The Ukrainian Weekly 1983, No.50 Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly vol. Ll No. 50 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER n, 1983 25тсent s 10,000 mourn famine victims Fourth WCFU concludes; at memorial service and rally Savaryn elected president by George B. Zarycky celebrated by some 20 hierarchs and clergy of Ukrainian Churches, an ad- by Roma Hadzewycz As a result of the vote to approve the TORONTO - Nearly 10,000 people dress by Brian Mulroney, leader of the Ukrainian American Coordinating gathered at historic Maple Leaf Gardens Progressive Conservative opposition in TORONTO - Peter Savaryn. 57. an Council's membership, the U.S. repre– lfere on Sunday, December 4, for a rally the Canadian Parliament, and the Edmonton lawyer and chancellor of the sentation within the WCFU is now di– commemorating the 50th anniversary presence of Stephen Terlecky, the first University of Alberta, was elected vided between the Ukrainian Congress of the Great Famine in Ukraine. Ukrainian memberof the British Parlia– president of the–World Congress of Free Committee of America and the UACC, Among the highlights of the rally, ment. Ukrainians on Saturday, December 3, which are both recognized as national which was sponsored by the World The four-hour rally began at 11:15 the final day of the organization's central representations of the U.S. Congress of Free Ukrainians, was a a.m. As the Baturyn brass band, re- fourth world conclave. Ukrainian community. solemn ecumenical memorial service splendent in blue-and-gold uniforms, The congress, held once every five played a dirge, uniformed members of years, brought together some 600 dele- More on the WCFU conclave Ukrainian youth organizations gates representing organized Ukrainian inside: Soviets protest ODUM, SUM and Plast as well as communities in North and South Ame– " Human Rights Commission representatives of MUNO.
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