Kendo Manager Installation

Project Managament

Version 2.0



Ord.number Title Page 1. Introduction 3 2. System Requirements 3 3. Step 1. Install .Net Framework 3 4. Step 2. Install IIS 7 or Above 3 5. Step 3. Install Maria DB on Windows 7,8,10 or Win Server 2008, 2012, 2016 6 6. Step 4. Install -connector -net -6.9.9 10 7. Step 5. Create Kendo projectmanagement database and elmah log database 11 8. 5.1. Create projectmanagement database and elmah log database using default 11 HeidiSQL 9. 5.1.1 . Create projectmanagement database 12 10. 5.1.2. Create Elmah log database 14 11. 5.2. Creating a Kendo Manager Database with Xamp and phpMyAdmin 15 12. 5.2.1. Create Kendo Projectmanagament database 17 13. 5.2.2. Create Elmah log Database 18 14. 5.3. Creating Kendo Manager database through Plesk Control Panel 19 15. Step 6. Install Kendo Manager Software 20 16. 6.1. IIS_IUSRS Folder Permision 20 17. 6.2. Web config settings 22 18. 6.2.1.Language settings 22 19. 6.2.2. SMTP settings 23 20. 6.2.3. Database connection string 23 21. 6.3. Add Kendo Manager App in Internet information server (IIS) 24 22. 6.4. Configure Aplication pool 26 23. 6.4.1. Recomended Aplication pool settings 27 24. 6.6 . Kendo login data 27 25. 6. 7. Install Kendo Manager on Windows Server 2016 28

INTRODUCTION Kendo Manager is a web based application which can be installed on any Windows web server, windows PC or can be hosted on service Providers. Kendo Manager is suitable for all types of projects, regardless of team size or project complexity. Easy to use with simple instructions and it does not require expensive education of employees. Using Kendo Manager will easy your project life cycle. If you are a big or small company, Government institution or NGO, software for Managing Projects will help

2 you organize your projects, your team and give you an overview of your projects, weather in classic task list view or with Gantt charts. System Requirements

The following are the requirements of your system to install Kendo Manager,

Hardware Requirements

• Min: Intel Dual-Core Processor • RAM: Minimal 4 GB or more

Software Requirements • Win 7,8,10 or Windows Server 2008,2012,2016 • Full administrator Access • MariaDB 10.1.20 + • Mysql-connector-net-6.9.9 • IIS 7.0, 8.0, 10.0 • .NET Framework 4 +

Step 1. Instal l .NET Framework 4 • Download and install .NET Framework 4 from the folowing link and install:

Step 2 . Install IIS 7 or Above

IIS is not installed by default on Windows 7. As a result you have to manually set up IIS in your machine or you can install IIS easily using the Microsoft® Web Platform Installer (Web PI). To learn more about the Web PI, see Learn about and install the Web PI .

Ensure that you have installed one of the editions of Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 on which IIS 7 or above is supported before you proceed. Not all IIS features are supported on all editions of Windows 7, 8 and 10. Home Basic and Starter editions include only limited basic features of IIS. We recommend Ultimate, Professional, or Enterprise Editions

Note : If you already have installed IIS skip this step

As a result you have to manually set up IIS in your machine.

• Log on either to the built-in administrator account • First of all, select the Control Panel.


• In the Programs section, select Turn Windows Features on or off .

You might encounter the following screen:

Now, simply click on the features that are checked on the following screens and then hit the OK button.


A progress bar will appear.

Once the installation is over, to confirm it, simply type the following URL into your browser: http://localhost . If installation is successful, then you will see the following screen:


Step 3 . Install Maria DB on windows 7 ,8,10 or Win Server 2008,2012,2016

The installation procedure for MariaDB is the same for windows 7,8,10 and Windows server 2008,2012 and 2016 Go to for latest version of MariaDB.

MariaDB available in two version : installer and zip type. Get installer version.

Install MariaDB on Windows or Windows server

• Double installer to start install process. Click Next.


• Check License Agreement

• Click on "I accept the terms" Custom Setup


Database Authentication/Security Related Properties

NOTE : You can set the password for the "root" database user and specify whether root can access database from remote machines.

Other Database Properties


• Install as service

• Defines if the database should be run as a service and the service name. It is recommended to run your database instance as a service as it greatly simplifies database management. The default service name is "MySQL", for compatibility reasons (this is the same name that " mysqld.exe --install " would choose too).

• Enable Networking

• Whether to enable TCP/IP (recommended) and which port MariaDB should listen to. If security is a concern, you can change the bind-address parameter post-installation to bind to only local addresses. If the "Enable networking" checkbox is deselected, the database will use named pipes for communication.

• Optimize for Transactions

• If this checkbox is selected, the default storage engine is set to Innodb (or XtraDB) and the sql_mode parameter is set to " NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES ". You can also define the Innodb/Xtradb buffer pool size. The default buffer pool size is 12.5% of RAM and depending on your requirements you can give more (up to 70-80% RAM). 32 bit versions of MariaDB have restrictions on maximum buffer pool size, which is approximately 1GB, due to virtual address space limitations for 32bit processes.

Ready to Install. Click Install

More information :


Step 4 . Install mysql -connector -net -6.9.9

Open Kendo ManagerFolder . Click to Double installer to start install process.

• Click Next – Tipical -Install


Step 5. Create Kendo projectmanagement database and elmah log database

5.1. Create projectmanagement database and elmah log database using default HeidiSQL

NOTE : HeidiSQL is a Windows client for MariaDB and MySQL. It has been bundled with the Windows version of MariaDB since MariaDB 5.2.7

• Click to HeidiSQL

• Create sesion

• Click to open 11

5.1.1 . Create projectmanagement database • Go to File and click to Load SQL File options

• Chose projectmanagement file from Kendo Manager– Database folder and click open.

• Click ok on messages 12

• Click to execute SQL

• Click to ok and refresh windows (F5)

• Click ok button.

Note : In the left frame you see projectmanagement database


5.1.2. Create Elmah log database

• Open HeidiSql and Go to File and click to Load SQL File options

• Chose Elmah sql file from Kendo Manager– Database folder and click open.

• Click to execute SQL


• Click to Ok and refresh windows (F5)

5.2. Creating a Kendo Manager Database with Xamp and phpMyAdmin

Install and use Xampp co -existing with IIS


The main aim of this section is to help beginners to get Xampp Apache Server and IIS server to work together since there is an issue due to port 80. So we have to change Xampp port 80 to another port number (not used by any other service).

Use the following steps:

1. Download Xampp from the official website or directly from this link 2. After successful installation of Xampp, go to this directory inside your Xampp folder: /Xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf 3. Search for Listen 80 and replace it with Listen 8080 4. Search for ServerName localhost:80 and replace it with ServerName localhost:8080 5. Save this file and close it 6. Then go to this directory: /Xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf 7. Search for Listen 443 and replace it with Listen 4499 8. Save this file and close it 9. Congratulations, we are done. You can run your Apache service using Xampp Control Panel.

• Start Xampp server


• Start PhpMyAdmin Note: Use address http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin if you change port.

5.2.1. Create Kendo Projectmanagament database


It is necessary to create Project Management and Elmah log database using sql files from the Database folder.

Click to Import option – browse and chose projectmanagement sql file frome DATABASE folder and click Go


5. 2.2. Create Elmah log Database Once you have created projectmanagement database you need to create Elmah log database . Click on the import option and choose elmah sql file from the folder database. After selecting elmah sql file to import, click Go to create a base. ELMAH is an open source debugging tool for ASP.NET web services.

• Click to Import option – browse and chose ELMAH sql file frome DATABASE folder and click Go

• Click Go


Note : Elmah log address is localhost/elmah.axd or localhost/elmah.axd. You must log into Kendo manager to see Elmah page.

5.3. Creating Kendo Manager database through Plesk Control Panel

If you use Plesk Control Panel, the process of creating a database is the same.

• Go to Tools&Settings - Database Servers and click to open phpMyAdmin and import database projectmangement and elmah log database.

Plesk phpMyAdmin


Step 6. Install Kendo Manager Software

• Go to Kendo manager Free edition folder and copy Kendo App folder to C: \inetpub \wwwroot .

6.1. IIS_IUSRS Folder Permision • Add IIS_IUSRS full permision on folder s App_Data, Files and repository .

App_data • Click to right mouse button to App_data folder and choose Properties and select tab Security . Add full control for IIS_IUSRS and click Ok .


Files folder • Click to right mouse button to Files folder and choose Pro perties and select tab Security. Add full control for IIS_IUSRS and click Ok.

Repository folder • Click to right mouse button to Repository folder and choose Properties and select tab Security Add full control for IIS_IUSRS and click Ok.



6.2. Web config settings Go to C: \inetpub \wwwroot \kendo and open web config with note editor to set config file .

Note : We are recomended Notepad++ ( )

• Select web.config

• Right click to Open file in note editor .

6.2.1. Language setting s

Currently, Kendo manager supports English and Serbian language (Latin alphabet version). Default language is English ("DefaultCulture" value="en-US"). If you want the Serbian language to be basic, type sr-Latn-RS in a string, sr-Latn-RS ("DefaultCulture" value="sr- Latn-RS").


6.2.2. SMTP setting s

Mail server settings serves to set up automatic notifications and emails if you use an email server.

Note: Kendo Manager does not support port 465.

6.2.3. Database conne ction string • Enter the root password in the connections strings

1 row example

2,3,4 row example


Kendo config file is predefined for the default base projectmanagemen t and elmah log base that we have previously created using HeidiSQL or phpMyAdmin . You need to enter the password of your root user . If you create a database with a different name and user , you need to enter your data into the database connection string. If your root user does not have a password, leave the field password empty.


6.3. Add Kendo Manager A pp in Internet information ser ver (IIS)

The procedure to add a new website to IIS 7.5 or above is the same no matter which operating system you use (Windows 7/8/10 or Server 2008,2012,2016).

• Open the IIS Manager

To begin, open the IIS Manager from Start > Control Panel>System and Security\Administrative Tools . Stop default IIS web site If you want to use it on port 80 it is necessary to stop the default IIS website.

Add the website • Expand the tree on the connections column. • Right click Sites. • Select Add Web Site…


Configure the new Kendo manager website

This window is the initial new website configuration. From here we will make a basic working site.

• In Site name, enter a Kendo to identify your website. • In Physical path enter the path to the website files. You can put this anywhere on your hard drive but the default is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kendo • In the binding set, you can select how the site is bound to the server. • Type: Select HTTP or HTTPS if you server have SSL Certificat. • IP Address: Select your IP here. When using Windows 7 you’re probably hosting at home, so this will probably be your local IP such as otherwise it may be something else. • Port: This should not be changed unless required as port 80 or port is the only port you can use without adding :port at the end of your domain. You should only change this if your ISP blocks port 80. • Host name: This should be your domain name. If you don’t have one and want to use your IP, leave it blank.


6.4 . Configure Aplication pool • Specify a .NET Framework 4 Version for an Application Pool

Click to Aplication Pools

Select Kendo application pool and click to Adv anced Settings

Select Identity - click and choose and select Network Service . Select .NET framework version 4.0 and click OK.


6.4.1. Recomended Aplication pool settings

6.6 Kendo login data Type localhost in browser and click enter . If you have everything set up correctly, you will get the Kendo manager home page. In login form type default login data and click login: Username : admin Pasword : admino


• Kendo is ready to work

6.7 . Install Kendo Manager on Windows Server 2016

The procedure to add a new website to IIS is the same no matter which operating system you use Server windows 2008,2012,2016). Open the IIS Manager To begin, open the IIS Manager from Start > Internet Informations server


Add the Kendo Manager website • Expand the tree on the connections column. • Right click Sites. • Select Add Web Site…

This window is the initial new website configuration. From here we will make a basic working site.

– In Site name, enter a Kendo to identify your website. – In Physical path enter the path to the website files. You can put this anywhere on your hard drive but the default is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\kendo In the binding set, you can select how the site is bound to the server. – Type: Select HTTP and domain name. –such as otherwise it may be something else.