Congressional Record—Senate S6879
June 23, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S6879 that are also published in foreign countries, man, President and CEO, Pioneer Hi- on April 27, 1998: Mr. DREIER, Mr. BAR- (3) protects investments in processes and fac- Bred International, Inc.; H.W. TON, Mr. BALLENGER, Mr. MANZULLO, tory equipment of American manufacturers Lichtenberger, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. HAMIL- by creating a prior user defense, (4) provides Praxair, Inc.; Jeremiah J. Sheehan, TON, Mr. FILNER, Mr. DELAHUNT, and a low-cost, speedy alternative to district Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, court litigation by strengthening the Patent Reynolds Metals Co.; Eric Schmidt, Mr. REYES. and Trademark Office's reexamination pro- Chairman and CEO, Novell, Inc.; W.W. f cedure, and (5) improves efficiency of the Allen, Chairman of the Board and Chief MEASURES REFERRED Patent and Trademark Office. Executive Officer, Phillips Petroleum The substance of this bill has been debated Co.; Gary DiGamillo, Chief Executive The following bills were read the first in many Congressional hearings since the be- Officer, Polaroid Corp.; John E. Pepper, and second times by unanimous con- ginning of the 104th Congress. The House Chairman and CEO, Procter & Gamble; sent and referred as indicated: passed a companion bill earlier this year and Bill Budinger, Chairman and Chief Ex- H.R. 2411. An act to provide for a land ex- S. 507 was favorably reported by the Senate ecutive Officer, Rodel, Inc.; Larry Wil- change involving the Cape Cod National Sea- Judiciary Committee by a vote of 17 to 1. son, Chairman and Chief Executive Of- S.
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