Exploring the Prospective of Dark Tourism in Pashupatinath: a Hindu Pilgrimage Site, Nepal
Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Educa on (2021) 11, 93-127 Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Education Exploring the Prospective of Dark Tourism in Pashupatinath: A Hindu Pilgrimage Site, Nepal Ramesh Raj Kunwar Department of Confl ict, Peace and Development Studies, TU, Nepal kunwar.dr@gmail.com Bikram Homagain APF Command and Staff College, Nepal bickeyhomagain@gmail.com Neeru Karki Lecturer, K and K International College, Nepal neeru.karki@gmail.com Article History Abstract Received: 23 March 2021 Accepted: 12 June 2021 A unique and increasingly pervasive feature within the tourism landscapes in the post-modern world is the special interests of tourists in death and anything associated with death. It is oft en believed that those who indulge in death and disaster site tours could potentially awaken their spiritual journey. Th e visitor immersions, in the spaces of Keywords death, and the events that have taken place or are re-created, Dark tourism, triggers social conscience, or some shared emotion or an cremation, experience of involvement, with the death event. Reckoning Pashupatinath, to this facet, Pashupatinath temple- a place of pilgrimage commodifi cation, for the followers of Santana Vedic religion which shows the moral comprehensive aspect of Hindu death rituals, symbols and disengagement processes has been chosen. Th e study proposes the site as a dark tourism destination and explores the convergence of cultural heritage site, pilgrimage and death rituals in the area that is associated with its characterization- particularly with reference to the witnessing of live open pyre burning Corresponding Editor Ramesh Raj Kunwar death rituals at the cremation ground (ghat) that exclusively kunwar.dr@gmail.com showcases the eastern phenomenon of death-spectatorship Copyright © 2021 Authors Published by: AITM School of Hotel Management, Knowledge Village, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal ISSN 2467-9550 94 Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Educa on (2021) 11, 93-127 exhibited by Hindu death ritual.
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