
The case for -responsive education financing 2


#CostingEquity is an advocacy research Detailed case studies provide useful examples of project on equitable financing for disability financing gaps, challenges and promising practice -inclusive education. It lays out some of the main from developing country contexts, major education challenges facing governments and the global donors, and new and emerging philanthropic education community in supporting the realisation donor foundations. The focus of case studies and of United Nations Sustainable Development examples is on low and lower-middle income Goal 4 (SDG 4) as well as Article 24 of the United countries and were chosen to reflect a broad range Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with of regions and countries. (UNCRPD). The report concludes with a series of The #CostingEquity research project was carried out recommendations for domestic and external by the International Disability and Development financing approaches. Consortium (IDDC) and Inclusive Education Task Group (IETG). The IDDC research published in this report was funded by the Open Society Foundations and LIGHT FOR THE WORLD.

The #CostingEquity research project investigated the benefits of financing disability-inclusive education, the current state of education financing with regard to inclusion, and what needs to change in order for education financing to effectively support the realisation of SDG 4. #CostingEquity research partners

The #CostingEquity research report addresses three The IDDC is a global consortium of 28 disability and broad questions: development non-governmental organisations •• How do international donors and domestic (NGOs), mainstream development NGOs and governments currently fund disability-inclusive disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) that education? together support disability and development work •• What are the gaps and challenges in financing in more than 100 countries. disability-inclusive education? LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is an international disability •• What needs to change to increase quality, and development organisation whose vision is an equitable financing for learners with disabilities? inclusive society where no one is left behind. LIGHT The report aims to contribute to a better FOR THE WORLD strives for accessible eye-care understanding of the issues related to equitable services and supports inclusive education to financing for education for learners with disabilities. empower persons with disabilities to participate It considers additional marginalising factors such as equally in society. gender, socio-economic status, social circumstances and urban/rural location. It offers key arguments The Open Society Foundations work to build for civil society activists, donors and government vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments advisors to make the case for building and are accountable and open to the participation of all strengthening inclusive education systems. people. 3


This report was written by Juliette Myers, Helen The research project was co-ordinated on behalf Pinnock, Nafisa Baboo and Ingrid Lewis with of the IDDC by LIGHT FOR THE WORLD. Dr Dragana additional research support from Soumya Suresh. Sretenov, on behalf of the Open Society Early Childhood Program, supported the research. Particular thanks are due to the steering group that guided the development of this research: The publication of the #CostingEquity David Archer (Action Aid), Nafisa Baboo (LIGHT FOR research report was made possible with the THE WORLD), Sabine Rehbichler (LIGHT FOR THE financial support of the Open Society Foundations. WORLD), Benjamin Bach (LIGHT FOR THE WORLD), Additional financial support for research, Louise Banham (Global Partnership for Education), publication, translation and launch Aletheia Bligh Flower (Leonard Cheshire Disability), was provided by CBM, Handicap International, Ingrid Lewis (Enabling Education Network), Colin Sightsavers and LIGHT FOR THE WORLD. Editing Low CBE – Lord Low of Dalston (Co-Chair All Party support was provided by EENET and Last Mile. Parliamentary Group Global Education, UK), Nidhi Singal (University of Cambridge) and Sian Tesni The opinions expressed in this publication are those (CBM). of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the Open Society Foundations. Additional contacts, insights and information were generously supplied by Rosangela Berman Bieler (UNICEF), Sandrine Bohan-Jacquot (Consultant), Lynn Dudley (GPE consultant), Els Heijnen-Maathuis (Save the Children), Ola Abu Alghaid (Leonard Cheshire Disability), Dr Maria Kett (Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, UCL), Kou Boun Kheang (Save the Children ), Dr Guy Le Fanu (Sightsavers), Anna MacQuarrie (Inclusion International), Paula Malan (Finnish representative, ), Julia McGeown (Handicap International), Polly Meeks (ADD International), Dr Daniel Mont (UCL), Ali Sani Side (National Advisor for Inclusive Education Master Plan, Ethiopia), Richard Orne (Daisy Consortium), Diane Richler (Inclusion International), Marion Steff (Sightsavers), Anjela Taneja (Global Campaign for Education) and Lorraine Wapling (University College London).

Cover image © Hamish Roberts, Leonard Chesire Disabability 4

Acronyms and abbreviations

ABC Accessible Books Consortium EiE education in emergencies

ABE alternative basic education EFS Environmental and Social Framework CBID community-based inclusive development EMIS education management information system CBR community-based rehabilitation ESP Education Sector Plans CDPO Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization ESF environmental and social framework CIDA Canadian International Development Agency ESWG education sector working group

CSCQBE Civil Society Coalition for Quality GCE Global Campaign for Education Basic Education GDP gross domestic product COSYDEP Coalition des Organisations en Synergie pour la Defensé de GEQIP General Education Quality l`Education Publique Improvement Program

CRS Catholic Relief Services GPE Global Partnership for Education CSO civil society organisation ICT information and DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs communication technologies and Trade (Australia) IE inclusive education DFID Department for International Development (UK) IEDSS Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage DISE district information system for education IIEP International Institute for Educational Planning DPO disabled people’s organisation INGO international non-governmental ECCE early childhood care and organisation education JICA Japan International ECD early childhood development Cooperation Agency

ECI early childhood intervention JPKF Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation 5

LEGs local education groups TESP Transitional Educational Sector Plans LMICs low- and middle-income countries TIGAR Trusted Intermediary Global Accessible Resource MDGs Millennium Development Goals TVET technical and vocational MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys education and training

MoE Minister of Education UIS UNESCO Institute of Statistics

MoET Ministry of Education and UNABPAM L’Union Nationale des Training Associations Burkinabè pour la Promotion des Aveugles et MoEYS Ministry of Education, Youth Malvoyants and Sport UNCRC United Nations Convention on NEA national education accounts the Rights of the Child

NEP NGO education partnership UNCRPD United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with NGO non-governmental organisation Disabilities

NORAD Norwegian Agency for UNESCO United Nations Educational, Development Cooperation Scientific and Cultural Organization ODA official development assistance UNGEI United Nations Girls’ Education PDA private development assistance Initiative

RFAs requests for applications UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

RFPs requests for proposals USAID United States Agency for International Development SDGs Sustainable Development Goals VCEFA Vietnam Coalition for Education SEN special educational needs for All

SERCs special education resource WHO World Health Organization centres

SIBs social impact bonds 6

Image © Ulrich Eigner, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 7


#CostingEquity...... 2 #CostingEquity research partners...... 2 Acknowledgments...... 3 Acronyms and abbreviations...... 4 Executive summary...... 8 1. Introduction...... 12 1.1 The Sustainable Development Goals...... 12 1.2 Global context...... 13 1.3 Defining disability-inclusive education...... 14 1.4 Inclusive education is cost-effective...... 18 2. Financing trends...... 22 2.1 Limited financing for disability-inclusive education...... 22 3. International donor support...... 25 3.1 Overview...... 25 3.2 Donor review...... 25 3.3 Strategic emphasis...... 27 3.4 Insufficient and untargeted aid...... 29 3.5 Information and data ...... 31 4. Domestic financing...... 34 4.1 Overview...... 34 4.2 Education budgets exclude children with disabilities...... 35 4.3 Costing equity in disability-inclusive education...... 39 4.4 Inclusive budgeting...... 45 5. The future of financing for disability-inclusive education...... 50 5.1 Increased domestic financing...... 50 5.2 More efficient use of existing resources and smart investments...... 53 5.3 External financing...... 54 5.4 New sources and innovative financing...... 54 5.5 Better governance, transparency and accountability measures...... 56 5.6 A global financing facility...... 57 6. Conclusion and recommendations...... 58 6.1 Conclusion...... 58 6.2 Recommendations...... 59 References...... 65 8 #CostingEquity Executive summary

Image © Plan International Executive summary

The context The cost of exclusion from education is significant for both the individual and the country. Countries The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are lose billions of dollars of potential income when the first global goals to mention persons with persons with disabilities are not educated or disabilities and provide a clear message to ‘leave working. In , lack of schooling and no one behind’. SDG4 seeks to ‘ensure inclusive, employment for people with disabilities and equitable and quality education for all and promote their caregivers could be costing the country lifelong learning’. Reaching this goal, as spelt out in US$1.2 billion of income annually, or 1.74% of the Education 2030 Framework for Action, is a big gross domestic product (GDP) (World Bank, 2008). challenge with half of the world’s 65 million school- By contrast, child-friendly inclusive education aged children with disabilities out of school. that starts in the early years brings better social, academic, health and economic outcomes for all Inclusive education offers quality formal and non- learners, and at less cost than special or formal learning opportunities for every child within segregated education. a mainstream system that adapts to the needs of all learners. Inclusive education necessitates significant Global funding for education is declining. Provision changes to legislation, policy, financing, planning for education in the early years is particularly and implementation. Inclusive education follows underfunded, despite the clear benefits it brings to a twin-track approach of balancing system-level subsequent education efforts. Governments and change with specific support for learners with donors are not prioritising education investment. disabilities. Most governments and donors do not track the allocation of funding by education levels, let alone disaggregate expenditure linked to SDG targets.


The picture is equally concerning regarding International donors humanitarian aid for education, where severe funding deficiencies impact disproportionately on children with disabilities. For this report, nine leading bilateral and multilateral education donors were surveyed on Despite growing interest and effort, there is a lack their efforts towards disability-inclusive education. of technical and financial resources to deliver on The review found emerging commitment to the SDG4 for inclusive and quality education for all disability-inclusive education across most agencies, targets. More equitable, inclusive approaches to with some reporting significantly stronger priority resource allocation and budgeting are required. This for disability and inclusive education more recently. includes developing innovative and flexible funding Commitments do not necessarily reach all levels models that support the participation of learners of the organisation, and none of the respondent with a range of disabilities, however complex, donors could show a portfolio-wide approach to in mainstream pre-schools, primary schools, inclusive education. secondary schools and tertiary education. Overall, bilateral and multilateral aid for education Progressive universalism, widely supported as is declining, sometimes drastically, and risking the most effective way of addressing inequities, the attainment of the SDGs. Most donor aid does involves investing more resources in reaching not include amounts earmarked for disability those people who are most marginalised and at or inclusive approaches. Greater investment in risk of exclusion (Education Commission, 2016). tracking funding for inclusion and reporting The resources required would need to increase against equity indicators is needed to meet SDG proportionately in consideration of compounding commitments. The Global Partnership for Education factors such as gender, rural location, socio- (GPE), singled out by most respondents as the key economic status and social circumstances. player, helps stimulate finance and strengthen education systems by encouraging donors to invest Domestic efforts and international co-operation in learning, equity and inclusion issues. However, should all ensure that the costs associated with GPE needs to improve its own Secretariat capacity the inclusion of learners with disabilities are and guiding tools to better support disability- represented in education budgets. Disability- inclusive education. inclusive education will only work if it is well supported by strong cross-sector co-ordination at Donors are not investing and collaborating central, district and local levels. sufficiently to generate the necessary tools, guidance and evidence to support disability- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), disabled inclusive education programming. Poor data people’s organisations (DPOs) and civil society has long been used as an excuse for slow and organisations (CSOs) and parents’ organisations inadequate action. This is no longer acceptable. have long been the main supporters of education Positive steps to improve the collection and use for persons with disabilities. These organisations of data exists, namely UNICEF’s Multiple Indicator need to be strengthened to provide technical Cluster Surveys (MICS) in conjunction with the expertise and to hold governments accountable Washington Group on Disability Statistics question in delivering on human rights and development sets, but greater staff capacity is needed for such agreements, in particular article 24 of the United tools. The attainment of SDG4 relies heavily, in Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with part, on governments commitments to measure Disabilities (UNCRPD). disparities between groups on the basis of disability and other equity markers. 10 #CostingEquity Executive summary

Domestic financing The future of financing for disability-inclusive education Domestic resources are the most important source of finance for education. International Increasing domestic financing is vital to achieve benchmarks urge governments to allocate 4% to disability-inclusive education. Donor-supported 6% of GDP to education. Households are significant government efforts to expand the tax base and end contributors to domestic financing for education. tax dodging could drastically change education Some countries are moving towards expanding financing. More strategic use of existing domestic household contributions to education, but this resources, re-prioritisation of budgets, a stronger move could exacerbate educational exclusion for focus on quality measures such as improved teacher persons with disabilities who often come from the education, and strong political and community poorest households. Very few governments commit leadership on inclusion are needed. Countercyclical enough resources to ensure disability-inclusive and expansionary investment in education may also education, and neither do they disaggregate have a role to play. spending on special or inclusive education. Having an inclusive education plan, policy or strategy does The decline in aid needs to be reversed, with total not guarantee adequate domestic funding for its overseas development assistance needing to rise implementation. 11% per year by 2030 (Education Commission, 2016). The GPE needs to be strengthened to play a Governments need funding formulas that take more pivotal role in promoting increased funding the higher costs associated with learners with for disability-inclusive education. Pooled and additional needs into account and that take a twin- blended financing mechanisms and debt relief track approach to removing barriers to inclusion. linked to improved inclusive education spending There are various costs to consider. Evidence are options that need to be further investigated, suggests that designing an accessible learning while better harmonisation of aid with national setting from the start costs less than making inclusive education plans is vital. subsequent alterations to a non-accessible setting. In addition, information and communication Private development assistance (PDA) is growing technology (ICT) in education can help teachers to faster than overseas development assistance, adapt lessons and help children to access learning, and with appropriate guidance could play but few places of learning in low-income countries a catalytic role in the provision of disability- have access to ICT. inclusive education. Social impact bonds (SIBs) for harnessing private capital for education need While many factors need to be considered in further investigation. The use of earmarked taxes inclusive education financing, not all require for inclusive education is also a possibility to additional funding. Many of the costs associated support systemic changes or individual support with disability-inclusive education can be covered interventions. National education accounts (NEA) by the strategic allocation of existing domestic – a comprehensive information system that helps funds, including disability-responsive budgeting produce reliable and transparent data on education that promotes universal design and co-operation spending from all sources, including government, agreements between government ministries. household and external funding across all education levels – could identify gaps, overlaps and misuse of funds and help with planning and implementing more inclusive education systems. 11

Improved budget transparency and accountability but they need to be supported in developing the could raise education expenditure levels. CSOs and necessary skills. Disaggregated data on education DPOs and parents’ organisations have a key role to expenditure and revenue receipts and losses play in improving transparency and advocating for supplied by governments could speed up progress greater resource allocation to inclusive education, on ensuring transparency and accountability.

Summary of recommendations

Financing disability-inclusive education

Multi-stakeholder External financing Accessibility and •• UNCRPD General Comment on •• Reverse aid decline reasonable accommodation Article 24 to guide actions and •• Embed •• Develop minimum standards policies disability-responsiveness for accessible teaching and learning materials •• Prioritise early childhood •• Harmonise with national plans development •• Use WHO Priority Assistive •• Strengthen GPE Secretariat as Products List as the basis for •• Adopt targeted strategies a new funding window/facility to address multiple planning and budgeting vulnerabilities Alternative financing •• Engage in new partnerships to •• Build evidence around PDA, Philanthropic foundations and bridge resource gaps SIBs, earmarked taxes and the private sector •• Develop funding formulas to NEAs •• Engage in global advocacy for consider higher costs disability-inclusive education •• Fund innovative approaches Accountability •• Support CSOs to hold Evidence and data •• Ensure full budget government to account •• Increase base of transparency disaggregation and •• CSOs and DPOs to help environmental accessibility monitor and track budgets Capacity-building data •• Strengthen IE plans with GPE •• Understand general comment •• Invest in building evidence disability reviews on UNCRPD Article 24 •• Adopt disability indicators •• Multi/bilateral donors must •• Disaggregate funding and create a senior position on spending in compliance with Crisis contexts disability and appoint focal UNCRPD •• Boost budgets and plan for people in technical teams disability-inclusive education •• Disability inclusion policies in crisis contexts and strategies (with •• ‘Education Cannot Wait’ Domestic financing targets) must be developed donors must support •• Implement twin-track and implemented by bi/ disability-inclusive education budgeting multilateral donors •• Meet funding benchmarks •• Equip MoE staff with skills in equitable budgeting •• Increase tax base and end tax dodging •• Build data collection and disaggregation skills •• Improve use of existing resources •• Budget for raising teacher capacity •• Collaborate to learn 12 #CostingEquity Introduction

Image © Sightsavers 1. Introduction

1.1 The Sustainable specifically referred to in the global goals to ensure Development Goals that they are not ‘left behind’. The most disability- inclusive of the goals is SDG4: ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong In 2015, world leaders adopted a new Agenda for learning opportunities for all’. Two targets aim to Sustainable Development, promising progressive ensure equal access to all levels of education for social, economic and environmental change. persons with disabilities (target 4.5) and inclusive, Strong advocacy efforts by civil society, as well as accessible learning environments for all (target 4.a). commitment from key leaders including Heads of Access to good quality early childhood care and State from the United Kingdom (UK) and , education (ECCE) is also ensured for all children have ensured that persons with disabilities (target 4.2). In addition, education’s critical role are included in the shared vision of humanity in achieving the full range of SDGs is recognised. represented by the SDGs presented in the 2030 Education is an enabler for growth, gender equality, Agenda. The underlying principle of the SDGs – improved health and other key areas under the leave no one behind – is a significant improvement SDGs (Vladimirova and Le Blanc, 2015; GEMR, 2016). on the previous Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which made no mention of persons with The Incheon Declaration was adopted on 21 May disabilities. 2015 at the World Education Forum (WEF, 2015) held in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The Incheon Since the adoption of the SDGs, there has been Declaration constitutes the commitment of the increased focus on how to move from rhetoric to education community to Education 2030 and reality, especially with regard to inclusive education. the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, For the first time, persons with disabilities are recognising the important role of education as 13

a main driver of development. The Education Giving greater priority to the most marginalised 2030 Framework for Action translates the of children would narrow the inequity gap in commitments made at Incheon into actionable access and learning. Funding formulas that ways of implementing, co-ordinating, financing address disadvantage by allocating more funds to and reviewing the 2030 education agenda globally, areas where there is the greatest need are being regionally and nationally. implemented in Brazil, , and South . There is resounding consensus among the global education community that no SDG target will be The Addis Ababa Action Agenda, signed by 193 met unless it is met for all, with a concerted effort to countries in July 2015, provides a global framework reach those who are most disadvantaged: children for financing the SDGs (UN, 2015). The agreement with disabilities. The Incheon Declaration also notes recognises the importance of providing quality the importance of investing early in young children, education for children with disabilities in ‘inclusive particularly those with disabilities, as the best and effective learning environments for all’ route to long-term impacts on development and (paragraph 78). The agreement commits to upscale education outcomes (UNESCO, Education 2030 FFA, investments and international co-operation, to 2015). strengthen the GPE, increase qualified teacher numbers and upgrade inclusive educational All countries are called on to allocate at least 4% to facilities. 6% of GDP to education, in line with international and regional benchmarks. Donors are urged to increase their support to the target of 0.7% of 1.2 Global context GDP for official development assistance (ODA). The least developed countries are prioritised An estimated 65 million primary and lower and improved aid effectiveness is emphasised secondary school-aged children in developing (Incheon Declaration, May 2015). Improving aid countries have disabilities. Half of these children effectiveness is key, as is strengthening the capacity are out of school (Education Commission, 2016). of developing country governments to raise Many more miss out on early childhood care and and invest revenues so that they can fulfil their education (ECCE). Young children with disabilities obligations to better quality and more equitable are among the most marginalised, frequently education. excluded from national and global strategies to target out-of-school children who are often invisible In July 2015, the high-level International in education and household survey data (UNICEF, Commission on Financing Global Education 2013a; Graham, 2014). Opportunity was launched to reverse trends in underfunding and strengthen the case for Disability is strongly associated with poor primary investment. The Commission was tasked with school completion in , and Africa assessing the potential of a broad range of (Mitra et al, 2013). Cultural and attitudinal barriers financing approaches to leverage domestic and keep children with disabilities out of education, as donor resources, non-traditional partnerships, do systemic and pedagogical barriers. Major barriers innovative finance and the private sector in to accessing education include a lack of policies and order to deliver on SDG4 (Chair’s Statement, Oslo political will, a lack of funding for education, having Declaration on Education, July 2015). no teacher or having an untrained teacher, having no classroom or inaccessible infrastructure and a One of the approaches strongly endorsed by lack of learning materials. the Commission is the notion of progressive universalism. Progressive universalism involves Children with disabilities encounter multiple devoting more resources to those most educational disadvantages: they are most likely marginalised and at risk of exclusion from learning. to be poor, to face social isolation, discrimination 14 #CostingEquity Introduction and abuse, to be underweight or stunted, to 1.3 Defining disability-inclusive live in rural areas and/or in countries affected education by conflict or humanitarian crises. Girls, young women and persons with particular impairments, including intellectual disabilities, face the most Inclusive education offers quality, relevant formal severe educational inequities (Le Fanu, 2014; Trani and non-formal learning opportunities within a et al, 2011). These groups require specific, flexible mainstream system that adapts to all learners. When solutions to enable them to access educational all students are brought together in one classroom opportunities. and community, regardless of their differences, everybody in society benefits over the long term.

Gender, disability and education Good quality inclusive education can remove Girls with disabilities face a harder struggle to learning barriers for every child, reduce out-of- access and succeed in education than boys school populations, improve transition between with disabilities. A girl’s disabled status has a education levels, and generally help tackle bigger impact on her likelihood of going to discrimination. An inclusive education system school than her location or ethnicity (SINTEF, seeks to maximise the capabilities of all students by 2004). reducing barriers to learning and participation in and out of school. In Malawi, more girls with disabilities than boys with disabilities have never participated Resources are targeted specifically to support the in formal education. In Ghana, national equal participation of each learner via multiple data places the literacy level of women with pathways to education. This includes reasonable disabilities at 47%, which is considerably lower accommodations such as extra time for tasks and than 56% of men with disabilities and 70% of alternative modes of communication for those with the overall male population (GCE, 2014). disabilities (e.g. Braille, sign-language and pictures). Inclusive early childhood intervention (ECI) is The lack of education opportunities for girls critical and can facilitate children’s timely access to has devastating consequences. Many girls and participation and achievement in subsequent with disabilities are subjected to abuse and education levels. isolation at the hands of their own families and the community. Families, communities Systemic reform is necessary to create the and governments at large do not regard conditions for all children to thrive in educational educating a girl, let alone one with a disability, institutions at all levels. Achieving these changes as a worthwhile investment. depends on an in-depth transformation of legislation, policy, planning, administration, Too often, girls with disabilities are relegated financing and delivery (UNCRPD General Comment to doing the household chores or given Article 24, 2016, paragraph 9). the responsibility of caring for younger siblings, instead of going to school. It is also The right to inclusive education for children not surprising that girls and women with with disabilities disabilities are twice as likely to be sexually The United Nations Convention on the Rights abused, mistreated and exploited compared of the Child (UNCRC) is the first legally binding to their non-disabled peers. instrument at international level that spells out the rights of children with disabilities to education, without prejudice and with support, ‘in a manner conducive to the child’s achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual development, including his or her cultural and spiritual development’ (Article 23, UNCRC). 15

Since it was adopted by the United Nations in More recently, the UNCRPD Committee devised the November 1989, 195 countries have signed the General Comment on Article 24 of the Convention, UNCRC, with only two countries in the world still the Right to Inclusive Education, to clarify what is to ratify it. All countries that sign up to the UNCRC meant by inclusive education and what the exact are bound by international law to ensure it is obligations of Member States are in providing implemented. persons with disabilities with an education.

The right to inclusive education for children with The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with disabilities has subsequently also been enshrined Disabilities General Comment No. 4 (2016), Article in the United Nations Convention on the Rights 24: Right to Inclusive Education is clear on the of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD, 2006). core features of inclusion and inclusive education The UNCRPD stipulates the right to inclusive systems: education for children, young people and adults with disabilities at all levels ‘without discrimination ‘Inclusion involves access to and progress in high- and on the basis of equal opportunity’ (Article 24). quality formal and informal education without Article 32 recognises the critical role of donors and discrimination. It seeks to enable communities, international co-operation in providing technical systems and structures to combat discrimination, and financial resources to support participation including harmful stereotypes, recognise diversity, and inclusion of people with disabilities in national promote participation and overcome barriers to efforts. According to Article 11, children and adults learning and participation for all by focusing on who are caught up in emergencies, such as conflicts well-being and success of students with disabilities. and natural disasters, also retain these rights: no It requires an in-depth transformation of education contextual conditions can justify a failure to fulfil systems in legislation, policy, and the mechanisms them. for financing, administration, design, delivery and monitoring of education (paragraph 9).’ National commitments to the UNCRPD have been accompanied by domestic legislation and Outlined in the General Comment is a 'whole policy aimed at safeguarding the right to inclusive systems approach’ that involves investing resources education for children with disabilities. In reality, in inclusive education and strengthening the access to education for these children is often in capacity of the education system to reach out 'special' classrooms and segregated settings. to all learners. Teaching methods, approaches, strategies and structures require reform to ensure ‘equitable and participatory’ learning experiences ‘Special classes and special schools without for all (paragraph 11). In addition, it underlines that a view to facilitate inclusion at a later stage support and training for inclusive education will reinforce the stigma and negative beliefs always be necessary and should become part of about people with disabilities – among the systems for managing schools and providing them the perception that they are different professional development for teachers working at and inferior to others, with only the ability all educational levels (paragraph 12b). States parties to learn crafts such as basketry.’ are encouraged to ‘redefine budgetary allocations Activist, South Africa for education, including transferring budgets to develop inclusive education’ (paragraph 39).

The need for ECI is consistently mentioned throughout the General Comment and is recognised as particularly valuable for children at risk of developmental delays. 16 #CostingEquity Introduction

The following factors can also support systemic change: The differences between segregated, integrated and inclusive education •• better data on equity indicators, including children with disabilities The Committee on the Rights of Persons with •• consensus-building with political leadership, as Disabilities’ General Comment on UNCRPD well as grass-roots communities Article 24 (August, 2016) states that: •• parents and civil society groups ‘Exclusion occurs when students are directly or •• stronger planning processes and cross-sectoral indirectly prevented from or denied access to linkages education in any form. •• inclusive leadership •• early childhood intervention Segregation occurs when the education •• inclusive pedagogy, flexible curricula and of students with disabilities is provided assessment in separate environments designed or used to respond to a particular or various •• support for transitions between grades and levels impairments, in isolation from students of schooling without disabilities. •• accessible infrastructure and classrooms •• quality child-centred learning practices and Integration is a process of placing persons individual education plans with disabilities in existing mainstream •• availability of assistive devices, resource rooms or educational institutions, as long as the person centres and itinerant specialist teachers with disabilities can adjust to the standardised •• accessible school transport. requirements of such institutions. (Ainscow and Miles, 2008; WHO, 2011; Howgego et al, 2014; UNICEF/UIS, 2015; Committee on the Rights of Inclusion involves a process of systemic reform Persons with Disabilities, August 2016: paragraph 67). embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in education to overcome barriers with a vision serving to provide all students of the relevant age range with an equitable and participatory learning experience and environment that best corresponds to their requirements and preferences. Placing students with disabilities within mainstream classes without accompanying structural changes to, for example, organisation, curriculum and teaching and learning strategies, does not constitute inclusion. Furthermore, integration does not automatically guarantee the transition from segregation to inclusion.’ 17

Twin-track approaches lead to more supported. Disability-specific programming makes inclusive education systems provision for assistive devices such as wheelchairs A successful disability-inclusive education system is and sign language interpretation to individual likely to take a twin-track approach. This approach users to ensure the full presence, participation calls for system-level changes to attitudes, policies and achievement of children with disabilities in and practices that improve the quality of teaching education. and learning for everyone; and for providing individual level support for specific learners (such Although the pace of change varies across countries as those with disabilities) to ensure access and and regions, there is a discernible trajectory around participation in the improved system. the world in terms of how education systems are responding to children with disabilities and/or Twin-track approaches to inclusive education difficulties in learning (Howgego et al, 2014). The balance system-level change with disability-specific overall goal should always be to include children programming. At the system level, the focus is on with disabilities in all aspects of the education ensuring that educational facilities are accessible system. and that a child-centred education environment is

Figure 1.1: The twin-track model for investment

TRACK 1: Invest in system transformation Invest in changing policies, practices and attitudes at all levels of the education system to achieve education for all/SDG 4. Remove barriers and create enabling conditions to enhance the quality and access to education for all children to achieve positive learning outcomes via disability inclusive teacher education and school improvement plans. DONOR AND DOMESTIC INVESTMENT TY IN E C I LU C S O I V S














TRACK 2: Invest in the specific support needs of children with disabilities Empower individuals as rights holders by providing disability responsive health, rehabilitation and social support services. Offer learning and participation opportunities for individuals via differentiated teaching methods and reasonable accommodations, sign-language and material in accessible formats (i.e. Braille and audio). 18 #CostingEquity Introduction

Achieving sufficient domestic and donor the organisational structures and services of special financing for disability-inclusive education to schools (UNICEF, 2012). support twin-track systemic change poses many challenges. Intersecting disadvantages such as Furthermore, in many low-income contexts the gender, ethnic identity and along with special education system, in addition to being the multiplying effects of these on learners with extremely costly, simply cannot solve the problem disabilities and difficulties in learning mean that of large numbers of out-of-school children with addressing their needs can be a complex task for disabilities. With such small capacities, special governments and public services. For example, a schools can usually only accommodate a few girl with a disability, who is an orphan, and living hundred children, often in urban areas. This can in a rural area experiences multiple layers of violate the right of children with disabilities to disadvantage, all of which need to be tackled with inclusive, free education of good quality within appropriate interventions. This requires targeted mainstream settings and the child’s right to not resources and the co-operation of those working be separated from his or her family (Article 9, CRC, to address other inequities in areas such as rural 1989). development, education for girl children, and the care of children in need of statutory or alternative Evidence from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal care and protection. and the Philippines shows that the returns on investing in education for people with disabilities Government and external financing routinely fails are two to three times higher than that of persons to recognise the existence and importance of these without disabilities (Lamichhane, 2014). Conversely, two tracks, too often ring-fencing small allocations exclusion impacts on national economic growth, for special education and failing to invest in system- generates significant costs and is not economically wide reform. viable (Morgon Banks and Pollack, 2014).

1.4 Inclusive education is The long-term economic impact of cost-effective excluding children from education National economic growth may be limited by the exclusion of children with disabilities, and The over-reliance on a medical model of disability, such exclusion can generate significant costs which focuses on the person’s impairment and (Morgon Banks and Pollack, 2014). what can be done to ‘fix’ the individual or provide specialised support, can lead policymakers to In , Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Lesotho, conclude that including children with disabilities Liberia, Mali, , Senegal and , the in mainstream schools is prohibitively expensive cost of out-of-school children (many of whom (Rieser et al, 2013). have disabilities) was estimated to be ‘greater than the value of an entire year of GDP growth’ In reality, inclusive education is more cost-efficient (Thomas and Burnett, 2013). In Bangladesh, an than special or segregated education, particularly estimated US$1.2 billion annually, or 1.74% of in low-income contexts (UNESCO Bangkok, GDP of income is potentially lost due to lack 2009; Peters, 2003). If good quality education, of schooling and employment of people with featuring well-trained teachers and strong peer disabilities and their caregivers (World Bank, support were in place, as many as 80% to 90% 2008). of learners with disabilities could be educated in mainstream schools with only minor additional Educational exclusion leads to illiteracy, poor support (UNICEF, 2012). Increasingly, countries are health, severely restricted access to labour realising the inefficiency of multiple systems of markets, low-paid employment, malnutrition, administrations and the high costs associated with unsafe living and working conditions, and 19

disengagement with social services and other Moreover, there is evidence that the earlier the protective mechanisms (UNICEF, 2013a; Mont, investment in the child’s life is made, the greater 2007). the return on investment (Heckman and Masterov, 2007). Each additional dollar invested in ECCE brings a return of US$6 to US$17 (Engle et al, 2011). Benefits of early disability-inclusive education Why disability-inclusive At present, few countries offer access to good education quality inclusive ECCE opportunities for poor Creating inclusive education systems will not only children, including those with disabilities, despite address the barriers to education faced by children the overwhelming evidence of its economic and with disabilities and many others who are excluded, life-changing benefits (Education 2030, 2015; but will nurture tolerance in society and improve Shepherd and Bajwa, 2016). the quality of education for all children (Open Society Foundations, 2015). There is strong evidence of large potential economic returns to investing in high-quality Respect and understanding grow when students of early childhood programmes (The Center for High diverse abilities and backgrounds play, socialise and Impact Philanthropy, 2015). ECIs that include learn together. Learners are also taught to respect screening, identification and assessment, help and appreciate diversity, creating a welcoming ensure developmental delays are addressed quickly, environment for all (Open Society Foundations, future health risks are avoided, and life prospects 2015). are significantly increased (UNICEF/University of Wisconsin, 2008; UNICEF, 2012). Education that excludes and segregates on the basis of difference perpetuates discrimination On the other hand, delaying intervention can mean against marginalised groups. When education that a greater number of children and later adults is more inclusive, so are concepts of civic require remedial education, clinical treatment, and participation, employment, and community life other professional interventions. These are more (Open Society Foundations, 2015). costly than promoting healthy child development, nurturing, protective relationships and appropriate Inclusive education has a mediating effect on learning experiences earlier in life (The Center for poverty and can be a powerful way of ensuring that High Impact Philanthropy, 2015; National Scientific children and young people are protected against Council on the Developing Child, 2008). extreme poverty as adults (Filmer, 2008). Education has positive impacts in areas such as health, gender Studies show that participation in high-quality early empowerment, crime, citizenship and population care can help children avoid special education, growth, which in turn have beneficial social and grade repetition, early parenthood and even financial consequences (Hanushek and Wößmann, institutionalisation. These largely avoidable 2007). outcomes incur large costs for government and for society (The Center for High Impact Philanthropy, In addition to securing the full enjoyment of 2015). In Belarus, where a major system of health, rights and freedoms, stronger social networks, medical and education services to strengthen ECI higher income and employment levels and better for children with disabilities was introduced, it job security are likely outcomes for people with was determined that the cost of institutionalising disabilities who have engaged in good quality children with developmental delays and disabilities education (Lamichhane, 2012; Mori and Yamagata, far exceeds the cost of providing preventive, and 2009; Lamichhane and Sawada, 2013; Morgon- supportive child-centred and family-based services Banks and Pollack, 2014). for families with special needs children (UNICEF, 2009). 20 #CostingEquity Introduction

Studies assessing differences in poverty rates India communicated a significant positive impact between people with and without disabilities on how they felt about themselves and how have reported that much (though not all) of this schooling enabled them to foster enriched social gap is reduced with higher levels of education. relationships (Singal and Jeffrey, 2011). In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), for each additional year of schooling the probability Lamichhane (2012) found that access to higher of a household lived in by an adult with disability education influences the likelihood of people belonging to the two poorest quintiles fell by 2% to with disabilities achieving gainful and satisfying 5% (Filmer, 2008). employment. Report findings from studies conducted in Turkey and South Korea found Education exerts a significant influence on wages, that higher education was a good predictor with one study from Nepal estimating returns on of employment success for people with visual education investment for people with disabilities impairments (Lamichhane, 2012). In countries ranging from 19.3% to 25.6% (Lamichhane and such as India, companies are actively recruiting Sawada, 2013). In the Philippines, similar research employees with disabilities to ensure diversity in reported that higher earnings among people the workforce. with disabilities were associated with increased schooling, generating returns of more than 25% Inclusive education can result in increased (Mori and Yamagata, 2009). achievement and performance for all learners in contexts where standards improve as a result of Many of these studies focus only on access to increased or improved teacher education and more education. The development of cognitive skills child-friendly learning spaces (Holdsworth, 2002; is much more powerfully linked to national Mitchell, 2010). Improved academic outcomes economic growth, income distribution and and behaviours for children with disabilities are individual earnings than simple years of schooling therefore more likely in inclusive settings than in (Hanushek and Wößmann, 2007). It is critical for the segregated classrooms, including fewer children implementation of good quality inclusive education dropping out early (Holdsworth, 2002; Acedo et al, to be simultaneous with expanded access to 2011; MacArthur, 2009). education for children with disabilities. Inclusive education has a catalytic role to play in Higher education for young adults with disabilities creating progressive norms and reducing barriers fosters civic and economic participation. Young to learning. Barriers to learning are not limited to people with disabilities often have difficulty poor accommodation and support of learners with accessing upper secondary and technical disabilities in education systems. These barriers also and vocational education and training (TVET) include school cultures where negative attitudes, opportunities. However, as inclusive education discrimination and bullying are rife, old teacher- systems develop and more learners with disabilities centred methodologies do not accommodate enrol in schooling, opportunities to develop the diverse learning styles of all students, and the flexible skills and competencies needed to the effects of poverty in the family on education live and work in the ‘more secure, sustainable, outcomes are not taken into account. Having the interdependent, knowledge-based and technology- right policies and practices in place can reduce driven world’ championed in the Education 2030 large out-of-school populations and provide good Framework for Action are needed. quality education for every child.

In one study, young adults in Zambia who had participated in inclusive learning a decade before reported being more engaged in the community and society due to their education experiences (Serpell and Jere-Folotiya, 2011). Young people in 21

Included at work: Opening doors to ‘Differently-abled employees bring in a employment in India diversity of thought to the organisation, and Education and training does not end with hiring such persons is a business imperative formal schooling. Employers in developing for us, not a CSR activity.’ countries are now offering more career- DP Singh, vice-president of HR (India/South development pathways to people with Asia) at IBM. disabilities and welcoming the diversity this brings to the workforce. This is especially In November 2015, Accenture established evident in India, according to Brinda Dasgupta the India Accessibility Council, comprising in an article in the Economic Times of India, leaders who directly influence and impact published on 20 May 2016. accessibility and accommodation outcomes: ‘The council has identified four work streams – Jubilant Food Works holds exclusive rights physical accessibility, technology accessibility, for the Domino’s Pizza brand in India, Nepal, assistive technology accessibility and Bangladesh and , as well as the rights attitudinal accessibility. These work streams for the international brand Dunkin’ Donuts in have laid out specific milestones which the India. It is India’s largest and fastest growing council will focus on achieving going forward,’ food service company. Jubilant FoodWorks said Parag Pande, managing director of HR, has introduced a programme that will see Accenture (India). differently-abled employees in managerial roles in a year or two. The company also plans Dell, Infosys, SAP Labs India, Shell, Flex and to increase the number of differently-abled EMC India have all implemented programmes workers in their city outlets. to boost the number of persons with disabilities in their workforce, not just through Many other major companies in India are recruitment strategies and skills development, following suit in introducing disability- but more importantly through driving inclusive human resource programmes, attitudinal change. With a greater openness including IBM: to and demand for persons with disabilities in the workforce, the case for inclusive education is strengthened.

Image © CBM Australia 22 #CostingEquity Financing trends

Image © Julia McGeown, Handicap International 2. Financing trends

2.1 Limited financing for Education is often not a priority sector for disability-inclusive education government or donor investment. The result is inadequate facilities, poorly trained teachers and a In recent years, the education sector globally has lack of accessible learning materials, and the most been substantially underfunded and international marginalised children are paying the price. aid to education is declining (Chair’s Statement, Oslo Declaration on Education, 2015; Global Financing challenges in early childhood Education Monitoring Report (GEMR), 2016). Such care and education trends are of particular concern for children with Spending on ECCE and pre-primary education disabilities, given that they are already often last in remains particularly low, receiving just 1.15% line for support. (US$106 million) of total aid to education in 2014 (Theirworld, June 2016). In sub-Saharan Africa, Between 2002 and 2010, aid to education more only 0.3% of education budgets are spent on than doubled in real terms, reaching US$14.2 pre-primary education, despite the proven high billion, but has stagnated since. Total aid to basic public returns (Education Commission, 2016). By education fell in 2013/14, with bilateral donors 2030, the financing gap for achieving pre-primary reducing their aid by 12% (GEMR, May 2016). education in all LMICs will be a staggering US$31.2 Governments are consistently failing to finance billion (Theirworld, June 2016). Even the top their own commitments to education and to bilateral donors to primary education (United States children with disabilities. (US), UK, Norway) do not prioritise pre-primary education (ibid). 23

ECI and ECCE require intense and often complex associated budgets lack the flexibility needed for co-ordination and co-operation between health, more accessible and flexible disability programmes social welfare and education ministries. Without (Saebønes et al, 2015). Although it is urgently clearly allocated ministerial responsibilities linked needed, humanitarian response plans, appeal to budgets and expenditure, financing ECI and mechanisms and needs assessments do not make ECCE is further hindered. By failing to invest in provision for children with disabilities. Budgets cost-effective and successful early interventions, for education programmes in crisis and conflict donors stand to undermine their own investments situations not only need boosting, but also must and fail to reach the most marginalised children reflect the inclusion of learners with disabilities (Theirworld, June 2016). Analysis of funding trends (Sæbønes et al, 2015). in pre-primary education is challenging due to a lack of transparency, erratic reporting or under- The Education Cannot Wait fund, launched at reporting by donors and governments. Only 46% the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, has of countries split their education spending so that attracted initial investment of US$42 million for they can identify allocations by level (Development Yemen, Chad and Syria. It is expected that the major Finance International, 2015b). Further budget contributors (US, UK, Norway and the European disaggregation to track expenditure linked to SDG Union) will continue their track record of supporting targets is often non-existent. disability-inclusive education with this fund.

Limited education-focused humanitarian Data deficiency hampers progress aid for children with disabilities Wide variations across countries and regions in Severe deficiencies in humanitarian aid for the methodologies, instruments and definitions education impact disproportionally on children used to assess the prevalence of disability mean with disabilities and reinforce their experience that obtaining data on numbers of children with of exclusion (Trani et al, 2011). Children with disabilities, including those who are out of school, disabilities often have no access to educational are difficult to obtain. opportunities or protection programmes in times of conflict and emergencies, despite being more Reliable and meaningful data is crucial for vulnerable. Many of these children are at risk or implementing inclusive education. The data on vulnerable due to factors such as the loss of their children with disabilities, demographic markers and caregivers, being unaccompanied or separated environmental barriers such as attitudes, lack of from their family, not having access to assistive and learning materials, skills and infrastructure, would mobility devices, and not being able to escape from be helpful to inform decision-making to improve or recognise danger. They may be at a higher risk of the quality and inclusivity of education settings. physical violence and abuse. Good quality data, disaggregated by age and the type and degree of disability, would make planning Greater numbers of disabilities result from interventions to support children with disabilities conflicts. Higher injury rates from small arms or easier. landmines, inadequate medical care and disruption of preventive health campaigns can all result in The Out-of-School Children Initiative is a long-term disability. For every child who dies in partnership between UNICEF and the UNESCO conflict, three more are estimated to sustain injury Institute for Statistics (UIS) with support from the or acquire a permanent disability as a result (Pearn, GPE. The cornerstone of the Out-of-School Children 2000). Initiative was to collect reliable, consistent data that counts, identifies and profiles the 'invisible' children Education programmes in times of crisis and who are not in school, thereby facilitating the conflict, and the protection they provide, often development of policies, programmes and targeted overlook children with disabilities. This is partly a funding to address the factors leading to exclusion. result of data and registration challenges, while 24 #CostingEquity Financing trends

The initiative demonstrated that without the right UNICEF recently released an inclusive education assessment tools and approaches and the collection management information systems (EMIS) guide of disaggregated data, planning and funding of which was piloted in Tanzania (UNICEF Programme services and resources was difficult (Graham, 2014). Education Division, 2016). Inclusive EMIS will help Without data, governments are unable to justify obtain data on disability disaggregated data on increased expenditure on children with disabilities standard education outcome measures, namely who experience a ‘continuum of disadvantage’ as a school drop-out, retention and completion rates, result (Croft, 2013; Lei and Myers, 2011). as well as how many pupils transition between education levels. UNICEF’s under-5 data is collected through MICS from over 100 countries. MICS will continue to be Although reliable data is not always available, a major data source during the 2030 Sustainable the barriers faced by learners with disabilities are Development Agenda to measure SDG indicators obvious and well recognised. There is little doubt (MICS, 2014, UNICEF, 2016). that a child with poor vision would have difficulty reading from a board or book, for example. In collaboration with the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, a UN body mandated with Poor data for children with disabilities should no strengthening international co-operation on longer suffice as an excuse for slow and inadequate disability data, UNICEF has developed the Child action. Current data on children in conflict and Functioning Module. The Child Functioning Module protracted crisis is not particularly rigorous, but helps produce comparable data and can be used no one would step back and take no action until as part of national population surveys or any other reliable data is available. The same should hold for relevant surveys. The tool defines disability as the disability. difficulty undertaking basic activities.

Image © Ulrich Eigner, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 25

Image © Mission East 3. International donor support

3.1 Overview 3.2 Donor review

Several bilateral and multilateral donor agencies The realisation of inclusive education for children have prioritised disability and inclusive education with disabilities in LMICs is largely contingent on in the last two to three years, with new initiatives to ODA or overseas aid. For this reason, part of this bring disability to the foreground. Individual and research included a survey of the nine leading joint efforts are on the rise with the new emphasis bilateral or multilateral donors to education’s on equity and disability contained in the SDGs. contribution towards disability-inclusive But so far, there are limited signs of the scale and education. The organisations included DFAT scope needed to end the exclusion of the estimated (Australia), DFID (UK), (EU), 93 million girls and boys with moderate or severe , GPE, NORAD (Norway), UNICEF, USAID disabilities worldwide who need equal, quality, (US), and World Bank. The following approach was inclusive education. taken when conducting the research:

To effectively promote disability-responsive Selection of donors inclusive education, donor agencies must not only Donors were selected on the basis of providing provide sufficient aid to deliver a quality basic significant aid to basic education, either in absolute education system, but must target resources at terms or in relation to national GDP. children with disabilities. Donors should be able Donor interviews to identify and track these resources. Donors also Representatives of nine leading bilateral and need to support effective and equitable national multilateral education donors were surveyed to financing systems for education, as well as systems gain their views on the efforts their agencies are for targeting national resources towards the most making towards disability-inclusive education. marginalised groups. 26 #CostingEquity International donor support

Document review •• Requirements and encouragement for partners Strategies, monitoring frameworks and annual to promote disability-inclusion. reports, as well as reports submitted against the •• Internal advocacy and capacity building to UNCRPD’s Article 32 on international co-operation encourage staff to focus on disability. were reviewed to gauge the level of support and •• Use of disability indicators and disability- contribution towards disability-inclusive education. disaggregated data to inform programming. The documents reviewed were for the period 2005 •• Reported education programming activities to mid-2016. focusing on disability.

Analysis The findings of the donor survey are presented in Donor agencies were reviewed against the Table 3.1 below. following criteria, indicating the extent to which they were promoting disability and inclusive education: •• Funds allocated against inclusive education. •• Priority of inclusive education and disability in donor strategy documents.

Table 3.1: Major institutional donors ranked by efforts in inclusive education promotion and education aid volume, based on findings from a 2016 survey and review

a) Donors Funds Priority of Partners Advocacy Disability Education b) Donors ranked by allocated disability asked to and capacity indicators/ activities ranked by disability- against and inclusive promote building for data focus on volume of inclusive inclusive education in disability staff disability aid to basic education as education strategy inclusion education, priority 2014 (UNESCO, 2016) DFID (UK) £ £ £ £ £ £ USAID (USA) UNICEF £ £ £ £ £ £ DFID (UK) DFAT £ £ £ £ £ £ World Bank* (Australia) Finland £ £ £ £ £ GPE* NORAD £ £ £ EU (Norway) GPE £ £ £ £ £ £ JICA (Japan) World Bank £ £ £ £ Germany DFAT EU £ £ £ £ (Australia) NORAD USAID (USA) £ (Norway) CIDA (Canada) £ £ France France £ CIDA (Canada) Germany £ Netherlands


Netherlands Finland


* multilateral allocations overlap with bilateral agency aid 27

3.3 Strategic emphasis Evidence supporting commitment to disability and inclusive education as a priority The review found signs of emerging commitment The European Union and European Commission to disability-inclusive education across most key The EU has shown commitment to disability and agencies. Several of the largest agencies reported inclusive education in its thematic priorities and significantly stronger priority for disability and has put conditions in place requiring partners inclusive education on a strategic level in the past to integrate disability inclusion into their work one to two years, perhaps reflecting the increased (EuropeAid, 2014). However, beyond this choice focus on equity in the run-up to agreeing on the of thematic priorities, there was no evidence that SDGs. EuropeAid or other EU aid bodies were promoting disability-inclusive education as a priority focus. Disability and inclusive education The IDDC has proposed that the 2017 mid-term prioritised evaluation of European Commission (EC) aid DFID, UNICEF and GPE instruments address this evidence gap by focusing DFID, the UK’s aid agency, UNICEF and GPE on disability and inclusive education (IDDC, 2016). are encouraging country teams and partners to prioritise disability-inclusive education in their Germany and France strategic plans for donor investment. DFID has In reports against the UNCRPD, Germany and made significant institutional changes towards France have stated an interest in increasing their promoting disability and inclusive education in its aid efforts in disability and inclusive education and work, as has UNICEF. have commissioned research into ways in which their agencies could contribute. However, so far, no Australia major changes towards improving implementation DFAT, Australia’s aid agency, has prioritised disability strategies or fund allocations have been reported. and inclusive education since the mid-1990s, but has articulated this commitment much more clearly United States in strategies and activity reporting from 2014. USAID, the US aid agency, has over the years DFAT has a comprehensive and specific disability indicated an interest in disability from a social strategy for 2015 to 2020 and is pursuing a range inclusion perspective, with significant human of collaborations to promote disability-inclusive rights programming and requirements on partners education. to prioritise inclusion. The USAID Disability Policy has been in existence since 1997, but the Finland operationalisation of the policy has varied over the Finland has demonstrated a strong commitment years. Much of this variation has depended on the to disability-inclusive education in its priorities support and advocacy of senior-level staff. and partnerships (Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2016). This emphasis has been reflected A 2015 review of disability inclusion in USAID in engagement at country level, particularly solicitations showed that the education sector in Ethiopia, where Finland is supporting faired the best among other sectors in its resource centre development and the design uptake of disability as a cross-cutting theme, and implementation of innovative financing with 43% of all solicitations requiring disability mechanisms to support learners with disabilities. inclusion (Sabella, 2015). Only projects where the solicitation contained substantial, specific language on disability and required inclusion of persons with disabilities in all components of the project were regarded as disability-inclusive. 28 #CostingEquity International donor support

Building on USAID policy on disability from Handicap International is currently developing 1997, a directive was issued mandating that any inclusive education programmes in 49 schools in construction funded by USAID should comply with Ethiopia, funded by USAID. The project improves the accessibility standards of the Americans with the planning and implementation of quality, Disabilities Act. Consequently, efforts are underway disability-inclusive education services. Through to enhance the capacity of educational staff the project, learning environments that facilitate through training, online exchange platforms and an inclusive education are being created. At the e-learning module on disability. same time, the organisational capacity of DPOs is being expanded. The profile of reading in The Global Campaign for Education report (GCE schools for children with and without disabilities US, 2015) on disability-responsiveness in education is also being raised. programmes also prompted increased efforts towards ensuring disability-inclusive education is Handicap International is also collaborating taken up by programme teams. with Save the Children in Ethiopia to share data about school enrolment of children with The GCE review of USAID education programming disabilities, how to assess disabilities and needs, found that there has been some progress in recent how to develop reading corners with accessible years, but not to a degree which indicates that materials, and how to train teachers on disability-inclusive education is a strategic priority: assessment tools for children with disabilities.

‘Some USAID projects now address inclusive The improved knowledge and capacity from education, with components that promote this collaboration is being mainstreamed into public awareness about disability, train teachers Save the Children’s USAID-funded work in for inclusive education, develop inclusion pilot 2,400 schools across Ethiopia. This includes programmes, and assist in the development of providing additional reading material, training government policy. However, USAID does not teachers and developing community outreach require the inclusion of children with disabilities programmes to promote reading among nor the inclusion of training for teachers to ensure parents. Disability and inclusive education is not quality learning in new education projects. Further, prioritised inclusion of persons with disabilities is rarely part of the application selection criteria in RFPs (Requests for Proposals) and RFAs (Requests for Applications).' Disability and inclusive education not pri- (GCE US, 2015: 4) oritised Japan, Canada and the Netherlands There is still little evidence of published data on Japan and Canada offered no indications that persons with disabilities and funds specifically disability-inclusive education is a strategic priority allocated to disability and inclusive education in their international aid programmes, although in USAID programmes. However, this picture is the Canadian International Development changing with the appointment of an inclusive Agency (CIDA) has funded several disability- education specialist, and NGO representatives have inclusive education projects such as teacher recently reported increased RFAs and collaborations training in inclusive education approaches.1 Neither with USAID on inclusive education. education nor disability is currently a priority for the Netherlands in providing international aid.

Ethiopia: USAID funding support for inclusive education 1. w05.international.gc.ca/projectbrowser-banqueprojets/?lang=eng. (Accessed December, 2016). Although USAID is in favour of inclusion, there has been little evidence of the prioritisation of disability-inclusive education strategies in its programmes. This may be changing. 29

3.4 Insufficient and untargeted specified, although UNICEF was able to provide aid more specific supporting details. DFID has instituted reviews of its previous work to The global financial crisis in 2008 resulted in falling ascertain how much bilateral funding was targeted aid receipts from bilateral donors and a shift at disability. While findings were negative at only away from basic education. Unless this changes 5% (DFID, 2015), the decision to report on this substantially in the near future, donors will not data enabled a baseline against which to monitor be able to support the conditions of quality basic progress. The funding data will be updated at the education needed for inclusion to become a reality. midpoint of the next five-year period of DFID’s Disability Framework (2016–2020). Despite multilateral donors increasing their aid to education by 10% in 2014, total aid to basic Of the smaller institutional donors, Norwegian education fell by 12%, or US$255 million, between aid allocations showed the strongest interest 2013 and 2014. France, Japan, the Netherlands in inclusive education and disability (NORAD, and Spain each reduced aid to basic education by 2016). NORAD does not provide official data on at least 40%. This means that donors were simply allocations to disability-inclusive education, but reallocating the same budget size. analysis conducted on its publicly available data found that 29% of Norway’s basic education aid in The Netherlands has completely stopped funding 2015 went to projects which specifically referenced to basic education and no longer contributes to inclusive education (NORAD, 2016). Project the GPE. In addition, the UK reduced aid to basic descriptions suggested that most had a focus on education by 21% from 2013 to 2014, ending disability-inclusive approaches. In percentage its status as the largest bilateral donor to basic terms, this was the largest identifiable allocation to education (all data UNESCO, 2016). This may have inclusive education found. had a substantial impact on inclusive education, given the UK’s long-standing focus on equity in 'In 2015, 29% of Norway’s basic education education. aid budget was directed to inclusive education.’ Most large donors allocate funds to basic education (NORAD, 2016) programmes in developing countries (including pre-primary education) without earmarking specific Internal capacity-building to support amounts for inclusive approaches. inclusive education projects Expecting employees working at donor agencies Investment allocated to inclusive education to promote mainstreaming of disability within Seven out of the fourteen donor agencies surveyed the organisation, in addition to their existing showed signs of increasing their investment in programme commitments, places a high demand disability-inclusive education. However, none were on them. All staff interviewed stated that they found to be making a clear offer to invest across generally worked in small teams promoting the spectrum of efforts needed to deliver disability- disability and inclusion, although they also inclusive education in terms of ensuring provision described detailed work advising and collaborating across disability groups, levels of education and with much larger teams. These units have limited intervention areas (literacy, science and teacher funds and staff capacity. education). DFID respondents stated that disability inclusion Five donors reported an emphasis on financing, had been a priority at ministerial level in the UK, data and capacity development systems to support which is vital for driving disability commitments. people with disabilities. The World Bank and Sustainable political support for the issue has UNICEF reported the most activity across all areas ensured that disability is now seen as a mainstream 30 #CostingEquity International donor support

part of development work in the UK. Reflecting The surveys indicated significant efforts from the this, DFID is being held to account by Parliament in World Bank to foreground inclusive education, but the UK on its equity work in education: a ‘Leave No fewer organisational structures appeared to be in One Behind’ review is currently seeking examples place to guarantee accountability for delivery to of strengths and weaknesses in reaching excluded disabled populations. The new Environmental and groups and places, including children with Social Framework (ESF), which refers to persons disabilities.2 with disabilities, requires borrowing governments to address certain social and environmental risks DFID’s disability framework asks staff and partners and practise non-discrimination as a prerequisite to to take a disability-friendly approach to value for receiving World Bank funds for investment projects money considerations. This means, for example, (World Bank, 2016). This is a positive step forward. that costs for making school buildings accessible will need to be built in from the start, rather Inclusive education is stated as a strategic priority than as an afterthought. Reach and equity of for the GPE, but over the last strategic period from outcomes must be considered as more important 2012 to 2015, staff time has only been allocated to than absolute cost (DFID, 2015a). On the other inclusive education and disability on a part-time hand, equity is not referenced in DFID’s overall and largely voluntary basis. Equity, gender equality departmental plan, which may weaken this impetus and inclusion have been part of one expert’s role, (DFID, 2016b). Nevertheless, a recent programme with no identified lead on disability. However, GPE review is indicating that DFID country teams are increased its emphasis on inclusive education prioritising investments in areas like accessible in 2016, mainly through supporting increased school infrastructure (ESSPIN, 2017). knowledge production with the help of additional staff. A fellow from JPKJ foundation seconded to UNICEF reported that the framework of the GPE in the same year. UNCRPD is driving its focus on disability and that it has engaged with the SDGs as the key The GPE planning process to develop the GPE mechanism to unite and drive international Strategic Plan (2016–2020) included consultation efforts on inclusion. Although UNICEF encourages and a greater focus on the areas of gender equality, emphasis on disability and inclusion on a global health, early childhood development (ECD) and and regional level, the decision to prioritise inclusive education. Indicator 16c specifically disability in education work on the ground lies with measures the proportions of Education Sector Plans the UNICEF country office. This means the extent of (ESPs) or Transitional Education Sector Plans (TESPs) developments and support for inclusive education with a strategy to respond to marginalised groups varies from place to place. One hundred out of 190 that meets quality standards (including gender, UNICEF country offices were reported to be working disability and other context-relevant dimensions). on disability, most of which are recognised to be The GPE strategic planning process (2016–2020) promoting inclusive education. However, despite presents a greater focus on the areas of gender, the high prevalence of children with disabilities health and EC. The Oslo Summit working group who are out of school, inclusive education is not membership that prepared the background paper always prioritised on a country level. on disability-inclusive education was an important engagement for GPE that spurred on more work in Both DFID and UNICEF reported engaging with the the area. The Secretariat has been able to put more GPE as a key way to promote delivery of inclusive emphasis on inclusive education going forward, education. Respondents from both agencies including in GPE 2020, reviewing partner and mentioned building capacity on disability, gender stakeholder engagement, among other initiatives. and equity within the GPE through secondments and dialogue. The extent to which the GPE has boosted its capacity to deliver on inclusive education

2. www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/international-development-committee/news-parliament-20151/ launch-tor-dfids-work-on-education-16-17/ 31

engagement over the new strategic plan period, and boys have access to quality early childhood given the small team working on these issues at development, care and pre-primary education. Secretariat level, is still uncertain. Few examples are available of co-operation on The GPE Secretariat carries out desk reviews of inclusion and equity issues between multilateral ESPs to gauge the prioritisation and monitoring of agencies at programme level, however in countries inclusive education for children with disabilities. where it is taking place, progress is encouraging. This Quality Assurance (QA) review process for Education Sector Plans provides upstream feedback on ESPs prior to their finalisation based on seven 3.5 Information and data quality standards. These standards include: ESP having an overall vision, strategy, being holistic, evidence based, achievable, sensitive to context Until the last two or three years, there have been no and pays attention to disparities. Under these comprehensive efforts to track disability-inclusive standards, thematic areas like equity are reviewed education by any donor. However, all donor agencies for the marginalised groups based on evidence, reviewed could demonstrate examples of disability- relevance, monitorability of strategy proposed for inclusive education projects and programmes, addressing the marginalised groups. except for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Netherlands. With support These reviews need to be sufficiently in-depth from DFID, DFAT and UNICEF, it appears that to generate practical strategies to strengthen more comprehensive data on impact and needs inclusion, rather than being mere paper feedback in disability-inclusive education can be generated, exercises. It is not clear at present how proactive particularly if other agencies start to engage. GPE experts and supporting governments are able to be in encouraging inclusion improvements to Both DFID and UNICEF have recently instituted sector plans. However, the upcoming Education global reporting against disability indicators to Sector Analysis Guidelines Volume 3 chapter on describe and monitor their education work. UNICEF’s inclusive education will provide local education indicators have not yet been made widely available. groups with the guidance they need to develop inclusive education sector plans. Furthermore, the DFID has issued a guide to disability-disaggregated education sector plan appraisal guidelines evaluate reporting against its indicators (DFID, 2016a) and the credibility of the ESP basis criteria such as will be asking all partners to use the Washington being responsive towards key challenges identified Group Short Set of Questions3 to generate data on in terms of plan, programmes, strategies and which beneficiaries are affected by disability. Further monitoring and evaluation framework. guidance and supervision is likely to be needed to ensure that this approach is adopted widely Building capacity through multilateral among DFID partners and contractors and used agency co-operation in conjunction with EMIS, household surveys and Co-ordination on inclusion and equity issues national and regional data systems. between multilateral agencies has been developing well at headquarters and international levels. DFID is also advocating for the SDG framework to use disability indicators more aggressively. The World Bank and UNICEF recently established the Alliance to Advance Early Childhood ‘It is vital that either a disability-specific Development. This initiative is expected to indicator or the disaggregation by disability contribute to progress on SDG targets on inclusive for relevant indicators is included under and equitable quality education, poverty reduction, each of the targets in the SDGs that health, nutrition, gender equality and ending specifically mention disability.’ violence, through helping to ensure that all girls (DFID, 2015)

3. A set of questions to be included in household surveys and censuses to determine how people’s participation in society is affected by disability. 32 #CostingEquity International donor support

GPE partner countries receive 70% of their The DFAT overall accountability framework makes allocation based on credible education sector strong mention of disability, but does not set any plans, a commitment to strengthen their education targets or indicators for assessing its impact or system using the data collected and increasing targeting around disability (DFAT, 2015). DFAT’s domestic spending on education to a minimum education strategy only refers to information of 20% of the national budget. The remaining 30% collection on disability through thematic allocation is contingent on the partner country’s reviews, although it recommends that education ability to show significant progress in the areas programmes disaggregate data by disability. of equity, efficiency and learning outcomes (GPE, September 2015). However, the most recent DFAT disability framework (2015–2020) introduces the imperative The GPE is considering offering disability inclusion of generating disability-disaggregated data indicators to countries for this area of work. Experts using international frameworks and DFAT will be reported being keen to link up with specialist producing further guidance on this (DFAT, 2015). agencies that have many years of experience in DFAT has commenced two new partnerships with GPE country contexts to make this as relevant the UN Statistical Division and the Washington as possible for GPE partner countries. The GPE Group on Disability Statistics to strengthen is investing in several knowledge products on disability data collection and analysis globally. The inclusive education during 2016/17 that would World Bank is also keen to promote the use of embed inclusive education for children with the Washington Group Short Set of Questions. disabilities in education systems at country level: The World Bank’s current monitoring guidance on equity promotes the UNICEF MICS framework on •• A stocktake of inclusive education and disability inclusion (World Bank, 2016), and further disability work in all GPE grants and country efforts will be made to collect evidence on what education sector plans. This will include interventions are most effective. financing information already provided in GPE programmes and sector plans. Disability indicators are currently used in some •• Guidance designed to support countries in World Bank education programmes, but the integrating inclusion and disability issues adoption of these indicators has not been universal. in sector planning processes, including collaboration with health ministries . •• Benchmarking of GPE countries on inclusion World Bank ECD diagnostic tool for using a framework adapted by UNICEF as part of monitoring policies and programmes the stocktake work. The World Bank Systems Approach for •• Guidelines for inclusive education as a chapter Better Education Results (SABER) ECD tool in Volume 3 of Methodological Guidelines is a diagnostic tool that analyses existing on Education Sector Analysis for countries, ECD policies and programmes and helps to developed in collaboration with UNICEF, UNESCO identify gaps that will inform ECD strategies IIEP and the World Bank. However, previous GPE to promote development for all children. The plans to generate tools on disability and inclusion tool provides an example that can be explored as set out in the 2012 to 2015 strategic plan are to generate disability-specific data (World not visible on their website. Bank, 2016). 33

Image © LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 34 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

Image © LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 4. Domestic financing

4.1 Overview education in low- and lower middle-income countries is projected to increase from US$149 billion in 2012 to, on average, US$340 billion Domestic resources will continue to be the most between 2015 and 2030. The total cost is expected important source of financing for education. The to triple in low-income countries (UNESCO, July lack of domestic financing is one of the most 2015). Larger numbers of students and expenditure significant barriers that needs to be addressed to designed to address marginalisation and improve ensure that no child with a disability is left behind. quality are reflected in the projected increases.

At present, it is estimated that domestic resources It is critical that governments do more to ensure for education will fall short of the levels required that their own national priorities and commitments, to meet SDG4 with an average financing gap reflected in the UNCRPD and domestic legislation, anticipated at US$39 billion between 2015 and are adequately resourced. 2030. The shortfall will be particularly acute in low- income countries (UNESCO, July 2015). The Education 2030 Framework for Action recognises that there is significant diversity and One recent estimate from UNESCO indicates capacity across national contexts. However, the that a 40% rise in per-pupil costs will be needed Framework for Action does set out international for interventions to address disadvantage and national benchmarks on education comprehensively (UNESCO, July 2015). In low- spending targets. When considering reasonable income countries, this would translate into a cost accommodations for learners with disabilities such increase per pupil from US$70 to US$197 by 2030. as adapted infrastructure and learning materials, The annual cost of achieving 12 years of quality as well as confounding circumstances that increase 35 inequities and disadvantages in low-income 4.2 Education budgets exclude countries, the benchmark should be set at the children with disabilities upper end of the range.

Despite progressive domestic legislation and Education 2030 spending targets evidence on the benefits of inclusive education, Governments are encouraged to allocate at very few governments currently commit enough least: resources to ensure disability-inclusive education. •• 6% GDP to education (the range is 4–6%) and/or Education sector plans do not ensure •• 20% of public expenditure to education (the adequate funds to implement them range being 15–20%). The inclusion of disability or special needs education in a country’s education sector plan (Education 2030, 2015 is a good predictor of budgetary allocations. Unfortunately, the presence of an inclusive education plan, policy or strategy, is not a Within those benchmarks, support for the most guarantee of adequate funding. marginalised groups must be prioritised through good quality, inclusive, equitable and free India, which arguably has some of the most education at all levels. Least developed countries progressive policies and programmes among LMICs need to reach and/or exceed these benchmarks for addressing the educational needs of children if they are to achieve the SDG4 and associated with disabilities, is being let down by the disconnect targets. The GCE pointed out that increasing between policy aspirations and budgetary financing for education involves: allocations. •• raising national budget shares •• expanding the overall available budget for education India: A disconnect between policy and budget allocations •• increasing the sensitivity of the budget to equity In 2009 and 2010, India launched the indicators, and Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary •• enhancing scrutiny (GCE, 2016). Education Scheme (IEDSS). The scheme focuses on children with disabilities studying This section of the report examines the challenges in government and government-aided that governments are confronted with when schools from classes IX to XII (ages 14 to providing domestic financing for disability-inclusive 18). The Central Government fully funds the education, among which is the lack of funding scheme, which provides students with aids and good quality disaggregated data. Innovative and appliances, reader allowances, uniform financing approaches are also discussed and and transport allowances, among others, to examples of initiatives from LMICs are included. It support them. Provision is also made for a also examines issues of accountability, governance school-oriented component. This includes and transparency in providing for disability- recurring and non-recurring expenditures inclusive education. such as ramps, resource rooms, staff salaries and additional teaching allowances.

However, when the funding costs attached to many of the Scheme’s aims are analysed, it is clear that if States strictly followed the norms of the IEDSS, they would incur an additional recurring expenditure of nearly £11 million 36 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

every year. This is equal to nearly half of the education (Human Rights Watch, 2015). total planned expenditure of the Central Government on secondary education in India. Independent analysis of provincial budgets in South Africa for the period 2014 to 2015 Not only is there a clear funding gap, but there shows that a maximum of just 3% of spending is also a significant human resources gap. For went to students with disabilities. Within example, the scheme provides for one special that, special schools absorbed most of the educator for every five children with special allocated resources (Human Rights Watch, needs and/or disabilities at the block level. 2015). To meet this level of provisioning, a total of over 35,000 special educators are needed. Five out of nine provinces did not allocate The current numbers are around 25,000, any resources at all to expanding inclusive and of these many do not have the required education in 2014 and four provinces had government accreditation. This is a significant never allocated any budget to inclusion, gap. resulting in serious backlogs in the implementation of inclusive education policy (Researchers: Nidhi Singal and Anuradha De, in South Africa (Human Rights Watch, 2015). 2016)

A similar disconnect between policy and budget Less than half of LMIC education budgets allocations is particularly evident in South Africa. target disability South Africa’s White Paper 6 on Inclusive Education Development Finance International (2016) found (2001) was a highly praised plan for developing that only 31 out of 76 LMICs have specific budget an inclusive education system, but its poor allocations for children with disabilities or for special implementation and progress has been blamed education.4 on slow and inadequate financing (Wildeman and Nomdo, 2007; Human Rights Watch, 2015). These countries tend to be those that have made specific provision for disability inclusion and/ or special education in education sector plans South Africa: Budget allocated for (Development Finance International, 2016), but even students with disabilities not channelled these budget lines do not clearly indicate whether into inclusive education finances are for special or inclusive education. In 2015, Human Rights Watch reviewed progress on the implementation of South A World Bank evaluation reported that only 1% of Africa’s White Paper 6 on inclusive education. spending on the Education for All (EFA) policy in India The findings were alarming. was earmarked for inclusive education for children with disabilities (GCE, 2014: 21). Other countries Allocations for children with disabilities in fare no better. In Ethiopia, where 94% of children special schools far exceed that for children with disabilities remain out of school, research for with disabilities in mainstream schools in this report has shown that under the education South Africa, in direct contradiction to the sector plan for the period 2010–2015, 0.2% of the intentions set out in the country’s own entire education budget was allocated to inclusive Education White Paper 6. A recent report education for disabled learners. No specific allocation showed that in the academic year 2014–15, has been made for disability under the latest plan the budget for special schools was 12 for 2015–2020, as disability is included under the times higher than the budget for inclusive strategies for every level of education (Government

4. These countries are: Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Colombia, El Salvador, Fiji, Ghana, Honduras, India, Kosovo, Liberia, Malawi, , Nepal, Nicaragua, , Peru, , São Tomé and Príncipe, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Ugan- da, Zambia and Zimbabwe (Development Finance International, 2016). 37

of Ethiopia 2010; Government of Ethiopia, 2015b). Education Resource Centres (SERCs) and are not available at all to those studying in Where governments have not made budgetary mainstream schools (Kett et al, 2016). provision for inclusive education, children with disabilities continue to be marginalised. In Peru, the 2010 National Budget had no figures for inclusive education activities and only 0.05% of the total Poor disaggregation of data hampers Ministry of Education budget was allocated to special planning, funding and implementation schools. This could mean that 87% of Peru’s children Very few countries identify and track what they and adolescents with disabilities are excluded from are targeting with public spending – by sector, education. A recent gap analysis in Bhutan found location or beneficiary. Only 46% of countries split that the only disability-specific budget available to education spending by level to make it possible to support learners with disabilities was 0.4% of the identify allocations to, for example, ECCE, primary, basic education budget (UNICEF ROSA, 2014b). secondary or tertiary levels (Development Finance International, 2015b). Civil society groups have pointed out that this lack of investment in the education of children with The disaggregation needed to track expenditure disabilities serves as a very real example of their linked to SDG targets is often non-existent. Global exclusion from the educational system (CONFENADIP, Spending Watch (GSW) assessed 45 LMICs in 2014. 2011). This does not mean that there is no funding They found that very few were ready for the SDGs supporting disability-inclusive education, but it is not in terms of tracking targets with reliable data and specifically identified in budgets, making it difficult indicators: to ascertain what resources are available. •• 13 countries track pre-primary or ECD •• 9 countries track special education •• 15 countries track TVET : Funding of inclusive education for children with disabilities •• 7 countries track adult education and literacy. In Papua New Guinea, the educational (Development Finance International, 2015b) approaches for children with disabilities were analysed to determine the extent to which The availability of data and indicators is crucial to their right to education is being upheld. A developing disability-inclusive education sector team from the Leonard Cheshire Disability plans with adequate funding for their successful and Development Centre, in collaboration implementation. All countries need to strengthen with the Department of Education, University their reporting on education spending, specifically of Goroka, have undertaken the DFAT-funded disaggregated by beneficiaries and by educational research, which began in 2013 and is being level (Development Finance International, 2016). carried out over four years.

The research has found that while government supports improved access to inclusive education through its policies, and indeed is a signatory to the UNCRPD and the UNCRC, several challenges remain. One of these challenges has been a significant lack of investment in inclusive education. Funds to support children with disabilities are mainly channelled through NGO-managed Special 38 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

Inadequate data and failure to standardise India: Under-reporting of disability due to disability classifications have also held back poor data collection impacts allocation of public spending on disability-inclusive resources for inclusive education education in Mongolia, despite political will Reliable data on children with disabilities is and available resources. important to ensure that adequate provision is made for appropriate interventions that reach those who need them.

Despite the existence of progressive disability- Mongolia: Lack of clarity on disability inclusive policies and budget allocations, classification inhibits allocation of many children with disabilities are falling available resources through the cracks due to under-reporting. Mongolia has made great strides in They are simply not being counted. It is developing legislation and policy that estimated that India has 17.8 million out-of- recognise the needs of people with disabilities school children, of whom 38% are thought to since the end of the Soviet era of invisibility. have disabilities (UNESCO UIS, 2014). This includes the introduction of the Social Security Law for People with Disabilities However, government data shows that (February 2016), ratification of the UNCRPD children with disabilities represent only 1.15% and the establishment of the Department of total enrolment in schools (DISE, 2015). The for Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry low percentage is attributed to the fact that of Population Development and Social unrecognised low-fee private schools are not Protection in 2012. included in these surveys. However, an official classification system for India’s 2011 census put the percentage of disabilities is completely lacking and there people with disabilities in India at 2.2%, is still strong social stigma around disability, significantly lower than the 15% average especially in rural areas. Development and benchmark of the World Health Organisation implementation of a general methodology to (WHO, 2011). Social stigma, lack of clarity detect and diagnose disability on a national around definitions, translation challenges, level is one of the pressing issues if the enumerators untrained in asking sensitive implementation of policies and legislation questions and poor diagnostic services in rural is to be effective (Government of Mongolia, areas are all thought to have contributed to 2011). under-reporting (DEOC, 2010; Singal, 2016). The newly formed Cabinet will be responsible Increasing the scope of existing surveys for making sure that new legislation is such as the District Information System for implemented and that the necessary Education (DISE) in order to obtain more regulations and procedural guides are reliable national data, measuring qualitative developed and strengthened. indicators to assess impact such as learning outcomes for children with disabilities in mainstream schools, as well as tracking outcomes from specific interventions, could create a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing learners with disabilities in India and unlock access to programmes that will reach them. 39

4.3 Costing equity in disability- The new country-wide, school-based inclusive education management committee training and development model is supported by Federal and State government, the GPE, the Girls’ To achieve disability-inclusive education, there Education Programme and the Northern must be substantial additional investment in Education Initiative, and communities are systemic reforms through a twin-track approach. increasingly mobilising to bring more children Experience from countries across the economic with disabilities into primary school (ESSPIN, spectrum provides a range of financing approaches, 2017). structures and models, including some low-cost or cost-neutral approaches. Such options need to be To improve access and opportunities better understood by governments, donors and the for children with disabilities, financing wider education community. There is also a clear interventions need to provide concerted role for private and institutional donors to support support for the implementation of the new the development of a stronger evidence base to policy. State capacity to use disability data facilitate progress. and develop needs-based budgets that take upscaling and upgrading teacher skills, In some countries, while resources may be scarce, creating accessible settings and funding financing is not the primary issue. One study in equipment and materials into account Bhutan and the Maldives found that political will must be built. Cross-sector efforts between was a barrier, as was understanding at a technical government departments and between level what investment was required (UNICEF ROSA, government and donors to strengthen early 2014b). Often it is not just the level of resource childhood health and child development that is at stake, but how funds are distributed and services require support. allocated.

Special needs education directorates within Concerted civil society action will be needed to Ministries of Education are often allocated the funds motivate government to strengthen targeted for ‘inclusive education’, which are then channelled funding structures and prioritise capacity upgrades to special schools rather than into strengthening (Eleweke, 2013). inclusion across the mainstream education system. Budgets for implementing inclusive education Innovative financing models should be across departments, with the special or Various financing models for supporting inclusive education directorate providing technical disability-inclusive education already exist across support and carrying out internal advocacy to bring developing countries, such as well-targeted school all departments on board. improvement grants, reasonable accommodation funds and cash transfers.

Nigeria: Financing and increased capacity The Education Commission endorses the concept needed to support newly adopted of progressive universalism as a guiding principle to inclusive education policy inform spending decisions, recognising the scarcity A new federal inclusive education policy is of public funding. The Commission recommends being drafted for approval and institution that, when balancing spending across different across Nigeria by 2017, but firm action will be levels of education and population groups, needed to ensure effective implementation. decision-makers should prioritise the poor and the Currently each state has its own education early years where social returns are highest, and sector plan with widely varying levels of minimise household spending on basic education quality and few specific mentions of disability, by the poor (Education Commission, 2016). potentially complicating the national roll-out. 40 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

School improvement grants learning outcomes for pupils. Parents and Some governments have used funding formulas community members are expected to take an to ensure public resources such as school active role in school decision-making, grant improvement grants benefit children with implementation and performance monitoring. disabilities. There is debate around how much additional financing is reasonable and necessary Local flexibility was provided for regions to to provide and which resources should flow decide how to allocate the additional funds for to children with disabilities via the health and special needs education. Some regions opted education sectors. Clearly defining funding to share the grant across all mainstream schools items for supporting learners with disabilities is accommodating children with disabilities; while a necessity for inclusive education to succeed other regions opted to target the response (UNICEF ROSA, 2014b). by focusing on equipping selected schools as resource centres for inclusive education or for School improvement grants provide a vehicle for screening children and purchasing assistive governments to target disadvantaged regions and devices. groups and ensure that costs are not passed on to children and families. Such initiatives must be well Data collected during review missions confirmed targeted to ensure eligible learners are adequately that the school grant for special needs has been identified and supported. Learning from the Basic used in various innovative ways. Feedback also Education Access Module (BEAM) in Zimbabwe indicated a request to increase the allocation to suggested that the initiative did not address the enable more substantive support for inclusive high direct and indirect costs of schooling for education in mainstream settings. Owing to children with disabilities, who were found to be positive indications of the special needs school least likely among marginalised groups to benefit grant utilisation and feedback collected during (Deluca et al, 2014). Eligibility criteria involving the first year of implementation, Ethiopia’s means-testing may have had a role to play, Ministry of Education and pooled fund partners inadvertently excluding children with disabilities have decided to double the amount to be from middle-income groups (Deluca et al, 2014). earmarked for special needs education to 2% for the 2016/17 school year.

Ethiopia: School improvement grants for (Source: Consultant’s correspondence with disability-inclusive education representative of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Ethiopia’s General Education Quality Affairs) Improvement Programme (GEQIP) is a pooled fund supported by several development partners. Under GEQIP, school grants Reasonable accommodation funds support non-salary recurrent expenditure at Several countries have made use of reasonable school level to improve education quality in accommodation funds, which consider the Alternative Basic Education (ABE) centres and unique needs of different disability groups and all government primary and secondary schools. the spectrums that exist within disabilities. The provisions supplied by the fund help ensure All regions received 1% of their total that learning opportunities are differentiated allocation as an additional amount to support according to the needs and learning style of mainstream school facilities and resources the child. Gap analyses have been carried out in for children with special educational needs in countries including the Philippines, South Africa mainstream settings. School grant spending and Zimbabwe, resulting in the establishment must be based on school improvement of reasonable accommodation funds to address plans and targeted at activities that each shortcomings systematically (UN Human Rights school has identified as key to improving Commission, 2013). 41

‘Providing equal amounts of finance on a Brazil: Pioneering inclusive budgeting per pupil basis is not necessarily a formula through cash transfer programmes for equitable funding. For a child who enters Brazil has become a pioneer in targeted social an education system carrying disadvantages assistance policy for the most marginalised. associated with poverty, gender, disability or ethnicity, more resources may be needed Beneficio de Prestação Continuada is a non- to achieve opportunities equivalent to contributory scheme, which guarantees those enjoyed by more privileged children. a monthly unconditional minimum wage Unfortunately, spending is often skewed in for the elderly and citizens of any age with favour of the most privileged pupils.’ a physical, mental, intellectual or sensory long-term condition living in extreme poverty. (UNICEF The State of the World’s Children 2016, It currently benefits around 4.2 million p. 61) people, of which more than two-fifths of the beneficiaries are below the age of 24 and have a disability (UNDP IPC, 2006, Brasil Gov 2016). Cash transfer programmes Social assistance policies that offer grants and cash Under the Bolsa Familia scheme, poor families transfers for children and adults with disabilities with children under the age of 14 receive help to break the cycle of poverty and disability in an average of R$70.00 (about US$35) in the most marginalised groups and increase human direct monthly transfers. In return, families capital by enabling access to education. commit to keeping children in school and taking them for regular health checks (OECD, Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes, 2010), thereby also reducing the incidence of where cash transfers or grants are dependent on disability which can be prevented by timely the receiver’s meeting specified obligations such medical interventions. There has been an as school attendance, have proven to be effective 8.7% fall in the country’s ranking on the Gini in improving health, education and human capital index between 2003 and 2014, more than a development amongst those who are most quarter of which can be attributed to these vulnerable. programmes (World Bank, 2014; UNICEF, 2016). However, CCT programmes have been criticised from a human rights perspective, as the conditions set may not be possible to achieve due to Household spending environmental and social constraints such as Households are significant contributors to the access to schools and clinics. Cash transfers are domestic financing of education. In low-income intended to ensure the protection of the human countries, household contributions to education rights to food, an adequate standard of living and can amount to almost half of domestic expenditure social protection. The exclusion of particularly (Brookings Institution, 2015a) and can represent a marginalised people from CCT programmes due higher contribution to education spending than to non-adherence violates fundamental human governments make (GEMR, 2016). This is the case rights, including the right to non-discrimination and for Rwanda and Ethiopia. Since household poverty equality. For this reason, many prefer the approach and disability are often inherently linked, the socio- of unconditional cash transfers. economic status of a family further compounds their marginalisation.

In Ethiopia, an estimated 4.8 million children with disabilities are out-of-school. The ESP anticipates closing a proportion of the financing gap using household and community contributions (Government of Ethiopia, Federal Ministry of 42 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

Education, 2015b). However, increasing reliance on Funding assistive technology and adapted household support for education financing risks learning materials exacerbating educational exclusion for persons Consistent with the diversity and range of with disabilities. disabilities, the adaptation of learning materials depends on the pupil’s support needs and preferred The share of household contributions to education learning style. For instance, a learner who has is highest in South East Asia (GEMR Report, 2016). difficulty reading print due to learning difficulties According to the WHO, this region has the second or a vision impairment, may prefer an audio version highest prevalence rate of moderate disabilities of a book or large font size. Other adapted learning globally. material would be Braille books for readers who are blind, and sign-language and captioning for Per capita approaches deaf learners. These recurring and non-recurring In higher income contexts, three broad models exist costs need to be factored into disability-inclusive for financing disability-inclusive education: education budgets. •• input or per-capita models •• resource-based models Teaching and learning material accessibility guidelines •• output-based models. Norms and standards for all teaching and learning

materials that provide guidance on visual, language (see UNICEF CEE/CIS 2015 Webinar Booklet 8 for and physical accessibility would be a welcome discussion). starting point for companies and organisations Per-capita models are often considered the most producing these materials. appropriate for rights-based approaches to education. However, in resource-poor contexts, the Simple measures to improve accessibility include most effective approaches are not those based on spiral-bound books that open flat on a table and specific financing models, but on the creative ways do not have to be hand-held, and using paper that in which resources are allocated. is thick enough to prevent readers from seeing the text that ‘bleeds through’ from the other side of the In low-income contexts, focusing on teacher page. These adaptations promote user-friendliness training and professional development, for all, not just children with disabilities. transforming special schools into mainstream resource and support centres, community-based Teaching and learning material accessibility rehabilitation programmes and mobilising guidelines would operate similarly to Web parents may be more cost-effective and efficient Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) 2.0, the approaches. main international standards organisation for the Internet, which defines how to make web content More generally, per-capita models can also more accessible to people with different types and be regressive and problematic to implement. combinations of disabilities, including auditory, In countries where data on the prevalence of visual, language, speech, learning, and neurological childhood disability is poor, it is impossible for disabilities. sufficient resources to be targeted accurately. Furthermore, if per-capita funding is based on EMIS Access to assistive devices and Information and for which schools have identified eligible children, communication technologies (ICT) the risks of over-identification can be high. Basing ICT in education can be the game-changer. It has funding on school rather than individual needs is a the potential to break down the barriers to learning more effective and equitable approach. commonly experienced by learners with disabilities and other learning difficulties. By optimising the use of ICT in the classroom and beyond, teachers could more easily adapt their lessons and the way content 43

or exercises are presented. Students with visual investment is required to ensure that teachers and impairments can equally participate in lessons by policymakers are well informed and adequately having the material virtually instantly in accessible skilled to optimally make use of technology for formats and those with disabilities that affect their learning and teaching. communication can have a voice.

Unfortunately, in most low-income countries Colombia: National procurement only 5% to 15% of the people who need assistive initiatives make screen-reading software technology can obtain it (UNICEF, 2013b). Most available free of charge others are barred from using assistive technology Colombia secured a national licence for JAWS, by a myriad of barriers and blockages, including a very popular screen reading software for the exorbitant cost, and lack of awareness about people with vision loss, which made it free for the benefits and about accessibility functions and them. The contract further involved training applications available on everyday technologies certified trainers. This resulted in employment (e.g. laptops, tablets, browsers). opportunities for visually impaired youth.

The Education Commission recognises the This is a commendable initiative, but importance of harnessing the power of technology expenditure could have been further reduced to achieve better learning outcomes. It therefore if the procurers were aware of NVDA, an open- recommends a cross-sector investment to get source software which is of equal quality, every school online and put in place the broader is available for free and includes a training digital infrastructure necessary for learning certification programme. (The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunities, 2016). A similar

Table 4.1: Examples of assistive technology (UNICEF, 2013)*

Category Product examples Mobility • Walking stick, crutch, walking frame, manual and powered wheelchair, tricycle. • Artificial leg or hand, leg or hand splint, clubfoot brace, corner chair, supportive seat, standing frame. • Adapted cutlery and cooking utensils, dressing stick, shower seat, toilet seat, toilet frame, feeding robot.

Vision • Eye glasses, magnifier, magnifying software for computer. • White cane, GPS-based navigation device. • Braille systems for reading and writing, screen reader for computer, talking book player, audio recorder and player. • Braille chess, balls that emit sound.

Hearing • Headphone, hearing aid, amplified telephone, hearing loop.

Communication • Communication cards with text, communication board with letters, symbols or pictures. • Electronic communication device with recorded or synthetic speech.

Cognition • Task lists, picture schedules and calendars, picture-based instructions. • Timer, manual or automatic reminder, smartphone with adapted task lists, schedules, calendars and audio recorder. • Adapted toys and games.

* These examples are meant to be illustrative only. 44 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

A range of costs needs to be considered by that could benefit blind and partially-sighted government in relation to accessible ICTs or people that would not only service their assistive devices. Assistive devices remain too citizens, but the whole of Francophone Africa. expensive for many children with disabilities. One study in found that this was due in part to LIGHT FOR THE WORLD in collaboration high prices attached to imported devices and low with all major stakeholders and the Daisy market demand driving up costs (GCE UK/APPG Consortium supported a scoping visit and EFA, 2015). Building costs into long-term national capacity building exercise to develop a and regional budgets can ensure procurement strategy that looks at developing sustainable costs are better absorbed within the overall fund solutions to providing educational material, allocation to inclusive education. Commonly, books and other knowledge resources in persons with disabilities and families of children accessible formats. The strategy will aim to with disabilities receive tax breaks for assistive provide basic infrastructure for registering devices purchased. print-disability users, increase knowledge and skills among users, develop the capacity The Daisy Consortium is guiding and empowering of publishers to use ICT infrastructure and those involved in procurement and publishing to leverage new opportunities, and ensure make the right decisions around purchasing devices that appropriate assistive devices are made and encouraging the use of universally accessible available to those who need them. Funding tools such as mobile phones, tablets and similar to support aspects of the strategy is currently technologies. The initiative will also greatly support being sourced. global endeavours towards increasing literacy using paperless solutions and shared devices such as Burkina Faso is one of the countries in the tablets and mobile phones. process of ratifying the Marrakesh Treaty, which will enable international exchange by enforcing copyright exemptions and Burkina Faso: Partnership with DPO, NGOs increasing the number of titles available in and Government drive efforts to improve accessible format in all parts of the world. accessibility to books and learning material for blind and partially-sighted In addition, the international community of people not-for-profit organisations, via the Daisy With the appropriate use of universal, low-cost Consortium and 3GICT, has collectively and some specialised ICT, accessible books facilitated the development of technologies can reach economically and geographically and standards to reduce the cost of marginalised populations of persons with technology and increase the number of print disabilities. accessible books produced and distributed. Many French-speaking nations have already Persons with blindness in Burkina Faso have contributed several thousands of titles in very limited access to published materials in French to the Trusted Intermediary Global accessible format. In developing countries, Resource (TIGAR) service, a programme of less than 1% of publications become available the international accessible book exchange to them in an accessible format. programme Accessible Books Consortium (ABC). Although only very basic infrastructure is available in Burkina Faso, the National Disabled People’s Organisation for the Blind (UNABPAM) and the Ministry of Education are determined to find a sustainable solution 45

4.4 Inclusive budgeting Education Act 2009, which guarantees education to all children between the ages of six and 14, calls for the integration of mainstream and special schools Inclusive budgets target the most marginalised (MHRD, 2009). However, there is lack of clarity on groups, ensuring that funds are available to the strategy for achieving this given that schools are support specific reforms and that these funds are run by multiple stakeholders, including central or spent equitably and effectively for the greatest state government, NGOs, religious bodies or private impact. Government education budgets should organisations, and no guidelines or budgets are yet be aiming to improve and maintain the whole available for integrated working. education system with inclusion in mind, and provide for individual accommodation measures The Minimum Standards for Multiple Ministry where needed. This is rarely the case in low-income Responsibilities diagram (Figure 4.1) shows the countries. ideal pathway from infancy through to quality equal education for a child with a disability, In decentralised education systems, understanding demonstrating the necessity of co-operation of and commitment to inclusive education can between multiple government departments or vary between provinces or states, affecting budget ministries. allocations and spending, as is the case in South Africa with inconsistent or non-existent provincial Partnerships between governmental structures, spending allocations to special needs and inclusive NGOs, international aid organisations and civil education programmes across the country. society have been clearly demonstrated to be an effective means of implementing disability-inclusive Multiple ministry responsibility education in tandem with early identification and Technical teams within ministries of education need intervention in low-resource settings, lifting the to be sufficiently skilled to budget appropriately for most marginalised out of the cycle of poverty, equity. Multiple ministry responsibility for inclusive disability and exclusion. education can mean that budgets for children with disabilities are not always clearly identified (UNESCO, 2010). Legislation, policies and strategies Cambodia: Inter-sectoral, multi- that fit, complement and overlap with each other stakeholder partnerships for eye health are needed across health, education, social and and assistive devices other sectors to ensure disability inclusion, but In Cambodia, there is a new multilateral these need to be well co-ordinated to be effective. agency agreement between the GPE, World Merging budgets under one inclusive strategy can Bank and other partners to take a disability- be a useful tool to accompany the move towards inclusive approach to school health. The an inclusive education system. Clear roles and GPE awarded the World Bank and partners, responsibilities of all the main stakeholders are including Sightsavers, a US$3 million grant needed for effective strategy implementation. under its global and regional activities ‘Inclusion teams’ with multiple ministry portfolio to manage a pilot programme. membership are a good place to start. Activities included pilot programmes in four countries, namely Ethiopia, Ghana, Cambodia A major challenge in the Indian context is the and Senegal. The School Health Integrated involvement of multiple ministries in education Project has promoted and supported cross- that make provision for children with disabilities sectoral ministerial collaboration to deliver at both central government and state levels. The effective health interventions using the school Ministry of Human Resource Development governs as the platform. mainstream schools, while special schools are the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Justice Several innovative partnerships between and Empowerment (Singal, 2010). The Right to government, multi-laterals, INGOs, private 46 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

sector companies and philanthropic The pilot was highly successful with more than foundations have been established to 11,300 pupils being tested. Teachers who were address the cost challenges of identifying trained during 2012 continue to test children's and intervening in visual impairment in a vision every year. school-based eye-health screening initiative. The pilot programme has developed protocols The School Health Integrated Program for vision screening, de-worming and other (SHIP) simple, cost-effective health interventions A consortium of the World Bank, GPE, that can be delivered effectively at schools. Sightsavers and Partners for Child The intention is that the pilot programme Development (UK) is training teachers in is not seen as a stand-alone effort, but as vision screening for children from Grade one element of integrated school health One to Grade Six. Essilor Co. Ltd. is piloting interventions across the education system. a new type of clip-in eyeglasses, which the Consortium will pay for on behalf of those Projects such as these are crucial for early who need them. The Fred Hollows Foundation intervention and prevention of disability and will provide the training and refraction of the are a hopeful sign of the possibilities created eyeglasses. The number of beneficiaries in through multilateral agreements on country SHIP is 12,658. and programme levels. The Vision Screening and Referral (V-Star) Pilot project Project Working in conjunction with the Ministry The GPE funded a contract between the of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), a MoEYS and The Fred Hollows Foundation to consortium of the World Bank, Sightsavers, train Grade Six teachers on vision screening The Fred Hollows Foundation and Partners and referral mechanisms. The project ran in for Development (Australia), trained teachers the poorest districts of Phnom Penh, three from the Siem Reap province on vision districts in the remote province of Ratanakiri screening for Grade Six children. In cases and six districts in Siem Reap. The total where it was appropriate, teachers referred number of beneficiaries was 22,636. children for treatment or eyeglasses.


Figure 4.1: Minimum standards for multiple ministry responsibilities Inter-sectoral collaboration is paving the pathway to schools for a child with disabilities

Health Ministry Social Ministry

· At scheduled vaccination appointments, a trained · The social welfare field worker visits the child and nurse or community health worker observes the family. boy or girl with disability and asks questions on · She assesses the family’s needs in caring for their the child’s development to screen for impairments young child and offers advice on the resources and delays. available to assist in raising their child to the · If a potential developmental delay or impairment/ fullest potential. This could involve supporting the disability is noted, the child is referred for further child’s inclusion in a home or centre-based early investigation or full developmental assessment intervention programme. and medical intervention if needed. Ideally, · The family and child are registered for cash depending on resources available, the assessment transfers or grants to help meet their needs. should be done by an interdisciplinary team. · The social welfare field worker maintains a · The community health worker or CBR or supportive role in assisting the family and their community-based inclusive development (CBID) child. worker provides rehabilitation exercises and refers the child and her family to a social welfare field worker. · The community health worker/CBID/CBR worker Education Ministry continues to support and monitor the child’s development and refers new issues for further · Accessible learning materials and assistive devices investigation and medical intervention if required. are available at the local pre-school or school. · The child’s specific learning needs are assessed by the teacher and support staff if required (e.g. Transport Ministry itinerant special needs teacher). · Teachers trained in the variety and spectrum of · Public transport is accessible for boys and girls with disabilities identify the child’s learning needs disabilities. and make reasonable accommodations with the · Transport to and from pre-school and school support of other specialists if needed. is available and accessible for children with · Itinerant specialist teachers assist and advise the disabilities. class teacher and school and monitor the child’s · Public and school transport is subsidised or free of progress and learning outcomes. charge for poor families.

Public Works Ministry Finance Ministry

· The school is accessible for learners with a variety · Develops fiscal policy and supports ministries with of challenges: white markings on stairs, high- budget information. contrast signage, wheelchair ramps, handrails, · Allocates adequate financial resources to respective accessible toilets. ministries. · Schools with accessibility features are available in · Identifies shortfalls and seeks or distributes or close to all human settlements. overseas development aid. 48 #CostingEquity Domestic financing

Budget transparency and accountability mechanisms Cambodia and Vietnam: NGO sector to Deviation between planned and actual budget provide input to government on financing, expenditure means that budgets may not be a monitoring and provision of inclusive credible guide for other stakeholders and investors, education such as private sector and institutional donors, As a member of the national Education on where and how to invest to improve inclusion Sector Working Group (ESWG), and the (Addison, 2012). This is of particular concern when coalition NGO Education Partnership (NEP), considering the current funding gaps for inclusive Cambodia contributed substantially to the education. annual partner meeting on education budget priorities between the Ministry of Economy The role of DPOs and civil society and Finance and the Ministry of Education, It is essential that DPOs and organisations with Youth, and Sport. experience in disability-inclusive education are involved in budget planning, accountability and Key recommendations made by the NEP transparency procedures, as well as advocacy included funding the newly established related to education sector planning. This has not Special Education Department to ensure always been the case. inclusive education, improving quality and learning outcomes by funding measures Endorsed by 370 organisations, a recent IDDC to address the issue of teacher absences, position paper to the High Level Political Forum reducing the financial burden on parents by on Sustainable Development showed that while removing informal school fees and improving many DPOs are seeking to engage actively with data collection systems so that disaggregated governments, many barriers exist to the full analyses can be made for effective planning participation of DPOs in designing, implementing and budgetary allocation. and reviewing national development programmes (IDDC, 2016).

A Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities and one for education and academia have been formed to monitor and review global implementation of the SDGs. Such measures need to be integrated into efforts carried out by civil society education coalitions and local education groups at national level to ensure full accountability of resources supporting SDG4.

Even where resources are limited, solutions are available to enable and improve budget allocations for inclusive education. DPOs have a crucial role to play in contributing to budget planning, accountability and transparency procedures. 49

In Vietnam, the coalition participated in a series of consultations conducted by the Malawi and Senegal: Civil society track Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) transparency and results for disability- to prepare for the Education Sector Analysis inclusive education Report and the National Education Forum. COSYDEP, the GCE’s member coalition in As part of this, the Vietnam Coalition for Senegal, works in communities to create Education for All (VCEFA) could play an active public awareness and awareness among role in the GPE processes and provide valuable teachers, parents and children, including input to the education sector analysis. VCEFA through radio and television outreach, about raised issues around discriminatory practices the issue of inclusive education. in the recruitment of deaf teachers, the lack of funding support for inclusive education, and COSYDEP is also working on establishing a emphasised the need to establish a specific participatory Budget Watch with a focus on department on inclusive education. inclusion and children with disabilities, and aims to use the findings of its Budget Watch in public hearings (GCE Global, 2014). In Civil society organisations have played a key role Malawi, the Civil Society Coalition for Quality in improving accountability and transparency in Basic Education (CSCQBE) has a long history education budget processes, and could now build of tracking education spending, including on this to advocate for greater focus on resource by conducting questionnaires with teachers allocation to inclusive education. and officials at community level. This has helped to increase funds to special education, reduce rural-urban spending disparities and accelerate the disbursement of teachers’ salaries (Government Spending Watch, 2015).

Image © Sightsavers The future of financing for 50 #CostingEquity disability-inclusive education

Image © LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 5. The future of financing for disability-inclusive education

Sustained, innovative and well-directed additional 5.1 Increased domestic financing for education will be needed to reach the financing SDG4 goals and targets. Existing resources need to be targeted more strategically, with a focus on supporting marginalised groups, cutting waste Increased levels of equitable domestic financing and corruption, and enhancing transparency and will be needed to make SDG4 a reality. Public accountability. Equitable allocation of resources is funding for education will need to increase, an innovation that all countries need to work on. targeted resources will need to support the most marginalised, and better governance and Sustainable financing for education needs to come accountability will need to be in place to ensure from domestic resources, bolstered by economic resources are used efficiently for maximum impact. growth, progressive taxation, good governance and This offers the most significant and sustainable way transparent institutions. Long-term investments for governments to deliver on the right to inclusive in education are crucial and can lead to long-term education for children with disabilities. returns. Short-term aid commitments or sudden surges in spending have limited effectiveness, Introduce progressive tax reforms to reaffirmed by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (UN, increase revenue 2015). A dramatic breakthrough in education financing would be possible if tax bases in developing countries were expanded. There is a need to raise the domestic resource base through progressive 51

taxation, the largest source of revenue for governments (Action Aid, 2009)5, alongside ‘Focusing on tax as source of revenue action to address aggressive tax avoidance and has other benefits – as well as raising damaging incentives. Donors can support this by predictable revenue it is a key means of building capacity and strengthening tax systems. redistribution of resources and reducing The Copenhagen Consensus estimates that every inequality. There are also major benefits US$1 spent on tax administration reform and in terms of building accountability – modernisation yields US$45 in returns (Brookings strengthening relations between citizens Institution, 2015a). Equitable tax systems take a and state and encouraging better progressive approach to taxation, securing more governance.’ wealth from multinationals operating in developing (Action Aid, 2016) countries and cutting tax ‘holidays’ and other incentives, closing international tax loopholes and Addressing corporate tax avoidance in developing tax havens. countries has the potential to be a significant means of scaling up financing for disability-inclusive Recent analysis from Action Aid (2016) has shown education. Co-ordinated action in this area could fill that efforts to strengthen progressive tax systems the US$39 billion global education sector financing and address perverse or harmful tax incentives, tax gap identified by UNESCO (Action Aid, 2016; GEMR, evasion and tax avoidance have the potential to 2016). Tax incentives which remove the requirement raise huge sums: for multinationals to pay a reasonable share of •• US$139 billion a year from persuading Ministries taxes can have massive impacts on government of Finance and Revenue Authorities to end revenues, while also encouraging corruption harmful tax incentives through discretionary ‘special deals’. •• US$100 billion to US$200 billion a year from promoting effective action to end aggressive tax Governments use tax incentives in the hope that avoidance in developing countries. they will encourage greater foreign investment. However, rather than strengthening economies, If the benchmarked 20% of these funds were such incentives can carry significant costs. One used for education, breakthrough results could be study has estimated that ‘developing countries realised for disability-inclusive education. Many lose US$139 billion a year just from one form of tax countries struggling to make progress against incentive – corporate income tax exemptions – or education targets fail to leverage their tax base nearly US$3 billion each week. In just over two sufficiently. The 2013/2014 Education for All Global months, if channelled to where it is most needed, Monitoring Report indicated that if one fifth of this could fill the annual global finance gap for basic modest increases in tax-raising efforts in 34 sub- education’ (Action Aid, 2016). Saharan African countries were channelled to education, US$4.5 billion would be raised for the sector (UNESCO, 2013/14). Much more could be Ethiopia: Eliminating tax exemptions to raised if harmful tax exemptions, tax evasion and get a million more children into school tax avoidance, particularly by large multinational Ethiopia has one of the lowest tax to GDP corporations, were ended. ratios of all developing countries, reaching just 12% of GDP. This is largely due to generous tax exemptions, which amounted to about 4.2% of GDP in 2008/09. If Ethiopia eliminated these exemptions and devoted 10% of the resulting revenue to basic education, then this country

5. In sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America, tax revenue accounts for nearly 80% of total revenue. Non-tax revenue includes aid, income from natural resource extraction and administrative fees and charges (Action Aid, 2009). The future of financing for 52 #CostingEquity disability-inclusive education

•• Prioritise those most in need: Disadvantaged of 1.7 million out-of-school children would children, youth and adults, as well as women and have an additional US$133 million available, girls and people in conflict-affected areas, typically enough to get approximately 1.4 million more have the greatest education needs and financing children into school. should therefore be targeted towards them. Financing should be sensitive to their needs and (UNESCO, 2013/14) based on evidence of what works. •• Increase efficiency and accountability: Improving governance and accountability can Manage natural resource concessions to increase efficiency and effective use of existing increase tax revenue resources and ensure that financing reaches the Losses can also occur when governments sell natural classroom. resource concessions for less than their true value. •• Reverse the decline in aid to education: The Deals with five mining companies in the Democratic fall in aid to education in recent years must be Republic of Congo (DRC) between 2010 and 2012 reversed. The fulfilment of all commitments incurred losses of US$1.36 billion, equivalent to the related to ODA is crucial, including the amount allocated to the education sector in the two commitment by many developed countries years 2010 and 2011 (UNESCO, 2013/14). to achieve the target of 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) for ODA to developing countries and The terms and conditions of such concession 0.15% to 0.2% of GNI to least developed countries. agreements must be reviewed if governments are In accordance with their commitments, those to exploit maximum levels of funding for education developed countries that have not yet done so are and other public services. As the GCE has pointed urged to make additional concrete efforts towards out, this is particularly important where massive the target of 0.7% of GNI for ODA to developing new oil and gas deposits are coming on-stream in countries. Moreover, support to least developed many countries that are struggling to deliver quality countries for education must be increased. Further education for all children (GCE Global, 2013). to this, there should be a movement towards increasing aid spent on education according to An estimated US$36 million is lost in Ghana each year countries’ needs and priorities. Aid to education to deals with mining companies. This is enough to must be predictable. train a quarter of the country’s untrained teachers. In •• Improve aid effectiveness through Peru, estimated losses from failures to collect mining harmonisation and better co-ordination: royalties adequately from 1994 to 2006 could have Donors, middle-income countries and other paid for four years of schooling for all of Peru’s half a partners should support the financing of all the million out-of-school children (GCE Global, 2016). targets of Education 2030 according to each country’s needs and priorities, seeking to leverage Domestic financing in the Education 2030 domestic and external finance in support of the Framework for Action common agenda. Donors should continue to As domestic resources will remain the most bring development co-operation into line with important source for funding education, there must aid effectiveness guidelines, ensuring that it is be a clear commitment by governments to provide better harmonised and co-ordinated and that it equitable financing commensurate with national strengthens each country’s sense of ownership educational priorities, needs and capacities to and accountability to its citizens. advance the progressive realisation of the right to education. Countries will need to: •• Increase public funding for education: This requires widening the tax base (in particular, by ending harmful tax incentives), preventing tax evasion and increasing the share of the national budget allocated to education. 53

•• Improve the equity of external financing: of existing resources will be necessary to open External financing should be better targeted up educational opportunities for all, and phased at supporting neglected sub-sectors and approaches can help to strengthen and maintain low-income countries, and vulnerable and equity and quality in education and may be disadvantaged groups in middle-income more effective than efforts to reform all levels of countries. At the same time, the trend of education all at once (Malala Fund, 2016). declining ODA to lower middle-income countries needs to be reversed. The allocation of official Countries in South East Asia, including Lao PDR aid flows should not be guided by per capita and Brunei, have used five-year development plans income only. In this context, particular attention with interim targets for inclusive education system needs to be paid to the needs of vulnerable reform (UNESCO Bangkok, 2009) while others such countries such as small island developing states. as Zanzibar are developing ‘stretch’ targets and Multilateral and bilateral donors for education indicators for inclusion within their new Education should develop strategies in co-operation with Sector Plans (GPE, February 2016). Stepping stone recipient countries as to what kind of support targets or benchmarks can support progress should be best provided through which channels up to 2030 by identifying desired outcomes for and modalities of delivery. participation and learning which can then lead to •• Scale up and strengthen existing multi- the introduction of targeted measures for children stakeholder partnerships: It is imperative with disabilities. that implementation of the full Education 2030 Framework for Action is supported. Investment Short-term re-prioritisation of budgets can enable and international co-operation will be scaled up governments to pursue inclusive education to allow all children to complete free, equitable, without significant additional costs. For instance, inclusive, quality early childhood, primary and already planned and budgeted revisions to teacher secondary education, including by scaling up education could be brought forward and directed and strengthening multi-stakeholder initiatives towards strengthening content around inclusive such as the GPE. pedagogies and approaches, with no additional (Education 2030, November 2015, paragraph cost implication. When budgets are tight, a well- 106/107). remunerated, effective, qualified teacher, working in a school environment with ongoing pro-inclusion support from leaders and the community, can have 5.2 More efficient use of more impact on quality and equity than any other existing resources and smart potentially higher cost intervention. investments Strong leadership on disability inclusion, publicly demonstrating political will, can also play a Good quality inclusive education is the result not significant role in tackling stigma and removing just of sufficient financing, but strategic use of attitudinal barriers to inclusion – and strong existing resources, inclusive legislation, policies leadership and political will does not require a and systemic reform programmes, effective budget. According to the Finance Commission partnerships, strong leadership and priorities that (2016) the combined effects of improved lead to results. Quality is also driven by effective teaching methods, provision of learning material, management of supply-side factors such as and remedial help for those who fall behind, pre- and in-service teacher education, education can potentially improve learning outcomes by workforce expansion (teacher aids, social workers, 25% to 53%. The smart investments identified therapists, community-based rehabilitation for improving quality education and learning workers) and curriculum, textbooks, and parental outcomes are the same investments that would support (Commonwealth Education Hub, 2015). boost disability-inclusive education. Inclusive, equitable, disability-responsive budgeting The future of financing for 54 #CostingEquity disability-inclusive education

5.3 External financing education has not been a priority sector. There may be more interest in education from foundations and other donors in emerging economies. One study of Trends in the decline of aid need to be reversed Arab donors, for instance, ‘found that cultural and and the majority share of resources need to be religious traditions – Islamic guidelines strongly channelled to those countries with greatest need, encourage giving to education – provide a strong including least-developed countries and those in foundation for greater engagement in the future’ emergency situations. The Addis Ababa Action (Brookings Institution, 2015a). Agenda (UN, 2015) reminds us that international financing can activate additional resources from With appropriate guidance on approaches to other public and private sources, as well as improve investment in inclusive education and respect tax collection and build public services and for human rights, charitable foundations and enabling environments. the private sector could play a catalytic role in disability-inclusive education, targeting funding to Pooled and blended financing mechanisms can the most marginalised, joining advocacy efforts and be used to unlock additional resources (Addis leveraging resources and expertise in key areas that Ababa Action Agenda, paragraph 54). In line would have long-lasting effects such as improving with the Education 2030 Framework for Action, infrastructure for data, building evidence, teacher harmonisation and co-ordination is needed to education. improve aid effectiveness, which must include the alignment of funds and technical assistance with national plans that specifically prioritise disability- Cambodia: Private sector partnerships can inclusive education. All such efforts have a key role fund innovation in disability inclusion to play in creating change for disability-inclusive IKEA Foundation has been funding Save the education. Children work in Cambodia to identify children with disabilities and support their access to Increased ODA in support of disability-inclusive quality schooling. education should be channelled through both dedicated programmes and disability-inclusion Government policy and practice in disability- mainstreaming. inclusive education has been strengthened with the development of guidelines on 5.4 New sources and innovative inclusive education, as well as a manual for screening children with disabilities, both of financing which have been endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS).

The role of non-state actors in education remains Currently, IKEA Foundation is funding an contentious. Nevertheless, innovative sources of initiative to develop eight model schools in financing and new partnerships are needed to meet Bakan District, which will document the costs the ambitious SDG agenda. of disability-inclusion to be used in advocacy efforts with government at all levels. Private development assistance and official development assistance The project demonstrates simplified and In 2012, PDA from OECD countries, including streamlined procedures for accessing school charitable, religious and private sector grants, improvement grants and supports the totalled US$30 billion, equivalent to approximately development of inclusive school improvement 25% of total net ODA. PDA has been growing faster plans with realistic budgets. than ODA, with a 51% increase between 2006 and 2011 (Brookings Institution, 2015a), although 55

Save the Children works with district and management is a key feature. Social impact bonds provincial authorities to better schools’ access can focus on delivering human development rather to budgets for school improvement and than infrastructure, which has traditionally been advocates with MoEYS to improve budget the focus of public-private partnerships (Brookings effectiveness, simplifying and speeding up Institution, 2015b). budget disbursement. While evidence on the effectiveness of SIBs is still The project works in collaboration with emerging, and only then primarily from developed other agencies supporting inclusive quality country contexts, their potential to reduce risk for education, such as UNICEF, Cambodian government, achieve scale, promote collaboration, Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO), focus on outcomes and longer-term impact offers Krousar Thmey, Aide et Action, Rabbit School an attractive proposition for disability-inclusive and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). A Technical education – however, more research is needed in Working Group has been established together this field. with the MoEYS’s Office of Special Education. This will result in joint workshops and training ‘To date, 44 SIBs are being utilised in material development for teachers and other developed countries to, among other social stakeholders. issues, provide high-quality preschool education, reduce prison recidivism, avoid (Source: Consultant correspondence with Save foster care placement, and increase youth the Children Cambodia) employment. One impact bond has been contracted in a developing country, and several projects are underway to establish Social impact bonds development impact bonds in various areas The Addis Ababa Action Agenda actively including health and education.’ encourages philanthropists to channel funds (Brookings Institution, 2015b) through impact investment ‘which considers both profit and non-financial impacts in its investment SIBs which support initiatives geared towards criteria’ (paragraph 42). achieving access to schooling and ECCE for children with disabilities, with outcomes identified through Social impact bonds (SIBs) harness private capital transition rates and learning outcomes, need to be to public services like education with a focus on considered with caution so as not to contravene achieving specific outcomes by making repayment the recommendations of the General Comment on contingent on success. They may have a role to Article 24 for inclusive education. play in bridging financing gaps where domestic resources fall short. Earmarked taxes Earmarked taxes assign revenue from certain taxes SIBs use elements of results-based financing (RBF), to a specific sector, such as education. Earmarking but payment is made upfront rather than on may provide the only source of financing for a completion of an initiative, and results are related to programme or blend with other sources and it may outcomes rather than outputs. With SIBs, investors be enshrined in law or policy (Action Aid, 2016). invest upfront into a bond-holding fund. This is returned to investors, plus interest, if a service The Ghana Education Trust Fund is funded by 2.5% provider achieves key outcomes. When these of VAT collections, while Nigeria’s Tertiary Education outcomes are achieved, outcome funders such Trust Fund is financed by 2% of assessable as donors and government must repay the cost profits. The Brazilian Fund for Maintenance and of the initiative. If the investment does not yield Development of Basic Education is partly financed a positive outcome, the investors must shoulder by earmarking 15% of VAT revenues. In China, an the cost. Rigorous private sector performance Educational Surcharge is levied on VAT taxpayers The future of financing for 56 #CostingEquity disability-inclusive education

at 3% of Consumption and Business Taxes. India’s ‘Nothing about us without us!’ flagship education programme is funded partly by (Disability activists) an ‘Education Cess’ – a ‘tax-on-tax’ introduced on all Union taxes at the rate of 2% (Action Aid, 2016). In SDG4 commits governments to measure providing additional revenue to existing allocations, disparities between groups based on disability earmarked taxes could give a time-limited boost and other equity markers, so greater investment to financing for inclusive education through in disaggregated data and tools for inclusive mainstreaming and disability-specific initiatives, education planning is expected. Faster progress for example, assistive devices or reasonable on transparency and accountability could be accommodation fund. made at little extra cost if governments publicly shared documents and data that are already being produced, such as pre-budget statements, 5.5 Better governance, executive’s budget proposals, enacted budgets, transparency and accountability citizens budgets, in-year reports, mid-year reviews, measures year-end reports and audit reports. In addition, improvements can be made in the quality of data and available documents on Improved transparency and accountability may government spending, including disaggregation yield unexpected positive outcomes. Better of spending by gender, region and beneficiary budget accountability can raise expenditure levels. group. This is particularly critical for tracking Countries that improved budget transparency over equitable resource allocations for learners with the last decade of the Millennium Development disabilities. Goals increased their related spending faster and made more progress than those countries Annual, detailed publication of revenue receipts by that did not, as indicated in quantitative studies type of tax, sector, size of enterprise, along with the (Development Finance International, 2015a). publication of revenue losses due to exemptions and incentives and analysis of tax and spending CSOs have played a key role in improving policies, can be used to see the extent to which accountability and transparency in education inequality is being addressed. External donors budget processes, such as COSYDEP’s participatory also need to improve and publish their own aid Budget Watch in Senegal (GCE Global, 2014) and data, disaggregated by sector, sub-sector, gender, NEP Cambodia, which is part of the National disability and other equity indicators. Programmatic Education Sector Working Group. CSOs could data could complement and supplement, while now build on this to advocate for greater resource the inclusivity of national data systems is being allocation to inclusive education. improved.

Monitoring and tracking of education can A new project to develop NEAs in eight countries, significantly increase funds received at school led by the UNESCO International Institute for level (Education 2030, paragraph 108), but there Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) with the Pôle must be commitment to mutual accountability, de Dakar and UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) transparency and attention to targeting resources offers the promise of better understanding of towards the most vulnerable, including children how education is financed by public, private and with disabilities and least-developed countries. external donor assistance. DPOs and organisations working in disability- inclusive education must be fully engaged and NEAs have significant potential to provide an represented at the heart of these processes and be improved basis for planning and implementing equipped with adequate skills to do so. education reforms in developing countries. Using a structured methodology, the NEA organises 57

multiple data from key funding sources – public, The financing ‘nuts and bolts’ of such an initiative private and external donors – in a compatible, would need to be closely linked into a partnership sustainable way. of bilateral, multilateral and civil society organisations working at global, regional and The information is then used to help identify gaps, national levels. INGOs working in disability inclusive overlaps or misuse in the ways in which education is education, DPOs and associations of parents funded, helping to better direct resources to policy of children with disabilities would be a driving objectives and assist in international monitoring of force within the initiative with full oversight and progress towards SDG4. participation in the fund’s design, implementation and management. Current lack of data on spending may not be due to a lack of political will but to a lack of technical capacity and a lack of demand from parliamentarians and civil society. Raising awareness and strengthening technical knowledge will be a key step in improving accountability around equitable financing for children with disabilities among DPOs in particular. This will also improve advocacy to stimulate demand for better data and is therefore crucial in improving accountability around equitable education financing.

5.6 A global financing facility

Developing a global financing facility or window for inclusive education, with an explicit twin-track focus on disability, is an effective way of meeting the demands and complexities of funding inclusive and quality education for all.

As part of a multilateral knowledge and partnership initiative for inclusive education, such a facility would catalyse additional financing and ensure that donor financing was better targeted. Part of its function would be to bring private sector, charitable foundations and other new donors on board, generating new partnerships and prioritising nimble and flexible ways of targeting resources. Innovation grants, as well as large-scale evidence generation should be prioritised. If sufficient capacity were brought in to reach out to private and new donors, the management of such a mechanism could reside within the GPE. 58 #CostingEquity Conclusions and recommendations

Image © LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 6. Conclusion and recommendations

6.1 Conclusion policy and practice and provide adequate domestic financing for this, but they cannot do it alone. Despite growing interest and effort, there is a lack of The extent of systemic reform needed to improve technical and financial resources to deliver on SDG4: equity requires resources, expertise and policy Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and interventions from diverse stakeholders. promote lifelong learning. More equitable, inclusive approaches to resource allocation and budgeting Domestic efforts, international co-operation and are required that follow a twin-track approach. This public-private partnerships should all ensure that includes innovative and flexible earmarked funds the costs associated with the inclusion of learners to support learners with disabilities in mainstream with disabilities, including the most marginalised, pre-school, primary and secondary schools. are represented in education budgets.

Disability-inclusive education will only work if well NGOs, DPOs, CSOs and parents’ organisations supported by strong cross-sectoral equity and need funding and opportunities to offer technical disability co-ordination at central, district and local expertise to ministries, and they need resources levels. for advocacy and inclusive budget tracking. Better co-ordination is needed at national and Multiple stakeholders have important roles to play. global levels, along with stronger co-operation on Governments in low-income contexts need to implementation, monitoring and accountability. close persistent gaps between inclusive education 59

•• GPE should develop a new financing window or 6.2 Recommendations initiative for disability-inclusive education, with an explicit twin-track focus, to catalyse additional Specifically, we call on all actors to take forward the financing and ensure that donor financing is following recommendations: better targeted within core support to ESPs. This window within GPE could help to bring private Multi-stakeholder recommendations sector, charitable foundations and other new •• Use the UNCRPD General Comment on Article 24 donors on board, generating new partnerships to guide actions and revise outdated policies. and prioritising flexible ways of targeting resources. Innovation grants, as well as large- •• Prioritise ECD for children with disabilities as a scale evidence generation should be prioritised. matter of urgency. This would include building up and/or strengthening existing ECD services to •• GPE should address the lack of common support children with disabilities and ensuring standards and definitions of inclusive education that the professional skills needed to support and generate mutually-defined standards and early detection, assessment and intervention are targets for inclusive education, against which aid available and of high quality. Collaboration with could be monitored. roles and responsibilities of various ministries •• GPE Secretariat needs to be strengthened to need to be co-ordinated and outlined in a clear enable INGOs and DPOs to be a driving force strategic plan. within GPE initiatives, with full oversight and •• Adopt targeted strategies to address the multiple participation in the financing window’s design, vulnerabilities faced by girls and children who, implementation and management. for example, are orphans, come from pastoralist and/or migrant families, live in remote rural Evidence and data regions or slums and informal settlements. •• Develop accurate data on children with Strategies should include improving the ability disabilities, disaggregated by gender, age and of mainstream NGOs working with vulnerable type of disability, as well as school-level data groups to actively and effectively respond to the on accessibility and teacher training (amongst needs of children with disabilities others) to ensure adequate resourcing at all levels •• Ensure that humanitarian response plans, of education. appeal mechanisms and needs assessments •• Work collaboratively to use the Washington make provision for children with disabilities, Group/UNICEF Child Module to strengthen while budgets for education in crisis and conflict national surveys, censuses and EMIS data to programmes reflect the inclusion of learners ensure disability-disaggregation and collection with disabilities. The Education Cannot Wait fund of information on environmental barriers to needs to promote disability responsiveness in it education. disbursement criteria. •• Strengthen and invest in developing an evidence •• Actively engage in new partnerships to bridge base of effective approaches that improve resource gaps, such as catalytic financing learning outcomes for students with disabilities opportunities from the private sector to improve and quality, disability-responsive inclusive data and evidence. education systems via rigorous evaluations. •• Develop funding formulas which consider The evidence base would contribute towards the higher costs associated with learners spelling out new common standards and targets with additional needs, and take a twin-track for inclusive education based on the UNCRPD approach to ensuring system-wide reform, while General Comment on Article 24. addressing the specific needs of children with •• Hold donors and governments accountable to disabilities. regularly produce and review data on education funding, disaggregated by levels of education, 60 #CostingEquity Conclusions and recommendations

disability and other equity markers, including needing a boost in investment via earmarked whether spending is compliant with the taxes, such as reasonable accommodation funds UNCRPD. and early childhood intervention services. •• Adopt disability programme indicators that •• Adopt disability-responsive budgeting and include gender, location and age disaggregation, use this to make more strategic use of existing as well as environmental indicators related to resources, as well as to develop funding formulae accessibility in all education programmes. that take into account the higher costs associated with including learners with additional needs. •• Collect and analyse data towards determining a country’s level of disability-inclusiveness in •• Secure larger and longer-term commitments education using the World Bank’s Systems from donors for disability-inclusive education Approach to Better Education Results and DFID’s and strengthen aid effectiveness. Research on Improving Systems of Education •• Foster and co-ordinate collaboration amongst (RISE). Prioritise both disability and inclusive stakeholders and actively engage in new education indicators for results-based aid partnerships to bridge resource gaps, such as components amongst country partners. catalytic financing opportunities from the private •• Use the evidence base to address the lack of sector that align with the public sector. common standards and definitions of Inclusive •• Negotiate with donors and other development education and generate mutually defined partners for funding to ensure education standards and targets for inclusive education, interventions are disability inclusive and take a against which aid can be monitored. This can be twin-track approach. linked to future financing mechanisms for scaling up resources for disability-inclusive education. •• Create specific budgets for disability-inclusive education under the aegis of a wider equity and Domestic financing inclusion agenda which supports all marginalised children. Essential budget requirements include Governments must: – but are not limited to – provisions for making •• Finance a twin-track approach to inclusive pre-schools and schools accessible for all children education (systemic change alongside specific (as per SDG4.a.), pre-service and in-service initiatives to support the needs of learners with teacher education and on-going support, and disabilities), and all donors must support them in accessible teaching and learning materials. this. Flexible school improvement grants and other •• Prioritise meeting the upper levels of targeted initiatives are also recommended. internationally agreed benchmarks for funding •• Explore and leverage innovative sources of education at 4% to 6% of GDP and/or 15% finance, such as SIBs and new funding streams to 20% of public expenditure. However, least from earmarked taxes, to support twin-track developed countries need to reach or exceed approaches to financing disability-inclusive the upper benchmark limits to address disability education, including strengthening of human accessibility and the confounding circumstances resource capacity. that increase inequities and disadvantages. •• Ensure co-ordination between all relevant •• Increase the domestic resource base through ministries to develop a single strategy for progressive taxation, counter-cyclical investment, inclusion, resourced from a pooled cross-sectoral and addressing tax dodging. fund. Merging budgets within one inclusive •• Tax systems can be strengthened by addressing strategy can be a useful tool to accompany the tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax loopholes move towards an inclusive education system. to expand domestic resources available for Clear roles and responsibilities of all ministries education. and main stakeholders are needed in relation to strategy implementation. •• Consider setting up trusts to fund specific areas 61

•• Identify disability-inclusive education as a priority •• Review all tax and trade policies to assess area of intervention in Ministries of Education, their impact on developing countries, making to be included in submissions for government revisions where there is a risk of harm, and financing and the allocation of appropriate supporting an international tax body with human resources. universal membership. •• Put in place full budget transparency and •• Invest in building evidence around alternative accountability mechanisms. financing related to PDA, SIBs, earmarked taxes and NEAs, in relation to disability-inclusive •• Adopt results-based approaches for programme education. management in Ministries of Education and relevant inclusive education teams to enable •• Encourage earmarked funding towards disability- budgets to be targeted appropriately and inclusive education by donors financing adjusted year on year. multilateral funds such as the GPE. •• Engage with CSOs, DPOs and associations of parents of children with special educational Accountability needs and disabilities in all relevant budget •• Full budget transparency and accountability procedures and facilitate assessments. mechanisms must be in place, and linked with •• Ensure that there is a robust structure within improved data collection and sharing. the Ministry of Education to deliver inclusive •• CSOs, DPOs and parents’ associations must education, including a strong disability-inclusive be facilitated to engage in all relevant budget education directorate with technical expertise, procedures, monitoring and tracking. and designated focal points in every directorate •• Forthcoming GPE reviews of disability-focused to provide guidance on resource allocations. work must be used to facilitate revision of External financing country and partner plans and to strengthen Donors must: the disability focus in education where needed. A taskforce incorporating civil society, IDDC, •• Prioritise efforts to reverse the decline in aid for UNICEF and GCE should support the review. education. •• Normalise disability-responsiveness as a core Capacity-building criterion in education funding, both with partner All stakeholders must be engaged to: governments (as UNICEF has done), and with implementing contractors, such as consultancies •• Build sufficient skills in technical teams within and NGOs. This should be reflected in donor Ministries of Education to set, manage, disburse policies and strategies on disability and inclusion and monitor budgets for equity. to which all existing and new staff are oriented. •• Develop awareness and skills for appropriate •• Mainstream disability across all bilateral, data collection and disaggregation within donor multilateral, ODA-funded education organisations, government, NGOs, CSOs, DPOs programmes, as well as funding specific and parents’ organisations. programmes to redress exclusion. Upcoming •• Reform education budgets to make provision strategic reviews should prioritise disability for improving the capacity of the teaching force or at a minimum ensure that disability is through reforming pre-service and in-service mainstreamed in all initiatives. Severely teacher education, providing professional marginalised groups should be prioritised to development and ongoing support, as well ‘Leave No One Behind’, as called on by the as expanding the education workforce via Agenda for Sustainable Development. teacher-aids, therapists, social workers, itinerant •• Ensure that funding for education is harmonised specialists, etc. with national inclusive-education oriented plans. 62 #CostingEquity Conclusions and recommendations

•• Enter partnerships that help bridge information, •• Organise information about and lessons from capacity and resource gaps. inclusive education projects, so they can be shared easily with new projects. •• Collaborate as it is essential for learning more about disability-inclusive education and building •• Create an inclusive education toolkit for grantees a comprehensive evidence base of flexible to use as a guideline on practical solutions for approaches. including persons with disabilities in project implementation, with examples of exemplary Bilateral and multilateral donor agencies must: missions and projects, as well as areas where •• Establish a senior leadership position on disability improvement is needed. within the organisation to ensure that the issue gets the attention it deserves. In addition, disability focal point leaders should be appointed Accessibility/reasonable accommodation within technical teams, with champions at the Various opportunities exist for donors and senior management level at headquarters and governments to better define needs, and in so country level (large donors specifically). doing, plan and budget more appropriately, including: •• Generate and implement a disability and inclusion policy and strategy. Where these exist, •• Agreeing to minimum standards for visual, policies and strategies must be updated to align language and physical accessibility of teaching with the new General Comment on Article 24 and learning materials, which could be like the of the UNCRPD, SDG4 and the Education 2030 international Web Content Accessibility Guideline Framework for Action. 2.0. •• Make induction and refresher training regarding •• Making use of the global WHO Priority Assistive disability and inclusive education mandatory Products List, which includes 12 different for all education staff, and this should include technological solutions that would help children developing up-to-date resources for self-study. with disabilities to access education, and offers a The training is particularly pertinent for staff who starting point for planning and budgeting. are part of Local Education Groups and those •• Developing guidelines to generate greater involved in education sector planning. provision for assistive devices in basic education, •• Make the inclusion of persons with disabilities both within direct funding provision and in part of the selection criteria (as opposed to capacity development support. leaving it in clausal language) for new education projects. This would require specific budgets and Emergencies programme allocations for inclusive education, •• Humanitarian budgets, response plans, appeal disability indicators related to beneficiaries mechanisms and needs assessments must (disaggregated by type and spectrum of be boosted and make provision for disability- disability and other demographic markers) inclusive education. and adapted materials and infrastructure. •• The Education Cannot Wait fund, launched at the Incorporating such indicators would contribute World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, has to improving data on learners with disabilities attracted initial investment of US$42 million for and improve the effectiveness of programmes. Yemen, Chad and Syria. The major contributors These recommendations should be applied (US, UK, Norway, and the EU), must continue their across education portfolios at all levels of track record of supporting disability-inclusive education and in all subject areas. education within this fund. 63

Philanthropic foundations and private sector Philanthropic foundations and the private sector must: •• Engage in global advocacy efforts, including research to fill gaps in knowledge about barriers, and influencing key multilateral and bilateral stakeholders and governments. •• Fund, engage with and document innovative approaches to inclusive education that align with national sector plans and have the specific goal of scaling up. •• Provide catalytic funding in areas that require a significant boost of investment, such as building data and evidence, teacher education and early childhood development education. •• Convene and empower others to represent different constituencies/voices advocating for inclusive education and facilitate networking and co-ordination leading to a civil society movement able to push the inclusive education agenda forward at country, regional and global level. 64 #CostingEquity

Image © Ulrich Eigner, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD 65 References

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International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) is a global consortium of disability and development NGOs, mainstream development NGOs, and disabled people’s organisations supporting disability and development work in more than 100 countries around the world.

The aim of IDDC is to promote inclusive development internationally. Inclusive development means respecting the full human rights of every person, acknowledging diversity, eradicating poverty and ensuring that all people are fully included and can actively participate in development processes and activities regardless of age, gender, disability, state of health, ethnic origin or any other characteristic.

Publishing information

Content: © IDDC Inclusive Education Task Team, 2016

International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)Rue de l’Industrie 10B-1000 Brussels, www.iddcconsortium.net

Photo credits: CBM Australia LIGHT FOR THE WORLD, Alexandra Pawloff/Roeland Hoekstra/Ulrich Eigner Leonard Chesire Disability, Hamish Roberts Handicap International, Julia McGeown Sightsavers International, Peter Caton/Peter Nicholls

Layout: Last Mile, Denmark

All content and data as of September 2016