Annette Egginton Head of Competition and Consumer Policy Directorate of Railway Markets & Economics Email:
[email protected] 28 February 2017 Nicolas Petrovic Chief Executive Officer Eurostar Dear Nicolas Review of Eurostar International Limited Disabled People’s Protection Policy (Condition 5 of your GB Statement of National Regulatory Conditions: Passenger) Thank you for providing updated versions of your Disabled People’s Protection Policy (DPPP) documents for review. A copy of your revised DPPP is attached to this letter, and will be published on our website along with a copy of this letter. I confirm that we have reviewed your DPPP against the 2009 Guidance “How to write your Disabled People’s Protection Policy: A guide for Train and Station Operators” (the Guidance) and can confirm that your revised DPPP meets the requirements of Condition 5 of your GB Statement of National Regulatory Conditions: Passenger (SNRP). We welcome your commitment to provide passengers with a Turn Up and Go assistance service, meaning that passengers will be provided with assistance without having to book in advance. We believe this will have a positive impact for passengers. Since your DPPP was originally submitted to ORR we have had several exchanges in the intervening period in order to bring about the changes required to make it fully compliant with the Guidance. The main areas where you clarified your policies during our review were: Availability of minicom or typetalk facilities: The guidance states that operators are expected to provide typetalk, minicom or equivalent facilities or to commit to providing these where they currently do not exist.