European Journal of Endocrinology (2008) 158 401–409 ISSN 0804-4643

CLINICAL STUDY The association between serum parathyroid and mineral density, and the impact of smoking: the Tromsø Study Monica Sneve1, Nina Emaus2, Ragnar Martin Joakimsen3,4 and Rolf Jorde1,4 1Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of North Norway, 9038 Tromsø, Norway, 2Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway, 3Department of Nephrology, University Hospital of North Norway, 9038 Tromsø, Norway and 4Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway (Correspondence should be addressed to M Sneve who is now at Medical Department B, Post box 101, University Hospital of North Norway, 9038 Tromsø, Norway; Email: [email protected])

Abstract Objective: To explore the relation between serum (PTH) and bone mineral density (BMD), adjusted for lifestyle factors including smoking. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: The Tromsø Study is a population-based study performed for the fifth time in 2001. Serum PTH was measured and the subjects filled in a questionnaire covering lifestyle factors. BMD at the hip, distal and ultradistal forearm was measured. Results: Complete datasets were available in 1442 men and 1368 women. Age, body mass index and serum PTH were strong predictors of BMD level at the hip in both genders. No significant relation was seen between serum PTH and BMD at the distal or ultradistal forearm. When smokers and non- smokers were analysed separately, the relation between PTH and BMD at the hip was significant in current non-smokers only. In males, current non-smokers had significantly higher BMD at all three measurement sites compared with current smokers. Male former smokers had values in between current and never smokers. There was a significant and negative relation between number of years smoked and BMD at the hip. In male former smokers, there was an increase in BMD with increasing years since smoking cessation. Conclusion: Serum PTH is negatively associated with BMD at the hip, and the relation seems to be masked, or diminished, by smoking. Smoking reduces BMD at the hip, distal and ultradistal forearm in males, and the effect appears to be mainly time and not dose dependent.

European Journal of Endocrinology 158 401–409

Introduction demonstrated both in subjects with primary (6, 7) and secondary (8, 9) . Bone mass is affected by several factors, with gender, However, in epidemiological studies, the association age, physical activity, genes and intake of calcium and between PTH and BMD is more uncertain. In the vitamin D among the most important (1, 2). Rancho Bernardo Study, there was a significant negative Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a main regulator of the association between serum PTH and BMD at the hip in calcium (3). Secretion of PTH is stimulated older men and women (10, 11), which was not found by by hypocalcaemia and suppressed by . Garnero et al. in a study on postmenopausal women As PTH rises in response to hypocalcaemia, it will tend to (12). In the MINOS study, the relation between PTH restore eucalcaemia by causing , reduced and BMD was significant in older men only (13). renal calcium excretion, and, by its stimulation of renal In several of these studies, adjustment for smoking conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxy- status, which may affect both serum PTH and BMD vitamin D, increased intestinal calcium absorption (14, 15), was not performed (12, 13). This could be of (4, 5). Even minor changes in the extracellular ionized considerable importance as even a modest number of calcium concentration cause large changes in PTH cigarettes smoked per day cause a significant reduction release, and the serum level of PTH may be considered a of the serum PTH level (16), and smoking is strongly marker of the body’s calcium status. Considering the associated with osteoporosis (14, 17, 18). The effect of importance of for bone health, one smoking on bone appears to be more pronounced in would therefore expect a negative association between men and in the elderly (14, 19). However, the effect serum PTH and bone mineral density (BMD). In of number of cigarettes smoked per day and the effect accordance with this, a reduced BMD has been of smoking cessation are uncertain (20–22).

q 2008 Society of the European Journal of Endocrinology DOI: 10.1530/EJE-07-0610 Online version via

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In the fifth Tromsø Study, BMD was measured at type) drunk per day. Alcohol consumption was the hip and the forearm, smoking status was recorded, calculated as the number of glasses of alcohol (adding and serum PTH measured in 2810 subjects. A large glasses of wine, beer and spirits) consumed in 2 weeks, database was therefore available for evaluating the assuming equal units of alcohol in each glass. relation between BMD, serum PTH and smoking. Measurements Subjects and methods Height and weight were measured wearing light clothing and no shoes. Body mass index (BMI) was Subjects calculated as weight (kg) divided by squared height (m2). BMD was measured at the hip by dual-energy X-ray The Tromsø Study is a population-based multipurpose absorptiometry (DEXA) according to the manufacturer study focusing on lifestyle-related diseases, and was first (GE Lunar Prodigy, LUNAR Corporation, Madison, WI, performed in 1974 (23). In the fifth Tromsø Study, USA). The mean of the right and left total hip value was performed in 2001, 10 353 subjects were invited, of used in the analyses. BMD at the distal and ultradistal whom 8130 accepted to participate. Of the attendants, forearm was measured with two single X-ray absorptio- 6969 subjects were invited for a comprehensive metric devices (DTX-100; Osteometer Medi-Tech Inc., examination which included BMD measurements, and Hawthorne, CA, USA). The distal forearm measurement 5939 subjects (2447 men and 3492 women) accepted included both the radius and the ulna from the 8 mm the invitation. BMD at the hip was measured in 5300 point (the point where the radius and ulna are separated subjects, of which 695 scans had to be excluded because by 8 mm) and 24 mm proximally. The ultradistal of prostheses or nails, or scans where the region of forearm measurement included only the radius, from interest was out of scan. Furthermore, subjects with the 8 mm point and up to the endplate. The non- ineligible forearm scans, those missing PTH measure- dominant arm was measured, except when it was ments, users of hormone replacement therapy, contra- ineligible. The measurements of BMD at the forearm ceptive pills or medication for osteoporosis, cigar, are previously described in detail (24). All scans were cigarillo or pipe smokers, those with serum calcium performed and reviewed by specially trained technicians. O2.55 mmol/l, and those with incomplete question- Blood samples were drawn in the non-fasting state. naires were excluded, leaving 2810 subjects (1442 Serum calcium, creatinine and PTH were measured as males and 1368 females) for the final analyses. Figure 1 previously described (25). Reference ranges in our displays a flow chart of the study population. laboratory are for serum calcium, 2.20–2.60 mmol/l; for serum creatinine, 70–120 mmol/l for men and Questionnaires 55–100 mmol/l for women; and for serum PTH, 1.1–6.8 pmol/l for those 50 years old and younger All subjects filled in two self-administered question- and 1.1–7.5 pmol/l for those older than 50 years. naires, one on entering the study and the other which they filled in at home and returned by either mail or Statistical analyses entering the comprehensive examination. The ques- tionnaires covered general health, smoking status Normal distribution was evaluated with visual inspec- including number of cigarettes smoked per day, physical tion of histograms with normal curve, normality plots activity in spare time, use of vitamin D and calcium (QKQKplots), and determination of skewness and supplements, use of hormone replacement therapy and kurtosis. All dependent variables were considered osteoporosis medications, and alcohol and coffee normally distributed. consumption. An initial regression analysis with total hip BMD as The subjects were classified as current smokers or dependent variable and PTH quartiles, gender and current non-smokers of cigarettes. The current non- smoking status as factors, and age, BMI, coffee and smokers were further subclassified into former and never alcohol consumption, physical activity score, serum smokers. Pack years were calculated by multiplying the calcium and creatinine as independent variables, number of cigarettes smoked per day with years smoked, revealed significant interaction between smoking status divided by 20. Those smoking cigars, cigarillos or pipe and gender. Therefore, all analyses were done separ- only, or in addition to cigarettes, were excluded as there ately for males and females. In the gender-specific were no questions regarding number of cigars, cigarillos regression models, there were no interaction between or pipes smoked per day. Distinction between ordinary alcohol consumption and smoking status. Alcohol cigarettes and hand-rolled cigarettes was not made. consumption, serum calcium and creatinine were not A physical activity score was calculated as the sum of significant predictors of BMD at any of the measure- hours of light and heavy physical activity in spare time ment sites, and were therefore excluded from the final per week, with heavy physical activity given double regression models. weight. Coffee consumption was calculated as the sum Groups were compared with Student’s t-test, and of cups of all types of coffee (brewed, filtered or other for the BMD measurements also with multiple linear

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Figure 1 Flow chart of the study population. regression with variables similar to the initial Unless otherwise stated, data are expressed as regression analysis. For evaluation of individual meanGS.D. All tests were done two-sided, and P value predictors of BMD, a multiple linear regression !0.05 was considered statistically significant. The model with variables similar to the initial regression Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 14.0 analysis was used. Linear trend across PTH quartiles was used for all statistical analyses (SPSS Inc., Chicago, and groups, in relation to number of cigarettes IL, USA). smoked daily, number of years smoked and number of years since quitted smoking, were evaluated with Ethics multiple linear regression with covariates as in the initial regression analysis. Analysis of covariance The study was approved by the Regional Ethics was used to calculate adjusted means of BMD total Committee. All participants gave written informed hipbyageandBMI. consent prior to the study.

Downloaded from at 10/02/2021 04:12:46PM via free access 404 Table 1 Characteristics of the study subjects in relation to gender and smoking status.

Male Females others and Sneve M

Current Current Former Never Current Current Former Never All males non-smokers smokers smokers smokers All females non-smokers smokers smokers smokers

N 1442 1101 341 784 317 1368 1014 354 421 593 Age (years) 65.5G9.5 66.1G9.4‡ 63.3G9.4¶ 67.5G8.3 62.9G11.1¶ 63.6G10.0 64.5G9.8‡ 60.9G10.4¶ 64.2G9.2 64.7G10.2 BMI (kg/m2)26.6G3.1 26.9G3.0‡ 25.7G3.1¶ 27.1G3.1 26.6G2.8§ 27.0G4.4 27.6G4.3‡ 25.2G4.2¶ 27.7G4.3 27.5G4.3 S-PTH (pmol/l) 3.56G1.70 3.69G1.78‡ 3.12G1.32¶ 3.67G1.74 3.75G1.87 3.40G1.53 3.52G1.54‡ 3.07G1.44¶ 3.55G1.60 3.49G1.50 s S-calcium 2.35G0.08 2.34G0.08* 2.36G0.07 2.34G0.08 2.35G0.08§ 2.37G0.08 2.37G0.08 2.37G0.08 2.37G0.08 2.37G0.08 (mmol/l) S-creatinine 98.9G17.7 100.1G18.9‡ 94.7G12.4¶ 100.4G20.6 99.5G13.8 82.9G10.3 83.5G10.2‡ 81.2G10.4§ 83.1G10.8 83.8G9.8 (mmol/l) s Physical 4.3G3.2 4.4G3.2* 3.9G3.2 4.2G3.2 4.8G3.2 3.6G2.8 3.6G2.7 3.4G2.9 3.5G2.6 3.7G2.8 activity score Coffee 5.1G3.1 4.4G2.5‡ 7.1G3.7¶ 4.7G2.5 3.9G2.6¶ 4.3G2.5 3.7G2.1‡ 5.8G2.8¶ 4.1G2.2 3.5G2.0¶ (cups/day) s BMD total hip 1.012G0.133 1.023G 0.975G 1.015G0.132 1.044G 0.899G0.132 0.906G0.131† 0.881G0.133 0.906G0.126 0.906G0.135 s (g/cm2) 0.131‡,c 0.130¶,e 0.127 ,e BMD distal 0.531G0.067 0.534G 0.522G0.070 0.528G0.069 0.546G 0.397G0.069 0.395G0.068* 0.403G0.072 0.397G0.065 0.393G0.070 forearm 0.066†,b 0.057¶,d (g/cm2) BMD ultradistal 0.436G0.068 0.439G 0.428G0.068 0.434G0.069 0.450G0.064¶ 0.302G0.064 0.300G0.064 0.306G0.064 0.302G0.063 0.299G0.065 forearm 0.068*,a (g/cm2) s Cigarettes per 11.4G5.5 12.7G8.4 9.9G4.7¶ 8.4G5.4 day Years smoked 42.0G11.4¶ 26.7G13.8 35.6G11.0¶ 20.9G12.5 Alcohol 6.4G6.5 6.2G6.0 7.0G7.6 6.5G6.3 5.4G5.3 3.9G4.5 3.6G4.2 4.6G5.2 4.1G4.7 3.2G3.6 (glasses/2 weeks) UOENJUNLO NORNLG (2008) ENDOCRINOLOGY OF JOURNAL EUROPEAN s *P!0.05, †P!0.01, ‡P!0.001 versus current smokers, §P!0.05, P!0.01, ¶P!0.001 versus former smokers (Student’s t-test). aP!0.05, bP!0.01, cP!0.001 versus current smokers, dP!0.05, eP!0.01 versus former smokers (linear regression with age, BMI, serum PTH, coffee consumption and physical activity as covariates). Downloaded at10/02/202104:12:46PM 158 via freeaccess EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 158 PTH, smoking and BMD 405

Results the multiple linear regression analysis did not alter the relation between serum PTH and BMD. Relation between serum PTH and BMD The characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 1. Relation between smoking status and BMD In the multiple linear regression models, serum PTH was a significant negative predictor of BMD at the hip in both Using Student’s t-test, current non-smokers were genders. No significant relation was found between significantly older, had higher BMI, serum PTH and serum PTH and BMD at the distal or ultradistal forearm. creatinine levels, and lower coffee consumption than In addition to PTH, age and smoking were also strong current smokers. In males, the BMD at the hip, distal negative predictors of BMD, whereas BMI and physical and ultradistal forearm were significantly higher in the activity were strong positive predictors of BMD (Table 2). current non-smokers compared with the smokers, even When dividing the cohort according to PTH quartiles, after adjusting for differences in age, BMI, serum PTH, with increasing PTH quartile, there was a gradual physical activity and coffee consumption. In females, increase in BMI and age, and a decrease in BMD at the BMD at these three sites did not differ significantly hip, in the multiple linear regression model. There was between smokers and non-smokers after adjusting for also, with increasing PTH quartile, a decrease in the the confounders. When dividing the current non- number of smokers. The difference in BMD at the hip smokers into former smokers and never smokers, male was 3% between the lowest and the highest PTH former smokers had BMD values at the three sites in quartiles. The significant linear trend for BMD at the hip between those for current smokers and never smokers across serum PTH quartiles was also seen when (Table 1). analysing non-smokers separately, but not when analysing smokers separately (Table 3). Relation between smoking exposure and BMD The relation between serum PTH and BMD at the hip was also statistically significant in females !55 years of In the multiple linear regression models with age, BMI, age (nZ169, P!0.05), whereas this did not reach serum PTH, coffee consumption and physical activity as statistical significance in males !55 years (nZ168, covariates, there were no statistical significant relations PZ0.16, multivariate analysis). between numbers of cigarettes smoked daily or pack years Supplements with calcium tablets, vitamin D or cod and measurements of BMD neither in current smokers liver oil were taken by 12.1, 26.0 and 53.5% of the nor in former smokers. However, for BMD at the hip, in females and 1.6, 11.5 and 47.4% of the males former smokers of both genders, there was a significant respectively. In general, those taking supplements were negative relation with numbers of years smoked, and in older, leaner and had lower BMD at all three males a significant positive relation with number of years measurement sites, but the differences were not since smoking cessation. These relations between statistically significant in multiple linear regression number of cigarettes smoked, number of years smoked, analysis. Females taking calcium supplements had and number of years since quitting smoking and BMD at significantly lower serum PTH levels than those without the hip, are shown in Tables 4 and 5. calcium supplements (3.0 pmol/l vs 3.4 pmol/l respec- The negative relation between number of years tively, P!0.001). Inclusion of taking supplements into smoked and BMD was also seen in male former smokers

Table 2 Standardized regression coefficient b and t values from the linear regression models with bone mineral density (BMD) total hip, distal and ultradistal forearm as dependent variables in the 1442 males and 1368 females.

Males Females

BMD distal fore- BMD ultradistal BMD distal fore- BMD ultradistal BMD hip (g/cm2) arm (g/cm2) forearm (g/cm2) BMD hip (g/cm2) arm (g/cm2) forearm (g/cm2) Independent vari- ables b t b t b t b t b t b t

Age (years) K0.16 K6.48 K0.34 K13.44 K0.29 K11.43 K0.42 K18.24 K0.59 K25.97 K0.51 K21.49 BMI (kg/m2) 0.30 12.26 0.15 6.06 0.15 5.79 0.45 19.48 0.18 7.97 0.17 6.98 PTH (pmol/l) K0.09 K3.50 0.00 0.14 K0.02 K0.71 K0.09 K4.02 K0.03 K1.42 K0.05 K1.90 Physical activity 0.09 3.68 0.05 1.83 0.07 2.70 0.01 0.55 0.03 1.13 0.03 1.43 score Coffee (cups/day) K0.03 K1.25 K0.02 K0.65 K0.02 K0.78 K0.05 K1.98 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.11 Current smoking 0.12 4.35 0.09 3.14 0.07 2.59 0.04 1.40 K0.00 K0.08 0.00 0.29 statusa R2 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.35 0.36 0.29 aSmokerZ1, non-smokerZ2. Values of jt jO1.96, jt jO2.58 and jt jO3.29 corresponds to P!0.05, P!0.01 and P!0.001 respectively.

Downloaded from at 10/02/2021 04:12:46PM via free access 406 M Sneve and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 158 a

) at the distal and ultradistal forearm (P!0.05). In 2 female former smokers, there was a significant positive association between the numbers of years since quitting 0.117 0.121 0.109 0.121 0.122 0.105 0.100 0.108 ! G G G G G G G G smoking and BMD at the distal forearm (P 0.01), data not shown. Adjusted BMD total hip (g/cm ender and parathyroid ) 2 Discussion 0.121 0.987 0.143 0.950 0.127 0.870 0.123 0.962 0.141 0.993 0.135 0.891 0.134 0.885 0.130 0.871 G G G G G G G G

(g/cm In the present study, we found PTH to be a significant

BMD total hip negative predictor of BMD at the hip in both genders, whereas no association was found between PTH and BMD at the distal and ultradistal forearm. As expected,

N we also found age, BMI, physical activity and smoking to be strong predictors of BMD (1, 18). With increasing

a PTH levels, there was an increase in BMI and age, and a ) 2 0.127 113 0.998 0.122 51 0.951 0.115 61 0.862 0.124 101 0.954 0.122 76 0.985 0.102 111 0.901 0.113 101 0.885 0.115 81 0.863 decrease in number of smokers, in accordance with G G G G G G G G previous reports from the fifth Tromsø Study (16, 26). total hip (g/cm There are several studies on the relation between Adjusted BMD 1.010 0.890 serum PTH and BMD. In most (8, 10, 11, 13, 27), but

† ‡ not all (12), serum PTH has been negatively associated )

2 with BMD at the hip. However, the relation between 0.136 0.127 0.122 1.039 0.128 1.028 0.134 1.020 0.142 0.927 0.126 0.916 0.130 0.895 serum PTH and BMD appears to be related to type of G G G G G G G G

(g/cm bone measured. Thus, in contrast to what appears to be

BMD total hip the case for PTH and the predominantly cortical bone at the hip (28), there seems to be no relation between serum PTH and BMD in the vertebras (10), which are

N mainly composed of trabecular bone. However, in accordance with others (13), we did not find any

a relation between PTH and BMD at the distal forearm, ) 2 0.132 306 1.008 0.110 272 0.890 0.115 252 1.044 0.130 241 1.027 0.117 302 1.018 0.108 214 0.930 0.114 259 0.914 0.112 269 0.894 which is composed of 10–20% trabecular bone, nor at G G G G G G G G the ultradistal forearm, which is composed of 50–70% total hip (g/cm trabecular bone. This implies that other factors are also Adjusted BMD 0.884 of importance regarding PTH and BMD, for example, the

‡ impact of weight bearing.

) In experimental studies, PTH exerts a binary action 2 0.138* 0.996 0.127 0.124 1.027 0.131 1.012 0.136 1.013 0.140 0.917 0.129 0.908 0.130 0.889 on bone as it stimulates both and G G G G G G G G

(g/cm activities (29). Intermittent injections with PTH

BMD total hip increase osteoblast recruitment, lifespan and activity, 0.885 whereas continuously elevated levels of PTH activates causing diminished BMD (3). PTH has ) 2 † emerged as an effective therapeutic agent for osteo- 3.1* 1.000 4.5 2.8 1.030 3.3 1.006 3.2 1.012 4.3 0.920 4.4 0.906 4.3 0.887 porosis (3), and it is intriguing that the effect seems to be All subjects Current non-smokers Current smokers G G G G G G G G greater on trabecular bone than on cortical bone.

27.0 27.8 Whether the effect of PTH injections in osteoporosis is a direct effect on bone, or (partially) through stimulation of 1,25 hydroxylation of vitamin D, is uncertain. In the

‡ ‡ PaTH trial, women with larger changes in 1,25- 10.0 26.6 9.4 26.2 9.0 26.6 10.8 26.3 9.0 26.8 8.9 10.4 27.0 9.5 dihydroxyvitamin D during the intervention had larger G G G G G G G G gains in BMD (30). The authors suggested that some Age (years) BMI (kg/m 0.001 (linear trend across PTH quartiles with age, BMI, coffee consumption and physical activity as covariates). individuals are more responsive to PTH than others, and ! ), adjusted by age and BMI. P 2

‡ that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D may play a role in the increased bone density after PTH injections.

0.01, Similarly, the relation between serum PTH and BMD ! N P

† found in the present study may not represent a Age, body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD) total hip in all subjects, and BMD total hip in current non-smokers and smokers in relation to g causative effect of PTH, but may reflect covariation 0.05, 2.5 365 63.0 2.4 325 61.1 4.2 357 67.7 4.1 333 65.6 with other factors important for bone health. In ! ! 2.5–3.2 342 64.8 ! 3.3–4.2 378 66.4 O 2.4–3.1 360 63.5 3.2–4.1 350 64.0 O BMD total hip (g/cm P Table 3 Males * a hormone (PTH) quartile. PTH quartile (pmol/l) Females particular, the intake of calcium and vitamin D are

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Table 4 Smoking status, age, body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip in relation to number of cigarettes smoked, number of years smoked and number of years since quitting smoking in males.

Current smokers Former smokers

BMD hip BMD hip N a Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) (g/cm2) N a Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) (g/cm2)

Number of cigarettes smoked daily 1–5 42 64.8G10.3 24.8G3.7 0.964G0.164 90 68.1G6.2 26.1G3.2 0.998G0.134 6–10 148 64.9G8.3 25.6G2.9 0.975G0.126 306 67.3G9.0 27.0G2.8 1.020G0.135 11–15 94 62.4G8.0 26.1G3.3 0.981G0.125 143 66.7G8.4 27.2G3.1 1.038G0.124 R16 51 58.0G11.5 25.7G3.0 0.976G0.131 150 66.0G8.5 27.7G3.4* 1.003G0.131 Number of years smoked 1–10 6 58.7G15.1 27.0G3.9 1.167G0.095 107 63.0G9.8 26.7G2.8 1.050G0.118 11–20 17 49.0G14.8 25.9G3.4 1.006G0.084 181 65.3G8.9 27.0G3.1 1.034G0.136 21–30 23 54.8G11.5 26.2G2.6 0.993G0.120 182 67.4G7.7 27.3G3.1 1.025G0.116 31–40 91 58.9G6.3 26.8G2.9 1.009G0.134 152 68.5G7.3 27.7G3.1 0.998G0.129 R41 200 67.7G5.0 25.3G3.2 0.950G0.126 122 72.2G5.2* 26.4G3.3* 0.965G0.146* Number of years since quitting smoking 0–5 114 63.9G10.9 27.3G3.6 0.995G0.131 6–10 101 65.4G8.9 27.3G3.2 1.005G0.132 11–20 154 67.6G7.9 27.5G2.9 1.015G0.125 R21 391 68.9G7.1* 26.8G3.0 1.022G0.133*

*P!0.001 (linear trend across groups with age, BMI, coffee consumption and physical activity as covariates). aNot all subjects answered all questions. important determinants of both the serum PTH level subjects taking supplements was limited, and their (31) and bone density (1, 2). Furthermore, low serum reason for taking the supplements unknown, this levels of vitamin D are associated with high serum levels observation should be interpreted with caution. of PTH, and both are associated with reduced BMD (32). However, it may indicate that the relation between Unfortunately, it was not possible to calculate the PTH and BMD is not only a phenomenon parallel to a intakes of calcium and vitamin D in the present study, low calcium and/or vitamin D intake. but the intakes of supplements were recorded. Some- The serum PTH levels increase with age and BMI, and what surprisingly, those taking calcium and vitamin D decrease with smoking. As age, BMI and smoking all are supplements (including cod liver oil) had slightly lower related to BMD, adjustment for these variables is BMD than those not taking supplements, and inclusion mandatory when analysing the relation between PTH of taking supplements in the analyses had no effect on and BMD. Regarding smoking, we have previously the relation between PTH and BMD. As the number of shown that even moderate smoking (one to five

Table 5 Smoking status, age, body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip in relation to number of cigarettes smoked, number of years smoked and number of years since quitting smoking in the females.

Current smokers Former smokers

BMD hip BMD hip N a Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) (g/cm2) N a Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) (g/cm2)

Number of cigarettes smoked daily 1–5 50 61.8G12.1 25.3G3.5 0.923G0.135 135 66.7G8.1 26.9G3.9 0.872G0.122 6–10 196 62.1G10.5 25.0G4.4 0.869G0.137 179 62.4G9.7 28.1G4.5 0.928G0.119 11–15 69 57.3G9.3 25.4G4.1 0.891G0.117 40 62.4G8.6 28.3G4.2 0.922G0.147 R16 30 58.6G8.0 25.3G3.8 0.883G0.118 27 61.0G10.7 27.4G4.3 0.911G0.105 Number of years smoked 1–10 8 56.9G9.8 29.9G7.5 0.938G0.250 99 61.7G10.3 26.7G4.0 0.916G0.122 11–20 37 48.7G12.5 24.6G4.0 0.947G0.122 113 62.3G9.3 28.3G4.8 0.933G0.123 21–30 68 54.9G10.6 24.9G3.3 0.924G0.122 98 64.7G8.5 28.2G4.0 0.903G0.124 31–40 114 61.7G6.8 25.6G4.1 0.869G0.118 49 67.0G7.2 27.9G4.6 0.880G0.109 R41 112 67.5G6.1 24.7G4.4 0.845G0.137 27 71.0G5.9† 27.5G4.0 0.819G0.115* Number of years since quitting smoking 0–5 75 62.4G9.7 27.0G4.1 0.894G0.127 6–10 56 61.1G9.4 28.8G4.4 0.919G0.130 11–20 94 64.7G10.1 28.2G4.9 0.908G0.125 R21 172 65.7G7.7‡ 27.4G4.0 0.908G0.125

*P!0.05, †P!0.001, ‡P!0.01 (linear trend across groups with age, BMI, coffee consumption and physical activity as covariates). aNot all subjects answered all questions.

Downloaded from at 10/02/2021 04:12:46PM via free access 408 M Sneve and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2008) 158 cigarettes per day) reduces the serum PTH level by Our study has several limitations. We used DEXA w15%, that there appears to be no dose–response measurements at the hip and single X-ray absorptio- relationship for the PTH reduction, and that within a metric measurements at the forearm, both of which year after smoking cessation PTH levels are restored to only provide a two-dimensional measure, and not a non-smoking levels (16). It is therefore not surprising volumetric BMD or size of the trabecular and cortical that smoking, which is well known to reduce BMD (14, bone compartments, which could have given additional 17), may blunt or mask the apparently harmful effect of information. Furthermore, it was not possible to PTH on bone, as was seen in our study. calculate the calcium and vitamin D intake, and the Regarding smoking and BMD, we found in smoking serum levels of vitamin D were not measured, nor were males significantly lower BMD at the hip and distal and the effects of sex steroids assessed. The study was cross- ultradistal forearm compared with non-smokers, with sectional, which implies that causal relations cannot be the difference most clearly seen at the hip. The more drawn, and the age distribution made results in those harmful effect of smoking on trabecular bone and the younger than 55 years uncertain. Blood samples were gender difference is in accordance with a large meta- drawn in the non-fasting state, and the PTH levels may analysis including more than 40 000 subjects from 86 have been influenced by calcium intake. The lack of studies (14). The cause of this gender difference is significant relation between BMD and number of uncertain. However, in women smoking has an anti- cigarettes smoked daily or pack years can perhaps be estrogenic effect (33), whereas in males several studies explained by information bias. The estimation of the have found increased levels of free testosterone in number of cigarettes smoked daily over several years smokers (20, 33). Therefore, smoking-induced changes probably contains some inaccuracy, and smokers tend in gonadal appear as an unlikely explanation to underestimate the number of cigarettes smoked. for the gender difference found in our study. Another limitation is the probability of selection bias as We were not able to demonstrate any significant we ended up with w40% of the invited subjects. relation between BMD at any site and number of However, as this is not a prevalence study, selection cigarettes smoked per day or pack years, which can be bias seems unlikely and the relation between PTH and attributable to information bias. However, there was a BMD would probably not be different among those not negative relation between BMD and number of years included in the study. smoked, and a positive relation with years since smoking However, the study also has considerable strength. It cessation. Our results indicate that the effect of smoking is, to our knowledge, the largest population-based study on bone is mainly time and not dose dependent. In line so far published on serum PTH and BMD, and a number with this, former smokers had BMD values in between of possible confounders were included in the analyses those of current and never smokers. The clinical and strict inclusion criteria were used. implication of our study is that even moderate smoking In conclusion, we have found serum PTH to be has a harmful effect on bone, and to avoid it completely, negatively associated with BMD at the hip, and this smoking has to be stopped. Furthermore, the smoking- relation seems to be masked, or diminished, by smoking. related bone loss is, at least partly, reversible. However, Smoking reduces BMD at the hip and distal and negative effects on bone by smoking-induced early ultradistal forearm in males, and this effect appears to menopause and vascular changes would not be be mainly time and not dose dependent. The effect of reversible. smoking diminishes after smoking cessation. There are several mechanisms by which smoking could induce bone loss. Smoking is associated with lower body mass, earlier menopause and possibly a damage of the blood supply to the bone (14). Smoking Acknowledgements is also associated with a more unhealthy and sedentary The present study was supported by a grant from The lifestyle that could have an adverse effect on bone (14). Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. We are Another possible mechanism is that smoking has an grateful to the Tromsø Study for providing us access to inhibitory effect on bone formation (15, 34). On the the data material. other hand, the PTH reduction associated with smoking could have a positive effect since PTH, as shown in the present study, is associated with reduced BMD. However, the PTH reduction would also lead to References an increased renal calcium loss and a reduced 1,25- hydroxylation of vitamin D. Smoking also reduces the 1 Seeman E. Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men. serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (15) and 1,25- Lancet 2002 359 1841–1850. dihydroxyvitamin D (15, 34), which in addition to the 2 Dennison E, Mohamed MA & Cooper C. Epidemiology of osteoporosis. Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America 2006 depression of the PTH levels could explain the lack of 32 617–629. linear trend for BMD across PTH quartiles in the 3 Hamann KL & Lane NE. Parathyroid hormone update. 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