The Case for Disability-Responsive Education Financing 2
#CostingEquity The case for disability-responsive education financing 2 #CostingEquity #CostingEquity is an advocacy research Detailed case studies provide useful examples of project on equitable financing for disability financing gaps, challenges and promising practice -inclusive education. It lays out some of the main from developing country contexts, major education challenges facing governments and the global donors, and new and emerging philanthropic education community in supporting the realisation donor foundations. The focus of case studies and of United Nations Sustainable Development examples is on low and lower-middle income Goal 4 (SDG 4) as well as Article 24 of the United countries and were chosen to reflect a broad range Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with of regions and countries. Disabilities (UNCRPD). The report concludes with a series of The #CostingEquity research project was carried out recommendations for domestic and external by the International Disability and Development financing approaches. Consortium (IDDC) and Inclusive Education Task Group (IETG). The IDDC research published in this report was funded by the Open Society Foundations and LIGHT FOR THE WORLD. The #CostingEquity research project investigated the benefits of financing disability-inclusive education, the current state of education financing with regard to inclusion, and what needs to change in order for education financing to effectively support the realisation of SDG 4. #CostingEquity research partners The #CostingEquity research report addresses three The IDDC is a global consortium of 28 disability and broad questions: development non-governmental organisations • How do international donors and domestic (NGOs), mainstream development NGOs and governments currently fund disability-inclusive disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) that education? together support disability and development work • What are the gaps and challenges in financing in more than 100 countries.
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