

February 8, 1972 Paper 59


MICHAEL E. WILLIAMS University of Kansas, Lawrence


Heteropolar spiral coprolites from Central Kansas are described and several morpho- logical features not noted by previous workers are illustrated. Microscopic study of thin sections reveals the presence of numerous well-preserved mucosal folds including the tunica propria, confirming Fritsch's suggestion that coprolites of this sort are fossilized intestines (Fritsch, 1907). Accordingly, Fritsch's term enterospira has been used to designate these specimens. Comparison of the enterospirae with the spiral valves of modern shows that they most clearly resemble that of the Scyilium, and suggests that a possible explanation for the fossilization of the valve may be its complex morphology which causes the very slow passage of food and a subsequent tendency for it to be full at the time of the 's death. A brief analysis of the faunal assemblage suggests the intestines may be attributed to pleuracanth sharks and gives an indication of certain aspects of the food chain.

INTRODUCTION In the fall of 1968, Mr. Frank Wind, then a consists of varicolored shales resting on top of a graduate student in the Geology Department at prominent cherty limestone bed, the Schroyer the University of Kansas, found a specimen in the Limestone. In the area in which the specimens Lower Wymore Shale near Manhattan, are found, the lowermost 40 cm of the shale are Kansas, which I subsequently identified as a spiral fine grained and thinly laminated, ranging in coprolite. Two collecting trips to the area in the color from gray-black to light green and contain- spring of 1969 yielded 30 more or less complete ing several layers of land plant remains. This unit specimens as well as numerous fragments. The is followed by 60 cm of green blocky shale while abundance of spiral coprolites preserved at this the remaining portion consists of alternating lay- locality, and their excellent state of preservation, ers of blocky red and green shale containing small provides an opportunity for an investigation into calcareous nodules (Fig. 1). their origin. The spatial distribution of coprolites at this The specimens discussed in this study were locality appears to be restricted to a lens of gray- obtained from the lower 3 meters of the Wymore green shale, thickest at its center and thinning Shale member of the Lower Permian (Wolf- both to the north and south. The original speci- campian) Matfield Shale. These rocks are ex- men was collected from a light green plant-bear- posed on the western side of a roadcut 1.7 km ing layer about 15 cm from the bottom of the south of the junction of Kansas Highways 177 formation. Further collecting has shown copro- and 113 in the NE'/4, NW1/4, Sec. 35, T.9S., lites to be present as high as 2 m above the base, R.7E., Riley County, Kansas. At this locality, the but they appear to be concentrated in the lower- Wymore Shale is approximately 4 m thick and most meter. Horizontally, they are limited to a 2 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

Fin. I. Roadcut exposure of Wymore Shale from which the specimens were collected. The ledge-forming unit at the collector's waist is the Schroyer Limestone. The lens producing the specimens is delimited above by the first prominent color band and thins both to the left and right. stretch beginning about 60 ni south of the north- debris, although a few of the microsaur jaws, ern end of the cut and extending southward for pleuracanth teeth, and palaeoniscoid scales as well about 15m. as several coprolites also show such coatings. The Approximately 100 kg of matrix were taken occurrence of limonite as flakes and coatings from the outcrop and some 50 kg of this were rather than three-dimensional particles, its pres- washed and picked for rnicrofossils. In addition ence on relatively non-degradable material such as to spiral coprolites, smaller non-spiraled forms scales and teeth rather than the coprolitic material, and fragments of both types were found. The and the lack of concentration near those coprolites residue contained carbonized plant fragments, observed in situ suggest that the limonite was limonite molds of plants (primarily Pecopteris), deposited epigenetically and is not altered pyrite high-spired gastropods, gastropod opercula, ostra- precipitated during the decomposition of the codes, small phosphatic worm? tubes, and arthro- faunal remains (see Zangerl, 1971). pod (?) limb fragments. Although a few quartz grains were found, are represented by the sharks very little detrital material above clay size is pres- Xenacanthus and Helodus, calcified cartilage, ent in the residue. The faunal and floral elements edestid dermal denticles, the Mononga- and the lack of large detrital particles suggest an hela and another larger lungfish, possibly Sageno- extremely quiet freshwater environment of depo- dus, fragmental lungfish scales, several small sition such as a marsh or swamp. There seems to iii icrosaur jaws (Cardiocephalus? ), pa laeon iscoid be no evidence of anaerobic bottom conditions of scales and teeth, and palatal elements of an un- the type found by Zangerl and Richardson (1963) determined form. in the Mecca and Logan Quarry Shales of Indi- Sulfides are represented in the residues only ana. The total absence of articulated by a few small euhedral crystals of pyrite while remains in a quiet water, low energy environment limonite flakes are exceedingly abundant. The of deposition conceivably may be due to the action great majority of these flakes are coatings on plant of scavengers. Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 3


Coprolites were first described by Lister in Mantell's own comments notwithstanding, this 1678 although he was evidently uncertain as to is a remarkable series of observations. Elsewhere their affinities (El-Baz, 1968) while Gideon Man- (1822, p. 158) under a discussion of fossil plants tell (1822) was apparently the first to suggest an of the Chalk, he summed up his views of these animal origin for them. Numerous specimens had fossils as follows: been collected from the English Chalk but had "The constituent substance of the fossils, is been generally interpreted as aments or cones of of the same nature as the vertebrae the larch. As other naturalists of the day had precisely begun to suspect they might be the remains of ani- and other bones of cartilagenous that oc- mals, Mantell and his brother made a collection cur in the Chalk; this resemblance is so strik- have of some 50 specimens and studied them in an ing, that it is with considerable hesitation I the attempt to solve the problem (Fig. 2). noticed them in this place, being fully of opinion, that they may hereafter prove to be parts of fishes."

It was William Buckland (1829) who coined the term "coprolite" and it was he who first recog- nized their true nature as fecal material. In his study of specimens from Lyme Regis in England, Buckland noticed that the most common type were spiraled in nature and resembled the in- testinal passage of sharks and rays. "\ Ithough A Buckland made Roman cement casts of the in- testines of sharks (Fig. 3), he attributed the bulk FIG. 2. Spiral coprolites from the Chalk of England similar to those studied by Mantel!.—A, B. of the coprolites to ichthyosaurs. "The certainty Two representative examples.—C. A longitudinal sec- of the origin I am now assigning to these copro- tion of a spiral coprolite showing the imbricated layers lites, is established by their frequent presence in (size not given, apparently nat. size) (modified from the abdominal region of the numerous small liuckland, 1841). skeletons of Ichthyosauri, which together with many large skeletons of Ichthyosauri and Plesio- sauri have been found in the cliffs at Lyme. . . ." Mantell said he was unable to offer anything In a later paper I3uckland (1841) specifically re- new on the subject but mentioned the following ferred the spiral forms to ichthyosaurs, suggesting points: that they possessed a spiral valve similar to that of modern sharks. Abel (1935) cites Gaudry, von 1. The constituent substance of coprolites is Ammon, and Neumayer as having made similar precisely of the same nature as that of the mistakes due to the same line of reasoning. vertebrae and other bones found in the Gaudry attributed such coprolites to a labyrintho- Chalk Formation. dont, Actinodon, and suggested it had a spiral 2. Some specimens have scales of fishes at- valve. He was followed by von Ammon and tached to them. Neumayer, both of whom assigned spiral copro- lites to stegocephalians. It was Eberhard Fraas 3. They differ from cones in that the imbri- who pointed out that spiral coprolites are abun- cated layers do not proceed from a common dant in the German Muschelkalk and Keuper al- axis (i.e., they are not in a cone-in-cone though ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs are rare and arrangement), but form one continuously that the coprolites are rare at Bad Boll and Holz- wound spiral coil. maden, well known for their ichthyosaur and 4. Some specimens show a hollow cavity on plesiosaur skeletons (Abel, 1935). one end which is usually filled with marl In 1917, Smith Woodward aptly reviewed (the matrix). this information and pointed out that the spiral

4 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

Wright (1893) although these authors do not discuss its significance. Four specimens of pleu- racanth sharks, belonging to Pleuracanthus paral- lelus and P. carinatus, and two specimens of Xenacanthus decheni, were figured by Fritsch (1895) who interpreted both these and isolated spiral coprolites as fossilized intestines. More re- cently, another example was mentioned, but nei- ther described nor figured, in Zangerl and Rich- ardson's monumental work (1963, p. 142) The Paleoecological History of Two Pennsylvanian Black Shales: "In a mutilated specimen (PF2207) irregularly formed intestinal content is followed in the pelvic area by a spiral fecal mass." In several of the examples mentioned by Woodward (1917), Claypole and Wright (1893), and Fritsch (1895, pl. 98), it seems obvious that the spiral fecal mass represents the fossilized spiral valve itself (Fig. 5). However, in both the speci- men figured by Dean (1893) and that mentioned by Zangerl and Richardson (1963) the coprolite is A in the region of the pelvic fins and in those figured by Fritsch (1895, pl. 92, fig. 2 and pl. 97) FIG. 3. Intestines of the two most common English the coprolite is actually displaced from the body. of dogfish injected with Roman cement. The vascular Although there may be a tendency to interpret the structure is still apparent in the dessicated membrane (A latter specimens as coprolites sensu stricto, it may is 0.67 nat. size, size of B not given (modified from well be that the intestine has merely slipped out Buckland, 1841). of place after the death of the shark. That this situation frequently occurs after the deaths of modern sharks is seen in the following remarks to forms had never been found in any of the skele- laboratory students in Hyman's comparative anat- tons considered. Furthermore, wherever spiral omy text: "Beyond the duodenum the intestine coprolites were found, the remains of sharks, es- widens considerably, and its surface is marked by pecially Acrodus and Hybodus, were also present. parellel rings. These rings are the lines of attach- He then referred spiral coprolites to sharks, where ment of a spiral fold, the spiral valve which oc- they would be "normal" rather than to reptiles or cupies the interior of the intestine. (A portion amphibians where they would not be, and in- of the intestine often protrudes through the anus cluded as rather impressive proof a figure of the and should be pulled back into the coelom by shark Cladoselache clarki from the grasping the portion in the cavity and exerting a Cleveland Shale of Ohio showing a spiral fecal gentle pull.)" (Hyman, 1942, p. 256). mass in the pelvic region (Fig. 4). He was appar- ently unaware of the work of several previous in- Although Buckland was obviously wrong in vestigators who had published similar figures. In assigning spiral coprolites to ichthyosaurs, he made 1893, Bashford Dean had described Cladoselache several noteworthy contributions to the newberryi from the Waverly Formation of Ohio, study including the suggestion that the linear which shows a spiral coprolite preserved in the surface markings on the specimens are related to region of the pelvic fins. He stated (1893, p. 117) folds in the intestine, and identifying the "fir that it "is especially interesting since it furnishes cones" of the Chalk as coprolites. a cast of the intestinal wall and gives direct evi- The first occurrence of coprolites in North dence as to the presence of a spiral valve." An- America was reported in a letter from Dekay to other specimen of Cladoselache containing a Buckland. This letter together with Buckland's spiral valve had been illustrated by Claypole and reply was published in the Philosophical Maga- Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 5

FIG. 4. Ventral view of a shark (Cladoseluche clarki) from the Upper Devonian of Berea, Ohio, showing the intestine (int.) with a spiral valve, filled with partially digested food, X 0.17 (British Museum, No. P.9271; from Woodward, 1917). zinc in May of 1830. It is interesting to note that marks left by the membranous coats of the smaller the coprolite concerned is one of the spiral type. intestine. - Concerning the specimen, Dekay wrote: "My Although the locality is not specified, the imagination may possibly be too vivid, but in the specimen was collected from the Cretaceous of confused irregularly impressed lines on the sur- New Jersey. In a popular account of fossils, Case face of my coprolite, I feel sure that I detect the (1967) has figured two specimens from the Cre-

6 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

FIG. 5. Hind portion of a complete specimen of Xenacanthus decheni Goldfuss, with the spiral valve in its natural position, from Lower Permian Rothen Plattenkalk from Ruppersdorf bei Braunau, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Length of slab equals 19.5 cm (from Fritsch, 1895). [Explanation: c, spiral valve; c', apparently a cast of the cloaca; o, sup- posed "egg"; e, suggestion of an embryo; pl, basal elements of one of the pelvic fins.] taceous Navesink Formation of New Jersey, very of widely spaced spiral turns extending the length probably the same formation which yielded De- of the specimen (Fig. 6,C,D). As has been pre- kay's specimen. It should be noted here that viously mentioned, he followed the lead of Case's assignment of these forms to either Anna Gaudry and attributed these coprolites to stego- or Enchodus is highly doubtful, especially in view cephalians. More specifically, he assigned the of the fact that abundant shark and ray remains larger heteropolar type to the rhachitome Eryops as well as those of chimaeras are present in the and the smaller amphipolar type to the nectridean formation. To be sure Amia has a spiral valve, Diplocaulus. but the complexity of the coiling in the coprolites A number of spiral coprolites were figured in makes it much more likely that they belong to a description of the fauna of the Dunkard Series one of the other forms cited. of Ohio (Stauffer and Schroyer, 1920). The spec- In 1843, Lea exhibited several specimens of imens were broken into two groups, essentially foreign coprolites to members of the American those of Neumayer, and the smaller forms were Philosophical Society in order to promote interest assigned to fishes. Concerning the larger or in their study. He commented on the spiral na- heteropolar forms, these authors state the follow- ture of some of them and suggested that they had ing (p. 147): "Dr. Williston says they are evi- been produced by passage through a spiral valve dently from amphibians and cannot be distin- (Lea, 1843). guished from those that occur abundantly in the Two types of spiral coprolites were recognized Permian of Texas." by Neumayer (1904) in his paper on the Permian Besides the Texas Permian, at least two other spiral coprolites from Texas. Type A, which he areas have produced copious quantities of spiral called heteropolar, is characterized by a relatively coprolites. Price (1927) reported on a collection large but variable number of closely spaced spiral of over 1,000 specimens from the Upper Pennsyl- turns concentrated on one end of the coprolite vanian of West Virginia, and Johnson (1934) on (Fig. 6,A ,B), and type B, which he called amphi- several thousand from Chaffee and Park Counties, polar, characterized by a relatively small number Colorado, of about the same age. Although both

Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 7 heteropolar and amphipolar types occur in both "One part of Dr. Dean's investigations areas, the latter are very much in the majority. throws an unexpected light upon a matter in Price suggested that the amphipolar type has been which I am much interested, and in regard to produced by the action of a simple spiral valve which there has always been a great diversity such as that which was probably present in the of opinion. palaeoniscoids, while the heteropolar form has "I refer to certain peculiar screw-like fossils been produced by sharks which have a complex which have been described from time to time, spiral valve. An analysis of associated teeth and both in this country and abroad, under the scales shows that palaeoniscoid remains are much names Spiraxis, Spirangium, Palaeoxyris, Paleo- more abundant than shark remains, lending sup- bromelia, Fayolia etc. It may perhaps be re- port to this interpretation. membered that Dr. Newberry described two Two spiral coprolites from the of species from the Chemung Sandstone, under West Texas were figured by Case (1922) and the names Spiraxis major and Spiraxis ran dalli, attributed by him to dipnoans although this as- in the Annals of the Academy (vol. III 1885, signment was not supported by evidence. 217-220, Pl. XVIII). His descriptions and fig- Two further studies (Moran and Romer, 1952; ures and the type specimens upon which they Vaughn, 1963) mention spiral coprolites but do are founded are here for comparison, and we not discuss them in detail. can hardly doubt that they are identical with It appears that spiral coprolites have had a the coprolite figured by Dr. Dean from the in- rather varied taxonomic history. Following the testine of the shark. previously mentioned description of Cladoselache "These fossils have been referred by differ- newberryi by Bashford Dean, two authors, E. D. ent investigators to Xyris, Bromelia, Chara, Cope and Arthur Hollick, noted the similarity of stems of algae, etc. Dr. Newberry did not ven- the coprolite preserved in the shark skeleton to ture any positive opinion as to their affinities, other fossils. The following comment by Hollick but mentioned incidentally their possible refer- was published by Dean (1893): ence to algae or sponges. ...

Pic. 6. Spiral coprolites from the Permian of Texas. A, B. Heteropolar spiral coprolites.--C, D. Amphipolar spiral coprolites. E. Cross section of a hcteropolar spiral coprolite showing alternating layers of light and dark mate- rials. (A-D, X 1.5, size of E not given, approx. X5 (modified from Neumayer, 1904). 8 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

"Of course we cannot say that all the fossils a long aperture in its side. In this case, the mentioned may be referred to the sanie source, riband moving onwards, would form a succes- but in regard to the specimens from the Che- sion of involuted cones, coiling one round the mung there can hardly be any doubt, and as all other, and after a certain number of turns or nearly all others are likewise from rocks rep- within the cylinder, (the apex moving continu- resenting geologic horizons in which sharks ously downwards) these cones would emerge were plentiful, we may at least assume the from the end of the tube in a form resembling probability of a similar origin for all." that of the coprolites. In the same manner, a lamina of coprolitic matter would be coiled up Several years later Cope (1895) made similar spirally into a series of successive cones, in the comments on the same subject. The affinities of act of passing from a small spiral vessel into the the genera mentioned by Hollick have been dis- adjacent ." cussed at length by various authors. The current opinion is that most of these forms are the egg In discussing spiral coprolites from the Mecca cases of elasmobranchs (Crookall, 1932). While and Logan quarries of Indiana, Zangerl and Rich- most of the forms discussed are obviously not ardson (1963) suggested that the plasticity of the coprolites, it should be noted that those specimens fecal matter may be an important factor in the described by Newberry (1885) as Spiraxis and formation of spiral coprolites: later referred by Crookall to Fayolia (see espe- "Some coprolites show fairly but not perfectly cially Crookall, 1930, pl. 4, fig. 6) bear an un- regular spiral structure internally; in others a canny resemblance to natural cast of a spiral the spiral arrangement is incomplete, and in valve. some it may be very irregular and barely recog- Numerous authors have mentioned the general nizable; furthermore there are many fecal morphologic similarity of spiral coprolites to cer- tnasses without spiral structure, although we tain land snails. Fritsch (1907, p. 15) stated that may (to judge from the size) confidently as- spiral coprolites actually have been described as sume that they were shed by sharks. In addition land snails in America. He was apparently refer- to these, there are fecal masses that formed ring to Dawson (1855, p. 160-163) who described splatters and were obviously poorly consoli- an apparent spiral coprolite from the Upper Car- dated. These observations tend to suggest that boniferous Joggins Formation as a land snail. the development of a spiral fecal mass is related Another case of mistaken identity is reported to the consistency of the fecal matter in the in a semipopular account of the Mazon Creek lower portion of the intestine. Fauna (Langford, 1963). Several specimens of "A rubber cast of the lumen of the spiral spiral coprolites are figured, two of which accord- intestine of a modern shark shows that the fecal ing to Langford, were apparently mistaken for mass has the shape of a spiral ribbon. Upon insect larvae by Scudder. extrusion into the rectum, given proper plas- The majority of authors writing on spiral ticity, it would probably roll itself into a more coprolites have considered them to be coprolites or less perfect coil. Deviation in either direction in the strict sense (i.e., excreta) and have usually from the plasticity optimum would probably attributed them to forms having a spiral valve. In result in imperfect coiling or in lack of spiral addition, there is usually a vague suggestion that structure." the fecal matter coils up in some fashion after leaving the spiral valve. Perhaps the best expla- Anton Fritsch (1895) was apparently the first nation of this sort is that offered by Buckland to suggest that isolated spiral coprolites were (1841): fossilized spiral valves and not simply coiled fecal material. In a later paper, Fritsch (1907) dis- "These cone-shaped bodies are made up of a cussed his specimens in greater detail and al- flat and continuous plate of digested bone, though he was explicit in interpreting these fossils coiled round itself whilst it was yet in a plastic as spiral valves, he did not discuss his reasons for state. The form is nearly that which would be doing so. He did, however, state that one seldom assumed by a piece of riband, forced continu- finds these structures within the body cavity but ously forward into a cylindrical tube, through pressed out and lying beside the skeleton. Pre-

Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 9 sumably, this relationship occurred with sufficient 1. Numerous closely spaced spiral turns are regularity to convince him that they were all in- visible on one end of the coprolite. testines. As these fossils are not to be regarded as 2. In cross section, the coprolites are seen to excreta, Fritsch proposed the terni "enterospira" appear as a tight spiralling coil of alter- for fossilized spiral valved intestines. Agassiz (in nating light and dark bands (Fig. 6,E). Buckland, 1841) had earlier suggested the terni The dark bands are fecal ground mass and l' cololite " for petrified intestines. However, have abundant inclusions of bone. The as Fritsch's term is more specific, and in deference light bands represent the replaced intestinal to Fritsch's contributions, it is recommended that flap. the term enterospira be applied where appropriate. 3. Where the outer layers have spalled off, the This interpretation of spiral coprolites as fos- individual whorls are seen to dip in toward silized spiral valves was also suggested by Neu- the center forming a nest of cones. mayer (1904) in his paper on the Permian speci- 4. The last spiral turn trails off in much the mens from Texas. Although his opinions as to same manner as the last turn of the valve the affinities of these specimens have largely been in the modern lungfish . disregarded, Neumayer's discussion is quite inter- Neumayer argues that if the coprolites are esting. His conclusions are based primarily on the excreta, the spiral turns should be present through- morphology of the heteropolar type and may be out the length of the pellet or should be obliter- summarized as follows: ated throughout the length of it.

FECAL MATERIAL 0F MODERN FISHES In a fairly comprehensive survey of the liter- annectans (Fig. 7). In addition, a long-nosed , ature on recent sharks I was unable to find any- Lepisosteus osseus, kept as a pet in the Museum thing on the shape of modern shark fecal pellets, of Natural History at the University of Kansas or indeed, to confirm that fecal pellets per se exist. periodically produces spiral fecal pellets of a sim- In a further attempt to obtain information on ilar type. this subject, I wrote Dr. Perry W. Gilbert of the It should be noted that the pellets produced by Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida. Dr. both the lungfish and the gar are the amphipolar Gilbert (states the following written communi- type of Neumayer and not the more complex cation): heteropolar type on which he based his interpre- tations. "As far as I know, the material egested from It seems quite reasonable to the cloaca of a shark is either in a liquid or assume, then, that the forms truly and may loosely viscous form. We have never found pel- amphipolar are coprolites well have been derived from as lets of any type in our shark pools at the Lerner palaeoniscoids suggested by Price Marine Laboratory on Bimini or at the Mote (1927). Marine Laboratory in Sarasota." The above is, of course, negative evidence and cannot be used to support the idea that the fossil specimens concerned are spiral valves. The phys- iology and eating habits of these sharks may have been substantially changed in transferring them from their marine environment to a tank. In addition, these modern sharks are wholly unre- lated to the Permian plcuracanth sharks in the faunas with which most of the spiral coprolites are associated. On the other hand, it should be noted that FIG. 7. Fecal material of the modern lungfish Pro/op/ems spiral fecal pellets do exist in modern fishes. annectans. A. At the time of deposition.—R. After Bashford Dean (1903) has figured spiral fecal pel- remaining in water several hours. C. After twenty- lets produced by the African lungfish four hours (A-C, approx. X1.5) (from Dean, 1903).

10 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions-Paper 59

DESCRIPTION OF THE KANSAS SPECIMENS AND COMPARISON WITH MODERN SPIRAL VALVES GROSS MORPHOLOGY OF MODERN 1. Type A is one in which the width of the SPIRAL VALVES flap is less than half the inside diameter of the intestine. This leaves a hollow central Owen recognized two types of spiral valves canal in the valve through which material which he called longitudinal and transverse valves may move freely. (Parker, 1885). The longitudinal valve consists 2. Type B refers to a valve in which the of a flap of skin attached in a sinuous line running width of the flap is equal to half the in- longitudinally along the intestine and having a testinal diameter. In this type, the free width approximately two-thirds its length. The ends fuse together to form a central core or flap is therefore rolled upon itself in a scroll-like columella. This valve type is that described fashion. This type of valve is present in the ham- as resembling a wood auger encased in a merhead shark and in certain members of the hollow tube. Carchariidae (Fee, 1925). Denison (1941) has 3. Type C is a valve type in which the width also shown it to have been present in the Devo- of the valve exceeds the semidiameter, caus- nian antiarch Both riolepis. ing the shape of an individual turn of the The transverse valve is the more typical form valve to be thrown into a cone with its and may be visualized by thinking of a wood apex pointing posteriorly. auger encased in a hollow tube, producing a hol- 4. Type D is the same as above except that low, spirally coiled canal for the passage of food. the apex points anteriorly. This analogy is essentially correct if one envisions In his study of the spiral valve in the genus the origin of the spiral flap as taking place on, and Raja, Parker noted the extreme variability of the growing from, the outer wall. Parker (1885) structure. He found that the following structures classified this type of valve into four categories vary within the genus: based on the width of the flap: 1. Length of the attached or outer edge in

EXPLANATION OF PLATES (KU=University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History) PLATE 1 7.-Small specimen with prominent raised lip and in- Heteropolar "spiral coprolites" from thc Lower Permian dividual folds. The posterior end has collapsed, a Wymore Shale near Manhattan, Kansas (Fig. 1-8); sec- feature seen in many specimens (KU 17857). tions of whole specimens showing clay infilling (c) in 8.-Small, somewhat atypical specimen (KU 17858). posterior end. (Fig. 9-10). (All figures are X 1.67.) 9.-Cross section near the posterior end (KU 17859). FIGURE 10.-Longitudinal section (not quite median). The dark- L-Large specimen showing numerous palaeoniscoid ened, rounded area behind the clay infilling is a hol- scales on the surface of the first whorl (KU 17851). low cavity which was never filled with matrix (KU 2.-Large specimen showing the tendency of individual 17860). whorls to spall off. Note that each successive whorl dips gently under the preceding one (KU 17852). PLATE 2 3.-Large broken specimen showing numerous palae- Cross sections of the spiral valve in Squulus acanthias and oniscoid scales in the interior. Prominent folds re- a Texas Permian "spiral coprolite." lated to mucosal folds are well shown (KU 17853). FIGURE 4.-Broken specimen showing prominent folds and the 1.-Cross section of the spiral valve in the modern dog- peculiar thin raised lip on the free edge of each fish, Squalus acanthias, stained with Mallory Triple successive whorl (KU 17854). stain, X21.7 (KU 17861 Sec. 1). [Explanation: iv, 5.-Complete specimen in which successive whorls, intra-intestinal vein; mf, mucosal folds; s, submu- though present, are indistinct (KU 17855). cosa.] 6.-Specimen with prominent raised lip and numerous, 2.-Cross section through a heteropolar "spiral coprolite" inclined folds (KU 17856). from the Lower Permian, Wichita Falls, Texas, X6.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites Paper 59, Plate 1

6 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTR I BUT IONS Paper 59, Plate 2 Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites

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4 r7T THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Paper 59, Plate 4 Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites

mf THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites Paper 59, Plate 5 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Paper 59, Plate 6 Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites Paper 59, Plate 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Paper 59, Plate 8 Williams—Origin of Spiral Coprolites

Williams-The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 11

(KU 17862 Sec. 8). [Explanation: as, area of the Anplex "concentric" folds with a fingerprint-like submucosa; ni/, mucosal folds.] appearance (KU 17865 Sec. 4), Manhattan, Kansas, PLATE 3 X 117. Histologic details of the spiral valve in &mains acanthias PLATE 6 stain). (All figures arc (stained with Mallory Triple Complex mucosal folding in Manhattan, Kansas, X 106.) specimens. FIGURE FIGURE 1.-Portion of one individual whorl of the spiral valve in 1.-Two complex arborescent folds analogous to the valve Squaltes acanthias showing mucosal folds and the of Kirkring in the mammalian intestine (KU 17866 various tissues in their normal relationship (KU Sec. 10), X45. 17861 Sec. 2). 2.-Enlarged view of the upper folded structure seen in (KU 2.-Portion of the spiral valve in another section fig. 1, X106. 17861 Sec. 3) in which the tunica propria has sepa- 3.-Complexly folded structure (KU 17867 Sec. 2), X45. rated from the columnal epithelium. 4.-Enlargement of same, X117. 3.-Histologic section of another area (KU 17861 Sec. 3) similar to the above. PLATE 7 4.-Semidiagrammatic representation of the relationship Complex folding with glandular appearance and bony in- of the tissues seen in fig. 3. clusions. All specimens from the Manhattan, Kansas, locality. PLATE 4 I I CURE Histologic details of fossil specimens. 1.-Complex folded structure seen in a Manhattan, Kan- FIGURE sas, example (KU 17867 Sec. 4). The structure is 1.-Photomicrograph of well-preserved area in a hetero- difficult to interpret but has a distinct glandular polar "spiral coprolite" from the Lower Permian, appearance (see fig. 2), X37.5. Wichita Falls, Texas (KU 17862 Sec. 6). The sec- 2.-Enlargement of the complex fold seen in fig. 1, tion shows portions of two successive turns of the X117. The glandular appearance is striking. valve and related mucosal folds, X37.5. Several may 3.-Histologic details of an included palaconiscoid scale be seen to bifurcate. (KU 17868 Sec. 2), Manhattan, Kansas, X106. [Ex- 2.-Enlargement of a portion of fig. I. Note the double planation: g, ganoin; iso, isopcdine (laminated com- layering of the mucosal folds, the fact that the tissue pact bone); si, Sharpcy's fibers; cc, vascular canal.] is continuous from one fold to the next, and the 4.-Histologic details of an unidentified scale (haplolepid shape of the hematite infilling in the area of the palaeoniscoid?) (KU 17863 Sec. 7), Manhattan, Kan- submucosa (as), X 106. sas, X 106. [Explanation: di, dentine tubules; cc, 3.-Photomicrograph of an area comparable to fig. I, vascular canal.] seen in a Manhattan, Kansas, specimen (KU 17863 Sec. 1). Portions of two successive turns of the valve PLATE 8 seen. Mucosal folds arc preserved on both sides are Bony inclusions and fecal groundmass. (All specimens right or inner whorl, while only the inner of the from the Manhattan, Kansas, locality.) folds are preserved on the left or outer whorl. Note FIGURE the large bone fragment (I/ ) passing through in the 1.-Lungfish scale at the extreme outer limit of the first process of , X45. lamina. The white space to the right of the scale is view of fig. 3. Mucosal folds (ml) arc 4.-Enlarged a void left by rotting of the submucosa (KU 17863 seen to bend around the bone fragment as it moves Sec. 10), X106. through in the digestive process. Relative movement 2.-Stack of 3 palaeoniscoid scales passing through the is from bottom to top, X106. valve in the process of digestion. Mucosal folds be- PLATE 5 low (to the right) of the scales arc being pushed Diversity in mucosal folds. aside. Relative movement is in the direction of the

FIGURE arrow (KU 17863 Sec. 2), X45. 1.-Complex branching folds seen in a specimen from 3.-Bone fragment moving through the valve. Relative the Lower Permian Putnam Fm. near Bellvue, Clay movement is in the direction of the arrow. The Co., Texas (KU 17864 Sec. 10), X117. mucosal fold at the extreme right tip of the bone 2.-Thin bifurcating folds in a Manhattan, Kansas, speci- bends around the fragment while those above it have men (KU 17863 Sec. 5), X106. been pushed aside ( KU 17863 Sec. 8), X 117. 3.-High thin folds from two successive whorls which 4.-Fecal ground mass in the center of the anterior end apparently interdigitate (KU 17863 Sec. 1), Man- of KU 17863 Sec. 12. Note the bone fragment and hattan, Kansas, X106. total absence of folds, X45. 12 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

relation to the width of the intestine, upon which depends a) number of turns, and b) position of the posterior end of the valve. 2. Course and length of the inner or free edge, upon which depends a) direction of successive turns of the valve (i.e., anterior or posterior), b) surface area of the valve, c) width of the valve flap, and d) resistance offered to the passage of food. 3. Character of the mucous membrane, espe- cially development and position of villi and longitudinal ridges. Indeed, the only features he found constant were the position of the anterior edge of the valve and the course of the outer or attached edge. All four types of valve, A. B, C, and D were found in the genus Raja as well as several tran- sitional types. These marked variations in the valve were found to be independent of species or sex and wholly independent of the age of the animal. Parker dissected three rays not over three inches long and found all the variability exhibited in adults of the genus. The spiral valves of two genera, Raja and Scyllium , are shown in Figure 8,A,B. Both valves consist of a series of cones with their apices di- rected anteriorly. In this example of Raja, the cones are not present posteriorly; instead, there is a central canal due to the narrowing of the valve flap in this region. In Scyllium the cones are steeply imbricated. A cast of this valve would show a series of elongate cones with the posterior- most ones dipping beneath those more anterior, FIG. 8.—A. Valvular intestine of the ray Raja. Note longi- while a cross section in the midregion or posterior tudinal folds on the valve flap, nat. size (from Daniel, region would appear as a spiral. With the excep- 1934, after Paul Mayer).—B. Spiral valve in the mod- tion of the first turn of the valve, the attached ern shark Scyllitem, X0.5 (from Parker, 1885). edge is essentially perpendicular to the long axis of the intestine and successive turns are more specimens are closely spaced in the posterior region than in the shown in Plate 1, figures 1-10. Among 38 more anterior. The drawing of the valve in Raja shows or less complete specimens, the numerous, well-developed ridges of mucosa run- length varied from 13 to 64 mm, with a mean of 27 mm, and the ning along the valve flap and on the inside of the width varied from 6 to 30 mm, with a outer sheath. They are inclined at about 60 de- mean of 13 mm. This apparent 2:1 length ratio grees to the long axis of the intestine and are to width is somewhat misleading due to essentially parallel to the path taken by food mate- crushing of the specimens. Comparison with un- rial in the process of digestion. crushed examples from the Permian of Texas suggests that the true length to width ratio is GROSS MORPHOLOGY OF KANSAS probably 2.5:1. SPIRAL COPROLITES It will be seen that all the specimens are of Neumayer's heteropolar type. The steeply imbri- Representative examples of the Wymore Shale cated whorls from a succession of "cones" bearing

Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 13 a strong resemblance to the spiral valve of Scyl- in precisely the position of the peculiar raised lip. lium. The pointed, uncoiled end apparently rep- Unfortunately this structure has not been ob- resents the first whorl of the valve while the served in thin section and it has not been possible broad, coiled end represents the posterior portion. to establish its origin with certainty although it As in the valve of Scyllium, posterior cones dip should be noted that the modern lungfish fecal beneath more anterior ones. pellets (Fig. 7) show a similar structure. In the is probably due to casting The orientation of each of the whorls (i.e., the latter case the structure the junction of the spiral posterior edge of the ribbon) is essentially perpen- of a small pocket at outer intestinal wall. A similar dicular to the long axis of the specimen. This fact valve and the phenomenon may well be the cause of the raised suggests that simple coiling of fecal matter as suggested by Buckland is unlikely since fecal mat- lip seen in the fossil specimens. ter being coiled in the rectum would essentially be "fed" from above, causing successive whorls to CROSS SECTION OF A MODERN be inclined rather than perpendicular to the long SPIRAL VALVE the orientation of axis. This is, however, precisely As very little has been written on the detailed of the valve. the outer or fixed edge histology of the spiral valve in sharks, a number A number of the specimens (see for example of histologic slides of the valve in an embryo of Pl. 1, fig. 7) have collapsed on the posterior end. the common dogfish, Squalus acanthias, were Longitudinal sections often reveal a conical cavity made. Plate 2, figure 1, shows a section through with its base at the posterior end and its apex the midregion of the valve. The overall structure nearly halfway up the specimen. The cavity is is a prominent spiral fold of mucosa and sub- invariably filled with matrix material, proving it mucosa which arises from the outer wall of the was open at the time the enclosing sediments were intestine and spirals toward the center of the deposited (Pl. 1, fig. 9, 10). This configuration is lumen. Arising from this spiral flap are numerous fully consistent with the morphology of the spiral smaller folds, the mucosal folds, consisting of an valve and argues strongly against any interpreta- outer layer of columnal epithelial cells and a very tion of these specimens as fecal matter. If they thin central investment of arnica propria. The were fecal pellets, the material would not only tunica propria, a thin connective tissue containing have to be coiled in such a manner as to leave a granule cells, leukocytes, basophilic mast cells, and hollow conical cavity in the posterior end, but eosiniphils, is best seen where portions of the must have remained so after passing through a epithelium have torn away (Pl. 3, fig. 2). Note sphincter muscle in the anus. that it is continuous from one fold to the next. Also present on many of the specimens (Pl. I. The apparent double layering of the mucosal folds Fig. 4, 6, 7) are a series of subparallel folds in- seen in Plate 2, figure 1, is due to the darker clined at an angle of about 60 degrees to the long staining epithelial cell nuclei at the base of those axis. They are obviously related to the mucosal cells. lining of the intestine, a fact recognized by Dekay as early as 1830. They are usually interpreted as CROSS SECTION OF A SPIRAL sculpturing produced by the passage of fecal mate- COPROLITE rial over the mucosal folds but may also represent Plate 2, figure 2, shows a cross section of a casts of mucosal folds on the outer sheath of the specimen from the Permian of Texas. The gen- intestine. eral spiral nature of the section and the presence on a number of One additional feature noted of numerous high, thin folds bears a striking re- thin, raised lip on specimens is the presence of a semblance to the histologic section seen above. the free edge of each whorl (PI. 1, fig. 4, 6, 7). As shown by dissection of modern sharks, spiral- THIN SECTION STUDIES ling branches of both the anterior mesenteric artery and the anterior mesenteric vein occur at A series of 200 thin sections made from 19 the junction of the fixed edge of the spiral valve spiral coprolites reveals a remarkably complex and the outer intestinal sheath. The vein, the series of folds originating from the area separating larger of the two, is more anterior and is located successive whorls (Pl. 4-7). The most reasonable 14 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

explanation for this structure seems to be that the festation of darker staining cell nuclei as seen in area between successive whorls is actually the modern histologic slides. valve flap of the spiral valve, and that the numer- As mentioned earlier, the tuncia propria con- ous prominent folds are the folds of mucosa lining sists of a relatively fibrous connective tissue. The it. In general, the folds are much higher and submucosa, however, is composed of a loose con- thinner than those seen in the Squalus embryo. nective tissue characterized by a semifluid, some- Many of the folds (Pl. 4, fig. 1; PI. 5, fig. 2) are what gelatinous matrix of protein, mucopolysac- seen to bifurcate, a situation which does not occur charide, and water, which is supported by a loose in Squalus suck/ii (Fee, 1925) or in my thin meshwork of collagenous fibers and, to a consider- sections of Squalus acanthias. Such complex folds ably lesser extent, reticular and elastic fibers (Patt are present however, in the Oncorhynchus and Patt, 1969). (Greene, 1912) and in the shark Scyllium (Fig. In the thin section shown on Plate 4, figure 2, 9). the position of the submucosa is occupied by a dark, black substance which seems to be hematite. Close examination of this region in many sections makes it apparent that the loose submucosa was only rarely preserved. In some instances it either has been replaced by another mineral or the void left by its decomposition was filled (compare the shape of the hematite filling to the shape of the submucosa in PI. 3, fig. 3, 4). However, in others it appears that no infilling at all has oc- curred, a fact which explains the tendency for individual whorls to spall off in thin laminae (PI. 1, fig. 2). Preservation in general, and of the submucosa in particular, seems to have been more complete in the Kansas specimens than in those seen from the Texas redbeds. The latter almost invariably show evidence of mineral infilling (Fig. 10, 2) FIG. 9. A portion of the spiral valve in Scyllitim canicula, while the former seem to have preserved sub- (from Edinger, 1877). X85 mucosa or a void with little or no such infilling (Fig. 10, /). In addition, the mucosal folds seem Specific details of the histology are often diffi- to be more complex in the Kansas specimens than cult to interpret due to differential preservation. in those from the Texas Permian although speci- The color of the folds varies from specimen to mens from both areas exhibit an astonishing di- specimen, from anterior to posterior in the same versity (PI. 4-7). While some folds are relatively specimen, and in some instances, from place to simple in structure and easy to understand, others place in the same section. are considerably more complex. Folds from ad- It seems obvious that the mucosa including the jacent whorls may interdigitate (Pl. 5, fig. 3), the tunica propria has been preserved. Plate 4, figures mucosa may form what appears to be a series of 1 and 2, show two photomicrographs of what is concentric folds (Pl. 5, fig. 4), branch in an probably the best preserved and most compre- arborescent fashion analogous to the valve of hensible area I have seen in the entire series of Kirkring in the mammalian intestine (Pl. 6), or thin sections. from complex structures with a distinct glandu- High, thin, bifurcating mucosal folds are lar appearance (Pl. 7, fig. 1, 2). readily apparent and are seen to be double layered as in modern forms. The thin, gray line present INCLUSIONS in the folds marks the separation of the columnar epithelium and the central tunica propria. It is Virtually all of the Kansas specimens show continuous from fold to fold and may either be traces of bony material, primarily palaeoniscoid the outer surface of the tunica propria or a mani- and lungfish scales. They are present both on the

Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 15

Fie. 10. Evidence of loss of submucosa in two specimens. I. Complex mucosal folds in a Manhattan, Kansas, specimen. The thin white line at the base of the folds is a void left by rotting of the submucosa. This apparently explains the tendency of individual laminae to spall off in thin shells (KU 17863 Sec. 6), X117.-2. Area of ex- ceedingly poor preservation in which the subtnucosa has decomposed leaving a void which was later filled in, first by a group of lath-shaped crystals (gypsum?) and later by hematite. Muscosal folds arc lacking in this view but are seen elsewhere in the thin section (KU 17864 Sec. 13), Lower Permian Putnam Fm. near Bellvue, Clay Co., Texas, X106. surface and in the interior as is seen where por- course of their movement (Pl. 4, fig. 4; Pl. 8, fig. tions of individual whorls have spatted off (PI. 1, 2, 3). Another feature commonly seen in thin Fig. 1, 3). As might be expected, numerous in- section is the failure of bony fragments to pene- clusions are also seen in thin sections. The histo- trate from one whorl to another. Many bone logic detail of these inclusions is often quite well fragments are seen to abut against the base of an preserved (PI. 7, fig. 3, 4). individual whorl but in 200 thin sections only two These bone fragments are, of course, undi- were seen to penetrate from one whorl to the next. gested food material in the process of passing In both of these instances, the bone fragments through the valve and are discussed later in con- were very large in comparison to the diameter of junction with the food chain. In many places they the valve at that point and may well have punc- arc seen to have pushed mucosal folds aside in the tured the flap during postmortem compression.

PRESER VATION of the to how such delicate structures were preserved. A detailed study of the morphology Kansas specimens shows that they are preserved One seemingly necessary factor is that, at the time intestines closely resembling those of the modern of the death of the animal, the intestine be full of shark, Scyllium. The question naturally arises as undigested or partially digested food matter. In 16 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59

studying the valve of Scyllium, Parker (1885) coprolites. The analysis yielded the following made the following comment: results: Modern Dog Feces Percentage "There are twelve turns to the valve, all but ignition loss 23.7 the last of which are strongly deflected for- P205 31.5 wards, producing a structure which must offer CaO 40.3 an immense amount of resistance to the passage sand 1.1 of the intestinal contents, and, of course, mak- indet. 3.4 ing a decidedly greater proportional increase of surface than in any of the cases recorded for 100.0 the ray. The difficulty of cleaning out the in- Comparing the dry weight I;05 content of testine afforded a good criterion of the forms herbivores and omnivores, Bradley obtained the of these points; the finely divided contents stuck following results: so tightly between the successive 'cones', that a stream of water was often quite insufficient to Animal Dry Weight P.02 (%) hog 0.66 dislodge them. In fact chyle (if one may apply steer 1.49 the term to what rather resembled fi ne mud) human 4.55 completely filled up the whole available space These data the in the intestine, so that, although the animal led Bradley to following con- clusions: was preserved entire in spirits, the gut and its valve were in as good a condition for examina- "It seems to be general that the mineralizing tion as if the former had been carefully emp- substance of coprolites is largely tricalcium tied and distended with spirit while still fresh." phosphate. The analysis of carnivore feces given above perhaps suggests that only such Whatever condition causes the intestine to be fecal matter as is exceptionally rich in calcium packed in such a manner, whether unusual eating phosphate becomes fossilized. This might ac- habits, or some quirk of physiology, any animal count for the absence of coprolites that were dying with its intestine so filled would stand an unmistakably derived from excellent chance of having it fossilized. herbivores." When viewed with a petrographic microscope It seems quite likely that these intestines were these intestines appear to consist almost entirely of packed with what was essentially an apatite paste calcium phosphate. A mass spectographic analysis in which undissolved bones and scales were float- showed major amounts of P and Ca and minor ing. Due to its intimate association with the amounts of Si, Al, Mg, Mn, Pb, and Cu. These mucosal folds and the adjacent fibrous connective findings are in accordance with those of several tissue, this paste solidified very early after the authors (Dana, 1845; Bradley, 1946). death of the animal and caused the preservation In an analysis of fossil mammal and reptile of these structures. The submucosa which was coprolites from the Eocene Bridger Formation, not in contact with the paste and which is not as Bradley (1946) compared their composition to an dense and fibrous has, in most cases, rotted, leav- analysis of modern dog feces and found the 13205 ing a void which was filled by secondary mineral- content to be as high in the dog feces as in the ization in some cases and left open in others.


On the basis of morphological details, it seems felt that adoption of Fritsch's (1907) term entero-

readily apparent that the heteropolar specimens spira may help to distinguish their true nature. examined are fossilized spiral valves and not cop- Accordingly, this term is used in subsequent rolites in the strict sense. Due to a general lack of discussions. understanding of the nature of these fossils, it is

Williams—The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 17

TABLE 1. Inclusions in Coprolitic Matter.*

Arthropod Palaeoniscoid Lungfish limb Nothing lndet. Other

1 Helodus tooth Complete 1250 plus Enterolites y 850 calcified 50 g Cartilage

Broken EnteroHt es 1441 741 g 941 Z13

1 Placoid scale 1 Palatal Structureless 11/ X 10/ element Coprolitic y (microsaur ?) Material /23 /23 123 23 1 Pleuracanth tooth

•Ratios of inclusions (food material) in various types of coprolitic material. The denominator denotes the total number of each type examined. The numerators add to a sum larger than the denominator since several specimens contained more than one type of inclusion.

ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION As the Kansas enterospirae occur in rocks then, must be regarded as the most likely taxon which do not contain articulated vertebrate re- with which to associate the Kansas enterospirae. mains, no association between the enterospirae and However, this is in no way meant to imply that any of the other faunal elements is recognizable. the many different forms referred to by various Hence, it is impossible to refer them to a proper authors as spiral coprolites are pleuracanth entero- taxon with certainty. Those elements of the fauna spirae. As mentioned earlier, many of the forms known to have possessed a spiral valve are the described arc probably true spiral coprolites. sharks Xenac -anthus and Helodus, the Specimens from the Cretaceous Chalk of Eng- Monongahela and ?, and conceivably the land are almost certainly not related to pleura- palaeoniscoids. The spiral valve of palaeoniscoids canths and may or may not represent enterospirae. was probably of the simple type seen in the mod- This is almost certainly true for specimens found ern gar, Lepisosteus. In addition palaeoniscoid in many other localities and geologic horizons. scales as well as lungfish scales are abundant in Thin section studies and analyses of the related the enterospirae, making it obvious that the faunal assemblages are needed to interpret accu- owner" preyed on these forms. rately specimens from each of these areas. Xenacanthus is by far the most abundant of Bony inclusions in the Kansas specimens are the two selachians and possessed a tearing type tabulated in Table 1. dentition while the crushing teeth of Helodus are If it is accepted that the enterospirae present in much rarer. Furthermore, teeth of Xenacanthus the fauna are the intestines of pleuracanths, sev- are present at most of the Pennsylvanian and eral interesting conclusions may be drawn from Permian localities where enterospirae are found the data presented in this table. (Stauffer and Schroyer, 1920; Price, 1927; Moran Pleuracanth sharks were apparently the domi- and Romer, 1952; Romer, 1958). Xenacanthus, nant predators in the fauna, subsisting primarily

18 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 59 on palaeoniscoids, with lungfish as a secondary and my wife Ortrud participated in several col- source of food. As might be expected, broken lecting trips to the outcrop near Manhattan. enterospirae show essentially the same ratio of Dr. Henry V. Beck of Kansas State University food materials as do complete ones. was most courteous and helpful in providing With one exception, all of the arthropod limb stratigraphic information on the Lower Permian fragments found in the specimens were present in of the Manhattan area. I would like to thank Mr. structureless coprolitic material. James W. Bee, of the Department of Systematics Of the 23 structureless fragments examined, and Ecology, University of Kansas, whose assis- only one showed both arthropod limbs and palae- tance, both in the making of histologic slides of oniscoid scales. It is tempting to attribute those modern sharks and in their interpretation, has fragments containing arthropod limbs to the lung- been invaluable. It is my sincere pleasure to thank fish although they may conceivably belong to Dr. Curtis D. Conley, of the Kansas State Geo- microsaurs. The remaining structureless frag- logical Survey, for assistance in petrographic in- terpretation, cathodo-luminescence study ments may belong to microsaurs or, more likely, a of the represent either very small fragments of entero- thin sections, and various photographic tech- spirae or excreta of pleuracanths. niques. I would also like to thank Dr. Theodore H. While these latter interpretations are based on Eaton, Department of Systematics and Ecology, small samples and are, of course, highly specu- University of Kansas, and Drs. Curt Teichert and lative, it seems obvious that the arthropods were Elliott Gillerman, Department of Geology, as ingested at a lower trophic level than that of the members of my committee for numerous helpful pleuracanths. comments and suggestions throughout the study. Further studies on enterospirae from other lo- I would like to thank Dr. Craig C. Black, calities and geologic horizons are needed to deter- Department of Systematics and Ecology, for his mine the variability of histologic details in these interest, encouragement, and "gentle nudging." unique fossils. Faunal analyses from each of Dr. Alfred S. Romer, of the Museum of Com- many localities are also needed to assign accu- parative Zoology, Harvard University, and Dr. rately the enterospirae to the proper taxon. Such David S. Berman, Section of Vertebrate Fossils, studies will enable at least partial reconstruction Carnegie Museum, were most kind and generous of the food chain and may conceivably lead to an in sending specimens from the Texas Permian for evolutionary understanding of the spiral valve in comparative study. the taxon represented. I benefited greatly from talks with Dr. Hans Peter Schultze, of the University of Göttingen, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Germany, concerning various elements of the fauna, and Dr. Rainer Zangerl of the Field Mu- I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Mr. seum of Natural History, Chicago, concerning Frank H. Wind, Florida State University, Talla- faunal elements and preservation. hassee, Florida, who found the original specimen The entire study was carried out under the and whose interest brought it to my attention. He guidance of Dr. Theodore H. Eaton, with whom was also of great assistance in making latex casts I have had many interesting and informative of various spiral valves used in the study. Mr. discussions. His many helpful comments and con- Wind, Michael R. Daly, Kansas City, Missouri, stant encouragement have been most appreciated. REFER ENCES

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Williams-The Origin of "Spiral Coprolites" 19

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