Remember: Exhibions require me and effort Underesmang the amount of planning and preparaon required to exhibit successfully is one of the biggest reasons for disappointment and failure. If you are going to invest in a stand/booth, you must also be prepared to invest the necessary me, effort and resources to see it through. Effecve planning and follow‐up can mean the difference between a bad show experience and a good one. But it can also mean the difference between a good show, and a truly exceponal one.


2012 Fast Facts ______4

Sponsorship Opportunies ______6

Call for Speakers at ODEX, Blue Edge & OMCSS ______7

Pre Show Integrated Markeng ______8

ODEX Becomes the Major Sponsor of the 2012 Australian Fin Championships ____9

How to Apply for Booth Space ______10

Stand Package Informaon ______11

SOPAC Floorplans ______12

ODEX Booth Layout ______13

Venue Images ______14

Transport and Parking ______15

Accommodaon Informaon______16

Exhibitor Tips ______17

2011 Post Show Survey ______19

2011 Tesmonials ______20

2011 Exhibitors ______23

2011 Speakers ______24

Exhibitor Applicaon and Booking Contract ______25 3

2012 Fast Facts

Name: Dive Travel & Watersports Expo (ODEX) Date of Event: Saturday 8 September ‐ Sunday 9 September 2012 Venue: Olympic Park Aquac Centre (SOPAC) hp:// Locaon: Homebush ‐ Sydney ‐ Event Timings: Saturday 10am‐6pm Sunday 10am‐5pm Ticket Costs: Adults $7 Children $6 (4‐15years) All cket prices and concessions are governed by SOPAC and subject to change. Entry includes the use of the venues leisure pools. Tickets can only be purchased at the venue. Event Descripon: ODEX has been developed as a family friendly consumer event that will showcase products and services relang to recreaonal scuba , dive resorts and holiday desnaons, underwa‐ ter imaging, marine ecotourism and conservaon iniaves, and spearfishing, watersports and various other excing underwater acvies. ODEX is complemented by several educaonal seminars and is proud to be a Major Sponsor of the 2012 Australian Fin Swimming Championships. Co‐Located Events: 1. BLUE EDGE ‐ Internaonal Freediving and Spearfishing Exhibion and Conference 2. OMCSS ‐ Oceania Marine Conservaon and Popular Science Symposium 3. OZFIN ‐ Australian Fin Swimming Championships (hp:// Official Website: hp:// Facebook: hp:// Twier: hp:// Media Tag: “Submerge your senses” Organiser: Blue Edge Media Pty Ltd Type of Event: Consumer Exhibion & Conference Number of Exhibion Booths: 84 Expected Numbers: ODEX is working very closely with the SOPAC Markeng Team in a joint effort to combine both markeng and media resources. The Markeng Team at SOPAC has excellent publicity channels and strong media links in the mainstream press. In addion to this, the venue generally caters for an average of up to 2,000+ general public (swimmers) each weekend. Blue Edge Media, the Organiser of the 2nd Oceania Dive Travel & Watersports Expo, has also developed and culvated major print and online support from the both the dive and travel industry. Therefore by working together with SOPAC, we would expect anything between 5000‐6000 visitors as a low esmate. Retail Sales Policy: The number one reason why visitors came to ODEX in was to buy gear and gadgets. Having a sales policy where you can sell stock will not only aract visitors seeking bargains but it will also help exhibitors sell off last season’s product lines or slow moving stock. We would like to encour‐ age manufacturers, importers and wholesalers to support their regional retailers and dealers through joint sales promoons and brand iniaves at ODEX. Free Car Parking: 4 hours automac free parking applies with the purchase of an entry cket. Nearest Car Park: P2 (see hp://‐and‐Parking8/default.aspx) Nearest Train Staon: Olympic Park Staon Nearest Pub: The Brewery at Novotel Hotel (hp://‐brewery.html) 4

2012 Fast Facts (cont.)

Exhibitor Categories:

Adventure or Eco‐Tour Operator Leisure Clothing or Apparel

Club or Diving Associaon Live‐aboard Dive Operator

Commercial or Defence Diving Marime Research or Archaeology Dive Charter Vessel Marine Cra or Chandlery Dive Equipment Manufacturer Marine Science or Conservaon Dive Equipment Distributor Naonal Tourism Organisaon Dive Expedion Print or Online Media Dive Store or Retailer Regional Tourism Board

Dive Travel or Resort Safety or Rescue Product

Educaon or Training Agency Specialised or

Freediving or Spearfishing Underwater Imaging Equipment

Government Department Underwater Vehicles

Hyperbaric & Water or Acon Equipment

Photograph taken in the Ulity Pool which ODEX will be using for Try Dives and Gear Trials 5

Sponsorship Opportunies

The 2nd Oceania Dive Travel & Watersports Expo offers the perfect plaorm to showcase, demon‐ strate and sample directly to your target market. Sponsorship takes your parcipaon to the highest level, delivering excellent brand exposure plus inclusion in our aggressive pre‐show media campaigns. All Sponsorship Programs are tailored to your specific markeng needs; this customised approach ensures that your message is delivered in line with your corporate branding requirements. Themed and interacve features within the Show enable you to align yourself with specific interest groups, thus ensuring that you are not lost amongst the excitement and that your brand is not diluted. Further to this, to communicate our commitment to your success as a sponsor; we offer you sponsorship category exclusivity! Most sponsorship benefits will include:  Creave and sophiscated joint leveraging opportunies that incorporate substanal promoonal, media and PR campaigns  High impact media and show recognion  Logo and brand enforcement  Access to specific target markets  Corporate/brand image creaon/ enhancement  Merchandising opportunies  Sales generaon  Complimentary exhibion space  Conference and workshop sessions available sponsorship opportunies:  Principal Sponsor ‐ This will include prime main entrance booth space and a large dedicated glass fronted poolside media room (see picture below)  Major Sponsors ‐ This will include the main entrance or best posioned booth space.  OZFIN 2012 Australia Fin Swimming Champion‐ ships  Major door prizes for entry flyer  COSPLAY @ ODEX Compeon prize  Official Show Guide adversers  Show bags

ODEX Principal Sponsor’s Media Room 6 Call for Speakers at ODEX, Blue Edge & OMCSS

Have you got something to share? Our speakers are respected industry leaders, visionaries, teachers and talented athletes. Our idenficaon and selecon of speakers is based on feedback and recommendaons from our supporng organisaons and media partners. Our objecve is to present a entertaining mix of both specialist and general topics. Our speakers need to be:  Experienced and comfortable speaking in front of large groups  Interested in sharing experse and knowledge with others  Interested, schedule perming, in aending the whole event and engaging with aendees  Open to helping spread the word about the event Benefits of speaking at ODEX, Blue Edge or OMCSS Speaking at our event offers numerous benefits including an unparalleled plaorm to gain exposure for your company; increased credibility for your business, project or team; and the opportunity to convey your corporate goals and vision. Other benefits may include:  Inclusion on our website, print and online media, show guide and e‐news, your which may raise the profile of you and your organisaon.  Your speech can be used as an opportunity to air a point of view, launch a product or make an argu‐ ment.  Press releases based on your speech can give your topic a wider circulaon.  An opportunity to meet with other experts in your area, to discuss ideas, learn about new trends, and make new friends  Demonstrate your knowledge and your company's professionalism  To get on the radar and get noced Terms and Conditions for Speakers  All interested potenal speakers are subjected to the Organising Commiee’s review and approval before allocaon of a speaker slot.  It is not acceptable for company informaon to be included in presentaons unless it is approved by the Organisers.  All presentaons will be 25‐30 minutes in length – then offer five minutes for quesons.  All presenters must use PowerPoint soware. (unless approved otherwise by the Organisers).  All presenters must supply a short biography (100 words maximum). This should include your inial training, your main work experience and your family situaon/interests.  All presenters must supply a tle and topic synopsis (300 words maximum), with five key points.  All presenters must a supply a passport style photo (jpeg) and company logo.  All presenters must use a standard introductory 'slide', which will include the ODEX, Blue Edge or OMCSS logo, the tle of the presenter and the tle of the presentaon. This slide must also be used at the end of all presentaons, while the queson session is underway. Other 'slides' may take whatever form the presenters wish, but should try and include the conference logo in any of the four corners.  The Organiser reserves the right to change the date, schedule and presentaon stage of any Presenter  The Speaker / presenter agrees to follow the Organisers instrucon so as to benefit the success of the exhibion and conference. 7

Pre‐Show Integrated Markeng

Very few companies understand how events fit into their overall corporate sales and markeng objecves, which is why somemes ad hoc decisions are made to parcipate in random trade or consumer shows. Most business owners have never even considered exhibing as a way to effecvely achieve annual markeng objecves. Exhibions and Conferences can help achieve all of the 4 P's of the markeng mix: product, price, place and promoon. Direct communicaon, especially that undertaken on the floor at a trade and consumer show, is probably one of the most valuable tools in relaonship markeng. Successful markeng also incorporates other communicaon elements like print, adversing, direct mail, PR, corporate communicaons and the Internet. When used together, the combined efforts of all such mar‐ keng tools will produce beer results than when they’re used individually. When trade and consumer shows are integrated into the annual markeng mix, far beer results can be achieved. A comprehensive markeng plan encompassing various forms of print and online media will be undertaken by the Organisers of ODEX in order to aract visitors that are pre‐qualified, industry professionals or highly movated consumers. The ODEX pre‐show markeng campaign covers a wide range of acvies including the following:  Avant postcard promoon  In‐house direct mail campaign  Local radio Mix 106.5 (pending sponsorship)  In‐house regular e‐news markeng (currently  Local television (TVS) and morning television 9,532 recipients as at 06/02/2012) (pending sponsorship)  Industry accredited training courses and  Local café posters and door prize flyers seminars  Affiliaon and cross‐promoon through  Social media networking registered exhibitors, supporng industry  Joint markeng iniaves with Sydney associaons and organisaons Olympic Park Aquac Centre markeng  Comprehensive, regularly updated website team  Related consumer and trade magazine  Show prizes and incenve giveaway adversing  Cross promoon with the 2012 Naonal Fin Swimming Championships

Some examples of 2011 markeng iniaves 8 ODEX Becomes the Major Sponsor of the 2012 Australian Fin Swimming Championships

Fin swimming is a competitive swimming involving the use of fins. Competition distances are similar to conventional swimming, ranging from 50m to 1500m for surface events. Elite competitors use a tale shaped mono fin where two feet fit into one large blade, but some still compete in duo fins or flippers. Elite competitors also swim without arms and use a special front fitting to breathe, moving through the water in a dolphin style motion. Fin swimming is a fairly new competition, and was developed in . After the first European Championship in 1967 and the first World Championship in 1976, the International Olympic Commit‐ tee (IOC) approved it as a regular event in 1986. Fin Swimming competitions in Australia have been conducted as a non‐serious sport at the Australian Championships since 1971. Until 1988 all fin swimming competitors at the Australian titles competed in other and fin swimming was a way of gaining extra state points. At the Australi‐ an titles conducted at Bridgeport in , Bruno Nufer, a spear‐ competitor from NSW competed in large fiberglass fins (duos). These were the first fiberglass fins to be used at a fin swimming competition in Australia. The following year, Nufer introduced the first mono fin that he had brought from . Finswimmers require two additional types of equipment in addition to conventional swimmers. One being the snorkel which, unlike a snorkel, is mounted on a brace that secures the snorkel over the nose and forehead of the finswimmer. The other piece of equipment is of course the mono fin. The mono fin is a large single fibre glass or plastic blade attached to both feet. The technique is quite simple and effective once mastered. Generally the swimmer at‐ tempts to minimise frontal resistance by placing their arms together in front of their body while also maintaining as little motion in the upper body. Unlike conventional swimming the swimmer does not use their arms for propulsion as too much resistance is created and reduces the swimming speed. The lower body and legs move in an undulating motion with minimal movement of the knees. The knees do bend slightly to obtain the greatest benefit from the effort provided by the quadriceps how‐ ever this should be minimal. The Australian Fin Swimming Championships will be held in conjunction with ODEX on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September 2012 at SOPAC (hp:// The Championships will hold several kinds of events: 1. Surface events: Swum on the surface over distances of 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m 2. Breathhold events: 50m 3. Scuba events: 100, 400 and 800m (swum with specially designed scuba cylinders)

Request the OZFIN Compeon Timetable and Applicaon Form by emailing Dr Ma Edmunds:

Ma@marine‐ 9

How to Apply for Booth Space

Booths and Walkways Booths are for exhibitors, walkways are for visitors. Be sure to design your booth so that your body and your display are fully contained within your site. Be careful not to project into the walkways. Some people find it hard to visualise their hired space so measure it up at home with a tape measure. Do a trial run by adding furniture and other equipment, and then position yourself. A small booth has enough space for one person only. No more than two people can fit into a single booth. For three or more people you need a double booth. Walkways are flowing streams with surges of people, bags and prams, and it can be difficult to talk to a potential customer who is standing in a torrent, so arrange space inside your booth where clients can step into your space to talk to you, out of the flow.

Shell Scheme Booth Costs 2m deep x 3m wide booth: AUD $1,699 (ex. GST) Most of these booths are poolside 3m deep x 3m wide booth: AUD $2,299 (ex. GST) Most of these booths are on the upper level main pedestrian gangway.

You also have the opportunity to build your own custom stand without the shell scheme inclusions and to your own preferred size for maximum brand awareness. Please contact the Organiser for more details. For ideas relating to custom stand designs visit:

Exhibitor Payment Plan First Payment: 30% with your initial booking Second Payment: 50% due no later than 8 May 2012 Third Payment: 20% due no later than 8 July 2012 Full payment is preferred with your booth booking.

Easy Steps to Secure Your Booth Space Step 1. Go to the Contact Us form on our website and request an Exhibitor Application & Booking Contract Step 2. Complete and return your Exhibitor Application & Booking Contract with Terms and Conditions Step 3. Make the necessary payments to secure and maintain your booth allocations

Public Liability Insurance It is a venue requirement and a condition of exhibiting that all stand holders must have a Public Liability Certificate of Currency for AUD $10,000 and that this is valid for the duration of the event. A flat fee of $220 (ex. GST) will be invoiced to all exhibitors when making a booth booking. This fee will be cash refunded from the Organiser’s Office at the Expo. However, if the Organiser does not receive your certificate by 8 August 2012, there will be NO refund and this fee to will be used to obtain the necessary Public Liability Insurance with a broker of our choice. We will not be chasing your certificate, so it is strongly advised you send in the necessary documenta‐ tion to us by the required deadline. 10

Stand Package Informaon 11

SOPAC Floorplans 12

ODEX Booth Layout 13

Venue Images

Main venue entrance looking towards upper level booths View back towards upper level (booths # 18‐19) and lower (# 18‐19) level booth area (# 20‐27)

View of upper level near café and stairs leading down to View of OZFIN Compeon pool and towards deep ulity lower level pools pool taken from midway along upper level (public leisure pools are to the right of the upper level gangway)

View from dive pool back towards booth # 72 –84 (Principal View across deep ulity pool towards Try Dive and OZFIN Sponsor’s glass‐fronted media room can be seen on the le) competors’ briefing zone. This is a wet area and underwa‐ ter observaon ports can be seen in pool for film and photography purposes (approved media only) 14

Transport and Parking

Parking Aquatic Centre patrons and ODEX visitors are entitled to park in any SOPA car park and receive 4 hours free parking on production of a validated car park ticket. The car parks which are closest to the Aquatic & Athletic Centres include P2, overflow car park, P3 and P4. The car parking ticket needs to be validated at the Service Desk upon entry into the Aquatic Centre. Beyond four hours the following casual nominated parking fees apply. For more information visit‐and‐Parking8/default.aspx.

Taxi Taxis are available from the taxi rank located at the rear of Sydney Olympic Park Train Station on Park Street.

Buses Route 525 ‐ Station to Burwood Station via Olympic Park Railway Station, Rydalmere, UWS Nepean Campus and Newington. Daily full‐time service. Route 401 ‐ Lidcombe Station to Olympic Park Railway Station via Sydney Olympic Park Ferry Wharf and Newington. Daily full‐time service. Route 533 ‐ Operating between Sydney Olympic Park and Chatswood via Rhodes and North Ryde, during the morning and evening peak periods (Monday to Friday). Route 450 ‐ Punchbowl Bus Company will extend its existing 450 Service between Hurstville and Strathfield to include Sydney Olympic Park. This service will run via Strathfield Railway Station and Beverly Hills Railway Station.

Trains CityRail operates three types of train services to and from Olympic Park Station, Sydney Olympic Park:  Olympic Park Sprint operates between Lidcombe and Olympic Park Station at 20 minute intervals.  Direct services between Central Station and Olympic Park Station, weekdays only.  Major Event train services.

For all public transport details contact the Public Transport Infoline on 131 500 or visit 15

Accommodaon Informaon

Sydney Olympic Park offers a variety of accommodation styles to suit your needs from budget to luxury options and everything in between. Spoil yourself at the recently opened 5‐star Pullman Hotel, or grab the kids for a fun night out at the new 2‐star Hotel Formule1. Groups can also enjoy dormitory style accommodation at the Sydney Olympic Park Lodge. All hotels are conveniently located in the heart of Sydney Olympic Park within walking distance to venues and transport, with the Lodge located in the heritage‐listed Newington Armory.

Pullman Star Rating: 5 Rooms: 212 Room Types: Standard Room & Suites The Pullman at Sydney Olympic Park is a unique 5‐star hotel, meticulously designed and strategically located in the dynamic sports, entertainment, business hub that is Sydney Olympic Park. The upscale hotel offers business travellers exclusive access to an executive lounge, meeting rooms for up to 220 people and wireless internet in all areas. The 212 rooms and suites at Pullman at Sydney Olympic Park all boast modern design, sweeping panoramic views and large bathrooms. The hotel also offers a range of dining options, including the exquisite Bacar Restaurant and Wine Bar. Website:

Novotel Star Rating: 4.5 Rooms: 177 Room Types: Standard Room & Suites Novotels around the world are renowned for their convenient locations, high standards and hassle‐ free stays and this hotel is no exception. It’s popular with concert‐goers and sporting fans attending Park events, offering a range of accommodation and dining options that appeals to business travellers too. You’ll enjoy the casual dining options or relaxing in the contemporary bar located underneath. And if you’re bringing a big crowd with you, the hotel offers flexible conference facilities for up to 600 delegates, see more details at the Venue Hire page. Website:

Hotel Ibis Star Rating: 3.5 Rooms: 144 Room Types: Standard & Guest Rooms This is the Novotel’s little sister hotel, offering all the same heart‐of‐the‐action convenience but at even more competitive rates. You’ll still be able to stroll to all the big events and can choose from almost 30 eating options scattered around the Park to make your dollar go even further. You won’t be disappointed by the comfy rooms and friendly service of this popular hotel. Website:

Formule1 Star Rating: 2 Rooms: 156 Room Types: Standard Here you’ll enjoy affordable budget accommodation in the Park, located just a short walk from all your favourite sporting and entertainment venues. All guest rooms at Formule1 have their own mod‐ ern bathroom and sleep up to three people, making it an easy and great‐value option for families, schools and special interest groups. The Formule1 offers the best of convenience plus affordability. Website:

The Lodge Star Rating: ‐ Rooms: 98 Room Types: Dormitory The Sydney Olympic Park Lodge is a 98‐bed facility managed by the YMCA, ideal for schools or special interest groups. Nestled within the green grounds of heritage‐listed Newington Armory, the Lodge is the perfect location for a unique sleepover experience. Website: 16

Exhibitor Tips

6 Quick Tips  Use roller banners for easy transport and erection 1. Book your booth early  Host a personality or celebrity at my booth to talk to the public You will have a better choice of sites and lots of time for planning.  Arrange a relief so I can take a break to look at the expo myself! 2. Promote your participation

Leading up to the event tell your current and prospective customers where to find you at the As people become experienced exhibitors they expo. Invite them to visit you. Put an ‘expo become more attuned to the expectations of the splash’ with your booth number in your regular audience, other exhibitors and the organisers. print advertisements and on your website. But it's easy to become complacent and to behave in a way that gets others off side. Here 3. Design a smart booth are some tips of what not to do. It is important that visitors know who you are

and where you come from. Use your colours and crest /logo to create a strong identity. Trade Show Follies 4. Distribute promotional material at the expo This helps people think about you after the expo.  Operate in a fog. Know the rules. Read and Make sure your contact details are obvious. understand the Terms and Conditions that are included in this prospectus 5. Search for genuine buyers  Roll out to the show year after year. Staff should actively look for genuine buyers, Develop a new theme record their interest and their details.  Stand still pumping out leaflets. Provide 6. Follow up immediately activities that engage visitors so you have The expo is the first big step to attract a sales, time to talk to them but to get real results you need to contact all the  Ignore quiet or daggy customers leads.  Fail to see the customer potential in fellow

exhibitors What Exhibitors Would do Differently  Stress because you're not selling. Use this expo to facilitate introductions, greet new Here is some useful feedback from exhibitors clients and strengthen relationships from another show when asked “What would  Go home exhausted without a list of you do differently next time?”. The 10 most follow‐up contacts. Gathering leads is frequent responses were: what an expo is about  Put an advertisement in the Expo Program  Have a static presence. Get involved with  Make pictures into big posters. Less and the workshops, the stage seminars, Tech bigger is better Spec presentations and anything else on  Organise activities to draw people into our offer. Submit editorial for the program and site the expo bag. Be seen and heard every‐ where  Have a table and chairs so people will stay awhile and listen  Overflow your site. The aisles are for visitors, the booths are for exhibitors.  Book a spot on the stage and in the Other exhibitors are quick to complain if workshops for more exposure you or your products take up more than  Book a bigger booth your allotted space or interrupt the traffic  Play a continuous video/IT presentation flow. Keep body and products within your  Advertise our presence at the expo prior carpeted area to the event so that people know where to  Pack up early and spoil the atmosphere for find us everyone else. You will look unsuccessful  Offer an incentive to visit and a spoilsport if you pull out early 17

Exhibitor Tips (cont.)

TWELVE TO SIX MONTHS FROM THE EXPO  Put the Organiser’s expo logo on your website & link to the expo’s website  Book and pay 50% deposit for your booth.  Write your press releases and select Do you want a custom build booth or photos standard shell scheme?  Put the expo date in diary THREE MONTHS FROM THE EXPO  Establish your budget and promotional campaign  Hire equipment and/or power if needed  Seek product partners, if needed  Target list of editors for press releases  Regularly read the expo website (sign up about your display to the ODEX e‐news)  Send in payment of your final booth instal‐  Promptly return the Organiser’s paper‐ ment work and requests  Book your travel arrangements  Book your accommodation TWO MONTHS FROM THE EXPO FIVE MONTHS FROM THE EXPO  Select staff and representatives for your  Receive, review and action necessary booth and confirm dates and times in their sections in the Exhibitor’s Manual diaries  Decide on your show objectives  Confirm your accommodation booking  Decide on your show theme, visual lan‐ guage and activities ONE MONTH FROM THE EXPO  Select and order promotional products (e.g. brochures, audio visuals, crested  Confirm move in and move out schedule ware, carry bags, signage, photographs with Organisers etc)  Check promotional material is ready  Check your Public Liability Insurance policy  Check ALL paperwork is in order  Book some advertising in the Official Show Guide ONE WEEK FROM THE SHOW FOUR MONTHS FROM THE EXPO  Brief staff about appearance, objectives, hand out literature, facts and questions  Decide on pre‐show promotion (e.g. a people will ask pointer in your advertising inviting expo visitors to call in and see you)  Assemble toolkit (scissors, tape, step ladder, note pads, pens, etc.) 18

2011 Post Show Survey

Number of Aendees: 2814 including guests, exhibitors and speakers Number of Seminars: 48

State of Residence Visitor Qualifications

1% 1%

8% 5% 9%

QLD Scuba Diver NSW 17% Spearo VIC Freediver Non Diver WA 69% 90%

Diver Qualifications Number of Days Attended

17% 21% 18% SSI

1 PADI 50% 2 3 Other (e.g. TDI / 33% SDI ‐ NAUI ‐ BSAC) 61%

Age of Attendees Gender of Attendees


21% Under 17 38% Male 17 ‐25 Female 26 ‐ 42 62% 75%

Reasons for Attending How Did Attendees Hear About ODEX

Enews 10% 10% 12% ODEX Internet 18% Buy Gear and Gadgets Newspaper 12% Blue Edge Radio 23% Seminars 25% 17% Magazine 13% Book a Holiday Promo Flyer/ Postcard Network Facebook 14% 14% UF 8% 3% A friend 16% 3% 2% Other (i.e. Dive Club, Retail Shop or Instructor) 19

2011 Tesmonials

“The 2011 Brisbane ODEX Dive Expo was a long time overdue and it was great for the free diving and community to get together and show case our sport. As the owner of a spearfishing travel and equipment business it gave me a great opportunity to discuss first hand with my clients the trips and discuss future trips with my potential new clients. It also gave me a great opportunity to showcase my new range and check out what else is happening in the dive world. Having travelled to other inter‐ national shows over the years l can see the real potential in this show long term. Book me in for Sydney 2012, l will be there for sure!” Rob Torelli Director Blue Water Hunting International Pty Ltd

“Just a quick note to let you know how much Laura and I enjoyed the inaugural ODEX. We were pleasant‐ ly surprised by the spacious layout of the venue and the size of our booth. As we pretty much all knew, Bris‐ bane wasn’t going to draw big crowds, but the quality of the people that did come through the doors was very good. I spent an average of 20 minutes speaking to prospective guests, which gave me the opportuni‐ ty to really find out what they were after and whether we’d be the right dive operator for them. I know some people complained about not handing out enough flyers, but I’m more for quality than quantity! We also managed to add over 200 new subscribers to our newsletter database! Looking forward to next year’s ODEX, keep up the great work and thank for you sticking your neck out for the industry. You, Tim, Robyn and the whole team did an outstanding job!” Ange Lissenung Resort

“As the first true large size recreational retail/trade dive show run in Australia for some 15 years or more I think you both did a great job. I think with the experience you have gained from this show, 2012 can only be bigger & better. Our booth displayed 2 product ranges Apollo and Olympus. We had a total of 10 staff members rostered on (3 Apollo, 3 Olympus and 4 from Devocean Dive). On a couple of occasions over a 4 hour period we had 5 staff working on the booth, all 5 were talking to customers for the entire time. Olympus has only just re entered the dive market after a short absence, The ODEX show was a great way to showcase their new camera line up to both the dive retailers as well as members of the public. Olympus signed up a significant number of new dive stores as Olympus Dealers as well as selling a large number of cameras thru Devocean Dive our ODEX booth dive store partner. Apollo has always been regarded as a high end brand name suppling quality, innovative products to the diving industry. Divers in the know hunt out Apollo products. The reception that we received from the general diving consumer was fantastic. We have been able to confirm that even entry level consumers are also looking to purchase high end product. Through our ODEX dive store partner Devocean Dive a number of high quality scuba packages were sold to entry level Open Water Divers. Due to the great response that Apollo/Olympus received at the 2011 Brisbane ODEX show I can see no reason why we would not like to be involved in a larger and better 2012 Sydney ODEX show.” Don Meekins General Manager: Sales & Marketing Apollo Australia Pty Ltd Scuba & Water Operations Equipment

“It’s rare to find many of the best minds in Australian marine conservation under one roof, but that’s what ODEX 2011 delivered. For the Australian Marine Conservation Society our work is all about communication and engaging with the general ocean‐loving public and conservation minded industry and we certainly found that here. A great few days!” Daisy Barham Australian Marine Conservation Society 20

2011 Tesmonials (cont.)

“Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate at ODEX 2011. We found the event a valuable networking opportunity. With our booth situated near the entrance and being next door to DAN, we were in a prime position to catch the eye of passers by and had several opportunities to assist in sorting out some interesting health issues associated with diving and to discuss the implications of these with DAN. We hope that by being there we have made our medical profession seem more approachable, and have been able to educate the divers and dive organisations about the new recommendations for diving fitness. We also enjoyed the opportunity to look at possible destinations for our yearly Annual Scientific Meeting.” Dr Catherine Meehan SPUMS Representative for ODEX

“The ODEX dive show was our second dive show for the year. Although the show was relatively quiet we actually had a very successful show. We managed to sell a few units, as well as have a number of pending sales from both exhibitors and visitors alike. If it wasn’t for the World Cup Rugby being on at the same time there would been far more visitors to show. Regardless of that it was good! Thanks again, and see you next year! Kevin Smith Seasafe Pty Ltd

“Just wanted to let you know how much we loved the 2011 Brisbane ODEX Dive Expo. As a not‐for‐profit organisation all about the protection of underwater cultural heritage, ODEX was a great opportunity for AIMA to get out there & connect with members of the diving community on a one on one basis. Judging by the substantial amount of interested people who came through our booth and looked at our videos or read our information, stopped by for a chat about maritime archaeology, training courses or even their favourite dives, the event was a major success for us! I reckon it also helped to make more people aware of how fun are to dive as well as the significance of protecting our underwater heritage ‐ which makes a big difference. AIMA has gained loads of new industry contacts plus learned a lot from the event and the other exhibitors. We will be back….. Great job Mick, Robin and the team…..Bring on ODEX 2012 in Sydney!” Ed Slaughter QLD Councellor for Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA)

“This is a note to thank you for the opportunity to participate in ODEX 2011. Although there has always been interest in freediving in Australia, there has not always been the opportunity for freedivers to learn more about the sport and meet other freedivers. Our goal for the weekend was simply to let people know that freediving in Australia is very much alive and kicking, to help prospective freedivers find one another and to know that the AFA is there to help them out. We had hundreds of people come through our stand and were enthralled by the freediving videos, played with and other equipment and many took part in our little static breath hold competition, where we quickly discovered that the girls were doing much better than the guys! One of the common phrases we heard over the weekend was ‘we didn't know there were other freedivers around’ and I'm very glad that ODEX gave us the opportunity to correct that.” Once again, a huge thanks for going out on a limb and supporting the freediving community. We can't wait for next year!” Ben Noble President, Australian Freediving Association 21

2011 Tesmonials (cont.)

“ODEX in Brisbane provided Wakatobi with very valuable industry networking and visibility in the Australi‐ an market. The forum to meet fellow colleagues under one roof from all aspects of the dive industry was particularly beneficial. We were able to talk in depth with potential customers with many contacts and leads made for future business. Past guests came to share their Wakatobi stories and underwater photos, and guests who have booked to visit us in 2012 and 2013 dropped by to say hello – a welcome opportunity to nurture relationships. The world has become so accessible, the AUD so strong, enabling record‐setting outbound travel from Aus‐ tralia at a time when other markets are not so fortunate. There is definitely a need for a dive travel expo in Australia to bring these valuable business opportunities to the forefront for the benefit of the industry. We look forward to ODEX 2012 in Sydney!” Juliette Myers Wakatobi Dive Resort, Southeast Sulawesi,

“As an internet based business with customers Australia wide and the world for that matter, ODEX 2011 in Brisbane provided us the opportunity to meet face to face with our exciting clients and allowed us to grow our database. We had a couple travel from Sydney just for the Expo, now that is commitment to their favourite sport! As a booth holder I did not stay in my box, I took advantage of having such a fantastic blend of marine conservation, underwater imagery, scuba diving, free diving, spearfishing, ecotourism and adventure travel representatives all in one place. I signed up to a number of newsletters and for more info about the products and services provided by fellow booth holders. ODEX 2011 broke down barriers, recognising the connection and importance of the featured industries, groups and organisations. Having such variety of information available in one weekend together with lectures from Guest Speakers FREE to all visitors made ODEX 2011 in Brisbane such a unique event. It is about time we had an annual expo which keeps the momentum and interest alive. ODEX 2012 in Sydney ... Book us in!” Cherie Adams Dodd Ocean Guardians

ODEX Official T‐shirts produced by Ocean Guardians

Tufi Dive Resort staff names L‐R: Raylyn Irurapa ‐ Jerldine Kosifi ‐ Rudy Kopapa ‐ Filma Hanana hp:// 22

2011 Exhibitors

Adreno Draeger Shark Expedions Agresssor / Dancer Fleet Eco Divers Tourism Board Ahura Resorts Ecotourism Australia Sarah Shark Aimrite Australia Equinox Housings Scuba Diver AustralAsia Alam Anda Dive and Spa Resort eScuba ‐ Sealife Scuba Schools Internaonal Allstar Fitness & Health Fiji ‐ Dolphin Bay Divers Retreat Scuba Diving Internaonal Australia Fiji ‐ Sau Bay Fiji Retreat Scubapix Apollo Australia Fiji Me Scuba Ventures Kavieng Aquamarine Diving Bali Fish 'n Fins Shepherd Conservaon Society Arenui ‐ The Bouque GANGGA DIVERS Bali Lomok Manado Seadoo Seascooters Asian Diver Garden Island Resort Seasafe Pty Ltd Atlans Internaonal Bali Dive Centre Hotels & Diving Centers Werner Lau Siddhartha Dive Resort & Spa Australia Society Go Pro Siladen Resort and Spa Australian Freediving Associaon Hydro Sapiens Water Village Resort Australian Instute of Marime Internaonal Freediving and Archaeology Australia Australian Marine Conservaon Kasawari Lembeh Resort Sonaisali Island Resort Society Koro Sun Fiji Resort South Pacific Underwater Medicine Australian Safety Engineers L&W Compressors Society Australian Underwater Federaon Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort Magazine Bali Diving Academy Lembeh Hills Resort Sundive Bryon Bay Beqa Lagoon Resort Liquid Adventure Tasik Ria Resort Beyond Ocean Network Lissenung Island Resort Tawali Resort Blue Forest of Maldives The Dive Centre Blue Water Hunng Internaonal Loloata Island Resort The Great Escape Charter Company Breeze Photos Tweed Heads Australia The South Pacific, Fiji Brisbane Dive Academy Marine Teachers Associaon of Tigullio Castaway Island Resort Tourism Authority of Christmas Island Tourism Associaon MV Chertan Tufi Dive Resort Clean Oceans Foundaon MV FeBrina Cocos Keeling Islands Tourism MY Spirit of Niugini underwater australasia Associaon NAUI Worldwide underwater photographics Coconos Bouque Beach Resorts & Nomad Adventure Tours / Dive Underwater Research Group of Qld Spas Lutwala Underwater Skindivers & Fishermen's Contour Australia Ocean Geographic Society Associaon Coral Watch Ocean Guardians Devocean Dive Oceanic Shark Vanuatu Tourism Digital Diver Olympus Cameras Waidroka Bay Resort Dive Adventures Our World Underwater Scholarship Wakatobi Dive Resort & Yacht Dive Damai Walindi Plantaon Resort Australasia Palasia Hotel Palau Wananavu Beach Resort Dive Photo Guide Papua New Guinea Divers Associaon White Manta Diving Pty Ltd Inc Wild Mob Pacific Pelagic Spearfishing Supplies Wildlife Tourism Australia Diversion Travel Powerdive Worldwide Dive & Sail DiveXSite Project Manta Protect Our Coral Sea Yamamoto Corporaon Diving The Gold Coast with Ian Banks Museum Yongala Dive Divo Dive Voluntourism Australia Zear Corporaon 23

2011 Speakers Adam Smith / Marcus Smith Sharks and Spearfishing ‐ Great Australian Shark Count and survey of Grey Nurse Sharks Allan Nash and the Aussie Fundraiser André Tanguy A Praccal Guide to Online Success for Dive Shops Ben Noble Compeve Freediving Ben Plummer Diving the Bligh Waters of Fiji Cary Yanny / Dirk Werner‐Lutrop The Wonderful Criers of Lembeh Strait Clement Lee Unlocking Sabah New Dive Sites/Islands ‐ Beyond Sipadan Darren Shields Darren Shields 40 Years Spearing NZ Dave Haras Diving in South West of Lombok and North Sulawesi, Indonesia Dave Haras Research in a Marine Park ‐ From wrangling sharks to tracking turtles Ed Slaughter SS Yongala (1911‐2011)...A Centenary on the Seabed... Erez Beatus Blackouts and Sambas ‐ Understanding the facts Fern Perry Diving With Our Ocean’s Giants – Nomad African Dive Tours and Safaris Gary Cranitch Photographing Australia’s Biodiversity‐CReefs Project Graeme Haas From the Dive Deck to the Dock: Watson's Case and the Potenal for Dive Buddies to Do Time Ian Banks Gold Coast Seaway ‐ Our Marine Treasure! Ian Mckinnon Ex‐HMAS BRISBANE Conservaon Park Ian Puckeridge The Reason We Have Spearfishing Compeons Jenn Loder Reef Check & The Best Expedion in the World Jerry Witkowski The Amazing Discoveries on Dive Expedions John Lippmann Diving Deaths Down Under Josh Jensen Diving in Queensland 2011 ‐ Life aer the floods and Cyclone Yasi Juliee Myers Wakatobi ‐ Where and WOW: A New Class of Dive Resort Kate Brown Diving In Vanuatu Kym Cheatham Ecotourism: Who wins? Larry Speaker Aggressor Fleet and Dancer Fleet ‐ Exploring the World with 18 Desnaons Linda Cash / Juliane Bush Discover Australia’s Hidden Jewels in the Indian Ocean, Christmas and Cocos Keeling Island Lydie Couturier Project Manta: Inves gang the elusive manta rays of eastern Australia Madi Stewart Shark Conservaon Mary Anne Stacey Women and Spearfishing Ma Carter Archaeology in the Waters of the World: My year as the Australasian Rolex Scholar Michael Aw Exoc, Eroc and the Extreme Mike Scotland An Introducon to the of Sharks Nick Heath Fighng Back Against Reef Polluon and Overfishing Paddy Waterson The Queensland Historic Shipwreck Survey Pete Wood The Nature of Marine Research Tourism in Australia Peter Saunders Back to the Future Rhonda Green Wildlife Tourism Australia and Sustainable Marine Tourism Richard Smith The Private Life of Pygmy Seahorses Rob Torelli & Mark Priest West Australian Bait Ball Phenomena Rodney Fox The Tingling Excitement of Sharks! Ross Gudgeon Taking to the Next Step Sarah Richmond Sarah Shark Episode 2: Great White ‐ The Infamous Shark The Hon. Robert Borsak Fighng the Fight Tony Heugh & Ray Powell Sustainable, Safe, Selecve Spearfishing Tooni Mahto Drawing Lines On Water ‐ The Benefits of Marine Protected Areas Tova Harel Bornovskii Palau: All creatures great and small Xanthe Rive Protecng the Coral Sea ‐ An ocean legacy for the future 24 Presented by ... EXHIBITOR APPLICATION & BOOKING CONTRACT

Saturday 8 September ‐ Sunday 9 September 2012 Sydney Olympic Park Aquac Centre, Australia

Date of Applicaon: ______


TELEPHONE: ______FAX: ______WEBSITE: ______ADDRESS: ______SUBURB: ______POSTCODE: ______STATE: ______COUNTRY: ______1.2 BOOKING CONTACT NAME: ______POSITION: ______EMAIL: ______MOBILE: ______1.3 EVENT COORDINATION CONTACT NAME: ______POSITION: ______EMAIL: ______MOBILE: ______1.4 BUSINESS TYPE Please select your business type (mulple if relevant): Company Distributor Importer/Wholesaler Manufacturer Partnership Sales Agent Sole Trader Other, please specify ______

1.5 BUSINESS CATEGORY Please select one or more from the below indicang your business category: Clothing & Apparel Club or Diving Associaon Dive Equipment Dive Liveaboard Dive Resort or Holiday Educaon or Training Freediving Marine Ecotourism Not‐for‐profit Print or Online Media Research or Science Spearfishing Tourism Board Underwater Imaging Watersports Other ______

1.6 BRANDS TO BE SHOWCASED ______1.7 PREFERRED BOOTH DETAILS Packages include construcon of your booth, 2.4m high walls, fascia board and signage, two spotlights per 3m frontage and 1x power point Preferred Booth Number/s: 1. ______2. ______3. ______2m x 3m booth $1,699 (ex. GST) QTY ______3m x 3m booth $2,299 (ex. GST) QTY ______Stand Type: Space Only Standard Shell Booth Scheme Custom Build Design

1.8 BOOTH COST Booth Cost $______(ex. GST) + Insurance $220 (ex. GST) = $______+ 10% GST = $______Total Investment 1.9 PLI (PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE) A flat fee of $220 (ex. GST) will be invoiced to all exhibitors when making a Booth Booking. This is the cost of your PL insurance cover at ODEX when organised by us. This PL fee will be refunded at the Expo if we have received your Cerficate of Currency by 18 August 2012.

I/we acknowledge that this Applicaon and Contract for exhibion space and promoonal opportunies is subject to the Terms and Condions aached and any addional obligaons (included in the Exhibitor Manual) nofied by Blue Edge Media Pty Ltd. This Contract is binding upon acceptance by Blue Edge Media Pty Ltd. I/we as the exhibitor acknowledge that all deposits may not be non‐refundable ‐ see Terms and Condions 5.3. Booth fees are promptly due upon receipt of a ‘tax invoice’ and the payments required are 30% of your booth fee with inial booking, 80% of your booth fee by 8 May and 100% of your booth fee by 8 July 2012. SIGNED: ______DATE: ______POSITION: ______

To register and secure your booth space please fill in the interacve Exhibitor Applicaon and Booking Contract then print, sign and fax all three pages to +61 2 8231 6484 or scan & email to [email protected] BLUE EDGE MEDIA PTY LTD (ABN 83 147 909 448) Level 14, 275 Alfred St North Sydney NSW 2060 Page 1 of 3 Presented by ... EXHIBITOR APPLICATION & BOOKING CONTRACT

Saturday 8 September ‐ Sunday 9 September 2012 Sydney Olympic Park Aquac Centre, Australia

1 THE CONTRACT 4 PRICE AND PAYMENT 1.1 In this Contract, Blue Edge Media Pty Ltd ABN 83 147 909 448 4.1 You must pay us fee instalments in cleared funds as we specify in the is ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’. The person applying for an exhibion space (the Contract. If we cancel the Contract because of your breach, or if you Space) is ‘you’ and ‘your’. cancel the Contract, you are liable to pay us a cancellaon fee in line with 1.2 This Contract replaces all previous representaons and agreements. It can Clause 5.3. only be amended in wring that we sign. 4.2 Unless we specify otherwise, you will have to pay us other costs, as well as 1.3 These Terms and Condions apply from the date of signing. You your fee, for: acknowledge that we update them from me to me, but will not do so a) services and connecons including, but not limited to, electricity, water, during the term of this Contract. gas, waste, compressed air, Internet access, and telephone b) loading and handling equipment, and staff 2 OUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES c) dues and taxes including GST 2.1 We will: d) adversing and promoonal material a) organise and hold the Exhibion e) Insurance b) promote the Exhibion f) display stands, dressing, and display items c) make reasonable efforts to offer you the Space requested g) cleaning. 2.2 We do not guarantee Exhibion visitor numbers or any level of commercial 4.3 Under the Payment Systems (Regulaon) Act 1998 and the Payment acvity. We can cancel the Exhibion by wring to you before it starts. If so, Systems (Regulaon) Regulaons 2003 we may charge you a fee if you pay we will refund your fees within 30 days. by credit card and if we do, we will include this informaon on our tax 2.3 We may change the Exhibion including, but not limited to: invoices. a) changing your Space or its locaon to suit floor plan and reducing your fee in proporon to any reducon in size 5 OUR REMEDIES b) changing the date 5.1 If you breach the Contract, we will provide you with noce of the breach, c) changing how long it runs for and give you a reasonable me to remedy it. If you fail to remedy the breach d) changing visitor opening hours within this me, we may: e) moving the venue to another place in the same city a) reallocate your Space or refuse you access to it f) extending the venue in a separate area from the main venue b) remedy your breach without advising you and require you to pay for the g) using mulple venues. cost of our acons 2.4 We can ask you to: c) assert and maintain a lien over your goods and materials. This means that • obey the relevant laws we will hold these unl you pay the money you owe us, or otherwise • prevent any damage remedy the breach • maximise the Exhibion’s commercial success. d) cancel all or part of the Contract without further noce to you We can do this verbally, in wring and in the Exhibitor Manual that we will make e) remove you from the Exhibion and your Space. available to you. Our direcons include, but are not limited to: 5.2 Unl you have paid your fees in full we will not permit you to set up a) refusing to allow, or stopping displays, product demonstraons or other your Space. uses of your Space 5.3 If you cancel all or part of the Contract (except if you cancel because of our b) specifying display area wall heights and coverings breach), or if we cancel the Contract because of your breach, we will claim c) approving or disapproving the content and presentaon of your Space a cancellaon fee from you and revoke the applicable discounts granted in d) deciding mes you can set up and dismantle displays the Contract. The cancellaon fee will be a percentage of the full, nondis e) deciding how you, your employees, contractors or agents use Exhibion counted, pro rata value of the cancelled parts of the Contract as entry cards follows: f) seng condions for moving goods and displays before, during and • 25% if you cancel twelve months or more before the opening date of aer the Exhibion the Exhibion g) seng restricons on taking photographs • 50% if you cancel between twelve and six months before the opening h) specifying how you can use audio visual equipment and media and date of the Exhibion how you can demonstrate machines • 75% if you cancel between six and three months before the opening i) making health and safety requirements. date of the Exhibion 2.5 We may assign any of our rights under this Contract. • 100% if you cancel less than three months before the opening date of the Exhibion. 3 YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 You are not a tenant of the Space. You cannot transfer it, share it or assign 6 RISK AND INSURANCE COVER your rights to another person without our wrien permission. If we do give 6.1 You agree that the Exhibion site can be hazardous. You will take due care our wrien permission, both you and the person to whom you assign your to prevent injury and property damage. We are not responsible for any rights must agree to and sign this Contract. damage caused by your acts or omissions. You must use our incident report 3.2 You must: form to tell us in wring about any site incident and give us supporng a) use your Space only to display and promote goods and/or services in evidence. Aer an incident, you must not remove anything from the site keeping with the Exhibion without our prior approval. b) make the most of your Space’s promoonal and commercial 6.2 You must give us proof of current public liability insurance for $10 million, opportunies and maximise its aesthec appearance in keeping with the with an insurer that we approve of, 14 days before the Exhibion starts. standard of the Exhibion Your insurance cover must begin least 14 days before the Exhibion starts c) follow our direcons as soon as possible and pay any associated costs and connue unl the end of the move‐out period. If you do not have d) follow relevant laws, meet OH&S and venue guidelines, and avoid public liability insurance, we can arrange it for you at your expense. damaging a person or property 6.3 You must not share your space without our wrien permission. If we permit e) keep your Space clean and dy, and immediately remove all your you to share all or part of your Space with another person (Co‐exhibitor) materials when the Exhibion ends. If you do not, we will charge you a they must sign these Terms and Condions. We will charge you a separate fee to do so. public liability insurance fee for each Co‐exhibitor if you do not give us a f) not do anything that may interfere with the smooth running of the separate cerficate of currency for them. Exhibion, including, but not limited to, encouraging Exhibion visitors to view goods and services in another locaon.

To register and secure your booth space please fill in the interacve Exhibitor Applicaon and Booking Contract then print, sign and fax all three pages to +61 2 8231 6484 or scan & email to [email protected] BLUE EDGE MEDIA PTY LTD (ABN 83 147 909 448) Level 14, 275 Alfred St North Sydney NSW 2060 Page 2 of 3 Presented by ... EXHIBITOR APPLICATION & BOOKING CONTRACT

Saturday 8 September ‐ Sunday 9 September 2012 Sydney Olympic Park Aquac Centre, Australia

7 WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES 8.2 Our Pricing 7.1 As allowed by law, or except where this Contract states, we: a) Our prices are listed in our rate card which is available upon request. a) do not make any representaons or warranes about you or your Space b) If you do not pay us the full amount in Australian dollars by the due date b) are not liable for any person’s injury or death, property damage, on our invoice, we may take your Material out of the Publicaon or economic loss, or any indirect, special or consequenal damages to do charge you a late payment fee in accordance with Clause 5.2. with the Exhibion 8.3 Publishing Material c) exclude all condions and warranes implied by custom, general law or a) We may: statute i) refuse to publish Material d) limit our liability under any implied condion or warranty, at our opon, ii) remove exisng Material from a Publicaon without telling you to re‐supply an affected service or pay for it to be resupplied. iii) choose where to place Material in a Publicaon. 7.2 You indemnify us from and against any claims, damages, losses and costs we 8.4 Liability may incur because of: a) This Contract is not cancelled by printer’s error, casual displacement, a) any breach of the Contract that you make omission, inability or failure to publish the Material. b) any of your displays or product demonstraons b) We will take every care to include the Material in the Publicaon, but c) any of your acts or omissions to do with the Exhibion, including any we are not liable for any loss if it is not included. negligence and wrongdoings. c) If we cannot publish the Material, we are only liable to refund you the 7.3 Except where the law otherwise requires, in a claim for damages by one maximum amount you paid us to publish it. party against another, including a third party claim, the recoverable d) As far as possible, these Terms and Condions nullify all other legal damages claim must reflect just and equitable responsibility for the damage. warranes including those under trade pracce laws in Australia. 7.4 You agree not to sell or intend to sell goods at the Exhibion that e) You indemnify us for all claims against us and any loss or damage to us misrepresent or infringe intellectual property rights. You indemnify us from from publishing the Material because of: and against any and all claims, damages, losses and costs we may incur if i) you breaching your warranty in Clause 8.1a) you breach this agreement. ii) any allegaon that we have breached third‐party intellectual property rights 8 ADVERTISING iii) any other liability we may be exposed to. This clause 8 applies only to Adversing. It does not apply to the Exhibion or the Space. It outlines our Publicaon Material Terms and Condions. Material is 9 GENERAL ISSUES any form of adversing you give us or that we create for you. Publicaon is any 9.1 All Contract references to me mean as soon as possible, unless we state publicaon that we own or control, including exhibitor lisngs, trade guides, otherwise. signage, posters, and on the Internet. If you do not exhibit at the Exhibion, you 9.2 We are not liable for any expenditure, liability or loss, including must pay our full, ‘non‐exhibitor’ adversing rates. consequenal loss, nor will we be in default for any delay, failure or 8.1 Giving us Material interrupon because of: (a) When you give us Material you warrant that: • acts of God, civil or military authority, public enemy, terrorism i) you own it or have the right to use and publish it • epidemics, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, the ii) we have the right to use and publish it elements iii) it does not breach any law or any other person’s rights • strikes, labour disputes, shortages iv) you can legally represent the individual, enty, product or service in • failure of electrical power, lis, transportaon, postage, air the Material condioning v) you agree to these Terms and Condions and will pay our rates. • the availability of appropriate premises b) You must give us all Material by the Material deadline that we set. • insufficient exhibitor numbers c) If we do not receive your Material by the Material deadline, we will • visitor non‐aendance consider that you have cancelled the adversing. We will charge you a • any prevailing commercial circumstances or causes beyond our cancellaon fee in accordance with Clause 5.3. control. d) If you want to cancel your adversing, you must tell us in wring. We can 9.3 Aer this Contract ends, clauses 3 to 7 remain valid for: refuse to cancel it and will not cancel it if the publicaon has gone to • your rights and responsibilies press. If we agree to cancel it, you must pay us a cancellaon fee in • price and payment accordance with Clause 5.3. • our remedies e) If we accept Material aer the Material deadline you cannot cancel it, or • risk and insurance cover stop us from publishing it. • warranes and liabilies. f) All Material you give us must meet our requirements. If it does not, you 9.4 Any part of this Contract that is not legal or enforceable may be must re‐supply it or, if you require us to modify it, we will give you a removed, but all other Terms and Condions will stay in . quotaon for producon fees that we will charge you. 9.5 NSW laws and the jurisdicon of NSW courts govern this Contract. g) We are not liable for any loss or damage to the Material. We are also not 9.6 You agree to give us your consent under privacy laws to use your personal responsible for returning Material to you. informaon for internal purposes, including accounts processing, exhibitor Despite the provisions of this clause 8.1, you cannot alter the size of, or cancel, analyses, event invitaons and to give to our Exhibion contractors. any adversing aer the booking deadline stated in our media kit. Please write to us if you do not wish us to use your personal informaon in this way.


NAME: ______POSITION: ______

DATE: ______COMPANY: ______

To register and secure your booth space please fill in the interacve Exhibitor Applicaon and Booking Contract then print, sign and fax all three pages to +61 2 8231 6484 or scan & email to [email protected] BLUE EDGE MEDIA PTY LTD (ABN 83 147 909 448) Level 14, 275 Alfred St North Sydney NSW 2060 Page 3 of 3