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Circ 567 Morse.Indd State of Illinois Rod. R. Blagojevich, Governor Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois State Geological Survey Reservoir Characterization and Three-dimensional Models of Mt. Simon Gas Storage Fields in the Illinois Basin David G. Morse and Hannes E. Leetaru 4034' Porosity Circular 567 2005 Equal opportunity to participate in programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and those funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other agencies is available to all individuals regardless of race, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, or other non-merit factors. If you believe you have been discriminated against, contact the funding source’s civil rights office and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, IDNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, Illinois 62701-1271; 217-785-0067; TTY 217-782-9175. This information may be provided in an alternative format if required. Contact the IDNR Clearinghouse at 217-782-7498 for assistance. Disclaimer This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Govern- ment. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to a specifi c com- mercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not neces- sarily state or refl ect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof, or those of Kinder- Morgan, Inc. or Peoples Energy Corporation. Front Cover: Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, at a depth of 1,230 m (4,034 ft). Released by the authority of the State of Illinois 11/05 Reservoir Characterization and Three-dimensional Models of Mt. Simon Gas Storage Fields in the Illinois Basin David G. Morse and Hannes E. Leetaru Circular 567 2005 Illinois Department of Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William W. Shilts, Chief 615 E. Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 217-333-4747 Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Methods 1 Results and Discussion 2 Background on Mt. Simon Sandstone Geology 2 Regional Geology: Depositional Environment 4 Regional Structure 4 Salinity 10 Generalized Porosity versus Depth Relationships 10 Manlove Field 10 Introduction 10 Structure 12 Depositional Systems 12 Cross-bedded sandstone 13 Bioturbated sandstone 15 Deformed sandstone 15 Interstratifi ed sandstone and shale 15 Laminated shale 17 Facies interrelationships 18 Depositional environments of sediments 18 Petrography 18 Petrophysics 20 3-D Porosity Model 22 Herscher Field 25 Introduction 25 Stratigraphy 26 History of the Field 27 Structure 30 Petrology 35 Petrophysics 35 Reservoir Characterization 42 Conclusions 54 Regional Studies 54 Manlove Field Herscher and Herscher NW Fields 54 Applications to Other Fields 54 Acknowledgments 54 References 54 Appendices 57 1 Northern Illinois Upper Mt. Simon Sandstone water salinity data 57 2 Core description, Peoples Gas, Light & Coke, J. Williams #4 well 59 3 Graphic core description, Peoples Gas, Light & Coke, J. Williams #4 well 62 4 Core description, Peoples Gas, Light & Coke, Hazen #5 well 65 5 Graphic core description, Peoples Gas, Light & Coke, Hazen #5 well 69 6 Modal analyses of Manlove Field, J. Williams #4 well 72 Table 1 Feldspar variation with sandstone grain size 20 Figures 1 Stratigraphic column of Ordovician through Precambrian rocks in northern Illinois 3 2 Cambrian correlation chart for midwestern states adjacent to Illinois 4 3 Regional structure map of the top of the Galena Group in the north half of Illinois 5 4 Regional structure map of the top of the St. Peter Sandstone in the north half of Illinois 6 5 Regional structure map of the top of the Mt. Simon Sandstone in the north half of Illinois 7 6 Regional isopach from the top of the Galena Group carbonates to the top of the St. Peter Sandstone in the north half of Illinois 8 7 Regional Mt. Simon Sandstone salinity map in the north half of Illinois 9 8 Regional variation of Mt. Simon porosity with depth from core and log data 10 9 The top of the Mt. Simon Sandstone structure map, Manlove Field 11 10 Manlove Field, J. Williams #4 well type log 12 11 West-east stratigraphic log cross section, Manlove Field 13 12 Top of the Galena Group (“Trenton limestone”) structure map, Manlove Field 14 13 Three-dimensional view of Mt. Simon well control, Manlove Field 15 14 Photograph of core of cross-bedded sandstone facies from (A) Hazen #5 well, 1,251 m (4,105 ft); (B) J. Williams #4 well, 1,279 m (4,197 ft); (C) J. Williams #4 well, 1,228 m (4,030 ft) 16 15 Photograph of core of bioturbated sandstone facies from (A) J. Williams #4 well, 1,274 m (4,180 ft) and (B) Hazen #5 well, 1,221 m (4,005 ft) 17 16 Photograph of core of deformed sandstone facies from the Hazen #5 well, 1,282 to 1,283 m (4,206 to 4,210 ft) 18 17 Photograph of core of interstratifi ed fi ne sandstone and shale facies from the J. Williams #4 well at (A) 1,278 m (4,192 ft), (B) 1,218 m (3,996 ft), and (C) 1,218 m (3,997 ft) 19 18 Photograph of core of laminated shale facies from the Hazen #5 well at 1,276 m (4,187 ft) 20 19 Geophysical log of the Mt. Simon Sandstone, J. Williams #4 well, Manlove Field 21 20 North-south stratigraphic log cross section, Manlove Field 22 21 Depositional model block diagram for Manlove Field area 23 22 Thin sections of Mt. Simon Sandstone from J. Williams #4 well at (A) 1,283 m (4,209.1 ft), (B) 1,257 m (4,124.3 ft), and (C) 1,279 m (4,195.2 ft) 24 23 Thin sections of coarse-grained Mt. Simon Sandstone from the J. Williams #4 well at (A) 1,235 m (4,051 ft), (B) 1,220.7 m (4,004.9 ft), and (C) 1,213 m (3,981 ft) 25 24 A scanning electron microscopic image of Mt. Simon reservoir sandstone with euhedral quartz overgrowths and an open pore system 26 25 A scanning electron microscopic image of diagenetic clay minerals in Mt. Simon reservoir sandstone 27 26 Core and calculated log-derived porosity histograms 28 27 Three-dimensional structural fence diagram of the porosity model for Manlove Field 30 28 West-east structural and stratigraphic cross sections of the porosity model at Manlove Field 31 29 North-south structural and stratigraphic cross sections of the porosity model at Manlove Field 32 30 Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, 1,220 m (4,000 ft) 33 31 Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, 1,230 m (4,034 ft) 33 32 Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, 1,237 m (4,056 ft) 34 33 Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, 1,260 m (4,132 ft) 34 34 Horizontal slice map of Manlove Field porosity model, 1,277 m (4,187 ft) 35 35 Base map of Herscher and Herscher NW Fields 36 36 The type log for the Herscher Field showing the important reservoir sandstones used for gas storage 37 37 Regional structural features in the Illinois Basin showing the location of Herscher and Herscher NW gas storage fi elds 38 38 Structure on top of the Galena Group at Herscher and Herscher NW Fields 39 39 Isopach of the interval between the top of the Galena Group and the Eau Claire Formation correlation point 40 40 Structure on the top of the Mt. Simon Sandstone at Herscher and Herscher NW Fields 41 41 Three-dimensional view of Herscher and Herscher NW Fields illustrating the well control at the reservoir horizon and the confi guration of the lower Mt. Simon shale correlation marker 42 42 Cumulative distribution of core permeability from the Mt. Simon Sandstone at Herscher Field 43 43 Cumulative distribution of core porosity from the Mt. Simon Sandstone at Herscher Field 43 44 Cross plot of neutron porosity versus Clavier shale volume for off-structure, gas-free neutron log values 44 45 Histograms showing the distribution of porosity using shale volume, neutron porosity, and core porosity calculations 45 46 (A) Wireline curves of shale volume (Vshale) and porosity calculated using the neutron log and Vshale curve from the Knittel #4 well. (B) Cross plot of Vshale and neutron porosity 46 47 (A) Wireline curves of shale volume (Vshale) and porosity calculated using the neutron log and Vshale curve from the Armstrong #1 well. (B) Cross plot of Vshale and neutron porosity 47 48 Stratigraphic cross section A–AЈ through the Herscher Anticline with the top of the Elmhurst Sandstone marker as the datum 48 49 Stratigraphic cross section B–BЈ through the Herscher Northwest Anticline with the top of the Elmhurst Sandstone marker as the datum 49 50 Stratigraphic cross section C–CЈ along the axes of both Herscher and Herscher Northwest Anticlines with the top of the Elmhurst Sandstone marker as the datum 50 51 Elmhurst Sandstone isolith shows the thickest Elmhurst Sandstone to occur in the Herscher NW Field 51 52 Three-dimensional visualization of the porosity distribution at Herscher Field 52 53 Stratigraphic slices showing the porosity distribution at the Herscher structure 53 1 Abstract strained by porosity and permeability model indicated the presence of sand measurements from 35 cores and cal- bodies with more lateral continuity In northern Illinois, the Upper Cam- culated porosity values from modern than at Manlove Field, although vertical brian Mt.
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