Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! Issue 4 www.totallytkd.com June 2009 The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine T a 4 e 0 k - w S o o n m d e o t F h Fo in or g r s Grandmaster Grandmaster C.K. Choi What If... Interview ...The ITF & WTF Merge? Plus How To Conquer TaeKwon-Do’s Hardest Techniques Who’s The Master! Adrenal Stress Training How To Build A Master Breaker Board Holder Core Flexibility Training Sayed Najem: Journey To Our Dreams As well as many more great articles inside Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! EditorialEditorial The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine Issue 4 - June 2009 Produced and Published by: What can I say, I am impressed by the Harrow Martial Arts in association with amount of support the magazine is getting Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy and the constant supply of articles to the magazine, supplied on a monthly basis. Email:
[email protected] As many know, I write the odd article Tel: +44 (0)7759 438779 myself when the subject matter touches This PDF may be distributed by all provided such me or warrants it, but again, I have been distribution is not done commercially. Charging a fee for removing my articles in order to ensure this PDF (in whole or in part) is strictly prohibited. This space for the rest, though to some that includes distribution by any body, group or individual where a membership, subscription fee or any other charge may not be a bad thing (inset chuckle is required to access or view this PDF and / or its contents.