
1) Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis 1) The Divine Comedy, Dante 16) On Loving God, 1) Mere Christianity (99-11) 1) Divine Comedy (68-20) 16) Collected Poetry, T.S. Eliot 8) Basic Christianity, John Stott 1) Mere Christianity (90-25) The Best Christian Book of 1) Divine Comedy (59-16) 8) Gilead, Marilynne Robinson

9) The Resurrection of the 9) Resurrection (52-32) 9) Silence (31-27) 9) Silence, Shusaku Son of God, N.T. Wright All Time Tournament Endo 5) Large Catechism, Martin Luther 1) Mere Christianity (56-22) 4) Chron. of Narnia (38-25) 5) Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan 12) The Everlasting 5) Large Catechism (43-36) 5) Pilgrim's Progress (70-35) 12) Complete Stories, Man, G.K. Chesterton Flannery O'Connor 4) Chron. Of Narnia 4) Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton 4) Orthodoxy (58-28) (66-22) 4) The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis

13) Proslogion, 4) Orthodoxy (71-11) 4) Chronicles (74-47) 13) Brothers Karamazov, Anselm Fyodor Dostoyevsky 6) Knowing God, J.I. Packer Theology & Apologetics Fiction & Poetry 6) Paradise Lost, John Milton 11) Pensées, Blaise 1) Mere Christianity (59-46) 2) The Lord of the Rings (47-34) 11) The Temple, 11) Pensées (46-43) 6) Paradise Lost (77-8) Pascal George Herbert 3) The City of God, Augustine 3) City of God (68-23) 3) Les Mis (57-36) 3) Les Misérables, Victor Hugo

14) The God Who Is 3) City of God (78-13) 3) Les Mis (95-16) 14) Jane Eyre, There, Francis Schaeffer Charlotte Brontë 7) Summa Theologica, 3) City of God (44-25) 2) LOTR (43-24) 7) Complete Poetry and Selected Prose, John Donne

10) On the Incarnation, 7) Summa Theologica (45-42) 7) Donne (50-24) 10) Complete Poems, Athanasius 1) Mere Christianity (55-37) Gerard Manley Hopkins 2) Institutes, John Calvin 7) Summa Theologica (60-40) 2) LOTR (66-25) 2) The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

15) Religious Affections, 2) Institutes (59-29) 2) LOTR (108-10) 15) The Power and the Jonathan Edwards Glory, Graham Greene Confessions by 1) The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1) Confessions, Augustine Augustine 16) The Purpose Driven 1) Cost of Discipleship (112-3) 1) Confessions (86-22) 16) The Ragamuffin Gospel, Life, Rick Warren (50 - 43) Brennan Manning 8) The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, Lesslie Newbigin 1) Cost of Discipleship (72-15) 1) Confessions (56-13) 8) My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers

9) The Mind of the Maker, 8) Gospel (35-26) 8) Utmost (62-31) 9) The Seven Storey Dorothy Sayers 1) Confessions (54-45) Mountain, 5) Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1) Cost of Discipleship (51-19) 1) Confessions (44-14) 5) Spiritual Exercises,

12) Knowledge of the 5) Life Together (62-22) 5) Spiritual Exercises (54-13) 12) Waiting for God, Holy, A.W. Tozer Simone Weil 5) Life Together (64- 4) Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. 25) 4) Practice (33-21) 4) The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence

13) On Christian 13) On Christian Teaching (48-38) Memoirs, 4) Practice (67-13) 13) Life of Francis of Teaching, Augustine Devotionals, & Assisi, Christian Life & 6) Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster 1) Cost of 1) Confessions (52- Spirituality 6) Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard Discipleship Discipleship (75-17) 13) 11) What's So Amazing About 11) Revelations (41-19) 11) Revelations of Love, 6) Celebration of Discipline (60-24) Grace? ,Philip Yancey 6) Celebration of 3) The Cross of Christ, John Stott Discipline (44-32) 11) Revelations (30-29) 3) The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen

14) Sit, Walk, Stand, 3) Cross of Christ (60-8) 3) Return (49-25) 14) The Interior Castle, Watchman Nee Thank you for voting on Facebook! Teresa of Avila 6) Celebration of 7) A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Eugene Peterson Discipline (38-27) 2) Imitation (36-18) 7) The Dark Night of the Soul,

10) Desiring God, 7) Long Obedience (53-28) 7) Dark Night (51-33) 10) The Hiding Place, John Piper Corrie ten Boom 2) Divine Conspiracy 2) The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard (45-28) 2) Imitation (31-24) 2) The Imitation of Christ, Thomas á Kempis 15) The Christian 2) Divine Conspiracy (63-5) 2) Imitation (82-7) 15) Born Again, Mind, Harry Blamires Charles Colson

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