American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil - AMCHAM International Affairs Department Brazil, 2020 / 2021

*This guide is part of the project Beyond a chamber of commerce, Amcham Brasil is a large multi-sector business hub. In 100 years, the American Chamber has built the most active and complete portfolio of business products and services in favor of global competitiveness and business integration.The How to do business and invest in Brazil guides, published by Amcham, connect investors with key information to understand the country’s business environment. Supported by strategic partners, the How To guides gather practical information about Brazil, facilitating the understanding of the regulatory environment, the identification of the most relevant processes and tools for foreign investors, such as the location for setting up commercial and institutional operations in the Brazilian market. Being today, according to the IMF and UNCTAD, the 9th largest economy in the world and the 4th largest destination for foreign direct investment, Brazil proves to be a promising country with many opportunities. Amcham Brasil, which has been working to attract foreign investments to Brazil for 100 years, together with the partners who prepare the content of these guides, are on hand to assist you in doing business in the country. Each year, we connect more than 90 thousand executives in two thousand meetings held in almost all regions of the country. Commercial and investment decisions, from large companies to startups, are supported and curated by Amcham content. Welcome to Brazil, welcome to the largest American Chamber among 117 existing outside the United States. Deborah Vieitas – CEO, Amcham Brasil

Cisa Trading is committed to offering high quality and excellence to its customers in inbound and outbound logistics, import and export processes and financing. This practical and useful manual covers all subjects related to the importation of different products to Brazil. For the eighth consecutive year, Cisa Trading is happy to support an excellent tool published by Amcham. Antonio José Louçã Pargana – President, CISA Trading CONTENT












The Brazilian market was closed to imports until 1990, since then import volumes have increased year after year. Certain procedures should be adopted even before purchasing, placing the order with the vendor and shipping,since specific goods require licenses even before all this process. The importer or the entity ordering the product must register their fiscal and financial capacity at Siscomex, in the System of Registration and Tracking of the Customs Agents’ Activities (Ambiente de Registro e Rastreamento da Atuação dos Intervenientes Aduaneiros - RADAR). Import licenses are obtained from SECEX, that Besides the Brazilian Central Bank (Banco checks the conditions stated in the Proforma 1 Central do Brasil - Bacen), the Ministry of Invoice . The license issued by SECEX determines Economy (Ministério da Economia), the Special the customs tax treatment, as well as the currency Secretariat of Foreign Trade and International exchange treatment given by Bacen. Subjects (Secretaria Especial de Comércio At the time of nationalization several Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais – SECEX), documents and actions are required, that is, and the Brazilian Department of Federal Revenue actions that befall in the course of customs (Secretaria da Receita Federal – RFB), there clearance (despacho aduaneiro). are other agencies, such as Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Once the customs clearance declaration has been Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA), the Federal Police filed, the goods will proceed through customs Department (Departamento de Polícia Federal – clearance. In Brazil, in addition to the registration PF) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and of this declaration, goods are subject to import Food Supply (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária parameters defined by fiscal channels (green, e Abastecimento – MAPA), that are also involved yellow, red and gray)2 . The Customs Broker in the import process, depending on the product will be notified through Siscomex when the goods type and fiscal classification. Although there is an have been released. The proof of release is the integrated computerized system called Siscomex, Import Certificate (CI), printed through Siscomex that manages and registers all information related to by the importer. foreign trade operations, the process of importing products into the Brazilian market is still a complex task due to the myriad of laws, decrees and regulatory instructions regarding the matter. 6 There are three import models:

1. 2. 3.

Direct Import Import by Order Import on Behalf (Importação Própria); (Importação por of Third Parties Encomenda); and (Importação por Conta e Ordem de Terceiros).

The importer needs to be attentive to changes in laws and regulations, in view of the great number of amendments that occur in Brazilian legislation. An operating error could be quite costly since Brazil is a country of continental dimensions. Thus, logistics planning is very important for more effective market distribution.

1 Proforma Invoice: Document issued by the exporter to the importer in order to formalize the international negotiation process. It can be considered the first agreement between both parties, while not generating buyer payment obligations. 2 Fiscal Channels: • Green: Automatic clearance of imports; • Yellow: Clearance after verification of all documents and of the import declaration (DI); • Red: Clearance after the verification of all documents of the DI and of the goods; and • Gray: Clearance after the verification of the DI and of the goods, and the preliminary examination of the customs value. 8 MODELS IMPORT 2.

actual owner of the goods. It is responsible actual ownerofthegoods.Itisresponsible the goods and distributes them throughout the goodsanddistributesthemthroughout agreement, and promotes sales within the agreement, andpromotes saleswithinthe operation with its own resources, paying operation withitsownresources,paying The importer looks for suppliers, imports The importerlooksforsuppliers,imports for all transaction costs, for financing the for alltransactioncosts,financingthe the vendor abroad, sometimes through the vendorabroad,sometimesthrough a distribution agreement or a purchase a distributionagreement orapurchase risks and enters into agreements with risks andentersintoagreementswith applicable taxes, and contracting the applicable taxes,andcontractingthe Under this model, the importer is the Under thismodel,theimporteris the country, beingresponsibleforall The importer undertakes the activity The importerundertakestheactivity currency exchangedirectly. logistics procedures. domestic market. IMPORT DIRECT DIRECT

IMPORT IMPORT ON BEHALF BY ORDER OF THIRD PARTIES Similar to the aforementioned model, In this model, a purchaser interested in a the importer (trading company) is the particular commodity looks for a trading owner of the imported goods and also company – the importer – to import goods the responsible for operation funding. on behalf of the interested buyer. The bill of However, in this import modality, there lading/airway bill3 is consigned to the importer, must be a local buyer for whom the who holds the imported product possession, goods are purchased. while the ownership belongs to a third party (purchaser/buyer) who funds the operation. The importer sells the merchandise to the local buyer without risk regarding The third party has the option to make advance subsequent sales and distribution payments or to present guarantee to support of the imported goods within the the costs with the operation, taxes and other domestic market. expenses. The purchaser contracts the currency exchange and the importer only provides services. The purchaser and the importer are jointly responsible for taxes levied on imported goods.

3 Bill of Lading is a contract between a shipper and carrier listing the terms for moving freight between specified points, used for sea transport. An airway bill is also a contract with the same conditions, but it is used for air transport. 3. IMPORT TAXES AND DUTIES 10 IMPORT TAX - II THE FEDERAL VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) – IPI Import Duty (Imposto de Importação - II) is a Federal tax payable upon customs clearance The Brazilian Federal Value-Added Tax on of foreign goods. At the moment the import Manufactured Products (Impostos sobre Produtos declaration (Declaração de Importação - DI) is Industrializados - IPI) is a tax levied on finished registered, the “customs value” of the goods products (whether foreign or domestic), resulting must be declared according to the General from some sort of industrial process even if this Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). process is incomplete, partial or intermediary. Regardless of the import model, the taxpayer is In the case of imports, the IPI is levied upon the importer who promotes the entry of goods customs clearance of the goods. Similar to II, IPI into Brazilian territory. The II rate varies according is paid by the importer upon registration of the to the classification of imported goods pursuant import declaration. The IPI is levied in relation to to the Brazilian External Code (Tarifa Externa the price of the import (i.e. the product’s customs Comum - TEC), which includes the same value) plus II. classification system as the Harmonized System The IPI rates vary according to the IPI Tariff Table (HS) as determined by the World Customs (TIPI) that includes the same classification system Organization (WCO). II rate is a non-recoverable as TEC. tax; therefore, it is a cost to the importer. After import, the IPI will apply in the subsequent transaction even if it involves a buy/sell transaction or transference delivery, as in the case of import on behalf of third parties model. The IPI is a non-cumulative tax and, therefore, the amount charged in each successive taxable transaction is deducted from the current transaction. 12 goods, whether imported or not, the services of goods, whetherimportedornot,theservices value, plustheII,IPI,PIS-Import(seenexttopic) rendering services. Inotherwords,importsand rendering services. ICMS istheVAT leviedbystatesandappliesto and COFINS-Import(seenexttopic),theICMS transportation andtelecommunications.ICMS the legal,physical,oreconomiccirculationof is paidbythebusinessperson,manufacturer subsequent transactionsofimportedgoods local transactionsgenerateICMS,including goods, orimportingthemfromabroadand for ICMScalculationisthegoodscustoms according tothemodels“byorder”or“on Regardless oftheimportmodel,duty or producerresponsibleforshippingthe In thecaseofimports,taxbasis itself, andcustomsexpenses. THE STATE VAT -ICMS taxpayer istheimporter. behalf ofthirdparties”.

that, afterclearance,either: 2013. The4%rateappliestoimportedgoods reduction became effective on January 1 reduction becameeffectiveonJanuary rate applicabletoimportedgoods4%.This Federal SenatereducedtheICMSinterstate April 25,2012(RSF13/2012),theBrazilian Espírito Santo).AsperResolution13,dated West regionsofBrazil,andthestate taxpayers intheNorth,NortheastandCentral- are usuallysubjectto12%(or7%forresident ranges from17to20%.Interstatetransactions Brazilian statesonintrastatetransactions The generalICMSrateimposedbymost st,

Do not undergo After processing, 1. any manufacturing 2. assembly, packaging, process; or repackaging, renewal or refurbishment, result in goods that have a n “imported content”4 of over 40%.

The reduced interstate ICMS rate of 4% does not apply to transactions involving:

Imported natural gas; Goods that do not have Goods that are manufactured domestic equivalents (which under basic productive will be determined by processes dealt with in Camex, the Foreign Trade Decree-Law 288/07 (The Chamber); or Manaus Zone), and in Law 8,248/91, Law 8,387/91, Law 10,176/01 and Law 11,484/07.

Similar to IPI, ICMS is also a non-cumulative tax. Therefore, the 4 RSF 13/12 defines “imported content” as the ratio between the value of the imported portion ICMS paid may be offset against the ICMS payable on future of the goods and the total value of the goods transactions. Despite the noncumulative system, as a consequence shown on the ICMS invoice issued on exit of the of RSF 13/2012, the importer may cumulate ICMS credits. goods from the seller’s establishment. The rules and procedures to be followed in the Imported Current corporate solutions, therefore, must include customs Content Certification process are issued by National Tax Policy Council (Conselho Nacional planning when importing goods into Brazil comparing direct and de Política Fazendária - CONFAZ). indirect import models. 14 2012 (MP 563/2012), made into Law No. 12,715, 2012 (MP563/2012),madeintoLawNo.12,715, rate of9.65%.Underthenon-cumulativesystem, Based on Provisional Measure No. 563, of April 3, Based onProvisionalMeasureNo.563,ofApril 3, rate of 10.65%. Thus, these contributions are due rate of10.65%.Thus,thesecontributionsaredue PIS-Import’s rateof2.10%andCOFINS-Import’s additional 1% COFINS-Import, under art. 15, §1-A additional 1% COFINS-Import,under art. 15,§1-A these contributionsarelevied,asageneralrule, by the non-cumulative system, he may be entitled by thenon-cumulativesystem, hemaybeentitled increased by an additional 1%, resulting in a total increased byanadditional1%,resultinginatotal the COFINS-Import rate for certain products was the COFINS-Importrateforcertainproductswas PIS-Import andCOFINS-Importarebothfederal As ageneralrule,suchcontributionsaredueat cumulative system, so that if the importer is taxed cumulative system,sothat iftheimporteristaxed contributions leviedontheentranceofforeign of September 17, 2012, after August 1, 2012, of September17,2012,afterAugust1, TO PIS-IMPORT ANDCOFINS-IMPORT the import of products, except in relation to the the importof products,exceptinrelation tothe to the PIS/COFINS-Import credit collected on to thePIS/COFINS-Import creditcollectedon PIS/COFINS-Import ischarged bythenon- on thecustomsvalueofgoods. at thecombinedrateof11.75%. at thecombinedrateof12.75%. goods intoBrazilianterritory. These taxesarelevied CONTRIBUTION of Law 10.865/04.

services, withouttherighttouseanycredits. services, from thesaleofgoodsand/orrendering combined rateof3.65%onrevenuesarising rule, thesecontributionsareleviedatthe Under thecumulativesystem,asageneral system contributions. to eitherthecumulativeornoncumulative according towhetherthetaxpayerissubject possible entitlementtocertaincredits,willvary The applicabletaxrates,aswellthe monthly leviedonthecompanyrevenues. on grossrevenue,whicharecontributions also subjecttoPISandCOFINSContributions COFINS credits.Internationaltransactionsare the importedgoodshasrighttoregisterPIS/ model “onbehalfofthirdparties,”thebuyer In thecaseofimportinggoodsaccordingto FREIGHT SURCHARGE FOR RENEWAL OF THE BRAZILIAN MERCHANT MARINE – AFRMM Freight Surcharge for Renewal of the Brazilian Merchant Marine (Adicional ao Frete para Renovação da Marinha Mercante – AFRMM) is a fee charged to support the development of merchant marine and shipping construction. AFRMM is charged at a general rate of 25% over the international maritime freight and at 10% over the coastal navigation freight. Import transactions in Brazil may face additional costs and fees, such as Siscomex fee, harbor, warehousing, foremanship fees, etc. Before importing goods into Brazil, it is also recommendable to verify all the abovementioned costs and fees to better assess the entire import process. 16 CUSTOMS ANDTAX-RELATED LITIGATION ASSOCIATED WITH THEIMPORT measures alsolinkedto theclassificationcode process that includesfines,which may leadto respectively. Correctclassificationofproducts are taken.Ifthecompany failstoestablishthe of dutyispaidandtoensurethatanyspecial is vitalinordertocertifythattherightamount right tariffclassification, itmaypaymorethan classification ofthegoodsinTECorTIPI, due (obtainingacontingent returnisacostly process) or less thandue(another costly II and IPI rates vary accordingtothe II andIPIratesvary a lawsuit forfailure topaytaxes). TARIFF CLASSIFICATION 4.

CUSTOMS VALUATION Customs regulations require that all imported unloading and handling, as well as the merchandise is valued. Proper valuation is insurance cost of the product, shall be important for many reasons. Most types of added to the customs amount. Some customs duties are assessed ad valorem – that items can be excluded (e.g. purchase is, based on the value of the merchandise. commissions, interest rates, assembly costs performed subsequently to the import), Even where duties are assessed on a specific but others must be included (e.g. costs of basis – based on quantity – valuation is still packaging, royalties, and licensing fees the important. Valuation is often used as the basis purchaser should pay) in order to determine for customs fees, excise taxes, and value- the product sum. added-taxes. It may be a support base required for the proper use of the customs declaration There are six methods available to determine and import license. An error in valuation may the product customs value. Most countries result in the underpayment or overpayment use a valuation method that adopts – or is of duties, or in a failure to satisfy import based on – the restrictions. Persistent errors may lead to fines Customs Valuation Agreement. Although and penalties or shipment delays resulting from other methods exist, the conventional product examinations by customs officials. method is based on the actual sales price between the buyer and seller with All products imported into Brazil and submitted certain adjustments. to customs clearance are subject to customs value control, which consists of checking the Some countries use a method based on the compliance of the customs value as declared prevailing export market price of identical, by the importer with the rules set forth in the similar, or comparable goods. Methods Customs Valuation Agreement (WTO). The based on the domestic price of identical, transport cost, expenses related to the loading, similar or comparable goods are also used. 18 instances theentailedparty–abroadmakes entailed. Thelegislationaimsatidentifyingand The effectsoflegislationrelatedtothetransfer levying assumptionswheretheprofitismade sells too“cheaply”intheexport,andboth pricing aretriggeredwheneverforeigntrade the importerpaystoomuchinimportor operations areperformedbetweenrelated abroad, whichoccursinasituationwhere without acontract,isequallyregardedas parties. Theexclusivedistributor, evenif TRANSFER PRICING a greaterprofit. at 4digits operations alter theproductclassification as originating fromthatcountry, evenifthese packing, theproductwill notbeconsidered assembling, selecting, fractioning, dilutingor the manufacturingprocess consistsonlyof originating fromothercountries areusedand establish thatwhenmaterialsorinputs Brazil appliesnon-preferentialrules,which might besubjectedtoafine. (preferential treatmentwillnotapply),whoalso will havetheimportersubjectedtoalltaxesdue and/or non-accuracyofthecertificateinformation valid CertificateofOriginisrequired.Anyerrors In ordertobenefitfrompreferentialtreatment, a preferential treatment. vital toidentifytheoriginofgoodssubject Panama) membercountries.Insuchcase,itis Paraguay, Peru,Uruguay, Venezuela, Cubaand Bolivia, Chile,Colombia,Ecuador, Mexico, still inaccessionprocess)andALADI(Argentina, (Argentina, Paraguay, andUruguay–Boliviais for thoseproductsoriginatinginMercosul tax ratemaybeappliedinBrazil,particularly industrialized products,apreferentialimport In compliancewithtradeagreementsfor ORIGIN ANDSOURCE 5 (“tariff shift”).

EX-TARIFF A tax exemption or tax reduction may be obtained in instances when proven that the imported product has no similar national product. There are currently more than 1,000 (one thousand) products in the ex-tariff listings, released through resolutions by the Foreign Trade Chamber of Brazil6. A national product is regarded as similar to a foreign product and is able to replace it if, upon observing the equivalent quality and proper This measure was designed to avoid initiatives specifications for the intended purpose, its price is to evade antidumping duties. Goods that are not higher than the cost of the imported product subject to antidumping duties, when imported plus the taxes placed on the import, and has the from non-affected countries, shall be supported regular or current delivery time for the same type with a Non-preferential Origin Certificate. of product. It must be generally demonstrated that the national industry would not be able to manufacture or offer an equivalent to the imported product and the entities, which represent the economic activities, are called to pronounce on the similar production in the country.

5 The tax classification used in Brazil and is Mercosur’s Common Classification (Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul - NCM). The NCM consists of eight digits: chapter; position; subposition at 1st level (simple); subposition at 2nd level (composite); Item and sub item. Ex: 8708.29.99 – 87 (Chapter) 08 (Position) 2 (Subposition at 1st level) 9 (Subposition at 2nd level) 9 (item) 9 (subitem). 6 20 formulate an administrative ruling to the competent formulate anadministrativerulingtothecompetent related totaxpaymentforaproductregisteredor to theinterpretationoflegalprovisioncannot product’s correctfiscalclassification,he/shemay Should the taxpayer be in doubt about the law Should thetaxpayerbeindoubtaboutlaw taxpayer or who is carrying outanoperation taxpayer orwhoiscarrying authorities beforeperformingtheoperation. (tax legislation interpretation) and about the (tax legislationinterpretation)andaboutthe While thedecisionispending, INQUIRIES be taxed.

Transportes Aquaviários Transportes of Waterway Transport ( be requiredtotheBrazilianNationalAgency certificate ofreleaseprescribedloadshall in aBrazilianflaggedvessel,previous in caseitisnotpossibletoshipgoods benefit fromanytaxexemptionorreduction, in aBrazilianflaggedvessel.Inorderto exemption orreductionhastobetransported and anyotherproducteligibleforfederaltax Administration, eitherdirectlyorindirectly, from theFederal,State,andLocalPublic Goods importedbyanyorganization BRAZILIAN FLAGGEDVESSEL Agência Nacional de de Nacional Agência -ANTAQ). 5. INCENTIVES AND FINANCING

In order to attract investments, some Brazilian states grant tax incentives, consisting of total or partial reductions of ICMS on imports, which minimize tax costs of foreign trade operations. Some tax incentives that should be mentioned are the Investment Incentive Program of the State of Espírito Santo (INVEST-ES); Differentiated Tax Treatment (TTD) of the State of Santa Catarina; Program to Promote Cargo Handling through Fluminense Ports and Airports (RIOPORTOS) in the State of Rio de Janeiro; Minas Gerais “Import Corridor” benefit, among dozens of other incentives that have been established, structured on granting tax credit, retroactive debt collection, reduction in the percentage rate or calculation basis, extension of tax payment terms or payment in installments. 22 ICMS ispaidinfull,buttheimporterentitled 7, 2017createdamechanismauthorizingthe Espírito SantothroughFUNDAP(Fundforthe there isthefinancialincentiveofState There arealsofinancialincentives,whenthe development bank.Amongsuchincentives, activities associatedwithinternationaltrade. The Supplementary LawNo.160ofAugustThe Supplementary states torevalidatetheseincentives,when linked tothepromotionofportandairport to favorablefinancingconditionsfromthe Development ofPortActivities). must occur until June30,2020. the benefitsstillopened bysomestates,what Agreement. Actually, thetermtore-impose the requirementsof ICMS190/2017 deposit forthosestates thatcomplywith which providesacertificate ofregistration/ in thePortalofTax Transparency ofCONFAZ, as wellregisteringanddepositingtheActs Normative Actsestablishingthosebenefits, already accomplishedthetermstopublish It mustbementionedthatthestateshave December 28,2018,butitwasextended). until March30,2020(theinitialtermwas by meansofaNormativeActtobepublished of CONFAZ; (iii)re-impositionofthebenefit Concessive ActsinthePortalofTax Transparency stating thebenefit;(ii)depositandregisterof the benefits,whichare:(i)publicationofAct 160, providingtherequirementstorevalidate LawNo. the termsauthorizedbySupplementary December 15,2017wasestablishedbasedon Additionally, theICMS AgreementNo.190of 6. SPECIAL CUSTOMS SCHEMES

Special customs schemes are intended to boost imports. These tax programs provide benefits in the form of exemption, suspension and refund of taxes levied on imported products or on locally purchased products as long as the goods are subsequently exported. 24 total orpartialsuspension(caseofgoodsforfairs into accounttheperiodoftimegoodsremain payment proportionallytothetimetheyarein A variantofthisisthespecialcustomsregime method. TheTemporary Admissionforeseesthe temporary admission foranactiveimprovement, temporary taxes thatshallbepaidundertheproportionality and sportingevents,forexample).Thepayment the country, withwaivedtaxpayment,offoreign or productionofothergoods)aresubjecttotax shall beproportionaltothelengthofstay, upto country. Theproportioniscalculatedbytaking which allowstheentry, stayin foratemporary the applicablerateonpermanentimportation. country for economic use (providing services foreconomicuse(providingservices country or de-nationalizedgoodsintendedforactive in Brazil.Eachmonthcorrespondsto1%of improvement operations(industrializationor The goodstemporarilyadmittedintothe TEMPORARY ADMISSION repair) andfurtherre-export. item alreadyexportedafterimprovement). in part,ofthetaxespaidimportan exported product),andreturn(eitherinfullor supplementation orpackagingofanalready used intheimprovement,manufacturing, in aquantityandqualityequivalenttothat improvement), exemption(ofthesetaxes, the importationofgoodsforexportafter (of thepaymentofrequiredtaxesdueon applied tothefollowingmodes:suspension quality). Itisanexportincentiveandmaybe to beexported(inequivalentquantityand supplementation orpackagingofproducts import ofgoodsusedinthemanufacturing, special regimeofDrawback–isgrantedfor The taxexemption–underthecustoms EXEMPTION, RETURN) DRAWBACK (SUSPENSION, BONDED WAREHOUSE TEMPORARY EXPORT This importation methodology allows goods imported The temporary export method is the customs from abroad (with or without currency exchange procedure that allows goods to leave the country, coverage) to be stored in a bonded area for public with suspension of export tax payment, subject to use for up to one year, extendable for another year, their return within a specified period, in the same state with tax collection on imported goods suspended in which they were exported. until their nationalization. The temporary export method for passive This method also allows an imported product to improvement allows the departure of national or remain at a trade fair, exhibition or similar event, held nationalized products for a certain period to undergo in a private area previously bonded for such purpose. transformation, repair, improvement or assembly abroad, and the subsequent reimportation, in the A product admitted under this regime form of the resulting product, with the collection of can be nationalized and subsequently value-added taxes. It also applies to the departure of shipped for consumption, or exported, by the national or nationalized products from the country to consignee or purchaser. undergo servicing, repair or restoration. A product imported with a currency exchange coverage, which is intended for export, can be admitted under this regime. The bonded warehouse special regime at the export allows storage of products intended for export, and comprises the common regime mode (storage of goods at a public facility, with tax payment suspension), and extraordinary regime mode (storage of goods at a private facility, with the right to use the fiscal benefits eligible for export fiscal incentives, prior to its actual shipment abroad). The latter is exclusive for trading companies. 26 private use,uponcomplyingwiththeprovisions contract for delivery in the national territory and inthenationalterritory contract fordelivery also beoperatedataharborfacilityofmixed to theorderofpurchaser. Theregimemay and currencyexchangepurposesthenational sold toapersonresidingabroad,against stipulated bytheFederalInternalRevenue products depositedinabondedareaand considers asexportedforallfiscal,credit, CERTIFIED BONDEDWAREHOUSE The certifiedbondedwarehouseregime Service ( Service (DEPÓSITO ALFANDEGADO Secretaria da Receita Federal Receita da Secretaria CERTIFICADO -DAC) ). AUTHORIZED BRAZILIAN ECONOMIC OPERATOR PROGRAM An authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is the party involved in the international/ foreign trade operation in any capacity that, through voluntary compliance with the safety criteria for the logistics chain or tax and customs obligations, according to the certification type, demonstrates compliance and reliability required by the OAS Program and is certified under the terms of Normative Instruction 1.598/2015. The benefits of the AEO Program may be of a general nature or granted according to the type of certification, the role of the operator in the logistics chain or the degree of conformity assessed, and the application for the program is voluntary. The company qualified to operate as an AEO may choose to outsource its import operations with the Import by Account and Order model, while maintaining the application of the benefits inherent to this Program. 28 PROCESS ANDDOCUMENTS CUSTOMS FORWARDING – other expensesrelated to thegoodsspecifiedin exporter’s andimporter’s fullnameandaddress, countries; unitandtotalpriceand,ifapplicable, the invoice;paymentterms andcurrency; discounts grantedtothe importer, freight,and and netweight;origin,sourceacquisition the amountandnature of thereductionsand if applicable,volumereferencenumbers;the goods specification,brand,numberingand, quantity andtypeofvolumes;grossweight The commercialinvoiceshouldcontainthe COMMERCIAL INVOICE selling terms (Incoterm). 7. INCOTERM BILL OF LADING AND CARGO MANIFEST The Brazilian import and export process allows any sales condition practiced in international The product shipped from abroad, transported trade, although some may have barriers that by any mode, is registered in a cargo render their usage unfeasible as they are manifest, presented by the person responsible incompatible with Brazilian law. The International for the carrier vehicle, with a copy of the Commercial Terms (), determined by corresponding Bills of Lading, which identify the the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), cargo unit in which the product supported by it were developed to harmonize international is contained. trade deals and must be included in purchase For each unloading point in the customs and sale agreements, yet its inclusion does territory the vehicle must bring as many not mean that this will substitute the contract. manifests as the locations – abroad – where it Usually the Incoterms set conditions related to received cargo. the place of delivery of the product and may or may not include conditions related to the The original bill of lading, or a document negotiated price, to the incurred expenditure with an equivalent effect, is proof of product for the freight (inland and/or international), possession or ownership. Each bill of lading expenditures related to foremanship, insurance, must correspond to a single import declaration, among others. In Brazil there are restrictions save any exceptions stipulated by the Federal when contracting freight (even related with the Internal Revenue Service. flag State of a vessel) and insurance. They are defined by the type of the product, the country of origin, as well as by the eventual tax exemption in the import process. 30 by wheretheywereproducedor, incaseofgoods country of origin, which is determined according to oforigin,which isdeterminedaccordingto country Declaration istodocumentarilyattesttheproduct’s from morethanonecountry, wherethesubstantial resulting from materials or industrialization process resulting frommaterialsorindustrializationprocess Certain goodsmaybeeligiblefortaxexemption As previouslyexplained(section4.4,Originand Source), goodsthataresubjecttoantidumping where the new product identity was created. The where thenewproductidentitywascreated.The act appliesexclusivelytoaproductoriginating The country of origin of the goods is determined oforiginthegoodsisdetermined The country treatment resultingfromasignedinternational purpose of the Certificate of Origin or the Origin purpose oftheCertificateOriginor CERTIFICATE OFORIGINAND transformation has occurred, that is, the place transformation hasoccurred,thatis,theplace agreements signedbyBrazil.Thecustoms or taxreductionasaresultofinternational duties, whenimported from non-affected countries, shallbesupported withNon- specific locallyaddedcontents. preferential OriginCertificates. from the beneficiary country.from thebeneficiary DECLARATION authorization from Regulatory Agencies. authorization fromRegulatory good tobeimportedrequires somespecific verified beforetheshipment ofthegoodsif (PF), amongothers.Thus,itisimportanttobe Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Recursos dos e Ambiente Meio do Brasileiro Naturais Renováveis Naturais Renewable NaturalResources( the BrazilianInstituteofEnvironmentand may besubjecttotheconsentofArmy, Supply (MAPA) isrequired.Otherproducts ofAgriculture,Livestockand or Ministry Agency(ANVISA) Brazilian HealthSurveillance health controlauthority, whentheconsentof example, withproductssubjecttothe is required.Thiswhattakesplace,for Agencies the manifestationofRegulatory Depending ontheproducttobeimported, means ofSiscomex. majority ofcases)ornonautomaticallyby place eitherautomatically(inthegreat be subjecttolicensing,whichwilltake The processofimportingaproductmay (LICENÇA DEIMPORTAÇÃO -LI) IMPORT LICENSE -IBAMA),FederalPolice

Instituto Instituto

Under the New Import Process, in 2018 RFB (the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service Agency) began the implementation of the pilot phase of the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP), in the Single Foreign Trade Portal (Siscomex), a channel that gathers information related to customs, tax and administrative control of the import operation, the latter being carried out concurrently with customs control, a major innovation in relation to the current systematic “import license – IMPORT DECLARATION import declaration” (LI-DI). (DECLARAÇÃO DE IMPORTAÇÃO - DI) The import declaration is an essential document for DUIMP will replace the Import Declaration (DI), the import forwarding process and should contain Simplified Import Declaration (DSI), Import License (LI) the importer’s identification, as well as the product and Simplified Import License (LSI), the latter two with identification, classification, origin, and customs value. regard to inspections. The expectation is that the changes will provide a The import declaration register consists of its 40% reduction in the average processing times for numbering by the Federal Internal Revenue Service, the release of imported goods, dropping from 17 through Siscomex, when the import forwarding to 10 days, which will reduce costs in the logistics process is considered started. chain of companies. The Brazilian legislation stipulates time frames to start the forwarding process of up to 90 days from the unloading, if goods are in a primary zone bonded area; of up to 120 days from the goods entry in a secondary zone bonded area; and up to 90 days, computed as of the receipt of the postal remittance arrival notice. The import declaration should be included with the original copy of the bill of lading or an equivalent document, the original commercial invoice, signed PROOF OF IMPORT by the exporter; the proof of payment of the taxes, if (COMPROVANTE DE IMPORTAÇÃO - CI) required; and other required documents as a result of international agreements or under the law, regulation The proof of import is a document used as an or a regulatory act. evidence of the import operation, issued after the customs clearance of the product that has had its The customs-related taxes (II, IPI, PIS-Import, and declaration registered in Siscomex. The customs Cofins-Import) should be paid by the time the import clearance is the action through which the conclusion declaration (DI) is registered. Usually, the state VAT of customs scrutinizing is registered. After the (ICMS) is also paid before completing the customs customs clearance, the delivery of the product to the forwarding process. importer will be authorized. 32 1. Protection Code; Consumer’s 2. Legislation; and Environmental NON-TAX RULES As a general rule, importers are assigned As ageneralrule,importersareassigned ENTAILED TO THE IMPORT responsibilities inherentinthe: 3. explosives. chemicals, drugs,and rules intheimportof addition tospecific Health Control,in Goods subjectto 8. 9. IMPORT PAYMENT METHODS

Import payments can be made in various ways, all of them following the methods normally used worldwide, with a contingent financed by the Exporter (Supplier Credit) or by the importer, by means of financial institutions in Brazil or abroad (Buyer Credit). The simplest and most common used methods are: Advance Payment, Documentary Collection, Documentary Credit, and Open Account. These methods are described ahead. 34 contemplated inthetradingcontract,Proforma to Free-Trade Areas,orIndustrialWarehouse, been admittedunderotherspecialoratypical The currencyexchangesettlementisallowed as longadvancepaymentfortheimportis supported bycommercialoperationsactually admission totheManausFree-Trade Zone, abroad onafinalbasis,includingunderthe or forthenationalizationofgoodsthathave With thismethodpaymentismadepriorto With shipment ofgoodsimporteddirectlyfrom Invoice oranequivalentdocumentwhere contracted abroad,andtheirconditionis ‘drawback’ regime,orwhenintendedfor the goods’ sums and delivery timeare the goods’sumsanddelivery CASH INADVANCE expressly detailed. customs regimes.

payments madewithin thirty days. the repatriationofsums correspondingto expected date,theimporter shouldprovide nationalization doesnot occurbythe In theeventproductshipmentor product nationalization. documents, theimporterproceedsto In possessionoftheoriginalshipping directly totheimporter.(via courierservice) shipment andsendstheoriginaldocuments is confirmed,theexporterperforms exchange operation).Oncethereceipt to theexporter(bycontractingacurrency equivalent document)makesthepayment possession oftheProformaInvoice(oran In thistransactionmethod,theimporter, in maximum advancetermof1080days. commercialization cycle,subjecttothe compatible withtheproductionoritem on request,theadvancetermshouldbe a longproductionormanufacturingcycle Exclusively formachinesorequipmentwith abroad orforproductnationalization. from theexpecteddateforshipment The maximumadvancetermis180days DOCUMENTARY COLLECTION IN CASH OR ON CREDIT In this method the exporter ships the goods and delivers the documents to a bank so its counterparts abroad can arrange the billing with the importer. The documents are usually followed by a draft (bill of exchange), in cash or credit, drawn by the exporter against the importer. It is a note representative of the debt. If payment is in cash against documents, the importer makes the payment to the Bank (by means of a currency exchange contract) and receives the shipping documents to nationalize the product. If the collection is on credit, the importer performs the acceptance on the draft (bill of exchange or cambial), receives the shipping documents, and proceeds to product nationalization. Two business days prior to the draft due date, the importer makes payment to the bank (by contracting a currency exchange operation). 36 Being a solid commitment by the issuing bank (as it Being asolidcommitmentbytheissuingbank(asit political), and it constitutes a method through which political), anditconstitutesamethodthroughwhich assured as long as the beneficiary complies with all complieswithall assured aslongthebeneficiary on account of the importer (taker) – undertakes the on accountoftheimporter(taker)–undertakes terms and conditions stipulated in the “credit”, and terms andconditionsstipulatedinthe“credit”, should be irrevocable), it may involve an additional should beirrevocable),itmayinvolveanadditional commitment, in last instance, to pay the exporter commitment, inlastinstance,topaytheexporter risk, nonpayment operations (commercial and/or risk, nonpaymentoperations(commercialand/or commitment is obviously conditional: payment is commitment isobviouslyconditional:payment (beneficiary). Thereby,(beneficiary). itallowsabanktotakeon commitment by another bank (confirming bank), commitment byanotherbank(confirmingbank), the bank (issuing bank) – acting on request and the bank(issuingbank)–actingonrequestand Documentary creditisamethodusedonhigh- Documentary imparting greater safety to the operation. Such imparting greatersafetytotheoperation.Such CREDIT ORLETTEROF presents therequireddocuments. the roleofoperationpayer. DOCUMENTARY

Bank forpayment totheexporter. operation), which, inturn,reimburses theTrading the bank(bycontracting a currencyexchange draft duedatetheImporter makespaymentto nationalization. Two business dayspriortothe shipping document,and conductsproduct (bill ofexchangeorcambial),picksupthe The Importergivesitsacceptanceonthedraft reimbursement ontheliabilityduedate. in goodorder)totheIssuingBankrequesting remittance (providedthatthedocumentsare a drafttothetradingBank,whichmakestheir present theshippingdocumentsattachedto If theLetterofCreditisinterm,Exporterwill who conductsproductnationalization. sends theshippingdocumentstoImporter of theshippingdocuments,IssuingBank a currencyexchangeoperation).Uponarrival makes paymenttotheBank(bycontracting The IssuingBankadvisestheImporter, who shipping documentsrequestingreimbursement. Issuing Bankofthenegotiation,andforwards that documentsareingoodorder),advisesthe Bank, whichmakesthepayment(provided present theshippingdocumentswithtrading If theLetterofCreditisincash,Exporterwill OPEN ACCOUNT IN CASH OR ON CREDIT If the Open Account is in cash, the Importer makes payment to the Exporter In this payment method the exporter finances the (by contracting a currency exchange importer directly in Brazil (Supplier Credit) without operation), and subsequently conducts the need of an intermediary financial institution. product nationalization. It is indicated for operations where commercial If the Open Account is on credit, the relationships between parties are already Importer does the product nationalization and established, and there are no assurances on makes payment (by contracting a currency the part of the importer. The financial conditions exchange operation) two business days prior should be those which best adapt to the to the due date. commercial operation characteristics, and it may be in cash or supporting a payment time granted Considering the latest changes made to by the exporter. Brazilian legislation concerning foreign currency, the currency exchange contracting, This payment method implies shipment and with the actual remittance of funds for paying remittance of the relevant documents from the obligations to the exporter, can be made exporter directly to the importer prior to the prior to the original due date of the invoice, payment. The importer does not issue or accept and there shall be no longer an entailment any note, which may legally bind him to between the currency exchange operations make payment. and their respective import declarations. 38 and withtimeframeslongerthan360days,shall financed bytheImporter, viafinancialinstitutions, product nationalization,againstadeclarationby the importerandaformalmanifestationby a FinancialOperationsRecord(ROF),before IMPORT FINANCINGABOVE360DAYS be registeredwiththeCentralBankofBrazil ( Banco Central do Brasil do Central Banco directly financedbytheExporterandthose It isimportanttonotethatbothoperations -BACEN),through creditor. equipment maybeincluded. eventually theassemblyandinstallationof Brazil. Inthisoperationallimportcostsand intended forfixedassetsoftheimporterin andequipment It isusuallyusedformachinery company, imports thegood. institution, usuallyaidedbyaBraziliantrading long-term fundingoptioninwhichafinancial Local leasingofanimportedproductisa cash flow. institutions, providingtheimporterwithabetter abroad isusuallydonebyBrazilianfinancial Financing thepurchaseofgoodsfrom IMPORT FINANCING FINIMP – IMPORT FINANCING This modality finances the partial or total value of the acquisition cost of a product abroad, enabling immediate payment to the foreign exporter as agreed upon in the negotiation (cash or at maturity). It may be contracted for settlement in the short term (up to 360 days of shipment) or long-term (over 360 days of shipment), in this case, it requires the issuance of a ROF (Registro de Operação Financeira), a financial operation registry. FORFAITING Forfaiting or Draw Discount is a foreign trade operation in which the exporter provides financing to his/her buyer through a bank that approves the importer client’s risk. The operation consists of the purchase of receivables in the long term (Bill of Exchange, for example) by a bank, usually situated in Brazil, without damages to the exporter, and with cash payment. 40 generally understood as particularly related to the generally understoodasparticularlyrelatedtothe centers; networkprojects; insurancelimitsand flow of materials (raw materials, intermediate and flow ofmaterials(rawmaterials,intermediateand competitors; humanresources;supplychain The areasmakingupthefulllogisticstrategy end products), but also involves services and and end products),butalsoinvolvesservices activities related to the acquisition, transport, activities relatedtotheacquisition,transport, optional analyses;communication; actual LOGISTICS IN management; information transshipment, and storage of goods. It is transshipment, andstorageofgoods.Itis should include:transport;; location cost;specialized competency The concept of logistics comprises all The conceptoflogisticscomprisesall information provided to companies. information providedtocompanies. BRAZIL insurance coverage. 10. The maritime traffic between the United States and Brazil is regular and served by first-class shipowners. The approximate transit time ranges from 16 to 27 days, depending on the port of origin. Since the schedule can be changed without prior notice, all shipping dates must be checked with the shipowner before any operation.

MARITIME Long-haul maritime shipping | EXPORT This is the most economical method of

transportation to move great amounts of Main Exports (in million tons) Top 5: 85% cargo over long distances, in addition to a destinations 347.7 huge variety of route options. With a coast (in million tons) spanning 8.5 thousand navigable kilometers, 73.1 Brazilian ports moved approximately 1,104 1st China: 312.2 48.4 40.7 34.0 billion tons of a wide variety of imported and Iron ore Soy Containers Corn Petroleum exported goods in 2019. 2nd United States: 34.0 Exports (FOB – U$ billions) Top 5: 42% The most important Brazilian cities and 3rd Malaysia: 31.2 large consumer centers, like São Paulo 26 24 th 22 and Rio de Janeiro, are located close 4 Netherlands: 25.7 15 to the coast. Below, the ports with the 7 th highest cargo movement in 2019: 5 Japan: 24.7 Soy Petroleum Iron ore Meat Corn 1. Port of Santos (SP); Long-haul maritime shipping | IMPORT 2. Port of Paranaguá (PR); 3. Port of Itapoá (SC); Main countries Imports (in million tons) Top 5: 76% of origin 4. Portonave (SC); (in million tons) 35.4 29.4 5. Port of Rio Grande (RS); 22.1 19.9 1st United States: 39.3 8.7 6. Dp World Santos (SP); Containers Fertilizer Petroleum Mineral coal Petroleum byproducts 2nd China: 12.4 7. Port Chibatão (AM); Imports (FOB – U$ billions) Top 5: 20% 8. Port of Suape (PE); 3rd Argentina: 10.5 13.0 9. Porto de Itajaí (SC); 4th Russia: 7.9 9.1 10. Port of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). 4.7 4.6 4.4 th 5 Colombia: 7.1 Petroleum Fertilizer Petroleum Auto parts Phones byproducts Source: ComexStat - MDIC 42 reasons forthelowofferingofshipscabotage is stillthedifficultyforabalancedtrade,since turn, performthecoastwisetradetransportalong started usingthehubportconcept,inwhich north-south cargoflowismuchgreaterthanthe international shipsunloadgoodsatamainport, container shipsincabotageroutes,thenumber the Brazilian coast serving otherportsinBrazil. the Braziliancoastserving transshipping loadstosmallerships.These,in Aimed atoptimizingtheuseoftheirshipsand serving theentireBraziliancoast,shipowners serving of departures is still very limited.Oneofthe of departuresisstillvery Despite therecentgrowthinnumberof CABOTAGE (COASTAL NAVIGATION) South-North flow. flying from Miami to São Paulo. highlighting thehigh concentration ofaircrafts United States tovariousBrazilianstates. Itisworth number ofinternational flightsdepart fromthe Regarding theBrazil-United Statesroute,agreat of airshipments. explains whytheregionaccounts fornearly66% Antonio CarlosJobimInternationalAirport).This Janeiro (GIGAirport,RiodeJaneiro/Galeão– in Campinas)andonethestateofRiode Airport, Viracopos/CampinasInternational Franco MontoroInternationalAirport;andVCP São Paulo/Guarulhos–GovernadorAndré located inthestateofSãoPaulo(GRUAirport, are locatedintheSoutheasternregion,two Three outofthefourbusiestairportsinBrazil, São Paulo. Southeastern regionofthecountry, particularlyin concentration ofinternationalflightsinthe international airlines,withthebiggest bythemainnationaland Brazil isserved of theBrazilianforeigntrade. method oftransportationrepresentslessthan5% and thoserequiringoptimizeddelivery. This reduced weightandvolume,highaddedvalue, Air transportisquiteefficientforloadswith AIR TRANSPORT ROAD TRANSPORT RAIL TRANSPORT Road transportation is Brazil’s most used The rail method of transportation is, in particular, transportation method, particularly for imports characterized by its capacity to transport large coming from South American countries, such as volumes, with great energy efficiency, especially Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Bolivia; it is also in instances of medium and long-distance the most important method to transport goods displacements. It further presents greater safety within the country. A study conducted by the in relation to highway transportation, with lower Brazilian National Transportation Confederation accident rates and a lower occurrence of thefts (Confederação Nacional do Transporte - CNT) and robberies. shows that the road transportation represents Currently, the railroad system totals 60% of the cargo handling in Brazil. approximately 30,000 kilometers, serving all the According to CNT, the latest survey in Brazilian territory. The country expects that this 2018 indicated 1.7 million kilometers of roads number increases in the next years, according in the country, of which approximately 12% are to National Association of Rail Transport ANTF. paved. Of all the roads, the vast majority are state and municipal controlled, 95.1%, while 4.9% are federal. 44 companies inthisindustry, whichareresponsible for receivingcargo,performingcustomsclearing, Small volumeexportershavetheoptionofusing For maritimetransport,therearetheNonVessel batches, andconsequentlycostsarereduced. companies specializedincargoconsolidation. space usedisoptimizedthrougheconomical and providingtheexportshipment.Asthese Operator CommonCarrier(NVOCC)agents. For airtransport,thecargotransitprocedure companies workwithvariousexporters,the The UnitedStatesreliesonanumberof SMALL VOLUMEEXPORT ( transitário de carga de transitário ) isused. ABOUT OUR SPONSOR 11. Cisa’s service scope includes inbound and outbound logistics activities, customs clearance, warehousing and handling of products in primary and secondary zones, and documentation analysis. Cisa Trading 11. offers total follow up to the client in every step of the import and export process. In addition, Cisa also offers interpretation and advisory guidance to clients ABOUT OUR on taxes, customs and current regulatory legislations. When offering solutions beyond customers’ SPONSOR expectations, Cisa Trading optimizes operations’ value, assists with its financial feasibility and ensures efficient logistics.

CISA TRADING. THE BEST SOLUTIONS IN COMPLETE INFRASTRUCTURE TO MEET CLIENTS’ NEEDS In order to offer the best solutions to companies that need Cisa Trading has an infrastructure capable of dealing specific know-how in international trade, Cisa Trading with every situation and type of demand of its clients. structures its operations with strategic partnerships It has offices and branches in several states of Brazil all around the world and specializes in various market and abroad. segments, such as automotive, IT, pharmaceutical, Cisa Trading operates with warehouses and chemical, ferrous, nonferrous, telecommunications, integrated logistics companies that comply with cosmetics, machinery and equipment. mandatory legislations. In addition, it uses large While the client concentrates on its core business, Cisa general warehouses with stock system management Trading takes care of the import processes, operations and acclimatized areas. and financial planning, as well as the transport and the THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY TO ENSURE payment of taxes and import duty. SWIFT RESPONSES AND QUALITY INTEGRATED AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS At Cisa Trading technology is present in every step FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE of the import and export process, from the product Cisa Trading has a highly qualified and committed group boarding at its origin to delivery to the end customer. of employees that take care of customer needs and In order to guarantee even more efficiency in provide integrated solutions that make a difference. operations, the company is continuously investing in IT. Cisa Trading’s systems use the latest technology to ensure service quality and swift responses. 46 are designed to monitor each stage of the operations are designed to monitor each stage of the operations to guarantee flawless and efficient product delivery to to guaranteeflawlessandefficientproductdelivery with severalcompaniesandbigmultinationalclients. and RadioFrequencyIdentification(RFID).These Tracking (FINDER)viawebforexportandimport, product type, with a technically qualified and highly product type,withatechnicallyqualifiedandhighly Enterprise ResourcePlanning(ERP)andForeign The business units and administrative/financial units The businessunitsandadministrative/financial of eachsteptheoperations,controllingcosts experienced team that understands clients’ needs experienced teamthatunderstandsclients’needs Cisa systemstotallyintegratewithitsbranches, operational relationship with the principal regulatory operational relationshipwith theprincipalregulatory Cisa Trading operatesinvariousmarketsegments Trade System,OrderManagement(CWO)and and, mostimportantly, meetingthecustomers’ ensure informationquality, security, monitoring are someofthetoolsusedbyCisaTrading to • Machinery &Equipment: CisaTrading• Machinery hasvast Cisa has created business units specialized by Cisa hascreatedbusinessunitsspecializedby experience in this segment, coordinating all the experience inthissegment,coordinatingallthe clients andsuppliers,withsystemssuchas In order to offer excellence to its customers, In ordertoofferexcellenceitscustomers, agents (Receita Federal, DECEX, MDIC, agents (ReceitaFederal, DECEX, MDIC, SPECIALIZED INVARIOUS and anticipates solutions. and anticipatessolutions. need andexpectations. MARKET SEGMENTS among others); the customer.

tracking devices/methods. tech productsanduses specificmonitoringand specialized know-howin themanagementofhigh- • InformationTechnology (IT):Cisaboasts instructions inPortuguese, etc.; such aslabeling,insertingdirections, provides services segment andbesidesimportingtheseproducts,it also • Cosmetics:CisaTrading hasvastexperienceinthis by thepharmaceuticalindustry; finished medicines,inputsorrawmaterialsdemanded organizing andmanagingallthestepsforimporting unequivocal expertiseandthebestalternativefor • Pharmaceuticals:Today CisaTrading offers specialized inofferingthebestlogisticsoptiontoclients; has expertiseinimportinghigh-techproducts,anditis • Telecommunications &HomeAppliances: Cisa Trading and subclass; according totherisknumber(UNclassification),class of chemicalproductsadoptingpreventiveprocedures • Chemicals:Cisamanagesallthestagesofimport imported over500,000(fivehundredthousand)cars; organize andmanagevehicleimports,havingalready • Automotive:CisaTrading hasthestructure to costs ofacquiringtheseproducts; Cisa offersimportoperationscapableofreducingthe plates andwire-rodcoils,bundles,barsbeams. buy reliable,highqualityproducts,suchasflatcoiland as themainironandsteelmanufacturesinworldto exporters ofcopperandmolybdenumtrioxide,aswell in partnershipwiththeworld’s largestproducersand • Ferrous/NonferrousMetals:CisaTrading operates CISA TRADING AROUND THE WORLD Cisa Trading has offices and branches in the main import and export centers of Brazil, such as São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Minas Gerais and Pernambuco. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:

Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1830 Torre II – 8º Andar – 04543-900 São Paulo – SP – Brazil Phone: +55 (11) 3707-2698 E-mail: [email protected] Website: FORTALEZA