Payback Period, years 6.8 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency, Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St., Kazan E-mail: cheMicaLs & petrocheMicaLs 4 c 2 0 2 Chemicals & petrochemicals Oil and gas extraction integrated complex Project Title Oil and gas extraction integrated complex Project summary Project Idea & Justification The new method allows to have a number advantages in the field of oil and gas extraction: • Increasing of the oil recovery (recovery factor) by 10-30% of the initial recoverable hydrocarbon reserves at any stage of the extraction; • Increasing of the reservoir pressure, viscosity reduction and water content reduction; • Increasing of the turnaround time from the welts; • Cleaning of a bottom hole of the formation zone and others Location Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan Total Project Budget $ 4.9 mln Fund Requested $ 4.7 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 14.3 mln IRR % 37 Payback Period, years 1 Discount Rate % 5 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency, Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: cheMicaLs & petrocheMicaLs 5 c203 Chemicals & petrochemicals Modernization and subsequent production extension of the Limited Liability Company «Alabuga-Plastic» Modernization and subsequent production Project Title extension of the Limited Liability Company «Alabuga-Plastic» Project summary Project Idea & Justification Modernization and subsequent production extension of the Limited Liability Company «Alabuga-Plastic» Location Industrial Zone «Alabuga», the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 106 Total Project Budget $ 2 mln Fund Requested $ 1.6 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 0.6 mln IRR % 19 Payback Period, years 4,1 Discount Rate % 11 Discounted Payback Period, years 5,5 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency, Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: cheMicaLs & petrocheMicaLs 6 c 2 0 4 Chemicals & petrochemicals Modernization of washing and steaming station Urussu Modernization of washing Project Title and steaming station Urussu Project summary Project Idea & Justification Washing complex is a complex of structures and devices for cleaning railways, cisterns from the residues of petroleum products and their prepara- tions for fi lling by diff erent liquid products. The technology is based on the using of the advanced methods and environmentally friendly detergents. All processes are automated. Tanks washing are manufactured in a closed circuit. The project capacity is 50 tanks per day. Location Urussu, the Republic of Tatarstan Total Project Budget $ 3 mln Fund Requested $ 0.9 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 0.7 mln IRR % 30 Payback Period, years 2,8 Discount Rate % 15 Discounted Payback Period, years 3,3 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency, Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: cheMicaLs & petrocheMicaLs 7 inFrastructure8 Machinery & autoMotive & DeveLopMent parts М 3 0 1 Machinery & automotive parts Development of the automobile components production in Closed Joint Stock Company «Aktanysh Aggregate Plant» Development of the automobile components Project Title production in Closed Joint Stock Company «Aktanysh Aggregate Plant» Project summary Project Idea & Justification The Initiator plans to increase the production volumes (the volume of the hangers and brakes' components) in order to provide the demand of a KAMAZ Group Location Aktanysh, the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 16 Total Project Budget $ 1 mln Fund Requested $ 0.24 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 0.14 mln IRR % 17 Payback Period, years 3 Discount Rate % 11 Discounted Payback Period, years 3,5 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: Machinery & autoMotive parts 9 М302 Machinery & automotive parts Construction of the plant «Autonormal» Project Title Construction of the plant «Autonormal» Project summary Project Idea & Justification Creation of the plant with world standard production in the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) with capacity over 30 tonns of the automotive components per year; • The creation of the sustainable supply canals of the automotive components and other components for key manufacturers of the machine-building products in Russia; • Implementation of new quality standards in the Autonormal segment components producers and other types of components. Thus, support of the Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan authorities efforts in the improving of the international competitiveness in industrial sector. Location Menzelinsk, the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 270 Total Project Budget $ 215.8 mln Fund Requested $ 0.3 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 433.7 mln IRR % 24 Payback Period, years 6.8 Discount Rate % 9 Discounted Payback Period, years 7.9 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: Machinery & autoMotive parts 10 М 3 0 3 Machinery & automotive parts The organization of modern production of the fuel tanks for trucks The organization of modern production of the Project Title fuel tanks for trucks Project summary Project Idea & Justification Fuel tanks production and their subsequent delivery for new established enterprises and plants in Russia: Volvo-Kaluga, SCANIA-C. Petersburg, Daimler-KAMAZ, Iveco AMT, and for other producers of trucks as well: JSC «KAMAZ» OAO «AZ «Ural». The production will be based on robotic technology. Here is no Mass Production of the analogs of our technology in the Russian Federation. Location Naberezhnye Chelny, the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 99 Total Project Budget $ 8.9 mln Fund Requested $ 8.9 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $ 6.9 mln IRR % 31 Payback Period, years 4 Discount Rate % 12 Discounted Payback Period, years 4,2 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: Machinery & autoMotive parts 11 М304 Machinery & automotive parts Development and re-equipment of ALNAS JSC Project Title Development and re-equipment of ALNAS JSC Project summary Project Idea & Justification Re-equipment will allow to make production more profitable due to the possibility of using new materials and process optimization Location Naberezhnye Chelny, the Republic of Tatarstan Total Project Budget $37.432 mln Fund Requested $28.323 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $46.774 mln IRR % 80.09 Payback Period, years 4.55 Discount Rate % 10 Discounted Payback Period, years 5.1 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: Machinery & autoMotive parts 12 М 3 0 5 Machinery & automotive parts Production of the forging components for manufacture of the automotive suspension elements Production of the forging components for Project Title manufacture of the automotive suspension elements Project summary Project Idea & Justification The project objective is forging production organization for manufacture of the automotive suspension elements. Manufactured products are meant for the following suspension elements: • Torque rod • Steering rod pin • Steering rod end • Pneumatic suspension Location Naberezhnye Chelny, the Republic of Tatarstan Estimated Number of Jobs 78 Total Project Budget $8.090 mln Fund Requested $8.090 mln Financial and Economic Indicators NPV $3.720 mln IRR % 29 Payback Period, years 4.6 Discount Rate % 13 Discounted Payback Period, years 5 Contacts Tatarstan Investment Development Agency Tel.: +7 (843) 570 40 01, +7 917 227 69 92 (Guzel Mullayarova, Adilya Yarullina, Oleg Karpov) 420107, 50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan E-mail: Machinery & autoMotive parts 13 М306 Machinery & automotive parts Production of energy-efficient high-power batteries for vehicles Production of energy-efficient Project Title high-power batteries for vehicles Project summary Project Idea & Justification Organization of the production developed by «HimRusEnergo» LLC. Energy-efficient start- up batteries will provide a guaranteed start-up for the any internal combustion engine at the temperatures even less then minus 50 Celsius.

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