THIS WEEK FOR YOU 19TH JAN TO 25TH JAN 2014 1. ARIES: 7. LIBRA This is going to be a rather favourable week Ganesha advises you to curb your tendency Organic Dreams for you, as things start to take a distinctly to shoot your mouth, which more often positive turn, foretells Ganesha. than not lands you in a hot soup. So make However, don't raise your expectations it a habit to think and carefully consider too high. Stay grounded and be content- your words before you utter them, as they 35 kilometers from Jammu City, located at the zero line of the International border can rub people around you, especially your ed with the good things that the Almighty loved ones, the wrong way. As for work, you will have lots blesses you with. Certain planetary transits are of it, and as a consequence will hardly have any free time. between and Pakistan, the Suchetgarh region is popular for producing one of likely to make you a bit fussy, irritable and impatient, and Unless you set your priorities, you could end up very con- you could end up taking decisions which may turn out to be fused as to what to do first and what to do later. Multi- the finest qualities of Basmati rice in our country. less than judicious. So staying cool and composed will be of tasking is an option, but you will not be up to it this week. paramount importance. At work, make sure you don't over- The other option is to seek the help of your colleagues, Akshay Azad load yourself with work, take on only as much as you are which by far is more appealing. Things even on the sure you can achieve. Plan meticulously, set realistic targets domestic front will be hectic and you will have to share Swaran Lal, a farmer from Jammu's RS Pura and don't over-exert yourself, or else it may adversely affect the burden with your spouse. your health. One thing that is sure to raise your spirits is that 8. SCORPIO: Tehsil, looked carefully, with curiosity and some outstanding payments are likely to be repaid. After a sedate beginning to the week, things awe, at some of the latest and sophisticated organ- 2. TAURUS will soon start heating up, foretells Ganesha. You may not feel very spirited, monetary ic farming implements on display. He was far from This week is set to bring some major outflow will increase, you will tend to look changes in your life, predicts Ganesha. more at the negative aspect of things, and home, at an agriculture fair in Uttarakhand, but what However, regardless of the fact that shall find it very difficult to figure out what is he saw planted the seeds of a dream. He wanted you have been forewarned and are pre- in your best interests and what is not good for you. pared, some of the events are bound to Ganesha advises you to do some meditation, which will to take this fascinating idea of organic farming home, take you by surprise. Professionals may be help you in positive thinking and also give you an objective to the fields in his Panchayat, Suchetgarh. He was particularly upset with the changes as they may interfere perspective. If you feel like it, take a small break and go to with their daily routine, but the sooner you adapt to them some place quiet to recharge your batteries. Even on the sure it would do wonders. And sure enough, he the better it will be for you. Businessmen, though, will be domestic front things will not be too favourable, with a notes with satisfaction many years later, his instincts favoured by the planets. Deal wisely with your staffers, strong possibility that disagreements over petty things may arise. On top of it, the health of elderly members of proved right. and motivate them to give their best, instead of ruling your family too may cause you great anxiety. with an iron hand. If you give them sufficient incentives, 9. SAGITTARIUS 35 kilometers from Jammu City, located at the all your projects will be completed in time, productivity This week you may feel compelled to revise zero line of the International border between India will increase, leading, in turn, to an increase in your mar- your targets and review the circumstances ket prestige. Meetings with clients will be successful. You you are in. Although you may not be in a and Pakistan, the Suchetgarh region is popular for may feel inclined towards spirituality. position to change things totally, with producing one of the finest qualities of Basmati rice 3. GEMINI some shrewd thinking you will be able to in our country. However, in the last two decades, This week you will be preoccupied with reset some of your targets in order to personal affairs, trying to figure out reduce your day-to-day burden. Ganesha excessive use of fertilizer and pesticides to increase ways and means to resolve all pending advises you to be performance-oriented and make your the rice production has also augmented the invest- problems, no matter how petty they strategies flawless as far as possible. If there are too many things to be accomplished, do some smart time manage- ment costs, burdening the already troubled farmers. may be, predicts Ganesha. With your ment and take things one at a time. This will bring some pragmatic approach, you will succeed in much-needed clarity to your mind. Although finances will But Lal's single visit to Uttarakhand as a part of the clearing up all the issues. Though you may be be satisfactory, it is advisable that you spend judiciously. 'Agriculture Awareness Tour' organized by the Agri- merely going through the motions in your professional There is a possibility that you will have differences with life, the desire to change your job will be playing at the friends, but ensure that things don't go out of hand. culture Production Department changed the vast back of your mind. However, it is unlikely that you will 10. CAPRICORN : plains into a laboratory for organic farming. "The Mararka Organic, a Jaipur based NGO, has been ment, thus benefitting the entire farmer community. land another job soon, so wait patiently for the stars to Ganesha predicts a very busy week for you. idea of organic farming really fascinated me during turn in your favour. If you have invested heavily in shares, At work, you shall be constantly occupied encouraging farmers of Kishtwar for saffron produc- According to the Director of Agriculture Produc- though, you may expect decent returns now, but Ganesha with some intellectual issues and may feel the visit; however, the biggest challenge was to mentally fatigued. On the positive side, all tion in over 200 hectares, and in Bhaderwah tehsil tion Department, Ajay Khajuria, the beginning of advises you to keep your distance from speculative trad- make it conducive for our small farmers with weak ing. On the health front, you need to maintain good your sincere labours will fetch positive of Doda district they havetargeted 700 hectares for results soon and result in a remarkable every good thing is difficult but once it takes off, the hygiene so that you don't catch any infection and fall sick. economic backgrounds," said Lal. During his dis- increase in your bank balance. However, on the famous Rajma production.Similarly Actech Agro 4. CANCER rest becomes easier. "We have signed a Memoran- negative side, your creative talents may not get a chance cussions with Uttarakhand farmers, who have Limited has been encouraging farmers of Pounibelt You shall be prone to fits of short temper this to come to the fore. You will not mind it, though. Ganesha invested a lot in this form of natural farming, he gath- dum of Understanding (MoU) with six companies to week, warns Ganesha, and even petty issues feels that more than anything else, you will be more con- of district Reasi, Hiranagar tehsil of district Kathua, promote organic farming of varied crops. They will can trigger it. Therefore, be extremely alert cerned about the quality of your performance during this ered all the necessary information and resolved to Sudhmahadev and Cheneni area for organic about it and try to stay cool and composed phase. You may try to have your way in everything you do, switch over to organic farming. From there, he provide marketing to all organic growers of the under all circumstances. The most positive but it may not always be possible. There are bound to be vegetable farming. They have targeted around 600 state.The trail is for three years and the second year development expected this week is that the hard delays and obstructions in the execution of your projects embarked on the journey of a lifetime, a journey that hectares for vegetable production. ICCOA, a Ban- work which you have done in recent times will fetch rich divi- or assignments. has changed the lives of over eighty families of Dis- has begun. In three years, our organic produce will dends. It may be in terms of money or in terms of profession- 11. AQUARIUS: galore based company has chosen farmers of be certified and after that, our farmers will earn huge al growth, or both. Your outlook on life is about to undergo a The planetary transits this week suggest that trict RS Pura. you will become very image conscious, Mansar and Samroli area of district Samba and radical transformation, and you may seriously start pursuing In the beginning, to check the pros and cons of profits thanks to the high demand for organic prod- says Ganesha. You shall selflessly help Udhampur for production of pulses philosophy. You may start by reading up the biographies of the others around you during this phase. Be this new method, he experimented over a small ucts across the globe," Khajuriaadded. great philosophers that the world has produced, both eastern warned, though, that your acts of kindness on over 350 hectares. Subida, an Uttaranchal- piece of land and, to his delight, it worked out well. According to Dr. DaleepKachroo, Head of and western. As far as your domestic life is concerned, may not be reciprocated, so don't expect based company has targeted 400 hectares in Ganesha advises you not to neglect any mistrust that may anything in return. One thing you really have Today, a year and a half later, SwaranLal, under the Department of Farming System Research Center creep in between you and your beloved, and resolve it ASAP. to be careful about this week is secretive relationships. If Rajouri and Poonch district for cultivation of puls- 5. LEO you are into it for the long haul, you might as well make it patronage of Sarweshwar Rice Mills (a stakehold- and Division of Agronomy of Sher-e-Kashmir Agri- public. On the business front, you may feel frustrated that es, rajma and spices. Likewise, Indian Panesia Lim- You will have to divide your energies equally things are moving at a snail's pace, which, quite under- er in promoting organic farming in RS Pura region culture University of Sciences and Technology, Jam- between your personal and professional standably, is going to test your patience to the hilt. In in collaboration with JK Agriculture Production ited (IPL) has targeted 350 hectares in Sanasaranad mu, , organic farming may not immediately increase responsibilities this week, foretells Ganesha. If short, this week is going to be an extremely challenging Seri area for production of Potato and peas. you are in the habit of worrying too much, one. It is advisable that you maintain your cool and steer department) has succeeded in encouraging82 fam- the crop production but it will certainly encourage Ganesha advises you to desist from it as it can clear of any disagreements of arguments. ilies to shift to organic farming.Around 350 acres of Earlier, during every sowing season, there 12. PISCES sustainable farming by maintaining the health of soil prove to be counter-productive. Keep things simple, work at : total 1100 acres cultivable area of SuchetgarhPan- remained an acute shortage of fertilizers like Urea, a steady pace, be consistent and don't become anxious Quite unlike your usual self, this week your and water level. reasoning faculties will be so sharp that chayat has come under organic farming. about anything, because otherwise you will only end up you will be able to subdue your emo- DAP and Potash. "Farmers had to waste several "The Organic Carbon Content (OCC) in the soil making things more complicated. However, do some intro- tions, predicts Ganesha. You will be very What helped as a prime catalyst in making this days during peak farming season to get fertilizers of RS Pura belt has reducedto an alarming level of spection and try to figure out the motives behind your recent practical when it comes to taking deci- initiative successful is the existing "natural" lifestyle actions, as it can throw light on your general outlook and, if sions, and once you have taken them, you from other states like Punjab, wastinglargeamounts 0.45, 0.50, 0.52, while we need OCC in soil at 0.60, needed, you can turn it in a positive direction. Besides, when shall firmly stick to them. This is indeed a of these people. The majority of these families rear of time and money," said Ramesh Lal, another local 0.80 and 1. Due to decreased OCC levels, farmers you understand yourself better, your attitude and perform- welcome change in your personality. On the financial livestock, and the dung generated is used as ance both can be channelised properly. Pay close attention front, things will be smooth and money shall flow in from farmer, citing this as a major reason behind the generally use excess fertilizers which pollute water various sources, and in large sums. However, don't get manure. In addition, green manure and vermicom- to your finances, and resist the temptations to over-spend. carried away and start blowing it up recklessly. Make sure acceptance of organic farming in RS Pura. 6. VIRGO post are also used by the farmers who expect that, and environment," says a worried Kachroo, adding that you save a fixed portion of it for emergencies and to Despite the wide acceptance of organic farming You will spend a great deal of time reviewing secure your future. On the personal front, though things by next year, nearly 300 families are likely to switch that initially, organic farming tends to reduce pro- your methodology of work as well as your may appear to be going your way, Ganesha warns you not in the region, there are farmers who have chosen goals, predicts Ganesha. You will realise to take things on face value. Try to broaden your perspec- over to organic farming. duction but by using manure, the OCC level of soil later that this exercise has not been futile as tive, as it will improve your discrimination. to continue with chemical farming. "During heavy starts increasing. In this case, the OCC level will you will get many new ideas on how to go At present, promoting organic farming of varied about things in a better way, and will find solutions to nig- crops in various regions of Jammu, are six private rains, water from non-organic farms enters the adja- hopefully increase in the next six years and so will gling problems. On the personal front, you shall be very entrepreneurs who have been engaged by J&K cent organic fields thus affecting the purity of the production. If the prediction proves to be accu- considerate and flexible towards the weaknesses of others, and do your best to motivate them. Instead of resisting Government's Agriculture Production Department. crop,"rue farmers, adding that adoption of organic rate, SwaranLal will see his dream come true for the things, as you sometimes tend to do, if you start accepting Sarweshwar Rice Mills has targeted 200 hectares farming by a large majority of the villagers would entire Jammu province. things as they are, it will lead to the destruction of a lot of bitterness that you may be harbouring deep inside. in RS Pura for paddy and wheat farming while help them get their crops certified by the Govern- (Charkha Features) CIPHER DECIPHER INNER VOICE e-mail: [email protected] SPORTS SPHERE Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the Born on May 6, 1981, Laxmi Ratan Shukla is an MY EVERYDAY RESPECTED FATHER week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed middle-order in your message to us. batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler. He Every day I think, The other day I got the flashback of my child- represents team. He is also a player in Every day I need, hood, 1. To all from Parikshat Sharma: “ Attitude of adjustment is the only instrument to the IPL team With the aim in my hand, when by my side, my Father always stood, live a life”. Shukla was born in , , India and Positive things around my land. No matter what the demand had been, 2. From Monika Mishra to all: “ Showing mercy is a sign of great strength, vision did his schooling at Shree Hanumaan Jute Mill Hindi Every day I get, My Father always fulfilled, Nature has and wisdom”. High School and the Don Bosco High & Technical Every day I want, seen...... 3. To all from Raman Gupta: “ Put the glasses of optimism and you will see a world School, Liluah. He caught attention in the Which is requisite to achieve, Emotional was the night when while crying I of potential”. in the 1997-98 season, and rose to prominence for Positive guts to believe. was choked, Your sleep passed away as if someone had 4. From Rishab Raina to all: “ Develop success from failures. Discouragement and performing well for the Indian under-19s team in the Every day I feel alone, poked, MTN Youth World Cup in South Africa. He was a part Every day I pray failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success”. The fear in your eyes, I still try to recall, 5. To all from Mohini: “ Opportunities multiply as they are siezed”. of the Bengal team in the , in which they got to the semi-final. In 2000 to God, give me my aim, he was picked for the National Because of impressive performances in domestic was not any fear but your love above 6. From Monika Sharma to all: “ No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up With me in myself and a single level Shukla got a national call in 1999. He was controversially dropped in favour of all...... each morning and be thankful to God for what he has given to you”. name. Piercing was the moment when you slapped in the first Test he was selected to play, against Sri Lanka at Colombo Every day I desire, 7. To all from Anikait Gupta: “ God will not look you over for medals, degrees or in the Asian Test Championship, even after his name appeared in the 11-member on my face, Every day I aspire, diplomas but for scars”. squad flashed on the electronic scoreborad at the ground. He made his ODI debut I could feel your pain when your heart beat in a good memory and a flight , 8. From Raman Gupta to all: “ If we pin all our hopes on God, then we will not be against Sri Lanka on 22 March 1999 in Nagpur. His international career ended with- pace, pinned down by men”. out any major impact. He played his last ODI against West Indies in 1999. to soar my life really very high. You put your brave front; to ignore you were 9. To all from Saniya Salathia: “ You do not drown by falling into the river, but by He was by far the brightest performer as Bengal (captained by ) Every day I work, trying, staying submerged into it”. won its first in 2012. In the group stage match against Every day I strive, because your love: couldnot see me while crying...... 10. From Shriya Gupta to all: “ Be strong to accept the challenges of life. Don’t ask Jharkhand at , he scored 151* from 96 balls (16 fours, 8 sixes) to to make people happy around, You raised me up with all the dignity you have life , why me instead say try me”. chase down Jharkhand's score of 280/6 in just 38.1 overs. In the next match against To give my best in every around. Tripura at the Sports Complex, after being bowled out to only Every day I motivate, earned, 11. To all from Sanjay Dhar: “ True education teaches that life is larger than liveli- I am enriched with the morals from you I have hood. The end of knowledge is not gains in silver and gold jobs and careers but 198 in 49 overs, he took 4/37 to bowl out Tripura for just 168 in 37.4 overs. In the Every day I care, quarter final, he took 2/37 against Madhya Pradesh. He took the wicket of Punjab's learned, service and sacrifice”. Myself to keep going on, The lessons I have practised will help me highest scorer (66) in the semifinal. 12. From Rishika Raina to all: “ The difference between the impossible and the pos- Who cares for me and I move on remain true, sible lies in a person’s determination”. I'll keep on doing such every day, No matter what the situation but I will always 13. To all from Usha Raina: “ Laughter is the sun which drives the winter from the Identify the Player: Close to my aim I'll stay, be through...... human face” Its a matter of Gods blessing and This day when I am almost grown up, my hard work, Strong enough my hands to hold the cup, BEST MESSAGE God put me across or give me a I may not be Perfect but a promise do I make, Write a brief description jerk. You will always be respected like the fish do The award of rupees 200 for this week’s best message has gone to RAHUL Veenu Pandit, the lake...... BHAN R/o FLAT NO. 7, BLOCK NO:170, LANE 26, JAGTI COLONY, NAGRO- about him in 250 words. Nagrota, JAMMU. KULBHUSHAN GUPTA TA, JAMMU for the message “ If you want to make your dreams come true, TRUE FRIENDSHIP the first thing you have to do is wake up”. True friendship starts with desire, It is true that God makes pairs, Congrats. The prize money would be sent to you through money order Questions of this week: It is the one you can't hire. One can't see other's tears. 1. Name the left-arm spinner from Jharkhand, who was picked in 30-member probables Cut it Here It is sharp as edge of a knife, There is no entrance for lie, for T20 World Cup? Not so easy,it ends with life. For one's sake other can die. CIPHER—DECIPHER 2. For which team Dinesh Kaarthick played in (IPL) Season-6? Several promises are made , Friendship should be as strong as a 3. Who will lead New Zealand in the upcoming ODI Series against India? Life is little for their sake. metallic alloy, MESSAGE CHIT 4. Who was highest wicket-taker for J&K in the Ranji trophy quarterfinal match against Problems don't come with May God bless friends with every hap- Punjab at Vadodara in Gujarat? Name...... 5. Who is Dennis Lillee? solutions file, piness and joy. Address...... Answers of the last week: Happines lies in making the other Sahil Goonyal always smile. Muqaddas Higher Secondary ...... 1. Stuart Binny 2. KKR 3. Jacques Kallis 4. Parvez Rasool 5. Former New Zealand Fast Bowler. Only heart's voice is heard, Mendhar Message...... The best entry of this week was received from Vishal Singh, Gole Gujral Joys and Sorrows should be ...... Camp, Talab Tilloo, Jammu. shared. e-mail: [email protected] ...... The other entries of the week were from Sanjay Dhar, Lane-1, H No-3, Upper Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal, Jammu; Tushar Mahajan, H No 55 Lower Lax- Cut it Here mi Nagar Sarwal, Jammu; HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR MESSAGE Ravi Verma, Janipu, Jammu; Ramesh Singh Jasrotia, Kathua; Puneet @ Please do men tion pin code n umber of areas while sen din g your message Kumar, New Plot, Jammu; Dheeraj Sharma, Patoli Brahmana, Jammu and To My loving son Ricky Kaul. May God to EXCELSIOR. Sandeep Singh, Police Lines, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. @ Your message must reach us by Friday even in g. Dear Contestants, please send your reply within five days to:- bless you with showers of happiness in @ To sen d your message, use CIPHER-DECIPHER message chit. @ Your en tries should be brief an d origin al. We use those messages devoid of SPORTS SPHERE, DAILY EXCELSIOR your whole life. hurtin g the sen timen ts of the people. C/O EXCELSIOR HOUSE, JANIPUR, JAMMU. PIN 180007 @ Out of the messages we receive, one of the message is selected for the From : Dada Ji & Dadi Ji award. Or through e-mail: [email protected] Ricky Kaul HARESH SINGH — RAJESH DHAR Edited by: Neeraj Rohmetra, E-mail: [email protected]