Opportunity for Ah Children in Missouri. Historical Development Of

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Opportunity for Ah Children in Missouri. Historical Development Of DOCUMENT RESUME ED 026 171 RC 003 077 School District Organization for Missouri, A Plan to Provide Equal Access to Educational Opportunity for all Children. Report of the Missouri School District Reorganization Commission. Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Coll. of Education. Spons Agency-Missouri School District Reorganization Commission, Jefferson City. Pub Date Nov 68 Note-162p. Available from-Chairman, Missouri School District Reorganization Comm., Room 300, State Capitol Building, Jef ferson City, Missouri 65101 EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$8.20 Descriptors -*AdministrativeOrganization,Development,Educational Improvement, EducationalNeeds, *Educational Planning, Educational Programs, *Master Plans, Methods, Population Trends, Projects, R'egional Planning, Rural Education, School Districts, *School Redistricting, *Small Schools, State Legislation, Tables (Data) Identifiers-*Missouri Plans and procedures are described for providing equal access to- educational opportunity for aH children in Missouri. Historical development of school district organizationintheStateistraced.The needforfurtherschooldistrict reorganization is examined, and methods of achieving effective organization are evaluated. A recommended statewide plan, known as the Domian plan, is outlined .(-..r reorganization, including the formation of regional school districts and local schoo! units. Numerous tables and maps add significance to the discussion. (SW) T, , , I-, -1,-. A6 -*-[1:16; , *E. V701." o,,1-LB4i969 ti...i Iti .7c=1 School District Organization for Missouri The Report of the Missouri School District Reorganization Commission November, 1968 EDUCATION & WELFARE U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH. OFFICE Of EDUCATION REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDIRON THE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN ORIGINATING II. POINTS OfVIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATION REPRESENT OFFICIAL OffICE OfEDUCATION STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY POSITION OR POLICY. SCHOOL DISTRICTORGANIZATION FOR MISSOURI A PLAN TO PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS TO EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL CHILDREN The Report of the Missouri School District Reorganization Commission Professional Consultants Bureau of Field Studies and Surveys University of Minnesota November, 1968 As long as the supply lasts, additional single copies of this Report are available upon request from: James I. Spainhower, Chairman, Missouri School District Reorganization Commission Room 300, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 UNIVERSITY774in-next-a, a COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF FIELD STUDIES AND SURVEYS MINNEArOLIS,MINNESOTA 55455 October 15, 1968 Mr. James I. Spainhower Chairman, Missouri School District Reorganization Commission Marshall, Missouri Dear Mr. Spainhower: The Bureau of Field Studies andSurveys is pleased to submit to you and the othermembers of the Missouri SchoolDistrict Reorganiza- tion Commission the report,School District Organization forMissouri. This report has been prepared incompliance with a contract executed by the Missouri School DistrictReorganization Commission and the Regents of the University ofMinnesota. The report describes the planand procedure of the reorganiza- tion project and traces thedevelopment of school district organiza- tion in Missouri. It examines the need forfurther school district reorganization in the state, evaluatesthe methods of achieving effective school district organization,and presents a recommended statewide plan for school districtreorganization. In presenting this report, thestaff of the Bureau expresses its sincere appreciation forthe excellent cooperationreceived from the members of the Commissionand the Advisory Committee. Special thanks are extended toHubert Wheeler, Commissionerof Education, and members of hisstaff. The records of the State Department of Education werealways made readily availableand the staff members were most helpfulin providing supplementalinforma- all data tion. The various state agenciesand departments supplied requested. Superintendents, school personnel,board members, and citizens from every district inthe state participated inthe project. not have been Without that wholeheartedcooperation this report could prepared. It has indeed been a privilegeto participate in this significant statewide project. Sincerely yours, Otto E. Domian, Director Bureau of Field Studiesand Surveys TELEPHONE 636-3650 Maioaid Schoolithdc tawortaaigation Puiect ROOM B-36 STATE CAPITOL JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65101 SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION PROJECT DIRECTOR COMMISSION OTTO E. DOMIAN CHAIRMAN BUREAU OF FIELD STUDI SPAINHOWER. JAMES I. AND SURVEYS 516 SOUTH DRIVE, MARSHALL, MO. 65340 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOT HOME AND OFFICE: GA 6-2436 AREA CODE 816 VICE CHAIRMAN KELLEY. CHARLES DAYTON November 15, 1968 GOWER, MO. HOME: 424-6315 OFFICE: MO 7-531610(5T. JOSEPH) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL AREA CODE 816 SECRETARY The Honorable Warren E. Hearnes MOLLER. MRS. GLENN Governor of Missouri 298 ELM AVE., GLENDALE, MO. 63122 HOME: YO 6-4167 The Members of the Seventy-Fifth General Assembly AREA CODE 314 The Members of the State Board of Education CONNER. WILLIS DEXTER, MO. Gentlemen: HOME: MA 4-4527 OFFICE: 4-3235 AREA CODE 314 Since its organizational meeting on October 9, 1967, the Missouri School District CONWAY, SCOTT J. Reorganization Commission has been extremely involved in making an exhaustive study MONROE CITY, MO. of Missouri's public school district structure. HOME: RE 5-2633 OFFICE: RE 5-4555 AREA CODE314 The Commission has been ably guided in its endeavors by Dr. Otto Domian of the HURT, JAMES E. JR. University of Minnesota and his staff. Literally hundreds of persons have assisted in 3000 EASTON AVE., ST. LOUIS, MO. providing information, attending hearings, and filling out questionnaires. To all who have HOME: VO 2-0,158 OFFICE:01 2-5633 in any maxmer contributed to the completion of this study, the Commission is most AREA CODE 314 grateful. MINER, LAWRENCE 112NORTH COLLEGE, WEBB CITY, MO. The Commission firmly believes that the recommendations contained in this report HOME: OR 3-4066 OFFICE: OR 34136 provide sound guidance for the members of the General Assembly, the State Board of AREA CODE 417 Education, and the school patrons of Missouri as they wrestle with the admittedly VANLANDINGHAM, A. BASEY sensitive problem of how better to structure the state's school districts. BOX 711, COLUMBIA, MO. HOME: 442-4389 OFFICE: 443-3424 Because of the special problems of the two large metropolitan areas, the Commission AREA CODE 314 has prepared a more detailed outline of its recommendations relative to the educational VANOSDOL, PAUL JR. structure for the public schools in the Kansas City and St. Louis areas. This information 1212 FAIRFAX BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO. will furnished to the State Department of Education and will be available for distribution. HOME: DE 3-4016 OFFICE: HA 1-0642 AREA CODE 816 Every day the need grows more urgent, in nearly every area of Missouri, for a modern school district structure capable of functioning effectively and efficiently in today's world. In the light of this need, the Commission strongly urges the General Assembly to move with all deliberate speed to enact meaningful reorganization legislation. An old saying conveys very adequately how the Commission feels about its work and report: "They gathered the sticks, and kindled the fire, and left it burning." This the Commission has done. Now we trust that others who share our concern for the provision of equal access to educational opportunity for all children will keep the fire burning. Sincere, sinet.4./>._ - James I. Spainh wer, Chairman Missouri School District Reorganization Commission 111 MISSOURI SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION COMMISSION James I. Spainhower, Chairman Marshall State Representative and Chairman, House Education Committee Charles Dayton Kelley, Vice Chairman Gower Elementary Principal, St. Joseph Mrs. Glenn Moller, Secretary Glendale Co-Chairman, 1966 Governor's Conference on Education Willis Conner, Member Dexter Real Estate Broker Scott J. Conway, Member Monroe City Merchant James E. Hurt, Jr., Member St Louis President, St. Louis Board of Education Lawrence Miner, Member Webb City Superintendent, Webb City Public Schools A. Basey Vanlandingham, Member Columbia State Senator and Chairman, Senate Education Committee Paul Van Osdol, Jr., Member Kansas City Attorney-at-Law, Terrell, Van Osdol, and Magruder, Attorneys MEMBERS OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE Edwin R. Bailey, Professor William C. Kottmeyer University of Missouri at Kansas City Superintendent of Schools St. Louis City Dr. Paul H. Bowman, Executive Director Galen E. Lankford Institute for Community Studies Superintendent of Schools Kansas City Monroe City Warren M. Brown, Superintendent Daniel U. Levine, Professor Ferguson-Florrisant School District University of Missouri at Kansas City St. Louis County Mrs. Elizabeth Burnett Arthur L. Mallory, President Superintendent of Schools, Chariton County Southwest Missouri State College Keytesville Springfield Joseph P. Cosand, President John R. Neal, President, Board of Education Metropolitan Junior College District Chillicothe St. Louis Merrimon Cuninggim, President Herbert Schooling, Dean of Faculties Danforth Foundation University of Missouri St. Louis Columbia John Ervin, Professor Ralph Scott Washington University Superintendent of Schools St. Louis Monett Thurston Hill Robert Wheeler Superintendent of Schools Assistant Superintendent of Schools D exter Kansas City Everett Keith, Executive Secretary Missouri State Teachers Association Columbia iv , 4.11. THE PROJECT STAFF ACADEMIC
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