
la fundación Fundación MAPFRE magazine#54 March 2021 www.fundacionmapfre.org

Art Tomoko Yoneda THE CAPTIVE GAZE



Tomoko Yoneda TOMOKO YONEDA TOMOKO YONEDA Chrysanthemums Lugar Location [Crisantemos], 2011 Sala Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Exhibition Hall © Tomoko Yoneda. Cortesía de la artista Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Fechas Dates Del 09/02/2021 al 09/05/2021 From 02/09/2021 to 05/09/2021 Horario de visitas Visiting hours Lunes de 14:00 a 20:00 h. Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm. Martes a sábado de 11:00 a 20:00 h. Tuesday to Saturday from 11 am to 8 pm. Domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm. Acceso gratuito los lunes Free entry on Mondays

Jawlensky ALEXÉI VON JAWLENSKY. ALEXÉI VON JAWLENSKY. Dunkle Augen EL PAISAJE DEL ROSTRO THE LANDSCAPE OF PORTRAITS [Ojos oscuros], 1912 Lugar Location Óleo sobre cartón. 68 x 50 cm Sala Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Exhibition Hall Colección particular Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Foto: Maurice Aeschimann Fechas Dates Del 09/02/2021 al 09/05/2021 From 02/09/2021 to 05/09/2021 Horario de visitas Visiting hours Lunes de 14:00 a 20:00 h. Martes a sábado de 10:00 Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm. Tuesday to Saturday from a 20:00 h. Domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00 h. 10 am to 8 pm. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm. Acceso gratuito los lunes Free entry on Mondays

Claudia Andujar CLAUDIA ANDUJAR CLAUDIA ANDUJAR Yanomami trabajando en las Lugar Location obras de la carretera KBr Fundación MAPFRE KBr Fundación MAPFRE Perimetral Norte. Roraima, 1975 Ronda del Litoral 30, 08005 Ronda del Litoral 30, 08005 Barcelona © Claudia Andujar Fechas Dates Del 26/02/2021 al 23/05/2021 From 02/26/2021 to 05/23/2021 Horario de visitas Visiting hours Lunes cerrado Monday: closed Martes a domingo (y festivos) de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Tuesday to Sunday (and holidays) from 11 am to 7 pm.

Autoría desconocida LA MIRADA CAUTIVA. LA COLECCIÓN DE THE CAPTIVE GAZE. THE Retrato de familia, DAGUERROTIPOS DEL CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN COLLECTION FROM THE CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND ca. 1840-1860 Y DIFUSIÓN DE LA IMAGEN (CRDI) - GIRONA DISSEMINATION OF THE IMAGE (CRDI) - GERONA Daguerrotipo 1/2 de placa Colección Ángel Fuentes Lugar Location de Cía KBr Fundación MAPFRE KBr Fundación MAPFRE © Josep Maria Oliveras Ronda del Litoral 30, 08005 Barcelona Ronda del Litoral 30, 08005 Barcelona Fechas Dates Del 26/02/2021 al 23/05/2021 From 02/26/2021 to 05/23/2021 Horario de visitas Visiting hours Lunes cerrado Monday: closed Martes a domingo (y festivos) de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Tuesday to Sunday (and holidays) from 11 am to 7 pm.

ESPACIO MIRÓ ESPACIO MIRÓ Lugar Location Sala Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Exhibition Hall Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Exposición Permanente Permanent Exhibition Horario de visitas Visiting hours Lunes de 14:00 a 20:00 h. Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm. Martes a sábado de 10:00 a 20:00 h. Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm. Domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm. Acceso gratuito con la compra de la entrada a las Free access with the purchase of an entrance ticket to salas Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos the exhibition halls of Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos


The volunteers are Fundación MAPFRE’s solidarity force. They turn up and help out wherever they are needed. At Christmas, when this picture was taken, cooking and preparing 30,000 meals, but they spend the rest of the year generously giving up their time for the benefit of others. No tribute that could be paid would prove sufficient to highlight their fine work.

la fundación Fundación MAPFRE magazine Chairman of the Editorial Board Ignacio Baeza Director Javier Fernández González Published by MAPFRE Corporate Communication Editorial & Advertising Dept. Ctra. de Pozuelo 52. 28222 Majadahonda. Madrid T 915 815 359. [email protected] www.fundacionmapfre.org Distributed by Fundación MAPFRE Marketing Area. P° de Recoletos, 23. 28004 Madrid Editorial Production Moonbook S.L. [email protected] Printed by Gráficas Monterreina. Legal Deposit M-26870-2008 ISSN 1888-7813 The publication of this magazine does not necessarily imply agreement by Fundación MAPFRE with the contents of the articles and works therein. The reproduction of articles and news is duly authorized, provided express authorization is sought from the publishers and the source is acknowledged. Cover Tomoko Yoneda, series Scene. Forest. Location of the Battle of Somme, Delville Wood, France (detail), 2002 © Tomoko Yoneda, courtesy of the artist and ShugoArts

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — La imagen summary

SIMÓN SOSVILLA IN FIRST PERSON 6 SIMÓN SOSVILLA This professor with a PhD in Economics offers us a snapshot of the foundation sector nowadays in Spain.

ART 12 ART FOR ALL Our exhibitions open to the world. 14 TOMOKO YONEDA. HISTORY AND MEMORY TOMOKO YONEDA. HISTORY AND MEMORY This exhibition allows us to enjoy the work of this Japanese until May 9. 22 THE CAPTIVE GAZE Until May 23 our KBr Center brings us the daguerreotype collection from the CRDI (Center for Image Tomoko Yoneda Research and Diffusion) in Girona. From the series Correspondence. Letter to a Friend A statue in a pond and sky seen through palm trees, Botanical Garden of Hamma, Algiers, Algeria, 2017 © Tomoko Yoneda, courtesy of the artist and ShugoArts COMMITTED

WHERE THERE’S A WILL, 30 THERE IS A WAY WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE IS A WAY In the USA, Bottom Line enables young people with limited resources to access higher education. 34 FOOD POVERTY, A CONCERN FOR US ALL We launch campaigns to get food to those groups most at risk.

summary — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 lf #54

38 PROFESSIONALS AND MORE PROFESSIONALS AND MORE. We talk to Sandra de la Fuente, lawyer and volunteer SANDRA DE LA FUENTE at Refugees Welcome


HEALTH WATCH 46 EMOTIONAL HEALTH, THE PANDEMIC WITHIN THE PANDEMIC We analyze how the pandemic is affecting our emotional health.

ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND EDUCATION ON 50 CHILD INJURIES ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND EDUCATION TO COMBAT CHILD INJURIES Every day around the world over 2,000 children die in an accident, most of which could have been avoided.


PROJECTS 22 INNOVATIVE PROJECTS FOR We present the 27 semifinalist projects in the fourth edition of SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION our Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards.

AGEINGNOMICS 58 THE OPPORTUNITY OF AGEING We present the conclusions of the seminar on ageing, COVID-19 and the economy.




In First Person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 7

Simón Sosvilla: “The current growth model needs to be revised, orienting it toward inclusion and sustainability”


In 2019 over 43 million Spaniards benefited from the activities carried out by foundations, a figure which, according to the experts, will have increased following the COVID-19 crisis. The 9,000-plus non-profit organizations that make up this sector, including Fundación MAPFRE, contribute social and economic value, generate thousands of jobs and enable the social capital of volunteering to be channeled. These are data from The Foundation Sector in Spain: Fundamental Attributes (2008-2019), the most recent snapshot of the sector, which not only shows its capacity for adapting to the crisis, but also its resolute response to current demands and needs.

The pandemic has kept this professor with a activities to continue dealing with these new PhD in Economics very busy. Over the last year, social demands? Simón Sosvilla (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1961) has Foundations have undoubtedly experienced studied the threefold crisis (health, economic organizational, labor, and financial stress, having and social) to establish a complete picture of been forced to respond to soaring social demand the consequences (which are many and very as a consequence of this crisis. In addition to all serious), and he has been working on research this, there remain needs yet to be resolved from to highlight the importance of foundations in social and economic development, something previous years, during which time the opportunities that, in his view, few people know. This year, provided by the expansionary phase of the economic his overriding challenge will be to gain a more cycle were not grasped. Faced with this challenge, profound understanding of the economic impact the sector reinvented itself to prioritize the most of loneliness in Spain, a worrying issue and vulnerable groups, adopting a proximity approach especially relevant during lockdown. and relying on the logic of the common good. It also It is said that the pandemic has had a negative explored new ways of getting closer to the general impact on the foundation world, as needs have public and enhanced internal synergies so as to be multiplied in a very short space of time. How more agile, effective and innovative, overcoming do you feel many of them have reoriented their territorial fragmentation with transversal projects.

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — In First Person 8

This pandemic is “Inequality has rocketed to access to education generating greater on an equal footing. inequality. What are maximum levels, something Incentives such as the most serious that particularly affects scholarships should problems we are be boosted and facing? young people, women and women’s rights in the Inequality has immigrants, given their job labor environment increased worldwide protected, duly as a consequence of insecurity” increasing their COVID-19. In Spain, participation. It’s although its effect on income distribution has also important to create decent job opportunities, been somewhat mitigated, partly by government generate safe livelihoods for all, and bolster intervention – basically through state benefits and redistributive policies by establishing a fair, ERTEs (employment furlough schemes), recent proportionate tax regime. Underlying all these studies indicate that inequality has rocketed to challenges is the urgent need to revise the current maximum levels, something that particularly growth model, orienting it toward inclusion and affects young people, women and immigrants, given sustainability by promoting high value-added the job insecurity they face in the labor market. and high-productivity sectors, as well as ensuring To mitigate this situation, I believe the existing a stable institutional environment that enables limitations should be eliminated, so as to foster companies to thrive.

In First Person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 “Foundations are presenting a more optimistic view than that offered by private companies” 9

We are talking about millions of beneficiaries in goods and services, and securing the incomes of a sector that responds swiftly and effectively to workers and businesses. These measures have raised their needs. Can you highlight what these are? those expectations which determine how risks Health, housing, education and research are the and benefits are to be shared between individuals areas of activity whose importance has increased the and institutions. We must take advantage of this to most in recent years. However, the ones that have totally rethink the institutional arrangements which slipped the most are those related to culture and govern the economic aspects of the social contract, international programs. boosting equal opportunities and mutual support networks in such a way that no one is left behind. Do you feel governments and we citizens are prepared to tackle these issues? How do you think this crisis has affected The COVID-19 crisis has revitalized the social foundations? contract. Governments around the world are COVID-19 has posed a fresh challenge for the working ever more closely with both the private and Spanish foundation sector and generated great the third sector in order to strengthen their citizens’ uncertainty about the evolution of its working economic safety net, supporting access to basic model; however, at the same time, it has also

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — In First Person 10

provided an opportunity to redefine it, preparing in favor of the most vulnerable groups, I believe for the future. The results of our study suggest that greater civic engagement is needed. In that the pandemic will have a negative impact on Spain, the response to COVID-19 highlighted the foundations, although this will only be temporary. fiscal and institutional constraints of the welfare Their average level of activity will be reduced state and, consequently, the need to combine and they will face a drop in the funding they institutional strengthening of the State with the receive. Even so, foundations are presenting a strengthening and sustainability of the third more optimistic view than that offered by private sector. companies. Do you believe criticisms that the sector lacks The foundations are considered key to the transparency are warranted? development of our country. What strengths do It is true that the dispersed data sources hinder you feel all of them possess? acquiring reliable information on the number of Their good performance in the labor market effective foundations, the activity undertaken, the is really striking. During expansionary phases, resources with which they operate, and how many these entities are more dynamic when it comes to people benefit, among other aspects. Hence the creating jobs and, during recessions, not only do need to make estimates every now and again in they not destroy jobs, order – insofar as is but rather they manage possible – to obtain to maintain their drive. a true and fair view What’s more, I’d also “Collaborating with the third of the sector and highlight their capacity sector enables you to feel complete it with the for adapting to new Foundation Activity emerging needs, and useful, build links with the Indicator, which can proof of this is that the community and become an assess the foundation number of beneficiaries sector’s perception of will be increasing in agent of change” the Spanish economic 2021. As key players and social reality. in the welfare state, Moreover, in order I believe that foundations should receive more to increase transparency in the sector, I also feel European aid, as they are not only actively that it would be highly advisable to increase the involved in the fight against the adverse social presence of foundations on the Internet and on effects of the pandemic, but also, in many cases, social media, key to being better known to society they take the place of public intervention and at large. Interestingly, in 2019 only 39.83 percent of cover needs that neither the public nor the private Spanish foundations currently active had their own sector can meet. website, and barely ten percent had a presence and participated on social media. Do you feel our sector is different from that in other countries? In what way are we most There is an ever-increasing number of people different? engaged in the sector as patrons, volunteers, As in other European countries, the foundation and both direct and indirect employees. How sector depends on the development of civil society would you encourage citizens to become more and the welfare state. The role of organized civil involved in foundation activity, as volunteers society in Spain is still relatively small compared for example? to other European countries. While there have Collaborating with the third sector brings many been noteworthy initiatives during the pandemic benefits, including feeling useful, building links with

In First Person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 11

the community, putting our abilities to the test, The report The Foundation Sector in improving our self-esteem, fostering generosity El sector fundacional en España: Spain: Fundamental Atributos fundamentales and becoming an agent of change. The foundation Attributes (2008-2019) (2008-2019) sector offers a wide range of opportunities in was drafted by the which to contribute the scarcest resource that researchers Simón Cuarto informe Sosvilla (Complutense exists – undoubtedly this is our time – something Simón Sosvilla Rivero University of Madrid), (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero we cannot store for future use. Likewise with the Gregorio Rodríguez (Universidad de Alcalá)

(University of Alcalá), María del Carmen Ramos Herrera skills, interests and aptitudes each of us possess (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ) and which enable some of the needs of society and María del Carmen Ramos (Autonomous and the environment to be covered. University of Madrid). It is available in Spanish at: https://conocerelsector. fundaciones.org/


LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — In First Person According to the UNESCO, “culture constitutes a fundamental dimension of the development process and helps to strengthen the independence, 12 sovereignty and identity of nations.” Fundación MAPFRE enthusiastically strives to bring art closer to the citizens of the whole world.

Art for all

Madrid Madrid ALEXÉI VON JAWLENSKY. TOMOKO YONEDA THE LANDSCAPE Recoletos Hall (Madrid) OF PORTRAITS From 2/9/2021 through 5/9/2021 Recoletos Hall (Madrid) From 2/9/2021 through 5/9/2021

Alexéi von Jawlensky Spanische Frau [Spanish Woman], 1910 Private collection Photo: Maurice Aeschimann

Madrid ESPACIO MIRÓ Tomoko Yoneda From the series ZDC Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Hall Entwined pines beyond the border fence (the northeastern front line, Goseong, South Korea) ©Tomoko Yoneda. Courtesy of the artist


Barcelona CLAUDIA ANDUJAR Fundación MAPFRE KBr Photography Center From 2/26/2021 through 5/23/2021

Unknown authorship Claudia Andujar Family Portrait, ca. Yanomami working 1840-1860 on the roadworks 1/2 plate daguerreotype of the Northern Ángel Fuentes de Cía Perimeter Road. Collection Roraima, 1975 © Josep Maria © Claudia Andujar Oliveras


Las Palmas La Coruña PAUL STRAND MIRÓ. A COLLECTION Fundación MAPFRE Fundación Barrié Guanarteme From 2/20/2021 through 5/16/2021 From 4/8/2021 through 7/30/2021

Paul Strand Abstraction, Bowls, Twin Lakes, Connecticut, 1916 Joan Miró Gelatin silver print. Le Chant de l’oiseau Fundación MAPFRE Collections à la rosée de la lune © Foundation Inc., Fundación MAPFRE Paul Strand Archive Collections

Castellón Bogotá DEPICTING MODERNITY. PAZ ERRÁZURIZ. FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE COLLECTIONS Banco de la República Castellón Fine Arts Museum From 4/1/2021 through 8/9/2021 From 3/12/2021 through 6/15/2021

Egon Schiele Schlafendes Mädchen [Sleeping Girl], 1909 Fundación MAPFRE Collections

Paz Errázuriz Miss Piggy II, Santiago, from the Tenerife series The Circus, 1984 Gelatin silver print, vintage copy JUNYER AND SANDALINAS. Courtesy of the artist FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE COLLECTIONS © Paz Errázuriz Fundación MAPFRE Guanarteme From 3/12/2021 through 4/30/2021

Joan Sandalinas Female Nude, 1924 Fundación MAPFRE Collections

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — art art — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Visit our digital edition 15


The Tomoko Yoneda exhibition – presented by Fundación MAPFRE at its Recoletos halls in Madrid between February 9 and May 9, 2021 – is the first comprehensive overview in Spain of this Japanese photographer’s oeuvre, offering 112 images and highlighting some of her most recent works such as Dialog with Albert Camus, Correspondence-Letter to a Friend or Crystals. Together with her best-known series, the works on display include a new series on the Spanish Civil War and the figure of Federico García Lorca, commissioned by Fundación MAPFRE specifically for this exhibition.

Tomoko Yoneda was born in the city of Akashi sea, the woods, the fields, and the city streets; it in 1965, studied photography in and is already engraved upon the strata of landscape later in , where she currently lives. From where we are born, but it appears quiescent and a very young age, she wanted to be a journalist, disconnected from our thoughts.” but she soon realized that images offered her the Between 2009 and 2015 the artist also produced possibility of conveying ideas much better than she a series of works focused more specifically on ever could through the written word. Her works Japan —The island of Sakhalin, Kimusa, Japanese generally refer back to historical events, especially House, Cumulus and DMZ and, therefore, on the those from the contemporary history period. quest for her own identity, as well as a common Landscapes and interior scenes depicting places one, that of her nation. As a Japanese woman who associated with armed conflicts and, in particular, has lived much of her life abroad, her situation, related to the two World Wars, the Second Sino- precisely thanks to this distance, has enabled her Japanese War and the Cold War. As she herself to place herself in the shoes of ‘others’ in order points out, with regard to one of her best-known to delve deeper into her roots and the history of projects, “Scene” (2000-present), “History is her country. Perhaps inspired by reading the texts not only apparent in tangible, clearly visible of the Nobel Prize laureate Kenzaburō Ōe, who monuments and buildings, but also expresses has consistently maintained critical awareness in itself impassively in various intangible ways (…) his writings, with the premise of seeking a new it is something that is present in our daily lives. humanism to confront the threat of technocracy History surrounds us, in the blue sky, the blue and contribute to the reconciliation and healing of humankind, Yoneda produced these works which From the series Cumulus analyze the legacy of the Japanese empire and Chrysanthemums, 2011 ‘Japaneseness’. Ōe called for a revaluation of Japan’s


From the series Scene Ice Rink—Viewing of a mining town that was part of the South Manchurian Railway Zone during the Japanese Occupation, Fushun, China,2007 Chromogenic print

recent history, the relationship with its close neighbors and what he called the imperial system, which he opposed. Imperialism remains a controversial issue for the Japanese even today. Within the country, at home and even in the schools, despite the passing of the years, it is difficult to talk about the atrocities committed by the imperial army in its East Asian colonies, perhaps in the hope that, if something is not mentioned, it is as though it had never taken place. When working on The island of Sakhalin, a title taken from the book by Russian writer Anton Chekhov, Yoneda practically took on the role of anthropologist and, through the landscape, sought the imprint of its inhabitants. With sovereignty long disputed by Russia and Japan, the island was divided in two along the 50th parallel following the Russo- Japanese war of 1905. Finally, with the defeat of Japan in the Second World War, it became part of the Soviet Union. Throughout its history, Sakhalin has housed a Soviet penal colony and various Japanese pulp and paper plants. In her images, the artist depicts the place where Japanese troops disembarked during the Russo- Japanese war, the local prison From the series Scene camp, or the road which crosses the Beach—Location of the D-Day Normandy Landings, Sword Beach, France, 2002 island and previously defined the Chromogenic print border between the two countries.

art — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 #ExpoYoneda 17

From the series After the Thaw Lovers, Dunaujvaros (formerly Stalin City), Hungary, 2004 Chromogenic print

Her also show stranded Japanese warships which were abandoned at the end of the Second World War, not forgetting that the depths of this sea are home to more recent remains, namely submarines and planes shot down with civilian passengers on board. “Kimusa” is the name of the building that housed the interrogation center of the South Korean counterintelligence service in Seoul from 1961. Sealed off by high walls, its patterned glass windows and drapes meant that the connection with the outside world was virtually non-existent. Bare walls that witnessed incarcerations and torture sessions that elude comprehension. Japanese House also focuses on architecture to speak about power. In this case, the houses were built in Taipei during the Japanese occupation between 1895 and 1945. Alluding to a similar issue is DMZ, the initials of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, an area that extends four kilometers north and south of the military border, dividing the Korean peninsula with countless buried land mines and totally off-limits to civilians. This place has developed its own From the series After the Thaw particular ecosystem in which Mud bath, Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary, 2004 Chromogenic print plants and flowers grow, but


which, thanks to the barbed wire matter allows viewers a free From the series A Decade After River—view of earthquake regeneration housing project defenses and concrete walls, also interpretation, in line with from a river flowing through a former location of reminds us that Korea is currently their own memories and evacuees’ temporary accommodation, 2004 Chromogenic print at war. past history, something she Despite what they convey, considers fundamental. Her it should not be forgotten oeuvre comprises various strata that, generally speaking, the of meaning that progressively artist’s images are aesthetically manifest themselves as she ‘beautiful’, almost always undertakes her work. The tranquil and endowed with images in one series bear some a certain halo of nostalgia. relation to those in the following The photographer’s distant, series and cannot be understood aseptic view of the subject as separate entities; rather,


From the series A Decade After this is a linear investigation caused. It could be said that Looking at the epicenter, Awaji Island, 1995 Gelatin silver print in which she deals with the the 20th century was marked same questions related to the by the wounds of hitherto past and, most of the time, to unimaginable harm, and many the reparation of the harm creators and intellectuals have


dedicated their work to striving picturesque images of landscapes, From the series Dialogue with Albert Camus Waiting for a ship—The port of Algiers, 2017 to imagine how to heal, alleviate parks, rivers or city sights are Chromogenic print and prevent that pain. turned into spaces for reflection: Yoneda is one of those artists the image of two lovers in the whose work can be considered swimming pool of a Hungarian ‘committed’ and morally city in the series After the Thaw, responsible, probing deep into our 2004 in fact depicts the normal memory to remind us of the past course of life in a country recently and draw attention to events that integrated into the European actually happened, but should Union, following a lengthy never happen again. The titles history of occupation. An aircraft likewise form part of this process streaking across the clear blue sky and are usually accompanied by —American B-52 returning from a short explanatory text. Reading a bombing raid on Iraq, Fairford, them affords each picture even England, 2003 — is the image of a greater signification and those B-52 bomber, one of those which, that could considered simply during the Iraq war, took off from


From the series Correspondence-Letter to a Friend the RAF Fairford airfield in the address the most abject aspects A glimpse of the sea, Tipaza, Algeria, 2017 Platinum and palladium print Cotswolds, England, to attack of wars, natural disasters or Baghdad. In turn, this reminds pandemics head-on, these are the artist of the stories about the balanced, carefully considered air strikes during World War II compositions. The artist addresses that her parents told her when she tragedy and evil from a tangential was a little girl. Each of the places point of view, almost by allusion, she photographs becomes a space thus distancing herself from deeply scarred by war and tragedy. in Yoneda’s work always poses a which critics have sometimes tried myriad of questions, despite the to pigeonhole her. aforementioned titles or the texts she adds to describe her series. In stark contrast to the photographs we are accustomed to seeing in newspapers, on television or on social media, which tend to

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — art art — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Visit our digital edition 23

The Captive Gaze. The daguerreotype collection from the CRDI (Center for Image Research and Diffusion), Girona TEXT: FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE CULTURE AREA IMAGES: CRDI

From February 26 through May 23, 2021, Fundación MAPFRE’s KBr Photography Center in Barcelona is hosting this exhibition dedicated to the origins of photography, with from the CRDI collection dating back to the 1840s, 1850s and 1860s, some of them restored by Fundación MAPFRE for the occasion.

In Spain, the presence of, and interest in, the discipline, studying it, delving into its history daguerreotype has traditionally and historically been and promoting conservation efforts, building up less marked than in other European countries. As Jep comprehensive collections in an attempt to bring Martí Baiget points out in the catalog accompanying it closer to as many people as possible. This is the the exhibit The Captive Gaze, this may be due to case of Fundación MAPFRE, which not only hosts several reasons. Firstly, the scant general interest a collection that today boasts over 1200 works shown until recently by the institutions in the exemplifying this form of artistic expression, but conservation of our photographic heritage; secondly, also recently opened an installation dedicated with regard to this particular invention, “people exclusively to it, the KBr Photography Center in stripping down the objects to extract the silver” may Barcelona. have played a key role, or “the fact that early adopters In 1997, the CRDI (Center for Image Research of paper-based portraiture promoted the change of and Diffusion) was created in Girona and Fundación medium as a way to enhance portraits”, as well as the MAPFRE has had the pleasure of collaborating with fact that “the heirs of the portrayed subjects were it on developing the project now being presented. unaware of the value of the daguerreotype.” This is the first of the exhibitions to be organized Fortunately, in recent years, many institutions at the KBr, in collaboration with various Catalan have devoted more time to the photographic institutions which host a rich photographic heritage that has received little to date. Since its Unknown authorship very inception, the CDRI’s goal has been to publicize, Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1845-1855 protect and disseminate the documentary heritage of 1/6 plate daguerreotype CRDI. Ángel Fuentes de Cía Collection the city of Girona in images.


The term ‘captive’ included commonly known as “a mirror made an immediate impact. in the title infers a two-fold with a memory” at the time. Nineteen days after the process meaning. In the words of the Following the work of Joseph- was officially presented at the Bulgarian-French writer, critic Nicéphore Niépce (who died in Academy of Sciences in , and linguist Tzvetan Todorov, 1833) in relation to the sensitivity the Diario de Barcelona reported it refers to the intention of of silver salts to the light, the on this new invention, and the “trapping the moment and invention was promoted by book by Daguerre, published in capturing something fleeting” Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre France that same year, was also and, in addition, to the fascination who, in 1836, first obtained an translated into Spanish. By 1845, of those ‘captivated’ by this image on a sheet of silver-plated every major city in the Western attractive novelty that emerged in copper and continued to refine world had its own photographic the late 19th century. This object, the process until its official portrait studio. It is known that, the first to be disseminated and presentation on January 7, 1839. by 1851, millions of daguerreotype commercialized in the history of The Daguerreotype revolution portraits had been produced – photography, is considered more then spread throughout Europe, most of them lack inscriptions on a physico-chemical “marvel”, including Spain, where it also the frames or cases that would

Unknown authorship Unknown authorship Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1845-1850 Portrait of a Man, ca. 1854-1856 1/6 plate daguerreotype 1/6 plate daguerreotype CRDI. Joan Basseda Casas Collection CRDI. Ángel Fuentes de Cía Collection

art — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 #KBrMiradaCautiva 25

Unknown authorship allow the sitter or the portraitist one could see the Casa Xifré and Postmortem Portrait, ca. 1853 1/6 plate daguerreotype to be identified – and were La Llotja, two of the city’s most CRDI. Ángel Fuentes de Cía Collection highly appreciated at the time, emblematic buildings, separated although they gave viewers the by the Paseo de Isabel II. The sensation that they were looking image was raffled off among the at something that did not actually attendees and, after this event, exist. it was never heard of again. Nor On November 10, 1839 an did news of the event, which image was transferred to a copper promised greater repercussion, plate for the first time on the go much further, perhaps due to Pla de Palau (the historical main the complex political situation at square of Barcelona), with the that time in Catalonia, with war accompaniment of a band of still officially raging. Those who music. The twenty-two minute were initially interested in the exposure was watched by around invention were trainee scientists, a hundred people. In the end, as mostly young Catalans who put if by magic, there appeared on the the process into practice and even plate a view of the city in which enhanced it, with the intention


of including our country among to those wishing to learn this H. Negretti & Zambra (Henry Negretti and Joseph Zambra) the leading representatives new technique. But there was The First Whisper of Love, of a vibrant, modern Europe. no permanent photography ca. 1851-1860 Stereoscopic daguerreotype, 8 x 17 cm It was only in 1842, when the gallery or studio in this city, nor CRDI. Joan Basseda Casas Collection first portraitists appeared in is there any evidence of other Madrid and Barcelona, that it daguerreotypists there. This was began to acquire relevance as because their services were so an image reproduction system. costly and there was no bourgeois Thus, in more peripheral cities class in the city – more typically like Girona, the first portraits found in an industrialized society of this type date from 1849 – that could provide sufficient and are attributed to a French clientele for the upkeep of such a artist, Mme. Senges. She business. placed advertisements in the A large sample of the local newspaper El postillón daguerreotypes in the CRDI Unknown authorship to publicize her activity as a collection, dated between the Portrait of Three Men, ca. 1850-1855 1/4 plate daguerreotype portraitist, and offer training 1840s and the 1860s, were CRDI. Ángel Fuentes de Cía Collection



Unknown authorship Portrait of a Man, ca. 1848-1860 1/2 plate daguerreotype CRDI. Joan Basseda Casas Collection selected for this extensive There is also a diverse range characteristic of daguerreotypes exhibition. In addition, of daguerreotype casings on in the , we also Fundación MAPFRE undertook display. Some are made of wood find the European or French to arrange the restoration with leather covers, while system, which consists of an of a group of them for this others are thermoplastic. The open frame like those used for occasion, but also as part of its inner silk or velvet lining on the paintings. The exhibit mainly commitment to the conservation cover helped expel the air to consists of studio portraits – of our photographic heritage. avoid tarnishing when the box whether individual, in pairs or Two stereoscopic plates are was closed. In addition to this groups, or even postmortem also included in this exhibit. type of ornamental casing, most pictures – while the two

art — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Discover an interactive experience on https://kbr.fundacionmapfre.org/ 29

Unknown authorship Unknown authorship Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1852-1854 Family Portrait, ca. 1850-1854 1/6 plate daguerreotype 1/6 plate daguerreotype CRDI. Joan Basseda Casas Collection CRDI. Joan Basseda Casas Collection stereoscopic images reproduce the processes for developing and three-dimensional view of four sculptures. Those responsible fixing the daguerreotype image, daguerreotypes in the collection. for some of these works have or photographic laboratory With this display, Fundación been identified, thanks to the lamps, to name but a few. MAPFRE wishes to let people inscriptions on the frames; In addition, there are know about the invention that however, in general, the names projections of two audiovisual led to the birth of photography, of the sitters remain a mystery, presentations explaining the offering a comprehensive save where some annotation execution of this “marvel”, and overview of its beginnings and is attached to the images. The how the restoration process was the context within which this exhibition is rounded off with performed. Also presented is technique emerged. Photography objects and tools related to a project that was born within thus became an artistic discipline this photographic technique, the research program run by in its own right, capable of drawn from the collection of the CIFOG audiovisual college leaving recollections that remain the Cinema Museum in Girona. in Girona, which has developed “captive” in our memory. These include a box for storing photogrammetries that will the different liquids needed in make it possible to obtain a


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Showing where there’s a will, there’s a way TEXT: LAURA SÁNCHEZ IMAGES: FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE

The Bottom Line organization has the support of Fundación MAPFRE in the United States, making it possible for young people with limited resources and no college tradition in their family to access higher education and better opportunities in their working life.

Bottom Line has the support of Robert Putnan, a Harvard for example, that students from Fundación MAPFRE in the United University professor and former predominantly non-white school States. This partnership helps advisor to three presidents districts receive an average of $23 students navigate the systemic (Clinton, Bush and Obama), claims billion less in educational funding barriers in place that make access that this American college dream than students from predominantly to higher education for first- died a long time ago and is now white school districts. Obviously, generation students from low- well beyond the reach of an ever- this impacts negatively on income backgrounds significantly increasing number of families the equality of opportunities more challenging than their “because of the growing increase in available. wealthier peers. social inequality following decades Bottom Line was founded in A college education is of declining job quality and wages.” 1997 and, since then, has helped practically essential in the United But, if this educational more than 4,000 students graduate States in order to have a chance of aspiration has become a mere pipe from college within six years or obtaining a well-paid job. Many dream for the American middle even less. The student Bottom families make sacrifices and start class, what about the opportunities Line works with are the first in saving as soon as their children are for those who never found it their families to attend college, born so that this level of education easy to access college education? and also come from low-income will be open to them; and, if they The Bottom Line organization, backgrounds. have several children, they may which MAPFRE Foundation has “While our students have even be forced to choose which supported since 2014, has been unshakable motivation and one will set foot on a university striving to bridge this gap for over ambition, they face countless campus. One striking figure: in 20 years. obstacles on the road to college and 2019, 45 million young Americans They are fully aware that, in professional success: a lack of social accumulated student loan debts each student’s heart and mind, and economic capital, housing and amounting to nearly $1.6 trillion. the path before them is filled food insecurity, being torn between It is expected that, by 2023, the with enthusiasm and potential, family and school obligations, percentage of those no longer able yet also littered with pitfalls and reduced wages and anxiety to keep paying off this debt will hurdles. Research undertaken by problems, as well as a limited reach 40%. the EdBuild organization noted, personal contact network,” explains

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — COMMITTED The key to Bottom Line’s approach is providing each student with a dedicated, experienced advisor to help them along their 32 unique pathway to college

are painstakingly nurtured from the moment they begin their third or final year in high school. “We establish connections. We listen. What we learn enables us to apply our unique know-how, experience and methodologies to support them. We have an unparalleled pool of data offering comprehensive information on those universities where a student will thrive academically; we know how to identify those that will best suit them at the social, academic and financial level in the long term (we base this on what corresponds to their interests and academic ability, as well as questions of affordability). We also help them with the whole application and financial aid processes. The goal is for students and advisors, working together, to make decisions that will affect the future of each young person in a positive, informed manner.” Ginette Saimprevil, executive director of Bottom Line Massachusetts. Sarah Kac, a Talent and Organizational Development Ginette Saimprevil, executive Education and Human Resources consultant at MAPFRE, states director of the Massachusetts Center reveals, those with a that having the opportunity to region. Ninety-seven percent of the college degree will earn a million work with Bottom Line students students that Bottom Line serves dollars more over their lifetime is more than just a volunteering are people of (37% Black, than those individuals without opportunity or a chance to 26% Hispanic and 26% Asian); 66% one. In another study, the Pew give back to the community; it are female; and many are first- or Charitable Trust concluded that is all about being able to help second-generation immigrants in low-income students who obtain a shape another person’s future. the United States. Almost all of college degree are five times more “Personally, they are an inspiration them have life experiences deeply likely than their peers to progress to me. marked by the intergenerational economically. Each of these students has poverty in the United States, or by The key to Bottom Line’s an extraordinary drive and the struggles that newly arrived approach is providing each student desire. This initiative not only immigrants to the country often with a dedicated, experienced gives me the opportunity to help encounter. For them, the college Advisor to help them along their them determine their short- and dream is a question of survival: unique pathway to college. These long-term objectives and career as research from the Georgetown relationships with the students aspirations, and prepare them for


the transition to the labor market, and CEO of MAPFRE USA. “We university place, but the whole but it also makes me want to do have an internal job board that process, the paperwork… it was more, and give more.” these students can access post- like a foreign language to me. In addition to putting their graduation – we don’t want to miss At Bottom Line, they helped me know-how and experience at out on their incredible talent and understand it. However, even with the service of the students, drive to excel. We are proud of the preparation and support of MAPFRE employees support our partnership with Bottom Line Bottom Line, the cultural shock these young people by organizing and their dedication to producing of attending Bowdoin College, empowerment events, annual galas career-ready college students.” a private liberal arts college, and small gestures like sending In other cases, the really struck me. I recall how, personalized letters and postcards beneficiaries of the Bottom Line from the very first day of class,

to the students they have contacted initiative end up working for I wanted to ask for a transfer to to encourage them with their the organization itself. This is another university. But, thanks studies and inquire how they are the case of Ginette Saimprevil, to my Bottom Line Advisor who getting on. executive director of Bottom persuaded me and encouraged me “Our employees become Line Massachusetts region. “I to keep going, I persevered and mentors, helping to prepare their emigrated to the United States eventually earned my degree. For students for both college and with my family from Haiti when I all these reasons, over 14 years ago career,” explains Jaime Tamayo, was just ten years old. I contacted I chose to work at Bottom Line to Chief Representative of Fundación Bottom Line when I was in high help other college students earn MAPFRE in the United States school. I wanted to apply for a their degrees, just as I did.”




The data on unemployment and rising poverty rates throughout Europe make chilling reading, even more so in our country. For this reason, public and private entities, such as Fundación MAPFRE, have prioritized campaigns to get food to those groups most at risk.

The ravages of COVID-19 are not ago: the results make chilling treated, with excessive controls merely health-related. According reading. More than 92.4 million and punishments, when dealing to the Active Population Survey people — 21.1 percent of the with the administrations.” (EPA) published in February this population — remain at risk of The situation in Spain is not year, Spain ended 2020 with a poverty in the EU of the 27. A that different. Quite the contrary, total unemployment rate of 16.2 total of 19.4 million children are Spain has failed miserably in percent. This figure may not give at risk of poverty throughout the its European commitment to us a true idea of the scope of the Union. the 2020 Strategy to take 1.5 problem; putting it into absolute As the rapporteur stresses, million people out of poverty. numbers probably hits us harder. there are faces behind these This is evident from a recent We are talking about 3,964,353 figures, “those of single mothers AROPE (At-Risk-of Poverty and people who are currently out of for whom it is practically Exclusion) report, drafted by the work, i.e. they receive no wages. impossible to juggle their work European Anti-Poverty Network And, given the panorama, the and care responsibilities, young (EAPN). Over the past ten years, prospect of finding another job is adults who never finished their not only has it not reduced not good. Not at all. schooling and cannot find a its poverty rate, but there are COVID-19 has caused a steady income in the formal now more people beneath this historic recession and no obvious sector, and people who cannot threshold than a decade ago. improvements are expected until work because of their health… In Spain alone, 12.3 million at least the end of 2022. In this I’ve heard testimonies from people (26.1 percent of the context, it can be no surprise that people living in poverty from all population) are currently at risk the poverty rate is rising right these groups and they told me of poverty or social exclusion. across Europe. that they would love to continue And remember, this report refers Olivier de Schutter, UN studying, but they cannot, as to data collected between 2008 Special Rapporteur on extreme they lack the means to support and 2019. In other words, they poverty and human rights, themselves and their families; refer to pre-pandemic days and, presented the preliminary that this is the first time in therefore, do not include those conclusions of his mission in the their lives they’ve experienced groups that are now among the European Union a few weeks hunger; that they are poorly most underprivileged sectors this


found themselves in need of food for the first time in their lives, because of this pandemic. Providing food support to at-risk groups has become a top priority for Fundación MAPFRE. To this end, it has increased the number of public and private solidarity initiatives with which it collaborates. Of all the campaigns launched by the Foundation, the Fundación MAPFRE Family Food Card has proved the most spectacular. With a total value of one million euros, the holders (3,400 families) were able to exchange them for up to €100 in essential items at more than 800 Carrefour supermarkets all year: the self-employed or small Given such dramatic figures, around the country. The social entrepreneurs in the world of the only thing possible is to pitch ventures collaborating in the Sé culture; ruined catering industry in and strive to fulfill one of Solidario program took charge businesses, owners of souvenir the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable of distributing them on the shops that depend on tourism, Development Goals (SDG 2): basis of those at greatest risk of travel agencies… People who do Zero Hunger in the world. social exclusion. not receive any aid and who, for The United Nations itself There are also projects the first time, have been forced to states that, at present, one in that focus on specific points seek help just to survive. nine people around the world around the country. One of The report presented is undernourished: some 815 them is Combating Food by Oxfam last January does million people. And it warns Poverty in Extremadura, which indeed include the post-COVID that, if recent trends continue, provides economic support economic devastation. It includes the number of people affected by for the purchase of basic food the estimated 790,000 people hunger will exceed 840 million products, especially fresh who have fallen into severe by 2030. produce and proteins. These are poverty in our country over the then distributed by six regional past 12 months. “Immigrants, Pulling together to combat charitable entities: Hijas de la young people and women are hunger Caridad; St. Vincent de Paul; the groups most affected by the The Sustainable Development Zafra Solidaria NGO; Red Cross inequality that the pandemic has Goals are a fundamental aspect of Villanueva de la Serena caused.” Meanwhile, the world’s of Fundación MAPFRE’s work. and Serena County; Caritas in one thousand richest people To be sure, SDG 2 is one of Plasencia, Navalmoral de la have already recouped any the most concerning for the Mata and Trujillo; and the San economic losses sustained due to Foundation, now more than Juan de Dios de Almendralejo COVID-19. ever. Thousands of people have Foundation.

COMMITTED — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Given such dramatic figures, the only thing possible is to pitch in and strive to fulfill one of the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 2): Zero Hunger in the world 37

Fundación MAPFRE also distributed 30,000 Christmas • They cannot afford to eat meat, supports those most in need dinners to the groups most chicken or fish at least every in the city of Madrid through affected by COVID. other day. various campaigns and • They cannot afford to keep collaborations. For example, How is poverty gauged? their home at an adequate with CESAL, it supports While severe material deprivation temperature. the project ‘No one must (SMD) and poverty are different • They are unable to deal with be left behind: Emergency things, the former serves to give unexpected expenses. STOPCORONAVIRUS, of us a rough idea of what the latter • They have had to make late the Madrid City Council. entails. SMD “includes those payments related to the family Thanks to this initiative, people living in households who home (mortgage or rent, utility 1,000 people in vulnerable cannot afford at least four of the or condominium bills, etc.) over situations receive a meal each consumer concepts, items or the last 12 months. day through the distribution elements deemed basic within • They cannot afford to take at center at Gastrolab Villaverde. the European region”, according least a one-week vacation each The Santiago Masarnau Social to the European Anti-Poverty year. Integration and Reception Network (EAPN), a European • They cannot afford a telephone. Center project of the St. Platform of Social Entities working • They cannot afford a television. Vincent de Paul Society also and combating Poverty and Social • They cannot afford a washing benefits from the Foundation’s Exclusion in the European Union machine. efforts. Member States. Those concepts are • They cannot afford an The Romani people receive as follows: automobile. help thanks to the collaboration agreement signed last June with the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation. Because COVID-19 has aggravated the situation of an already vulnerable population group. Prior to the pandemic, 86 percent of them were already living beneath the poverty threshold. With the development of the Social Emergency Fund #JuntoAlasFamiliasGitanas, 70,000 euros will be distributed among 29 localities in 13 Autonomous Communities, which will reach nearly 700 Romani families. Finally, the Food Bank Federation launched a Global Volunteering Day fundraising campaign; and the World Central Kitchen, which


PROFESSIONALS AND MORE — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Visit https://refugees-welcome.es to learn more 39

Sandra de la Fuente, lawyer and volunteer at Refugees Welcome España “Those who invite refugees into their homes have combated prejudices and stereotypes based on mere anecdotes”


It was nearly five years ago that she started collaborating with this association whose aim is to foster cohabitation experiences and a culture of welcoming refugees. Sandra’s work to achieve this is twofold. Firstly, when needed, she offers advice on the association’s legal questions. And she also interviews those seeking international protection, and those offering a room for a social rent. Those interested, both those who are looking for accommodation and those who offer it, they have had to previously register on the organization’s website. She tries to match them up according to their interests, characters and needs. Both sides are then introduced and, if they get along, they can begin living together in what is a two-way enriching experience. So far, since they began their work in 2015, Refugees Welcome España has arranged over 100 such cohabitations in Madrid, Barcelona, the Balearic Islands and . Moreover, they provide company and this can lead to great friendships, the kind that will last a lifetime.

How did your relationship with España started out at that time, as ‘horizontal’ cohabitation, that Refugees Welcome España part of the International Refugees I couldn’t resist. start? Welcome Network. About a year In the summer of 2015, the news later, browsing the Web, I came Why this NGO and not another? media showed us the tremendous across the association. I went to What made you engage with crisis of displaced persons striving a training session. The founders Refugees Welcome España? to reach Europe as they fled wars, showed such commitment and I was captivated by the promotion conflicts or persecution in their motivation to get this project off of this horizontal approach to the countries of origin. The founding the ground, promoting a culture culture of welcome (opening our partners of Refugees Welcome of welcome to Europe through doors to living together, sharing

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — PROFESSIONALS AND MORE There should not be any preconceived ‘image of refugees’, as we are talking about millions of people from all over the world, 40 all with their own personal stories

different cultures, experiencing those grains of sand means some support in Phase 2 of the Reception true integration and weaving people can have a better life. System, and have developed citizen networks) with a solidarity synergies and referral processes And the least, what hurts you rent. with most of the pertinent entities the most? in the cities where we are present, How complicated it is to integrate Were you always interested in so as to ensure we can be a viable, into our society all those seeking volunteering? effective resource. On other inclusion. Overcoming the lack Yes, from a young age. Perhaps occasions, displaced persons who of awareness and combating because I’d traveled around know us or have formed part of the prejudices, the lack of resources (as a little girl and, later, as a project at some point recommend and how hard it is for public bodies backpacker), which allowed me to us to other refugees. There are also get to know other cultures and their at the European, national and local those who come across us through living and development conditions. levels to reach viable agreements. basic Internet searches. Being born in certain places and And, in particular, being unable to Tell me about some case that times does not allow people to grow assist all the people knocking on particularly moved you, or was up in an environment of tolerance our door. an especially lovely or intense and equality. What is the profile of the people experience. who turn to you? On top of all this, you work in There really are so many. The They are usually young people aged a law firm, have a house, two generosity and values of the people 20 to 35 who have traveled alone children (a boy and a girl of who register their room on our from countries like Syria, Palestine, school age), a partner… Where website to rent it out, which results Ukraine, Venezuela, Colombia, do you find the time for the in someone moving in, is always Central American countries and association? thrilling. There are two really several African countries such as I have no specific timetable. At lovely examples in Madrid. Mayte, Somalia or Mali, among others. Refugees Welcome España I work who lives with her daughters and They are fleeing their countries as a volunteer, like virtually all the a dog, has expressed her solidarity of origin because of armed twice by renting out a room to other people there, and I devote conflict, violence, discrimination women of different ages and more or less hours to it according or persecution on the basis of situations. Or César, a pensioner to the needs at any given moment. gender or sexual orientation. Most who, since 2017, has shared his Each week I tend to set aside some of them are within the asylum home with displaced persons. One six or seven hours. I manage this seeker Reception System, i.e. they of them has lived with him for over by eking out some free time to do have applied for International two years. something I believe in. What’s Protection. We usually accompany more, my family respects those them in the second phase of the How has this experience been for those who take people in? periods when I spend more time Reception System, actively seeking Highly satisfactory. Some people with the association. a new home, when they have to have tackled their loneliness, or abandon the premises run by the What is the most rewarding seen their table enriched with NGO in question and get their life aspect of the work you do for new dishes, virtually traveled the back on track. Refugees Welcome España? world from their sofa and practiced Meeting wonderful people who And how do they find out about foreign languages. But, above devote their time to doing their bit you? all, they’ve combated prejudices to achieve change. It may not be a We collaborate with other NGOs and stereotypes based on mere radical change, but the sum of all administering the economic anecdotes.


I understand that a personal 2018 and the 31 percent average for social and moral aspects, simply relationship is forged with all European Union countries last from an economic standpoint, some of these refugees, by you year. immigration is not only good, it is volunteers as well… necessary. How should we change the Yes, indeed. Aya (in the photo) is image we hold of displaced How do you finance yourselves? one of those cases. We’ve become people? A great deal of the work is great friends. She says I’m a bit like We must learn about them, achieved by the time we her elder sister. She’s met my family educate in our schools, empathize volunteers invest. There are and we’ve been for walks and meals (it shouldn’t be difficult, as a were approximately 70 of us, working together. a country of emigrants), read and with a common goal in different Are we sufficiently aware in discover, call out racist attitudes territories: Madrid, Catalonia, our country of the displaced and behavior we witness around Balearic Islands, Galicia and persons issue? us, avoid falling into the trap Murcia. In addition, we have five In my opinion, there’s a long way of sensationalism or false data specialists, each one hired thanks to go yet, at both the social and spread by the media, or holding to funding from a town hall in institutional level. The figures preconceived images of anyone. Catalonia, as well as from two of those denied international Indeed, there should not be any private entities. We occasionally protection speak for themselves: In preconceived ‘image of refugees’, receive donations from individuals 2019, Spain offered international as we are talking about millions or through event promotions. This protection to a mere 5.2 percent of of people from all over the world, helps us maintain the structure the asylum applications processed, all with their own personal and professionalize some services, in sharp contrast to 24 percent in stories. Because, beyond the without losing our activist roots.



© iStock Access the dictionary in our digital edition 43


A little over four centuries have passed since the publication in Madrid of Sebastian de Covarrubias Orozco’s Treasure of the Castilian or Spanish Language in 1611. This work by Covarrubias was the first Spanish language dictionary, given that the renowned – and much earlier – Latin-Spanish Dictionary by Nebrija from 1492 was a bilingual work, as its title indicates.

Later, other important In addition to the linguistic Fundación MAPFRE set about dictionaries would appear; most dictionaries, also called producing one. noteworthy are those the Royal prescriptive dictionaries, MAPFRE’s first insurance Academy has published ever which compile words and their dictionary, Diccionario Básico since 1726, as well as the titanic meaning in alphabetical order, de Seguros, was published in María Moliner tome, Diccionario there exist other kinds. Some of 1972 and would soon become a de uso del español which the best-known and most widely classic in the insurance world, first appeared in 1966, or the used are: encyclopedic, bilingual so much so that, in some Latin Diccionario del español actual or technical works, thesauri, etc. American countries, it would drafted in 1999 by Manuel Seco Let’s look at technical become a benchmark icon for to reflect current usage. dictionaries. A technical the MAPFRE brand. With the advent of dictionary reflects the terms Subsequent editions in 1988, digitization, technology and employed in a specific field 1990, 1992 and 2008 greatly linguistics go hand-in-hand and of knowledge. In our case, enriched that initial edition, we can see how dictionaries have insurance is a field of knowledge not just as regards the number successfully adapted themselves largely unfamiliar to the general of terms, but also concepts and and moved with the times. A public and this is therefore a expressions. The dictionary thus wealth of online consultation much needed dictionary. In its acquired a certain pedagogical resources help us resolve the drive to promote the insurance and international character, countless doubts that arise culture and research in this field, thanks to the incorporation of a regarding the exact meaning bilingual glossary (Spanish and of words, the correct use of English). language, grammar or spelling, 195,697 The latest version appeared in the translation of a term, etc. UNIQUE VISITORS HAVE SHOWN 2019. The new insurance activity Some of the best-known and scenario, the globalization of most widely consulted are: INTEREST IN ONE OF THE the economy and digitization have led to the introduction of a • www.rae.es 5,440 large number of new terms and • www.fundeu.es even concepts not envisaged in • www.cervantes.es TERMS INCLUDED previous versions. This dictionary • https://www.spanishdict.com IN THE DICTIONARY IN 2020. not only reflects the semantic

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — INSURANCE SECRETS Access the Documentation Center at https://documentacion.fundacionmapfre.org 44

The latest version is open to all and totally free. We particularly look forward to much-needed contributions from the insurance community and, in particular, those related to the rich Latin-American terminology

Insurance Dictionary field of insurance, but also terms open to all and totally free. We In addition, ever since 2017 common to other disciplines, such particularly look forward to the dictionary also has an online as law, finance, technology, etc. much-needed contributions and print version in Brazilian But a dictionary published from the insurance community Portuguese. in 2019 needed to be dynamic and, in particular, those related Some figures for the online and constantly updated. For to the rich Latin-American dictionary in 2020: this reason, the online version terminology. was conceived as a space The print edition thus • Number of terms: not just for consultation, but becomes a complement to the 5,440 terms also for collaboration and online version, with the latter • Visits: 244,145 feedback, somewhere users and taking on the more prominent • Unique visitors: 195,697 researchers can contribute new role. As a result, reissues and • Most consulted words: terms and distinct meanings, updated printed versions will premium, risk, maritime or make suggestions to delete only be published whenever the spaces, negotiable instrument, or amend the contents of the number and interest of the new floating policy, earned dictionary. This version is additions so dictate. premium, and loss ratio

INSURANCE SECRETS — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 During the toughest period of the COVID pandemic, the whole team working remotely kept everything up and running as normal, updating the web catalog daily with electronic 45 documents and digital magazines

The insurance data source: the Fundación MAPFRE Documentation Center

Over 30 years since its creation resources are freely accessible online apace, in line with the SDG of in 1990, the Fundación MAPFRE in digital format free of charge. We paperless offices. Documentation Center remains in also have agreements with public Moreover, it maintains its the vanguard as regards employing and private institutions, so as to be dissemination drive through social the latest technologies to offer able to offer open access to their media, mainly via Linkedin, and its users and subscribers the publications, as well as works and publishes a monthly News Bulletin best possible quality of service. publications by students (Master’s received by its subscribers, in Dissertations) and professors Our acquired experience and which magnificent collaborators from leading Spanish universities, expertise have enabled us to participate with articles on professionals and researchers. become a flagship center in current, cutting-edge topics, and such sectors as insurance, risk As a Fundación MAPFRE document which also include recommended management, accident prevention repository, the Documentation Center bibliographies. and social protection. collaborates with all areas of the

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Committed to knowledge Comprometidos con el conocimiento

KNOWLEDGE IS AN INTEGRAL LLEVAMOS EL CONOCIMIENTO PART OF WHO WE ARE DENTRO DE NOSOTROS You can now access Fundación MAPFRE's Ya puedes acceder al Centro de Documentación Documentation Center. de Fundación MAPFRE.

Enter www.fundacionmapfre.org/documentacion and get access to a specialized insurance, risk Entra en www.fundacionmapfre.org/documentacion y accede a un catálogo web especializado management and social protection web catalog with over 150,000 references, which offers you: en seguros, gerencia de riesgos y previsión social con más de 150.000 referencias, que te ofrece: Multilingual Platform. Plataforma multilenguaje. Newsletter. Boletín de novedades. Bibliographies. Bibliografías. Mobile App. App móvil.

During the toughest period of foundation, providing a digital link There is also a reading room open the COVID pandemic, the whole to all publications and also making to the public in Madrid where, team working remotely kept them available in its web catalog. with a prior appointment, any everything up and running as professional or member of the On a daily basis it handles queries normal, updating the web catalog public interested in consulting in search of information and daily with electronic documents our collection is duly attended, documentation, from both external and digital magazines, monitoring although this has not proved users (insurance sector professionals daily news on the sector and possible this year because of and researchers) and internal users responding by e-mail to user COVID-19. from technical areas within the queries (centrodocumentacion@ MAPFRE Group. fundacionmapfre.org). Its plan to digitize the whole With over 156,000 bibliographic collection of documents continues references, a great many of these Documentation Center



Emotional health, the pandemic within the pandemic TEXT: RAMÓN OLIVER IMAGES: ISTOCK

One year after it first appeared, there is not one single aspect of people’s lives that has not been conditioned by this coronavirus. Work, finances, family, social relations and, obviously, health have all been disrupted by COVID-19. In order to try to determine how the pandemic is affecting the health of the Spanish population, Fundación MAPFRE and the market research company Salvetti Llombart undertook a study for which they conducted a total of 2,500 interviews.

Emotional health of members, and those areas with time we’ve modified all our habits, One of the key findings of The new less purchasing power are the most whether in terms of protection health. Evolution of the concept of vulnerable. (face masks, social distancing, health during the COVID-19 crisis Strict lockdown, return to frequent hand washing, etc.), reveals that emotional health is activity, second wave… These social (less contact with family and the most affected by this health months have been a continuous friends), or leisure. Many of the crisis. “Many of us have not caught roller coaster ride. As the Health activities that, just one year ago, COVID-19, but almost all of us have Promotion Manager at Fundación seemed normal, like going out for experienced fear, anguish, sadness, MAPFRE, Antonio Guzmán, points dinner or to the movies, now seem unease, sleep disorders… Clearly out, these ups and downs inevitably extraordinary. This leads us to a emotional and cognitive aspects,” take an emotional toll. “We’ve situation of mental exhaustion, or comments Ida Castellsaguer, partner been fighting the coronavirus for ‘pandemic fatigue’, which we had and business manager of Salvetti many months now, during which never experienced before.” Llombart. 41 percent of respondents acknowledge that their emotional health has worsened as a result of the crisis and the uncertainty it has brought about. Discouragement, LA NUEVA SALUD apathy, fear or anxiety are the Evolución del concepto de SALUD durante la crisis del COVID-19 most common problems. Who is Noviembre, 2020 suffering them? Women, young Study entitled The new health. Evolution of the people aged 20 to 35, city dwellers, concept of health during households with a large number the COVID-19 crisis.


The psychological effects For the Fundación MAPFRE large sector (60 percent) feels that of the virus are plainly evident Health Promotion Manager, their physical health is “the same in the mood of the general the worst aspect of this climate as before the pandemic”; 19 percent population. Seven percent say of uncertainty is that “it keeps believe it has even “improved”, they feel “really bad” mentally. stretching on with no end in sight.” while 22 percent think it has 25 percent believe their mental How can we enhance our mental “worsened”. Youngsters aged 20 agility and memory have health in these circumstances? to 26 are the most affected group worsened due to increased While it is indeed complicated, in this respect. Weight gain (54 fatigue (63 percent), stress says Antonio Guzmán, the key is to percent), less exercise (53 percent), (51 percent) and difficulty remain positive. “We must strive greater feeling of tiredness (51 concentrating (48 percent), as to avoid thoughts and situations percent), less energy (49 percent) well as managing everyday strain that produce negative emotions and more headaches (42 percent) (42 percent). and are harmful for us,” is his are the leading physical problems Interestingly, a unique, advice. It is also most important of Spaniards during the pandemic. unprecedented situation such as to maintain relationships with The pandemic also led to the the imposition of lockdown was friends and family through the adoption of new habits. 63 percent experienced with relative calm new technologies. “Because social say they disinfect their home more by almost half of those surveyed, distancing is not synonymous with using specific products, and 57 actually stating that they felt loneliness,” this expert reminds us. percent are paying greater attention “calm and relaxed” during that in general to their health. Regular period. Among its positive Physical health and healthy habits medical checkups (31 percent), effects, more time with the Those surveyed are more optimistic eliminating or reducing harmful family, a space for introspection about their physical condition, with habits (25 percent) or taking up and self-knowledge, or the an average rating of seven out of meditation/relaxation techniques opportunity it provided for ten. 50 percent say they feel “OK”, (21 percent) are some of the habits nurturing culture and learning 42 percent say “very good” and this pandemic has brought into (reading, online courses, etc.). only eight percent “very bad”. A people’s lives.

A research study analyzed how this crisis is changing the population’s perception of the value, importance and relevance of health

HEALTH WATCH — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Social distancing (83 percent), avoiding closed and crowded spaces (78 percent), more home-cooked food (40 percent), more time with family (44 percent) and more responsible consumption 49 (43 percent) are some of the new post-pandemic habits

Diet and sport One of the many aspects that have changed in the lives of Spaniards over the last few months has been their diet. Teleworking or the limitations imposed on the hospitality industry have led to people eating much more often at home than a year ago. 40 percent of Spaniards prepare more homemade food, which also affects the quality of the food they eat. 49 percent of respondents say they have adopted more wholesome eating habits. Avoiding processed foods, cooking recipes with more nutrients, or a preference for seasonal products are just some of the consequences of this healthy shift. Moreover, as Ida Castellsaguer stresses, we have seen a “revival” Castellsaguer declares. However, is “very important in their lives” of homemade cooking and meals, this specialist believes that, “while and declaring that “it is just as both for the healthy aspect and the changes in health and nutrition important to feel well emotionally family fun side of it. “The kitchen may well continue in the future, as physically”. The lack of social has become a space for the whole those related to the practice of interaction is one of the factors family to look after their health in physical exercise will probably that is most affecting people’s a fun, entertaining fashion,” she not have the same impact in the well-being. Seven out of ten say declares. A growing interest in local medium-to-long term.” they would like to lead a healthier commerce and proximity produce, lifestyle. as well as verifying the traceability Health afforded greater In addition, as Salvetti of the food we consume, are yet importance Llombart’s partner and business further consequences of this period. In general, the pandemic seems to manager explains, “the pandemic Being confined to the home have increased awareness of health has made us see that health is and the sedentary lifestyle questions among Spaniards. “We not an individual, but rather a drove the need to do sport and have gone from a concept of health collective, issue. Our health and augment physical activity. The highly focused on the tangible our actions have an impact on fear of contagion, however, led (the body), to understanding it others and vice versa.” Thus a to sporting habits and routines as something broader and more concept of “tribe” comes into being transferred inside the holistic, including new dimensions play, which, in Castellsaguer’s homes. “During lockdown we’ve such as the mind, well-being view, is highly positive. And, discovered the home as a place for or emotions,” Ida Castellsaguer she concludes, the fact is that taking exercise. 40 percent of the affirms. “as a society, we all have the population has been exercising This is confirmed by the opportunity to build a healthier at home, and 36 percent started study, with nine out of ten environment and become aware doing so because of the pandemic,” respondents stating that health that we are all interconnected.”


HEALTH WATCH — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Take a look at the Planet ODS on our website 51

Accident prevention and education on child injuries TEXT: RAMÓN OLIVER IMAGES: FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE, ISTOCK

Every day around the world over 2,000 children die from some kind of incident, most of which could have been avoided. To help prevent children suffering accidents, Fundación MAPFRE has just launched Planeta ODS, its digital educational project to help raise awareness among children and youngsters of the need to protect themselves from everyday hazards, while teaching them how to take better care of the planet.

Infancy is one of the most collisions as passengers – are some objective is risk prevention important stages of human of the most common inconsolable education for the infancy and development. This is when the events during childhood. juvenile stages, as well as the foundations are laid, determining “Minors, by their very nature, promotion of safe, healthy, the personality and values that are the population group most sustainable mobility habits. Making will govern a person’s adult exposed to wounds and bone children and youngsters aware life. This is an unrepeatable injuries. For this very reason, of the risks they are exposed stage full of possibilities, but it is essential we ensure their to, teaching them how to avoid also a dangerous period for the well-being at every level, starting them, and what to do should some physical integrity of children, for with families and educators,” unwanted event occur are some whom their lack of experience declares Marilia Murciano, from of the key points in this initiative. and scant sense of danger make Fundación MAPFRE’s Accident Murciano is categorical: “Most them particularly vulnerable to Prevention and Road Safety Area. accidents involving children can be mishaps. According to World For this expert, the prevention avoided.” And she warns: “A good Health Organization (WHO) data, of unintentional injuries calls for number of injuries and accidents 90 percent of childhood injuries global, collective action. “We must are the result of improper human are categorized as unintentional, first consolidate safety within the behavior. For that reason, we with the tragic consequences being children’s homes, and then extend are working hard on the idea of the death of 830,000 children that protection to their immediate educating society so that, at all each year throughout the world. surroundings,” she states. times, people act in a safe manner.” Intoxications, burns, blows, Precisely in order to reduce falls, choking, drowning, stings, the effects of these mishaps on Technology for raising awareness bites, heat strokes, and traffic- children, Fundación MAPFRE Planeta ODS relies heavily on related incidents – including has created Planeta ODS, a new digital tools as a way to connect those knocked down or injured in educational project whose prime with the younger generation. As

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — HEALTH WATCH According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, 90 percent of childhood injuries are categorized as 52 unintentional, with the tragic consequences being the death of 830,000 children each year throughout the world

child safety is at the center of the need for all of us to work together and create a better planet for the new generations. “We want children and youngsters to know about the risks to which they are exposed (their own vulnerability), take steps to avoid them and, moreover, know what to do whenever some unwanted event occurs,” is how the manager of Fundación MAPFRE’s Accident Prevention and Road Safety Area, Jesús Monclús, sums it up. In an initial phase, Planeta ODS presents a series of entertaining virtual sessions and The Virtual City Project recreates the interior and exterior of a dwelling and challenges us to discover all the hazards online workshops, in which the lurking in the home. participating class or group is immersed in a graphic adventure the specialist from the Fundación together with the Fundación supervised by tutors. The MAPFRE Accident Prevention MAPFRE team. participants interact to complete a and Road Safety Area puts it, In the case of Planet ODS, this mission, with the remote guidance “the new digital tools allow for tool consists of a virtual tour that and assistance of educators and the development of high-quality teaches children how to detect the facilitators from EMADE and interactive resources that capture hazards that may be lurking inside ADEAC, organizations which are the attention of youngsters and a normal home (in the kitchen collaborating with Fundación enable them to acquire knowledge or bathroom, items of furniture, MAPFRE on this project. These in an effective, yet entertaining etc.), on the public highway and in workshops deal with two distinct – way.” recreational areas such as sports yet closely related – topics. The “game” concept has a fields or in nature. “The game The first of these topics, Mi relevant role to play. “Children allows them to locate hazards and mundo seguro [My Safe World] nowadays are perfectly accustomed risks, scoring points for finds in addresses the prevention of to virtual environments, similar to each phase. Once each hazard has unintentional injuries by calling the most popular games. It is been identified, the program offers on its young participants to take a challenge for them to complete an explanation, in both written and care of the planet they live on. each level and move on to the next. audio formats, of the danger and “Because, in order to look after The system keeps them alert all offers advice on how to avoid it,” the Earth, we must begin by the time, making them observe the Becerril Oriol adds. looking after ourselves,” Murciano familiar environment around them stresses. The ultimate goal of these in a whole new light,” explains SDG connection workshops, she goes on, is to raise Iñigo Becerril Oriol, director of The core notion underlying the awareness among children “of the Incommon Studio, the technology whole program is that of the need to protect ourselves and to company that has developed part of Sustainable Development Goals preserve our mind and body, by the project’s technological solution, (SDG or ODS in Spanish). Thus, acquiring safe, healthy, sustainable


habits. In order to do so, we must For this ambitious goal to be behavior patterns of those close remain alert in our everyday achieved, safety education must to them, sharing their opinion and lives and reduce to the absolute start right from infancy. “By assessment of everyday matters. minimum our exposure to possible educating children to keep safe, With our educational program, hazards.” we will have safe adults. It is up we aim to turn our children into A second topic falls within to us to gradually instill in them safety advocates for the adults the scope of Mobility 3S, a term the most appropriate way to deal around them.” The fact is that, that refers to a new concept of with each situation, striving to get sometimes, no threat of a fine, mobility that is “Safe, Sound and them to adopt daily routines that nor any awareness campaign is as Sustainable”. “When we move will make them less vulnerable powerful as the voice of a little boy around, by whatever means, we human beings,” Monclús stresses. or girl lovingly reprimanding their must take into account aspects such However, he warns that “our efforts parents, as only they can do: “But, as whether or not we are using to teach children reliable behavior dad, how are we going to cross if safe transport, what we can do habits will be of no use at all if, the traffic light is red?” to use it as efficiently as possible, afterwards, we adults do not then whether using it is healthy for us, reinforce and back up what they’ve The objectives what kind of fuel it consumes, or learned with our own behavior. We of Planeta ODS whether that has an impact on must not forget that our children the environment,” this Fundación replicate and mirror our actions • Comprehend the Sustainable MAPFRE professional tells us. And every day.” Development Goals (SDGs), assess she underscores the fact that the Safety education can also be a their importance, and relate them to mobility and the prevention of thousands of deaths every year are two-way street. We in Fundación unintentional injuries. no longer acceptable to our society. MAPFRE are convinced that the • Acquire responsible, civic, safe, “One more step must be taken, with educational influence between egalitarian, inclusive attitudes and the essential cooperation of us all, young and old is reciprocal. behaviors in relation to road traffic to prevent there being even one “Children have the ability and the prevention of unintentional injuries. more road victim.” and capacity to influence the • Use the public highway properly, whether as a pedestrian, passenger, cyclist or user of personal mobility vehicles (PMV). • Act and react safely at all times and in every situation. • Prevent traffic accidents and unintentional injuries. • Reduce risk situations as road users. • Correctly interpret road signs and basic traffic regulations. • Respect all other users of the public highway. • Understand the concepts of vulnerability (of both our planet and our body) and self-protection. • Enhance the capacity for reflection and initiative. • Enrich skills when working as a team.


27 innovative projects for social transformation TEXT: CRISTINA BISBAL IMAGES: ISTOCK

SOCIAL INNOVATION — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Para más información visita nuestra web 55

The 27 semifinalist projects of our Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards have already been selected. Stemming from Europe and Latin America, these are all passionate, viable, thrilling projects whose ultimate objective is to improve people’s quality of life.

There is currently no company in contribute a great deal. These • Tele-Ecografía para todos the Social Innovation sector that nine projects from Europe, Brazil (Peru). This project enables fails to follow closely each edition and the rest of Latin America are pathologies to be diagnosed of the Fundación MAPFRE fine examples: using ultrasound scans, but Social Innovation Awards. This without needing a specialist is because, in just three years — it • Medicsen (Spain). The first physically present in the health was in March 2018 that Antonio wearable, needle-free, drug center. It offers an accessible Huertas, the Foundation’s delivery device was born from technology that is adaptable president, first announced them — the experience of its CEO, to remote areas with little these awards have become highly Eduardo Jorgensen, when bandwidth, so as to provide a important, not just because of the he saw a girl with diabetes better health service. significant financial prize reject insulin treatment in • Orgasorb (Colombia). This — €30,000 for each winner — but the doctor’s office. This is a project offers 100 percent also for their enormous impact painless, wearable, automatic plant-based biofilters for water and tremendous prestige. Now in solution. decontamination. They manage their fourth edition, our Awards • Dianox (Dinamarca) to eliminate heavy metals, are already a reference in the facilitates the rapid detection enabling filtered water to be Social Innovation ecosystem, of deadly infectious diseases by reused. with the proposals put forward means of diagnostic self-tests. • Clic Health ID (Brazil) offers proving true exponents of This is an innovative, non- predictive medicine through commitment and talent at the invasive, anonymous, affordable the use of certified medical service of society. approach. algorithms and artificial The whole awards mechanism • Sycai Technologies SL intelligence. The aim is to is in top gear, with the 27 projects (Spain). The objective of this generate predictions of the risk already selected to participate in artificial intelligence-based of developing diseases or of the semifinals, held throughout software is to assist radiologists existing ones worsening. March via online events for each efficiently detect pancreatic • Fleximedical (Brazil). This of the three regions: Brazil, rest of cystic lesions and enable early startup offers solutions to Latin America, and Europe. They prediction of their potential democratize access to health are all innovative projects capable malignancy. care by constructing both fixed of making a positive impact. • Savia (Guatemala) is a and mobile health equipment telematic platform that (the latter including vans, Health Improvement and leverages mobile technology containers, buses and trucks Digital Technology (e-Health) to overcome the barriers that converted into consultation and In the year of the pandemic, can lead to the exclusion of surgery facilities). we have learned that health is a the population in rural areas • Predikta (Brazil). This uses common good from which we all of Latin America with scant artificial intelligence to obtain benefit and that innovation can primary healthcare services. predictive diagnoses, but also

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — SOCIAL INNOVATION Now in their fourth edition, our Awards are already a reference in the Social Innovation ecosystem, with the proposals put 56 forward proving true exponents of commitment and talent at the service of society

• 101Ideas (Colombia). In Colombia, less than 20 percent of the population has a pension; and many retirees feel they are not very productive. 101Ideas brings job opportunities closer to productive adults. • Seniorpal (Colombia) offers a multitude of plans for elderly people wishing to remain active, productive and connected through technology. They seek to empower seniors to live life intensely, with physical training sessions, technology workshops and a club for meeting people. • Vavidsilver (Colombia). Senior citizens are in the sights of cybernetic fraudsters. This helps with the triage of patients a personalized manner, taking technology platform offers the by providing diagnostic into account the pathologies possibility of learning about support. and characteristics of each user. and preventing different kinds In short, a “longevity coach”, as of cybernetic fraud in plain, Economics of ageing: its founder, Clara Fernández, inclusive language. Ageingnomics likes to say. • Yolex (Brazil). Any age is In this edition, the Insurance • The Freebird Club (Ireland). good for learning, even more Innovation category has been Peter Mangan created this so if the goal is professional replaced by the Economics of social travel and homestay club development. This project Ageing: Ageingnomics. Fundación for a peer-to-peer community offers access to classes, MAPFRE thus aims to promote of over 50s. Its members can tutorials and round tables initiatives that offer solutions travel and stay with hosts, as organized for those aged from the so-called Economics well as share experiences with over 55. of Aging perspective for the age them. • Nextt49+ (Brazil). Many of group between 55 and 75 years • Jubilatucasa.com (Spain) uses those in the over-50 population old: health, leisure, mobility, machine learning techniques group are interested in starting education, finance, insurance, and artificial intelligence to a business. This center supports technology and the silver offer personalized advice this entrepreneurial spirit by economy. These are the projects and guidance to the over-65s offering consultancy, training, which qualified/were chosen: interested in monetizing their skill sets, etc. home without having to leave • Labora (Brazil). The role of • Rosita Longevity (Spain) is it, thus making this a highly this platform is to connect a free app targeting the over- useful, handy solution for those companies that need personnel 60s, which seeks to establish wishing to peacefully live out with workers who, given their and maintain healthy habits in the rest of their lives. age, are generally ‘invisible’


to the job market. At the same time, this leads to the removal of barriers and accelerating generational diversity.

Accident Prevention and Safe, Sustainable Mobility. Technology applied to increasing safety measures when transporting vulnerable groups, environmental sustainability linked to smart cities, connectivity between vehicles to increase road safety, etc. These are just some of the topics Fundación MAPFRE wishes to promote within this category of its Social Innovation Awards.

• Mobility Mojo (Ireland). This initiative helps hotels summarized and accessible in transit services and urban offer an inclusive, welcoming one place. mobility. experience for guests with • A-Driver (Colombia). Its • Eu Vô (Brazil). This offers special needs, thanks to goal is to reduce accidents affordable, safe transit services, technology designed to verify caused by driver distraction with the option of being the accessibility standards of by using Head-Up Display the establishment in question. accompanied, to increase (HUD) technology, which can the autonomy of people with • Offways (France). At a time be controlled via a wearable when sustainability matters reduced mobility and those device, mainly using hand over 60 years of age. to consumers, this online gestures, but without taking • Meiopasso (Brazil). Founded booking platform offers users hands off the steering wheel. in November 2019, this startup a calculation of the carbon • Wheel The World (Chile). helps people with reduced footprint their travel generates, People with disabilities do not mobility tackle steps, slopes as well as low-emission always find it easy to travel. mobility alternatives, while To alleviate this problem, this and uneven ground, using a planting trees on their behalf platform helps them find and product called a ‘half-step’. for free. book travel experiences that • ArejaBus (Brazil). This • Park4dis (Spain). An are 100 percent accessible, small company has created a interurban platform for seeking empowering them to explore ventilation system for buses and managing reservations the world without limits. that uses the movement of of parking spaces, with • Ualabee (Argentina). This is the vehicle itself to enhance all the information on the a platform that provides data the thermal sensation and air characteristics of the different for monitoring the city in real quality on board, moreover

municipal regulations readily time and strategically planning without emitting CO2.


Ageingnomics — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 Visit our website https://ageingnomics.fundacionmapfre.org/ 59

The opportunity of ageing TEXT: ÁNGEL MARTOS IMAGES: ISTOCK

What if 60 were the new 40? The economy is starting to recognize the mature age group as an increasingly attractive market given its youthful consumption capacity, in addition to the added value of the need for care services. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fundación MAPFRE’s Ageingnomics Research Center presented its latest findings in a seminar that can be viewed online.

The American magazine Allure murmured for some time, but growing old – indeed, ever older is one of the most important was turning into a thunderous – seems to have been creatively publications in the beauty world. roar that we could sum up in permeating the full range of It is published by Condé Nast, the one phrase: ageing is not so bad. products and services that same editorial group responsible In recent years the brands have comprise and nourish the mature for the prestigious magazine dramatically turned their backs market ecosystem. Vogue, focused more on fashion. on those messages that made us It is precisely in this spirit that Allure splashed a message across view every wrinkle discovered Fundación MAPFRE created the the cover of its September 2017 in the mirror as a personal Ageingnomics Research Center, issue that stunned the beauty failure; they are now building with this portmanteau created industry: the term anti-age was no a new narrative, both positive from a contraction of ‘ageing’ and longer welcome on its pages. “We and realistic, that the marketing ‘economics’ coined by MAPFRE asked people to reflect on this geniuses have dubbed pro- and Deusto Business School to and consider why we attribute ageing. This neologism defines all define this concept. Its overriding a negative connotation to those healthcare and well-being aim is to extend an optimistic something so completely natural,” products and treatments “that view of the demographic wrote its editor Michelle Lee. help us discover the best version evolution, based on the economic “No, not everything related to of ourselves, whatever that might and social opportunities provided ageing is necessarily wonderful, mean to each of us,” according to by this ageing of the population. but the chance to grow old indeed Paul Jarrod Frank, dermatologist “Surprisingly, this increased is; it’s not something to fight of singer Madonna, among other life expectancy, which constitutes against.” celebrities, in his book The Pro- one of the major achievements The statement also became Ageing Playbook. And whatever of humanity, has been repeatedly a wake-up call for the beauty the name of the moisturizing treated in public debates as a industry, which in Spain alone cream that makes us feel better, phenomenon with essentially moves eight billion euros; it the truth is that this empowering negative consequences,” Juan also reflected what had been approach to the inevitable act of Fernández Palacios, CEO of

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — Ageingnomics 60

MAPFRE Vida, admitted during The rejuvenation of our society and ageism, so rampant in the first academic seminar on This is what Adela Cortina, a our societies. “Unmasking ageing held in December 2020 74-year-old Emeritus Professor of gerontophobia” was precisely by the Ageingnomics Research Ethics and Political Philosophy at the title of an article of hers Center, within the context the University of Valencia, calls published in the Spanish daily El of the COVID-19 pandemic. “rejuvenation” of our societies: País last July and which had huge “The emphasis was placed on “The world is not ageing, but repercussion on social media. the destabilizing impact on rather rejuvenating [...] In fact, “The elderly are not the pension system and the at the same age, any of us are unproductive,” Cortina affirms. associated increased costs of in much better shape than “Firstly, because they continue healthcare or dependent adult our grandparents were.” Her to consume, but also because care services... We believe this is masterful lecture on the ethics they are sometimes the ones an incomplete, biased vision that of ageing in times of pandemic who now have the economic we need to remedy,” Fernández managed to resolve that cold, means to consume. Grandparents Palacios declared. The fact is that distant impression imposed by are a wonderful resource for this medical miracle of longevity the obligatory online encounter, looking after the grandchildren is increasingly associated with offering us fascinating ideas when parents have to go out to an improvement in the quality and emotions. Sprinkled with work, etc. Were it not for the of life for people who, until very powerful statements (“treating solidarity of many pensioners, recently, were considered lucky old age as a disease is humbug”), many families would have been to have lived beyond retirement she focused her intervention totally incapable of surviving age. on denouncing gerontophobia at all.” A description of the

Ageingnomics — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 It’s striking how many companies and groups prefer to target young people with their messages, despite the evidence that the purchasing power lies mainly with the silver generation 61

silver economy, as defined by is the European country that Iñaki Ortega Cachón. In fact, the OECD, with which Ignacio could lead a global strategy to this barometer confirms that 56 Baeza, first vice chairman of the explore new economic niches percent of senior consumers – a Fundación MAPFRE Board of stemming from this increased population segment with ages Trustees, concurs and expands life expectancy. There is a full ranging from close to 60 up to 75 with further data: “The elderly in range of opportunities arising – are capable of saving something Spain have stable incomes, given from the economic and social each month, and 60 percent feel that they benefit from the safety impact of the activities carried at ease in the face of economic net provided by the welfare state out and demanded by the over- uncertainty, claiming that their in the form of a public pension, in 55 population. This already situation will not worsen in the addition to any savings they may represents 25 percent of the next few years. have. Ninety percent of them are European GDP, but will account The seminar organized by homeowners and I don’t believe for 37.8 percent of all jobs by the Ageingnomics Research any other country in the world 2025. “It’s striking how many Center revealed the wealth of comes close to that figure, and 75 companies and groups prefer proposals and ideas for products percent are unencumbered i.e. to target young people with and services ready for a market mortgage-free.” their messages, despite the filled with opportunities and These figures are drawn from evidence that the purchasing apt for the startup business the 1st Seniors Consumption power lies mainly with the silver model. Seven projects were Barometer published by generation,” stress the study’s presented there, selected by the the Ageingnomics Research directors, the aforementioned scientific committee made up of Center and confirm that Spain Juan Fernández Palacios and representatives from Fundación

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 — Ageingnomics The pandemic has been – and, indeed, is – a global human tragedy, but also an unexpected stress test that has exposed the 62 weaknesses of a system stretched to the limit of its capacity

MAPFRE, Deusto Business weaknesses of a system stretched nursing homes when it comes School and independent experts. to the limit of its capacity. It to infectious diseases.” Javier Most noteworthy were initiatives has forced many sectors to Isaac Lera Torres (University of targeting particularly vulnerable skip forward several years and Cantabria/IDIVAL) wondered groups, representing a major step accelerate the digitization of how we could improve long-term forward compared to previous processes previously only seen as care for senior citizens. And experiences in the field of the future trends, such as the already Andrés Losada Baltar (King Juan ageing economy. commonplace teleworking Carlos University) highlighted model, now affecting millions the need to protect the people The pandemic: a stress test of people. The current situation acting as caregivers. These are projects which, in most provides a tremendous setting In the field of business cases, are born out of a public- for the proposals presented at innovation, there were private collaboration, responding the seminar, which precisely outstanding projects such as to needs discovered or confirmed take full advantage of the power Ubikare, by Nerea Amenábar, by university research. The of technology to enhance our a comprehensive home health new technologies offer the first seniors’ quality of life. Thus, and care service for elderly and/ – but not the only – response thanks to Jésica de Armas Adrián or dependent people and their to the challenges posed by this (University of Barcelona/Pompeu families. Beatriz Santamaría demographic evolution. In this Fabra University), and her study Trincado presented Bizipoz, sense, the pandemic has been – on the incidence of COVID-19 an active training and social and, indeed, is – a global human cases in the city of Barcelona, participation program aimed tragedy, but also an unexpected we have learned about “the at people over the age of 55 to stress test that has exposed the advantages of home care over promote growing old in an active,

Ageingnomics — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 63

healthy manner. It highlights advantage of people until the percent of the Spanish population the need to make retirement a end, all they have to offer, and will be over 65 years old. One third transition process and not a leap we must do all we possibly can to of us will be old, there is no denying into the abyss, with the help create the best societies,” Adela it. And given the demographic of companies. María González Cortina goes on, “we’re surely not evolution of Western societies, Manso explained exactly what going to set aside 30 percent of many of them will not be parents Tucuvi is – a virtual assistant the population, simply because – nor, therefore, grandparents – for monitoring senior citizens we’ve decided that, at the age of at least in the traditional blood and chronic patients in their 65, everything changes radically relative sense. Adela Cortina home. And Román Vilares, from and these people are not capable advocates that the various age Inbizi Healthcare, presented Noa, of anything.” groups “should increasingly join an automatic, programmable Instead, the professor up” and encourages activities in drug dispenser connected to advocates the concept of which they get together, “as they telecommunications networks, “personal age”: “This is a can then learn from each other in a which enables control of the combination of our biological mutually enriching process.” How precise dosage of medicines and age – which is the particular, this can be achieved will emerge, wireless communication with the unique, unrepeatable life process in part, from the ageingnomics caregiver. for each of us – our chronological specialty created by MAPFRE All of these projects radiate age, determined implacably by and the Deusto Business School. economic optimism even in times the calendar, and our social age, It is firmly rooted in one of those of COVID-19 and yet they have to which is what societies typically conscience-stirring phrases uttered fight against the discriminatory lay down in a traditional manner by a Nobel Prize laureate, in this attitudes prevalent in our society. and order, using conventional case the economist Amartya Sen, “During the pandemic, negative milestones such as retirement.” who views economics as the art of notions that already existed, Are we starting to see glimpses creating good societies: equitable such as gerontophobia and of a new revolution, on this wealth creation by eradicating ageism, come to the fore even occasion related to age? Social poverty, and reducing unjust stronger,” Adela Cortina stresses. critical mass exists: by 2050, 35 inequalities. 20 years ago she coined the term aporophobia to define rejection Ageing, economy and COVID-19 of the poor and this professor knows that discrimination of the The 2020 Academic Seminar on Ageing • Care and social health assistance. most vulnerable is universal. For and COVID-19 was organized with • New work models. the aim of advancing the frontier of •  Education. this reason, she has again turned knowledge regarding the relationship • Urban and territorial transformation. to the power of words to shed between the ageing population and the • Public-private collaboration. light on social fears, in this case economy, within a context characterized • Business and territorial productivity. gerontophobia – or rejection of by the impact of COVID-19. • Organizational and digital transformation. The objective was to learn about the elderly – and ageism, a term • Welfare state. initiatives, both academic works coined by Robert Butler in 1969 • Innovation, entrepreneurship and and actual projects or experiences, business opportunities. to define discrimination on the whether completed or at an advanced basis of age. Cortina proposes development stage. The seminar paid special attention to projects which, in this pandemic fighting them decisively, “because The thematic areas dealt with scenario, offer real solutions to the they are immoral, demeaning economics, ageing and COVID-19, in economic challenges posed by the such specific areas as: to human dignity and not very ageing population. intelligent.” “We must take

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Solidarity Laundry

At a time when the coronavirus people, immigrants and families or where they sleep – and try to has forced us to step up cleaning with scant resources.” assist them, offering advice to help and hygiene measures, there are This association has premises them find the help they need. people who cannot even afford the equipped with four domestic This is how it works: first of all, luxury of using a washing machine. washing machines, a dryer and new users are duly registered. Precisely in order to ensure the several clotheslines. There is also Next, the clothes are collected homeless and destitute can perform a small room where hot coffee is at the door and volunteers start such an everyday task as doing their offered to the people waiting while the washing machines at sixty washing, the Justice and Peace their clothes are washed. They are degrees centigrade. To clean the laundry was created in Albacete. offered every attention and a lot clothes, they use natural detergents This initiative was launched in of affection by the ten volunteers and disinfectants supplied by 2015; however, with the COVID-19 who collaborate in the laundry. It the environmental organization crisis, the demand for its services really is a place to break the ice Ecologistas en Acción. The wash has risen dramatically. “Our and discover the actual problems cycles last nearly an hour and principal objective has always been each person faces, learn what a half, after which those who to do the laundry for especially their situation is – where they stay, have somewhere to hang out the vulnerable groups such as homeless where they shower, where they eat washing collect it; for others, every attempt is made to dry it inside the laundry until they come for it. This is a completely free service for those people who unfortunately cannot even wash their clothes in a dignified manner. More information: https:// www.juspax-es.org/l/ lavanderiajpalbacete/

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Another way to help — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#54 65

Oxygen on Wheels The figures for coronavirus infections and deaths in reached record heights in January. Demand for oxygen tanks at supply centers soared at the same rate as the number of people waiting in line for their turn to be able to fill their bottles. One day Arturo Acosta, a gas industry worker who lives in the city of , came across one of those queues of patients looking for oxygen to recover from the disease.

@ iStock “But what about the people who couldn’t get to one Tales by Phone of those centers?” he thought. It was then that Arturo had the idea of bringing this service closer to the less Last January, Ursula von der Leyen, the European accessible neighborhoods and colonies of the capital Commission President, used her social media accounts of Jalisco, and take oxygen straight to their homes. to highlight the excellent work carried out by the And thus “Oxygen on Wheels” came about. With the Municipal Library of Soto del Real, a small town in help of a group of friends, Arturo refurbished a van, the mountains around Madrid. Juan Sobrino, director fitting it with all the safety measures required to be of the library, was determined to combat the isolation able to transport six 9,500-liter oxygen tanks, sufficient faced by the elderly through reading. Many elderly to serve between 30 and 40 people a day. “No one people with cognitive, vision or mobility problems were without their oxygen supply!” is the war cry with which unable to go to the library. But the library could go to Antonio confronts this tremendous situation. Through where they lived. So volunteers of all ages, including his Facebook profile #oxigenoenrojes, he publishes the children, visited the care homes once a month for places he will be visiting each day. Dozens of people are reading-aloud sessions. However, the COVID-19 waiting for him every night – the delivery is at night outbreak forced these visits to be suspended, but it because the ambient temperature is lower and this could not halt the enthusiasm to connect with the favors oxygen conservation. Given that many of these elderly through words. That sparked the idea for areas are dangerous at night, he has the support of, and “Tales by Phone”, which consists of library volunteers is escorted by, Civil Protection, firefighters and the local reading excerpts of works to people in care facilities or police. In his Facebook profile, Acosta also publishes living alone in their own homes. Each of the volunteers tutorials on how to best use oxygen bottles, as well as always calls and reads to the same person, thus highly practical information for all those suffering from establishing a close bond between the two of them. The respiratory problems. volunteers can therefore detect the mood of the elderly More information: https://www.facebook.com/ person, get to know their tastes and better guess what oxigenoenruedas they might like. In theory, these are 20-minute sessions, but they are usually longer if the volunteer perceives that the listener is eager for more. The idea has already taken off in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and over 20 associations and libraries all around Spain. As Juan Sobrino declared, “I wouldn’t go so far as to say that literature can save the world, but it does indeed provide tools for building a better world.” More information: https://www.facebook.com/ sotodelreal.ayuntamiento/posts/3096435667138315/

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Seen on Fundación MAPFRE Culture Fundación MAPFRE @fundacionmapfrecultura @fmapfre the web Art Museum Learn about all our activities Madrid is a city historically linked to the art on social media. In this it contains. It inspires, creates and nurtures section you will find a creativity. Madrid’s heart beats with the selection of the best posts rhythm of art and this is our little tribute. on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


@FundaciónMapfre @fundaciónmapfrecultura The call for proposals for the Social @FMgoalzero Outreach Awards is open again. We wish to recognize the work of all those people and projects striving to improve our world. TWITTER Now more than ever. Find the rules and @fmapfre #FM_WithYou guidelines here: @mapfreFcultura #Madrid @FMgoalzero #Art https://bit.ly/2MQlP7M @FMculturaCat @FM_ageingnomics

INSTAGRAM Fundación MAPFRE Fundación MAPFRE @mapfrefcultura

THE BEST TWEET Rice, cauliflower, corn, chickpea, @FM_AGEINGNOMICS potato... These can be great alternatives for making a pizza dough at home Solidarity does not rest without wheat flour. at such a special time. Have you tried this? Tell us what your 26 tons of food are already favorite alternative is. on the way! Here we see #VoluntariosMAPFRE and @WCKitchen volunteers with @JMINCHA CEO of @MAPFRE_ES and Pepa Muñoz @QuencodePepa loading menus they have so lovingly prepared these days

If you ride an electric scooter to work, remember: ⛑ Always wear a helmet.  Respect the speed limit at all times. #FM_WithYou  Avoid being distracted. #Practicooking #Glutenfree The regulations on electric scooters are changing. Find out more. #FM_WithYou

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