Cleaning up and Clearing out Problem Pickering Parks
The Pickering 48 PAGES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 WENDEL SIGNS CENTRE STAGE Former Leafs great visits Kia unveils with fans in Pickering sedan Sept. 13 Page B1 Wheels pullout [ Briefly ] Distress Centre School board looking for help DURHAM — Distress Centre budget draws Durham needs volunteers for its telephone help line. Volunteers are selected for small crowd being empathetic, non-judgmental and responsible individuals 18 years or older. The centre pro- vides training in active listening, Four people offer input risk assessment, grief and loss, on education spending setting and maintaining boundar- ies, crisis and suicide intervention, along with prevention techniques. By Crystal Crimi Anyone interested should con- Staff Writer tact the centre for an application DURHAM — Along with money re- package. Once a completed ap- quests Monday came a suggestion for plication is turned in, a telephone a revenue generator during the public interview is held, followed by a school board’s budget input meeting. face-to-face registration meeting, Just days before Durham District during which the training manual is School Board trustees vote on the provided. Next is a two-part train- budget, residents were invited to ing workshop, held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sundays, Sept. 18 share their thoughts at the Aug. 22 and 25. forum. The $525.08 million operating The deadline for submitting an budget and $33.8 million capital bud- application is Friday, Sept. 2. get presented Aug. 18, include almost The volunteer commitment is 300 new staff, as well as maintenance 16 hours a month, including one projects such as $1.3 million in sci- overnight shift from the centre’s ence lab upgrades for Anderson CVI confidential Oshawa location.
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