OJ.... ­ ..-1 :='''''1 ca- , '". ... o .{ PRAIRIE REGI ... SCHEDULE Jan. 13 -19, 19 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


This Week:

Swge 52- The Witch (Page 2) * T. W. Tweed (Page 3) * Sir Thomas Beecham with Montreal Symphony (Page 4) * The Marriage of Figaro (Page 5) * T'S NEARLY ten years since The Four Centle­ I men of Studio "A" first enterL.1ined on the net­ works with their "good close hamlony." Now they ate back on Trolls-C.-marla in a new weekly pro­ gram-Sundays at 5:00 p.m. on CBW. 4:00 p.m. on CDK-CBX. In this picture, clockwise from the microphone, are second tcnor Alan Sawyer, first tenor Jack Reid, haritone Ernest Berry and bass John llarcourt. Sawyer is a newcomer to the group, since it was last heard on the CBe. All four were born in the Ullil<.-d Kingdom, arc now church solo­ ists in and members of the cac Light Opera Company.

Canadian IUusic from A to Z NEW, REVISED and enlarged Catalogue of A Canadilln Composers, providing as complete a Th.e Four Gentlemen record as possihle of musical composition of serious aspiration frolll the earliest-known examples up until the present time, is scheduled to be published a guide to where C'lnaclian music can be pur­ organizations, a note On recordings of Canadian by the CBC if.. mid-January. chased; libraries, historians, students and lecturers. music, a statistical summary of Canadian coln­ The editor is Helmut Kailloann of the eBe Only a thousand c..'Opics will he availahle nnd posers, a biographical section listing 356 Canadian music library in Toronto. The catalogue, consisting orders will be filled in the order in which they nre composers and their works, a cross-index of folk­ of about 250 pages, is intended for use, by con­ received. Enquiries should be sent to the CBG, song arrangements and large-scale works; and lists ductors and performers, in selecting munbers for Box 500, Toronto. The price is $3.50. of the principal Canadian music publishers, com­ programs; church musicians, as a record of C'mn­ The volume will contain: a historical guide to positions inspired by Canada, American composers dian music available for services; program-note C'lnadian music, a biblio~raphy of composition in born in Canada, composers who resided in Canada writers; newspapers, as a ready reference on Cana­ Can.'lda, a bibliography of folk song collections in temporarily and some Canadian composers of dian c..'Omposcrs and composition; music dealers, as Canada, information about Canadian composers' popular music. (Please turn to page 2) Page Two CBC TIMES « « HOTES »» Jake and The Kid. \V. O. Mitchell's emment Association in 1949, and in Betty Phillips, accompanied by Ray sketches of life in Crocus, Sask. To­ the summer of 1951 a number of Nurris on guitar. Mario Prizek, pro­ Recital. Eliz.'lbeth Benson Cuy, sop­ day: Coing to a fire. From Toronto. similar 10<..'31 organizations across Can­ ducer. From . Tano; Ct,'Orge Brough, pianist. From W-4:30 p.m. K·3:30 p.m. X-3:30 p.m. ada joined to form a national associa­ Three Srotti,;h ballad,; I.ady Anile Toronto. tion-\Vorld Federalists of Canada. Ilothwell's I.aml"nt; 0 waly wuly; Little Symphonies. Orchestra con­ Gilderoy. Oan:ynl(>df', SlIlf'lka ~o. I, Erste Ver­ He is chairman of the executive. K-II:30 p.m. X·II:30 p.m. III .. t. nll:itlOi'f' Liebe, Lachen and ducted hy Moland Leduc, From Mont­ W-9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X-8:20 p.m. Weinen, Seell('hkf'1t (Schubert); Fair Trlle, (;radll' SOliK. The LO\'pr~' real. and ~lUSIC )Iazc ~PeTl'I' Wflrlot'k). Hallel, (ranI I.a fl'Tf> I\"IIf'bp (HIIIll­ Vall(.'ouver Symphony. V:l nco 11 V e r CANADIAN FROM A TO Z W-IO:30 a.m. K-9:30 a.m. X-9:30 a.m. lau); Symphony \"0. :Ii in t-: Flal J) :\lajol', K.388 plozal't). Symphony Orchestra <.:ondndN hy (Continued from page W-G:30 p.m. K-G:30 p.m. X·G:30 p.m. Way of the Spirit. Dramatized re­ In a preface to the catalogue, Charles Jennings, Assistant Director ligious subjects for young folk and Stage 52. Tile 'Vitell, hy Hans \Veirs­ General of Programs for the cnc, others. Today: The Sabbath for man. Jenssen, adapted for rndio hy Charles writes: From ;\fontreal. Rittenhouse, from a translation by W-12:30 p.m. K·II:30 a.m. X-II:30 a.m. John MaseGelcl. Hupert Caplan, pro­ "Since 1947 (when the first t,'<1ition duecr. From ~lontreaJ. The play was of the catalogue was distributed), N,Y, Philharmonic. New York Phil­ origi(4'llly scheduled for last Odober composition in Canada has seen a harmonic-Symphony Orchestra con­ but was held up because of <.:opyright most encouraging upward surge. ! ew ducted bv Cuido Cantelli; Clifford difficulties. \Veirs-Jenssen was born in n:lmes have appc;ued and older com­ Curzon, p'ianist. Frnm CBS, Bergen, Norway, where the play is posers have addt,oJ important works to their lists. Performances of Canadian Orc'he";{I'II: All(lanle «ipmlniaoi); set. The main character is Absolom l'iI'llll'C:; III an [\"hlblllon Dlou.s­ Heyer, who died in 1575, when Shake­ works have become more frequent not "ol'J(sk.\' 111'1'. navel). Clilford Cun:on only in Canada but in many parts of 8ml ortll(><:II'a: Plano Conf'erto Xo. ;; sneare was 1L years old. He was a ill E Flal \lajOl'-Thp EllIjJCI'OI' famous Norwegian humanist, drama­ the world. With the awakened interest (Beethoven). tist. lecturer in theology, clergyman in Canadian composition, the need for W-2:00 p.m. K-l:00 p.m. X-l:oo p.m. a reference book on the suhject has ~lIld one of the first great Norwegian nationalists. TlIe Witch has been become more urgent; the CBC recog­ nizes the great value of such a pub­ Cuckoo Clock House, This Sunday described as "a sad commentary on Bill Needles has a tall tale for the the superstition and unrighteousness 1iC'J.tion not only in Canada but in· creasingly so abroad. visit to the story roolll. It is about of the 16th century." It was made Davey Crockett, the American hero lnto a successful movie in Sweden. While realizing that the preparation who is reputed to have been the W-8:00 p.m. K.7·00 p.m. X·7:00 p.m. of such a volume lay sOlTlewhat out­ greatest hunter of all creation, Davey side its usual Geld of activity, such a Joseph Rosenstock weighed 200 pounds, 14 ounces, when Weekend Review. An 3nalysh of the publication was considered so im­ he was born, and was frisky as a wild­ week's news by Burton Kf'ir:-.tead. Joseph nosenstock; Solomon, pianist. portant at this time that the CBC has eM, He grew to he taller than the From Montreal. I'rom Vancouver. undertaken the responsibility, It is tallest tree, so they had to whiUle him W·9:10 p.m. K·8:10 p.m. X-8:1O p.m. Ol'cilcsl!'ll: Dances rrOfll Tilc Three hoped that something of value will down to a mere six feet. All this is Comel'ed lIat (de Falla). Solomon not only be available for the present, and on:he."Itl'a: NO.5 th~ Piano Concel'to told in book Yankee Thunder by Our Special Speaker. B, C. Whitmore. in En'll .'Iajol· The Empel'or but for the future when others may he Irwin Shapiro. Bernie Johnson's songs professor of physics at the University (Bf'f'tllOVl'n). in a position to undertake the neccs­ will be Blue Tuil Fly and Make Mine of Manitoba. Topic: \Vorld Co\ern­ Joseph Rosenstock is the musical di­ 5.uy revisions. The CBC is by far the Coufltnj Style. From Toronto. ment. From \Villnipcg. Dr. \Vhit­ rector and conductor of the New York gleatest single performer and user of Dom. 3:00 p.m. MST. more's interest in i..IIternatiom.l affairs City CentTe Opera and [or two 50.1.­ music in this country, and is acutely goes back to his undcrgmduate days sons had a similar post at the Aspen aware of its responsibilities to Cana­ Critically Speaking. Clyde Cilmour on when he was vice-president of the ~(llSic Festival in Colorado. dian composers; it was also recognized W-I0:00 p.m_ K-4.:30 p.m. X-4:30 p.m. muvies, Cordon Sinclair on radio and League of Nations Union at London how valuable such a compilation Northrop Frye on hooks. and Toronto Universities. He gradu· would be in broadcasting operations." VeSI)er Hour, Choir <...'onduch..oJ hy W-3:30 p.m. K-2:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. ated from London University in 1927 Dalton Baker; readings presented by and from 1928-1931 was on the staff ~sary Eo V. Young, Front Vancouver. The Nece.. Evil.-In the Areo­ Don \Vright Churus, Pop tunes and of the Physics Department at the Uni­ pagitica Milton said: "... Cood and versity of Toronto where he received Theme: \Vintpr. Hymn!': TIc; \Vlntl'r light c1assk.'s hy 14 mixed voic..'Cs, con­ :\"ow. the f'allpn ~now: All ltl'autlrUI evil we l..'now in the field of this his ~r.A. He received his Ph.D. at the duded hy Don \Vright. From Lon­ the )Iarl'h or Uays: PeIH'l'(lIlly Round world grow up together almost in­ University of Leipzig in 1933, after l'~ the Shadows are "'alling. Anthem.~: don, . .-\11 Thing;; Are Still (l1t"dman); 0 separably ... And perhaps this is whidl he rctum<.....a. to England and \Yhl'rf' or Whl'n; \\flntpr \Vonder­ StrenKth and Stay (Thiman). that doom whieh Adam fell into of land; I:hllCfrpn'" I'rllyer. rrom Hansel taught in various schools until l:oming W-11 :30 p.m. K-I0:30 p.m. X·10:30 p.m. knowing good and evil, that is to lind firl'tl'l; :-,hadow \Valtz; At Peace to the University of .\Ianitoha in say, of knowing by evil." .,. \\'1111 the \\'orld: ;,\('\'(,1': The Day good Thou (;8\'('':1. January, 1946. Dr. \Vhitmore ass'sted Ballads. This new series devot<..'<1 to \VC really couldn't do without the Oem. 4:00 p.m. MST in forming the \Vinnipeg \\'orld Gov- baUads will be taken over by soprano deviL-Cllester Duncan, on CBG,

8:45 Marine ForK

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather 4: 00 Here and Thele 7: 30 Dixieland Jan 7:00 CBC News, Weather 9:15 JCindelqalten 01 the 4:15 Accent on Variety 8:00 Radio Thealfe and Marine Foreccut Au Monday, Jan. 14, 1952 4:30 Strike II Rich 9:00 CBC National News 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9:30 Allison Glant 5:00 The Adventures of 9: 15 Nows Roundup 7 :30 CBC News, Weather 9: 35 Mornlnq Devollona CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 10hn Tanner 9:30 Falm Forum 7 :40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill 11:59 Dominion Time Siqnal 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5:15 Don Measer 10:00 Linger Awhile 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 10:00 Road 01 Life 12:00 Menages and MarIne I 2:15 Ma Perkins 5:30 Intelnational 10:30 Recital 8:00 CBC News 10:15 Big Sialer FOlecast 2:30 Pepper Younq Commentary II:00 Report from the 8:05 Weather 10:30 Musical Program 12:15 Falm Bloadcast 2:45 Right to Happiness 5:40 Rawhide Plovinces 8 :07 Geolqe Kent, Sports 10:45 Laula Limited 12:45 Musical Kitchen 3:00 School Bloodca.at 6: 00 Sunshine Society II:15 Talk 8: 15 Breakfast Club 11:00 BBC News 1:00 CBC News 3:30 Musical Varlelies 6:30 CBC News II :30 Abernethy and Lawie 8:45 Weather, Veta on 11: 15 Aunt Lucy I:10 Weather 3:45 The Will to Peace 6:40 Weather Parade II :30 Blave Voyage I:15 The Happy Ga.nQ 3:56 Women's News 6:45 Time Out for Spo~t 12:00 CBC News 9:00 CBC News 11 :45 Eddy Afnold I :45 Smiley Bumelle Commentary 7:00 Nicol'li Worth 12:10 Weather ------C8K, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Weather, Clockwatcher 9:15 BiQ Sisler 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:45 The Will to Peace 5:30 Ffiendly Creature. 9:00 Linqer Awhile 7:00 CBC News 9:30 Musical Ploglam 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's News 5:45 CBC News 9:30 Racital 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9:45 Laulo Limited 12:10 Weather Commentary 5:55 Weather 10:00 Repoll Irom the 7:15 Breakfast Club 10:00 BBC News 12:15 Falm Broadcast 3:00 Concert HaUl 6:00 Rawhide Plovinces 7:45 The Clockwatcher 10: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Smiley Bumelle 3:30 Strike It Rich 6:20 International 10:15 Talk 7:55 Family Worship 10:30 Kinderoarten of the Air 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 4:00 Blave Voyage Commentary 10:30 Abernethy and Laude 8:00 CBC News 10:45 Morning Devotion. 1:15 Ma Perkins 4:15 Don Messer 6:30 Dixieland Jazz II:00 CBC News 8:10 Weather 10:55 lnteflude 1:30 Pepper Younq 4:30 L'ecole de. palents 7:00 Radio Tbealfe 8: 15 Hello SaskatchewaD 10:59 Dominion Time Slgnnl I :45 Right 10 Happiness 4:55 Radio Journal 8:00 CBC National Newli 11:10 Weather 8:45 Kay O'Nem 11 :00 Timely Tunes 2:00 School Bloodcast 5:05 Un Homme et son Peche 8:15 News Roundup 11: 15 Fled Hill 9:00 Rood of LUe 111:15 The Happy Ganq 2:30 Road Repolt 5:15 Yvan l'Intrepld. 8 :30 Farm Forum II :30 Nicol's WOlth

6:45 Musical Program 9:00 Linqer Awhile 7:00 esc News 9:30 Recital 7:05 Weothel, Intedude 10:00 Report from the 7:15 Bleakfast Club Provinces 7: 45 The Clockwatcher 10:15 Talk 7:55 Family Worship 10 :30 Abernethy and Laude 8:00 CBC News 11:00 CBC News 8:10 Weather 11:10 Wealhel 8:15 Musical Ploqrom 8: 45 Betty Toml~n II: 15 Fled Hill 9: 00 Road 01 Lile II :30 Nicol's Woflh

8 :30 Yow: Good Neiqhbour ?·30 Canadicm Pcmofl:~ma (9:30 a.m. CST Ma.n.) 8: 00 Opportunity Knocks For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week·. 8:45 Bod's Scrapbook 8:30 Pless Conlelence (9:45 a.m. CST Man.) 10:30 Your Good Nelqhboul 9:00 Dominion News Times-See Page 8. (Sask. and Alta.) 9:15 United Nallons Today 10:45 Bod's Scrapbook 9: 30 Canadian Sports (Sask. and Alta.) Roundup Page Four CBC TIMES «« HOTES » » actress and free-lance writer Jean Vin­ son. In 1941 they eloped to Toronto, Montreal Symphony. Montreal Sym· where Tweed saw greener pastures. phony Orchestra conducted by Sir The practical joker in Tweed, a vein Thomas Beecham. From MontreaL of mother lode that runs not too far SYJlJphony Xu. 35 In D Major-file below the surface of his nature, ILaiTnel' (i\IOZlll't); SYlIlphony NO. Ii assayed at a high flgure even at his III J) !llinoJ' (Sihelills). wedding. Whereas most devoting ]n 1950, when Sir Thomas Beecham swains give their beloved rings beaT­ reached his 70th year, an English ing inscriptions such as "To my dear­ jounlalist wrote "there was never so est wife, with all my love," Tweed young a 70-year-old." Critic~ say that had engraved inside Jean's wedding Sir Thomas is conducting now with ring the words: "Property of the Utica more finely balanced musicianship Drop Forge and Tool Company." than ever before, that his style has the When little Terry Tweed (now aged old fire and velocity but with them is eight) came along, only the fact that a new mellowness. Sir Thomas is in he could not think of a family name Montreal this week to direct the beginning with "N" restrained Tweed Montreal Symphony Orchestra in two from giving her the initials "T.N.T," concerts, one of which will be heard The Tweed's second child, a hoy, tonight. presented no such obstacle. He is Dom. 7:30 p.m. CST. 10:30 p.m. MST David Donald Tweed (D,D,T,), Mr. Glencannon. Scripts hy Tom The four Tweeds, Tommy's mother, Tweed, featuring Frank Peddie. To­ and a housekeeper live in an old 13­ room house in Toronto's middle-north­ night: The Scot from Scotland Yard. west section, big enough to offord From Toronto. both Tommy and Jean their own W·8:00 p.m. K·7:00 p.m. X·7:00 p.m. "office," wit h Tommy's quarters doubling as the Tweed library. Tt In Search of Ourselves. Human rela­ houses some 3,000 books, most of tions documentary - dramas with them Canadiana and some of them scripts by Len Petersoil dealing with rare. the problems of a "disturbed teacher" When a work on Eugene Francis and an "unhappy child," From O'Beirne, fabulous Irishman who was Toronto. an early pioneer of the \Vest, has Dom. 9:30 p.m. MST. been done, Tweed's findings will appear in a paper to be published by HERE'S TOMMY TWEED the British Columbia Historical So· (Continued from page 3) ddy, one of the many provincial 100 scripts which were broadcast historical societies of which Tweed is from \Vinnipeg and Vancouver, over a memher. He is also a member of the CBC's western network. Tweed­ the Champlain Society, and of several always drawn to newspaper men-had -Drawing by Murray Westgate state sodeties across the border, the much to do with the \Vinnipeg Press British Records Association and the Club's annual "Deer and Skits," and late Nat Zimmcnnan. There also he ducers, then, in the grim thirties, British Records Society, the last two hobnobbed with such people as Ham­ met a newspaper man with whom he editing a Swedish-language paper in devoting-their eHorts to the preserva­ ish McGeachy, now assistant editor of was to work frequently in radio: Esse \>Vinnipeg. tion of old wills and the physical the Toronto Globe and Mail, and the Ljungh, now one of CBe's top pro- In one of his own plays Tweed met (Continued on 1Jage 5)

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather 4 :00 Here and There 7:15 University Series 7:00 CBC News, Weather 9:15 Kindergarten of the 4: 15 Accent on Variety 7: 30 Hollywood Theatre and Marine Forecast Air , Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1952 4:30 Strike It Rich 8 :00 Mr. Glencannon 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9:30 Allison Grant 5:00 Friendly Creatures 8:30 Mystery Theatre 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9: 35 Morninq DevoHons CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc,) (CST) 5: 15 Western Five 9:00 CBC National News 7:40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Nfllll 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5:30 International 9: 15 News Roundup 7:45 Manitoba on Parade 10:00 Road of Life 12:00 Messages and Marine 2:15 Ma Perkins Commentary 19~9g ~~eN~~o~~B:siness 9:00 CBC News 10:15 Big SlstPf Forecast 2:30 Pepper Young 5:40 Tony the Troubadour 8:05 Weather 10:30 Musical Program 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:45 Right to Happiness 5:55 Iohn Fisher 10:15 The Commodore. 9:07 George Kent. Sports 10: 45 Laura Limited 12:45 Guestin' with Kesten 3:00 School Broadcast 6: 00 Sunshine Society 10:30 Now I Ask You 8:15 Breakfast Club II :00 BBC News 1:00 CBC News 3:30 Musical Varieties 6:30 CBC News 11 :00 Chilcotln Trails 8:45 Weather, Vets on 11: 15 Aunl Lucy I:10 Weather 3 :45 Allison Grant 6 :40 Weather II:30 Nocturne Parade II :30 Brave Voyage I:15 The Happy Gang 3 :56 Women's News 6:45 Time Out For Sport 12:00 CBC News 9:00 CBC News II :45 Manlloba March Past 1:45 Western Rhythms Commentary 7: 00 Canadiana 12:10 Weather

6:45 Weather, Clockwatcher 9 :30 Musical Program 7:00 CBC News 9:45 Laura Limited 7:05 Weather, Interlude 10:00 BBC News 7: 15 Breakfast Club 10:15 Aunt Lucy 7: 45 The Clockwatcher 10:30 Kindergarlen 01 the 7 :55 Family Worship Air 9 :00 CBC News 10:45 Morning Devotion. 9: 10 Weather 10:55 Interlude 9: J5 Hello saskatchewan 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 9 :45 Kay O'Neill II :00 Timely Tunes 9:00 Road of Life II: IS The Happy Gang 9:15 Big Sister 11 :45 Gueslin' with Kesten ------CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc,) (MST)------6 :45 Musical Program 9:30 Musical Program 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's News 9:00 The Nation's Business 7:00 CBC News 9: 4.5 Laura Limited 12: 10 Weather Commentary 9: 15 The Commodores 7:05 Weather, Interlude 10:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 3:00 Alberta Memos 9:30 Mystery Theatre 7: 15 Breakfast Club 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Western Rhythms 3:30 Strike It Rich 10:00 Chilcotin Trails 7: 45 Sports Reporter 10:30 Kindergarten of the 1:00 Lile Can Be Beautiful 4:00 Brave Voyage 10:30 Hollywood Theatre 7:55 Family Worship Air 1: 15 Ma Perkins 4: IS Musical Proqram 11:00 CBC News 9:00 CBC News 10: 45 Morning Devotion. 1:30 Pepper Young 4:30 Records at Random 11: 10 Weather 9:10 Weather 10:55 Interlude 1:45 Right to Happiness 5:00 Sunshine Society 11: IS Trans·Continental 8:15 Musical Program 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 2'00 School Broadcast 5:30 The Adventures of 8: 45 Betty Tomlinson 11 :00 Timely Tunes ~~~nser Travellers 9: 00 Road III Lile II: IS The Happy. Gang 2;30 Musical Varieties 5:45 gwc II : 30 Nocturne 9:15 Big Si8~er 11:45 Gueslin' with Kesten 2:45 Allison Grant CBC DOMINION (MST) 8:30 Your Good Neighbour 2:30 Double or Nothinq 9:30 Harmony Hou.. (9:30 a.m. CST Man.) 5:00 Beulah 9:00 Dominion News For Corrections and Late Program Noles for Last Week's 8:45 Bod's Scrapbook 5: 15 Iack Smith 9:15 United Nalions Today (9:45 a.m. CST Man.) 5:30 Army Show 9:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Your Good Neighbour 6:30 Montreal Symphony (Saak.) Times-Sec Page 8. (Sosk. and Alta.) (7:30 p.m. CST Man.) 9:30 1n Search 01 Our.elve. 10:45 Bod's Scrapboole 7:30 Earle Terry Slnqere 10:30 Montreal Symphony (Sosle. and Alta,) 9:00 Hollywood StarTbeatre (Sasle. cmd Alta,) January 13-19 Page Five « « NOTES »» edited a history of Dutch women called From Mother- to Dought.... Our Chief Problem. Lilian Posthumus, W-3:45 p.m. ][-2:45 p.m. X-2:45 p.m. a Dutch economist who writes and broadcasts for women, will talk about some of the main problems facing the CRC Wednesday Night Dutch housewife today. She says The Marriage of Figaro. The CBC many articles like the icebox, vacuum Opera Company in The Marriage of cleaner and other home Cfluipment Figaro, a comic opera in four nets with cannot be replaced in I rolland when music by Mozart, lext by Lorenzo da they wear out; Dutch children have Ponte; fIrst performed in Vienna. May been made mistrustful and intense by I, 1786. The performance will be in the war; every home is crowded to English conducted hy Nicholas Gold­ overflowing; and the fear of splitting schmidt, producL-d by Terence Gibbs. up families through emigration is From Toronto. straining the minds of people who Cast: LouIse Roy-Countc!ls Alma­ often fepl they must get out of the Vil'li; EI'uest AdullIS--Colint AlmR­ viva; James Milligan-the Count's l.'Ountry to cam an adequate income. valet. Figaro; Marguel'ilc Olgnac­ For over 20 years Mrs_ Posthumus has SuzRnna. Figaro's hrlde; Jane Hark­ been working to make women aware ness, \\'U11am Morton, Eric Tredwell. Joan lIall, Victor Wbl1e. Jean Ed­ of the power for good they <.'ould wards and Glenn Gardiner. wield in many spheres of life, includ­ W-7:30 p_m_ K-8:30 p.m. X-8:30 p_m. ing the field of economics. She has Distinguished Artists. Lubka Kolessa, pi:mist, will be this week's recitnlist. From Toronto. on \V, A. W·IO:30 p.m. K-II:30 p.m. X-II:30 p.m. In his role as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee Radio, ROBINSON, M.P. for Simcoe East, had some que.stions to ask about Royal Visit Oklahoma Symphony. Oklahoma City broadcasting equipment when. the Radio Committee visited the CBe's new Symphony Orchestra conducted by Radio Ganada Building recently. MR, ROBINSON is in the centre of the picture Cuy Fraser Harrison. with CBC's Director-General of Engineering, G. W. OLIVE, standing next to one of the tmits used during the recent Canadian visit of Princess Elizabeth Suite rar Orchestra, I-.·om My \VIII­ clow (Elle Slegmelster); Symphony and doing the explaining. At MR. ROBINSON'S rig11t is E. L. BUSHNELL. Director­ ~o. n In E Minor (TC'hRlkovsky). General of Programs for the GRG, and in tM extreme left foreground i3 W-II:00 p.m. ALPHONSE OUIMET, newly appointed Assistant General MafUlger of the CBe. HERE'S TOMMY TWEED (Continued from page 4) tially-completed summer place on Centralization ..• preservation of ancient documents in Lake \Vah-wash-kesh-called, as yOll general. One of Tweed's abiding pur­ might expect, "Mein Camp." Even Here's one statement you can make suits is his attempt to stir up official there Tweed works part of every day about the CBC. That some of the best interest in the establishment of a writing radio scripts for the winter things we Canadi..1.ns ever said or did Parish Register Soci=:t-.I in Canada, season. He goes fishing occasionally are being heard aU over the country. similar to that in England. Historian in his 17-foot Kawartha with a tcn­ Certainly in music. But before this Tweed hates to see valuable infonna­ horsepower outboard, but never could happen we had to get as many tion about Canada's early days rot­ L"8tches anything. Mainly for the kids, of the singers and musicians together ting away from neglect. but also because their minds naturally in one place as we could-or perhaps Both Tweeds work like dogs, as run that way, the Tweeds have huned in two places at most-that place isn't Louise Roy they put it, all winter so they can one room into a musewn of local Hora Moose Jawor Stratford.-Ghester "The Marriaqe of Fiqaro" enjoy their summers at their par· and fauna.-RS.B. Duncan, on GRG.

6:45 Manlloba on Parade 9:10 Weather 3:56 Women's NeW$ 6:40 Weather 7 :00 CDC News, Weather 9: 15 Kindergarten of the Commentary 6 :45 Time Out For Sport and Marine Forecast Air Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1952 4:00 Here and There 7:00 Music at Seven 7 :05 Manitoba on Parade 9 :30 Allison Grant 4:15 Accent on Variety 7:15 Introduction to 7:30 CDC News, Weather 9: 35 Morning Devotions CBW. MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 4: 30 Strike It Rich - Wednesday Night 7:40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill 5: 00 Maqqie Muqqins 7: 30 The Marrlaqe of 7: 45 Manitoba on Parade 10:00 Road of Life 11: 59 Dominion Time Signal 1:45 Smiley Burnett. 5: 15 Don Messer Figaro 8 :00 CBC News 10:15 Big Sister 12:00 Messages and Marine 2:00 Life Can B. Beautiful 5:30 International 10:00 CBC News 8 :05 Weather 10:30 Musical Program Forecast Z: 15 Ma Perkins Commentary 10:15 News Roundup 8 :07 Georqe Kent. Sparta 10:45 Laura Limited 12: 15 Farm Broadcast 2:30 Pepper Younq 5:40 Rawhide 10:30 Diatinquished Artists 8:15 Breakfast Club 11:00 BBC News 12:45 Musical Kitchen 8:45 Weather. Vela on 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 1:00 CBC News i;~g ~~~ltoBr~~~~~~s. 6:00 Jimmy Shields II:00 Oklahoma Symphony Parade II :30 Brave Voyaqe I: 10 Weather 3:30 Mu.ical Varieties 6:15 Piano Pops 12:00 CBC News 9:00 CDC News II :45 Eddy Arnold 1: 15 The Happy Ganq 3:45 Our Chief Problem 6:30 CBC News 12:10 Weather ------;--cBK. SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Weather, Clockwatcher 9:15 Big Sister 11: 15 The Happy Ganq 2:30 Road Report 5:05 Un Homme et son 7:00 Recorded Recital 7:00 CBC News 9:30 Musical Program 11:45 Musical Kitchen 2:45 Our Chief Problem Pecha 7:15 Inuoduction to 7:05 Weather. Interlude 9:45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's New. 5:15 Yvan l'{nuepide Wed.Desday Niqbt 7:15 Breakfast Club 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather Commentary 5:30 Maggie Muqqin. 7:30 NBC String Quartet 7: 45 The Clockwatcher 10:15 Aunt Lucy lZ: 15 Farm Broadcast 3:00 Concert Hour 5:45 CBC Hews B:oo CBC National News 7:55 Family Worship 10:30 Kindergarten of the 12:45 Smiley Burnette 3:30 Strike It Rich 5:55 Weather B:15 News Roundup B:oo CDC News Air 1:00 Life Can Be BeautUul 6:00 Rawhide 8: 30 The Marrlaqe of 8:10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions 1: 15 Ma Perlr:ina 4:00 Brave Voyaq8 6:20 Intemallonal Fiqaro B: 15 Hello saskatchewan 10:55 Interlude 1:30 Pepper Younq 4: 15 Don Messer Commentary 11:00 CBC News B:45 Kay O'Neill 10:59 Dominion Time Signal I :45 Right to Happiness 4:30 Geoqraphie Humaine 6:30 Have You Heard? II: 10 Weather 9:00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 2 :00 School Broadcast 4: 55 Radio Journal 6:45 Memorable Melodies 11:15 Supplement II :30 Distinquished Artists ___~------CBX,ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Musical Proqram 9:15 Biq Sister 11: 15 The Happy Gang 2:30 Musical Varieties 5:15 Piano Pop. 7:15 IntrodUc1ion to 7:00 CBC News 9:30 Musical Program II :45 Musical Kitchen 2: 45 Our Chief Problem 5:30 Maq9ie MU99ins Wednellday Niqht 7:05 Weather, Interlude 9: 45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's News 5:45 CBC New. 7: 30 NBC String Quartet 7: 15 Breakfast Club 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather Commentary 5:55 Weather B:00 CBC National News 7: 45 Sporla Reporter 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm Broadcast 3 00 Alberta Memos 6:00 Rawhide B:15 News Roundup 7:55 Family Worship 10:30 Kindergarten of the 12:45 Western Rhythms 3 30 Strike It Rich B: 30 The Marriage of Air 6 :20 International B:00 CBC News 1:00 Lile Can Be Beautiful 4 00 Brave Voyage Commentary Figaro B: 10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions 1: 15 Ma Perkins II 00 CBC Nows B:15 Musical Program 10:55 Interlude 1:30 Pepper Younq 4 15 Musical Program 6:30 Have You Heard? 11 10 Weather 8 :45 Betty Tomlinson 10: 59 Dominion Time Signal 1:45 Right to Happiness 4 30 Records at Random 6:45 Memorable Melodies II 15 Supplement 9:00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 2 :00 School Broadcast 5 00 Jimmy Shields 7:00 Recorded Recital 11 30 Dis.tinquished Artists CBC DOMINION (MST) B:30 Your Good Neighbour 10:45 Bod's Scrapbook 7: 30 Guest House (9:30 a,m. CST Man.) (sask. and Alta.) 8:00 Gildersleeve 2 30 Double or Nothinq For Corrections and Late Program Notes lor Last Week·s 8:45 Bod's Scrapbook 5 00 Beulah B: 30 Dance Orchestra (9:45 a.m. CST Man.) 5 15 Jack Smith 9 00 Dominion News Times-See Page 8. 10:30 Your Good Nelgbhour 5 30 Club 15 9 15 United Nations Today (8cullr:. and Alta.) 7 00 To Be Announced 9 30 Court of Opinion. Page Six CBC TIMES «« HOTES »» An old hand at radio aruloltllcill!f says: and didion, And that is something that becomes more evident when Deeds That Live, A series of stories people read aloud in front of others. about reforms which have come about "It Helps To Be Crazy!'~ There's no reason that I can think through the efforts of women. Today By LAMOl"T TILDEN of CBC Montreal of to assume that announcers are any 1IlilTict Hill talks about Lucrezia different from their fellow-Illunans­ Borgia, From Montreal.. HEN 1 first broke into broad· Some of you may recall something except on the air. In con\'~rsati()n, we W-3:45 p.m. K·2:45 p.m. X-2:45 p.m. W casting on a full-time basis back announcer Bill IIerhert (not long hack make pretty much the same sort of nBC Hour, "An exploration in sotmd" ill the middle thirties, there were a from the Far East where he did ;j sounds as anybody else, But on the -Henry Reed, one of England's lead­ couple of sayings going the rounds stint as the cac's war correspondent air, it's different. ing young poets and litera-ry critics, lhat still seem to crop up, You've with the Canadian forces in Korea) There, we have to bring into play thus describes a feature program probably heard them. One goes, "You did during the war days when blood the fnll range and tone of our voices. about Canterbury Cathedral which he don't have to be crazy to be a radio plasma was so urgently needed and '·Vc sharpen the precision of our announcer, ., but it helps:' And the blood donors were being sought in speech, for clarity is the essence of prepared for the BBC. It is an impres­ other. "Show me a good radio an· ever-increasing numbers_ Herbert went our job. 'Vc try to present the thoughts sionable portrnit of the Cathedral, nouncer and I'll show you a frustrated to a hlood donor clinic, set up his contained in the scripts given to liS in bringing to life ages of ecclesiastical actor." microphone and proceeded to give a a n orderly and straightforward and political history and conveying in In the years since then, I've seen

6: 45 Manitoba on Parade 9:10 Weather 4: 00 Here and There 7:00 Musical Program 7:00 CBC News, Weather 9:15 Kindergarten of the Thursday~ Jan. 17~ 1952 4:15 Accent on Variety 7: 30 Roy Rogers and Marine Forecast Air 4: 30 Strike It Rich 9:00 John and Judy 7: 05 Manitoba on Parade 9:30 Allison Grant .8:30 Wayne and Shuster 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:35 Morning Devotions CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:00 Dead Man's Island 9:00 CBC National News 7:40 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 2:00 Lite Can Be Beautiful 5: 15 Western Five 9:15 News Roundup 7: 45 Manitoba on Parade 10:00 Road of Life 12:00 Messages and Marine 2:15 Ma Perkins 5:30 International 9 :30 Citizens' Forum 8:00 CBC News 10:15 Big Sister Forecast 2:30 Pepper Young Commentary 10:15 The Metre-Reader 8:05 Weather 10:30 Musical Program 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:45 Right to Happiness 5 :40 Isbister Trio 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 8:07 George Kent, Sports 10: 45 Laura Limited 12:45 Down Dairy Lane 3:00 School Broadcast 5 :55 John Fisher II :00 Vancouver Concert 8: 15 Breakfast Club 11:00 BBC News 1:00 CBC News 3:30 Musical Vari~ties 6: 00 Sunshine Society 8:45 Weather, Vets on 11: 15 Aunt Lucy 1:10 Weather 3:45 Deeds That Live 6:30 CBC News 11 :30 Eventide Parade 1l:30 Brave Voyage 1:15 The Happy Gam; 3:56 Women's News 6:40 Weather 12 :00 CBC News 9 :00 CBC News 11 :45 Manitoba March Past 1:45 Western Rhythms Commentary 6 :45 Time Out for Sport 12:10 Weather ------CBK. SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST) ------6:45 Weather, Cloekwateher 9:30 Musical Program 12:00 eBC News 2:56 Women's News '5:30 Dead Man's Island 8:15 News Roundup 7:00 CBC News 9:45 Laura Limited 12:10 Weather Commentary 5:45 CBC News 8:30 Eventide 7:05 Weather. Interlude 10:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 3:00 Concert Hour 5:55 Weather 9:00 Citizens' Foru(rl 7:15 Breakfast Club 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:45 Martial Matinee 3:30 Strike It Rich 6:00 Isbister Trio 9: 45 The Metre-Reader 7: 45 The Clockwatcher 10: 30 Kindergarten of the 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 4:00 Brave Voy.age 6:15 John Fisher 10:00 Vancouve1' Concert 7:55 Family Worship Air 1:15 Ma Perkins 4:15 Western Five . 6:20 International 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 8:00 CBC News 10:45 Morning Devotions I :30 Pepper Young _ t~g l:~u;~ri~son Francalse Commentary 11:00 CBC News 8:10 Weather 10:55 Interlude 11: 10 Weather 8:15 Hello Saskatchewan 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 1:45 Right to Happmess 4:55 Radio Journal 6:30 Roy Rogers 8:45 Kay O'Nelll 11:00 Timely Tunes 2:00 School Broadcast 5:05 Un Homme et son 7:00 John and Judy 11:15 Through the Lion's 9 :00 Road of Life 11: 15 The Happy Gang 2:30 Road Report Peche 7:30 Wayne and Shuster Gate 9: J5 Big Sister II :45 Down Dairy Lane 2:45 Deeds That Live 5:15 Yvan l'Intrepide 8:00 CBC National News II :30 Al Bollington ______CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) 6 45 Musical Program 9: 15 Big Sister 11:15 The Happy Gang 2:30 Musical Varieties 5:45 CBC New!'. 8 :30 Eventide 7 00 CBC News 9:30 Musical Program 11 :45 Down Dairy Lane 2 :45 Deeds That Live 5:55 Weather 9:00 Citizens' Forum 7 05 Weather. Interlude 9: 45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's News 6: 00 Isbister Trio 9: 45 The Metre-Reader 7 15 Breakfast Club 10:00 BBC News J2:10 Weather Commentary 6: 15 John Fisher 10:00 Vancouver Concert 7 45 Sports Reporter 10:15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Farm BrO'ldcast 3:00 Alberta Memos 6:20 International 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 7 55 Family Worship 10:30 Kindergarten of the 12:45 Western Rhythms 3:30 Strike It Rich Commentary 11 :00 CBC News 9 00 CBC News Air 1:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 4:00 Brave Voyage 6 :30 Roy Rogers 11:10 Weather 8 10 Weather 10:45 Morning Devotions I: 15 Ma Perkins 4: 15 Musical Program 7:00 John and Judy I :30 Pepper Young 4: 30 Records at Random 7:30 Wayne and Shuster 11:15 Through the Lion's 8 15 Musical Program 10:55 Interlude Gate B 45 Betty Tomlinson 10:59 Dominion Time Signal I:45 Right to Happiness 5: 00 Sunshine Society 8:00 CBC National News 9 00 Road of Life 11:00 Timely Tunes 2:00 School Broadcast 5:30 Dead Mar-'s Island 8:15 News Roundup II: 30 Al Bollington CBC DOMINION (MST) 8:30 Your Good Neighbour 10 :45 Bod's Scrapbook 7: 00 Suspense For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week·s (9:30 a.m, CST Man.) (Sask. and Alta.) (8:00 p.m. CST Man.) 2:30 Double or Nothing 7 30 BBC Hour 8:45 Bod's Scrapbook 8 30 The Chuckwagon Times-See Page 8. (9:45 a.m. CST Man.) 5:00 Beulah 9 00 Dominion News 10:30 Your Good Neighbour 5:15 Jack Smith 9 IS United Nations Today (Sask. and Alta.) 5: 30 Army Show 9 30 Cross Section Page Seven

« « NOTES » » 'VHf Carter on Victor; and by Ray He Rang the Bell Heatherington on Columbia. School Broadcast. Continuing the The name of Isbister isn't new to series on men who made Canadian Sung-writer Bill Isbister the entertainment world. Bill has been history, this program will present a AST CHRISTMAS, people passing country without having first been a playing piano in dance bands since dramatization of the Rebellion of H~ the Isbister bungalow in Thorn­ success in the United States. Bill 5..'\ys: his high-school days. hadn't been 1837 when the Refonners. under their L crest Village, a Toronto sub u r h, «Culladians have a peculiar resistance long nut of knee pant.. when he leader William Lyon Mackenzie, at­ noticed lights flashing on and off over to Canadian music until it has heen landed a job with Brian Farnan's or­ tacked Toronto. The script. entitled the head of a little figure mounted nn accepted below the horder. But Pun­ chestra in Toronto, working with The Rebel March on Toronto was pre­ the front door. Closer investigation kinhcad hit the bandwagon on his Brian's brother Bob who is now one pared by Ronald Hambleton; John showed a roly-poly brown hear with own merit." of England's top radio and recording Drainie will take the role of ~...tac­ conductors. In 1934 Bill left school a tuft of yellow hair smack in the In his first week on the market, kenzie. From Toronto. middle of his head. It was Punkin­ (and dropped his plans for a law W.3:00 p.m. K·2:00 p.m. X·2:00 p.m. Punkinhetul turned up in 10,000 career) to join Joe de Cottrey's band head, hero of a novelty song that homes on record, nnd in the three appeared on recordings just before the in Montreal as pianist and arranger­ Sleepytime Story Teller. Stories for weeks after Christmas last yenr 28,000 mistletoe did last year-nnd turned out he was with him for three years, in­ children told by Stan Chapman of recordings of the song were sold. This cluding a year in Bermuda. to be just about as popular, though fall American artists latched onto it, Campbellton, N.B. Today: The Little Back in Canada in 1938 he got into not for the same reason. and it was recorded hy Bill Long and Snow-maiden. radio, both with his own and with W.5:00 p.m. K·5:30 p.m. X-5:30 p.m. Bill Isbister wrote the music and his Ranch Girls (of the National Barn the words, which tell of a sad little Danl:c) on Capital; by cowboy singer other instrumental groups. He spent a year with Jack Allison's radio pro­ bear who had no

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 9: 10 Weather 4 00 Here and There 8:30 Mickey Lester's 7:00 CBC News, Weather 9: 15 Kindergarten of the Friday, Jan. 18, 1952 4 15 Accent on Variety Place and Morine Forecast Air 4 30 Strike It Rich 9 00 CBC National News 7:05 Manitoba on Parade 9:30 Allison Grant CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5 00 Sleepytime Story Teller 9 15 News Roundup 7:30 CBC News, Weather 9:35 Morning Devotions 5 15 Don Messer 9 30 Recital 7:4.0 Family Worship 9:45 Kay O'Neill I11:59 Dominion Time Signal 2:00 Life Can Be Beautiful 5 30 International 10 00 Music by Eric Wild 7: 45 Manitoba on Parade 10:00 Road of Life 12:00 Messages and Morine 2:15 Ma Perkins Commentary 10 30 Vancouver Drama 8:00 CBC News 10:15 Big Sister Forecast 2: 30 Pepper Young 5:40 Rawhide II 00 Canadian Short 8 :05 Weather 10:30 Musical Program 12:15 Farm Broadcast 2:4.5 Right to Happiness 6: 00 Sunshine Society Stories 8:07 George Kent, Sports 10:45 Laura Limited 12:45 Musical Kitchen 3:00 School Broadcast 6:30 CBC News II 15 Literature of Power 8: 15 Breakfast Club 11:00 BBC News 1:00 CBC News 3:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Weather II 30 Musical Fare 8:45 Weather, Vets on 11:15 Aunt Lucy 1:10 Weather 3:45 Mr. Prime Minister 6: 45 Time Out for Sport 12 00 CBC News Parade 11:30 Brave Voyage 1:15 The Happy Ggng 3:56 Women's News 7:00 Chicho Valle 12 10 Weather 9:00 CBC News 11:45 Eddy Arnold I :45 Smiley Burnette Commentary 7:30 Toronto Pop Concert 12 15 Northern Messenger ______CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Weather. Clockwatcher 19:30 Musical Program 112:00 CBC News 12:56 Women's News 5: 30 Sleepytime Story 8 00 CBC National News 7:00 CBC News 9:45 Laura Limited 12:10 Weather Commentary Teller 8 15 News Roundup 7:05 Weather, Interlude 10:00 BBC News 12:15 Farm Broadcast 3:00 Concert Hour 5:45 CBC News 8 30 Toronto Pop Concert 7:15 Breakfast Club 10:15 Aunt Lucy 112:45 S~iley Burnette . ,3:30 Strike It Ric:h 5:55 Weather 9 30 Vancouver Drama 7:45 The Clockwatcher 10:30 Kindergarten of the 1:00 Life Can Be Beauhful 4:00 Brave Voyage 6:00 Rawhide 10 00 Music: by Eric Wild 7:55 Family Worship Air.. I 1:15 Ma Perkins 4:15 Don Messer 6:20 International 10 30 Canadian Short 8:00 CBC News 10:45 Momng Devohons 1:30 Pepper Young 4:30 F Commentary Stories 8:10 Weather 10·55 Interlude I. . orums 6: 30 Chicho Valle 10 45 Literature of Power 8:15 Hello Saskatchewan 10;59 Dominion Time Signal 1 1:45 Rlllht to Happmess 4:55 Radio Journal 7: 00 BJIl Good 11 00 CBC News 8:45 Kay O'Neill 111:00 Timely Tunes 2:00 School Broadcast 5:05 Un Homme et son 7:15 Music by 11 10 Weather 9: 00 Road of Life III : 15 The Happy Gang 2: 30 Road Report Peche 7:30 Mickey Lester's 11 15 Northern Messenger 9:15 Big Sister 1l:45 Musical Kitchen 2:45 Mr. Prime Minister 5:15 Yvan I'Jntrepide Place 11 45 Musical Program ______CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Musical Program 9:15 Big Sister 11:15 The Happy Gang I 2:30 Musical Varieties a 15 News Roundup 7:00 CBC News 9:30 Musical Program 1l:45 Musical Kitchen 2:45 Mr. Prime Minister 8 30 Toronto Pop Concert 7:05 Weather. Jnterlude 9: 45 Laura Limited 12:00 CBC News 2:56 Women's News 9 30 Vancouver Drama 7: 15 Breakfast Club 10:00 BBC News 12:10 Weather Commentary 10 00 Music by Eric: Wild 7:45 Sports Reporter lO: 15 Aunt Lucy 12:15 Form Broadcast 300 Alberta Memos 10 30 Canadian Short 7:55 Family Worship 10, 30 ~\~de,gO

6:45 Manitoba on Parade 8:15 saturday Song Shop 1:00 Metropolitan Opera 7:30 Share the Wealth 7 :00 CBC News, Weather 8:45 Weather, Vets on 4: 00 Ballet Club 8 :00 CDC National News and Marine Forecast Parade Saturday, Jan. 19, 1952 5:00 This Week 8 :05 N.H.L. Hockey 7 :05 Manitoba on Parade 9:00 cac News CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) 5:15 CBC News 9:30 Organ Music 7:30 CBe New., Weather 9:10 Weather 5:25 Weather 10:00 Prairie Schooner 7:40 Family Worship 9: 20 Morning Devotions II :15 Sports Colleqe 112:55 Weather 10:30 Juliette 7 :45 Manitoba on Parade 9:30 Children's Theatre 11:30 CBC Stamp Club Forecast 5:30 NBC Symphony II :00 Music From FUms 8:00 CDC Newa 10:00 Callinq AU Children 11:45 Songs of the West 12:15 Junior Farm Clubs 6:30 Time Out for Sport 11 :30 Sweet and Lively 8:05 Weather 10:30 Good Deed Club 11 :59 Dominion Time Slqnal 12:30 Martial Matinee 6:45 Your United Nations 12:00 CBC News 8: 07 George Kent, Sporta 11:00 BDC News 12:00 Messages and Marine 12:45 CBC News 7:00 CDC Sporb Page 12:10 Weather ------CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST)------6:45 Weather, Clockwatcher I 10:25 Interlude 11:55 Weather 5:45 YoW' United. Nations 9:30 Juliette 7:00 CBC News 10:30 CBC Stamp Club 12:00 Metropolitan Opera 6:00 CBC Sports Paqe 10:00 Music From Filma 7:05 Weather. Interlude 10:45 Songs of the West 3:00 Ballet Club 6:30 Share the Wealth 10:30 Sweet and Lively 7: 15 saturday Song Shop 10:59 Domin.fon Time Sig-nal 4:00 This Week 7:00 CBC National News 7:45 The Clockwatcher 11:00 CBC News 7:55 Family Worship ::~~ =:~:l Proqram :;~~ ~~t~:rws 7:05 N.H.L. Hockey 11:10 Weather 8:00 CBC News 11:30 Melody Roundup 4:30 NBC Symphony 8:30 Org-an Music 11: 15 Armdale Chorus 8:10 Weather i1:4S CBC News 5:30 Sports Colleqe 9:00 Prairie Scbooner 11:30 Trocadero Orchestra ------CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST)-- 6:45 Musical Pr09ram 8: 10 Weather 10:25 Interlude i1 30 World Church News 4: 30 NBC Symphony 9: 00 Prairie Schooner 7:00 CDC News 8: 15 The Earlyhird 10:30 CDC Stamp Club 11 45 CDC News 5:30 Sports Colleqe 9: 30 Juliette 7:05 Weather. Interlude 8:30 Children'. Theatre 10:45 Sonqs of the West 11 55 Weather 5:45 Your United Nations 10:00 Music From Films 7: 15 Saturday Song Shop I 9:00 Calling All Children . 12 00 Metropolitan Opera 6: 00 CBC Sports Page 10:30 Sweet and Lively 7:45 Sports Reporter 9:30 Alberta Memos 10:59 Dominion TIme Signal 3 00 Ballet Club 6:30 Share tbe Wealth 11 :00 CDC News 7:55 Family Worship 10:00 BBC News 11 :00 Melody Time 4 00 This Week 7:00 CBC National News 11: 10 Weather 8:00 CDC News 1 10: 15 Morning Devotiona . 11: 15 Minuet 4 15 CBC News 7:05 N.H.L. Hockey 11:15 Armdale Chorus 4 25 Weather 8: 30 Orqan Music II: 30 Trocadero Orchestra CBC DOMINION (MST) 10:30 Star. OYer 6:00 Twenty Qu..tiona 8:00 Barbershop Quartet Hollywood 6:30 Memory Music Hall I Con~rt CBC TI ME S 5:00 Juke Boz JWT 7:00 Come Into the ParloW' 8: 30 Dance Orchestra 5:30 Adventur.. of Malaie / 7: 30 Donee Orch..tra 9:00 Dominion News (PRAIRIE EDITION) Publhbed "eek.!,r b,. lbe C.nadlan B~lk<ln, C(JfJIOratlOfi at IU Pr.trla Re,tOCl UeadQuuten. 300 TeIe-pbDDe Bulldlne. Wlnnlpe,. ),(anhob.. For CorrecUoDs aDd Late Program Notes for Editor: C. E. L·A.j,H.

Last Week·s Times-See This Page. aubierlpllOQ B.te, $1.00 per ,.••r. AUlhorlud &I SKond CI... )1.11. Post Ottlca Dep.flll)eot. Ou.... PolItll)u~r: Pla..a ratum If not dlIlI~arad .lthlD the d..,•. This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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