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I • I I Edited for The Heather Society

• by E. C. Nelson & D. J. Small I I

'I • • ,•I Volume 2 , African ,

, hybrids and cultivars 'I •

~ " I • l .. Part 1: A-C I Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C

Pream ble In 1970, The Heather Society (founded in 1963) was charged by the International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated to undertake the role of International Cultivar Registration AUthority(ICRA) for a de~ommat1o_nclass compns1ngfive genera within Elicaceae , namelyAndromeda , Bruckenthalia, Cafluna, Daboec,a and Enca. These plants are generally called "heathers· or "heaths" in English-speaking regions.The special denommat1on class was dismanUed in 2004 (see Heathers (Yearbook of The Heather Society) 1: 65 (2004)); the genera Andromeda, Calluna, Daboecia and now comprise four separatedenom inationdasses. The role of an ICRA is defined by the International code of nomenclature for cuffivated plants (ICNCP), the current edition being that published in 2004 . The first volume of the International checklist of heather names was published in four parts in 2000. It contained all cultivar names and all botanical names that had then been traced within the genera Andromeda, Bruckenthalia (recently subsumed into Erica), Ca//una and Daboecia. All the known names of species and subspecific taxa of Erica species indigenous in Europe, Asia Minor, the Atlantic islands (Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands) and Africa north of the Tropic of Cancer, and of their hybrids and cultivars - the so-called hardy heaths and heathers - were also included.

Sc ope of volume 2 of the International checklist of heather names This volume, to be published in four parts during 2004, contains the names employed for Erica species and subspecific taxa that are indigenous in Africa {south of the Tropic of Cance r) and adjacent islands of the southern Atlant ic and Indian Oceans. The majority of species occur in the Province, , and these have long been referred to as the ·cape heaths", or_·cape ·. This volume also includes the names of natural and artific ial hybrids , ·varieties· and cult 1vars of the Cape heaths. It shou ld be noted that the mega- Erica has been redefined and now includes all the related "minor" genera of Ericeae ; a list of these gene ra is included here as Annex 1. Their names, being synonyms of Erica taxa, are also in this check list.

Origins of the International checklist of heather names The two volumes had their origins in the work of the late D.C. McClintock (Registrar _1970-1994) whose card indexes of cultivar names, compiled over many decades, provided an invaluable, 1mt1al source of information. The Heather Soc iety also acknowledges the cont ributions , especially regarding hardy heather cult1va: , of T.A. Julian, A.W. Jones (Registrar , 1994-1998 ) and Mrs J. Julian {Registrar 1999-200 1), as well as ose 1 other individuals named in volume - . T t d b the late A w Jones during his term as International Compi lation of this second volume _was,n1 ia e Ynit was n~t ~tarted until 2001, after the publication Cultivar Registrar . However the maionty of tek7o;k oderved directly from a computerised database that © The Heather Society 2004 of the first volume. As with volume 1, th is c ec ~~ e1:ntri~s in the database were checked _anded ited © Photographs: The Heather Society Slide Library was devised and is managed by D.J.Small. fTh Heather Society) provided invaluableass1stanceatall by Dr E.C. Nelson. MrsAnne Small (Admm1stratoro e stages of the editing and production of this checkhs;: . the United Kingdom and Ireland we acknowledge For research facilities a_ndaccess to pubhca ion_s ,n Ro al Horticultural Society), The Botany Library the help of the Linnean Society of London, Lindley Lib_rary{ ~f London NIAB {Cambridge), Royal Botanic (The Natural History Museum, London), Society of Ant1quane~ublin , All Rights Reserved Gardens , Kew, and the National Botamc_Garden\~::~~:~ists horticulturists and individuals with interests Many members of The Heather Society, as w his volu,;,e. The Heather Society also acknowledges No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in in and knowledge of, these plants, have cont nbut_eddto\s· R J Cleevely B.Sellers , J.Aubrey, M.Nelhams. any form, or by any means, electronic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, th~ substantial assistance of the following md1v1h u~ . (LIV) (United' Kingdom); Ruth Brennan, Colette without permission in writing from The Heather Society, All Saints Road, Creeling St. Mary, p H Oswa ld Dr J. Edmondson and Dr L. Westen. o ~e bsohn (Societe national d'horticulture de France, Ipswich, IP6 8PJ, England EdV:,ards (lr~land) ; J.G.Flecken (Net_herlands)~Ant:~ff a~ith Davis and C.Davis, Dr L.Eighme, D.Lemo~, Paris) (France); R. Arruda, Alice _Kmght, Ella-_ airb:retum Library), Deb Golanty (Denver_BotamcGardens~ c Blair Dr D Nicolson, Barbara P1tschel(Strybmg F R Edwards {HortResearch Library), L.J.Metca (USA)-'Prof .L Ruggiero (Italy); Margaret Dagg, Dr:· /~~;;;·m .TChristensen , Dr D.J.Mabberley (); First edition published in 2004 by The Heather Society (New Zeal~nd) ; K. Wilson, Joyce Protherota(Can~ it~ 'inf~rrnatio~ ~bout the Erica species of Madgascar, we H db (Sweden) For his ass1s nee h. ton DC) ISBN 0-9539079-8-8 =~~~o~ie:ge ~~~ help of D,' L.J.Dorr {Smi:o~~~ni~~ti~~t;~~:a;r ~iH Oli~~r {Specialis:;~e=~ Throughout the project we have rece1v u Kirstenbosch, South Africa. Indeed, withe ,s validity of National Botanica l Institute, Compton Herbani: ·n compiled. We have consulted Dr Oliver about: remain ,n this volume of the checklist could _never have nsible for any errors relating to the botanical names dubious botanica l names, but he is not respo . . rt b a generous grant from the this checklist. . h klist and its compilation was funded, ,n pa , Y The research work for this c ec Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 2 3 Abbreviations,Symbols and Annotations Arrangement . . . . · ·1 b This volume of the lntemationalchecklist of heather names, like the first volume, Is intendedtor use pnman Y Y Personal names DJS David Small horticulturistsand gardeners.It was generatedfrom a computerised database, and thus the names are arranged EGHO Dr Ted Oliver ECN Dr Chartes Nelson in strict alphabeticsequence . When the same name was used on more than one occasion, all known uses of LJD Dr Larry Dorr PHO Philip Oswald the name are listed, their order being determined by the alphabetic sequence of, first, the genus and then the RJC Ron Cleevely species to which they belong. When the same name has been used by more than one author, the names are arranged in order of date (year) of publication, the earliest published coming first. When the same name has Abbreviations for colours in descriptions H Heather Society colour chart been used at different ranks within the same species, their order is determined by the names of the ranks, as RHSCC RoyalHorticultural Society follows - subspecies,variety, forma, cultivar. colour chart

Botanicalnames . Herbarium codes (for specimens noted in Notes) Botanicalepijhets are includedin this checklist because, in many instances, especially in the nineteenthcenturies, BH = Botany Department,The Natural History Museum,London . ·cape heaths" that would now be regarded as cultivars. were described and named as species o_r primary K = Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,London . hybridsor at some infra-specificrank - generally the botanical variety (vanetas)- or were given _trinom1als,even LIV = Liverpool Museum (including specimens in collectionof James EdwardSmith (LIV(JES)) polynomials,without any indication of rank. As the vast majority of these are no longer known in cult1vat1on,no attempt has been made to reclassify them as cultivars, nor to amend their Latin names into cultIvar names Other abbreviations althoughthis is pem,ittedunder the Internationalcode of nomenclaturefor cultivatedplants 2004 (Art. 19.6 and 19.7). ICBN = lntemational code of botanical nomenclature However, botanical names including the names of species and their hybrids, subspecies, varieties and ICNCP = lntemational code of nomenclaturefor cultivatedplants forms, are not governed or regulated by the lntemational code of nomenclature for cultivated plants. These names, in Latin form, must be published in accord with the current edition of the lntemational code of botanical The symbols preceding the sections of each entry are as follows: nomenclature(ICBN), and while every effort has been made to ensure that any botanical synonymy given in this checklist is correct under the ICBN, we would welcome corrections, amendments and additions. Furthermore, N synonymy,with the correct name (in bold) if known; reasonfor rejection. becauseof the large number of botanical names, and the exceedingly complex tasks involved in checking each * brief description, if available, for cultivars and certain horticulturalvarieties one, the editors acknowledge that in some cases up-to-date synonymy is lacking, and that the authorities for • the history in cultivation, if known some names may not be correct, or may not be complete. 'f' awards received with dates Botanical names printed in bold are considered valid . In determining validity we have been advised ~ name(s) of progeny (e.g. sports, seedlings,etc .) and guided especially by Dr E.G.H. Oliver. For southern African species we have followed the listing by IT) referencesto publicationsin which the namewas publishedbefore the protologue(see below) , E.G.H. Oliver and I.M. Oliver published in Strelitzia 14: 424-451 (2003). without any accompanying (validating, sensu ICBN) descriptionor diagnosis. m references to the publication of the name; the first referencefor each namewith a botanical Cultivar names rank will include the validating descriptionor diagnosis, i.e. the protologue(see above). Cultivar names printed in bold accord with the lntemational code of nomenclature for cultivated plants (2004) The database from which listing is derived contains a very large numberof references. To and thus are accepted by The Heather Society acting as International Cultivar Registration Authority. reduce the size of this volume of the register,we have truncatedthe listof referencesespecially, Cult1varnames not printed in bold either are of uncertain status or do not comply with the articles of the but not exclusively, for names of currentlyrecognized species. When this hadbeen done , an lntemationalcode of nomenclaturefor cultivatedplants (2004), and thus are deemed to be rejected. The reasons arrow(-+) appears at the end. Some of the principal sourcesare listed in Annex2 . All the for reiectingthese names are stated (see below). When an accepted synonym is available for a rejected name, additional references are retained on the database and may be obtainedon requestto the the synonymthat should be used will be given in bold. International Cultivar Registrar.

The following name, for example, is accepted. References are enclosed in square brackets when the orthography of the name used in the publications is not the correct orthographyaccording to the ICBN. 'African Fanfare' - Erica 'African Fanfare' N Registeredon 2 November 2002 by D. J. Small. Registration No. 180 references to published illustration(s): see notes under m _above._ . . . * Flowersin dense cylindrical clusters; 5-8 flowers per shoot; corolla c. 2cm long, tubular, translucent, white etymology: a commentary may be provided on the name, its ongins and denvation. NB. to at base shading t~ nc_h beetroot-purple (H 13) at lobes, paler on shaded side; ovary densely hirsute; July­ reduce the length of this volume of the Internationalchecklist of heathern _ames,_when a November (in cult1vat1onIn northern hemisphere). name is repeated, etymology is provide only for the first entry,or when variants (including : Hybridof uncertain_and unknownorigin, grown in Europe and Australasia under various names including typographic errors) exists only for the main correct entry. Explanatorynotes mayalso be . lmnaeo,des,E . doluforrms,and probably also (see Botanica) E. persoluta. included. m Yearbookof The Heather Society 2003: 54, 71. ""sB _otanica, 338 (1997) (two photographs; as E. linnaeoides and E. persoluta)· Yearbookof The Heath · h d't cognise that in some entries in this checklist oc,ety 2003: 54. ' er While every effort h_as been made to veHnfyt~at\ t ee~ ~:~co:es corrections,amendments and additionsto incomplete information Is provided. The ea er oc1

The following name, for example, is rejected, and its accepted synonym is provided.

'Dawn' - Erica 'Dawn' N Rejected because of its prior use for a cultivar of E. x watsonii' correct . · , , • Exh1b1tedby Milton Hutchings Ltd, Pield Heath Nurseries Uxbri, . name. Er,ca Daybreak 1967. It is unlikely to_be the cultivar of Australasian origin (see b~:t1ddlesex, atthe RHS on 31 October m Proc. Royal Hort,culturalSociety 93: 25 (1968); 94: 85 (1969

abietina- Erica abletina C. Linnaeus abrotanoides - Erica abrotanoidesBurmann f. . d 11 (1768)· Flora capensis4 (1): 310 (1905); IIl Speciesplantarum : 355 (1753) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 67 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums III Flora indica ... Prodromus f/orae capens,s pro romus, 1965 • Wien67 : 91 (1964);_ 68: 37 (1965); Bothalia32 : 50 (2002); Slrelitzia9: 429 (2000); _ 14: 426 (2003): -+ ' Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68. 139d( >;s applied to southerwood (Artemisia A D. Schumann _& G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 46 (1992) ; I.M. Oliver & E.G.H. Oliver Ericas of name used by Latin authors an now "fied y the : 9 (2000) ; Bothalia 32: 51 (2002) . ' (D Latin : abrotanum was a . . . blance· resembling abrotanumin some unspec, wa · abrotanum);-oides = suffix indicating resem ,

absinthioides _ Erica absinthioides . . abietina - Erica abietina P.J. Sergius . t me· Erica absmtho1des · N Orth0graphIc error : correc na · d . G s ·nclair Hortus ericaeus Wobu_mens1s, N Synonym of Erica mammosa · 2· 407 (1811 2nd e n), · 1 • m W.T. Aiton, Hortus Kewens,s · • . ( nd edn); Annalendes Natum .,,,..,,,_=,~~-..,.,...,, 105-106 (1767) ; Flora capensis4 (1)· 53 ). 568 1840 2 IIl Descriptiones plantarumex Capite Bonae Spei, c1905 A 1, 31 (1825); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotamcus . . des Naturh,stonschenMuseums , Wien 68: 33, 42 (19 ): -+ · • nna1 en 65 Museums, Wien 68: 151 (1965).

abietina - Erica abietina J. Roxburgh N Nomennudum . Synonym of Erica pharetraeformis. IIl Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 361 (1802).

adunca - Erica adunca G. Bentham aestiva - Erica aestiva var. ae;ti;a. I Survey of SouthAfrica 56: 140 (1987): _62 : 534 (1993); StrelitzJa N Synonym of Erica triceps Ill autonym; Memoirs of the o nica Ill A .-P. d_e Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 618 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1) : 242 (1905); Annalen des 14: 426 (2003) . Naturh1stonschenMuseums, Wien 67: 112 (1964) : _ 68 : 114 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 450 (2000) · 14: 426 447 (2003) : -+ ' - ' .A. D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 193 (1992) . (D Latin : aduncus = hooked, crooked ; referring to the style . Volume 2 African species , hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 13 12 afromontana - Blaeria ti/ago var. afromontana(C .G. Alm & T.C.E. Fries) C.G. Alm & Tc E F · Notizblattd k · · · · · nes aethiopica - Erica aethiopica C. Linnaeus m . es omgl. botamschenGartens und Museumzu Berlin-Dahlem8 : 692 (1924)· Actaho rti Be · · N Nomen nudum. 8 (8)- 253-254 (1~24)_;Flora Zambesiaca7 (1): 173 (1983); J.-P. Lebrun &A .L. Stork Enumerationrg~!~' m Flora capensis, 14 (1759) (name only). . . plantes a fleurs dAfnque tropical 4: 15 (1997). ' (D Toponym: Latin: aethiopicus = inhabiting Africa usually meaning South Afnca. aggtutinans - Erica agg/utinans E.G.H. Oliver affine - Encodes affine C.E.O. Kuntze W Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium19 : 203 (2000); Strelitzia9 : 425 (2000); 14: 426,451 (2003) m Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). • Contnbut,onsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 202 [Inge Oliver] (2000). - · (D Latin: affinus = akin to, neighbouring.

affinis - Blaeria affinis N.E. Brown aggregata - Blaeria aggregata Wendland ex E.T. Steudel N Synonym of Erica ericoldes rtz· 14- 425 433 (2003)· _. N Synonym of Simocheilusmultif/orus. Noted under Simocheilusmulliflorus as a synonymex "Hb. Wendi." m Flora capensis 4 (1): 325 (1905); Acta horti Bergiani 6 (8): 233 (1924); Stre 1 ,a · , · m Lmnaea 12: 236 (1838); Flora capensis 4 (1): 361 (1906); Acta horti Bergiani6 (8): 262 (1924): ... (D Latin: affinus = akin to, neighbouring.

aggregata - Erica aggregataJ . Roxburgh afflnis - Erica afflnis G. Bentham . 5) . A I d m A .-P. de candolle , Prodromus, 7: 656 (1839); Flora capens,s 4 (1 ): 276 (190 , nn_a en . e_s N Nomen nudum. Synonym of Erica cumuliflora. Natumistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 121 (1964): _ 68: 127 (1965); Botha/fa 31: 1-8 (2001), Strelftz,a • Salisbury cited this in synonymy under Erica cumuliflora. This epithet appearson Niven's herbarium 9: 429 (2000); _ 14: 426 (2003): _. . specimens (nos 120, 254). • Floral magazine3 : tab. 144 (1864); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Afnca, 220 (1992). m Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 336 (1802); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus , 568, 571

'Africana' - Erica canaliculata 'Africana' aghillana - Erica aghi//anavar. aghi//ana f South Aflica 56: 140 (1987): - 62: 534 (1993); Strelitzia m no printed source tr_aced; [www.florluppidaniele.com1erica.html accessed 10 November 2002) m autonym; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey o (D Toponym: Latin: afncanus = inhabiting Africa . 14: 426 (2003). Note: Unless proven to have been published before 1959, this name must be rejected because it is Latin. agregata - Erica agregata . . ata . N Typographic error: correct name. Enca_~~;g04) ; J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 220 (1812), - · 219 afromontana - Blaeria afromontana C.G. Alm & T.C.E. Fries m Catalogue, Conrad Lodd1ges, Hackney. W Notizblattdes konigl. botanischen Gartens und Museumzu Berlin-Dahlem9 · 692 (1924)· Ft b · (1814, 2nd edn). 7 (1): 173 (1983); J.-P. Lebrun &A.L. Stork, Enumeration des plantes a fl~urs d'Afriq~e t°:p:a7 _e~;ca (1997). 4· T;h thery 3. tab . 102 (1806) ; Curtis's botanical • Colouredengravings of heaths 1: tab .. 1 <1796), -:-' \ .eat . tab . c 818); J. Paxton , Magazine alba - Ectasis banksianavar . alba G. Don 1 2 144 1 magazine 12: tab . 429 (1798) ; C. Lodd1ges, Botamca ca me · · III General system of gardening & botany3 : 827 (1834). of botany4 : tab . 61 (1836) . (D Eponym : see Erica aitonii. alba - Erica x aggregatavar . alba * Flowers wh ite , evergreen, to '/4ft tall, July. aitoniana - Erica aitoniana . . .. _ · I ·ff ,a R A Salisbury III Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney : 22 (1804) [as •agregata ·; name only]" Verhandlunen des N Orthographic variant: correct name : Enca a,tonu- ErlcaJ~S";; m do ;,,;,dromus 7· 645 (1839) · Flora 11 ~erems zur BefOr~erungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/Jischen Sta~ten 16 : 301 r1842)· s III WT .Aiton, Hortus Kewensis2: 372 (1811, 2nd _edn) ;A.-P. e an e, . . • · . _. • ° 9 5 ereman, Paxtons botamca/d1ct,onary, 217 (1868, new edn): -+ • · capensis4 (1): 93 (1905); Annalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums, Wien 68. 57 (1 6 ). Note . Regel attributed this vanetal epithet to himself . • c. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 2: tab . 144 (1818) . (D Eponym : see Erica aitonii. alba - Erica andromedaefloravar . alba H.C. Andrews N Synonym for Erica triumphans aitoniana - Euryloma aitoniana • Don listed this under E. pyro/aeflora; Bentham gave it as a synonym of E. triumphans. N Orthographic variant. III J.C. Loudon , Arboretum & fruticetum Britannicum2 : 1094 (1838) (name only) . III Coloured engravings of heaths 4: tab . 217 (1825-1828) ; _ , The heathery 5: tab . 201 (post 1816)· A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 654 (1839) :-+ · A H.C. Andrews , Colouredengravings of heaths 4: tab. 217 [1825-1828); The heathe,y5 : tab. 201 (post 1816). aitonianum - Encodes aitonianum C.E.O . Kuntze Note : This name 1s not included in Sinclair 's Hortusericaeu s Wobumensis(1825) , pointing to publication N Orthographic variant of Andrews ' Coloured engravingstab . 217, after January 1825. III Revisio generumptantarum 2: 966 (1891 ). alba - Erica baccans var. alba aitonii - Erica aitonii F. Masson ex H.C. Andrews III V. Paquet , Traite de la culture des plantes de terre de bruyere, 102 (1844). N Synonym of Ericajasminiflora R.A. Salisbury . • . .• . . • Cultivated by Lee and by Salisbury , 1799-1800 (see LIV). This name (as a1torn) was included m Richard Williams ' (Turnham Green) observations on Erica (RBG Kew, Inwards book, c.1800) . alba - Erica banksia var . alba III [Colouredengravings of heaths 1: tab . 1 (1796 , 1 November) as "aitonia"); (C.L. Willdenow, Species N Correct name : Erica banksii var. alba plantarum, 2: 398 (1799 , 4th edn) as "aitoni"); W.T . Aiton. Hortus Kewensis 2: 372 (1811, 2nd edn); Flora III G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Woburnensis, 3, 35 (1825) ; The gardener's magazine1 : 133 (1826); capensis 4 (1): 93 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68 : 57 (1965) : .... J. Forbes, Hortus Woburnensis, 78 (1833) ; Catalogue, New plants for 1881, B.S. Williams , Upper (D Eponym : ·n amed Aitonia at the desire of Mr Masson, in commemoration of his much valued and most Holloway , 103 (1881) . excellent friend ." Therefore the person commemorated was William Aiton (1731-1793) , Royal Gardener at Kew, and not his son William Townsend Aiton . ' On a trip over Hottenot Holland mountains I found two alba - Erica banksiana var. alba beautiful species of Erica which appears to me nondescripts and I beg if it is agreeable to you to name N Correct name : Erica banksii var. alba them after my two old friends Lee & Aiton ." (F. Masson to J. Banks 27 May 1790 , in F. Bradlow : 64) . m J.C. Loudon , Hortus Britannicus, 146 (1830) ; S. Hereman , Paxton's botanicaldictionary , 217 (1868, Neither the form ' aitonia ' (H .C. Andrews) nor ' aitoni ' is correct . new edn) ; Journal of horticulture & cottage gardening 60: 411 (1878). • Journal of horticulture & cottage gardening60 : 470 (1878). aitonii - Eurytomaaitonii (H.C. Andrews) D. Don N Synonym of Erica aitonii alba - Erica banksii var. alba G. Sinclair III Edinburghnew philosophicatjoumal 17: 155 (1834) ; Generalsystem of gardening & botany 3: 816 (1834); N Orig inal orthography , to be corrected , was Erica banksiava r. alba Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 57 (1965) : -+ * Flowers white, cylindrical; June; evergreen , 0.5ft. . Ill [G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis,3, 35 (1825) as banks1a). alba - Erica alba • Journal of horticulture 60: 470 (1878) . III J. Donn , Hortus Cantabrigiensis,70 (1804, 3rd edn); Annalen der Btumisterei 2: 80 (1826); Proceedings (D Sir Joseph Banks's white heath. of the Royal Horticultural Society (1 ): 360 (1838-1843) ; Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 8: 190 (1887) ; _ 25: 10 (1900) . 'Alba' - Erica bauera 'Alba ' . . N Ortho ra hie error, to be corrected : correct name Erica baueri. However, this cult1var name cannot be (D Latin: albus = white . estab~sh~d because it is Latin , and because no evidence has been found that 1twas published before

alba - Grisebachiaalba N.E. Brown 1959 , it is rejected . N Synonym of Erica plumosa * Flower 'pure white '. III Flora capensis 4 (1): 344-345 (1906) ; Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 313 (2000) . Ill L. Foulis el a/ii (eds). Botanica, 336 (1997) . • L. Foulis et a/ii (eds), Botanica, 336 (1997) . alba - Callis/a comosa var. alba J.C. Loudon • Flowers white , June-Aug. ¼ft. (Loudon , p. 1089 stated the flowers were red I) alba _ Erica x bothwellianavar . alba . III J.C. Loudon , Arboretum & fruticetum Britannicum2 : 1089, 1091 (1838) . N s onym · Erica ventricosabothwethana alba . ) • /;ybrid ~ised by Andrew Turnbull (see Gardeners' chronicle, new sene~, 2: 3:1 1~ :~ series. 2 3.."9 alba - Callista tenuiflora var . alba G. Don Ill Proceedings of the Royal HorticulturalSociety 2: 548 (1862), Gardenerschron ' • Flowers white , subaxillary, or terminating the small branches, sweet -scented ; Apr -June . 1ft. (1874)S; - 131: 17E9(x18b8o0t~welliana · E ferruginea var. bothwel/iana, E. savileia var. bothwell1ana, III G. _Don ,_General system of gardening & botany 3: 812 (1834) ; J.C. Loudon Arboretum & ~ 1· t Note · ee a so · ' · tr Bntanmcum2 : 1089 (1838). • ru ice um E. tri~olorvar . bothwe/liana; and E. ventricosavar . bothwe ,ana. INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 16 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 17 alba - Erica bullarisvar . alba _ . alba Erica graci/is var. alba N Typographic error. correct name : Enca bul/ulans var. alba m m v. Paquet, Traitede la culture des plantes de terre de bruyere, 105 (1844) . RHS dictionary of gardening2: 767 (1956, 2nd edn). Note : There is no evidence this bl" published . was pu ished before 1956, and thus under ICBN the name is not validly alba - var. alba hortulanorum •• • • J'en ai une qui n'en differe que par la couleur bla~chatre des fleurs. _ , _ _ m Le bonjardinieralmanachpour/'annee 1817 : 642 (1817) [without name], The gardeners magazine 1. alba - Erica hendrickseivar. alba H.A. Baker 133 (1826); Annalenderblumisterei 177 (1829) ; W. McNab , A treatise on ... Cape heaths, 43 (1832); Erect shrublet to 45 cm . Flowers sm th ty . . * white . Sept-Apr . a IIer an pe vanety, tubular with spreading lobes, hairy, creamy c. Bonstedt, Pareysblumengartnerei 2 : 136 (1932) . W Journal of South African botany 33: 177 (1967); Strelitzia14 : 435 c2003): -> alba - Erica comosavar . alba hortulanorum • D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of SouthAfrica, 93 (1992). • Flowers white, evergreen, O.75ft , June . alba - Erica x hiemalis var. alba • Waitz attributed this to Loddiges . m C.F. Waitz, Beschreibungder Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 245 (1805); A catalogue of plants in the N Orthographic variant: see also E. x hyemalisvar . alba Botanic Gardenat Uverpool, 190 (1808) [as "comosa-alba1; W . McNab, A treatise on ... Cape heaths, W [The garden 41: 420-421 (1892) as hyemalis]; Jardin 12: 264 (1898)· 14· 230 (1900)· D. rt It 10: 488 (1906) . · - · , 1ega enwe 42 (1832); J. Forbes, HortusWobumensis, 79 (1833); Catalogue,William Rollisson & Sons, 106 (1877) : -> • Jardin 12: 264 (1898): _ 14: 230 (1900). alba - Erica cyathiformisvar. alba Note : concerning the epithet hiemalis (hyemalis) and its orthography, see under that name: Jntemational register of heather names 2, part 2. m Gartenflora 74: 6 (1925) . • Gartenflora 7 4: tab . 4 (1925) . alba - Erica x hybrida var . alba alba - Erica cylindricavar . alba E. Regel Ill Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons , 107 (1877). * "Blumenkrone weiss ." m Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreufJischen Staaten 16: alba - Erica x hyemalis var. alba 262 (1842); E. Regal, Die Kultur und Aufzahlung der . .. Eriken, 102 (1843). N Orthographic variant: see also E. x hiemalisvar . alba T FCC 1882 (Kinghorn) alba - Erica daphnefloravar . alba ffi The garden 41: 420-421 (1892) ; Catalogue, Hugh Low & Co, Enfield, 28 [undated c. 1905]; Indexto the N Orthographic error, to be corrected : correct name: Erica daphniflora var. alba Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 624 (1938). Ill Generalltst of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith (1802); C.F. Waitz, Beschreibung der Gattung • The garden 41 : pl. 856 (1892) . und Arten der Heiden, 350 (1805). alba - Erica inflata var. alba alba - Erica denticulatavar . alba ffi Journal of the Royal HorticulturalSociety 1: liv (1846); Catalogue, James Fraser, Lea Bridge Road Ill Catalogueof forest trees ... , J. Miller, Bristol, 43 (1826) [ name on ly]. Nursery , Leyton, 18 (1866-1867) ; Catalogue, James Dickson & Sons , Newton Nurseries, Chester: 39 (1884) : -> alba - Erica dickensoniivar . alba G. Sinclair N Synonym of Erica calycina var. fragrans alba - Erica x jasminiflora hortulanorum var. alba * 2 ft tall; flowers white, May-August. * Flowers white , evergreen, 2ft , August. m G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Woburnensis, 13, 34 (1825); The gardener's magazine1 : 133 (1826); ~ i~e ~i~~~~t. ~:~:~~~~~~se~:~e~ ~~te..'.'..soni'.(q. v.) with _a descriptio _n was by Sinc lair (1825). The garden 15: 102 (1879) ; Catalogue, Hugh Low & Co, Enfield, 29 [undated c. 1905]: -+ 31 (1825) ; Flora capensis ~ (l 96 ). [!~n~fei;:on~1 G. Smcla_ir,Hortusericaeus Wobumensis, 4 6) : 29 5 (1965)- [as ' dickensoniana "] A .-P . de Candoll:n P esd aturh1stor1schenMuseums , Wien 68 : 133 alba - Erica jasminoides var. alba S. Hereman, Paxton's botanical dictionary ro romus, 7 · 686 (1 S39) - [as "dicksonia "] 218 1868 m Catalogue, Ireland & Thomson, Edinburgh , 56 [undated, c. 1885]. des Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenb~ues i~ d ·:;w~d~) - [as_"dicksoniana"] Verhandlungen E. R~gel, Die Kultur und Aufzahlung der. __Eriken ~; ,(caPreufJ,schen Staaten 16: 297 (1842); 7 1~g1 a lba - Erica laevis var. alba hortulanorum N Synonym : Erica cyathiformis * Flowers white, evergreen, 1ft, May. alba - Erica empetroidesvar . alba • Waitz attributed this to Loddiges. Bentham to ' hort[ulanorum]" . . W General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy Hamm . Ill General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy , Hammersmith (1802); Catalogue~~onra!~d ig,8;; ~:~; ~: 02 BeschreibungderGattung und Arten der'Heiden,~;;;\~ ~~ - [as "empetrioides "] C .F. Waitz, 23 (1804);A.-P. de candolle, Prodromus, 7: 679 (1839); Catalogue, Wilham R ISSOl1 ns, · 0 alba - Erica florida var. alba alba _ Erica lutea var. alba G. Sinclair The gardener'smagazine 1: 133 (1826) [name only]. N Correct name : :i::::S~s ( )" A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: (651) (1839); Flora Ill E~~~ 14 32 1825 m Hortus ef/caeus .. o · • ' . . M "1en sa· 94 (1965)· -> capensis 4 (1) : 185 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturh1stonschen useums, m - · alba - Erica formosa var. alba ~ Flowers white, cylindrical; evergreen , 2ft, August. alba-Erica rnammosavar . alba 04 131 (1844) J.C. Loudon , Hortus Britannicus, 152 (1830) · J Forbe H m V. Paquet , Traitede la culture des p/antes de terre de bruyere, 1 , . ' · s, ortus Wobumensis, 81 (1833) : -> al~ - Erica glutinosavar . alba Paquet, Traitede la culture des plantes de terre de bruyere, 122 (1844). alba - Erica muscari var. alba f E . ·ncerta· "E Muscarialba Hb. Lichensteinii". V. N Klotzsch cited this as a synonym o nca 1 • · m unnaea 12: 521 (1838) .

alba - Erica solandri var. alba alba - Erica obcordatavar . alba Ill The gardener's magazine 1: 134 (1826) (name only]. W Catalogue afforest trees ... , J. Miller, Bristol, 44 (1826).

alba - Erica onosmaenoravar . alba E. Regel alba - Erica tenuiflora var. alba H.C. Andrews N Synonym of Erica x cliffordiana * "mil weisser Blumenkrone ." - - tr h St ten 16· w Verhandlungendes Vereinszur Beforderungdes III General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy , Hammersmith (1802) . alba - Erica vestita var. alba H.C. Andrews alba - Erica persolutavar . alba * Flowers pure white. * Flowers white . • This was included in Richard Williams ' (Turnham Green) observations on Erica (RBG Kew,_Inwards • Waitz attributed this to Loddiges. book , c.1800) , and at the Dublin Society's Botanic Gardens , Glasnevin in 1804. At the Horticultural l!l Generallist of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hamersmith, 1802; Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney : 23 Society of London 's garden Chiswick , from Robertson in 1845. . (1804) . III Coloured engravingsof heaths 1: tab. 68 (1797, 1 February); Transactions of the UnneanSoc,ety _S: 363 III C.F. Waitz , Beschreibung der Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 56 (1805); G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus (1802) ; General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy , Hammersmith (180_2); G. Sincla ir, Hortus er,caeus Wobumensis,18, 33 (1825); RHS dictionary of gardening 2: 768 (1956, 2nd edn): --, Wobumensis, 27, 36 (1825) ; Flora capensis4 (1): 64 (1905); RHS d1ct1onaryof gardening2 . 769 (1956, • G. Nicholson, The illustrated dictionary of gardening, 1: 524 (1885); Gartenflora 46 : 285 (1897); 2nd edn); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 39 (1965):--> _ _ G.A. Bellair & L Saint-Leger, Les plantes de serre, 780 (1900) . • H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravingsof heaths 1: tab. 68 (1797); _ , Theheathery 3 . tab. 147 (1806), 1 J.C . Wendland, Ericarum icones et descriptiones 1: heft 12; tab. 67 (1803), C. Lodd1ges, Botamca alba - Erica plucknetii var. alba cabinet 3: tab. 243 (1818) . N Typographic error : correct name: Erica plukenetii var . alba Note: Regel attributed the epithet to himself. III J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 204 (1812); _, 197 (1814 , 2nd edn) . alba - Erica viscaria var. alba E. Regel alba - Erica renexavar . alba * "Blumen weiss ." " . Bef/Jrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreul!,ischen Staaten 16 : l!l Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney : 26 (1811) . III Verhandlungendes veremszur . 3 III G. Sinclair , Hortus erica_eus Woburnensis, 21, 32 (1825) ; The gardener 's magazine 1: 134 (1826); 330 (1842) ; DieKu/turundAufzahlungder ... Eriken, 170 (184 ). Verhandlungendes Veremszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/Jische t . Sta 16 308 (1842) ; Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons, 108 (1877) : --, n a en · alba _ Erica walkerii var. alba . . Note : Regel attributed the epithet to himself . N Orthographic error: correct name : Enca walkenvar . alb~14 2nd edn) ID J. Cushing , The exotic gardener, 204 (1812); - · 197 (1 , . alba - Erica regerminansvar . alba Flowers bell-shaped, white . * lb _ Erica x wilmoreanavar . alba . . III C. Loddiges , Catalogue of plants, 26 (1830 , 15th edn) · J c Loudon Hortus B - · a Na Orthographic variant; correct name : Erica x w1llmore_1var . alba J F rbe H rt ,., · . • · · , r,1 anmcus, 151 (1830) · . o s, o us ••Oburnens,s,84 (1833); Flor,culturalcabinet 1852: 120 (1852) . ' * "weiBblOhend , wird etwas hOher als die Stammforrn . III Die gartenwelt 1 O: 488 (190S). . . h brid and so not entitled to the name Erica x wdlmorei (D Almost certainly not a selection of the ongma 1 Y • INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 20 21 alben s - Erica plukenetiivar . albens H.C. Andrews Alba ' - 'Alba' this name must be rejected. Erica quadrangularis "sehr lange Staubbeutel , weissliche Blumenkrone ·. N If not established , or if established after 1959, . u/plantlist.htm accessed 1 December 2002) . * W no printed source located ; [www.larkmannursenes .com.a • "Our drawing was made from the Hibbertian collection . We are doubtful whether the plant is not at present lost to us, not having seen it for several years. We have long ago figured it in the octavo work alba_ Eurylomajasminif/oravar . alba G. Don and should have then published it in our folio edition; but wished to give a fine specimen of this large-' W Generals ystem of gardening & botany 3: 816 (1834) . flowered vanety a preference. We have not, however, seen one plant since, except that from which the g1g_antic flower in the d1ssect1onwas taken at Mr. Rollinson's [sic, Rollisson) Nursery at Lower Tooting alba _ Eurylomare torta var. alba G. Don which was rich in foliage , but had scarcely any blossoms." ' W Generalsy stem of gardening & botany 3: 816 (1834) . III Verhandlungendes VereinszurBefOrderung des Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/lischen Staaten 16 : 231* (1842); E. Regel , Die Kultur und Aufzahlung der ... Eriken, 71 (1843)- [as "plukeneti1 Flora alba - Syringodeavestita var . alba capens,s 4 (1) : 50 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 31 (1965) - [as "plukenetia "J H.C . Andrews , The heathery tab . 187 (1807); _, Colouredengravings of heaths4 : * Flowers white. 4 : w J.C. Loudon, Arboretum & fruticetum Britannicum 2: 1094 (1838). tab . 256 (post 1814)- [as "plukenetiana ") J . Forbes , Hortus Woburnensis, 84 (1833); G. Don (editor), Sweet's Hortus Britannicus,434 (1839, 3rd edn) . alba grandiflora _ Erica vestita var. alba grandiflora ) .A H.C. Andrews, The heathery4 : tab. 187 (1807); ~ Colouredengravings of heaths4 : tab. 256 (post 1814). N Invalid under ICBN, but is acceptable as a cultivar name under ICNCP 2000 (Art . 19 ·7 · Note : Andrews was the first to use this epithet so the authority should not be E. Regel. This name is W Revue horticole 52: 430 (1880) ; _ 54: 220 (1882) . not included in Sinclair's Hortus ericaeus Woburnensis (1825) , perhaps pointing to publication of • Revue horticole52 : tab. opp . p. 430 (1880) . Andrews' Coloured engravings, tab. 256 after January 1825.

albescens -Encodes albescens C.E.O . Kuntze albiflora - Erica lutea var. albiflora G. Bentham III Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891) Ill A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus , 7: 651 (1839) ; Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Bef/Jrderung des Gartenbaues in den K/Jniglich Preu/Jischen Staaten 16: 285 (1842); E. Regel, Die Kultur und Aufzahlung albescens - Philippia benguelensis var. albescens R. Ross . . . _ der . . . Enken, 125 (1843) . III Bulletin dujard in botanique Etat , Bruxelles, 27 : 754 (1957), Flora Zambes,aca 7 (1). 180 (1983), Kew bulletin 47: 666 (1992) ; (F. White, F. Dowsett-Lemaire & J. D. Chapman, Evergreen forest flora albiflora - Erica mammosa var . albiflora G. Bentham of Malawi, 233 (2001 )]. III A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 624 (1839).

a/bescens - Philippia trichoclada var. albescens H. Perrier albirameus - Simocheilus albirameus N.E. Brown N Synonym: ? Erica hebeclada N Synonym of Erica inaequalis III Archives de botanique bulletin mensuel 1 (2): 28 (1927); Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1) : 82 (1999). Ill Flora capensis 4 (1): 370 (1906) ; Slrelitzia 9: 426 (2000) ; _ 14: 436,451 (2003).

albida - Erica albida (C.P. Thunberg) C.P. Thunberg albo-tincta - Erica ventricosa var. albo-tincta N Synonym of Erica muscosa • Listed by Messrs Youell & Co., Royal Nursery, Great Yarmouth . Ill Flora capensis, _347 (1823, 2nd edn, edited by J.A. Schultes); Flora capensis 4 (1): 408 (1906); Annalen Ill Gardeners ' chronicle (14 April) : 236 (1855) ; Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons, 109 (1877); Journal of des Naturh,stonschen Museums, Wien 68: 65 , 155 (1965); Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: the Royal Horticultural Society 20: xxix (1896-1897) - [as "alba tincta1 Catalogue, James Fraser, Lea 41 o (2000) ; Strelitzia 14: 426 , 440 (2003) : --> Bridge Road Nursery, Leyton , 19 (1866-1867) ; Catalogue no 146, E.G. Henderson & Son, London, 51 (Autumn 1871) . albida - Erica comosa var. albida J.F. Klotzsch CD Latin : albus = white ; tinctus = coloured . * "Corollis albidis . • alexandri - Erica alexandri F. Guthrie & H. Bolus Ill Linnaea 12: 532 (1838); Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Bef6rderung des Gartenbaues in den K6niglich Ill Flora capensis 4 (1) : 195 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 142 (1964); _ 68: Preu!J,schen Staaten 16: 280 (1842) ; E. Regel , Die Kuitu, und Aufzahlung der . .. Eriken, 120 (1843) . 98 (1965) · Strelitzia 9: 429 (2000) ; _ 14: 426 (2003) : --> albida - Erica flava var. albida CD Eponym · ~lier Dr Richard Chandler Prior (o/imAle xander) (1809-1903), medical practitioner and amateur Ill The gardener 's magazine 1: 133 (1826) (name only). botanist; author of Popular names of Brit ish plants . He was born Richard Chandler Alex~nd~~ but changed his name in 1859 when his uncle died leaving him prope_rty and requested th~t he ad0 ~ la~e albida - Erica lutea var. albida J.F. Klotzsch surname Prior [see also E. priori,]. Alexander visited South Africa in 1846-1848 where e ma e * "Corolla albida." collection . (M. Gunn & LE. Codd , Botanical exploration of southern Africa, 287-288 (1981)). Ill Linnaea 12: 534 (1838) . alexandrl - Erica alexandri subsp. a/exandri albida - Erica tenuifolia var. albida E. Regel m autonym; Bothalia 24: 26 (1994) ; Strelitzia 14: 426 (2003). * "Blumen und Brakteen weiss . • Ill Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Bef6rde d G . . . alfordi _ Erica x tricolor var. a/fordi . . 285 (1842); Die Kuitu, und Aufzahlung :;ng eEs_kartenbaues m den K6n,gftch Preu/Jischen Staaten 16 · 8 1853 r ... n en, 125 (1843) . · Ill Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society : hv ( d \ not be identified further. (I) eponym : after an individual with the surname Alfor , w o can albietina - Erica albietina N Typographic error : correct name : Erica abietina alfredil - Erica alfredii F. Guthrie & H. Bolt d s Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 87 (1964): - 68: Ill E. Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 304 (1821 , 1st edn) [under concinnaJ. Ill Flora capensis 4 (1 )· 254 (1905) ; Anna en e 118 (1965); Strelitzi~ 9: 429 (2000) ; _ 14: 426 _(2003)~ --;992 . . . albiffora - Erica albiflora J.F. Klotzsch N Synonym of Erica moflls A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Encas of South Afri~~:~a~ Bo/us, who collected this rare spectes in the (I) Eponym : after Alfred Bolus (1871 -1952) , n?~~d Botanical exploration of sou/hem Africa, 97 (1981)). [) J. Cushing , The exotic gardener, 206 (1812); -· 199 (1814, 2nd edn Riviersonder end Mountains (M. Gunn & L. · ' Ill A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 674 c1839). ET ). edn) ; Flora capensis4 (1) : 132 ( ). Ann~le~ Nomenclatorbotanicus, 568,576 c , nd 1905 d:;iz:el, 1840 2 alglda - Erica algida H. Bolus ens,s ( ). ( ); Annalen des Naturh1stonschen alblflora - Erica intermedia subsp . alb/flora E G. 1 s:86:t Natal Drakensberg, E . ' of South Africa 111 (1992). Ill Bothalia 32: 41 (2002) ; Stre/itzia 14: 436 (200~ : Oliver & I.M. Oliver S h mann & G. Kirsten, ncas ' • D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa , 35, tab . ~ ~~tine :ig1dus = cold ; referring to the plant's habitat. 1 (1992) . INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 Africanspecies, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 24 25 altiphila Erica alt/phi/aE .G.H. Oliver allisoniana - Erica allisoniana . . . N Synonym of Philippia alticola • with small flowers, slightly tinted hehotrope , 311. nd m South Africanjournal of botan 53. 455-45 . . . • "A new variety raised in Wanganui ", New Zeala - & D . (New Plymouth New Zealand), 37 (1927) . CD Latin & Greek : altus = high; .!t,ilu~ = lovin! ; \:~f:~ ·h:~=~ :-423 (2000) _ 14: 426 (2003): ..... m Generalcatalogue of choice nursery stock, Duncan av~~s ffi d ' (I) Eponym : alte r a person named Allison, who has not been I en I e · altivivens - Erica altlvivens N Typographic error. correct name: Erica altevivens alnea - Erica alnea E.G.H. Oliver . . . . . 5 (2003). 4 9 14 42 ill Memoirs of the BotanicalSurvey of SouthAfrica 56: 140 (1987). Bothalia 25: 90-91 (~ 9_95) ; Strelitzi~t ~ (~O~O~lludes the type locality, Witels Kloof : the toponym is m j0 (I) Latin: alneus =.pel rtamA1nfrig toaanldsenra(menf;r ~wpl~~t known in the Cape Province as white alder (Platylophus alveiflora - Erica alveiflora R.A. Salisbury denved from wIte s an ca N Synonym of Erica gilva trifofiatus(Cunoniaceae)) . • Cultivated by Salisbury, Lee and Kew, 1800-1804 (see LIV). 1 aloeiflora - Erica aloeiflora ill ac; of the Linnean Society 6: 366 _(1802); G.L.M. Dumont de Course!, Le botanistecultivateur ;ra;;1 ~~s N Typographic error. correct name : Erica alveiflora · ( 2), W.T.Alton, Hortus Kewens,s2 : 370 (1811, 2nd edn) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 55 (1905)· m E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus, 573 (1840, 2nd edn) . An_nalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums, Wien 68 : 34 (1965): -+ ' CD Latin : alveus = hollow, cavity ; flos = flowe r; referring to hollows at the base of the corolla. alopecias - Erica a/opeciasJ .F. Tausch Note: Salisbury'spaper was published in Transactionsof the UnneanSociety between 24 and27 May1802 N Synonym : Erica corlfolia . . m Flora oder Allgemeinebotanische Zeitung 20: 498 (1837) ; A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7. 652 (_1839), amabilis - Erica amabilis RA. Salisbury Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 262 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 122 (1965). -> N Invalid, because Salisbury cited Erica inf/ala as a synonym . Synonym of Erica inflata (I) Greek : from alopex = fox . ill Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 385 (1802); WT .Aiton , HortusK ewensis2:380 (1811, 2nd edn); Flora capens,s 4 (1 ): 100 (1905) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 60 (1965): ..... alopecuro ides - Erica alopecuroidesJ .C. Wendland N Synonym : Erica interval/aris . . amabilis - Erica x amabilis hortulanorum m Ericarumicones et descriptiones2 : hell 20, 119 (1809) ; Flora capens,s 4 (1): 126 (1905), Annalen des N Invalid, because of the prior publication by Salisbury. NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68: 71, 85 (1965) : -> • Claimed by William Rollisson & Sons as a hybrid raised and sent out by them. A Ericarum icones et descriptiones2: hell 20, tab . 45 (1809) . Catalogue,James Fraser , Lea Bridge Road Nursery, Leyton, 18 (1866-1867); S. Hereman, Paxton's (I) Greek : from alopekouros = a grass with a flower-spike like a fox's tail; -oides = suffix indicating ill botanical dictionary,217 (1868 , new edn); Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons, 106 (1877); Catalogue, resemblance; with a flower-spike like that of Alopecuros. Ireland & Thomson, Edinburgh , 56 [undated , c. 1885]: -+ alopecuroides - Erica alopecuroides hortulanorum (l) Latin: amabilis = lovely . N Synonyms : Erica canaliculata or Erica nudiflora• m C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 9: tab . 874 (1824)*; Flora capensis 4 (1): 164 (1905) ; Annalen des amaena - Erica amaena NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68 : 85, 151 (1965) :-> N Typographic error. correct name : Erica amoena A C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 9: tab . 874 (1824). ID G. Sincla ir, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis,2, 32 (1825); Loudon's gardener's magazine1 : 132 (1826); Catalogue afforest trees .. ., J. Miller, Bristol, 43 (1826) ; V. Paquet , Traitede la culturedes plantes de alopecurus- Erica alopecurusW .H. Harvey terre de bruyere, 100 (1844); Flora capensis4 (1): 98, 1142 (1905). ill Thesauruscapensis 1 : 31, tab. 48 (1859) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 118 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 101 (1964) ; _ 68: 68 (1965) ; Strelitzia 14: 426 (2003) : -> amalophylla - Erica arnalophylla E.G.H. Oliver & I.M. Oliver A Thesauruscapensis 1: tab. 48 (1859) ; D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 102 (1992) . ID Botha/ia 32: 167-180 (2002); Strelitzia14 : 426 (2003) . . • (I) Greek : alopex = fox, while alopekouros = a grass with a spike like a fox's tail ; referring to the leafy CD Greek : amalos = soft , tender , weak; phyllon = leaf; an allusion to the "thin, flat' leaves of this soft and branches that resemble a fox's tail. delicate · species . alopecurus- Erica alopecurusvar . alopecurus amatolensis - Erica amatolensis E.G.H. Oliver m autonym; Memoirsof the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56: 140 (1987) : _62: 535 (1993); Stre/itzia N Synonym of Ericinella multif/ora . . 14: 426 (2003) . ill Bothalia 24: 123-124 (1994) ; Strelitz1a14 : 426-427 (2003) . . (D Toponym : from Amatola Mountains , , South Afnca . altevivens- Erica altevlvensH .A. Baker m Journal of South African botany 37: 169 (1971 ); Stre/itzia 9: 429 (2000) ; _ 14: 426 (2003) . ambigua _ Erica x ambiguaJ .C. Wendland . k) d A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 225 (1992) . A d n hybrid from E massonii. Sinclair (1825) hsted this name (with a question mar un er (I) Latin : from alte = high up ; vivens = living . • E.g::ii:dflca. Don c183 9)gave E. cylindrica Andrews non Thunberg , and E hybflda as synonyms . Hereman c1868) hsted E. cylindricaas a synonymof E amb1gua. . alticola - Erica alt/cola F. Guthrie & H. Bolus · · 2 h ft 16 61 (1805) · G Sinclair , Hortus encaeusWobume nSJS, 7 ID Ericarum icones et descnpt,ones · ~ - ( ). G.,Don (editor), Sweet's HortusBritan mcus, 428 m Flora capensis4 (1 ): 218 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 105 (1964) · 68 · 638 1839 105 (1965) ; Strehtzia14 : 426 (2003) :-> ' - · (1825) ; A.-P . de CanHdolle, Pro~;;:: ,~ botanical d1ci1onary, 217 (1868 , new edn); Flora capenSJS4 (1) (I) Latin : altus = high; -icola = dweller . (1839 3rd edn), S. ereman , Wi ea· 142 (1965) -+ 313 (1906); Annalen des NaturhistonschenMuseums , ,en · alticola - Phi/ippia alticola E.G.H. Oliver A J.C. Wendland, Ericarum icones et descriptiones2 : hell 16, tab. 24 (1805). N Synonym : Erica alt/phi/a E.G.H.Oliver (I) Latin : ambiguus = uncertain, dubious . ill South African Journal of botany 3: 271 (1984) ; Strelitzia 9: 423 (2000) :-> INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 26 27 ampullacea - Erica x ampullaceaL. Trattinnick ex J.F. Tausch ambigua - Syringodeax ambiguaG. Don . 824 (1834) · A -P de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 638 (1839); N Synonym of Erica x andrewsiana•. III General system of gardening & botany 3. , · · Ill Flora oder Allgemeine botanischeZeitu 17· 593 E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus, 575 (1840, 2nd edn) . 594 see•(1840 2nd edn)· Fl . ng · • (1834); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus 68: 58 (1965). ' ora capens,s4 (1): 95 (1905); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien' 'Amethyst ' - Erica baueri 'Amethyst' * Flowers tubular, amethyst. . z d) ( ). 39 (1996) [in error as Erica baueraJ. ampullacea - Erica ampul/aceaW. Curtis var. ampul/acea III Catalogue, Coehaven Nursery, Otak1(New ea Ian , 32 1992 , - , Ill autonym; Memoirsof the BotanicalSurvey of SouthAfrica 56: 140 (1987)· 62· 535 c 9 ). Slrelitz. (I) From the flower colour. 14: 427 (2003). · - · 1 93 , ,a

amica amicorum - Erica ·amica amicorum " . with E ·corum N Not validly published;a -working name" for an as yet un-named species that does not grow . am, · ampullacea - Euryloma ampullacea(W. Curtis) G. Don III o. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 249 (1992). N Basionym: Erica ampullaceaW. Curtis A. o. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 249 (1992) . Ill General system of gardening& botany 3: 816 (1834); Linnaea10 : 346 (1835-1836);A .-P. de candolle Prodromus,7: 644 (1839); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 58 (1965): -> ' amlcorum - Erica amicorum E.G.H. Oliver III Bothalia 20: 41 (1990); strelitzia 9: 429 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003) ; [Veld & flora 88 (2): 45 (2002)] : -> ampullaceoides - Erica x ampullaceoidesG. Sinclair A. D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 124 (1992). . * Leaves in 4s. remote . Anthers included, awned. Pistil exserted. Inflorescence terminal on main (I) Latin: amicorum = of the friends; referring to Dolf Schumann and Gerhard Kirsten. branches; corolla bottle-shaped, turned; tube red, neck emerald green. • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooting) before 1843; Sinclair's description (above) differs from amoena- Erica amoenaJ.C. Wendland that of what he regarded as Curtis's E. ampulacea. III BotanischeBeobachtungen, 48 (1798) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 206 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Ill G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis,2 , 34 (1825); Gardeners' chroniclea July: 461 (1843); Flora Museums, Wien 67: 102 (1964) ; _ 68: 101 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 429 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003):: capensis4 (1): 313 (1906): -> A. J.C. Wendland, Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: heft 17, tab . 28 (1806) ; D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 58 (1965) : -> Note: Steudel (1840) listed this as a variety or hybrid of Erica aristata. amphigena- Erica amphlgena F. Guthrie & H. Bolus ampullaceum - Ericodes ampullaceumC.E.O . Kuntze Ill Flora capensis 4 (1): 241 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 111 (1964): _ 68: Ill Revisio generum plantarum2 : 966 (1891). 114 (1965) ; Strelitzia9 : 429 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003) : -> (D Latin : ampullaceus = flask shaped . A. D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 190, 191 (1992) . ampullaeflora - Erica fascicularisvar . ampullaefloraE. Regel (I) Latin : ampliatus = enlarged . ~ !:~~f;~~=na~e~e~:~~~! :i:i:::=~~g des Gartenbau_esin den KOniglichPreu/3ischen Staaten 16 : amplicata - Erica longifoliavar . amplicata H. Bolus 261 (1842); E. Regel, Die Kuitu, und Aufzahlungder . .. Enken, 101 (1843). N Synonym of Erica vestita (D Latin: ampullaceus = flask shaped; fls = flower. Ill Flora capensis4 (1): 66 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 40 (1965) · Bothalia Note : Regel apparently was first to descnbe this plant. 32: 55, 58 (2002): -> ' (I) Latin: amplexus = encircling . ampullaeformis - Erica ampullaefonnisRA Salisbury Note : Flora capensis4 (1): 1148 (1905) - index - the name is mis-spelled ·ampliata ·. N Synonym of Erica ampullaceas . t s· 381 (1802) · Flora capensis 4 (1): 95 (1905); Annalen des rn Transactions of the Lmnean oc,e Y · . -> ' ampullacea - Erica ampul/acea W. Curtis 68 58 965 NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien · _c; \he correct orthography is Erica ampullifonnis. Ill Curtis's botanical maga~ine9 : tab. 303 (1795); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 571, 577 (1840, (I) Latin: ampulla = flask-like bladder, forma - orm. 2nd edn), Flora capens,s4 (1): 94 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 67· 88 (1964) · _ 68: 58 (1965); Strelitzia9 : 429 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003) : -> ' · · Note: Specimen in LIV (JES). A. Curtis 's bota_nical magazine 9: tab . 303 (1795); H.C . Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 1: ampullaria - rrect name· tab . 3 (1798) , _, 3. tab. 103 (1806); C. Lodd1ges, tab 508 (182 ). Erica ampullaria . Erica ampullacea The heathery Botanical cabinets · 1 N Probably a typographic error. co . . . . 2th edn) D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 84 (1992) . · · ' Ill G. Sinclair (editor), Hortus Cantabng1ens1s,168 (1831, 1 . Ill Flora oderAl/gemeine botanischeZeitung 17: 594 (1834) ; Gardeners ' chronicle 8 July : 461 (1843); Flora .A H.C. -~ndrews ,_The heathery 4: tab. 151 (1807); _ , Coloured engravings of heaths 3: tab. 146 [1809]; capensis 4 (1): 95, 313 (1906) ; Annalen des Naturflistorischen Museums , Wien 68: 58 (1965) : --+ Curtiss botanical magazine 31: tab. 1250 (1809) ; C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 6: tab. 521 (1821); Eponym : after Henry Charles Andrews (c.1780-c .1830), botanical artist and author, who published B. Maund & J.S. Henslow , The botanist 3: tab. 132 (1839). Coloured engravings of heaths ([1794]-(1830]) and The heathery (1804-c.1829). (I) Latin : from Andromeda; flos = flower, with flowers like Andromec/a.

andrewsiana - Erica walkeri var. andrewsiana G Bentham andromediflora - Eurystegia andromediflora (H.C. Andrews) D. Don • Bentham used walkeriana as a specific epithet (see under walken). N Synonym of Erica ho/osericea Ill [A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 647 (1839) as ' walkeriana1; Verhandlungen des Vereins zur BefOrderung III Edinburgh new philosophical journal 17: 154 (1834); General system of gardening & botany 3: 809 (1834) des Gartenbaues in den KOniglich PreuGischen Staaten 16 : 281 (1842); E. Regel, Die Kultur und [as andromedaeflora]; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 126 (1965):-> Aufzahlung der . .. Eriken, 121 (1843) . andromediflorum - Ericodes andromediflorum (H.C. And rews) C.E.O . Kuntze andrewsii - Erica x andrewsii J.F. Klotzsch III Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891 ). • Bentham gave this in synonymy under E. x patersonioides ; Guthrie & Bolus stated this was a hybrid. To add greatly to this confusion , there was a second plant of hybrid origin named andrewsii. it was aneimena- Erica aneimena H. Dulfer raised by W.H. Story. III Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 84, 107 (1964); _ 68: 82 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 430 IIl Linnaea 10: 314-315 (1836); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 638 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 313 (2000); _ 14: 427, 436 (2003) : -> (1906)'; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 142 (1965) : --+ .A D. Schumann & G Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 129 (1992). (I) Eponym : ' Dixi in memoriam celeberrimi H.C. Andrews " (Linnaea 1 O (1835))· in memory of Henry (D Greek : aneimenos = loose; referring to the habit. Charles Andrews (see Erica x andrewsiana) . ' Note: Similar plants were named E. patersonioides , E. patersonia coccinea , E. ambigua and E. cylindrica anemodes- Erica anemodes E.GH. Oliver Andr . non Thunb . III Bothalia 31: 1-8 (2001); Strelitzia 14: 427 (2003). .A Bothalia 31: 3 (2001) . . . andrewsii - Erica x andrewsii hortulanorum (D Greek : anemodes = windy , an allusion to the type local ity near Waa1hoek (an Afrikaans toponym * Flowers pink , green and wMe . meaning windy comer) . Ill The florist 9: 97 (1856) . .A The florist 9: tab. 112 (1856) . angulata - Erica angulata L.-C. Noisette (I) E~nr;: . the plate in The florist (1856) was painted and engraved by James Andrews, so the likelihood • Steudel (1840) attributed this to ' horf . . ( 2nd edn)· III E. Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 303 (1821, 1st edn) [name only], _ , 568 1840, , · ~ ab is was named after him. James Andrews (c. 1807-1877) was a botanical artist who seems to ave een associated with E.G. Henderson's nursery . (J) Latin: angulus = angle, comer . andringitr _ensis - Erica andringitrensls (H. Perrier) L.J. Dorr & E.G.H . Oliver angulata-Raspalia angulata_E. Meyer ( ). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien III zwei pflanzengeograph1sche Documen 1e 215 1844 , N Bas1onym: Philippia adringitrensis III Adansonia , serie 3, 21 (1): 77 (1999) . 68: 73 (1965) . . 'th' Ericaceae but in Bruniaceae, an endemic South African family.

arbuscula - Erica arbuscula D. Selander arctata - Erica arctata hortulanorum N s nonym of Erica /ateralis. Sinclair gives Erica pendula Wendland as a synonym . . * Purple flowers , July: evergreen , 2ft. m JT . Aiton , Hortus Kewensis 2 : 400 (1811, 2nd edn) ; Flora capens,s 4 (1): 179 (1905), Annalen des • Specimen in LIV . Waitz gave Loddiges as authority. NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 92 (1965) : -+ . . rn Gene~/ list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith , 1802; Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 22 ..., c . Loddiges, Botanicalcabinet 9 : tab. 843 (1824); G.Sinclair , Hortusencaeus WobumenSJs, pl. 3, fig. 12 (1825) . (1804), _C.F. Wa itz, Beschre1bung der Gattungund Arten der Heiden, 321 (1805); J.C. Loudon, Hortus - argentiflora - Erica argentiflora H.C. Andrews . • H.C. Andrews, The heathery 4: tab. 152 (1807); _ , Coloured engravings of heaths 3: tab. 147 (1809); Curtis's botanical magazine 31: tab . 1249 (1809); C. Loddiges , Botanical cabinet 1: tab. 73 (1817); N SynonymofErlca _pinea . ost 1814 ); , Theheathery5:tab._202(post1816), Ill Coloured engravings of heaths 4. tab . 218 ~Post 1814) ; Loudon, Hortus Bntanmcus, 152 G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 2, figs 2, 10 (1825); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of T.c. South Africa, 80 (1992) . catalogue , Conrad Loddrges, Hackney/: ~ ( ). Flora capensis 4 (1) : 61 (1905); Annalen 2 1839 (1830) ; A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, .· . B~thalia 32 : 54 (2002):-> Notes: The validity of Dulfer's combination E. aristata Andrews var. minor (L. Bolus) H. Duller is dubious 68 38 1 too , given the prior publication of the same varietal epithet by Andrews in The heathery tab. 203 (1809), des Naturhistorischen Museums,_Wien · < ;~tb (post 1814) ; , The heathery 5: tab . 202 • H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths . a . 218 - and Coloured engravings of heaths 4: tab. 219 (post 1814). (post 1816). aristata - Erica x aristata hortulanorum Ill Flora capensis 4 (1): 146 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 79 (1965), Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of south Africa 56: 143 (1987); _62 : 541 (1993); Strelitz1a14 . 438 (2003). argutiflora - Erica argutiflora . . . . , . . N Typographic error. correct name: Erica argutlfoha. Thrs rs an error on Dulfer s part, Salrsbury used the aristata - Erica racemosa var. ari5tafa L. Bolus . · hen Museums Wien 68: 83 name argutifolia. Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 4: 132 (192 A;;~en ~:s ::}~1;:~~nsc : 993)~ Stre/itzia14 : Ill !); 62 544 (1 Ill Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 40 (1965) . (1965) ; MemoirsoftheBotamca/Surveyof out ca · , _ 443 (2003) . • Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 4: pl. 13c (1928). argutifolia - Erica argutifolia RA. Salisbury Invalid because Salisbury cited E. pulchella in synonymy . Synonym of Erica pulchella N aristata - Erica trif/ora var. aristata J.C. Wendland Ill Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 364-365 (1802) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 211 (1905); Annalen des N Synonym of Erica trif/ora ,- of the Linnean soc iety 5· 351 (1802); Flora Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 103 (1965) : -> 1798 m Botanische Beobachtungen , 47 < )1T~a;s~~;~~:en Museums, Wien 68: 128 (1965):-> (D Latin: argutus =sharp or sharp-toothed ; folius =leaf . capensis 4 c1) : 278 (1905); Annalen des a u is argyraea- Erica argyraea F. Guthrie & H. Bolus aristata - Erica turbinif/ora R.A. Salisburyvar. azs~:i~~~:~~=n Museums, Wien 68: 90 (1965); Strelitzfa Ill Flora capensis4 (1): 140, 1142 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 98 (1964) ; _ m Flora capensis4 (1): 177 (1905); Annalen des au 68: 77 (1965); Memoirs of the Botanicai Survey of South Africa 56 : 140 (1987). 14: 447 (2003):-> (D Greek : argyros = silvery . argyrea - Erica argyrea F. Guthrie & H. Bolus aristata - Euryloma aristata (H.C._Andrews) G ~?;17 (1834) ; Linnaea 1O : 340 (1835-1836) ; Annalen des Ill General system of gardening & botany . 965)· -> Ill [Flora capensis 4 (1): 140 (1905) as ·argyraea1; D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 121 Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68. 57 (1 . (1992) ; strelitzia 9: 430 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003) . • D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 121 (1992) . (D Orthograph ic varient: original orthography was argyraea which should be retained . aristata - Pachysa aristata G Don . . useums Wien N Synonym of Erica btenna. _ ( ); Annalen des Naturh1stonschen M · 806 1834 Ill General system of gardening & botany 3. aristata - Erica arlstata R.A. Salisbury 68 : 100 (1965) : -> N Salisbury (1796) published a brief but adequate diagnosis . A proposal to reject this name will be published (see E. aristata H.C. Andrews , below) . tata - Philippia aristata G Bentham • Introduced by James Lee from the Cape of Good Hope . ans . • . · 78-79 (1999): -+ Ill Prodromus stirpium in horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium , 292 (1796); Flora capensis 4 (1) : 51 (1905) ; N Synonym of Enca bo}en . 96 (1839)· Adansonia, sene 3, 2 1 (1). Annal en des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 32 (1965) . Ill A.·P . de Candolle , Prodromus, ~ 6 . s Handlingar4 (4): fig. 101 (1927). • Kung/. Svensk Vetenskaps Aka em1en 3 .A. G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 4, fig . 16 (1825) . .A. D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica , 100 (1992). (D Latin : diminutive of ~rista = awn; with a little awn, but more likely intended to mean a small variety of Enca anstata (E. anstata var. minor). armata - ~rica armata J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham var. armata N Invalid. Synonym of Erica umbrosa aristella - Eurylomax aristella (G. Sinclair) G. Don III autonym ; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of SouthAfrica 56: 140 145 (1987): 62· 535 546 (1993)· N Basionym : Erica x aristella Strelitz,a 14: 427 (2003) . ' - · • ' ID General system of gardening & botany 3: 817 (1834); Linnaea 1 O: 351 (1835-1836); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus,7 . 643 (1839) , E.T. Steudel , Nomenclator botanicus, 568 (1840, 2nd edn) . armatum - Encodes armatum C.E.O. Kuntze III Revisio generum plantarum2: 966 (1891 ). aristellifolia - Erica aristellifolia N Typographic error: correct name : Erica aristifolia J. Niven ex G. Bentham artemisioides - Erica artemisioides (J.F. Klotzsch) E.G.H. Oliver ID E.T. steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus, 568 (1840 , 2nd edn) . N Basionym : Sa/axis artemisioides III Linnaea 12: 212 (1838) ; Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium19 : 381 (2000); Strelitzia9 : 424 (2000); aristifolia - Erica aristifoliaJ. Niven ex G. Bentham _ 14: 427, 450 (2003). N Synonym of Erica sonora • (D Greek : Artemisia was a name used in Ancient Greece for a plant named after Artemis (Diana), and now ID A .-P. d_e Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 676 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1) · 1 - applied to the genus which includes wormwood (Asteraceae); -oides = suffix indicating resemblance. NLattumf1stonschenMuseums, Wien 68: 93 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 430 (2000) · 84 (~:-o:~7A(;;;~e)*n des aristulata - Erica caffrorum var. aristulata H. Bolus III Flora capensis4 (1) : 252 (1905) · Annalen des N · · artemisioides - Sa/axis artemisioidesE . Meyer ex J.F. Klotzsch Strelitzia 14: 429 (2003): __. ' aturh,SlonschenMuseums , Wien 68 : 117,(1965); N Synonym of Erica artemisioides . Klotzsch cited Erica artemisioidesE. Meyer ms in synonymy (as 9 43 Ill autonym ; Strelitzia 14: 451 (2003) . Museums. Wien 67: 126 (1964), _f6S8. 12thoAfrica203 (1992) · I. Oliver & E.G.H . Oliver, Ericas of the A. o. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Encas o ou , , Cape Peninsula: 60 (2000) . articulatum - Thoracosperma articulatum C.E.O. Kuntze

articulatus - Simocheilus articulatus G.C. Druce articularis - Erica articularis C.P. Thunberg N Synonym of Erica pulchella fII Report of the Botanical Exchange Club, British Isles 1916: 628 (1917). w Dissertatio botanica de Erica, 37 (no. 58) (1785); Flora capensis 4 (1): 208 (1905) ; Annalen des articulatus - Syndesmanthus articulatus (C. Linnaeus) J.F. Klotzsch Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 102 (1965) : --> N Synonym of Erica similis; basionym Blaeria articulata . fII Linnaea 12: 241 (1838):A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 693, 706 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 379-380 articularis - Erica articularis W. Curtis (1906) ; Strelitzia 9: 425 (2000); _ 14: 445, 451 (2003): --> N Synonym of Erica corifolia . . • This name was included in Richard Williams' (Turnham Green) observatrons on Enca (RBG Kew, 'Asendorf - Erica gracilis 'Asendorf Inwards book , c.1800) . • From Gunter Asendorf (Achin Baden, Germany) pre-1984. Presumably the same as 'Asendorf Friih' III Catalogue, R. Williams (1794 ; in Curtis ' botanical magazine 9: tab ._303) . _ but there is no evidence either name is established . w Curtis's botanical magazine 12: tab . 423 (1797) ; Flora capens,s 4 (1): 262 (1905), Annalen des fII Yearbook of The Heather Society 3 (5): 64 (1987) . Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 122 (1965) : --> (D Eponym : presumably after Gunter Asendorf of Baden , Germany. A. Curtis's botanical magazine 12: tab . 423 (1798) .

'Asendorf Friih' - Erica gracilis 'Asendorf Friih ' articularis - Erica articularis hortulanorum • Sport on 'Glaser's Rote' ; introduced by Gunther Asendorf (Achin Baden, Germany) before 1984. N Salisbury and others listed this as a synonym of Erica equisetlfolia. Ill no printed source traced . fII Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 342 (1802) ; G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, 2* (1825); (D Eponym : presumably after Gunter Asendorf of Baden , Germany; friih = earty. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 151 (1965) : --> Note: Described by Sinclair from a dried specimen, and stated not to be the same as Thunberg's or Curtis ' species.• aspalathifolia- Erica aspalathifolia H. Bolus . _ Ill Journal of the Linnean Society, botany, 24: 182-183 (1887); Flora capens,s4 (1): 175 (1905), Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 66: 24 (1963); _ 67: 101 (1964); _ 68: 90 (1965); Slrelitz1a 14: artlcularfs- Erica articularis C. Linnaeus var. artlcularls 427 (2003) : --> . . . . _ t. · h I trk W autonym ; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56 : 140 (1987): _62: 535 (1993); Strelitzia (I) Latin: Aspalathus (), especially abundant in the Cape Region, fohus - lea , wit a ea I e 14: 427 (2003) . some species of Aspalathus . articularis - Gypsocallis articularis (C . Linnaeus) G. Don N Basionym : Erica articularis aspalathifolia- Erica aspalathifolia var. aspalafsifol;~ Afri 56· 140 {1987) : 62: 535 (1993); Slrelitzia Ill autonym; Memoirs of the Botamcal Survey o ou ca . - Ill General system of gardening & botany 3: 808 (1834) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 120 (1965) . 14: 427 (2003) . articulata - Blaeria articulata C. Linnaeus aspalathoides - Erica aspalafhoides F. Guthrie & H. _Bolus . . 51 1905) · Annalen des 27 173 4 1 1 N Name rejected under ICBN. Synonym of Erica simi/is m Engler Botanishe Jahrbucher : _ <(~:~~)).' Flo;:~~~:;:~: ~l;tzia : i30 c20'00): _ 14: 427 67 100 51 9 Ill Mantissa _plantarum altera, 198 (1771 ); Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 380, 395 (1906); Taxon 48 : 371 (1999); Natum,stonschen Museums, Wien · • - Contnbut,ons from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 120 (2000); Strelitzia 14: 425, 445 (2003) : --> (I) ~a~~n~>~;palathus (Fabaceae), especially abundant in the Cape Region : -aides= suffix indicating articulata - Erica articulata (C . Linnaeus) C.P. Thunberg Flora capensis 4 (1): 86 (1905); Anna en ~~ 3· tab 148 (1805); . The heathery 3: tab. 104 (1806); N Basionym : Blaeria articulata = Erica slmlfls A. H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of he~- ~b 20 (1821) . - III Prodromus plantarum capensium, part 1: 71 (1794) ; Flora capensis4 (1): 379,395 (1906) · Annalen des L. Trattinick, Auswahl . .. Gartenpffanzen . . Naturh,stonschen Mu_seums, Wien 68 : 155 (1965) ; Contributions from the Bolu; Herbarium (I) Latin : asper = rough , uneven . 19 : 163 (2000) ; Strelitz,a 9: 425 (2000) : --> ·i r Erica asperifolia R.A. Sal isbury articulata - Sympieza articu/ata (C.P. Thunberg) N.E. Brown aspen° ia - wh" h has priority. . ( 905)· Annalen des N Synonym of Erica lab/alls N Synonym of Erica setacea re ciet s· 324 (1802 ); Flora capens,s 4 (1): 227 1 , Ill Transactions of the Lmnean it;°s{ 109 (1965): --> Cl FStreloraitzcapensis4(1) : 395-396 (1906) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien . ( ). Naturhistorischen Museums,_ ,en = leaf 68 155 I 1a14 : 437 , 451 (2003) : --> ' . 1965 ' (D Latin : asper = rough , uneven , tollus · 42 INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHERNAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C asperrima - Erica asperrima J.F. Klotzsch 43 atropurpurea- Erica atropurpureaH. Dulfer N Synonym of Erica setacea . . Wien 68 · 109 (1965) . W Linnaea2 0: 190 (1847) ; Annalen des Naturf11stonschenMuseums , · W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien66 : 20 (1963); _ 67: 100, 107 (1964); 68: 79 (1965) a, Latin: superlative of asper= rough, uneven . Stret,tz,a9 : 430 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003): -+ - ' 4 Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums . Wien66 : fig. 1 (1963); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten Ericasof assurgens - Erica assurgenshortulanorum ex J.H.F. Link South Afnca, 123 ( 1992). ' N Synonym of Erica subdivaricata · d · L & Kennedy 's CD Latin: atro- = prefix meaning black or dark ; purpureus = purple; referring to the colour of the flowers. • Listed in cult ivation at the Dublin Society's Botanic Gardens, Glasnevm an in ee. Note : Erica minutaeflorawas called atropurpureain gardens around 1822 (H.C. Andrews , Coloured Hammersmith Nursery in 1802. Is Sinclair's plant the same (Hortus encaeus Wobumens,s, 2 _(1825))? engravings of heaths 4: tab. 245 (post 1822)). See also s. Hereman , Paxton'sbotanical dictionary, 217 (1868 , new edn). Introduced 1810. Lrnk cried atropurpurea - Erica ignescensvar . atropurpureaJ .C. Wendland [) ::n~:1n17;i.of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith (1802); Transactionsof the Dublin Society 3: 121 N Synonym of Erica curviflora (1803); J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 213 (1812); _, 209 (1814, 2nd edn) : ->: . . ID Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: heft 20; 117 (1809) ; Revue horticole 1860: 279 (1860); Flora W Enumeratioplantarum horti regii botanici Berolinensis altera pt 1: 372 (1821 ); G. S1ncla1r,_Hortus encaeus capensis 4 (1): 71 (1905) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 43 (1965). Wobumensis, 2, 32 (1825);A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 679 (1839); Flora capens,s4 (1) . 186 4 Ericarum icones et descriptiones2 : heft 20; tab. 44 (1809). (1905) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 94 (1965) : -> (I) Latin : assurgens = rising upwards . atrorosea - Erica abietina C. Linnaeus subsp. atrorosea E.G.H. Oliver & I.M. Oliver ID Bothalia 32: 50 (2002); Strelitzia14: 426, 436, 442, 443 (2003). 'AstridLindgren ' - Erica gracf/is 'Astrid Lindgren' 4 Bothalia 32: 51 (2002). * "Blutenfarbe Kraftig Kirschrot. BIOtezeit FrOh. • (D Latin : atro- = prefix meaning black or dark; roseus = roSEH:Oloured. • Clone ERi 18; submitted for plant breeders' rights in Germany, granted 17 August 1998. ID Blatt tor Sortenwesen32 heft 4: 143 (April 1999); Ericultura 123: 25 (2001 ); [www.hiedl-gbr .de/erica_g .htm atrorubens - Ectasis sebana var. atrorubensD . Don accessed 31 August 2003]. m General system of gardening & botany 3: 827 (1834). (D Latin : atro- = prefix meaning black or dark; rubens = blush, be red. (I) eponym : after Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) , a Swedish author of children 's books .

astroites - Erica astroftes F. Guthrie & H. Bolus atrorubens - Erica sebana var. atrorubens "Dark-red variety ." ID Flora capensis4 (1): 108 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 89 (1964) ; _ 68: * 65 (1965) ; Strelitzia9 : 430 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003) : -> ID G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis,22 , 35 (1825). 4 D. Schumann & G. Kirsten. Ericas of South Africa, 97 (1992). atrovinosa - Erica atrovinosa E.G.H. Oliver . (I) Greek: aster = star; -oites = suffix indicating resembling ; referring to the corolla lobes in the shape of a star. ID Journal of South African botany 33: 197 (1967); Strelitzia9 : 430 (2000); _ 14: 427 (2003). -+ . 4 H.A. Baker & E.G.H. Oliver, Ericas in SouthernAfrica , pl. 51 (1967); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Encas astroites- Erica astroftesvar. astroftes of South Africa, 88 (1992) . . . . . th d rk wine-red colour of (D Latin : atro- = prefix meaning black or dark; vrnosus = of wine, refemng to e a ID autonym ; Memoirsof the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56: 140 (1987) : 62 : 535 (1993)· Strelitzia 14: 427 (2003) . - ' the flowers .

atherstonei- Erica atherstoneiL . Diels ex F. Guthrie & H. Bolus atroviridis - Erica atroviridis J.F. Klotzsch III Flora capensis4 (1): 120 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 67 · 133 (1964) · 68· N Synonym of Erica decipiens w, ea· 86 69 (1965) ; Strelitzia 14: 427 (2003) : -> ' · ' - · ID A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 666 (1839) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , ,en .

CD Eponym: after Dr William Guybon Ath_erstone (1814 -1898) , medical practitioner, geologist and naturalist, (1965) : -> . rk· · ·d· = n who was born rn Nottingham and emigrated to the Cape with his parents in 1820 . He was a member of (l) Latin : atro- = prefix meaning black or da , vin rs gree . the Cape parliament (M. Gunn & L.E . Codd , Botanical exploration of southern Africa, 82-83 (1981 )). · Ts1 'Auerbach'sWeisse' . 'Auerbach'sWeisse' - Enca grac, J t . be und Laub hellgrun. Reichbluhend, reinwerss, atherstonei - Simocheilusmultiflorus var. atherstonei N.E. Brown * ·wuchsig Sorte, im Aufbau etwas ged~nge;. un~-;~slese wichtig. 1hrMarktanteil ist gering.• ID Flora capensis4 _(1) : 361 (1906); Strelitzia 14: 447, 450 (2003) . · neigt zu rosa Anflug, daher ,st stete Mu erp anze CD Eponym : see Enca athersonei;Atherstone collected a specimen of this variety in the George District. • Introduced in 1~~ %!!~~::;~~~~:i!~h 4~ -(~:ar;~n:dedn) . III H. Vogel,Azale ' . A rbach(1893-1965);weisse = whrte. atricha - Erica atricha H. Dulfer ' - · 107 1965 , re 1 ,a Ng The name "Erica persoluta · has been, and ~ssrb ~ct id~ntrty of !hrs plant remains to be eslablrshed CD Greek : a- = prefix indicating without or lacking; trichos = hair. E quadrangularis/E mauntamcacomplex . B) e ~ugust-mid-Oclober. foliage dark green; to 2ft lall · rich rose-magenla (RHSCC 70 , m H If Moon Bay Calrfom1a, Flowers deep, ' 16A nl 1991 to BayCrtyF lower Company. a , atromontana- Erica atromontanaE .G.H. Oliver * • USPP 7498 ; patent grant~r°:uon ~f E. persoluta' Sunset'. III Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 251 (2000) ; Sfrelitzia 9- 425 2 . . USA. Seedling, by open-po rn • ber 2002] 4 Contnbut,ons_from the Bolus Herbarium 19: [Inge Oliver] ( 000) . ( OOO),_ 14. 427 (2003) . III [USPTO website accessed 10 Novem 252 2 CD Toponym . Latin translation of Swartberg , literally the black m · . · a, Derivation not known . dark ; montanus = perta ining to mountains . The Swartberg aroun~rnt,datro- rs a prefix meaning black or the Great Karoo. e s, ua e rn the Western Cape, south of INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species , hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 44 45 aulacea _ Lee & Kennedy ·th . C F Waitz aurantiaca - Erica sebana var. aurantiacahortulanorum Erica aulacea 1802 Beschreibung der Gattung und Ill Genera/list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmi _ ' rd ' · ( B12)· 202 (1814 , 2nd edn) . ·a la corolle de 8 a 9 lignes, orangee avec etamines jaunes." 208 1 * Arlen der Heiden, 350 (1805) ; J. Cushing , The exotic ga ener, ' _, • Paquet stated this was a synonym of E. cothumalis. * Flowers orange , cylindrical. • "Hort Kew 2: 374". 1 • Sinclair died "Andrews heaths as(a :~~rce)·J a; V::!/~orlus · Wob~mensis, 80 (1833) . m Horlus encaeus Wobumens1s, 7, 35 1 , · 0 , aurea - Erica aurea H.C. Andrews ..._ H.C. Andrews, The heathery 2 : tab . 83 (1806) [as E. sebana aurantiaJ. • H.C. Andrews , Colouredengrav ings of heaths 2: tab. 76 (1803); _, The heathery4 : tab. 153 (1807) . (D Latin : aureus = gold . aurantia - Erica petiveriana var. aurantia H.C. Andrews . aurea - Erica aurea H.C . Andrews var. aurea III Genera/list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy , Hammersmith (~h802h). th 2· tab 79 (1806) · Le bonjardinier Ill Colouredengravings of heaths 2: tab . 117 (1805), _, '., e ea ery . - , N Synonym: ? Erica pinea _ . . . almanachpourf'annee 1817: 652 (1817) ; Flora capens1s4 (1): 48 (1905). _ III E. Regel, Verhandlungendes Vereinszu r BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues,n den K/JmgltchPreuB1schen ..._ H.C. Andrews , Coloured engravings of heaths 2 : tab . 117 (1805) ; _, The heathery 2 . tab . 79 (1806) . Staaten 16: 259 (1842) ; ~ Die Ku/turund Aufzahlungder ... Eriken, 99 (1843). Note : This should be an autonym but Regel attributed it to himself aurantia - Erica saebana var. aurantia N Orthographic error: correct name : Erica sebana var. aurantia aurea - Erica hibbertianavar. aurea E. Regel Ill J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 226 (1812) ; _ , 226 (1814, 2nd edn). * "Blumen gegen die Spike hin goldfarbig ." . . . . III Verhandlungendes Vereinszur Bef/Jrderungdes Gartenbaues in den K/JmgltchPreumschen Slaaten 16 . aurantia - Erica sebana var. aurantia H.C . Andrews 260 (1842) ; _, Die Kultur und Aufzahlungder ... Eriken, 100 (1843). III General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith (1802). . III Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 55 (1802); _, The heathery 2: tab. 83 (1806) ; ~ .F. Waitz, aurea - Syringodea aurea G. Don . 28 (1839)· Beschreibungder Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 196 (1805); W.T. Aiton, Horlus Kewens1s2 : 362 (1811, m General system of gardening & botany 3: 822 (1834) ; A .-P. d_e Candolle, Prodromus, 7. 6 , 2nd edn) ; Catalogueafforest trees . .. , J. Miller, Bristol, 44 (1826); Flora capensis 4 (1): 47 (1905) . Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68 : 38 (1965). -> • H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 55 (1802); _, The heathery 2: tab . 83 (1806). aureum - Ericodes aureum C.E.O . Kuntze aurantia - Syringodeacurviflora var. aurantia m Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). * Flowers orange . III J.C. Loudon , Arboretum & fruticetum Britannicum 2: 1091 (1838) . auricularis - Ceramia auricularis (R.A. Salisbury) G. Don N Synonym of Erica caffra . _ ( )· A .p de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 671 (1839); 3 806 1834 aurantiaca - Erica abietina C. Linnaeus subsp. aurantlaca E.G.H.Oliver & J.M. Oliver III General system of gardening & botany - . · · · 6 5 III Bothalia 32: 51-52 (2002) ; Strelitzia 14: 426, 435 (2003) . Annalen des Naturhistorischen_M~se:s:ii:~:g ~~n~i~: ;~ or pertaining to. • Bothalia 32: 51 (2002) . (D Latin : auricula = lobe of ear; -ans - su III Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Garlenbaues in den KOniglichPreu/lischen Staaten 16: 267 (1842); E. Regel, Die Kultur und Aufzahlung der . .. Eriken, 97 (1843). A s r bury)H Bolus itzi auricularls- Erica caffravar . auric)~:ris)~ d~s~:~urhistori~chen Museums , Wien68: 76 (1965); Strei a aurantiaca - Erica leeana var. aurantiaca G. Bentham III Flora capensis4 (1) : 137 (1905 , nna e N Orthographic variant: correct name : Erica leei var. aurantiaca 14: 429 (2003) : -> III A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 625 (1839) . . . (RA Salisbury) G Bentham • • Erica urceolaris var. aunculans · 1 auncu ans- . ffi va~ auricutaris . ( ). (l905 ); Annalen des aurantiaca - Erica petiveri var. aurantiaca E. Regel N synonym of Enca ca ra · . ( ); Flora capens1s" 1 · 137 III A - P de Candolle, Prodromus , 7. 671 1839 "mil orangengelber Blume .· * N~turllistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 76 ID Verhandlungendes Vereins zur BefOrderungdes Garlenbaues in den KOniglichPreutJischen Staaten 16: 227, 229 (1842); E. Regel, Die KulturundAufzahlung der ... Eriken, 68 (1843) . Note: Regel listed another variety with this name which he attributed to "hort .'. auriculata - Erica auricu/ata F. Guthrie & H. Bolus 67· 99 1964); - 68 · N Synonym of Erica grey/ . I des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien . ( 1905 aurantiaca - Erica plukenetii var. aurantiaca E. Regel (II Flora capensis 4 (l) : 119 < ), Ann~:\ 21 435 (2003):-> . "Blumenkrone orangegelb .' 68 (1965) · Strelitzia9 : 438 (2000), -ffi : d.c;;ting possession; with ear-like lobes. * ' I be of ear: -ans • su ix in I (D Latin : auricula = 0 ' III Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Garlenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/lischen Staaten 6: 231 (1842); E. Regel, Die Kultur und Aufzahlung der . .. Eriken, 71 (1843). 1 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 46 47 austroverna- Erica austrovemaO .M. Hilliard 'Aurora' - Erica 'Aurora' N Synonymof Erica revoluta N Given the very different descriptionsthis name is of dubious application: rejected. III Notes from the Royal B ta · G . 42

autumnalis - Erica pyramidalisvar . autumnalis australis - Erica senilis var. australis H. Dulfer ID catalogue no 146, E.G. Henderson& Son, London, 51 (Autumn1871) . N Synonym of Erica tegetiformls W Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 66· 3 2 3 . 7. Memo,rsoftheBotanical survey of SouthAfrica . (\1!~)), - ~ - 142 (1964); _ 68: 112 (1965); autumnalis - Erica graci/isJ.C . Wendlandf. autumnalis (2003). 56· 144 , _62 . 545 (1993); Strelitzia 14: 445, 446 N Synonymof Erica gracilis var. autumnalis N Invalid because Salisbury cited E. baccansin synonymy. Synonym of Erica baccans. Also an orthographic error to be corrected . axlllarls- Erica axil/aris D. Selander N Synonym of Erica coarctata Ill Transa_ctionsof the Linnean Society 6 : 352 (1802); Flora capensis 4 (1): 275 (1905); Annalendes W A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 692 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 216 (1905); Annalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums , Wien 68: 127 (1965): -+ NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68: 104 (1965) : -->

axillaris - Sa/axisaxillaris (C .P. Thunberg) R.A. Salisbury ex G.Don baccans - Erica baccansC . Linnaeus N Synonym of Erica axillaris Ill Dissertationem ... de Erica : 9 (no . 24) (1770) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 275 (1905) ; Annalen des W General system of gardening & botany 3: 828 (1834) ; Flora capensis 4 (1) : 403-404 (1906) ; Strelitzia 9: NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 67: 121 (1964): _ 68: 127 (1965); Strelitzia9 : 430 (2000); 14: 428 424(2000) : --> (2003) : --> - • H.C. Andrews , Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab. 4 (1796); _, The heathery2 : tab. 53 (1806); axilliflora- Erica axilliflora F.G.Bartling Curtis's botanical magazine 1 O: tab . 358 (1797) ; F.A. Bauer, Delineationsof exotick plants,tab . 22 W Linnaea7 : 640 (1832) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 211 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien (1803); 0. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica , 217 (1992); I. Oliver & E.G.H. Oliver, Ericas 67: 105 (1964) ; _ 68: 103 (1965) ; Strelitzia 9: 430 (2000); _ 14: 428 (2003) : --> of the Cape Peninsula: 19 (2000) . • Floweringplants of Africa 39: tab. 1548 (1969) . (D Lalin : baccans = berry, referring to the shape of the flowers . Berryheath . azaleaeflora - Erica azaleaeflora bacciflora - Erica bacciflora N Typographic error. correct name: Erica azaleifolia N Typographic error. correct name : Erica baccifonnis W E.T. Steudel , Nomenclator botanicus 1, 618 (1840 , 2nd edn); Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 244 (1905) . rn Le bon jardinier almanachpour /'annee 1817: 640 . azaleaeflora - Eurylepis azaleaeflora bacciforrnis - Erica baccifonnis RA Salisbury . . N Typographic error. correct name : Eurylepis azaleifolia N Synonym of Erica baccans. Original orthography , to be corrected, wa_s En': baccaeformis'. . Ill E.T. Steudel , Nomenclator botanicus, 568 (1840, 2nd edn) [under Erica azaleaefolia]. • A specimen in LIV (ex herb . Edmund oavall ; ex J.E. Smith) collected man Enghsh garden 1n 1802 bears this name . azaleaefolia- Erica azaleaefolia RA . Salisbury rn A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus,7 : 656 (1839) . N Orthographic error, to be corrected : correct name : Erica aza/eifo/ia (D Lalin : bacciforrnis = shaped like a berry. 0 rn ;i;;~a~\~:~. ~:::s~~n;i;1 ;e5:i~~~~t1!;~S:,o:r~t:~;: (~3:s;;s!4 (1): 244 (1905); H . Baker & bachmannii- Erlca a(sp)ata~ffl(·1°;;:s)va;,_~~=~~~=:~~~!::::schen Museums, Wien68: 90 (1965); Strelitzia ( ) German-born naturalist and medical practitioner, 856 1916 azaleaefolia - Eurylepis azaleaefolia (R.A. Salisbury) G. Don (D Eponym : after Or Frans Ewald Bachmann _1 d • til 1888 He collected in the Malmesbury-Clanwillian ~ OGrthographicerror, to be corrected : correct name: Erica azalelfolla who came to the Cape m 1883 an~r~~a~~ddu~otan ica.lexploration of sou/hemAfrica , 84 (1981)). eneral system of gardening & botany 3 · 808 (1834) · region and in Pondoland (M. Gunn · · ' Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums: Wien : •A(~: ~~Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 619 (1839); 68 114 6 azaleaefollum - Encodes azaleaefoliumC.E.O . Kuntze N Orthographic error , to be corrected : correct name : Erica aza/e. Ill Rewsio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891 ). ,fol/a INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 50 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 51 baculiflora- Erica baculifloraR.A. Salisbury bandonii - Erica x bandoniiH .C. Andrews N SynonymsErica cocc'.nea;Erica sebana _ ( ); Flora capensis 4 (1): 47 (1905); Annalen des N Original orthography,to be corrected,was Erica bandonia 111 Transactionsof the Linnean Society 5· 345 347 . 1802 • Listed as "Bandania" by Lee & Kennedyon 24 October 1808 as their introduction( RBG Kew Inwards NaturttistorischenMuseums, Wien 68: 29 <1965)- ~ 1k· fck· flos = flower. books). Steudel appears to attribute this to L.-C. Noisette. Bentham noted this as a hybrid:·an ex

barbata - Erica barbata H.C. Andrews barbigera - Erica barbigera R.A. Salisbury N Synonym of Erica barbigeroides N Synonym of Erica pannosa . . (1802 1 November); , 2: tab. 78 [var. mino'1 (Il Coloured engrav)mAgspofdhecaathn~~i1:~~dZ!~;1;1~11(1839) · Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, III Transa_ctionsof the Linnean Society 6: 341 (1802) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 326 (1905); Annalende s (1803, 1 January; .- . e , , · , Naturh,stonschenMuseums, Wien 68: 155 (1965): --+ 68· 75 (1965)· 9: 444 (2000) : -> . tab Wien Strelitzia h 1 A H.C. Andrews, cot;ured engravings of heaths 2: tab. 77 & 78 (1802 & 1803); _, The heat ery - - barbigera - Erica barbigeraJ.F. Klotzsch ex G Bentham 4 (1805) · c Loddiges Botanical cabinet 2: tab. 124 (1818) . . , Notes: s'ali~bury's na,;,e E. pannosa predates Andrews ' E. barbata by about six months (Salisbury s N Synonym of Erica brunilfol/avar. barb/gera paper was published in Transactionsof the Linnean_Society 6 issued between 24 and 27 May 1802) . W A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 616 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 233 (1905). Some works gives Loddiges as the authonty which 1snot Justified . barbigera - Erica bruniaefoliavar . barbigera(G Bentham) H. Dulfer barbata - Erica barbata hortulanorum N Correct name : Erica bruniifoliavar . barbigera N Synonym of Erica leucopelta _ . . . . W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 111 (1965). (Il J.F. Tausch, Flora oder Allgemeine botamsche Zeitung 17: 616 (1834), Annalen des Naturh1stonschen (D The orthography of the specific epithet is to be corrected - Erica bruniifolia. Museums, Wien 68 : 106 (1965) : -> (D Latin : barbatus = beared . barbigera - Erica bruniifo/ia var. barblgera (G. Bentham) H. Dulfer W Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of SouthAfrica 56: 140, 142 (1987); Slrelitzia14 : 429 (2003). barbata - Erica barbata Drege ex G Bentham N Synonym of Erica perlata barbigera - Erica incurva var. barbigera(G Bentham) H. Bolus W A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 671 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 134-135 (1905):-> N Synonym of Erica bruniifoliavar. barbigera W Flora capensis 4 (1): 232 (1905); Strelitzia14 : 429,436 (2003):--+ barbata - Erica barbata hortulanorum N Correct name : Erica urceolaris barbigeroides- Erica barblgeroidesE.G.H. Oliver • "In deutschen Garten findet sih die E. urceolaris haufig unter dem Namen E. barbata." N Synonym of Blaeria barbigera W Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/Jischen Staaten 16: W Bothalia 23 : 1 (1993); Strelilzia 9: 428 (2000)*; _ 14: 428 (2003). 300-301 (1842); Flora capensis4 (1) : 220 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : (D Latin : barbiger, -aides= suffix indicating resemblance; alluding to Erica barbigera. 151 (1965) : -> barbigerum - Ericodes barbigerumC.E.O . Kuntze barbatum - Ericodes barbatum C.E.O. Kuntze W Revisio generum plantarum2 : 966 (1891). . W Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891) . (D Latin : barba = beard; -ger = suffix indicating bearing; beanng a beard. (D Latin : barbatus = beared . barclayana - Erica x barclayana hortulanorum barbertona - Erica barbertona E.E. Galpin * Crimson flowers, evergreen, 1ft, June . N Synonym of Erica cerintholdesvar. barbertona • Horticultural hybrid, 1843. W Kew bulletin 1895: 148; Flora capensis 4 (1): 88 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien W S. Hereman, Paxton's botanical dictionary, 217 (1868, new ed_n). f R bert Barclay (d 1830), 68: 55 (1965) . (D Eponym : possibly , if this was raised as early as 1843, named in memory o o · (D Toponym: from Barberton, , South Africa . but the name has not been traced earlier than 1868. barbertona- Erica cerinthoidesvar. barbertona (E.E. Galpin) H. Bolus barkerae -Acrostemon barl w Journal of SouthAfrican botany 1 - • Strelitzia 14: 424, 433 (2003). (b ) botanist , who became curator of the Compton barbiger- Simocheilusbarbiger J.F. Klotzsch 1907 (D Eponym : after Winsome Fanny B&aLrk;'Codd Bo~nical explorationof southernAfrica , 88 (1981)). N Synonym of Erica uberlflora Herbarium (1957-1972) (M. Gunn - · , W Linnaea 12: 237 (1838) ; A. -P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 704 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 361 (1906) ; Strelilzia 9: 428 (2000) : -> bamesii - Erica x bamesii hOrtul_ano_rum I I s E ampu//aceavar . bamesii, E. x aristata var. (D Latin : barba =beard ; -ger =suffix indicating bearing ; bearing a beard . • Known by 1867; however if this is the same p an a ,;und in the 1850s. bamesii, or£. x tricolor var. bames11,it was probabl~ -\41 (1897)· Revuede /'horticulture beige 24 140 barbiger- Thoracospermabarbiger C.E.O . Kuntze W E. Step, Favouriteflowers of garden & greenhouse . ' N Synonym of Simocheilus barbiger (1898) : --+ (1898) W Revisio generum plantarum 2: 390 (1891) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 361 (1906) . A. Revue de /'horticulturebeige 24: tab. 36 f C den Nursery Cambeiwell , London, who ·excelled in . after William Barnes (1809-1869), o . am . ' (D Eponym . nhouse plants" and who raised this hybnd heath. growing gree INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 54 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1; A-C 55 bamesii - Erica x aristatavar . bamesii bartlingiana Erica bartlingianaJ.F. Klotzsch * Flowers produced in terminal whorls ; corolla tube shining red; mouth deeper red than _in type; segments N Synonym of Erica daphniflora very broad , pure white .• Leaves in 5s, recurved ; flowers in whorls of 4-7, tube varnished red, deep W Linnaea 12: 514, 521-522 (1838); A.-P. de Candolle . sanguineous at the mouth; limb segment white. 4 (1): 105 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorisch M 'Prodromus, 7. 646(. 656) (1839); Flora capens,s • "A very handsome hybrid"* : E. aristata majorx sprengelii, raised by W. Barnes, Camden Nursery, _

bamesii - Erica x ampullaceavar. bamesii bartlingiana - Erica bartlingianaJ.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham • Is the same plant as Erica bamesii, E. x aristata var. bamesii, or E. x tricolor var. bamesii? N Nomen nudum: synonym of Erica afflnis Ill Catalogue, James Fraser, Lea Bridge Road Nursery , Leyton, 18 (1866-1867); Catalogue, Ireland & W A.-P. de Candolle, Prrxiromus,7: 656 (1839); E.T. Steudel,Nomenclator botanicus, 568, 569 (1840,2nd edn). Thomson, Edinburgh, 56 [undated, c. 1885]:-> bartlingiana - Euremia bartlingiana(J.F. Klotzsch) LT. Rach bamesii - Erica x tricolor var. bamesii N Synonym of Erica totta • Is the same plant as Erica ampullacea var. bamesii, E. x aristata var. bamesii, or E. x bamesin W Linnaea 26: 789 (1853); Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium19: 300 (2000). Ill Catalogue,William Rollisson & Sons, 108 (1877); Catalogue,James Dickson & Sons, Newton Nurseries, Chester: 40 (1884):-> bartlingiana - Octogoniaglabella var. bartlingiana(J.F. Klotzsch) J.F. Klotzsch N Basionym: Blaeria glabella var. bartlingiana bamettiana - Erica bamettiana L.J. Dorr & E.G.H . Oliver W Linnaea 12: 234 (1838); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 704 (1839); Floracapensis 4 (1): 364 (1906). Ill Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 78 (1999) . ' · batemanniana - Erica x batemanniana • D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Encas of South Africa, 162 (1992). N Orthographic variant & typographic error. correct name: Erica x batemania[sic}.

behen - Erica behen E. Meyer f E - I 1 bequaertii :-- Erica kingaensis H.GA Engler subsp. bequaertii (E.A.J. De Wildeman) R. Ross • Klotzsch stated this name was "in Herb . Dregeano ·. and he gave _it as a synonym o . saw ea on Y­ N Bas1onym: Erica bequaertii Bentham and Steudel (and Dulfer) gave it as a synonym of both (either) Enca savilea and Enca praecox . Linnaea 12: 519 (1838) ;A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 641 , 642 (1839); E.T. Steudel , Nomenclator ID Annals &magazine of natural history, series 12, 9: 95 (1956); J.-P. Lebrun &A .l. Stork, Enumerationdes m plantes a fleurs d'Afrique tropical 4: 17 (1997). botanicus, 569, 578, 579 (1840 , 2nd edn) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 99 (1905); Annalen des Naturh,stonschen Museums, Wien 68: 59 (sub£. savileia), 60 (sub£. ventricosa) (1965) : -+ • berghiana- Erica berghiana M.-L Spir1et (D Latin: the name appears in e.g. Cucubalus behen ("Lychnis sylvestris, quae Behen album vulgo ), ID Bulletin des seances de f'academie royale des sciences d'Outre Mer, Bruxelles, new series, 3: 1137 "limonium majus ... aliis Behen rubrum ·, both apparently in Bauhin . (1957) ; J.-P. Lebrun & A.l. Stork, Enumeration des plantes a fleurs d'Afrique tropical 4: 17 (1997): .... • Bulletin des seances de f'academie royale des sciences d'Outre Mer, Bruxelles. new series, 3: 1131, bella - Erica be/la C. Sprengel 1133 (1957) . N Synonym of Erica seriphiifolia synonyms . . . . )· A-Pde Cando/le, Prodromus, 7: 633 (1839); Flora 4: W Transactions of the Unnean Society 6· 358 <1802 ' : · w.· 67· 94 (1964) · 68 : 43 .A H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 4: tab. 236 (post 1809); _, The heathery 5: tab. 217 capensis 4 (1): 70 (1905); Annalen des Naturh1st~nschen Museums, ien · , - (post 1816). (1965) ; Strelitzia 9: 431 (2000)* ; _ 14: 428 (2003).-> Note: This name is not included in Sinclair's Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis (1825), pointing to publication ..., D Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Afnca, 56 (1992) . . . " by Andrews after January 1825 . . bicolor - Erica hirta var. bicolor

bicarinata - Erica plukenetii var. bicarinata H. Bolus bicolor - Erica mitulaeflora var. bicolor . N Synonym of Erica plukenetii subsp . penicillata N Typographic error: correct name: Erica metulaeflora var. b1color W Flora capensis4 (1): 50 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums , Wien 68 : 31 (1965); Bothalia m The florisfs journal 1843: 64 (1843). 32: 42 (2002) : -> (D Latin : bi- = two; carinatus = keeled . bir~;or ~;:;;;;i~~!:a~:;~f ~~rticunural Society (1 ): 386 (1838-1843). bicolor - Blaeria bicolor J.F. Klotzsch Synonym: Erica lnaequal/s N bicolor - Erica plukenetii var. bicolor F. Bartling III Linnaea 8: 660 r6061 (1833) : A.-P . de Cando/le, Prodromus, 7: 698, 703 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1) : m Linnaea 7: 630 (1832) . 370 (1906) ; Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 263 (2000) : -> (D Latin : bi- = two ; color= colour; two colours. bicolor _ Erica superba var. bicolor

blcolor - Erica bicolor C.P. Thunberg * Flowers yellow and g~n . rt 'tannicus 5 (1839, 3rd edn). m G. Don (edrtor), Sweets Ho us 8 n ' 43 III Dissertatio botanica de Erica, 36-37 (no . 57) (1785); Flora capensis 4 (1): 168 (1905); Annalen des b ' /or Naturhistorischen Museums , Wien 67: 132 (1964); _ 68 : 87 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 431 (2000); 14: bicolor - Erica transparens var. H'C::· MuralSociety (1) : 386 (1838-1843). 428, 430 (2003) : -> - III Proceedings of the Royal o icu .A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 139 (1992) .

blanda- Erica cristiflora var. blanda (R.A. Salisbury) H. Bolus . blandum - Ericodes blandum C.E.O . Kuntze N Basionym : Erica blanda & TM Salter Flora of the Cape peninsula, 654 (19SO) Ill Revisio generum plantarum 2: 965-966 (1891) . ID Flora capensis 4 (1) : 301 (1905); R.S . Adamson . . ,

blanda _ Erica vestifa var. blanda C. Loddiges . blanfordiana - Erica blanfordiana 184 N Orthographic error. correct name: Erica blandfordiana = Erica blandfordii • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooting) be~or! July· 51 (1843)· Flora capensis 4 (1): ID Botanical cabinet 18: tab . 1716 (1831); Gardeners c ronic 7~8 . 9. 41965) , • "Nous connaisons dans la commerce deux plants sous ce nom." 315 (1905); Annalen des Naturf1istorischen Museums, Wien 68. 3 ( . Ill V. Paquet, Traite de la culture des plantes de terre de bruyere, 103 (1844). • Botanical cabinet 18: tab . 1716 (1831) . blanfordianum - Encodes blanfordianum C.E.O. Kuntze . . .. N Orthograph ic variant ; correct name: Ericoides blandford1ana= Enca blandford11 mblanda General - Lophandra system blanda of gardening var. blandab & oG.t anyOon3 .· 810 (1834) ,· A .-P · de . Candolle, Prodromus , 7: 684 (1839); Ill Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). Annalen des Natumistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 136 (1965) . -+ blearia - Erica blearia blandfordia - Erica blandforriia H.C. Andrews _ • N Typographic error. correct name : Erica blaeria N Ortho raphic error to be corrected : correct name: Enca blandfordil . Ill Catalogue of plants in ... Glasnevin, 185 (1802). Ill The h~athery 4: t~b . 154 (1807]; _, Coloured engravings of heaths 3:_tab. ~ 53 (1809], J. D~nn , Honus canfabrigiensis, 91 (1809, 5th edn); Flora capensIs4 (1): 179 (1905), Strefltzia 9. 431 (2000) , - blenna - Ceramia blenna G. Don 14: 428 (2003) : -+ N Synonym of Erica blenna . & b t _ ( ). A .p de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 660 (1839); Ill General system of gardening o any 3· 807 1834. • · · . blandfordiae - Erica blandforriiae . Annalen des Naturf1istorischenMuseums , Wien 68. 100 (1965). -+ N Orthographic error, to be corrected : correct name : Erica blandfordil (D Greek: blennos = mucous; referring to the stickiness of the flowers. Ill Annalen des Natumistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 145 (1964) . blenna -Erica blenna R.A. Salisbury ( ) A-P de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 660 (1839), Flora blandfordiana - Erica blandforriiana 9 1802 Ill Transactions of the Linnean Society 6 37N t rl1st~nschen Museums, Wien 67. 90 (1964); - 68 1oo N Orthographic variant correct name : Erica blandfordll • capensis 4 (1): 202 (1905); Annalen des au 1 . 9 2 2 • Steudel (1821) and Bentham attributed this to Andrews; but Steudel (1840) has Bot Mag . Lodd . (non Andr) .• IPNI has Aiton as authority . .._g ;~~ ;u!:~~t ~ ~~~t~n~~~daso;~o~~;1 ~~;\~ (1992). (D L~ntem heath, Riversdaleheath, BelletJ1he1de. Ill WT . Aiton , Honus Kewensis 2: 392 (1811, 2nd edn); Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney :_27 (1814); E. Steudel , Nomenclator botanicus, 303 (1821 , 1st edn) ; _, 576 (1840, 2nd edn) ; G. Sinclair, Honus _ ericaeus Wobumensis, [xv], 3, 32 (1825); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 648 (1839); Flora capensIs blenna - Erica blenna var. blenna . f S uth Africa 56: 140 (1987): _62 : 535 (1993),· Strelitzia Ill autonym ; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey o o 4 (1): 179 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturf1istorischen Museums , Wien 68 : 91 (1965) : -+ 14: 428 (2003) . • Cunis 's botanical magazine 43 : tab . 1793 (1816); C . Loddiges , Botanical cabinet 2 : tab . 115 (1818) ; G. Sinclair , HOrlus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 2, fig . 4 (1825) . lennum - Encodes blennum C.E.O. Kuntze (D Orthographic variant: see Erica blandfordii . Aiton used this orthography in the margin, citing Erica blandfordia in the text . b Ill Revisio generum planfarum 2: 965 (1891 ).

Note : The dating is a little critical in deciding the correct variant, but Andrews' does appear, on present Erl blesbergensisH.A.. Baker(1971 )" Strelitzia 9: 439 (20 oo),· - 14· 428 (2003): -+ evidence , to have been the first to publish the epithet as blandfordia . blesbergensls- ca 37 173 Ill Journal of Sou: i~~~~e~~~Z:as ~f South Afrfca, 225 (1992). Western Cape, South Africa. blandfordii - Erica blandford/1 H.C. Andrews • 0. Schumann be Peak in the eastern SwartbergRange ,

boj eri - Erica bojerl L.J. Dorr & E.G.H. Oliver bondiae Erica gtandulosa var b d' 67 III Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 78-79 (1999) . . . III Annalen des Naturhistoris h onM1ae(R.H . Compton) H. Duffer (J) Eponym · after vaclar Pojer (Wenceslas Bojer) (1795-1856) , Bohemian naturalist, who collected 7 84 132 196 E.G.H. Oliver, Ericas in soithe;m :.,~~~mtw,( ~~;)~ stre: /tz: . ( 4); _ 68: 49 (1965); H.A. Baker & in Madagascar between 1822 and 1824 ; he was the first to make extensive collections on the Hauts · 3 1 , I ,a 14: 428, 435 (2003): -. Plateau x (L.J. Dorr , Plant collectors in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, 50-53 (1997)). bondiae - Thoracospermabondiae R.H . Compton ~ Synonym of Erica rosaceasubsp . rosacea bokkeveldfa - Erica bokkeveldia E.G.H. Oliver III Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 288 (2000) ; Bothalia 30:147-153 (2000) ; Strelitzia 9:425 Journal of SouthAfrican botany?: 206 (1941); Slrelitzia9 : 427 (2000). (2000) ; 14: 428 (2003) . bonplandia - Erica bonplandia • Contribi:iiionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 290 [Inge Oliver] (2000) . N Orthographic variant: correct name: Erica bonplandiana (J) Toponym: from Cold Bokkeveld, the plateau where this species grows, in Western Cape, SouthAfrica. (!I Catalogue,Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 27 (l 8181_ III C. Lodd1ges, Botanicalcabinet 4 · tab 345 (M ch 18 . - Erica bolusanthus E.G.H. Offver botanici Berolinensis altera pt . · ( :; )· FfO); J.H.F. Li~k, Enumeratioplantarum horti regii 1 364 1 1 III Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 255 (2000); strelitzia 9: 425 (2000) ; _ 14 : 428 (2003) . NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien : ( : ·_.. ora capens,s 4 (1) : 105 (1905) ; Annalen des 68 64 19651 • Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 256 [Inge Oliver] (2000) . 4 C. Lodd1ges, Botanicalcabinet 4: tab. 345 (March 1820). (J) Eponym : Greek , from anthos = flower; and Bolus (Bo/usanthus (Fabaceae)): "In choosing a new name , . ~ ( ) as borboniaefolia]; Streiltz1a CD Toponym: from Bothwell Castle, Bothwell,Lanarkshire , Scotland, seatof the Douglasfamily , the earls of 1954 68 11 1965 Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67- 87 < · - · Home, where this plant allegedly originated. AndrewTurnbull was gardenerat BothwellCas tle from 1828 9:431 (2000); _ 14: 428 (2003): --+ . and seems to have died there in 1886. (See also E. x bothwellianavar. alba; E. ferrugineavar . bothwelliana, A 0. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of Sou)'.hfoAl_mc: ·i:a~g!::~es similar to species of Borbonia. E. sav1le1avar . bothwelliana; E. tricolor var. bothwel/iana; and E. ventricosavar . bothwel/iana.) (D Latin: Borbonia(Fabaceae , OON Aspalathus, 1us- , bothwelliana - Erica x ferrugineavar . bothwelliana borgiana - Erica borgiana . . N Synonym: Erica x bothwelliana N Typographic error: correct name: Enca berg1ana • A hybrid raised by Andrew Turnbull, from E. ferrugineax mamockiana. m The garden 42: 289 (1892). m Gardeners'chronicle13 : 179 (1880); The florist 1881: tab. 547 (1881). .& The florist 1881: tab. 547 (1881). 'Boscaweniana' - Erica canaliculata 'Boscaweniana' , Note: Given its claimed parentageth is is not entitled to be called Erica ferruginea. N Re·ected Synonym of Erica cana/icufata 'Boscawen's Variety . . m E. ~cCli~tock & A.T. Leiser, woody ornamental plants of California, 44 (1979); K.N. Brenze1 (editor), bothwelliana - Erica savileia var. bothwelliana Sunset western garden book, 276 (1995). . . ced d b ID The florist 1881: tab. 547 (1881). E on m: see Erica canaliculata 'Boscawen's Variety' . This name 1ssupe_rfluous , berng pre e _Y A The florist 1881: tab. 547 (1881). CD •rfos~wen 's Variety'. Even though it was validly published at varietal level, 11cannot be used as a cult1var epithet under ICNCP 2004 Art. 19.18. bothwelliana - Erica x tricolor var. bothwelliana m Catalogue,Ire land & Thomson, Edinburgh, 56 [undated,c . 1885]. boscaweniana - Erica canalicufata var. boscawenlana E. McCllntock . m Journal of the Californian Horticultural Society 11: 84-87 (1950); Curtis's botanical magazine 172 (new bothwelliana - Erica ventricosavar . bothwelliana series): tab. 339 (1959); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 138 (1965). N Original name: Erica praegnansmajor . • Andrew Turnbull expliciUydenied raising this plant (Gardeners' chronicle13: 179 (1880)); 1twas formerly 'Boscawen'sVariety ' - Erica canaficufata'Boscawen's Variety' named E. praegnansmajor. . * ' Differs in having pale rose-tinted blossoms.' III Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society 2: 547 (1862); Catalogue, James Fraser, Lea Bn_dge • Selected clone, from the Hon. Revd Arthur Townshend Boscawen garden at Ludgvan, Cornwall, Road Nursery Leyton, 19 (1866-1867); Revue horticole 54: 363 (1882); Flora capens,s_4 (1_). 101 England. Long cultivated under the name E. melanthera. (1905); w. Arn.old-Forster,Shrubs for the milder counties, 328 (1948); Annalendes Naturh,stonschen 't' AM 9 February 1937 (from Exbury). Museums, Wien 68: 60 (1965): --+ m Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 62: 174, Iii (1937); Gardeners' chronicle, series 3, 161: 221 (1937); Journal of the Californian Horticultural Society 11: 84-87 (1950); Curtis's botanical magazine 172 bothwelliana alba - Erica ventricosavar . bothwellianaalba (new series): tab. 339 (1959). N Invalidunder ICBN, but is acceptable as a cultivar name under ICNCP2000 (Art. 19.7). A [RHS Garden Wisley, unsigned water-colour, 8 February 1937]; R.E. Harrison & C.R. Harrison, Know • A seedling raised by Andrew Turnbull, from E. ventncosasuperba . 9 1880 your . .. trees & shrubs. A southern hemisphere garden book, 67; pl. 204 (1965) [as "E. boscowiana"]. m Gardeners' chronicle 13: 17 ( >- . Scotland( Elica x bolhwelllana). Latin: albus = ..tiite. CD from BothwellGastte, Bothwell , Lanarkshire, see CD Eponym: grown at Ludgvan , Cornwall , England, by the Hon . Revd Arthur Townshend Boscawen toponym: (c.1862-1939), before 1937. Note: the ' type· has "waYcy, pearl white flowers in great profusion on delicate downy branchlets clothed botryoides -Erica botryoides H. Dulfer Wien 66· 20-21 (1963); 67: 113, 131 (1964): - 68: 88 with minute dark leaves.' m Annalen des Naturhistonschen Museums:botryioid~sl 14: 428 (2003): --+ (1965); strelitzia 9: 431 (2000) ~n error as , - (D Greek: botryoides like a bunch of grapes. 'Boscawen's Variety' - Erica melanthera 'Boscawen's Variety' = N Synonym of Erica canaficulata' Boscawen'sVariety' boucheana - Erica x boucheanaE . Regel E · a mvenierstandener Bastard .' . • • ... commonly cultivated under the name melanthera", but this combination is not employed in print.• m [Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 62: 174*, Iii (1937)]. • ' Ein wahracheinlich von E. pel/uc1daund n~ G rtenbauesin denKOniglich Preu/J,schen Staaten 16 m Verhandlungendes Veremszur Bef(jrderung es a E k n 85 (1843), Gartenflora 1: 73 (1852); Flora boscowiana - Erica boscowiana 842)· DieKulturundAufzahlungder : · ·. n e ' s Wien66 142, 152(1965). N Typographic error: correct name: Erica canalicufata'Boscawen's Variety' ~:~~sis 4 '(1).,31o (1905); Annal~n ~~t :na~::~~;~ft~::i:Uti:i: Peter Bo~cheSohn in Berlinze (D Eponym. • ... So habe 1chs1e dem uc g he ( _ ), nurserymanof Berlin,Germany . m R.E. Harrison & C.R. Harrison, Know your . .. trees & shrubs. A southern hemisphere garden book, 1783 1856 67; pl. 204 (1965). Ehren gennant.' Raised by Peter Carl Bouc bosser! - Erica bosser/ L.J. Dorr boucheri - Erica boucherl E.G.H. Olrbiver_ 1g · 394 (2000)· Strelitzia 9: 424 (2000); - 14: 428 (2003). - · from the Bolus He anum · ' · l (2000) m Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 79-80 (1999). m Contnbut,onsfro the Bolus Herbarium19 : 395 [Inge Ollver t . .t ho found the species which A Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 79 (1999). A Contnbut1ons DmCharles ("Charlie") Boucher (b. 1944), bo ~1ssie: Cape (M. Gunn & LE . Codd, CD Eponym: after r ·n the southern Worcester basin, e CD Eponym : after Jean-Michel Bosser (b. 1922), French botanist with specialist interests in orchids, r studying the tynbos v~~!~:e~Afri ca 101 (1981)). grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae) , based in Madagascar in 1950s and 1960s who first Botanical explorationo ' collected this species. He was CO-€ditorof Flore des Mascareignes (L.J. Dorr, Plant col/e~tors in Madagascarand the Comoro Islands, 57-58 (1997)). . En·ca bouplandiana d. boupland1ana- t me· Erica x bonplan ,ana N Typographic error: correc na · ust *' Flowers, pale yellow,Apnl to Aug · m Floricultural cabinet4 : 59 <1836>· INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 70 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 71 bousteadiana- Erica x bousteadiana -d ised and sent out by them. bowieana - Erica bowieanaC . Loddiges • Claimed by William Rollisson & Sons as a h~~~)-~earbookofThe HeatherSociety3 (5): 65 (1987). N Synonym of Erica bauerl Ill Catalogue, William Roll1sson& Sons, 106 (1 ' (I) Derivation not known. • Botanicalcabinet plate was published in March 1824; it is debatablewhether E. baueriof Andrewshas pnonty because the date range for his plate is betweenlate 1823 and the end of 1824. W Botanicalcab inet 9: tab. 842 (1824, March); The gardener'smagazine 1 : 133 (1826); A.-P. de Candolle, boutonll - Erica boutonlf l .J. Dorr & E.G.H. Oliver.,- ta (Bentham) _Dietr (non Sa/axis cilia/a Bentham) . N Synonyms Philippia cilia/a Bentham = Salax,s c, ,a 0 Prodromus,7: 624 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 54 (1905); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseum s, 1999 Wien 68: 33 (1965); Bothalia32 : 46 (2002). Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 80 ( )- ( ) of Mauritius botanist and clerk in "Bureau de w 1799 1878 .t. Botanicalcabinet 9 : tab. 842 (1824); Theflorisfsjoumal 1841: tab. 21 (1841);Revue horticole 1858: tab . (I) Eponym: after Louis Sulpice Bouton • t '. of this spe~ies in Madagascar (L.J. Dorr, Plant l'ordonnance militaire'. He collected of the tyj:;a :1"!21 (1997)) 104 (1858); Gartenflora50 : tab. 1483 (1901); Floweringplants of SouthAfrica 25: tab. 982 (1945). collectorsin Madagascarand the ComoroIs an s, . 1 N Typographic error: correct name: Erica bowieana W t-;~ ·b:c~~i~~~;~::i:~~=is 4\1) · ~46~ 14: 428 (2003). ... 7 ~~~~t;!~:Zi~e:1;~;;:o~ W J. Forbes, Hortus Wobumensis, 79 (1833); Floricultura/cabinet 2: 262 (1834); Catalogue, Hugh Low & a 1963)· 67 100 107 (1964), - 6 (,1992) Co, Enfield, 28 [undated c. 1905]: -+ 66: 20 ( , &G.Kirste~ . Ericas of SouthAfrica, 123 f ·ng to the short spurs on the anthers .t. o. Schumann _ h rt centron = spur or sharp point, re em (I) Greek: brachy-- s O • INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 72 73 brachycentrum- Ericodesbrachycentrum C .E.O. Kuntze b~teata - Erica corlfol/a var. bracteata (C.P.Thunberg) H. Duller Ill Revisio generomp lantarom 2: 966 (1891). Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 122 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003): -+

brachycrossa- Erica brachycrossaJ .F. Tausch bracteata- Eury/episbracteata (C .P. Thunberg)G. Don N Basionym: Erica bracteata ~'{;~"t:ero;:~C,:e~~=~~:nische Zeitung : 634 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1) : 248 (1905); Annalen des ~ 22 III Genera/system of gardening& botany3 : 808 (1834); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 652 (1839); Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 116 (1965) : __. Annalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums , Wien68 : 122 (1965): -+ (D Greek: brachy-= short; krossos = fringe. bracteatum- Ericodesbracteatum C.E .O. Kuntze brachyphylla- Erica brachyphy/la E.G.H. Oliver III Revisio generumplantarum 2: 966 (1891). N Basionym: Philippiabrachyphylla Ill Kew bulletin 48: 769 (1993). bracteolarls- Erica bracteolarisLamarck (D Greek: brachy-=short ; phyllon =leaf . III Encyclopedie methodique botanique 1: 481 (1783); Flora capensis4 (1): 255 (1905); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien67 : 126 (1964); _ 68:118 (1965); Strelitzia9: 431 (2000); _ 14: 428 brachyphylla- Philippia brachyphyllaG. Bentham . . . (2003): __. w A.-P. de candolle, Prodromus, 7: 697 (1839) ; Kung/. Svensk VetenskapsAkadem,ens Handlmgar4 (4). .a. D. Schumann& G. Kirsten,Ericas of SouthAfrica , 201 (1992). 42 (1927): __. CD Latin: bracteolaris= with bracteoles; referringto the small leafybracts at the baseof the flower.

brachyphylla- Sa/axisbrachyphylla (G. Bentham) 0. Dietrich brassii- Ericine/labrass/i J.P.M.Brenan N Basionym: Philippia brachyphyl/a N Synonym: Erica microdonta Ill Synopsisplantarom2: 1261 (1840) ; Kung/. Svensk VetenskapsAkademiensHandlingar4 (4): 42 (1927) . III Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 8: 494 (1954) ; Flora zambesiaca7 (1): 174 (1983); J.-P. Lebrun&A .L. Stork, Enumeration des plantesa ffeursd'Afrique tropical 4 : 18 (1997): -+ brachyphylla- Sympiezabrachyphyl/a G. Bentham (D Eponym: after LeonardJohn Brass, recommendedby ArthurVemay to be on the NewYork Botanic Garden N Synonymof Erica labia/is Vemay-LangExpedition to Nyasaland(now Malawi) in 1946; he collectednumerous plants and wrote the III A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 706 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 395 (1906); Annalen des vegetationintroduction to the reportfor which Brenandid the checklist NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 155 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 437,451 (2003). bredaslana- Erica bredasianaE.G.H . Oliver brachyphylla- Sympiezakunthiivar . brachyphylla G. Bentham III Contributionsfrom the Bolus He/barium19 : 396 (2000); Strelitzia9 : 424 (2000); _ 14: 428 (2003). N SynonymsAniserica gracilis var. hispida = Erica benthamiana .a. Contributionsfrom the Bolus He/barium19: 397 [Inge Oliver](2000) . III A.-P. de Candolle,Prodromus, 7: 705 (1839); Fiora capensis 4 (1): 391 (1906). (D Toponym: from Bredasdorp,Western Cape , SouthAfrica . brachysepala- Erica brachysepata F. Guthrie & H. Bolus bredensis - Erica plukenetli C. Linnaeus subsp. bredensis E.G.H. Oliver & 1.M. Oliver III Flora capensis4 (1): 171 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 67 : 109 (1964) : _ 68: III Bothalia 32: 41-42 (2002) . BB(1965) ; Strelitzia9 : 431 (2000); _ 14: 428 (2003) : __. .a. Bothalia 32: 42 (2002). . .a. Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 3: tab. 3 (1921) . (D Toponym: from Bredasdorp,Western Cape , SouthAfrica . (D Greek: brachy-= short; and Latin: sepalum = sepal. 'Bremen' - Erica gracllis 'Bremen' brachysepala- Erica plukenetii var. brachysepala Bartling • Seedlingfrom 'Glaser's Rote'. N Synonymof : Erica ptukenetll subsp. plukenetll III Gartenborse& Gartenwelt30 (79): 731 (1979). III Linnaea 7: 631 (1832) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 31 (1965) ; Bothalia 32 : 41 - . ( 14: 428 (2003): __. 431 2ooo)· 131 (1965); Strehtz1a9. . · - CD Latin: brevis = short; caul1s= stem. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 74 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 75 breviciliata - Scyphogynerigidula var. breviciliata N.E. Brown breviflora - Erica pellucidavar . brevifloraG. Bentham W Flora capensis4 (1): 369, 410 (1906). N Bentham put a question mark in front of this name (l) Latin: brevis short; ciliatus ciliate . = = W A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 632 (1839). ·

breviflora - 8/aeria breviflora H.G.A. Engler J p L b & A L breviflora - Erica perspicuavar . breviflora w EnglerBotanisheJahrbucher43 : 364 (1909); Acta horti Bergiani8 (8): 259 (1924) ; .- · e run · · Stork, Enumerationdes plantes a f/eurs d'Afrique tropical 4: 15 (1997) : -+ W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 50 (1965). (l) Latin: brevis = short; flos = flower. breviflora .- Erica plukenetii C. Linnaeus subsp. brevlflora (H. Dulfer) E.G.H. Oliver & t.M.Oliver N Bas1onym: Enca breviflora breviflora - var. N.E. Brown Blaeria dumosa breviflora W Bothalia32: 43 (2002). N Synonym of Erica equlsetifo/ia . . . .& Bothalia32 : 42 (2002). W Flora capensis4 (1): 323 (1905); Acta horti Bergiani 8 (8): 239 (1924) ; Strelttz,a 14: 425, 433 (2003).-+ breviflora - Erica plukenetiivar. brevifloraJ .F. Klotzsch breviflora - Erica acuta var. breviflora H. Dulfer W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 129 (1965) ; Strelitzia 14: 426 (2003) : -+ W Linnaea7: 631 (1832); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 622 (1839) [name only]. breviflora - Erica sebanavar . brevifloraJ.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham breviflora - Erica breviflora H. Dulfer N Synonym of Erica socciflora N Synonym of Erica plukenetii subsp . breviflora . W A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 621 (1839); Verhandlungendes Vereins zur Bef/Jrderungdes W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 67: 84, 86 (1964) : _ 68: 118 (1965) ; Bothalta 32: 41-42 Gartenbauesin den K/JniglichPreu/lischen Staa ten 16: 228 (1842); E. Regel, Die KulturundAufzahlung (2002); Strelitzia9 : 431 (2000) ; _ 14: 428 (2003): --> der . .. Eriken, 68 (1843) . .& D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 36 (1992) . breviflora - Erica ventricosavar . breviflora breviflora - Erica casta var. breviflora F. Guthrie & H. Bolus * Corolla rosy-red, short, stout. Flowers deep rose. N Synonym of Erica regia subsp. regia • At the Horticultural Society of London's garden Chiswick, from Robertson in 1845. W Flora capensis4 (1): 63 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 106 (1964); _ 68 : W The f/orisrsjournal 1843: 64 (1843); Gardeners' chronicle (28 June): 435 (1845); Revuehorticole 1858". 38 (1965); Bothalia 32: 54-55 (2002) ; Strelitzia 14: 429 (2003):--> 452 (1858); RHS dictionaryof gardening2 : 769 (1956, 2nd edn): -->

breviflora - Erica coccinea var. breviflora LT . Rach breviflora - Sympiezabreviflora N .E. Brown N Synonym of Erica conica N Synonym of Erica labia/is • Rach queried whether this was a hybrid. W Flora capensis4 (1): 393-394 (1906); Strelitzia9 : 426 (2000); _ 14: 437,451 (2003). W Linnaea26 : 774 (1853); Flora capensis 4 (1): 60 (1905) . breviflorus - Syndesmanthusbreviflorus N .E. Brown breviflora - Erica co/oransvar . brevif/ora H.A. Baker N Synonym of Erica brownii N Synonym of Erica plena w Flora capensis4 (1): 381 (1906); Strelitzia9: 425 (2000); _ 14: 428, 451 (2003). W Jouma/of South African botany 31: 169 (1965); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 67 (D Latin: brevis = short; flos = flower. (1992); Strelitzia 14: 430 , 442 (2003): -+

- --~------INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 76 Volume 2 Africa n species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C brevifolia - Erica grandifolia var. brevifolia ~ - . n N Typographic erro r: correct name : Erica grandiflora var. brevifolia Nv1pes Enca brevipesF .G. Bartling III Synonym of Erica coarctata W G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, 9 (1825) . L(innaea 7: 643 (1832) ; A .-P. de Candolle Prodro . 1905),Anna/en des NaturhistorischenM , mus, 7. 692 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 216 brevifolia - Erica mucosa var. brevifolia G. Bentham (I) Latin: brevis = short· pes = foot· . bo _useums, Wien68 : 104 (1965): -+ N Synonym of Erica ferrea ' ' ,n tanical names often signifying the leaf-stalk. m A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus , 7 : 659 ( 1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1) : 193 (1905); Annalen des brevirostra - Eric rm. NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 66 : 97 (1965) : -+ * "R . a co ofla var. brevirostraJ .F. Klotzsch . amis rectis; sepalis brevi-acutis." III Lm?aea12 : 537 (1838); _ : (lB4 ). brevifolia - Erica p/ukenetii var. brevifolia H. Bolus 20 186 7 ­ Flora capens,s . · · • (1) Latin . brev1s = short ; pedicellus = pedicel (stalk of flower) . . brownii _ Erica ventricosavar. brownii . . Youell & Co Royal Nursery Great Yarmouth, in 1855. • Listed by ~essrs . I (14 A riii · 236 (1855) [a; 'brown,']; Catalogue, James Veitch & Sons, 70 (1873- lll Gardeners chromee es 6ick~on & Sons Newton Nurseries, Chester. 40 (1884): -+ 1874); Catalogu,e,Jamble to ascertain wh~ was the intended memorial of this epithet (I) Eponym : 111sno poss, INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 78 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 79 browni i - Scyphogynebrownii R.H. Compton b~niaefolium -Ericodes bruniaefoliumC.E.O . Kuntze Orth~raphic error. correct name: Erica brunllfolla ~ ~'/:n~":;;o~sE:,~!/$~i~:~ocietyofSouthAfrica 19: 304 (1931) ; Strelitzia 9: 424 (2000) . Ill Revis,o generumplantarum 2 : 966 (1891). (l) Eponym : see Erica brownii. brunicaefolia - Blaeriabrunicaefolia brownleeae - Erica brownleeae H. Bolus . ). A I des s 4 1 25 1 1905 ~ Typographic error: correct name: Blaeriabruniaefolia = Erica brunllfolla Ill Journal of the Unnean Society,botany , 24: 185 (1887); Flora capen ,s ( )St: itZ(_ _ ;n(;;;). __. E. steudel , Nomenclatorbotanicus 1 : 208 (1840, 2nd edn). NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 67 : 111, 121 (1964) : _ 68 : 117 (1965), re1 ta 14· 42 3 ·

bruniades - Erica bruniades C. Linnaeus bruniodes - Encodes bruniodesC.E.O . Kuntze • A specimen in LIV (JES) is from Lee's garden, and is dated 4 May 1803. N Typographic error: correct name: Erica bruniades Ill Speciesplantarum, 354 (1753) ; A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 617 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 239 W Revisio generumplantarum 2 : 966 (1891). (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 67 : 107 (1964) : _ 68 : 113 (1965) ; Strelitzia 9: 431 (2000); _ 14: 429 (2003):-+ brunneo-alba - Erica brunneo-albaF.G. Bartling ..A. H. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 6 (1800) ; _ , The heathery 1: tab . 6 (1805); N Synonym of Erica lmbricata . . G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis,pl. 4, fig. 4 (1825) ; C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 14: tab . w Linnaea 7 : 632-633 (1832) ; A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 620 (1839); Flora capens,s 4 (1). 246 1365 (1828) ; D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 189 (1992). (1905) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien68 : 115 (1965): -+

bruniaefolia - Erica bruniaefolia RA Salisbury . E . b cciniaeformis RA Salisbury . . . bucciniaeforrms - nca u ed· rrect name· Ericabuccmiformts . N Origina l orthography, to be corrected : correct name : Erica brunlifolla N Original orthography , to be co~ ··~erbarium s~imens (no. 102) which represents E. d1aphana Ill TransaCtions of the Linnean Society6· 341 (1802) · A pd c nd0 • This epithet appears on one o iven 7 capensis 4 (1): 232 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhist~ri;che: M a 11e,:dromus, 7 : 616 (1839); Flora GHO) . (1795)· A p de Candolle, ProdromUS. CD This is the original orthography, to be corrected , for Erica bru:ifr~%:.s, ,en 68 . 111 (1965) : -+ (fide E · . d Ch petAllerton vigent,um , 294 • ·• · wren68 "3 W Prodromusstirpium m horlo a . (~) · 71 (1905)· Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums . . 4 633.534 (1839) ; Flora capens,s · ' (1965) :-+ . ). Gartenf/ora50 : tab. 1483 (1901). 42 1844 ..A. Anna/es de f/ore et de pomone. \ a sh~pherd's horn; forrnus = form. CD Latin : buccinus = a crooked trumpe • INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 80 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C bucciniflora - Callis/ax bucciniflora G. Don . d C d lie Prodromus, 7: 639 (1839) ; 81 ID General system of gardening & botany 3: 813 (1834) , A.-P . e an ° , burchelllana Erica burchelliana E.G.H. Oliver E.T. Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 575 (1840, 2nd edn) . ~ ScynonymsLepterica glabrum , Coclostigmaglabrum ontnbut1onsfrom the Bolus Herb • Contributionsfrom the Bolus <[tooot1Strelitzia 9:424 (2000); - 14. 425,429 (2003) bucciniflora - Erica x bucciniflora J. Sims . ·· I t od d Herb=~~:~:-~:! • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooting) before 1843; said to be from Enca masso~u. n r uce (D Eponym · after William John Burch · nge 1ver](2000) . 1816. Sims acknowledged receiving the description from Edward Rudge'. and the d;awrng from Mrs arrived in Cape Town in Novembe:~~~~81-~863) , of Fulham, London, botanist and plant collector, who 1815 when he returned to England He isa;sti re~::in~ ~n the region, collecting extensively, unblAugust Rudge . Bentham stated ·certe hybrids hortensis nee e seminibus Burchelllanis enata . Steudel listed O considered to be th 1 . ma ave gathered 50,000 plant specimens - this is it as a synonym under E. coventryana. , collected seeds M e argest collection mad_e by one m_an ever to have left Afnca Burchell also ID Curtis's botanicalmagazine 51: tab. 2465 (1824) :A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7: 639 (1839); Gardeners ( · Gunn & LE . Codd, Botanicalexploration of southernAfnca, 109-110 (1981)) chronicle 6 July : 461 (1843); Flora capensis 4 (1): 313 (1905) : -> . . • Curtis's botanical magazine 51: tab. 2465 (1824); C. Loddiges , Botanical cabinet 12: tab. 1127 (1826). burchellii - Erica burchellii G. Bentham N Synonym of Erica curviflora (D The original spelling was bucciniffora, not -aeflora, as recorded erroneously by Dulfer . ID AM.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 632 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 71 (1905)· Annalendes Naturhistorischen useums, Wien 68: 44 (1965). ' bucciniformis - Callis/a bucciniformis N Correct name : Callis/a buccinif/ora burchellii - Erica curviflora var . burchellii (G. Bentham) H. Bolus ID Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 44 (1965) . N Basionym: Erica burchellii Note: Don did not publish this name - this is an error by Dulfer. ID Flora capensis4 (1): 71 (1905); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums Wien68 : 44 (1965)· Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003): -+ ' ' bucciniformis - Syringodea bucciniformis G. Don ID General system of gardening & botany 3: 824 (1834); A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 634 (1839); burchellii - Ericodes burchel/iiC.E.O . Kuntze Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 44 (1965):-> ID Revisio generumplan/arum 2: 966 (1891). (D Latin : buccinus = a crooked trumpet , a shepherd 's horn; formus = form . burchellii - Scyphogyneburchellii N.E. Brown buccinula - Erica cruenta var buccinula H. Bolus N Synonym of Erica urceo/ata ID Flora capensis4 (1): 82 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 133 (1964); _ 68: ID Flora capensis 4 (1): 416 (1906); Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium19 : 424 (2000); Strelitzia14 : 50 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003) : -+ 447, 450 (2003) . (D Latin: the diminutive of buccinus = a crooked trumpet, a shepherd's horn. Note : Not maintained as a distinct taxon by Oliver & Oliver (Strelitzia 14 (2003)). bumettii - Erica x bumettii hortulanorum N Original name : Erica bumetti bugonii - Blaeria bugonii Welwitsch ex H.G.A. Engler * Flowers pink and white. ID Abhandlungen der Konig/ichenAkademie der Wissenschaftenzu Berlin 1891, 2: 327 (1892); Acta horti • Claimed by William Rollisson & Sons; a hybrid, E. hartnellii x hyema/is. Bergiani 6 (8): 256 (1924) ; J.-P. Lebrun & A.L. Stork , Enumeration des plantes a fleurs d'Afrique tropical ID Journal of the Royal HorticulturalSociety 5 : xxv (1850) [name only as "bumetti1: Floredes serres8 : 261 4: 15 (1997) . (1852); Floracapensis 4 (1): 313 (1906); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , W.en68 : 142 (1965):-+ (l) Eponym : after an individual name Bugon, who has not been identified . • Flore des serres, series 1, 8: tab. 845 (1852); Theflorist 1853: tab. opp. p. 73 (1853). (D Eponym : possibly after Thomas Burnett (c.1829-1875) , gardener at various houses including bularis - Erica bularis Peterborough House, Fulham, but there are other possibilities including WillI~m Burnett (c. 1800-1877), florist of York. (Yearbookof The HeatherSociety 3 (5): 66 (1987) has simply Mr Burnett, gardener to N Typographic error : correct name : Erica bullularis Mr. Buckland of Peterborough .. .", but the source is not given and these rnd1v1dualscannot be ID Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues in den KOnig/ichPreu/3ischen Staaten 15· 306 (1842) . . verified .) bullaris - Erica bullaris butaguensls- Erica butaguenslsE. de Wildeman N Typographic error : correct name : Erica bullularis N Synonym of Erica kingaensis . · 12 9-93 (1956)· ID Plantae bequaertianae4 (2): 291 (1927); Annals & magazineof naturalhistory, senes , · ratio~ ID E. Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 303 (1821 , 1st edn); _, 569, 579 (1840 , 2nd edn); Flora capensis Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 150 (1965); J.-P. Lebrun &A.L. Stork, Enume 4 (1): 193 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 97 (1965): -> des plantes a f/eurs d'Afrique tropical4 : 17 (1997): -+ . bullularis - Erica bullularis R.A . Salisbury (D Latin: caducus = falling or dropping off early. • D. ~chumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica, 118 (1992). - N Synonym of Erica subdivaricata m Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab. 7 (1799, 1 December) ; A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 679 caduceifera - Erica caduceifera RA Salisbury (1839) ; Flora capensis4 (1): 183 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 94, 151 N Synonym of Erica pulche/la (1965): -> m Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 370 (1802); A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 662 (1839) ; Flora A H.C. Andrews , Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 7 (1799 ); _ , The heathery 1: tab. 7 (1805); capensis 4 (1): 208 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 102 (1965): -> G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 3, fig. 9 (1825). caducum - Ericodes caducum C.E.O. Kuntze • C. Loddiges , Botanical cabinet 2: tab. 196 (1818). m Revisio generum plantarum 2 : 966 (1891) . N Regel cited E caffra hort. as a synonym k 1 • J.C. Wendland , Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: hell 24, tab. 67 (181 O). * "Bluthenstand traubenartig. Blumen weiss oder fleischfarben. Einschnitte der Blumenkrone urzer a so caesia - Gypsocallis caesia (RA Salisbury) G. Don :~:~~!2 N Synonym of Erica lmbricata m General system of gardening & botany 3 : 803 (1834) ; A .-P. de Cando/le, Prodromus, 7 : 620 (1839); caffrorum -Erica caffrorum H._Bolus . 1888)· Flora capensis 4 (1): 251 (1905); Annalen E.T. Steudel , Nomenclator botanicus, 573 (1840 , 2nd edn) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums II) Journal of the Linnean Society, botany,~; : ~~-~~~) : 68: 117 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 429 (2003): -+ Wien 68: 115 (1965). ' des Naturh1stonschenMuseums , Wi~~h Nta / Drakensberg 81 (1990); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, • D. Kill ick, A field guide to the nora o e a ' caespitosa - Erica caespitosa C. Loddiges Ericas of South Africa, 198 (1992)- . the area between the Kei and Keiskamma livers in 1 N Nomen nudum caffrum - Ericodes caffrum C.E.O. Kuntze Note: Although Loddiges employed this epithet in his 1811 catalogue it was not validated by II) Revisio generum plantarum 2: 965 (1891 ). accompanying descnpt1on . While ICBN 2000 Rec 32C1 tat th • ' . a ' s au 'stonschen Museums, Wien 66 : 84 (1965); Strelitzia page]: -+ INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 84 Volume2 Africanspecies, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C calam iformis - Erica x calamiformis R.A. Salisbury 85 N Synonym : Erica x radiata calostoma _- Callistax calostoma(C . Loddiges) G. Don N Basionym: Erica x ca/ostoma • Bentham treated this _as a hybrid_ _ )_A -P d Candolle Prodromus, 7: 638 (1839) ; Flora III Genera/ systemof garde · & bola W Transactionsof the Lmnean Society 6. 362 (180 2 • · · e ' . 5 (1965) · --+ 3 815 68 14 (D Greek· kallo _ be '"'· nmg ny : (1834); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 639 (1839):-+ capensis4 (1): 314 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhisto~sfchen~us::y:ig~~ ha~ing a reed-like habit, · s - auu,ul; stoma = mouth. (D Latin: calamus = a reed, a pen, a Pan -pipe ; formus - orm, is but the allusion is obscure . calostoma - Erica x calostomaC . Loddiges * "Flesh-coloured flowers, evergreen, 1ft, May." • Art1fic1algarden hybrid involving E. massonii. lntrodueed 1810. calastraeflora - Erica calastraeflora _ . N Orthographic error : presumed correct name : Enca calath1flora III Botanicalcabinet 18: tab. 1759 (1831); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7: 639 (1839); Floracapensis 4 W v. Paquet, Traitede la culture des plan/es de terre de bruyere, 106 (1844) . (1). 313 _(1906); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 142 (1965): -+ 4 C. Lodd1ges, Botanicalcabinet 18: tab. 1759 (1831). (D see Erica calathif/ora(because there is no species named celastnflora). calycanthoides - Erica calycanthoidesJ .F. Klotzsch calathiflora - Ceramiacalathiflora (R.A. Salisbury) G. Don N Synonym of Erica corifolia N Synonym of Erica bicolor W General system of gardening & botany 3: 807 (1834) ; A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 688 (1839); III Linnaea 12: 529, 539 (1838); A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus,7 : 652 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 262 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 122 (1965). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 87 (1965) : --+ . . (D Latin : Ca/ycanthus(Calycanthaceae ; allspice); -oides = suffix indicating resemblance; apparently (D see Erica calathiflora. There is a question mark between the generic and specific names in Don . intended to indicate a resemblance to Calycanthus, but more likely to indicate that the calyx and corolla segments are similar. calathiflora - Erica calathiflora R.A. Salisbury N Invalid , because Salisbury listed Erica bicolor Thunb . in synonymy . Synonym of Erica bicolor. calyciflora - Erica calycifloraJ .F. Tausch W Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 328 (1802) ; A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 688 (1839); Flora N Synonym of Erica axiflaris capensis 4 (1): 168 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 87 (1965):--+ III Flora oderAl/gemeinebotanische Zeitung 17 : 617 (1834); Floracapensis4 (1) : 310, 405 (1905); Annalen (D Latin: calathus =a wicker basket ; flos =flower ; the allusion is obscure des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 155 (1965); Contributionsfrom the BolusHerbarium 19 : 388 (2000) ; Strelitzia9: 424 (2000); _ 14: 427, 429 (2003): -+ . . calcareophila- Erica calcareophila E.G.H. Oliver (D Latin: calyx = sepal; flos = flower, probably to indicate that the calyx and corolla segments are sImIlar. W Journal of South African botany 33 : 203 (1967) ; Strelitzia 9: 431 (2000); _ 14: 429 (2003) : --+ 4 D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 221 (1992). calyciflora - Sa/axis ca/ycif/ora(J .F. Tausch) G. Druce (D Latin and Greek : calcareus = pertaining to limestone; philos = beloved; referring to the plant's N Synonym of Erica axiflaris . _ habitat on coastal limestone . III Report of the BotanicalExchange Club , British Isles 1916: 628 (1917); Strelitz1a9: 424 (2000). calcicola- Erica calcicola (E.G.H. Oliver) E.G.H. Oliver calycina - Eremia calycina R.H. Compton W Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 384 (2000); Strelitzia 9:424 (2000); _ 14: 429 (2003) . 4 Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 385 [Inge Oliver] (2000) . N Synonym of Erica bokkeveldia . . (2000)· III Journal of SouthAfrican botany 1: 146 (1935); Contributionsfrom the BolusHerbanum 19 . 2 88 , (D Latin: calx = limestone ; -cola = suffix meaning dweller ; an inhabitant of limestone . Strelitzia9: 425 (2000); _ 14: 425, 428 (2003). . (D Latin : calycinus = calycine, with an enlarged petalo1dcalyx . calcicola - Scyphogyne calcicola E.G.H. Oliver N Synonym of Erica calcicola calycina-Erica calycina C. Unnaeus . ed type has been published in Taxon51 (4): 810-812 III Bothalia 13: 448 (1981) ; Strelilzia 9: 424 (2000) . N A proposal to conserve this name with a conserv (2002) . . A p d Candolle Prodromus,7 : 652, 686 (1839); Flora caledonica- Erica caledonica Sprengel f. 6 2 III Species plan/arum, 507 (_172, n~ ed~~tu~i~to~schenMu;eums , Wien67: 113, 124, 125, 128, 129 III Ten/amensupplementum ad Systema vegetabilium, 13 (1828); A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 :653 1 (_1839); Flora capen_sis 4 (1): 259 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 122 (1964) C(1a9pe64n)SIS46(81):1;~3 \1;0(519:;ta;~lrr:: 9: 432 (2000); - 14: 429 (2003):-+ [m error as caledonra] ; _ 68: 121 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 432 (2000); _ 14 : 429 (2003):--+ · - · ' .' Afri 229 (1992) 4 D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, ~ncas of _So~th ~:~pecies vald~ obscura, a Salisburio ad E. vespertinam 4 D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 204 (1992) . Note: Bentham commented E. calycma inn. e calyculata - Erica calyculata J.C. Wendland · panulataH C Andrews laris N Synonym of Erica peniclllfformis campanulata - Enca cam .· b Schmidt Synonym of Erica campanu N Invalid because of the pnor pu_blrca~o~ -~ s' (Turnham Green) observations on Enca (RBG K:w, W Ericarum icones etdescriptiones 1: heft4 ; 5 (1799) ; A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus 7 : 621 (1839) · Ft 0 • This name was included rn Rrchar_ LI~ l~~udon gave Wendland as the author There wasa plan rn capens,s 4 (1): 247 (1905) ; Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68 : 116 (1965) · St /1z· : Inwards book. c 1800) Specrmens rn . . . 445 (2000) ; _ 14: 429, 441 (2003) :-+ , re, ,a . Edinburgh Botanic Garden , rn 1836, ~ 1 October)· J C. Loudon, HortusBritanmcus , 151 (1e::,o >, .6. Eri~arumic ones et descriptiones 1: heft 4 ; tab . 20 (1799) . ~;i~o ID Colouredengravings of heaths 1: ta:-681 (1839) ; Flora 'capens1s 4 (1) 190 (1905 ); Annalen es CD Latin : calyculatus = provided with a whorls of bracts below the calyx. A . p de Candolle, Prodromus, · Strelitzia14 : 429 (2003)·-+ 1 calyculata - Erica calyculata var. calyculata N~tu"mistorischenMuseums . ";:;~::~~~~!;;;~·_tab . 9 (1800), _ . The heathery 2 · :~ : \ ~1~ A H.C. Andrews, Coloure!tn?2 tab 184 (1818); G S1ncla1r.Hot/US eocaeus Wobumell9S. . N Synonym of Erica penic/1/fformis var. penlcil/fformfs C. LoddigeS,Botanical ca ne · · W autonym ; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56· 141 144 (1987)· . Strelitzia 14: 429 (2003) . · ' · - 62 - 53 6, 543{1993); -----~~~~INTERNATIONAL REGISTER-,ni OF-:i:i'i:~~~~-:~ HEATHER NAMES - ~~~------Volume 2 Afri 88 can species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C campanulata - Erica cruenta var. campanulata H. Bolus . . 89 m Flora capensis4 (1) : 82 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68: 95 (1965); Strehtz,a candida Erica candidaD . Selander N Synonym of Erica pal/iif/ora 14: 431 (2003): --t Ill Transactionsof the UnneanSoci . 51 1802 Ill Linnaea7· 628-629 (1832)· A p d c .4 Curtis'sbotanical magazine 65: tab. 3639 (1838); Floral cabinet & magazine of exotic botany 2: 29 (1838). Annalen des Naturhistoris~h~~.Me andolWile, Prodromus, 7: 626 (1839);Flora capensis4 (1) : 66 (1905)· useums, 1en68 : 40 (1965): __. ' campanulata - Erica manifestavar. campanulata H. Dulfer candida - Erica leeanavar . candida(F .G Bartling) G Bentham N Synonym of Erica umbelliflora N Orthographic error. correct name: Erica leei var. candida W Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 66: 32 (1963); 67: 104 (1964); Memoirs of the Botanical A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 626 (1839). Surveyof SouthAfrica 56 : 143 (1987)[as ·campanulatum1;_62: 542 (1993); Strelitzia14: 439,447 (2003). m candidissima - Erica candidissimahortulanorum campanulatum - Encodes campanulatumC.E.O. Kuntze Flowers white, evergreen shrub, 1.5ft, May. Uprighthabit. W Revisio generumplantarum 2: 966 (1891). * • A "garden variety", but name printed as a species' epithet m Catal~gue,James Fraser, Lea Bridge Road Nursery, Leyton, 18 (1866-1867); s. Hereman, Paxton's campanulosa - Erica campanulosaJ .E. von Reider botanicaldictionary, 608 (1868, new edn); Catalogue,Hugh Low & Co, Enfield,28 (undatedc . 1905]:-+ W Annalen der blumisterei 150 (1829). (I) Latin: the superlative of candidus = pure white and glossy. (I) Latin: campanula =bell; -osus =suffix indicating resemblance: resembling a bell. 'Candles' - Erica ventricosa'Candles ' campestris - Erica campestrishortulanorum N Perhaps not established; no printed description has been traced . Ill Catalogue,Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 26 (1807); J. Donn, Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 96 (1809 5th edn)· Ill Erica stock list, Ericaflora, Monbulk (Victoria, Australia), not dated [c. 1995-2000](name only] . J. Cu~hrng, The exot,c gardener, 213 (1812); _, 199,209 (1814 2nd edn)· E.T Steudel No/nenclator' (I) Derivation not known. botamcus,569 (1840, 2nd edn). ' ' · ' 69 (1965);_strehtze1tad9e :s!3:pt~~~~~l2'."ii"e~423; tab 65 (1810) .4 Ericarum,cones · INTERNATIONALREGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 90 Volume 2 African species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C ex J Dryander br 91 _ Erica canescenshortu 1anorum ·. (b . emained a nomen nudum) before pu Ica rion canescens d d Loddiges used this name u1 I1 r capensis - Erica capensishortulanorum ex E. Regel N Donn, Lee & Kenne Y, an . . N Synonym of Erica mauritanica in 1911. Synonym of Erica vilfosa . h Andrews nee Lamarck as a synonym. Waitz . A1"t 0 n who gave E. enocep aI a . . LIV W Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Garlenbauesin denKOniglich Preu/lischen Staaten 16 : • Steudel attributed 1! to • . .11 Andrews (vol. 2) . Specimen m · . . . 318 (1842) ; Die Kultur und Aufzahlungder ... Eriken, 158 (1843); Vilmorin-Andrieux & Co., Genera/ attributed it to Loddiges . Loudon attn~~~~~ni~almagazine 9: tab . 30 3); J. Donn, Hortus Cantabng1ens1s, wholesaleseedlist, 91 (1922-1923)[name only) ; Annalendes NatuthistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 151 (1965). catalogue, R. Williams (1794, m Curtis & Kennedy Hammersmith, 1802; Catalogue , Conrad m th 44 ["42 "] (1796) ; General list of hea s, iL:eBeschreibu~g der Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 322 capensis - Erica capensisT.M. Salter 3 1804 1 Loddiges, Hackney : 2 ( ), C.F. Wa 'arden at Liverpool, 190 (1808). N Invalid. A new name will be published for this species. (1805); A catalogueof plan_ts m the Botam~Gd dn) · A-Pde Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 617 (1839); Flora 2 4 7 61 W Journalof SouthAfrican botany 1 : 34 (1935); Annalendes NatuthistorischenMuseums , Wien 67: 145, ID WT .Aiton , Hortus Kewens,s : o <~¼a~u,;;storis~h~nMuseums, Wien 68 : 112 (1965):--. 146 (1964); _ 68: 90 (1965); Strelitzia9 : 432 (2000); _ 14: 429 (2003):-+ capensis4 (1): 238 (1905); Annalen_ es • Journalof South Amcanbotany 1 : tab 2 (1935); D. Schumann& G Kirsten, Ericasof SouthAfrica, 144 (1992). (D Latin: canescens = greyish or becoming grey. capensis - Erica arboreavar. capensishortulanorum . s J c Wendlandvar. canescens canescens-Er,ca canescen · · . IS f South Africa : , 144 (1987) ; _62: 536, 544 (1993); III Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Garlenbauesin denKOniglich Preullischen Staaten 16 : ID autonym; Memoirsof the Botamca urvey 0 56 141 322 (1842) ; E. Regel, Die Kulturund Aufzahlung der ... Eriken, 162 (1843). Strelitzia14 : 429 (2003) . (D Toponym: Latin: capensis = of the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa).

cantharaeformis - Erica cantharaeformisC . Loddiges _ _ capillare - Ericodescapillare C.E .O. Kuntze N Orthographic erro r. correct name : Erica canthariform,s _ . III Revisiogenerum plantarum 2 : 966 (1891 ). ID Botanicalcabinet 20 : tab. 1961 (1832) ;A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 659 (1839), E. Regel,_D,e_Kultur (D Latin: capillaris = hair or thread-like, the reference obscure. undAufzahlung der ... Eriken,148 (1843); Flora capensis4 (1 ): 199 (1905); Annalen des Naturtustonschen Museums, Wien 68: 99 (1965):--. capillarls- Erica capillaris F.G.Bartling . _ )· ..._ Botanicalcabinet 20: tab. 1961 (1832) . ID Linnaea7: 647 (1832); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 668 (1839); Flora capensts4 (1). 163 (1905 , _ Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 67 : 104 (1964); _ 68: 85 (1965), Strelitz,a 9. 432 (2000), cantharaeformis - Erica reflexa var. cantharaeformis(C . Loddiges) G. Bentham 14: 429 (2003): -+ N Basionym : Erica canthariformis ..._o. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica , 135 (1992). ID A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus,7 : 659 (1839) . (D Latin : capillaris = hair or thread-like, the reference obscure.

canthariformis - Erica x canthariformisC . Loddiges capillaris - Erica capillarisJ.F. Drege ex G. Bentham N Original orthography, to be corrected, was Erica cantharaeformis. Synonym of Erica glomifera N Synonym of Erica tenu/s - ( ) . 223 (1905) ; Annalen des var. canthariformis ID A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 680 (1839) ; Flora capensts 4 1 . * Leaves obtuse, flowers terminal, pedicels about 3 together, calyx reflexed, corolla ovate ventricose. * NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 68 : 107 (1965). -+ • A garden hybrid . ID [Botanicalcabinet 20 : tab. 1961 (1833) as cantharaeformis]; Verhandlungendes Vereins zur BefOrderung capillaris-Erica capil/aris F.G.Bartling var. ca,;~a~~ Africa56 : 141 (1987); _62: 536 (1993); Stretitzia III autonym; Memoirsof the BotanicalSurvey o ou des Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreuf!.ischen Staaten 16 : 308 (1842); S. Hereman , Paxton's botanical dictionary, 218 (1868, newedn); J.C. Loudon, Encylopaedia of plants, 1184 (1872)* . 14: 429 (2003). • Botanical cabinet 20: tab. 1961 (1833) ; Loudon's encylopaedia of plants 1184 (1872) . (D Latin : cantharus =a tankard; formus =form . 6 9 2 9 ca&:ta~;;,;1~fa~::'!~3~5 ~\~~~;u!_.pde Candolle , :i~;~ci:;;!\;~ l/\~;c';3:S~~~j~,a ! (1905) ; Annalendes Naturh1stonschenMuseums, 1 . 9 canthariformis- Erica glomiflora var. canthariformis (C. Loddiges) H. Bolus N Basionym : Erica canthariformis 432 (2000); _ 14· 429 (2003) -+ nzen 1· tab 17 (1821); C. LoddIges, Botanicatcabmet16.tab . 151 • L Trattimck, Auswahl. . Garlenpfla ·cas of SouthAfrica , 189 (1992). • Reported from the wild (Western Cape) although the type was stated to be an artificial hybrid raised in England . (1829), D Schumann & G. Kt!f: ·;:g to very round swollen flowers. Kapokkie (D Latin: capitatus = with a hea , III Flora capensis4 (1): 199 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 99 (1965); Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56: 142 (1987); _62 : 539 (1993); Strelitzia 14: 435 {2003) . capitata -Erica capi~ta C.P. ;hunberg 7- 617 (1839); Flora capax - Erica capax R.A. Salisbury N Synonym of Er,ca bruntades 8 no 15) (1785); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, ·1965 . -+ N Synonym of Erica ampulfacea var. obbata ID Dissertati~t~ta;~c:(~~:;~~n~;l~n ~e; Naturhisto1~c(~~~;useu;:~::7h:~ ;'.~~-56 (1805) . capens1s c· I red engravingsof heaths 1. tab. , - · • Listed in cultivation at the Dublin Society's Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, in 1802 . The specimens in LIV, ..._ H. Andrews, from Lee's garden , are dated 1801 and 1804 . o ou ID Transa~tionsof the Linnean Society 6: 381 (1802) ; A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 644 (1839); Flora . Erica capitataR.A. Salisbury capens,s4 (1): 95 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 58 (1965) : _. (D Latin : capax = capable , able to grasp, fit for. ca~1ta~;onym of Erica plumosa Society6 : 340 (1802); Flora capensis4 (1) : 346 (1906). ID Transactionsof the Unnean capax - Ericodes capax C.E.O. Kuntze Pitata hortulanorum Revisio generum plantarum 2: 965 (1891) . . Erica calycinavar . ca ritannicus 149 (1830); ~ cap1tata- m of Erica bracteolaris . 4 11 (1825)· J.C. Loudon, HortusB , N Synony . s Wobumensts, , • )· capax- Euryloma capax (R.A. Salisbury) G. Don ID G. Sinclair, Horlus encaeuCantabrigiensis, 169 (1831, 12th edn . -+ G. Sinclair (editor) , Hortus N Synonym of Erica capax W Generalsystem of gardening & botany 3: 817 (1834); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: ( ): _. 644 1839 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 92 Volume2 Africanspecies, hybrids and cultivarsPart 1: A-C cap itata - Erica cerinthoides var. capitata 93 N Nomen nudem· known from a manuscript only. caprina - Erica caprinaE.G.H. Oliver m [Scarbrough m~. see Yearbookof The Heather Society 2003 : 33.] N Synonym of Grisbachiamultiflora Ill Cont~butions from the Bolus Herbarium19 : 320 (2000); Strelitzia9 : 425 (2000); 14: 429 (2003). ca pitata - Eriodesmia capita/a (C. Linnaeus) D. Don "' Contributions _from the Bolus Herbarium19 : 321 [Inge Oliver) (2000). - Toponym : Latin: caprinus relating to a goat. This plant grows in the Bokkeveld, a toponyrn derived N SynonymofEricacapitata . C d II Prodromus 7 : 618(1839) ;

cannula - Erica _cannulacorrect name : Erica camiula ed )· S Hereman Paxton's botanicald icbonllfY, N Typographic error. I tor bOtanicus,570 (1840, 2nd n ' . , Ill E.T. Steudel, Nomenca, apensis4 (1) : 1 oo (1905). 218 (1868, new edn), Fora c INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 94 Volume 2 African species , hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 95 'Carlson vom Dach' _ Erica gracilis 'Carlson vom Dach' D h' camea - Erica longifoliavar . camea N Typographicerror : correct name: Erica gracl/is 'Karlsson v~~oo~f ID Curtis's botanicalmagazine tab 19. 7 06 . m no printed source traced; [www.kiewiet.nl accessed 30 Augus · C.F. Waitz, Beschreibungd Gtt · <1803), Catalogue,Conrad Loddiges , Hackney: 23 (1804); 4 Curtis'sbotan · . er a ung und Arlen der Heiden,326 (1805). ,ca1 magazine 19 : tab. 706 (1803). camea - 8/aeria camea J.F. Klotzsch . • N Synonym of Simocheilus cameus = Enca ube:iflora . ( ). Flora capensis 4 (1): 360 (1906); ca;,ne~- Erica mammosavar . cameaE . Regel nd 7 698 1839 Ill Linnaea8 : 661 (1833): A.-P. de Ca olle, Pbrol_rom~s, ·the Bolus Herbarium 19: 171 (2000): -+ ID Wie var. [tt var. purpurea]Blumen aber fleischfarben• Acta horti Bergiani 8 (8): 262 (1924); Contn u ions ram (I) Latin: cameus = flesh-coloured. ~;:~~~~~gen des Vereinszur BefOrclerungdes Gart~nbauesin den KOniglichPreuB ischenStaaten 16 :

camea - Blaeria purpurea var. camea J.F. Klotzsch carnea- Erica margaritaceavar. cameaE. Regel * "Corollis cameis.• * 'Wie var. [tt = minor] Blumenfleischroth • Ill Linnaea 12: 222 (1838). m ~ . . erhandlungendes Veremszur BefOrclerungdes Gartenbauesin den KOnig/ichPreuBischen Staaten 16 : 313 (1842);_ Die Kulturund Aufzahlungder ... Eriken,153 (1843). camea - Blairia camea N Correct name: 8/aeria camea = Erica uberif/ora . . camea - Erica pelviformisvar. camea E. Regel m D. Dietrich, Synopsis plantarum 1: 443 (1839); Flora capens,s 4 (1) . 360 (1906). * ' Blumen fleischroth.' (I) Blairia is an orthographic variant of 8/aeria. ID Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrclerungdes Gartenbaues in den KOniglichPreuBischen Slaa ten 16: 318 (1842); Gartenflora2 : 66 (1852); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums . Wien68 : 154(1965) : -+ camea - Ca//istaventricosa var. camea G. Don 4 Gartenflora2 : tab. 43 (1853). * Flowers" pale red", flesh[-coloured]. . . m Generalsystem of gardening & botany 3: 814 (1834); J.C. Loudon, Arboretum & fruticetum Bntanmcum camea - Erica persolutavar . camea 2: 1089 (1838). m Revue horticole54: 64 (1882).

camea - Erica x bibracteata var. camea J.F. Klotzsch camea - Erica p/atysepalavar . camea E. Regel Ill Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues in den KOniglichPreu/Jischen Staaten 16: * "Blumenkroneblassroth, 3-4 Linien fang.' 265 (1842); E. Regel, Die Ku/fur und Aufzahlung der ... Eriken, 105 (1843). ID Verhand/ungendes Vereinszur BefOrc/erungdes Gartenbauesin den KoniglichPreuBischen Slaaten 16 : 281 (1842); _ Die Kulturund Aufzahlungder ... Eriken, 121 (1843). camea - Erica camea N Synonym: Erica x warszewitzii E. Regel camea - Erica praegnansvar . camea Ill Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues inden Konig/ich Preu/Jischen staaten 16: N Synonym: Erica ventricosavar . camea 277 (1842). m G. Sinclair,Hortus ericaeusWobumens is, 19 (1825). camea - Erica corifolia var. camea E. Regel camea - Erica x princepsvar. camea * "Blatter linien-lanzettlich. Brakteen lanzettlich-spatelformig, und so wie die kelckblatter, welche so fang * "has longer,flesh-coloured flowers , with a narrowertube. · oder kurzerals die Blumenkrones ind, fleischrothmij grunlicherSp~e . Blumenkroneungefahr 2 Linien fang." • A hybrid created by William Rollisson(Tooting) before 1843. ID Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues in den KOniglichPreu/Jischen staaten 16: m G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeusWobumensis , 20, 35 (1825); Gardeners· chronicle(8 July): 461 (1843); Flora 286 (1842); _ Die KulturundAufzah/ung der ... Eriken, 126 (1843). capensis4 (1): 314 (1905):-+ camea - Erica cylindrica var. camea E. Regel camea _ Erica reflexa var. camea E. Regel . rben• * "Blumenkrone kaum 2 Linien breit, fleischfarben'. "Die glanzenden, wachsartigen Bloten sind rot 21/.cm * "Blatter glatt, glanzendgrun . Blum:!;~~gfl::::r1enbaues in den KoniglichPreuBischen Staaten 16 : fang, Blatter linealisch-lanzettlich,dunkelgriin . Nur bei sachgemaBer DOngungerhalt man schOne, reich m Verhandlungendes Veremszur 8e blOhendePflanzen ." 308 (1842);- Die Kulturund Aufzahlungder ... Eriken, 148 (1843). • Regel listed E. hybrida, E. tubinora alba, and E. ambigua superba as synonyms. ID Verhandlunge'!des Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbaues in den KOniglichPreu/Jischen staaten 16: carnea - Erica x tenuif/oravar. camea H.C._Andrew~ •• 262 (1842);_ , Die Kulturund Aufzahlung der ... Eriken, 102 (1843); C. Bonstedt, Pareys blumengartnerei * ·corollis cameis, limbo maiore;ramuhs lon~t~n _bus. mmunicatedfrom the extensivecollection of His 2: 137 (1932): -+ • ·our figure representsa fine new speciest:'e n~a co it was raisedfrom seed in the summerof 1824. Grace the Duke of Bedfordat WoburnAb Y,; eref E spuria a muleto whichthe genusis indebted camea - Erica x echiiflora var. camea It is consideredas a varietythrough the me ,um o . , • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooting) before 1843. fur many fine variations.' if/, b t ·th an asteriskwhich is the methodemployed to ID Garcleners'chronicle8July: 461 (1843);The florist'sjoumal1843". 64 (1843); Flora capensis4 (1): 313 (1906). Benthamhas this name underE . tenu ora u w,das Erica x camea (Andrews)Bentham ( but an . ·ty hybrids meaning he intendedthis to be rea camea - Erica exsurgens var. camea f~e:'lid combi~ationanyway , due to Linnaeus' prior ~a~:>·. The heathery 6: tab. 294 (late 1828); 2 Flowers orange, evergreen, all months. Coloured engravings of heaths 4;ta: ~~ TitFlora)~ap~ns is (1): 315 (1905); Annalen des * 1ft, m 46 8 4 ID J.C. Loudon, Hortus Britannicus, 147 (1830); S. Hereman, Paxton's botanical dictionary 218 (1868 A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, . . 1965. :_. newedn). ' ' NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68. 61 ( st\824); • Theheathery 6 : tab. 294_(late 1828). . . • Colouredengravings of heaths4 . ta_b. f81 , (~ rtus ericaeusWobumensis (1825), pointing to publication camea - Erica hirtinora var. camea E. Regel N te· This name is not includedm Sineairs o * "Wie var. [P = var. mo//is] Blumenkrone aber blass-fleischfarben.' b; A~drews after January1825 . m Verhandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/Jischen St . 304 (1842), _ , Die KulturundAufzahlung der ... Enken, 144 (1843); Gartenf/ora : _ (1B::i'.en 16· 1 72 73 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 96 Volume 2 African Species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 97 cam ea - Erica x ventricosavar . camea hortulanorum • Flowers ale pink to flesh . carniula Erica camiulahortulanorum · s Iu··ten fleischrot 2Y.cm fang" Flowers flesh-coloured . P_ . LIV N Synonym: Erica inffatahortulanorum ' . t· ) b i Ore 1843 Specimen in · *• A hybrid created by William Rolhsson (Too ing e • G · rdeners' chronicle (27 August) : 569 (1842); * Leaves 3-4 in whor1 linear I b 26 34 1 tube and short limb.' ' g a rous, flowers terminal, racemose, calyx bracteate, corolla with inflated w G Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumens,s, , <( :~~) '. R~S dictionary of gardening 2: 759 • (1956, _ (8 July): 461 (1843) ; Flora capens,s4 (1). 3 15 1 , ~ ga~~ue, Conrad _Loddiges, Haekney: 26 (1811). 2nd edn): -+ c~ n d_,ges, Botanicalcabinet 10 : tab. 926 (1824); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 641 (1839); Flora .._ pe s,~ 4 (1) . 100 _(1905);Anna/en des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 60 (1965): -+ camea - Erica vestfta var. camea hortulanorum C. Lod~1ges, Botanicalcabinet 1 O : tab. 926 (1824). * Flowers "delicate flesh colour" . . . and sent out by them. .. . (1965); Bothatia32 : 54-55 (2002); Strehtz,a9 - 432 2 ' ( ); L. Foulis et alt, (eds}, Botanica, Ill Rt~ name, it is doubtful_that ttcan be employedas a cultivarname , given ICNCP2004Art. 19.18. 8 36 37 1992 ..t. D. Schumann & G Kirsten, Ericas of South Afnca, 4 ' ' PI. 206· amson (1965) .& C.R. Hamson, Knowyour ... Tiees & shrubs.A southernhemisphere garden book ' 67'· 339 (1997). · II .& R.E. Harrison & C.R. Harrison, Knowyour ... Tiees & shrubs. A southernhemisphere garden book 67· 't' FCC 1865 (Lee, as Erica x cavendishit) I!] Gardeners'chronicle 8 July: 461 (1843); _ , 28 June: 435 (1845); Floredes senes 2: tab. 1O (1846) . catervaefolia - Erica catervaefolia Ill Magazine of botany 13: 3-4 (1847); S. Hereman, Paxton'sbotanical dictionary, 218 (1868, new edn); N Typographic error: correct name: Erica cateNiflora . . d The garden 41: 421 (1892); E. Step, Favouriteflowers of garden & greenhouse3 : 339 (1897); Flora I.I) C.H. Persoon , Synopsis plantarum, 421 (1805); Flora capens,s 4 (1): 125 (1905) , Annalen es capensis 4 (1) : 313 (1905); RHS dictionary of gardening 2: 765 (1956, 2nd edn); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 70 (1965): -> NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 143 (1965):--> . .& Gardeners' chronicle28 June: 435 (1845); Floredes senes, series 1, 2: tab. 10 (1846); Theffonst 1850: caterviflora - Erica cateNiflora R.A. Salisbury tab. opp. p. 33 (1850); _: 247 (1854); W. P. Wright, Casse//'sdictionary of practicalgardenmg 2 : 324 N Original orthography, to be corrected, was Erica catervaeflora • Perhaps extinct. . . . : (D ~p~~~~i after William Spencer Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire (1790-1858),Paxton 's patron and I.I) [Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 372 (1802) as "catervaeflora"]; Stret,tz,a9 : 432 (2000), 14 429 (2003): -> ~~i~o~e~is binomial is undoubtedly valid (fide EGHO, May 2004), and thus applies to all progeny .& D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 107 (1992). of E. nana crossed with E. patersonii,including 'Gengold'. G. °~~( ). A.-P . de candolle, Prodromus, 7: 649 (1839) ; 101 ID Generalsystem of gardening O 1any 3· 3 1834 ' cerifolia Erica cerifolia Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68: 139 (1965) . • Cultivated by Professor George Dunbar, Glasgow ScoUand a> see Erica celsi. ID Tphega rdener'smagazine 1: 133 (1826) [name o~ly). ·

cerviciflorum - Encodes cetviciflarum C.E.O . Kuntze chionodes - Erica chianodes E.G.H. Oliver Ill Revisia generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891 ). W Bathalia31 : 155-165 (2001); [Veld & flora 88 (2): 45 (2002)]; Strelitzia14 : 430 (2003). • Bathalia31: 162(2001) . cetrata- Erica cetrata E.G.H. Oliver chamaetetralix- Erica chamaetetralixJ .F. Tausch • D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericasof SouthAfrica, 147 (1992). • Regel attributed this to "hortulanorum ·, and gave it as a synonym of Erica turgida Salisbury. (i) Greek : chion = snow, philos = loving; referring to the plant's habitat Ill Flora oder Al/gemeine batanische Zeitung 17: 616 (1834) ; Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Bef6rderung des Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreu/3ischen Slaaten 16: 304 (1842); _, Die Ku/fur und Aufzahlung chionophilus - Slokaeanthuschionaphilus E .G.H. Oliver der ... Eriken, 144 (1843); Flora capensis 4 (1): 152 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, N Synonym of Erica stokoeanthus Wien 68: 81 (1965) : ~ rn Bathalia 12: 49 (1975); Strefitzia9 : 427 (2000); _ 14: 446,451 (2003). (D Greek : chamae- = lowly , creeping; tetralix is an old Greek word referring to heaths with leaves in fours (D Greek: chion = snow, philos = loving; referring to the plant's habitat. (and is used in the name of the European species , Erica tetra/ix, cross-leaved heath) . chlroptera - Erica chlroptera E.G.H. Oliver chambentia - Erica chambentia L.-C. Noisette rn Bothalia23: 9-10 (1993); Strelitzia9 : 428 (2000); _ 14: 430 (2003). Ill E. Steudel , Namenclator batanicus, 304 (1821 , 1st edn) ; _ , 570 (1840) . • Bathalia23 : 1o (1993). ;,,c;dromus, ' : (1839); Floracapensis 4 (1): 1127 239 (1992) . ' ' 7 656 edn); _ , 570 (1840, 2nd edn), A.-P. deMan , Wien67· 122 124 (1964); 68: 119 (1965); Strelitz1a ·ca 203 1992). . explarat,anof southern Africa, 115 (1981 )). A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Encaso~lsoutt :tar ~anti~ · fies = flower, referring to the way in which the (D Latin: chlamys (from Greek) = a woo en co , chamissonis - Erica chamissanis J.F . Klotzsch ex G. Bentham var. chamissanls corolla is covered by the sepals. Ill autonym ; Memoirs of the Botanical Sutveyof South Africa 56 : 141 (1987) · 62· 536 (1993)· st 1·1z· 14: 430 (2003) . • - · , re, ,a chlamydiflora - Lamprotisch/amydif/ara ::n Dt 811 (1834); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 656 (1839); rn Generalsystem of garoem; ::Usetm; Wien68 : 119 (1965): -> chamissonis - Ericodes chamissanis C.E.O. Kuntze Annalendes Naturh1stansce! • W Revisia generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891) . . - Encodeschfamydiflarum C .E.O. Kuntze chlamyd1florum m plantarum2 : 966 (1891 ). chamissonis - Philippia chamissonis J .F. Klotzsch rn Rev1s10generu N Synonym of Erica trlstis W Unnaea 9: 356 (1835) ; _ 12: 213 (1838) ; A .-P. de c d 11 • • hlorantha _ Erica ch/arantha 4 (1) : 317 (1905) ; _, 1127 c1909 ); Annalen des N!n i.~ ·Pro~romus , 7 . 695 (1839) ; Flora capens,s c rn The florist'sjoumal 1843:64 (1~3) . Slrelitzia 9: 423 (2000) : ~ ur ,s arise en Museums, Wien 68 : 153 (1965); 1storischenMuseums , Wien67 : 139 (1964); 68: A H.A. Baker & E G H . . , -:- 14. 430 (2003):-+ - (I) Gr~ek · chloro~ = green ; loma = fnnge ; refernng to the green lobes of the corolla . · · · 01iver Encasm SouthernAfric 78 (1967) o of SouthAfrica, 105 (1992).' a, ; - Schumann & G. Kirsten. Ericas chlorolomum - Encodes chlorolomumC.E.0 . Kuntze CD Greek : chryso- = gold; codon = bell. ID Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891) . ciliaris - Blaeriaciliaris Linnaeus f. chlorosepala- Erica chlorosepalaG. Bentham _ _ N Synonym of Erica plumosa Ill Supplementumplantarum 122 (1782)· m A .-P. de candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 649 (1839); Flora capens1s 4 (1): 260 (1905) , Annal~n des 4 ( ): ( ). ~ t .b . , A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7: 698, 701 (1839); Flora capensis 1 339 NatumistorischenMuseums , Wien 67: 105, 123 (1964); _ 68: 121 (1965) ; Strehtz1a9: 432 (2000) , _ 14. JC ' 348 1906 , . n n utionsfrom the BolusHerbanum 19 : 312 (2000): -> 4 · : Wendland , 2: heft 3; tab. 49 (1809). 430 (2003): -> Collect10plantarum tam exoticarum Latin. cIhans fnnged with hairs. A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 204 , 205 (1992) . CD = (I) Greek & Latin : chloros = yellow-green; sepalus = sepal , referring to the colour of the sepals . ciliaris - Blairia ciliaris N Correct name: Blaeriaciliaris chlorosepalum - Ericodes chlorosepalumC .E.O . Kuntze C. Sprengel, Systemavegetabilium 1 : 432 (1825. 16th edn); D. Dietrich, Synopsisplantarum 1 : 443 ID Revisio generumplantarum 2: 966 (1891) . Ill (1839); Fiora capensis4 (1): 339 (1906). CD Blairia is an orthographic variant of Blaeria. chonantha- Erica chonantha H. Dulfer ID Annalen des NatumistorischenMuseums , Wien 66: 21 (1963) ; 67 : 104 (1964) ; _ 68 : 85 (1964) ; Strelitzia ciliaris - Erica ciliaris C.P. Thunberg 9: 432 (2000) ; _ 14: 430 (2003) : -+ A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Ericas of South Africa, 135 (1992) . N Invalid, being preceded by Linnaeus' name for a European species. (I) Greek : chona =funnel ; anthos =flower. Ill Dissertatiobotanica de Erica,6 (no. 19, in part) (1785); _ , Flora capensis, 349 (1823, 2nd edn, edtted by J.A. Schultes); Fiora capensis4 (1): 155 (1905). chonantha- Erica chonanthavar . chonantha IIl autonym; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56: 141 (1987); _62 : 536 (1993) ; Strelitzia ciliaris - Grisebachiaciliaris (C . Linnaeus f.) J.F. Klotzsch 14: 429 , 430 (2003) . N Synonym of Erica p/umosa • Flora capensis4 (1) : 344 (1906) states that G ciliarisBentham (A.-P. de Candolle. Prodromus,7 : 701 'ChristmasParade' - Erica 'Christmas Parade' (1839)) = G nivenii. N This name should be used only for the original clone; the other clones (see below) need to have Ill Linnaea12 : 225 (1838); Floracapensis 4 (1) : 339 (1906); Strelitzia 9: 427 (2000); Contributionsfrom the different cultivar names . Bolus Herbarium19 : 312 (2000): -+ * Flowers "rose red". • Two , perhaps three , separate clones have borne this name; the first had flowers long , tubular "rose red "; ciliata - Erica cilia/a hortulanorum the second , more robust and easier to grow has rose-pink flowers with white lobes. this is the clone still N Synonym: Erica peduncu/ata _ _ "ciliated-leaved ", leaves in threes, style and anthers included; pink-red bell-shaped fl_owers. _ cultivated in Japan (Yearbook of The Heather Society 2000 : 44) . * Ill G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, 18 (1825); J.C. Loudon, HortusBritannicus . 150 (1830), Ill Bulletin of The Heather Society 2 (6): 6 (Autumn 1975) ; Joumal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 104: 26 (1979) ; [www.vigs .com/birthday/1223 .htm accessed 31 August 2003 (as E. x hiemalis)]. J. Forbes, Hortus Wobumensis, 79 A [Yearbookof The Heather Society 2000 : 44 - NB this is not the original clone .] CD Latin: ciliatus = ciliate, fringed with hairs. CD Derivation obscure ; m the northern hemisphere this blooms in time for Christmas . ciliata _ Erica fastigiatavar . ciliata L.T. Rach Ill Linnaea : 5 (1853); Flora capensis4 (1) : 102 (1905). chrysantha - Erica chrysantha J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham 26 77 N Synonym of Erica penicilliformis var. chrysantha . J c Wendland) E.G.H. Oliver subsp. cilia/a (J.F. Klotzsch) E.G.H. Oliver If Ila ( Ill A .-P. d_e Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 620 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1) : 248 (1905); Annalen des cillata - Eri ca pauc o · · .. B · m· Syndesmanthuscihatus Naturf11stonschen Museums, Wien 68 : 116 (1965) :-+ N as1ony : from the Bolus Herbarium19 : 223 (2000); Strelitzia14 : 441, 451 (2003). CD Greek : chryso- = gold ; anthos = flower . ~ g~~)~t~::~~!from the Bolus Herbarium 19 : 221 [Inge Oliver] (2000). chrysantha - Erica calyculata var. chrysantha (J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham) H. Bolus ciliata - Erica spicatavar. cilia~ G. Bentham . . N Synonym of Erica penicilliformis var. chrysantha N Synonym of Erica sesslliflo';. 625 (1839)· Flora capensis4(1 ) : 55 (1905);Annalen des Naturl>istonschen Ill Flora capensis 4 (1): 248 (1905) ; Strelitzia 14: 429 (2003) :-+ IIl A.-P. de candolle, Prodromus, - , Museums, Wien68 : 34 (1965). chrysantha - Erica penicilliformls var. ch_rysantha (J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham) H. Dulfer N Duller was m error m ascnbmg this particular combination to Bolus (see Eric t . . lorvar cilia/aJ .C Wendland 1 1 c1hata- Enca versico · der E versicolorvar . costata 839)· Ill Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 58: 116 (1965 ). Me . ac:t~cuBa a var . chrysantha). N Regel gave this in synonymy un . heft20 ; 115 (1809),A -P de Candolle. Prodromus, 7: 631_(1 '. South Africa 56: 141, 144 (1987) ; _62 : , ( ): -+ ' moirs O e otan1cal Survey of 536 543 1993 ID Ericarumicones et descnpt1one~~nalendes Naturh1stons chen Museums, Wien68 : 49 (1965), MemOIIS Flora capens1s4(1) 78 (1~;~thAfrica 56: 145 (1987); _62 : 546 (1993): -+ heft 20 tab. 43 (1809). of the BotanicalSurvey of 2 J,,, Encarum;cones et descnpt1onesI taxon by E.G.H. Oliver & I.M. Oliver (2003). Note Nol maintained as a separa e INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2 African . 106 species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C ciliciiflora G · b . 107 nse ach,a ciliaris (Linnaeus f) N Synonym of Erica · J.F. Klotzsch subsp. ciliciiflora ciliata - Philippia ciliata G. Bentham . . . . ) W B th · pumosa1 N Synonym of Erica boutonii (= Sa/axis ciliata (G. Bentham) D. D1etnch non S. cilia~ G. Bentham o a/ta 13: 79 (1980)· Contributi (I) A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus , 7: 695 (1839) ; Bulletin du Museum National d Htsto,re Nature/le , . . .. ' ons from the Bolus Herbarium19 : 312 (2ooo). cIhcuflora _ Gris b h. ser . 2, 8:194 (1936) ; Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 80 (1999) : ~ . . III R M., e ac ,a ciliciif/ora(RA Salisbury) G.C D • Kung/. Svensk Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 4 (4): fig 9d (1927); Bui/elm du Museum Nat,onal e,,.,.'of the BotanicalExcha Cl . . . ruce . . . nge ub, Btitishls/es 1916: 625 (1917); Actahorli8eigiani8 (8 ): 262, 263(1924). d'Histoire Nature/le, ser . 2, 8: fig. 9b, plate 3D (1936) . cihndnca - Erica cilindrica N Typographic ciliata - Sa/axis ciliata G. Bentham III v P error: correct name: Erica cyllndrica · aquet, Traitede la culture d I N Synonyms Lagenocarpus ci/iatus; Nagelocarpus serratus . , . . es P antes de terre de bruyere, 108 (1B44). (I) A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 711 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 416 (1906); Adansoma, serie 3, 21 (1) . clncta - Erica clncta L. Bolus 80 (1999) . III AnnalsoftheBolusHerbarium . ( . . . (1964)· . ( ). Sire . 3: 174. 1923 ), Annalen des Naturh,stonschenMuseums , Wien67 : 135 68 59 1965 ciliata - Sa/axis ciliata D. Dietrich • Annats'ot · , . litz1a9 . 432 (2000); _ 14: 430 (2oo3): ~ N Nomen nudum noted by Dorr & Oliver as a manuscript name on herbarium specimens; they do not . . the BolusHerbanum3: tab . 8 (1923);D . Schumann& G.Kirsten Ericaso f SouthAfrica 86 1992 attribute it to Dietrich . Synonym of Erica bojeri CD Latin: cinctus = encircling, refering to purple band on the corolla. ' ' < >· W Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 78 (1999) . 'Cinderella' - Erica 'Cinderella' N Synonym: Erica grac/lis 'Cinderella' . ciliata - Sa/axis cilia/a (G. Bentham) D. Dietrich • A hybrid of unknown parentage raised and introduced by G. Leurs in Germany by 1994. Plant breeders' N Synonym of Erica boutonii (= Philippia cilia/a ) ngh1sgranted In Germanyon 1 July 1994 to Heinrich & Wilfried Leurs (Geldem); appliedfor in 1992 (ERi10) . W Synopsis plantarum 2: 1260 (1840) ; Kung/. Svensk Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 4 (4): 19 (1927); III Blatt far Sortenwesen25 heft 11: 398 (November 1992); _ 32 heft 4: 143 (April 1999); DerHeidegarten Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1): 80 (1999). 40: 7 (1996); Ericultura 123: 25 (2001). CD eponym : after the fairy-tale character. ciliata - Scyphogyne inconspicua var. ciliata N.E. Brown W Flora capensis 4 (1): 408 (1906) . cinerascens- Erica cinerascensC.L. Willdenow III Enumeratioplan/arum horti regii botanici Berolinens is, supplement 21 (1814);A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, ciliatum - Macrolinum ciliatum J.F. Klotzsch 7: 693 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 310 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68: 139 N Synonym of Erica paucifolia subsp. ciliata (1965):~ W Linnaea 12: 243 (1838) ; A.-P . de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 707 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 375 (1906); (D Latin: cinerascens = greyish or becoming ash grey (pale grey). Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 223 (2000) : ~ cinerascens - Ericodes cinerascensC.E.O . Kuntze ciliatum - Thoracosperma ciliatum C.E.O. Kuntze W Revisio generum p/antarum2 : 966 (1891 ). W Revisio generum plantarum 2 : 390 (1891) . cinerea - Philippia cilia/a G. Bentham subsp. cinerea H. Perrier ciliatus - Lagenocarpus ciliatus (G. Bentham) N.E. Brown W Catalogue des plan/es de Madagascar(Ericaceae) : 8 (1934); Adansonia, serie 3, 21 (1) : 80 (1999). N Synonym of Sa/axis ciliata G. Bentham = Erica serrata CD Latin: cinereus = ash grey (pale grey). III Flora capensis4 (1): 418 (1906) . cinerea - Philippia cilia/a var. cinerea H. Perrier . . , . . ciliatus - Nagelocarpus cilia/us (G. Bentham) A.A. Bullock W Archives de botaniquebulletin mensuel 1 (2): 18 (1927); Bulletindu MuseumNabonal d H,sto,reNature/le , N Synonym of Erica serrata ser. 2, 8: 194 (1936); Adansonia,serie 3, 21 (1): 80 (1999). III Kew bulletin 1953 : 533 (1954) ; Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 407 (2000) . • Bulletin du MuseumNational d'HistoireNature/le , ser. 2, 8: plate 3F (1936). ciliatus - Syndesmanthus cilia/us (J.F. Klotzsch) G. Bentham cinnabariana - Erica x tricolor var. cinnabariana. N Synonym of Erica paucifolia subsp. clliata W proceedings of the Royal HorticulturalSociety 2: 466 (1862). 18 W A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 707. (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 375 (1906); Strelitzia 9: 427 (2000) . CD Latin: cinnabarinus = vermilion (HCC )- ciliciiflora -:--Blaeria _ciliciiflora (RA Salisbury) G. Don cistifolia -Erica cistifolia hortulanorum ex J.H.F. Link. . N Bas1onym: Enca ciliciiflora = Erica plumosa * Flowers "white, bell-shaped; segments ~::;:!~:e~: ~t~:fuction (RBG Kew Inwards books). W General system of gardening & botany 3· 805 (1834)· A p d c • Listed by Lee & Kennedy on 24 Octobe 14 2nd edn)· Catalogue Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 27 (1818). FloraEcapensis_4 (1): 342 (1906) ; Contributions from 'th~-Bo/is ~;!~~~;~g.~~t(2' 070: 60)99,702 (1839) ; ID J. Cushing, The exoticgard~ner , .2:1~1!c i Berolinen~is altera pi 1: 369-370 (1821 ); A.-P. de Candolle, CD see nca c1llc11flora. · · -+ W Enumeratio plantarum hortt regu . ( ). ( ). Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , 4 1 310 1905 p,odromus, 7: 692 (1839); Flora capens1s · · ciliciiflora - Erica ciliciiflora R.A. Salisbury 5 N Synonym of Erica plumosa ~ ~~n834}. Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien m Generalsystem of gardening O ny · · Inwards book, c.180_0). Waitz attributed it to Loddiges. "Careful examination of [Andrews'] painting leads to the conclusion that E. ctavata could be a hybrid of E. viridiflora ..." .** 68: 61 (1965). . (1) Eponym: see Erica x clifford1ana. III Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 23 (1804); C.F. Waitz , Beschreibung der Ga/tung und Art~n der Heiden, 323 (1805). cliffordiana - Erica x clifford1anaC . Lodd1gesd 24 October 1808as their introduction(RBG Kew Inwards Ill Coloured engravings of heaths 3: tab. 159 (1809); A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 623 (1839)· Flora • Listed as "DeClifford1a· by ~ee & Kenne Yo(n 7) Benthams ignalledthis with an asterisk, ,mplymgrt f;t;;;)S.:f~1) . 52 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 32 (1965); Botha/la 32: 44 b ks)· this name Is also given by Sinclair P w':s a hybrid. Regel also stated it was a hybnd. s ericaeusWobumens 1s, 6, 7, 34 (1825), Flora • H.C. And~ Colouredengravings of heaths3 : tab. 159 (1809); ~ The heathery5 : tab. 208 (post 1816). III Botanical cabinet 1: tab. 34 (1817); G.:mci~:;:~orischen Museums, Wien 68: 61 (1965) - as club-shaped. ' ' "chffortiana"A .p_de Candolle, Pro romus. . 1817 di es Botanicalcabinet 1 · tab 34 ( )- 11 Baronessde Clifford, a keen gardener, clavata- Erica versicotorvar. ctavataJ .F. Klotzsch • ~ -~~m~att~r Sophia Southwell (1743-1828)(nBeer~:~!~1~~rd (1738-1777) The Dowager Lady de rn Linnaea 20: 185 (1847). (1) wfre of Edward Southwell (1732-1777), 2~~1thamentioning in 1793 that she had an opportunityto s a corresponent of Sir James • Clifford wa d trom Africa. Ladyde Clifford's heath. "d cl"ffordia· (q v.) were both invalid. clavata - _Erica viridifloraAndrews var. ctavata(H .C. Andrews) G. Bentham acquire see s . 's rior publication of the name e I N Bas1onym: Enca ctavata Notes· Donn's and Cushin~r iedthis as "cllffort1ana· (t replacingd) A.-P. de Candolle Prodromus 7· 623 (1839)· ET Steudel, Bentham and Rege is III • • · , · . steudel, Nomenctatorbotanicus, 570 (1840, 2nd edn). INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2 Africa 110 n species , hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C clowiana Ericax c . it . 111 diffortia - Erica cliffortia rr1· N B . . . nn a var. clow,anahortulanorum e x J F Klotzsch N Orthographicerror : correct name: Erica x cliffo ,ana as1onym_Enca clowiana .. m G Sinclair (editor), Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 170 (1831, 12th edn). * "Foliis erectis; laciniis corollaeacutis • • "E. ClowianaHort Wob Speci _. . . Unnaea1 : ( )_um. mina in hortisexculta exam inavi." W 2 510 1838 cliffortiana - Callistac liffortiana . . . rriiana = Erica x clifforriiana N Orthographic error: correct name. Ca/1,stach~ T St udel Nomenclatorbotanicus, 580 (1840, 2nd edn). m A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 646 (1839), . . e , clowieana- Ericax clowieanahortulanorum ex G Bentham N Synonymof Ericax pinguis cliffortiana - Erica cliffortiana . . . W ~;~: Candolle,P".°dromus , 7: 643 (1839); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus , 568(1840 , 2ndedn) ; ~~ 4 1 N Orthographic error: correct name: Enca x c/lfforri1ana el Nomenclator botanicus, 570, 580 (1840, 2nd . t , h th Th·s name m autonym; Memoirsof the BotanicalSurvey of SouthAfrica 56: 141(1987) ; _62: 536 (1993); Strelitz,a Note: This is not in Hortus ericaeus wobumensis, so the authority is not "Bedford". • D. Schumann& G Kirsten,EricasofSouthAfrica , 247 (1992). A H.C. Andrews, Colouredengravings of heaths3 : tab . 196 (1805); _ , The heathery3 . tab. 134 (1806). coccinea - Erica discolor var . coccinea hortulanorum N Synonym of Erica versicolor coccinea _ Erica petiverianavar . coccinea . . . . m Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 354 (1802). N Orthographic variant & error: correct name: Encapet,ven var . coccmea coccinea - Erica echiiflora var. coccinea * Flowers_,scarlet, Ma~ch to~~~~: 203 (1814, 2nd edn); Thegardener's magazine 1 : 367, 368 (1826)­ (Il J. Cushing, The exo_,c g~h 'rcgardener 204 (1812)· 197 (1814 2nd edn); J.C. Loudon, Hortus * "Flowers scarlet, April; evergreen, 1ft." [as petiverii] 1J4.6Cu(1s8h;~g), [::Xpeo ;ivorii] Flori~ulturalcabi~et4 : 57 (1836i·. ill Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney : 27 (1818); J .C . Loudon , Hortus Britannicus, 152 (1830); Britanmcus, - Verhandlungendes Veremszur BefOrderungdes Gartenbauesin den KOniglichPreuBischen Staaten 16 · 258 (1842 ): Gartenflora 1: 73 (1852) [in error as 'coccnea ']; S . Hereman Paxton's botanical dictionary · . Erica x pinifoliavar . coccineaH .C. Andrews 218 (1868, new edn) :--+ ' ' coccinea - . R Orr son (Tooting) before 1843 • A hybrid created by Wilham ; . tab ( , 1 May) ; _. The heathery3 : tab . 137 (1806); Note : Regel attributed this name to himself . th 2 119 1804 m Coloured engravings of hea · : Flora capensis4 (1): 66 314 (1905): -> Gardeners ' chronicle8 July: 461_(184;)h th 2· tab 119 (1804).' Theheathery 3 : tab. 137 (1806). coccinea - Erica eweriana var . coccinea A H.C. Andrews, Colouredengravings o ea s . . , -· ill The florisrsjoumal 1843 : 64 (1843) . inea - Erica praegnansvar . coccinea. coccinea - Erica x exsurgens var. coccinea ~ Synonym : Erica ventricosav_ar . coccmea * "Flowers rich orange-scarlet ." "Flowers scarlet, ventncose . . ( ). J Forbes HortusWobumensis, 84 (1833); G. Don 19 1825 • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooting) before 1843 . rt ·caeus Wobumens,s, , · · Ill* G. Sinclair , Hot'u~ e~us Britannicus,434 (1839 , 3rd edn). m Gardeners· chronicle 8 July : 461 (1843) · Catala u · · · . 0 capensis4 (1) : 313 (1906) : ..... ' g e, Wilham Rolhsson & Sons, 106 (1877) ; Flora (editor), Swee s INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES 114 Volume 2 African Species,hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 115 coccinea - Erica x princeps var. coccinea COCcin;a- Syringodeavestita var . COCcinea Flowersdark red • * "Flowers bright scarlet.·_ h b .d raised and sent out by them; one of the parent of a * • Claimed by William Rolilsson & Sons as a Y n _ W J.C. Loudon,A~retum & fruticetumBritannicum 2 : 1094 (1838). hybrid Rollisson named E tricolor var. profusa. 77) · J umal of horticulture & cottage gardening 60: m Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons, 105, 108 (18 , o ~nea m_ajor- Erica ventricosavar . coccineamajor 315-316 (1878). * ~valid u~der ICBN, but is acceptableas a cultivar name under /CNCP2000 (Art. 19.7). owers china-whitewith bright red limb". coccinea - Erica saebana var. coccinea t name· Erica sebana var. coccinea III Revuehorticole 52 : 50 (1880); Thegarden 35 : 192-193(1889). N Nomen nudum. Orthographic error: correc . · 1814 2nd edn). A Revuehortico/e 52: tab. opp. p. 50 (1880). X m J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 226 (1812), _, 226 ( ,

coccinea - Erica sebana var. coccinea E. Regel G rt b es in den Koniglich Preu/Jischen staaten 16: coccinea minor - Erica x tricolorvar. coccineaminor m Verhandlungendes vereins zur BefOrderungdes a en .au ) N Invalid under ICBN, but is acceptableas a cultivarname under/CNCP 2000 (Art. 19.7). 229-230 (1842); _, Die KulturundAufzahlung der ... Enken, 69 ( 1843 . Ill Catalogue,Ireland & Thomson, Edinburgh,56 [undated,c . 1885]. N Invalid under ICBN, but is acceptableas a cultivar name underICNCP 2000 (Art. 19.7). cochleariformis- Erica cochleariformisJ.C . Wendland A G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 3, fig. 22 (1825). N Synonym of Erica caledonica • "Hb. Wendi." . 4 (1). 260 (1905). Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien coccinea - Erica vestita var. coccinea m Unnaea 12: 542 (1838);Flora capenSJs · • N Synonym of Erica vestita 68: 121 (1965): -+ . n-like ' . INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2 Africans . . 116 pecies, hybridsand cultivars Part 1: A-C 117 colleter - Erica colleter C. Sprengel comorensls Erica c . Ill auton . omorens,ssubsp. comorensls N Synonym : Erica hispidula p d 5 7 · 691 (1839) · ym, Adansoma, serie 3, 21 (1) : 90 (1999). QJ Systema vegetabilium 2 : 192 (1825 , 16th edn) ; A_.-P . _de Candolle, ro romu _, 1965 . -+ , 1 5 Flora capensis4 (1): 218 (1905) ; Annalen des NaturtustonschenMuseums , Wien 6B. 0 ( ). comorensis - Phr . N s ',pp,a comorensisH .GA . Engler (D Latin: collis =hill ; -etum =place of growth ; growing on hills . ynonym of Erica comorensls Ill EnglerBotanishe Jahrbucher 43 · 368 19 . 36-37 (1927)· Adansonia e . < o9), Kung/. SvenskVetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 4 (4)· collina _ Erica co/lina F. Guthrie & H. Bolus . . . (1964 ). s8 · QJ Flora capensis4 (1) : 213 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums , Wien 67 · 103 , - · "" EnglerBotanishe Jahrbu~~e~:3:t 3 (1): 90 (1999). . 1 1909 103 (1965) ; Strelitzia9 : 433 (2000) ; _ 14: (427), 430 (2003) : -+ 4 (4): fig . 101(1 927). · g. F-M ( ), Kung/. SvenskVetenskaps Akademiens Handl ingar "" o. Schumann & G Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfnca, 170 (1992) . (D Latin : collinus = of the hills (from collis = a hill); growing on hills . co~osa-:- Cal/is/a comosa (H.C. Andrews) o. Don .., Edinburgh new philoso h' I· . ( ). A -P P ,ca Journal17 . 155 (1834); Genera/system of gardening& botany3 : 814 collinus -Anomalanthus collinus N.E. Brown 1834 : '( gsst:.Ca nd011e, Prodromus, 7: 650 (1839); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien N Synonymof Erica anguliger . . . . . 68 62 1 III Flora capensis4 (1 ): 386 (1906) ; Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbanum 19: 271 (2000) , Strefltz1a9 . 425 colorans - Ericodes colorans C.E.O . Kuntze (D Latin: compactus = close together, compact. III Revisio generumplantarum 2: 966 (1891) . compacta - Erica capillarisvar . compactaH . Bolus colorans - Syringodeacolorans G. Don S onym of Erica chonanthavar . chonantha ). 68. N yn · ( ). 3 (1905)· Annalendes NaturflistorischenMuseums, Wien66 : 20 (1963 , _ · N Synonym of Erica colorans III Flora capens,s 4 1 · 16 • • In Edinburgh Botanic Garden , in 1836 , 4ft high . 85 (1965); StrelitZia14 : 429, 430 (2003): --+ III Generalsystem of gardening & botany 3: 821 (1834); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 634-635 (1839); Annalen des Naturh1stonschenMuseums , Wien 66 : 517 (1965) : -+ complanata - Erica complanata~ortulanorum ex C. Sprengel N Synonym of Erica corydafls 24 0 t ber 1808 as their introduction (RBG Kew Inwards books). columnaris - Erica columnaris E.G.H . Oliver • Name used by Lee & Kennedy on c o tte "Nondum floruerunt ... • (so name only).• III Bothalia 30: 49-53 (2000); Strelitzia 9: 433 (2000) ; 14: 430 Steudel and Regel attnbuted ,t solely io(~;;~e 2~d edn) · Catalogue,Conrad Loddiges , Hackney: 27 • Bothalia 30: 52 (2000). (!l J. Cushing , The exotic gardener,20 h' rt· regii b~taniciBerolinensis attera pt 1: 374• (1821);

comptonii - Erica banksii H.C. Andrews subsp. comptonii (T.M. Salter) E.G.H. Oliver & 1.M . Oliver concinna - Syringodeaconcinna G. Don N Basionym : Erica comptonii • In Edinburgh Botanic Garden, in 1836, 4ft high. Ill Bothalia 32: 44 (2002); Strelitzia 14: 428, 430 (2003) . . . Ill Generalsystem of gardening& botany3 : 823 (1834); J.C. Loudon, Arboretum& tivticetumBrilann icum • HA Baker & E.G.H. Oliver, Ericas in Southern Africa, pl. 4 (1967) ; D. Schumann & G. Kirsten , Encas 2: 1093 (1838); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 637 (1839); Annalendes NatumistorischenMuseums of SouthAfrica , 38 (1992); Bothalia 32: 43 (2002) . Wien 68: 51 (1965): -+ • (I) Subspecies - eponym : after Robert Harold Compton (see Erica comptonit). concinnus -Acrostemon concinnusN .E. Brown comptonii - Erica comptoniiT.M . Salter N Synonym of Erica russakiana N Synonym of Erica banksii subsp. comptonii Ill Flora capensis4 (1): 351-352 (1906); Strelilzia14 : 424, 444 (2003): -+ Ill Journal of South African botany 2: 60 (1936) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67 : 86 (I) Latin : concinnus = neat, elegant (1964) : _ 68: 32 (1965); Bothalia 32: 44 (2002) ; Strelitzia 9: 433 (2000) ; _ 14: 428,430 (2003) : -> • H.A. Baker & E.G.H. Oliver, Ericas in Southern Africa, pl. 4 (1967); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas concolor - Erica concolor hortulanorum of SouthAfrica , 38 (1992) . N Synonyms : Erica speciosa or Erica versicolor (I) Eponym : after Professor Robert Harold Compton (1886-1979), Director of the National Botanic Gardens, • This name was included in Richard Williams ' (Turnham Green) observations on Erica (RBG Kew, Kirstenbosch . A native of Tewkesbury , Compton was a graduate of the University of Cambridge, and Inwards book, c. 1800). Waitz , Loudon and Steudel attributed this to Loddiges. Specimen in LIV. moved to South Africa in 1919 . The Compton Herbarium is named in his honour (M. Gunn & LE. Codd, Ill Generallist of heaths,Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith (1802); Catalogue,Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 23 (1804) ; C.F. Waitz , Beschreibungder Gattungund Arlen der Heiden,323 (1805) ; J.C. Loudon, Botanicale xploration of southernAfrica , 121-122 (1981 )). Hortus Britannicus,153 (1830); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus , 570 (1840, 2nd edn); Annalendes conacea - Erica conacea hortulanorum NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 151 (1965):-+ • Salisbury cited this in synonymy under Erica vesicularis, as did Bentham and Steudel . (I) Latin: concolor = uniform in colour throughout. Ill Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 335 (1802) ; A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 661 (1839) ; concolor- Erica corifo/iavar . concolorH. Dulfer . . . E. Steudel , Nomenclatorbotanicus , 304 (1821 , 1st edn) ; _ , 570 , 581 (1840, 2nd edn); Flora capensis Ill Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums, Wien 66 : 31 (1963); _ 67: 123 (1964), _ 68. 122-123 (1965), 4 (1): 312 (1905) . (I) Latin : conus = cone ; -aceus = suffix indicating resemblace . Strelitzia14 : 431 (2003): -+ concava - Erica concava C. Loddiges concolor _ Erica discolorvar. concolorhortulanorum N Synonym of Erica bicolor Ill Catalogueof plantsin ... Glasnevm,182 (1802). • Listed by Lee & Kennedy on 24 October 1808 as their introduction (RBG Kew Inwards books) . 1 III J. Donn , Hortus Cantabng1ens1s,96 (1809, 5th edn) ; J. Cushing, The exotic gardener 203 (1812) · co~ ~; -; ~=~:::::n:e~:~ ~~c:~ 640 (1850-1851); Gartenflora1 : 28 (1852). 195,202 (1814, 2nd edn). ' ' _, 0 • Flore des serres. series 1, 6: tab. 640 (1850-1851). llJ Botanical cabinet 2: tab . 134 (1818, June) ; Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney : 27 (1818);A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 688 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 168 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen eria condensataC.H . Hochstetter ex A Richard Museums, Wien 68 : 87 (1965) : _. con d ensa ta - Bla .. N Synonym of Erica tenu1pilosa_ (1851)· Kew bulletin52 : 753-754 (1997); J.-P. Lebrun &AL Storl<, • C. Loddiges , Botanical cabinet2 : tab . 134 (1818 , June) ; Curtis's botanical magazine47 · tab 2149 (1820) (I) Latin : concavus = concave . · · · Ill Tentamen_florae Ab ysstmca::i;~ ~ 'Afriqu~tropical 4 : 15 (1997). Enumerationdes p1 an1 es a Note : Don and Steudel attributed this to Ker-Gawler (Curtis's botanical magazine : tab . ). 47 2149 (I) Latin: condensatus = condensed . concava - Gypsocallisconcava (Ker-Gawler) G. Don ta_ Erica condensataG. Bentham . ca ensis 4 (1) : 188 (1905) ; Annalen des N Synonym of Erica bicolor co~de;s_~_de Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 681 ;!8~~!!f 9), ::~5 (1~65); Strelitzia9 : 433 (2000); - 14: 430 llJ General system of gardening & botany 3: 802 (1834) · A -P d E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus ( d • · · e Candolle , Prodromus, 7: 688 (1839) ; N~turhistorischenMuseums , Wien67 . 1 • - , 569 1840 • 2 n edn) . (2003): -+

densata- Erica condensatava~ . condensa:South Africa 56 : 141 (1987); _62 : 537 (1993); Strelitzia con . M moirsof the Botanicalsurvey o w autonym, e 14: 430 (2003). INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2Afri 120 can species, hybrids and cultivars Part 1: A-C 121 condensatum - Ericodes condensatum C.E.O. Kuntze CO~fus~- Erica conlusaH C. Andrews III Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). omen nudum· correct • The name. 'ru • . name· Erica dumosaH .C. Andrews con sa Is on the platein H c A d c confecta - Erica confecta text is "dumosa·. · · n rews, olouredengravings of heaths, butthe namem the N Probably a typographic error, correct name: Erica conferta ...... III Colouredeng - * •groeit tot de hoegte van ongeveer 6 palmen (2 voe! Rijnl.); de bloemen z1Jnklein en wit, h1Jbloe1t van (I) Lati . ravingsof heaths4 : tab. 230 (post 1815). n. confusus= confused. October tot in Februarij.• . III J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 226 (1814, 2nd edn);. Winter-kamer-bloemtum 122 (1839). contusa - Erica confusaF . Guthrie& H. Bolus (I) Most probably typographic error for conferta. If not, Lalin: confectus = made complete by. N Synonymof Erica permutata I'd . Ill Flora ca ns. . • Inva I becauseof its previoususe by Gandoger(1875 = Callunavulgaris) . 4 1 153 1 81 ( t'1)· st,s . ( ), ( S05);Annalen des NatumistorischenMuseums , Wien67 : 85 (1964); 68: conferta - Desmia conferta (H.C. Andrews) D. Don 196 , refltz1a9: 445 (2000);_ 14: 430 (2003). - N Basionym: Erica conferta . . III Edinburgh new philosophical journal 17: 153 (1834); General system of gardening & botany 3. 807 congesta - Erica congestaJ .C. Wendland (1834); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 615 (1839); Annalen des Naturh,stonschen Museums, Wien N Synonymof Erica subdivaricata 68: 83 (1965): -+ el C.F. Waitz, Beschreibungder Gattungund Arten der Heiden, 62 (1805). (I) Latin: confertus = pressed close together; referring to the flower arrangement. III J:C. Wendland,Ericarum icones et descriptiones2 ; heft 17; 75 (1806); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7. 679 (1839);Flora capensis4 (1): 186 (1905); Annalendes NatumistorischenMuseums Wien 68 · 94 conferta - Erica conferta H.C. Andrews (1965): -+ , . • Waitz evidently had not seen Andrews' plate, and attributed this to Loddiges. Specimen in LIV. • J.C. Wendland,Ericarum icones et descriptiones2: heft 17; tab. 29 (1806). el Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 23 (1804). III Coloured engravings of heaths 2: tab. 83 (1804, 1 February);_, The heathery 2: tab . 59 (1806) ; congesta - Erica congestahortulanorum A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus , 7: 615 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1) : 158 (1905); Annalen des N Invalid becauseof the prior publicationof Wendland. Synonymof Erica stylaris Natumistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 109 (1964): _ 68: 83 (1965); Slrelitzia 9: 433 (2000); _ 14: 430 • Loudon noted a plant in EdinburghBotanic Garden , in 1836, 2ft high. (2003):-+ el J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 209 (1814, 2nd edn); Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 27 • H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 2: tab. 83 (1804); _, The heathery 2: tab. 59 (1806); (1818); E. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus, 304 (1821, 1stedn). C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 14: tab.1335 (1828); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, Ill G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, 6, 33 (1825); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 616 (1839); 130 (1992). Flora capensis 4 (1) : 234 (1905);Annalen des NatumistorischenMuseums, Wien 68 : 111(1965) : -+ • C. Loddiges,Botanical cabinet 17: tab. 1743 (1831). conferta - Erica persoluta var. conferta (D Latin: congestus= crowdedtogether. III General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith (1802); J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 204 (1812); _ , 197 (1814, 2nd edn). congesta - Erica persolutavar . congestaJ .F. Klotzsch . . . . . III Vemandlungendes Vereinszur BefOrderungdes Gartenba_uesm den KomghchPreu/Jlschen Staaten 16 . conferta - Erica plukenetii var. conferta J.C. Wendland 319 (1842); E. Regel,Die Ku/lur undAufzah/ungder ... Enken, 159 (1843). N Synonym of Erica plukenetii subsp. breviflora III Species plantarum 2: 396-397 (1799, 4th edn); _, Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: heft 24 (1810); congoensis- Philippia congoensisS . Moore C.F. Waitz, Beschreibung der Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 199 (1805); [as 'pluckenetil]; A.-P. de N Synonymof Erica benguelensls . . (4). 20 (1927)· III J I f botany 57· 213 (1919)· Kung/. Svensk VetenskapsAkadem,ens Handlmgar 4 · , . , Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 622 (1839); Flora capensis 4 (1): 49 (1905); Annalen des Natumistorischen ouma Ob . (· ). ( ). J p Lebrun&AL Stork Enumerationdesplantesa fleursdAfrique Museums, Wien 68: 30 (1965): -+ Flora zam es,aca7 1 . 180 1983, .- · · · , • Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: heft 24; tab. 69 (181 O). tropical 4: 16 (1997). (I) Toponym:from the Congo,central Africa . confertiflora - Erica confertiflora N Probably a typographic error, correct name: Erica confertifo/ia conica _ Erica conica C. Loddiges N Synonymof Erica abiet/nasubsp . constantlana_A -P de Candolle,Prodromus, 7: 664 (1839); Flora • Loudon attributed this to Wendland, but also listed E. confertifolia Wendi. 79 18 III J.C. Loudon, HortusBritannicus, 152 (1830); E.T. Steudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus 570 (1840 2nd III Botanical cabinet 12: tab. 11 ( ;1·~e~;~~J~ris~h~n Museums, Wien 67 : 91, 105(1964);_68 : 37 capens,s4 (1): 60 (1905),Annalen es . a_ . 433 (2000)· 14: 426,430 (2003): -+ edn); S. Hereman, Paxto_n's botanical dictionary, 218 (1868, new edn); Flora capensi~ 4 (1): 283 (1905); 2 2 8 Annalen des Natum,stonschen Museums, Wien 68: 129 (1965). (1965); Bothalia 32: 51, 54 ( 00 ), S!re~:z':!umann & G.'Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica , 47, tab. 2 , • Botanical cabinet 12: tab. 1179 (1827), · (I) Probably a typographic error for confertifolia, or, Latin: confertus = pressed close together; flos = flower. 29 (1992). · to the corolla. · · (I) Latin: conicus = cone-shaped,re 1 emng E . peria or E. peeria rosea; neithername 1svalid . confertifolia - Erica confertifolia J.C. Wendland Note: This was known in NewZealand as nca N Synonym of Erica lycopodiastrum III Ericarum icones et descriptiones 2: heft 20; 121 (1809); A.-P. de c . . . d conicumc .E.O. Kuntze Flora capensis 4 (1): 283 (1905); Annalen des Natumistorischen ,::s!~!· Prodromus, 7. 655 (1839), conicum - Enco es 2· 966 (1891). Ill Revisio generumplantarum . • Enca_rum ,cones_etdescriptiones 2: heft 20; tab. 46 (1809). s, Wien 68. 129 (1965). -+ G> Latin. confertus - pressed close together; folius = leaf. . Erica coniterahortulanorum . conifera - ms· Erica versicoloror Erica d1aphana artenbauesin den KOnig/ichPreullischen staaten 16 : confertum - Ericodes confertum C.E.O. Kuntze ~ !~';;¾dlu~gen des Vere~s;:r:i,~~:;':,,7!~8:e~ ..E.riken , 88,89 (1843) ; Annalendes Natumis/OriSChetl m Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). 248 (1842); E. Regel,o,e u r CD Latin: confertus = pressed close together. Museums,Wien 68: 152 (_1965). (I) Lalin: conifer= cone-beanng. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2 African . 122 5 pec,es,hybnds and cultivars Part 1: A-C conifera - Erica conifera J.F. Tausch • conspicuum EricOd 123 III R . . es conspicuumC .E.O. Kuntze • "Said to be allied to E. denticulata L. . . ( ). Flora capensis4 (1): 310 (1905); Annalen des ev1s10generum ptantarum 2: 966 (1891). m Flora oderAllgememe botamsche ze,tung 22. 6 32 . 1839 , NaturhistorischenMuseums . Wien 68: 140 (1965). --> constantia - Eric N S a constant,ahortulanorum ex G. Sinclair coniflora -Erica coniflora J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham * ·/inonym · ? Enca s1mulansvar . trivia/is• • L' ow! ers purple" (red, fide Sweet and Don) N Synonym of Erica pumila _ ( )· Flora capensis 4 (1) : 254 (1905) ; Annalen des m A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus , 7. 655 1839 , IS ed by lee & Kennedy on 24 Oct be 1808. . was validated bys 1· 1 ° r as their introduction(RBG Kew Inwardsbooks) The name Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 129 (1965) : --> deutschen Garte ~c a; Sweet and Don attributed the name to Lee " Die als E constantiam (D Latin: conus =cone ; flos =flower . [i:J Catala C n ge en_ e Pflanze gehort zur E tnvialis• • "Nondumfloruerunt . • (so name only) .. rad Beroflngeunes.,·s on ltoddiges, Hackney: 27 (1818),J H F Link, Enumeratioplan/arum hort, regi, botanic, connivens - Erica connivens J.F. Klotzsch ID G . . a1 1era p _1: 374.. (1821). Sinclair, Hortus er,caeusWobumensis , 6, 32 (1825); R. Sweet, Sweet's HortusBritannicus 334 N Synonym of Erica filiformis . ( 5) · A a/en des 1 3 m A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7 : 670 (1839) ; Flora capens,s 4 (1) : 150 190 , nn ~: o, 2nd edn); A .-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 666 (1839):G. Don (editor), Sweet's Hortus NaturhistorischenMuseums . Wien 68: 80 (1965) : --> ta_nmcus,429_ (1839, 3rd edn); Verlland/ungendes Vereinszur BetorrJerungdes Gartenbauesin den (D Latin: connivens converging , coming into contact. KOmgftchPreu/l1schen Staaten 16: 300•, 328 (1842)· Anna/endes NaturllistorischenMuseums Wien 68· = 152 (1965)'. • ' . conserta - Erica conserta . Flora capensis4 (1) : 287 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 11O, 113 (1964) : _ m (D Latin:Don called ~ constant-flowered, in whichcase the nameis derivedfrom cons1ans , -antis= constant 68: 130 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 430 (2003): --> (D Latin: consobrinus = cousin (on the mother 's side); the allusion is obscure. constantia - Ericodes constantiaC.E.O . Kuntze W Revisio generumplan/arum 2 : 966 (1891). consors - Simocheilusconsors N.E. Brown N Synonym of Erica globiceps subsp. consors constantiana _ Erica abietina c. Linnaeus subsp. constantiana E.G.H. Oliver & 1.M. Oliver m Flora capensis4 (1): 367 (1906); Strelitzia 14: 450 (2003) . m Bothalia 32: 51 (2002); Strelitzia14 : 426, 430 (2003). (D Latin: consors = having an equal share (or, poetically , brother or sister) . ~ ~i:a~~~~~ gii:~ntiaberg , Cape Peninsula, SouthAfrica , to which this subspeciesis confined. consors - Erica globiceps (N.E. Brown) E.G.H. Oliver subsp . consors (N.E. Brown) E.G.H. Oliver N Basionym: Simocheilus consors contracta _ Erica Jongifoliavar . _contractaH . B?lu~ ID Contributionsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 146-147 (2000); Strelitzia 14: 435,450 (2003) . N Synonym of Erica vlscana sub~r, lo;g!~tNaturllistorischen Museums, Wien68 : 40 (1965); Bothalia 4 Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 145 [Inge Oliver] (2000). m Flora capens,s4 (1): 66 (1905), nna en 32: 56 (2002): --> conspicua - Erica conspicua D. Solander (D Latin: contractus = compressed, narrowed. • Specimen in LIV (JES) dated 1788. ID W. Aiton, Hortus Kewensis 2: 22 (1789, 1st edn); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 633 (1839); Flora coopen-Er/ca cooper/ H. Bolus : (1887); Floracapensis 4 (1): 229 (1905); Annalendes capens,s 4 (1): 73 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 84 (1964); 68 : 44 24 179 m Journal of the LinneanSociety, botany, ( ). 68: 110 (1965); Strelitz1a14 : 430 (2003).-> (1965); Strelitzia9 : 433 (2000); _ 14: 430,431 (2003): --> - N t rhistorischenMuseums , Wien67. 118 1964. . - ( 992) 4 F.A. Bauer, Delineations of exotick plants, tab. 12 (1797); H. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths Da tchumann & G. Kirsten, Ericasof SouthAfricai · 18~1~ulwicil, who was a professionalplant , collector 1: tab. 14 (1797); _, The heathery 1: tab . 12 (1805); D. Schumann & G. Kirsten Ericas of South Africa A E. nym· after Thomas Cooper (1815-191! , _a ~a I~~ Africa between 1859 and 1862. Coopers son-in­ 58 (1992). • • (D ft1w.w: Saunders of Reigate. H~ f'~d ;ota~~calexploration of southemAfrica, 123 (1981)). corifolia - Erica corifolia R.A. Salisbury • Flowering plants of South Africa 14: tab. 551 (1934). N Synonym of Erica teretiuscula III A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 652 (1839); E. Regel,DieKu/turundAufzahlungder ... en, · Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 82 (1965): ->

coronaria - Erica coronaria F. Masson corrugata - Erica corrugata hortulanorum N Nomen nudum. • Steudel attributed this to "hort. Angl." • A name used by Masson in a letter to J. Banks, dated 8 March 1786, and subsequently printed. III E.T Steudel, Nomenclator botanicus, 570 (1840. 2nd edn). m F. Bradlow, Francis Masson 's account ... , 54 (1994) ; S. Knapp, Potted histories, 256 (2003) . (l) Latin: corrugatus = crumpled, furrowed. (D Latin: coronarius = used for garland , or pertaining to garlands . corusca - Erica corusca Lichentstein ex G. Bentham corona ta - Erica coronata H. C. Andrews N Synonym of Erica quadraeffora N Synonym of Erica fascicularis III A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 679 (1839 ); Flora capensis 4 (1): 182 (1905) ; Annalen des m Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 15 (1796 , 1 June) ;_ , The heathery 3: tab . 109 (1806); A.-P . de Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 93 (1965): -+ Candolle , Prodromus , 7: 637 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1 ): 89 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen (l) Latin: coruscus = shaking. trembling. Museums, Wien 68 : 55 (1965) : --+ • H.C. Andrews , Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 15 (1796) ; _ , The heathery 3: tab . 109 (1806); coruscans- Erica coruscansL. Bolus G. Sinclair, Hortus ericaeus Woburnensis. pl. 1, fig . 7 & pl. 2, fig. 17 (1825) . Ill Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 3: 174 (1923) [as E. coruscans var . coruscans] ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68: 57 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003). coronata - Erica cerinthoides var. corona/a hortulanorum • Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 3: tab. 8 (1923). * "Flowers scarlet/cr imson ." (l) Latin: coruscus = shaking, trembling. • With E. fairreana , one of the parents of William Rollisson & Sons' hybrid E. x opulenta . m Catalogue offorest trees ... , J. Miller, Bristol , 43 (1826) [name only]; Journal of the Royal Horticultural coruscans- Erica coruscansvar. coruscans III autonym: Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 3: 174 (1923); Annalen des NaturflistorischenMuseums , Wien Society 4: iii (1849 ); Floricultural cabinet 1852: 120 (1852); _ 1853 : 177 (1853) [as 'coranta'] ; Gardeners ' chronicle (14April) : 236 (1855) ; Illustration horticole 5: tab . 190 (1858) ; Catalogue , Hugh Low & Co , 68: 57 (1965); Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003). Enfield , 28 [undated c. 1905] : --+ • Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 3: tab. 8 (1923). • Illustration horticole 5: tab . 190 (1858) . (D Latin : coronatus = crowned . coruscans - Erica ventricosa var. coruscans • liste~:i:.~~~~i~:~~~ ~~~i':~~~~\ ~i;~7:r,'=,\:;t~;:!Royal HorticuffuralSoc iety 2: 466 (1862); coronata - Erica fascicularis var. corona/a m ~=ilogue , New plants for 1881, B.S. Williams , Upper Holloway, 103 (1881). -+ ill Loudon 's encylopaedia of plants 304 (1872) . coronata - Erica x tricolor var . corona/a corydalls - Erica corydalis R.A. ;ans~ii 334 (1802), A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7. 649 (1839). Flora * "Flowers rosy-pink, neck green and segments white ." m Transactions of the Lmnean oc1~ d. Naturh,stonschenMuseums, Wien 67 128, 129 (1964); - SB • Claimed by William Rollisson & Sons as a hybrid raised and sent out by them . capens,s 4 (1)' 308 (1905), Anna e~ e~4- 431 (2003):-> 9 433 ill Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society 3: liv (1848); Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons 108 ( 877) · 139 (1965), Strehtzia · (ZOOO),- uth Africa 242 (1992). · 1 • D Schumann & G Kirsten, Encas of To t nus r~ferent1bus": corydalos = a helmet, refemng to the Journal of horticulture & cottage gardening 60 : 260 (1878); Catalogue Hugh Low & co Enfield 29 ' [undated c. 1905] : --+ ' ' ' ~ i{~~34) ; A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus. 7: 649 (1839); Zealand) . 27• (1964 -1965). ' ' a a ogue , R.E. Hamson & Co, Palmerston North (New coa; General system of gardem;g &J:seu~s · w;en ss: 139 (1965): -> (D Presumably based on E. cerinthoides var . corona/a . Annalen des Naturh1stonsc en ,

coronata - Syringodea corona/a D. Don m Edinburgh new philosophical journal 17: 155 (1834) . INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES Volume2 Africanspe . 128 cies, hybridsand cultivars Part 1: A-C 129 corymbosa - Erica corymbosa hortulanorum coventria Erica coventria N Synonym : ? Erica caterviflora var. glabrata . . b t d but whether N Orthog h. • A name in use in horticulture for at least 30 y~a_rs_before _a descnpt1~ntl~anwh:/~:is~on stated to III c . Spr~~e:c ;:~;i:rrect name: Ericax covent,yi Bartling's plant is the same as Lee & Kennedy s Is 1mposs1bleto say. s is ' Y vegetab,//um4 (2) curaeposteriores , 146 (1827). be synonymous with their E. suaveotens? . .b d Ga/tung coventriana - Erica coventria m General list of heaths, Lee & Kennedy , Hammer smith (_1802) ; C.F. Waitz , Beschrei ung er N Orth · · na 14 III E T ograph1cvanant correct name: Ericacovent,yana = Ericax covent,yi undArten derHeiden, 350 (1805) ; J. Cushing , The exotic gardener, 208 (1812), -·. 196 (18 , Znd edn) . t · · S eudel, Nomenclatorbotanicus , 570, 574 (1840, nd edn). ID F.G. Bartling , Unnaea 7: 648 (1832) ; Flora oder Al/gemeine botanische Ze1/ung 17. 618 (1834), A :-P. de 2 candolle , Prodromus, 7: 673 (1839) ; Flora capensis4 (1): 125 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturh1stonschen c°,;entrya- Erica coventryaH .C. Andrews Museums, Wien 68: 70 (1965) : -> Orthographic error. correct name, Erica coventryi capensis4 (1): 102 (1905); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 61 (1965): -+ must have been published before 1 January 1825. • H.C. Andrews, Coloured engravings of heaths 1: tab . 16 (1798); _, The heathery 1: tab . 13 (1805) .

crassifolia - Erica crassifolia J.F. Klotzsch ex G. Bentham cremnophila - Erica cremnophitaE. Esterhuysen& T.M. Salter N Synonym of Erica latifolia N Synonym of Erica depressa W A.-P. de Candolle , Prodromus, 7 : 669 (1639) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 155 (1905); Annalen des W Journal of SouthAfrican botany6: 1 (1940); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien67 : 129 NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 66: 82 (1965): -+ (1964); _ 68: 128 (1965); Memoirsof the BotanicalSurvey of SouthAfrica 56 : 141, 142 (1987); 62: CD Latin: crassus = thick, folia = leaves. 537, 538 (1993); Strelitzia14: 431 (2003). -

crateriformis - Erica craterfform/s F. Guthrie & H 8 1 W F/oracapen sis4(1) : 224(1905) · Anna/endes • ous . 106 (1965); _Stretitzia9 : 433 (2000); _ : Nrurhi st0nschen Museums, Wien 67: 120 (1964): _ 66: 14 431 -.... . H Andrews Colouredengravings of heaths .A. F.A. Bauer, Delineationsof exot,ckpl;n:b ta,b.j;:, ~6:)7)CLoddiges .' Botanicalcabinet 17: tab. 1656 C.F. Waitz, Beschreibung der Gattung und Arlen der Heiden, 331 (1805) [name only in index) . III 1: tab. 17 (1796); -· . The heathe~54-tab 9676 (1946)· Gartenflora50 : tab. 1483 (1901); D. Schumann (1830); Curtis's botanicalmagazine · · · cristiflora - Erica cristiflora R.A. Salisbury 8 & G. Kirsten, Eri:abslo f ~:t~:e~':~r ~!~~~)Crimsonheath , rooiheide. N Original orthography , to be corrected : Erica cristaeflora . . culcitaeflora - Erica x culcitaefloraRA Salisbu ..t. Kung/. svensk vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 4 (4) : fig . 9k (1927); Bui/elm du Museum National N Invalid because Salisbury cited Eria . ry d'Histoire Nature/le, series 2, 8: plate 3L (1936). • A hybrid, probably. There ares cimspunain syn~nymy. Synonym of Ericax spuria III Transactionsof the Linneans:C:e :n; from Lee_s and Lady Hume's gardens in LIV. 57 cubica - Erica cubica C. Linnaeus capensis4 (1): 31311 ). An ty · (lB0 2), A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 639 (1839); Flora 906 I rn Dissertationem ... de Erica: 1 o(no. 45) (1770); A.-P . de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 683 (1839); Flora III Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). ..t. D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of SouthAfrica, 187 (1992). hortensis ?". Regel followed suit. Loudon had "procumbens Hort .",_and attributed the na m e to Ro llinson . (I) Latin: curvus = curved; flos = flower. Sinclair was probably the first to provide a description. Specimen 1n K. . l!J Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 377 (1802) ; J. Underwood, A catalogue of plants ... at Glasnevm, 44 (1804) : -+ . c~ifl;~~;:rii:;~:~~~eCB~:n~::,u;u:~/:,~:~:Africa 56: 141 (1987); _62 : 537 (1993); Strelitzia ID G. Sincla ir, Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, 7, 32 (1825) ; The gardener's magazine 1: 88, 366-368, 370, 14: 431 (2003) . 372-374 (1826) ; A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 662 (1839) ; Catalogue, William Rollisson & Sons, 106 (1877) ; Flora capensis4 (1) : 174 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 68 : 89 (1965) : -+ curviflora _ Erica x /innaeanavar . curviflora . • G. Sinclair , Hortus ericaeus Wobumensis, pl. 3, fig. 10 (1825) . 843 • A hybrid created by William Rollisson (Tooti~g) be:o; ~e d~ la culturedes plantesde terre de bruyere, N Invalid under ICBN, but is acceptable as a cultivar name under ICNCP 2000 (Art . 19.7) . (1965)· Stre/Jtzia9 . 434 (2 EricasotSouthAfrica, 85 (1992) • & G. Kirsten, • Listed by Mes srs Youell & Co ., Royal Nursery, Great Yarmouth . A D. Schumann ed fo/ia = /eaves. l;:J Gardeners' chronicle (14 April) : 236 (1855) . t curvus = curv , • lntrOducedb L • September,flowers red." Ill JC L Y ee in 1816. curvifolium - Ericodes curvifolium C.E.O. Kuntze n. . oudon, HortusBritannicus 153 (1830)· S ill Revisio generum plan/arum 2: 966 (1891). (I) Eew edn); Catalogue,William Ro,llisson& S ' · Hereman, Paxton's botanicaldic tionary, 218 (1868 ponym: Don called this "Cushin's heath"· ons, 106_(18n) : -+ , a native of Ireland, who died c. 1819 cu' ~erefore it most probablycommemorates John Cushing, curviristros - Erica curviristros nursery,Hammersmith . He was a th . s mg was foreman gardenerin MessrsLee & Kennedy's N Typographic error: correct name: Erica curvirostris . u or of Thee xotic gardener(which went to three editions). m Erica stock list, Ericaflora, Monbulk, Victoria, Australia , not dated (c.2000] [name only]. cushoma - Erica cushonia

curvirostre - Ericodes curvirostre C.E.O. Kuntze ~ ~pographic error: correct name: ? Erica cushinia earbookof The HeatherSociety 3 (5): 66 (1987) ill Revisio generum plantarum 2: 966 (1891). (I) Probably a typographic . · (I) Latin: curvus = curved; rostrum = a beak, referring to the curved style. error, maybeintended to be ·cushinia" and thus afterJohn Cushing cuspidata - Erica cuspidataJ.F . Klotzschex G Bentham curvirostris - Erica curvirostris R.A. Salisbury N Synonym of Erica polifolia • Probably the first Cape heath cultivated in the northern hemisphere, c. 1690. m Transactionsof the Unnean Society 6: 375 (1802); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7: 677 (1839); Flora Ill ~;iurll~!tC_anhdolleM, Prodromus, 7: 615 (1839); Flora capensis4 (1): 158 (1905); Annalen des _ onsc en useums. Wien68 : 83 (1965):-+ capensis4 (1): 186 (1905); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 142, 143 (1964); _ 68: (I) Latin: cuspidatus = cusped. 64 (1965); Strelitzia 9: 434 (2000); _ 14: 431 (2003): -> .A. D. Schumann & G Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 151 (1992). cuspidigera - Erica cuspidigeraRA Salisbuiy (I) Latin: curvus = curved; rostrum = a beak, referring to the curved style. Heuningheide. N Synonym of Erica curviflora Ill Transactionsof the UnneanSociety 6 : 358 (1802); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus,7 : 633 (1839);Flora curvirostris - Erica curvirostris var. curvirostris capens1s4 (1): 71 (1905); Annalendes Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien68 : 44 (1965): -+ III autonym; Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa 56: 141 (1987); _62 : 537 (1993); Strelitzia (I) Latin: cuspis = cusp; - ger = suffix meaningbearing . 14: 431 (2003). cuspidigera - Syringodeacuspidigera G Don curvistyla - Eremia curvistyla (N.E. Brown) E.G.H. Oliver Ill General system of gardening& botany3 : 824 (1834);A .-P. de Candolle,Prodromus, 7 : 633 (1839); N Basionym: Eremiopsis curvistyla = Erica curvistyla Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 44 (1965). III Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 291 (2000); Stre/itzia 9: 426 (2000); _ 14: 425,431 {2003) . (I) Latin: curvus = curved; stylus = style. cussonia - Erica cussonia III Catalogue, Conrad Loddiges, Hackney: 27 (1818); W. McNab, A treatise on ... Capeheaths , 40 (1832). curvistyla - Eremiopsis curvistyla N.E. Brown (I) Eponym: it is very doubtfulwhether this was namedafter PierreCusson (1727-1783), after whomthe N Synonym of Erica curvistyla Cape genus Cussoniawas named. This could be an errorfo r Erica cushiniana. III Flora capensis4 (1): 390 (1906); Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 291 (2000); Strelitzia 14: 425, 431 (2003). cyathiformis - Erica cyathiformis R.A. Salisbury _ _ III Transactionsof the LinneanSoc iety 6: 376 (1802); A.-P. de Candolle, Prodromus, 7. 679 (1839)'. Flora_ curvistyla - Erica curvistyla (N.E. Brown) E.G.H. Oliver capensis4 (1): 182 (1905);Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien67 : 119, 147(1964) . _ 68. N Basionym: Eremiopsis curvistyla 93 (1965); Strelitzia9 : 447 (2000); _ 14: 431 (2003): -+ III Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 19: 291 (2000); Strelitzia 9: 426 (2000); 14: 431 (2003). _., D. Schumann & G Kirsten,Ericas of SouthAfrica, 148 (1992). • Contnbut1onsfrom the Bolus Herbarium 19: 292 [Inge Oliver] (2000). - Ill 9 434 III Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Societ (1)· 299 3 (1964); - 68: 56 (1965), stre. o; SouthAfrica, 79 (1992). Society3 (5): 66 (1987). Y · • 91 (1838-1843); Yearbook of The Heather _., D. Schumann & G Kirsten,Encas in the flower branchjust belowthe flowers. Latin: cygnus swan-like; the curve (I) Most probably a typographic error: after John Cushing, perhaps? tab 55 (1967) D Schumann& G. Kirsten. ~ JE_poH.Fn_yLmmka,ftEenrJuomhenraclio phlantarum horti reg;; botanici Bero/inensis altera pt 1: (1965); Stre, ta H 01 ver Encasm SouthernAfnca , . , "' - us 1ng, perhaps? 37-t (1821). ... HA Baker & E.G... I 1992) Ericas of South Africa,_92 (

cylindrica - Erica x cylindrica hortulanorum ex H.C. Andrews cyimr:;ra - Erica cyr/1/ifloraR.A . Salisbury nginal orthography to be correct N Invalid due to prior publication by Thun_berg.. d b Wlli m Rollisson (Tooting) before 1843 . Rollisson Ill [Transactionsof the Li ed, was Enca cynl/aeffora 1 6 357 • A hybrid, probably involving~ - masson:, cfrEea~eb -~ ~s ~id Nicholson . In Edinburgh Botanic Garden, 682 (1839); Flora cap:~::n/~ciety <1802>as "cynllaeflora1; A -P de Candolle, Prodromus,7 . subsequently listed this as a synonym o . Y n a, 127 19 5 (1964), 68· 71 (1965). St j >. < o ); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien67 . 140 in 1836, 5ft high. J )· 2· tab. 60 (1806); A.-P . de .A D Schu- . • re itz1a9 434 (2000), - 14. 431 (2003): -> 18 04 1 1 The heathery mann & G Kirsten, Encasof SouthAfrica 109 (19 2) m Coloured engravings of heaths 2: tab. 85 ( ' , uhY ':- • July · ( 8.43) · catalogue William (D 9 1 8 461 1 Latin · Cyr,1/a(Cyrillaceae)· fl - fl ' c d II p odromus 7 · 638 (1839) · Gardeners c ronic e · , • American genus Cyril/a. ' os - ower; named for the s1m1lantyof the flowers to those of the R~l~sio:& ;ons, 106 c'1877); Flora capensis 4 (1) : 313 (1906); Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums,

Wien 68· 143, 152 (1965) : _. h th 2· tab 60 (1806) · cy~iflorum -:- C.E.O. Kuntze .A H.C. Andrews , Coloured engravings of heaths 2: tab . 85 (1804); _, The ea ery · · , Encodescyrilliflorum C. Loddiges, Botanical cabinet 16: tab. 1734 (1831) . RevisioGenerum Plantarum 2 . 965 (1891); Annalendes NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien68 : 71 (1965).

cylindrica - Erica massonii var. cylindrica . m w .G.B.A. von Brehmer, Merv. Nat. mondes des plan/es 2. 211 (1894-1896) . .A W.G.B.A. von Brehmer, Merv. Nat. mondes des plan/es 2: 211 (1894-1896) .

cylindricum - Er/codes cylindricum C.E.O . Kuntze m Revisio generum plan/arum 2: 965 (1891 ).

cylindriflora - Erica cylindriflora R.A. Salisbury . . . N Invalid because Salisbury cited Erica serratifolia in synonymy. Synonym of Erica serrat,foha Ill Transactions of the Linnean Society 6: 356 (1802); Flora capensis 4 (1): 77 (1905); Annalen des NaturhistorischenMuseums , Wien 68: 47 (1965) : _. (D Latin: cylindricus = cylindrical; flos = flower .

cymosa - Erica cymosa hortulanorum N Nomen nudum: no Latin diagnosis or description, which would have validated this name under the ICBN, has been traced . Ill J. Donn, Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 96 (1809 , 5th edn) ; J. Cushing, The exotic gardener, 203 (1812) ; _, 195, 219 (1814, 2nd edn) .

cymosa - Erica cymosa E. Meyer ex G. Bentham N This binomial is not invalidated by the prior use of the same name in English horticultural literature . W A .-P. de Candolle , Prodromus , 7: 670 (1839) ; Flora capensis 4 (1): 141 (1905) ; Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien 67: 99 (1964) ; _ 68: 77 (1965) ; Strelitzia 9: 434 (2000) ; _ 14: 431 (2003): _. .A D. Schumann & G. Kirsten, Ericas of South Africa, 122 (1992) .

cymosa - Erica cymosa G. Bentham var. cymosa W autonym ; Strelitzia 14: 431 (2003) .

cymosum - Er/codes cymosum C.E.O . Kuntze m Revisio generum plan/arum 2: 966 (1891 ).

V cyrillaeflora - Erica cyrillaeflora R.A. Salisbury ~ N Orthographic error to_be corrected : correct name: Erica cyri//iflora m Transactionsof the Linnean Society 6: 357 (1802) ; J. Cushing The exotic gardener 213 (1812) · 209 (1814 , 2nd edn). ' ' '-·


Acta horti bergiani8 (1924). Annalen der b/umisterei5 (1829). Floriculturalcabinet (1853). Gardeners'chronicle (1843). ural Society1 (1846). Journal of the Royal Hort1cultur /'annee1818 (1818). Le bon jardm1eralmanach po f SouthAfrica 56 (1987). Memoirs of the Botanicalsurvey o Revue horticole54 (1882\ (1826). . den K/JniglichPreu/Jischen Staaten 16(1842) Th ardener'smagazine des Gartenbauesm Ve~~ndlungendes Vereinszur !ec~:S;~:ai3);continuedas Heathers 1 (2004) Yearbookof The HeatherSoc,e 144 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES

Nurserymen 's catalogues

Lee & Kennedy, Hammersmith : General list of heaths (1802) . Conrad Loddiges. Hackney: Catalogue (1804). B. S. Williams . Upper Holloway: Catalogue (1881) . Ireland & Thomson. Edinburgh : Catalogue [undated, c. 1885] . William Rollisson & Sons, Upper Tooting: Catalogue (1877) . James Dickson & Sons. Newton Nurseries. Chester: Catalogue (1884).