
21st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2010/2011 www.21stcenturysciencetech.com $5.00

• The Great • Radio Frequency Emission from Sea Level DNA Humbug

• Malthusian Assault on DDT Refuted 21st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Vol. 23, No. 4 Winter 2010/2011

Features News NUCLEAR REPORT LUC MONTAGNIER’S REVOLUTION IN BIOLOGY 23 RUDOLF SCHULTEN’S HIGH 6 New Evidence for a Non-Particle View of Life TEMPERATURE REACTOR: Laurence Hecht A Technology Ready for Today Dr. Urban Cleve France’s leading virologist, Luc Montagnier, demonstrates the emission of low-frequency electromagnetic waves from bacterial 30 Let’s Tell the Truth About DNA sequences, and the apparent ability of these waves to organize Plutonium and Hanford nucleotides into new bacterial DNA. Michael R. Fox, Ph.D. THE GREAT SEA-LEVEL HUMBUG SPACE REPORT There Is No Alarming Sea Level Rise! 35 Space Technology Can 12 Transform Africa Nils-Axel Mörner Marsha Freeman While the IPCC and its boy scouts present wilder and wilder sea INTERVIEW: DR. MOHAMED ARGOUN level predictions for the near future, the real observational facts 37 ‘Bring the Benefits of Space to demonstrate that sea level has remained virtually stable for the Developing Countries’ last 40-50 years. Departments EDITORIAL 2 Science and Morality: Celebrating Robert J. Moon at 100 4 NEWS BRIEFS BOOKS A Feverish Malthusian Defends Malaria As a Non-Problem 40 The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind For 500,000 Years by Sonia Shah Reviewed by Donald Roberts, Ph.D. Looking at Man’s Role In the Universe 47 Talking About Life: Conversations on Astrobiology by Chris Impey Reviewed by Oyang Teng

On the Cover: Malé, the island capital of Philip Ulanowsky the Maldives, which, contrary to the global Dr. Robert Moon teaches electrodynamics at a summer camp near Leesburg. See warming hype, is not in danger of inunda- p. 2. tion; cover design by Alan Yue. EDITORIAL STAFF EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Laurence Hecht Managing Editor Marjorie Mazel Hecht SCIENCE AND MORALITY Associate Editors Elijah C. Boyd Celebrating David Cherry Christine Craig Marsha Freeman Robert J. Moon at 100 Colin M. Lowry Gregory B. Murphy There is much to celebrate about the dependent on computers to solve prob- Richard Sanders life of Dr. Robert J. Moon (1911-1989), lems, but to do hands-on experimenta- Charles B. Stevens who would have been 100 years old on tion in a laboratory. “The freedom to ex- Books Feb. 14, 2011. Many of our readers are periment in a laboratory is an essential David Cherry familiar with Moon and the extraordi- part of a young scientists education,” he Art Director nary impact the work of this creative sci- said. “You can’t learn to be a scientist by Alan Yue entist had in the Manhattan Project, in passively taking in what someone else physics, in biology, and in the education accomplished.” Advertising Manager of young scientists and others, including When he came to the University of Marsha Freeman the editors of 21st Century. A just re- in 1930, at age 19, Moon want- SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD leased 45-minute video with Oyang ed to work on a new idea—controlled Francesco Celani, Ph.D. Teng and Laurence Hecht (larouchepac. nuclear fusion. This put him in the De- Hugh W. Ellsaesser, Ph.D. com/node/17501) presents some high- partment of Physical Chemistry, working Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. lights of Moon’s impact, and a Fall 2004 with Prof. William Draper Harkins Wolfgang Lillge, M.D. special issue of 21st Century covered in (1873-1951), who had proposed the Ramtanu Maitra depth his life and work.* idea of fusion and whose work on the Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., Ph.D. In today’s largely anti-science and ma- neutron Moon had studied. Harkins was B.A. Soldano, Ph.D. terialist world, where the qualities that happy to have Moon, who began work- Moon exemplified are in short supply, it ing on the necessary equipment for fu- is important that Moon and what he rep- sion experiments (he started with build- 21st Century Science & Technology resents be available as a model for future ing the University’s first Geiger counter), (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 4 times a generations, and future scientists in par- and at the same time studying and dis- year by 21st Century Science Associates, ticular. cussing the new ideas coming out on 60 Sycolin Road, Suite 203, Leesburg, Va. 20175. Tel. (703) 777-6943. Moon never sought fame or fortune as particles and waves, and the connec- Address all correspondence to 21st a scientist; he passionately sought the tions of frequency with energy. Century, P.O. Box 16285, Washington, causes of phenomena and how to use his Science and Optimism D.C. 20041. knowledge and insights to improve the Science in this period was exciting, 21st Century is dedicated to the promotion of unending scientific progress, conditions of life in the present, and for full of new discoveries, and optimism all directed to serve the proper common the future. He grew up at a time when about the future. Scientists were not aims of mankind. electricity and automobiles were com- afraid to question the commonly accept- Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily those of 21st Century Science ing into widespread use, and as a child ed laws of physics and rewrite them as Associates or the scientific advisory board. he explored how both of them worked, needed. During this time, Moon de- We are not responsible for unsolicited becoming a skilled electrician, auto me- signed and built a 50-inch cyclotron, to manuscripts. chanic, and experimentalist at an early accelerate charged particles. It weighed Electronic subscriptions are $25 for 6 issues or $48 for 12 issues. Back issues age. He continued his experiments in about 50 tons, and was superior to the (1988-2005) are $5 each ($8 foreign). physics and chemistry, graduating from first cyclotron, built by Ernest O. Law- Electronic issues from 2006 on are $5 each. Southwest Missouri State College in rence at the University of California. He Payments must be in U.S. currency. 1930. also wrote his doctoral thesis on diffrac- Copyright © 2010 The key to science, Moon said, is to tion patterns created by electrons in the 21st Century Science Associates define a problem and then develop the surface of oleic acid, by which he was ISSN 0895-682 tools needed to tackle it, as he had. His able to see the structure of liquid surfac- advice to college students was not to get es, and find the structure of molecules. www.21stcenturysciencetech.com Moon often returned in his thoughts to * Several articles from that issue are available at this early work, which applied ideas first www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/moonsubpg. html. The entire issue can be purchased for $5 ($8 proposed by Louis de Broglie, and would foreign). often insist that every electron commu-

 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology EDITORIAL nicated with every other. When the Manhattan Project began during World War II, Moon’s cyclotron was essential as a source of neutrons for transmuting and testing materials, in par- ticular testing the ability of graphite to slow down (moderate) the neutrons which would be used to bombard and split uranium, releasing energy in the process. It was Moon who figured out how to get the necessary purity in the graphite blocks so that they could mod- erate the neutron speed, and thereby ac- celerate the uranium fission into a chain reaction. For Moon, the Manhattan Project days were characterized by the frequent dis- cussions that went on, probing ideas with scientists from different disciplines, hav- ing deep conversations about the moral implications of the nuclear energy they were producing. Moon pursued this kind Philip Ulanowsky/EIRNS of theoretical and experimental probing Dr. Moon teaching youth in a summer camp near Leesburg. throughout his life. He loved teaching, especially teaching others how to think sharp image of difficult-to-reach internal burg, Virginia, which is published in the deeply about an idea, simply by talking organs, like the stomach or lower intes- Fall 2004 issue of 21st Century, where he with them. And having them do the basic tines, onto a screen for medical diagno- discusses the evolution of his thinking experiments, for example in electrody- sis. (This was a precursor to the CT scan.) about space and time, and how it led to namics, that had laid the basis for his un- The device was also used for detecting his ordering of the Platonic solids into derstanding of how things work. It was flaws in metals, for example in nuclear what we now call the Moon Model. his constant probing of new ideas, com- reactors. When the Fusion Energy Foundation bined with his wide knowledge of classi- Moon also created what was called a (along with two other LaRouche publish- cal physical and chemical experimenta- neutron thermometer, which was de- ing entities) was put into forced bank- tion, that gave him the ability to view signed to transform the heat of a nuclear ruptcy in April 1987, by a faction of the space and time with increasing insight reactor into electricity. government out to “get LaRouche,” it hit and precision. Work with the LaRouche Movement Moon very hard. Without any warning, Moon was directly involved in bring- In the early 1970s, Moon began to col- the Foundation office, including Moon’s ing Harry Truman the petition of scien- laborate in Chicago with the political desk and files, was locked up, along with tists urging the new President not to drop movement of Lyndon LaRouche. He ran all our books, papers, and file cabinets. the bomb (which their Manhattan Project for the post of alderman in Chicago, par- At the time, Moon was working on a had developed) on civilians, but to dem- ticipated in national conferences, taught proposal to set up a new science univer- onstrate its destructiveness on a remote classes, and, in 1974 was a founding sity, based on the principles of teaching island. And after the bomb was dropped, member of the Fusion Energy Foundation science that he had elaborated over the Moon made the decision to leave nucle- in . He also served as an years. ar physics and work in other areas. He advisory editor to the Foundation’s We soon established 21st Century Sci- became a professor at the University of Fusion magazine, the predecessor of ence & Technology as a successor to Fu- Chicago’s Institute of Radiobiology and 21st Century, and became the editor-in- sion magazine, and Moon persevered, Biophysics, from where he rapidly devel- chief of the Foundation’s theoretical beginning new work on biophysics and oped several new inventions. The first, in journal, The International Journal of Fu- the process of aging, developing his ideas 1949, was a radioactive measuring de- sion Energy. on the atomic nucleus, teaching, and ad- vice, small enough to be inserted in a hu- If I were to summarize Moon’s work vising. Moon died in October 1989, just man heart to detect abnormalities in from the early 1970s until his death in after the forced bankruptcy was reversed heart function. 1989, I would say that most of the time by a Federal bankruptcy judge. Then, Moon designed and built the he was just having fun, thinking and hy- I cannot help but think of Dr. Moon first scanning X-ray device, which pro- pothesizing about the quantization of now as being in God’s time, Kairos, and duced superior images to standard X- space and time, and teaching science to perhaps still contemplating the nature of rays, at 1/2,000 of the then standard dose. people of all ages. You can get a sense of space, as he did when he lived in Chro- Subsequently, he developed this into an this in his own words in a transcript of a nos, man’s time. electron gun apparatus, that projected a class he gave in September 1987, in Lees- —Marjorie Mazel Hecht

EDITORIAL 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011  NEWS BRIEFS

NASA BUDGET PROPOSALS: THE RACE TO THE BOTTOM Vying to outdo each other in their race to destroy the space program, the FY12 proposal outdo NASA’s budget from the Obama Administration and the Republicans call for severe cuts, that would continue to make it impossible for Americans to ever get out of Earth orbit. The Administration FY12 budget proposal freezes NASA’s spending at the 2010 level of $18.7 billion. This is $300 million less than the FY11 Administra- tion budget proposed last year, which was never passed. NASA, like the rest of the Federal government, is currently operating at its FY10 level through a Con- tinuing Resolution. The Congress did pass an FY11 Authorization Act in October, which directed NASA to carry out a number of exploration programs, but that money was never appropriated. The money that will be “saved” this year, when the Space Shuttle is retired, is allocated by the White House to increase commercial crew funding to $850 million, which is a level that the Congress will not accept. The rest is for a $1 billion “technology” development program, which Congress will also not go along with, because there is no serious mission in sight which would use new tech- nology. For the Moon/Mars future, NASA has already told Congress that there is not enough money in the budget for a new heavy-lift launch vehicle for trips beyond Earth orbit, which Congress has mandated to fly by 2016. The Republican budget proposal outdoes the White House, proposing what would be a $578 million cut, for FY11. This is contained in their bill to fund the rest of this year, after the Continuing Resolution expires in March. In addition, the bill prohibits any funds from being used, in any way, to cooperate with the country with the world’s fastest-growing space program—China.

BRAZIL AND ARGENTINA TO BUILD NUCLEAR PLANTS TOGETHER Brazil and Argentina signed an agreement in late January to cooperate in building two multi-purpose research reactors—one for each country. This cooperation is “an non- renounceable common patrimony of the Brazilian-Argentine strategic association,” Ar- gentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Brazilian President Dilma Rous- seff stated, explaining that the expertise that each nation has developed over the years will be brought to bear in this project, working through the Bilateral Nuclear Energy Com- mission (COBEN). Argentina’s Atomic Energy Commission and Brazil’s National Nucle- ar Energy Commission will work together closely in producing the research reactors. The agreement emphasizes that cooperation in this field will have “a great impact on the development of their respective nuclear sectors.” COBEN will also be instructed to continue advancing education and training of human resources, while the Permanent Argentine-Brazilian Committee on Nuclear Policy is instructed to deepen the dialogue, with bilateral and political cooperation in those areas encompassed by the bilateral nuclear agenda. Argentina and Brazil each has two nuclear reactors and one under construction;

VERNADSKY INSTITUTE HELPS PREPARE UNMANNED MISSION TO PHOBOS Among the photos taken by the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft Image of Phobos (above) in its fly-by of the Mars moon Phobos on Jan. 9, there are several that feature proposed by Mars Express (shown landing sites for Russia’s Phobos-Grunt mission, scheduled for launch later in 2011. here in artist’s concept), The photos, taken at a distance of 100 kilometers, show in new detail the pre- taken Jan. 9, 2011, at a vious and currently planned landing sites for Phobos-Grunt, which would be distance of 100 km. The the first spacecraft to land on Phobos, reported Alexander Basilevsky, a member ellipses mark the of the Phobos-Grunt team based at the Vernadsky Institute in Moscow. Using previously planned (red) the new images, scientists can construct a high-resolution topographic map of and currently considered the landing sites, which should help determine where Phobos-Grunt will ulti- (blue) landing sites for mately touch down. That decision will take place later this year, most likely after the Russian Phobos- the craft has been launched, but the new images indicate that the old landing Grunt mission. site may be as hospitable as the new one, says Basilevsky. The team also has selected potential landing sites on the Moon, for future Russian space missions there.

 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NEWS BRIEFS NUCLEAR-POWERED MARS HOPPER DESIGNED BY INL TEAM A team at the Idaho National Laboratory has designed a nuclear-powered hopper that can examine one Martian site, jump to another, and repeat, hundreds of times. “We’ve got a little guy that we think can hop about 15 kilometers [more than 9 miles] every five to seven days,” says Steven Howe, director of the lab’s Center for Space Nuclear Research. The hopper design is about as big and heavy as an adult emperor penguin and capable of travelling almost 200 times as far as the solar-powered rovers Spirit and Opportunity did in their first five years on Mars. A single rocket launch from Earth could deploy several hoppers at once, and a few dozen hoppers could map the entire Martian surface in a few years, Howe says. Hoppers Idaho National Laboratory could also serve as a network of weather stations monitoring the Martian climate and could collect air, rock, and soil samples to send back to Earth. The long-lived hoppers don’t have to carry fuel with them, and they can suck up the carbon-dioxide-rich Martian atmosphere and use it as a propellant. On cue, stored heat from a radioisotope power source hits the propellant and rockets the hopper in an arc toward its next landing site. Smaller thrusts orient the hopper and soften its landing.

AFTER STAY IN SPACE STATION, CHERRY TREE SEEDS BLOOM AND GROW Tiny seeds from the prized Chujohime Seigan-zakura mountain cherry in Japan were sent to outer space in November 2008, to see whether it would help them to germinate, and the experiment was a success. Preservationists had been unable to Idaho National Laboratory cultivate more of the variety without grafting, because its seeds did not germinate. The Mars hopper (above) would use heat In a collaborative effort between preservationists and the Japan Aerospace Explo- from the radioisotope with a Stirling en- ration Agency, about 265 Chujohime Seigan-zakura seeds were stored in the In- gine to generate electricity to power on- ternational Space station for 8 1/2 months, along with seeds from other cherry vari- board scientific instruments and the pro- eties. pellant capture system. After collecting Upon their return, some of the mountain cherry seeds produced buds, and others Martian rock and dust samples at the have shown extraordinary growth, reported Yomiuri Shimbun on Washington’s Birth- source, the hoppers could deliver them day, Feb. 22. This raises the important question of the effect of zero gravity and the to an Earthbound rocket (top). cosmic radiation environment on life. Traditionally it has been thought that cosmic radiation is damaging to life, but this is an example of the opposite.

FULL SUN NOW VISIBLE IN 3-D STEREO NASA’s twin STEREO probes moved into position on opposite sides of the Sun on Feb. 6, and are now beaming back uninterrupted images of the entire Sun, front and back. “For the first time ever, we can watch solar activity in its full 3-dimensional glory,” says Angelos Vourlidas, a member of the STEREO science team at the Naval Re- search Laboratory in Washington, D.C. “STEREO has revealed the Sun as it really is—a sphere of hot plasma and intricately woven magnetic fields.” Each STEREO probe photographs half of the Sun and beams the images to Earth, where researchers combine the two views to create a sphere. STEREO’s telescopes are tuned to four wavelengths of ex- treme ultraviolet radiation, designed to trace key aspects of solar ac- tivity such as flares, tsunamis, and magnetic filaments. Now, active sunspots on the far side of the Sun, which can lead to coronal mass Jay Friedlander/stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov ejections that disrupt the Earth’s power grid, will not hit as a surprise. Scientists will be An artist’s illustration of the two STEREO able to improve space weather forecasts for airlines, power companies, satellite op- (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) erators, and others. satellites, which were launched in 2006. For more information and graphics, see http://science.nasa.gov/ science-news/ Prior to STEREO, astronomers could see science-at-nasa/2011/06feb_fullsun/ only the side of the Sun facing Earth.

NEWS BRIEFS 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011  Luc Montagnier’s Revolution in Biology New Evidence for A Non-Particle View of Life by Laurence Hecht

Jan. 21, 2011 rance’s leading virologist, Luc Montagnier, has brought forth remarkable new evidence for a non-particle view of life. The emission of low-frequen- Fcy electromagnetic waves from bacterial DNA sequences, and the appar- ent ability of these waves to organize nucleotides (the raw material of DNA) University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine into new bacterial DNA, by mediation of structures within water, are among the Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier: His important results reported to date. groundbreaking new work looks at the inter- By demonstrating the interaction of living organisms with electromagnetic play of radiation with life. waves, perhaps including the low-frequency Schumann resonance waves in the Earth’s atmosphere, the work has revolutionary implications for biology and our whole understanding of the universe, extending the work begun in the 1920s by such figures as Alexander Gurwitsch, who detected ultraviolet radiations from growing plant cells. The signals detected by Montagnier appear to be a property of most bacteria infecting humans, as well as many viruses, includ- ing HIV, influenza A, and hepatitis C. Further, it appears from the research, that some common diseases not previously consid- ered to be of bacterial origin, may indeed be so. In evidence of that, signals identical to those detected in test tubes containing live bacteria, have been found in the blood plasma, and in the DNA extracted from the plasma, in patients suffering from Al- zheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic Lyme syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and various neuropathies. Dr. Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in 2008 for his 1983 discovery of the HIV virus, has proposed to employ these radio frequency techniques for detection of chronic bacterial and viral infections, and to explore means to use them in treat- Jiaotang University ment of diseases including AIDS and autism. Montagnier also Prof. Montagnier at Jiaotang University in Shang- notes that such techniques might some day provide a solution to the growing hai, receiving his appointment in November 2010 problem of evolution of antibiotic-resistant organisms. to a university chair. Montagnier, under attack in Under attack from the science establishment in Europe and elsewhere in the the West, will continue his research at Jiaotang. West, Montagnier, age 78, has now made the decision to pursue further re-

. L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, E. Del Giudice, C. Lavalee, A. Tedeschi, and G. Vitiello, “DNA Waves and Water,” (2010) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1012.5166

. The Schumann resonance refers to the waves of base frequency 7.83 Hz and its higher harmon- ics which propagate in the waveguide formed between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. In 1952, German atmospheric physicist Winfried Schumann hypothesized that lightning activity would produce such low-frequency waves, and by dividing the circumference of the Earth by the velocity of light, he predicted the approximate frequency later detected.

 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology search in China, at a new research institute which will bear his name at Shanghai’s Jiaotang University.

The Non-Particle View Montagnier’s experiments bear upon certain crucial questions of scientific method which could not be properly addressed within the usually posed paradoxes of 20th Century physics, but which begin to find a clearer resolution when the subject matter becomes the relationship among the non-living, living, and also cognitive domains. For example, we knew already from the work of de Broglie and Schrödinger in the 1920s, that the paradoxes arising from the attempt to reduce experience within the non- living domain to a particle-based conception of substance, could be overcome by a wave conception which subsumed the phe- nomena of electromagnetic radiation and the old “mechanics” International Organization for Mycoplasmology within a unified conception of microcosm and macrocosm. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae attached to swine cilia. The my- However, Schrödinger was unable to carry over such insights coplasma are very small bacteria, without a cell wall, which are into the domain of life, instead proposing a disappointing no- implicated in several human diseases. tion of local negation of entropy to explain the obvious upward organizing principle characterizing both evolutionary progress bacteria and viruses that had infected them. The first experiments and cognitive human advance. That difficulty was resolved used Mycoplasma pirum, a species of small, cell wall-deficient midway through the 20th Century by Lyndon LaRouche’s rec- bacteria, about 300 nM in size. The mycoplasma constitute a ge- ognition that human creativity, which he recognized as the nus of very small bacteria, which are implicated in a number of driving force of human physical economic advance, and the human diseases and are resistant to many types of antibiotics. actual source of wealth or value, as opposed to all prevailing After filtration of a culture of human lymphocytes infected theories of labor content or market valuation, was also the with Mycoplasma pirum through filters of 100 nM or 20 nM po- knowable principle of universal progress, or cognate with it. rosities, incubation on a sterile culture of human lymphocytes Therefore, the characteristics of that universally propagated showed regeneration of the original mycoplasma. The sterility creative principle must be adducible from properly constructed of the cultures on which the mycoplasma was regenerated had investigations into the relationship of cosmic radiations to life been rigorously tested for traces of bacterial DNA, and showed on Earth—provided that the usual flawed assumption about the negative. “Repeated search for traces of mycoplasma DNA by completeness and efficacy of the human sensorium, the five PCR [polymerase chain reaction] and nested PCR using specific senses, is cast aside, as LaRouche has recently emphasized. primers for the adhesin gene or for the 16S ribosomal gene was By revisiting the question of the interplay of radiation, includ- consistently negative,” Montagnier reports. ing atmospheric and, implicitly, cosmic radiation, with life, the These were the results, first observed 10 years ago, which set Montagnier experiments have brought to bear some fresh new Montagnier on this experimental path. evidence into this area of inquiry which had been declared al- 2. Emission of low-frequency waves from the filtrates. In the most verboteny b the science establishment for most of the last course of investigating this anomalous phenomenon, Montag- century. nier and colleagues found a remarkable new property of these filtrates. After dilutions with water, the apparently sterile fil- The Experimental Evidence trates were shown to produce low-frequency electromagnetic To make these matters more transparent, let us now review in greater detail the extraordinary experimental results reported by Montagnier and his colleagues. 1. Regeneration from filtrates. In a paper published in 2009, Montagnier et al. reported evidence of bacteria and viruses re- generating themselves from apparently sterile solutions. After passage through filters of pore sizes far smaller than the bacteri- um or virus, solutions which had contained infected cultures, but tested as sterile after filtration, were able to regenerate the

. For example, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., “A Wedding Anniversary: The Sixth Sense,” EIR, Jan. 14, 2011, pp. 4-22. http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2011/ 3802sixth_sense.html See also, the report “The Extended Sensorium” by the LaRouche “Basement” Project, EIR, Feb. 4, 2011 and http://www.larouchepac.com/node/17172

. L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, S. Ferris, J-L. Montagnier, C. Lavalee, “Electromag- CDC netic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences,” Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences The more classical Escherichia coli, here shown magnified (2009) Vol. 1, pp. 81-90. 1,250X in a fluorescent antibody stained photomicrograph.

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011  Jacques Benveniste, whose 1980s research found that an antibody remained in very diluted water—and who was then subjected to ridicule by the science mafia. waves in a manner that was reproducible. Similar emissions were also found in apparently sterile filtrates of solutions that had been infected with a larger, more classical bacterium, E. coli, and with other microorganisms. But no signal was found in unfiltered solutions (Figure 1). Figure 1 The waves were detected by an apparatus that had been de- Device for the capture and analysis of electromagnetic signed by immunologist Jacques Benveniste. Before being test- signals: (1) a coil of copper wire, impedance 300 Ohms; (2) plastic stoppered tube containing 1 mL of the solution . Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) had been the director of the immunology lab to be analyzed; (3) amplifier; (4) computer with soft- of France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). His re­ ware. search in the 1980s showed that water, which had once contained an antibody, Source: “DNA Waves and Water” but had been diluted to such a degree that no molecule of the antibody could remain, was still capable of acting upon a type of white blood cell known as a basophil. Benveniste concluded that the configuration of water molecules had become biologically active, despite the absence of the antibody. Benveniste’s results were replicated by independent laboratories in , Italy, and Israel, ed, the samples are serially diluted, 1 part in 10, in small (1.5 before their June 1988 publication in Nature. But in a follow-up visit to Benveniste’s milliliter) plastic tubes, which are then tightly stoppered and laboratory by a team including Nature editor John Maddox and magician James strongly agitated for 15 seconds, a critical step. The sample is Randi, the results could be reproduced in many, but not all trials. Benveniste called the visit a mockery, and denounced McCarthy-like methods. But the high- placed inside a coil of copper wire of 300-ohm impedance, profile defamation campaign byNature caused him public discreditation. which acts as a detector of low-frequency electromagnetic sig- nals, attached to an amplifier. Comput- er software is used to separate back- ground noise, and the signal is Fourier-analyzed. The first low dilu- tions were usually negative for a signal. Positive signals were usually obtained at dilutions ranging from 10-5 to 10-8, or 10-12 (5 to 8, or 12 successive dilutions). Higher dilutions were again negative. The original unfiltered suspension was negative at all dilutions for all microor- ganisms studied (Figure 2). When the signal appears, an in- crease in amplitude and in frequency over the background is detected. Fre- quencies close to 1,000 Hz and its multiples were found. The range of the detected frequencies falls in what is sometimes called the extremely low frequency (ELF) band of electromag- netic radiation (about 3 to 3,000 Hz). The bacteria are emitting frequencies which would be audible were they Figure 2 sound waves, but as electromagnetic Fourier-analyzed signal from aqueous dilutions of Mycoplasma pirum. The spikes signals are traditionally thought of as at the left are the 50 Hz signal from electric circuit. The spikes at the right (prom- lying at the very low end of the radio inent in D-9 to D-12) are interpreted as the positive signal of about 1,000 Hz from frequency spectrum. the bacteria. A remarkable feature of the results Source: “DNA Waves and Water” with bacteria and viruses is that many of the emitting filtrates are so highly di-

 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology luted as to have almost no likelihood of containing the original infectious agent or its complete DNA. In order to account for this, as well as the appearance of signals from pure water, Montagnier adopted an hypothesis developed by researchers into the anomalous properties of water, namely, that coherent, polymeric nanostructures are formed in the water. A number of physical studies have reported the formation of long polymers of hydrogen-bonded dipoles in water. However, these tended to be short lived. In Montagnier’s view, the emitted signals may be a resonance phenomenon, perhaps depending upon exci- tation by the ambient electromagnetic noise. Their persistence after the removal of the agent which forms them might be due to a coherence effect produced by the radiations themselves, as postulated by Italian physicists Emilio Del Giudice and Giu- liano Preparata. (Results dating back to the 1920s had shown the existence of emissions from living substances at the much higher frequency CDC range of ultraviolet light. Such emission was later confirmed by Scanning electron micrograph of Salmonella typhimurium Fritz-Albert Popp, who named the phenomenon biophotons. bacteria magnified 15,000X. Montagnier observed electro- magnetic signals in dilutions of Salmonella, and other bacterial species. German researcher Fritz-Albert Popp slightly out of phase, like a radio jamming. Alternatively, the continued the 1920s abundance of nanostructures can form a gel in water and there- work of Alexander fore are prevented to vibrate.” Gurwitsch, investigating If this is truly a wave effect, it should be possible to demon- emissions from living strate that the properties of the dilutions could be communi- plants of high frequency cated, not by physically combining them, but by placing the untraviolet light, which plastic tubes containing them next to one another. This was he named biophotons. demonstrated by placing a donor tube of a low “silent” dilution (10-3) of E. Coli next to a receiver tube of a positive “loud” dilu- tion (10-9) of the same substance. Popp and colleagues demonstrated that the light was coherent, The tubes were placed for 24 hours inside a box surrounded somewhat like a laser; that the emitting molecules are coupled by a nickel-iron alloy known as mu-metal, which has the prop- by a coherent radiation field; and that the source is the DNA in erty of suppressing low-frequency magnetic fields. The hypoth- the cell nucleus. Whole body biophoton detection in Popp’s lab esis was that the mu-metal would shield them from external showed a correlation with known biological rhythms of diur- nal, lunar, and other periodicity, and suggested the existence of a globally organized biophoton field for the organism.) 3.“Cross talk” between the test tubes. In continued experi- mentation by Montagnier, it proved possible both to eliminate the signal from certain dilutions, and to cause others, which had not emitted, to begin emitting signals. This is the phenom- enon Montagnier refers to as “cross talk.” In one series of experiments, negative (non-emitting) dilu- tions were combined with positive (emitting) dilutions. Thus, when 0.1 mL of a negative low dilution (perhaps 10-3) was add- ed to 0.4 or 0.9 mL of a positive dilution (10-8), the latter be- came negative. “This indicates,” writes Montagnier, “that the ‘silent’ low dilutions are self-inhibitory, probably by interfer- ence of the multiple sources emitting in the same length, or

. E. Del Giudice, G. Preparata, G. Vitielo, “Water as a free electric dipole la- ser,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 61, pp. 1085-1088 (1988). CDC . See, for example, Gurwitsch & Gurwitsch, “Twenty Years of Mitogenetic Ra- diation: Emergence, Development and Perspectives,” 21st Century Science & Scanning electron micrograph of the human immunodeficiency Technology, Fall 1999, pp. 41-53. virus (HIV-1), which is spherical in appearance. Montagnier ob- . cf. Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and its Radiations, edited by served electromagnetic signals from a portion of the virus F.A. Popp (World Scientific, 1992). DNA.

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011  In experiments reported by Montagnier at a 2010 conference in Lindau, a tube of pure water, when ex- posed to a second tube emitting signals, was made to emit signals, and then to cause DNA sequences placed into the pure water to assemble into sequenc- es similar to those of the original emitting organism. Because of its importance we will summarize the ex- periment in as much detail as is available. As reported in a 2010 paper on the experiment,10 a fragment of DNA taken from the long terminal re- peat of the AIDS virus (HIV) was used as the source. (The long terminal repeat is a portion of the DNA found in retroviruses that repeats itself many times over.) The fragment was then amplified by the PCR technique, in which a naturally derived enzyme, known as polymerase, artificially stimulates the DNA to reproduce many copies of itself when the nucleo- tides and other raw materials are supplied. Dilutions of the PCR-amplified DNA solution were then made, as in earlier experiments, until an electromagnetic signal was detected. Figure 3 The contents of the tube were then filtered through Small test tubes containing diluted bacterial culture, or pure water, 450-nm and 20-nm porosity filters, and diluted from were placed inside a solenoid of copper wire which was shielded 10-2 to 10-15. A second tube containing pure water was by mu-metal to prevent extraneous magnetic influence. A genera- subjected to the same filtration and dilutions. The tor sent an electrical signal to the solenoid, creating a low-frequen- tubes were then placed near to one another inside a cy magnetic field of 7 Hz. The device could cause “cross talk” between horizontally oriented copper coil or solenoid (Figure the tubes. 3). The solenoid and tubes are placed inside a con- Source: “DNA Waves and Water” tainer shielded by a 1-mm-thick layer of mu-metal. A low-intensity electric current oscillating at 7 Hz was then fed to the solenoid from an external generator for electromagnetic noise, permitting the active electromagnetic 18 hours at room temperature. emissions from the bacteria to act on their own. After 24 hours When the tube containing pure water was removed after 18 in the shielded box, the donor tube was still silent, but the re- hours, it was found to emit signals, as did the tube containing ceiver tube had also become silent. But when the receiver tube the diluted filtrate of viral DNA. No emission occurred under was further diluted, a signal appeared again. the following conditions: “These results suggest,” writes Montagnier, “that the receiver • Time of exposure less than 16-18 hours tube was made silent by the formation of an excess of new • No coil nanostructures, which could emit signals upon further dilu- • Generator turned off tion.” By interposing a sheet of mu-metal between the tubes, it • Frequency of excitation less than 7 Hz11 was possible to suppress the effect. • Absence of DNA in the first tube. The cross talk also proved to be species specific. Electromag- Now comes the most remarkable step. The ingredients for netic signals were observed in dilutions of other bacterial spe- synthesizing DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (nucleo- cies, including Streptococcus B, Staphylococcus aureas, Pseu- tides, primers, polymerase) were added to the tube containing domonas aeroginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Bacillus subtilis, the pure water. It is expected that the PCR reaction should re- Salmonella, and Clostridium perfringens. The signals were de- tected in the same range of dilutions observed for E. coli, and the transfer effect was noted upon immersion in a mu-metal . “DNA between Physics and Biology: DNA Waves and Water” from the pre- shielded box. But a species could only “talk” with a member of sentation of Dr. Luc Montagnier, Lindau, 28 June 2010 http://montagnier.net/ montagnier/index.php/publications/ the same species. 4. Wave transmission of DNA genetic information to water. 10. L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, E. Del Giudice, C. Lavalee, A. Tedeschi, and G. Vi- tiello, “DNA waves and water.” The next phase of the experimentation proved truly remarkable, for it comes close to challenging the tenet of biology, some- 11. Compare the experiments of Italian biophysicist Bruno Brandimarte in ap- plying low-frequency magnetic oscillations, both in vitro, and to the healing of times known as Redi’s principle, and also strongly defended by wounds and other pathologies. Brandimarte proposes that magnetic oscilla- Pasteur, that all life comes from life (omne vivum ex vivo). Yet, a tions below 10 kHz are non-Maxwellian waves, which should be called mag- closer analysis will demonstrate that it is not the truth of the neto-electric, not electromagnetic. See, Bruno Brandimarte, “Whole-Body Magneto-Therapy Speeds Wound and Disease Healing,” 21st Century Science principle, but what we mean by “life” which is actually chal- & Technology, Summer 2010, pp. 21-30. www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Ar- lenged by the results. ticles_2010/ Summer_2010/Magneto-Therapy.pdf

10 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology quire the presence of at least one Again, the Non-Particle View copy of the DNA segment which is A broad view of the results of to be reproduced, to serve as an ini- Montagnier, as also those of the tial template for DNA amplification. Craig Venter group, touch upon a This was not added. The PCR reac- most fundamental question as to tion was then performed in the usu- the nature of life. In stating the prin- al way by cycled exposure to heat. ciple, all life comes from life, a prin- The result was that the DNA pro- ciple which has never been shown duced from the tube initially con- to be violated in any experiment to taining pure water was of the ex- date, it is usual to envision some pected size and 98 percent identical material process, such as egg and in sequence to the original DNA se- sperm, spore, or cell division, as quence from the long terminal re- the responsible agent. In the results peat of the HIV. Out of 104 nucleo- reported here, however, the life tides (the molecules which join principle appears to be transmitted, together to make up the DNA struc- not by the immediate presence of a ture), only two were different from material substance, but mediately, the original. The experiment was re- in connection with a signal detect- producible and successful in 12 out able by electromagnetic apparatus. of 12 tries. It was successfully re- The fuller elaboration of the mech- peated with a DNA sequence from anisms, whether by formation of a bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, nanostructures in water as suggest- the spirochete responsible for Lyme ed, or perhaps by additional means, disease. remains to be worked out. Howev- Montagnier concludes his report er, we can say that the Montagnier with the observation: CDC results, as also the widely reported Photomicrograph of Borrelia burgdorferi, the spi- results of the Venter group in creat- These elements give support to a rochete bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Mon- ing a bacterial cell controlled by an provocative explanation of our tagnier also found electromagnetic signals from a assembly of a complete bacterial Mycoplasma pirum filtration portion of this bacterium in diluted water. genome,14 require an extension of experiment: The nanostructures that usually limited conception of induced by M. pirum DNA in the filtered water represent life. But it is the work of Montagnier, which sheds the greater different segments of its genomic DNA. Each nanostruc- light on the question. ture, when in contact with the human lymphocytes, is The attempt to reduce the principle of life to something de- retro-transcribed12 in the corresponding DNA by some rivable from the laws of chemistry and physics was never very cellular DNA polymerases. Then there is a certain satisfactory. The argument of the vitalists, that an animating probability (even very low) that each piece of DNA principle must be superimposed upon the presumedly self- recombines within the same cell to other pieces for evident material substance of living matter, also had its reconstructing the whole DNA genome. We have to limitations. With the results of Montagnier, we recognize assume, that in presence of the eukaryotic cells, the that the principle, omne vivum ex vivo, still holds, but only synthesis of the mycoplasma components (membrane on the condition that we adopt a non-particle conception of lipids, ribosomes) can be also instructed by the myco- life. plasma DNA. One single complete mycoplasma cell is then sufficient to generate the whole infection of 14. In 2010, researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institutes reported what lymphocytes. Recent experiments of the C. Venter group some called “artificial life” (Gibson, et al., “Creation of a Bacterial Cell Con- trolled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome,” Science, Vol. 329, pp. 52-56, have shown [Gibson D.G., et al., Science, Vol. 329, pp. 2010). Ingeniously extending known methods of cloning, the team caused 52-56 (2010)] that a synthetic genomic DNA is sufficient 100 components of artificially synthesized gene sequences to assemble to maintain all the characteristics of a mycoplasma. All into a structure virtually identical to the DNA of the bacteria Mycoplasma mycoides. Inserted into the cell of a closely related species of mycoplasma, the steps assumed in the regeneration from water can be the new cell grew into colonies, expressing the synthetic DNA sequence. analyzed and open to verification.13 The word “creation” in the article’s title is, however, misleading. To those confused into supposing that life has been created de novo, some clarity might be achieved by the very rough analogy that the synthesis requires the E. coli and baker’s yeast organisms as surrogate “father” and “mother,” as it were. The synthesis requires staged insertion of the sub-products into the larger E. coli bacterium, and then into the DNA of S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast), where the artificialM. mycoides genome comprises about 5 percent 12. By this, I believe Montagnier means to indicate that the single-stranded of the total DNA length. Life is not created de novo, but only in the presence DNA is synthesized as in a retrovirus, but without the presence of the RNA tem- of life, as in the Montagnier experiments. This, apart from moral consider- plate. Instead, the aqueous nanostructure serves as the “template.” ations as to the misuse possible in all genetic experiments, as also in the patenting of biological materials in agriculture, neither of which we take up 13. Montagnier, “DNA Waves and Water,” op. cit. here.

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 11 THE GREAT SEA-LEVEL HUMBUG There Is No Alarming Sea Level Rise! by Nils-Axel Mörner

n an interview and paper published in 21st Century in 2007, I have shown that Iglobal sea level is not in an alarming ris- ing mode, which is the main threat in the International Panel on Cli- mate Change scenario. If sea level While the IPCC and its boy One of the approximately 1,190 beautiful is not rising at a high rate, there is scouts present wilder and wilder coral islands that comprise the nation of no serious threat and no real prob- sea level predictions for the near the Maldives. As Mörner shows, the Mal- lem. In subsequent papers, I con- dives are not in danger of inundation. tinued to present new data on sea future, the real observational level stability. In Mörner 2007b, facts demonstrate that sea level short sea level booklet titled “The Greatest Lie our field observational database has remained virtually stable for Ever Told” (Mörner 2007c) was updated in new from the Maldive Islands was de- the last 40-50 years. editions in 2009 and 2010. scribed in detail. A new study in Here I will investigate the proposed rates of Bangladesh was published in 2010 sea level changes by IPCC and others. (Mörner 2010a). New data with respect to general sea level Figure 1 illustrates the differences between the IPCC models changes were published in another paper (2010b). Also, my and the observational facts. After 1965, the two curves start to diverge significantly (the area marked with a question mark). 1. The interview and article appear in the Fall 2007 21st Century. The interview This paper will highlight the differences and seek the solution of is available online at www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202007/ what data to trust and what to discard. MornerInterview.pdf Figure 2 shows the spectrum of present-day sea level esti- mates. The proposed rates of sea level rise range from 0.0 to 3.2 Renowned oceanographic expert Nils-Axel Mörner mm per year. Obviously, all has studied sea level and its effects on coastal areas these rates cannot be correct. I for some 45 years. Recently retired as director of the will try to straighten out the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at question mark in Figure 1 by un- Stockholm University, Mörner is past president (1999- dertaking a critical examination 2003) of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Chang- of the rates given in Figure 2. es and Coastal Evolution, and leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project. Now he has his own company on Observational Facts Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics in Sweden, and can Clear observational measure- be reached at [email protected]. ments in the field indicate that sea level is not rising in the Mal-

12 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology The IPCC group and the Presidents of the Maldives and Tuvalu continue to claim that the flooding is in progress, and will soon flood the islands and wipe those island nations off the Models surface of the globe (or rather ocean). Already here we are facing a behavior that well might be termed a “sea-level-gate.” In an open letter to the President of the Maldives (Mörner 2009), Observations I addressed the divergence between his claim and our field observations. No reply has come. Bangladesh is a nation cursed by disasters— heavy precipitation in the Himalayas and coastal cyclones. As if this were not bad enough, it has been claimed that sea level is in rapidly rising mode. This claim has been total- Figure 1 ly discredited by my study in the Sundarban SEA LEVEL CHANGES (1840-2010) area, where the facts are that the sea has re- The pink curve, “Models,” represents the IPCC’s combination of selected mained stable for the last 40-50 years (Mörner tide-gauge records and corrected satellite altimetry data. The blue curve, 2010a). “Observations,” represents the observed eustatic sea level changes in the The erroneously inferred sea level rise has field according to Mörner (1973) up to 1960 and (in this paper), thereaf- been used to create wild scenarios where it is ter. After 1965, the two curves start to diverge, presenting two totally dif- claimed that tens to hundreds of thousands of ferent views (separated by the area with the question mark), where only people may be drowned and “millions of indi- one view can be tenable. viduals will be displaced from their homes over the course of the century due to sea-level rise” (Byravana and Raja 2010). This is, indeed, dives, Bangladesh, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and French Guyana a terrible falsification of the actual situation. We are undoubt- (Mörner, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2010a, 2010b). All these plac- edly facing a “sea-level-gate.” The journal that published this es are key sites in the sea level debate, where the IPCC and its false claim, Ethics and International Affairs, refuses to print a ideological associates have predicted terrible flooding scenar- comment “that focuses on empirical data.” With surprise, we ios. The reality is totally different from what the IPCC claims, must ask: What is the meaning of addressing moral concern, if however, as highlighted in my interview and article in 21st the entire empirical base is wrong? Century. In Tuvalu, the President continues to claim that they are in the process of being flooded. Yet, the tide-gauge data pro- vide clear indication of a stability over the last 30 Spectrum of estimates of present-day sea level rates years (Mörner 2007a, 2007c, 2010b; Murphy 2007). In Vanuatu, the tide-gauge indicates a stable sea level over the last 14 years (Mörner 2007c). From the coasts of French Guyana and Surinam there is a very excellent sea level record covering multiple 18.6-year tidal cycles (Gratiot et al. 2008). It exhibits variations around a stable zero level over the

mm/year last 50 years (Mörner 2010b). For the same area, sat- ellite altimetry gives a sea level rise of 3.0 mm/year. This casts clear doubt on the satellite altimetry value, as discussed further below. The sea level record from Venice may be used as a test area for global eustasy. Subtracting the subsid- ence factor, it shows no rise of eustatic origin, no ac- celeration whatsoever in the last decades; instead, it shows a sea level lowering around the year 1970 Figure 2 (Mörner 2007a, 2007c). RATES OF SEA LEVEL CHANGES (mm/year) The northwest European coasts are interesting be- The spectrum of proposed rates of present-day sea level changes ranges from 0.0 mm/year, according to observational facts from a number of key sites all over the world, to 3.2 mm/year, according to 2. Eustacy or eustatic change (as opposed to changes in land lev- el) refers to changes in the ocean level (earlier thought to be calibrated satellite altimetry. global, but nowadays realized also to be regional, because of horizontal redistribution of water-masses).

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 13 cause here we have sites that are experi- encing both uplift and subsidence. The tide-gauge at Korsør in the Great Belt (the strait between the main Danish islands of Zealand and Funen), for example, is lo- cated at the hinge between uplift and subsidence for the last 8,000 years. This tide-gauge shows no sea level rise in the last 50-60 years. The tide-gauge in , installed in 1682, is the oldest in the world. Super- imposing this subsidence record on the uplift record from the Stockholm tide- gauge, I was able to isolate a eustatic fac- tor for the time period 1680 to about 1970 (Mörner 1973). This shows a rise from 1830-1840 up to 1930-1940 of 11 cm. In that 100-year period, the Earth’s Paulo Filgueiras/U.N. Photo rate of rotation decelerated at a value The global warming mania has captured many leaders of small island nations. Here, which corresponds to a 10-cm sea level U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (third from left) addresses a breakfast meeting rise (see, for example, Mörner 1996). with representatives of small island states, in Cancun, , on the sidelines of the Consequently, there is a very good fit U.N. Conference on Climate Change. between sea level rise and rotational deceleration, which seems to provide a measure of a global Adding to this the eustatic component of the northwestern Euro- sea level factor (the blue line with respect to the red line in pean region (Mörner 1973), we get partly the local rate of subsid- Figure 3). ence (red curve), and partly the eustatic component, extended Cuxhaven, on the German coast, has a tide-gauge dating back up to the present and double-checked for the pre-1970 section to 1843, in an area that represents the subsiding segment of the (the difference between the blue and the red curves). North Sea coasts. Figure 3 shows the annual mean values for 160 The regional eustatic sea level change decelerates after years, with a long-term trend polynomial fitted to it (Herold un- 1930-1940, becomes flat around 1950-1970, and falls from publ.). This curve (blue) gives a slightly sinusoidal rising trend 1970 up to the present. This provides firm evidence that sea that represents the mean relative sea level changes in the area. level is not at all in a rapidly rising mode today; rather there is

Figure 3 CUXHAVEN TIDE-GAUGE RECORD The gray area gives the actual tide-gauge reading for the North Sea German port of Cuxhaven for 1843-2003—that is, for 160 years. A polynomial was fit- ted (by Jörn Herold) to this tide-gauge record. Adding the eustatic component of Mörner (1973) for the period 1840-1970, gives a straight line of subsidence (red) with a rate of 1.4 mm/year. The eustatic component (the difference be- tween the blue and red curves) can now be extended up to 2003, and it shows a stop in the rise at around 1960, followed by a continual lowering up to The kugelbake, an old wooden lighthouse 2003; that is, a trend totally different from that proposed by the IPCC models at the North Sea port of Cuxhaven. This but in full agreement with the observational facts in Figure 1. coastal area is an area of subsidence.

14 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology Vyron Lymberopoulos eseas.org Amsterdam has the oldest installed tide-gauge in the world, A tide-gauge on an industrial pier in the Adriatic. It is dating back to 1682. White marble stones (below) were grounded to the bottom with piles. inserted into the locks built after severe flooding (above). the opposite trend: a slow falling mode. These data are combined in the curve of “observations” in Figure 1.

Tide-gauge Records Tide-gauges were installed at harbor constructions to mea- sure the changes in tidal level and long-term sea level changes. The Amsterdam tide-gauge is the oldest, installed in 1682; the Stockholm tide-gauge is the second oldest, installed in 1724/1774); and the tide-gauge is the third oldest, installed in 1768. Most tide-gauges are installed on unstable harbor constructions or landing piers. Therefore, tide-gauge re- cords are bound to exaggerate sea level rise. The National Oce- anic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tide-gauge data- base includes 159 stations (Figure 4). The IPCC authors take the liberty to select what they call Vyron Lymberopoulos “representative” records for their reconstruction of the centen- nial sea level trend. This, of course, implies that Figure 4 their personal view— SPECTRUM OF RATES OF NOAA’s 159 TIDE GAUGE STATIONS that is, the IPCC scenario The values of NOAA’s laid down from the be- 159 tide gauge stations ginning of the project— Subsidence indicate that they range is imposed in the selec- from uplifted areas to tion and identification of IPCC 2007 estimate subsiding areas (green their “representative” re- areas). If the uplifting and cords. We start to smell

r subsiding sites (green ar- another “sea-level-gate.” eas) are excluded, we With this selection are left with a number of methodology, Douglas

mm/yea sites (red area) where the (1991) chose 25 tide- rise in sea level ranges gauges and got a rate of between 0.0 and 2.0 sea level rise of 1.8 mm/ mm/year. This is consid- year; Church et al. (2006) erably below the rate selected 6 tide-gauges Uplift given by IPCC (pink area) and got a rate of 1.4 mm/ and satellite altimetry (as year; and Holgate (2007) Number of tide-gauge stations discussed below). selected 9 tide-gauges and got a rate of 1.45

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 15 mm/year (Figure 2). The mean of all the 159 NOAA sites gives a rate of 0.5 mm/ year to 0.6 mm/year (Burton 2010). A bet- ter approach, however, is to exclude those sites that represent uplifted and subsided areas (Figure 4). This leaves 68 sites of reasonable stability (still with the possibility of an exaggeration of the rate cm of change, as discussed above). These sites give a present rate of sea level rise in the order of 1.0 (± 1.0) mm/year. This is far below the rates given by satellite al- timetry, and the smell of a “sea-level- gate” gets stronger.

Cycles 11 (Oct. 1992) to 276 (April 2000) Satellite Altimetry Satellite altimetry is a wonderful new Figure 5 technique that offers the reconstruction SEA LEVEL CHANGES AS OBSERVED BY TOPEX/POSEIDON IN 2000 of sea level changes all over the ocean These are the annual mean sea level changes from TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite surface. This is vital, as sea level not only observations, after technical “corrections” were applied (from Menard 2000). A changes vertically but also horizontally. slow, long-term rising trend of 1.0 mm/year was identified, but this linear ap- The horizontal redistribution of water proach ignores the ENSO event in cycles 175-200. masses was first observed for the centen- nial to decadal Late Holocene sea level changes (see, for example, Mörner 1995 and 1996) and is clearly shown in the Sea level variations in mm satellite record from 1992-2010 (see, for example, Nicholls and Casenave 2010; Casenave and Llovel 2010)). Great problems remain with respect to the zero level chosen and to the long-term trend, however (Mörner 2004, 2007c, 2008). The Topex/Poseidon and later Jason missions recorded the variations of the ocean surface with high resolution. Hav- Figure 6 ing applied all technical correction need- SEA LEVEL CHANGES FROM FIGURE 5, ed, Menard (2000 and also Aviso 2000) TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE ENSO PEAK presented a first sea level graph ranging The sea level changes as recorded in Figure 5 are presented here with a more from 1992 to 2000 (Figure 5). realistic trend analysis that treats the 1997 ENSO peak (yellow) as a separate The Figure 5 trend of 1.0 mm/year is event superimposed on the long-term trend. This shows a stability over the first established by the linear trend approach, 5 years (blue) and possibly over the whole time period covered (from Mörner ignoring the fact that the big high in cy- 2004, 2007c). cles 175-200 represents an ENSO-event. (ENSO is the El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation, a quasi-periodic climate pattern that occurs dertaken. (This was orally confirmed at the Global Warming across the tropical Pacific Ocean every few years.) There- meeting held by the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow in fore, a much more realistic approach is to treat that ENSO-sig- 2005, which I attended). Exactly what was done remains un- nal as a separate event, superimposed on the long-term trend, clear, as the satellite altimetry groups do not specify the addi- as shown in Figure 6 (Mörner 2004). Figure 6 shows a variabil- tional “corrections” they now infer. ity (of ±10 mm) around a stable zero level (blue line) and a In 2003, the satellite altimetry record (Aviso 2003) suddenly strong ENSO-event (yellow lines) in 1997. The trend thereafter took a new tilt—away from the quite horizontal record of is less clear (gray lines). This graph provides no indication of 1992-2000, seen in Figures 5 and 6—of 2.3 (±0.1) mm/year any rise over the time-period covered (Mörner 2004, 2007a, (Figure 7). 2007c). From where does the new tilt come? What lies flat in Figure When the satellite altimetry group realized that the 1997 rise 5 of 2000 is now tilted upward in Figure 7 of 2003 (Aviso was an ENSO signal, and they extended the trend up to 2003, 2000, 2003). Obviously, some sort of “correction” has been they seemed to have faced a problem: There was no sea level made, without specifying this in a way that allows evaluation rise visible, and therefore a “reinterpretation” needed to be un- (see Mörner 2007c, 2008). In most graphs representing the

16 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology Figure 7 SEA LEVEL CHANGES AFTER CALIBRATION IN 2003 The satellite altimetry record is shown for TOPEX/POSEIDON (black) and Jason (red). As presented in 2003 (Aviso 2003),

cm the record suddenly has a new trend rep- resenting an inferred rate of 2.3 (±0.1) mm/year sea level rise. This means that the original records presented in Figures 5 and 6 now have been tilted by a factor of 2.3 mm/year. We must now ask: From Cycle numbers 11 (1992) to 360 (2003) where does this tilt come? satellite altimetry sea level record (on the Internet and in journal papers), it is not even noted that the graphs do not A present trends as read by the satellites, but trends after “cor- Local Tide-Gauge Trend = rections.” Originally, it seemed that this extra, unspecified “correction” referred to the global isostatic adjustment (GIA) given as 2.4 mm/year (see, for example, Peltier 1998) or 1.8 mm/year (IPCC 2001). The zero isobase of GIA according to Peltier (1998) B passed through Hong Kong, where one tide-gauge gives a rela- Global Sea Level Trend – tive sea level rise of 2.3 mm/year. This is exactly the value ap- pearing in Figure 7. This tide-gauge record is contradicted by the four other records existing in Hong Kong, and obviously represents a site specific subsidence, a fact well known to local C geologists. Local Land Motion Nevertheless, a new calibration factor has been introduced in the Figure 7 graph. At the Moscow global warming meeting in 2005, in answer to my criticisms about this “correction,” one Each of the three boxes (A, B, and C) includes multiple vari- of the persons in the British IPCC delegation said, “We had to ables that need painstaking and skillful handling, which cer- do so, otherwise there would not be any trend.” To this I replied: tainly has not been done by the groups dealing with the satellite “Did you hear what you were saying? This is just what I am ac- altimetry records and the IPCC community. cusing you of doing.” Therefore, in my 2007 booklet (Mörner To establish a local tide-gauge trend (box A), is far from sim- 2007c), the Figure 7 graph was tilted back to its original posi- ple and straightforward. Cyclic trends, event signals, and seg- tion (Figure 5). ments must be identified and subtracted. Numerous different The calibrations applied to the satellite altimetry readings variables affect and interfere with the long-tern trend. Very of- were discussed in Mitchum (2000—cf. Casenave and Nerem ten, there is no long-term trend, just segments that need indi- 2004; Leuliette and Scharroo 2010). The tide-gauge records vidual treatment (as in the case of the Bombay tide-gauge re- play a central role in this, implying some sort of circular reason- cord, discussed by Mörner, 2010a). ENSO-events (like ing in arriving at the calibrations. Other important factors are Super-ENSO events) must be subtracted, as illustrated in Fig- the global isostatic adjustment (GIA) and vertical movements of ure 6 and shown for the Tuvalu record by Mörner (2007c, the tide-gauge sites. 2010b). Mitchum (2000) states that in part, “We adopted the rate giv- The proposed “global sea level factor” (box B) is never clear en by Douglas (1991, 1995) of 1.8 ±0.1 mm/yr,” and in part that and trustworthy; rather, it is a matter of personal opinion, as “the tide-gauges were assumed to be vertically stable.” Both seen in Figure 2. The rate of 1.8 mm/yr is surely an overestimate these assumptions are wrong. The 1.8 mm/yr rate is not well es- that is strongly affected by subsidence at the tide-gauges select- tablished, but rather the opposite (see Figure 2). The tide-gauge ed (Figure 2). In my opinion, a better value would be 0.0 mm/yr records, especially those selected, are far from vertically stable, (or just a little above this). but rather the opposite (this applies for the 6 sites used by The local land motion at the tide-gauge sites (box C) is an- Church et al. as well as the 25 sites used by Douglas). Mitchum other intricate issue that calls for geological understanding of (2000) provided the following relations (as expressed in the the specific site in question. Local sedimentary ground changes boxed equation below): (such as compaction, water withdrawal, and so on) is a prime factor to assess (Mörner 2004, 2010b). These changes cannot 3. Isostatic refers to the balance of geological masses and the tendency be recorded by satellite measurements, but only by site-specific towards equilibrium. knowledge. Many tide-gauges are installed on harbor construc-

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 17 tions and landing piers that are far from stable. Crustal movements and seis- mm motectonics are other factors. In the case Ocean Mass Changes (GRACE) GIA corrected of the harbor in the Maldives capital of � Sea Level Changes data Malé, this island is so heavily overloaded by building that the harbor constructions fracture, and are dislocated in ways that invalidate any trustworthy tide-gauge reading there. One thing is for sure: satellite altimetry is not providing what is often claimed, an “independent measure of sea level changes” as opposed to that of tide-gaug- es and global isostatic adjustment. In- Raw data stead, it is a record deeply dependent on those variables. With the space gravimetry observa- tions from GRACE it has become possi- ble to record changes in the ocean water Figure 8 mass (Casenave et al. 2009), which ap- OCEAN MASS CHANGES FROM GRACE SATELLITE DATA proximate the mean global sea level The space gravimetry readings from the GRACE satellites record changes in changes (Figure 8). ocean mass which approximate mean global sea level changes (from Casenave The concept of the global isostatic ad- et al. 2009). The raw data show a slight lowering by –0.12 (±0.06) mm/year justment, or GIA, is a model, in which (blue dots). Inferring a global isostatic adjustment (GIA) correction, which is to some data are in support (see for exam- be questioned, Casenave et al. (2009) established a corrected rate of 1.9 (±0.9) ple, Peltier 1998) and other data are in mm/year (pink dots). The difference is significant. The question is whether or not direct contradiction (for example, Mörn- this “correction” is justifiable. er 2005). GIA corrections have been applied to tide-gauges, sea level records, satellite altime- try, and now to ocean mass changes. It seems that without those GIA corrections, there is lit- TOPEX Jason tle or no room left for a global sea level rise. 60-day smoothing Correcting tide-gauges for GIA or regional crustal movement is not the correct way of GRACE Corrected trend treating these types of records. Instead, each site must be evaluated from its own criteria with respect to stability, wind, waves, sedimen- tation, compaction, loading, and tectonics. A mm blind GIA model correction may provide quite wrong results; it is a dangerous shortcut ap- plied by those persons who are not sea level specialists by training, and hence without the skill to undertake careful site-specific stability analyses themselves. Figure 9 shows the satellite altimetry records Rate = 3.2 (± 0.4) mm/yr Seasonal signals removed as presented by NOAA (2008), which give a Univ. of Colorado 2008 rise of 3.2 (±0.4) mm/year. In Figure 10, the satellite altimetry record of Figure 9 is back-tilted to fit the original trend in Figure 9 Figures 5 and 6 for the period 1992-2000 (yel- SATELLITE ALTIMETRY AS GIVEN BY NOAA low fields) and the raw data of GRACE in Figure The TOPEX-Jason satellite data provide a record suggesting a mean sea 8, for the period 2003-2007 (yellow line). This level rise over the period 1993-2007 of 3.2 mm/year. The Figure 8 gives an uncorrected satellite altimetry graph (GRACE) GIA-corrected trend for 2003-2007 (red line) agrees with the showing no signs of any sea level rise. The orig- Jason data. This seems to verify that the satellite record is strongly affected inal record for the period 1992-2000 is restored by “corrections.” Consequently, this satellite altimetry graph has a long- (cf. Figures 5 and 6) and the GRACE raw data fit term trend, which does not represent actual instrumental measurements, the record perfectly well. but is created by inferred “corrections.” This implies that the Figure 9 satellite altim-

18 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology etry record is significantly altered by non-technical “corrections” (whatever they exactly may be). The “corrections” applied are not specified by the respon- sible groups at CNES (The French space agency, Centre National d’Etudes Spati- ales) and NOAA. Various types of cor- rections can be applied, but these have to be clearly specified. This is not the case with the presently circulated trend of sea level rise from satellite altimetry (see, for example, Aviso 2003 and NOAA 2008). No doubt, we are here facing a serious “sea-level-gate.” If the “corrections” applied are not clearly specified (and discussed and ar- gued for), then the product cannot be objectively evaluated. In this case, it seems to have merged into the sector of NASA/JPL disinformation. What is worse, this An artist’s illusration of GRACE, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, a joint seems to be intentionally done in order U.S./German satellite mission that provides high-resolution estimates of the Earth’s to back up the IPCC sea level flooding gravity field and its variability. Two identical GRACE spacecraft fly about 220 kilome- scenario. ters apart in a polar orbit, 500 kilometers above the Earth. They map the Earth’s gravity I have previously claimed (Mörner field by accurately measuring the distance between the two satellites, using GPS and a 2008) that the satellite altimetry record- microwave ranging system. This provides information about the distribution and flow ing consists of three steps: (1) satellite in- of mass within the Earth and its surroundings, including changes caused by surface and strumental reading; (2) “instrumental re- deep currents in the ocean and exchanges between ice sheets and the oceans. cord” (after correction from technical

30 Satellite Altimetry from raw-data 20 TOP E Figure 10 Jas X on 60 -da SATELLITE ALTIMETRY 10 y smo oth BACK TILTED TO ITS ing GRACE UNCORRECTED ORIGINAL (mm) r L 0 aw-d a The adjusted satellite altime- MS ta trend � try of Figure 9 is here back- –10 GRACE RAW DATA tilted to its uncorrected origi- HORIZONTAL IN EARLY 2000 nal trend. The original record –2 for the period 1992-2000 0 (yellow field) showed vari- –3 ability around a stable hori- 0 zontal zero line (Figures 5 –4 and 6). The GRACE raw data 0 (Figure 8) show a slightly lowering trend for the period 1994 2003-2007 (yellow line). To- 1996 gether these two data sets in- 19 dicate that the mean sea level 98 trend has remained stable 2000

over the entire period. 2002


Rate � 0.0 mm/year 2006 for the period 1992-2008 2008

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 19 adjustments), as presented in Figure 10; and (3) “interpretational record (after the application of “personal calibrations”), as presented in Figure 9. This is illustrated in Figure 11. As reported above regarding such adjust- ments, an IPCC member told me that “We had to do so, otherwise it would not be any trend,” and this seems exactly to be the case. This means that we are facing a very grave, if not to say, unethical, “sea-level-gate.” Therefore, the actual “instrumental record” of satellite altim- etry (Figure 10) gives a sea level rise around 0.0 mm/year. This fits the observational facts much better, and we seem to reach a coherent Figure 11 picture of no, or, at most, a minor (in the order SATELLITE ALTIMETRY AND THE TWO TYPES of 0.5 mm/yr), sea level rise over the last 50 OF CORRECTIONS APPLIED years. Technical adjustments have to be applied to the satellite instrument read- ings. These corrections were applied to the original altimetry graph of Conclusions Figure 5 (Menard 2000, Aviso 2000) and Figure 6. The “instrumental re- Observational facts indicate that sea level is cord” gives a sea level trend on the order of 0.0 mm/year (as seen in Fig- by no means in a rapidly rising mode, but rather ures 2, 6 and 10). By applying additional “personal calibrations” of a quite stable. This is the case in key sites like the subjective nature, graphs (“interpretational records”) were produced (for Maldives, Bangladesh, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Saint example, Aviso 2003 and NOAA 2008) that give an inferred sea level rise Paul Island, Qatar, French Guyana, Venice, and in the order of 3 mm/year (as seen in Figure 9). Therefore, the “interpreta- northwest Europe. tional record” represents disinformation, not a true “instrumental record” Tide-gauges tend to exaggerate rising trends (from Mörner 2008). because of subsidence and compaction. Full sta- bility over the last 30-50 years is indicated in sites like Tuvalu, India, the Maldives (and also the Laccadives to the north of the Maldives), Ven- ice (after subtracting the subsidence factor), Cux- haven (after subtracting the subsidence factor), and Korsør (a stable hinge for the last 8,000 years). Satellite altimetry is shown to record varia- tions around a stable zero level for the entire period 1992-2010. Trends in the order of 3 mm/year represent “interpretational records,” after the application of “personal calibrations,” which cannot be substantiated by observation- al facts. Therefore, we can now return to Figure 1 and claim that the “models” (pink curve) provide an illusive picture of a strong sea level rise and that the “observations” (blue curve) provide a good reconstruction of the actual sea level changes over the last 170 years, with stability over the Figure 12 last 40 years. EVALUATION OF RELIABILITY FOR DIFFERENT We can also return to the spectrum of pres- PROPOSED SEA LEVEL RATES ent-day sea level rates (Figure 2) and evaluate The spectrum of rate values of present-day sea level rise can now be esti- the various values proposed. This is illustrated mated as to validity. Only values in the order of 0.0 mm/year (as suggest- in Figure 12. Only rates in the order of 0.0 mm/ ed by observational facts) to a maximum of 0.7 mm/year seem probable. year to maximum 0.7 mm/year seem realistic. Values ranging from 1.3 to 3.4 mm/year are considered to be untenable This fits well with the values proposed for year overestimates. Values in the order of 1 mm/year represent minor centen- 2100 by INQUA (2000) and Mörner (2004), but nial rises (and falls). This agrees with estimates of a possible sea level rise differs significantly from the values proposed by by year 2100 of 5 ±15 cm (Mörner 2004) and 10 ±10 cm (INQUA 2000), the IPCC (2001, 2007). but differs significantly from the value proposed by IPCC of 37 ±19 cm Thus we see that the sea level threat of the (IPCC 2007). IPCC disappears. The idea of an ongoing sea

20 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology Malé, the island capital of the Maldives, where most of the nation’s population is located. Dr. Mörner’s research of the sea level record of the past 2,600 years shows a significant sea level fall in the 1970s and no signs of any ongoing rise.

hand by a group of Australian “scientists” and IPCC boy-scouts). And also the trees on the beach in Sundarban, indicating a strong erosion but no sea level rise at all (Mörner 2007c, 2010a). By this I hope, we can free the world from the artificial crisis, to which it has been condemned by the IPCC and its boy-scouts, of an extensive and disas- trous sea level flooding in the near future. This was the main threat in the IPCC sce- nario, and now it is gone. References ______Aviso, 2000. Observing the oceans by altimetry. www.aviso.cis.cnes.fr Aviso, 2003. Observing the oceans by altimetry. www.aviso.cis.cnes.fr Aviso, 2008. Mean Sea Level as seen by altimeters. www.avsio.oceanobs.com D.A. Burton, 2010. “Analysis of global linear mean sea level (MSL)-trends, including distance-weighted averaging.” www.burtonsys.com/global_msl_trend_ analysis.html A beach in the Pacific island of Tuvalu, where contrary to the IPCC fear scenarios, the S. Byravana and S.C. Rajan, 2010. “The ethical im- sea level has been stable for three decades. plications of sea-level rise due to climate changes.” Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 239-260. level rise that would flood islands and low-lying coasts, A. Casenave, K. Dominh, S. Guinehut, E. Berthier, W. Llovel, G. Rammien, M. drowning tens of thousands of people and forcing hundreds of Ablain, and G. Larnicol, 2009. “Sea level budget over 2003-2008: A reevalu- thousands, to millions, of people to become sea level refugees ation from GRACE space gravimetry, satellite altimetry and Argo.” Global Planetary Change, Vol. 65, pp. 83-88. is simply a grave error, hereby revealed as an illusion, hum- A. Cazenave and W. Llovel, 2010. “Contemporary sea level rise.” Ann. Rev. bug, and terrible disinformation. This, without doubt, is a seri- Marine Sci., Vol. 2, pp. 145-173. ous and shabby “sea-level-gate.” A. Casenave, and R.S. Nerem, 2004. Present-day sea level changes: Observa- The true facts are to be found in nature itself; certainly not at tions and causes. Rev. Geophysics, Vol. 42, pp. 1-20. the modelling tables. Some records are interpretative. Others J.A. Church, N.J. White, and J.R. Hunter, 2006. “Sea-level rise at tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean islands.” Global Planetary Change, Vol. 53, pp. 155-168. are quite clear and straightforward. I have often claimed that B.C. Douglas, 1991. “Global sea level rise.” J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 96, pp. 6981- “trees don’t lie” (for example in Mörner 2007c), referring to the 6992. lonely tree in the Maldives, which indicated a stable sea level B.C. Douglas, 1995. “Global sea level changes: determination and interpreta- for the last 50-60 years (and therefore was pulled down by tion.” Rev. Geophys., Vol. 33, pp. 1425-1432.

21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 21 N. Gratiot, E.J. Anthony, A. Gardel, C. Gaucherel, C. Proisy, and J.T. Wells, 2008. “Significant con- tribution of the 18.6 year tidal cycle to regional coastal changes.” Nature Geoscience, Vol. 1, pp. 169-172 (doi: 10.1038/ngeo127). S.J. Holgate, 2007. “On the decadal rates of sea lev- el change during the twentieth century.” Geo- phys. Res. Letters, Vol. 34, LO1602, doi:10.1029/ 2006GL028492. INQUA, 2000. “Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution.” www.pog.su.se, (from 2005: www. pog.nu). IPCC, 2001. Climate Change. (Cambridge: Cam- bridge Univ. Press). IPPC, 2007. Climate Change. (Cambridge: Cam- bridge Univ. Press). G. Menard, 2000. “Satellite-based altimetry reveals physical ocean.” MEDIAS Newsletter, Vol. 12, pp. 9-17. G.T. Mitchum, 2000. “An improved calibration of sat- ellite altimetric heights using tide gauge sea lev- els with adjustment for land motion.” Marine Ge- odesy, Vol. 23, pp. 145-166. N.-A. Mörner, 1973. “Eustatic changes during the last 300 years.” Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Pal- aeoecol., Vol. 13, pp. 1-14. N.-A. Mörner, 1995. “Earth rotation, ocean circula- tion and paleoclimate.” GeoJournal, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 419-430. N.-A. Mörner, 1996. “Sea Level Variability.” Z. Geo- morphology N.S., Vol. 102, pp. 223-232. N.-A. Mörner, 2004. “Estimating future sea level changes.” Global Planet. Change, Vol. 40, pp. 49-54. N.-A. Mörner, 2005. “Sea level changes and crustal movements with special aspects on the Mediter- ranean.” Z. Geomorph. N.F., Suppl. Vol. 137, pp. 91-102. N.-A. Mörner, 2007a. “The Sun rules climate. There’s no danger of global sea level rise.” 21st Century, Fall 2007, pp. 31-34. N.-A. Mörner, 2007b. “Sea Level Changes and Tsu- namis. Environmental Stress and Migration over the Seas.” Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 38, pp. 353-374. N.-A. Mörner, 2007c. “The Greatest Lie Ever Told.” P&G-print (2nd edition 2009, 3rd edition 2010. N.-A. Mörner, 2008. “Comments.” Global Planet. Change, Vol. 62, pp. 219-220. N.-A. Mörner, 2009. “Open letter to the President of the Maldives.” New Concepts in Global Tecton- ics Newsletter, No. 53, pp. 80-83. N.-A. Mörner, 2010a. “Sea level changes in Bangla- desh. New observational facts.” Energy and En- vironment, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 249-263. N.-A. Mörner, 2010b. “Some problems in the re- construction of mean sea level and its changes with time.” Quaternary International, Vol. 221, pp. 3-8. G. Murphy, 2007. “Claim that sea level is rising is a total fraud (interview).” 21st Century, Fall 2007, pp. 33-37. R.J. Nicholls and A. Casenave, 2010. “Sea-level rise and its impact on coastal zones.” Science, Vol. 328, pp. 1517-1520. NOAA, 2008. “The NOAA satellite altimetry pro- gram: Closing the sea level rise budget with al- rimetry, Argos and Grace.” www.oco.noaa.gov . W.R. Peltier, 1998. “Postglacial variations in the lev- el of the sea: implications for climate dynamics and solid-earth geophysics.” Rev. Geophysics, Vol. 36, pp. 603-689.

22 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT

RUDOLF SCHULTEN’S HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTOR A Technology Ready for Today by Dr. Urban Cleve

Editor’s note: This is an edited transcript of a talk Dr. Cleve gave to an Executive Intelligence Review seminar, Sept. 28, 2010, in Dr. Cleve addressing Frankfurt, Germany. the EIR seminar in Dr. Cleve was the head of the engineering department of Frankfurt. BrownBoveri/Krupp Reaktorbau GmbH, where he was respon- sible for the engineering, design, EIRNS building, testing, and putting into operation of the AVR high tempera- ture reactor. Later he worked in management for companies that built large plants for energy and en- vironment. He retired in 1992, and is now the last living member of the BBC/Krupp leading crew. His presentation was translated from the German by Vyron Lymber­ opoulos.

n its first issue of 2010, the Ger- Iman-language Fusion magazine reprinted a most interesting contri- bution by Dr. Rudolf Schulten, “Old and New Ways in Nuclear Technology,” which was initially published in 1990. Today, more than 20 years after that first publi- cation, it is exciting to give a lec- ture in which I can substantiate ful- ly that High Temperature Reactor technology is still up to date, and I will provide the evidence that the thoughts and considerations which Dr. Schulten had as a young en- The AVR experimental high temperature reactor. Dr. Cleve headed the engineering team gineer during the 1950s, have that designed and built the nuclear reactor. been, and are still correct and trend-setting. was believed that an excessively expensive price of electricity As a young engineer, I was excited about the task of collabo- is antisocial, and by and large, that it would hinder the growth rating on the reactor concept invented by Professor Schulten, of the national economy. the AVR Reactor in Jülich. At 33, I was in a leading position as (2) Security of supply. head of the department for complete engineering and respon- (3) Optimum use of available fuel and capabilities for elec- sible for design, erection, testing, and commissioning of the tricity and power production, both for households and trans- complete reactor, up to its handover to the customer. portation. I have never lost this excitement, and therefore I am happy to For this purpose, we had available solid fuel (coal and lig- give this presentation. I will begin with some basic consider- nite), and liquid fuel (oil and natural gas). All these primary en- ations from the viewpoint of the energy policy of Germany at ergy sources are suitable for electric power generation in power that time. plants. To date, only liquid fuel is technically sound and eco- The German economy after the war was based on: nomically useful for households and transportation. (1) The most inexpensive and as cheap as possible power In electricity production, the objective was then primarily to supply for industry and households for electricity production. It use coal and lignite. The noble energies, oil and gas, should

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 23 only be used in large power plants in lignite, turf, and other biomass. Thus, special cases of great benefit to the nuclear fuel would be used to pro- economy. Back then, the popular be- duce liquid fuels for households and lief was that these fuels would only transportation. be available for a limited period of • Inherent reactor safety. A Maxi- time, perhaps up to the turn of the mum Credible Accident or MCA 20th Century. This turned out to be scenario can not occur, even during too pessimistic. Today, nobody complete failure of the cooling sys- knows how long these reserves will tem. truly last, with a constant increase in These were the visionary consid- the use of energy and a constant ris- erations that led to the success of ing world population. Furthermore, this technology then, and today, the fact is that oil and gas are limited 60 years later, all these consider- and becoming steadily more expen- ations are still valid, with no excep- sive. That surely does not need fur- tions. In his field, Professor Schul- ther discussion. ten was ahead of his time, and in Germany is one of the poorest this respect, actually only compa- nations in oil and natural gas. Only rable to space scientist Wernher coal is widely available. To counter- von Braun. act, at an early stage, an expected The development pursued in Ger- worldwide power shortage to come, many with the high temperature re- and to avoid its effects, nuclear actor is a big achievement, even power plants were already being though environmentalists do not developed and built worldwide want to acknowledge this and politi- during the 1950s. The same short- cians have not yet recognized this. age problem remains today, but in Dr. Rudolf Schulten, who developed the concept of By the end of the 1990s, when the addition to nuclear plants, the so- the pebble bed high temperature nuclear reactor. experimental AVR and the THTR called renewables—wind and solar (Thorium High Temperature Reac- power—are now considered alternatives. Some words on that tor) were decommissioned because of political pressure, Ger- later. many had a leading position in this technology worldwide, al- By the 1950s, Professor Schulten already had the idea of most a monopoly. building very high temperature reactors, which would not only burn uranium-235 (of which there are relatively limited Technical Challenges deposits in nature), but also breed thorium as nuclear fuel The implementation of these ideas posed extreme demands and then burn it as uranium-233. His deliberations for a tech- on engineering technology. Helium gas constituted one of the nical solution were based on the following reactor funda- largest problems. It is a very thin and dry gas, which had not mentals: been used to this extent before. • Sphere-shaped fuel elements, because of their superior All the reactor components had to be constructed from flow and heat transfer characteristics. During reactor opera- scratch, without any prior examples and without previous ex- tion, these fuel balls can be circulated, replaced, removed, perience. These components were tried and tested under and stored; and burn-up measurements of the fuel can be normal conditions in test facilities, and most failed when made. installed in the reactor and operated under helium conditions. • Graphite as a basic material for fuel elements and the reac- This inevitably led to constant schedule delays and cost tor core, which would serve as a moderator for neutron radia- increases. tion and is suitable in particular for very high operating tem- As an executive, the pressure on me was enormous. From the peratures. top, it was once put forward to me: “You build everything two • Helium as coolant, because of its very high heat-transfer times.” My answer was short: “Yes, that is nearly true, but noth- coefficient. ing three times.” • An integrated, self-contained primary circuit reactor con- Testing and trying until ultimate reliability is achieved and all cept, to obtain the highest safety standards problems are identified and solved, is the decisive foundation • Uranium-235 and thorium-232 as fuel, with the objective of for successful development. One time I angrily said, “What breeding new fuel from the thorium, which decays to U-233. shall I do—avoid costs and keep deadlines, or build an installa- • High operating temperatures for electricity production with tion that works; you can’t have both?” I was young enough to the highest thermodynamic efficiency, for optimum utilization assert myself. of the nuclear fuel. It is beyond the scope here, to explain all the technical prob- • Use of the high heat made possible by the high tempera- lems and point out the solutions. Nevertheless, to the engi- tures of the nuclear reaction, transferred by the helium gas, for neers, one development, and one can say the deciding one, the engineering and chemical processes of gasification of coal, was very beneficial. This was the development of fuel elements

24 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT with so-called “coated parti- opment is best represented cles.” Without this develop- when one looks at the original ment under wide internation- design of the helium cooling al cooperation, success of the system, in the AVR reactor. AVR would have become Initially, the radioactivity was vastly more difficult. The new calculated at 107 curie. Sub- graphite fuel pebbles, embed- sequently, the actual radioac- ded with coated uranium par- tivity measured amounted to ticles, were developed—and 360 curie only. this should be emphasized— in cooperation with: The AVR AVR: An Unparalleled in Germany; the Dragon proj- Success ect in the United Kingdom; The AVR first went critical Gulf General Atomics in the on August 28, 1966, after suc- ; the Jülich nu- cessfully passing all the test clear research center in Ger- runs of different components, many; the Institut Laue-Lan- and nuclear physical mea- gevin nuclear research center The successor to the AVR: The 300-megawatt Thorium High surements to verify the calcu- in , France; the Aus- Temperature Reactor (THTR) operated for three years, until it lations. trian nuclear research center was shut down for political, not technical, reasons. On December 18, 1966, at Seibersdorf; the Petten re- for the first time the steam tur- actor center in the Netherlands; the Atomic Energy Agency in bine was connected to the grid, with an output of 6 mega- the United Kingdom; the Union Carbide Corp. in the United watts. Thereafter the reactor was in operation for 22 years, States; and Nukem, together with Hobeg in Germany. until December 31, 1988. This unique international cooperation was mainly co- The reactor was shut down in 1988 solely for political rea- financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education, sons. There were no technical doubts, and certainly no doubts which contributed a decisive share. The success of this devel- of technical safety were present. For 22 years of operation, a technical safety upgrade was not neces- sary, no insolvable problems emerged, and no significant technical modifica- tions were necessary. Everything was well thought out from the start. One event, however, is of foremost im- portance. In 1967, for the first time, we tested a Maximum Credible Accident, which is one where the fuel elements lose their coolant and all reactor safety devic- es fail. This was a test of the reactor’s in- herent safety concept, devised by Dr. Schulten, which ruled out the possibility of such an MCA. This exciting experiment took place privately, and was barely no- ticed outside of the plant. The reactor was driven to the maximum power of 15 mega- Hans Weingartz watts-electric and a predeter- Political pressure shut mined operating temperature of down Germany’s 850° Celsius. Next, all safety de- high-temperature vices were disabled, and the cool- reactors. Above: An ing gas fans were switched off. As anti-nuclear protest we had calculated, the reactor in Bonn, after the cooled down by itself over a few Three Mile Island days, dissipating the residual heat accident in 1979. from the core to the outside. Right: Green Worldwide, this was the first terrorists in the 1980s planned MCA in a nuclear power attack a German plant. Nobody outside noticed nuclear plant. anything, no radiation penetrated

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 25 U-free zone UO2 kernel Feedwater inlet Steam outlet U-containing zone Buffer layer Outer vessel I-PyC layer

SiC layer Steam generator

O-PyC layer Biological shield I

Carbon brick 60 mm 0.9 mm Graphite reflector Spherical fuel element Coated fuel particle Inner vessel Reactor core Figure 1 TRISO FUEL ELEMENTS Thermal shield The unique design for the pebble bed fuel has a kernel of Ring gap uranium oxide surrounded by layers of pyrolitic carbon, silicon carbon, and graphite. These fuel elements are then embedded in a “containment” structure the size of a ten- Sphere nis ball. discharge tube

Main coolant valve Coolant blower outside the reactor core, and from the control room the opera- tional staff could observe the course of the experiment unmo- lested. This MCA experiment was repeated in 1979, this time, however, with detailed recordings and measurements of the entire sequence. Chernobyl took place later, in 1986; it was not the first MCA. Figure 2 The terrible backlash of the Chernobyl disaster, a completely CROSS-SECTION OF THE AVR PRIMARY CIRCUIT different reactor construction, weighs heavily upon any safety discussion of nuclear power plants even today. At present, the HTR is the only reactor concept, in which such an accident is months, to repair the damage, was unfavorable from an opera- ruled out, on the basis of nuclear physics. tional standpoint. Practically all other reactor components op- Keeping anything under wraps in politics and public opin- erated without flaws. Partly worn-out components and small ion is incomprehensible to every nuclear specialist. And so, defects could be fixed during ongoing operation, making use of when we discuss failures, we should men- tion one serious failure in the AVR steam generator. The steam generator is consid- ered a critical unit, because, if it leaks, wa- ter could permeate the helium system, re- quiring a total shutdown of operation. Several hundred thousand AVR weld seams had been examined during construc- tion, and all available testing methods were applied, even those newly developed. All inspections and pressure tests were passed without complaint. Obviously, the effects of water penetration in the system had been calculated in many computations and probes. All indicated that an alarming nucle- ar failure could not occur. But, sure enough, this failure did occur, although it was not re- lated to safety. According to the internation- al seven-stage assessment scale for incidents and accidents in nuclear installations, this failure can be categorized as a level 1—sim- Figure 3 ply an anomaly. INNER GRAPHITE CORE OF THE AVR Nevertheless, the stoppage of several

26 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT pressure-tight containment. Therefore, only an unpressurized steel casing was designed. • Because of its increased performance, the gaseous helium coolant had to flow through the reactor from top to bottom; otherwise the fuel elements would withdraw to the upper layers. • A new mechanism was incorporated as the trigger for the fuel elements. Once this concept was well advanced during design, the reactor physicists found that the diameter of the pebble bed was so large, it was no lon- ger practically possible to guide the shutdown and control rods in the outer graphite reflector without mechanical stress. Therefore, the re- actor would not be able to shut down com- pletely. During a roundtable meeting with all staff members, this extremely difficult problem Figure 4 was discussed. After it became clear that dam- DIAGRAM OF AVR GAS COOLING BLOWERS age endangering the staff, and above all, the environment, could not occur, it was decided to drive the shutdown rods directly into the disassembly technology that was specially developed for such pebble bed. This resulted in a very complicated construction of events, without exposing staff to excessive irradiation. these rods, and the possible danger of the destruction of fuel As a prototype, the operation of the AVR was an unparal- elements. leled success story. Not a single radiation accident occurred. During 22 years of operation, not a single employee was ex- posed to an excessively high radiation dose. The release of ra- dioactive substances to the atmosphere was insubstantial; the exceeding of permissible doses did not occur even once. With the exception of the steam generator, all operational failures Sphere chute that were not 100 percent preventable can be classified as “0” Reduc on the assessment scale—having no or insubstantial safety re- er lated concern. The utilization factor, the percentage of reactor online opera- tion time over 22 years, was 66.4 percent. As an experimental Shielding reactor, particularly for testing various fuel elements, under the international development program mentioned above, the Singulator down time for this work is included. The highest operational availability was reached in 1976, at 92 percent. Although inter- Detector 1 national statistics were not kept, certainly this was a world re- Valve Detector 2 cord for a technology developed from scratch. Dosing wheel

The THTR Is Conceived As a Follow-up Separator Already in 1966, the basic concept for a follow-up reactor was developed. Output was specified at 300 megawatts-elec- tric. Without previous operational experience, surely it was a Valve giant leap from an 15-MWe experimental reactor to a demon- stration reactor of 300 MW. After weighing all arguments, pro and con, it was a courageous decision to proceed with the larg- er reactor, and an appropriate one for today. Scrap container With respect to the AVR technology, we had to accomplish substantial construction alterations for the larger reactor: • The steel pressure vessel had to be replaced. A prestressed concrete pressure vessel was designed, a completely new de- Figure 5 sign, globally. AVR FUEL EXTRACTION SYSTEM • The limited activity of helium permitted us to do without

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 27 far too high. The sole causes of this high rate were the shutdown rods and the new trigger mechanism. All other components Containment Charge room for performed flawlessly. fuel elements The THTR operated for three years (1986-1989), accumulat- ing 16,000 hours. This time of operation was sufficient to ob- tain sufficient understanding and experience to build addi- tional reactors. A finding of major importance was the trouble-free operation of steam generation, with the highest thermodynamic efficiency, including intermediate super heat- Core ing. The startup, shutdown, and routine operation of the THTR installation had operating results that were fully comparable to conventional power plants. As with the AVR, not a single Charge fins relevant technical failure occurred. Despite problems that oc- curred, the operating staff was never overexposed to radia- Fuel element discharge tube tion. The essential findings and experience with the THTR-300 can be summarized as follows: Reducer Sphere valve • According to guidelines of load distribution, HTR power Counting coil Singulator plants can be utilized for the supply grid; control characteris- tics, also with regard to maintaining frequency, are perfect. Discharge fins When idle, even when repairing open primary components, Failed fuel separator the staff is not excessively exposed to radiation. • The radioactivity of the primary gas helium did not rise Dosing when the pebble fracture occurred; the coated particles are so wheel Elevator Scrap small and strong that they can not break. container • All newly designed components, and the entire installa- From blower Discharge tion, except for the above-described problem with excessive compartment pebble fractures, functioned flawlessly. • As demonstrated by unequivocal evidence, the safety tech- Figure 6 nology is so advanced that no risk exists to the operators and BASIC DIAGRAM OF THE AVR FUEL CYCLE the population. Because of the very low radioactive contamina- tion of the helium, an evacuation of the population is not nec- essary in case of a worst conceivable accident. It was acknowledged that, in order to learn if this proposed Despite its short operating time, the demonstration reactor construction was at all technically feasible, a reactor of 300-MW size had to be built. The alternative would have been a conventional ring core design, although Beginning Accident Simulation without longstanding knowledge of operational be- 1000 havior of the AVR’s graphite interior, the construction Shutdown Rod Nose (Above the Pebble Bed) risk for this design appeared even greater. Twenty-three Shutdown Rod Nose (Core Center) years later, after the shutdown of the AVR, this decision Side Reflector proved to have been a mistake, because we found that (Core Center) after 22 years of operation the graphite interior of the Outside Center Inside AVR was as if brand new. Not a single block had shift- 500 ed even 1 millimeter!

Unfortunately the decision was in favor of driving (°C) emperature

T shutdown rods into the pebble bed. Operational expe- rience with the demonstration reactor had to be post- Bottom Reflector poned in order to make the final decision at a later stage. During commissioning, regrettably, the feared 0 difficulties actually happened. The conditional diffi- 0 50 100 culties were controlled during operation of the reac- Test time (Hours) tor, but nevertheless, the reactor operated for three years. Figure 7 Comparing the failure rate between the AVR and the LOSS-OF-COOLANT SIMULATED ACCIDENT TEST RESULTS THTR shows the problem. The failure rate per circulat- The AVR shut down and cooled down as designed, when opera- ed fuel element of the AVR was 0.0092 percent, com- tors forced a loss-of-coolant situation. pared with the THTR at 0.6 percent. Naturally that was

28 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT er nuclear sites are required. Experience with the THTR-300, has shown this is possible with- out any problems. Reactor core crane • A meltdown, a maximum credible acci- dent, is ruled out from the standpoint of nuclear Turbine room crane 300 MW turbine physics—the inherent passive safety system of the reactor. • The spherical-shaped fuel elements proved to be the best nuclear fuel. To a large degree, Reactor pressure vessel the fissionable material in the fuel particles, Reactor rods Steam Generator with a diameter of only 0.5 mm, is kept inside Reactor the core of the coated particles by high density gas-tight covers of pyrolytic carbon (PyC) and silicon carbide (SiC). These layers comprise the first barrier to prevent the escape of fission products to the helium coolant gas. Ventilation system Charging system Further, compared to all other designs, the spherical fuel elements have the advantage that they are very compact and easy to handle. Figure 8 Therefore, after many years of operation, the SCHEMATIC OF THE 300-MW THTR POWER STATION necessary space for intermediate storage or dis- posal, is very small, and can easily be accom- modated in the concrete substructure. has yielded all the necessary knowledge and experience re- • In terms of safety, the prestressed concrete pressure vessel quired to build new HTR power plants safely. Although little proved best; it is the important second barrier against the es- known publicly, the decommissioned reactor provides the evi- dence that its prestressed concrete pressure vessel is the safest 5. storage repository for radiating components. There is nothing more safe than this from a technical engineering standpoint. No radiation can be detected on the outside of the prestressed 1. concrete pressure vessel. A nice restaurant built on the roof, with splendid views over the Münsterland would certainly be 7. an excellent use for the site! 2.

HTR Decommissioning Lessons 6. The results of the combined operational experience with the 8. AVR and THTR show that, without further development, it is 3. possible to apply this technology on a large scale. Here are some of my conclusions, from my experience: To maximize safety is by far the most important criterion with a future very high temperature reactor. Furthermore, the ques- tion of final storage of radioactive materials, after decommis- 4. 9. sioning such an installation, should be planned from the start. The technology I describe, has to be understood as an integrat- ed concept of self-contained Nuclear High Temperature Tech- 10. nology (NHTT). The following design principles are the center- piece of NHTT: 1. Prestressed concrete pressure vessel • Earthquake resistance up to magnitude 6, which for our re- 2. Ring pebble bed reactor core gion here is the highest imaginable seismic security. This is 3. Graphite structure achieved through an extensive, strong concrete foundation, 4. Fuel chamber 5. Regulation and shutdown rods which forms a large base area and enables a stable, gas-tight 6. Liner with insulation and water cooling system concrete substructure. All activities which could be associated 7. Helium heat exchanger inlet with exposure to radiation are carried out in the space below 8. Helium heat exchanger outlet the actual reactor. This, for example, includes performing re- 9. Concrete support for prestressed pressure vessel and biological shield pairs on components, decontamination of the components, 10. Concrete foundation and, eventually, permanent storage in confined spaces. Also it would be the final repository for spent fuel. The aim should be Figure 9 that no component that has been exposed to radiation must RING CORE DESIGN FOR A PEBBLE BED leave the premises. Therefore, no “spent fuel transports” to oth-

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 29 cape of radioactivity. Earth does not exist. On the contrary, for millennia the climate • An unpressurized containment surrounding the entire in- of our Earth has been changing, even without human beings. stallation, constitutes the third barrier. The volume of this struc- Nature, not man, but also the universe, with the Sun, Moon, ture is so large, that it can trap and contain all the helium pri- and stars, govern our climate. mary gas in the cooling system, without any leakage to the Dr. S. Fred Singer comprehensively described this in his outside. book Nature, Not Human Activity, Determines the Climate. • Instead of a central fuel-element trigger mechanism with a With the exception of Germany and some European states, all centered pebble bed core, a ring core is built with multiple trig- states are acting accordingly worldwide, especially the United ger devices. With the same basic concept, it enables a building States and China. Therefore, the planned emissions trade for of medium size to equal the high performance installations at power plants is complete and utter nonsense. Nuclear power optimal circulation of the fuel elements. The shutdown and plant operators should not emphasize the advantage of zero control rods are installed in the graphite reflectors without me- CO2 emissions, only the economic supremacy of the nuclear chanical stress. technology. • A double helium-helium cycle pre- In all nuclear power plants, elec- vents the transfer of fission products, tricity is generated at a cost factor 6 to including graphite dust, to the exterior. “When there is no man-made 30 times lower than is possible in in- The primary part of the reactor is also stallations with renewable energy, CO2 produced at all in safe against “foreign object invasion” Germany, and the nation now and in the long run. Electricity from the outside. costs comprise a crucial share of the • This concept allows a simple means would have ceased to exist, burden on the population, and high of control of the whereabouts of nucle- this reduction would account electricity prices are extremely anti- ar material. for 0.00004712 percent of social. Above all, energy-intensive in- • The pressure vessel’s 5- to 6-meter- dustry, which today makes millions of thick walls of prestressed concrete pro- total CO2 emissions produced secure jobs available, would have de- vide safety against all kinds of terrorist on our planet worldwide.” cisive disadvantages compared with threats, including aircraft crashes. foreign competition if Germany per- These walls even stand up against tar- sists with so-called renewables. Ger- getted missile attacks. many is weakened, and possibly will To this extent, these advantages of technological safety could be destroyed by the high cost of “renewable energy.” This most not be reached by any other known nuclear power plant. certainly will lead to a decisive weakening in all sectors of our economy, with the result that there will be no money available High Temperature Economics for our social programs. Now, in summary, here is a brief assessment of the econom- Only an energy mix by the most inexpensive production ics of HTR technology: plants is an economically sound energy mix. As I explained at • The spherical fuel elements are the safest nuclear fuel. Op- the start, this was true in the postwar years, and still is true to- erationally, they are most easy to handle and most safe to store day. In a letter to the editor of the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine permanently because of their low volume of radioactivity. Zeitung,n o July 19, 2010, Dr. Jürgen Grossmann described Moreover, they allow change of fuel elements during operation the situation as follows: “It is all about a brutal industrial pol- and without shutting down the installation. This is a major ad- icy.” Whoever does not acknowledge this, and act according- vantage from the standpoint of operational economy. ly, commits a sin against the German economy. • The high primary gas temperature allows the highest ther- How absurd are the efforts by our government and the oppo- modynamic efficiency, hence the best utilization of nuclear sition parties, attempting to gain worldwide leadership in “re- fuel. newable energy” so as to prevent CO2 emissions and thereby • In addition to generating electricity, the high-temperature protect the climate, is demonstrated by a simple calculation, heat can be used for various industrial processes; for example, which appeared in a letter to the editor of the Frankfurter Allge- for the production of liquid or gaseous fuels. meine Zeitung, of January 14, 2010, (and which brought me • The use of thorium-232 enables the breeding of fissile ura- tremendous support): nium-233 as new fuel. Therefore, the available reserves of ura- “When there is no man-made CO2 produced at all in Ger- nium U-235, in combination with thorium-232 will suffice in- many, and the nation would have ceased to exist, this reduction definitely. would account for 0.00004712 percent of total CO2 emissions produced on our planet worldwide. Those who still pursue this

The Carbon Dioxide Myth zero CO2 target, therefore, must have succumbed to an unbe- Finally, a word on the question of carbon dioxide in the at- lievable delusion of grandeur.”* mosphere. Without CO , the planet Earth is uninhabitable. 2 * For more detailed explanations of this presentation, see www.buerger-for- Those who claim that CO2 is a “harmful gas” or “toxic gas,” and technik.de, nuclear engineering 2009 and 2010; www.eike-klima-energie.eu/ news-anzeige/ umwelt-klima-energie. who aim for a zero CO2 target for planet Earth, show an incom- More comprehensive articles about the CO theme, written by thousands of prehensibly low level of minimal, most elementary basic 2 scientists around the world, and not yet understood or read by German politi- knowledge, and lack of general education. Accurate scientific cians, can be found at www.eike-air-energie.eu and www.buerger-for-technik. de. I also recommend the book cited by Dr. S. Fred Singer. evidence of the CO2 influence on the climate of our planet

30 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT Let’s Tell the Truth About Plutonium and Hanford by Michael R. Fox, Ph.D.

n July 10, 2010, the New York and some of the references listed in the OTimes published another article report. My objections include the huge about the Hanford nuclear site in East- lack of context, exaggerations, omissions ern Washington, this one by veteran re- of fact, omissions of key research find- porter Matthew Wald. (http://tinyurl. ings regarding health effects of plutoni- com/2azj5kz). It requires some correc- um, omissions regarding interesting as- tive comments. pects of the Hanford environment, During World War II, Hanford was inadequate literature sourcing, and omis- um Waste Figures” only hints at what lies chosen by the Army Corps of Engineers sion of comments on other materials ahead in terms of other irrelevancies. to be one of the sites in what was then such as americium. The apparent purpose of the paper and called the Manhattan Project. Hanford Let’s start with the headline: “Analysis the Times article is to create another im- produced the majority of the nation’s in- Triples U.S. Plutonium Waste Figures.” age of looming doom related to the Han- ventory of plutonium, including that in Nowhere in his article does the reporter ford clean-up mission. Such stories of im- the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. provide the relative magnitudes of the pending doom from Hanford have been Having many decades of experience before and after values. Therefore, the frequent fare from Hanford critics for working at Hanford, including working reader cannot assess for himself the more than two decades, and all of them with plutonium and managing a plutoni- amounts of plutonium involved. Three suffer from the same litany of exaggerat- um laboratory, it gets wearisome to read times a small number is still a small num- ed fears. such superficial, inadequate, and mis- ber, for example. As written, therefore, Central to the scare stories are the leading articles. the headline is irrelevant and meaning- two familiar concepts—“deadly” plu- Given this specialized background, I less. tonium and 24,000-year half-life. These feel an obligation to comment on the ar- But in the universe of problems with have been common bugaboos since ticle by Times reporter Wald, the report this Times article and the report it is based the 1970s, when the antinuclear forces he reports on, the authors of the report,* on, the lack of information on “Plutoni- and their friends in the media yapped in concert like Pavlovian dogs. The scare stories haven’t changed for nearly 40 years, yet during this time thousands of workers operated quite safely with plu- tonium, because we happen to know a lot about it and how to work safely with it. When one is managing a plutonium lab, with dozens of workers, personal safety of friends and colleagues was al- ways of utmost importance and a no- nonsense part of everyday life. That safe- ty effort paid off, in terms of establishing an excellent health and safety record. Obviously, we worked hard and careful- ly with safety training, laboratory con- duct, practices, and habits. Gee-Whizzy Half-Lives Now for that big number: One is re- minded of children discovering a gee- whizzy new word or big number for the first time. “Hey, Dad, want me to count to 100?” With regard to that frightening 24,000-year half-life, the term half-life is Savannah River Site/DOE commonly applied to all known radioac- A processed “button” of plutonium. tive materials, and is not scary for anyone

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 31 text missing from these discussions and articles. Natural Radioactivity and Risk The discovery of natural radioactivity turned the world of physics upside down for the next 60 years, and was and still is a major factor in the history of 20th Cen- tury physics. There is much more to this subject than merely plutonium and its 24,000-year half-life. This world of physics is essentially unknown to the American public and to the uncurious media. The Hanford Reservation is one of the most heavily monitored tracts of land in the world, and it has been reported on annually for about 40 years. These annu- DOE al reports are in the open literature, and The F Reactor plutonium production complex at Hanford. The boxy building between available to all. (See for example Han- the two water towers on the right is the plutonium production reactor; the long build- ford Site 2008 Environmental Report, ing in the center of the photograph is the water treatment plant http://hanford-site.pnl.gov/envreport/) Not surprisingly, these reports are rarely who has taken course work in radio- since that discovery of natural radioactiv- discussed by either the anti-Hanford crit- chemistry. ity, yet I’d dare estimate that even as a ics or by any of the media. Nor in the universe of radioactive sub- part of our natural environment, 99 per- These reports are phenomenal in both stances is the 24,000-year number un- cent of the public cannot give a 5-minute scope and depth of details. The distribu- usual for a half-life. For example, potas- discussion on the subject. Same for about tion list for these annual reports is huge, sium-40 is radioactive and along with 100 percent of the media. going to state and Federal agencies two other non-radioactive forms of po- After more than a century of such pub- across the nation. The reports also help tassium, is measurably present in all lic ignorance regarding our natural envi- explain why Hanford is not a threat to forms of life—including humans, this ronment, it’s way past the time that we public health, because the radiation author, the report authors, and the learn. This is but a part of the huge con- doses are far too small—often less than Times reporter. It has a half-life of 1.4 billion years. It is there in living tissue and quite measurable with today’s de- tectors. Radioactive thorium exists in all soil samples around the world, and has a half-life of about 14 billion years. Carry- ing the half-life discussion to its obvious absurd ending, elements such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, as stable elements may be described as having half-lives of eternity in length. When one checks with the “Chart of the Nuclides,” there are more than 3,000 known nuclides, and all but about 250 are radioactive. Many of them form and decay in trillionths of a second or less, and do not occur in abundance naturally. But we still know a lot about them. Oth- ers, as noted above, have half lives of bil- lions of years. One long-lived uranium nuclide has a half-life of about 4.5 billion years, the age of the Earth. Uranium, which can be found in all soil samples in the world, DOE was discovered in 1896 by Antoine Bec- The canyon deck of the 820-foot-long 221-B plutonium processing plant at Hanford, querel of France. It has been 114 years which produced weapons plutonium during World War II.

32 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT Library of Congress Putting radiation in perspective: The “Mile High” city of , Colorado in 1898. Then, as now, residents of Denver received more natural background radiation (50 millirem) than U.S. citizens living at sea level (26 millirem). Radiation doses at the Hanford site are small, often less than the doses received from natural radioactivity. the doses received from natural radioac- gram) is costing taxpayers about $2 bil- bone cancer in humans” is also refer- tivity. lion per year, with estimates approaching enced in the Alvarez report,* to another Based upon these environmental mon- $100 billion before it’s done. No matter pamphlet with the same quote. The pam- itoring programs, relevant epidemiology how much money is spent on Hanford phlet was published by the Agency for programs, dosimetry measuring and cleanup efforts, a decline in the cancer Toxic Substances and Disease Registry monitoring programs, etc., for both work- rates will never be shown, because the (ATSDR). It, too, does not provide the lit- ers and surrounding populations, the ra- Hanford cancer rates are quite normal erature source of the above statement dioactive health threats from Hanford now. In terms of basic principles of risk about plutonium. operations are so extremely small that management, the Hanford cleanup is a Since the statement is unreferenced it they are statistically indistinguishable tragic waste of taxpayer resources in the must be considered hearsay, of which from zero. alleged pursuit of public safety. there is plenty to choose from. Since the health threats from the Han- Using the same fixed budget in the In strong contrast to the Times article, ford operations are so small, a huge ethi- pursuit of public safety, hundreds, per- there are many quantitative scientific cal problem arises out of risk manage- haps thousands of Washington State lives analyses of the “Myth of Plutonium Tox- ment considerations. As of July 2009, could be saved by spending these re- icity,” such as that by Dr. Bernard Cohen, Washington State had 6,664,195 people. sources protecting people from measur- at the Department of Physics at the Uni- The average mortality rate was 725 per ably more harmful activities. versity of . (See, for example, 100,000, or a total of 48,285 funerals in ‘Pure and Simple’ Lies http://russp.org/BLC-3.html.) 2008. Nearly 22 percent (10,622) of The Times reporter quoted the activist Some Plutonium Realities these were from heart disease and about lawyer Gerry Pollet as saying “What is My experiences with laboratory stud- 20 percent (9,657) of these were from reasonably foreseeable is that there are ies of plutonium show that it is spectac- cancer. Suppose we were concerned people who will be drinking the water ularly insoluble in water and most other about reducing the cancer mortality rates in the ground at Hanford at some point solvents. Plutonium prefers to remain in for the State of Washington, with a fixed in the next few hundreds years. We’re the solid state, often bound to soil sol- budget to do so. How would we allocate going to be killing people, pure and ids; thus any study of the transport of such resources? simple.” plutonium through underground soil Common sense would dictate using Plutonium toxicity is most assuredly formations begs great and detailed scru- such allocations where the mortality not that “pure and simple.” The activist tiny. rates were well above expected values. lawyer apparently is a captive in his own In many cases, plutonium also should These locations do exist in Washington demon-haunted world, as Carl Sagan not be considered lethal even if it is in- State, but such locations do not include might have said. His well-rehearsed gested. At low doses of plutonium in hu- Hanford. Given that the cancer excesses lines have been commonly heard from mans, epidemiology studies show that it occur elsewhere in the state, what frac- him and from the anti-Hanford move- was difficult to find observable harm, let tion of that fixed budget should be direct- ment for years, without supportive evi- alone cancer, and let alone death. The ed at reducing cancer at Hanford? The dence. answer, if fairness applied, would be lit- His statement is not supported by en- * The report, by professional anti-nuke Robert Alva- tle or none. vironmental and epidemiology studies rez, has been accepted for publication in Science and Global Security, a journal published by Prince- However, the Hanford clean-up pro- of plutonium. His statement that “It has ton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public gram (portrayed as a huge safety pro- been found to cause lung, liver, and and International Affairs.

NUCLEAR REPORT 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 33 HISTORYOF ROCKETRY AND ASTRONAUTICS DOE BOOK SERIES The Hanford site on the Columbia River. “After nearly 40 years, the Hanford critics continue to repeat the same old scare stories.” AMERICAN ASTRONAUTICAL SOCIETY HISTORY SERIES cited report made no mention of these ics continue to repeat the same old scare For a complete listing of these excellent human epidemiology studies and the stories, and the media continue to repeat volumes on the history of rocketry and astronautics, including brief descriptions negative results. the scares without fact checking, and of each volume, tables of contents of My friend and scientific colleague continue to ignore a lot of the scientific most of the volumes and ordering infor- Richard Emery performed a study of one literature. We have also learned that mation, please visit the following pages of the ponds at Hanford which had re- these “true believers,” in the words of au- in the book sections of our Web Site: ceived low levels of plutonium (http:// thor Christopher Booker, exhibit a kind of • http://www.univelt.com/ tinyurl.com/25odcag). It was described moralistic self-righteous fanaticism justi- Aasweb.html#AAS_HISTORY_SERIES as “one of the most contaminated bodies fied by the supposed transcendent im- • http:/www.univelt.com/ of water” in the world. This may have portance of their cause. Aasweb.html#IAA_PROCEEDINGS_HI STORY_ASTRONAUTICS_SYMPOSIA been factually true, but was missing the For years, this fanaticism has prevent- • http://www.univelt.com/ important context. ed an atmosphere of serious discussion, htmlHS/noniaahs.htm A careful reading of his research paper let alone a rational approach to the risk shows a much more interesting descrip- management of Hanford. In fact, the BOOKS ON MARS tion of the pond, which had phenome- scare stories have made a mockery of These volumes provide a blueprint for nally low levels of plutonium. It actually risk analyses and risk management, not manned missions to Mars and a contin- supported a rich and diverse wildlife to mention the waste of billions of tax ued presence on the planetís surface, including what technology is required, population from the bass and bluegill dollars thrown at Hanford cleanup in and what kinds of precursor missions fish in the water, to a number of birds, the pursuit of small or zero risk. and experiments are required. For more and the population of predators of her- information on the Mars books available, ons and coyotes. Michael R. Fox, Ph.D., is a nuclear sci- please visit the following page in the These animals were thriving because entist and a science and energy re- book section of our Web Site: the plutonium radiation doses were ex- source for Hawaii Reporter and a sci- • http://univelt.staigerland.com/ tremely low (in spite of the exaggera- ence analyst for the Grassroot Institute marspubs.html tions). Emery also calculated that if a hu- of Hawaii. Now retired, he has nearly If you would like for us to send you more man ate one pound of the fish from this 40 years experience in the energy field information, then please contact us as follows: U-pond every day for 70 years, he would and he also taught chemistry and ener- Univelt, Inc., P.O. Box 28130, not receive a significant dose of radia- gy at the university level. His interest in , CA 92198, USA tion—hardly cancerous or lethal. the communication of science has led Tel.: (760) 746-4005; The pond and the rich wildlife popula- to several communications awards, Fax.: (760) 746-3139 tions have now been destroyed, thanks to hundreds of speeches, and many ap- E-mail: [email protected] fear and science illiteracy and the mil- pearances on television and talk shows. Web Site: lions of dollars used to do so. This is one He can be reached via email at mike@ www.univelt.com of the prices we pay for fear, exaggera- foxreport.org. tion, and lots of money. A version of this article previously ap- After nearly 40 years, the Hanford crit- peared in the Hawaii Reporter.

34 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology NUCLEAR REPORT SPACE REPORT Space Technology Can Transform Africa by Marsha Freeman

o continent on Earth is in economy, and laying the basis Nmore desperate need of for the breakthroughs by the next space science and technology generation of Africans. than Africa. Dramatically raising Enormous Potential the standard of living of Africa’s At present, only a handful of peoples requires a brute-force, nations in Africa participate in great-project approach, a leap- the application of space technol- frog over 20th Century methods, ogy, such as the use of remote- to directly employ the most ad- sensing and satellite communi- vanced technologies that are cations capabilities. But the available, and those that are on need, and the potential, are the cusp of development. enormous. As part of the global extension South Africa, which has devel- of the North American Water and oped the most extensive space Power Alliance (NAWAPA), the capability in Africa, announced LaRouche Political Action Com- the establishment of its South Af- mittee has proposed the Trans- rica National Space Agency on GFSC/NASA/SeaWiFS aqua project, which would sup- Dec. 9 of last year. It will bring ply water to Lake Chad, and to The African continent is at the center of this global visu- together disparate space-related the surrounding region, and be alization, which was produced with data collected by efforts in the country, and will the centerpiece of economic in- NASA’s SeaWiFS instrument. Dark green on land, and also aim to revive space facilities frastructure projects to unlock the red, yellow, and green on the ocean, show where life is that have been mothballed since potential of Africa. (www.la- most productive. the 1990s. The new agency plans rouchepac.com/node/15817). to create a satellite-design and Transforming the continent through proj- But more than any specific economic building capacity, using local expertise, ects of the scope of Transaqua, requires benefit from space technology applica- building on its successful Sumbandila mapping resources, comprehensive wa- tions, such national programs create a micro-satellite, and circumventing its re- ter management, geographic and geolog- cadre of scientists, engineers, techni- liance on satellites from abroad. This ic analysis, land use planning, the track- cians, and highly skilled machine-tool year, it will begin a feasibility study to as- ing of disease, and agricultural and manufacturing operatives, who can sess the state of the facilities left over monitoring—all of which are done most then take the lead in creating quantum from its medium-range ballistic missile efficiently using space-based technolo- jumps in productivity throughout the program, with the view toward creating a gies. Land remote-sensing sat- satellite launch vehicle, and ellites have long been recog- will extend its participation in nized by numerous African international astronomy proj- nations as a necessary tool for ects. scientifically informed eco- Nigeria established its Na- nomic development. tional Space Research and Communication satellites, Development Agency in which can connect rural and 1999. The nation’s first satel- remote communities to edu- lite, Nigeriasat-1, was part of cational programs, and health an international microsatellite and other government servic- Disaster Monitoring Constel- es, also help to knit together a lation, and was built by Surrey coherent national culture. Satellite in England. It was Such satellites also connect launched by Russia in 2003, African nations with each oth- and produces high quality re- er, enabling international de- SSTL mote-sensing images. Nige- velopment projects with a Nigerian engineers working on NigeriaSat-X at Surrey Satellite ria’s first communications sat- continental impact. Technology, Ltd. ellite, the Chinese-built

SPACE 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 35 NigComSat-1, was launched Space Agency. Its focus would by China in 2007. But the be on telecommunications ca- satellite failed on orbit a year pabilities. later, and will be replaced More recently, Dr. Argoun later this year. Nigeria’s Nige- has proposed an AfricaSat, to riaSat-2 is also scheduled for bring together, and enhance, launch later this year, along the technical and industrial ca- with a training model, which pabilities of Africa. After his was undertaken by Nigerian presentation at the 61st Inter- scientists and engineers. national Astronautical Con- The Algerian Space Agen- gress, held in Prague, the cy was created in 2002, and , in September soon after, saw the launch of 2010, he was interviewed by its Alsat-1 remote-sensing EIR’s William Jones about this satellite, also part of Surrey proposal, and the importance Satellite’s five-satellite Disas- of bringing water to the African ter Monitoring Constellation. deserts. In July 2010, the European- Science can still save Africa. built Alsat-2 was launched This must start with a global fi- by India, which included an nancial and economic reorga- intensive training program nization that begins in the for Algerian engineers and United States, with the re- scientists. www.sunspace.co.za placement of the bankrupt fi- Egypt has operated its own South Africa’s Sumbandila micro-satellite before its launch in nancial system through a European-built communica- September 2009, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Sumbandila Glass-Steagall policy, the re- tions satellite since 1998. A means “lead the way” in the Venda language. turn to a credit-based econom- follow-on, Nilesat-2, of simi- ic growth policy, and interna- lar design, was launched two years later. early warning tool for disasters, to track tional agreements to make that policy A next-generation communications sat- water-borne diseases, and for infrastruc- global. In this way, Africa can finally be ellite, Nilesat-201, was launched in Au- ture planning, continent-wide. free of hundreds of years of colonial rule, gust of last year. For Earth remote-sensing In 2009, former director of the space and decades of international financial capabilities, Egypt has teamed up with program of Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Argoun strangulation, and ready to truly enter the Ukraine’s Yuzhnoy Design Bureau, and (see accompanying interview), speaking Space Age. EgyptSat-1 was launched in 2007. The at the Global Space Tech- contract with Ukraine included the train- nology Forum in Abu ing of Egyptian satellite operators, and Dhabi, proposed that Egypt’s ground receiving stations capture there be a Pan-Arab space the satellite images. agency in the future, Egyptian scientists, both at home and when there is a concrete, abroad, have participated with NASA multilateral program in and other international scientists in stud- place, with industrial and ies of the North African desert, the loca- university participation. tion of ancient subterranean water chan- Middle Eastern and Afri- nels, and existing underground water can Arab nations, he sug- resources. In 2004, an international team gested, should develop a took deep radar sounding measurements space technology indus- at the Bakareza Oasis, testing instruments try, to contribute to a new, that could be used to find subsurface wa- high-resolution Earth re- ter on Mars. gional observation satel- Going Regional lite. Various regional African space orga- Another regional ini- nizations have been proposed, and some tiative came in August have been created, to pool Africa’s lim- 2010, when the Minis- ited resources devoted to space applica- ters of Communication tions. Nairobi, Kenya, hosts the Regional and Information Technol- Center for Mapping of Resources for De- ogies of the African www.sunspace.co.za velopment, which has the participation Union agreed to conduct Sumbandila image of the South African city of Stellen- of 15 African member-states. Satellite a feasibility study on the bosch, home of the university that helped design the sat- data are used to predict floods, as an formation of an African ellite.

36 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology SPACE INTERVIEW: DR. MOHAMED ARGOUN ‘Bring the Benefits of Space To Developing Countries’

Dr. Argoun is the former director of the scientific research, and the public space program of Egypt, the National Au- awareness of space, and eventu- thority for Remote Sensing and Space ally, using the applications and Sciences (NARSS). He is currently pro- the technologies. So this was a fessor of Aerospace Engineering at Cairo technology-oriented type of proj- Dr. Argoun: The AfricaSat project is the way for University. After presenting his paper, ect, as opposed to an application- African countries to develop capabilities in “Recent Design and Utilization Trends of oriented type, as opposed to using space technology by working together to build Small Satellites in Developing Countries,” the images for development, satellites. at the International Astronautical Con- which is another track of space gress (IAC) in Prague, he was interviewed applications. who offered the technology to these on Sept. 29 by EIR Washington bureau On the technology aspect, many coun- countries, through cooperation and train- chief, William Jones, on his proposal for a tries started building small satellites, and ing programs. continent-wide satellite project, to help especially remote-sensing satellites, sim- The point is, that after a while, govern- industrialize Africa. ply because they are simpler, easier to ment support for these programs became * * * build, they don’t cost much to launch, less enthusiastic. Question: I’d like to ask you about the and they’re smaller in size. So that is a project you talked about yesterday in way of getting into space technology Question: Is that because of the ex- your presentation at the IAC. You stated without getting into very large satellites. pense? that this project would help bring space For most of these countries, the years be- Because of the expense. Also these technologies to Africa, and expand them tween 1992 and 2002, approximately, countries don’t have a very strong indus- to serve as a wedge toward economic during that period of 10 years, became trial base in high-tech. Therefore, these development in a very hard-hit part of the period of launching many small satel- space programs exist generally as an is- the world. lites. It was pioneered by companies in land in the industrial space of these coun- The project is called Africasat. This is the United Kingdom and in South Korea, tries. It’s difficult to support this and keep an effort, or a project, to bring the it going, because in order to keep it developing countries in Africa into going, you need a lot of input from space technology. Several coun- a strong industry. Governments sup- tries in Africa have tried to build port these programs because they small satellites. promise a lot of industrial develop- ment particularly, but the economic Question: How many African return is kind of slow in coming, be- countries involved in space tech- cause the infrastructure for using nology are there now? space technology or space applica- South Africa is well-advanced in tions in these countries is not very that direction. Egypt has an EgyptSat strong. program. Nigeria has Nigeria-Sat, You have satellites and they have with two satellites, I believe. And advantages, but nobody uses them Algeria. Also, Morocco has built a as much as they do elsewhere. So small satellite some years ago. the satellites are there, but the satel- As I was saying in my talk, in lites are only a tool of the technol- 1990, there emerged a move to get ogy. developing countries into the space NARSS When you come to second-gen- business. Basically, the theme is to EgyptSat-1, here in an artist’s drawing, is a minisatel- eration satellites, then you have a bring the benefits of space to devel- lite project of Egypt’s NARSS (National Authority for gap of government support. And oping countries. One direction of Remote Sensing and Space Science) and the Yuzh- this threatens the initial successful this, was learning space technolo- noye State Design Office of Ukraine. Yuzhnoye pro- move of getting these countries into gy, making the engineers, the tech- vided technical expertise, on-the-job training, and an initial industrial stage, basically nical people, acquiring all the ins technology transfer to 60 Egyptian engineers and ex- through space technology. They be- and outs of this type of thing, there- perts. EgyptSat-1 was launched in April 2007 from gin to wonder—these things are dif- by enhancing the industry and the the Baikonur Cosmodrome. ficult, they can’t be done, they

SPACE 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 37 haven’t the background or the education in these countries, and so on. But, if you make a satellite, you can eventually make anything else. It is a way of trans- forming these developing countries into an industrialized country, in a way. So when the interest wanes or fades a bit, these programs stop, many of them, or at least slow down. So the idea I was promoting in the AfricaSat project is that the way for these countries to continue getting into space and developing capa- bilities in space technology is to continue building satellites. But there is no need to build a satellite for each country, and have every country working on every- thing. We can achieve the same objec- tives, and much more efficiently, if all these countries join into building one satellite, and every country contributes in whatever area it wants to contribute.

Question: Can you give an example? If a certain country has a particular in- An illustration from Dr. Argoun’s presentation to the Space Presentation Environment terest, or a particular development in the Conference in Cairo, May 2008. communication area, they can design the communications system and build it. try chooses that, and they get the benefit will help build a satellite, over the long If some other country is in materials, they of the choice they make. run, for Africa. And of course, it will be can work on the structure. So each coun- This is similar to what happened in Eu- directed at the benefit of the African rope, where the countries of the Europe- countries, not only in terms of technolo- an Space Agency concentrate on the area gy, but also images and applications and Back Issues of they like, and everybody builds infra- the like. And eventually, two things will structure in the area they want to develop happen. The countries will have the st inside their country, but they all partici- knowledge and the know-how, and they 21 CENTURY pate in the global project. It’s similar to will have a system that brings these coun- SCIENCE& TECHNOLOGY that in Africa. And space by its nature is a tries together for major projects. collaborative effort. Even the satellite it- One of the problems in countries in Af- are available at self does not see borders, and new infor- rica is that they do not cooperate effec- $5 each postpaid mation flows freely in this area. Even in tively and there’s no system for flow of ($8 foreign). building satellites, it’s much more effi- management and information and work- cient and much more economical if you ing together. So, if you do a project like do it as a collaborative effort. this and succeed in making it happen, So, what we are suggesting is that the then you unclog a lot of things. project be under the United Nations um- brella, because the United Nations was Question: How do you take this technol- the one that initiated the UNISPACE-III ogy, perhaps relating to the Egyptian ex- Conference, which was held in 1999, and perience, in order to create a technical really supported this. They encouraged cadre which might have a more general advanced countries to transfer technolo- benefit for the nation economically? gy for space for peaceful purposes to un- This was one of the regional objectives derdeveloped countries. They encouraged for the space program when we pro- Send check or money order, U.S. currency only underdeveloped countries and gov­ posed it. And that is, if you accept and ernments to get into this. And actually they succeed in implementing this program, 21st CENTURY are still organizing all these workshops to it gives you a certificate of quality for P.O. Box 16285 Washington, D.C. 20041 support these types of endeavors. your products and your processes that is Or order online at So, we are suggesting that under the valid everywhere in the world. In a way, www.21stcenturysciencetech.com umbrella of the U.N., there be formed a space technology has certain features, consortium, or a group of willing coun- that if it infiltrates into the local industry, Index for 1988-2005 available on website tries and willing entities, that together it raises the quality level significantly.

38 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology SPACE DesertSat Question: Now you have developed EgyptSat-1 and are working on EgyptSat- 2, and then you will begin on DesertSat. Tell me about DesertSat and how you in- tend to utilize this. Obviously, this would be of service in dealing with that other major problem for Africa, which is wa- ter. What we have in the Egyptian space program is the third satellite. We have had one every five years, but with a high- er degree, an increasing degree, of local participation in each one. So we had 50 percent in the first one, where we were learning and getting the training, and so on; 60 percent in the second one; and we will have 85 percent and higher in Des- ertSat. EgyptSat-1 was launched in 2007, NARSS EgyptSat-2 was supposed to be ready in EgyptSat-1 being assembled in the nose cone of the Dnepr launcher, along with other 2012, and 2017 for DesertSat. payloads. Now the idea of DesertSat, is that Egypt, and Africa actually, have certain Things like deadlines. The planning of not many, components. We planned characteristics of its land—of course, it is space takes a lot of planning: Every move originally in the EgyptSat program to desert. So what you need in a satellite to is carefully planned and timed very ac- build eight components, and we suc- explore the desert is different from what curately. The quality of the materials, the ceeded in three. So there is a degree of you need in an education-type satellite inadmissibility of error in processes. If success. It’s just a general concept, to or in an eyesight satellite, as in Canada. you bring these concepts, and do these bring in the benefits of space technology The sensors, or the scanners, which are projects with the local industry, then you to industry, to scientific research institu- the exploring vehicles of the satellite, raise the standard of that industry signifi- tions, to universities, and to the common will have different features, will look for cantly. And if you succeed in the final people. We realize that this is not a great different things. product, then, as I said, you get the cer- number of people involved, but it is im- What you look for in the desert is, as tificate of quality to expand. If Egypt portant. you mentioned, basically the water, traces makes satellites with their of water, and possibly oil. own people, then nobody And formations of miner- will be worried about im- als, and that kind of wealth. porting from them. So we are looking at the So to do this, we should spectral stamp of these realize that satellite-mak- phenomena and trying to ing is in a narrow strip of make the sensor more sen- the industry. We are talk- sitive to these than it is, for ing about a sector in Egypt example, to ocean water. that has 100 or 150 peo- One thing, for example, ple working in it, and per- in looking for water: You haps will become several would look for tempera- thousand. It’s not like a ture, because if there is wa- major industry. But, in ter in an area inside the des- certain areas of the indus- ert, in a pool somewhere, try, in electronics, in con- but underground, what sumer products of a high- happens, is that the sand in er level, it’s instrumental. that area might be slightly It can change things. iinitiative.wordpress.com/category/satellites/ wetter, slightly cooler than So, what we tried to do Government representatives signing a memorandum of understanding, the other sand. So you have is get the components and during the Third African Leadership Conference on Space Science and to have a sensitivity to this the parts of the satellites to Technology for Sustainable Development, in Algiers, in December differential in the tempera- be manufactured in Egypt 2009. The African Resource Management Constellation involves an ini- ture. This is what we’re under license. We suc- tial collaboration of Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, and Algeria around hoping—to get the sensor ceeded in making a few, sharing of satellite data. designed and built by that

SPACE 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 39 Courtesy of Dr. Mohamed Argoun The Aswan receiving station for EgyptSat. time and fly it on DesertSat, and use that to that with 60 people. So we map the desert in a different way. That was need to increase the Egyp- our objective with DesertSat. tian team for EgyptSat-2 to We are now are also working to try to the range of 200 or 240. And design sensors at Cairo University, where that’s happening slowly but I am now doing some research work, in surely. that direction, and also trying to get inter- NARSS national cooperation on these kind of op- Question: Is the proposal EgyptSat image of Cairo. erations. for AfricaSat coming from It’s interesting. We see this wealth of the Egyptian government? ganizations, research centers, and com- the desert, if you look at it in one way; No, it is actually coming from industry panies to participate in building this, but and it is a big problem, if you look at it people, from people like myself who are under the auspices of the United Nations, differently. And we have to utilize that in interested in space. And we would like to so as not to lose the initial effort that was some way and this is one of the ways we get government and non-government or- done in building the first satellites in all can do that.

Question: Tell me about the develop- ment of your space technicians. Initially, with EgyptSat-1, you sent out your peo- ple to Ukraine for training. How many were there at that time? There were 64. And there are another 60 or so who have entered the program.

Question: Can you see the point where you would have the internal resources to build your own cadre independently? Certainly, I should think 64 is a large number for this type of work. When we first envisioned the project, and talked with many of the companies in the coun- try, we talked about 20 or so. But our ob- jective was different. It was to get a larger number and to use them, as I said, as a fertilization for other groups. So for EgyptSat-2, a number like 300, or maybe around 240 specialists, would not be a large number. It’s about what is GFSC/NASA needed. Because the 60 were just learn- A 2004 NASA image of a dust storm and Lake Chad (the olive green area). Egypt’s Des- ers, but behind them was all of Ukraine’s ertSat will be designed to specialize in viewing desert terrain, in particular searching space industry. You can’t transfer all of for underground water.

40 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology SPACE Schiller Institute The development of the Lake Chad basin is one part of the huge Transaqua project, which would bring water from the Congo to replenish Lake Chad and reverse the desertification of the area. Lake Chad is in the upper left of the map, straddling the borders of Niger, Chad, the Central African Republic, and Nigeria. these countries. Because, as I said, the have recently relaunched the Transaqua spraying, a lot of the water simply evapo- states need much more of a push than project, to divert water from the Congo rates. The surface of the particles in small was needed at first. And collaboration River to revive Lake Chad as the source balls of water atoms are flying around, can ease the burden on each country. of water for the Sahara region, and to and then, the temperature affects the at- use this project to begin to win back oms. So the temperature effect is very se- Question: And what is the level of coop- much of the area that has been lost to rious. eration between the African countries in desertification. This is part of the glob- The projects for transporting the water this field today? al extension of the North American are still viable, but they have to be in It does not exist. Power and Water Alliance [NAWAPA] closed canals, in closed pipes, basically project, being organized in the United underground. There is only a limited Question: Then perhaps the Internation- States. amount of water that arrives in this area, al Astronautical Congress, which will be About creating a new basis of water in basically coming from Nile sources, and held in Capetown, South Africa next the African desert: The problem is evapo- a lot of it is lost with that vapor. Therefore, year, may be an occasion to push for- ration. The heat in that area is absolutely the investment really becomes putting ward this proposal? the highest temperature in the world. Ac- this in closed pipes. And pipes are the We should start talking about it and tually, there is an environmental model way of doing it. If you do that, and you getting some support for the idea, and that was built at Cairo University, and it put that into deep lakes, rather than shal- hopefully it will eventually have enough shows that the heat, the temperature— low lakes, then you can reduce the evap- support to form some active groups to this is the hottest spot on the planet, in oration. So this is different engineering in start the planning process. the area near Aswan. looking at the problem. But still it can be The Transaqua Project The rates of evaporation are very high, done. Question: The LaRouche Political Ac- to the extent that you cannot use water Definitely, you can bring these areas to tion Committee, and EIR magazine, spray efficiently, because while you are life with water.

SPACE 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 41 BOOKS A Feverish Malthusian Defends Malaria As a Non-Problem by Donald Roberts, Ph.D.

In contrast to Shah, I am an entomolo- The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled gist who has worked for 45 years to com- Humankind for 500,000 Years bat malaria, and I state unequivocally, by Sonia Shah from my experience in the developing New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Sarah sector, that DDT is an essential part of Crichton Books), 2010 the armamentarium against malaria, and Hardcover, 307 pp., $26.00 that indoor residual spraying with DDT

loaked in presumptions of Can enlightened understand- repelled by DDT and, more often than ing of malaria, its history and not, do not enter a house that has been evolution, Sonia Shah’s The Fe- sprayed. ver presents a subtle array of de- I say this at the outset of this review, nunciations and smear tactics because it is crucial to keep in mind against the tools, the methods, that Shah’s denunciations of past and and even the motivations of key present programs to control or eradi- individuals who endeavored to cate malaria are consistent with those control malaria, both past and who are responsible for allowing malar- present. Shah comes across as a ia to continue to kill millions of peo- journalist who is looking for ple—instead of eradicating the disease. fame. She describes herself as My intention here is, for the record, to hating mosquitoes, but perhaps counter some of the misstatements Shah she hates people more. Screenshot CSpan/bookTV makes to build her case that malaria The Fever is a book written to Author Sonia Shah thinks people, not malaria or isn’t all that bad. charm and soothe other people mosquitoes, are the problem. Precise Imprecision like herself, the armchair envi- The Fever introduces the reader to ma- ronmentalists who think people are the is most effective in stopping the spread laria parasites and possible evolutionary problem—and who want to eradicate of malaria. The key here is the unique scenarios for species that infect humans. DDT and other essential public health spatial repellency of DDT: Mosquitoes, The author scrupulously avoids using insecticides, not eradicate malaria. even those that are DDT-resistant, are technical terms in describing the natural histories of the parasites, the diseases they cause, Donald R. Roberts, Ph.D., is and the mosquitoes that Professor Emeritus of Tropical transmit the parasites. Public Health at the Uniformed Having sidestepped a de- Services University of the Health fined technical vocabu- Sciences. He is the coauthor of lary, Shah’s writing must The Excellent Powder: DDT’s rest on the depth of her Political and Scientific History understanding and inter- (DogEar Publishing, 2010, avail- pretation of the underly- able at www.theexcellentpow- ing science. This be- der.org). His numerous field comes problematic when studies and published scientific she carelessly refers to articles on DDT over the past 45 the unicellular parasites years, have shown, in particular, as “gestating” in the mos- that DDT has a unique effect of Still River Alliance quito, and states that the spatial repellency: Even more Contrary to Shah’s belief, the New England mosquitoes were there parasites cause blood to important than its killing effect, before the early settlers built mill ponds. Here, an old mill pond in “curdle” in veins. DDT repels mosquitoes. Danbury, Conn. Although the terms are

42 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology BOOKS into those areas did not result in major outbreaks of malaria. In fact, the mere 30,000 cases Shah cited for the 1970s were the result of Bra- zil’s use of DDT. Spraying DDT in houses prevented malaria outbreaks along the Trans-Amazon Highway. Large increases in malaria only started in the 1980s, when the government began to ramp down its house-spraying program in compliance with World Health Organi- zation (WHO) guidelines. During the 1980s and 1990s, the num- ber of sprayed houses in Brazil declined and the number of malaria cases grew. By inferring that malaria is caused by man’s impact on the environment, Shah misses the point that our perturbations of natural Eugenio Arima/Michigan State University or already impacted environments can A saw mill near Brazil’s western Trans-Amazon Highway. It was not government have a positive, negative, or even no in- development projects in the Amazon that led to malaria increases, as Shah claims, fluence on malaria transmission. but the government’s phaseout of DDT house spraying—in response to WHO anti- Malaria: No Big Deal? insecticide campaigning and guidelines. In a chapter titled “The Karma of Ma- laria,” Shah attempts to characterize ma- not precisely wrong, they are neverthe- fore malaria arrived in the new world.” laria as a normal and natural part of life less precisely imprecise, and contribute Another story Shah related to further in malaria-endemic countries. She ar- little to a clear definition of what occurs her claim that humans are at fault in pro- gues that the perception that malaria is a with parasites in mosquitoes or with par- moting malaria takes place in the Ama- great killer and that it must be stopped at asites in human blood. But far worse than zon region of Brazil. Between 1970 and any cost, is not a view shared by the pop- her failure to use precise descriptors in 1999, she says, the malaria caseload in ulations at actual risk of malaria. People discussions of technical details, Shah the Amazon region of Brazil zoomed in endemic regions, she asserts, accept mounts a number of deceptive and erro- from around 30,000 to 600,000. She at- malaria as a normal part of life. In other neous arguments. tributes those huge malaria increases to words, malaria is no big deal. For example, in Chapter 4, Shah re- agricultural and mineral extraction proj- Shah touches on this theme repeated- ports that around the time of the Revolu- ects promoted by the Brazilian govern- ly, as revealed in her statement about a tionary War, the main eastern U.S. ma- ment. In reality, however, Shah’s exam- boy who has just been diagnosed with laria mosquito caused major malaria ple of increasing malaria in Brazil malaria: “The boy, the reader is led to un- outbreaks in New England, because the illustrates how the malaria burden grows derstand, has just received a death sen- mosquito had spread north as settlers when national programs stop spraying tence. In fact, in endemic countries such constructed large numbers of millponds. the inside of houses. as Mozambique, people get tested for She infers that people were responsible I was researching malaria, in collabora- malaria not because they are worried for the outbreaks, because the settlers tion with Brazil’s national malaria control that they have it, but in the hopes that perturbed natural environments in ways program, in the Amazon Basin during the they do, for that would mean they don’t that favored northward extension of the 1970s, and I have monitored the course of have anything worse. The positive malar- mosquito’s range, and she asserts that its malaria control efforts ever since. I can ia diagnosis the boy received would have those environmental perturbations led to testify that Shah’s information is factually been, in fact, a solace.” malaria outbreaks where previously there wrong. She should have looked more This is a false and imperious argument. had been none. closely at what happened with Brazil’s If there is any relief whatsoever in getting Shah’s facts are wrong. Dr. Bruce Har- malaria control program, instead of mak- a malaria diagnosis (and I have), it comes rison, one of the world’s leading malaria ing superfluous claims about the contri- from knowing that the disease can be vector taxonomists and mosquito biolo- butions of new extraction projects. treated. There can be some level of resig- gy experts, states in a review of Shah’s ar- With a modest research effort, Shah nation at the repeated exposure to any gument that Shah is clearly “. . . wrong in would have learned about the large disease, but this does not mean that peo- presuming (stating) that An. quadrimacu- movement of people and extensive land- ple accept as desirable the burdens of latus came up from the south when the scape changes in the 1970s, with con- malaria illness, the chronic anemia, the dams were built. I think the current struction of the Trans-Amazon Highway risk of low fertility, or the risk of death. known distribution indicates that [the] and the colonization program. That mas- Does Shah actually think people would species was there with the native Ameri- sive alteration of landscape and large choose to have an enlarged spleen and cans, before the settlers arrived and be- movement of malaria-susceptible people liver, or to be severely anemic, or to have

BOOKS 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 43 NLM/NIH Fred Soper (1893-1977) was an American epidemiologist who pioneered methods of disease eradication for malaria, yellow fe- ver, and hookworm, in particular. During World War II, he worked with the Secretary of War in programs to control typhus and NLM/NIH malaria. After the war, he directed the Pan Soper made use of laboratory analysis in his eradication campaigns. Here, micros- American Health Organization. copists are screening Anopheles larvae for Anopheles gambiae in the 1930s. a neurologically damaged child, or to As for NMCP people, my experience is favor malaria transmission. lose their infants to infections that can be the opposite of what Shah says. I find that A reasonable perspective, which prevented? Accepting malaria as a nor- malaria control workers are diligent and Shah apparently does not embrace, is mal part of life doesn’t mean that people hard working. Almost without exception, that fewer malaria deaths and malaria wouldn’t opt to be free of it, if given a they are required to abandon their fami- infections will greatly improve human chance. lies for days or weeks of work, and per- capacities and promote economic ad- Contempt for Malaria Workers form hard and arduous duty even though vancement. Likewise, to the extent Shah treats those who study malaria or they are underpaid, underfunded, under­ that economic advancements reach work to control it with equal disdain. She equipped, and understaffed. They de- the people, improvements in living relates a story about a visit to a research serve respect. Shame on Shah for such conditions—for example, screening and institute in Panama, during conditions of mean and unfair characterizations. better-enclosed houses—this will most malaria outbreaks, where she describes Another example of false logic is Shah’s assuredly help reduce malaria. how personnel were just talking and re- assessment of the relationship between A Misinformation Barrage laxing, instead of frantically attending to malaria and poverty. She seems to be say- Shah saves her most blistering barrage malaria problems. She generalizes from ing that those who suggest that controlling of misinformation for coverage of the this experience as follows: “Anyone who malaria will be an economic boon to ma- global malaria eradication program and has worked with health authorities in laria-endemic countries are wrong. She the spraying of DDT on house walls. She malaria endemic countries will recog- states: “. . . while [Jeffrey] Sachs and others introduces DDT with intertwining dark nize the pattern. Noises are made about have conducted widely cited studies on messages of chemical warfare, Nazis and the urgency of the malaria problem, the the correlations between malaria and the Jews, nuclear bombs, and Hiroshima. travesty of thousands dying from mosqui- poverty, none has been able to pinpoint a Outrageously, she insinuates that Fred to bites—and then the sleepwalker re- cause-and-effect relation. Does malaria Soper, an experienced DDT champion, turns to bed.” cause poverty, as they say, or conversely, was a “fascist,” presumably because Sop- Her message that malaria workers are is poverty responsible for malaria?” er carried out his wars against diseases willing to talk about fighting the disease, Shah continues this mindless argu- with military precision. but aren’t willing to do much, is absurd— ment without ever noting that no one Shah reports that the Allied military an insidiously mean and unfair charac- proposes that it is either one way or the decided to advance the use of DDT dur- terization. The institute in Panama is a re- other. In fact, it is both; malaria is such a ing the war, “despite its alarming toxicity search organization with staff working on huge burden on malarious populations profile.” She never explains what she many subjects, not just malaria. The gov- that it most assuredly contributes to pov- means by DDT’s “alarming toxicity pro- ernment’s National Malaria Control Pro- erty. Likewise, poverty is commonly as- file.” Today, after decades of study, DDT gram (NMCP) was the entity responsible sociated with the substandard living con- is considered safe for human exposure. for responding to the outbreaks, not the ditions—for example, no screening, In fact, there has never been a document- research institute that Shah visited. walls with cracks, or no walls at all—that ed death or human illness as a result of

44 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology BOOKS transmitting disease. Unfortunately, but they were not a normal outcome. screening required rural people to Shah is correct that the agricultural spend money they didn’t have. uses of DDT led to problems of DDT re- The office of Malaria Control in sistance, although her description is not War Areas (MCWA) was created in correct. She describes mosquitoes alight- 1942 shortly after the bombing of ing on DDT-dusted vegetation and con- Pearl Harbor. In time, spraying hous- cludes that what didn’t kill them, only es with DDT became established made them stronger. Of course, resis- within the program, and DDT was tance only improved chances of their demonstrably the most effective survival in the presence of DDT, so it did method of stopping malaria trans- not make the mosquitoes stronger at all. mission in and around the military In fact, resistance could actually reduce installations. Beginning in 1945, the mosquito fitness for survival away from MCWA extended its coverage to all DDT-sprayed vegetation. malarious civilian areas. From Janu- Shah describes DDT resistance as a ary 1945 to September 1947, 3.2 huge and growing problem for success of million houses were sprayed with the global anti-malaria program, a view DDT, and millions more after that. promoted by the anti-pesticide faction. But Shah claims that the MCWA Apparently, she does not know that the program was weak and contributed last malaria program review in 1969, nothing to malaria elimination—a found that only about 1 or 2 percent of claim seemingly based on her as- malaria-endemic regions exhibited in- sumption that malaria was not a secticide or drug resistance, or other problem by the time of this broad technical problems. spray coverage. Before making this With this misanalysis of resistance, assumption, she should have pe- Shah then states that the problem of DDT rused some original sources of his- resistance caused countries to begin us- NLM/NIH torical data. In 1945, for example, ing alternative methods of control, such Dusting civilians and Allied troops with DDT Arkansas reported 1,182 malaria as mass drug administration (MDA). She saved millions of lives from the scourge of ty- cases. After DDT spraying of houses illustrates this by describing Brazil’s use phus during and after World War II. Here, that year, malaria cases dropped to of chloroquinized salt in the Amazon Ba- typhus prevention in Italy during the war. 849 cases in 1946. sin. Apparently, Shah does not know that Arkansas is one of several states Anopheles darlingi is the major malaria exposure to DDT in the environment. with deeply entrenched rural malaria vector there, and that after decades of Shah prepares the reader for her anti- problems in the 1940s, which was at- DDT use, the Brazilian populations of DDT onslaught by the old, but ignorantly tacked with spray coverage. The pesti- Anopheles darlingi are not now, and never false argument that DDT had no role cide spraying provided other health ben- have been, resistant to DDT. Actually, Bra- eliminating endemic malaria from the efits too. Missouri, for example, sprayed zil’s experiment with chloroquinized salt United States. She states authoritatively, 85,000 homes in 1945, and by 1946, the had nothing at all to do with DDT resis- “By the time . . . the United States created number of cases of fly-borne diseases tance. Shah rightly informs the reader, how­ the Malaria Control in War Areas pro- dropped by 66 percent. ever, that drug resistance was sometimes gram in 1942 (which would later become Eradication Bias the dominant result of MDA programs. the Centers for Disease Control), the Shah remains highly biased against the DDT Demonization weaknesses of their antimalarial meth- global eradication program throughout After her wide-ranging warm-up to the ods didn’t matter anymore. Malaria had her review of the program’s achieve- supposed failings of DDT and malaria already nearly vanished.” ments. She mentions the old saw of the eradication, Shah begins demonizing The facts are otherwise. By the early program eradicating malariologists, not DDT, with the same erroneous claims 1940s, the ability of the United States to malaria. She claims that a DDT-sprayed used in the 1960s. Shah repeats the DDT- exert effective control over malaria was house smelled like chlorine—actually it robin story as described by Rachel Car- still limited, in spite of growing wealth and doesn’t. Shah falsely asserts that DDT son in her book Silent Spring. More than improving standards of living. As revealed killed chickens, cats, and so on. any other part of The Fever, this story re- in government documents of that era, con- Having worked for decades in many veals that Shah does not know what she trol was possible only in urban settings settings in various countries of the Amer- is talking about, or is willfully lying. The where draining and eliminating aquatic icas, where houses were sprayed or were claim of DDT endangering the robin was habitats for mosquitoes, and using larvi- being sprayed with DDT, I have never disproved decades ago. In fact, Shah cide to kill mosquito larvae, was cost-ef- heard mention of DDT being a problem overstates Carson’s story by claiming that fective. In contrast, the only real progress for domestic animals. Perhaps there were robins were eliminated completely from in poor rural areas was to screen houses unusual food chains and events in other the Michigan State University campus. to prevent mosquitoes from entering and areas of the world that led to such events, Not even Carson made such an outra-

BOOKS 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 45 laria through its spatial repellent action. Last but not least, there is no evidence that the malaria parasite became more vicious as a consequence of becoming resistant to chloroquine. Shah’s state- ment that chloroquine and DDT had been rendered toothless by the end of the program is nonsense, as the 1969 pro- gram review makes clear. Overall, Shah criticizes malaria con- trol methods (drugs, insecticides, and in- secticide-treated mosquito nets), both past and present, as highly flawed. She criticizes organizations that work to con- trol malaria as ineffectual. She attempts to undermine credibility of malaria con- trol proponents by suggesting ulterior motives for their advocacy. She questions the value of the achievements of the global malaria eradication program, and proposes that programs that continue spraying houses are a waste. U.S. Army The author makes no constructive sug- The office of Malaria Control in War Areas sprayed millions of U.S. houses with DDT gestions about what she thinks should be to stop the spread of malaria, contrary to Shah’s claim that malaria had “nearly van- done as alternative methodologies for ma- ished” by the 1940s. Here, MCWA training a malaria control unit in swamp draining laria control. Additionally, she never even in Louisiana. mentions that large and extremely well- funded environmental and anti-insecti- geous claim, nor have others. Yet, Shah global program, Shah makes sweeping cide campaigns were the primary force in presents it as gospel truth. denunciations. She states that the global stopping malaria control programs. In sequence, Shah quickly announces program had made malaria more vicious Indefensible the end of the global malaria eradication and harder to control than before, and In conclusion, Shah’s criticisms of program and the resultant resurgence of that chloroquine and DDT had been ren- DDT and malaria eradication are errone- malaria in countries around the world. dered toothless. Without doubt, where ous and indefensible. To question the val- She ties all this to the ending of funds drug resistance evolved the control pro- ue of the global malaria eradication pro- from the United States, which she reports grams had to switch to alternative drugs. gram, one must trivialize the hundreds of as occurring when the five-year appro- However, in the case of DDT, its primary millions of infections that were prevent- priation for the global eradication pro- mode of action is as a spatial repellent, ed, the elimination of malaria threats gram ended, in 1965. The end of that ap- not as a killing agent. Hence, resistance from large geographical areas, the pre- propriation, Shah says, was just the signalled only a failure of DDT toxicity, vention of millions of premature deaths, excuse the endemic countries needed for so DDT could still exert control over ma- and the great reductions in maternal and abandoning their malaria programs. infant mortalities. Again, Shah’s conclusion is wrong. The As Shah herself states, life expec- internal reports of the World Health Or- tancy in Sri Lanka increased from ganization throughout the 1970s docu- 43 to 57 years as a result of the ment how countries struggled to continue global malaria program. Just imag- their malaria programs in spite of declin- ine: across Sri Lanka’s population ing international support, and in spite of of 15 million, this would equate to environmental activist pressures against an increase of 210,000,000 years DDT use. Surprisingly, many countries of human life. This example is for succeeded in continuing their programs. just one small country. Even greater Even Shah’s assessment that program changes in life expectancy oc- funding ended in 1965 is wrong. The curred in other countries, all as a U.S. Agency for International Develop- lxtia/Creative Commons result of spraying DDT. ment (AID) and the Public Health Service A malaria control sign in Zambia. Shah ques- How can any reasonable person actually continued funding national tions the value of malaria eradication cam- seriously question the value of a eradication programs at incrementally paigns and pesticide spraying. In her view, ma- program that can produce such re- lower levels into the early 1970s. laria isn’t a problem, and the natives aren’t sults in just 10 years at a cost of In her closing comments about the worried about it. only $1 billion?

46 Winter 2010/2011 21st Century Science & Technology BOOKS Looking at Man’s Role In the Universe Oyang Teng

Talking About Life: Conversations on Astrobiology by Chris Impey New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010 Hardcover, 418 pp., $29.99

nder better cultural circumstances, Uconversations on astrobiology would inspire reflections on the beauty and power of life as a negentropic order- ing principle in the universe as a whole, as questions concerning the relation­ ship of discrete organisms to larger plan- etary and cosmic conditions touch on the most fundamental aspects of what Vladimir Vernadsky called the harmoni- Roger Buick, who gives an absorbing ac- ous cosmic mechanism responsible for count of searching for signs of ancient life. life in ancient rocks; or Carolyn Porco, Alas, science today is dominated by imaging team leader for the Cassini dogmatic laws of universal entropy and probe, who describes the thrill of trying statistical probability, and a pervasive to untangle Saturn’s complex ring struc- pessimism respecting man’s role in the ture, and the almost maternal commit- universe. So, in addition to providing a ment required to oversee planetary ro- broad survey of contemporary research botics missions. in this important field, Chris Impey’s Talk- The Right Questions ing About Life: Conversations on Astrobi- Aside from an obvious need for more ology at the same time provides a clinical funding, astrobiology perhaps is most in view of the epistemological poverty of need of the right questions, questions mainstream science today. which go beyond the painfully narrow (Consider this gem from psychobiolo- interpretation of life as a fortuitous inter- gist Lori Marino, on the comparison of play of chemical constituents. As an ex- human beings to other intelligent life on ample, the clearly established influence Earth: “I don’t think we’re qualitatively of low frequency, low-intensity electro- different. Though we build 747s and magnetic fields on the internal regula- chimpanzees make termite sticks, these tion of living organisms is one area in activities may not be so different on a need of a systematic research program qualitative level.” Really.) in the field, especially given the perva- But, given the organization of the sive action of interplanetary electro­ book—a series of transcribed oral inter- magnetic fields evident in our own Solar views conducted by Impey with research- System. ers and writers connected to astrobiolo- Ultimately, it will be breakthroughs on gy—it almost can’t fail to be an interesting policy, and the adoption of what Krafft read, as informal shop-talk by scientists Ehricke called humanity’s “Extraterrestri- tends to be. Not surprisingly, the better al Imperative,” that will drive such ques- selections come from people doing ac- tions. Indeed, even more interesting than tual experimental research or field work: the question of where else in the cosmos people like self-described paleo-bio-geo- we can find signs of life, is: What do we chemo-tectono-strato-sedimentologist need to know to bring it there?

BOOKS 21st Century Science & Technology Winter 2010/2011 47