Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 1

April 2020 Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 2


An Easter message for unsettling times April

Firstly, we want to wish you all a News 4 very happy Easter. Many will be Food & drink 10 celebrating with family and friends and of course, lots of chocolate! Letters 12 There is much to celebrate. Countryside 13 However, there is also much to fear, with despair and little hope for many. Home & Garden 14 The world is certainly being shaken Councils 18 with wars, climate change, bush fires, floods, and the latest pandemic Arts 21 spreading everywhere. Climate Change 22 How can we find any kind of hope in Carrie and Paul Boden these unsettling times? of Community Church Wellbeing 24

The Bible of course offers this hope and that is the essence of the Easter message. The Business 25 hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross. Not everyone will believe in this. We didn't until we experienced it. A faithful love of hope, peace and security, in spite Pets 30 of the shaking we are experiencing. Why don't you try it? You might just discover this reality for yourselves. We have never looked back! Profile 31 The Bible says that Jesus came to give us life ‘more abundantly’. That means Sport 32 overflowing, profuse and more than sufficient! This is the Bible’s message. This is the Contacts 34 Easter message. In the classic 1970s film Marathon Man, there are three small words ‘is it safe?’ Dustin Hoffmann finds himself in a dentist’s chair being asked this question by a very determined Laurence Olivier wielding a sharp instrument! COVER PICTURE: The question for us today; is it safe to put your trust in anyone or anything apart Hayley with Belle (aged 1) at Cotswold Wildlife Park from Jesus? see p.4 to vote for her God bless you this Easter. REMINDER: May Ripples early deadline alert The deadline for our May edition is 12 noon, Owing to the Easter weekend holiday commencing Friday 10th April, Friday 3rd April we are moving the deadline forward by one week to Friday 3rd April. Ripples Community Magazine Published by Adrian Young and Graham Fry © Ripples Community Magazine, 2020. All rights reserved. Named contributors retain copyright on their work.

Ripples Magazine is published 10 months a our format or inconsistent with our Email is preferred for contributions, year during the first week of the month; we editorial policy. otherwise by post. take a break in January and August. Make sure you are writing for a general All news, events and announcements: The deadline for contributions and audience, not just your own organisation. [email protected] advertising is 12 noon on 2nd Friday of the Contributions up to 150 words are Paid advertising: month before publication. preferred. If it is too long, we may ask to cut it down. We may publish longer Opinions expressed in the magazine are not contributions, but get in touch first to avoidDistribution: necessarily those of the publishers. the annoyance of a rejection. [email protected] Contributions may be published in the Photographs and artwork should be clearTel: 01793 764768 magazine, on our website or on social with good contrast. JPEG electronic format media. Make clear any limitations about Post: is preferred but we can scan from good what, how and when we may publish your 2A The Stables, Gilberts Lane, quality prints. Make sure any identifiable contribution. Highworth, Swindon SN6 7FB people in photos agree to the photo’s Please inform the editor if you spot a publication. Get parent’s consent in the We reserve the right to edit contributions mistake in Ripples so we can rectify it in a case of minors. and to not publish any contribution or future issue. advertisement that is either unsuitable for 3 Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 4


From the editor Another quirky mammoth Macmillan quiz! What a whirlwind it’s been getting April Ripples to From our churches Once again Keith couldn’t recall the press as the Covid-19 emergency unfolds. We are and Sharon Fuller name of an American a small business with about 25 workers, each Rev Andrew Cinnamond of St Lawrence Anglican did a grand job of footballer in time! doing key jobs. We’re trying to keep it all Church in Lechlade writes: organising Keith said: ‘We raised together but please understand there’s quite a Lechlade’s part of £500 overall raising margin for error. Sadly, we have suspended all public worship services the MacMillan our 4 year running until further notice. Funerals will still be happening. Mammoth quiz in These are exceptional times for which there are only total to £2,150, and Please keep up to date with all recent developments the function room at the barest of emergency plans. Regardless of your we raise money on our website: the New Inn. politics, we know our readers and advertisers will through collection back the Government’s rapidly evolving plans for our We especially want to care for the vulnerable and Keith was both tins too – around common welfare, as well as our magnificent workers isolated at this time. Please contact the Parish Office, bemused and £300 per year. There in the NHS, police, education, care, banking and vicar or wardens if we can be of help. We continue to apologetic for some were 10 teams and retail workers. We at Ripples wish you all well. pray, remembering that God is our strength and of the questions 56 people attending. refuge (Ps 46:1). which seemed to It was slightly down We will strive to let you know about the May edition require an in-depth on last year, but a via our mailing list, web page and Facebook and David Hopkins of Lechlade Baptist Church writes: knowledge of the nice number and it Twitter, meanwhile here’s a few changes we have this Lechlade Baptist Church is now closed for services periodic table and went well.’ Keith month. Kathy Scourfield, Lesley Wakeman, Andrew Auger, Will Draper and meetings until further notice due to the scientific elements. would be delighted if We have left out most items about events, meetings coronavirus emergency measures. This will affect However the winning and Karen Street anyone would like to and the like as it now looks impossible for most of Morning and Evening Sunday services, Hobbies and team coped with this join the fundraising these to happen at all. For the same reason we Handicrafts, Ladies and Men's Bible Studies, Beans well and had an amazing score only dropping a locally. Contact: [email protected]. decided to omit the EVENTS listing. Saturday Café and our monthly Meet and Eat point or two overall. Some were members of last Story and photo: Margaret Hing Lunchtime meal. It will also affect the Lent Group year’s winning team and very annoyed that they Normally we would have the list of Easter services in Service and those who use our premises (W.I. and our churches. It is evident that services are not Lechlade Voices). Services at St. Birinus Court will also happening. We have below last-minute notices from be curtailed. Members and friends are being a couple of churches. The important underlying contacted on a regular basis and assistance offered. message is that the churches will do their best to assist those in need. Particular thanks to Paul and For further information and/or assistance please Corrie Boden for stepping up the mark with their contact in the first instance David Hopkins: 01285 Easter message on page 3. 711551 or email [email protected].

Mammal keeper shortlisted for Award Hayley Mullaney, assistant curator and head many other iconic mammals at the Burford mammal keeper at Cotswold Wildlife Park, is one collection, Hayley has also been responsible for some of 10 finalists in with a chance of winning truly amazing events. VisitEngland’s annual Tourism Superstar To vote for Hayley, please visit The Mirror: competition. (see cover photo) Voting ends 21st April 2020. As well as looking after rhinos, giraffes, lions and


For news, events and announcements Your local reporters Email: [email protected] Fairford and surrounding villages or post to: Tel: 01285 712150 Ripples Magazine, Email: [email protected] 2A The Stables, Gilberts Lane, Highworth SN6 7FB Lechlade and surrounding villages Tel: 01793 764768 Email: [email protected]

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Lions minibus gets people from A to B Lechlade Community Library closure It has been decided to close Lechlade Community Library from 1pm The Lechlade and District Tuesday 17/3/2020 to protect our staff and customers during the Lions minibus is now over Corona virus epidemic. The decision has not been taken lightly and three years old and is being we have been monitoring the advice of the Government, Chief used widely within our local Medical and Scientific Officers as well as local concern. community, extending through Fairford, Lechlade We know it will cause some inconvenience but we have to be and Carterton. community aware and consider everyone's welfare. If you have books or videos out and they come to the end of their loan Lions are delighted to see it you can do one of two things. being used 280 days of the year. It is used by a wide range 1. Drop them through the door. They will be recorded as returned. of community groups from 2. Renew them online through the Libraries website. lunch clubs for the elderly, to If you have no books but wish to read something during this enforced scouts and schools. To use the period why not get the ‘rb digital‘ app, which is free and will give you bus, your local organisation access to e books, magazines and much more. Recommend it to your needs to hold a section 19 friends. Not the same as having a book in your hand but needs must. licence. If you have posters for an event that is still going on, put them through If you are interested in using the door and we will endeavour to display them. If you have a poster on the bus, contact us via the display and the event is now cancelled, put a note through the door to Lions Facebook page or our that effect. website If you have booked the window for a future event we will endeavour to honour that booking. If you are cancelling your request, Please put a note through the door. Story: David Sharp From all the Directors we hope you all keep well and look forward to normality in the future. Lechlade Community Directors 17th March 2020

The brightest of souls Mrs Julie Fellows, Headteacher of Fairford Primary School, has paid tribute to Mrs Jane Sparling, who was the Headteacher of Fairford Primary School to Mrs Fellows taking over. ‘Our school community is deeply saddened by the news that Jane Sparling, retired Headteacher at Fairford Primary School, passed away on 10th March after the bravest of battles with cancer. To those of us who worked alongside Jane, you couldn’t help but be inspired by her passion for working with children. She saw education as a precious gift that could open up many exciting worlds for children. Her empathy, spirituality and caring was captivating and her presence lit up any room she was in. I count myself blessed to have worked with Jane as her Deputy before she retired in January 2012, as do numerous friends, colleagues and governors whilst she was at Fairford Primary School. ‘The world has lost the brightest of souls. We have lost a friend and colleague. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family who will feel her loss the greatest of all of us.’ If you would like to send a card, please post to the school and we will ensure that it gets to Jane’s family. Address it to: Mr John Sparling, Fairford CofE Primary School, The Park, Leafield Road, Fairford, Glos GL7 4JQ. Story: Chris Roberts

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Boats and bravery – the development of the RNLI Adventurer interviewed by mountaineer’s daughter

On 3rd March, one day short of designed boats with styles Adventurer Ben Fogle has Another adventure with the 196th anniversary of the designated by river names, Shannon, rowed across the Atlantic, James Cracknell was the registering of what was then the Tamar, Severn, Trent and Mersey, scaled Everest and raced race to the South Pole with National Institution for the plus smaller craft for inshore work, across Antarctica to the long 18 hour days, very Preservation of Life from Shipwreck must all be capable of righting South Pole, but his little sleep and (now the RNLI), Frank Austin, themselves in 6 seconds after biggest challenge was still temperatures getting down with his long, varied experience capsizing. Communications have to come in the form of a to -60°C. Ben and James of the RNLI, told Fairford and improved beyond all imagination. question and answer were joined on this District U3A about the major What has not changed is the interview called ‘Cool Antarctica trip by changes in its history. strength of the waves, the bravery of Conversation’ at doctor, Ed the lifeboat men and women and Castle School. He was Coats, who was successfully When Sir William Hilary moved to the need for all this volunteer work interviewed by pupil, selected from 1,000 the Isle of Man in 1808 he saw the to continue. Saffron Cool, whose applicants after interviews treacherous nature of the Irish Sea, father is mountaineer, were conducted in the which led him to establish the The talk concluded with a visual tour , who had led . first-ever sea rescue station in of the RNLI’s central establishment in the expedition that saw In answer to some of 1824. Nothing was mechanised. Poole harbour, which has not only Ben summit Mt Everest in Saffron’s varied questions, Heavy boats were pushed into the administrative accommodation but 2018. sea or pulled by horses and then boatbuilding and training facilities Ben explained that whilst rowed by crews of 8 or 16 men because crews must have strict During the hour long spending a whole year on wearing cork belts as lifejackets. credentials even though they are interview, Ben told Saffron an island in the Outer There was virtually no room for accommodating volunteers. Currently it costs approximately £164 how her daddy, Kenton, Hebrides completely cut off survivors. million per year to maintain the service. had instilled in him a from the outside world, he Story: Sylvia Jones positive mindset to help chose as his luxury item to Nowadays the latest technology is in use. Superbly confront his fear of heights. take with him a black Ben said: ‘I suffer from Labrador puppy called Inca, vertigo, but having a great who became his best friend. team comprising So what is left for the experienced Sherpas and intrepid explorer to do? He Kenton helped me Ben Fogle, Saffron Cool and Nigel Reed (Headteacher) said: ‘I’ve always dreamed overcome my fears.’ of sailing round the world, Ben also described his non-stop 3,000 mile journey but I can’t do it yet. It would take me away from the across the Atlantic rowing in a 21 foot boat with family for too long.’ Olympic gold medallist, James Cracknell. Ben told the Ben’s advice to his young audience: ‘I would urge story of how he and James had had a close encounter you to have confidence – confidence in yourself. with a huge whale that lifted up their boat to use the Confidence is necessary to get on in life and it’s barnacles on the underside to scratch its back! Ben better to have than passing an exam.’ said that he and James enjoyed having the company of the whale after being alone for so long. Story and photo: Chris Roberts

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ADVERTISING FEATURE Foodbanks – the real story Experience spring paradise @ Jennies Kitchen

Jennies Kitchen is the ideal destination this spring home-made quiches, salads and pasta. Not for ramblers, dog walkers, cyclists and those forgetting desserts, puddings, plus special ice cream Two One Services is a Sales Since 2016, WI has a ‘Food Matters’ campaign looking at food wishing for a little piece of paradise in the sundae of the day! and Marketing Consultancy, waste and food poverty in the UK. Water Park. that provides Sales and Thursday is Senior Lunch Special. Marketing solutions, through Sitting just off the Thames Path in Ashton Keynes, Deb Jones was aware of the support given to the Trussell Trust We are fully licensed for you to enjoy a selection of appointment setting, new Jennies Kitchen has a fabulously designed garden business development, and Cirencester food bank by Lechlade and District Lions as her husband wines, prosecco, beer, soft drinks and smoothies. the generation of sales leads, Steve is a member. Staff from the food bank came along to talk at with over 12,000 bulbs popping up just in time to through various marketing one of the WI meetings to dispel any myths surrounding the way a make a glorious spring display. In summer, it’s a Afternoon tea: Enjoy pre-booked full afternoon tea channels such as Social Media. food bank works. fantastic spectacle with amazing rare plants, birds with finger sandwiches, an assortment of cakes, and flowers, giving a beautiful colour explosion. A fabulous scones, Rodda’s Cornish clotted cream and There was a film following the story of a can of beans and its new garden room has just been completed to make jam. journey from the shop to saucepan. They also explained that it isn’t the most of our glorious garden come rain or shine. a free for all as each person who has need of the food bank must Ideal for a private party. Our cream tea and cakes are also available gluten- first be referred by a doctor, social worker, teacher or similar. They free, vegan and dairy-free. Book your special party: seating 30 in the garden or are then allowed a certain quantity of food and it is all carefully Alpaca herd: We have more than 60 alpacas on our monitored. Those who find themselves in difficulty have lots of 50 inside, with bespoke menu selections. Evening bookings available for a minimum of 25 people. farm, feeding them only by pre-booked differing reasons often due to a change in circumstances beyond appointment. their control. We also cater for vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free diets. With plenty of parking, wheelchair access, baby Food poverty is mostly due to low wages, ‘zero hours’ contracts and changing, cycle racks and free wi-fi. universal credit taking a long time. School holidays are also a huge Breakfast: Come for cooked-to-order breakfast problem. selections until 11am, with breakfast baps until 2pm Dogs and muddy boots are very welcome! In just three days, the members of Lechlade WI collected the stack daily. Please see our website for availability: of food shown in the picture. The question was ‘why so much rice Lunch: Our home-cooked, varied menu alters daily. Or call 01285 860048 pudding?’ The food bank has a list of most wanted goods and it was Comfort food favourites plus soups, paninis, wraps, We’re closed on Tuesdays in British summer time. on the list! The WI is planning another collection for later in the year to include personal items such as shower gel, soaps and deodorant. Deb was delighted with the response and said that Lechlade’s WI membership is going from strength to strength with lots of new young faces! New WI members are always welcome. Come to the Memorial Hall on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.15 to join us for our meeting and find out more or ring the President: 01367 252458 or visit our Facebook page: Story and photo: Margaret Hing

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Friends report Habitat with Kim Milsom, Biodiversity Christine Barker of Friends Of Fairford & Lechlade Communities writes... Field Officer at Cotswold Water Park Our house-to-house fund raising event will run from 20th April to 3rd May. Your support is always appreciated. Our thanks go to all our volunteers, co-ordinators, and collectors. Let there be light! We also want to thank all who attended our successful Curry Night on 25th February and for the raffle prize Since 2017, one of the Cotswold Water Park donations. A total of £606 was raised on the evening. Our thanks also go to Muj and his Team at Khushi’s who Trust’s ongoing projects has focused on served some wonderful food and provided great service. improving the Cerney Wick Brook for wildlife. For information about Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities please contact Christine Barker on: The banks of this watercourse have become 07767 408409, [email protected]. heavily overgrown to an extent which prevents sunlight from reaching the brook and, without sunlight, aquatic plants struggle to grow. DO YOU HAVE Soroptimists offer grants Our rangers and volunteers have been thinning and coppicing A BUSINESS THAT sections of bankside trees, over several winters, so that those plants Barbara Banks of The Soroptimist Club of Cirencester and District writes... YOU WOULD LIKE TO associated with river corridors can grow again. These plants provide ADVERTISE IN RIPPLES food for Water Voles (which have now returned), and homes for We invite applications from local charities and individuals for small grants, to our charity The Dorothy Minnis Trust MAGAZINE? (registered charity number 281078). invertebrates, which in turn become food for fish, which become food for herons, Kingfishers and Otters. A simplistic description; but Call us on 01793 764768 Application forms and further information are available on our website: the bottom line is that a healthy and more natural ecosystem for details of our exciting offers develops, with a wide variety of wildlife benefitting. Applications can be made at any time however, the deadline for consideration at the next Trustee meeting is The work is always carried 5th July 2020. out during the winter (Editor: Soroptimists transform the lives and status of women and girls through education, months so that breeding empowerment and enabling opportunities.) animals are not disturbed, particularly birds – which would nest in some of the trees and bushes that are thinned. With this in mind, only short sections of overgrown areas are cleared, so that a patchwork of habitats is left and a wider range of wildlife can inhabit the stream and its surroundings. Where possible, it is important to concentrate on the southern side of the brook as, traditionally, that’s the direction that the sunlight is most likely to come from! Thinning the north bank can help in areas where trees are bent/hanging across the watercourse; but, in many areas, they are best left standing so that nesting birds benefit. Trees which are cut down are often sawn into sections and stacked on the bank as ‘habitat piles’, which provide homes for small mammals and amphibians and attract vast numbers of invertebrates as they rot down, which in turn become food and the ecosystem improves further. So many benefits from some carefully planned work; which has been made possible thanks to grant funding from the Hills Group via the Landfill Communities Fund, and the Environment Agency, over the last few years.

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Garden clippings with Tina Owen

Snakes in the grass April is the time when snakeshead fritillaries straighten their stems and snake-like buds open to reveal chequered bonnets. There’s several great sites fairly close by; North Meadow, Cricklade’s ancient flood plain is home to around 80% of the UK’s population; Waterhay Farm at Leigh hosts walks, Clattinger Farm near Somerford Keynes has fields of 1000’s as does Oxford’s wet Iffley Meadows. Fritillaria meleagris can be grown in garden borders and areas of long grass, even my heavy clay soil, where they tend to bloom earlier than in the wild. Each year I let them seed and add a few more from pots. Bulbs can be bought in flower now but for larger quantities a cheaper option is buying dormant bulbs in autumn. In the past I placed bulbs onto dry soil after lifting turves to be disappointed by no growth and have found the best way is purchasing large bulbs (Avon Bulbs supply quality bulbs) and pot them up straight away before they dry out or become active. I like to put three to a pot on their sides to avoid water sitting in their centres and cover with mesh to thwart mice. A 9cm pot fits my long handled bulb planter and come March when naturalised bulb growth can be seen I can easily remove a plug, add a handful of sharp sand and leaf mould and pop a pot in. Weather permitting, get out and see some, just be careful where you put your feet! A nest of vipers?


LOCAL RESIDENTS: Do you like to keep fit in the great British outdoors? We are looking for deliverers. You may need a car for which we pay mileage. Deliverers must be 18+. Phone Teresa on 07733 093765.

One retiring deliverer said they liked: “Lots of fresh air, exercise and being greeted by friendly locals as I hand over the latest copy of Ripples. Many saying it’s the only free post that they like to receive, ‘the best of the lot’.”

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Time to start growing and making

Details of how to enter the 2020 Lechlade Flower & Produce Show are now available at the Post Office, Library, other businesses around the town, and at: Even though the Show is not until the first Saturday of September (5th), now’s the time to see what classes you could enter. So whether you’re keen on crafting, photography, flower arranging, wine or jam making, or growing flowers, fruit and vegetables, now’s the time to start growing or making. The Show is a fun event open to everyone. Even if you’ve never thought of entering a show before, why not have a go? It is a great community event where you can compare your gardening, bread making, upcycling, woodwork or photography skills with those of your friends and neighbours in friendly competition. There are over 100 classes you could enter and 15 classes just for children. New cooking challenges this year include a jar of lemon curd, a vanilla cheesecake, and for the men, a treacle tart. Challenges for children include finger painting for those 4 and under, making a crown or tiara for five-to-seven- year olds and making a placemat for older children. The wet winter will have given on-the-ball photographers plenty of opportunity to photograph ‘splash’ and ‘fungi’ and there’s a selection of other interesting photography subjects for adults and children. Information: 01367 253309 Story: Rosemary Callender

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Fairford Town Council News

COVID 19 KEBLE ROOM – COMMUNITY CENTRE If you are going to self isolate and think you might The Keble room has been out of action due to need help with shopping or collecting medication or damage to the roof and ceiling caused by ‘Storm anything else, or if you are willing to volunteer to Dennis’. help those who may need assistance, please get in Repairs have been carried out and the room is now touch with the Town Council. once again available to users and for hire to other We will keep your details confidential unless you give groups. us permission to share them. The next meetings of the Town Council are: Also in light of the current situation, all Town Council Tuesday 14th April and 12th May events will be postponed until further notice. (Annual Meeting of the Town Council)

Fairford Town Council Office, The Community Centre, High Street, Fairford GL7 4AF Tel: 01285 713326 / 712344 Email: [email protected] Website: Find us on Facebook. Search for Fairford Town Council. Opening times: 10am-1pm. Councillors’ contact details are available on website.

As a result of the new Data Protection Regulations please confirm when contacting the Town Council, that you are happy to receive information from the Town Council and for your contact details to be securely held by us.

Fairford Poulton Down Ampney Yoga 1:1 Tuesday Monday Village Hall Tuition 10.00 - 11.30am 9.00 - 10.15am Gentle Yoga Holistic Massage Wednesday 9.30 - 10.45am & Beauty

6.30 - 8.00pm Becky Barry 07816 289034 [email protected]

DO YOU HAVE A BUSINESS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN RIPPLES MAGAZINE? Call us on 01793 764768 for details of our latest offers

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‘Under Milkwood’ at The Trout Lechlade on Thames Town Council News The Theatre at the Trout recently performed a slick Lechlade on Thames Town There are some simple but effective things we can all ‘radio’ style rendition Council aim to regularly update do to help: of Under Milkwood, the town website • Making sure they have enough food and other directed by John general supplies to cover a few days – there is no Williams, lasting 40 and notice boards with need to panic buy though minutes in the Creel information regarding the Bar at the Trout in Covid-19 outbreak, mainly to • Walking their dog, picking up a prescription, Lechlade. signpost residents to the putting out their bins or taking in a parcel Under Milkwood by appropriate authorities and • Phoning, Skyping or Facetime them so they can Dylan Thomas was agencies for advice and see a friendly face, helping to reduce their originally written for guidance. isolation BBC radio and the rise The Town Council are liaising • Sharing childcare or other caring responsibilities and fall of the voices with many organisations in the town to provide • Checking if any of their planned appointments has been described as support to those in need in the Community. Further have been cancelled before they travel the slow roll of the details will be available soon. ocean. The play has an • Making sure they have some simple recipes to In line with Government advice following the Covid- almost ‘soap’ like hand, if they are not the normal chef or have quality, commenting 19 outbreak, the Town Council office is now closed done some batch cooking for the freezer to the general public until further notice. We can still on the everyday ups ‘It is a spring moonless night in a small town!’ be contacted by calling 01367 252338 or emailing There is already a strong response from and downs of a Welsh village. Denise Arnel, John Williams, Richard Cleghorn-Brown, Jennie Thompson, Andy Pritchard [email protected]. There may be a short Gloucestershire communities that should be and Mary Swaffield in good voice delay in responding to your query as we work celebrated. There were some native through many and varying priorities at this Please go to: Welsh accents, but the musical lilt was captured free performance and gave generously to the charity challenging time for us all. throughout by all with clear strident enunciation. appeal, the Friends of Fairford and Lechlade We are awaiting advice from for further information. Musician Mike Keegan gave a guitar recital of Cwm Communities. Council regarding how we go about carrying out our Rhondda (often called ‘Bread of Heaven’) and some It’s important that we all continue to follow the Story: Margaret Hing. Photo: Liz Roberts legal duties during this period of uncertainty and will Welsh folk tunes. A packed audience appreciated the national advice and guidance which can be found provide an update as soon as we are practically able. at COVID-19 – ISSUED BY GLOUCESTERSHIRE Treasure trove for crafters is a sell out COUNTY COUNCIL 18.03.2020 There are many clever and It’s is important that we do all we can to help those industrious craftspeople in the area, in our communities that are likely to become more but they do tend to get carried away isolated as measures are put in place to delay the with enthusiasm and to over buy, spread of Covid-19. especially when they see bargains.

Lechlade Town Council Office, New Memorial Hall, Oak Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AY. Lechlade Craft Barn recently organised a ‘de-stash sale’ in the Pavilion for Tel: 01367 252338 Email:[email protected] Website: everyone to share their goodies and it was a sell-out. Councillors’ contact details are available on the website. The venue was packed with shoppers all day apart from a quiet spot at lunchtime. All were keen to grab a good deal in every sense! This was a treasure trove for crafters! Some were disappointed not to have been able to book a stall but should not worry as there will be another similar event later in the year. Story and photo: Margaret Hing

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Green spaces in public areas of our extending north to the Thames: neighbourhood, village or town Email: [email protected] Here are some ways to work with neighbours and Fairford Town Council: friends: Lechlade on Thames Town Council: • Ask councils for permission to create wildflower areas on verges/mowed areas and encourage Kempsford Parish Council: them to leave areas unmowed and unsprayed. Not just a pretty space Cotswold District Council, environment: • Reconsider your attitude towards ‘untidy’ road Hooray, it’s spring! We all know our GREEN What if, instead of spending time, money and energy verges. Larger areas can be left and managed as SPACES AND TREES are good for our health and fertilising, spiking, scarifying and killing the insects meadow, with just a border kept mown for Gloucestershire County Council, climate change: wellbeing but stop to think what a major role that live in our lawns, we could try to see the beauty traffic safety and ‘neatness’. When the fresh green spaces play in reducing and offsetting our of a lawn buzzing with bees feeding from patches of growth of May and June goes over, they are Help Woodland Trust to manage and grow their clover and daisies, and enjoy the spectacle of a gang carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions. then mowed once and cuttings raked up and woodlands: of starlings feeding on the insects that live in it, a left in an ‘ecopile’. You will notice bees and We think there are three good things happening here blackbird pulling at an earthworm, a green butterflies feeding on the nectar and pollen of Support National Trust’s Woodlands Appeal: as well-managed, green spaces help us to: woodpecker having a go at the ants that live in the the ‘weeds’as they flower, and birds too, feeding lawn, or a pair of bullfinches on tiptoe, feeding on on the insects and seeds. Life, in other words! • Reduce carbon emissions, by enabling us to Reading: dandelion clocks. avoid, reduce and replace actions that emit CO2 • Lobby councils to go pesticide/herbicide-free. Plantlife’s Road Verge Campaign: Our other suggestions include: • Offset emissions, by absorbing CO2 from the • Ask your council to plant trees on public spaces, atmosphere into plants and to create ponds in flood-prone areas. • Plant wildlife-friendly trees, shrubs, annuals. Swansea’s wildflowers: • Encourage schools to adopt above measures. • Mitigate effects of climate change, by protecting • Buy peat-free compost, or make your own. Pesticide Action Network UK: and enhancing diverse habitats, thus supporting • Urge your church to do the same. Think biodiversity and resilience of flora, fauna and • Make a pond, ideally using captured rainwater. ‘The Garden Jungle or Gardening To Save The churchyard, think nature reserve. ecosystems Planet’, by Dave Goulson • Create cover for bugs – ‘ecopiles’ using fallen • Volunteer with Cotswold Water Park This is part 2 in a series of articles about what logs, and make ‘bughotels’. Monty Don’s ‘Around The World In 80 Gardens’, the individuals can do about climate change, comprising Green spaces in the national context Cuba episode – growing food organically on urban ideas from readers of Ripples Community Magazine for • On paved areas, plant containers with bee- and public land: Fairford and Lechlade, and Highworth Link Magazine. pollinator-friendly plants. • Lobby large landowners, such as the Churches, Forestry Commission and Government agencies • Eliminate chemicals such as weedkillers, Key points Actions for individuals such as The Environment Agency, Highways pesticides, fungicides and moss killer. Your and Network Rail, about policies to Starting at home, choose pollinator-friendly Our ARRO action model below shows it is always best garden can be a life-friendly haven, not a respect and nurture their abundant green plants for your garden and allotment, and trees to Avoid; Offset is the last resort. battlefield of chemical warfare! spaces. and shrubs with berries for birds, and create Green spaces in private gardens and allotments • Avoid using power tools; they produce carbon • Join and influence charities that are already mini-habitats of twigs and logs. We can start with our own gardens if fortunate emissions, both in manufacture and in use, and redeveloping their green spaces, such as The Get together with neighbours, friends and your enough to have access to one. As climate change create noise pollution – your neighbours will be Woodland Trust, The National Trust and The local councils to rethink how you can enhance takes hold, it will become more difficult to sustain grateful if you go back to using a push mower Wildlife Trusts. your neighbourhood, village or town. our manicured, suburban gardens. Take mowing for and shears, even a sickle or scythe (but get instance. training first!). • Join and support pressure groups such as Friends Reconsider mowing green spaces because it of the Earth and Greenpeace. creates unnecessary CO2 emissions and noise Perhaps we need to change our attitude to lawns? • In short, go organic, and let go of ‘tidy-itis’! • Ask your MP to prioritise these measures in and destroys meadow habitat. national policies. Lobby owners of public green spaces to plant more trees, copses and orchards. Actions Examples using mowing (where petrol mowers emit CO2) Where to get help and decisionmakers

AVOID it (completely) Leave lawns to grow as meadows, then cut once with hand tools to influence Have a go at these in late summer, Depending on where you live: Invest in a manual cylinder mower such as the REDUCE it (do it less) Still mow your lawn, but less frequently Highworth Town Council: Husqvarna ‘Novocut’, £115. REPLACE it (find another way) Replant the lawn with pollinator-friendly, ground-covering Parks and open spaces in Swindon Borough: Try leaving a square metre or two of your lawn perennials unmown, enjoy the beauty of grasses and ‘weeds’ in flower and observe the life that OFFSET it (find a way to Offset it – plant trees Great Western Community Forest, a Swindon scheme comes to visit. absorb the CO2 that’s emitted) to increase woodland and areas of biodiversity 22 23 Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 24


Review of the year: Hilary Cottage Surgery Patients Participation Group Fairford & Lechlade Business Club News by Chris Roberts 01285 712150 or email [email protected] 2019/20 has been a busy year for the PPG. Regular meetings with the practice manager have given us the opportunity to report matters of general application which patients have raised, such as ear syringing. We continue to attend meetings of the Clinical Facebook and Twitter The guest speaker at the AGM will be Caryn Hibbert, Commissioning Group (CCG) that allocates finances. This keeps us owner of the Southrop Estate, and she will be talking Like us on Facebook – up to date with developments and allows us to comment on the about the successful journey that Thyme has made funding of medical services in Gloucestershire. Our input to the Follow us on Twitter – @FLBClub over the years to become the successful high-end CCG’s deliberations on Phlebotomy provision – taking blood samples Visit us at tourist business that it is today. – should result in more funding to extend this in surgeries so that patients will not have to travel to Cirencester. Welcome to our new members Wine, soft drinks and nibbles will be available plus a tour of the estate if time allows. For more Over the last year we have become aware that many people seeking Apollo Health Therapy, Wootton-under-Edge medical help have mental and physical conditions brought on by information or to book, please visit: isolation and loneliness, lack of transport, financial and social problems, Contact: Chloe Creed: 07395 528429, and a variety of other issues. We looked at what other practices have done to tackle this situation and found that Frome medical practice, with Sport/pregnancy/cancer massage Business Club networking works their Town Council, has set up a network of professionals and volunteers Mary Thomas of Concise Training in Faringdon is who provide advice to people on how to deal with their problems. As a Sourdough Revolution, Lechlade helping Susan and Roly Paterson at The Purple result, their admissions to A&E fell by 21%, whereas in the rest of the Contact: Max Abbott: 07929 045422, Plumbing People Limited with their digital marketing. Mendips they rose by 21%. We held a Community Wellbeing Day and Mary is well known for her grasp of social media, heard directly from a member of the Frome team about their work. As a websites and digital marketing and has previously result, a Community Wellbeing Project Team has been set up with Pizzas, sourdough presented very useful training sessions in these representation from a number of interested bodies including Fairford subjects for FLBClub members. and Lechlade Town Councils, with the intention of developing a The Paperback Shop, Fairford wellbeing service here. We are grateful for the assistance of the Friends Contact: Angela Gillett: 01285 715312, Find out more about The Purple Plumbing People at: of Fairford and Lechlade Communities and the Gloucestershire Rural 01367 252807, [email protected]. Community Council (GRCC) for enabling this. Books wholesaler and retailer Find out more about digital marketing or using social We have reviewed the way we communicate with patients and have The Riverside Inn, Lechlade media from Concise Training at: 01865 522658, continued with occasional surveys and Coffee mornings, but have 07799 634835, [email protected]. replaced our email network with Facebook pages. We have also Contact: Charlie Hill: 01367 252534, discontinued health events that, although we were able to attract Phenomenal fundraiser excellent speakers, were not well-attended. Restaurant, hotel, pub Penny Warren and her team at the Trout Inn We have an enthusiastic and hard-working committee but new members Lechlade have been raising money for MacMillan are always welcome. Please contact our Chairman, John Read: 01285 Cotswold Doors Ltd, Fairford 713681, if you would be interested in joining us. Contact: Simon Campbell: 01285 863222, Cancer Support to help people affected by cancer. [email protected], Story: Margaret Bishop Over the last nine years, the ‘Trouties’ have raised the phenomenal total of £31,434.22. Interior door production

FLBClub’s next meeting is the AGM The next meeting of the Fairford & Lechlade Business Club is the AGM in April. AGM meetings can tend to be a little bit dull, so the FLBClub always tries to book a really nice venue with a prominent speaker to make the business of the meeting just that little bit more interesting! The 2020 AGM of the FLBClub is no different and we are thrilled to be holding our meeting in the Farmhouse Kitchen at Thyme, Southrop on Thursday 23rd April starting at 7.30pm. Thyme has long been a supportive member of the Business Club and, in the 2020 Business Awards, their The ‘Trouties’ at the FLBClub Awards Dinner sister venue, The Swan at Southrop, won the Bob by Ian Plested of Redhouse Photography & Film Warren Hospitality Award.

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Take a look at some of the fabulous adverts, but is open to the public to join and view. Success for Lechlade business Award photos So, if you post an advert to this group, anyone will be able to see it and what you have to offer. Non- Please take a look at all the fabulous photos taken at FLBClub members will not be allowed to Planet aware parties FLBClub Business Awards Dinner 2020. You can find post/advertise. them on line at: The Fairford and Lechlade Business Club Business of 2020-the-photos/. Please go to the Year winner was Lechlade’s ‘Fabulous Partyware’. 270801327234332 or search ‘Fairford & Lechlade The business was started just 5 years ago by Hayley Bryon Sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and wade Business Club group’ on Facebook to start your free who was delighted with this award. She explained that in through all 200 of them and find some lovely posting/advertising. Click on the Join button and join the beginning she just had an on line presence but needed photographs of yourself and/or your guests. It will be either as a private individual or on behalf of your premises so recently opened a shop in Lechlade. worth the trouble! They epitomise the ethos of the business. The more members that join the group, the Fairford & Lechlade Business Club: fun business more beneficial it will be to the whole club She says that 85% of her business is still from the Internet. networking! membership. Get your name out there and also see She quotes her internet site saying that her aim is to create If there are any photos you would like, please feel what other members have to offer. fabulous parties with balloons, party favours (e.g. personalised sweet cones) banners, etc. but at the same free to copy the image and use as you wish, but The group will be regularly monitored and members time being kind to the environment. please give a credit to the photographer, Ian Plested are allowed to post/advertise regularly. There is no of Redhouse Photography & Film. Alternatively, limit, but we would ask you not to post/advertise As with 21st century life, the shop appears to be full of please contact Ian on excessively. Suggested number of posts/adverts is one bright colours and dazzling decorations but Hayley is very [email protected] and ask for your per week. conscious of the push for responsible use of plastic and foil digital copy. by re-using and recycling. This is YOUR page for promoting your business. Join the FLBClub Facebook group Please use it regularly to help local member Fabulous Partyware uses ALL recyclable packaging for the businesses. online orders such as cardboard bubble wrap and Kraft A new benefit for FLBClub members is a new FLBClub Story: Chris Roberts tape. In addition to this, the latex balloons she supplies are Facebook group. It is for FLBC members to post also biodegradable. She has even managed to source biodegradable glitter for the Lechlade Festival.

Story and photo: Margaret Hing The proud award winner outside her Lechlade shop

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Staff rewarded with an extra day’s holiday Who would have thought that the little company Dan Cherrington created to sell books online and based in a refurbished cowshed would still be thriving twenty years later? The Paperback Shop now at Horcott Industrial Estate still has the same ideals that it had twenty years ago and continues to maintain its position as one of the most successful online booksellers in the world. In February, the whole team of 50 employees took a couple of hours away from their work to celebrate the company being 20 years old. The Cotswold Chippy provided a fabulous fish and chip lunch for everyone to enjoy in the new staff canteen, which was brightened up with balloons and a banner by Fabulous Partyware. Afterwards everyone had a slice of the delicious birthday cake iced in company colours of mauve and green and made by staff member, Deborah Thompson. Angela Gillett, Managing Director, of the Paperback Shop, told the staff that 20 years in business was a real milestone to be proud of. She said: ‘We plan to prosper and be here for another 20 years.’ Finally, Angela announced that ‘in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Paperback Shop, each and every person in the company will receive an extra day’s holiday this year.’ So, why has the Paperback Angela Gillett and Jean Blizzard Shop succeeded where cutting the cake. other small businesses have failed? Caroline Summers, who joined the team as Sales Director last year, believes that the company is small enough to be agile and can exercise the flexibility necessary to make the most of changing markets and opportunities. She said: ‘We tend to punch above our weight and lead the way. The Paperback Shop is a real innovator.’ Take a look at the Paperback Shop’s new website designed by Bulldog Websites: Party balloons by Fabulous Partyware – Winner of FLBC Business of the Year 2020 Fish & chips by The Cotswold Chippy – Winner of FLBC New Business of the Year 2018 New website by Bulldog Websites – Finalist in FLBC Business of the Year 2020, 2019, 2018; Finalist in Most Innovative Business of the Year 2017 and New Business of the Year 2016. Story and photo: Chris Roberts 28 29 Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 30


A dog’s life with Meet Doug Newton and the Concorde connection

Mollie Collie There aren’t many people who can say they Twenty years after Concorde’s last flight, Doug is the have flown in Concorde nearly 100 times! But Co-ordinator of the Concorde Flight Test Association Doug Newton does have this claim to fame and, last September, was thrilled to be invited to having travelled in the iconic aircraft on test Duxford Imperial War Museum to sit in the pilot’s flights, transit flights and demonstration flights. seat of G-AXDN 101 and see its droop-nose bow to On one particular VIP flight from Fairford to the watching crowd! Casablanca, Doug shared the never-to-be- Doug continues to keep himself busy as he is Chair Got a pet story? Get in touch with Mollie Collie forgotten experience with Douglas Bader and of the Cotswold Oil Engine & Preservation Society Raymond Baxter. at [email protected] that has around 240 After leaving the RAF members. He is also in 1958, Doug went Chair of the British to British Aerospace Tractor Challenge at Happy Halley as a Commercial Hullavington and Aircraft Armaments holds the record in A Springer with an odd diet Advisor and watched the 2006 Guinness Concorde grow from Book of Records for One of Mollie’s best friends is Halley – a sleek Springer Spaniel. being on its ‘hands having 2,141 When they spot each other on Butler’s Field, ears prick up and they and knees’ (under tractors ploughing run hell-for-leather towards each other. This is followed by a mad belly) to flying simultaneously in the scamper round supersonic around same field beating with shoulders the world. the previous record and noses of 1,901. On 9th April 1969, touching until Concorde made its Doug’s regrets in life they are first successful 22- are that he was exhausted. Halley minute test flight never able to be a hadn’t been very from Filton, Bristol to pilot, as his eyesight well but, after Fairford with ex RAF let him down, and lots of tests and pilot Brian Trubshaw he has never flown some very in the cockpit. Doug in a Lancaster expensive subsequently moved bomber. However, antibiotics, she to Fairford to he has flown in a has made a good continue working on Heinkel bomber and recovery apart the bird-like did actually from the other aeroplane as a complete the week, when she Concorde Flight Test Doug Newton next to the new Concorde plaque Heathrow approach decided to eat a Inspector with the as a pilot on dish cloth. now famous Brian Trubshaw as his immediate boss. Concorde – albeit on a flight simulator at Brooklands You may think Doug’s last flight on Concorde on 14th January 1976 Museum! this hard to was a very proud and emotional one as G-BOAA was Still intensely proud of being a part of the swallow, but she delivered from Fairford to Heathrow ready for the development of such a pioneering aircraft, Doug has has been known first passenger flight to Bahrain. Doug continued to been very active in promoting the historic to eat hair work in the Concorde Flight Test Department until connection between Concorde and Fairford. He scrunchies, 1977 when the extensive flight testing ended. arranged for a stone memorial to Concorde to be rucksack straps There is a real sadness in Doug’s eyes when he recalls sited at the entrance to RAF Fairford in 2005; a and tea towels! the French Concorde’s final flight on 25th July 2000 memorial plaque to Brian Trubshaw to be fixed on to Fortunately, to in Paris. The official verdict of the cause of the crash the bench outside Fairford Library, two new roads in date, they have was that Concorde ran over debris on the runway Fairford have been called Concorde Crescent and reappeared during takeoff, which struck the underside of the left Trubshaw Way and, more recently, Doug had a new naturally! Her wing creating a shock wave in the unusually full tank. plaque fixed on the wall between the Bull Hotel and owner is very However, Doug believes the disaster could have been Fairford Post Office to commemorate 50 years since careful now, but avoided and ‘the ungainly goose’ could have flown Concorde 002 first flew into RAF Fairford in 1969. still is in a panic if for another 10 years if the accident had not a sock goes happened. Story and photo: Chris Roberts missing. Eat socks? Moi? 30 31 Ripples APR 2020 L&F.qxp_1 LINK – May 07 20/03/2020 01:02 Page 32


Under 11 rugby recruits needed now! Fairford’s incredibly successful U11 rugby team is Fairford is an accredited England RFU club and on the lookout for new recruits as many of the Fairford coaches are well known for spending as rugby team members will be moving up to U12 much of their time teaching the values and fun (Yr 7) next season. associated with the sport as they do the sport itself. Head Coach, Jonny Butler, has So far, this has been an been with the team for several amazing season for the young years and has really brought U11 Fairford rugby players the standard of play to a peak. with a string of wins against Sit in our new sunny garden room extension almost all the surrounding The Club has ambitious future to see over 12,000 bulbs appearing teams. Henry, a new member plans for new facilities, so now Spring bulbs will be a picture from our new garden room extension and already one of the team’s is the time to join. If you are a top try scorers, only picked up current player looking for a a rugby ball for the first time new home, or someone who is in October. He is now open to a new challenge delighted to be part of altogether, do please get in Fairford rugby and said: touch. There are training “Everyone has been so friendly sessions on Wednesday and welcoming. I really feel evenings open to all plus like I’ve been part of the team training and matches on for years.” William has been Sunday mornings as well. playing for the club since he Please email was five and his mother, [email protected] or Catherine Elliott, said: “This SUMMER TIME – Closed Tuesdays ONLY message the club through their club is amazing and has been Facebook page (Fairford Junior so good for William. It is a joy Rugby Club) or call 07789 to see the team spirit that 773093. these boys have. They are so passionate about their team The lunch was great, the game was great and so Story: Chris Roberts and the sport.” was the atmosphere Almost like being there! Keen rugby fans Being part of a big gathered in the audience makes for a Lechlade Memorial great atmosphere, a Hall last Saturday to very different eat lunch and to experience to watch the Six Nations watching alone at Rugby match home! between England and Many thanks to Shirley Wales. and David White for There was even an organising the catering Irishman in the and bar and to audience – a bit fed up Trustees of the that the Italy v Ireland Memorial Hall and match had been Lechlade and District postponed due to the Lions who volunteered corona virus! This was to help run the event. the first televised event The lunch was great, the game was great and so was the atmosphere Just over £410 was to be shown on the raised, and this money big screen since the opening of the new hall and, will contribute to stage lighting for the hall. judging by the response, it was a resounding success. Story: Margaret Hing. Photo: Simon Paul

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