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4-6-1950 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1950). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2536.

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, . I BACKWARDtOOK I , • MRR ARTHtnt TURNER. Ecntor 208 • ColleI' l:oulev.rd TEN YEARS AGO • Clubs Personal a Date! , From Ballooh Times, April.. 1940 BULLOCH lit's I The dean's hst from Tea�,hers Col­ lege for the laBt quarter showed for­ ��XNxtc��DIJ EVENING PARTY (STATE9BORO NBWS--STATISBORO EAGLE) OUT-OF·TOWN ATTENDANTS ty se an n a mea, the Junior leadmg TIllman Jr and Mrs. AT BRANNEN RUNERAL Mrs E G with 'Seventeen, BentOn, fourteen, R. S. NEW PASSES Harold Powell werc hostesses to the out-of fr1ends and �ophomores eleven and freshmen slx Bnlloch J:...blilhed 1_ ! Among th� town TIm.. CouoUd.ted "... '''. U1" DISTRICT BAR EXAM members of the Tally Club and their on Mam aery Personal I relatives attending the funeral of SIms Super Stor�. Wes� Statelboro N.... :latablllJhed 11101! STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. APRIL 6. 1950 VOL the latest to the husbands at a party Wed­ street announces lIIIO +f� Purely. Among group pass John F Brannen Monday were Mr dehghtful Its forthaomlng 8tateaboro Barle. z.tabIIIhed 111l'r-ColllOlldated O-ber II. of last week at the =,===,,'"""'=�=-==I..8etwee0' .. IMRS.Distr'iet of Columbia bar examtnatton and Mrs Jesse Me.dows. Mr and nesday evemnz opemng Saturday. specia! for openmg u-s-I attractive new home of Mr and Mrl was Mrs Justin Deneux for- Mlnme day 6-lb flour free to $1 of Eastman, New. Mrs A D Farmer. Mrs bag each, I Mlos Fay Haygood of S C Mrs New Jack TIllman Pina boughs decorated customer 12 cents MISS Bev RUTH BEAVER merly Celumbla, Brown and Mrs Alma Talley Ham. ; pork chops pound was the week end guest ef the loems and asserted sandWlil1lfriends and pa- whose and whIte cake with Ice florIst's shop forthcomIng marriage pmk bIrthday man Jr at ..her home on Gnanade of Mattie Will FIelds left for proper dbpo••1 two clIlrerent Itl • Ollie Mae 1111•• Peart brother- MI88 Ellen Ingd.le M"". Jemllan. the on the farm d�-re...... 1I0tmente to funeral of �lIS them La3t Sun­ 13 cream Favors for the were deap. Claxton. Mary popul.tion prior pl.ntilllr blellts remembered l\nnouncedl girls street Ulles and red ro_ and chief of of 1I!l!l1l�,i'I!r}he Blocker. and Walter Meeks. Lud- Amaryllkl Hoyt Odfj\n. police mYlterion devices which In the Hdnd rlX and Mrs H..1d "I:]aw; GeorQ'e W Braswell the Medical of Bulloch. holls. and boabs or balls Were gIven KIte. Readrlx,0 ... Peny. recently death of her bro- Wade. Beebee. Wilhams. George .... sun_II,",lure u. u the - 1 B. au Mlall.. • .Iso the e home atatIon Tb _., J. 8-'th. lppl State, ..__ .... unexpected IlIe, th Car1 B'-".... Bem.rd 'n 1Mll, •., flam a tour of the European the.ter for S S Partridge, J W. and ry Bal'llel. of Pululd. ended hi. but of the .... of mte_ -, op. CAN GROm pi James W. no Carliker brown and fuchSia f.r. that many pl • Aubllrll. ther. Holland. plans green Mot loon ri'lel oflOrator .t the hOIDe •.. 0nIutn W 'W1aItahaed of opemtlon, h.� been awarded the R G Savannah .t the f.mlly home with a p1atol the � --- BaniII Charlie Joe Holllnr.worth observing the occasion are being made AII.n. blulneu th.t receive the moat help ... .. Pndlcal 1: ,...i medal for r.n- ",.a waa I yarioUI of occupatIon services en. The program for the evenlnl' Sizes 10 to 18 throuih hla IPraln. de.ponent atatiOIl reoel""l the lipale .. .t tht, but a visit from friends will be from the tourlet travel haft PROGRAM with I.ewl, Hur y ...... tlOil Be A ...... derM m the 'European theater of op- the from Mra B. 'JI. Outlalld Jr and Mill by ..Irectaly I4IONS SPONSOR joyed and appreCIated Mr and Mrs arranged by WIth the yaloi'. for each (gr.phed • • • • eratlOn Savannah D toa..t- Be.1 Lee ""re hoate_ Tae.- I not become _be... of the Chamhir EVENING At Vat Sa.... fa c.t MI�s Moss. V Wade acted .s Joint nd worice BEGINNING THIS .. the cOllteat • • • • Cornell Foy and Betty the reoelvlnr maohine). TIIo ealarln, cgtton as .fternoon .t "Crackerhllnt" Ill, by and Mr and 1I1rs Max master and R G Allen served top- $16.95 da,. of Commefte. Recent members not of aDd L. P Bulloch to� .... Savannah. • the fttlue 0( Mlal Bettye Lawll. Quitman, ""re"_ S .nd Alex HuTmlcutt. count, rr,o,.. LUNCHEON IN CLAXTON One-minute talks on va- honor of Min Rath Leeter•• bride·' up dl.pam .Ilowllll Moss WIll Dr .1Id Mrl De· IClma.te�. lilted .re: Claude H....rd. of ...tu- ....ata aeon_ be ,with ' pnvloue1y Gerald W Pryor, Flt.rerald ...II.Smlth. till theIr own .-. Mrs Adams a .nd humnldity .-. Clala. Smith. W rrow Roy rioul subjects were made W K •Iect of the'lDIInth ....31ure. tem--ture...... - L Jo-.r. Loach for the week end by W. H EII1. Co•• Hod,.. .t Teachen Oollel8. and m. Bal!ery/ denta Geo",.. ome think. • •• • E B Cohen Ander. Fonner IOldlen • .,Ior. W. H. Smith Jr. and Emory Bunnl- Ic.lly•• powen group of Statesboro fnends at a love- Beebee. Stubbs. Iplo-ordllllted .,.Inlt helrht. I,.atar D. Linton G Laaler. RohDln. ca.t whlcb o�rwI.. oonaiatIB ....mble Colllu..l...... Chlrle. A. W rlnes are called to S.turd.; tile ruah on for , luncheon at her home m REGIONAL LIBRARY GROUP .on, 01111'1. Butherland. I for 1..,11 .re CO. .nd The.Ia!'. .. Ihow. "It'. cutt. With prettent ...... 1'1 brIdge court houle for the the•• l!mlllcint Pac:ImIJr Ge9rr1a of Liolla In tile rlet,. ieermlt Arnold I afternoon at the I value, I.. A meetlnl' of "brari.". Carr. Andefloll, �I. to the The Nevils b.lkethall I:o.m w.. the .t the tMl .(Thura- growerl aeem to think It iI Claxton Thursday m honor of her regIonal of a of coded .nd lent vIt. talephone • Date." colltre m.ny ton Braswell. W Henry Waters. Jolin purpose oflaniling pOlt ..• It was held here Monday and Tuesd.y of ruest the Ch.mber of C6 eveninl and Prlday evening to ....t. here .n, sl�ter. Mrs Hubert Amason. of At S and Robert S Lanier Elmer American Larlon. we.ther bureau 01'11_ Certain day) Two Former Citizens pol!8lble pow P WIth our local 11_ Lough u...... F. the of the th,s week Meeting returned merce JrTro��_ofy. Robert Youn,. will be the .nnUlI productIon In eo_ D Williams S Elder M. F. Stubbs ye.· I thIS data 0n more Some rrowers evel')' lanta, who. WIth her family. spent Mrs Nan Edith MISS Johnson. R. and I! lotherforecat centers pot dbcu..ed the record of the LI_ Club••nd brarllns. JoneB. was pnnclJ!8l. Stataaboro proceeds For Burial delivered five-mInute terday from LilGranll'e. present I 'Diilturned every tli t tiIU last we.. as of Mr and Mrs SorrIer and lllra W. R. Partrldl8 pre. construct charta for 6. 10" well .s some of the other donated to .n fIInd '\� munlty prove year k guests Isabelle Leg- a tornado maps and _m aJ will' be ey.,1a,n., J W. Caraker ..rved there Sunday when great were M.. s Mlu J!8red speeches .bout the Nevlhl The mention a. I. For Boa Fred T, Sr were ette Dorothy of '20-tliousand loot levels This oubtandlng thin,. for the under-prlvllel8d chlldun (It ",onhy of thinkIng wrong example. Lamer, Covers SJ.loinc..�r ,"v.laltot:· took ma,ll1 IIvel. two daughters 15 and mjJllbe anil MISS Lu�lIe of all achool and then Lions are a baby two Warnock com- Sa"; Jones l'Ilx. In ,n work. presentad'll'axl. wive. of spoMonng 'a coincidence � thele form!r H Smith. from the plaoed for Mrs Amason. Mrs Phil- Next An­ Stubbs Rve LaGrangi" .. a cOMlderable aId forecasting the st.te Atlanta, and Monday evening Callen Ellier "tes, Inttoduced the team contest and will crown boy cltlz.n returne'll for In�rment .t department. At a farmers In the court r coach, yho popul.rlty •• finds that can lie will serve as lDeebng av planta lp Weldon, of MrB James Relds- derson toastmaster. and In 3erwvmg IatlOn of their rec- the even- were cous- munlty, Griffin. repr�sentabves from Sylvama. afternoon contracts and outlined something and girl winners at FrIday their old home cemetal')'. Carr as E B hou.e Saturday than thoul.neL Sa- KermIt toplcsmaster. In 9tate tourna_ Hall'. mo- grown for I.s. $1 per Bland. Mrs Claude Howard. Mrs BOb VIlle. MIllen. SwaInsboro. Metter. acres of ord the dIstrict .nd p.rformance Ins-Mlkell's fathe ad John were SIgned for planting 100 Ing the Stubb. as master evaluator and ments He out that NeVIls start ench "t brotber alld SlIter Go lots of 5ay that If the, Mrs Mrs vannah and Claxton Tu.eday 9tatlon to be 10 pOlDted The shows evenlnll ther being Yet growcrs Donald30n, Henry Elha. a\gram SylvaRla YOUI own Mrs Everett Wllhams and IS over the fast that a TrIlby Wllhams. to fiRlsh first next he saId to try raIsIng Lamer. hbrary happy of 10th. parbclpatlllg on the year. daughter of Mr and Mrs Alton WIl- April HEREFORD BElFER TEAM Fl.. used worth of fertl- MIS Devane W.hon new bookmobIle has been purchased Lee TEACHERS COLLEGE Dr. A. F. Mikell. DeLand. Mr SmIth $24 of became the brIde I)logram WIll be ilflss MalY Jane.. for Its use hams, Savannah, on I"s and then •• • • M,ss BeBS Lee, vocalist M,s. Give RELEASES FULL SCHEDULE 67. hzer thIS year bed, of Robert GranVIlle RImes. son of reader, Repeats ProposItion To Dr A F ("Pete") MIkell. age Mrs Bruce Akins the Fermate to con- HALF-HIGH BRIDGE CLUB and Mrs Andrew Brook- Baker, vlOilmst, thIS week Thursday, Pi�- a natIve of Statesboro who for $21 worth of STATESBOR·O� P·J�ANNING_ MI RImes, to 4-H Clubster ACTIVE PROGRAM Games applJed to go fOI benefit Reward 30 has been In bus- cloth MI JIm Watson wa.J! hostess to let. Saturday morning. March 25th. vlOhRlst, proceeds byterlall College at PIlots FIeld. 3 past thIrty odd years trol blue mold The cost of the EASTER LILY fiALE of Branch school of "llIch MI3S dIed In that the Bay Fat Stock Show mess In DeLand. Fla. • mambels of her bridge club at a de at Calvary Baptist Templ�. with Wmnmg p m for th,s amounted to some $12 All over the WIll '" a IS I an extended year state, Georllians Rev D t Sharpe p"IIClpa next week Monday Tues- Tuesday follOWing Chandler oll'lclatlDg The only ALUMNI Games cIty IS a ORGANIZE he "ghtful party afternoon at on 1st mvested pulhnl' Thursday be wearlDg Easter hhes April Alfred Dorm,n IS agam oll'ermg at Due S The was brought here W,th the $67 attendanta were the Immediate fam- I day, Er.kme College West, IlIne.s body her home on North Mam street A for GeorgIa's cerebral palSIed chll FORTY· YEARS AGO heIfer to the 4 H at whIch was In East tIme They lies FollOWing the ceremony a Te purebred Hereford First Group Organozatlon C, Wednesday Newberry College fOl mterment. above 80.000 plallt3-on dren Statesboro WIll be aile 0 f th• at \&nety of flower� was used of best Pre'Sby- SIde servlc.s the jund sprlDg I ceptlon was held at the home the From Bulloch TImes April 6, 1910 Club or that shows the Into NewbellY S C. Thursday. Cemetery. following are also good healthy plants. WIll be .... boy girl Was That Brought CItIes where LIly Day Parad� -r S C PrImItIve church here at I Ire the about her roon13 and sandWIches bnde's parent-0 ImmedIately a the At confelence Sunday mal nmg call fat stock tenan College, Chnton, BaptIst want to use po held All funds WIll be turned over home ,g,own calf m the LIfe at Tifton the 1 oca I gl'()wels the left for an ex­ extended to Rev J F of Tuesday Results to date Teachers 6. Erskme 10 30 th,s morning tato chIps. b,owRles and Coca Colas reception couple was Eden. there IS no nced to start to the Cerobnl SocIety, whICh :. show 27 W C Hodges Ir. gen- Geor are hIS the former However. Palsy tended through Tennessee Upon to ate of Baptl�t Aplli Collelt" 8 Teachers 4 3, North SurvIVIng WIfe. \\Cle selved of triP Augusta, pastol Dr MarVin S PIttman. plesldent H. For mgh score MI'Ss IS spon.,ormg the Imrade a'S part announces three BonS. on Snuth for ),lallt8 their return WIll reSIde In Wash- church eral chauman of the show College 3 2 LIlly Olhll', of State3boro. a rush Mr annual Easter Seal for they and hounselor at glU Maxann "an a cook book for the campaIgn 18 ementus 'iliUmnl St Petersburg, Dr Robert F Mtkell, of Mtanu, Fla. them to fellows Foy • mgton, DC, where Mr RImes W W Bland lost hiS barn anp, con Mr 3tated that thls heifer Jerome Silverman, has already promIsed I th e benefit atef h state's 30.000 Crlp- Hodges directed baseman last of of Eustis, Fla, and half a hose case WIth Federal Bureau of fire at 1 o'clock Georgia Teachers College. tint year Dr P 0 MIkell. In a tber hIgh went ta MtS employed the tents by mcendlar) the or that shows Fla, Iancy that lIave done hIm favors pled chlldlen WIll go to boy girl of the Gear of Fla, Ike at Tifton of the the Vldah Lyons Twms I Charles MIkell. JacksonVIlle. Bomard MorrIS. and for cut Mrs Investlllatlon Monday morning Halden, young fed organizatIon Tuesday But the fact The JunIOr Woman's Club IJf States- •••• the calf that was dropped Coach Custus of Savan- ways UI gone by WIth the 3ettmg wus top to gla Sb,te League, IS asslstmg one brother, MIkell. Zach are In negro charged first m a .erles of alumm chapters tobacco receIved a guest towel bora announces that pian. final same farm Mr the remams that Bulloch couRty SII\lt� BETA SIGMA PHI Rlfested by Albert Kendllck deupty and shown from the J I Clement" Jr WIth manage· nah for so .. thIS Others Mrs readmess Saturday's sale, Just be formed under college liSp,ces Teachers man Dr Mikell was en- own plaYing were Joe Robert The Beta SIgma PhI regular meet­ sherIII' has been lUtere.ted In seelplt,> ment of the GeoI1t'" Collelle As", young growel's can grow th..r plant' watch for the3e ladles and by 'Dorman 811- bUSIness and W help In" was WIth who ..g baseball team Tbe 29 'Year-old gaged In the drug here, th em Tlilmnn,"l MI3 R Lovett Mrs G ... held lIIond.y evemng -----__:�,---=l;------W T SmIth. purchas a WIth spr r than can buy 'I. these and start they 'buymg- a Illy boys girls get Un- a CIrcle of frIends HI'S cbeap< Mrs J R Jr hostess .t her ed the W B MJ.rtlnrecentl,yhom� 011 North Dr P,ttman to tour the verman who atlended Oglethorpe enjoyed WIde C Coleman Jr. Mrs Forbes. • •• • Gay tl1em four expects Ello"ay hvestock and has gIven the IS a father wa3 the late J T (. 'Dock") on Savannah avenue MI'S ----- Mam street IS moving hIS f.!l1Ily Into m Iver.lty before war. sophe M,s W R M,.s METTER ENTERTAINMENT npartment state In alumm together PLAN Bmwn. Helen Rowse. no well a. bnnglag he IS a well known citIzen. lind one REGISTER YOUTHS J E Bowen Jr and Mrs Hal Macon L'AIGLON-- the home today the Martm faulIly heIfers In yealo gone by more student here Although MI�ell. MIS OF and before Statesboro Earl Allen, Mrs Arnold Ander- LOCAL INTEREST on conven McEachern home III county leglona. group. from football, of the settlers of FOR LITERARY CONTES1lB Jr gave reports the state WIll move to the one bull retmng profeSSIOnal orlirlnal an annual lIever have to h. ""9 a reBI- I SilO. Mrs Mrs The Metter Athletic ASSOCIation bon held In Savannah March 26th East Stnte.boro Alumm June ard. the Teacher3 planned DUling hi. years studen'" are Roy Hltt. Raymond lIvestock Day Re l8�r HIgh School WIll a Mr saId that the Clements said Oharleston S his present baby show and annual Indlvldull cakel were WIth FI e at PulaskI morning Hodges WIll ad u�e hIm a. a playcr, dent of C, makIng mlnual htier. Summe"hn, Mrs Kathenne Ahce WII- seryed Saturday commencement activIty He fO-'.ard,n· to tlie stunt March at 7 had tho home WIth a son there lookll!'ng mght Frlaay. :n, toa..ted sandWIches out that plogresslve comlmttee expressed hope e to held at Teachers C I IIIls heavenly hash. practICally WIped d ress school or lumor co IIeg ary meet be 1" klDson. Rtlbert LanIer and Mrs o'clork Friends of Bernard Morris and hlgb and Coca-Colas Members preBent town when two brick bUIldings In 1951 bhe would on 14th Studente that "'gulatlOns WAS- '1'..I1S YOU? lege FrIday, April Josh L.nler WIll be mtere3ted to know that thIS III student bod,es each ooy S A Wl8Olblagton. D C were Mrs Bowen. Mr3 Macon. Mrs two f,ame structur..s went up "home RALL. th,s meet are RIchard 1I;ey "'eU' chan ed to permIt the are dawn town enterlllg • • • • assoclahon and are under - g vl�ted You productlfm E W Barnes. MIss CharI 0tte Ketch flames loser, were J Z Pat lick A In TIft county Tuesday he emlltoyed who far a ...... was wore a "lack SUIt Sam A Hall. age 72. long hIS are calf 10 be any calf that Wednesdal yea EASTERN STAR ""APTER directIon. and they cordIally Mrs Earl Mrs F C Parker E P and C H grown" and • 11m, Lee. • C/Johnson, Kennedy T"ton and " schools tlme was 0. relludent of Statesboro" UWnh��· not Onloga hIgh and whIte blouse You have 11 son Jwrood•firshrl;omyeearectyenPolmng'C'3,UBlde'tnt� ,-.:: mVlted Mrs lbout In Bulloch county und b� "". HAS ANNUAL ELECTION Jr, Mrs Charles RobblDs Jr, Gleen, damage $25,000 dlopped Ca I III a D C hospItal Freeman. oys ••• a Abraham BaldWin Agrlcultul'lll ond two dled Washmgton, reaam!!" Eugene S at TImes office hom that glandchlldrell ""... Boota The follOWIng Oll'lCers were elected Lamar Jack Wynn Capt J HaglR necessarily fed and shown WIll at RIght after a long IIln..3 Betty Wmskle. gIrl's y, CONTEST JUDGES M:. a for He to meet WIth the If tl e Illdy deSCribed call Tuesday saY. Trapnel! a.nd. how WIld con lege planned .. pick pretty print spring! related turkey gobbler hp Funeral arrangements aro Incom m0'51C, DeCoursey Jr., at the meetmg Tuesday evenIng to Mf3 Everett farm the 1m cs ,(fIef' �he Will glven Beasley., Wllhams. Mrs Leodel ATTEND CONVENTION red to plevent him flom VIOlation alumni at Fltzgerald Wednesday, WIll be held , sp tickets to the "The In- plete. but ntes probably declamation serve Blue I Coleman snd Mrs E L Barnes were re 01 er wou be m two PICture. Ray Chapter 121 Order of h ased t e b d h f Id First DI.- Mrs Hal lIIacon Jr, Mrs Charles of 1 Th Id Th pUle McRae and FrI 1:'1 Statesboro 16 cntermg the 1m Metler WI, Thursday, Soperton GeMraV' shOWing toOay Friday itelllster Eastern Star Mrs !\Io"day, where select 0 e well ", specto� contest for the Sarah PruItt they RobblDs Jr, Mro Lehman Frankhn go bb�wer tHeaglll" gaore � aglRl am� addItIOn to obher pllzes offeled the Theater Mr Hall IS survIved by two ohll trlct one-act play cd MISS Metter d ay and at the GeorgIa School and M,.s FrIday .. matron HIgh and Mn J E Bowen Jr attended the InsIde for hIS gun, and" hen he came Mamie Eng time thiS year The cast goes"!;to worthy PrUItt , W Ie WI II tota I some the Mrs Porritt, fir3t Flenllng Metter G,ammar School SIX lings h h $450' The. Alutnm A'BsoclatlOn Dr Pitt Ailt!r II.:CC1V1IIg hAl Llcket�, if dren, H)\l1 They were state convention 0 eta Ph I the wIld one had left no law on 'ltQ. 1I11s f B S Igma out Statesboro and Mrs MamIe Han Anderson, Summertown FrIday, April worthy patron, Helen Hodges, accompanied Mrs H H Cowart 'The clubstet3 have sante 48 calves. WIth ludy WIll cull ut the land, by held at the DeSoto Savannah V1olqtlOn' I man saId. has been reJuvmated and two slstere. to theIr play, along WIth other Hotel. w II be a Washmgton. DC, present assocIate mahon Fordham llId Mrs B B MorrIS ves f lUI II ShOJI she Jl'lven WIley March 25th arnval Census enumelators anllounced f01 th e glOup h .s some 15 ca I (' The tIme 0" presentatlnu Upon delegntes l1eglO the <>.tabhshment of an" alumni qual 0"B P Charleston. S C. school. Iove I 01 C"I d WI th I"tImen • f Mrs "'aull, �"" Mrs are S K y mcluded E"U· associate patlon, Blondle were "ntcI�alned at a luncheon at the Bulloch county Hodges, In ere WI II bide sevora u It er Stotesboro IS 2 40 m The cast Har. d th p. on of an Atlanta "rea BIll comr.Hoi and 1Ifr.. W S. Pleetollus, P 'VISl'l1S IN NORTH c�nor, INA terly. orgamzat the ploplletor. oway Jonl8 conductr.. MI. ,'" Forums held on leader- B M F.verett. E E Tapnell Egbert I were M. and Mrs W N Jean Anderoon. ,s. Q.ljoto H. & cattle f week w.. H,s geDe Freeman. ley, LUCIlle Hagllls about 100 o'r descfllled last parents v Sons lndv MISS Patt Bnnk asI Minkovitz of a new clo Tile 'w stu totalmg and 5, eyan If lit d s d A. SmIth, Meshack Hodges, J group, SPODBOI'9hIP the subotantlal Tucker Vlrlaa Lewis, Robert Mrs Mrs !>.Ilen R Lamel. who called Hall. alllong long allo Holl'j.nd will Friday nIght Statesboro's Largest Depp.rtment Store D B J H the show. Mr Hodges thmks whICh the as I Bownlan. b�;;n';r�h�aafie�""o:a� f��hl:;,:a�e� Bhteh Jr RIgdon lege entrance and park "tteDded the CItIzens of Statesbo,,� SmIth TIllman Jo Ed Green and Eugeq, reas l�;:, L a a;,,�e I I Stl for her- tlcketa FrIday. ane, condll�ssJrer, DUZoe UZella t;'nt01')1 Spl tng hdomeny VISit With MIS:. r Frankl WI 11 IBm IS the �Ssocl�te \\ as Herbe t C &r A Cates sher, glv�n at MeldrIm House followed CIaIr, m. The show WIll be at the Bulloch sociatlon wll on Alumm her orchid and later Mortuarv III In charge of funeral Mrs Chas dlrectlnll ------de


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strickland are Mr. and 1\!f3. Clifford Martin and New for a children Fiv. Four-Room visiting relatives in Savannall visited relatives at Hiltonia ;. few . MIDDLEGROUND . days. Sunday Earl Hallman re­ Mr. and 'P,RICE of Mrs. Mrs. vlslted LOWEST Friends Oscar Turner I will gret to 'learn of her illness In the Bul-. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Burke in Mil- 'The Middleground lunchroom . at their loch len sverve the Farm Bureau ,reg­ County Hospitnl. Sunday. of Mr. and ular monthly meeting Thursday night, Mrs. Caref Crews, Waycro'B3, Mrs. Willie Saunders and Mr. and has several with of . 7. A very delicious supper Rent! is spendinll days children, Utah, are spending some- I fer . April be- Stdckland. .' timewlth Mr. been planned, and serving will Apartme�ts Mrs. O. C. and Mrs. W. H. Snun- has 7 o'clock. Mi"s Sadie .'Cnance. or Sa.rdi�. ders. gin at :30 . chorus returned horne- afte,.., Mr. and M.·. nnd Mrs A. D. son. The Middleb"l'Ound certatnly vi�iting. . Milford and at the Mrs. Chance ·Jr. . spent a very profitable day George Billie, spent Sunday. with her pay­ in Mon­ . Mr. and Mrs. O. M. RendIick ents, Mr. and Mrs. in Music Festival Milledgeville and ' Anderson, Reg- . Private, private' exits, . were ister. �� was their very entrances, Mrs. -Bessie of .Savannah, day. Not only trip Byrd, 101' 91'6IJtest�re all week-end of and lIrr'81 Mi�lf Grace who in educational, but from re�ort. they : guosts "r. ,W. Bowen, teaches 83 . the East ·0.. .' were the upper group of smgmg Aklns. :".,. River School in Atlanta. is Electric 'Hot Water Heaters. ... (JV� .. and Wey� orFtJl'fJet.1 far as the hiQ:hest ratings go. They �r. and Mr3. E.dlll" Crawfonl. spending spring holidays with her t " I.: '. '.: • ", were were accompanied by Mrs. Abernathy, (J childrO.ll.·.,qf Savannah., truests mother, Mrs. A. J. Bowen. Wood­ of Mrs. B. J. 1I11.s Ruth Lanier and Gfover wur furnish Sunday. . thelr mothe�. Pvt. Olliff Moore. who hns been at Electric RefrigeratOJ;'s ' . Willialll1!. rum, 81150 Mrs. Bernard Smith, Mrs. ••. hqme for six months on an extended 1111'S. L MIss Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McEIv.Ben and Fred Akins, roy Akins, furloullh on account of an injured' Mrs. J. and Stoves. were of Edwin Akins and Mr. and 'EleCt�c' family, .of S.avann�h. gu;,.tS, knee, has returned to Ft. Lewis, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. L. McElveen for the . E. R. Evans. . The Portal Garden Club will meet $10.45 , week . .cartee, fourth grade .l -end, , And Your Old Tire Douglas st�­ at· the home economics room f'or talent in FOR IMMEDIATE' OCCUPANCY ·Mr. and Mrs of New Tuesday" dent, won place .. J.:F.,· ,t.1aUarli. (6 :oox16 s�cond April.n •. at 3:30 p. m. Plans will be Size) of the 4-H Orleans, La ... and Mrli, R. V.·Che,try. the .tunt night program completed the flower show. School of. Ga are and tor coming Club .hold at the Laboratory. Alb�ny. .• visiting lIfr. .- Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night. Mrs. B. J. Futch. Alex WOOdl attended S e., ..·.·50 CONTACT the convention ,With Easter just around the cor­ Spoc. singing at Stilson Sun­ day with Dr. and Mrs. Oscar 'John: ner.·'NiI" Bure all the'Days and girls son. Dr. Johnson is still confiened to are awaiting the day when they may M. B. Hendricks JI'. or J. D. McDougald , his bed. Itave picnics and Easter egg hunts, Phone 92 PUtASKlNEWS now At Hendricks Used cars 'Sod 'it's almost warm enough 14-0z. Mrs -. Rachel Collin. waa h�nored Paul was home ',e'Voiral to take Forehand at with a that some might be tempted N. Main St., Statesboro. CLA�N, GA.; Sunday birthday' dinner at the Bottle days last week.. a nice swim. MOBt of the rooms have i home of her daughter.' Mra. Delmas hunt E. S. Woods. of Clito, vialted. friends in ZI�� . Easter "'lrg Friday Delsoach, Statesboro. Besides Mr. pWnned ·1 in town morning. and all the parents are ex­ -, Monday.' and Mrs. DeLoach enjoying the day Mr. and Mrs. R. Dav)s were tended a hearty welcome to come and :B. .s,Pent �he Mr. and. Mrs. Willie Finch and week' end in Buckhead. eDjoy the occaaion with us. 1-Lb. daughter, Mis. Jackie Waters; Mr. Mrs.' Elton Warren and Fo.r the Inst time I'm going to re­ , daughter. and Mrs. Theron Stewart and chil­ in Atlanta of the Bulloch PTA Pkgs. LEEFIELD NEWS Charlene, visited friends dren. Lamar and mind you County r Gale. and Bobble last week: � on 37C! of re­ counctl vmeebing. at'Middleground ',Z, Collins. Portal. Mrs. Collins .. 'of Linton Wmlam3 attended 'the We many MAIIa"'lIE Mr. and Mrs. Oswell ceived .• ApAil Bth, hope piA Grooms. many Waat birthday gi.tts. Sat,u'1iny Garden Club Convention in Brunswick of you are' planning to attend. Oliver. visited relatives here Sunday. .

. last week. IIIILDRED GROOVER, Pint Mr. 'and Mrs.. Hilton Joyner. of 'HE GRE1T:G'UlF'TIRE Mr. and' Mrs. Don Brannen. of I1ub�icity Ohairman. Jar Stnson. visited relatives here Sun- "\�.:' , �·B. Statesboro, visited Mrs. Mary Warren day. , . NE�· afternoon. w,il/�lf� ItMsf sSING Z,7C'_ OPPORTVNlTV Mrs. J. A. Allen, of Savannah. visil;., Sunday PfIkt 8IWJ' f'hf:81H�l iiUii;OACOBE E. F. John D. Sapp, of Atlanta. "pent Mr. and ed her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G. H. Holley and son Mr. WILTON HODGE8, 29 N. Main St•• Telephone 867 BROOKLET NEWS. KNOCKS HERE Tucker. Sunilay. the week end with hia parents. visited Mrs. Alex Anderson Monday. , and Mrs. r '. • Mr. and MI". Jnmes Edenfield and Troy Sapp. Marvin McLendon was guest dur- J.' B. RUSHING. '119 S. Mala SI.. Telephone 395 •.ammar of the Mrs. Grady Griffin. of Marshalville. Il'he g grade pupil, children, of Swainsboro. visited rela- ing the week end at Misa Ruth An- CLAXTON'S SERVICE 245 N. Mala 'Rolls Mr. and Mrs. STATION. 81•• Telephone 411 ,c"ools,.here enjoyed an Easter egg 3 zo,·� tives here Sunday afternoon. spent several days with derson, corner Dave Foss last week. HOKE 8. 62 E. Mala St hunt Friday on the school campus. ANTIQUES-Small cupboard Mr. and Mrs. Joyner, Mrs. MI'I. G. R. Holley. of Douglas, Ga., BRUNSON, •• Telephone �37 crotch Edgar number of Brooklet citi­ '1'IS,I'8E table. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stanfield. of is a nice; A' i"oOii'iT.' $SO. very Cecil and visited in the Bulloch . lur!!,e Joyner Jerry Joyner patient County P�er C. J. WYNN. Portal, Ga.. Telephone 2022 . copper, were week-end vlsitcrs of zens • ttended the Bu 1I0ch Oounty mahogany, proof; [ewelyr, relatives in Metter Monday. Soperton, Hospital. beautiful handwork for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. WATERS GULF 6 Mil"" 80uth on U. Singing Convention at Stilson Sunday. 3-0z. brass' china' Friends of Bolo Bradley, a patient Mr. and MT3. Layton Sikes .and son, SERVICE. S. No. who has been in At­ fractio� of value; 7-piece Vic- Mr. and' Mrs. G. P. Green and son, Jl. H, Wal'Dock. Foil only in the Battey State Hospital, will be Wendel, spent Sunday with Mr. and H. P. JONES. Dlstrlbulor, Telephone 117 lanta for the past four weeks for torian living room suite, original up- 2lad to hear of his improvement. Joe, visited relatives in Athens and Mrs. Coy Sikes. 14'� you Jefferson end. treatment, is at home again some­ holstering, excellent condition; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradley visited during the week Miss Rachel Dean Anderson spent GREE'S,E YE OLDE ciioi'A.' I browse at Mr. and Mrs. Julian Anderson at_ what improved. are welcome to their grandsons. Robbie and Bert the week end in Savannah wlbh Mr. soutbeaat Mr. and MI's. Eugene McElveen, WAGON WHEEL. 3 miles Br-adley, in Savannah lost Saturday. te{'ded the funeral of Elder David C. and Mrs. Hurold Brown. i����������������������:������� Mr. Sav.annah (tf) Bonks at Statesboro after- .. Mrs. WiIIi.m McElveen, 16·0z. Highway. Monday Mr. D. B. Edmonds Mr and States.boro. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Beasley Sr. and ' and Mrs. und nono. and Mrs. Judson McElveen, all of Jnck were dinner with Mr. _ Beasley Sunday daughters Can FOR SALE Bran new Hot Point Sunday. and, and Ml"'S. Desse Brown, of of Mr. and Mrs r. H. and Mr. Mrs. T. J. s6ent of Savannah, guests .. Beasley. dom, DaiSY. $100. and many an attended service, at the BAS.': range. $140; piano. ·Mr. and Mrs. and �M I·S.andDMrd·or enEW�IIDurdenI ia�'13, of Savan- Miaa Vivian of Stilson, Prim­ 3'O� items. hone 2902. (He) George Beasley Andersen, Savannah, cOiiliiii",ARBEEE:' household P were of Mr. and church ond nah. Sunday guests Itive Baptist here Sunday children. of ,PoItal, were week-'end spent Sunday with hel' po rents, Mr. Finest were dinner guests of Mr•. M. J. Mc­ guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and EI".en. 3-Lb. F��l�;:,�tm!�ti!�g s���I��g�er.und r. M�·r.J�n�· �.�21Jiian an��I:�l�.i�\·j�V'��b���: �f Sa- . .. . a OOMPANY. son. Grady L .• attended birthday Pkg . cottle. ELLIS DRUG ��. ��dsl'i.l�s. Donald Brown and vunnah, spent Sunday. with Mr. and W.C.T.U. TO MEET dinner at the of ·Mr. ana FOR SALE-On Norbh College street. daughter. Lynn, of Stilson,vfsited her .h�.ne Mrs. Mrs. Donald M3I·tin and Mrs. J. T. M. J. Anderson III RICE E. Mr. Glinton- Clllxton Sunday. Martin . The Woman's Christian Temperance 33tO 5-roolll $8.500. CHAS. parents, and MrS'. Wil- dwelling; wiiiRMAlD"" Mr. and of : Mrs. Carl Edenfield: Mr. nnd Cleaning' last week end. �lId Mrs. Therrell Turner Union will meet Thursday afternoon. CONE REALTY CO .• INC. (Saprlt") liams, Mr. Mrs. church. son of Mr. of were 13. at the lIIethodi�t tons peanut Addison. Minick. :and .Sav�nnnh, a.nd and. daughter, Myra, Savannah, April FOR SALE-Eight good and J·.ttle son, of Akins is a Mrs. has the U:S. Elhott. Met" guests of M.-: and ·Mrs. R. Mrs. arr'anging pro­ tOil delivered at fa.rm. Tyrel Minick. joined Sunday . Floyd hav; $12 ter, were of Mr. ami Fastes, Service' and 1111'S. E. L. Harrison will R@Iiabl@ A1'my and i3 stationed at Ft. Su!'day gueats Earl4'iiuie Ne'Smith. Cl'Bm GEO. W. SIMMONS, (SaprUp) J:{flOX,. '. MRS: .. IIJrs •. J L.. F.ndley. for hi.• . the devotional. .Ky., qasic training. . -' .. " live house on . .... FOR RENT 'Five-room ,M.r•. George Kingery was hostess , H ubert Beas I ey. youngest son. 0f' � l., Turner straet·, all convenience•. Do to her aewing club last week with all CARD OF THANKo. .est . CIRCLES Price BAPTIST W.M.U. E Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Bea,ley. has join- not phone. MEN'S & BOYS' STOll., me bers present .. I?'lt�ed lind' We take this ",.tilad thanking Anna Woodward cir�le and the ed.the U. S. Marine Corps. lind is tak- .... �Iants �f: The ... fflends·.and fOI. (6aprUp) , spMnll flowers were used the. ma�y LB . ing boot at Parris I.nand. nttr�ctlvely .nolghllo.s, Blanche Bradley circle of the Baptist . training t�.· 1 �}I' - ' bout.� room, �ah to liS �OR 3 . a at ·the RIil�T uq(urnial!§11 r!\!IW� �..c'"I" dell�lOu", �e.r k!ndness ..1i1i.:till:.iIII!!..'Il!t W.M.U. held· joint meeting an� eath of IInd .. . e.,rawere thO' fath-er. IO'EAL .. hosteil:...... k[£chen I by . . ot and cold water in an_ state .CLEA·NERS Those 'the Inusic .se!""ed. . lofternoon.· H. attending' ?�rdear hus,ba.nd . cllurch Monday Mrs.. 106 - May God s l'lchest ble.arng. rest upo!, 45"� WA,J:.TER NeSMITH. , . bath. WoOli-' I' led the Definite f�3tlval in'Mllledgevlile Monday1were ce... " ;; B•. Lofton. devotional. �OR"SALE ·whlte faced' IIItd Ollr EBit .';' row avenue. 'and" S.: .W. ",. rine Street" were to with the (30mar'ltpl iYI.r.�. Gladin, .1. ·.S. P�bred e�ch . made M�! , help bull ;calf . �\·e,ryone.;" SOWE plans •. MRS. J. H. praier.r. revival 16th APARTMENT-For rent two or th""e Gladin. Ted' Tucker; Mrs. A. J. KAlght., �n. riI�nths beginning April b��t-headod. eomlng old. .' D•. MARTIN. Ga. AND CHILDREN. Doro. q . aDd closing 28rd. 'rooms .• unfurnlsi)ed; rell.�ollalll�_ �I. :N�e,l,,,,. J."I!�)I.e �nllfht. Na.vd8. : , April __ ------' __ 126 We.t Jones avenue. or G10na James ------:-, -.-L --. -....,..,....------.....----..,..---_.....__ price. thy Knight. Browh. .,,_.•_,_"_. Tucker and Mrs. E. F. Tucker," --,;-,.-:-. . No. 31a.-M. BEAUTIFUi CANTAT� J", phone (6aprlt) ., METHODIST. CHURCH FOR"RENT':::Three-room .. ' . .A;T. un�umi9hed L'EEFIELD wi�s·HONORS' . NIW PYlI-STAI __ IV ,.._ hot . at-ll:80 o'clock'-the' apartment. �ter. pnvate mornlne new 8�nd.Y tranc". ,'Eaat avenue. A1E MUSIC . Iparklln. color britmollllll) 1Ifi.w Kennedy FEST}V<\.L , I (It\ .... Methodiat church chOir will Appl1 . Breaklet 8ehooli ail4 more thail ever "the m"*l beallllfuJ hodIeI . MRS.: 1,). O:_HOPPER. ; Leefle!d . the Ea.ter cantata. "The Story "�6apr1t>;en., t:he'S1. commu�itY; . lift a"" over the honors the mUBlc bUnt"-inside and out.....xclualvo 10 CIIIBY- - I happy of the Cros.... Rev. L. C,_Wlmberly FOR' SALE On Eaat Main street. Any way,and,�ery way, y�� .��ure.�� 'IOJei can. of the Leefleld school WOn aftII hilh� priced , .department . " Is new 5-room dwelllne located in new win the choir. EverybOdy MiI­ · the atate music festival in terma. CHAS. E•.a� r'. ' to attend' this Ea'3ter service. 3ettlon; ...500; ••• ••• .;.: Invited ledeeville thl3 week. MI�s Nelle Lee ",,"';"PlRST and Finest at •••• CO INC. Lpwest . CONE REALTY .• (ltp) Cpst! _ twO-TONI PlSIIII 'NTlllOII! I. and .she ; ..:. . I. ••• REVIVAL . ne Lee t,h8.:m.uslc '�,� ���r_, whIi -ro HOLD LOT FOR SALE-O ·.\jj�et .. (eittra-roomy eldra·luxuriOlU) .;' ed .., .n'. _: several nllmbe ,the!'feltlval. M_ ,Iu, and find Cbev- And remember ... AT BAPTIST CHURCH 840 feet fronlaee by 285 feet d e" yOu'U Ch� aIOae no upholstery-Dew coIon-aew appolal· honol'll. werer-. ·Piano,��olo. :flrat IIDd other and natural ...e�,t ,The' " �' heaviest car in ita providea aU th!* mento-placln. Chevrolet far ... Ia'· treea . covered with sec� .... longest, '111/' The Baptist church here Is mak.inll g� .� ra�lnl.'Glorla,B"oW1l' violln'lolo. and fine,", at the both and comfort.· . CHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO .• I.NC. ,,,1111, adVlIDlaFi _ III. "'w�, beauty for the J.• S. Gllldln; Piano'. duet. _ yield-bar .1'IO"f. Meu� pilluo coming revival'�rom·the ond.ratlnR', car and with -�b lOW' .... ana find II's the prir.u 'operatlnJ. HAVE Easter dinner ". only . the fourth III PLAN TO your second Gloria Brown an�l" Dot you'll . third to Sunday AprIl rating. . .. cOlto. _ " • NEVILS GROO· iD ita Ileld with the world·famOUl IIDd upkeep' ,. of the_ at MRS. MAMIE •'NT·�·· Bev. George Lovell. pastor Knight. Come for on Phone •••• .. inl " ,. "ptist church at Statesboro. will a.,' VER·S. Pembroke Highway. . by Piihe,,' ��,drl,�ln,..",..� � Cbevro� 19Sq. Auurln. a remarkable delfllll of .�... � And .we tI\.t. .. flit ,the pastor. John Mitchell. of 3113 for reservations early. (Oaprlt) EASTER EGG HUNT � ..��.·.'8IId you'l� lind that ooly Cbevrolet IuiQ�"'y'ou\1I an. III!Y, ease. under aU drivinil condltlona�lnetiler . . .. :. .. way and .way, vital feature found In Chevrolet and Michols. will lead the sitiging again 'FOR-SALE-1987 Packard· 120 "!Ian, �. ANn FRII):AY you your 'chOice 'of the Onest ev.., you,lII� utet'" only PROqlt,N,M �'rI , ,I I', ,A... new it's fint and at 10M/1;1 expensive I thia year. ort_ FI"".r8 mechanically perfect, enline. Friday :110 o��lock tho . .� '!INhifl driving or the finest .slandard fi�ll. CO!,I. �re ca!", ... m!!t:'nlti"g ',at'll a Room 335 San- ,_ bargain. the " � cost. Measure new'lIalnt; grade children of 'J.eefleld. '3cilool ,,"driVing-at lowest per· • 'n'....uc'n' Ch.vroI.'·1 'xc/v.". N_ LADIES' AID SOCIETY ford Han after 1:00 p. m. (80mar2tp) fol­ will enjoy an' Easter egg hunt, forinanu, riding-comforl and safe", . CUIVID W'NDSHIILII . The Ladies Aid Society of the FOR RENT-Three-bedroom cottage lowed by a picnic lunch at 12 o·clock. uid you'U find it', the only low-priced with 'ANOIAMIC VISIIltUTY Brooklet Primitive church met at just off Butler avenue; At:r o'clock the entire school win ren_ Plaber· Uoisleel Bodi.. u­ Baptist Tybee. car combining the extra-efficient Valvo­ JtOWERt7� (in ) Suprlylnl W. Waters in States­ week ends or the week. ,JESSIE der an Easter tra aU around the car-etdtll "jth Mrs. Henry .Jell by program. Immediately in-Head the extra-smooth c:::;::... yislon body­ •• Engioe. alternoon and enjoyed O. AVERITT. phone 108 or 189. after the program the Parent-Teacher Itretlath aod durability-extra ,.fety1HO­ bo"l Monday Knee-Action Gliding Ride. and extra· AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION· a Bible study from Deuteronomy. MY". (6aprU) will hold its regular meet- tectlon for you and your family. I !,

1, . Mrs. "'alter 1\11'. and Mrs. EACH C0 (30mar2tp) 9udde!'ly a� h.� hom� Fnd.ay SimlTions, ..JEMIMA ___ brake Ihat Iut .G�I�S Besldc3 hiS he m snrv.lV- AUNT mahto wlfe, linings Calvin Simmons, ESTATE for sale Rt. 10 twice u Qlittton Simmons, COUNTRY on. ed by two sons. J. S. Sowell. Brooklet, up 1001- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Simmons, Miss PEGGY BRAND No.2! 79c 301; 7 ..cres With modern dwelhng; and J. M. Sowell, Tampa. Fla.; six Mr. and MIS. Clar­ these acres can " Barbara\ Simmon3, CLING Can be independent; pay. daughters, Mrs. S. L. Lee. Mr•. B. L. and Mr. YELLOW E. CONE ence Cone family, and 1\1rs. 'PEACHES for youI' home. CHAS. Joiner, Mrs. C. G. Williams, Mrs. Woodrow Simmons and Mrs. CO INC. family, REALTY .• (Saprltp) Lenwood Groom. lind Mrs. Ed Taylor,

Mrs. Leon - Zetta Hood, Kicklighter, ..!:S. "Ci.le. APRATMEN1' FOR RENT Three .all of Stat""boro. route 1. and Mrs. Miu Gloria Mr. and Mrs. Kicklighter, n_ rooms, screened-in porch, private Frampie Bl'axton, Princeton, Fla.; Du,,,11 Donaldson, Lee and Linda Don­ \ entrance Rnd bath, at �12 South Main I gJ'llndchildrcn and u number Mr. and Mrs. Alton Wood­ alm.on, SV�ER SUDS OR .treet; contact H. E. CARTLEDGE l,laeveralof great-grllndchildren. co<'k and family, Mis. Shirley Don­ or call 322. (Oaprltp) .Funeral servicea were held Sunday aldlion, Miss Cecile Donaldson, all of vcneer home on aftemoon Kt 4 o'clock at Corinth Bap- Savannah; Mr. and M1'3. Denn Don­ FOR STem-Brick I three bedrooms, tSlt church. Rev. H. B. Loftm and a1dsqn and Miss Barbara Donaldson, Fairground road, in to Rev W. H. Evans officiated, Burial ef St. Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. all good condition; priced sell; .. Petersbuhg, CHAS. was III tho church cemetery. of Mr. shown only by appointment. B.. C. Lee, State.boro; alld REALTY CO.• Mrs. Lee R.oy Mikell and Mr. and E. CONE INC, (Up) FOR SALE ON 301- 2% Ilcrcs With tlr•. J. S, Wo.odcock, of Brooklet. FOR RENT-Unfurnished apartment 6-room located h.alf consisting of living room, two bed good dwelling. dinette. kitchen. private bath. mile beyond city limits; ali city con­ Electiori of School Trustees. rooms. hot water he�ter. MRS. JULIAN veniences; beautiful lot with 20 pe­ The Bulloch County Board of Edu­ GROOVER, phone 2S8-R. (9martfc) elm treets. CHAS. E. CONE REAL­ in its regular meeting April 4, TY CO .• INC. (Sapjrltp) catiWl, FOR SALE-Tobacco lant bed; will 'aet Friday, l\'lay 19, 1950, fol' the elec­ sell tobacco bed FOR SALE-At J. R. Deal nine 'of trust.ees in all county schools S.500 yarda of place. tion W. 10 a. m .• at S. Duroc Jersey pigs 12 weeks old; (white and colored). 1"he election will April Sth, (Buddy), five mile. south of five *26 each with papers, or Frank"n 0"811rO'e' 'nc. be held at the school house, hours Bowen's £,arm. I gilts 00., Blackshear, Ga.; everyone intereated $22.50 without; four males $2Z.50 ]'':()O to 3:00. Any candidate must qual­ STATESBORO, GAo 10 EAST HAIN STl,lEF.lT invited to auction ·oale. W. B. with papers. or without. J[M- to the local chail'man of the board is Gthis I -if)' 'MlE Rt. �o G l�n to the da te BOWEN. (Gaprltp) DIiI:AL, Brooklet, .. of trustees days. prior 2, of election. H. P. WOMACK, / .f • (6apr�tc' County School Supt. 1950 THURSDAY. APRIL 6. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS ATTEND GOLDEN JUBILEE HERE FOR WEEK END DOUBLE BIRTHDAY Mr. aDd Mrs. Paul Franklin Jr. Home ELDER DAVID C. BANKS ------�--, Mr. and Mr.. Hinton Remington Twenty. DIne gllellb gathered at Fire-Destroys spent several days this week in At. TIMES I had as week-end Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and M... Dale Me- BULLoeD Early Sunday Morning In Statesboro laDta and attended the Golden Jubi­ in:;::e���:�;���=:�sd:rr���:r:�� • of the Creighton Perry and little Bon, Crego Kanna Sunday afternoon to enjoy tile AND which from an un- died at the Bulloch county , lee Pharmaceutical ASsociation. Fire originated planter, I' of T·lre' Recapp·.ngl •••• Atlanta. Joining the family for birthday of their two .on.. TelTJ' liiEWS h'•• I mB BTATESHORO known cause early Sunday mornnlg Hospital early Sunday morning, •• ChUTe es EASTER SPECIAL-Glads '1.00 per Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lyon, who wa. four years old. &Del home on East Main Funeral services were held Mon- destroyed the ..... 1l:OOx22. dozen. JONES THE FLORIST. It D. B. TURNER. Editor-Owner. mUCK aU si...... s through Gene L. Hodges and sons, Ru.ty, JiD\ Alan Dale. who wa. two yea... old. three imi- TIRES, •••• .stleet occupied by J, T, Mikell, day at 4 p, m, at Bethlehem Pr I', First Methodist Chureh and Charles, of Mr. and the aeme ,The PER yEAR Primitive ,I ATTENDS Sandersville; they haVing ,lIlrthclay. SUBSCRIPTION tz,OO the tive church with Elder Pat 1:1:.' ACTIVITY RATINGS ARE GIVEN. TECH DANCES or four doors beyond Baptist TIREs-All s. RED CROSS JOHN S, LOUGH, Pastor. PASSENGER CAR " Mt", Wayne Culbreth and little Ion; cakes were beautifully decorated &lid church, alarm around Bird assisted Elder V, STRESSES Shown below Is a report Miss Shirley Anna Lanier, W...leyan ..s matter March Baptist the officiating, by MOULDS I� FIELD WOllKER complete llltered a. seeond-el School. INSTALLED NSw AIR-RIDE GEORGIA rnIVl'TRE of and Mill Ann home-made lee cream W8I b!J 10:15. JUST one on student Who Danny. Augusta. enjoyed the at State.- o'clock called out the fire depart- H, Hooks. Buris'! was in East Side Sunday I Mn; E.telle Mikell. of �be ratings received by Statelboro indi- �pent several days la�t 18,1906, at p08tofflee 8 Worship. Sermon Sidewall Designs STATESBORO 01 Con- ,11:30, MornIng 1 With and Firestone Remington. all. the Act Goodyear .. boro, Ga., under which saved the hull of the In Statelboro. of Cros. home nuroing , .her parents"Mt. 11l1li Mrl. ment cemetery "The Significance Red :vidual. Geor-" ,�!lI'k ------...... ------NOW SHOWING in.t�cto ,and �nd the, ",:ith ...... ­ Marcb 1879. '" ..... and peal vi 3. Tractor , a however, be!ore I·rsc- Active pallbearers were nephews, ,We all s:�s Truck, weeks Mullc 'FestivaJfheld dunllg tlie 'LInton Lanier. wa� week-end vI.ltorl ��======.building, not. 'EbYas'tethre."pastor, Vulcanl·ze . 'here foritheJplII�,six ''T.he General'" givong:-nlqa ' Children's Chul"Ch. For chil- I . Inllpector' the entire Inside and contenta Hilton Dekle Bank., Winton 11 :30, instruction QOIU'JO to home-makong week In Milledgeville. ID Atlanta, where she attended the tically Banks, I' ar . T'Ires -Rev. Mu C " Starrillr Danny Ea', six'1J!rough·'"leven. . ,Pauenger dren ,' •. to • -- out ATO fes­ Life been d... Ande... Earl Ernest Can- �" , .. in tUrD gone High Ichool fraternity formal,and other A Fifty-Fifty 'had troyed. on: Kennedy, . this lemce. teacher , hav'l plano. Jimmy . Hill.1I coKauel •. , - I non '1!.il'd"lhbert·BraJinen.· Work Guaranteed "Sheriff of Wlehlta" home course in the rating; two pa- tl't'lties at Georgia Tech. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published 7:cif Methodilt Youth Fe!lowlhlp. AU give the nursina Betty Young. rating; A I . a a a a .T'5. n u Ivan Ski8 n Elder who has been a min- Sanford Brown i8 the ceuaaellor; I Wltb Allan Lane tlchool .enior. who plls of M.... Verdle Hllllarcl; Smen Lo S 'u· pea Banks. Rev. "Rock)'!' to the at Plymouth. Mass., recently pub- schoob blgh SERVICE ALSO in the Bchool8 HIl- RED ROSES FOR ESATER. JONES of ita editor i.ter of the Gospel for twenty-five RECAPPING are home-waking BUtch. two. elementary pupil Mn. Hlhed the brief obituary of Cancer Fund FLANDERS I taking THE SUpport .. .' atl taken ill in Atlanta on M�:Sof.I���r "Exposed" home making Wilde ele- 6aP?,lt) herself II·few days years... Johnson and Rev. Max Hill In GA. Night and also to adult Hard; Mary •• Collereboro, FLOR�S� • a written by only In hi. typically foreeful manner Euel es��S�nS�!��:·Hour.11 Phone 184 METTER, Adele Mara and Robert SCO" March where he had to at- of W.S.C.S. TO MEET 21, gone .' inentary piano. rating two. pupil D.ENMARK'S· be!ore death: char- charge. cl...... Lon Sullivan. well known public Forum Phonel90� Foundation this The Methodist tend a meeting of the directors of the 7:00. We'Sley a.:Day Sunda,. and MODday, 9-10, The' Red Cro"" ha3 provided M... Paul Lewis; elementary band, W.S.C.S. will meet have In GeorgIa Allril " , ' am to but I acter for the past years - "I glad die. Hour. ••ses't0 con'"r. at the church afternoon at Fire Asso- . or eI ... • Cotton Growers Mutual That's Baby" ccurse with 'lap n8 I McClendon. director. rating Monday , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii_' "Yes", • I,iiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiii'iiiii' St'r, My myself bere •• spoke before the Stlltesboro 8 :00, Evening Worohip. Ea..ter enjoyed affairs, I Charle. Coburn anti time. M... tlute solo 8:80 o'oclock for the first of a lerle. iN BROOKLn under the' direction Donald O'Connor. tinue from time to Edgar •. FeUcia McClendon, two; noon in sup, musical program ••.J . a sufferer Club at Monday .' been Rotary .. ' The had • , of ·ot· mission atudies, The- book to be lady of. ,�:t!:��'dW�!�e ha�dw�:dab��e�!��: lOf Mrs. Holla�d. ,Tbe chil- Parrish, of Porull. is supervisor' oboe solo. Linda "Bean: two; "clliririetone;! to Roj�r. be �ndlng of the campaign rais� fUEd. I In''lhe 'Fli:n���! ��:��!IOOJ' ciancer, and, to lure. th') port ouIII II ''Alnce that time. 'He was,'a d..m's chrous 'will as.I.t· prcF' In the county. These Woodwind' studied is "Mls.iol'lll at Gnles -- home.makero 1010, Freeman. three; T�e • Committee. y'i Guy the Cancer �' " In her tlumming-up, for Georgia I .. a relief. . dJ!\e as patient at the 'Bulloch County Hos- 11·12 students Who have completed trio. three; clarinet quarteta. Root•• by William ·.P.' Shlmr. The and Save/ \ . Tobacco I senior to basic facts, he d F.o'unc!&Uon. �ellowshlp' Wednesday. lIU1 .. to the fact that ound, 10f on the back about equal a. m., Morning flowers decorated her rooms and a peeted pats Glamery, Inman Dekle, R. L, (Bub) planter. Wednesday-8:00 on hh birthday with a deligptful par- DR. AND MRS. DELOACH the un- meet- to the sorrow he suffers from Elder is survived his wife, Meditations; 8:00 p. m., prayer kinder- was scrved. Attractive Lanier, J. F. Tanker_ley, J. H. Wood· I Banks by ty Friday morning at' Sue's MARK ANNIVERSARY salad plate I .ing. for kick in the pants. S. Mrs. Susie Cannon Bank3; five son'5, were end were went to Mrs. Jack Averitt Accesso'ries expected Lee Brannen, Albert Deal, Indoor games played J. H. DeLoach prizes and ward, Thursday-8:00 a. m., Morning SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. garten. Dr. and Mrs. R. moment as memory as- Alexander To the present L. E, Osborne C. Banks, Henry C. Banks, 7:30 Y,M.B.C. Pound' and Mrs. Jones were afternoon high score; to Mrs. Tom Henry T. Brannen, Haygood, Meditations;; p. m., Mrs at home to friends Sunday of B.I .erves this scribe, the, joys having Davis T. Edwin D. Banks, Bernard B, Banks, cla.s the two-tiered white observ­ second and to Mrs. Cameron Easter E. Cannon, John W. Jr., meeting. slsted in serving their home near town in high. Be in and, Do Shopping __ at Style out- your come thl� way have measurably WH'I and Lonnie J. Banks, Met- ice cream and Bremseth low. Others were B, B. Mo,,-is, P. B. Brannen, •• Statesboro, and birthday ClIke, annl- playing Lee, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH pink ance of their fiftieth wedding the sorrows of life. three Mrs. E. O. Mead- tt. PJastic B. Glen Ra3- at Henry's weighed J. E. R. Warnock, Paul S. ter; daughters, b'"y Mrs. H. D. Evere. their 'daughte",. Mrs. J. Sceal"Ce, Rackley, . Punch As.lsted Zettterower Aveniue versary. by T Mrs. Emmltt 14 South HOKE S. BRUNSON favors. Mrs. Thos­ Walter W, Woods, Cyril G . OW8, DaIIas, exas; Easter were given as Mrs. eorneil I"oy, mll...ln, MilS Marie Wood, Brunson, EVERY SABBATH eggs Mrs. Max Moss and LocaI N EnI·IStment F. H. Grooms, I Beasley, Stateaboro, and Mrs. J. W. C. B. grandmother of their Little and Mrs. Jake Houck. avy Jone'S, J. R. Brannen, Sunday school. 10:15 a. m. East Main Street Mrs. Mathew., and Mr. Foy, they received Exclusive With UII one .' ... A. R. Donaldson Jr.; step-son, a. m. .. Joe Mathews, ncreased Felix DeLoach, C. H. Stokes, Register: Morning worship. 11:30 Bobby, and Mrs. Charlie in the of their UOta Been I .. livingroom blooms..TONES Q 6:00 m, Georgia guest.. HYDRANGEAS, la'ge Miile;' Frank two Youg People'. League, p. Statesboro, attended the with the decorat­ re- C. J. Field,., Hal Roach, De';l, �atesboro; an aunt, party was 'attractively According to the local Navy Lanier. T'i service Wednesday, 7:30 p. home, which THE FLORIST. (ltc) Doris Dodson, G. J. A. Register, and Mr. Pound made • • • • Ellen Kay, enlistment H. Ramsey, Horace Z. Smith, W. brothers, Banks, little guests. daffodil•• Dresses-Carlye, crulter, the Navy quota I m.Prayer ed with golden snapdragons, ...boro. FISH FRY B. F. C. T. Swinson. L. J. Banks. Stat T. L. HARNSBERGER. Paltor. of the group during the party. A ( been increased far above that of Cobb, Futch, _ plctureB I ng fI01ll(ers. Jonathan Nelly has iris. pri . George Hess, . allll ?I'm- were Loga·n, _ • • • '. f\l!er, Mr. and Mrs. Letr DeLoach C, L. Sammons, Alvin other fnendl the past .everal monthl. Over thirty Cluise Smith, ber of neighbors and . eve_ _. , , GUESTS flsb I Groover H. IlIImanuel Baptist SMALL LUNCHEON hosta at a family fry Monday are to former G. Rocker, W. A. (47th), Ep'I��I· C�,ureh ..s wishel and Don, Mynette. Navy rating. open chureh will Johnson had a. luncheon called to expr good �on- their at IlIIJIIanuel Baptilt begin .ervlee "I mornilllf pra,.e. Mrs. J. L. on the banks of pond re-en- and T, O. Wynn. Regular ning naval service men wishing to Bloys Bailey series of next on a meetinll's Sunday, and 9: 30 a. m. eYery Sund By. at ber home' home. Guest. J01 sermon. • their lovely country rUD throu�h 16th. guelta • • • were discharged 9th. to • the Lower floor Mrs. gr�tulati�n.. Ihlt, provldlnr they April colleCt! library. LOANS and • South Main street Rev. were Mr. 'and M,... Glenn Bland. Mr , 00 on at 11:80 a. m. FOR WEEK END Shoes- Nataira.1 Bridge. There r3 allo a Portal h Sch I Services Sundays RONALD J. NEIL, VISITORS Tweedies,' IIi the.e ratings. HI'g Weekly and Monthly Repayment Loana Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Mr. and " Lovell G. Moore and and 8 p: m.; week day., one service Lay Leader. GeOrge Jr.. Mn. E. R. Huey, of Rock Hill. .nd Mr•. J. for young men iMl- - Sheila. .,.eat opportunity Student Best Speller at m. Th...e meeting __ on-, Mrs. Cliff Brad_ each day '! p. Pi-oller and Mr. and arrive tonight for a 1Ilrs. Dean Anderoon. Hats--Bre�ster, of 17 and 80 Inelua. a C .• wUl holld�y tween tbe ages Board of Edu· will be conducted by laymen with h Furniture • •• '.. The Bullocb County LUth Ch t·, with her mother. M... J. M. {' bave not dur.....nt for each lervice. e,ran 1

'. , OLLIFF. SMITH A welcome ho,st

ALDRED BRO,S., in offices and shops, 'refresh at the familiar red cooler QUALITY MEATS AND. GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES

- Drip or regular tins DEL MONTE COFFEE POUND

Miracle wrap. 25 feet ' ALUMINUM FOIL roll 26c

Irish Linen. 150 25c The �08t Beautiful Pontiac Ever Built! PAPER TOWELS 2 rolls' '",nONE CONTIIOI.S- SOAP SALE ...lon. of CODsider this a cordial invitation to come in wide of With Sherwin·Williams Kihone and abe Th••• A•• Two Irnlltlnt· V range Pontiac colors-offers the same . . • . . .. .49 Flea ...... * Hcip..... BOOn and see most beautiful car ever PLASTIC BAG .. .. . new YELLOW DEVIL low volume the you sma..t with interior 1 sprayer tha N.w Catalina •••'h. body trim of line broadcloth...... 46 Compl.'alll' . ....•.. '" it is possible to make insect control applic:.. * 101 WHY. laid eyes onl . CASHMERE BOUQUET cions when needed-no of •• De Lux. and Th. De Lux•••• The new Pontiac 'Catalina delay. Sup i. a car weather. * loll WOrtll It'R the new Pontiac sparkling windy of a wonderfully good looking and eveD .95 the a . WIth All Delhlnll better, it's Pontiac, TOTAL VALUE . Kihone is • sf>CC!ally (ormulated liquid Catalina-a car that combines tbe throu8h 0;:; da�bing That means Convertl.... , • , PIua tho LuxUl')'. you will miles and, .57c of a convertible with tbe and con­ '''�ollgh! enjoy Your for . grace safety mIl.. of only lrD'f. cThc:n�EtLLO�·i�E�I[o:�h·:I::,� of on Pontiac's ond Add.d Comfort an superb pcrformance ' and all was ': hfot}' venience of all·steel Fisher. sprayer for Kihone Body by de\'eloped especially �y'II":: of Pontiac's - Some •• I It's New Try Today spray Plant AlI·St•• 1 lod1l' .llh long.range economy. * BUll �1I' The Calalina is available in two model.: The 29c �:��:;i���":pfilr�)'i;":c��l�f ��:t��f Dollar for SUGAR CRISP 2 pkgs. in San Sierra dollar you can't beat a POST'S Sec the new YELLOW DEVIL SPRAYER! * Stink BUllS Super De LUlie Pedro Ivory and Pontiae­ Find OUI more about the and the Catalina Kiltone spray pro­ liust. a color scheme featured throughout the is beautiful proof indeedl Aunt Jane's Candied Sweet gram from * Worm. Army even to the of band.rubbed One look will car, upholstery top. convince you that here is the STRIPS Pint jar 34c leatbcr. Tbe De Luxe-available in the most DILL grain beautiful Pontiac eVer built I BRADLEY & CONE FEED &; SEED CO Salad Dressing Ask for ;1 din" way ... coin DOLLAB VAN'T CLIFF BRADLEY-No. 34 West Main CONE ----- DOL'LAB 1I0B YOI1 BEAT A 29c lradt-lIInrkJ Ifltan I},t Ja,ilt St.-BILLY, PONTIA(;! _ MIRACLE WHIP Pint Ihillg.

See Bill Mikell Custom - Tenderized .AUTHORITY For Spraying Kingan's Swift's .OTTHO UNCPR O' THf COCA-COLA COM'ANY IV ALTMAN PONTIAC WOLE OR COMPANY STATESBORO COCA-(;ULA BOTl'UNG COMPANY' A ProJuct of HAMS HALF LB. o I9!U),' SHER'/fIN-WILLIAMS 'RESEARCH �7 North Main Street :: ..':: Statesboro, Ga. . 1950 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, SIX BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO 'NEWS THURSDAY, 'APRIL 6, 1950' BUU,OCB' 'l'IME8' .um"STATESBORO �EWS: . ro PROBATE WILL Ben Buie, Bennie Cannon, "Buck" Petition For Guardiansh.p. . _ GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Sherrod, Elton Grooms, Dight S"'".IIWCON NEWS Grocer NEW CASTLE H. D. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. Osborn O. Banks, Mrs. Nina B. James Davis, Pugh.ley,SpencelJoe Hadacol Helps CLl.!B It Concer-n: To All Whom May Meadows and Lonnie J. Banks having D'rigg<>"s, Emerson Proctor. M. L. DENMARK NEWS -The- e'\\,' Castl" H. P-:-Cl� for I Dan and of Ma- IN PERSON! ONE NIGHT APRIL 11 in Tommy Cohen Anderson having applied applied as executors for probate Harper, Miller Jr., Guyce Lee and Emory ONLY, TUESDAY, its lIIaroh 2gt.h the and E. reg\llar meeting .t of the person pr�p-I solemn form of the last will and tes- con, 3pent Sunday with Mrs. J. Proctor. Hours FLOWERS guardianship Work Long The Famous Little. Stllve Simmo.... """nt S!-'n­ club house. 'I'he l1..dlng wa called Ann Box, of Brown. . •••• Hard, Danee Band of erty of Barbara minor, child lament of David Calaway Banks, with Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Sim­ to 0111.1' Mrs. IS I day by J im H. 5t riokll\nd. of T. notice at law of said Mrs. Earl Hallman is in. the Bulloch CARD OF THANKS John Box. deceased, said county, the heirs mona. as ill tho t\b�CI\{'t1 o'J will be where she underwent "cUng pl'(.''Silo�s cite All tract or of 1 '. I.,', ..', that certain • '· SllJg41�('the 'parcel '''.'.1 ,:, .!�. .. _:. � ;;wit!JI'.' ,. ;,{I,OCI(Bt; ,',',' 8"/ .e held in 1949. to ; and next of RIa of'·Lols. O. Riggs ·,·':;lIaK8::·'·····Dti'�:! '. i. ',:, the past sio�. a'ld '.�'bui' to live ourdoors" ro irs. land and the 1523rd lying being In ; " last 13·ways­ i '. :� !. oj . the se'Ssion July, he and at office within I''; I "� during appean' my the G. M. District of Bulloch ..... spaCIal stro Oounty, Ga., thi3 .....lon ger time .... and show ! ';,'-: aDd durfing completed "Ufeguard" Body,. qualiry fe�.ture prescribed b)'r law, and 55 ocres, morc or ten, i' :,' containing , to feature if can. ' in January, it wa. my PUrPOBe after have been built into rhe '50 P,ord cause. uny they why perma- and bounded north by land. of Olin � ... .: ';'1:./' I serve In a manner that would nent letter'S should not be Il'ranted to : you , ., featufts make rhe one in Alford; east south by ': j 'tliar by);pitbllc.road; �., hest interest•. of th� •. For� fi". 0# R. G. Riggs on the first Monday in futther ·the· �II 1 public road and west by land of \ \\. . '.' Ar.( }, of Bulloch My May. next, 1950. '. �ople .county. .re�ord �he I!»w"price �eld. '.' ';.' � thur Howard. _.-..... ·the Witnes3 hand 'and offieial wt)1 show a ·con.l.tent vote for my sig- The purpose of the sal· is to obtain that meant prog...... for our nllture this 23rd day of March. 1950. funds to and home things repair mainlllin th� < 'J state snd county, and it will F. I. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. of the said Dan G. Waters. and 'for !Ikewi.., a consi,tent agalnlt :.all other improvements. allow ,vote PETITION FOR LE'ITERS were introduced' by This measures that GEORGIA-Bulloch April 3. 1950� County. anyone from !' partis�n politic,!1 To All Whom It May Concern: for hIS own tnterest anil. •. Geo. M. Johnston Guardian!i ��:S:T:!�·r v\,ewpoint welfare of thi!' a� hllving ill p,roper GEO. M. against the pebple Atty. . J.OHNSTON, , form applied to me for permanent : '. ' a ( ·whole. .. letters of. administratior. on the estate Sale IInder Power in Deed, record will show that,l wa. one .. Security My of Riley Mallard. late of said county. GEORGIA-Bulloch Oounty. of, the co-authors of the Minimum 'I this is. to all and the ·for edueatlon; �IVes:·:uftU, cite sinlfular Under 1···· authority of the powers of Foundation program � 'I'� creditors and hext of kin of Riley this the'. sale and cenveyance colntained in that that I voted, fo� bil,l fqr be�­ I , Ihe .n . Take of a '50 at Ford Mallard to be and appear at my offlee of our educational "Yltem �o�d certain security deed to me terment w��' .Your givan by :"'1;' " within the time im­ '. allowed by law, and Elwood Moore. dated November 16. Georgia as' it would materially Dealer·s. Usten for yourself ro Ford's sOlllld. fth�w cause. if and any they can. Why. per­ ·and, reeorded in book " our school system 1944, 181. pap:e ...... the n_ ".ock...... ' p'rove grade conditioned FeeJ tbe comforr of Ford's manent administration should not be n"n� �. __Ie thrln you'. tlOMII qiiier. 483, in the office of the elerk of the also our Georgia Teachers College. granted to M. John,.ton on In _ ath.r _. Th""" are worda-hut your Oldomobile dealer can had!: I to "Mid Ride. See Ford's "Fashion Car" George Superior Oourt of Bulloch county. I hig and to go even further, vo,:"d Ship". �aid estate. Without will. on the first in May. them up-:-with an "88" demOO8tratioo! He wantll you to find oot for finance this program, as one more beautiful than ever. You'll Witnes3 Tuesday your. styling-now my hand and official \tig­ was mere 1950. within the legal · of sale, oelf the £am..... thrill of "Rocket" Ictioo. Be ..antll to the other politiCll. n"ture this 2rd of yoo fed the owirt the 'fealize that nowhere else can so little day April, 1950. before the court hou3e door in State'S­ ,I feel that my experienee in money of "Rocket" ...... omoothed to a .i1ken Oow F. I. WILLIAMS. ourse po by Whirllway Hydra, would aid 50 much car. Ordinary. Ga .• sell at House of JlUy ----- boro. B]llloch county, pub_ Representative. lic MoUc·. And he Imows that a demOl18tration is the be can in the State PETITION FOR outcry to the highest bidder, for only way reaDy me in representing you LE'ITERS .. be.t cash� the land conveyed in said secur­ you with tbe 88·... ••. the e the Senate. where your int�re.t' GEORGIA-Bulloch County. acquaint perlOnalily opecial bandling ..... to ity to-wit: would be My promIse To All Whom It May Concern: deed, spirited e&gem.... that bave made tbis Oldsmobile tbe talk oCmoton.tII protected. All that e"ory_ and my desire Geo. M. Johnston In certin tract or parcel of you is my past record. having proper wb..... So make a date with a "Rocket 8." Once you woo't be and land lying and in the 1209th G. d<>-you happy to serve you fairly, form applied to me for permanent being imparti�lly M. di.trict of Bulloch Geor­ you your OWD Futuramic at lower in matter that It would letters of administration cum county, "88"-t-'Spf.'V"dly IlHlay's pr� honestly e�ery testa· u,Rill have befor" me. gia, and containing sixty-six (66) be my responsibilty to mento annexo on the estate of Wil· be· more Ot vote and in my liam R. Newton of acres, leS'�, and known &3 the Your influence. Sr., late said co'un. lEi ••• Levenia and bounded half will be gl'p.atly appreCIated. ty. this 13 to cite all and singular the Spence place. Cl'editol's north by lands of R. F. Lester estate; Sincerely, and next of kin of William JR. I.A•••• e'.5t by lands of Mrs. R. Lee Moore; A. S. DODD R. Newton Sr. to be und appeal' at south by lands now or forme�'ly be­ my office within the time allowed by , .... nIL longing to Allen R. Lanier, and west NOTiCE Inw, and show CBuse, if nny they cnn, by lands of Mallard to Holt vs. why permanent administrntion cum Cap according Geraldine Wh!te �ack Wh!ta a of same J. E. D,vorce In SupeMor I.....ff.r••• tt:titamento Ullllexo should not be plat by Rushing. Jr.-Suit fol' 'durveyor, dated 1989. of Bulloch County. Aprll gt'anted to George M. Johnston on November, COllrt Said sale to be made for the ., y •• r 1950. . SUifl estate. pur­ Term. . of In saId pose enforcing payment of the in· White Jr.• defendant Wit.nes3 my hand and official 'Sig· To Mack debtedness secured said fOI. natul'e this 31'd day of April. W5Q. ))' security the whole of which' now to be F. J. WILLIAMS. Ordinary. deed, is due, �:�te:.:e .hereby commanded to in- term of the ••AUI'S IImountinl!' $l.202.61. including and appeal' at the next Acl\-prtisement to Sell Timber. terest computed the date of sale und superio� court of Bulloch c�unty, the of of GEORGIA-Bulloch County. <>xpenses this proceeding. A Georgia, to to complain!. deed nnswc! th� By viriue uf 8n ol'

Lhe . highest and best bidder, :ror c;lsh . --.-- Clerk of Superior Court. Notice to Debturs and Creditors. A GENERAL Ule following I>ropcrty: All pine tim� MOTORS VALU! bel' County. FOR DIVORCE ' measllring not less than twelve GElORGIA-:-Bu.lloch . SUIT All [Ia,·tles Indebted to the J. 1., (1.2) inches in diametel' two (2) feet Mrs Edna Parkel' Snyder, plaintiff, Mal"tIn cRtate to . .above the ground on th{' are. hereby notifi�d v;. Cha1'les F. de�endant-, a � in following make the Snrder, There's future sCl.'ibed tract of Inn(l: All that rerlain 3ettlc�ent wl�h �mtlel1ng.ned Suit for Divorce In Super'J.or Cou� your Ilnd!lll claIms tr�ct of lanll located in the 48th G. M. rarh�s �oldlng agamst of Bulloch county, GeorgIa, AprIl 0 future built D13tl'ict of Bulloch the J. r. Mart'" estate are hereby �"with jn county G >orgin Term. 1950, . to file same with un· tn .. ... - .. ---.-�.------� oontaining" 226 flcres the OLDSIOBILE F. defendant mol'� less'de-I JlQt��ed. thc. o� YOUR To Chari"". Snyder. reqmred law. PH ONE "EAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER a.nd boundt'

• TBN YEARS .lao Fro. Wiech Tt.... April 11. ..40 • Clubs • {TLLOCH modem food etore la bo­ "I'IMES WHBRE NEEDED Social Another . ing opened next S.turd.y by Andrew NBWS-:-STATl!BBORO Hernr._:ton and Bob Fort nnder the (STATESBORO EAGLE) .��a��"xtc title Star Food Store.

lIfore than f400 has been contribut­ Balloell II:atalIlwh'" 11181 . TIm_. CouoJjdatecl Jaaaur 1'. ttl' ed by Statesboro business men as a Statnboro If.... Eatabllalled 1101 I STATESBORO, GA., VOL. 59-NO, I m the I purse to be awarded for prizea Statetboro "I.. E!tabIlabed ltl'-Qoaaolldatecl O-bar t. taO , Puret» Personal i 4·H fat stock show being held here today. • .. ====\..8etweenUs A local branch of the Junior Order LESLIE NESMITH DIES, I Bill Olliff the week end ID of Unite,d American Mechanics INJURIES. COURT .spent was.ANNUAL ��W�'.ON . FROM HIGHWAY ISUPERIOR RUTH BEAVER AtuIDte organized at a meeting III the Masonic IL real- offi· Leslie C. Nesmith. are 116. � hall ...... evening. Visltmg . . l\ilS'S Zuta Gammage spent Sunday • Monday WeelC:lyActivitie eees were fl:om Atlan�. 'Sa- VV'CE'ru\: W GD'Olmu; ·U [". dent of the Nevlla co_unity. � It's really a dnte Thursday and Eri- present "lOR FOURTH MONDAY in Mltcon WEBB--MIKELL Vidall.. in the Bulloch County BOlpltal Mon., and don't vannah, Brunlwlck and night you cerbainly I'll r. and ' of Atlanta. was day M rs...C P Webb. of States- will Notices Been Sent To The' as relult of IUltained on .lurors Called To Durrence Kennedy, Lions Club is "Planning • Better Georgia" day Injurl'" A88emble want to miss. The grv- Olaxton boro, announce the engagement of be the theme of • proa-ram to be held Hundred Penons the hlghwav• neal'. In Two .... a vrsttor here Friday. one of the outstanding entertain. Forty-Three Separate Grou.... � mg strue I·n Farm when his car was Bureaus week of last Thur8da� Mrs F. C. Teacher. Col. their to Lamar MI' FrIday and Saturday af next week, I M,'S. J L Johnson and ments of the year at daughter. Betty. Who Belong As Membera a Transact Busin_ Mr. and Mrs. Otis Garvin announce ILt Dr. C. M. Deat- by a car driYen by "F.t" Baker. P�lic h made Te.chers Oollep. • Denm&rk Farm Bureau •• in Savan- You are promised an evening kell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Mi. Parker Sr apent Saturday le�e chairman of the 11140 Georgia Notices been .ent out thb candld.te ftf':....mor. '. filled with entertainment. and all the the birth of a daughter. March 80. at ler, The folloWlng jurors have been plans to take care of 'its inerealed kell, Statesboro. the to be In In Funeral ,'Hn1ce1 for N4!IImtth we", nah. caat is wedding Progres3 propam. will be charle. week to hundred electric time remembering the giv.. the Bulloch County Hoapital. She forty.three SInJ(- drawn to serve at the term of C. C. the of Sa- the near fu$ure. At the sellion of held Church. In the April DeLoach. preli- SIDNE UNCOmlml M·ISS Cathertne Denmark. time 30 the Lions Club Tuesday evening consumers them of a� DeLtlac�'a mg of their Sheil•. powel' notifying Act· .... has been named hole afternoon. Bulloch court to conv�ne on dent announced' the re lal' meet- at her •••• council IL yote w.s paa._ dl.�" Tu.aday superior at •• vunnnh - the week end can the wonderful work they city neg.tive pent carryon • ••• for the annual membership of their or- lYe were A.tor Md''attendance. on COLLEGE ed on the matter of p.llbo.rer. Procto!i! 10 . have been for the past few BOULEVARD permiB'Bion ay rnommg, April 2'th. at mg Tuesday night. IN STRANGE doing Mrs. announce B PI:AQJ here. Mr. and Turner Lee • hume erection a home for the Franklin it W.I announced today .B. F. Smith, Boacoe Roberts. � • ses to the under- SUPPER CLUB of ganizlLtlon. 0 clock: • • • 13 years. giving glas J Parrish Blitch. of Atlanba, spend- the birth of a son 3. at the Bul- Chevtolet on North M.ln Nelmlth eo,don 'Hendrix ILnd our April Company Oleo E. Mllel. manager of Ex- facilities . have been pro- LIberal in One by Llghtloe Quantiti. . privileged children county One of the most delightful affairs weN Grand Jurors�ohn H. Branllen, Oat u, With his mother. Mrs. Mrs. was at the fronting D.vIa. 80----, ing the holidays of the numbers is Mis. loch County Hospital. Lee Itreet. Sharpe Mill' celslor Electric vlded for the children and lad I•• In From S ..... outstanding atef h week was the dutch supper on Memberahip Co.rpora- J. Julian IIIm.n im M_. H. Ulmer Knl.. W. tIn.. e UI'C • . M.rtln. �1Ibo.rera.... ht, D. Anderson. tlIt h h 9 · Blitch. Luke's choir from Labol'lltory MilS Jamie Aldred. th B.p 0 W. H boy formerly tlon The be held on Ru••ell. DeLNoIa. cIa8jl th•t formerI y did Wra . not. Tuesday evening given by the College - ,Social Eventl: Mrs. T. McLe- .. !'Ieetmg Will. C. 13. ¥cAUlater. S. ·W.·Brack;W. G. A. rC!.0ms �..,o"t Baby'. Barron of At· School. who WIll do the Easter num- '''' C,, I;e1!!'McElveen. Of, Mr. and Mr3 Sewell. m Dr. C. E. A aveno of Tenn.• was the 19th at 2:30 p. .• at the Met. Herman Bland. have electric werl9Ce. he ltilted. and the minstrel which will Supper Club at the Grady BU'rke an- 1) more. Nalhville. April J. M. All.. you Mr. and Mr�. ·F;a�cls 1) Lewis. Walter H.;jl.nd. Dewey There Is no wbat .. of ber, "ulevard J John W.lter Odum N. telling placet , Ianta. were -week-end guests week-end of Mr.•and M.... O. B.�AnderlOn. has .hlo been -�-:-� with aome of our beat local Attawav home. These infor· guelt ter High Sc'hool auditorium. water pump . enjoy monthly , the birth of • Francis Claude M. E. C. nounce son. COMFORT) . .... John.ton .nd Cowart, J. H.II. a. er. THE NAME ELLS L. of ,S.n, J. Cox. J O. AuiLti� new.electrlc be·re.lonably IU.peUted flttln._ Eunlce Les t talent on the stare.-Friday night the' (EVEN McLemore.-Doyle Mr Milea.tilted th•t tlila 1Iri1l bo Installed. Denm&'tk Farm Bu- I suppers. participated in by' the the Bulloch SP. Grar. Brann.n. Barn.. lI'uIleral Bome was P. J. E. C. Th� 11)al March at the week : . Olliff. Gronr that r::",c had as his week_ the Wayne. 31. C.IIf.• hi Ipendlnlf � nurrence. c.alment fo� the ftuld ..... Horace McDougald winninll: children in popularity D!ego1 u from one 0f the 1:.- .... one of 'the I t .of f.rm in e , haI Irown .Huits who ...aide on boule­ Burke w.s for- • ...,th nil Mr.•nd W...... meetlllll's ch..... of al'l'allpmente. Doni F..... of which has been on two College County Hospital. Mrs. freedom of springs. parenta. MJ's. Hendrix. •. e.son, P.ul In th"". modern tim 'lilt end George McKnight. co"test J{oinlf 1. Undisturbed In rel.tlYealnclude hla wife; �. coun- happy guest B. of the Friendly, people ever held thll aec&loa. The Survivill6 organi&atlOllll � weeks 'will' be crowned King and ward. resulted from the "Block Sup- Miss . Gray.-Members W. J. S. sma!!!,.1'.- In BUll!"1!!. •. or two Mrs. Wllaon Groover. Ackerman.· Henry family hearth haa recantly beft N. O. · bulge. IIfoor",vllle. �erly ,I wri1.1kle '. club were guests Tuesd.y .f- electric linea of the reach daulhte.... M.ry to ons of the had Queen l:Ion. Judging from the crowds Parti...... whieh were informal L0,ii;a eSh:man. 2. cannot shift·, buckle, Sixteen, co.operatlve W Linton B. B. ty I.rger. Th.y the week p�r Top of Br.nnen .t her Portal••nd Mrs. Emeral L.nier. of Blitch. McElveen. .. the No.1 hldlnl place. with ...., Leonie Everett ternoon Mrs. . Mrs. spent that ".ve been attracted to the Mr...nd Mrs. F. Wells .n- Floyd Ino.t tb count''e. af E I J nki • 200 t Tuesd I ht to dally dutch ... for the sev· George come out. manue. ens. ons W. L. Nesmith D' • ay suppe given past cannot on &Yenue. I State.boro; 80n. M H. Smith. E. W. Parrish...... s ....ond In tIM un Mr. and or tufts home Jonel • clol8 In Savannah as gue.t of of these children in the 3. Buttons 0 plllo end photographs a onls... • • ent f e,al months with the residents of the nounce the birth of daughter. Lind. • • • • Candler. Bulloch. Evans. Bry.n .nd Nevill; hll mother. Mrs. W. S. Ne� homee.r W GPreC·enobb. vlce-prealndg wmdow at Minkkovitz' store. and the L O. Brinson. M. P. Martin. W. O. of concealmenb. s;;r you Beftr .. IIlrs. Collina. thl'ee M.... JQ8h' Clyde mem- CarolYn. March 28th. at the'O.k Ridge 4. top. TWENTY YEARS AGO. countiea. every smith. Nm.; siaters. the Bulloch County Bank. An oyster friend. who dropped pennies In .outh block of the boulevard as One-piece flffinlham practically ...... Griner. H. L. J. Colon Akina. is ..... 1ih'!I; ra •. Atwell. tell what may be hldd.n •• Tilla of Atlanta. spend_ M.rtin. Nevilll'• �""'. whir'., Ifr Lee. .• Oak Tenn. Mrs. Well-! _ -hAmeU • ,'n ' wa. d ., the different boxes over town. m.ny Adult realdente of th entire Hospital. Ridge. roID I Th II 1 ••. f.rm· desiring ele._.c._er,.... �upper - bers. • F ech .. No coil feel guaranteed. • IlIII .... Apr 1930, ·vlatton nd Carrie 'Nevi ; R. C. Hall.' H.rt.nd Coun ... .' . 5. •• � Chlsf Ie.with Mr and M1'8 Tur ... someI'm be there to see which child has will be renlembered. aa Miss Annelle elti· h.s been served. Melto,!. se:� Edgar mg ,will once favor-", S: B. Llchtenlteln. prominent the co_operative �re. Traverse Jurors mer_ are"no,", a�d (for Mond.y)-E. Brooklet F.rm u.ed the IIceman Moae Sowell are the ,.... lIer Lee and famIly. received. the votea.-The a�re.e� ��lc0!'1-ed. 'as corttfortftble'as' your zen of died ill- Bu�eau IJI.OBt 6. ks smooth, Statesboro. following members'will meet for thp an en on . ia en· Coa18on.l- The r pur- c esml.�ethsmBlth'tCI�xC- a mullth' a' ftou�on. Nnt . doilightful evening obrlothe(rH••i Tkrua) a Akl A . J . T II J . H on N. chants have to ne.. of �everal monthI ay ns. rapne. FFA ahow fol' a program which bo relied upon to find dw Mro.. L. D. BelLver. of·Concord. tliotl,h�'ofleverythlng • • • • and Bill hog may The M.rch and mattress. pose of receivinl first-hand Informa- Ne.mlth. S.vannah. Nesmith. I make their windows attractive for the joyed. April parties Denmark .n- ite Stl.tesboro will itel Clarence J. CI.rence will the week end with Mr. Mr.•nd Mrs. Cllaby Presbyterians CI.xton. Wyatt. Wynn. Wednesday night. The some 400 prea- ••cret hiding pl.cel. and rapon C� spend the clothes have tion the of the I Ea'Ster season. and were held I'n the • s and attmc-t hOlta to the Savannah Presbytery In operation Kenneth I ·paclou birth of a of covers. regard!ng M. Graham. Aubrey Cason, belief that the thlr- the week includ•• the ftrla- an Mrs. R Beave.r nounce the son. 7. Wide selection exprelaed the for paat d 0'1 made the teen-agers swoon ovel' the ".sslon here and to elect a board of ive playroom of the Attaway home. ,next Tuesday. co·operative Donald B. Franklin, John H. T. Lanier h•• fashion but the aet Frankklln. March 30th••t the Bulloch been via· Beasley. lentteen hogs entere'd made up the best tlea mentloned-.n''.I then 10m•• Mrs. Fred r�turned pretty •• younger Miss Martin. who has directors to for the coming the buffet .. �va operate 'Supper . . . oc· with noses Tuesday evening M.... Denm.rk be· retumed r..J Moore. J . F TankersIey. S J Pr had ever and th.t a near Black ,. a visit in Columbus with Mr.'-has stood prened against County Hospital. Itlng frlenlb In Statesboro. LADIES OF JOOUP show they held. At point Creek, fl'Om present board i. composed I of the windowl filled with consisted of baked ham. potato aalad. to her home in New Orleans. La. ye.r. Tlte tor. A. Cliff Bradley. W. C. Graham. off and Mrs. George Hltt. on� fore her marriage w.. Miss Mary shOWing thele well-cared_for gilts the Brlarp.tch district. Saturda)' ther I resemble the col- . of of W. O. O. G. . chicks that elMely cas."roI tomato as.ort entertained group Colem.n. Emanuel; . e. es. H.'S Brooklet. High Flyer'" W. A. Groover. B. E. Cannon A. was a worthwhile dem- till a of opera.. MISS Belle I of With the Frances Strickland. 01 to the adults aat In w.ltlng coupl. ors of the rainbow. pur- Furniture at home of Miss OUida Hul... B. R. Franklin FOO'TIVALr..l . ReK:lster. spe.nt ed pecan pie with whipped Bowen Company forty guests I y. Candler; Sr.. SPONSOR H. L. J. E. her sIS- child I. b,eads. Woods. Brannen. Hdoges.·'I J. N. Baker. dutnct su- tors came Into altel' haYlq ..... several thiS week wIth chase of a pair of shoes the Belle Stubbs on Denmark street. . view. days coffee. 239 Candler. Sam L . BBrannen. u IIoc;h in wh.tever cream and Following suppers 8 L. W John W. (Sa' ex' ....k. John Everett. given a real live chick FINISHES LAW COURSE 22 West Main St. Telephone Mi.. Margaret Virginia Sweat of Annua,I S ring FestivaI I Hartley, Bishop pervisor of vocational education) under suspicion for .Imo.t a tcr. Mrs. I J. E. L. A. Hunnl' color he band did them· billiarlb. pmIJ-pong. canasta. bridge Mr. and Mrs. N. C and R. Lee New- I Hodges. Bulloch; vannah P. R. 10natratlOn. Robert son of Cherryville. .• Set To Be Held There On avenue). of their w.. Mrs. J. M. Murphy qa. retul'ned ehooses''''70ur Hodges. I p...Ised the thanks orranl,a. The Itili. In operation. o� this week as receiv. conversa Ion were en· ... were united," Candler; Jim H. Strickland. . selvea t .. proud they and'nfI ormaI his work of Stat boro. cutt. w. C. E.Summerlyn'lNesmith. With Mr. and Mrs. Har- Wade Hodres. has completed some! First Wednesday In May Denmark. Raleigh tlon for the aupport of the work and untU the two oper.tivea-a whiW." from a VISit 80 firste and second� in the and and many M. M. Ru.hing. Bulloch. I . were Mr. "nd Mrs. Bulloch; . G two joyed Attending for hiS law degree from the Lumpkin marrla�e. Bennie A. Hendrix. Joe Hodge., stated thla was one of the be st and were tak- Han m Sumter. S. C. festival held in Mllledlfeville, and Bonnie Mae Brunson. of Ogeechee that and a ne� vey u DC • CItizens of Statesboro are Invited . . c B II h Jack Mr. and Mrs. Earl Le•• W L M EIveen, J. E. of our Il8me out With first Irat· Welchel, Law of Georgia. was chosen of Health Virgil B. Anderson. G. Mays. ever seen. Brook· have been ... allt •. and Mrs. C. C. hoys School. University THANKS Prlmitive Church school Queen I such shows had en. Banda arran, Mr B. A. Daughtry CARD OF Baptist MI' Miles stated that in addition to attend the second annual �prlng �e m Blitch In Mr. and Mrs. F., I. Shearouse. Pro school festival to be held E. L Neal Jr J. Olliff �everal mgs piano. Sm�ts elem�n. Mr. Hodge. visited during the past for co�nty C. Brown. .• let served a barbecue Kupper. court action will follow. of Register spent of and Reg- on Wednes� Daughtry. school and Jimmy Bland m high Mr. We wish to express OUr heartfelt Hours service wOnlhip: Statesboro 3rd. to the buSiness part of the fiower festival in Jesup . Hunter �nd in I regular • '. Mrs. tary and Robert,on. Mrs. Clifr May I A. M. Braswell Jr.• W. • • • ... m AtIanta. week With hiS sister. Fitton. Everett. Later In Statesboro N(IOrta durmg the week I school. We had winners in the to I ular conference April 6th. of under the of da,s Thursday. A. G. entertainment many Mrs. Leodel Mr. Mr. thanks and deep appreciation Dr. Grenobie. rec!,ntly I program. a good pro. day. May 3. sp<>nsor>hip AllenD·I The Middleground lunch room �erv· Coleman. and, and Mr. in Hampton. 'Va.• and Brannen Jr., B FLee. H. L. to the hOIl1lll ", a •• .. Mrs. of Hamp- instruments al'ao.-A group of Fitton. was m here these officers ,1a Ml and Oliff Fitton. wind various 8 m.; aervlces Saturday Springfield. lodged Jail an that a Garden Clubs. Mrs. N. individual friends and organ· p. regulal' I'b'gram was elng pIanned d Wayne County I e the Farm Bureau supper Thur.- are for Raymond Summeriyn. Franj< another Mrs. Dick Barr, F 1. Oharlle d or 'ftlob with of . a few our young giris making plan. Sister, upon complaint of malpmctice of negro "uapecta In both Va .• will day. during kmd. 10:30 O. 11:30 a. m. &l1d In over ton. 'pend Mr. and izations for their many deeds of m.; Sunday fine selection of attendance LIterally mushroonung �ize (l71(}�M. �hi,arouse. W. C. pr...ldent a ....onderful trip this summer to New Grimes. Mrs. Vlrgima Evans. and Mr. Barr at their home In Ritt­ medicine In county. very R. L. J. R. Bowen. day night. Hodg"". week Mr. and Mu. Wade for all Efflnll:ham Ne.mlth. Cnbbs. they obaerved soft. cle.n ...... ,." end ... and 8:00 Bible a�a rlv.l. the wit� .. nd several of the beautiful floral offerings our, pm.; study will be to consumers at· last festival. the affair belief Canada mess. year's the York nd •• Mr9. Thad ,..ortis. Mr. and Mrs. James "Bulloch Builders" offered prizes prizes given N. G. T. of the group...... man, Ohio. Theron Anderson. Cowart. expressed. he.rtha-aad 'from � to the recent bereave· a. and '7:00 m. dUI up -..' Bodgcs. mothers .re planninl!' chaperone c.rds aent during our 10:15 m.., p.B.r.F: p. for essays on subject of tradlllg at all other occasions In Southea.t Gear- beat the men Major and Mrs. R. W. Mun· • ••• tendlnr �the meeting. D. F 0 D. that the ladie. might has returned to For aometlme have been Bland. to L E. Dfal. Drlagers, Chap- .ubat.ntlal of the Juice _I. Bob Niver group. they ment .t the death of our dear- , home; first pt1ze , qUBrta ROBERTSON NAMED Sunday. w.ent .Lester • in color and actiVity. IL with In Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner. DR. �udden gia Gene L. cooking • after eating aupper toura that will dl'. ... man..,L H • .• Dna ,- a week'" viSit studying they join tlr. beloved and Jones. second to LUCile WhIte. Hagart(1575th) - In ", Opelika. Ala.. ILfter Iy Wife. mother daughter "When the rightBous .re in author! !>II the of the the procIucn bapplnelB •. Devane Wateon .• DENTAL COUNCIL Throurh co'operatlon such • that Atlanta. ILnd from the de3criptlo"s and Mr ••Mr ",nd )WEMBER Mr•. W.rd D. .' third to DaVid C. Anderson. v.riety. Mr. and MI'8. Esten �f llater. Colley. .. re but wiIAIn' th Hodges home. alM aU a negro motbtw .Ina'- with her parenta. the jolee; " and the lee and do It a and M.... Dr. Hunter Robertlon. prominent bless. Ity. JlOOpi I.nd to conduct BASEBALL SEASON Merchant's Council of the Jesup • - or two many thlnlJs they M,,,. Dean Andenon • Mr. God shower hiS tichest cmo Baptist church men usu.lly jUlt,Hfle eclstatad MILY the' I Traverse Juror (for Wedn�day)- aoft halla.., to the lor'" 'ilia CromartIe. . no can wait for .. be.r�h rule. l1li'. • wonder they bardly Mr. and dentiBt,� attended, of you Jo�. tw\cked.:. pea"'". achool beglnninl!' Wayne County Chamber of Com- food I.t W. H. Armstrong.and State�borjl. who,: toes 0" �'I"D""veryone 'Y'.P.U. tr.lnll!lf V W. Deal. T. W. Jernlg.n. itemsllor IIIId tile lupper.., chllcl J. lohnlon. to v.. come.-Se.n aboIll, tQV{lI: ¥r�. mourn."-Paalm 211:2. SUitain tile Eugene .'rielent In'-ralUn the � Bmntley !!,ecret.ry �a�lpnJto recent meetinl of dentllta In Atl.nta. your lfoOdns.a. I merce. the featival again will be hlp- tood on I Atta...... , I DEE'IMI'I'VIrInll� FIXFJ) J. R. at that. Ham..,.. the'bailq of Imogene FI.ndera .t In the bank y. 1 cause of the auatalail M:!: Chas. H. Bryant. I. O. Mallarel. Prince Preston•• ,,!ork Ward D. Colley. rilhteoua by :�t'(�:i-r!UI':.':'�!di:�: � - Congresaman I • • • • was named a of the executive colorful parade throup .. T' r."7. Hult with a God. lighted b),-. . wearlnl a pretty spnnll mfmber H.rry Don (Butch), Coliey. all the services of the ho""e of Pierc. Stewart, .nd aenlol'8 by J. B. Colson. W. W. Monn. ,the ..._,·ft. • was a week-end w:I ..... , • Chester. �upr� ""u. -- • D C ,� �er. • Wuhlngton •• on CLBB ...... e • violets the TENPINS of t�e "ection .. .•• · bunch of newly welcome to .U. _ bualnelB pretty purple Mrs. T. U. A cordial mit . ._ ...... TRf• cquncll Grazier. _ " . 'lrp'!,lzd'South­ qaJl. '" A)'" unle Roo M . L . ,�..,...I& SOIIeO �...1Ii wtor here. are on the • �. gers. kat I lat"' ;, I.pel. [,a'dlel who ,olnr MEMBER RATINGS ern of Or.1 Mrs. Bernie Polaton. V. F. AGAN. Pastor...... r-.. made of l.�.A'" REPORTS Academy liurgeons. will be up ffoata'sponsoD.� J. W. (47th). T. the I'OcI1n. 1111 iii- Miss Mary Agan ha. return- Williamaburl tour with the College I TBmTY YEARS AGO DuBose. Cone, w.nted were II:mor)' S. !IOm.thln. about The Tenpina Club hal completed .n by various city and county orglLnlsa- telephonea clas. m.klng laat-minute W H Moore 0 C 13ankJ·3. D that the bab couId not be dil- Hagan . I 0)' listed y ed to Shorter after spending .prlng That there will be an Ogeechee. firma. Pen·d J. L. Deal. J. E. De.. tions. M.thew. (Mrs. Jim). eight.weeks session of bowling. with From Bulloeh Tlmea. April 8. lt20 tions.nd IocaI bWllness .' . Ivv and Maybelle J'Immle A;_,wO.od' W . 'R 'M'oore. • from her '"" too III • Olliff turbed laHt with her parent. Elder ex"""ted Ea.ter I baseball and that Statesboro se....lce Fulm holld.ys Lula (Mra. Grimel. Allie Helen towae's team the The generallv• ..-- snap le.gue. .re .ppearancea of aeveral Akins. Harry Frank) making high; inl Rufus • ... -. I Anderson. E. R. Warnock. bo 1Irith. "....., lib _no V . FA'. Lillian in activiti� are M. _ and to In�rf� g.n. (Mrs. Cecil) Brannen. prep.ra-,(Iba. won with ill school bands. W. C. Hod,eB, score. �am�rln .nd hirh Lester Toots Glenn) 1It��",,�oTu�f:; Cecil Brooks. J. leaned oYer .nd placed the lIa'" o. Mra. Jason and children. DonI Thompaon. (Mrs. T?IS �h:ne �s�al�h�a� as.ur . Morgan wo ac... now fes- Herbert Deal. of 386 pm. each member of the wt fPa:�ciPate thede During the week preceding the Si�mons. Akina. H. A. Dekl • • • • • f.1l fro• .Jason ILnd Nita of S.vann.h apent Jennings. M.ry (Mrs. Emit) a�d morning. will consist of Akms. W. Woods. George the bod••nd pint of ahln. will with a The Ogeeche Le.gue an intensive .nd team presented Plans being made by the Presby. tival. clean.up. p.int_up. a FrI- and others. al'11. and Mrs �offee and a vnI1ety of cake. Guests of protect- Next Morning and then add ,2 to each o( se,elal Waters and Stothard " the importance Wednesday da)'s Crowe Parker Jr .• Loy t hause Stressing mage. Glbeon and Wendell represent· ! show in th'e Jesup commum Y the- he ered• \Vele Mr and MIS. By I t IVI'duaI' aff Ernest Blannen SI. Cou'ttney Granite Hill' Lewis • -, of all pigs agaInst rom hia secti'on Ind prizes ed the negative at . Deal. IS lanned Ive vaccinatIOn Pecan growers f t I Esther Gro3s, c.aptain; LOUise Smith, A more succes..uI show P a MI. and Mrs Gene I y. Mr. No and Ethan Patterson t bulletin 'these The Store IS offering wood, CUt Approvals! Gill repre3ented The I' ... I h t thetn ."gle. 0 colck. .Irs '1 A. Maxwell, Edge, having usual aiter-Easter wI�1 has precautions pecans 1.1e. II&- .utomoblle OW11era. bought IIou...chlld?en in to Athens. will be Jarnette and son, Bob, of Vidalta, and Mrs. F. W Hugh", and M'I'5. W. .kin to the reo the vaccination ltaelf helping Dr'.' W. R. of tbe U. S. pecan epeci&IINt. stnte pr,,...dent. Will be guel)t nell. • Buick. A combustion alightly Cole, Ilig Clearance Sale all this week will be B . L • South- M,.s COldelln of Duhhn (there which States· losses thia "pring. H. iaor arain thOIS ye.r. White. of the Stab!-3boro G NeVille as co-hostesses. M!88 Mar­ Letter C.rrier R. J. Proctor Is raie. cent atove explollon put cholera ·'tetion ....t Albany; George Firel1tlons ull app,pelatio".