PRACTICAL GUIDE Sorting, reducing and recovering my household waste... From thoughts to action! Page 1 Sorting guide What is The SMICTOM Sud-Est 35? SUMMARY The SMICTOM Sud-Est 35 is the public What is the SMICTOM Sud-Est 35? p. 2 service in charge of household waste in 68 How the service will be financed? p. 4 towns in the South East of Ille-et-Vilaine. Household waste collection p. 6 The SMICTOM provides several services: Sorting household waste p. 8 collection, sorting, treatment and prevention of recyclable and non-recyclable Waste collection centres on the territory p. 10 household waste. It also manages 12 waste collection centers spread on its territory. ontreui ecé de andes St-Chritoe de ois Ctilon rincé en endeis Va d Montutour Tiis Balazé Sorting guide Lndavrn Stervé Marpiré ontreui ou roue Servon Chaeu ur iine L helle SMICTOM SUD-EST 35 St en Erbre Cteuourg ur iine Po e ois itré St idier Sint uin Erbre 28 RUE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - 35500 VITRÉ oya ur de andes Viine r ous ooup ogn Cornilé itré Mondeert TEL. 02 99 74 44 47 -
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