Microcystis Aeruginosa Toxin: Cell Culture Toxicity, Hemolysis, and Mutagenicity Assays W

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Microcystis Aeruginosa Toxin: Cell Culture Toxicity, Hemolysis, and Mutagenicity Assays W APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. June 1982, p. 1425-1433 Vol. 43, No. 6 0099-2240/82/061425-09$02.00/0 Microcystis aeruginosa Toxin: Cell Culture Toxicity, Hemolysis, and Mutagenicity Assays W. 0. K. GRABOW,l* W. C. Du RANDT,1 O. W. PROZESKY,2 AND W. E. SCOTT1 National Institute for Water Research, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001,1 and National Institute for Virology, Johannesburg,2 South Africa Received 9 November 1981/Accepted 22 February 1982 Crude toxin was prepared by lyophilization and extraction of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa from four natural sources and a unicellular laboratory culture. The responses of cultures of liver (Mahlavu and PLC/PRF/5), lung (MRC-5), cervix (HeLa), ovary (CHO-Kl), and kidney (BGM, MA-104, and Vero) cell lines to these preparations did not differ significantly from one another, indicating that toxicity was not specific for liver cells. The results of a trypan blue staining test showed that the toxin disrupted cell membrane permeability within a few minutes. Human, mouse, rat, sheep, and Muscovy duck erythrocytes were also lysed within a few minutes. Hemolysis was temperature dependent, and the reaction seemed to follow first-order kinetics. Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, and Tetrahymena pyriformis were not significantly affected by the toxin. The toxin yielded negative results in Ames/Salmonella mutagenicity assays. Micro- titer cell culture, trypan blue, and hemolysis assays for Microcvstis toxin are described. The effect of the toxin on mammalian cell cultures was characterized by extensive disintegration of cells and was distinguishable from the effects of E. coli enterotoxin, toxic chemicals, and pesticides. A possible reason for the acute lethal effect of Microcystis toxin, based on cytolytic activity, is discussed. Some cellular components of various species number of disturbances in enzymatic systems of algae have toxic, carcinogenic, or mutagenic and metabolic processes have been observed, effects (7, 11, 23, 31, 32, 34, 37). Neither the and it has been concluded that the toxins of blue- chemical nor the toxicological properties of green algae cause degenerative changes in par- these compounds have been fully established (6, enchymatous organs and brain cells (22). Toxins 7, 11). Certain strains of the blue-green alga of blue-green algae have been reported to agglu- (cyanobacterium) Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz tinate erythrocytes (6) and to be cytopathogenic emend Elenkin produce toxins which may con- for cultures of mammalian cells (22). Primary sist of different combinations of a number of fibroblast cultures of human and rat embryo peptide or peptide-containing toxins of unde- cells have proved particularly sensitive, fol- fined structure with hepatotoxic or neurotoxic lowed, in decreasing order of sensitivity, by a rat activities (7, 11, 22). The M. aeruginosa toxin fibroblast cell line and the HeLa, A-8, and HEp- known as microcystin or fast-death factor, 2 cell lines (22). which kills white mice in 1 to 3 h, may consist of This study deals with the response of previ- more than one type of cyclic polypeptide which ously untested cells to Microcystis toxin, the may contain up to 16 amino acids and have a development and evaluation of biological assays molecular weight ranging from 654 to 19,400 (7, for Microcystis toxin, and the testing of toxin for 11, 28, 37). Death of mice and vervet monkeys mutagenic activity by means of the Ames/Sal- injected with Microcystis toxin has been as- monella microsome mutagenicity assay (Ames cribed to circulatory failure as an indirect conse- test). The results contribute to the characteriza- quence of extensive liver damage (10, 37, 38). tion of Microcystis toxin, the establishment of However, the short survival time suggests that practical methods for research on the toxin, and liver damage may not be the primary cause of the understanding of its mechanism of action. death, and indications that neurotoxic activity located in the same fraction as the hepatotoxin MATERIALS AND METHODS or in a different fraction is the cause of death Microcystis toxin. Harvests consisting predominantly have been observed (11). In white rat and mouse of toxic M. aeruginosa were collected in South Africa toxicological studies in which algal toxin prepa- from the Hartbeespoort Dam (near Pretoria) in 1978, rations that probably included microcystin but the Vaal Dam (near Johannesburg) in 1977 and 1980, possibly also other toxins have been used, a and the Roodeplaat Dam (near Pretoria) in 1978 (35, 1425 1426 GRABOW ET AL. APPL. ENVIRON. MICROBIOL. 37). Similar harvests of nontoxic Microcystis orga- of streptomycin and the other containing (per millili- nisms collected at the Hartbeespoort Dam in 1974 and ter) 1 mg each of EDTA (Titriplex III; E. Merck) and 1979 and the Rietvlei Dam (near Pretoria) in 1975 glucose in sodium chloride (8 mg/ml), 0.2 mg of served as negative controls. A unicellular laboratory potassium chloride, 2.89 mg of disodium hydrogen culture of a toxic strain of M. aeruginosa designated phosphate 12 hydrate, and 0.2 mg of potassium hydro- WR70 (35) was propagated as described elsewhere (35; gen phosphate (calcium- and magnesium-free phos- W. E. Scott, D. J. Barlow, and J. H. Hauman, Pro- phate-buffered saline), were mixed together immedi- ceedings ofthe International Conference on the Water ately before being used for the trypsinization of the Environment: Algal Toxins and Health, in press). cells. Freeze-dried samples were thoroughly ground with a Microtiter cell culture assay. The mammalian cell pestle and mortar, suspended in 0.1 M ammonium cultures were trypsinized, and the cells were suspend- bicarbonate (1 g/100 ml), stirred overnight at 10°C, and ed in appropriate volumes of growth medium supple- centrifuged (10,000 x g for 30 min); the toxin-contain- mented with 2 to 10% serum (the harvest from conflu- ing supernatant was then freeze-dried. This material ent growth in 25-cm2 flasks was suspended in 10 to 25 was suspended in distilled water (4 mg/ml) and then ml of medium), and 0.1-ml volumes of these suspen- filtered (Sartorius SM/S13400 [diameter, 47 mm; pore sions were seeded into wells of microtiter plates size, 5 ,m] followed by Sartorius SM/N11306 [diame- (Titertek plates with 96 flat-bottom wells; Flow Labo- ter, 25 mm; pore size, 0.45 pLm]) for testing. ratories). Dilutions of test suspensions (0.1 ml) were Escherichia coli enterotoxin. E. coli strains 18, B7A, added immediately or after 24 h. Sterile distilled water and H10407, which all produce both heat-labile and and similar preparations of nontoxic strains of M. heat-stable enterotoxins (8, 9, 15, 33), were supplied aeruginosa were used in negative controls. After incu- by A. S. Greeff (Institute of Pathology, Pretoria). bation at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% C02, the cells Cultures were grown in Oxoid Nutrient Broth no. 2 for were studied for cytopathogenic effects. 48 h at 35°C without shaking and centrifuged (10,000 x Hemagglutination and hemolysis tests. Sheep, Mus- g for 30 min); then the supernatant was filtered covy duck, mouse, rat, and human (group A, RH+) through a membrane (pore size, 0.45 pm) for toxicity erythrocytes were washed three times with 0.85% testing. sodium chloride and resuspended in sodium chloride. Cell cultures. The human hepatoma cell lines PLC/ In hemagglutination tests, 1% suspensions (0.1 ml) of PRF/5 (hepatitis B surface antigen positive) (passage erythrocytes were seeded into wells of microtiter 91) and Mahlavu (hepatitis B surface antigen negative) plates (Titertek plates with 96 V-shaped wells; Flow (passage 102) (1, 29, 30) were obtained from J. J. Laboratories), and dilutions of the test suspensions Alexander, R. Saunders, and J. A. Pienaar (National (0.1 ml) were added immediately. Saline and similar Institute for Virology, Johannesburg). The Chinese preparations of nontoxic strains of M. aeruginosa hamster ovary cell line CHO-Kl (passage 14) was were used in negative controls. The plates were cov- purchased from Flow Laboratories, Inc., and the fetal ered and allowed to stand for 3 to 4 h at room rhesus monkey kidney cell line MA-104 and the human temperature. Results were recorded as ++ (no cells embryo lung cell line MRC-5 (passage 27) were pur- settling at the bottom, erythrocyte agglutination), + - chased from M. A. Bioproducts. Cultures of the Vero (partially positive: about half of the cells settling at the (African green monkey kidney) and HeLa (human bottom, the rest remaining diffused), or - - (negative: cervical carcinoma) cell lines were provided by E. M. well-defined spot of erythrocytes settled at the bottom Bey (National Institute for Virology) and J. A. Pien- of the well and clear solution at the top), as described aar. The BGM (African green monkey kidney cell elsewhere (6). In hemolysis tests, equal volumes of lines) and primary vervet kidney cells have been erythrocytes in saline (10% [vol/vol]) and test material described elsewhere (14). Hepatoma, HeLa, MA-104, suspended in saline were mixed and kept at 35°C for 60 Vero, BGM, and primary vervet kidney cells were min. Reaction mixtures were then macrohematocrit grown in Eagle minimal essential medium with Earle centrifuged in Wintrobe tubes (3,000 x g for 3 min at salts EMEM (Auto-Pow; Flow Laboratories) supple- room temperature or 2,260 x g for 30 min at 5°C) (41) mented (per milliliter) with 100 U of penicillin, 100 pg or microhematocrit centrifuged by the method de- of streptomycin, 50 ptg of neomycin, 292 pg of L- scribed previously (41) or in 1.5-ml Eppendorff tubes glutamine, and 2 mg of sodium bicarbonate. Gentamy- with a Heraeus-Christ type 00912 microhematocrit cin (50 ,ug/ml) and tylosin (8 p.g/ml) were occasionally centrifuge for 5 min at room temperature.
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