Contr. Tert. Quateni. Geol 37(3-4) 35-37 lpl Leiden, December 2000

Strobilops vanderdusseni,

a new Miocene (Sarmatian) gastropod species

of the Nördlinger Ries (Bavaria, Germany)

C. Karnekamp

Diemen. the Netherlands

Kamekamp, C. Strobilops vanderdusseni, a new Miocene (Sarmatian) gastropod species of the Nordlinger Ries (Bavaria, Germany). —

Contr. Tert. Quatem. Geol., 35-37.Leiden, December 2000.

From Miocene fissure fill a deposit at the Goldberg (Nördlinger Ries, Bavaria, Germany), a new species of the gastropod genus Strobilops

Pilsbry, 1893, S. vanderdusseni, is described.Representatives ofthis genushave been recorded from the Eocene to Pliocene ofEurope; extant

members are known from the southern states of the USA, Mexico and northern South America.

Key words — ,1 Miocene, Germany, fissure fill deposits, new species.

C. Kamekamp, Buitenlust 100,NL-1 111 JN Diemen, the Netherlands.

Contents massive numbersof various species of the gastropod genera

Gastrocopta Wollastron, 1878 and Vertigo O.F. Miiller,

Introduction 1774. In addition, fissure fill are known to p. 35 assemblages

contain also mammalian fossils, skeletal remains of lizards Systematic description p. 35

not either. Of the fruits ofthe ulmacean Acknowledgements p. 36 being rare plants,

References tree Celtis are a element p. 36 genus conspicuous (pers. obs.).


Order At regular intervals between 1977 and 1988, a fissure fill Schmidt. 1855

deposit high in the section exposed at the Goldberg (Nord- Family Hanna. 1922

Genus linger Ries) was sampled by the author (Karnekamp, 1982, Strobilops Pilsbry. 1893

1985. 1995). From the so-called 'SuflwassermergeF. of

which total of — Helix 1817. a some 225 kg was collected over the years, a Type species labyrinthica Say,

large number of terrestrial and freshwater molluscs have been recovered (Karnekamp, 1999). Amongst these are a

few complete specimens as well as some apical fragments Strobilops vanderdussenin. sp. and ultimate whorls of an undescribed species of the genus PI. 1

Strobilops Pilsbrv, 1893, which is formally named in the present note. The type material has been donated to the Types — Holotvpe is RGM 456 057 (PI. 1, Figs 1, 2), collections of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Mu- paratypes are RGM 456 058-060.

seum/Naturalis (Leiden, the Netherlands; abbreviation Locus tvpicus and stratum typicum — Goldberg. Nordlin-

RGM). In the literature, representatives of Strobilops have ger Ries (co-ordinates: r 4520, h 14.600. 513.7 NN. sheet been recorded from the Eocene to Pliocene of Europe (Ed- 7128 Nordlingen), Bavaria (Germany); from the so-called wards. Klika, of Sarmatian 1852; 1891, Miller. 1900; Fischer & Wenz. "Suliwassermergel" (Miocene) age.

1914; Derivatio — Named after Wenz, 1915, 1923; Schutt, 1967 and Zilch, 1969). nominis my good friend Jobs van

The went der the genus extinct in Europe during the Pliocene; ex- Dussen (Amstelveen. Netherlands), who accompa- tant members are known from northern South America, nied me on collecting trips to the Goldberg.

Mexico and the southern ofthe USA — A of with states (Pilsbry, 1927- Diagnosis species Strobilops a small, conical

1935, 1948; Schileyko, 1998). and conspicuously ribbed shell; ribs show slight inverted S-

The Goldberg molluscan faunas, of Sarmatian age (sec shaped course into the umbilicus.

Bolten & Material — In addition the Mttller. 1969; Bolten, 1977), are characterised by to types (sec above), a number 36

of adult shells, ultimate whorls and juvenile specimens are publ. PhD, Ludwig-Maximihan-Universitat, Mtlnchen).

R. & in the author's collection (CK 11001-11004. CK 11005- Bolten, D. Muller, 1969. Das Tertiar imNordlinger Ries und

in seiner — Geol. 87-130. 11012, andCK 11013-11017, respectively). Umgebung. Bav., 61:

Edwards, F.E., 1852. A monograph of the Eocene or Description — Shell small, up to 2 mm in height, width 2 descriptions of shells from the older Tertiaries of England, 2. mm. beehive shaped, stout, umbilicus obvious. Apex blunt,

Pulmonata. — Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. Lond., 6(18): 57- 5'A regularly expanding, lightly convex whorls, l'A smooth 122, pis 10-15. embryonic whorl (PI. 1, Fig. 4). Other whorls bear con- Fischer, K. & W. Wenz, 1914. Die Landschnecken-Kalke des spicuous prosocline ribs; the angle of inclination increases Mainzer Beckens und ihre Fauna, 2. Palaontologischer Teil. during ontogeny. Radial ornament is not absolutely con- — Jb. nass. Ver. Naturk. Wiesb., 1914:20-154.

tinuous from whorl to whorl (PI. 1). whorl 1, Fig. Body Gottschick, F., 1911.Aus dem Tertiarbeckens von Steinheim a.A. between ribs matches rounded bearing 44 to 46 ribs, space — Jb. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemb., 67:497-534.

the width of the ribs, which show an inverted S-shaped Jooss, C.H., 1912.Neue Landschnecken aus dem Obermiozan von

Steinheim Aalbuch in — Nachrichtsbl. dt. course into the well-developed umbilicus (PI. 1, Fig. 2), am Wurttemberg. malakol. 44: 30-48. when viewed frombelow. Aperture of medium height (c. 24 Ges., Karnekamp, C., 1982. Landslakken uit de Qnder-Sarmatische % oftotal shell height), ultimate whorl expanded apertural

Rissoaschichten von Hollabrunn, Noord-Oostenrijk 1. — De rim thickened and slightly reflected (PI. 1, Fig. 2). Two Kreukel, 18(5-6): 39-46,pis 1-6. parietal teeth, of which the outer one is well developed and Karnekamp, C., 1985. Een verzameltocht naar het Nordlinger Ries somewhat spoon shaped the inner one less obvious; both (Beieren B.R.D.). — De Kreukel, 21(9): 101-122. continue to just posterior of the faintly retracted aperture Karnekamp, C., 1995. Fossiele mollusken verzameld in een kies- (PI. 1, Figs 2. 5). Three smooth, scvthe-shaped basal folds groeve in Zwiefaltendorf-Donau, Baden-Wtirttemberg Dtsl., 1, (PI. Fig. 3). Mioceen-Tortonien (Silvanaschichten). — De Kreukel, 31(8-

Discussion — Specimens of S. costata (Clessia 1923), 9): 99-117, pis 1-6. Pharion's Steinheim collected from the former quarry at am Karnekamp, C., 1999. De fossiele molluskenfauna van de Gold-

Aalbuch are wider than tall and more finely ribbedthan the berg, N6rdlinger Ries - Duitsland. — De Kreukel, 35(5), 67-

87. new species, and their base is smooth. Strobilops joossi Klika, G., 1891. Die tertiaren Land- und Gottschick. 1911 also is wider than tall and the ribs efface SiiBwasser-Conchylien

des nordwestlichen Bohmen. — Arch, naturwiss. Landes- towards the umbilicus. This species occurs in Sarmatian durchf Bohmen, 7(4): 1-121. strata at Steinheim as well (Gottschick. 1911). A third spe- Lueger, J.P., 1981. Die Landschnecken im Pannon und Pont des cies from the deposits exposed at Steinheim, S. subconoidea Wiener Beckens. — Denkschr. Osterr. Akad. Wiss., math.- with S. in (Jooss, 1912), may be conspecific joossi showing naturwiss. Kl., 12:1-124,pis 1-16. a shell that is wider than tall, and ribs which efface towards Miller, K., 1900. Die Schneckenfauna des Steinheimer Obermi- the umbilicus (Jooss, 1912). Strobilops caucasica Steklov, ozans. — Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. WOrttemb.,56: 385406.

from the Mioceneof Ciscaucasia is much less 1961, Upper Pilsbry, HA, 1927-1935. Manual of conchology - Geographic tall and here too the ribs are less well developed on the shell distribution of Pupillidae, Strobilopsidae, Valloniidae and base (Steklov, 1966). Finally, S. pappi Schlickum, 1970 is Pleurodiscidae.— Manual Conchol., 28:1-225, pis 1-31.

H.A., 1948. Land Mollusca of North America (north of less tall and more faintly ribbed at the base, while S. tiarula Pilsbry,

Mexico), 2(2). — Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 3: 521- (Sandberger. 1886) does have well-developed ribs at the Monogr. base, the umbilicus, but here the 1113. which continue up to inner Schileyko, A.A., 1998. Treatise on Recent terrestrial parietal tooth is hardly developed; these species also is less

Mollusca, 1. — Ruthenica, Suppl. 22: 86-90. tall. The two last-named taxa are known from the Panno-

Schlickum, W.P., 1970. Neue tertiare Landschnecken. — Arch. nian ofthe Vienna Basin (Lueger, 1981). Moll., 100(1-2): 83-87.

Schutt, H., 1967. Die Landschneckenfauna der untersarmatischen

Rissoenschichten von Hollbrunn, N.-O. —- Arch. Moll., 96(3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6): 199-222.

Steklov, A.A., 1966. [Terrestrial Neogene molluscs ofCiscaucasia

I wish to thank Dr H.K. Mienis (University of Jerusalem, and their stratigraphic importance], — Trans. Acad. Sci.

Geol. 163:1-262. Israel) for supplying Recent material for comparison; F. USSR, Inst., 1915. Die fossilen der und Wesselingh (Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden) Wenz, W., Arten Gattung Strobilops

ihre — Beziehungen zu den lebenden. N. Jb. Geol., Mineral., for suggestions, and Dr J.W.M. Jagt (Natuurhistorisch Mu- Palaont.,2: 63-88. seum Maastricht) for translation of the typescript into Eng-

Wenz, W., 1923. Gastropoda extramarina tertiaria. — Fossilium lish. Catal., 1. Animalia, 20-22: 737-1734.

Zilch, A., 1969. Die Typen und Typoiden des Naturmuseums

Senckenberg, 43. — Arch. Moll., 99: 221-245. REFERENCES

Bolten, R., 1977. Die karbonatischen Ablagerungen des obermi- Manuscript received 9 May 2000, revised version accepted 14 ozanen Kratersees im Ries, 250 pp., 1-6 (un- Nordlinger pis October 2000. 37\1



Figs 1-5. Strobilops vanderdusseni n. sp., fissure fill deposits (‘Süßwassermergel’, Sarmatian, Miocene), Goldberg (Nördlinger Ries,

Bavaria, Germany); 1,2-holotype RGM 456 057; 3 - paratype RGM 456 059, body whorl; 4, 5 - paratype RGM 456 060, juve-

nile shell. Scale bar equals 1 mm.