A YEAR IN THE SERVICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH P. 02 Design/realisation: of and Communications Dialogue Social Coordination: François Bourdillon Managing Editor: www.santepubliquefrance.fr 67 00 79 144 (0) 33 Tel.: 94415 Saint-Maurice Cedex d’Osne Val du 12 rue Published by Santé publique France Department Department


———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ rc Audras /Éric © PhotoAlto © ©  /Signatures Choquer © Luc © Chapuis © Arnaud /Maskot © GettyImages © Photo credits: Photo © oiiu Leroux Dominique Imagesinair Guillaume Clément Shutterstock / /Cultura Brookes Andrew GraphicObsession

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PAGE 31 PAGE Citizen Consultation 30 PAGE andOffice InternationalScientific CONTENTS 24 PAGE Crises Health to Responding and Programmes and Promotion Prevention Health Implementing TAKE ACTION 16 PAGE Strategies Intervention Designing and Improving Knowledge UNDERSTAND 10 PAGE Authorities to Public Information Decision-Making Providing and Risks Health Detecting ANTICIPATE 08 PAGE France publique Santé of Creation 06 PAGE Organization 04 PAGE Director Managing the and Directors of Board the of Chairman the of Views Converging 03 PAGE Foreword © /Withgod © Shutterstock /Zebrik © Shutterstock /AzmanL © GettyImages /Fuse Dittrich /Susanne © Thinkstock © © creative /Arena © Shutterstock /Fotolia © Mrfiza Noskowski /Maciej © GettyImages Thinkstock Ilona75 hita Muëller Christian

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ISBN: 979-10-289-0359-6 ISBN: ISSN: pending

By merging theBy Institut deveille sanitaire [French Institute for Public Health Surveillance] Institute for health prevention and education] (Inpes), the Établissement de préparation IN THE SERVICE OF PUBLIC et deréponse aux urgences sanitaires [Health and Response Preparedness Emergency “Understanding”, and “Taking Action”— is designed to the highlights of the agency’s (InVS), the Institut national de prévention et d’éducation santé la pour [French National Agency] (Eprus),and the public interest group Addictions Drogues Alcool Info Service to create this national public health for agency, all. health which provides services [Drug and Alcohol[Drug Addiction has created Information (Adalis), the Agency Service] first year whilein operation, first illustratingof our themissions, thebreadth diversity This annual report, which is based on three overall objectives— “Anticipating”, on three which is objectives— based overall This annual report, the conditions functions. for acontinuum various and its divisions its between Santé France publique AN EXPERT AGENCY AGENCY EXPERT AN of our scope of intervention, of our and the teams. expertise ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ HEALTH NEEDS NEEDS HEALTH was founded on was 1May 2016. covered along way What ———————— FOREWORD ———————— FOREWORD ————————

P. 03 03 P. P. P. 05

(National (National before teams strive to promote After this first year of operation, B.: F. Assembly) on the subject of burn-out; five-yeara programme. thereforeWe need to continue working on efficiency, rigorous more implementing by procedures, from decision to action, and by better coordinating our approaches, particularly event of the in a crisis. Relationships at the local-level, as close to the issues as possible, deploymentthe long-term of initiatives, the corrective evaluation of our interventions, evidence- use of the and based data are guiding our thinking and represent key issues that will enable us to build on encouraging initial results which show France publique that Santé marketing operation; measurement the of air pollution’s impact; the publication cancer survivalof reports; hearing the France publique of Santé the Nationale Assemblée the considerablemobilization of the Reserve,Health particularly deal to with the consequences of the attacks; and consolidationthe remote-assistance of systems. fulfil To their entrusted missions as effectively aspossible, the Santé France publique healthier living environments daily a on basis. What work, tools, and optimizations does the Agency still need to better its objectives?achieve it is important adopt to medium-term a vision therefore and multi-year a strategy: we must rise to thechallenge of has established itself as a major player in our public health system. constant mobilization of teams: the Zika virus anti-smoking the epidemic; campaign with the launch of No Smoking Month; a first large-scale social


, MANAGING , DIRECTOR The Board of Directors sets the Obviously the Agency’s L. C.: B.: F. a perfect illustration of this. We mobilized local and national our all epidemiological resources organize surveillance, to including the monitoring of newborns; we devised prevention messages and targeted recommendations; and we supported the healthcare system by marshalling Reserve Health the (reinforcements midwives, of paediatric nurses, laboratory and technicians). In terms of governance, what is the Board its actions does how and Directors’ role of relate to those of the other three bodies (p. 06)? agency’s policy guidelines, thereby acting as its deliberation and decision-making body. Their meetings initial laid the France publique foundations Santé for operations showed and investment the in fact, abilityin their for anticipated highly to shed light on decisions made by the Board of Directors. highlights the be to consider you What do of 2016? inauguration on 1 May 2016, after two years in the making. But, throughout the many year, themes have required the of the administrators, irrespective of their background. During board meetings, discussions are always focused on Santé publique France’s missions, anticipation, understanding, action. and WAS A YEAR“2016 MAJOR OF MOBILIZATION ZIKA THE ISSUES, INCLUDING NUMEROUS ON VIRUS EPIDEMIC.” FRANÇOIS BOURDILLON Within framework, this new the participation association of discussions. fuelling is representatives The relationships board’s with the Scientific Board,Ethics the and Deontology Committee, and the Committee for Orientation and Dialogue with Society are very positive and were

’s strength ’s

———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— 4 REACTIVITY INNOVATION Obviously, the first impact was Santé publique France publique Santé AND SUSTAINABILITY AND FOUNDING VALUES FOUNDING B.: F. B.: F. PUBLIC INTEREST ADVOCACY INTEREST PUBLIC POPULATION HEALTH EQUITY this transformation?this felt by the staff, who have had to adjust their working methods and adapt to new organization,a although they quickly recognized the new possibilities offered by our extended scope of expertise. However, the impact has also been clearly visible externally, and the first health crises we have had to face have proven our effectiveness. Our commitment to Zika virusthe epidemic, instance, for is What have been the main advantages of merging the four agencies? objectivesthe challenges and faced, within collaborative a strategic approach. by mergingOnly these organizations could their functions be opened up, their information circuits be streamlined, and their interactions become more fluid. We have made significant necessary headway, but continued progress is needed if we are to bring our ambitious plans to full fruition. The potential is theredefinitely professionalism the and of our highly motivated staff is serving our objectives well. With substantial this work under our belt—although it must be said we did not start from scratch, the foundations were already there—we are now embarking on an improved consolidation and structuring phase. impacts initial of the What were lies in having access to all the essential functions public for health interventions, from diagnosis to response, and in being able to coordinate and adapt them to

Lionel Collet: The Collet: Lionel results are undeniably positive. The functional and geographic three merging the agencies of and the public interest group Adalis contributed to the development of synergiesanticipated between vigilance, prevention, health emergency and activities to improve public health. The publication epidemiological of studies and deploymentthe extensive of prevention campaigns—in particular, Smoking No Month (see p. 28) and the information initiative on new HIV prevention strategies (see p. 29)—have quickly given the Agency visibility.optimal While prevention remains a health policy priority in both France large other and countries, Santé publique France now appears to be critical to the successful completion of ambitious projects in this area. This positive outcome was achieved thanks to the commitment Santé the and management team the of publique France staff who we would like to greet and thank forall their hard work. the implementation of an integrated programme that not only allows the Agency’s various divisions to work effectively in synergy, but also gives our activities greater visibility. One of our first tasks was to prove that the continuum brought efficiency gains, and I think it is safe to say that this objective has been achieved. alert and response. This first year saw ’S CREATION,’S FRANÇOIS BOURDILLON, ’s first’s year of existence? LIONEL COLLET FRANÇOISLIONEL AND BOURDILLON. François Bourdillon: The Bourdillon: François creation of Santé publique Santé evaluate you would How France the new public body enabled our country to establish, like all industrialized countries, public national a health agency which is competent in all areas, including health prevention and promotion, , monitoring surveillance,and health emergency and







cio jac A Corse g trasbour - enne S n ’s scope’s ofintervention. Cay lpes Guyane y r c n a Besanço Cellules d’intervention en région [Cire] N 15 CIRE HealthcareRegional Monitoring Units ( are tasked with evaluating regional signals, alerting, investigating, and contributing to the development of prevention and control measures; creating, coordinating mobilizing and networks regional surveillance health of partners; developing and managing regionalized surveillance systems; and providing the Regional Health Agency with operational, available, reactive and scientific expertise publique Santé within France d’Azu

e lpes yon rovence-A é L P Côt rand Est G ergne- v u A Rhône-A e ijon he-Comt D d ranc ourgogne- ranc ellier p F B t e -de-F t-Ferran ort Mon e F ranc Y lermon C ranc M

É L É s H anie TIN T t R le-de-F Hauts-de-F Î Loire Orléan BAR Antilles Occi - -MA de T T S S al aine Rouen re-V louse e quit u r t o i A T Cent Poitiers e-à-P elle- oint Normandie P eaux Nouv d Loire Bor la tes n a ys de N a s P e ———————— ———————— ORGANIZATION ———————— Mamoudzou Renn agne ret B Océan Indien SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE PUBLIQUE SANTÉ -Denis Headquarters Remote Sites Headquarters aint TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH REGIONAL AND THE AGENCIES La Réunion S Regional Health Agencies (RHA) Santé publique France – Headquarters (Saint-Maurice) Santé publique France – Units (Cire) Regional Healthcare Monitoring Agences régionales de santé (ARS) ———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I RAPPORT ANNUEL 2016————————

Facility Human Division Division Division Division Systems Information Ressources and Archivesand Management Management Documentation Purchasing and and Purchasing Finance Division*Finance * This Division was created following a decision of the Board of Directors on 2 June and 2017, gathers previous divisions the for Procurement and Expense Control, Budget Programming, and Control. Management

Occupational Health DivisionHealth Office Scientific Alert and Legal Unit Quality, Risk Crisis Division Society Division Communication and International International and Management and and Management and Dialogue with Dialogue and Environmental Health DivisionHealth

Division Support to the Public and Disseminationand EXECUTIVE



Promotion Promotion

and Preventionand

Diseases and and Diseases Trauma Division Trauma Non-Communicable for applications is issued and an declarations the analysis of of public interest is performed. ScientificMembers the Board, of Professional Ethics and the Conduct Committee, the and Advisory Committee Dialogue and are appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directorsfor a period years, four of renewable after validation of the list of members by the BD itself. The Advisory and Dialogue Committee (ADC) The ADC has four missions: contribute to the quality of the agency’s actions, optimize its communication methods (specifically in the event of a health crisis), rank its priorities in the various areas of activity, and participate in debates on public health issues. For each of these bodies, a call ———————— ORGANIZATION———————— ————————


CONDUCT COMMITTEE, AND THE ADVISORY AND DIALOGUE COMMITTEE. 15 Cire The Scientific Board (SB) Its 27 members are tasked with giving opinions on the Agency’s policies, in terms of research, expertise, programming, and scientific partnerships. SB The also participates drafting in European public and national policies.health the conflict of interest prevention the by policy, implemented Agency, and to the evaluation of staffthe independence system, which comes into play when themselves express employees public events,at particularly in private businesses, professional unions, learned societies, etc. its missions. The Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee (EPCC) Composed of 7 members, this committee contributes to The Board of Directors (BD) Composed of 28 members State (including nine representatives), for appointed years,four renewable the once, BD is responsible for determining the Agency’s major strategic guidelines, its activity programme, financial and human the and resources needed to carry out THE BOARD DIRECTORS, OF THE SCIENTIFIC BOARD, THE ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL Monitoring Units] Monitoring

Regions DivisionRegions

[Regional Healthcare [Regional

Coordination P. 06 P. P. 08 O Santé publique France Health announced the creation of the creation Health announced capable of carrying out the Ministry of of Ministry the out carrying of capable size” critical “sufficient of agency an with ( Eprus InVS (the agencies three merging agency, health a national public Adalis ) and one public interest group group interest public one ) and ). The objective was to equip France France toequip was objective The ). SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE PUBLIQUE SANTÉ the Minister of Social Affairs and the Affairs Minister of Social 2013, September in presented the National Health Strategy with line in 2014, n 19 June A CONTINUUM APPROACH AND ONE PUBLIC INTEREST GROUP, INVOLVING THE FOLLOWING KEY STEPS. STEPS. GROUP, KEY INTEREST FOLLOWING THE ONE INVOLVING PUBLIC AND THE CREATION OF THE NEW NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY REQUIRED AGENCY HEALTH PUBLIC NATIONAL NEW OFTHE CREATION THE headquarters, in Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne Saint-Maurice, in headquarters, AN INTENSE CONVERGENCE PROCESS BETWEEN THE THREE AGENCIES AGENCIES THREE THE BETWEEN PROCESS CONVERGENCE INTENSE AN ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ , the Inpes , the

, and the the , and


led by the Deputy Managing Director, and and Director, Managing Deputy the by led team”, a“project of up made comitology, aclose-knit established Bourdillon François appointed, was he as soon As A PREPARATORY COMITOLOGY newly created agency. agency. created newly this lead and for toprepare appointed officially was Bourdillon François 2014, In September Health’s policies. public

agency, specifying the resource pooling, pooling, resource the specifying agency, new the of principles operating key the to elaborate analyses out carried groups “the Director; Managing Deputy Mettendorff, situation” existing the evaluating “After todiscussions. respect with contribution staff maximum promote to created were groups working thematic fifteen process, the of beginning very the From himself. Bourdillon François by chaired Committee, Executive a Project

, explains Martial Martial , explains :

to the Minister on 2 June 2015. 2015. 2 June on Minister to the submitted he which report, preliminary his todevelop groups working these by written reports the used Bourdillon François values.” shared and coherence overall and integrationssynergies, needed to create management reform (which required required (which reform management budget and accounting public the by raised difficulties the despite role, adecisive played and convergence in this operational participated etc.—actively Division, Human Resources Division, Control and Planning Budget Division, Systems functions—Information created.” support The was it once agency, new to the transition their for to prepare and operating conditions at the three agencies, implementedwere to maintain normal projects 2015. as Seventeen early as agency new the for plan convergence operational an to develop functions support with collaborate to necessary was “it Mettendorff, Martial managementdifferent rules” areas,geographical and governed by different four in located were Adalis group establishments and the public interest three the “since Moreover, p. 06). (see Directors of Board the including bodies, agency’s the of configuration the through implemented also was convergence programme, this toestablishing addition In IMPLEMENTATIONCONVERGENCE expertise. while developing theapproach, agency’s a continuum within activities prevention integrate tobetter is mechanisms steering these of aim The others. several by and assisted department aby functional led is program each objectives, operational established the To achieve approach. ofthe implementation a multi-disciplinary in resulted and identity ashared create helped milestone key This areas. strategic five involving 28 programmes on based programme, annual 2016 agency’s new the create helped work collective Further MECHANISMS STEERING ITS AND PROGRAMME A COMMON ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ , explains , explains


PUBLIC POLICIES. PUBLIC THE MINISTRY’S OUT OFCAPABLE CARRYING AGENCY AN OF “SUFFICIENT SIZE”,WITH CRITICAL TO EQUIP WAS THE OBJECTIVE FRANCE interruption throughout the entire process. the entire process. throughout interruption without activities service their public out tocarry continuing while process, this to themselves committed teams the All DIALOGUE SOCIAL UNINTERRUPTED implementation). its enabling software new of deployment the pending adaptations of a number FIVE STRATEGIC AREAS STRATEGIC FIVE PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES 28 INVOLVING INVOLVING

staff-related functions and rules.” a second agreement related to organizing then method, anegotiation to determine large-scale restaurant facilities. restaurant large-scale renovated its with building permanent new, totheir move will 2019,In teams the 2017. February by together tobe teams all enabled it as solution, economical most fastest, the was This 2018). late in completed be will building new (the period construction entire the during used to be buildings modular install and facility, new a tobuild made was decision the Finally, hospital. the within set-up a provisional for specifically out, carried were studies feasibility in several Saint-Maurice, together merged be would bodies three the theOnce that Minister had announced PREMISES THE OF ISSUE HIS “We signed “We an initialDirector. agreement onset” the from unions the all with negotiations held “We dialogue, tosocial regard With , explains the Deputy Managing Managing Deputy the , explains

P. 09 P. P. 10




It will be organized around three pillars: specializeda mesothelioma register within restricteda area, identification unique a portal to better detect cases of mesothelioma and improve knowledge pertaining to asbestos exposure, and, continued practice the finally, of mandatory notification. In the2016, agency finalized its recommendation reports on futurethe mesothelioma surveillance system (DNSM) and made plans to deploy the surveys in two regions that were not previously covered: Hauts-de-France Île-de-France.and and will be overseen by the agency.

), and ) was defined PNSM DNSM , experts from the [National Mesothelioma [National [National Mesothelioma [National also be taken into account, especially the populations exposure of environmental living near former industrial sites, where asbestos was once used, and exposure resulting from handiwork activities. After a year of discussions (2015) between France publique Santé Programme national de surveillance du mésothéliome Surveillance Programme] ( various key players, the structure for the Dispositiffuture national de surveillance des mésothéliomes Surveillance System] ( ———————— ANTICIPATE———————— ———————— ———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OVERHAUL SURVEILLANCE NATIONAL THE THE OF SYSTEM MESOTHELIOMASFOR AND ASBESTOS EXPOSURE → epidemiologicalThe surveillance of increasingly become mesotheliomas has complex since 1998; it was therefore necessary unify, modernize, to and surveillance national the optimize mechanism mesotheliomas. for Moreover, the asbestos problem has evolved with exposure shifting from occupational industries that process and use asbestos towards those that demolish buildings which contain asbestos or process materials.contaminated Other situations likely to leadasbestos to exposure must

launched a of Health and published by an Order dated The7 March current 2017. network’s mandate will cover the period from 1 April to 31 March 2017 2022. The list of these themes or groups of microorganisms, which are considered all public health priorities, regularly is updated to meet public healthneeds. This network is renewed every five years so it can be tailored to any changes in the epidemiology infectiousof diseases France. in France publique In 2016, Santé call for applications to renew this network; it assessed the applicants’ files with the help of its NRC Committee and selected 44 NRCs representing a total of 75 laboratories. The list of new NRCs was submitted by the agency to the Ministry


microbiological expertise to monitor infectious diseases in human health. Financed, organized, coordinated and by the agency, this network is made up of very high-level laboratories, each specializing in a theme or group of specific microorganisms: viruses that cause respiratory infections, including influenza, arboviruses, sexually transmitted infections, measles, mumps and rubella viruses, infectioustransfusion risks, resistance, antibiotic etc. CALL APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL OF THE NATIONAL REFERENCE CENTRES NETWORK → Centres (NRCs) Reference National The for the control of communicable diseases are laboratories that provide Santé France publique ———————— ANTICIPATE———————— ————————

by postal form and

———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— clinicians biologists and were INFECTIOUS INFECTIOUS DISEASES

the Ministrythe Health, associations, the of Board French National the Physicians. of the Regional Health Agencies Health Regional the the and clinicians and biologists who drew up the specifications. The steering committee is made up of representatives from All stakeholders were involved in this project’s implementation, including until now to complete a Cerfa send France publique it to Santé mail. In April 2016 a digital platform called e-DO went live, creating a simplified reporting process using an online form. Currently, it can only be used to report HIV-AIDS, but other diseases are gradually being integrated, the next being tuberculosis. Whenever any of the thirty or so diseases are (MN) notifiable mandatorily diagnosed, GOES ONLINE → THE MANDATORY REPORTINGE-DO PLATFORM DIGITAL P. 12 P. P. 15

Santé publique France publique Santé A portion of this stock is centrally located Platform National the at Strategic of Health Stocks (PN3S), which has been fully operational since April 2016. medico-pharmaceuticalRegionally, allocations health stations) (mobile are stored in 120 mainstay health facilities, are usedand locally health exceptional for situations. shared A information system was developed to optimize tactical resources inventory and management, and ensure the visibility of the Health Agency-/Regional Health Agency/ an expert committee amended mobile health station requirements to include health situationsexceptional (collective attacks), and proposed the creation paediatricof health stations further to improve victims. treatment the of Directorate-General. addition, In

the strategic the reserves ’S


SANTÉ PUBLIQUE PUBLIQUE SANTÉ FRANCE → On behalf of the government, Santé Pharmaceutical France’s publique Agency manages of health products required to protect the population in the event of a serious health threats. Such reserves include masks, antivirals, antidotes, vaccines.and The agency purchases, imports, and stores health products for exportation and distribution, to be heath exceptional event of used the in involving epidemics, natural situations disasters, or terrorist attacks. In 2016, the Zika virus epidemic required the purchase equipment, of including respirators and ultrasound scanners, warrantedand deployment the of preventive organizing ten in antidotes EuropeanUEFA Championship cities. ANTICIPATION ANTICIPATION OF HEALTH CRISES 2016 Health Barometer, by means of a self-testing kit sent to their homes. The blood sample (on blotting paper) was then sent by postal mail to partner laboratories; the latter performed the tests and provided the results. This initiative was implemented to estimate the feasibility acceptability and testing this of general the method in population, prevalencethe these of three infections general the in population, the and proportion of people who are unaware seropositive their of status. PHARMACEUTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL AGENCY ———————— ANTICIPATE———————— ————————

———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— whose objectives are


vector-borne diseases, specificallyLyme disease, chikungunya, dengue fever; and vaccinations, particularly with respect to the population’s vaccine adherence, perception of specific vaccines, and the diseases they help to prevent, hesitancy vaccine and data; sexual health, particularly sexual and preventive behaviours adopted at different stages life, contraception, of unplannedand pregnancies; hepatitisand B & C HIV testing, particularly circumstances and dates the of these tests and knowledge of/interest in the HIV self-test. SURVEY HEALTH 2016 THE BAROMETER BAROTEST AND → The Health Barometer is a system of periodic surveys to gain a better understanding of French behaviours opinions and pertaining to health,and to monitor these indicators over time. For the 2016 edition, 15,216 telephone interviews were conducted between January and August, among people to 75 years 15 of age living in metropolitan France. All collected data is currently being analysed. The main themes addressed Health by this Barometer were: –   – –  – –  A biological component called the “Barotest” was used for the first time in conjunction with Barometer. Health the Combined hepatitis B, C and HIV testing was offered to all adults interviewed in the

CIVILIANS AS OF PART 190 THE IMPACT STUDY STUDY IMPACT THE WERE INTERVIEWED AND 232 RESPONDERS and hospitaland services mailing and campaigns targeting local residents. This questionnaire was completed by 1,400 respondents who are undergoing treatment. A third study is under way following attack. Nice the mainly notified by their chain of command, while civilians were informed by the media, various victim support associations, were used to inform affected individuals about the survey. Responders were

with people who experienced these events—witnesses, police, health professionals, the bereaved, i.e. 190 civilians and 232 responders—to evaluate, with psychologists, their post-traumatic stress levels, identify individuals likely to develop serious but because the number of individuals affected by this event was much larger, face-to-face interviews would have been difficult. This survey was therefore carried out over the internet. A questionnaire was developed posted and online, guaranteeing maximum data security. Several channels mental healthmental problems, obtain and information pertaining care. their to The collected data was being analysed when the November 2015 attacks occurred. They gave rise to a second study, Novembre 13 ESPA (public health survey following the attacks November), of 13 ———————— ANTICIPATE———————— ————————

’s missions ’s siege therapeutic care and support provided to individuals involved in the attacks of January 2015 in Île-de-France) was launched. This initiative meeting involved ———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT————————

study (investigation into

Santé publique France AND CRISIS AND ALERT


P. 17 P. P. 19


. 11 October 2016 and questioned the agency’s representatives arrangements on epidemiologicalfor surveillance the and methodology that would be implemented. report, information The Commission’s published in February can be 2017, consulted on the websites of the France Parliament publique Santé and within the scope of mental health, but which are not considered illnesses in the reference classifications (e.g. burn-out): between 2007 and 2012, the prevalence of work-related psychological distress increased from among 2.3 women to 3.1% among to 1.4% and from men, 1.1 and the distribution of the disorders it encompasseshas changed, with a likely increase in the proportion of burn-out. Although work-related psychological distress is becoming increasingly prevalent among occupational diseases, it is not included in any occupational illness table recognized by the various social security schemes. In this context, the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Commission, which carried burn-out on mission informational an out in 2016, consulted France publique Santé

programme, in France, in with the support

has been running Pharmaceutical Agency. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL  the work-related diseases (WRD) surveillance programme (MCP – Maladies à caractère professionnel), in collaboration with Occupational the Health Inspectorate, since 2003. Work-related illness is defined as any illness (or symptom) that is considered by occupational physicians to be related to a person’s work, but is not recognized as an occupational illness by the social security schemes. The primary objective of this programme, which relies on a network of voluntary occupational physicians, is to describe and quantify WRDs including their associated occupational exposure factors. Since the creation of the MCP psychological distress has been the second most commonly reported pathologic group by occupational physicians after musculoskeletal disorders. programme, this In psychological distress covers psychiatric disorders as well as other problems falling EPIDEMIOLOGY BURN-OUT → Santé publique France of participants,of information systems, etc.), the involvement of all hospitals, associations, administrative and stakeholders enabled the system be to quickly adapted so that an appropriate and reactive response to public health alerts implemented. be could and the Hôpital Calais de of the HealthReserve and the Santé France publique Despite contextual constraints and difficulties highly (a variable migrant population, a multitude ———————— UNDERSTAND———————— ————————


), and


, in partnership in , with ———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— /Red Cross). Three epidemic REGIONS /Doctors of the World and the

the Permanences d’accès aux soins de santé [24-hour healthcare clinics] ( EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE HEALTH SURVEILLANCE MIGRANTOF POPULATIONS CALAISIN AND GRANDE-SYNTHE → Between January October 2016, and the number of migrants at the new camp in Calais“Jungle” tripled from 2,000 to 6,000. This situation led to a significant deterioration in living conditions, particularly in terms of access to drinking sanitation, care. and Followingwater, recommendationsthe given after camp the was visited by the inter-ministerial mission to evaluate health care, the Hauts-de-France Cire the Regional Health Agency, set up an epidemiological surveillance system in Calais for one year (November 2015-October 2016). The system was extended to Grande-Synthe in December 2015. Its objectives were to identify any signs of epidemic early, so as to facilitate rapid intervention, and to monitor target pathology trends, so as to adapt care accordingly. These measures have been supported by strengthenedthe system reporting for notifiable diseases to the Regional Health Agency, as well as the transmission of syndromic surveillance data by the EmergencyAccident and Departments, the health managed centers the by NGOs frontières sans Médecins (specifically Doctors without Borders, Médecins du monde Croix-Rouge measles. (H1N1), episodes—influenzaA pox—weredetected thus chicken and and required vaccination campaigns, organised by the Regional Health Agency, the NGOs,

shared its ). It also participated , was used to assess the extent ANSM (High Council for Public Health), this reputedly benign virus could cause neurological complications as such Guillain-Barré syndrome, and that itcould also be transmitted sexually (the virus Safety] ( international work,in particularly in cooperation with European the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). can remain active in sperm for six months) and not exclusively by mosquito bites. When the epidemic was reported in Guyana and the French West Indies Januaryin surveillance the 2016, system the agency had set up was operational. Collaboration with Reference National the Centre for arboviruses and its associated laboratories was close and constant so that surveillance methods could be adapted to knowledge about the virus (in particular its responsibility in cases seriousof foetal complications) and diagnosis tool development. Daily monitoring, performed by the Antilles- Guyana Cire dynamicand epidemic. the The of weekly epidemiologicalpublication the in data of bulletins guaranteed information that was shared with the population, as well as all partners involved epidemic. this fighting in Lastly, France publique Santé expertise on Zika virus in the working groups of the Haut Conseil de la santé publique as well as those set up by the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits Agency de National santé [French for Medicines and Health Products

Santé publique France publique Santé INFECTIOUS INFECTIOUS DISEASES

to conduct a joint assessment of cardiovascularwomen’s health based on worrying reports analyse and main the determinants, notably behavioural; to promote new preventive means and strategies adapted to women, e.g. multi-modal developmentthe a of communication system to promote physical activity or the “sport & health prescription” initiative an being tested Strasbourg;in to highlight the specificities of treatment women;for to encourage all stakeholders to address issue.this Thus, awareness-raising this day, targeting health all and preventionand healthcare providers and—through them—the general public, following objective: the had –  –  –  – the Zika virus—which was little known at the time—owing to its relationships with local public health services. of time the At firstthis French epidemic, major the Polynesian demonstrated teams that → Since 2013, after the epidemic that struck Polynesia, French EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE ZIKATHE VIRUS EPIDEMIC IN GUYANA FRENCH AND THE WEST INDIES has been preparing itself for the risk of

———————— UNDERSTAND———————— ————————

by This conference, which was held two months after the agency’s creation, foreshadowed the link that must be created between epidemiological surveillance prevention.and , in cooperation ———————— SANTÉ ———————— PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT———————— 14% respectively14% between NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND INJURIES Santé publique France publique Santé 20% and +

to raise women’s awareness. a life-long process, and health mobilized professionals be should with respect to symptoms, which are sometimes atypical, can lead to an underestimation severity, their of resulting diagnosis treatment and in delays. Nevertheless, prevention a strategy is achievable. It must be 2002 and 2013). Multiple causes are cited, individual behaviouralincluding changes and various risk factors (smoking, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, etc.) within the context of a major societal living conditions. women’s in change Furthermore, lack awareness a of with cardiologie de française the Fédération Cardiology] Federation of (FFC), [French conference wasthis scheduled following troublesome epidemiological developments concerning cardiovascular risk among women, particularly those under 65 years of age. Indeed, over the past decade, these women’s hospitalization rate has been steadily rising due to cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks strokes and (+ the Ministrythe Social of Affairs Health and and Co-organized on 10 March 2016 March Co-organized 10 on WOMEN AT THE HEART THE AT WOMEN OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISK → CONFERENCE P. 18 P. P. 20 perfluorinated compounds—awholehost ofperfluorinated thatdisruptors endocrine bisphenol phtalates, A, pesticides, dioxins, flame retardants, and environment: the in present pollutants organic tocertain exposure of level 1.  air. in and outdoor indoor particularly present, are other sources exposure, of source main the represents food while that show also results The women. pregnant all in almost levels atconcentration quantifiable measured were pollutants organic these that show Volume 1 of results The be carcinogenic. can of which some child, the of health the and pregnancy on repercussions have can environmental pollutants: the first, entitled Esteban1, entitled the thegeneral first, pollutants: covers environmental publique France Santé by out carried studies, two of implementation the on based is law, The resulting Programme, National from Biosurveillance → COMPONENT PROGRAMME’S PERINATAL OF THE BIOSURVEILLANCE PUBLICATION OF VOLUME 1 BIOSURVEILLANCE 2. French Longitudinal Study of Children. of Study Longitudinal French 2. Health study on the environment, biosurveillance, on biosurveillance, Health the study environment, physical activity, and nutrition. activity, physical 99.6 EXPOSED TOATEXPOSED LEAST OF THE SAMPLE WAS OF THE SAMPLE ENVIRONMENT ONE PHTALATE ONE , and aim to describe the population’s exposure to exposure population’s the todescribe aim , and ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ %

———————— UNDERSTAND ———————— ———————— UNDERSTAND

describe these women’s women’s these describe to delivery, of time the at taken samples, and serum urine touse is component perinatal Programme’s Biosurveillance National the of Volume 1 of objective The ELFE the in included 2011 are in and women who gave birth birth gave who women 4,145 pregnant of sample asub- covers second the and age, of 74 years 6to from population

2 cohort the Grenelle II Grenelle II the .

–  to two years’ life expectancy in the most polluted cities cities polluted most the in expectancy life years’ to two up lose can individual a30-year-old and rate), death French the of 9% (i.e. ayear 48,000 deaths for responsible are particles these study, tothe According pollution. air overall –  2.5 micrometres (PM 2.5 micrometres than smaller particles fine uses it data, “common” on Based centers). urban large in purely not (and France continental of 36,219 communes the on out carried Santé by publique France coordinated of the the scope airwithin and programme health This new evaluation quantitative of the health impact → POLLUTION AIR ASSOCIATED WITH OF THE IMPACT HEALTH QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION PUBLICATION OF THE STUDY diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases in France. diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, and respiratory cardiovascular cancers, in preventing role adecisive play would air the in levels matter particle decreasing that conclude study this of authors The months. nine of average an by expectancy life increase and –  if: gained be could that expectancy life in increase the and prevented be could that deaths of number the them, of each in to evaluate, order in studied were scenarios four work, this To support particles. tofine exposure daily of result the is impact health This areas. rural and cities small in months tonine up and scenarios reduce the number of deaths by up to 34,000 to34,000 up by deaths of number the reduce scenarios obtained results The indicate that the most ambitious –  regulation” (20 μg/m (20 regulation” PM the communes; polluted least the in is it as de l’environnement [Environmental Forum] (15 μg/m Forum] [Environmental l’environnement de PM the was respected; the PM the the PM the was respected; ENVIRONMENT 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 “target value recommended by European European by recommended value “target the by Grenelle recommended value to5%, equivalent was communes the all of level value recommended by WHO (10 μg/m WHO by recommended value

2.5 3 ) as a representative marker for for marker ) as a representative ) was respected. respected. ) was . It is the first study study first the is . It



3 falls falls )

from internal and external experts. experts. internal and external from France of Santé publique participation the active required soils and sites topolluted related 116 requests six years, over total, In –  –  –  missions at local level. local at missions health scope of the environmental defining on broadly, more and, areas industrial major around up surveillance health setting of feasibility the on held being are Discussions requests. tolocal response the toimprove tools and methods new designs Simultaneously, pollution. recent or to old exposed are workers and population the where sites, these of safety health the regulate tobetter contribute elicit investigations that these deliberations The –  on: information provides and performed was 2015 and 2010 between sites industrial and soils polluted around out carried of the investigations evaluation an Health, for General Directorate the of or its representatives. At the request population the from requests health Cire the through France publique Santé → SOILS AND SITES TO POLLUTED RELATED REQUESTS ON REPORT REPORT PROGRESS France Santé by publique taken actions the reported; diseases the and concerned populations the exposure; surrounding circumstances the pollutants; suspected the and the type of pollution, its origin, origin, its pollution, of type the ENVIRONMENT teams on site, as well as assistance assistance as well as site, on teams . , to local environmental environmental , tolocal Santé publique France ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ responds,

———————— UNDERSTAND ———————— ———————— UNDERSTAND situation. and family on their socio-economic information toprovide a questionnaire completed parents and nurses, school by measured were 5,000 children over of height and weight The bracket. age 7-9 year the from pupils of representative are that results toobtain order in areas, and non-priority priority between and spread departments metropolitan 96) the (of 90 of schools primary the in conducted was It 2007. in repeated and this survey 2016; in launched was 7-9-years ages schoolchildren overweight on survey the of edition third The → SCHOOLCHILDREN IN ON OVERWEIGHT NUTRITION: SURVEY SURVEY

DISEASES AND INJURIES AND DISEASES NON-COMMUNICABLE was first initiated in 2000, 2000, in initiated first was

with those of countries. those other European with results tocompare and steady, remaining or falling, rising, is curve obesity and overweight the whether to determine is analysis, undergoing currently is which study, this of challenge The countries. European fifteen approximately in bracket age same this within obesity childhood addresses which (COSI), Initiative Surveillance Obesity Childhood Office European WHO the of part was survey this editions, previous the Unlike Sweden. and Denmark, Switzerland, in noted been also had This bracket. age this for stabilized had rates obesity and overweight in increase the that shown had 2007 and 2000 in out carried surveys previous The

P. 21 P. P. 22 worrying trend. worrying extremely an indicating 6% 2013, in toover 2000 in women in deaths all of 3% from rising population, female the in doubled fact, in has, number This women. in sharply risen has it 2013, and 2000 between men in decreased slightly to have seems deaths smoking-related of number that year. France the metropolitan While in deaths recorded all of to 13% equating 2013, in consumption to tobacco attributed were deaths 73,000 Some 2013. and 2000 between evolution its and mortality of terms in population the on smoking of impact the evaluated 2016 in work agency’s the Indeed, established. were Santé by publique France implemented surveillance, for the epidemiological the guidelines which within the context is This 2024. by 20% tobelow smokers daily of proportion the decrease and years five over 10% by smokers of number the toreduce aimed programme This 2014. in programme reduction smoking the national launched authorities public death, and illness of cause aleading is smoking Since adults). and (adolescents smokers being population the of consumption rates, France has one of the tobacco highest countries, developed world’s the Among → SMOKING TO ATTRIBUTABLE RISK FACTORS SURVEILLANCE



———————— UNDERSTAND ———————— ———————— UNDERSTAND under which it occurred. occurred. it which under the circumstances about information any give it does nor injury, the of chronology the provide not does data this ( Deaths] of Causes on the Centre Medical [Epidemiological décès de médicales causes les sur Centre the d’épidémiologie by collected data mortality using out carried is deaths of these surveillance Epidemiological (80). injuries intentional and (250), injuries leisure and (120), home accidents road of victims are They deaths. injury-related 15 of from die age the under 450 children Each year in France, metropolitan → OFUNDER AGE 15 YEARS INJURY-RELATED DEATHS IN CHILDREN DETAILED ANALYSIS OF SURVEY


In 2009, the InVS the 2009, In routine phase in January 2016. January in phase routine its entered survey This populations. and circumstances to high-risk messages prevention toadapt order in avoided be can deaths these to which extent the toevaluate is objective The France. throughout age of 15 years under in children fatalities injury surrounding circumstances the detailed collect tosystematically decided was it 2015, in professionals, byhealth received and well conclusive both was survey this Because 76 children. of death accidental the to led had that circumstances the about doctors certifying from information tocollect was goal age”. of The 15 years under in children injuries leisure and tohome due “mortality on regions French three in survey a feasibility had conducted had conducted

cause of death. death. of cause possible only the was cancer studied the if observed is theoretically which and “net survival”, or another pathology), (cancer death of cause the of regardless diagnosis, after years several surviving people of proportion tothe refers which survival”, “observed reports: these in presented are indicators of Two types use. subsequent their and reports of production the in and participate work, partnership cancer du publique France and Santé analyses; out carries which de Civils of the Hospices department the biostatistics rates; survival estimate to data and expertise epidemiological provides which of registries, cancer four entities: between ofa the partnership result as malignancies) 16 haematological on other the tumours, 37 solid on (one theme tothis dedicated were reports two on cancer. policies health public In 2016, evaluate and toguide used indicators main the of one is survival of measure the Included in cancer plans, various → FRANCE IN METROPOLITAN PATIENTSCANCER OF REPORTS SURVIVAL EPIDEMIOLOGY DISEASES AND TRAUMA AND DISEASES NON-COMMUNICABLE Marc Maynadié Xavier Troussard Laurent Remontet Patricia Delafosse Nicolas Voirin Anne Cowppli-Bony Nadine Bossard Zoé Uhry Alain Monnereau Auteurs Synthèse Partie 2–Hémopathiesmalignes des cancersduréseauFrancim Étude àpartirdesregistres 1989-2013 métropolitaine cancer enFrance atteintes de des personnes Survie , which provide funding, optimize optimize funding, provide , which Francim Institut national national Institut the and FÉVRIER 2016

———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ , the French network network French , the disparities linked disparities Despite countries. different between orperiods different two between survival to compare used be can that indicator only the The latter is is latter The


———————— UNDERSTAND ———————— ———————— UNDERSTAND (SMR ratios 2010-2011, mortality standard calculated in repeated and to2009 2007 from implemented farmers, on study The Agricole Sociale Mutualité to the entrusted was implementation and its of Agriculture, the Ministry 2011 in by launched was It industry. farming the in suicide toprevent aplan of provided. also are post-diagnosis years fifteen at estimates survival time in France, the first For screening. through detection and earlier progress to therapeutic is attributable of cancers, the majority for that improvement, demonstrate studies two these of results the to age, gender, site, and the cancer population. This partnership is part is part partnership This population. member its for indicators rate mortality publique France Mutual Benefit Fund] ( Fund] Benefit Mutual Insurance Social Agricultural [Central agricole sociale mutualité la de centrale In collaboration → FARMERS AMONG SUICIDE EPIDEMIOLOGY affected, as were men 45-65 years of age. of 45-65 years men were as affected, most the were producers, milk and meat farmers, that male cattle appears it brackets, age the as well as sectors, for the the SMRs agricultural calculating 2011. and By 2007 in case the not was this of age, whereas similar population male general the of tothat compared significant is statistically ratio excess This 2010. and 2009 2008, in farmers male among tosuicide due ratio mortality HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL 1 ), revealing an excess excess an revealing ), generates regular suicide regular generates

Caisse Caisse the with CCMSA

), ), . Santé Santé

financially. two associations these supports Suicide Phénix Suicide representatives SOS and from Amitié SOS by handled are Calls distress. psychological from suffering are who those tohelp families, their as well as and employees), owners (farm workers industry farming for hotline a telephone CCMSA the areminder, As 2007. since industry the by agricultural suffered crisis economic tothe linked hardship, ofcoincides periods financial with rate mortality excess observed the that noted be nevertheless may it suicide, and occupation an between link a causal characteristics as French the population. general characteristics the mortality presented same population this if expected be would that deaths of number the by population agiven in observed deaths of number the dividing by obtained is SMR 1. The Although it is impossible to demonstrate todemonstrate impossible is it Although AMONG MALE FARMERS +20 THE GENERAL MALE MALE THE GENERAL SUICIDE MORTALITY IN FRANCE IN 2010.IN FRANCE WAS THE EXCESS RATE BY SUICIDE OF SIMILAR AGE SIMILAR OF COMPARED TO POPULATION . Santé publique France operates operates %

P. 23 P. P. 24


———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I RAPPORT D’ACTIVITÉ 2016 ———————— 2016 D’ACTIVITÉ RAPPORT I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ P. 25 P. P. 26 sequelae, etc. sequelae, defects, delayed malformations, new phenomena, including other any detect and children on impact to the epidemic’s determine health is objective The malformations. to congenital respect with surveillance epidemiological and postnatal Cire Antilles-Guyana the confirmed, formally not in was their children malformations and the of incidence women cerebral pregnant of infection the between link causal the While Guadeloupe). (in 2016 and in January Martinique) 2015 andDecember (in Guyana in Departments in the Overseas French emerged virus Zika the particular, in Brazil and America South hitting After → WOMEN PREGNANT FOR SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE A NEW INDIESIN THE FRENCH GUYANA: AND WEST EPIDEMIC VIRUS ZIKA MONITORING EPIDEMIOLOGICAL implemented specific antenatal implemented specific  THE ANTILLES-GUYANA – REGIONS ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ


———————— TAKE ACTION ———————— ACTION ———————— TAKE ultrasound centres—including centres—including ultrasound level 2 laboratories, analysis laboratories, sampling mobilized protocol This multi-disciplinary centres] ( multi-disciplinary diagnostic prénatal two “ by the Antilles-Guyana Cire Antilles-Guyana the by and processed then centralized data was collected The virus. Zika tothe dedicated teams research and neurologists, paediatric paediatricians, hospital Centres pluridisciplinaires de

” [Prenatal diagnosis diagnosis ” [Prenatal . CPDPN

)—, )—,

(approximately 2,800 people targeted) targeted) 2,800 people (approximately populations affected allowing mechanism a up set Agency Health Regional the Occitanie concerns, population tolocal To respond cadmium. and of arsenic, lead, levels contamination high very shown have de-Pallières La-Croix- and Carnoulès in sites mining conducted campaigns measurementEnvironmental impact → IN GARD LE SITES MININGFORMER AROUND STUDY LEVEL EXPOSURE POPULATION STUDY LEVEL EXPOSURE in 2017. in available be will study this of results The dust). and tosoil respect (with taken at home measures environmental as well as habits, lifestyle and eating on their questionnaires with participants provided agency the To end, this it. toprotect recommendations formulate to and exposure of modes population’s the understand tobetter study Santé publique France measurements, biological on these Based detected. poisoning were lead of cases no soils, the in lead of high levels contamination Despite levels. cadmium higher had 13% whereas population, in the general established value reference tothe compared as in their bodies levels had higher arsenic of participants indicate that 22% results 15. of Initial age the under 87 children including 651 volunteers, on taken were measurements Exposure bodies. their in substances these of level the out to find  OCCITANIE – REGION CIRE conducted a conducted on former on former

hospitals after Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane after hospitals Haitian two supported and temporarily centers, reception in migrants’ a epidemic meningitis in following , campaigns the exceptional vaccination during support provided it Furthermore, attack. the following Nice in months for several psychologists secretaries, psychiatrists, and and a of lastly, reinforcement medical Territories, Overseas French the in epidemic virus Zika the during midwives and epidemiologists, technicians, Mayotte de Hospitalier Centre the at midwives and nurses, ofreinforcement doctors, a activity: its of 90% represented that interventions major to three owing 2015) in to5,071 (compared days an exceptional 7,379 men/women reached mobilization Reserve’s Health the 2016, In Agency. Health aRegional of request the at 2016), (January adopted was system health our of modernization the on law the sincethe Minister of and also, Health, by is mobilized reserve The reinforcements. situation requires human resource an exceptional when health organizations or international embassies, agencies, health regional facilities, medico-social and healthcare in support back-up provide to created was Reserve Health The directors. hospital and staff, administrative technicians, laboratory assistants, midwives, psychologists, nursing nurses, doctors, including professionals sector 2,000 health by is represented Reserve Health The → MOBILIZATION RESERVE FOR HEALTH YEAR AN EXCEPTIONAL HEALTH EMERGENCY Santé publique France  AND CRISES AND ALERTS WARNING , a reinforcement of laboratory , a of reinforcement laboratory ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ at the request of of request the at

———————— TAKE ACTION ———————— ACTION ————————TAKE Public Division Public the to Dissemination and Support The → 2016THE REPORT REPORT chats, and FAQs. and chats, forums, of form the in content interactive or informative toproduce out carried also is Work visitors. 5,8 million of atotal had have websites The questions/answers). or chats, (calls, information and help for 98,000 requests toover responded Toulouse, Marseille, andLille, Strasbourg, in located helplines the 2016, In websites. Service Service Drogues Info for addiction: systems Santé publique France to remote assistance, health respect With tools. prevention of distribution the or to remote assistance via the public service Days spent conducting missions 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

TO THE PUBLIC THE TO DISSEMINATION AND SUPPORT , (for gambling) with helplines and helplines with (for gambling) 0 Joueurs Info Joueurs and Service Info Alcool Expansion oftheReserve'sActivity Days spentconductingmissions 2008 ( DADP

2009 has three internal has three ) provides a direct adirect ) provides 2010 201 1 2012

(1.5 million leaflets), emblematic of the the of emblematic leaflets), (1.5 million together”] stop we November, [“In and (5.8 million male condoms). male (5.8 million purchases and distributes condoms free DADP The postcards). (1 million up-to-date?”] you are [“Vaccinations: postcard “ the and campaign, Month Smoking No leaflet “ disseminated documents include the most The recipients. intended their reach Santé by publique France designed tools and educational brochures, the posters, the DADP dissemination, and toprinting respect With websites. to their visitors 19 million were there and 2016, in calls a million over handled services In these total, operators. Service Info including associations prevention non-profit eleven funds Agency the addition, In 2013 SOS Amitié SOS En novembre, on arrête ensemble arrête on novembre, En Sida Info Service Info Sida àjour :êtes-vous Vaccination 2014 , which is run by external external by run is , which Annual numberofmissions Tabac Tabac provides also . It 2015 must ensure that , 2016 Fil santé jeunes also also 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


” ”

Annual number of missions P. 27 P. P. 28 de transfusion sanguine des armées Établissement français du sang the with indonors collaboration on blood surveillance epidemiological Santé publique France criteria and anticipate its impact. impact. its anticipate and criteria selection donor blood the toamend made being were whilepreparations intensified sanguine transfusion la de national Institut the InVS the years, many For negative. back come tests screening whose donation a second provides and returns donor the once use for authorized only is plasma donated of that an means initial bag quarantine The heterosexuals). for same the is criterion (this months four last the in partner one only had have must men these quarantine, by secured plasma of donation the For ago. months twelve over place taken have another man must with relations sexual conditions. For blood whole donation, donate under certain their blood to authorized now are (MSM) men with relations sexual have who men July 2016, Since criteria. selection donor blood 2016 amended 5April of Decree The → DONATION OF MSM BLOOD AUTHORISATION THE FORSUPPORT MONITORING EPIDEMIOLOGICAL

DISEASES INFECTIOUS . This collaboration was was collaboration . This have carried out out carried have ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ

and then

Centre Centre , the

, and , and

———————— TAKE ACTION ———————— ACTION ———————— TAKE –  –  –  monitoring: tothis aspects four are there Santé by publique France Implemented out. carried be now must monitoring epidemiological comprehensive infected—more is donors three million in one that estimated currently is transfusion—it by transmission HIV of risk the increase will changes these not or whether To determine ( Employees] Fund for Salaried Insurance salariés travailleurs des maladie l’assurance de nationale Caisse ( Affairs] of Social the Ministries socialesdes affaires Secrétariat général des ministères chargés the for Health, theby Directorate-General co-managed and agency the by out carried was it level, national the on approach: to thanks a dual-management the territory throughout deployed was campaign This 2016. 1to30 November from campaign smoking stop tothe commit smokers all that [French National Cancer Institute] [French Institute] National Cancer Cancer –  In 2016, 2016, In → MONTH CAMPAIGN SMOKING NO THE OF EDITION FIRST MOBILISATION CNAMTS a sociological study on donors found found donors on study a sociological quarantine; by secured plasma of donations for monitoring specific now; years several for out carried been has as donors, blood of indicators surveillance epidemiological monitoring selection criteria. selection new tothe adherence their to evaluate 2017 September in launched be will donors of study sample a large criteria; selection the tomeet failed they how todiscover donation, blood their of time the at HIV-positive to be  AND PROMOTION HEALTH PREVENTION Santé publique France publique Santé ), the MSA the ), [French National Health [French National Health Institut National du du National Institut , the [General Secretariat for for Secretariat [General

proposed proposed SGMAS

), the the ), ,

become an annual event. become has now which in theinvolvement operation, public’s the as well as figures positive highly these confirm nature motivational campaign’s the and Month Smoking No of on the perception Initial assessments for the event. formed were partnerships and 3,200 regional 100 national partnerships over and 70,000 likes; almost received page Facebook the website; the for tripled Service Tabac of use Info making people of number the distributed; were 640,000 kits app; the 118,265 downloaded Month; Smoking No for up 180,113 people signed success: operation’s this to attest figures key following The documents. and Télévisions France with in partnership series Maladie Assurance with in collaboration application, Smoking Month include a new smartphone No for created Tools account. Twitter and ( through the creation of a Facebook page page aFacebook of creation the through presence, and media a social relations press by bolstered further was This posters. and phone, mobile internet, radio, television, via launched was campaign communication multi-media a large-scale campaign, Month Smoking No the To promote management. and prevention smoking in involved stakeholders as as local well proposals, for a call following recruited organizations “ambassador” by supported Agency, Health Regional the by out carried was it level, [Tobacco Control Alliance]; le tabac contre Alliance the and studies], tobacco for society [French-speaking the the ( Behaviours] Addictive and Drugs for Combating Mission [Interministerial contre les drogues et les conduites addictives INCa Société francophone de tabacologie Plus belle la vie la belle Plus Mission interministérielle de lutte Mission the ), doubled for the 39 89 helpline, and and helpline, 89 39 the for doubled , a stop smoking help kit, a web aweb kit, help smoking , astop , and a wide variety of of variety awide , and at the regional Mildeca

), ),

While the epidemiological situation situation the epidemiological While and Diagnosis Centres] ( Centres] Diagnosis and de diagnostic de dépistagegratuits et d’information Centres of creation the and self-testing, test), diagnostic rapid (a TROD with extended been also have Testing services couples. HIV-positive among strategies TasPwith as (treatment prevention) together provided also now is prophylaxis) relations, PrEP (pre-exposure sexual high-risk following treatment (post-exposure emergency prophylaxis) PEP and condoms of provision to the In addition diverse. considerably HIV prevention methods → CAMPAIGN FOR MSM PREVENTION” “DIVERSIFIED COMMUNICATION is little known to the MSM population. population. MSM tothe known little is measures protective existing of range the STIs, other and HIV of a resurgence to due concern, for acause currently is (MSM) men with sex have who men of  AND PROMOTION HEALTH PREVENTION [Free Information, Testing, [Free Information, ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ CeGIDD have become ). ).

———————— TAKE ACTION ———————— ACTION ————————TAKE respect to various MSM life stages. stages. life MSM tovarious respect with use their and tools prevention of diversity the highlighted message whose campaign implemented a communication Santé publique France counted this period. over users Facebook new 2,744 the and 2016, 31 December and 8 November between website tothe 276,064 visits the mentions), (188 press coverage media its on based evaluated be may impact campaign’s The websites). and community apps, dating networks, (social internet the on and press, gay the in bars), (gay centers (bus and shelters) community areas urban in displayed posters of means by disseminated was message The information on prevention tools. Sexosafe.fr the of creation the included and 2016 of quarter up in the third scaled was initiative This

website, which presents presents which website, has therefore has therefore

or lying down. lying or seated time less spending by inactivity tolimit advised is it addition, In achieve. to easier them making body), the of part every target (which exercise each for plus “ the on exercises the accompany objectives of host Awhole recommended. also are exercises balance age, of 65 years over individuals For housework). (gardening, dancing,promote flexibility that those as well as etc.) (swimming, activities muscle-strengthening with conjunction in done be should cycling) (walking, activities endurance and week, a days five least at exercise vigorous and moderate of minutes thirty tocomplete advised is it healthy, To stay activity. on physical recommendations provided 2016, February in published Safety, and Health Occupational and Environmental, Food, for Agency Anses by Areport in. involved toget people for activities local of details provides you”, which near “Move and schedules, their into exercise incorporate people tohelp a“Planner” 80 activities, of a“Catalogue” levels”, activity physical of a“Test including designed been has tools of arange motivation, individual To increase women. menopausal as such groups for certain recommendations specific as well as recommendations, new incorporates age”] any at more [“Move “ he sub-section T content. new with supplemented and expanded greatly been has “ The → WEBSITE SPACENEW ON THE DIGITAL MANGERBOUGER.FR ” space. Illustrations are provided provided are Illustrations ” space. Bouger plus  AND PROMOTION HEALTH PREVENTION Bouger plus à tout âge àtout plus Bouger ” [“Move more”] website website more”] ” [“Move , the French French , the Bouger

P. 29 P. P. 30 R It also serves as the secretariat for for secretariat the as serves also It –  –  –  –  Since Santé publiqueSince France Trainings seminars. of and the organization programmes of and implementation the design training through deployed is facilitation Scientific FACILITATIONSCIENTIFIC p. 06). (see Committee Deontology and Ethics the and Board Scientific the bodies: two governance –  and implements: functions cross-cutting all for responsible therefore is It research. with interactions its as well as —  including: modules, MiSI The culture. acommon toshare also but experiences, and field documents reference to create scientific essential was it functions, different very out carry of which the four merging entities, from scientific and international strategy, strategy, and international scientific Santé publique France coordinates and programmes and projects. projects. and programmes Agency’s the of prioritization data; existing of re-use the todevelop conditions the of creation process; of the appraisal supervision training; scientific and management; conflict of interest prevention prevention interest of conflict publique santé en études hautes des École the with in partnership developed training, and epidemiology field intervention International Office] ( Office] International et internationale the Mission scientifiqueGeneral, Directorate- tothe eporting therefore designed several several designed therefore ( EHESP ) and the European European the ) and ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ [Scientific and [Scientific ———————— SCIENTIFIC AND INTERNATIONAL OFFICE ———————— OFFICE INTERNATIONAL AND ———————— SCIENTIFIC stems stems MiSI CROSS-CUTTING CROSS-CUTTING

) leads ) leads

’s ’s

ACTIVITIES These monthly scientific seminars are are seminars monthly scientific These “ —  — multiply its international collaborations. collaborations. international multiply its to continues Agency opposite)—the (see epidemic Ebola 2014-2015 the during tocontinues investments make, significant Santé publique Francewhere Africa in action taking or China, with agreement a collaboration renewing (IANPHI), Health Institutes National Public of Association International the of secretariat chief the hosting is it Whether INTERNATIONAL COMMITMENT access. can missions service public with institutions Santéwhich publique France [National ( System] Health Data a Système national de données de santé of creation the with notably advances, tomajor led has This 2016. in published texts legal certain on focused groups working with forces joined agency The DATA HEALTH TO RELATING DEVELOPMENTS LEGAL IN INVESTMENT AGENCY’S THE the Agency. within approaches and scientific of experiences the sharing toenhance 2016, September since place in Santé publique France publique Santé run by two Quebec scholars. scholars. Quebec two by run ethics, on collective raising awareness members; staff 253 of participation the with functions], Agency’s the on courses l’Agence de métiers aux the (ECDC); Control and Centre for Disease Prevention Prevention for Disease Centre CIMAs ( cours d’introduction d’introduction cours Thursdays” ) [introductory ) [introductory and all all and made, and and made, SNDS

), ),

IN WEST AFRICA IN WEST PROJECTS and response toand epidemics. response alerts, warning surveillance, of fields the in network to institutions national allow also will It countries. be in strengthened French-speaking to capacities health public national enable will France, publique Santé ( Agency] préventive médecine de Agence the by run RIPOST the Africa, West In investigation. and epidemiological detection, warning early surveillance, epidemiological of field the in tools and knowledge basic with trainees provide to is aim The members. Santé publique Franceare contributors whose districts, Guinean eight in team response PREPARE called project, first the of objective The AMP [Preventive Medicine Medicine [Preventive

) and supported by by supported ) and

, is to train a rapid arapid train to , is staff staff project, project, F Ultimately, this hesitation could lead to lead could hesitation this Ultimately, networks. social by spread rumours as well as unfounded often are that concerns by fuelled being is it, termed have doctors health public as hesitancy”, “vaccine This “To succeed in in “To succeed stated: Touraine Marisol letter, her In confidence. to restore proposals issuing with tasked vaccination, forresponsible citizen consultation on Committee Advisory Independent an of des sciences France de at medicine the Collègeexperimental in chair researcher, immunologist, Fischer—paediatric Dr Alain addressed Touraine, Marisol and Health, Affairs Social of Minister the 2016), 3 February dated aletter (in context this Against FISCHER ALAIN DR. BY CHAIRED COMMITTEE ADVISORY AN OF CREATION THE health. topublic a risk pose and coverage vaccine in a decrease 29 consultations with associations, associations, with 29 consultations Initially, held they researchers. science social human and and five representatives, society civil five professionals, health five together gathered Fischer Dr committee, advisory this citizen consultation Within CONSULTATIONS INITIAL AND THE COMMITTEE’S CREATION the national public health agency.” organizational and logistics from support necessary the receive will you task, this growing mistrust of vaccination. vaccination. of mistrust growing people’s French the confirmed have studies sociological and scientific all years, ten past the or , and member of the Académie the of member , and — and appointed him chairman chairman him appointed — and ———————— SANTÉ PUBLIQUE FRANCE I 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ———————— REPORT ANNUAL 2016 I FRANCE PUBLIQUE ———————— SANTÉ STAKEHOLDERS


ENGAGING ENGAGING (see p. 15). (see 2016Barometer the from extracted figures the with provided also was committee The vaccination. of impediments and drivers the identify tobetter professionals, health and the other public with the general with one studies, qualitative two out to carry France publique Santé commissioned also du médicament institutions ( public manufacturers, pharmaceutical societies, learned journalists, doctors, Haute Autorité de santé de Autorité Haute ), and researchers. They They researchers. and ), P r ALAIN FISHER Agence , Agence Committee’s proposals. Steering the of all delivered he where conference, apublic at 2016 20 November on Touraine toMarisol report 450-page acomprehensive submitted Fischer Dr Alain contributions—. internet boards, review two the by produced texts studies, qualitative collected—consultations, information the all on Drawing SUBMISSION REPORT this space. in contributions made 11,000 people Almost policies. vaccine and vaccines concerning and expectations opinions their express could users internet that so created was aspace consultation, to this dedicated website the On vaccination. in confidence building for proposals their detailed report The session. another during later two months areport produced they knowledge; new this with Fortified etc. scientists, associations, prevention multiple sclerosis manufacturers, wished: they as individuals many as toconsult opportunity the given also were They subject. the on wanted they as questions many as ask could and challenges, its and vaccination on information given was group each session, an initial three-day During citizens. twenty of other the and professionals health twenty of comprised one convened, also boards Two review SPACE PARTICIPATORY ONLINE AND BOARDS REVIEW CITIZEN THE



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