METAL ZINE VOL. 6 SCIONAV.COM MELVINS / DECREPIT BIRTH PROSTHETIC RECORDS / ALL SHALL PERISH HOLY GRAIL STAFF SCION A/V SCHEDULE Scion Project Manager: Jeri Yoshizu, Sciontist Editor: Eric Ducker MARCH Creative Direction: Scion March 13: Scion A/V Presents: The Melvins — The Bulls & The Bees Art Direction: BON March 20: Scion A/V Presents: Meshuggah — I Am Colossus Contributing Editor: J. Bennett March 31: Scion Label Showcase: Profound Lore, featuring Yob, the Atlas Moth, Loss, Graphic Designer: Gabriella Spartos Wolvhammer and Pallbearer, at the Glasshouse, Pomona, California CONTRIBUTORS Writer: Etan Rosenbloom Photographer: Mackie Osborne CONTACT For additional information on Scion, email, write or call. Scion Customer Experience 19001 S. Western Avenue Mail Stop WC12 APRIL Torrance, CA 90501 $WODV0RWK³<RXU&DOP:DWHUV´ Phone: 866.70.SCION / Fax: 310.381.5932 &RUURVLRQRI&RQIRUPLW\³3V\FKLF9DPSLUH´ Email: Email us through the Contact page located on 6DLQW9LWXV³/HW7KHP)DOO´ Hours: M-F, 6am-5pm PST / Online Chat: M-F, 6am-6pm PST 7RPEV³3DVVDJHZD\V´ Scion Metal Zine is published by BON. $SULO6FLRQ$93UHVHQWV0XVLF9LGHRV For more information about BON, email
[email protected] April 3: Scion A/V Presents: Municipal Waste April 10: Scion A/V Presents: All Shall Perish — Company references, advertisements and/or websites The Past Will Haunt Us Both (in Spanish) OLVWHGLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQDUHQRWDI¿OLDWHGZLWK6FLRQ $SULO6FLRQ$93UHVHQWV3URVWKHWLF5HFRUGV/DEHO6KRZFDVH OLYHUHFRUGLQJ unless otherwise noted through disclosure. April 24: Municipal Waste, “Repossession” video Scion does not warrant these companies and is not liable for their performances or the content on their MAY advertisements and/or websites. May 15: Scion A/V Presents: Relapse Records Label Showcase (live recording) May 19: Scion Label Showcase: A389 Records Showcase, featuring Integrity, Ringworm, © 2012 Scion, a marque of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc.