volume 2 issue 4 | NovemBeR 2009 | theVIPmag.com VOLUME 6 ISSUE 5 | March 2013 | theVIPmag.com of southeast texas lounge Meet Marc McDonald Leather as looks home decor Themed Fashion — bedrooms head to toe Grandma AND floor to Suites ceiling Building a home bar 2013’s hottest home trends complimentary If you need surgery, you have achoice. Experience the difference. CHOOSE PREVITY. Outstanding Outcomes Highly-skilled Minimally Invasive Surgery Up-to-date Surgical Training GarrettK.Peel, M.D., M.H.S. Maria A. Palafox,M.D. Christopher A.Timmons, M.D. Mayo Clinic Trained Fellowship Trained Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Trained 740 Hospital Drive,Suite 280 610StricklandDrive,Suite 190 CALL US TODAY prevityclinic.com Beaumont, Texas 77701 Orange,TX77630 409.835.9500 409.886.1111 vip magazine contents Editorial Editor DAVID CONSTANTINE 06 vip adviser
[email protected] 0f The top SE Texas inside march home trends of 2013 Contributing Writers CATHLEEN COLE AmANDA COrbELL 09 vip home mEg gArDNEr 09 Front doors: The soul LArENA HEAD grACE mATHIS to your home jANE mCbrIDE 14 Hot bedroom themes HOLLI pETErSEN CHEryL rOSE 18 vipersonality Editorial Assistant 18 Real estate agent LAurEN mCgEE Marc McDonald Photography Contributing Photographers 22 vip worthy SCOTT ESLINgEr 22 Grandma suites 29 LACIE grANT rENé SHEppArD 24 Urban farmers and LEE E. STINSON backyard chickens Graphic Designer 29 vip style DAVID CONSTANTINE 29 Leather as home decor Advertising 31 Lounge looks for you To advertise in VIP, and your home 409.880.0700 Contact Us 34