Instruction to Set Up a WAMP SERVER with Built-in MySQL to Create a Database in MySQL and Connect from Your PHP Script CIS 408 Use Default Servers – Apache Web Server with PHP Server and My SQL Database DO NOT Change Default PORT Number 80 to 81  Download WAMP Server V 3.0 or higher from:

Download and Installation Instructions:

 After WAMP Server download start the installation:

 Then try to start the WAMP Server an icon will be seen in the icon notification bar. In the start the icon will be seen “red” in color i.e., all the services need to start.  In general it runs 3 services Apache server, Phpmyadmin, MariaDB or DB Adminstration.

 Wait until all the services turn on and the icon turns to green. The major error/ issue while working on this is if some other application in the local system is using the same port then the WAMP Apache will not work on this so if Apache is not working try to change the port and check.  Click on WAMP Icon-> Apache -> Service administration-> httpd.conf  The primary local host id would be: 80, so wherever you see ‘80’ change it to 81, 82… or 8080/8081 etc. Don’t turn it to 3306 since it’s your system host id and click on save.

 Now, restart the WAMP Server again and check whether the Apache service is started and wait until the WAMP Icon turns to green. Then you are all set.

 Then try to login to the phpmyadmin here the URL would be localhost followed by port number and hostid that you have given. Username will be ‘root’ and password will be empty at first. Login and create user and password followed by database.  Here, the url is localhost:81 since I have changed the port address to 81.

 Once you have logged in you can change the password for the username root.

 Click on New to create your own database and provide the database name.

 Now click on the DB that you have created and on the top you will find SQL you can write your sq queries, create tables or procedures.

 Now try to create the index. page and connect to the database.

 Now create insert.php which is used to connect to database and insert the data into the table.

 Here in the $conn line you need to provide your localhost(this is common for all), and the login details of your phpmyadmin i.e., the username and password that you have used while logging into myphpadmin page and in mysqli_select_db provide your db name that you have to be inserted. Save index.php and insert.php in the following path: C:\wamp64\www

 Now run the php file the url will be default localhost:81 or localhost:81/index.php and insert the values and click on submit.

 Now check in the database whether the values are inserted properly/not.