Transforming Early Learning: Educational Equity for Young Latinos
Transforming Early Learning: Educational Equity for Young Latinos March 2009 Acknowledgements Latino Policy Forum would like to thank the agencies and individuals listed below for their guidance, expertise, insight, and contributions to this report. All in their own way were key in identifying many of the relevant issues discussed in this report: David Alexander, Illinois Action for Children Barbara Bowman, Chicago Public Schools Miriam Calderon, National Council of La Raza Ellen Chavez, Casa Central Ric Estrada, Erie Neighborhood House Maricela Garcia, National Council of La Raza, former Executive Director of the Latino Policy Forum Judy Iturriago, Northeastern Illinois University Clara Lopez, El Valor Maria Esther Lopez, El Valor Erika Okezie-Phillips, McCormick Foundation Sheena Panoor, Voices for Illinois Children Aisha Ray, Erickson Institute Diana Rauner, Ounce of Prevention Fund Celena Roldan, Erie Neighborhood House Nancy Shier, Ounce of Prevention Fund Jerry Stermer, Voices for Illinois Children Josie Yanguas, Illinois Resource Center Erika Beltran, NCLR Technical Assistance Barbara Buell, Review and Comment Maria Cardenas, Copy Editor Harriette Herrera, Consultant Ellen Hunt, Editor Roger Knight, Data Support Reyna Hernandez, Staff Researcher/Writer Michelle Kaplan, Staff, Interviews Bernice Alejo, Staff Ruben Feliciano, Staff Latino Policy Forum Early Childhood Education Working Group Casa Central Erie Neighborhood House El Valor Illinois Early Learning Council (IELC) IELC Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Committee National Council of La Raza, Technical Assistance Quality Alliance Member Organizations Birth-To-Five Policy Alliance, Funding The McCormick Foundation, Funding Transforming Early Learning: Educational Equity for Young Latinos Mission To build the power, influence, and leadership of the Latino community through collective action to transform public policies that ensure the well being of our community and society as a whole.
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