Performance Perspectives Special firing order camshafts allow the performance engine builder to create a smoother-running engine, with improved fuel distribution and enhanced crankshaft and main bearing durability. his article falls under the category for the same smooth out the harmon- of “thinking outside the box.” It’s a ics in the pursuit of greater engine durability and trite phrase, I know, but the point to potentially generate more power. is that we don’t need to always Power gain potential aside, the primary reason think of an OE carmaker’s engine to address (and alter) cylinder firing order is to Mike firing order specification as gospel. achieve a smoother-running engine (a smoother, Mavrigian In certain racing applications, a special firing or- more lineal acceleration ramp), with less harmonic Tder (SFO) camshaft can be used as a tuning aid, effect (and crank deflection) on the crankshaft and
[email protected] allowing the competition engine builder to fur- its main bearings. In theory, virtually all engines can ther address combustion heat and crankshaft dis- benefit from this. The engines that can most bene- turbance (harmonic) issues. fit include those that run at or near peak rpm levels In essence, the goal in changing the firing or- for long periods of time, such as oval track, road der is to create a smoother-running engine and race and marine engine applications, as well as en- more even fuel distribution, with enhanced gines that are called upon to produce maximum crankshaft and main bearing durability. In the power in a very short period of time (drag race).