We Are Not Alone Chapter 1 Meet Another Life Form

Reporter : Strange scoop! Today near a military base, people seen an unknown flying object, it was something like a huge bat!

Dylan : *Purrs!* Hmmm… Surely an another false scoop! *Laughs!* This country is full of weirdos when they need a scoop!

News Guy : After soldiers opened fire, it yelled some gross words and fled away!

Dylan : … An UFO that say gross words? They opened fire, but why the heck did they attack it?? They are brainless!! It is maybe a civilization that wish to share their culture with us! And we attacked them! At this rate someday their friends will come back to annihilate us!

*I smell some smoke!* *Runs to it in fear something is

©ProjectChained 1 burning in the kitchen, arriving there, I just observe that something has crashed in my backyard!*

Dylan : Ohh!!! *Opens my door and goes downstairs to reach my backyard garden!* Oh well, no puffy or cum fruits this year! At least it must have made the crash a bit softened!

*See a thing looking like a bat a bit, it is damaged and burning!! It opens then…*

Demon : Oh fuck! Fuckin fuckers fucked my day!

Dylan : A yelling… Demon? Maybe it is his language, fuck fuckinfuck fuck? *Hope I do not do something wrong!*

Demon : Hi! Sorry for the garden!

Dylan : Don't worry about it now… You are seriously wounded! Let me… *Lifts you!* Get you home… *Walks hardly back inside, reaching it after some minutes of effort!*

Demon : Thanks! Finally someone not aggressive!

Dylan : Why would I be aggressive?! The opportunity of meeting someone from an another planet is something we have to consider! You are a source of culture no one else may have!

©ProjectChained 2 Demon : Ohh! I thought those spotlights were for landing… Why they shot me?

Dylan : You know soldiers and government about such sensible subject and folders, when something may happen, it is often the solutions kill or seal it… So… Let us consider that you’ve been able to reach us alive is a miracle. Because those crossing the line of our planet are constantly killed! Damn and me who always thought “I want to believe” that we aren't alone! *Goes to search medicinal plants and greasy plants too, also some cotton finally a very few industrial product such as alcohol disinfectant. I take eventually medical extraction stuff of high quality to be sure to have them around in case a bullet is locked under your skin!*

Demon : Sorry to be a problem…

Dylan : I am alone… And very disliked from my open minded spirit in a country under dictatorship… Having someone visiting me even if it’s a guy using an UFO is nice… Well, less common than by foot, train, bus, tram, car, boat, taxi, cycle, motorcycle or plane, but nice still!

Demon : Sadly I'm locked on this planet for now as my main ship was destroyed, my solar spark… On your backyard is just a lifepod! *Looks very sad!*

Dylan : You seem to have an incredible mind!

©ProjectChained 3 Demon : Why you find me incredible? You are the only guy I can trust on this planet, right?

Dylan : I don't know, I find you incredible from giving our planet a chance… And I feel sorry for the very unwelcoming situation you've encountered… Sorry!

Demon : Giving a chance? I didn't have choice, my life pod can't fly far enough to find other planet where oxygen level is high enough for living… But I'm not grumpy for that misunderstanding with military guys anymore! *Hugs you somewhat weakly!*

Dylan : Oxygen?? What you mean?? Your planet lost it’s air?? *Very scared!*

Demon : No! But it is too far to reach with just a life pod! *Hugs in order to calm you down!*

Dylan : How does your planet looks like? *Prepares a cotton with alcohol of eighty degrees modified a bit…*

Demon : Hmm… You ask about which part of it? There are industrial zone and life zones.

Dylan : As us… Hmm…. Forgive me, it will feel a bit bad… *Set cotton on one of your wound!*

Demon : Ouch!

Dylan : *Cleans the wound!*

©ProjectChained 4 Demon : All is okay there?

Dylan : It seems… Ohh!! A bullet is located on your arm, near the bone!! Monsters!! They dared wound an innocent!

Demon : Hey, it's okay! How deep is it?

Dylan : 0.8 centimeters…

Demon : *Puts claws there and pulls out bullet!* Is it usual that bullet has a flower form? *Puzzled!*

Dylan : The worse bullet… I explain, those when shot are round, but when they hit their target, they slowly open and make a flower form, harder to take out, they also spread a poison!

Demon : Huh? Which kind of poison? *Scared to death!*

Dylan : Of which color is the middle line of bullet??

Demon : *Looks!* Red one!!

Dylan : It inflates belly until explosion!!! *Runs to find my copybook of mixture, in order to heal you from this deadly poison!!*

Demon : Huh?! It's weird!! *Puzzled!*

Dylan : Welcome in our planet!! *Ironic and feel fear!*

Demon : Then I should get outside to avoid making your

©ProjectChained 5 room dirty! *Stomach has slowly started to expand…*

Dylan : No… Don't move! It may activate bullet I didn't found it yet! Let me search for a cure in my book!

Demon : *Belly gurgles, slowly going from flat to round like a balloon filling up!!*

Dylan : If you consider the version of the bullet! Adding this thing… And that… This fuckin’ make that! *Thinks out loud grossly!*

Demon : Hmm? You think it can be stopped still?

Dylan : Yes… Because what government doesn't know about their “New featured” shitty material… Is that science can face all those effects easily! *Thinks out loud again!* So add this shit with all that fuckin’ crap! … Damnit! Where is that?? *Mix things and the Demon looks nearly more scared of me than his future explosion!!*

Demon : Hope it won't turn me into a potato!!

Dylan : Nah blueberry is easy to guess… Violet Blue bullets… *Has almost finished the mixture and looks at the demon's belly*

Demon : *Belly looks like a beach ball now! Expanding, groaning and bloating out loud too! Somewhat competing with Dylan's gross word… *

©ProjectChained 6 Dylan : And here the mix is ready! Huh wait… You prefer it salty or spicy? Or even sugarish?

Demon : Spicy! *GROOOOOOOOAAAAAN!!* *Very scared from this noise and stuffs very fast the mixture in*

*GURRRRRGGGGLLLLEEE…..GROOOOOOOOOOWW WWW...* *FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRT!!!!!* *Farted so hard that he got thrown to ceiling and horns are stuck there!*

Dylan : My mixture worked a bit too well! *Shocked!* *Just below him!*

Demon : Err… How to get back to the floor? I feel horns are stuck!

Dylan : I don't know! *Puzzled and somewhat winded from fart! Settled just below him!*

Demon : *Moves… Moves* *CRACK!!!* *Part of ceiling falls down with the Demon!*

Dylan : *Crushed down!!* *Injured seriously at head… losing blood and seems unconscious!*

Demon : Are you okay there? *Looks at you!!* Ohh! *Preoccupied and rubs your head forward to healing you!*

©ProjectChained 7 Dylan : *Wakes up slowly!* Ohhh… Something happened?

Demon : Sorry, I feel on your head! *Very sorry!*

Dylan : It is the price I had to pay for inserting three gums of apple instead of two per accident… I got carried away and a piece of the ceiling fell over my and did a deadly wound… But how did you healed me?

Demon : I just put together what I broke falling on you, nothing special!

Dylan : Sorry anyway… Now, you will surely think I am a mad guy! *You see pumps around…*

Demon : Are you kind of scientist? *Smiles interested a lot by science!*

Dylan : Yeah! I study the effects of inflation from bullets and pumps! Something prohibited since the beginning of the dictatorship! And what helped them shutting the mouth of many scientists are the weapon lobbyists giving huge amount of gold to avoid any leaks about a cure to be created as to avoid those bullets to be deadly!! And if any of us try reveal something… *Imitate popping noise with mouth!*

Demon : Nice! And I'm studying energy flows, some calls it magic!

©ProjectChained 8 Dylan : Hmm! Interesting, ohh! I forgot, Dylan! *Hugs you!*

Michael : Michael! *Hugs back!*

©ProjectChained 9 We Are Not Alone Chapter 2 After A Ceiling Fall

Dylan : Then we could try to sleep?

Michael : Yeah, if you wish! *Hugs you*

Dylan : Wait, I am not done verifying if you got any wounds or injuries still!

Michael : Okay! *Shows his body, leaving it free to be examined!*

Dylan : *Verifies for long minutes!* It is good! You healed partially already!

Michael : Yeah, I mostly heal fast *Kiss!*

Dylan : Impressive! Abnormal though!

Michael : Really? *Mindful…*

Dylan : You saw anybody healing nearly as if nothing happened while it got shot a bullet on arm the previous

©ProjectChained 10 hour?

Michael : Sure! Most of demons and angels recover fast!

Dylan : Really? *Writes about it in a copybook!*

Michael : Yep! And how about tigers? *Rubs your tail!*

Dylan : I don't know… I never studied myself… *Blushes!*

Michael : You wish I study you?

Dylan : I would be pleased! *Appreciating your attention! *

Michael : *Rubs your body slowly…* Hmm! Fat, muscle, I think you can inflate huge!

Dylan : I’m far more fat than muscled you know! *Laughs somewhat embarrassed!*

Michael : You have muscles too, just you don't see them under that fat! *Kiss!*

Dylan : *Blushes!* I trained for long years to inflate really big!

Michael : May I see it? *Very shy!*

Dylan : You wish it? *Shy and do wonder if I won't just bore him with all my fat…*

Michael : Yep! I never seen an inflating tiger before!

©ProjectChained 11 *Blushes still!*

Dylan : *Purrs…* Let me find a pump then! *Kisses*

Michael : It won't be hard to find! They are everywhere! *Laughs!!*

Dylan : I know. *Takes one and inserts the tube softly…* Ready?

Michael : Yep!

Dylan : *Strokes it softly… Growing a small bulge around lower belly!*

Michael : Nice! *Rubs, enjoying it!*

Dylan : *Pumps it up! And now it is building up in size slowly settling the roundness from filling first part of my belly! Which is almost all the big intestines!*

Michael : You don't feel discomfort from it?

Dylan : Just a few if I don't make any pause during session!

Michael : Then have some pauses, we have lots of time! *Kisses you softly!*

Dylan : I got what could seem an eternity with a nice guy!

Michael : *Blushes!* *Mind : He is so nice… Is it love?*

©ProjectChained 12 Dylan : *Mind : Pump… Pump… Impress him, maybe it is the only one who will ever want a weirdo like you Dylan…*

Michael : *Rubs your belly gently!* It sound nice!

Dylan : Like, a fluffy balloon because of my thick fur?

Michael : Yep! And fluffy balloon can be great drum! *Hugs closing his eyes happily!!!*

Dylan : *Mind : Time to shine then!* *Pumps at fast pace!! *

Michael : I feel you grow!! *Rub!! Rub!! Blushing!!!*

Dylan : Yeah! Let's get it huge! Or you prefer it this sized? *Great noise inside, meaning air reached stomach part, as the balloon belly expand to freak size slowly, only going huger and huger!*

Michael : Yeah, let's see you huge! *Kiss!!*

Dylan : Then pump it up! *Kisses you and hands you my pump…*

Michael : Okay! Okay! *Takes pump from your hands and pumps very softly!* *Happy…*

Dylan : *Kisses you again to share all the excess of air! Bloating you up!*

©ProjectChained 13 Michael : Haha! Nice! *Kiss!!*

Dylan : You want more? *Purrs tricky!*

Michael : Why not? *Keeps pumping you softly!*

Dylan : *And I kiss you again to share air again, then puff!!!* *Very tricky and sneaky purr!*

Michael : *Round as you now!!* I'm big too! *Rubs you!*

Dylan : Yeah! *Hugs!* *Mind : HE does bearish hugs?*

Michael : *Hugs and rub!*

Dylan : *Love-dazed!!! It is one freaking bearish hug!* *Purrrr!!*

Michael : Looks like inflation made you more sensitive *Rub! Rub! Rub!*

Dylan : *Purrrrr!* *Moans softly and does little one little groan!*

Michael : *Pumps you tight as a drum! Very eager to see your reaction!!*

Dylan : *Moans strongly!!* *Roar!!*

Michael : Cute roar!! *Drum drum!!*

Dylan : *Moans!! Shoot cums at Michael!! Roaring with strength and passion!*

©ProjectChained 14 Michael : Ahh! *Joyful!* I see you love it! *Playfully poke that huge balloon of yours with my pointy tail!*

Dylan : Ohhh! *Rubs belly in pleasure!!*

Michael : Big guy! *Rubs you with belly!*

Dylan : *Moans… Dribbling some more…* Ohhh!! *Very lustful!!*

Michael : *Rubs more!* It's so nice! *Blushes!*

Dylan : You like that I am a bit messy, doing huge load? *Purrs!*

Michael : Yep! And that you inflate too! *Kisses you!*

Dylan : Purrrrr….

Michael : You are lovely!! *Love-dazed!*

Dylan : *Sleeps against his belly!*

Michael : *Sleeps with you feeling very happy!*

©ProjectChained 15 We Are Not Alone Chapter 3 Exile

Dylan : *Wakes at the middle of the morning, purring happily then looks at my belly!*

Michael : *Wakes up from purrs!* Hi! *Rub! Rub!* Still feeling huge?

Dylan : Yeah! A bloated balloon there! I wonder what I could cook for us this morning? *Don't care about the fallen ceiling!*

Michael : Anything you wish! *Hugs!*

Dylan : You like eggs?

Michael : They can be nice! Go cook, I check what is left to fix on my lifepod! *Kiss!*

Dylan : Sure! *Leaves you and goes to cook breakfast!*

Michael : *Checks lifepod and finds only engine part is

©ProjectChained 16 dead!* Nice! *Gets some boiled meat from fridge ad brings it to you!* It can be good addition to eggs! *Kiss!*

Dylan : I don't know how to cook this…

Michael : Really? It isn't hard! *Hugs…* Just slice it and add to eggs! *Kiss!*

Dylan : Oh okay! *Tries to do it well as it is first time I am doing it!*

Michael : Nice! *Blushes!*

Dylan : Really? *Fears to do things badly!*

Michael : Yep! Don't worry, it's good! *Kiss…*

Dylan : Breakfast is ready! *Purr!*

Michael : Nice! Let's eat then! *Kiss!*

Dylan : *Serves all in two plates, hopping it will be tasty enough for you!*

Michael : *Tastes!* Yummy! *Blushes!!!*

Dylan : Truly? It is good? *Shy as I cook often awfully bad! Except for pastas! I master them!*

Michael : Yep!

Dylan : *Eats eggs with meat, slowly and enjoys it! It’s a good meal!*

©ProjectChained 17 Michael : See? It's tasty! *Smiles happily!*

Dylan : Yeah it is impressively tasty and good!

Michael : *Kisses then chews an another bite and on!*

Dylan : *Blushes and eats whole plate ending bloated at the end of it!*

Michael : You fear to cook?

Dylan : I fear to fail things… So I fear a bit everything *Looks at television news!*

News Guy : Breaking News, an alien manhunt began! If you have any information on this guy! *Shows a picture of you very blurry from night crash!* Or this guy! *Show a profile picture of me…* Call the authorities for further investigation!

Dylan : *Coughs violently!!* What?? THE FUCK?

Michael : *Scared!!*

Dylan : What to do??

Michael : Ohh… You have a truck?

Dylan : I don't have one! *In panic!* I don’t drive at all!!

Michael : Ohh! Don't panic! *Kiss!* I seen a river nearby, we can use it!

Dylan : I don't want to joke… Use a river… What will it

©ProjectChained 18 does? It isn't an animated object!

Michael : It flows, no?

Dylan : What to do with it?

Michael : It can carry the lifepod and us!

Dylan : So we need get as fast as we can supplies to it!

Michael : Yeah! I can repair holes but not engine so… I will use wings to move it on river!

Dylan : *Runs in kitchen crying trying not to panic as to find what to take with us!*

Michael : *Repairs holes!*

Dylan : *Take multiple bags, and fills them with necessary things, Food, Drinks, Care, Health, Pump, Clothes…*

Michael : *Done with holes and ready!!*

Dylan : I know I maybe shouldn't… *Opens the security box in the shelve!* *Takes out two guns with sixty bullets!* I hope to never have the need of such things… *Very anger!* What could be left to take?

Michael : Money?

Dylan : True… *Takes my credit card!* But won't they lock my account until the end of investigation??? I have

©ProjectChained 19 nothing if they do!! *Panic!!*

Michael : Can you convert it to paper money?

Dylan : I don't know! *Feel too bad and prefer to let you do because I hate all the administrative shit to understand!*

Michael : Ahh, lets go now! We can find money later! *Purrs and kiss!*

Dylan : Hey, what you thought? I hate banks so… *Opens a chest drawer!* 57 230 gold in paper money there… *Takes little box!* Nothing is missing now?

Michael : Yeah, let's go *Hugs!*

Dylan : *Takes three bags, within them dissimulated the fifty seven thousand two hundred and thirty gold, and the two weapons with sixty bullets!* Take the three others!

Michael : *Takes the other three and carries them into the lifepod!* It isn't so big but has enough space for us! *Hopeful!*

Dylan : Yeah, Maybe not as big as a house, but for two people running away it is helpful enough! All is in? Nothing missing?

Michael : Yep, I think all is good! *Activate small wheels

©ProjectChained 20 and lifepod moves to river at the speed of walking guy!*

Dylan : You think… They want to?

Michael : Hmm, They want to take my lifepod and me to study. I understand their curiosity but I won't give it to them!

Dylan : Then, why I appeared in the news?

Michael : They want to find you to in order to find me! *Kisses you!*

Dylan : Ohh, I think they won't be kind if they find me… Right? *Looks kinda depressed!*

Michael : Yeah, Sorry that I got a huge bag of trouble for you!

Dylan : Hey, for a long time I ever thought I was able of nothing. Maybe this will test my limits? Even if in a scary way I have to success or we end both badly I think!

Michael : *Hugs you!*

Dylan : What will we become? Fugitives?

Michael : We will hide first… I need to know more about your world, it looks not ready for some technologies!

Dylan : How may I help you?

Michael : Tell about it, what can we change to make

©ProjectChained 21 world better?

Dylan : All that paranoid television broadcast company that is diffusing it’s daily shit…

Michael : Okay! So we need more truth on television?

Dylan : Yeah, Also all those tigers scared, now government has control over them after such messages, surely adding to it much more shit on our back.

Michael : What can we do about it? For television we can broadcast too!

Dylan : Really?

Michael : Yep! I have lots of tech things here!

Dylan : Hmmm , it looks fun this place, also we survive well for now!

Michael : Yep! *Lifepod falls in river and gets carried away by river…*

Dylan : We should rest for now then? *Blushes!*

Michael : Yeah, we can! *Kiss…*

©ProjectChained 22 We Are Not Alone Chapter 4 Dylan’s Thesis

Dylan : Have you rest enough? *Feel I slept badly…*

Michael : Yeah. And you?

Dylan : Without a bed… Nah, I feel pain around my back! You wish I cook what for breakfast? *Woke so badly that I didn't realize yet we aren't in my house anymore!*

Michael : Get on your belly then! *Kiss!*

Dylan : Huh? Okay… *Does it but wonders why!*

Michael : *Massages your back to make it feel good!* *Enjoys to give you this little massage…*

Dylan : Hmmm!! Good! *Purrs!*

Michael : Feel better now? *Kiss!*

Dylan : Yeah, thank you very much! Next night, pump

©ProjectChained 23 me huge! Maybe sleep on belly will be far more comfortable!

Michael : Okay! *Hugs!*

Dylan : I think, yesterday you asked me for information on our world, right?

Michael : Yeah, you told me some bad sides but you should tell more! *Kiss!*

Dylan : I fear they attack me… I am not so strong you know…

Michael : I will protect you *Kiss!*

Dylan : Errm… All I know is that what I study is very contested and disliked …

Michael : Why? Inflation is nice! *Smiles!*

Dylan : I know, for example… you know the galaxy “Chained“ It isn't so far from there…

Michael : Chained? That one we can't see often?

Dylan : Yeah, I studied it! And I found that two guys with our names are saving a world… and look ready to save the whole galaxy!

Michael : How nice! I heard theory it is in an other world, that's why we can't see it most of time!

©ProjectChained 24 Dylan : Yes and high scientific projects are trying to study how true it may be… About ninety two percents eighty seven hundredths probability that my thesis on it is correct … But you know, when we tell to a corrupted world that some guys can overthrow the shitty guys! They modified fast a part of thesis for public view… And giving it now a credibility of twenty seven percents thirty one hundredths! And if lucky to a maximum of forty six percents and seventy one hundredths for the public! Making it look like a hoax! And also killing my public credibility! But at least highest instances of science defend this as much as possible, but discretely to be sure no one will try to modify truth…

Michael : Yeah!

Dylan : You think… That…. We are not alone?

Michael : Sure we aren't! *Kisses you!*

Dylan : And because of all that shit… Are we alone? Or not? *Feel all lost because of all those fuckers that modified my thesis and created distrust from hiding truth… Even myself I begin to doubt of my convictions and ideas…*

Michael : Did government tell there are demons? *Very happy if it is the case!*

©ProjectChained 25 Dylan : I don't know, I don't do much since I lost all credibility… I fear people… Their reactions…. *Wish I could earn back their confidence… While I never did anything wrong!*

Michael : Why do you fear them?

Dylan : When we tell to at least fifty percents of all that world population that you are someone telling stupidities we shouldn't trust that mad guy who is potentially drugged seeing little aliens everywhere being utopist who wish end our civilization … How else could I react to it?!

Michael : Why not show people I do exist? *Kiss!*

Dylan : Yes… They gonna ask you to “Take off your mask!” And all stupidities about costume… Then ask for truth and behavior and ask hundreds of questions! *Brrr!!!* Though… Where do you come from?

Michael : From that galaxy… *Shows you one.* I don't know how you call it here… *Sweat drop!*

Dylan : Chained… *Shows a mapping of planets present in that galaxy!* Which one?

Michael : Hmmm… Right there! *Shows you!* It's closer to your planet than to my! *Kiss!*

Dylan : The world zero… Incredible, a native from the

©ProjectChained 26 galaxy I research on has just reached us!! WE ARE NOT ALONE!!! *Hugs!!*

Michael : *Hugs!* Also here I have theoretical map, it's like a huuuuuge tree!!!

Dylan : Zero… Here…. It is base of the tree… And it divide then into many branches! But how to be able to link all those planets with so high distance between them all?

Michael : There are many ways to do it…. Not sure which one is working… *Smiles feeling it would be long to explain it all!*

Dylan : But if we show truth… People will accept it…. Only thing I do hope is that it won't become the scientists who harasses you of questions…

Michael : We can chat with scientist...No?

Dylan : Yup! Just when they begin chat, they never really end haha…. They're never done about subject so deeply they want to learn about it! *Laughs!*

Michael : It isn't much of a problem if we tell some hours we can chat with them!

Dylan : Hmmm… But us! How to obtain fun in that metal box?

©ProjectChained 27 Michael : Here there isn't much space to inflate! But we can have fun outside, no? *Looks interested!*

Dylan : Now? *Lusty feeling!!*

Michael : Why not? *Very happy of this wish…*

Dylan : And if militaries find us here?? *Scared!!*

Michael : They can find us anyway, outside or not! So why not have fun then?

Dylan : If you think so!

Michael : You want to be a big balloon? *Kisses you wondering if you are interested…*

Dylan : Let's grow me huge… Like a balloon freak!!

Michael : Yep! *Takes a pump!* Do people often see balloons here?

Dylan : Nah…

Michael : Hmm… What can we use for masking a huge balloon? *Kisses!*

Dylan : A pump? Cum? Puff?

Michael : I mean masking, not making!! *Kisses you laughing softly!* So people see it and think “Ah, another thing, nothing unusual!”

Dylan : Ah… I don't know…

©ProjectChained 28 Michael : Weather balloon?

Dylan : How big?

Michael : Let's pump you and see? *Smiles proudly!* *Takes small metal box…*

Dylan : What is that?

Michael : It is a color projector to make you look colored like weather balloon temporary! *Kiss!!*

Dylan : Am I handsome? *Wondering and asks unsure of the potentially answer I could get!*

Michael : Yeah! *Hugs and rubs your tiger belly!!*

Dylan : *Mewls!* But how will you pump me up? *Smiles happily!*

Michael : With a nice pump? *Kisses you!* And at night I can try to fill you with cum if you wish it! *Blushes happily!*

Dylan : You would accept it? *Purrs and blush!*

Michael : Yeah, why not?

Dylan : Let's do it tonight?

Michael : You look in great wish for it!! *Kissing softly!*

©ProjectChained 29 We Are Not Alone Chapter 5 The First Comfortable Night

Dylan : Yeah, I would love to do it tonight, but, I fear military and a bit everything so much right now! *Scared like a kitten…*

Michael : Huh? Why? *Kisses you softly!*

Dylan : I don't know, it is very difficult to conceive that more than the half of the whole world search me to get your pretty little brain out of living… While you are the only one of our neighborhood galaxy!! I think I should help you to escape from here as fast as possible!

Michael : That's what we are doing right now! *Kiss!*

Dylan : I mean help you to reach back your world… Here people are too narrow minded to accept the truth yet!

©ProjectChained 30 Michael : I'm not going back soon… And what about you?

Dylan : Me? Will I be so hated still if I help you to escape from here?

Michael : Why would you be hated? What you plan? Will you stay with me? *Blushes!*

Dylan : You… Wish me? *Puzzled… No one ever wished me yet…*

Michael : Yeah I do! *Blushes wishing he could come with me!*

Dylan : I … *Takes a pump!* Let's go outside…? *Looks in serious wish of a big inflation!!!*

Michael : Yep! *Kisses you and look more calm than! Heh, you’re always so excited!*

Dylan : *We go outside!* You stopped the machine right? *I wish be sure we can have fun without ending out of supplies from forgetting to stop our machine from walking!*

Michael : Yeah it's anchored for now! *Kiss!*

Dylan : You wish to inflate me or I pump manfully? *Purrs like a little tiger toy… I am far from being manful, I am just cute… Sadly not very handsome…*

©ProjectChained 31 Michael : I will pump you gently *Kiss!*

Dylan : *Purrs and blush all red from seeing this real strong demon, smiling somewhat arrogantly as a style giving me shivers from knowing he will swell me up towards huge proportions slowly!* *Love dazed!!*

Michael : *Plugs pump gently to your ass and does one slow stroke to know how you accept it…*

Dylan : *Belly growls kindly and I purr in wish of more!* *Contains from fapping right now!*

Michael : You feel good? *Pumps you gently more and more!*

Dylan : I love it!! *Begins to fap and enjoys it rubbing belly with all my strength!*

Michael : *Pumps more to let you feel the air moving under your hands.*

Dylan : *Discovering new sensations, I just enjoy in lusty action that balloon slowly growing in front of me, rubbing my hands slowly from how it is bulging! Skin slowly distend more… And I forget all around but not my lovely kinky demon… Michael!*

Michael : You look getting huge!

Dylan : *Places hands on cock, following side lines of

©ProjectChained 32 your belly… It gives it a big balloonish look… As if it was a round ball locked inside it, slowly inflating, giving me a huger and huger lusty feeling!!* More!! Ohh! More cutie!!

Michael : *Pumps faster to help you realize your wish!!*

Dylan : *Belly slowly swollen up to massive proportions, like an exercise ball maybe more, turning slowly reddish, I drool from lust and high state of excitement! Feeling pressure build up more and more all inside it! As navel pop out, I cum big white stripes of nice fresh sticky cum on Michael… Covering him of a perfume every single tiger loves in this world…*

Michael : I see you enjoyed as I did!

Dylan : *Looks at him, panting from all lust and walk to make that link bigger, by hugging in any possible way from resistance created from pressure between hands hugging Michael and my belly!* I love you…

Michael : You got fucking huge! Never seen a guy reaching that huge! *Blushes love dazed from everything!!* I love your look! *Kisses you sharing some cum on each face, then pumps a little more, hearing belly creaking dark red! Putting then a plug to keep you from deflating!*

Dylan : I am a massive balloon! No one can get past me

©ProjectChained 33 to get you!! I will never let anyone take you away from me….

Michael : *Rubs your tight belly!* Let's have some rest cutie, let your belly stretch while you sleep! *Kiss…*

Dylan : *Hugs you!* I may enter back to lifepod you think? *Rubs belly!* Because I’m very massive… And entrance is pretty narrow!

Michael : No need, it's summer, so nights are hot! *Kiss!*

Dylan : You are my hot sun… *Bit scared from militaries which could come around us any time!! But I wish to please you so much and wish to try to sleep, so I wonder how will I make it through!*

Michael : *Puts masking box near us and your belly looks just like a big weather balloon!!* *Hugs* Let's sleep! *Blushes happily hugging to sleep…*

Dylan : *Hugs my demon loving him and sleeps fast enough feeling good!*

Michael : *Loves you and sleeps!*

©ProjectChained 34 We Are Not Alone Chapter 6 The Foggy Night Reveal An Ally

Dylan : *Wakes the second!* It is the night, brrr it is foggy tonight! Normally it’s summer!

Michael : Yeah! *Wondering why!*

Dylan : Aren't we in danger from not viewing anything of where we are navigating in? I don't even see the lifepod anymore!

Michael : Nope!

Dylan : I feel lost!

Michael : Me too, but in such fog not only we don't see anything but the others too! Fog hides us!

Dylan : Someone is coming near!!! *Scared!!!*

©ProjectChained 35 Michael : Hmm… Yeah! Let's see who he is?

Dylan : Okay! *Trusts you!*

Michael : *Walk walk!* *Sees Lion…* Hi! *Happy!*

Lion : Hey, I saw you the day of the incident running away! You shouldn't run so much!! *Very fat… Panting and looks exhausted!* It is difficult to follow you both!

Michael : Why did you follow us? *Wondering!*

Lion : I love your theory Mr. Tiger!! I believed for a long time there are another existing life forms!!! And I feel amazed to meet you big mister demon… *Very polite!*

Michael : You are nice and open minded! *Hugs and Smiles!*

Lion : *Very shy!* I hope you won't destroy us, because of our unwelcoming behavior!

Michael : Nope! I understand every nation has bad guys!

Lion : I’m amazed to see you both, and that big balloon tiger! *He has an abnormally big crotch not even bulging yet… Or … Now beginning slowly!*

Michael : You look to be tired! *Hugs again and gives some energy to the Lion!*

Lion : Whoaa!! *He has now high vision abilities!* I see a

©ProjectChained 36 kind of lifepod there! *Point at a part of the fog.*

Michael : Let's go there! It's my, I got a bit lost in this fog!

Lion : Follow the fat guy!

Dylan : *Follows the huge crotch!* That is better to follow!! *Smiles interested…*

Michael : *Follows!* You are amazing, kind lion!

Lion : I just help the truth to blow out!!! *Happy purrs!*

Dylan : Me, there would be something I would love to blow… *Interested!*

Michael : You mean his cock?

Dylan : Yeah I find it amazingly big!

Lion : *Blushes shy!*

Dylan : What is your name?

Lion : Morgan! Big lusty guy! I wonder how much lusty you are…

Michael : Nice name!

Dylan : Cute! *Purrs and smile!* You love, sex? *Wondering!!*

Morgan : Look at me and think again! *Shows angel aura!!*

©ProjectChained 37 Dylan : Ohhhh how unlucky… Such huge crotch and no sex at all?!

Morgan : Why no sex?

Dylan : You are an angel, you dislike it? *Sad!*

Morgan : Naaahh! I love sex! If you want to know about sex, look lower! *Interested!*

Dylan : *Looks!*

Morgan : *Cock slowly grows becoming erect…* *Behaves innocent!*

Dylan : *Hug that fat guy!!* Lucky you! *Interested!*

Morgan : Really? In what except meeting you both?

Dylan : May we have … some fun? *Shy!*

Morgan : Sure! Which kind?

Dylan : Hmmm… *Rub! Rub!* *Wishes to stuff him big!*

Morgan : Hmm? *Gurgles from fat belly!!*

Dylan : You wish I stuff you up huge??

Morgan : Yeah! I feel hungry!

Dylan : Let me prepare meal… *Rubs crotch and balls which are growing bigger slowly!*

Morgan : *Moans!* Sure!

©ProjectChained 38 Dylan : Then… *Lifts his gut and begins to suck his cock…* If you love cum! *Balls now grow on ground behind Morgan!* *Suck! Suck!*

Morgan : *Sucks yours and you feel he does very good!*

Dylan : *Balls grows and now make a very soft pillow filling up with cum bigger and bigger!!* Be careful, soon you'll grow huge!!!

Morgan : You too! *Suck! Suck! Suck!*

Dylan : Impress me!!! *Sucks him deeply!*

Morgan : Sure! *Sucks so good that you feel unable to resist!*

Dylan : *Cums strongly and sucks a lot!*

Morgan : *His cock swells, locking your mouth and shoots a huge stream of cum that seems to be endless…* *Love-dazed!*

Dylan : *Inflates feeling amazed and ecstatic, in love, cums stronger stream!*

Morgan : *Gulps and inflates too, you feel his huge body pushes you!*

Dylan : *Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!* *Tight from being pushed from him!*

©ProjectChained 39 Morgan : *Gulps happily looking like a fat balloon!!!*

Dylan : *Gives cum still and gulp on my side more, feeling my belly strongly inflating from it and ballooning up bigger.*

Morgan : *Gives even more cum from feeling your huge belly pushing him!*

Dylan : *Has to give up, too tight and falls on side and we are now in front of Michael like amazing balloons!*

Morgan : *Feeling tight…* Ohhh!!! *BUUAAAARRRP!!!*

Dylan : *Huge as Morgan!* I feel huge!! *Hugs Morgan!!*

Morgan : Yeah, I feel that too! *Very happy…*

Dylan : *Hugs and blushes purring at him!* For an… Angel… You make huge loads!

Morgan : You got huge loads too!

Dylan : But I’m a lusty tiger you messy angel! Then why not rest here? I feel sleepy! And Michael can sleep between us as our fat will keep him warm!

Morgan : And I’m a lusty lion if I remember well!

Dylan : You got me haha! Another lusty friend! *Grows slowly as cum is now fizzy inside!*

Michael : *Sleeps on your belly!*

©ProjectChained 40 We Are Not Alone Chapter 7 The Sun Will Wake For Us

Dylan : *Wakes up!*

Morgan : *Fight with a military guy!!* Grr… You won't EVEN TOUCH THEM!!! *Gives a big claw attacks!!!*

Michael : *Wakes up!* Oh!! FUCK! *Takes out his pistol and shoots militaries one by one. They fall on ground but no holes in them from shots!*

Dylan : Morgan! You have serious wounds!!

Michael : Let me see!

Morgan : *It is a dark violet bullet…. Looking to be ready to leak something if its moved!*

Michael : What's that bullet? Should I cut it out or just pull?

©ProjectChained 41 Dylan : *Tries to think and read book about bullets types to find it …*

Michael : Bullet? Nope. Just skin near bullet hole!

Dylan : Oh no… You see a number on the bullet? *Know Michael is infected but his blueberrification will need some more time to declare itself…*

Morgan : I didn't count, you know?

Dylan : I think the infection begins… Look Michael!! His left cheek!!

Michael : Then I can just pull bullet out, right?

Dylan : You touched Morgan’s infected skin! But it seem to have bigger delay with you! Avoid becoming infected as much as possible! Keep away from rubbing it!

Michael : I'm infected already so why care? He needs help right now! *Pulls bullet out with claws and softly squeeze out violet thing that was in wound* *Heals wound!*

Dylan : How is going his infection? *See Morgan is turning violet!*

Michael : Skin color changes and body looks bit bloated!

Dylan : Oh my… And I cannot touch to analyze him!!! How to do…

©ProjectChained 42 Michael : Just tell me what to do!

Dylan : …. I don't know!! *See Michael is slowly turning violet too!!*

Michael : What you need to analyze?

Dylan : The composition of this venom! To search plants needed to make an antidote!!

Michael : Ah just that? It isn't so hard!

Dylan : You are… Turning violet… *Fear you end exploding like vulgar blueberry!* No! I cannot let that happen!!

Michael : *Looks bit aggressive!* *Takes bullet and munches it and… Writes fully formulas of components on ground!*

Dylan : But it is… The whole formulas!!!

Michael : *Eyes turns violet and you see muscles are growing, claws too!* *Breathes heavily holding anger!* *Writes on ground : Hard to hold myself, I feel enraged and can't talk…*

Dylan : Michael… I … *Wishes to hug you!*

Michael : Grrr!!! *Writes on ground: Go make antidote! I don't know how long I can keep anger locked!*

©ProjectChained 43 Dylan : *Runs in the forest to find plants…*

Morgan : *Rubs his belly… Feeling big pain.*

Michael : Grr! Grr! *Wants to help, but cannot…*

Dylan : *Finds up most of the plants and takes the ones needed…* *But need a way to know if the mix will work…*

Michael : *Stays on ground putting claws deep in it, violet thing drops from fangs like a snake poison…*

Dylan : *Finished mix…*

Morgan : *His moobs drops juice… His navel too…*

Michael : *Looks completely mad but still doesn't move… *

Dylan : *Made it a cream…*


Dylan : *Runs and apply the cream on both Michael's and Morgan's body!!!*

Michael : *Finally fall asleep softly to rest a bit, inflating very fast until he release all with greasy farts!*

Dylan : *Looks then at Morgan…*

Morgan : *Slowly all blue color migrates to belly bloating it up to extreme size then belly deflated and turn back to

©ProjectChained 44 normal color, just looking bigger from new fat accumulated here!*

Dylan : Hopefully I’m safe!

Michael : Ohh!! *Scared!* *Looks at your foot.*

Dylan : What? *Wondering*

Michael : You are standing on that violet thing!!

Dylan : Violet thing?

Michael : Yeah, that leaked from my fangs when I was affected by infection!

Dylan : *And it is very effective on me, as my body color is changing very fast!!*

Michael : *Looks at can with antidote cream and sees there is too few to cover your body!!* Fuckk!

Dylan : *Gurgle…. Glub! Glub! Glub!* *Sloshing…* I’m growing…Big…. *Closed mouth and we can hear mixed hiss and gurgles inside!!*

Michael : *Fearing a lot and then think…* *Laugh!!* *Takes cream and applies it to your cock as lubricant!* *Faps you gently…*

Dylan : *Moaans!!!*

Michael : *Applies it again and again as your cock

©ProjectChained 45 absorbs cream quickly!!*

Dylan : *Slowly get huge enough to not see Michael!!* *And then cums out slowly all the stuff…*

Michael : *Sees your cock and balls stretch to monstrous size, creak and shoot it far…. And shrink back but not fully, leaving you with huger cock and balls, without blue color on skin!!*

Dylan : Whoa I got even bigger dick!! I love that day! Don't you? *Joyful.*

Michael : We all changed a bit today! I hope it won’t have bad size effect!

©ProjectChained 46 We Are Not Alone Chapter 8 Let's Call It A Level Up Would We?

Dylan : Changed a bit in which way cutie? *Rubs Michael slowly as he is thinking of his answer…*

Michael : I feel a bit more muscled… And I think my fangs are venomous now! *Proud of it displaying to us his fangs by opening his mouth!*

Dylan : How could we test it? *Shows arm ready to be bitten!*

Michael : You wish I bite you? *Doesn't think it is a very good idea, because we didn't estimated yet the strength his poisonous fangs may contain!*

Dylan : What? It isn't mortal… No?

Michael : It can be painful for you! I mean bite itself!

©ProjectChained 47 Dylan : And you Morgan, do you feel you have evolved in any way? *Purrs at him expecting something as nice as Michael, and sure it will be very interesting to know!*

Morgan : I don't know… *Rubs belly that has considerably grown muscles under that thick layer of fat, giving him a ball gut now!*

Dylan : So your size has increased! Hmmm… Lucky you *Very joyful!* And me? *Looks at them expecting anything moved… Even a bit!* So? *Very impatient like a child waiting for its ice cream!*

Morgan : *Looks at Michael not knowing how to tell Dylan the truth…*

Michael : Hmmm… Nothing much! *Sweating a very bit from deceiving reaction it will create in Dylan…*

Dylan : What?? You both got a level up and not me?? … *Look at experiences bars… Michael reached Level 6 … Morgan reached Level 5 … Dylan is only at Level 3!*

Michael : Huh? Experience bar? That might be hallucination post-effect of that blueberry shit! *Laugh a bit embarrassed from thought it could be true those experience bars!!*

Dylan : Then why I had nothing yet? *Wondering a bit bored.*

©ProjectChained 48 Michael : You inflated last, right? So maybe you will get something later?

Dylan : Oh, I wonder what it will be! *Very deceived to not be able have it at the same time as you both…*

Michael : Hey, no need to be sad! Most important is that we are alive! *Smiles and kisses Dylan softly!*

Dylan : I just thought there is a noise missing… *Imitate lifepod noise!!* This thing… Have we lost it or what?

Michael : *Looks around until he finds the river!!* Ahh!! Fuck! River carried it away!! *Shocked!!!*

Morgan : Huh??? No more food? *Belly grumbles very anger at such announcement!!*

Dylan : My stuff!! *Bored but don't really care…*

Morgan : Okay!! *Runs faster than before, impressively fast for someone with such a huge fatty belly!*

Dylan : Sure!! *Runs as fast as I can, but I’m the slowest of us three!*

Michael : *Hugs you and flies…* Tigers swim well, right?

Dylan : Yup!

Michael : Then best way will be to drop you near lifepod to let you push it!

©ProjectChained 49 Dylan : With the small strength I have?

Michael : Yep! You won't need much strength to push it on water!

Dylan : Okay! *Ready!!* *Purr!!*

Michael : *Drops you near lifepod, from just a meter, water is warm today, some fish swims scared when you reach water!*

Dylan : *Pushes lifepod to soil, does it as strongly as possible in hope to make it*

Morgan : *Runs there tired!*

Michael : You can make it Dylan! You are a strong tiger!

Dylan : *Pushes for long minutes and reaches earth safely with the Lifepod!*

Michael : *Helps you to get out of water and after that ties lifepod to a tree!* Have some rest cutie, and you too Morgan! Cats are strong but can get tired easily!

Morgan : *Roaar!* I am a Lion! *Hugs…* Dylan need rest again? Then hug my belly and sleep! *Thinks it will have it's importance!*

Dylan : Okay! *Blushes from being invited to the arms of that massive guy, a real teddy!! I hug him and sleeps softly at his sides!*

©ProjectChained 50 Morgan : *He is awoke, and his belly is transmitting me energy and nutriment to recover faster, decreasing a bit in size!* *Mind : Very useful!!*

Michael : Do as you like big cats! *Winks at them both!* I will get some food for you and then guard you while you rest! *Very happy!!*

Morgan : Okay! *Mind : Rest Dylan! You need it… It is very good what you have accomplished today!*

Michael : *Gets some food for you both, enough to fill up bellies but not too tight!* Eat and enjoy rest! *Goes to look around wondering about the environment we are living in…*

Morgan : *See I sleep, enjoying his part of food, growing a nicely well fed pot belly!* Hehe! *Purrs and begins to sleep too, he circles Dylan in a very protective way to be sure no one can access him without waking that big lion first!*

Michael : *Mind : They both need me… Isn't it weird that lone guy from other planet is needed by so kind guys?*

Mysterious Demon : You found friends? How beautiful… A fatty and a girl!

Michael : Huh? *Innocent…*

Mysterious Demon : You perfectly know where I come

©ProjectChained 51 from, and why you exiled from that galaxy… You use them as a defense against us? Pity wall to break like their heart to squeeze out of all their flesh and blood!

Michael : What? Wasn't your world locked after the war?

Mysterious Demon : Us, locked? We can find any head and make them end on a spike, I could defeat you three with my team within seconds… So, you should watch their back… Some unfortunate events may happen to them! *Smiles using a psycho grin!!*

Michael : Grr! Watch your words!

Mysterious Demon : Do as you like, big kitten! *Winks at Michael very sarcastically!* And don't forget, we are around… So don't play smart pants! *Disappears…*

Michael : Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck! FUCKING FUCK!

Dylan : *Sleeps well!*

Mysterious Demon : *Mind : His favorite! I shouldn't take away his life… Only kidnap him or inflict extreme damage! And for the fat cat… Other guys will care of that ugly mass of fat!*

Michael : *Returns to you!* We got a huuuuge fucking shit on our heads!

Dylan : Really? I thought it was only a sunny day! *Bit

©ProjectChained 52 stupid on that answer!*

Morgan : *Wakes up and rubs his bloated belly happily!* *Purr!!*

Michael : Let's go back to the lifepod! I will explain later!

Dylan : Okay! *Clueless!*

Morgan : Sure! *Follows and we all enter inside it, closing the door!*

Michael : *Closes door…* I see much more dangerous guys than soldiers! He may be responsible for many problems on this planet!

Dylan : Whom?

Morgan : Oh no!! We forgotten outside the food part of Dylan! *Brr!*

Michael : Why care? We have food here too! That guy… He is shame of our race! I thought he was locked with other bad guys! Grrr!!!

Dylan : In what he is dangerous?

Mysterious Demon : In that! *Bite… And disappear far away from here… Michael doesn't feel anymore his presence one thousand kilometers around…*

Dylan : *Eyes shows my feelings… I feel something that

©ProjectChained 53 isn't blood that was injected in me!*

Michael : *Hugs you!*

Dylan : *See it is a black poison… I feel now extremely weak, unable to talk, see, walk or hear well… All vital function has been damaged! I don't feel my legs supporting my weight… This poison isn't lethal… Only extremely weakening the one poisoned… It is a forbidden spell of category four … I feel it running in my whole body… Contaminating my blood!*

Michael : *Gives you energy not letting poison damage you too much!*

Morgan : I know how to do!

Michael : Really?

Morgan : His blood and that poison shit surely haven't got the same density! Using my transmission power… I may create blood that would force poison out… But it will be very painful… And I don't see any other way to make it… For density what is making me sure it’s this, is that to have such body weakening that black fluid must be very poor fluid that impoverish his!

Michael : Then do it! I will help him by sharing his pain!

Morgan : *Begins the transmission concentrating as there are multiple lobby to make them join as only one! Also

©ProjectChained 54 not adding too much blood or it will damage his veins! And if I don't do it fast enough! His veins and organ will be damaged severely…* *Begins the transmission…*

Dylan : *Feels vision fades fully!!* *Mind : That is how it does feel to be almost dead? … What a pitiful tiger I made… Always weaker than the others! Maybe I am weak! But I will be ready to face my end the day it will come!*

Michael : *Shares your pain taking seventy five percents of it!* Shh! You won't die!

Dylan : *Mind : I love this voice! I feel it had an effect on my brain! I don't even remember my name!*

Morgan : *Belly is gurgling from all the energy used!* *Destroyed most lobbies or thrown them out! But there is one left at heart!* *Care very carefully to take it away!*

Michael : *Kisses you!*

Dylan : *Feels… Vision returns back!! I see Michael who is kissing me, crying in high fear!*

Morgan : *Pants loudly on knees!!* Done!!

Michael : How do you feel Dylan?

Dylan : *Breathe loudly!* Good… *Hasn't recovered fully voice yet!*

©ProjectChained 55 Morgan : I feel helpful! *Panting!*

Michael : How did you know about healing that poison?

Morgan : I study biology! And I love to create antidote!

Michael : I mean… You ever met such poison before?

Morgan : No, but I learned how to heal, recognize, create and kill them!

Dylan : *Sleeps on ground wound open…*

Michael : *Heals your wound!*

Dylan : *Sleeps recovering from that shitty afternoon slowly…* *Brrrr!!* *This metallic ground isn't warm… And not comfortable!*

Michael : *Carries you to a warm bed, placing you in blanket!* Hope you will rest well! *Kiss…*

Morgan : He needs some heat? *Thoughtful!* We could sleep at each of his sides! He will love to have muscle and fat surrounding him! Even if he sadly not met his level up yet…

Michael : He is exhausted so, why not!! Yep! He needs heat tonight!

Morgan : Why not feed me before it? He would rest with you on an another warm bed… My fat balloon belly!

©ProjectChained 56 *Almost laughing!*

Michael : Which kind of food you prefer?

Morgan : Any! But preference is for very rich food! Or else I will just engulf everything you’ve just got!

Michael : What do you mean by rich food? Rich by calories or by vitamins and minerals?

Morgan : When we look at me I think the answer isn't very difficult to find? *Crosses his arms leaving them on belly so big and round it is!*

Michael : Both?

Morgan : Yes! To mix good health and rapid growth!

Michael : And about taste? Which taste you like? *Enjoys to know it!*

Morgan : I like food that produce lots of gas inside!!! *Very happy to tell it!*

Michael : *Opens door of lifepod!* Okay! Hope you won't fart too much! *Laughs!!*

Morgan : Now, do you have an idea of what to feed me with?

Michael : Meat with beans and veggies!

Morgan : A full pot of five kilos then!! *Rubs belly!* … Or

©ProjectChained 57 maybe two pots!

Michael : Sure! *Cooks four pots!*

Morgan : I smell some food! Nice! *Hands rest on belly!!* *Loud purrs!!!*

Michael : *Carries four pots to him!* Eat well!

Morgan : *Eats fast the pots… Amazes Michael by the pace of eating from pot to mouth and from mouth to belly slowly growing it bigger, over his already big fat layers!*

Michael : You are a bigger eater than I expected! *Blushes happily!*

Morgan : I love food!! *Purrs!* You cook so nicely well!! Already no food left?? *Looks in pots!*

Michael : You eaten it all!

Morgan : Oh! twenty kilos was a bit light dinner for today!

Michael : Really? Why didn't you requested more?

Morgan : Because I love food till bursting! *Purr!!!*

Michael : Then twenty more kilos?

Morgan : Yep! But how to make Dylan enjoy it? He is alone in blanket! *Finds it sad!*

©ProjectChained 58 Michael : It will be! *Cooks twenty more kilos*

Morgan : Oh my, I will be fuckin huge!

Michael : Yep! *Smiles!*

Morgan : *Shy!* You think… Dylan would like me bigger? I mean… Could he love me? *Wish to grow safely to something like… What he calls in his world sumo wrestlers!*

Michael : Yep! He likes big balloons!

Morgan : Would you help me… To seduce him?

Michael : I think it won't be hard! *Looks at that big balloon of fat!*

Morgan : *Finished eating, and belly is now to anyone common abnormally huge! But to him simply done for lunch time!* It was tasty!!! *Laughs!!* Won't it be hard? Why he would love a fatty? Why not you?

Michael : *Carries you and lays you softly on this huge belly gurgling softly!* I think he can love us both! *Trusts it!*

Dylan : *Purrs having big bulge from it!!*

Morgan : You think he would love someone… Like me?

Dylan : *Faps while sleeping from how nice that belly

©ProjectChained 59 feels against his fur.*

Michael : Yes! Don't worry about it! And I think he likes your belly! Look, he faps!

Morgan : I am too big to look there but I trust you fully! *Purrs and noise in belly are stronger pitched than before!*

Michael : But you can feel he moves fapping?

Morgan : If it is the case… He has a very strong move! I feel he moves a lot… And his breathing intensifies!

Dylan : *Moans and then cums thick load by thick load covering most of Morgan's belly!* *Sleeps deeper and happy!!*

Michael : Cum I hope you do see it? *Winks!*

Morgan : I feel it! And saw it! *Gulped some!* Very tasty!!

Michael : Nice! Should I wipe the rest of cum?

Morgan : Hehe, he surely likes it! So we will need to find a river to clean my fur tonight when we all be awoke! *Grows extremely huge!*

Michael : Hey, you can crush him soon if you keep growing!

©ProjectChained 60 Morgan : What?? Who has put bloating stuff in my meal? *Laughs!*

Michael : Bloating stuff? It must be beans that make you gassy!

Morgan : Hehe! Why not sleep all together now then?

Michael : Okay! *Starts fan in case of farts so we will breathe even if lots of them escapes through the sleeping time today…*

Morgan : *Sleeping happily covered of fresh cum!*

Michael : *Sleeps on floor near you both…* *Very happy of how things are turning out!!*

©ProjectChained 61 We Are Not Alone Chapter 9 The Lust Challenge Day

Morgan : *Wake all deflated… Michael is near Dylan, I get up and poke Michael*

Michael : Mm? *Open one eye*

Morgan : Err… He is sleeping still? Why not prepare him a little prank?

Michael : Okay! Which kind?

Morgan : Funny! He didn't got his level up still?

Michael : Hmm… I think you are right… weird, no?

Morgan : Maybe it has stronger effect? … But his level is lower… It is very weird indeed!

Michael :Maybe he has very powerful class so he needs more experience to gain levels but has additional powers?

©ProjectChained 62 Morgan : Look at his stats… What is he?

Michael : *Pokes stats button!*

Little Gloved Hand : Your friendly ally! Here to help! Dylan stats then… *Opens screen!*

Michael : Hmmm… Turning good by lust? *Shocked!* What a weird power!

Morgan : Then… He is evil???

Michael : *Pokes description and reads…* Ah, nope! *Laughs!* He can turn up evil person on a maximum constitution of seventy five percents of evil type back to good by using lust! *Proud of it!*

Morgan : Nice!! But this power is level how much?

Michael : It has… No level, meaning it can turn good anyone, even nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine level guy!

Morgan : Whoaaa!!! He may turn almost everyone good??!… But to reach it level three is very low… He require which level?

Michael : Level five to open it!

Morgan : Just two then! He is how much away from it?

Michael : Hmmm… He is only a few experience away

©ProjectChained 63 from level four.

Morgan : How unlucky! … How to help him? I just thought… His powers are lust orientated… Right? So if logical, his experience can come from both monsters and his lusty actions!

Michael : Yep! And also he has other bonuses to unlock!

Morgan : Why not prepare him a lust challenging day?

Michael : Sounds nice! But how to? I'm not very experienced in lust! *A bit embarrassed from his lack of knowledge on that.*

Dylan : *Sleeps very deeply!!*

Morgan : He seems to love sleeping… We have something like ten hours in front of us! We need to find Ultra Aphrodisiac Fruits… ten condoms! One huge hunk! And one hundred liters of natural cum from a mountain source!

Michael : Where to find all that? *Think it is impossible!*

Morgan : In… Err… *Tilt!!* A supermarket!!

Michael : Nice! You have money?

Morgan : Yup! But we need a hunk! Not a prostitute! You should stay! Because you are researched in the whole world! Me I will go there and care of the shopping…

©ProjectChained 64 Okay?

Michael : Yeah, I should stay because that bad guy can appear again…

Morgan : *Hugs!* I try to return soon! *He walks and his jiggly belly and ass makes him kinda erotic…And he goes out slowly outside… And walk to the supermarket slowly as well…*

Mysterious Demon : It won't be good anyway! *Laughs and hides!*

Morgan : *Enters in the supermarket… And his jiggling fat make all fat admirers amazed…*

Hunk : *Picks some food to buy*

Morgan : *Walks sexily to the condom selling part of supermarket and as he thinks he obtained attention of the hunks, he gulps air to give to his belly a bigger look, even more swollen up!!!*

Hunk : *Makes big rations to eat!*

Morgan : *Walks to him!* Excuse me… I do… Erm… Search the… *Almost whispering…* Con...dom part… *Very shy!*

Hunk : Ah, those! They are near exit as usual! *Proudly smiles!*

©ProjectChained 65 Morgan : Okay! *Goes there… And take a pocket of 20, also gulping enormous quantity of air to grow very huge, as he return back to thank the guy… His belly is so extremely inflated that it is poking hunk's crotch when he returns to his initial position!* Thanks for the help! *His belly wobbles almost looking naturally big sized! And it is so enormous that it would make surely all the feeder lover incredibly happy!* But where are the cum barrels?

Hunk : I don't know! *Blushing somewhat lusty from the view of that nice guy!*

Morgan : Oh! I'm stupid it's there! Very sorry! *Goes there happily… Take with all his strength on his belly like a trolley the heavy one hundred liters bottle of natural cum source and does gulp abnormal quantity of air that gives him an even more impressive and almost scary belly size!! So big and amazing, so tight! Every buttons on his shirt are creaking as they are pushed to their limits from supporting this massive guy!* *Returns back to the guy!!* Very sorry! But do you know where I may find ultra aphrodisiac fruits? *His belly looks now packed tight… And what is exciting is that it handles one hundred kilos bottle easily over his overwhelming huge balloon!!!*

Hunk : You are so big!!

©ProjectChained 66 Morgan : Really? *Very happy to know his plan is working as he planned it!* If you wish… We can make our shopping together? *Innocently look at him and acts…* *Mind : In the pocket!!* *Feeling proud* *He observes that tall man with his tanned skin, very good proportion are fitting him as his pecs and biceps are the one of a thick bodybuilder… His legs let us know he likes Jogging, tennis and biking… His pot belly let us know he like parties with lots of beer where he surely try to be the one outgoing the others when it comes to eat big quantities of food! And his adorable face is giving us an impression of an angel… While Morgan can smell a nasty guy sleeps inside!* *Big bulge under his buttoned shirt!!*

Hunk : Why are you staring at me like that? *Suspecting something!*

Morgan : Oh… I didn't meant to… Make you anger… *Very sorry!!*

Hunk : It's okay! Just I wonder a bit… What's in your head?

Morgan : Lust… *Fear it is the wrong answer*

Hunk : In a good or bad way? I know it sounds ridiculous but anyway can you tell me?

Morgan : Is there a bad way? I find you hot… *Gulps

©ProjectChained 67 more air in a lusty rushed feeling!!*

Hunk : Yeah, there is a bad way… You seen news? Maniac is in city… I find you hot too, but…. I'm scared a bitching!

Morgan : Maniac? Which Maniac?

Hunk : The one who has fun first then burst guys by knife!

Morgan : What the?! How is he looking like?

Mysterious Demon : *Look at us hidden on a corner!*

Hunk : Who knows? Burst guys are in hospital and cannot tell anything yet…

Morgan : Me I took all that for a friend… To organize him a very lusty day challenge… But if you fear me… I should go away then? *Sad… And sorry not wishing to make him feel uncomfortable!*

Mysterious Demon : *Morphs into hunky guy!* Yeah, leave this ugly guy for me!

Hunk : Who are you? *Puzzled…*

Mysterious Demon : The one who will fill what the friend of that guy wished?

Morgan : *Remember what did told Michael about him!

©ProjectChained 68 And so he thinks very fast of a strategy* He was stalking me in most of my shopping time! *Cries!!*

Hunk : Huh? That guy stalked you? Then better I will go with you!

Morgan : Yes! Even in supermarket it isn't secure today! You should feel shame to spy for lust people like that! *Goes away with Hunk, taking Fruits and pays all in cash desk zones!* *Finally go out with him!* What is your name…? And thanks for helping me…

Vladimir : Vladimir! And yours? You look big and strong! And bit disliking rules! *Winks!*

Morgan : Morgan! … And what makes you think so?

Vladimir : Your pants, you didn't zipped them and your clothes are done for inflations!

Morgan : Yep! … I love inflating! And rules are boring! And how do you even wish I zip them? I am so freakin huge that I’m proud of my shirt… Normally it isn't designed to support my current size… Me I should wear around three meters sized and more!

Vladimir : Whoa!! That's great size! Don't you risk to burst getting that huge?

Morgan : Look at me… *And begins to gulp air fast! Straining even more than possible the buttons of his

©ProjectChained 69 bright colored shirt!*

Vladimir : Whoa!!! You are fucking huge!

Morgan : You are handsome *Purrs slowly!* … *Walks with him!* My friend is a lusty tiger! Now we are in a forest to join lifepod why not show me which animal you are?

Vladimir : *Purrr!!!*

Morgan : Come here big kitten… You wish to have fun with big tiger? Enter lifepod and you'll see him!

Vladimir : Yep! *Smiles and sneaks in!*

Dylan : *Sleeps softly…*

Michael : *Bows!* Hi!

Morgan : *Falls in entrance… too big ass stuck first!*

Vladimir : HE IS GONNA FART!!!! *Fear!*

Dylan : Who the f…

Morgan : *Farts loudly for long minutes and fall in!!* Hi *Bottle on ground… Fruits are freaking juicy and condoms are here, all is ready!*

Michael : *Cough cough!!!* Morgan, could you do it outside?

Morgan : Very sorry! Hehe… I fell ass first!

©ProjectChained 70 Vladimir : So what do we have here? … A big day for a cute tiger?

Dylan : *Purrs lusty.* Who is he?

Vladimir : I'm Vladimir! Nice to meet you big tiger!

Dylan : I'm Dylan! *And before even being able to complain about lack of power up!*

Morgan : And we prepared for you a big day!! … You will get two level up for sure!

Dylan : Really? *Love-dazed!!*

Vladimir : Why not? *Tickles your cock…*

Dylan : *Huge bulge!* *Purrs happily!* And what I have to do with the fruits… the bottle, the condoms and Vlad?

Vladimir : Eat fruits and drink cum? Then burst condoms with cum?

Dylan : How nice!!! I WILL MAKE IT for YOU ALL BIG HANDSOME HUNKS!! *Begins by the fruits! Gulping one then another and going on! I feel warm inside and lust make that cock pulsing! Enjoying it, I keep it up until the last fruit! Then jump on condoms to burst them one by one, beginning by first one I fap with it fast!*

Vladimir : *Rubs your balls!* They seem… To grow?

©ProjectChained 71 Dylan : Yep!! Hmmm!! *Cummmmms!!!* *Vladimir looks at the filling condom!!*

Morgan : Have fun, I took size eight! *It is done for inflaters who have more likely messy loads!*

Vladimir : What? *Amazed… As he never seen anyone filling condoms so huge and fast!* How is it even possible? *Very happy and enjoying the process!!!*

Dylan : I’m a lusty tiger!! *Fills it up as it grows slowly bigger and bigger… The plastic seems very resistant … So it is very far from explosion!*

Vladimir : Whoa!! Is there a lake of cum inside you?

Dylan : Yeah!! And surely a lot more!! *Fills up condom so much that I may fuck it now, getting up and does so to grow it even huger!!*

Vladimir : Fuck! *Leaks pre!* Never a guy impressed me so much!!

Dylan : Still… Not popping!! *Fucks it harder and hugs it as if it was a guy he was filling up!* *Condom now reached so huge size that everyone wonder if it was a good idea to do it inside! But they all are locked on the other side of it! Only Vladimir is near me!*

Vladimir : It I think it's getting out of lifepod already!!

©ProjectChained 72 Michael : *Look at Dylan!* We are there too… Go cutie!

Morgan : *Think something is wrong! And look on box… He runs near Michael to show him his error!!*

Michael : Size eighteen? What means this size?

Morgan : It can take more cum than a whole blimp!! And expand around… *Cough!!!* two hundred meters…

Michael : Really? That will be a huge splat of cum!!!

*Condom creaks… Stretching slowly to it's very limits and crackles begin to form all over plastic as it is straining too much!!*

*From the outside… Condom is tickling the tree… And some have spines!*

Dylan : *Cums vigorously!!* *KABLOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPSSHHHHHHHH!!!!* *Breathes loudly!* Did I won something? *Purr as everyone is fully covered of cum!*

Michael : Yeah! I think you are first tiger that filled so huge condom till explosion!

Dylan : Why is Vladimir shaking so much his tail looking like hypnotized?

Morgan : *Look and very joyfully observe that Dylan is three experience points away from level five!*

©ProjectChained 73 Vladimir : *PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRR!!!* *Fully loving it!!*

Dylan : He seeks for something! You got an idea of what he may search?

Vladimir : Guys, if you know healing spell, I would love to purrrst from such cum flow!!

Morgan : Michael… Do you know any?

Michael : Yeah, it is only for belly burst, but I think it will be enough!

Dylan : Lets have fun then!!

Vladimir : *Kisses you!!*

Dylan : You wish me so much?

Vladimir : Yeah! *Blushes with lusty intentions!!!*

Dylan : *Rubs Vladimir's furry abs…* You wish how much cum there? *Takes off hands to show proportion of a round massively over inflated belly!* Like this?

Vladimir : And to thooose far trees! *Points trees far!!*

Dylan : As big as a Size eighteen condom??! But… You are too small for it!!

Vladimir : I know! But I will burst happily! *Purrrs!!*

Dylan : You it is a water inflation what you would like!

©ProjectChained 74 *Kiss!* Because cum without stop would be boring as you don't see me! Nahhh, I joke! Take off these pants! *Very lusty and interested!!!*

Vladimir : I will feel you fuck me! *Truly loving it and takes off pants very fast* *Purring a lot!!!*

Dylan : *Rubs that round butt…* … Lucky guy! *Kiss behind neck as I begin to fap to prepare penetration… With my average sized cock I enter then slowly…*

Vladimir : *PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!* *Blushes!*

Dylan : *Balls grows and as I fuck him, they bounce and pat the legs of Vladimir…*

Vladimir : *Moans and purrs!*

Dylan : *Balls growls huge and beginning to creak!* Its gonna blow! All this into your belly!!

Vladimir : Fill me, big guy!

Dylan : *And I begin to cum… He feels at first it is like a shower hose on fastest setting for an enema! Then the flow intensifies!*

Vladimir : *Moans feeling your cock grows huger in his ass!!*

Dylan : *Locking the exit from growing in girth…. Now all goes in… Slowly flowing in every possible part of his

©ProjectChained 75 belly! It balloons out fast, for some at an alarming rate, for us it flows nicely well into a balloon that want to burst!*

Vladimir : *Moans feeling hot cum stretching him bigger and bigger!!*

Dylan : *Purrs as he feels his cum flow increased again! Barrels of it pumping into that cat each seconds…* You love that?! You are far from being done with it! *Vladimir's belly already three foot larger and bigger and it isn't showing any discomfort signs yet!*

Vladimir : *Purr!!* More!! Make me huge or make me burst!!!

Dylan : *Rubs the sides of Vladimir… And feeling very hot from how big it has filled already, my cum flow is still increasing! Now each seconds is like enduring an air compressor… But it seems to be a great pleasurable time for Vladimir!!*

Morgan : *Has a crush for Vladimir!!!*

Vladimir : *Feels like over-inflated balloon ready to burst any second!!* *Cums again and again feeling fully ecstatic and elated…*

Morgan : *Gets in front of that massive cum bomb… And hugs it strongly, which makes it waves a lot! He gives

©ProjectChained 76 then an ear on belly to know how feels the sea of cum by noise inside!*

Vladimir : So huge! More! Make me fuckin’ giant!!

Morgan : *Hears in that massive over inflated balloon a building sea!! But something else… Like a storm noise!!*

Vladimir : *Hundreds of crackles form on the whole belly moaning in intense lust!!*

Morgan : *Rubs and press it strongly!!* Come on!! Burst!!! Burst AT ME!!!

Dylan : YEAAHHH READY OR NOT HERE IT CUMS!! *Cums even stronger flow!!!*

Vladimir : OHHHH!!! *Moans ecstatically still cumming non stop!* *KRRRRRRRRRR KABLAAAAAAAAAASSSSST!!!*

Dylan : *Moans loudly done with his cum!!*

Morgan : *Felt all that giving up belly gave him his biggest ever cum shower!*

Dylan : *Glows Twice!* Huh?? Two level up?

Michael : Let's see! *Pokes stats button!*

Morgan : *Loves Vladimir and heals him!* *Purrs loudly and hugs him softly…* Pop me!!!

©ProjectChained 77 Dylan : It seems yes! And… Did I finally obtained anything?

Michael : *Pokes reward button!* Catasstrophy!!

Dylan : What? *Scared!*

Michael : Cat. Ass. Trophy.

Dylan : Nope! *Serious…*

Michael : Look! *Shows cat ass trophy! It is gold and looks like cat ass!*

Dylan : Ewww…

Michael : Cat bloat trophy is cuter! *Laugh softly!*

Dylan : Wait… It is a hunky cat ass… But what else I got?? No power still?? *Sad…*

Michael : Hmmm… I think your cock wasn't that big this morning?

Dylan : *Looks at it, and decides to put on a sport wear!* It is so visible ? *We only see that!*

Michael : Yeah, it is bigger! And… Hmm! You reached level five, which means new power for you!

Dylan : What is it? *Purrs and smiles!*

Michael : You can turn any bad guy which is seventy five percents or less evil to become good using your lust!!

©ProjectChained 78 Dylan : I know I could become useful someday!! I wonder now… What are doing Vladimir and Morgan?

Michael : Preparing something good for you?

Dylan : Surely! Why not ask them?

Michael : *Nods and ties you.* You’ll enjoy it very soon!

Morgan : *Fills up an another condom!* Vlad … Keep it up!! We will make him a big drink!!

Vladimir : Ahhh!!! Never I cummed that much before!!!

Michael : You tell me when you got enough for him?

Morgan : It's never enough! *Joyful he eats a lot to get huger and cum more!!!*

Vladimir : *In order to see if it work he stuff himself full of food… And it works as he cums massive loads!* Yay!! It works!!

Michael : I go to take our balloon to fill up!

Dylan : *As Michael return inside taking me out on chair…. In front of me… Two massive condoms that are still blowing up bigger and bigger!!*

Michael : *Feeding you some lust stimulants…* What do you think? Big enough drink for a lusty tiger?

Dylan : *Moans!!!* I wish them both in my belly!! *Purrs!*

©ProjectChained 79 Michael : Then go and chug! *Kisses you and freed you of your links…*

Dylan : *Run at condoms back side!* How? The two big fat handsome guys are still filling it!

Michael : Guys! I think you finished, no? Tiger looks hungry!

Morgan : *Walk back from his, and enjoys to look at the result!* Here tiger! Taste what my round fat belly made for you!

Michael : Gulp lot cutie! Let's see how big you can be!

Dylan : *Begins to suck the condom and press it!!* *Purrs as I love it's taste… Creamy and very fat… As I go I feel cum flows and flies making my belly grow fuller and happier, I rub my belly happily gulping all, feeling no limits!*

Michael : *Gets on your back as you grow on belly!* Cutie, how high can you lift me up? *Kisses forehead and winks happily…*

Dylan : *Gulps faster…Like vacuuming all that is inside!*

(Morgan and Vladimir) Whoa!! *Ties second condom and rubs your growing sides!!*

Morgan : Wait, I got an idea!! *Insert a big tube in both

©ProjectChained 80 Dylan's rear and condom!* Now the tie is good… Let's jump on it to deflate it into Dylan's gut?

Vladimir : Sure! *Unties it, as tube is large enough to fill condom's entrance and so, he climbs with Morgan and start so to jump on it as to get it to deflate into Dylan’s gut!*

Morgan : *Gets on condom…* Feed me!! The heavier I get, the higher pressure is on condom! And the bigger it is, more cum sent into Dylan's belly!

Vladimir : Okay but… Pressure in Dylan can get bigger than in condom!

Morgan : Not if we feed me more than Dylan gulping cum pace! *Purrs wishing to end with two very massive explosions!*

Vladimir : Okay! *Brings food and feeds Morgan!*

Michael : *Knows a way to make it grow faster!* Dylan! Morgan is growing faster!! He wish to outgrow you!!!

Dylan : *Grrr playfully! Competing with him and chugs even faster vacuuming at a fucking fast pace!!!*

Morgan : *Grows an enormous over fed belly slowly…* More food!!!

Vladimir : *Feeds as fast as he can!!*

©ProjectChained 81 Morgan : *Moans and grows bigger than Dylan but enjoys how big both are becoming… Both bellies creaks loudly!*

Dylan : *Gulps cum… Finishing the condom…* Ohhh… My belly… Ohh!! Feeling pressure!!

Michael : *Kisses you, removing small pain you have from over-inflating.*

Morgan : No more… NO more!! *Belly overgrowing… And it happens that he has just observed it too late…*

Dylan : *Becomes overfilled from weight put on Morgan's sides… Condom still filling Dylan’s insides, always bigger and reaching his extreme limits!* Fly Michael!! *Punches my belly for fun that it explodes, it also send back cum to the condom which is wobbling, making then Morgan’s gut unstable!! Explosion made cum fly everywhere!*

Morgan : *From waves created by condom waving… Morgan's belly shakes a lot, ending by giving up too!* OHHHH!!! *KABUUUURRRRRRSSSST!!!*

Michael : *Fly fly!!* *Everything and everyone is covered of cum!* *Laughs loudly!!!*

©ProjectChained 82 We Are Not Alone Chapter 10 Mysterious Demon Problem

Dylan : We are very far from those idiot, we are about to reach a village named… Fermina.

Michael : Nice! Why not have a rest there?

Vladimir : Yeah!! It will be fun! *Smiles happy of what they did all together for now.*

Morgan : I do wonder if there is an all you can eat restaurant around?

Dylan : You're not a kitten! You're a walking belly! A bottomless pit!

Michael : *Laughing thinking the same of him!!*

Mysterious Demon : *Just appearing a second in front of Michael… Showing his disagreement about having a

©ProjectChained 83 “nice” stay here and as a big warning of future problems… Then he disappears!*

Michael : Ohh, that demon fucker again! *Very bored…*

Vladimir : A lusty demon? Where? *Smiles pleasured by that announcement!!*

Michael : Not a lusty one, bad and annoying one… He appears and disappears randomly!

Dylan : How may he even bore us here? We are happily settled!

Michael : I don't know. Let's go?

Dylan : An INN… How much gold do we have?

Michael : Some thousands! *Smiles joyful!*

Morgan : May I use three hundred for eating?

Michael : Sure! I can make more if we need!

Morgan : Then I would need .. Erm… Just a bit more for dessert! Like… Three *COUGH…*sand!

Michael : Sandwiches?

Vladimir : With such a belly… Three thousand is more necessary than three hundred!

Michael : Okay! And others need food too, no?

©ProjectChained 84 Dylan : I am a bit hungry too! Why not visit that little restaurant?

Restaurant Owner : *Opens it!* Come here! You will love my pizzas!

Mysterious Demon : *Opens one too but it looks weird!*

Michael : What a weird name!

Dylan : At the “Bursting Belly” it sounds fun…

Morgan : Let's eat there!

Michael : Yep! Bursting belly sounds better! *Smiles and goes there with you!*

Dylan : Yay!!!

Vladimir : If you think so! *Follows them but feels something wrong…*

Michael : What's wrong?

Vladimir : Nothing… *Think something is wrong…* What will you order?

Michael : What will you like to eat?

Vladimir : The CreamSplosion! And you?

Michael : Gut-Bursting meat meal!

Morgan : One CreamSplosion… One Gut-Bursting Meat

©ProjectChained 85 Meal! One Explod-A-Belly and finally a KaboomCake!

Michael : And you Dylan? *Kisses softly and enjoying it!*

Dylan : I have no idea, I will ask to the chief what he may advise me to try!

Michael : Okay! *Smiles greatly and has a seat with his friends at one big table!!*

Dylan : You would advise me what?

Chief Cook : *Very happy to help me!* Why not a FizzBustAPizza?

Dylan : Good idea!

Chief Cook : Great! I will cook it then, wish some drinks while you wait?

Dylan : Hmmm a BloatySoda!

Chief Cook : Sure! *Brings us a huge glass for each of us!*

Dylan : Yayy!!

Michael : Looks big and fizzy! *Lick his lips hungry!!*

Dylan : I wish to chug some.. May I?

Michael : Sure! Chug as much as you wish from your glass! *Laughs a lot wondering why to ask the permission to drink!*

©ProjectChained 86 Dylan : *Gulps slowly my glass!* *You all hear it is fizzing crazily inside me!* Ohhh I like it! You can hear all that is happening inside… Yep? *Your belly gurgles loudly and part of gas tries to escape as a burp…*

Michael : Who can't? Your belly is loud! *Laughs much!* Then drink more! *Blink!*

Dylan : *Enjoys it and consume my glass like a real bloater! Then belly balloons and a huge burp inside is trying to come out!!*

Michael : You sound extremely gassy!

Dylan : Nah!! *Burrrrrp…*

Michael : Nah? What's that sound then?

Dylan : A burp!

Michael : And that loud gurgling?

Dylan : I am… Just wishing to burp… Not gassy! *Don't wish to admit it!*

Michael : Why be shy? *Kisses you!*

Dylan : Because… *Surprised by that kiss I BURRRRRRRP a part of the gas into you! You feel it isn't a big part of all gas that stretches you out, it travels over whole belly making lots of warm groans and noises!* Hmmmm!!! *Moan and gulps more of it! Not even

©ProjectChained 87 reaching the half of the glass!!*

Michael : Big gassy balloon! You look bloated much! *Wink!!*

Dylan : And I love it!!

Michael : You want to be dangerously big? *Very interested!!*

Dylan : YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!! *Very eager for it!* Bring it on!

Michael : Then finish your glass in one gulp! *Wink!!*

Dylan : *GUUUUULLLLP!!!!*

Michael : Nice! *Puts hand on your mouth so you can't burp!!*

Dylan : *Meewwl!!* *And gas is stretching your stomach angrily then goes down not finding any other exit!* *GROOOOOWWWL GRRURRRGLE!!!*

Michael : *Pushes your stomach with the other hand to force gas down to a more comfortable place!*

Dylan : HMMMMMMM!! *Mewwwl!!* *Moaning* It is so good!!

Michael : *Rubs you with both hands!* Yep!!

Dylan : Hmmm… I wish to burp…

©ProjectChained 88 Michael : Naah! Let it stretch your belly bigger! *Hugs!*

Dylan : *Burps softly!*

Michael : *Carries you to a big mirror!* Look at you! You can be bigger, no? *Winks!*

Dylan : With that huge pizza about to come!! Damn Morgan, can you really handle all you ordered?

Morgan : Let's see? *Laugh!*

Dylan : *Waits pizza rubbing belly in lust and belly does expand still accumulating more gas!*

Michael : I smell lots of nice food! *Licks lips!* Nice!!

Vladimir : I’m hungry! *Bit impatient…*

Michael : You have a glass too, no? With so much fizz it can tame even Morgan's hunger for enough time!

Vladimir : *Chug down all glass in seconds…* Sure? *HIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!*

*But keeps air in…* *His stomach balloons up to the limits in seconds and with angry gurgles and rumbles, gas fills whole belly blowing it huge harshly!!* As I love it! But I feel… Far from *Urrp!* Full! *Belly fills up more and more, pressure grows much stretching tight belly and coloring it redder and redder!!* Good!! *Purrs and enjoys it!!* *Groans and creaks from belly! It looks over

©ProjectChained 89 inflated much already!* I feel good now! Let's wait pizza!

Michael : Good? You look about to pop! *Winks!*

Vladimir : Nahhh! I don't feel about to pop! *Tries to be strong but rubs belly concerned as it is over inflated much!*

Michael : Sure? No need to burp or fart then? *About to laugh!*

Vladimir : *Tries to fart softly…* Nah… *Loud greasy noises from inside… Grooowwwll… HUGE LOUD FART!!!*

Michael : *Laughs!! And then plugs in Vladimir's ass what will keep him from leaking!* It will help for stopping farts! *Laughs!*

Vladimir : If you laugh so much! Chug your drink! *Grumpy cat mood!*

Michael : Okay! *Gulps it slowly…* *His belly slowly increase in size… He loses then his abs, disappearing from air forming inside because of the heat shock between that cold drink and the demonic heat inside stomach!* Nice! *Gulps slowly still…* *Softly a groan is giving a bigger shape to your stomach, bulging more and more expanding at a right pace, giving it time to adapt to the shape changing, and he keeps gulping slowly and

©ProjectChained 90 enjoys it! A little moan looking like belly noise displays us that air is traveling through bowels… Growing, growing as it searches for always more space!* It is a nice feeling! *Blushes as he gulps slowly still feeling inflating softly and belly balloons, swells, bloats, reaching now the end of that long road… But as both exits are closed… He expands bigger, slowly growing out a nice bulge! Something bulging lower is giving us the same impression!* *Finished glass slowly…* *FARRRRRRRRT!!!* *Laughs!!*

Vladimir & Dylan : *BUUURRRRRRRRPPPPPPS!!!*

Morgan : *Chugged down discretely all his glass… But doesn't look bothered while the growth seem to have ended…*

Michael : Morgan, you don't feel full enough yet?

Morgan : Nah… I feel hungry!

Michael : I know what to do! *Kisses Morgan an BBUAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPSSSSSSS massively pushing half of his gas into him!*

Morgan : *Belly finally filled and air goes now in intestines!* Now pizza should be almost ready!

Michael : Pizza? You will have lots of space still for it? I think you should help Vladimir before he explodes from

©ProjectChained 91 being shy to burp!

Vladimir : Shy? *BURRRRRRPS… Belly shaking from pressure and dark red!*

Michael : *Rubs Vladimir!* Your belly is hard still! *Drums a bit on that hyper tight balloon!!*

Morgan : You need some help? *Rubs Vladimir's belly softly!* I can take some!

Vladimir : Nah! *CREAAAAAK…* *Shy to admit he is too full!*

Morgan : *Kisses very softly Vladimir ready to take it! And closes his eyes enjoying…*

Vladimir : *creeaaaAAAAKKKKK!* *He closes his eyes from pain and pleasure and BUUUUUUARRRRRRRPPPPSSS uncontrollably from surprise!!*

Morgan : *Accepts it all! Inflated largely and well now!*

Vladimir : *Bubbles up back to a tight size but not hyper tight and removes off buttplug…* I feel nice! Time to eat soon? *Smiles and lick his lips!*

Chief Cook : *Rolls in our meals on huge wheeled table!!* Feel good guys?

Dylan : Yeah!

©ProjectChained 92 Morgan : FOOD!!

Vladimir : Humble guy, is it for us? *Very impressed!*

Dylan : How tasty! It will be a huge feast!!

Chief Cook : *Serves on the table our orders!* Have a nice meal!

Michael : Thanks! *Smiles happily…* Guys, you don't mind if I fart during eating?

Dylan : Huh?! Why you would fart?

Michael : Because my belly isn't empty and meal is huge! *Laughs and make some weird face!!*

Dylan : Burp your gas! *Laughs!*


Dylan & Vladimir & Morgan : *Doing the same!* Now… TIME TO CHOW DOWN!

Dylan : *Munches my pizza slowly!*

Michael : *Eats meal enjoying it much!!!*

Morgan : *Crunch up all those pizza in some minutes…*

Vladimir : *Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch!*

©ProjectChained 93 Dylan : *Joyfully eats down my pizza!!*

Michael : It's really tasty! We did a good choice.

Dylan : Yeah!!!

Mysterious Demon : *Behaves as a waiter!* Need a glass of something? *Smile devilishly…*

Michael : Naaaaah, it's good!

Dylan : I am thirsty me! … I would like

Mysterious Demon : Really? You wish some tea?

Dylan : Yes! *Very happy!*

Mysterious Demon : *Makes herb tea with inflation and cramp poison!* Here! *Gives it to you…*

Dylan : Thanks! *About to take it!*

Morgan : *Gulps it first!*

Dylan : Hey!! *Anger and bored!*

Morgan : *Gulps it down and digests it very well … Not even crampy! This bottomless pit of a stomach is done of iron or what?!* Tasty tea!!

Mysterious Demon : *Waits for the effect to appear!*

Morgan : Thanks for the tea! It was very tasty!!

Dylan : Thanks for the tea… But may I have a cola then?

©ProjectChained 94 *Laugh as it's not me who had that tea!*

Mysterious Demon : Sure! *Make cola with triple dose of both poisons!* Here it is! *Gives it to you…*

Dylan : Yay!!

Morgan : I’m so thirsty! *Bored and take the glass and gulp it down!* Hmm I feel better!! *Digest it all without any problem… AGAIN?! DAMN!!*

Dylan : I will ask some stuff later on then, or else I will always get stolen my drinks by a sneaky tiger! *Sweat drop from somewhat embarrassment of being stolen twice my glass!*

Mysterious Demon : What the fuck?? *Grr and goes away…*

Dylan : Hmmm? If it bore you… Give me a huge glass of cum? *Looks at the grid!* … Fresh one please!

Mysterious Demon : *Faps annoyed…*

Dylan : Yeah it is good… *Look at him, feeling something is wrong, so I try to use my power, as I guessed who is in front of me, as to wipe off his evil side…* You don't think it is good to fap? Look at that dick! You are well gifted! *Some kind of hypnotizing!*

Mysterious Demon : Good? *Very bored…* Why?

©ProjectChained 95 Dylan : Because you can have fun… Let me give you some help! *Winks and kneels beginning a blowjob!*

Mysterious Demon : Huh? Why are you do that? *Irritated!!*

Dylan : To show you how good lust is… *About to obtain estimation of how evil he is… And if I can help with it or not…*

Mysterious Demon : You wish what? I don't really understand …

Dylan : Make you happy? *Smiles hopeful and purrs!*

Mysterious Demon : Make me… Happy? *Puzzled…*

Dylan : Yes! *Smiles hopeful again!* You don't need to do evil things like adding poison to both my glasses… *Sucks a bit more!* But help people and they will help you back! There are good people, you should trust them!

Mysterious Demon : *90%…* People can truly like someone? Not just pretend to use?

Dylan : Yeah! For example… I am kind and give you a blowjob for the fun of it!

Mysterious Demon : Is it fun to you?

Dylan : Yeah! And for you?

©ProjectChained 96 Mysterious Demon : Its weird… But I admit pleasant!

Dylan : Why not finish it in toilet? You will have more privacy and it will be easier!

Mysterious Demon : Okay! *Suspects you anyway for now!*

Dylan : *Purrs and goes with him in the toilets…*

©ProjectChained 97 We Are Not Alone Chapter 11 Love? What is Love?

Dylan : *Locks door…* Then! We will be safe now… Do you feel ready to learn what is lust and how good it can be? *Tries to estimate his current evilness now…*

Mysterious Demon : Yeah, just don't try to attack me! *Suspects it's a trick as he is very evil!!*

Dylan : Attack? Lust is a time of sharing … Not attack! *Approaches him softly and begin by a hug!* And you have lots of friends and a strength so much higher than mine that if you wished it, you could kill me the next seconds… So in what I could even have advantage to try to trick you huh??

Mysterious Demon : Yeah, but why not know more about you?

Dylan : I was sure you weren't so evil… Alright! I am a young tiger, aged twenty, liking to have loads of fun with

©ProjectChained 98 the others because I’m a lusty tiger! *Laughs!* I love pumping up my belly huge!

Mysterious Demon : What? *Headache…* Ohh! My head… I remember something!

Dylan : What? *Very softly asks, purring at him just after it!*

Mysterious Demon : My past… It was a long time ago!

Dylan : Really? It must be interesting! Teach me!

Mysterious Demon : I was… Kind…

Dylan : How nice!

Mysterious Demon : No… I think it was a mistake to be kind… *Neutral!!*

Dylan : Someone… Abused your kindness?

Mysterious Demon : Yeah, time after time…

Dylan : Hmmm… Then may I give you happiness? … *Wishes to give you back what they took away from you.*

Mysterious Demon : How? I wonder how it is to be happy… *His evilness decreases slowly!*

Dylan : To feel happy? It feels like that! *Kisses him very softly…*

©ProjectChained 99 Mysterious Demon : *Has bulge and blush!* Really?

Dylan : Yeah! Breathing softly, thinking, hmm a tasty meal at restaurant with friends or even with your lovely guy! Ending by a nice dessert!

Mysterious Demon : I don't have a guy…

Dylan : Shhh! You aren't forced to have a guy to have fun!

Mysterious Demon : No one wants to date me I think…

Dylan : *Thinks!* You got someone… *Blushes!*

Mysterious Demon : Huh? I don't understand! *Sweat drop!*

Dylan : I wish to date you… *Wishes to help him to remember his good side, and see if it can be good for each other!* What is your name?

Mysterious Demon : Kuro!

Dylan : So cute!! *Hugs softly!*

Kuro : Really? Ohh!! *Seems embarrassed…*

Dylan : What? *Purrs happily!*

Kuro : I accidentally told my real name, sorry! *Very embarrassed…*

Dylan : Huh? *Puzzled from this strange reaction!* And

©ProjectChained 100 what is wrong with your name??

Kuro : I wanted to tell you to take one… Anyway… I feel weird like… My life is going to change! *His evilness decreases even more!*

Dylan : I won't choose one! Firstly because you have origins and secondly, you should be proud of them! Whoever tells you to hide them is a disgusting person! We come from somewhere… And no one has the right to leave a stain on it! *Kisses you!*

Kuro : *Blushes much!* But we are who we are, not less, not more, no?

Dylan : Exactly! *Kiss!* And you are Kuro! That is all! *Hugs and purrs very kindly!*

Kuro : *Hugs shy…*

Dylan : How do you feel now? You know what is love now?

Kuro : Not exactly yet… But I will try to learn!

Dylan : *Kiss!* It cannot be learned… Only be lived… *Kisses and invite him to join our binge eating!*

Kuro : Okay! *Very shy and feels guilty…*

Dylan : Don't be! Let's go! *We return back and go to join our table back again!*

©ProjectChained 101 We Are Not Alone Chapter 12 Kuro's Presentation

Dylan : Guys! Look whom I just brought with us!

Michael : That demon guy?! *Shocked from such surprise that isn't seeming to be a good one!!!*

Kuro : I will find… How to be… Good! *Shy to present himself to everyone…*

Michael : Ohh! Then sit down, let's help you to be good! *Smiles proudly!*

Vladimir & Morgan : Nice idea!

Dylan : And I am his guy!

Michael : Okay! But you stay with us, right?

Dylan : Of course we will all continue together!

Michael : *Hugs you and Kuro!*

Kuro : *Very shy!* *Neutral…*

©ProjectChained 102 Michael : You had a dark past but we can become friends!

Kuro : Yup! *Fear his colleagues who will try to kill us if they hear such reversal of situation!*

Michael : Others could maybe become good too? Being evil is sometime just a reaction to an event, can we heal them?

Dylan : *Mind : I can't be boyfriend of five guys at the same time… Hope they won't need too much lust!*

Michael : I think slowly one after one they will all be out of darkness?

Kuro : I don't know! *Puzzled and embarrassed from not being able to determine an answer!!*

Morgan : Eat may help them to calm down? *Pats his always more enormous gut!!*

Michael : Hey, Kuro, are you hungry? *Finds it is an interesting way to know each other!*

Kuro : Yeah, a bit, you wish I eat something? *Very shy and not really feeling so good yet!*

Michael : Yep! How about that huge pizza chief is moving to us?

Kuro : So huge?! *Shocked a lot!* Can it even be ate by a

©ProjectChained 103 group of guys at all?

Michael : Why not try? *Winks at Kuro feeling he can make it alone!*

Kuro : Okay! *Rubs his slim belly wondering how much he can feeds in!*

Chief Cook : I see you guys are big eaters, so I brought you a big free pizza! *Blushes proud to have so well eating customers!*

Morgan : He can make it! But he needs to be fatter, like me, he could eat a dozen of those!

Vladimir : Nah, with muscle he will handle more!

Kuro : *Blushes as he begins to munch this pizza with very high appetite!*

Michael : *Hugs Dylan!* How you think? Will he make it? *Very happy from knowing answer will be kind and respectful of Kuro!*

Dylan : Yeah, my cute guy will make it… *Purr!*

Kuro : How kind! *Feel a soft feeling inside him, like a mix of motivation and happiness!*

Michael : Eat up, you should enjoy the process! *Smiles a bit sneaky!*

©ProjectChained 104 Morgan : *Will enjoy the little prank of the Chief!*

Dylan : *Smiles but knows nothing of what is about to happen!*

Kuro : *Glup Crunch Munch Slurp!!!* Easy task here!!

Michael : Hehe! You look round already! *Very sneaky grin!!*

Kuro : Of course, that pizza was enormous!

Michael : And your belly is still growing you know?

Kuro : Finally?? I will finally become fat??

Michael : Actually I hear lots of bubble in you!

Vladimir : *Rubs it!* I feel bubbles of fat! Not air! *Shocked!*

Kuro : Finally I can be free of training! Tired of those mad demon asking to have perfect body for terrible operations! *Jumps and his belly jiggles!!*

Morgan : *Blushes excited from that view…*

Kuro : You seem to like it!

Morgan : Of course! I do *Asks to Dylan discretely!* Is he free?

Dylan : Yeah! *Felt uneasy like lying to him not really loving him… It was mostly for motivation, I like him as a

©ProjectChained 105 friend!*

Kuro : You are okay?

Morgan : Would you date me out? *Very shy!!*

Michael : They look to like each other! *Smiles…*

Kuro : Yes! *Hug compressing both bellies!!*

Michael : *Rubs Dylan…*

Dylan : *Kisses you softly!* *Purrs and ask…* Would you accept my excuses?

Michael : For what?

Dylan : Dozens of argues that happened because of me…

Michael : Oh, there weren't much! *Kiss!*

Dylan : Yeah but, I feel still very guilty… From all I forced you to do!

Michael : Ohh! *Hugs!*

Dylan : *Kisses you very softly loving you more than ever for all effort you are ready to do for me!*

Michael : *Rub! Rub!*

Dylan : I love you and wish to make you happy… And give my daily life to you!

Michael : Sure? I'm a bag of problems, you know?

©ProjectChained 106 Dylan : I will take away those problems, even if sometime it will be painful…

Michael : But look, what do I have except problems and you?

Dylan : Lovely sides I wish to cuddle, a face I would love to snuggle, and a balloon belly I would love to blow!!!

Michael : Is that even enough?

Dylan : Yeah, it will!

Michael : Err… *Blushes…*

Dylan : No more hiding, show yourself cute demon… *Snuggles and purrs!!*

Michael : What can I show? *Wondering and blushing!*

Dylan : A nice smile? *Smiles happily…*

Michael : *Wondering if it will be enough, he tries to smile naturally!* Good?

Dylan : *Very much loving it and how shy he was!!* Yeah!! Amazing!!

Michael : Thanks!

Dylan : Why not have a rest in this nice INN? *Looks lovely and peaceful!*

Michael : Good!

©ProjectChained 107 Morgan : Yeah! And there Kuro will have nice stuffing time! *Very much wondering how nicely big he may turn him!!!*

Kuro : Really? *Bit shocked and shy blushing…*

Vladimir : Then two double rooms and one single then?

Michael : Okay! I will pay! *Smiles happily!!*

Dylan : Are you sure you have enough money? *Mindful…*

Michael : I hope lifepod will make enough! *Sweat drop…*

Dylan : Yeah! It would be very helpful if it did!

Chief Cook : As you were great customers, I will make you pay only half price!

Morgan : How great!! *Purrs rubbing his very stuffed fat balloon!*

Michael : Whoa! Huge discount!! *Hugs Chief!*

Kuro : Thank you very much mister! *Bows!* If we may do the dish washing? *Very embarrassed…* Because it is so nice… It must hide something behind it?

Chief Cook : Nah! *Shakes head, knowing just with food he did enough for some three months earnings!*

©ProjectChained 108 Vladimir : Thank you! *Bows head fiercely!*

Michael : Kuro, don't be so suspicious! Sometimes it can offend people…

Chief Cook : Nahh! I won't be offended! It is true that often people consuming so vast amount of food like you five would make some owner end bankrupt! But I am old already and well… Why ask to people astonishing price?

Kuro : I am very sorry, I didn't meant to be offending…

Morgan : Shhh!! *Kisses him softly and hugs for a long time!*

Michael : Hey, you don't look so old! If you have health problem I would like to help!

Chief Cook : Ohhh, you really wish it?

Michael : Yep, you are good guy, why not enjoy life?

Chief Cook : Okay! Here is my problem, I think it is radiculitis *Sad noise and anger…*

Michael : Ohh! Let me help you?

Chief Cook : How could you help me?

Michael : Get on bed, belly down and I will heal your problem! *Winks!*

Chief Cook : *Takes Michael to his personal bedroom.

©ProjectChained 109 And sets on bed belly down… Which give to his fat belly a slimy form, very funny to see!*

Michael : Don't worry, you will feel good soon!

Chief Cook : Oh, don't worry! I trust you…

Michael : *Rubs Chief's back and fixes damage done by time, inflammation goes away and pain disappears fully.*

Chief Cook : How, is it possible?

Michael : It's a bit hard to explain, on my planet many people can do it! *Smiles proudly!*

Chief Cook : Come here to eat freely, huge adventurers!

Michael : We will come and eat, but we should pay or you will risk to lose much money because of our giant guts! *Friendly hug!*

Chief Cook : Okay! *Smiles happily!*

Michael : Now I return to Dylan! *Misses him…*

Chief Cook : Sure! See you later… Mister demon!

Michael : I'm Michael, have a nice time, some other problem I fixed too because you would be embarrassed to talk about it! *Winks!*

Chief Cook : *The tiger purr…* Which problem?

©ProjectChained 110 *Wonders and wish to know if he could guess which were they!*

Michael : Have fun! *Winks!* *Mind : He should know his cock now can be as lusty as in young years but how to tell him more politely about it?*

Chief Cook : *Bulge slowly, until it strain the pant as his huge dick press to reach it's exit!* I think I understood! *Blushing a lot!!*

Michael : Then I go! *Walks to lunch room!*

Dylan : Then everybody is ready to go in the INN?

Michael : Yeah!

Vladimir : Sure!

Kuro : Yup!

Morgan : Haha I hope they got king size bed for my huge belly!

Dylan : *Everyone is following me right to the INN…*

Michael : Good that Chief can enjoy his life again!

Dylan : Yeah! I even feel his lust! *Can smell it…*

First Receptionist : *See we arrive!* Damn!! Look at that massive guy! He looks huge!! *Amazed by Morgan's belly!!!*

©ProjectChained 111 Second Receptionist : Hey… Be welcoming! I know you are lusty! But job first! Then fun!

Michael : Not only looks, he can eat really huge amount!

Second Receptionist : Waaah!! You scared me mister! How did you enter so fast? *Thought he was only a few meter away of the entrance when he was speaking with his colleague!*

Michael : *Laughs!* Guys, you look distracted a bit! *Winks!*

Morgan : *Enter with his jiggling belly!* Kuro!! *Smiles and purrs!* You're so snugglish! *Rub! Rub!*

First Receptionist : *Laughs!* Then I write down, one double for you two, single for the demon and double for the two last arriving? *Very offending as he is caring of what he wasn't invited to know and also get it wrong!*

Michael : No, you got it a bit wrong!

First Receptionist : Ah, one room for you five then? Lusty guys! *Winks!* *Even more ridiculous, offending and finally fully wrong…*

Dylan : But damnit! Do you have to care of it?! One room for my boyfriend demon and me, one for my two fat kind friends, and one for our another friend! Stupid guy! *Very anger when I see how he consider us and how

©ProjectChained 112 much intrusive he is!!!*

Second Receptionist : Waaah!! Hey you scared me…

Michael : Ohh! I thought already to search better INN! *Smiles!*

Second Receptionist : Waaaah!! *Scared and think more… * Eh? No I already saw you! *Sweat drop…*

Michael : *Mind : How does this INN exist? They can annoy away any visitor!*

Dylan : *Mind : I don't know, why not go to the one that opened this afternoon? The Four Live!* *Looks truly pissed off…*

Michael : Hmmm… Let's go to other INN?

Dylan : Sorry guys, when you'll work better… We will stay here! Let's go guys! *Very anger!*

*And we all go to the Four Live…*

Michael : Hope here guys work better than here!

©ProjectChained 113 We Are Not Alone Chapter 13 Not Everyone Night Will End Good

Michael : Let's go!

Dylan : *Enters and rings the bell at the reception!*

Charles : Hello! Welcome to our INN! *Smiles greatly!*

Dylan : Have you got free rooms?

Charles : Sure! You need which kind of room? We have huge rooms for big companies, four persons rooms, couple rooms and single rooms!

Dylan : I think, companies room? Can they handle five people at the same time?

Charles : Yep! Up to fifteen persons! Also that is cheaper than get a single room for everyone!

©ProjectChained 114 Dylan : Perfect, then why not choose this guys?

Charles : Sure! How long do you plan to stay?

Dylan : One night I think?

Vladimir : *Flexes!* Yeah, one!

Morgan : *Rubs belly!* Will room service be available for night lunch time preparation?

Kuro : Yeah, one night is better… Better…

Charles : Okay! And room service is always available!

Dylan : How an almost ghost town had a so good INN not even having any star in ranking books? *Brr!* Thanks a lot for this charming hospitality of yours!

Charles : Thanks! Let me guide you to your room! *Very welcoming!!*

Morgan : *Laughs!* Thanks a lot!

Dylan : May you pay the room at cash desk Michael?

Michael : Sure!

Alexander : It is eighty Gold! twenty per people when you select a companies room.

Michael : Okay! *Pays eighty!*

Alexander : Have an excellent stay… In our INN.

©ProjectChained 115 *Almost evil smile!*

Michael : Okay! You too!

Alexander : *Silent and returns back to the staff room!*

Dylan : This room is excellent!

Morgan : Beds are huge! For once one is fitting my belly fully!

Vladimir : Blanket and sheets are so soft, it won't irritate my skin!

Michael : All looks too nice, no?

Kuro : I agree… It is typical of them… I wish you all be very cautious of everything that may happen tonight!

Michael : And what can?

Charles : Dylan, may we give you a visit of our INN?

Dylan : *Don't wish to seem suspect…* Sure! *Joins Charles!*

Alexander : Morgan, may we give you free cooking lessons?

Morgan : How nice!!! *Joins him!!*

George : *Enters.* Hey, mr.Muscles! Yeah you, Vladimir! Do you want to visit gym part of INN?

©ProjectChained 116 Vladimir : Great!! *Nods and stays on his guard, cautious and ready of everything that may happen.*

Vincent : *Comes but unable to determine what does like Michael!* Hmmm… Do you wish to visit … Our garden?

Michael : Nope, not so much!

Vincent : Hmmm… *Mind : He looks boring as hell!* Our library?

Michael : That sounds tempting! But I prefer to be with Dylan!

Vincent : But he is already gone with Alexander! *Smiles joyful!* … Then see you later! *Bows then turn back… Making a sinister face almost grinning, going away!* *Mind : Fucking…*

Michael : Hey, can you help me find Dylan?

Kuro : Okay! … *Fears a lot what may happen around!!*

Dylan : Of which style is this INN? Baroque? Tudor?

Charles : It is a good royal style! *Shows photos!* You like?

Dylan : Impressive! I love to visit houses and locations! I feel secure there… Tonight is really stormy! We couldn't afford to stay outside an another night, considering the number we are now and the current weather!

©ProjectChained 117 Charles : Ohh! Surely you need a warm place to hide from such weather! *Smiles!*

Dylan : Yes! Also your handsome arms are nice! *Hugs!* I fear storms you know?

Charles : Really? Are they dangerous for tigers?

Dylan : I do not know… *Hugs and cries a very bit!* I fear then… Only fear them…

Charles : *Hugs!* Maybe you should hide in bed then?

Dylan : Alone? It is scary no? Why not together?

Charles : Sure? *Neutral, not even evil anymore…*

Dylan : *Hugs him tightly feeling huge crotch!* *Mind : JACKPOT!!!* Yeah… I feel only you can protect me from the darkness of the night!

Charles : *Blushes!*

Dylan : Will you follow me then? *Looks scared!*

Charles : Okay! *Follows…*

Dylan : *Enters a room!* Let's get to bed … *Get almost naked just keeping a red tanga!*

Charles : Okay! *Takes off clothes and you see one nice and perfect muscled body!!*

Dylan : Amazing! *Waits him in bed, blanket leaving him

©ProjectChained 118 a space for a big hug!!*

Charles : *Gets to bed and you feel his body is very warm…*

Dylan : How does it feels? *Snuggles and purrs, it makes warm waves through Charles’ body whole!*

Charles : It feels… Good? *Smiles happily!*

Dylan : Yup! … It feels all warm, and this body sweats strength! *Rub! Rub!*

Charles : *Blushes much…*

Dylan : You feel hot, don't you? *Winks at him!*

Charles : Yah, especially face! *Blushes even more!!!*

Dylan : *Rubs softly with paws Charles' nose!* Really?

Charles : Yeah… *He blushed for the first time…. He remembers!!*

Dylan : *Kisses softly!* … *Purr!!*

Charles : You purr so nicely! *Blushes still!*

Dylan : And your body is build like those angel statutes we only find in the books, or roman style architecture… *Snuggles blushing much then begin to suck Charles’ left nipple!*

Charles : *Moans!* What are you doing?

©ProjectChained 119 Dylan : Giving you what I guess you want? Some pleasure?

Charles : Should I… Trust you? *Feels lost…*

Dylan : Why shouldn't you? You did a great INN, and I trust you can be the best INN keeper of the whole world!!

Charles : Really? *Shocked and amazed by such words in the same sentence!!*

Dylan : Yeah, your services looks complete! The pension is very well given! There are nice feelings from the staff given to the customers! The location of it is just perfect, calm and peaceful countryside… Very welcoming, and the staff is very handsome! *Smiles happily!*

Charles : *Blushes!* We… *Looks all red and embarrassed!!*

Dylan : We?

Charles : Ohh… Sorry… We are bad guys…

Dylan : Nah!! Me, I see a great guy! *Snuggles!* Soft, handsome! *Smiling!*

Charles : I don't … Remember… How to be good… *Grr!! *

Dylan : May I help you to becomes good back?

©ProjectChained 120 Charles : Okay… I remember few of my past… Sure I can be good?

Dylan : Yeah!!! Why doubting so much of yourself? *Laughs!!*

Charles : Brr… I remember I did bad things!

Dylan : And past is past… *Hugs!*

Charles : But…. And the other guys? They can still attack you!

Dylan : Why would they? All of them can prove their goodness below their masks!

Charles : Sure? *Embarrassed and scared!!*

Dylan : Yup!!! I trust them fully for that! *Laughs and smiles proud of it!*

Charles : Okay! *Looks comforted…*

Dylan : Someone here must be full somewhere… From holding so long, no? *Sneaky and purrs at his dick!*

Charles : Mmmmmm? You mean? *Blushes…*

Dylan : *Rubs crotch! And licks chest silently…*

Charles : *Moans loudly and balls inflates!*

Dylan : Yeah! That is what I love to see!! *Sucks him up now… Purring loudly… Sending waves of lust making

©ProjectChained 121 his whole body vibrating!!!*

Charles : Ahhh!!!! *CUUUUMMMMMMMMS!!!!!*

Dylan : *Gulps it all, ending nicely bloated!* … We need to keep the blanket clean you know! It isn't a brothel here! *Smiles almost laughing, rubbing then Charles’ ass.* My turn to play then?

Charles : Yeah!

Dylan : *Enters… Very softly!* You feel… The power of lust?

Charles : Yeah!

Dylan : *Thrusts softly!* You like it? *Roars!* … Because your belly will end huger than mine! *Loves it!*

Charles : I love it! *Blushes a lot!!!*

Dylan : Then ready? Because HERE IT CUMS!! *Cums and Charles feels it is like a water hose settled to maximum pace in his rear end! And I rub Charles' belly in process!*

Charles : *Feels soft thrust, and growing lust. Then feels a nice blast, strong feelings… He moans, belly groans, he shoots like horse just like a fire hose!*

Dylan : *Moans and roars!!!* Yeah!! Good boy!!

©ProjectChained 122 Charles : *Moans like balloon full of lust!!*

Dylan : *Takes out cock and insert a plug in Charles' ass!* Let's sleep? *Hugs and both bellies are frotting each others, as Dylan kisses him!*

Charles : Okay, big tiger! *Blushes still…*

Dylan : *Mewls!*… *Purrs softly at each other… And sleeps hugging him as both bellies digest the fruit of their love!*

*Somewhere else in the INN, around Kitchens part…*

Morgan : Hmm, you want to give me cooking skills right? *Smiles happily, always joyful!!!* Why not let me cook you some stuff? *See Alexander has a tight shirt… But seems to love eating much!*

Alexander : Yeah, it takes lot of time to work weight off! Oops, I did read your thoughts! *Embarrassed!*

Morgan : You got extraterrestrial powers? And you love to eat? *Rubs this belly lustful!!*

Alexander : Yeah, I do! And you look to be a big eater too!

Morgan : *Blushes smiling!!* It isn't hard to see… *Laughs and his whole belly jiggles a lot!* Sit down! I will cook you all you desire!!

©ProjectChained 123 Alexander : Sure? *Feels shame from being bad…*

Morgan : *Rubs this belly!* It has to creak! And be fucking full to obtain a good hard on! Or it won't be nice enough!… I feel it!

Alexander : Sure? *Blushes feeling shame from being bad guy!*

Morgan : Yeah! I wish to fill up yer belly! You know it is art to fill up belly with food?

Alexander : Really? I thought cooking is an art!

Morgan : Yeah! Cooking enough well to over fill a belly… Isn't it almost the same idea?

Alexander : Is it? Cooking is preparing food for someone and eating… Is just eating?

Morgan : Then let me prepare it… Cook it… And feed you? *Smiles loving this idea!!!*

Alexander : Okay! *Sneaky smile, enjoying the beginning of a feeding session, where he will be fed up well!*

Morgan : *Sets on the fire below the pan… And cooks a nice steak with fries first… Basics…*

Alexander : Nice! I see you know how to cook well!

Morgan : *Adds to a plate the steak and then fries…* Eat

©ProjectChained 124 me that!! You’ll just ask for more so divine it is.

Alexander : *Eats slowly as to fully enjoy the taste!*

Morgan : Is it good? *Enjoys Alexander's belly view… As it seems to balloon very fast from food!* Hmmm!! *Blushes and turn back off him, beginning to cook whipped cream!*

Alexander : It's great! *Blushes a lot!!!*

Morgan : Taste then my cream! *Serves a huge salad bowl of whipped cream!*

Alexander : *Eats it!* Greatly cooked too! *Buuurrrpppp!!!* *Smiles with an all white mouth…*

Morgan : You eat like a piggy! Hahaha!! *Now gives you a plate of a half meter circumference… Filled with pizzas in pyramid… From biggest ray of fifty centimeters to the last one of ten centimeters circumference!* I call it the Tower Of Calories!!

Alexander : Whoa! That is huge!

Morgan : That is why I call it the Tower Of Calories…

Alexander : Sure I can eat that all?

Morgan : Yeah! I felt your belly! IT IS STRONG!

Alexander : *Looks at the Tower, as if it was a marriage

©ProjectChained 125 cake, containing every possible taste… He can smell all of them around like a cloud culminating at the top of the last pizza… Beginning to eat the last floor of it, the smallest pizza engulfed down, he feels the explosion of taste inside him! He gulps the other pizzas as if he was eating Babel tower… His belly expanding and his moans reasoning in his ears of lion, he feels he won't capitulate and eat down the whole tower slowly, Morgan is viewing it, enjoying the huge growing horse strength, like a princess waiting to be freed, he is looking at Alexander in contemplation and admiration. The horse rubbing his darker and darker belly reaching the hardest floors almost ground zero, he eats and eats, in frenetic wish to impress the lion, king of his heart for a night… A single night, and reaching the end, his belly giving a loud groan, he feels it presses against his prostate and cums making unclean the whole ground of the kitchen rubbing his overfilled belly, rubbing against the table… Even huger than the lion itself and horse itself!*

Morgan : Oh my!!! Even myself I never ate fully the whole Tower Of Calories!! *Rubs this belly leaving cock defenseless … Free to be touched by Alexander!!*

Alexander : I feel huge and fucking tight!

Morgan : I wish your cream!

©ProjectChained 126 Alexander : My cream? *Tries to get up to cook!*

Morgan : *Pats belly softly!* This cream! *Hugs and kiss Alexander!*

Alexander : You wish I cook cream, right? *Wondering*

Morgan : Nah, eat your cream!

Alexander : My cream? Ohh you mean cum!

Morgan : Yeah!! Your cum!

Alexander : Then get it!

Morgan : *Kneels and sucks Alexander's cock, and some of Alexander’s new grown fat is hiding him below the huge hanging belly. Morgan sucking in bliss that thick rod!* *Mind : You understand now?*

Alexander : *Moans and leaks pre!!!*

Morgan : *Keeps on sucking nicely!*

Alexander : *Shakes and CUUUUUUUUMMMMSSSSS feeling ecstatic orgasm!!!*

Morgan : *Bloated even bigger than Alexander…* Ohhh… Let's sleep there… I’m too big to move or even fit the door tonight! *Laughs and feel very happy of this dinner!*

Alexander : It was… I don't have the words to describe

©ProjectChained 127 how good it was! *Blushes impressed!!*

Morgan : *Hugs Alexander and sleeps…* My teddy horse! *Purrs and sleeps!!*

Alexander : *Sleeps too nearly fainting from happiness!*

*Somewhere else in the Gym part of the INN…*

Vladimir : Whoa, it is huge! I can train well there!

George : Sure! We do train here too! *Flexes!*

Vladimir : Impressive… *Blushes at such muscular mass!! * You must be the strongest of them four!

George : Maybe! *Humble.*

Vladimir : Why not display me those muscles at work?

George : Why not? *Takes off most of his clothes!*

Vladimir : *See he wears what most people does during bodybuilder competition season…* Oh my… *Blushes hiding in every possible way his enormous bulge roaring in his sportswear… Impossible to hide…*

George : I see you like my body! *Flexes!*

Vladimir : Yeah… Somewhat… *Tries to hold it!*

George : Why not workout together?

Vladimir : Sure! *Takes off shirt, only keeping

©ProjectChained 128 sportswear!* … *Lifts some mass!* I find stupid all those guys lifting one hundred and ten kilos and on… They look like balloons!

George : Not all of them, it depends on body constitution but I admit for most people one hundred kilos is a heavy load!

Vladimir : Heavy load? *Pre leaking!*

George : *Lifts one hundred and thirty kilos easily again and again!* I hope I don't look too much a balloon?

Vladimir : *Rubs this belly!* Yeah! You are… So muscled… Like a big beefy ox!!

George : Thanks! *Stops and looks at Vladimir!* And you are a big strong cat!

Vladimir : Really? *Smiles making a very happy grin!*

George : Yep!

Vladimir : … I like… Your balloon belly! Is it inflating from strength?

George : Not from strength!! *Laugh somewhat embarrassed then blushing happy of that Vladimir is caring about him!*

Vladimir : Then what? *Sneaky question wondering from where come this belly is all inflated all of a sudden!*

©ProjectChained 129 George : I don't know… But it's from seeing you near me! *Blushes!!*

Vladimir : Then! *Put back this weight… And get on machine hugging him!*

George : *Blushes more and his belly inflates huger…*

Vladimir : Yeah! Work those up! LIFT ME WITH YOUR BELLY!! *Drums on it, knowing it will grow bigger unless you are too ballooned!

George : *Swells bigger and bigger, belly has got huge, looking like a well trained muscle mass!* I'm not!

Vladimir : You are!! *Pulls out the tongue!* Blblbl!! *Drums belly then humps it like a balloon!!*

George : *Moans and grows uncontrollably!! Blushing crazily!!*

Vladimir : *Faps George cock and humps his navel!!!*

George : *Cums again and again, his belly overfilled massively!!*

Vladimir : You look huge… But me? Would your strength … Be transmitted to me? *Rubs this belly softly!* I wish you give me it all!

George : *Moans again and leaks lots of pre…*

©ProjectChained 130 Vladimir : So?

George : You wish I fill you?

Vladimir : Yeah, I wish to see your body going wild! Workout can be funner this way, ballooned pig!! *Rubs this pink skin, it is very soft and lean at touch!*

George : Isn't it wild enough? *Blushes…*

Vladimir : It is, but two balloons are better than one *Jumps to the ground and begins to suck George' cock which is inflating him even bigger from feelings!!*

George : *Moans and cums a very huge load, deflating to his normal size!!*

Vladimir : *Gulps and feels huge stream!! Feels like in a dream! Gulps and belly bubbling! Gulps and belly rumbling! Belly gets so tight! But he keeps his fight! Pressure goes insane! Nothing more to say!* Ohh! I feel a few more and I will burst! *Rubs crackled belly!!*

George : *Kindly settles on the bed of the Gym room Vladimir’s huge sized body…* Here! You will rest nicely and at my sides! *Loves you and laughs!!*

Vladimir : *Purr! Purr! Purr… Then hugs!* Okay!

George : *Enjoys sleeping near a balloon guy! A true belly builder!!*

©ProjectChained 131 *After all this… In the room of Kuro and Michael!*

Kuro : I feel… A brighter ambient about this night… As if no one were in danger! Only one sad presence though…

Michael : Really? Then let's go there?

Kuro : You should go there… It is in the library!

Michael : And you?

Kuro : You think I should be coming with you?

Michael : It can be dangerous there…

Kuro : I wonder how are going the others… Maybe they got problems? Can you smell Dylan's mind?

Michael : He feels good! *Comforted by it, hoping it is true, and try by this way to comfort Kuro!*

Kuro : Amazing!! Maybe they really discuss well… Then go with him… Me I will stay there…

Michael : Sure? Is it safe to stay alone?

Kuro : Everyone is alone right now unlike us… Go with him! I will be okay!

Michael : Okay! *Goes there and walks-in the library!*

Vincent : *Reads a book!* Hmm… Oh Michael! Nice to see you!

©ProjectChained 132 Michael : You seem bored?

Vincent : I wish to practice magical powers… But I don't have anyone to practice it with!

Michael : Really? And what you wish to practice?

Vincent : Something else than deadly powers… I wish fun! Lights! Fairies!! I wish to stop all those villainous activities of mine…

Michael : Why not test good spells? Healing ones?

Vincent : Yep, why not… Do you know any?

Michael : Sure!

Vincent : Teach me then! *Looks joyful to learn as to make good things around him!*

Michael : *Tells several spells!* Want to test?

Vincent : Yup! *Smiles… Looking somewhat cold but in wish to change…*

Michael : *Cuts own finger with claw!* Here, it is a small wound!

Vincent : Ohh… Poor guy… Don't inflict yourself damages for no reason!

Michael : You are good! Will you heal it? *Winks!*

Vincent : Of course!! *Practice the spell he learned when

©ProjectChained 133 he was still a kid, it is for small and minor wounds, and as it is successfully closing the wound, he smiles proudly and devilishly!!* I love it!

Michael : *Sees finger healed well.* Nice! *Smiles and hugs!*

Vincent : Don't inflict yourself wounds like that! *Smiles and blushes!* It is dangerous!

Michael : It isn't so dangerous! You seem to be a good guy! Why not join us in our travel?

Vincent : I got a better offer… I feel other guys lusty as they are surely betrayed fully the chief today! And got fun with the others! So why not offer you a free stay here as a base for your plans? I heard that Dylan and you got many problems with the current power! Let's help! *You see tattooed on his arm … 01 …*

Michael : It's kind! But… I feel curious, can you explain a bit something?

Vincent : Yup! What need to be explained?

Michael : Kuro and your group was thrown out of this world and locked with other dangerous groups… How could you get out of there?

Vincent : You need to ask this to 09

©ProjectChained 134 Michael : 09? Who is he?

Vincent : I cannot tell for some reason! *Scared to even say the first letter!*

Michael : Ohh… Then let's just chat? *Smiles.*

Vincent : I am 01, 02 is Alexander, George is 03 and 04 is Charles, Kuro finally 05… That's all I know!

Michael : You had bad times guys, it's sad but you are good inside!

Vincent : We never told me higher than 06… The “Chief”, and not everyone is good… Trust me!

Michael : Really? *Puzzled!*

Vincent : If 01 to 05 were monsters, what is 09? The demon itself?!

Michael : Why you talk about yourself like a monster? You aren't that bad…

Vincent : You don't know the spell I can use…

Michael : And? You wish to use bad spells or good ones?

Vincent : Good ones! *Goes away a minute… And return with a book, a book almost no demon can read so cruel it is. It’s filled of the spells that inflicts severe and painful deaths!!* It is what I received from 09… When I was aged

©ProjectChained 135 five… This stolen book from the depth of the planet…

Michael : Huh? I know this book!

Vincent : Written in austral demonic languages… Huh? You can read it?! *Mind : He must be extremely intelligent… It took me years to learn it fully!*

Michael : Yeah, I can! I used this one and several more in my research for dissertation!

Vincent : Amazing!! *Hugs and likes him a lot!*

Michael : You know… Author of that book just got insane… That is why the book is full of evil…

Vincent : Yes… As for some people… Dylan written a very good essay on extraterrestrial life possibilities and probabilities …

Michael : Really?

Vincent : Yep! And his theory was right… As you appeared! *Lies a bit as they were there a bit before Michael but tries to get rid of his disgusting past…*

Michael : The worlds are one… Never there will be a good place for a traveler… But only someone from outside can easily find a solution for problems… Right?

Vincent : Easier than the patriot who will close eyes on some of his internal problems…. Totally right!

©ProjectChained 136 Michael : Exactly! And if spells written by a wounded soul can wound… Pure soul can help the world to purify!

Vincent : Then Dylan should cure the world's biggest cancer… The over production coming from the world government…

Michael : Or just replace overproduction with much safer overproduction?

Vincent : Yes… It is possible, but if planet run off his very last resource… what will happen then? Chaos will eat us and planet will die…

Michael : And if the product will feed life on planet?

Vincent : Then planet will defend us… From evil itself!

Michael : Then… If there will be overproduction of cum it won't hurt planet in any way! *Smiles!*

Vincent : So, you think the way to stop it all, is lust? Lust could, feed the planet?

Michael : It possibly can! You ever seen how much Dylan can cum?

Vincent : But how to know… If cum can feed planet? I feel we are reaching its limits! And I don't know if you read thesis of “Chaos” by Chameli? His theory… Is perfect… A black hole will collide with a meteor…

©ProjectChained 137 Giving it the power of “Full Destruction” … Black hole aged enough, dying from old age… Will leave the meteor invincible as it is as strong as two parallel world galaxies…

Michael : And meteor will keep traveling spreading chaos and destruction until someone will stop it on the way!

Vincent : But whom could ever… *Stops quoting…* You quoted full page 682 lines 14 to line 15 while it is only the middle of the book… How… Can it be possible?!

Michael : Why can't it be? We are all living in chaos more or less, words and ideas can travel the worlds!

Vincent : Can you quote me the page 982… Line 6 till 8th … *Know it deals about possibilities of how to save us… Or to try stop it!* *Mind : By this way I will know if he is the writer or not…*

Michael : We cannot stop chaos completely as it will be stagnation. Can you imagine something more horrible than eternal life where nothing happens? But we can help Chaos become kind to people instead of spreading destruction, supporting life and making it interesting as we can't really know what will happen next!

Vincent : You wrote it?

©ProjectChained 138 Michael : You caught me!

Vincent : But whom could talk to it? Or to the planet itself?

Michael : We all?

Vincent : Really?

Michael : Why not?

Vincent : But then… How it came that earth don't defend himself of evil?

Michael : How to defend without hurting good people too?

Vincent : Then… How? *Lost and scared.*

Michael : We can, right? *Hugs!* Can't punish people individually but we can!

Vincent : *Fear and need to hug!!* … I wish … Just it stops…Because I learned through years… What is gonna happen, and that at this rate, it may be in some days… The end of our time… *Dislikes such idea but need to call a cat a cat…*

Michael : In some… Days? *Scared!*

Vincent : You included in your numbers… The factor if we use other energies… But energies of type two omega

©ProjectChained 139 and three delta never got used since nineteen seventy three, cutting the end of energy use to nineteen ninety nine and not twenty twenty five… And the date where Chaos should happen is … September fourth… We are August twenty third!…

Michael : This planet has so few resources?

Vincent : You know as me the answer… This planet is one of the most fragile you surely met from every other galaxies you visited before… Also don't you see how much people got encouraged to consume since nineteen eighty seven?!

Michael : Do I even know? I landed here just some days ago, I don't know much about this planet!

Vincent : But your analyze about this planet… Were true… Just shorter than expected!

Michael : It was just a common theory… you mean hypothetical planet data I used for example fully matches this planet?

Vincent : Yes… And theory of Chaos is plausible which could destroy fully… The whole universe if it isn't stopped or dominated!

Michael : So … You know where the meteor is?

Vincent : … I never been able to locate something else

©ProjectChained 140 than black holes!

Michael : Hey, remember I described how to trace it? Sudden too chaotic events, gravitational spikes, radioactive traces?

Vincent : I think it was Chaotic events concentration and gravitational spikes!

Michael : You know any? Can you show them on map?

Vincent : Train catastrophes… In Capital Center City … in October and December nineteen ninety eight… March, April and June nineteen ninety nine!… River overflowed… two hundred seventy three different days in nineteen ninety eight and three hundred one days in nineteen ninety nine! Earthquakes in April, May and two days before your arrival! Eventually, a rock crashed on Morgan’s home the day he has left to follow you both!

Michael : Hmm… So let's see! *Connects points of same dates with colors! And you discover the exact location where every point are converging is the home of Morgan…* So Morgan instinctively did right! Looks like concentration of events there grows and that is very unsafe!

Vincent : You know him? Because if so much catastrophes gathered around his home… Is it the

©ProjectChained 141 Location… Or … Him?

Michael : Hmm… As he travels with us, you seen him, he is a big fat lion! And nothing horrible happens, I think it is something in his home!

Vincent : And me who thought ghosts and unknown forces weren't existing… *He seems very opened on all but not this subject!* Maybe the answer is to find that force… Or something in that location and not a force… But something that may counter the force, making both object not meeting in the space?

Michael : But maybe that meteor resonates with chaos of this world making chaos increase in both? Can we try to pacify chaos in the world and maybe it will make both world and meteor more safe?

Vincent : Okay… But how to calm it down? *Thinks for long seconds and then!!* LUST… We need to turn the whole planet lusty!

Michael : Yeah and think about resources, what will end? Only energy resources?

Vincent : While cum can be converted into energy since nineteen eighty three, progress on powers report, but was censored by new power for “Outrageous” words! So we gotta get all those guys beefy and lusty!!! *Wonders!*

©ProjectChained 142 But how… We got so few time left!!

Michael : Yeah…. Imagine all world in panic? That will boost chaos much!

Vincent : What to do?? *Scared…*

Michael : You have enough metal to make antenna?

Vincent : Maybe in the garbage storage… Why?

Michael : We need to tell people what they can do! So antenna will be used to give strong enough signal to satellite and override all television channels!

Vincent : How people could trust us?! They will think it is a hoax!! And mad pirate which diffuses stupidities on television!

Michael : Sure?

Vincent : What to tell them? Make sex like beasts or a meteor will crash your heads?!

Michael : Naaah! That is too simple!

Vincent : Then what?

Michael : Better something like “You ever heard resources are coming to an end soon? Don't worry, you can make your own fuel!”

Vincent : We would need a lusty tiger to make funny talk

©ProjectChained 143 and explanation and display how to make it…

Michael : We have Dylan!

Vincent : Then call him right now! He may save the world! *Laughs!* And he will surely love how to save it!

Michael : Wait! He is sleeping and we have to build the antenna and prepare the text!!

Vincent : Then why not do it together? *Wish to help him for the preparations!* You won't be alone in this full night!

Michael : Yep! And you can show me where I can find things we need! *Very happy!*

Kuro : May, I help? I was alone upstairs and so… Instead of not sleeping afraid of this night… I could be more… Useful here?

Michael : Sure! With your help it will be easier!

Vincent : Thanks to come and join us helping with it! *Will explain where is everything we all search for!*

Kuro : Let's go!

©ProjectChained 144 We Are Not Alone Chapter 14 The Next Morning

Dylan : Is it morning? Pfff… I thought we've just fell asleep!!

Charles : *Giggles!* Why so bad mood at the beginning of the morning? *Kisses softly!*

Dylan : *Hugs!* Nahh I am just like a bear during mornings if I don't sleep enough… But today will be a tough day, we got a lot to do?

Charles : *Blushes!*

Dylan : This world is in danger from people above us… And who want to kill us… Hmm… What I would answer to them is, to have a plate of fries while bathing! *Smiles almost naively!* Because you can enjoy how soft and warm water is when rubbing your body as you move to eat your nicely crispy fried fries!.

©ProjectChained 145 Charles : Great! Let's have a bath together! *Very aroused about it!!*

Dylan : Sure! It will help us to think better and to wake up serenely! Can you go to cook us fries while I prepare the bath? *Joyful!*

Charles : Sure! *Goes to the kitchen for cooking them!*

*As Charles is walking in the corridors nearing the kitchen, loud noise can be heard from there!!*

Charles : Huh? *Goes to look…*

*And here are sleeping two gigantic bellied guys! Snoring… Loudly! Their bellies waving from loud gurgles and noise coming from these massively overstuffed balloons! It seem to be Alexander and Morgan… Their feast must have been a delicious race to the biggest stuffing competition or something like this possibly? They also took each other hand smiling while sleeping…*

Charles : So lovely! *Loves to see them happy!*

Alexander : *Snore… Then turn to snuggle Morgan!*

Morgan : *Feels it and chuckles a bit snoring still!*

Charles : *Goes to cook leaving those whales to rest…*

(Alexander & Morgan) *Smell fries and feel hungry a bit

©ProjectChained 146 but still sleeping!*

*Fries are almost ready!*

Charles : *Cooks more like interested to know what will be happening!*

Alexander & Morgan : *Get up like hypnotized by fries! But not awoke! Only following it's smell like zombies!!*

Charles : *Cook cook!* *Does not look back!*

Alexander : *Lifts Charles and set him on a chair…*

Morgan : *Care of cooking a lot of stuff for stuffing time!*

Alexander : *Hugs tightly to be sure he won't escape!* Time to grow up a big belly! *Wakes up!*

Morgan : *Awoken…* Hehe!! First plate of fries ready!!

Charles : Guys, and how about Dylan?

Dylan : *Closes tap!* Charles should be there already! I wonder what happens there? Why not check it out! *Walks slowly to the kitchen!*

Charles : Guys, I'm full!! *Moans a bit as belly looks like a big sweating food blimp, tight and shiny!*

Dylan : *Enters!* *Blushes and dribbles pre cum!* *Walks to him and hug this freaking tight pulsing gut! Licking it, purring, feeling simply freaking hot!!!*

©ProjectChained 147 Charles : *Moans and cums a lot!*

Alexander : *Looks at Dylan then at Morgan feeling he got an idea which is very nasty!*

Charles : *Moan!* Urrp! So good!!

Morgan : You think of the same idea? *Nasty and lusty intentions!*

Alexander : You mean game Feed-A-Tiger? *Laughs!!*

Morgan : *Nodding!*

Dylan : *Mewl puzzled…*

Charles : *Gets up and his belly bouncing a bit from weight gain!* Up to three players guys? *Would love to join this funny game!*

Dylan : *Walks discretely to the door!*

Morgan : *Smiles proudly, near the door and hugs me!* Look! A tiger!! *Places his ear near Dylan’s navel!* *GROWWL!!! GRUUURRRGROOAANN!!!* Ooouuhh… This tiger could eat up the whole world so hungry he is!! Let's feed him?

Dylan : *Blushes and finds it fun!!!*

Charles : *Pokes Dylan's belly button!* So it is empty there? Feel this! *Proudly care about this belly, rubbing it

©ProjectChained 148 against me!*

Dylan : It looks so nice! *Laughs a bit!!*

Morgan : We will need lots of food!

Alexander : Tons of it! Remember how noisy was his monster stomach!! *Chuckles!!*

Charles : Then set him on a chair while I cook him some delicious recipes!!

Morgan : Sure! *Puts you on chair and his huge belly on your laps making you unable to get up!*

Dylan : I’m stuck!! *Laughs a bit!* Something huge is on me! *Very happy about it!!*

Morgan : *Purrs loudly rubbing and petting Dylan's head with paws!*

Charles : First meal is ready!

Alexander : *Brings a very large plate containing an eight floor burger! With very nice sauce on each floor, bacon cross making like a mill or circular stair and a well fried steak! Also a huge portion of fries making a larger look to this temple of fat!!!*

Morgan : Eat up and enjoy, I see you drooling! *Kisses softly!*

©ProjectChained 149 Dylan : *Enjoys the meal feeling all was cooked with an extreme accuracy! The sauce is giving to each floor his taste with the mill throwing at me strong explosive winds of tastes! Like a temple keeping secrets below his foundations, the fries slowly disappear as well swelling my gut bigger as this temple is now lost but found a place to hide well!* *My belly ballooned out growing twice bigger!!*

Morgan : *Rubs your growing belly with his fat balloon!* He needs more fuel! Or this tank want make it! *Laughs!*

Dylan : *Mewls!* Tell to the cook the first dish made me travel around the world! *Love dazed!* And to the waiter the service was great! Finally… that you are great! *Hugs this gigantic balloon!!* Can I be so big? *Purrs blushing!*

Morgan : Let's see? *Playful!*

Alexander : *Brings an extraordinary well made dish again! Fried chicken! A lot of it!!! And stuck to each other by a smart way! Using soja sauce! Displaying a boat on a sea of mayonnaise! A lots of element are displayed on and in the boat! Cocktail sausages as barrels! Olive slice for portholes… And the canons are very well displayed by skewer of red meat, explicitly a lot! Finally something must be hidden in the wedge! The treasure!! Containing dozens of nuggets covered by some egg yolk for giving

©ProjectChained 150 them more a golden look!*

Morgan : You can't waste such art, right? Eat and enjoy! *Smiles impressed by Charles cooking skills!!!*

Dylan : *Begins by the pole! Imagining a strong storm taking away slowly all in it's passage! The fat sea is unchained today and will flood in a whole belly! Continuing by the sausages using some sauce, as if the sea would be colored by all that could be poured out of the barrels, slowly turning my belly into one! Continuing by the whole boat being eaten! Even the strongest boat cannot resist to the strength of the storm of hunger! And the treasure lost in the sea is being engulfed to a place nobody could ever find it… In the belly of the sea! My belly! Which is now twice bigger than Charles one!* I begin to feel full! *Mewls rubbing a very huge distended gut somewhat overfilled and noisy from all the fat I consumed so far!*

Charles : Last plate! *This time he comes personally bringing a two meters tower cake with ten floors! Simple enough! But all done of whipped cream!*

Dylan : *Engulfs it loving whipped cream feeling it is one of the loveliest cake from the forms on it! But what is impressing Morgan, Alexander and Charles is that I am becoming even huger than them! And still eat!! Almost

©ProjectChained 151 done there! I eat some more of it staying on my chair, rubbing belly and say!* Hmm now I feel full! *The others are simply speechless!*

Guys : *Blushes!*

Charles : Now you can make it muscle!

Alexander : Yes! By doing workout!

Morgan : Let's go to the gym room?

Dylan : Okay! *And they all go to there together!*

Vladimir : *Wakes up feeling something has changed… And looks at the mirror…* Ohh??! *Shakes George panicked!!*

George : Hm? *Sleepy!!*

Vladimir : *Explicitly rubs him in a way to make him understand he got fat!!*

George : Is it a problem? *Smile!*

Vladimir : Isn't it bad? *Scared a bit as we always taught him that fat is bad!*

George : It isn't too bad, you can lose it fast, I have a nice idea of training for you! *Wink!*

Vladimir : What is it?

(Dylan & Alexander & Morgan & Charles) Can we apply

©ProjectChained 152 to it too? *They all swing their huge fat guts, laughing a lot!*

Vladimir : *See three guys so fat they are sweating it!! And one pot bellied guy!* Whoa… you've eaten the whole ocean food or what?

Dylan : What? It can really work?

Alexander : I trust it can!!

George : I will show it! *Takes big plug and softly inserts it to Vladimir's ass!!*

Vladimir : *Loves George when he gives smart and helpful way to lose fat!*

George : Now time for some died cola! *Brings some fifty liters kegs of it!* Carbonation gas is as good as air!

Everyone : *Thinks it is natural science class and writes down what teacher say!!*

George : *Forces Vladimir to chug whole keg and then forces him to gulp down a bucket of mentos!!* Now you will be forced to flex hard your belly! *Covers Vladimir's mouth leaving gas no single way to escape!!*

Vladimir : *GUUUURRRRGLEEE!!!!* *HIIISSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!* *Flexes!!! Almost by reflex from how intense carbonation is growing his

©ProjectChained 153 body!!!*

*Pressure grows forcing Vladimir to flex even harder and we see that huge reddish balloon sweats, fat layers decreases visibly as tons of energy are consumed by those strong muscles!*

Vladimir : *Clenches teeth so hard he could simply destroy them! Flexing with all his might and strength!! Done by losing all fat… Plug is shot as violently as a gun shot!!

George : *Pats that still huge balloon, all liquid of cola came out as sweat so only gas remains in that mighty drum!!* Now look at the mirror! *Kiss!*

Vladimir : *Rubs this dark red from carbonation extremely filled belly, then let out a gigantic burp evacuating all the gasses!* I am… As before!! *Hugs George very happy!!*

George : *Rub! Rub!* I think a bit bigger and stronger but that is nice! *Winks!*

Charles : I am ready to try! *Walks to George!!*

George : Good! Pick a good plug for your ass!

Charles : *Picks a large plug and inserts it!* I know I leak a lot during night…

©ProjectChained 154 Dylan : *Laughs from remembering the fart contest after last night inflation!!*

Charles : Ready for the keg chugging time! *Erotically put his hand behind back like tied…*

George : A Keg or a tank?

Charles : *Almost constantly having erections, and tank of cola made it throb madly! A lot more than a simple keg!*

George : Sure! *Brings tank of hyper carbonated cola!!* This one?

Charles : *Cums violently at it!*

George : *Forces Charles to chug it all, we hear very loud hisses and gurgles in process!!*

Charles : *Shakes his belly in wish to grow huge… Very huge!!!* *Shaking makes belly suddenly fill at mad rate. It blimps out to full size and we hear pressure hits maximum, making belly flex violently!!* *And so he cums again and again covering Dylan's fur with tons of it!!!* *Belly grows even more, turning dark red and pulsing from extreme pressure!* *Roaring strongly now, no more fat is left, only the carbonated air!!*

Dylan : We will both have a bathing time you won't ever forget! *Lusty!*

©ProjectChained 155 Vladimir : Look at the mirror Charles!!

Charles : *Looks, and his belly has tons of crackles on it and mostly around navel, incredible enough it hasn't exploded! He gained back muscle! Losing all the fat!*

Dylan : But for us, how to do?

Alexander : We are so huge and massive!

Morgan : True…

Charles : *BURPS MADLY!!*

George : You can use air or bigger tanks of cola!

*And the process worked easily enough for Morgan and Alexander!*

Dylan : My turn I suppose? *Neutral…*

George : Yep! Or you prefer regular boring workouts?

Alexander : You have an automatic servicing cola? He is so huge he would need more than regular tanks!

George : How much will he need?

Morgan : Feel his belly… We cannot estimate … So huge he is!!

George : *Rub! Rub!!*

Dylan : *Belly is very deep, maybe some meters… And

©ProjectChained 156 noises are so strong and deep we could fit maybe a truck in there!!!*

George : Hmm *Gives you a small tank, it looks just about half a liter* Maybe you will be able to empty it? *Sneaky!*

Dylan : Such small thing?! *Laughs and gulps it in some seconds!* Thanks for the glass! *But you feel instantly there are some inside still in there! It is a lot bigger than it looks!* Oh I must have left some in! *Gulps and won't stop until it gets empty!* *And you feel it isn't empty still and your belly grows more and more!!* Grrr!! *Gulps faster and faster!!!* *And there is always more, you feel belly rounds up huge!!!* *Falling on back to grow easier… More… Always more! Belly slowly grows to reach the ceiling!* *You feel belly is getting full… Then tight… Then very tight … Then tighter than you ever dared to fill it!* *You feel it flexes trying to handle extreme pressure without exploding like a weak balloon!!!* *Tries to keep gulping some, but simply can't… Belly presses freaking much against walls and ceiling! Everyone behind me saw I just left the little tank falling to the ground!* *There is a raging storm of fizzling gurgles and rumbles in your belly, you see hard sphere shakes from pressure and rumbles… You slowly feel it gets easier to control the pressure… Maybe you can

©ProjectChained 157 finish it? Lust and hunger pushes you to take the tank again!* Grrr!!! *Takes it back gulping loudly its content! And each time I do… Whole body is pulsing!* *Belly groans getting even huger, we don't see muscle yet but you feel you are getting stronger!* *Moans cumming… Strongly enough to cover them while they are behind me waiting… I enjoy the content inside tank… Slowly feeling I could grow huger than the whole world!* *You feel pressure is going too big again, belly is almost reaching explosion, when you force last gulp down your throat… Tank is empty… Some sweat gets to your eyes and you see only a giant blurred sphere… * *Whole body is sweating… As I am almost a blob of cola… Feeling I cannot move at all… I faint after seeing how incredibly strong I was to handle it all!* *But as you start to faint… Your belly pulses so hard that you are awoke again!* *You feel a few drops away from bursting!! Your belly loses all the fat and when you manage to blink out sweat you see a giant muscle blimp that is covered of cum and sweat!!!*


Morgan : HIDE!! HE IS GONNA BURST!! *And they all run out of the room!!*

Dylan : *Let out the biggest burp this world may ever hear…*

©ProjectChained 158 Michael : *Walks in…* What the… *Blushes!!*

Vincent : *Follows!* Whoa… *Love dazed!!*

Dylan : Oh… Hi!

Morgan : Oh my!!!

Alexander : Fuck!! Impressive!

Charles : Incredible! *Speechless!!*

George : Has it worked? *Everyone is in the kitchen now…*

*They see only a huge blimp of belly for now, nicely muscled one and gurgling loudly!*

Michael : *Walks to that gigantic belly and rubs it!* Who could it be? Such strong blimp, a really huge one! *Sneakily drumming!*

Dylan : *Burp!! Buurrp! Burp!*

Michael : Hmm! Sounds nice! *Press with hands trying to softly deflate it, it is firm and hard like a real air tank!*


*And slowly we see a nice tiger head, then wide strong shoulders, then round puffy pecs, then whole body is free to observe…* *Below belly we see an incredibly strong cock still dribbling cum, huge but visibly deflated

©ProjectChained 159 balls, strong muscled legs that can easily support a huger weight*

Dylan : Michael! *Blushes and hugs always feeling impressed when I see you!*

Michael : Dylan! *Loves so much he kisses passionately your cheeks and hugs like a bear!* You look even better than usual days!!! *Traces with finger lines of your great abs and your balls are filling up a bit again!!*

Dylan : Hmm! *Mewls and breathes loudly purring feeling very sensitive from how much I expanded!*

Michael : *Rubs softly your still round belly that looks like fully pregnant roid gut!* I feel you are so sensitive I can help your balls go huge fast! *Sneaky!!*

Dylan : Ohh my! I will fill someone up if you overfill them! *Licks Michael's face then rubs him with paws!!*

Michael : Haha! As always! *Laughs!* *Drums a bit on your sides and kisses your bellybutton that pulses again, now from lust only, not the pressure!*

Dylan : I love this gut! Even if it looks like roid, it is funnier if shaped this way!

Michael : Isn't it what you want, lusty balloon? *Winks and licks your cock!!*

©ProjectChained 160 Dylan : Hmmm… A big roid gut all time? *Blushes…* Yeah! I love it!

Michael : Yep! And to cum! *Rubs your sides while sucking your cock, it tastes unusually sweet today!*

Dylan : Yeah for swelled abs… I need high sugar rate in blood… But … For cumming all the time? *Wonders!!*

Michael : No need to cum all time! *Kissing and sucking feeling your cock is so tasty!!!*

Dylan : You love sugar? Then eat all the cream I baked for you! *Cums!!!*

Michael : *Gulps your sweet cream and inflates making you even more excited!!!* *Finding all of it tasty, sucking and gulping!*

Dylan : *Shivering from excitement and cums even more petting Michael!!!*

Michael : *Moans between gulps feeling ecstatic!!*

Dylan : *Finished cumming…* Look how bloated you've got!

Michael : Yeah! *Very happy!* It was nice and tasty!

Dylan : Yeah! *Hugs and kiss…*

Michael : *Hugs you pressing our bellies together and

©ProjectChained 161 moans!* *You feel tight warm stream of cum hitting your round belly!* *Love-dazed blushing…*

Dylan : Hmmm!! Good boy! *Kisses for long time!*

Michael : *Kisses and enjoys!*

Carlos : Kuro! But damn I do search you since weeks… It is a hell to handle out there! … I don't know what is going wrong but the world turned out crazy about two guys for stupid science reasons!

Kuro : Carlos… I think we did wrong…

Carlos : I know it can be a bit evil but paycheck justify our mission no? And as long as 09 and below aren't corrupted… We can trust them… Right?

Kuro : Hey, we can trust them but I disagree now with paycheck… It isn't just a bit evil… It is too much I think!

Carlos : Huh? Explain… Because salary justify work when it is complicated but if it is to become the public prime enemy!

Kuro : We should now think before doing, I don't want to be a mindless execution machine anymore!

Carlos : Are 01 to 04 knowing about it?

Kuro : Yes! And they agree!

©ProjectChained 162 Carlos : But why?

Kuro : We are expandable people! They don't need us anymore… We could just tell what we've done as mercenaries not affiliated to them… And become as those two guys, researched as criminals… With a small difference, we did real crimes us… Not them!

Carlos : They… Wouldn't do that! Would they?!

Kuro : You need to know?

Carlos : Of course… Because if it is true… Then I will help those two guys! Give me a single proof and I will be actively on your side against them! Also country has a president, isn't he real?! *He is naive… The war here concerns much higher token than a president… Which would be a simple peon … But for peace because of military events in the past that bruised the planet!*

Kuro : First proof : How much of your past do you remember?

Carlos : Maybe… *Thinks before answering!* Five years…

Kuro : Yeah… And who we were before that? How we ended obeying orders?

Carlos : From number 09 who told us former… There were no more president when number 09 engaged us…

©ProjectChained 163 And the system of number was for hierarchicalizing who would be replaced if 09 dies… But why couldn't I remember?

Kuro : Because guys without memory are easy to control?

Carlos : Because of all the recent events… People don't like to look be at the past…

Kuro : Turn to past… Maybe? But having no memory… I feel it's wrong… Like a nightmare… Brr!

Carlos : Because… They… *Demons eyes widen…* Are repeating… Currently the same error twice… And we are the actors of it!! *Shocked and feel suicidal remembering the terrorizing things he saw…*

Kuro : *Hugs!* You remembered something?

Carlos : Kuro… If we help them… The world will not turn into the crazy hell as it was eight years ago?! Demons remember a lot… But sometimes … As human if events are too shocking, we can lock our mind on some parts… Excuse me of this weakness!

Kuro : I remember white walls… People without faces… Locked to bed… Helpless… Needle in my hand…

Carlos : But then… We need to kill 09?!

Kuro : I don't really know… Should we … Ask him?

©ProjectChained 164 *Scared!!*

Carlos : If we are wrong, he will laugh…. Or manipulate us to force it to be wrong… If we ask about the past, too risky we may disappear for a long time… Into the grave… And if we are right… Then it is our heads that won't stay at same place for too long!!

Kuro : But if we kill him, we lose all he knows, right? Will we ever recover memories back?

Carlos : So we need to find a way to make 07 and 08 be away or apart or killed to have 09?! … And then what? You will tell what?! “You owe us explanations!”? He will just laugh his ass off!

Kuro : They trained us well, no? *Evil smile!*

Carlos : Sure… But we should ask the help of your friends! Bigger group! Better communication … Higher chance of success!

Kuro : Yes we should! Also you will see why I decided to protect them! They are good!

Carlos : I heard a burp from far! Damn!! I almost hit a tree when I was flying to come here! It was a violent one, so much that ground was shaking from it!

Kuro : Isn't it fun? *Laughs a lot!!*

©ProjectChained 165 Carlos : *Very worried…* Maybe it is too late… I hope it isn't!! *Fears so much!* … Because the last time I talked to 09… His last research were for launching… Meteor of Ending…

Kuro : Huh?

Carlos : He has launched it… Some years ago… Exactly eight years ago… But something perturbed his plan… A demon with unknown name, just deviated it…. And as soon as the demon would fall on the planet … The spell could be used back… But he needs now the demon … To launch it!

Kuro : You mean? … Michael? He landed here on a lifepod some days ago, I checked logs on lifepod and that is true!!

Carlos : So this is why they are pursuing him! But why this second guy?! It has no sense!! The demon… Okay! But why the other one?!

Kuro : But how can you find a demon that doesn't want to be found? It is easier to find the demon's friend, no?

Carlos : I agree… But then why trying to kill the friend? He is not knowing a single thing… In this story he is innocence… He wish to just publish a scientific thought about extraterrestrial population notion and possibility!

©ProjectChained 166 Damn… If earth could hear him… He could be good enough to ask this hell to be set to an end… You got a theory on Dylan you? Me I am simply clueless…

Kuro : Can he be… 00?

Carlos : 00? What function is this? one to four are soldiers… five is squad elite… six is chief… seven to nine … We aren't authorized to know… But zero… What could it be? Emptiness? Cancellation??

Kuro : Who knows?? Maybe stop this spell if something goes wrong?

Carlos : Zero can be the idea of cancel… As it is “Nothing”… So the idea of canceling… But how… Are you TELLING ME… Dylan could be…. The one who can really stop this hell from happening a second time?!

Kuro : Do I even know?

Carlos : He has no tattoo! And we all got one!

Kuro : But his fur makes 0 pattern on belly!

Carlos : I need to examine it… Because if it is true, we need to keep them both!! Fast!! Let's join them!!!

©ProjectChained 167 We Are Not Alone Chapter 15 Number 0

Carlos : Let's go and see him?

Kuro : *Nods thinking he might be interesting to know it… But not to show it to the others yet!*

Carlos : *Follows Kuro!*

Kuro : I will show you the way! *Guides Carlos to Dylan…*

Carlos : *Enters the kitchen!* Hello! I'm Carlos! Nice to meet you!

Dylan : Hi! *Mewls and purrs!* Nice to meet you as well… Kuro… Who is that guy? Is he your boyfriend?

Kuro : Nope, my ex-coworker! *Smiles!* He is on our side now!

Dylan : Great! *See 06 tattooed on his arm!* Great job!

©ProjectChained 168 Just missing 07 to 09!

Carlos : Can I examine your belly? *Blushing…*

Dylan : Sure! *Laughs and the chubby belly of mine jiggles!*

(Others) *Wonders for most of them why he wants to study me?*

Carlos : *Rubs and examine fur pattern!* *Nice furry belly, fat and soft, it wobbles from giggles and touches. That zero mark looks to be natural color, bit more shiny than other fur!*

Dylan : I wasn't knowing you were into big bellies! *Laughs!*

Carlos : *Rub! Rub!* *Pokes!* *Smiling!*

Dylan : *GURRRRGLES waving strongly at him!!* Sorry! *Very bit embarrassed!!* Poking me there makes it gurgling!!

Carlos : Really? *Sneaky poking it thrice!!*

Dylan : *Moans feeling good, belly gurgles even stronger and zero pattern is a bit glimmering!*

Carlos : *Looks at your face not guessing it is lust, thinking it is painful!* Ohh, sorry!!

©ProjectChained 169 Dylan : No I’m not feeling bad! *GRROOOAANN!!!* I feel fucking hungry!!

Carlos : So those were groans of hunger?

Dylan : Yeah!! *Blushing!*… Fuck! You got me so hungry by tickling me!

Carlos : But luckily we are in the kitchen, lots of food available around us!

Dylan : *And begins a frenetic eating… Eating everything I can around me! Force stuffing that belly of mine with everything possible!! Growing out slowly a massive belly!!* More and more!!!

Carlos : You look very hungry! *Pokes!*

Dylan : *Eats a lot more not caring or feeling pain… Feeling just a hole inside me … Not hunger feeling… Until I end super tight!* *Lying on back…* *BURRRRRRP!!!* It was nice meal! *Loud digestion noise…*

Carlos : *Rubs and poke!* How do you feel, big balloon?

Dylan : *Sweating a lot!!* MORE FOOD!! *Opens shelve and eat all inside it… Not feeling any pain or tightness anymore… As if nothing could burst me and I could inflate infinitely bigger!* *Zero is shining brighter again…*

©ProjectChained 170 Carlos : Whoa! So huge! *Rubs your stretched zero in circles!!*

*His hands are able to get through zero… Like it is possible to absorb what is offered to me!*

Dylan : Not this food! *Reject your hands and then return to this swallowing time where I stuff until I simply cannot move anymore!!!*

Carlos : *Pats your huge belly!* You look like a guy which can save the world!

Morgan : But… Your hand got through his belly?! *Wishes to see it again… And let some cookie fall in the furry zero… They disappears…*

Carlos : Hmm… Why not try some cola? *Takes a keg of it and opens valve spraying cola on your zero!!*

Dylan : *Moans happily… As all coke is absorbed by that ballooning up belly!!*

Carlos : You can taste things with your absorbing power?

Dylan : Yeah! I feel the taste of everything! But in what it can save a world?

Carlos : Your belly can absorb asteroid of doom and protect the world from it!!!

Dylan : It isn't food… *Neutral!*

©ProjectChained 171 Morgan : Pfff… And you think what?! That we will turn asteroid into pastas?! *Sarcastic!*

(Michael Maybe not into pastas… But it can be turned to food, no?

Alexander : And that belly seems impossible to burst… So turning it into gigantic food mess… Can be good!!

Carlos : Sure belly can handle it all? It looks so tight!!

Morgan : When poking the zero opening this kind of… Black hole… I didn't see any tightness… It is after that there is one where it could be observed!

Carlos : But asteroid will be so massive! Maybe we should help Dylan to grow huger before it comes?

Dylan : I feel tight when not rubbed… Ohh!!! *Crackles on belly from over stuffing!!!*

Carlos : *Rub! Rub! Rub!* Are you okay?

Dylan : *Mewl!* I feel better! *Purrs as tightness cease…* But how to avoid I burst under asteroid size? It means I need to get rubbed at any possible moment!? I thought… You made circular rub… Which opened the kind of food portal… Following a clock pattern! Why not make inverse rotation?

Carlos : Okay! *Rubs you using inverse rotation this time!

©ProjectChained 172 * How it feels?

Dylan : *Louder digestion noise… And slowly belly decrease in size! Michael sees in amazement… I simply make all food disappear inside!*

Dylan : *Cums the equivalent of disappeared food into cum covering everyone… Walls and make a small lake in the whole kitchen… Kitchen is now flooded and I am in the lake, we see some bubbles, I’m gulping it!*

Carlos : Oh no!! He can drown in it! *Dives and rubs zero to make it absorb all the cum above you!*

Dylan : *And all the cum above me flows back inside… Growing me big! I get up very fat looking but okay!* Hehe! Funny!!

Kuro : HE GOT THE KEY! … If Dylan is fed extremely tight and cums enough strongly … He could make the asteroid deviate from the planet!!

Carlos : *Pats your sides!!* I hope you won't pop without rubs!

Morgan : *Makes inverse rotation rubs!*… Nah he won't! Make it disappear…

Akimitsu : *Appears!* DONE! *Takes Dylan and disappears!*

©ProjectChained 173 (Guys) *Everyone is shocked from the pace of how fast it has happened!!*

Alexander : Did… someone been able to see that?!

Vincent : Who was that guy?!

George : Fuck! I didn't even saw that guy appearing!

Charles : He… He took Dylan away!!

Morgan : Our hopes are lost? *Sad!!*

Vladimir : What the…?!

Kuro : *High sadness!!*

Michael : Guys, calm down!

Carlos : Akimitsu!! Number 09!!!!

Michael : Where could he take Dylan?

Carlos : He needs Dylan to launch Meteor… Not the demon! As the demon was countering the meteor from it’s original crashing location…

Michael : Is it safe for Dylan?

Carlos : For now I remember his name and only that he needs Dylan to launch it… How… I don't know… And where… I do not remember it!

Michael : We will follow him then! *Anger!!!*

©ProjectChained 174 We Are Not Alone Chapter 16 The Beginning Of Doom

Michael : Are you with me guys?

Morgan : Yes but what we do? Dylan… *Scared!!*

Vladimir : I… *Wish to punch wall!!*… I SHOULD HAVE PROTECTED HIM!! *Grr!!*

Michael : We will follow Dylan together! I have a tracking device… To find where they teleported!

Carlos : Everyone, let's follow him!

*Somewhere else…*

Dylan : *Naively playing!* Who are you?

Akimitsu : Why care? I need you to launch meteor, nothing else!

Dylan : … What is a meteor?

Akimitsu : It's death for all people on this planet first and

©ProjectChained 175 then the others too! *Laughs!*

Dylan : Grrr… And why would I do it??

Akimitsu : Because I can torture you! *Grr!*

Dylan : You can't kill me… Or you will lose it! *Very sneaky!*

Akimitsu : Yeah, but I can make you beg me to kill you desperately! *Evil laughter!*

Dylan : I prefer die… Than give you the word on a plate… AND I CAN COUNTER YOUR STUPID SPELL!

Akimitsu : *Scratches your chest with claws!* And can you counter this? *Very evil!*

Dylan : *Punching!!* YES BY A PUNCH IN YOUR ASS FACE!!

Akimitsu : *Lifts you and ties you to the table!* Really? You are just a weak tiger!! *Scratch scratch!!*

Dylan : *Painful mewl!!*

Akimitsu : And you know, I won't lose anything if I kill you, you don't wish to help me so I lose nothing! If you won't help me, why keep you alive? Alive and unwilling or dead you will be, in both cases I can't launch it!

Dylan : I cannot give up… My friends trust me…!

©ProjectChained 176 Akimitsu : Really? You think they will save you? *Scratches your cock!!*

Dylan : NOT MY COCK ASSHOLE!! *Khhsss!!* *Mind : This asshole surely knows how to launch it… But on my side… I cannot remember the song to stop it!*

Akimitsu : Really? *Scratches your cock again and punches your balls!!*

Dylan : *Cry!!* What… Have I done… To… Deserve this? *Contains sadness…*

Akimitsu : So… Will you launch it before I make bloody mess of your crotch? You don't need your cock or balls to do it!

Dylan : … The hemorrhage from emasculating could kill me… THEN GO FOR IT! *Laugh hysterically!!!*

Akimitsu : Don't worry, you won't bleed to death! *Laughs loudly and shows you metal rod, part of it shines red from heat!* *Scratches again and burns bleeding parts!!* I can do it for a looooong time! *Evil smile…*

Dylan : *Yells out loudly!* … I can now… Understand what it is… To be so loved by you…

Akimitsu : *Keeps torturing you until you can't yell anymore!* So? I can do it for days and days but I won't

©ProjectChained 177 let you die!

Dylan : Make it… Stop…

Akimitsu : Sure! *Unties you and gets you up, you feel about to faint but can stand…*

Dylan : … Let me… Go…

Akimitsu : *Takes you to old stone with writings!* You know what you should do to be free!

Dylan : What is it?

Akimitsu : It is where death will start! Sing your Song Of Doom! *Lets you gulp some water to help your dry tired throat….*

Dylan : Song Of Doom

13 I do form and come from the deep end of the big space

13 My origin is unknown, like exit in a maze

12 We could compare my hit on earth like end of all

12 Nothing will subsist and everything will do fall

©ProjectChained 178 *Somewhere in space, a very dark mass forms and starts moving slowly…*

4 My strength will grow

4 About to blow

4 Nothing will slow

4 The end is now

*Mass gets bigger and gains speed absorbing rocks on the way!!*

6 Mass will be gaining weight

6 It will reach bigger height

8 It will absorb all hope and light

8 Ready for an eternal night

*Mass is huge and it forms a huge meteor and it pulses on its way to the planet…*

Dylan : … It is… Done *Cries in shame!*

©ProjectChained 179 Akimitsu : Then… You are free! *Teleports away leaving you there!*

Dylan : *Cry… Falling on ground… Faints desperate!*

(Michael and the others) *Finally teleport there and search for you…*

Michael : Ohh *Follows blood trail!!* *Scared!*

(07 & 08) WHO ARE YOU?

Michael : *Sad!* Guys, I'm not in mood to chat! *Walk! Walk!!*

Carlos : Denis… Helmut! *Discuss with them very anger of their behavior with Michael… And he explains them the whole story!*

Michael : *Finds you!* Ohhh!! *Very preoccupied…* *Heals your wound!!*

Dylan : *Recovers a bit…*

Michael : Poor cutie! *Hugs you!*

Dylan : He launched… Meteor!! *Cries almost wishing to kill myself right there!*

Michael : Shhh, it's okay! *Kisses you…*

Dylan : We are doomed!!

Michael : Nope yet! You can stop it, right? So we still

©ProjectChained 180 have chance! *Hugs!*

Dylan : How?…

Michael : You don't remember stopping spell?

Dylan : *Shake head!* … No… *Very sad…*

Michael : You will remember it, I'm sure! *Hugs trusting you!*

Dylan : How… And what will it do?! *Cries!* How can I remember it?

Michael : Shh, you need to rest! *Kisses you and whispers something in your ear and you feel falling asleep…*

Dylan : *Sleeps… Totally relaxed!*

Michael : *Rubs you softly…*

*Dylan see a weird world where rocks fly in the air like no gravity exists!*

Dylan : Michael… I am… Alone?

(Deformed Tiger) Michael? Who is he? I don't know him!

Dylan : You are giant!! *Pokes belly… Amazed by it's size!*

(Deformed Tiger) *Mewl!* Hey… *Uncomfortable…*

Dylan : What? *Wonders!* You don't like that? *Rub!

©ProjectChained 181 Rub!!*

(Deformed Tiger) Stop please, it hurts! *Cries a bit!* You don't remember it, right?

Dylan : I didn't meant to hurt you! Why it doesn't give you any pleasure at all?

(Deformed Tiger) Let me show you… *You see flash of light and feel falling down… Faster and faster then pain and darkness… Then you see a blue sky… A bird flying high… You feel pain and cannot move… Days pass and you feel weaker and weaker from hunger…*

(Voice 1) Look, he is alive! Should we help him?

(Voice 2) I'm not sure… Maybe it will be more kind to let him die? He won't be able to walk again…

(Voice 1) Maybe you are right but… Huh? He tries to say something?

Dylan : Fry pan…

(Voice 2) He lost his mind already, leave him…

(Voice 1) No, I think we should take him! *You feel pain in body and now you see the ground and someone's boots, your head shakes helplessly and you faint!*

*When you wake up you see clean ceiling…*

©ProjectChained 182 Akimitsu : *Walks in, clothed like a doctor!* Hello! You should feel a bit better already! *He looks kind!*

Dylan : Hi *Scared feeling it is a nightmare to see this guy!*

Akimitsu : Good! I see your mind feels better already! But you had really bad fall, many of your bones were broken and then healed in wrong positions. You are lucky to survive from this all! On the other side… I'm not sure you will be able to move, sorry… *Looks truly sorry.*

Dylan : What?! *Terrified to imagine I am paralyzed!* But what happened to me?!

Akimitsu : Some guys found you near the mountain like that… I think you fell down on rocks… *Shows you mirror and you see Deformed Tiger there!!!*

Dylan : *Shocked at first!* It is terrible…

Akimitsu : I know… I will search a way to help you, don't feel desperate! *Goes away!*

*Some days later…*

Akimitsu : *Walks in with a weird smile… Like he is happy and scared at the same time!* Hello! I think I found a way to help you!

©ProjectChained 183 Dylan : What is it?

Akimitsu : Ancient artifact. I know it does sound weird but it won't hurt you even if it won't work, right? *Mind : I can't just watch him suffering… I must try anything that can possibly help! Fuck that warning, he deserves a life!*

Akimitsu : Do you agree? If yes I will be here at midnight to try!

Dylan : Then come at midnight with your rock…

Akimitsu : I will!

*At midnight…*

Akimitsu : Ready? Then let's start! *Moves your hand on artifact and reads something from a big old book, artifact glows pulsing and you feel with each pulse your body moves and heals!* Hh… How you ffeeeeel? *Looks like he squeezes the words out!*

Dylan : I feel moving… *Calm!*

Akimitsu : Good! *He looks fighting something inside him!* You will live a full life… *Suddenly evil grin appear on his face!* Until the world dies! *Laughs and face return to normal and bit sad…* I must go away before evil consume me fully… Good luck, strong tiger! *His face grimaces painfully and you hear two songs at same time coming from his mouth!* *The first one deals

©ProjectChained 184 with Doom, and the second with Life!* *Walks away as soon as songs end…*

*End of the dream…*

Dylan : *Wakes loudly breathing with a noise of panic inside me!!*

Michael : Shh! I'm here! *Hugs you!*

Dylan : Michael… I got paralyzed and deformed some years ago…

Michael : Really? You look fully healthy now! *Kisses you softly!*

(Others) *Comes there!*

(Helmut & Denis) We join you! Carlos told us about everything that happened so far!

Dylan : I am because Akimitsu in the past used an artifact healing me through it's powers… I obtain back a stable life… A body stronger and healthier… No more paralyzed… It means … If I stop meteor, the spell will stop, and considering injury I got in the past… I will die Michael…

Michael : Err… Can you tell more details? Because now I remember something as well… You mean that Akimitsu that kidnapped you here was some years ago, Doctor

©ProjectChained 185 Akimitsu? *Puzzled a lot!*

Dylan : Yes… I remember his badge… He told me I … Had some sort of accident, I felt on rocks…

Michael : Ohh… When he helped you… Did he have a book with him? *Takes tablet and draws book you seen very detailed!!*

Dylan : Yes, he did! *Kisses you!*

Michael : I remember that book well, you won't get your wounds back and he won't gain back his mind from stopping that meteor… But after stopping it… You can save him by your kindness! Listen : Transferring power to a broken pot will heat the pot but will flood soul of caster with evil. When meteor is stopped pot will not get back the crackles and caster's soul will not purify itself until the pot will show mercy and heal caster's soul by kindness…

Dylan : So I just have to stop meteor and help his mind then… That’s it then? *Mind : And I got the song of life in head… So there we are saved now!*

Michael : Yes… But you will need to be close to the meteor to stop it, we need to wait and prepare!! *Kiss!*

Dylan : Close to it? *Puzzled…* …Will I absorb it?!

Michael : Yes and that will be an extremely huge load for

©ProjectChained 186 your belly!

Dylan : As long as we rub it! Sure it will be enough! Let's prepare! Carlos, Helmut, Denis, Alexander, George, Vincent, Charles, Kuro, go and tie Akimitsu so he join us for now… Vladimir, Morgan and Michael you will work to find where meteor should hit so we will know where we need to move!

Michael : I will work on it! *Kisses you!*

Carlos : We will if we meet him! *Hugs you!*

©ProjectChained 187 We Are Not Alone Chapter 17 Boomsday

*And the group divides, each going to do what they planned… The final fight is approaching… And it will be today… The Boomsday!!!*

Morgan : So it is the final day? *A tear drop is on his eyes sides…*

Vladimir : Are you alright Morgan? *Feel he is very scared… He is so innocent in this story… He was only a paranormal fan who lived the most exciting expedition of his life… But is in total lack of self confidence and fear from the meteor!*

Michael : Yeah… I feel not ready! *Nervous about it!!*

Vladimir : Even you?! You are scared?

Morgan : *Cries mewling terrorized*

Dylan : *Writes on a paper feeling calm!*

©ProjectChained 188 Vladimir : *Hugs Michael!* Hey, don't give up now!

Morgan : *Sobs wishing someone could care of him!*

Vladimir : I return soon… *Goes to hug and calm down Morgan!* Hey, I'm sure Dylan has an idea… Also… What is he doing?

Michael : I won't!! Just I feel there's no other way…

Dylan : Michael, Morgan, Vladimir… I need you three to go and pirate the main television antennas… We got sox hours before impact… *Looks coldly speaking and still writing back from them!*

Morgan : Why? *Terrified!!*

Vladimir : Huh? *Puzzled…*

Dylan : Just do it… Please!! *Smiles seeming to be happy even if they don't see my face!!*

Michael : Sure! You wish we get full read or with it the full control? *Feels happy to be useful!*

Dylan : *I know having a task will take his fear away!* I need that every television channel be linked on same unique antenna! *Lays my pencil and get up, taking the paper I scratched on, folding it in four!* Morgan… Don't read it before you think it is the right time… And you Vladimir… You surely know how to use a camera as you

©ProjectChained 189 hosted nice bodybuilder inflation contest on television…

Michael : Sure! *Works on a trojan type virus that establishes control…*

Dylan : Now… Our destiny lays above you three… I will wait here… *Looks patient… Not resigned to a terrible fate… I seem powerful and serious for once!* Join the broadcast company!

Morgan : It's done Michael?

Vladimir : If then, we have to go… Time is missing… Because I did infiltrate a television broadcasting company because I lost my invitation… And it wasn't successful as I got thrown out, but I admit it is difficult to hide with such a body!

Morgan : You got an antenna to set to the top of the broadcasting building?

Michael : Just some more minutes! *Works very fast on his computer, we see dozens of windows opening and closing every seconds…* around ninety nine percents of broadcasting networks are now under our control, the very few that we don’t own yet are just slowly responding!

Morgan : So this small computer will work as an antenna? Fuck, but the broadcasting company is at least

©ProjectChained 190 three hours from here by flight!!

Vladimir : We will have then three hours by then… It's more than enough!

Michael : Sure we need totally full part of networks?

Dylan : Ninety nine percents is indeed enough! Go on then…

Morgan : Let's go! Three hours is much more than enough!! I will handle the computer!

Vladimir : Huh? *Sky is turning reddish…*

Michael : Sure! Get on my back! *Happily takes his computer and tablet and symbiotic computer!*

Vladimir : Five hours left… *Scared… Even him is terrified admitting he doesn't know what is in Dylan's mind currently…*

Morgan : *Put paper in his pocket, letting Dylan get on Michael’s back, leaving Vladimir simply feeling clueless!*

Michael : Relax, Dylan knows more than he thinks to know! Ready to fly? *Tries to reassure them!*

(Morgan & Vladimir) Yes!

*And they fly away…*

Michael : *Flies… Thinking.* Mind : Damn, it's our last

©ProjectChained 191 chance! I hope Dylan really knows what he is doing, or I'll kick his ass as a soul!! Damn, those slow old networks, would they get what we need while we fly? Would we fail because of one last network?* *Feel unsure and anger by being scared…*

*Back to Dylan!*

Dylan : *Looks at the sky darkening only hearing the wind… And wonder!* Is that how it feels to be… Hopeless? It is a very strange feeling… I feel if I keep thinking… I will just be scared to death… *And I sing, I only sing and cries a bit looking at the Meteor that grows a darker and darker sky, reddish as blood…*

*Four hours left.*

*On the side of Kuro’s group!*

Kuro : The sky is strangely dark today!

Vincent : Why do you talk of it like doomsday?!

Kuro : Because I’m sure something is wrong outside!

Vincent : Stop being so empty inside!

Alexander : Guys, you are worse than kids!

George : Hang in there, time to rise the bids! *Laughs about it!*

©ProjectChained 192 Alexander : Very spiritual!

George : No, only hard currency is casual!

Carlos : We are almost doomed!

Charles : Doomed?! Did the ambiance gloomed?!

Carlos : Look at the sky that is bleeding on us! *Worried.*

Charles : And your words flowing as strong as a bus…

Akimitsu : *HHHMMPFF!!! Debating but one versus eight, you knew how it would end!

Helmut : The meteor, the fatal error, the annihilator…

Denis : Error but has soul… Ancient death out of control!

Helmut : And behave like the ultimate might suppressor!

Akimitsu : *Laughs as there is only three hours left!*

*Back to Michael’s group!*

Morgan : *Hugs Vladimir crying…* The sky scares me…

Michael : Don't be scared! Big guys!

Vladimir : I am… Not… *Doubting not so confident anymore!* Hey Morgan… Look at me… Not at the sky…

*But this sky… This fire red toned, old dried blood color like is only inspiring death and damnation!*

©ProjectChained 193 Morgan : *Hugs Vladimir feeling very bad!!*

Vladimir : We’re gonna land soon… I need you to be strong…

Michael : *Lands on carefully!* So guys? You feel it is a good place?

Vladimir : Yes… Set near the antennas his computer!

Morgan : And then? What to do now?

Michael : It's done… Then now… Errr… Let's go to the direct record studio!

Morgan : We will follow you!

Vladimir : Right!!

Morgan : *Looks at his watch!* There is one single hour left… *In terror!*

*They run to enter the studios!!*

Michael : Guys, sorry to interrupt you but we need your studio right now!!

*While they interrupt people working…*

One Guy Somewhere : What the fuck?!! *Ultra scared!!*

Strong Man In The Countryside : How?!! *Run to his home and barricades it…*

©ProjectChained 194 Guy : *Gathers his family and enters shelter…* Here we will be safe* *Mind : I hope!*

Child : Daddy! *Cries loudly!!*

Dad : Shh, hug me! *Take him in his arms!*

Child : What happen? *Sad…*

Dad : I don't know! But all will be fine…

Child : You promise me? *Sobbing closing his eyes, trying to calm down!*

Dad : Yea, I promise! *Mind : Hope we will survive!*

*Back to Dylan.*

Dylan : *Look at the sky… 30 minutes before impact…* I may be small, I may be insignificant… Even useless or not here, I will fight until the very end… Even if it is worthless! Who can consider it is worthless? Not me… The whole world! And looking at the dirt bags as the government television which switched their minds to think of me as… If I was their last hope… It would be the hell and chaos before the real end coming… But an outsider… Still has a chance… As long as he tries to take it!

Michael… I miss you… *Cry and sing again waiting… Feeling fully alone… Waiting the signal from the world!*

©ProjectChained 195 Michael : *Mind : I miss you Dylan!*

Dylan : *Mind : So it is true… We are not alone?* *Mind : The message, Morgan has to broadcast worldwide the Song of Life…*

Michael : All is set! Ready to broadcast!

Dylan : GO!

Morgan : Hello everyone… *Tries to hide his scared feeling by showing solemnity…* Due to an unknown problem on the current channel, interrupting your current program...*Tries to make people think their channel program is individually interrupted to give it a real impression instead of a fake!* We will diffuse you… A little song… Have fun singing it!


A8 Do not feel alone anymore

B8 I am here for you I promise

C8 You don't need to look behind now

C8 No need anymore of sorrow

B8 You may trust me, look at my eyes

©ProjectChained 196 A8 You won't suffer from this tumor

A8 I will make you smile happy you see?

B9 Never I will leave you down ever

C10 You deserve to be loved and protected

D11 And to be given everything you desire

D11 I love you like a mother, and I admire

C10 Your hugs make any pain end rejected

B9 And it does feel lasting forever

A8 Every time you did forgave me

A8 Dear planet, suffering planet

B9 You are the mother of the mother

C10 You let no one suffer from the terror

D11 I am your dearest interlocutor, mom

E12 No one may ever take this away from us, please

E12 Everyone hear my last call, let your pain release

D11 Every person is simply damn awesome

C10 Please help me to fight back the meteor

©ProjectChained 197 B9 Reject pain which come from the other

A8 And please save with me the planet

*The world slowly starts to sing it… Desperate!*

Michael : I hear it… People are singing!!

*Finally back to Dylan…*

*10 Minute before impact!*

Dylan : *I look at the sky… Stones of some meters in flame are falling a bit everywhere!* … Is it the end of the world? … *Sad!* I feel … Sad that I haven't got the chance to be at the side of the person I love…

*And slowly around me… Are gathering… Wires of energy, of different colors…*

Michael : *Mind : It's your time Dylan! The stage is set!!!*

Dylan : *Rubs my navel to slowly absorb the energy… Which grows me bigger… And bigger as I absorb more of it!!* *I sing crying… Wishing to hope fate isn't already played!*

©ProjectChained 198 *The world sings it… As a World Anthem… There are no more barrier… No more difference… Everything is now… One…*

Dylan : *Grows at a pace that defy a bit everything… Being like a wall to the world…*

Michael : *Scared but trusting it will work!!*

Dylan : *Mind : Sing with me… May we resonate as one voice…*

Michael : *Feels you need this and sings too!*

Dylan : *Grows at an exponential rate, outgrowing almost the meteor… Impact in some seconds over me!* *And here the whole world time is like stopping… Everyone is wondering… How can it look like to have a last thought or a last word? And whom would you address it to?*

Michael : *Mind : You can do it Dylan!*

*A pure beam of intense light cover the whole world reflecting any possible vision between inside and outside!*

*Light is fading… And you see the biggest ever balloon

©ProjectChained 199 existing in front of your window…Then you see the energy wires are running all over Dylan, causing the meteor to lose heat fully and slowly be digested!!!*

Morgan : Dylan did it? *Look around…*

Michael : Yeah!! *Scared and happy at the same time!!*

*From guys point of view…*

Akimitsu : *Stops moving… Guys wonder why!!*

Kuro : Wait… We thought only… As a one sided coin… If Akimitsu loses his soul… Dylan is… *Feels disgusted and sad!*

*Dylan's side.*

Dylan : *Waits looking at the sunset…*

*Back to Michael's group.*

Michael : Huh? Dylan won't disappear!! *Anger and scared!!*

Vladimir : Why would he? *They don't know!!*

©ProjectChained 200 *Dylan's side.*

Dylan : I always loved the sunset… Because it represents the end of the day, as the end of one journey! And now… I feel I know the answer… We are not alone… Never… *Sleeps… Softly… Not breathing anymore.*

*Michael flies as fast as possible back to Dylan seeing an aura of light from sunset like a circle on me…*

Michael : No… *Hugs you!!* Don't dare to leave me! *Cries!!!*

Dylan : *Doesn't react…*

Michael : Return to me! I know you can!!

*You see in this growing darkness… One light coming from the sky, and the little light ball… Enters Dylan’s already far too big body!!*

Michael : Dylan? *Cries…*

Dylan : *Open the eyes… And Cries in front of you!*

Michael : You returned!! *Love…*

Dylan : Michael… I found my answer…

Michael : *Hugs!* Really? *Smiles and cries at same time!*

Dylan : Yes… We are not alone… *Hugs tightly…* Never…

©ProjectChained 201 Michael : *Kiss!* I want to show you how true it is *Hugs kissing softly!!*

Dylan : Hmm? First I would need maybe some clothes… Because if you wish people to look at me… I don't think they will appreciate a naked tiger!

Michael : Haha! Yeah! *Hugs and kiss!*

©ProjectChained 202