ANNABELLE Written By Gary Dauberman
ANNABELLE written by Gary Dauberman 09.24.13 - 10.07.13 INT. ST. MONICA'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - MORNING A MONSTROUS GARGOYLE. Sculpted in stone. A WARRIOR ANGEL. In stained glass. CHRIST ON A CROSS. Carved in wood. And that's FATHER PEREZ -- late 40s, of flesh and bone -- standing at the pulpit -- FATHER PEREZ God honors sacrifice. And our sacrifices touch God's heart and move his hand. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you..." And while you will no doubt throw this up ON SCREEN: LOS ANGELES, 1970 You could already tell that by the hairstyles and wardrobe of the congregation. Among them are -- MIA and JOHN FORM. 20s. Holding hands. Seem to be enjoying the sermon. But as the camera pans down we see they're actually engaged in -- An intense thumb war battle. PEREZ "...Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his loved ones." Mia almost has him but John -- sneak attack -- extends his pointer finger and pins her down -- PEREZ (CONT'D) Let us pray. One... two... MOMENTS LATER Organ BLARES. Congregation rises. A murmur of conversation. John and Mia walk down the aisle. Out in the NARTHEX They're greeted by PETE HIGGINS, early 50s. He was the man seated next to them in the pew. PETE Who won? 2. MIA John. But he cheats. John squeezes Mia. His hand over the small bump of her belly. JOHN It was two against one. I had to do something... Mia blushes. Embarrassed.