In accordance with the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, the Norfolk County Council HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that owing to works for a new gas connection the use by vehicles of the B1111 Road from 70m north of its junction with C152 Lopham Road northwards for a distance of 40m in the PARISH OF HARLING will be temporarily prohibited from 19th to 23rd April 2021 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 5 days within the period. If necessary the restriction could run for a maximum period of 5 days.

Alternative route is via: Anti Clockwise - B1111 - Garboldisham Road, Market Street, Church Road, Road, Road from Laring to , Watton Road, Harling Road, Road from Larling to Watton, Watton Road, A1075 - Breckles, Road, Road, Watton Road, Road, Norwich Road, A1066 - Hurth Way, Thetford Road, B1111 The Street, Manor Road, Harling Road, Garboldisham Road. Clockwise B1111 - Garboldisham Road, Harling Road, Manor Road, The Street, A1066 Thetford Road, Hurth Way, Road, A11/16 Trunk Road A1075 Thetford Road, Watton Road, Hockham Road, Wretham Road, Breckles B1111 - Watton Road, Road from Larling to Watton, Harling Road, Watton Road, Road from Laring to Bridgham, Shropham, Church Road, Market Street, Garboldisham Road (/ / Harling/ Hockham/ / Brettenham/ / Wretham/ Shropham/ Bridgham/ Thetford/ Croxton/ Garboldisham).

In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site in advance.

The person dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is Adam Mayo (Community and Environmental Services) Telephone 0344 800 8020.

Dated this 19th day of April 2021

Helen Edwards Chief Legal Officer

County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH

Harling STRO4990 Urgent Notice

Harling STRO4990 Urgent Notice