OJ.... ­ ..-1 :='''''1 ca- , '". ... o .{ PRAIRIE REGI ... SCHEDULE Jan. 13 -19, 19 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME V No.3 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG, JANUARY 4 $LOO PEl This Week: Swge 52- The Witch (Page 2) * T. W. Tweed (Page 3) * Sir Thomas Beecham with Montreal Symphony (Page 4) * The Marriage of Figaro (Page 5) * T'S NEARLY ten years since The Four Centle­ I men of Studio "A" first enterL.1ined on the net­ works with their "good close hamlony." Now they ate back on Trolls-C.-marla in a new weekly pro­ gram-Sundays at 5:00 p.m. on CBW. 4:00 p.m. on CDK-CBX. In this picture, clockwise from the microphone, are second tcnor Alan Sawyer, first tenor Jack Reid, haritone Ernest Berry and bass John llarcourt. Sawyer is a newcomer to the group, since it was last heard on the CBe. All four were born in the Ullil<.-d Kingdom, arc now church solo­ ists in Toronto and members of the cac Light Opera Company. Canadian IUusic from A to Z NEW, REVISED and enlarged Catalogue of A Canadilln Composers, providing as complete a Th.e Four Gentlemen record as possihle of musical composition of serious aspiration frolll the earliest-known examples up until the present time, is scheduled to be published a guide to where C'lnaclian music can be pur­ organizations, a note On recordings of Canadian by the CBC if.. mid-January. chased; libraries, historians, students and lecturers. music, a statistical summary of Canadian coln­ The editor is Helmut Kailloann of the eBe Only a thousand c..'Opics will he availahle nnd posers, a biographical section listing 356 Canadian music library in Toronto. The catalogue, consisting orders will be filled in the order in which they nre composers and their works, a cross-index of folk­ of about 250 pages, is intended for use, by con­ received. Enquiries should be sent to the CBG, song arrangements and large-scale works; and lists ductors and performers, in selecting munbers for Box 500, Toronto. The price is $3.50. of the principal Canadian music publishers, com­ programs; church musicians, as a record of C'mn­ The volume will contain: a historical guide to positions inspired by Canada, American composers dian music available for services; program-note C'lnadian music, a biblio~raphy of composition in born in Canada, composers who resided in Canada writers; newspapers, as a ready reference on Cana­ Can.'lda, a bibliography of folk song collections in temporarily and some Canadian composers of dian c..'Omposcrs and composition; music dealers, as Canada, information about Canadian composers' popular music. (Please turn to page 2) Page Two CBC TIMES « « HOTES »» Jake and The Kid. \V. O. Mitchell's emment Association in 1949, and in Betty Phillips, accompanied by Ray sketches of life in Crocus, Sask. To­ the summer of 1951 a number of Nurris on guitar. Mario Prizek, pro­ Recital. Eliz.'lbeth Benson Cuy, sop­ day: Coing to a fire. From Toronto. similar 10<..'31 organizations across Can­ ducer. From Vancouver. Tano; Ct,'Orge Brough, pianist. From W-4:30 p.m. K·3:30 p.m. X-3:30 p.m. ada joined to form a national associa­ Three Srotti,;h ballad,; I.ady Anile Toronto. tion-\Vorld Federalists of Canada. Ilothwell's I.aml"nt; 0 waly wuly; Little Symphonies. Orchestra con­ Gilderoy. Oan:ynl(>df', SlIlf'lka ~o. I, Erste Ver­ He is chairman of the executive. K-II:30 p.m. X·II:30 p.m. III .. t. nll:itlOi'f' Liebe, Lachen and ducted hy Moland Leduc, From Mont­ W-9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X-8:20 p.m. Weinen, Seell('hkf'1t (Schubert); Fair Trlle, (;radll' SOliK. The LO\'pr~' real. and ~lUSIC )Iazc ~PeTl'I' Wflrlot'k). Hallel, (ranI I.a fl'Tf> I\"IIf'bp (HIIIll­ Vall(.'ouver Symphony. V:l nco 11 V e r CANADIAN FROM A TO Z W-IO:30 a.m. K-9:30 a.m. X-9:30 a.m. lau); Symphony \"0. :Ii in t-: Flal J) :\lajol', K.388 plozal't). Symphony Orchestra <.:ondndN hy (Continued from page W-G:30 p.m. K-G:30 p.m. X·G:30 p.m. Way of the Spirit. Dramatized re­ In a preface to the catalogue, Charles Jennings, Assistant Director ligious subjects for young folk and Stage 52. Tile 'Vitell, hy Hans \Veirs­ General of Programs for the cnc, others. Today: The Sabbath for man. Jenssen, adapted for rndio hy Charles writes: From ;\fontreal. Rittenhouse, from a translation by W-12:30 p.m. K·II:30 a.m. X-II:30 a.m. John MaseGelcl. Hupert Caplan, pro­ "Since 1947 (when the first t,'<1ition duecr. From ~lontreaJ. The play was of the catalogue was distributed), N,Y, Philharmonic. New York Phil­ origi(4'llly scheduled for last Odober composition in Canada has seen a harmonic-Symphony Orchestra con­ but was held up because of <.:opyright most encouraging upward surge. ! ew ducted bv Cuido Cantelli; Clifford difficulties. \Veirs-Jenssen was born in n:lmes have appc;ued and older com­ Curzon, p'ianist. Frnm CBS, Bergen, Norway, where the play is posers have addt,oJ important works to their lists. Performances of Canadian Orc'he";{I'II: All(lanle «ipmlniaoi); set. The main character is Absolom l'iI'llll'C:; III an [\"hlblllon Dlou.s­ Heyer, who died in 1575, when Shake­ works have become more frequent not "ol'J(sk.\' 111'1'. navel). Clilford Cun:on only in Canada but in many parts of 8ml ortll(><:II'a: Plano Conf'erto Xo. ;; sneare was 1L years old. He was a ill E Flal \lajOl'-Thp EllIjJCI'OI' famous Norwegian humanist, drama­ the world. With the awakened interest (Beethoven). tist. lecturer in theology, clergyman in Canadian composition, the need for W-2:00 p.m. K-l:00 p.m. X-l:oo p.m. a reference book on the suhject has ~lIld one of the first great Norwegian nationalists. TlIe Witch has been become more urgent; the CBC recog­ nizes the great value of such a pub­ Cuckoo Clock House, This Sunday described as "a sad commentary on Bill Needles has a tall tale for the the superstition and unrighteousness 1iC'J.tion not only in Canada but in· creasingly so abroad. visit to the story roolll. It is about of the 16th century." It was made Davey Crockett, the American hero lnto a successful movie in Sweden. While realizing that the preparation who is reputed to have been the W-8:00 p.m. K.7·00 p.m. X·7:00 p.m. of such a volume lay sOlTlewhat out­ greatest hunter of all creation, Davey side its usual Geld of activity, such a Joseph Rosenstock weighed 200 pounds, 14 ounces, when Weekend Review. An 3nalysh of the publication was considered so im­ he was born, and was frisky as a wild­ week's news by Burton Kf'ir:-.tead. Joseph nosenstock; Solomon, pianist. portant at this time that the CBC has eM, He grew to he taller than the From Montreal. I'rom Vancouver. undertaken the responsibility, It is tallest tree, so they had to whiUle him W·9:10 p.m. K·8:10 p.m. X-8:1O p.m. Ol'cilcsl!'ll: Dances rrOfll Tilc Three hoped that something of value will down to a mere six feet. All this is Comel'ed lIat (de Falla). Solomon not only be available for the present, and on:he."Itl'a: NO.5 th~ Piano Concel'to told in book Yankee Thunder by Our Special Speaker. B, C. Whitmore. in En'll .'Iajol· The Empel'or but for the future when others may he Irwin Shapiro. Bernie Johnson's songs professor of physics at the University (Bf'f'tllOVl'n). in a position to undertake the neccs­ will be Blue Tuil Fly and Make Mine of Manitoba. Topic: \Vorld Co\ern­ Joseph Rosenstock is the musical di­ 5.uy revisions. The CBC is by far the Coufltnj Style. From Toronto. ment. From \Villnipcg. Dr. \Vhit­ rector and conductor of the New York gleatest single performer and user of Dom. 3:00 p.m. MST. more's interest in i..IIternatiom.l affairs City CentTe Opera and [or two 50.1.­ music in this country, and is acutely goes back to his undcrgmduate days sons had a similar post at the Aspen aware of its responsibilities to Cana­ Critically Speaking. Clyde Cilmour on when he was vice-president of the ~(llSic Festival in Colorado. dian composers; it was also recognized W-I0:00 p.m_ K-4.:30 p.m. X-4:30 p.m. muvies, Cordon Sinclair on radio and League of Nations Union at London how valuable such a compilation Northrop Frye on hooks. and Toronto Universities. He gradu· would be in broadcasting operations." VeSI)er Hour, Choir <...'onduch..oJ hy W-3:30 p.m. K-2:30 p.m. X-2:30 p.m. ated from London University in 1927 Dalton Baker; readings presented by and from 1928-1931 was on the staff ~sary Eo V. Young, Front Vancouver. The Nece.. Evil.-In the Areo­ Don \Vright Churus, Pop tunes and of the Physics Department at the Uni­ pagitica Milton said: "... Cood and versity of Toronto where he received Theme: \Vintpr. Hymn!': TIc; \Vlntl'r light c1assk.'s hy 14 mixed voic..'Cs, con­ :\"ow. the f'allpn ~now: All ltl'autlrUI evil we l..'now in the field of this his ~r.A.
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