The Edinburgh and Leith Directory to July 1801, Containing An
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland jf.DINBU^pH AND LEITH DIRECTORY CONTAINTNG AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT .FjBLI'MEN, PRIVATE GENTLEMEN, MERCHANTS, TRADERS, AND OTHERS, In the City and Suburbs of EDINBURGH AND LEITH, &c. ELEGANT ATLAS OF SCOTLAND EVGRAPEC FOR THIS WORK. CAREFULLY SELECTED BY THOMAS AITCHISON, LEITH WTNJD* IHv Two Shitting. ' «? D \1953. , . MAGISTRATES OF EDINBURGH W&OM this Directory is mojl refpeclfully infribed.) Tic Right Honourable Sir James Stirling, Bart. Lerd Frcyf.', and Lord Lieutenant cf the City. Bailies. William Fettcs, Efq; I Robert Bow, £fq; D^vid Willifon, Efq; Arch. Mtnzies, | Efq; James Jackfon, Efq; Bean of Guild. Thomas Henderfon, Efq; Tieafnrer. Archibald Gilchrift, Efq; Old Provcft. Old Bailies. James Eyre, Efq; I Peter Hill, Efq; Tho. George Spankie, Efq; | M'Ritchie, Efq; Charles Kerr, Efq; Old Dean cf Guild. • James Dewar, Efq; Old Treaf. and College Trecf. Merchant Counfllo, Trades Counfellors. MefT. Arch. Campbell, MefT. William Ranken, Thomas Hunter, and Thomas Milne, John Lindfay, jun. Ordinary Council Deacons. T. Kennedy, Furriers, Conven. James Hunter, bakers, Andrew Wood, Chirurgeons Andrew Hutchifon, Flejhers, David Lindfay, fen.- Skinners, George Muirhead, Waidkers Extraordinary Council Deacons. Pat. Cunningham, Goldfmitbs, I Wiliiam Eaine, Tailors, George Gregory-, Rammermtiiy.. I William Rofs, Cordiners, James Galbraith, Wrights, \ Eben. Gairdner, Weavers, Robert Dickibn, Mafias, \ William PurfelL Bonnet:r.ah> James Ofwald, Efq;-) Peter Hill, Efqj Be:, on Baiik John Pattifon, Efq; ( arm. of Crno-igatc and Calton. ^^*rs - Wm. Stewart, Efq: f la. C!ephan,7 „ ., Wm.F.Tytler, E(q;_) Alex.Boog/f*^^' Geo.
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